lutoslava · 1 year
Mary Boys on eBay
For now you can buy #MaryBoys on #eBay: ebay.co.uk/usr/lutoslava Bundles coming soon. If you have any requests or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Next #crowdfunding campaign when the current book Karl is working on is finished - and he's working on it intensely!
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blondehimbogirl · 2 years
gender: mary
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At 5 years old, Mark Maryboy left his home on the Navajo Nation Reservation to attend a boarding school about 150 miles away. He would attend a total of three boarding schools over the next few years. He described the dormitory in which he lived as ripe with sexual and physical abuse, harassment and bullying — something his principle did nothing to stop after Maryboy alerted him to what was happening. At one school, Maryboy remembers seeing another student drown after an instructional aide told students to cross a river, despite the fact that some students did not know how to swim." It was the damnedest thing I ever did in my life," Maryboy said, adding that he often wonders how his life would have turned out without that trauma. "Going through that experience has a huge impact on you. It's a lifetime sickness that goes into your mind." ... For Norman Cuthair Lopez — who has held a variety of positions in the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe — going to the Ute Vocational School was a shock, in more ways than one. Despite already speaking two languages, his native Ute and Navajo, he struggled to learn English. Upon arriving at the school, his long hair was cut, and then he was stripped and scrubbed clean. The first night was particularly difficult. At home, he hadn't slept on a bed, so he laid down underneath his bed on the first night at school. It proved to be a costly mistake. "I got the spanking of my life," he said. It was a new experience, since his grandparents had always used their voices rather than their hands to discipline him at home. "I had the shock of my life when I got my first spanking. The guy that was there, one of the supervisors, picked me up and threw me against the wall." .... Willie Grayeyes, Navajo Nation member and San Juan County commissioner, went to multiple boarding schools across the Southwest. Most of the time, he had no idea where he was being sent. One night, in fourth grade, Grayeyes was told to sleep in clothes, not pajamas. He and other kids were woken during the night and loaded into trucks. By morning, they reached Richfield. He said the dormitory there was nothing more than a warehouse with a partition in the middle to separate boys and girls. "I had no idea where I was going. Nobody said this is why we're sending you here," he said. "The decision was made 100 miles away, not at my home but at the Bureau of Indian Affairs building." He would have a similar experience a few years later after returning home for a family illness. The Bureau of Indian Affairs superintendent sent him to Flagstaff, Arizona. From there he took two Greyhound buses, to Albuquerque and then Santa Fe. Later, he would also attend the Phoenix Indian School. Being separated from his family all that time impacted him and how he viewed his identity is something he said has impacted him his entire life.
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chwedout · 2 years
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rjzimmerman · 4 years
David Roberts, the author of the New York Times Op-Ed, is not telling us anything new, but he’s right in reminding us of the importance of this particular piece of land to Native Americans and to us. Excerpt:
The American West embraces more than its share of spectacular landscapes. But there’s nothing else quite like the vast swath of canyons, mesas, sandstone spires and arches that stretches some 80 miles from north to south in the southeast corner of Utah, ranging in altitude from sagebrush flats to pinyon-and-juniper forests and old growth stands of ponderosa pine and Douglas fir.
This is the wilderness of 1.35 million acres that President Barack Obama set aside in 2016 as the Bears Ears National Monument. One year later, cozying up to the oil-and-gas lobby and the right-wing crusade to turn federal lands over to “the people,” President Donald Trump eviscerated the monument, cutting it in size by 85 percent. During the past three years, the Bears Ears has hovered in judicial limbo, after Native American groups and environmental activists filed lawsuits claiming that Mr. Trump’s reduction exceeded his authority.
That wilderness is my favorite place on earth. I’ve written four books about the Bears Ears region, and until last year, when the pandemic stranded me in my Massachusetts home, I had made pilgrimages there every year for 28 years.
But around A.D. 1230, two or three thousand men, women and children flourished among those canyons and mesas, people we know today only by the taxonomic labels of Ancestral Puebloan and Fremont. Those inhabitants left behind a stunning array of mud-and-stone dwellings and panels of visionary rock art carved and painted on the cliffs, just waiting for latter-day vagabonds like me to discover.
If the Bears Ears is my favorite place on earth, it has an even deeper significance for the members of what became the Inter-Tribal Coalition — Navajo, Ute Mountain Ute, Hopi, Uintah and Ouray Ute and Zuni — who started the push for the Bears Ears back in 2010, championing the first successful national monument spearheaded by Native Americans. Mark Maryboy, the 65-year-old Navajo activist who got the ball rolling, told me: “Most tribes feel that North America is still theirs, that it’s been stolen from them by the government, by white people. We still worship in those lands. The Bears Ears is our church, our cathedral.”
Even as I plan my return to my favorite place on earth for the spring, I dread what I’ll find. But my personal loss is trivial compared with what anything short of complete restoration of the monument, and the oversight to keep it adequately protected from thoughtless desecration, will mean.
The original monument set aside by Mr. Obama comprises one of the most compelling landscapes in North America. But it’s more than that. With more pristine ancient dwellings, granaries and enigmatic galleries than any other wilderness in the United States, the Bears Ears constitutes an irreplaceable cultural treasure. We don’t have many of these places left to squander.
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ofgondor69-blog · 4 years
Sept 24th 2020
Today, Pesch was so mean. Like omg. Can u believe he said that?
like... you had to have been there. Like seriously.
Like.... Collin is so totally right. Like seriously.
PS today I tottaly got a rad u bf. His name is maryboi. Hes so sooooo dreamyyyyy. I love him but im afraid to tell him bcs we just started dating. REEE
then like...bambie is soo fucking ugly...like y dont he just get a new face...like ugh
i saw a dog yesterday...
like bye or whatever
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cksmart-world · 6 years
The Completely Unnecessary News Analysis
By Christopher Smart
Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2018
Whew. Here at Smart Bomb, the staff is relieved (understatement) that the elections are over. Wilson and the band can finally sober up a bit. Well, it's almost over, anyway. In Georgia and Florida balloting for governor and senate is so close it's brought name calling and court fights — no gunshots, yet. Here in the Beehive State, Mia Love and Ben McAdams are still sweating bullets waiting to see who won the 4th Congressional District seat — gigantic piles of votes in Salt Lake and Utah counties are still to be counted. Even the governor is pissed at the delay: Is this 2018, or what *&%#@. He actually said that. But everywhere else folks are focusing on Thanksgiving, Christmas and the Mueller investigation. “'Tis the season to be jolly...”
The Blue Wave Is No Fun
The Blue Wave that has put those dangerous Democrats in charge of the House of Representatives has thrown our president out of his normal jolly mood. Now, he's pouting and freaking out. He hates reporters, he hates Europeans, and he hates the Mueller investigation. OK, OK, that's not new, but he does seem to be scowling more than usual. No more fun campaign rallies where he can rave about the caravan of starving migrants marching to invade our country; no more making fun of former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the stupid southerner who enforced the president's immigration policy to its ugliest limits; and no more deriding Canada and Mexico for ripping us off on NAFTA, the trade agreement that the president has replaced with a new NAFTA — same as the old NAFTA. Fortunately, there's still immigrants to vilify and white nationalists to cheer on — they're good people who just happen to have swastikas tattooed on the necks.
You Talkin' To Me?
In Utah, the post-election season looks to be off to a bumpy start after state Rep. Brian King, a Democrat, roughed up state Sen. Daniel Thatcher, a Republican. Thatcher claims the hot-headed Democrat pushed him up against the wall, according to The Salt Lake Tribune, and repeatedly assaulted his sternum with an index finger. King later said he regretted the incident because Republicans outnumber Democrats in the Utah Legislature by a zillion to one and pissing them off is probably not a good idea. Nonetheless, Thatcher complained that King didn't apologize and isn't a gentleman and probably doesn't pay tithing. Who's picking on whom at the Republican-dominated legislature? It kinda depends on how you look at it. But Thatcher now wears a sternum protector.
This Season Thunder Didn't Sleep
In a far away place called San Juan County, history was made when two Navajos were elected to the three-member county commission. It was the first time since white settlers arrived in the 1850s that Navajos will govern the sprawling 8,000 square miles of land in southeast Utah. Whites derided a recent court ruling that redrew voting districts as “legal gerrymandering” that would rob them of their god-given right to keep the majority and original inhabitants in their place. After all, how can Navajos govern when they live in hogans and herd sheep. Willie Grayeyes and Kenneth Maryboy will take seats along with Bruce Adams, who once proclaimed his forebears were the first people in the county — which is true if you don't count the previous 1,500 years.
Just Another Horrific Shooting
In 1776, the 2nd Amendment guaranteed citizens of a new nation the right to keep their muskets in the event the young government became as oppressive as that of King George III. Maybe the Founders didn't foresee the carnage in Thousand Oaks, Calif., where 12 people who were line dancing got gunned down by a mad man. These days, it doesn't take much for a mass shooting to fade into the background. The murders at the Borderline Bar and Grill came 11 days after 9 people were executed by another mad man at a Pittsburgh synagogue. If they just had AR-15s at their side while they were praying it might not have been so bad. Oh well, as Bill O'Reilly said, “That's the price of freedom.” The National Rifle Association was johnny on the spot last week, telling doctors to “stay in their lane,” after the American College of Physicians called gun violence a national epidemic. Just because they watch thousands of people die from gunshot wounds each year doesn't mean physicians know anything about guns. That's reserved for those wise people at the NRA and Congress, which does their bidding by doing such things as blocking funding for the study of gun violence.
Sorry Wilson, the staff tried to come up with some news that was a little more cheery, but what can you do. Maybe you and the band can take us out with something to perk up our day: "Don't worry about a thing/  'Cause every little thing gonna be all right / Rise up this mornin' / Smiled with the risin' sun / Three little birds perch by my doorstep / Singin' sweet songs of melodies pure and true / Sayin', "This is my message to you-ou-ou:" / Don't worry about a thing...
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TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT! Come see @daisykonfused and an amazing Cast of incredible and talented entertainers! This is going to be an amazing show! Visit foreign lands, strange planets, and wild new frontiers with this all star cast: Varla Jean Merman Vanessa Carr Kennedy Velma Blair Versula Bottom Virgina Slim Jim (Ginny Peck) Squirt Reynolds Soleil Blanc Miss Sixdee (Tristan Carr) Siren (Tyler Cross) Sally™ Saint Salomé Qween Quan Pablo Picante Melissa Uptown Maryboy Marilyn Nova White Mama G Madame Willow Love Latonia Lokum (Mine Doğu) Lana O'Day Kitten N' Lou Kimberly Clark Kara Mel D'Ville Kamra Juno Holden Doves Hexxorsis Hannibelle Spector Gracias DeNada Franky Eros Sea Daisy Konfused (Collin Smith) Cucci Licci (ME!!!!) Creep Cuts Champagne Munroe Carina Von Tuna Bellagio Showers Apostrophe Analia XO https://facebook.com/events/s/cyber-distancing-cd3-world-tou/3125193680852139/?ti=icl #quarantine #quarantinedrag #socialdistancing #cyberdistancing #dragshow #dragqueen #dragdivo #beardeddrag #beardedqueens #bebearded #NOLAdrag #beardeddragqueen #beardedempress #nationalbeardedempress #theater #actor #rupaulsdragrace #lgbt #lgbtart #queerart https://www.instagram.com/p/CAyh7iPpE5y/?igshid=3f3b8poppi38
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nedsecondline · 7 years
Defending Bears Ears -- Utah Dineh Mark Maryboy suggests to BBC that Trump is mentally ill
Defending Bears Ears — Utah Dineh Mark Maryboy suggests to BBC that Trump is mentally ill
Defending Bears Ears — Utah Dineh Mark Maryboy suggests to BBC that Trump is mentally ill Defending Bears Ears — Utah Dineh Mark Maryboy suggests to BBC that Trump is mentally ill Defending Bears Ears — Utah Dineh Mark Maryboy suggests to BBC that Trump is mentally ill Defending Bears Ears — Utah Dineh Mark Maryboy suggests to BBC that Trump is mentally ill Dineh Utah Mark Maryboy suggests to BBC…
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lutoslava · 2 years
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Any yet unseen or seen in low res Mary Boys fan art out there? Want some exposure to our 304 backers? Reveal yourselves in high resolution! Message from Karl: All the lovely people who have kindly done Mary Boys fan art and would like me to stick it in the book, please can you DM me links to a high res version.
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nonviable-hostage · 7 years
via astronomy - Google News
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albenscider · 8 years
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• Beach Beverages • Bali is the home of not only the finest beaches and waves in the world - but also the finest of hand curated ciders. . . . . . . #albenscider #cider #beach #sand #holiday #bar #relax #summer #sun #surf #waves #health #yoga #balinow #balilife #baliguide #travel #balibible #paleo #handmade #glutenfree #bali #indonesia Image_ @maryboi (at Karma Kandara)
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lutoslava · 2 years
A break
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I'm taking a break from Tumblr for Christmas and New Year. I'll be back on 3rd January. In the meantime, please check out (and back 😉) my campaign - the books are packed and will be shipped first thing in 2023: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/mary-boys-beefheads--2/x/22253895#/
MrsChubb #Lutoslava #maryboys
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lutoslava · 2 years
The books have arrived!
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lutoslava · 2 years
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Is this SEXY or what! Now we’re only waiting for the second, improved print proof, and if it’s up to our high standards, the printing begins! Get your goodies here:
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lutoslava · 2 years
If you've been waiting with backing Mary Boys to see if it actually happens - which is fair - now is the time to back it, because it's happening! We're at the production stage 😊 https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/mary-boys-beefheads--2/x/22253895#/
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