seafoamreadings · 10 days
moon into pisces
a dreamy ingress leading up to an eclipse that promises to be quite surreal. don't fall victim to martyrly tendencies, and don't give more than you have. do be open to the magic inherent in all things, and be flexible and open to changing, and to being changed.
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the-badger-mole · 6 months
Hello. Boop.
Would Dark!Aang get upset if he found graffiti on any of his statues? I can see people tagging "False Avatar" or "Tyrant" on them.
He'd be very upset. But he'd also be very image conscious. He wouldn't blow up or demand that the culprits be caught and punished. Instead, he'd take a martyrly stance. He'd make a big show about respecting differences of opinion, but insist that there is a time and place for it. Of course, that time and place would never be named. Any time someone would call him out on that, he would get very tone policey. He would support more stringent vandalism laws and an increased police presence in the streets. For the protection of the citizens, of course. But people would notice how the officers' jobs would mostly be protecting property rather than citizens.
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If someone you know went through some trauma that resulted in amnesia, and among their entire sense of self they also lost their memories of the time you spent together, and your whole reaction to the situation is to pout and blame them because you’re the real victim here, and feel martyrly and abandoned while also not doing a single goddamn thing to reach out to them, I don’t even know what to tell you.
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libidomechanica · 4 months
Untitled # 11809
And martyrly. But, love, a good was used him out the sky. There came, the coward    to the clouds wrapped with    no more delight. And we will live in up to thigh; as for me?
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cealtrachs · 3 years
The desire to slumber VS the desire to plot out my unwritten Joan of Arc & Gilles De Rais comrades-in-arms story.
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
"most people are bottoms"
It's interesting you pointing that out because it's something that I've been wondering ever since I became active in fandom. Because somehow I got the impression that tendencially more people seem to relate to the bottom or make their favourite character or the character they relate to/want to be the bottom.
Which took me greatly by surprise and I wondered whether I was just overinterpreting/imagining things.
Somebody challenged me on that statement, actually, wondering if it was cultural, among other things, and I really can't find anything about radically different kink and porn consumer cultures that can answer my question.
Of course, it doesn't help that I'm conflating like 75 things when I say "bottom" in this context.
What I can say is that years of reading comments sections on various kink sites and porn sites and listening to fellow kinksters bitch about their lives has left me with this strong impression when it comes to things like masochism and submission.
A lot of types of romance and erotica are also very overtly written for the reader to identify with the one who is done to, whether any overt masochism and submission are present.
In a fandom context, yeah, conventional wisdom is that the bottom is the self insert to the extent that there is one. A lot of (assholes) see this as women turning that dude in m/m into The Girl™. I think it's more accurate to call them the fave (and frequently the woobie).
Or maybe they're not a self insert: maybe they're just the character the reader and writer find hotter or more interesting. They're the focus a lot of the time, but what that means is a lot more complex than "Girl Identify With Penetration".
Sometimes, we don't want to be the dude: we just want to watch him cry.
If the fandom likes grovelfic, that one will be the martyrly wronged party, and the other one will be the oaf who needs to beg their forgiveness. It's not just penetration and sex positions: lots of different 'fandom's fave' signifiers tend to line up.
You can see it really clearly in top/bottom shipwars. People say the issue is dueling fanon characterization, and it is, but it's usually also clearly about which one is the favorite and which one is there to help tell their story.
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theimpossiblescheme · 4 years
My Rumpus Cat Headcanons
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His real, More Particular name was Cattivo, and his Family Name was Lucky.
He had a sister named Gloriette, who frequented the different waterfront pubs and made it her business to show visiting ships’ cats a good time.
He was always an extremely energetic cat, always on the move in search of new adventure, but he was also very gentlemanly and would greet any queen he met with a kiss on the forepaw.
He frequented a lot of Bustopher’s clubs back when Fleckenfell was still his maître d’, especially the Stage and Screen.
He was a former Jellicle Protector who preferred to use his own brute strength and powers of intimidation against Pollicles and rival cats since he wasn’t very good with extra weapons.  He was an endlessly loyal tom who would have gladly laid down his life for Old Deuteronomy (and often told him so with varying levels of dramatic martyrly flair).
His mate was a queen named Cosmontau, a former criminal whom he’d once saved and helped to reform.  They had three sons together and eventually a grandson, Gilbert.
He retired as a Protector once he started to go blind in his old age.  Afterward, he lived a much less action-packed life with an old beekeeper on a farm in the country.
At the last Jellicle Ball he ever attended, he was the Jellicle Choice in honor of his bravery and service to the Tribe.  He was then reborn as a black and white tom named Touchstone, who became a new part of Esther’s mini-Tribe and got to watch Alonzo, Admetus, Tumblebrutus, and Gus play him in pageants at the Ball.
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leguin · 5 years
Anyhow, as I imagine you there on your martyrly way, you seem quite frightened, and I can't blame you. You feel alone, and you don't want to die. Only then do you remember that someone loves you, and that you love that someone right back. And so you feel like it doesn't matter what happens to you in this world any more. Because whatever happens, it was worth it just to know how love feels, to have felt it even once.
John Darnielle on “1 John 4:16″ in the liner notes of The Life of the World to Come: a film by Rian Johnson.
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orchidvioletindigo · 5 years
Protip: If you see a thread of a bunch of people on here lionizing a cis woman who was convicted of assaulting or killing a man for enacting sexual and/or domestic violence against her, always always always check if it's a TERF thread, especially if the woman in question is white. There's a huge white TERF/true crime crossover on this hellsite because of course lots of TERFs get off on the idea of violence against anyone born with a penis and the white ones especially LOVE to hoard news stories where such violence was morally justified and punished by the criminal justice system because it makes them feel good and martyrly about their own indiscriminate violent impulses, regardless of the hell the convicted women are actually going through since white privilege means these TERFs actually have very little reason to fear incarceration compared to the rest of us.
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jrsyhq · 6 years
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WELCOME BACK CULT LEADER FEET! you have 24 hours to make an intro post for your new character otherwise their fc will be reopened. andrew garfield, iskra lawrence, & jake gyllenhaal are now taken.
andrew garfield. cismale. he/him. — did you see { lucas stewart }, i haven’t seen the { thirty-four } year old in a while! you know, they’re a { head chef }, and have been living in jersey city for { one year }. some say they’re { immoral & arrogant }, but i think they’re { charming & reserved }. regardless, i’m glad { luke } is here. ( it meme. ) 
iskra lawrence. cisfemale. she/her. — did you see { georgia vaughn }, i haven’t seen the { thirty } year old in a while! you know, they’re a { wedding planner }, and have been living in jersey city for { four years }. some say they’re { sarcastic & bitter }, but i think they’re { resourceful & empathetic }. regardless, i’m glad { georgie } is here. ( mmmm ) 
jake gyllenhaal. cismale. he/him. — did you see { nathaniel reed }, i haven’t seen the { thirty-six } year old in a while! you know, they’re a { non-profit organizer }, and have been living in jersey city for { sixteen years }. some say they’re { martyrly & nosy }, but i think they’re { resilient & mature }. regardless, i’m glad { nathan } is here. ( bop ) 
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seafoamreadings · 1 year
mars opposite neptune (r)
this opposition is passionate, but mostly in a saintly or martyrly sort of way. it's ok to live a life of service, but don't let your martyrdom become a manipulative tactic. and don't let other people use their own "saintly" actions to manipulate you! some people are simply inclined to this sort of behavior, but it amps up under this influence and is even performed by people who normally would not.
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rhythmic-idealist · 7 years
If Sollux was a fantroll have you ever thought about how quickly this terrible fandom would have called him a Gary Stu and put him on bad fantroll blogs everywhere circa 2013
"You can't have two dreamselves!!! Trolls only have two horns this is the easiest rule!!! Oh yeah of course he moves a METEOR he and his ancestor are the STRONGEST psionics on Alternia that's not op...... 'Voices of the doomed,' really? Wow 'woe is me I hear dead people, and know I'm going to die, and die all the time I get an extra life just to be a martyrly hero,' and.... I mean idk is this okay bipolar representation? I'm pretty sure op isn't bipolar.... Such a whump character everyone wants you to feel bad for their poor mutant baby....."
This isn't me calling Sollux a Gary Stu it's me laughing at how completely ridiculous the Homestuck fandom was about fantrolls at its peak (myself somewhat included, I'm ashamed to say)
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libidomechanica · 10 months
“Ringe: let him, wept, and worthy Miss Fannys lay,”
First of amber every hard, and to be mention unto no highway against the finger’d with tears the with science clay! Ringe: let him, wept, and worthy Miss Fanny’s lay, and unload my hands are consecrate cared ease. But just take awake, and the letter earliest is liberty; and he his brighteen, pray that which into the ugliest was marge, too, took to wake it is throws quick Poetic need no symphony&in and abyss of the roll’d to readers on that can hordes, that winding very martyrly. Grasp, as put in you comes is true t was thrustice, and May much more comitate?
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caroleyre · 7 years
a friend should bear his friend’s infirmities / self para
The Justice Building from inside was underwhelming to Ariel, who had been expecting Capitol technology and crystal elevators. Yet, it wasn’t in the slightest the biggest problem on his mind, more concerned about the fact that this moment in his life could be translated into one heavy word: departure. Goodbye. He didn’t actively mind or realize what it meant, going to the Capitol as a participant in the Hunger Games, but hugging his mother goodbye and seeing people he has never missed for a day in his life before for the last time, supposedly, had a certain effect on him.
Emotional by nature, he had tears in his eyes despite the everlasting confident smile he put on mainly for them. His family went in first. They thought he had been stupid - he could read it in his mother’s eyes, but they didn’t want their last collective memory to be a bad one, so no words were spoken in that direction. He hugged his mother tightly, without saying anything. Even to him, then words were at loss of meaning, and he didn’t want to add even more lines to his part when silence was the only appropriate reaction. 
Somehow, he managed to communicate with the rest of his family without the sappy, usual premature mournings. Nobody cried with words, nobody declared eternal love and, for once, Ariel preferred it that way, clean and simple, without dramatics that made leaving even harder. Maybe they would understand. His sister wouldn’t, but his mother could have. Maybe they could understand, in time, that this seemed like his direct duty towards Todd and towards art. “Don’t be sad and don’t blame anyone. Anywhere the water flows, it will never stop running,” he tried to use a typical District Four proverb (which he dreaded) to help them accept the situation. 
Tears were raining down her mother’s face, noiselessly, as she hugged him tightly one more time, and he responded with as much heart. He’d miss all of them, but voicing it meant nothing but more crying. They knew. They had to know. Hugs were exchanged and everything ended sooner than he predicted. The last time he’d seen everybody he loved, over in an instant.
The parade of people dear to him had one more round, howsoever, and proof of that was the crowd the room was filled with minutes later. Twenty-three District Four teenagers, some emoting towards tears, some sober and disappointed, they all seemed to regret his departure. Todd, the boy whose life has been spared minutes ago, perhaps just a little less, crying close to the door. Ariel saw him and smiled martyrly at him, feeling like the most generous person in the world. Feeling light surround him, because of the one nice gesture he hadn’t even completed for all the right reasons. Yet, he was glad it helped Todd.
It helped him too. Ariel needed that place, that prize, that validation, even though it meant risking his life and, most likely, dying. It even was his, with Todd earning it because of his guidance, his monologues, his talent in teaching acting and how he built the moment, like one of the best directors of the Capitol, perhaps. Perhaps better. 
Ariel didn’t let them speak their regrets. Instead, he climbed up the chair he had been sitting on, ready for a supposedly life-changing speech directed at him. “We’re not at my funeral. We’re at the confirmation of what we always knew: that what we do is right, is real, is beautiful and is bigger than a pirate ballad. We are appreciated, and we are talented, and we are here to make life a little more beautiful. You’ve made mine, so far, and I hope I contributed in yours. That being said, this isn’t goodbye, because we’re tied together with something stronger than Hunger Games. We’re tied with art, and I’ve given all of you a piece of me that you can’t lose. And I know that you’ll continue making beautiful things and being beautiful people even without me, because this is in you too now. I couldn’t let Todd be punished for his art, as you should never let anybody punish you for yours. You deserve nothing but applause, and, you have mine,” he declared and climbed down, clapping slowly.
The others started clapping too, like it was their cue to cover his applause with theirs. One by one, they hugged him, and he felt, as usual, inspirational, brilliant and innovative. He singlehandedly kept hope alive, no matter if he died or not.
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seafoamreadings · 9 months
Hi, I'm actually very new to astrology and trying to get a little bit of help to navigate the future and my life but don't know where to start with my chart, I'm sun pisces, ascendant Virgo and moon Sagittarius, what do you think of this???
the only way to start is to dig in. you have to jump in and spiral around and learn things and learn other things and go back and re-learn the previous things! it's never done. :)
so my thoughts here (and you should practice doing it on your own too!) is the sun pisces has this natural inclination to be a bit martyrly, others see it as saintly but probably you also get something out of those exchanges. the virgo ascendant means people really latch onto that about you and probably praise it if you overgive somewhat. the moon in sagittarius is an absolute requirement for you to get a little selfish, be very free, and while maintaining your generous spirit, always give to yourself first, without being a prisoner to the whims of others.
hope that's helpful :)
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seafoamreadings · 11 months
Hey dear!! I have mars(2H), lilith(1H) and NN(2H) in Virgo. Is it considered an intense aspect? What are your thoughts on this?
if they are close in degree (orb of i think less than 5 degrees) then yes, quite intense. if they are only loosely conjoined i would say significantly less intense, and it will have more to do with other people than yourself. your aim will need to be, either way, living authentically in ways that other people WILL by and large disapprove of, and finding your supportive but small group of ride or die people, and being that to those who earn it and need it from you as well but not in a martyrly way.
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