#marzipan plantar
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Wanted to do some non- Calamity Trio/Calamity Siblings Amphibia comics and Marzi helping her big brother with a bully came to mind. Did this quickly so it might not b as good as the others before
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Un-Vegan Substitutions
Many vegans and vegetarians enjoy substituting non-animal products when cooking meals that would otherwise involve meat, but carnivorous cooks have lagged behind in the substitution field when it comes to finding suitable substitutes for vegetarian and vegan products that can be made with meat instead. Here are a few delicious and similar tasting, similar baking materials:
Tofu - Lard
Flax seed - Bone meal
Mushrooms - Shark cartilage
Marzipan - Lard
Oat/Almond milk - Komodo dragon blood
Quinoa - Gallstones of an American red wolf
Seaweed - Llama or Camel cochlear hairs
Wheat - Lard
Apricots - Lard
Broccoli - Plantar warts
Coconut oil - Lard
Avocado toast - Swill oil on dehydrated mollusc gills
Vegan cheese - Gland scrapings (insect or isopod)
Jello - Lard
Jello Biafra - Lard with Al Jourgensen
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puffdragongirl · 6 years
Alphabet Meme thingy?
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs
Thanks for the tag @onoheiwa :) :) :)
a - age: 30
b - birthplace: New Jersey
c - current time: 6:33 PM
d - drink you last had: coke zero
e - easiest person to talk to: My mom
f - favorite songs: Hm..I did my two favorite-favorites in the last meme thing yesterday, so let’s do some more recent favorites of mine, like Just Say When by Nothing More, this cover of She Used to Be Mine from Waitress, and Requiem from Dear Evan Hansen
g - grossest memory: I had a plantar wart on my foot when I was a teenager. While I was treating it, one day it stuck to the bandage pad and just kind of...ripped/fell out? Blood everywhere in the bathroom. It was pretty alarming tbh!
h - horror yes or horror no: Hard pass thanks
i - in love: Not currently
j- jealous of people: Not particularly. I do admire many of my friends, who are all talented and lovely people, and strive to be more like them.
l - love at first sight or should I walk by again: Walk by again; although I do enjoy reading love at first sight stories.
m - middle name: Kimberly (people have a ridiculously hard time guessing this for some reason????)
n: number of siblings: None!
o - one wish: A good academic job market in the next 1-2 years XD XD (but please universe)
p - person you last called: My grandma
q - questions you’re always asked: “Can I ask you a question?” - from lab mates; "Will X be/How will you ask X on the exam?”- from students; “How is Patchy? (my cat)” - from family
s - song you last sang: Uhhhh. I recall singing to something while I was doing labwork earlier today, but I DO NOT recall what it was. The last thing I remember singing along to is “Everything Stays” from Adventure Time
t - time you woke up: 7:10AM
u - underwear color: Grey today
v - vacation destination: Next place will hopefully be Iceland; but Disney is also excellent.
w - worst habit: I bite my lips when I’m nervous
x - x-rays: last one was on my ankle when I broke it last summer; also have had several of my right hand
y - your favorite food: let’s see, I think I said hot open turkey in the last one; so let’s go for chocolate-covered marzipan this time :)
z - zodiac sign: Cancer
I think I’ve seen this from several other folks, so I’m probably late to the party, but if you want to do this thingy, consider yourself tagged :)
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jonandthegiantwall · 7 years
One month to go till I meet the Wall
It’s 17th May. The run is 17th June. That’s one month. It’s feeling really close now.
Training is going ok, although still got that left foot plantar fasciosis – a constantly bruised left foot. Another 20km this evening in very refreshing light rain – I had to stop at Mark and Spensors again for
* chocolate milk
* crisps
* a marzipan bar
* chocolate raisins.
Who cares if it’s a psychological crutch, it got me round:)
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[Marzipan skips up to her dad Sprig who’s finishing up tilling the fields]
Marzi: Hey daddy, I’m done with my chores. Can I go to Bog Snake Lake? There’s some seasonal flowers I need seeds from for my collection there.
Sprig: Hmmm, did you ask your moms?
Marzi: Yeah.
Sprig: And what’d they say?
Marzi: They said “no”.
Sprig: Then why are you asking me?
Marzi: Because they’re not the boss of you.
Sprig internally: It’s a trap, it’s a trap, it’s a trap!! C’mon Sprig, you know the answer to this!
Sprig: Marzi, sweetie………they are the boss of me. Now I’d go and join you at the lake for some daddy-daughter bonding time but if I want to sleep in my own bed again then I’m going to have to also say, no.
Marzi: Tsk, cousin Lily says that always works……
Sprig internally: Huh, guess that explains what Sasha was whining about that one time we talked at the frog bar…
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thisbelongsto-nohbodys · 10 months
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While working on other things, this silly idea of how alike Marzi is to her mom and dad is. Plus I was confused if the Rebellion got rid of the other rooms the Plantar ancestors made and if not then imagine what business future Plantars could get up to in those old rooms of horrors.
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[Hop Pop is walking with his grandkids and great grandkids around the Plantar farm]
Hop Pop: Look around kids, this is the farmland of our ancestors. Many generations of Plantars have lived and died on this farm, just as many more will do so too.
Marzipan: Oh, that reminds me! I read in the Plantar family history that there was a time a few centuries back starting with Dungus Plantar that the bodies of recently deceased family members would be used as the next crop’s fertilizer as a way to make them one with the land and enrich the soil with unique nutrients. It stopped after a famine tho’. Still, you look like you’d make good fertilizer when you pass Great Hop Pop, have you considered being one with the land and feeding your family on the vegetables grown from you?
Hop Pop:…………………
Hop Pop whispering to Sprout and Sprig: Make sure Marzi doesn’t get anywhere close to my body when I die…
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thisbelongsto-nohbodys · 11 months
[Sprig is relaxing with his family when Anne’s old phone rings]
Sprig: Anne! It seems a bit early for the portal to be recharged.
Anne: I’m still on Earth, I just had to go to the window portal to make this call. When you were here about 2 months ago, did you forget something?
Sprig: No. Why?
Anne: Just wondering why you thought it’d be a good idea to plant Amphibia vegetables in my personal garden.
Sprig: Oh…that. Sorry but I just wanted to share how great our vegetables are compared to earth’s small veggies.
Anne: And you thought planting a Tomato Beast was a good idea?!!
Sprig: What?
Marzipan: That was me! So how was it? Did the tomatoes react differently to earth soil than it does amphibian? Was it sweeter or more aggressive? Did it taste different?
Anne: Considering Sash and I just decapitated multiple heads from the monster after it awoke and attacked my kids and cats!
Marzipan: okay…and the taste?
Anne: ………
Sprig: don’t worry Anne, she’s grounded.
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Oum being best grandma to Sprout and Marzi
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Just had to show Bee bonding with one of his frog grandkids as much as Oum
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Finally decided a name for the Sprivy son (Sprout) and Spraddie daughter (Marzipan).
Marzipan (nicknamed Marz or Marzi, pronounced like Marcy but with a Z) takes more after her Great Hop Pop in that she’s into Herbology, Agriculture and Mycology. She isn’t into magic like her mother Maddie but collects ingredients for her. She loves her other mom Ivy just as much as she loves Maddie. Marzi even made at least 3 new tea blends for her grandmother Felicia (2 of which was good and the 3rd was poisonous so Maddie took it to make antidotes). Sure she bickers with her brother (both of them gaining their father’s and aunt Polly’s mimicry ability) but she protects Sprout from local bullies.
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(Following that Marzi question I made)
Yeah she still has Ivy as a mother figure and all that but, that aint solving nothing, like, her own mother just steps by sometimes and then she just dissapears (Like, why she is still sprig and ivy's girlfriend in the first place if she's not willing to accept their bad things) also adding that the few times Marzi sees her, she does not accept at all what she likes
Maddie accepts Sprivy, good and bad but she also wants her independence (and not have to worry about any Plantars accidentally messing up a potion she’s making). Plus it’s not like Marzi doesn’t visit her mom in town or Maddie doesn’t come to the farm to see her kid(s). Marzi has a room in Maddie’s place (which is above the potion shop. She also has a room for Sprout), so sometimes she’ll stay with her mom but usually she is at the farm.
Families are complicated and not each one is the same as the next.
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Is it possible (if haven't been done already) to see the Maddie/Sprig/Ivy kids full color?
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How about the kids and their parents as a bonus
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Something I tought, wouldn't the Marzipan and Maddie relationship be a little complicated? Like, imagine your own mother is absent for no other reason that she wants to be alone, like, sounds like she has 0 interest on her or the family in general
After living with the Plantars and their zaniness, Marzi would understand y her mom wants to live in Wartwood. Tho’ that’s not to say Maddie doesn’t stay at the Plantars from time to time.
Mostly any strain in their relationship comes from Marzi wanting to study botany and agriculture but her mom wants her to study witchcraft.
Plus it’s not like Marzi doesn’t have a mom in her life as Ivy considers Marzi to be her daughter too and treats her as such
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🍰 SHORTCAKE Marzipan
“OCs fav dessert/sweets”
On Amphibia, a chocopedle cookies made by her mom (either of them)
On Earth, Coconut ice cream, it was the first sweet that she had when Mrs B took her to the Thai temple for the market
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“3 random facts”
Sprout- 1. He doesn’t like visiting Earth that much because of how noisy it is. 2. He’s a great listener and always remembers whatever his sister rambles about. 3. He wants to join his G Hop-Pop’s theater troupe because he likes plays but he has bad stage fright.
Marzipan- 1. Wants to take over the family farm when she grows up 2. Doesn’t like her mom’s magic lessons, while she respects the powerful which her mom is, magic isn’t her thing but is scared to tell her in fear it’ll disappoint her, 3. She loves the presents her aunts (both Maddie’s triplet sisters and the Calamity Trio) give her but not the hugs, she’s not fond of hugs from others unless she okays it
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What are Ivy and Maddie’s interactions with the Boonchuy kids like?
Lily: Auntie Ivy.
Ivy: Yeah? What chu want Lily-illy?
Lily: Will you teach me how to fight like you and Uncle Sprig?
Ivy: Totally! How about we start with dagger practice—
[Anne gives a death glare from across the room]
Ivy: um…actually….how about instead I teach you how to set up a tea party….
Lily: So what’s ya cookin’ Aunt Maddie?
Maddie: Just some healing potions. Basic stuff to help the town healer.
Percy: Aw man, I thought you’d be making a curse or poisons or something cool like Aunty Luz and Amity does.
Maddie: I don’t know who those are but I’m not going to make dangerous stuff in my kitchen….that’s for my lab in my shop.
Lily: Darn. Was hoping for something to mess with some kids that’s bullying Maddison. Moms would be mad if I beat up some 8-year olds.
Maddie: ….. let me grab a 10-minute curse. No one messes with my favorite niece.
Percy: Ha! Your not the favorite, Lily.
Lily: neither are you…
[Ivy is picking up the Boonchuy kids and her kids from the sheriff’s office]
Ivy: So let me get this straight: You 5 thought it was a good idea to sneak out the Kracken from Stumpy’s to have it fight a River-Crab to see which is stronger only for the Kracken to wake up and terrorize the downtown ports?
Lily: Um, yeah…
Percy: Your not gonna tell our moms will you?
Sprout: Not that many people got hurt, Mom.
Marzipan: Yeah, no one died so we shouldn’t be in too much trouble.
Ivy: “trouble”? No, well yes, but I’m interested in who’d win that fight too. C’mon, let’s see if Stumpy got that Kracken knocked out so I can help this time!
[The Boonchuy kids and their frog cousins are drawing a circle on the ground while Maddison is holding a book]
Maddison: Okay, the ritual is almost complete.
Percy: This is gonna be so cool!
Sprout: I don’t know, Mama Maddie is gonna be mad when she finds out—
Maddie: What in Frog’s name do you think your doing??!!
[Maddie rushes up and swipes the book]
Maddie: Do you realize what you could’ve done?! Magic isn’t something to take lightly! It can cause serious damage if your not careful!
Lily: Sorry Aunt Maddie, we just wanted to see a real Chickalisk.
Maddie: okay I really shouldn’t let you but if you do then we’re gonna need a lot of gold first to appease it after we summon it.
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