#marvin the magnificent mention
Jackie: Wait, Marvin kissed you and you said “thank you”? 
Chase, still mortified: Yes. 
Jackie: Well. That was very polite.
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greydoesthearts · 2 months
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Sleepover 🥺🥺🥺
Baby Sunspell :3
Tags: @glass-trash-bab @the3rddenialist @kalcifers-blog
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stationk17 · 4 months
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Okay so I accidentally lied and this is the last of the fusion redesigns
Changed the gem to Tanzanite, a gem that can be multicolored if the light hits it just right. Had a lot of fun with the ruffles and decided to bite the bullet and give him a whip sword
Most stable out of all the homeworld fusions, though he rarely forms.
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ashtonisvibing · 10 months
transmasc 4 transmasc marvelsepticeye who are married with bio kids
you agree and i wanna draw fluffy stuff of them during (either of) marvin's pregnancies
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muscari-melpomene · 4 months
I did another write on a whim! Hope you enjoy.
"It's all bullshit anyway," Anti was saying, gesticulating vaguely and nearly swiping his drink off the bar with each pass. "All the fucking- fancy shit. White drapes and ribbons everywhere and shit, like, what's the point-"
"Anti," said Marvin, holding his glass of wine close to his chest, "do shut up."
Anti huffed and got up, a little unsteady on his feet. He swiped his glass from the bar top, miraculously managing not to drop it, and muttered something about finding someone less uptight to talk to. Marvin wasn't really listening. Marvin was busy going fucking mad.
He took a sip of his wine, and grimaced as a drop spilled on his tie. At least he'd picked a black shirt. White would have been more fitting, maybe, but- but wearing anything white this weekend would take him down a road of pointless daydreams, and he'd promised himself he'd stay present today. Today and tomorrow as well, no matter how long the weekend dragged on Marvin was going to pay attention and be there and be a good fucking best man. Rehearsal dinner, ceremony and all. That didn't mean it was going to be easy.
The rehearsal had gone smoothly. The dinner had been... fine. Excellent food, everyone in high spirits, his best friend next to him, laughing and joking and looking so happy, with an arm wrapped around his fiancée, tucking her against his side.
Her. Not Marvin. Obviously. Obviously Chase had sat down and immediately scooted his chair closer to Stacy's, obviously he would want to be close to his wife-to-be, obviously he'd want to spend the rehearsal dinner - and the night, a concept Marvin was determinedly not thinking about - with Stacy. Because Stacy made Chase happy, and the rehearsal going well had made Chase happy, and Marvin was going to be a good friend, a good best man, and make sure the ceremony tomorrow went off without a hitch, because that would make Chase happy. Marvin was not going to spend the evening glaring at Stacy. He was not going to turn his wedding toast into a love confession, or pull Chase aside and beg him to rethink everything just because it had taken Chase getting fucking engaged for Marvin to realize he was in love with the man. He was not going to do any of those things.
The song a few couples had been slow-dancing to ended, and a more upbeat one came on. Marvin swallowed against a lump in his throat as Chase's laugh broke through the crowd, and a moment later the groom-to-be dragged his fiancée onto the dance floor. Some other people followed suit, Jackie included. Jackie passed by Chase and Stacy and clapped Chase on the shoulder, saying something Marvin didn't hear with a warm smile. Chase grinned and nodded, and Stacy laughed. Jackie moved past them to find a dance partner. Marvin took another sip of wine.
That was what he should be doing, participating in the evening, congratulating Chase, being there to support him. But Marvin was on his second- wait.
He blinked, replaying the evening's events in his mind.
Marvin was on his third glass of wine, and he had a horrible suspicion that any attempt to say anything genuine to Chase would end up with Marvin starting to cry. Even if he could manage to play it off as being so happy for his friend he was misting up, the prospect of actually crying in public, let alone in front of everyone he spoke to on a regular basis, was utterly mortifying.
So Marvin was going to stay at the bar for the time being, and... well. Sulk. No use in lying to himself along with everyone else. He was sulking, and would continue to sulk.
"Anti said you were sulking," said Dark, suddenly standing next to his seat at the bar, and Marvin nearly dropped his glass.
"What," he snapped, glaring as he set his drink down to shake the energy out of his hands. The glow dissipated, the tattoos quickly fading from green back to black. Dark raised an eyebrow.
"Anti said you were sulking," he said again.
"I thought Anti was looking for someone 'less uptight' to talk to."
"He was looking for attention. You were ignoring him."
"Which you never do."
Dark's eyes narrowed. Marvin smiled nastily, and took another drink.
"You should talk to him," said Dark. Marvin rolled his eyes.
"If Anti has something to say to me, he's welcome to come over here and-"
"I meant Chase."
Marvin fumbled his drink again, and this time Dark took it out of his hands and set it back on the bar. Marvin snatched it up again, glaring.
"I spent all of dinner talking with Chase. Anyway, he's busy-"
"With his fiancée."
"Who isn't you."
Marvin took a deep breath and shut his eyes, willing the glow to leave them.
"...I'll wring Anti's neck."
"I'd advise you not to."
"He told you."
"I guessed."
"He might have confirmed my guess," Dark shrugged.
"I'm going," Marvin gritted out, "to kill him."
"Killing Anti isn't going to make Chase notice you, Marvin."
"Making me talk to Chase isn't going to give you the balls to talk to Anti."
Dark was glaring now, and Marvin had to admit being satisfied at finally getting a rise out of the bastard. Dark spent too much of his time being smug. Marvin hated people being smug. Sunday liked to tell him it was hypocritical, to which Marvin's usual response was, fuck yourself, Sunday.
"I don't know what you mean," said Dark, his tone warning Marvin to leave the subject alone.
Marvin had never had much of a self-preservation instinct, but what he did have was a talent for making and memorizing lists.
"Point the first," he said primly, sitting up a little straighter.
"You stare at him. Constantly. Point the second: you've hated every single one of his boyfriends. Point the third-"
"Told you he's drunk!" said Anti, appearing beside Dark with a burst of static, "He gets posher when he's drunk."
"I do not," said Marvin, affronted. Dark had gone rigid, and was staring at Marvin with a look that said if he actually got to 'point the third', he'd never make another point again. Marvin considered continuing out of spite, but... well. The idea made something cold coil in his stomach. Marvin had had so, so much time to talk to Chase, and he just... hadn't. He couldn't make Dark talk to Anti as a substitution.
"You do so," Anti snickered, oblivious to the tension in the air. He listed against Dark, drunk in his own right, and Dark put an arm around him, seemingly by reflex.
"...I think you ought to get him some water," said Marvin, and Dark nodded, shoulders relaxing slightly.
"I think perhaps you're right."
"I'm fine," Anti huffed, waving a hand vaguely and nearly smacking Dark in the face. Dark smiled slightly, an expression that could only be described as fond, and began to guide Anti away.
"Of course you are," he murmured, "you're entirely fine. Let's go sit down over here and have some water."
Marvin watched them go, and wished he could hate them just a little bit more.
The evening wore on. There was more dancing, more laughing, a couple party games that Marvin got dragged into. A few people began to leave, Dark and Anti included; Anti had fallen asleep on Dark's shoulder, and Dark, in the midst of pretending he wasn't both hopelessly endeared and pathetically flustered, had volunteered to drive Anti home.
Marvin was counting down the minutes until he could leave himself. He'd been telling himself the entire evening that he was the best man and had a responsibility to stay until the very end, but maybe he could just- cut the evening a half hour short, tell Chase he had a headache and wanted to get plenty of rest before tomorrow anyway, but that would require talking to Chase-
"Marv!" said Chase brightly, coming over and slinging an arm around Marvin, "There you are! Hey, can we talk? I haven't seen you since dinner-"
"Of course," said Marvin, wishing he still had a wine glass to clutch like a shield. The bartender had cut him off, which was, frankly, fucking rude.
"Great," Chase hummed, "let's go in the other room, it's actually quiet in there-"
With a cheery wave to Stacy, who was busy chatting with Henrik, Chase led the way to the adjacent room before Marvin could think of literally any excuse to not be alone together.
"What, ah- what did you want to discuss?"
Chase gave him a weird look, and Marvin felt his face flush. That hadn't sounded weird, had it? It had felt like a perfectly normal thing to say, but-
"You get more British when you're tipsy," Chase told him, breaking into a grin. Marvin could have fainted from relief.
"Thank you," he said dryly, and Chase laughed. Chase looked so happy. Marvin wanted to throw up. "I'm sure that's not all you brought me in here to say," he prompted.
"Right, right, yeah, sorry- I just, uh-" Chase rubbed at the back of his neck, looking a bit embarrassed. "I just wanted to- we haven't gotten to talk much lately, everything's been so busy, and I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you being here for this."
Oh, no.
"Chase," said Marvin, "you really don't have to-"
"No, I do- you've been so great, and I know you weren't really a fan of Stacy at first, but when you saw how much she meant to me- means to me, you were just- really supportive, and encouraging, and I don't think I would've had the courage to even ask her if it wasn't for you, so- so thank you. And thanks for being part of the wedding, you're my best friend, I couldn't imagine doing this without you."
"You have terrible taste," Marvin told him, expecting another laugh, expecting Chase to take it as a joke. Chase frowned. Marvin's stomach dropped.
"...What do you mean?"
"In- in friends, I meant," said Marvin quickly, "terrible taste in friends. If- if I'm your best friend. It was, ah- it was meant as a joke, sorry-"
"Marv," said Chase, setting a hand on his shoulder, and Marvin needed to get away, because staring at Chase from across a crowded room was one thing, but staring at him from barely a foot away, alone except for one another, was so much more-
"Bad joke," said Marvin, willing himself to step back and not quite managing it.
Marvin froze, staring up at Chase. At his best friend. At the man he'd been in love with for at least two years.
"You're the best friend I've ever had, you know that, right?"
Marvin blinked. Did he know that? He wasn't sure. There was a very warm hand on his shoulder, and very blue eyes staring intently at him. It was a little hard to think.
"You're my best friend, too," he mumbled. Chase smiled, holding out his other arm to offer a hug. Marvin snapped.
He closed the distance between them, stretching up on tiptoe, and pressed their lips together. Chase's jacket lapel proved very handy to stabilize himself with, and Chase's hair was very soft where Marvin pushed his hand into it. Chase made a surprised noise, grabbing onto Marvin's shirt, and Marvin took the opportunity to deepen the kiss like he was starving, tilting his head and pressing as close to Chase as he could get. He felt hot and cold at once. His hands were numb, and Chase smelled like freshly turned earth and tasted like pine and coffee, warm and bitter and sharp. Chase let go of his shirt, hands finding Marvin's waist instead, and Marvin pulled back for breath, ready to dive right back in because now he'd kissed Chase once, he couldn't imagine ever stopping.
Chase pushed him away, letting go and backing up with a startled... hurt expression. Marvin stumbled a little, having to steady himself against the wall. He swallowed. Tried to breathe. The warm, electric feeling was gone. As far as Marvin could tell, every feeling was gone, his insides utterly numb even as the feeling started to come back to his hands.
"...Marv," said Chase, voice raw. Marvin flinched and looked away.
"What- why-"
"Sorry, I- I'm sorry, I should- it's been a long- I should get to, get to bed-"
"I think you should, yeah."
Chase's voice was going cold. Marvin risked a look back up at him, and really, really wished he hadn't. Chase was staring back at him with confusion, which Marvin could handle, anger, which... hurt, just a bit, and... and a tinge of disgust. Marvin's face felt hot, and with a sickening jolt, he realized he was actually about to cry.
"I'll see you tomorrow," he forced out, and raised a hand, thin, looping tattoos beginning to glow. Chase did not call out to him, did not ask him to wait, did not reach out to him. Chase stepped back further. Marvin yanked at the buzzing magic underneath his skin, and vanished, reappearing in his hotel room.
He looked around, breathing heavily.
He'd left Higgins at home. It was the middle of the night in London, Sunday would be fast asleep, and wouldn't want to be woken up to hear about the irrevocably fucked situation Marvin had put himself in in any case.
Chase probably never wanted to hear from him again.
One of the glasses on top of the minifridge shattered, the rest rattling and glowing faintly green. The curtains were flapping in a nonexistent breeze, the ceiling fan spinning far faster than it should.
"Sorry," said Marvin quietly. The window cracked from top to bottom.
Stacy's breathing was slow and even, peaceful. The blankets were tucked up to her chin. Her gold hair was curled up tight in old-fashioned rollers in preparation for tomorrow.
Today, technically, it was nearly four in the morning.
Chase stared at the ceiling, keeping his own breathing slow and even, trying to time it with Stacy's, trying to focus on Stacy, on falling asleep, on anything else other than-
Chase holds his arm out, offering a hug. Marvin is staring up at him, eyes slightly unfocused from a late evening and plenty to drink, but he still looks... intent on something. His eyes narrow slightly, like they do when he's working out the best thing to say to piss someone off, and Chase gets ready for a retort of some kind, a recovery from Marvin's earlier awkward fumbling. Marvin steps in close, going up on his tiptoes and grabbing Chase's jacket to keep from losing his balance-
Chase sat up abruptly and climbed out of bed. Stacy stirred, mumbling in her sleep, but didn't wake. Chase slipped into the bathroom, shutting the door softly behind him and flicking on the light. The sound of the tap running was at least something to listen to, something to focus on. The cold water on his face was bracing. He leaned against the counter, glaring at himself in the mirror.
"What the hell are you doing," he muttered, "what the hell, Brody, get back in bed with your- with Stace, get back in bed and go to sleep."
His reflection looked exhausted, stubborn and haggard, and he was going to look like hell in the morning. Maybe he could borrow some of Stacy's concealer or something, but she'd ask why he hadn't slept well, she'd want to know-
Marvin's lips are unexpectedly soft, and Chase doesn't mind the taste of wine on them as much as he does when it's the drink by itself, especially not when Marvin grips at Chase's hair in response to his gasp and presses in closer, especially not when Chase feels his knees go weak and has to grab Marvin's shirt to steady himself, and if he's not careful they'll both go crashing to the ground, but with Marvin so close, would Chase really mind that so much-
"Fuck," Chase hissed, rubbing harshly at his eyes.
Those few moments had been playing in his mind on relentless repeat for four fucking hours. Chase was ready to snap, was ready to march straight to Marvin's hotel room and demand an explanation, but he couldn't, he couldn't do that, he couldn't see Marvin, because if he saw Marvin tonight, he was going to-
"Fuck," he said again, stomach dropping through the floor at the realization.
If he saw Marvin again tonight, he was going to kiss him. And keep kissing him, and not be able to stop, and he was getting married in ten fucking hours.
Chase was utterly, irrevocably fucked.
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thechaosqueenishere · 3 months
Sooooooo, did I just post about one fanfic I wanna write and am now posting a different one? Absolutely! Let me introduced to you:
The wizard and the infant
An (jse) ego fanfic inspired by Epic! The musical, specifically the first two songs, that is very oc-centric. I don't wanna spoil too much, and I'm tired and don't know what else I'm supposed to write. So for now, enjoy the beginning!
Chapter one (part one)- brace for a storm
Marvin was not having a good week.
A few days ago, a new guy had shown up at their doorstep. That would not have been a problem, if not for Anti deciding that guy was his new favourite puppet and showing up almost every day to attack them and get to him. And yesterday he'd finally managed to kidnap Jameson (or as they started calling him, JJ). He'd not slept all night, neither of them had, really, which really didn't help with them trying to come up with a plan now.
Currently Jackie and Henrik were in the middle of a screaming match. Marvin could feel a migraine coming on. "No! We have to get him out of there, now!" Jackie yelled at Henrik, who slammed his hands on the table. "We can't! We need to recover! If we go now, Anti. Will. Kill. Us. Why can't you get that through your thick skull?" He spat back.
"So what? We should just go to bed? Maybe have a nice breakfast in the morning? Some eggs and bacon maybe? All while Anti is doing god knows what to JJ! Well I'm sorry, but that's bullshit!" Jackie turned towards Marvin. "You agree, right? We need to get him. Right. Now."
Marvin knew Jackie would ask him to agree sooner or later. He sighed.
"Jackie look, I really want to get him back too, but Hen is right. We are in no shape to face Anti right now. I'm not even sure I'll be able to use my magic by the time we find him if I don't rest. I really don't like it, but we have no other choice. We can't help JJ like this." Jackie looked at Marvin in disbelief.
They agreed on most things, and Marvin knew this wasn't what Jackie wanted to hear, but it was what he needed. He was stubborn, and if he refused to listen to Henrik, Marvin telling him might at the very least make him think.
"I can't believe you guys." Jackie got up and walked towards the door. Henrik looked like he was about to say something, but Marvin stopped him.
Jackie slammed the door.
"Give him some time. We're all not doing well right now." Marvin told Henrik. "I know, but I wish he wasn't this much of a thick-head sometimes." Henrik ran his hand through his hair and sighed. Marvin chuckled weakly. "I don't think that's a saying in english, Hen."
Henrik smiled at the comment. Marvin rested his head on his arm. The ringing in his head was not getting better. He was about to ask Henrik for something so the migraine wouldn't get too bad, when he noticed movement on the other side of the table. He realised he'd completely forgotten about Chase, who was sitting on the other side of the table. He felt bad. The poor kid looked awful.
Chase, like Jackie, was just 15. It was shit that he had to spend his teenage years trying to get away from a murderous demon. "How are you doing, Chase?" Marvin asked. Chase winced at the mention of his name. The screaming match had clearly made him anxious.
"I'm- uhm, I dunno"he finally said, quietly. Marvin smiled at him. "That's ok."
"Yeah, like Marvin said, were all not doing well right now." Henrik added and put a hand on Chase's arm. Chase smiled weakly. "I'm really tired" he finally said. "Well, we should all go to bed now." Henrik lightly clapped a hand on the table twice and got up, a little habit Marvin had noticed him doing regularly.
Marvin got up too. He looked at the clock. It was 7 in the morning now. He was absolutely exhausted and while walking to his room, he could feel the ringing in his head grow louder with every step. He considered turning around to get painkillers, but he reeaally wanted to get to his room.
That confused him a bit. It felt like something told him that getting to his room was better than getting the painkillers, as if it wasn't his own feeling.
As soon as he closed the door to his room behind him, Marvin felt like someone hit him over the head with a baseball bat. He heard a scream. His own scream. Pictures of his friends and him being attacked by something flooded his mind. A dark shape… Anti.. no, there was another one… who?…
Just as he felt like his legs couldn't carry him anymore, his head cleared. The ringing remained, not as violent as before, and finally he recognised it. He let go of the door handle he hadn't even noticed he was clinging onto and turned around. Standing in front of him was Darkiplier.
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bookwormscififan · 1 year
The Crimson Files, Chapter 2
Chapter 1
“Let me take you into my drawing room,” the man offered, stepping toward Chase with a polite smile. As he reached around Chase to turn the doorknob behind him, he waved his free hand in a mock bow.
“My name is Jameson Jackson. Allow me to fix you a drink.”
“My doorman tells me you have come to find your friend, Robert,” Jameson reclined in his chair, swirling a glass of wine in his hand.
“Y-yes, he sent me a letter to come here,” Chase stammered, the wine in his glass threatening to splash all over the wonderfully rich fabric of the couch he was sitting on. He watched as Jameson took a calm sip of his wine, hand moving gracefully as though he were a swan.
“Yes, this letter here, correct?” Jameson delicately pulled Robert’s letter from his pocket, showing it to Chase leisurely and smiling as Chase nodded. He took another sip from his glass before leaning forward and placing the letter on the small table between them.
“I do remember seeing your friend,” he started consideringly, “He had a lot of questions about the history of this castle.” Chase gulped, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. Of course Robert was interested in the history of the castle.
“That sounds like Robert,” Chase stated, deciding to place his glass down instead of risk it spilling, “He really likes learning about the past. It is almost an obsession of his.” He let out a nervously breathless chuckle, trying to make it sound like Robert was really interested in history and hoping not to allude to the fact that Robert probably wanted to know how many generations of vampires had inhabited the castle.
Jameson merely hummed, reclining back in his chair as though he were conducting a very boring business deal.
“I am very curious as to why he would request your presence,” he commented, finally putting his glass down on the crystal-topped table beside his chair. Chase hesitated before coming up with a relatively convincing lie.
“I build homes for people.” That was true. His business was building houses. “Robert thought I might be inspired by this castle’s design.” That was the lie. Chase hated castles; he knew that they all housed vampires at some point, and he was going to give Robert a good box around the ear when he finally saw him again.
“Inspired by the design of this castle?” Jameson’s tone was almost amused. “I can tell you this castle has been around since before the bard Shakespeare walked the ground outside.” He reached for his glass again, finishing its contents before leaning forward and resting his hands in his lap.
“I would be more than happy to give you a tour of the castle, if it would help to inspire you.” His face was all smiles, shining teeth and clever eyes, and Chase for some reason couldn’t seem to find the words to say no.
Instead, he gathered his items – Robert’s letter included – and stood to follow Jameson through the castle.
“The main dining hall used to be a ballroom, but I don’t care much for fancy parties,” Jameson said as he walked Chase through the large room, ceiling towering above his head and floor mostly taken up by what must be a twelve-seater dining table.
“You can still see traces of the ballroom in here,” his host continued, “For example, the curtains on the windows are far too heavy to be used for the everyday dining, rather for keeping dust off the polished floor. Also, the chandeliers above your head are genuine crystal, used for balls.”
“The design of the room is very nice,” Chase commented, taking in the number of rugs covering the once polished marble flooring. He had to keep up the lie somehow. “Has this marble floor always been here?”
“Oh, no, the floors were wooden when I was growing up. I changed the flooring when I came of age, then I realised I didn’t really like balls,” Jameson replied, looking at the marble with a slight scowl, the fangs Chase had noticed before gleaming.
“That must have cost a lot of money,” Chase stated, tapping his toe against the marble curiously. Jameson nodded, waving his hand to urge Chase forward.
“It did. Come now, there are many more rooms to see.”
In a small house a few streets away from the road to the castle, a young man stood by a small table. His face was covered by a canvas mask, dark hair falling over his eyes, and a large, heavy velvet cloak draped over his shoulders.
The table was almost like a workbench, a narrow wooden table with multiple stains and scuff marks on it, piled high with books and glass vials. In the centre of the table, emitting a faint green glow, a crystal ball projected an image of Jameson and Chase walking down the halls of the castle.
“You found another one,” the man muttered, eyes narrowing behind the mask as he watched Jameson and Chase. Turning swiftly, he walked toward the back of the house, passing a newspaper clipping depicting sketches of Jameson and another man, teeth sharp.
The man picked up another clipping, a drawing of a man similar to him on the page, with the words ‘Marvin the Magnificent’ written in cursive beneath the drawing. Flicking his hair over his shoulder, Marvin rolled up the paper and moved to another table, picking up various items before brushing his fingers across a small wooden frame.
“I will avenge you, my brother,” he whispered to the frame, then turned back to the workbench and waved his hand above the crystal ball, causing the image to disperse.
The item in the frame was a small painting of a man, dark hair tied back and arms folded across his chest. His bright eyes matched Marvin’s, and his jaw was set in a stern expression. His loose red shirt brought out the colour of his hair, and tacked to the frame was a small newspaper clipping.
The clipping was from the ‘recent disappearances’ section of the newspaper, announcing that the man in the painting had disappeared after being witnessed walking up the path to the castle, and that his likelihood of returning was slim.
Marvin pulled his hood over his head, glancing back once more to ensure everything was in place, then headed out of the door.
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spooky-draws-stuff · 1 year
Chapter 2 (Full ego story)
Here it is I guess. I’m not good at writing fight scenes and sometimes It’s hard to be extra descriptive so I write in a way were there’s less description and it’s a bit more clear to understand. Writing got simplified in some of the shorter scenes. 
Jameson swung a punch close to Jackie, and landed a solid hit. Jackie smiled and they both paused for a few moments. “Great work!” Jackie signed a message to Jameson. Jay grinned at Jackie, and they continued their training. They had been training for an hour now, and Jackie was going to show Jameson his super speed powers. But when Jackie was going to do a charge attack, he lost his balance and landed onto the floor.
This wasn’t the first time this had happened today. When Jackie was trying to lift something very heavy, he was unable to do it. Henrik, a tired doctor with messy hair, and glasses had been sitting on a bench watching the two practice their fighting skills. Jameson helped Jackie stand up, and Jackie walked closer to Henrik.
“Follow me…” Marvin hissed. 
(They all went to Henrik’s office)
Jackie wiped some of his tears away and turned around, slamming the office door. He hugged Jameson tightly, and Jay’s eyes widened in surprise. Jay felt uncomfortable and was unsure of what to do, he didn’t remember what a hug felt like after Marvin rescued him from Anti. But Jay understood what it was like to be ignored, to not be listened to. So he gently wrapped his arms around Jackie, and rested his head against Jackie’s strong shoulders. Jackie pulled away. “I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable.” He moved his hands in a very polite manner. “No…that was nice. I haven’t been hugged in a long time.” Jameson signed in response. 
“I’m going home.” Jackie stood up from the waiting room chair and walked out the door. Jameson followed him, and then went into his car to drive himself home. Jackie looked at the fluffy clouds in the distant blue sky, and then past Marvin’s magic store.
Maybe he could talk to Marvin about his new problem. Marvin was an expert, wasn’t he? He would fight people using plants, creating tall vines and trapping people with large rocks. It was always cool to watch. The store itself looked small on the inside but when you stepped into its doors there were large bookshelves filled with books that held all sorts of useful information, and at the front desk was a glass case lined with crystals. Jackie walked up to the desk and Marvin turned around, carrying a potted plant in his hand.
He carefully placed it onto the desk and grinned at Jackie. Marvin had a green cloak and the hood covered up most of his face. He wore a white cat mask with the inside of the ears painted a light green. He reached out a gloved hand to Jackie. “Jackie, you’re here! I thought you were at your pc building job! But what brings you here today? I’m quite busy organizing a new shipment of supplies, so be quick please.” Marvin was known to have a soft speaking voice and spoke in a manner of confidence.
But something felt more harsh about his tone when he mentioned he was busy. Jackie didn’t seem to notice this, but he did feel apprehensive with an uncertainty as to why he felt like that. “Marvin, my powers have stopped working. I can’t run fast. I don’t have the extra strength anymore either. If I can’t protect you or anyone else, I don’t know what to do.” Jackie always hated crying, it made him feel vulnerable and weak.
 He stared at Marvin’s eyes through their mask and almost thought he saw Marvin’s eyes change from blue to green. He jumped a tiny bit, and then released a deep sigh, and then looked behind Marvin when continuing the conversation. “Well darling…” Marvin leaned over the counter and held onto Jackie’s hand tightly,  squeezing it.“I have something that can help with that. I’ve been working on it for a while. It’s in the back of the store, and it’s not for sale.” Marvin pulled Jackie closer.
“Do you want to know what it is?” Marvin’s voice started to drift off into something that echoed. Jackie felt a strange sense of calm as he listened to Marvins words. He tried to pull his arm away, Marvin wouldn’t act like this…would he?”
but then Jackie’s mind became blank, and all thoughts he forced himself to try to say something, but nothing made sense. “Well whatever it is I hope it works. Please Marvin, I’m only asking because I trust you. You’re the only person I know that understands me.” Jackie pleaded.
A door slammed behind Jackie, and Marvin tied a red thread around Jackie’s neck. “This is a special necklace that will boost any powers that you do have, and fix ones that aren’t working. Your powers are not gone, Jackie.” Marvin started to hover above the ground. “Thank you!” Jackie finally looked optimistic. 
A war waged within himself. Half of Jackie’s face was covered by his hair which was now a mess and his left eye pulsed a bright green color. His hands were guided by the claws of a shadow that was stuck to him, that slowly sunk into his body. He could feel himself losing control, losing that consciousness he once had. It was the worst thing he had ever felt, but it also felt nice…to have this…thing…working with him….this is what true strength felt like…wasn’t it?
A dark shadow loomed over Marvin, and long claws extended from his hands. “I guess not all heroes win their battles…” Marvin spoke ominously. Jackie became confused, and then frightened. He felt his neck burning. Marvin’s body fell to the ground and in a flash of bright green light Anti grabbed Jackie and held him in place. “You’re my puppet now.” Anti growled, as he opened his jaws wide making a loud clicking noise and he bit his fangs into Jackie’s neck before pulling away. Red droplets splashed onto Jackie’s hoodie, and the small bite marks oozed blood.
Shadow emitted from Anti’s body and then swirled around Jackie. Jackie floated above the ground and Anti’s shadow continued to swirl around him in incomprehensible movements. “You see this? This is what you needed all along. YOU’RE NOTHING WITHOUT ME!” Anti’s voice boomed and fire flared between his fingers and a fireball landed onto Marvin burning his cloak. Marvin quickly floated above the ground and created a force field around him that dispelled the fire on him. “JACKIE WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!” Marvin screamed as large vines sprouted from the floor, creating a wall around him. 
Anti allowed Jackie to speak, but just once. His body convulsed and he could barely say “Marvin, help me! I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING!” 
Jackie snarled at Marvin and a knife materialized in his right hand. Fire shot from his left hand incinerating the vines that trapped him. Jackie glitched behind Marvin and swiped the blade across his back, leaving behind a gnash with a cold sting of metal, a deep burning sensation and the sickly warmth of blood. 
 Marvin launched a bolt of lighting from his hand and the shadow behind Jackie swiped at it and absorbed it. It was almost finished taking over, and now it appeared as if Jackie had an extra set of arms.
“hmm…Nothing seems to be wrong. You’re very healthy. But you said your superpowers don’t work anymore?” Henrik stared at a clipboard and scribbled something into his notes. Jameson was sitting outside the office, with a worried expression on his face. “That’s it? You’re not going to help me? Do you even care? Or are you just pretending to? I know I get hurt all the time from my job but you’re just going to act like everything is okay?” Jackie’s eyes narrowed and he breathed deeply, in a failed attempt to calm his hidden rage. “Jackie, I don’t know how you got your powers or where they came from. None of us know how we were even created. I want to help, but I can’t if I don’t know how your powers operate.” Henrik took a long sip from his large mug of coffee and sighed deeply, his head facing the ground as his eyes gazed blankly at the tile flooring.
Jackie’s voice was no longer his own, it was a combined set of voices, both Jackie and Anti’s, and it was like they were speaking at the same time. One spoke in confidence and malice, the other in despair. But together they shared the same words. Marvin reached out his arm and a set of vines smacked Jackie, and then pulled his legs to the ground. Marvin pressed his hands on the floor and large chunks of rock shot up before pointed stones surrounded him. “I don’t want to fight you, but I have to.” 
Chase’s house was not far, and Jackie got there quickly. Jackie grabbed Chase violently and slammed him into the floor. Anti’s shadow rose up from Jackie’s head and then kicked him. Jackie lay there unconscious as Anti finished morphing into his true shape, fully separating himself from Jackie. Red strings tied themselves around Chase’s arms. “Jackie, what have you done?” Chase sobbed. “Anti? Oh no…please..take me instead…” Chase was hopeless in a drunken daze and was unable to understand what was happening, and assumed he was just having another nightmare. Marvin stood in the doorway, his eyes glowing blue. “Leave. Them. alone.” Sharp pointed stones and vines surrounded marvin. The vines launched the rocks at Anti, giving him a few scratches. His nose bled slightly, but started to regenerate. “You’ll never find Chase again.” Anti continued to stomp on the plants that slithered on the floor. 
Marvin held up a sea shell in his hand and muttered something. Huge waves of water crashed onto Anti, and Chase’s living room was flooded. Anti glitched onto the roof. Marvin picked up Jackie’s body and put him into a force field bubble. Holograms of knives were behind Anti, and when he reached out his left arm the knives flew to Marvin. Anti was still carrying away Chase, and with a glitch he was gone. But he hated water, and it temporarily disabled his fire powers. 
Several hours later, Marvin opened up a small portal and led Jackie to it. Jackie’s wounds were bandaged by Marvin. “Jackie. Go home. I never want to see you again.” Marvin’s tone was serious and laced with disappointment. Jackie’s eyes were blurred with his tears. “Why does everyone hate me?” he shrieked. 
Jackie was no more. His body continued to glitch as he burst a hole into the wall and took off flying in search of his next target. Anti was going to take away the one friend he had left, the first friend he ever had. Chase brody. Marvin’s rocks shot themselves like bullets towards Jackie, but he was able to dodge most of the attacks. Flowers wrapped themselves around Marvin’s arms, and large leaves covered the wound on his back. 
“I don’t want to hear you.” Marvin shoved Jackie into the portal and closed it. Marvin collapsed onto his floor and curled up, as he started to weep. “Why….why did I do that?”
Jackie was in his house again, and the first thing he did was lock his door and then he walked to the kitchen, to pour himself some whiskey. It was over, he had lost.
@n-anon @septicwriters
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kalcifers-blog · 6 months
So I had the idea that all of the JSE Egos get possessed by Anti at some point- but all of their possessions look and work completely differently in comparison to each other because rather it being based on what's possessing them- Anti is utilizing what they perceive as their own worst traits/the image they have of themselves (in an extremely /neg way).
It's worth mentioning that it doesn't necessarily mean that these perceptions are true or not- the only thing that necessarily matters is that the Egos themselves think that it's true.
I'm going to go through each ego, describe what their possessions are like and go into detail as to why they're like that.
Buckle in dudes this is gonna be a long one
Chase Brody:
Chase to me has the most unstable variation of the possessions. His plays on the fact that they're constantly questioning their reality and feeling like a danger to not just himself but to those around him. Right now it's unclear if Chase has been experiencing alcoholism or his unstable view of reality before Anti but I do think Chase's entire life has been nothing short of turbulent it's a constant crashing rollercoaster, with the carriages shaking uneasily and sparks flying everywhere and the only thing he's able to do is hold onto the ride and hopes he gets to the end of it unscathed. Chase's possess has ALL of this on full display- it's the closest thing to the original Anti and it's far from pretty.
Visually I think the closest thing to Chases possession is Jinx's Hallucinations in Arcane. They're made up of the faces of his lost family mocking and taunting him while everyone else can only see Chase as an extremely unstable individual with unnatural eyes
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[This shot in particular with the glowing eyes is what I imagine P!Chase to be like]
Marvin The Magnificent:
Now I've already briefly shown how I imagine Marvin's possession- and if I'm being honest it's my favourite one!! Marvin would by far be the hardest Ego to possess out of all of them, he's the only one with actual knowledge on Anti and the only one with the power to fight back against him. With that I think that Anti would only be able to possess Marvin with the help of IRIS- be honest, IRIS would JUMP at the opportunity to see what effects Anti could have on an individual with magic the way Marvin does. However, Marvin's biggest flaw is definitely his arrogance and his isolation. His "trust nobody" mindset has left him cold and uncaring to others and in my opinion this is something that he doesn't do because he enjoys it- something about Marvin screams that he wants to be able to connect with others but can't at every turn and that's what is portrayed in their possession. They're cold, robotic and uncaring. Their magic has been locked away deep in their subconscious because Anti knows it's too risky to let them utilise it. They've been forced into a state that's far removed from who Marvin really is. In a way it would make sense with how much of Marvin's memories have been tampered with for god knows how long- at a certain point there's only so much of yourself you can lose before you become unrecognisable to yourself.
The inspiration for P!Marvin is Chipped Catra from She-Ra Princess of Power
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JackieBoy Man:
Jackie was by far the hardest to come up with- mostly because I couldn't come up with something that narratively would make sense. But I came to the conclusion that Jackie's worst perception of himself would come from the idea that he's not a true hero and only hurts the people around him, that he's a danger or a monster. That his powers make him a threat rather than a saviour. I personally think this would be a lot more effective if Jackie was possessed after an experience that left him doubting his role as a hero- maybe he couldn't save someone or someone he was trying to save and ended up dying instead. His grief and self loathing would come together into being possessed into being a weapon.
P!Jackie is nothing short of a weapon made for destruction- something that was designed to destroy. Part of the horror would be for him to wake up from his possession, only to realise that the ones he cares about the most and the only people he has left are now afraid of him and wants nothing to do with him.
The idea for P!Jackie is Infected She-Ra from She-Ra Princess of Power
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Henrik Von Schneeplestien:
Henrik was another one that took me a while to figure out but I did eventually get to it!! Henrik would come from his insecurities as a doctor, the weight of people's lives being on his shoulders day in and out would wear him down over time and the idea that he could be at fault for the deaths of many whether he could've actually saved them or not plays in his brain so much its unbearable. Henrik's possession would take form as moss- or a general depiction of something rotting, a walking contamination that he can't heal or fix and he knows he's the route problem and to keep everyone else safe he'd need to remove himself from the equation. For the most part I don't think he'd be aware of how far his corruption goes, at first he'd write it off as being unwell, overworked maybe, but he has seen the others get possessed and harmed by their own possessions and he would never let himself succumb to that. Doctors do make the worst patients after all.
The inspiration for this has came from The Corruption in The Magnus Archives and Belos from The Owl House
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Jameson Jackson:
JJ's possession is the one I'm most proud of and it's the one that's the most loyal to his debut in 2017. However the way I perceive JJs possession is that he is almost the exact same. But it's not him. He's fully conscious and aware of everything around him but he's trapped in his own skin with movements that are not his own. He's forced to watch and able to do nothing when those around him drop dead by his own hand. And the worst part about all of it is that Anti is clever enough to make him continue his daily routine, to carry on as normal. To let JJ see those closest to him not notice that something is deeply and horrifyingly wrong, that the person they're interacting with and bonding with isn't who they think they are. And no one notices. And there's nothing he's able to do about it. It's a play on his fear of no one really seeing him for who is is, no one notices something's wrong because they didn't know him to begin with. The entire experience makes him think about how much he actually spent time with these people. How much of him do they actually see and how much of Anti has painted over that.
If anything I might tweak Chase or Jackie's possessions slightly because they are extremely similar to each other??? BUT part of me wants to keep the similarities between them a constant thing because I personally see them as being two sides of the same coin
JJs possession was inspired by The Stranger and The Web from The Magnus Archives
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pan0ramy · 10 months
i won't lie, i worry that it's a very selfish way of looking at it, and i apologise if it is, but the video today reminded me that a piece of art i made years and years ago kind of helped marvin get his proper name, in a strange way?
the video where marvin "officially" got his name was the first septicart video, right?
and it was when sean was looking at this piece:
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which is mine! that's the art i made for it! i'm still kind of shocked it's in that video all these years later lol
i can't remember where he had said it, but i do remember sean had mentioned in an older video how he loved the idea of a video game with the egos, so this artwork was an attempt at a character select or start up screen! but i specifically put marvin down on that piece as "jack the magnificent", because as far as we knew at the time, that's what he was called, right?
but when sean looked at it in the video, that was when he decided he'd officially be called marvin:
of course, the kit he used in the power hour was called marvin's magic, and as he rightly mentioned, i'm sure there were people calling him marvin way before that & it's because of the community he got his name and became a character to begin with, but idk. i think about this every now and then and it popped back into my head with the video today. it's small, but still cool. :)
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Jackie: Look, Marvin, it's the third time this week you had a mental breakdown and its Monday.
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jselorekeeper · 4 months
Hey sorry for bothering- but I have mentioned this awhile ago hoping you'd see it, but due to your problem earlier, I don't mind repeating it once more.
My headcanon for Marvin the Magnificent is that his way of walking is by catwalking.
Oh thank you, yeah my Tumblr just did not show me that for some reason
Cat walking as in like…as a cat? I mean there’s probably some people who see it!
Unless I don’t know what cat walking is lmao
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jacksepticeye-simp · 1 year
Masterlist + DNIs
Green = Will do/Interact
Yellow = May not do/Thin ice
Red: Will not do/Do not Interact
I will do:
Markiplier egos
Jacksepticeye egos
Yandere stuff
Polyamory stuff
X reader stories
Enemies to lovers
Fantasy AUs (exg: Vampire Darkiplier x Reader)
Female Readers
Gender Neutral Readers
Male Readers
Semi spicy/suggestive stuff
Markiplier fans
Jacksepticeye fans
BATIM fans
FNAF fans
LGBTQ+ and/or allies
Crankgameplays fans
Natewantstobattle fans
Amyplier lovers (Mark x Amy)
Cat lovers
I might do:
FNAF x reader stories (Human characters only)
BATIM/BATDR stuff (Once again, only human characters please. If you want to fuck an ink monster then I'm making it human, somehow.)
Crankgameplays egos (I don't know much about his egos but I'll do my best to research about them)
Natewantstobattle egos (Same as the above)
Thin Ice:
People who kept complaining about the red eyes in the FNAF movie
MHA fans
Will NOT do under any circumstance:
Ships (egoxego)
Youtuber ships (Septiplier, crankiplier, whatever. Shipping real people is weird as fuck unless they're okay with it or are actually dating. Mark legit stopped collaborating with other youtubers for a while because people kept shipping him w them)
Abuse of any kind
Religious people
Septiplier/Crankiplier shippers
Cat haters
People who like shotacons/lolicons
Markiplier egos:
Beautiful (Yandere Googeplier x Gender Neutral reader || TW! IMPLIED BODILY MUTILATION)
Perfection (Part 2 of 'Beautiful' || TW! IMPLIED BODILY MUTILATION!)
Wilford Warfstache:
Confession (Wilford Warfstache x GN! Reader || TWs: None)
Vulnerable (Darkiplier x Female Reader || TWs: None)
Behind the door (Darkiplier x reader || TW: Petrification)
Welcome Home, PROLOGUE (Darkiplier x reader)
Welcome Home, Part 1 (Darkiplier x reader)
Welcome Home, Part 2 (Darkiplier x reader)
Welcome Home, Part 3 (Darkiplier x reader)
Welcome Home, Part 4 (Darkiplier x reader)
Gratitude (Jackieboy Man x Reader x Darkiplier) || Part 1 || TWs: None ||
Date night (Darkiplier x reader x Antisepticeye || Polyamorous || TWs: Very light fighting between Dark and Anti, mentions of blood)
Head Engineer Mark:
Confident (Head Engineer Mark x reader)
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
The God of Night:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
The Necromancer:
This Category seems to be empty, check back later!
Cool Patrol Mark:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Septic Egos
Panic Attack (Antisepticeye x reader || Platonic || TWs: Panic attack/ mentions of arguing)
Date night (Darkiplier x reader x Antisepticeye || Polyamorous || TWs: Very light fighting between Dark and Anti, mentions of blood)
Jameson Jackson:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Chase Brody:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Shawn Flynn:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Gratitude (Jackieboy Man x Reader x Darkiplier) || Part 1 || TWs: None ||
Marvin the magnificent:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Robbie the zombie:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Crankgameplays egos
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Mad Mike:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Gravity Falls
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
I think that should be it for fandoms and characters. I'll add more to this in the future.
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ashtonisvibing · 9 months
anti and marvin having extremely different reactions to finding out their birth parents (anti's father and marvin's mother specifically) are dead
anti feeling nothing but joy and resentment at hearing its father is dead. the resentment is left over from the abuse he caused seemingly all its life, both physical and religious. but it really does overall feel that joy as well as relief from the fact that now it really is away from its father forever. he can never hurt it in any way possible. sure, when it could finally move out without getting the cops called on it, it made sure not to leave a trail he (or its step mother) could follow. but there was always a little looming feeling that maybe he could find it and bring back all of that pain it was trying so hard to run away from. and now he truly never could.
marvin, on the other hand, while they also felt relief, they couldn't help the sympathy when they thought about their mother. sure, she wasn't innocent when it came to their abuse. she also inflicted some of it on them. but they also recognized that she was as much in a cage as they were. neither their birth father nor their step father were kind to her. and while they could never forgive her for all the pain she caused them, they held sympathy for the cage they were both stuck in.
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altr5312916195 · 1 year
Egotober '23 Day Two - Stone - Marvin the Magnificent
TWs: mentions of blood
Marvin’s eyes cracked open, and swiftly his hand moved to cover his face. He had a nauseous pit in his stomach, something hard was driving into the back of his head, no doubt causing the headache he had. 
He sat up slowly, eyes adjusting to the light. His hand went to the back of his head, and when he brought it back to his face nearly dry blood covered it. The feeling in the pit of his stomach moved quickly to the back of his throat. The stone that caused the split in his head seemed to be one of many circling around him. 
Marvin stood up quickly, assessing the situation. The woods he found himself in had a familiar vibe, though he couldn’t be certain where he was. He opened his hand in front of his face, and to his relief a green glow came from it. At least he was sure he was in Raspy Hill. 
One question was answered but he had another. 
How did Anti get him back here? 
Nothing was on him, Anti took his bag, spell bottles and all. His cloak was tattered, and from feeling alone he at the very least was minimally damaged. He pulled up his shirt to view the bruise on his chest, making it hard to breathe. 
The clear image of Anti holding him down this way struck his mind, and he pressed his back to one of the trees close by to ground himself. He had to get home before Anti did, and he had to get into IRIS before Henrik and Chase lost too much. 
Marvin looked around him, overwhelmed by the many options, or lack thereof, for which way to go. Marvin had never been this close to the Edge, and something told him that if he took the wrong path Annus wouldn’t take too kindly to him falling out of time and space. 
Marvin opened his hand once again, allowing the green orb he summoned to float ahead of him and lead the way. Nausea never stopped intuition.
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mothgodofchaos · 2 years
Tattoo shop owner and florist? Nah. That’s old news. Librarian and magician? Abso-fucking-lutely. This also got the thumbs up from the witchy friend about the crystals mentioned.
Marvin the Magnificent x GN!Reader, TW: none Words: 912
The library was typically quieter in the evening, not that it was ever necessarily loud to begin with. You had a few regulars who stayed regularly through the night. One of them happened to be the owner of the little magic shop across the way. Whenever he wasn’t behind the counter selling crystals and potion ingredients, he was pouring over books in one of the armchairs by the fireplace in the back. You joked with him a few times about reserving the seat for him, but no one else ever sits back there anyways. You’d join him on slow days, talking about the incantations and spell rings that he was trying to learn more about in an effort to connect with him. He started leaving small spell jars and crystals on your desk, you assumed as repayment for letting him ramble to you. You found him endearing, adorable how passionate he got about his work. You kept all the things he gave you in a drawer in your desk, pulling out crystals to look over them. You started finding black tourmaline in your window sills, the internet telling you they’re for shielding you from bad energies, providing a safe haven for users. Another day you find a labradorite necklace on your seat, to protect you from chaos. You started watching him more, how he struggled keeping his long green hair out of his face, so you offered him a hair tie. He took it graciously, unfortunately his hands were covered in ink, and he was afraid of staining his hair. You moved behind him, beginning to braid his hair out of his face, as he worked. Didn’t take him long to realize what you were doing, stuttering out a thanks when you finished. The flirting continued for several months, but nothing ever advanced between the two of you. Just a mutual pining, both of you afraid to take the next step. Until one night, when he fell asleep in the arm chair. It was far past midnight, and you had gone back to draw the curtains closed to the large windows in the back. You turned, and found him curled up, a book open against his chest as he sat sideways in the chair, his feet hanging over the arm. Your expression softened as you quietly walked over, removing the book, adding a bookmark in his spot as you set it on the table. You debated waking up, surely that couldn’t be comfortable for him or good for his spine, but he looked so peaceful. You finally got a good look at him, and realized how much about him you adored. The gold and black ink that stained his finger tips, the spell circles that he had drawn onto the skin of his palms, the gems that adorned his face, the card suit tattoo on his neck, the loose blouse that he wore. His neck was adored with many necklaces, gold, silver, spell jars, and various gemstones you didn’t immediately recognize. But one caught your eye, a heart made of rose quartz. The necklace was longer, and it rested on his chest as he laid there right where his heart was. Oh. You stepped back, quietly walking over to the basket of blankets in the corner, pulling out a starry night fleece blanket, draping it over him. Something inside you screamed to do something more, finally make the move that you had wanted to for a long time, but your nerves got the better of you, and you walked away. Or at least tried, before you heard him stir, calling out your name. You froze in place, slowly turning back around. Your eyes meet his, a brilliant blue in the dark. He’s standing, the blanket hanging down from his shoulders like a cape. His hand is extended to you, his fingertips and palm glowing gold. “I’m tired of waitin’ fer t’e perfect time, please?” You take his hand, and he pulls you in, chests touching. A single strand of hair escapes his braid, a more regular hairstyle that he sports now, because of you. His eyes sparkle, spinning the two of you back around. You’re pulled down into his lap, resting your head on his shoulder as he snaps his fingers, lights rising from his palms, like homemade fireflies. It felt right, like it was meant to be. Maybe this was the perfect time after all. He wrapped you both in the blanket, holding you tightly in one arm as his other hand pulled the rose quartz necklace off from around his neck. He closes his hand around the gem, opening it to see it split in half, into two necklaces. He hands one to you, placing one of the halves around your neck, the gem resting just above your heart. You place the other back around his neck, falling to the same place on his chest. You could’ve sworn you could’ve felt his heartbeat, tying you both together. “Please? Please let me protect ye, like yer library has protected me.” “Always. I always thought of this part as the heart of my library, because of the fireplace. But now, the heart is wherever you are, mo dhraíodóir~” He blushed in the light of his fireflies, kissing your cheek. It felt so right, protected, sleepy, and connected. Maybe you needed to order a couch for that room if you were going to make a habit of falling asleep in that chair together.
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