#marx fire emblem
applesoda-art · 2 years
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finally day 31, head empty first thing i thought of woo!
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Favorite Nintendo Character 2: Round 2
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fireemblemfancies · 2 years
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When does a ripple become a tidal wave? When does the reason become the blame? When does a man become a monster?
*this isn’t an edit or a screenshot, it’s 3d fanart*
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damoselcastel · 1 year
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Dæmoni - a FE14 Xander/Hinoka fanfic
Chapter s: 1/? Game: Fire Emblem Fates    Rating: Mature    Character(s): Hinoka, Marx/Xander, Kotaro    Tag(s): Demon AU, worldbuilding    Warning(s): referenced gore, violence, orange-blue morality    Word Count: 1,109 Summary: The immortal, horned-races: oni and demon. Hinoka had never considered the ways in which they were alike. [demon AU, Xander/Hinoka]
(aka, it's Friday 13th, and I wanted to have creature feature fun with the OTP during spoopy month)
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Round 2 Wave 3
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silvergarnet12 · 1 year
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My Secret Anna gift for 8cuttlefish on the FE Compendium discord.
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lucinagoosina · 4 months
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slotumn · 2 months
Preview of meta/analysis posts that I will write one day but have no specific schedules for
Why it, in fact, makes perfect sense for Cyril to be loyal to Church and Rhea if you analyze his actions through the lense of class/material conditions and not just ethnicity
Why Goneril is most likely a shitty place to live in as a commoner, and how House Goneril actually benefits from Almyran invasions at the expense of their own people up until the war breaks out
Speculations on how the First Mach War and its aftermath could have influenced Faerghan split as well as the east/west divide in the Kingdom
Why communists/socialists would exist in Fódlan, but they'd all be weirdo religious sect offshoots who got excommunicated by the Church instead of secular Marxists (or any of the lords)
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magicandjuliet · 3 months
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loaf-sometimes · 8 months
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that one twitter "draw your comfort characters here" challenge
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tantumuna · 2 years
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my favorite under appreciated ship
there's some glaring issues but I wanted to have some fun while I worked on fixing the models so here is intermittent memes in between fixing
models ripped by - ninetalescommander
made using Blender 2.93
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lemonblender · 1 year
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the princess and the knight
they needed some love again. i have too much free time at work
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panco-1812 · 1 year
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Old art of Marx for KSS 26th anniversary last year
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damoselcastel · 2 years
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Legendary Xander sprite edit to get him on a wyvern cause @flutterbatwrites and I both want it also Garon's crown cause that's my headcanon
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minorisato · 8 months
i made him not a misogynist guys!!!
fire emblem / saimarx / wc: 689 / warnings: saizo is just mean and xander is a little stupey??? post-revelations i guess maybe i think idk just roll with the peace.
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Saizo fucking hates Xander.
This is apparent to anyone who has known Saizo for more than five minutes. It is apparent, then, to Kaze and Kagero. It is apparent to Lord Ryoma, who has the unfortunate need to suffer conversation with the heinous man almost daily. It is apparent, also, to Xander's retainers- Laslow and Peri both have developed a dislike of him, reflecting his dislike of their lord. Were it up to them, Saizo would never interact with the high prince, and he's inclined to agree that he'd rather not speak to the Nohrian ever again. His dislike of Xander is pervasive, and extremely evident.
Evident to everyone except Xander himself.
Despite how obvious Saizo's hatred of the prince is to everyone surrounding him, Xander seems to believe that they can be friendly with each other. Not civil- Saizo can do civil. Saizo can lead him down the hall to the main chambers without strangling him. But friendly. Xander, when staying in Hoshido, (which Saizo also hated,) would actually try to conversate with the ninja, discussing things he'd seen, or things he enjoyed. He would speak wistfully of deer, and the flowers outside the guest room, and books his brother had lent him. Saizo did not engage this conversation. It made his eyes twitch.
What was the purpose of this? Of Xander trying to be friendly with him? The walk from the guest rooms to the main chambers was not long, certainly not long enough for Xander to null any anger Saizo felt towards him. Xander had to recognize that. He had to.
Saizo grit his teeth, clenched a fist at his side. He had to. Xander could not- as high prince of Nohr- reasonably be dim enough to not recognize that Saizo absolutely fucking hated him. He couldn't be.
When Saizo glanced back at the Nohrian, he wore an expression of minor delight, of some flavour of relaxation. Awful. Hideous. His mouth was curved in the smallest smile, his eyes half-lidded as he spoke aimlessly of birds, or something. It made Saizo's stomach clench in a strange way he wasn't used to. "I didn't know Hoshido had that sort," he was saying, and Saizo resisted the very sudden urge to just turn around and punch him in the face. Anything to make him stop smiling, keep him from looking so relaxed. It might kickstart the war again. He'd probably lose his position. He continued to grind his teeth behind his mask. Not long now, almost at the chambers.
Down the hall, Saizo could see princess Camilla also being led by Kagero. Kagero looked distinctly less annoyed than Saizo felt, which was, in itself, annoying. When the two Nohrians spotted each other, both felt it fine to walk ahead of the retainers, meeting in the middle of the hall to greet each other.
Camilla let out a soft chuckle, adjusting her brother's hair. "My, you slept well," she commented, and how could she look so happy about it? "I haven't seen you this relaxed in quite a while."
Xander laughed a bit in turn, the sound new to Saizo, making him flinch. "The beds here are much more comfortable than the ones we have back home," he'd said, which seemed absolutely absurd to Saizo. "Besides, it's hard not to relax in such pleasant company."
The hall quieted. Saizo felt like the physical embodiment of shattered glass. He was completely frozen in place, eyes widened. Camilla, with a look of confusion, glanced over Xander's shoulder at the ninja. He hoped she could tell that he was just as confused as her. "Pleasant?" The princess parroted back to him, as if asking for clarification.
"Of course," Xander did not clarify, sounding something close to gleeful. "Saizo is such a good listener, after all. And so faithful in his duties. Lord Ryoma is lucky to have him."
Were Saizo a weaker man, he might collapse to his knees. He hated Xander. He hated Xander. How in the name of the Gods did the prince get this impression?
Camilla grimaced. "If you say so," she sighed, "I'm just glad you feel alright."
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druvjelly · 4 months
Btw shout out to the person who came up with the Karl Marx one
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