#masons mushrooms
bones-ivy-breath · 3 months
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In the Mushroom Summer by David Mason, from “The Hudson Review,” Vol. LIX, No. 2 (Summer 2006)
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rinriya · 7 months
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man with crossbow.. memories unlocked iykyk 😏
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sitting-on-me-bum · 4 months
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Oxfordshire, UK
‘Searching for fungi recently, it soon became apparent that autumn has been so mild that even by mid-October the leaves on the trees at Foxholes nature reserve have remained largely in place and very little light was reaching the woodland floor. I found myself focusing on the sunlit islands where the canopy was a little more threadbare and came across this beautiful amethyst deceiver.’
Photograph: Jon Mason
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youare-number6 · 1 year
Mushroom Planet Pt 1
Mushroom based OC Image Prompt Images - Midjourney 5.1 A photo of shelf mushrooms was used to make these
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The Mushroom Planet series became the Alien Worlds Series
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sunset-aria · 11 months
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Halloween Costumes 2023! (3/4): Humanoid Cosplays
The final results from my Halloween Costume stream event! This group of participants includes: 
@foursight 's superheroine Alex Bell, dressed as Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3
Power's sentai superheroine Yve Martin, dressed as Revy from Black Lagoon
Sparhawk's zergryph kemonomimi Auri Regii, dressed as Ellen Ripley from Alien
and @headstomp 's magical mushroom man Batelier, dressed up as Gandalf Big Naturals, complete with puffball mushrooms for fake cleavage! (This was also commissioned to commemorate receiving his top surgery this month in the most hilarious way possible)
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aiainight · 2 years
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Galaxy in a mason jar in a field of mushrooms
Full Illustration | Circle Sticker | 2023 calender
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the-generous-fool · 1 month
Ray Mears is Schrodinger's doctor: as long as you don't tell him you're starting to feel better, you'll be immortal.
Perhaps the worst thing about the death cap, is that you start to feel better - just before you die.
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Der Film aus dem Jahr 1959 ist für mich eine der besten Verfilmungen des Jules Verne Klassikers "Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde" auch wenn die Geschichte abgewandelt wurde hat sie dennoch einen Gewissen Charme. Ein Film zum immer wieder ansehen
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Mushrooms - Marinated Mushrooms II This recipe was handed down to me from my Grandma. Little mushrooms are marinated in a zesty mixture. They're great for buffet style gatherings. They keep well for a long time in the fridge, or you may can them in mason jars and store in cupboard.
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revivifyhealth · 2 years
An amazing product available at Revivify, Mason’s mushrooms can support your body in enhancing energy. It can also improve your gut and digestive function. DIgestive problem is increasing due to the consumption of unhealthy food products. But once you consume this product, you do not have to worry about your digestive tract. Another interesting thing about these healthy and medicinal mushrooms is that it supports Jing, Qi, and Shen. It offers you longevity and vitality. So, buy it for better health and you will never regret spending your money on this.
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bones-ivy-breath · 2 months
Today my grief abated like water soaking underground, its scar a little path of twigs and needles winding ahead of me downhill to the next bend. Today I let the rain soak through my shirt and was unharmed.
In the Mushroom Summer by David Mason, from “The Hudson Review,” Vol. LIX, No. 2 (Summer 2006)
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liv2post · 5 months
Professors and Plants
Severus Snape x Herbology!Reader Wordcount: ~2.4k Summary: You're the new replacement for Professor Sprout and one day you require someone to plant-sit for you.
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Read here or on ao3
Severus was struck the first time he saw you enter the Great Hall for breakfast at the start of the new term. You were Professor Sprout’s replacement as well as her cousin, but most people wouldn’t have thought the latter due to your appearance. Your dark robes resembled his and you donned a pair of boots with yellow thread sewn into the tops of the soles. What really stood out was your hair. It was snow white, transitioning into black at the bottom third of your hair length like a gradient. Your eyes met his and held his gaze for no more than a second as you took the last available seat that happened to be at the opposite end of the head table.
Despite your dark appearance, you were perfectly amicable and polite with the other teachers, even Lockhart, but you weren’t one to ever start conversations with any of them, preferring to keep more to yourself unless someone wished to converse with you. 
The first time he talked to you was that same day before classes would start tomorrow to get a proper read on you. 
“Hello, Professor Snape,” you greeted mildly, turning away from a Sopophorous Bean plant to face him as he barely clicked the door to the greenhouse behind him.
“How do you know my name?” His eyebrows furrowed and his soft baritone voice floated through the air.
“I know your first name, too. We went to school together, but you were older. I graduated just before you took over for Professor Slughorn.”
“I see…”
“Is there something you need from me?”
“Dittany leaves. Surely, Pomona left a plant or two in your care.”
“She most definitely did. Will a standard 16 oz jar’s worth do?”
You smiled softly, retrieving a mason jar and a pair of snippers, and began trimming the fuzzy green leaves of one of the tall dittany plants that sat in the corner. “Did you and Pomona have any arrangements?” you called back to him.
“Arrangements?” Snape repeated, his eyes flicking over a decorative succulent whose pot was shaped like a mushroom before looking back at you. 
“Given our positions, I imagine you and I will be supplying each other with inventory and remedies or what have you. I was just wondering if you and Pomona had any arrangements that made each other's lives easier or more efficient work-wise. Do you like your ingredients bottled a certain way? Are there certain things you find yourself running out of more often than others?”
“We didn’t have any specific protocols established. Pomona was annoyingly protective of her plants,” he stated coolly. “But…now that you mention it, my store of wormwood tends to fluctuate. The younger years can be…unapologetically wasteful.”
“Noted. I will try to remain well-stocked on wormwood. And by the way,” you screwed on the jar lid, the glass filled to the brim with leaves—not so compactly that they were squashed inside, but certainly not leaving much wiggle room either, “I’m not as crazy a plant lady as my cousin is. Minerva tells me you're quite competent at your job and it sounds like I can trust you so…if you ever need to grab something feel free to come and go through the greenhouses as you please. I just ask that if I happen to not be present to leave a note citing what you took and the quantity. Y’know, for proper record keeping ‘n all. If I know what I have then I know what I can still provide you with.”
Snape nodded lightly. “Yes… That sounds practical enough.”
“Good,” you hummed, handing him the mason jar, your fingertips just barely brushing as he took it from you. “Glad we understand each other."
Duties aside, you and Professor Snape got along rather well. He respected your need for notes and wrote what he took crystal clear, signing them off with “S.S”. You delivered ingredients he’d sent for in a timely manner, ensuring they weren’t overly compacted or bottled improperly. He returned the courtesy when it came to any potion meant to help your plants’ growth, sometimes brewing them fresh rather than giving you a bottle that had sat on the shelf for months at a time. Sometimes he’d add a sarcastic little comment on the notes about a student or a certain DADA teacher who you’d both found to be pretentious. 
From the notes blossomed more sociable interactions. Despite being separated by multiple floors, your classes were within the same vicinity of the castle’s layout, which meant, more often than not, you’d run into him when descending down to meals as he ascended up. You’d walk with each other, and talk a little bit, whether it be about incidents in the classroom or happenings informed to the both of you from the Prophet. The conversations would continue at meals where you’d start sitting next to one another. You didn’t get to know each other beyond a collegial level until around early November when the temperature started to get colder every day and the leaves were a vibrant wash of yellow, orange, and red. Your open-door policy on your greenhouses remained the same, but you had clarified that if he ever wanted to have tea or escape the chill of the dungeons, that open-door policy extended to your warm and cozy office. One day he knocked and when you opened the door he simply stated, “It’s cold,” before you promptly held the door back further, allowing him entry. 
You’d drink tea often, sometimes while the both of you graded, passively enjoying one another’s company as you did so, sometimes sitting on the couch or chairs and having direct conversations with one another. You compared each other's schooling experience with one another, gaping at the fact that he knew so many curses and had even invented a few spells. He confessed that it was actually Lockhart’s position he wanted, not to teach potions. 
“I didn’t take you for a Hufflepuff when I first saw you,” he admitted one afternoon.
“Was there anything else to take me as, Severus? My being here was not only to satisfy the Herbology teacher role, but also to fill the Head of Hufflepuff spot.”
“Of course, just outwardly…you didn’t seem the type. And the students have joked that your creatively witty chiding ought to have landed you in Slytherin.”
You exhaled quietly. “My whole family is mostly Hufflepuff with a few Gryffindors sprinkled in, but even so I understand my general dark attire and reticence made me a bit of a black sheep amongst my peers. I can’t really disagree with you much on that second point. All I can say in my defense is that my loyalty is sharper than my tongue. If you ever need a reminder that I am indeed a Hufflepuff, know that I am always wearing this.” You rolled up the left sleeve of your dark robe to reveal a beaded bracelet around your wrist, each bead yellow with black text stamped in on the sides, spelling out “HUFFLEPUFF.”
An unexpected, incredulous smirk tugged on Severus’s lips. “You really wear that all the time?”
“Only when I’m not bathing or sleeping. My sister made it for me after we got sorted. We, unfortunately, were not placed in the same house… Don’t look at me like that!” you chuckled at the mostly feigned repulsed expression regarding your sibling's sickly sweet behavior. “I happen to like this bracelet, thank you very much!”
“Who knew under your robes was something so garishly bright,” he sneered playfully.
“You’re not as slick as you think either, Severus. Don’t think I didn’t see that Slytherin scarf beneath your cloak at the last Quidditch match,” you eyed him knowingly. He parted his lips to refute but found he had no argument and grumbled while blushing against his tea cup.
“Pardon me, Professor Lockhart, but could I speak to you for a moment?” 
The DADA teacher replied with an “Of course, dear” as he followed you to a spot off to the side from the entrance of the Great Hall after you had finished lunch one Friday afternoon. Severus eyed the both of you as he himself was slowly exiting the Great Hall as well. He slowed his pace down significantly as he floated through the corridor so he could pick up on what you two were saying. You had never willingly started a conversation with Lockhart before.
“...going to be gone this weekend. Leaving tonight, actually…
…take care of a few plants…? I left instructions in Greenhouse 4…”
“...ourse I can! Watering a few plants should be easier than defeating a vampire or two…”
You wanted Lockhart to plant-sit for you this weekend? That actually stung him a bit. Why wouldn’t you ask him to plant-sit for you? He was perfectly capable of doing so and he knew your greenhouses like the back of his hand. Did you not actually trust him like you claimed to?
He kept silent on the matter, his expression remaining impassive as he saw you off to the midnight train in Hogsmeade that same night. 
“See you Monday, Severus,” you bid softly, lightly patting his upper arm before stepping off the platform and disappearing into the night on the train until it was no more than a dot in the distance.
Severus didn’t trust Lockhart to do what was asked of him. Not one bit. Unless it was DADA-related or stroked his ego directly, the man couldn’t be bothered to accomplish what was asked of him. He imagined the fool would pass off the task to a student. Severus unlocked Greenhouse 4 the next morning and found the instructions you had left behind for Lockhart. They were simple and bullet-pointed, detailing exactly what to do and where he could find what. All that was asked of him was to spray a batch of Alihotsy plants with a germinating solution that sat on the third shelf in the supply cabinet, rotate them out of the sun at three o’clock each day, place them back at dawn, trim the matured leaves and store them in a jar. “Eventually to be delivered to our amazing potion master,” it noted, making him smile.
Severus kept a watchful eye on Lockhart that first day. Lockhart remained in his office until lunch, and after that made a trip down to Hogsmeade, no doubt to drink and find some entertaining company. At 2:45, Snape went up to Greenhouse 4 and confirmed that nothing had been moved from when he entered there this morning, the germinating solution still sitting in the exact same spot. He sprayed them all heartily and shifted the plants to a shelf away from the sun’s sight. A few leaves had matured so he gingerly snipped them from the stem and placed them in a standard mason jar. He also noticed several snails trying to sneak their way into some Potted Mandrake and disposed of them as well as repaired some worn netting protecting the Shrivelfig that was meant to keep out aphids.
He came by Sunday morning and treated the Alihotsy the same, making sure to place them in the sun at dawn so they had absorbed plenty of light by mid-afternoon. Once again, Lockhart hadn’t even bothered. 
You returned Monday morning while everyone was at breakfast. Upon stepping into Greenhouse 4, you sighed in relief when it looked as though your plants had indeed been taken care of in your absence. You smiled pleasantly when you noticed some protective netting had been repaired, a task you planned on getting to when you had returned, but your smile broadened even more when you noticed a muddy boot print on the ground, one that did not at all belong to Professor Lockhart.
“Thank you for taking care of the Alihotsy this weekend,” you said to Lockhart who happened to be passing by the door that led down to the kitchen as you had come back from retrieving a snack that would substitute breakfast.
“Huh? Oh!” The man quickly recovered. The look of confusion lasted not even a second before plastering on a smile. “Yes, it was nothing! You can always count on me, Y/N!” he winked. You nodded once, drifting away from the man in favor of walking alongside the potion master who was breezing by in the same corridor.
“Hi,” you greeted. 
“Welcome back,” he replied, hiding his delight at your return. 
“Did anything interesting happen while I was gone?”
“Not particularly, though I was tempted to push Lockhart down a flight of stairs multiple times.” 
“Aren’t we all,” you laughed.
He walked with you all the way back to your office, select words hanging on the tip of his tongue until finally, he couldn’t hold them back anymore as you pushed on the handle of the door.
“Lockhart didn’t take care of your plants,” Severus blurted. 
“Oh?” Your hand slipped from the handle to face him with feigned curiosity.
“I didn’t trust him and…was proven correct when he ignored the task and instead spent his time in Hogsmeade, so I took care of them,” he explained carefully.
You smiled sweetly at him, lacing your fingers together in front of you. “I know, Severus.”
His breath caught in his throat. “You do?”
“Mhm. Truthfully it wouldn't have been the end of the world had those plants gone a couple of days without treatment, but I wanted to see what Lockhart would do and how he’d react to receiving false praise. I can’t say I’m surprised by the results, really. He’s as phony as ever.”
The potion master smirked. “Quite.”
You took a small step forward, stood on your tippy toes, and pressed a kiss to his forehead, making him flush pink when you pulled back and looked at him with twinkling eyes. “Thank you for taking care of my plants, Severus,” you murmured, affectionately squeezing his shoulders, before slipping inside of your office. Severus stood frozen in shock, his heart drumming in his chest before he managed to stop his brain from short-circuiting further. Without warning, he entered your office as well—you did have an open door policy after all—where he received another kiss. And another. And another…
He should plant-sit for you more often.
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sweetbonniebel · 1 month
Jaes's hen jēdar
God's of the sky
Daemon x reader
Summary: Aegon turns sixteen, Rhaenyra arrives at bloodstone.
Masterlist <-previous , next->
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123 AC
You caressed your slightly firm tummy as you stared at your reflection. Your thin linen gown allowed you to see your body. You sighed and turned around arriving at your desk. Various papers, inks. scrolls laid scattered on the piece of wood. A single candle illuminated the side of your face as you went over the books. 
The island’s income is getting better with every month. Merchants now know that they will not be attacked by rouge pirates or scavengers. Trade boomed, the ports grew like mushrooms after rain. 
But for your husband it was not enough. Well with seven children and five grown dragons things were not steep. The castle was still being built, chambers, dungeons, cellars all the works were added. Daemon demanded a castle as grand as the Red Keep but more fortified. You then questioned your brother.
“Why do we need such a large castle? There is only a handful of us. We do not hold court even.” 
“We are Targaryens we deserve nothing but the best.” He simply answered. You chuckled at his words, but he was honest in his determination. The castle grew each month, builders, masons, artists were employed. 
“What are you reminiscing about?” Daemon asked entering your private chambers. “You were not abed in our chambers.” 
“I had to go over the spending and income.” You answered pointing to the heavy tome in front of you. 
“You can do that all later, or at all.” He mused walking behind you. He placed a kiss at the nape of your neck, leaning over the chair. You leaned into his touch sighing quietly. “You should be resting.” 
“I am fine, Daemon. ‘Tis not the first time I am doing this.” You swatted away his worries. 
“Many women in my life fell to childbirth. My aunts, my mother and Laena. I simply do not wish to see you in pain.” 
“While I thank you for your worries, husband. I am perfectly capable of caring for myself. I have before, I shall do it now.” You answered beginning to scribble with a quill. “You should have faith in me, Daemon.” 
“I have nothing but faith, but childbirth is not something you or anyone else can control.” 
“Hmm.” You agreed and rolled your shoulders. 
“How is she?” He questioned after a moment of silence. His large, warm palm pressed against your flat but slightly firm tummy. That indicated life. 
“She’s fine. Makes me feel tired and nauseous but she’s fine.” 
“How will we name her?” 
“I haven’t thought about it, have you?” 
“…I have.” 
“And? What did you come up with?” 
“Perhaps Alyssa after my mother, or Gael after your mother.” 
“I do not like naming my children after other people, Baelon of course being the exception.”
“Why is that?” He questioned curiously. 
“I think that… names posses a certain power. Our names affect us, they add to our personality. What happened when you name a child after a man who was brutally murdered or a woman who turned insane. It just it seems weird to me. Especially the name Aegon.”
“Aegon? What’s wrong with that.” 
“I believe the conqueror’s names are cursed, but more so the name Aegon.” 
“Aegon the first is the patriarch of our house. He launched us into greatness, without him we still would be on dragon stone. No future Aegon will ever amount to his greatness, they cannot. No matter how hard they try. And each Aegon gets a worse faith than the last."
"How is that?"
"Aegon, Aenys's son was slain by Balerion. He was hated by the realm. Jaehaerys's and Alysanne's Aegon died in the cradle, your brother Aegon also died in the cradle."
"And what about this Aegon?" Daemon questioned.
"He is the son that Viserys so desired, only to throw him away after his birth, focusing only on Rhaenyra. Hated by his mother for being a reminder of the youth that was stripped from her. I want him to be happy, but I know his life will be filled with hardships."
Daemon nodded and silence fell between the two of you. You continued to scribe in the books as your husband watched you work.
"You never told me what happen in Dorne." The rogue prince said breaking the silence. You sighed and put the quill away.
"Because it would be treason." You simply answered.
"Treason? Now you piqued my interest, do pray tell."
"The man that poisoned Darren was hired by a man that served in the red keep. He said he was wearing green, the Queen's colours. The servant girl that delivered the poison is from some village near Old Town. I went to the maester's chambers, herbs used for making essence of Nightshade laid scattered through the shelves."
"You do not suggest it is that green's snake doing?" Daemon muttered. "But why? She's as pious as one can be. I think it is against her religion to kill a child."
"Isn't it obvious?" You questioned raising and eyebrow at him "She attacked my eldest son, as I have taken her eldest away from her. It is revenge."
"Otto would never allow it. I hate the cunt be he is clever."
"But you forget that Alicent is Queen, higher than the hand. Perhaps a fe years ago she wouldn't even take a breath if her father told her so. But now, she's a woman, a Queen and an anchor for the faith. She has loyal supporters."
"Then what do you suggest we do?"
"...I don't know, attacking her would be stupid. Demanding justice, stupid. She would just deny and accuse us of treason, we have to bide our time and gather more evidence."
"I'll see to it."
You nodded and watched your husband leave. You released the breath you were holding. What if Alicent truly meant to kill your son, will she stop after the first attempt or continue. Are any of your children safe?
You heard the door open once more.
"I will join you soon, Daemon." You muttered focusing on the heavy tome in front of you.
"Is it true?" You immediately raised your gaze to find Aegon standing before you. Fists balled up in anger. "Is my mother responsible for what happened to Darren."
"Aegon-" You stood up and took a careful step towards him.
"Tell me!" He raised his voice, you sighed and crossed your arms over your chest.
"I believe so..." A beat of silence passed.
"I have to go back." He stated suddenly.
"What?" You stalked towards him, you took his cheeks into your palms.
"She won't stop trying to hurt your family as long as I'm with here, and not with her."
"You are my family Aegon." You reasoned
"It's my fault Darren is hurt."
"That's nonsense, sweet boy. You are not responsible for your parent's actions. No child is."
"But I'm not a child am I? I'm a man now, I cannot hide behind your skirts hoping you'll fix my messes." Aegon lamented.
"Aegon, this is not your fault." You mused caressing his wavy hair.
"I have to go, I'll send a letter to my mother saying that I'll return to King's Landing." He stated "When they come for my name day celebration I'll return with them."
"You'll always have a place in my home, Aegon."
"I- thank you." He stiffly said and left your chambers.
Aegon stalked the halls searching for the familiar path that led him to Darren's room. He stopped at the foot of the door, his hand raised to knock. But he decided to enter unannounced.
The dark haired teen laid motionlessly in his bed. A duvet covered half his body. Aegon sat at the food of the bed, he sighed deeply and placed his head in his hands.
Darren stirred startling the Targaryen prince.
"Aegon?" Darren groggily asked seeing the familiar silhouette. "What are you doing here?"
"I- " He tried to form the words but nothing left his lips. Instead tears begun to pool in the corner of his violet eyes.
"Aegon what's wrong." Darren threw the covers off his body and sat next to Aegon, shoulders touching.
"I'm going back." The older boy finally said.
"Back where?" Oblivious, the Martell Prince asked.
"To King's Landing."
"What?" He breathlessly said. "No... No you promised you'll stay with me."
"You think I don't want to?" Aegon raised his voice and stared at the Dornish Prince before him, tears cascaded down his pale cheeks. "But it's my fault you're like this."
"How is my poisoning your fault?"
"It's my mothers doing."
"So it's not your fault then." Aegon widened his eyes.
"You're not mad at me?"
"Why would I be mad at you? Sure I'm mad I almost died but it's not because of you."
"Alicent won't stop trying to hurt you, or your siblings until I come back."
"And who said that?"
"It's obvious, Darren. She's mad that I was "taken" from her, so she's trying to get revenge on your mother by hurting you."
Darren chuckled, falling backwards onto the bed. Aegon joined him, his silver curls forming a halo. Darren found Aegon's hand and squeezed it reassuringly.
"I don't want to go, Darren." Aegon cried staring at the ceiling, tapestries of myths displayed in front of him.
"I know." The boy mused caressing, the olders palm with his thumb.
"But I have to, for your safety."
"Hmm." Darren sighed turning to stare at Aegon's profile.
"Why are you staring at me?"
"I don't know when will be the next time I'll get to see you like this. I want to memorise your face." Aegon blushed slightly. "Will you be okay?"
Aegon turned to stare at Darren's dark eyes.
"I'll have Sunfyre, I'll be fine."
"If you wish you'll always have a place at my court." Darren proposed.
"Your mother said the same thing."
"I am like my mother aren't I?"
"It's a good thing, you're courageous, caring and clever. y/n raised you well."
"She raised you as well, that means you're also good. A bit quiet but smart, brave like a dragon and handsome too." Darren teased, Aegon pushed him slightly as the younger laughed.
“Raise the chandelier higher.” You ordered standing in the middle of the ball room. The preparations for Aegon’s name day were hard to organize. The whole court along with other nobles will arrive any day now.
“Your highness which cloth should be placed over the tables.” You stared at the three different types of cloth the servant was holding. You pointed to the one of your choosing.
“I see you’re hard at work.” Daemon entered the hall. He placed a kiss to your lips and caressed your growing belly.
“Hmm.” You hummed and turned to coordinate to preparations. “I cannot wait to entertain all those nobles I hated as a child.”
“If you need me to cut out their tongues, just call me.”
“No matter how pleasing that sound I’m afraid I’ll have to decline.” You chuckled.
“The offer still stands if you wish.”
You heard dragon roars outside the castle. The familiar high pitched clicking of Syrax put a smile on your face. At least Rhaenyra will be here to accompany you.
“It seems we have guests.” Daemon said hearing the same.
“Yes, let’s go to the pit. Talya!” You shouted searching for the maid in charge of your children.
“Yes, your highness?”
“Please gather the children.” The maid dressed in a white hair covering bowed and scurried off. “I’ll go find Darren.”
Daemon nodded and went his way, you departed to climb the many stairs leading to the part of the castle that contained chambers.
You entered Darren’s chambers quickly and quietly. To your surprise you found Aegon in bed with him, the two sleeping. You sighed deeply and sat at the corner of the bed. Is this why they were so awkward with each other? But they seem at peace now.
You placed a hand on Darren’s shoulder and shook him gently. He awoke and yawned.
“Hello mother.” He simply said and continued to doze off. Aegon on the other hand shot up from the bed.
“Uh, a-aunt.” Aegon muttered covering his eyes with his hands.
“Good morrow Aegon.” You smiled and stood up walking over to the heavy wardrobe and pulling out garments for your eldest son. “Get up you two, freshen up and dress. Rhaenyra will be arriving soon.”
“I- Y-You’re not mad?” Aegon whispered. Darren stirred and sat up.
“Mad? Why would I be mad?” You questioned throwing Darren’s clothes at him, he mumbled a thank you mother and went to dress. Aegon stared in surprise at Darren.
“Well I-… Um I and Darren?” He stumbled over his words.
“Oh that? I suspected for quite some time." You admitted, Aegon paled. "Now get up and get dressed, guests will be arriving soon."
The two scurried away preparing for the welcome feast and a week of celebration.
You walked through the halls, various sculptures, tapestries and paintings hung from the walls. Torches illuminated and heated the cold stoney walls. Handmaidens, servants, cooks, butchers and others stalked through the castle, preparing chambers, food and cleaning the whole premises. You sighed and rubbed your belly.
Baela and Rhaena along with Nymor and the nursemaids that held your younglings were already awaiting your presence. The only left was Daemon, Darren and Aegon.
You brushed a loose strand of short hair from Baela’s cheek. She huffed at the pestering.
“Do I have to wear this?” She pointed to the teal dress with myrish lace and ruffles.
“Only for a short time, Baela. Then you can change into whatever you like.” You mused and walked over to Rhaena. She wore a soft pink gown with gold trimmings. Her long hair was half up and half down, a slight blush covered her cheeks.
“You look spledning, Rhaena.” You nodded at her, her twin snickered.
“It’s all for Luke no doubt.” She chuckled, Rhaena opened her mouth and then closed it, spewing a weak shut up.
“Do not pick on your sister.” Daemon approached and scolded the elder girl. Baela sunk in her position and nodded begrudgingly.
The gates opened to reveal three sets of carriages. The horses neigh and stomped their hooves. The knights riding ahead halted.
“Princess Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, the heir to the iron throne!” One of her banner men shouted. The small family begun to pour out of the stuffy carriage.
Rhaenyra sighed in relief as she glanced at the castle, her three sons followed suit and stood next to her.
The whole courtyard bowed before the princess of the realm, the heir quickly walked towards the gates.
“Princess, what an honor it is for you to grace us with your presence.” You bowed, a smirk played on your lips. Rhaenyra scoffed and motioned with her hand for you to stand. “It is good to see you.” You engulfed Rhaenyra in your arms, the younger woman returned the gesture.
“Rhaenyra.” Daemon approached taking her ringed hand and placing a kiss on her palm.
“Uncle.” She responded, her eyes fell towards your children. “And how have you all grown.”
You chuckled and took the heir by her arm “Come I am sure you are tired from your journey.”
“I have heard of what happened to Darren.” Rhaenyra said once you were comfortable in the sanctity of her chambers. “Terrible.”
“Yes… but he’s fine now.” You agreed.
“Are you not going to seek justice?”
“What do you propose I do? Fly to King’s Landing and demand the execution of the Queen?” You rubbed your temple “Time will come.”
“I suppose you’re right.” Rhaenyra sighed and reached for an empty goblet. She poured herself the sweet Dornish wine and took a sip.
“Now, what is this urgent business you had to tell me of?” You questioned.
“My father has proposed me a seat on the council.” She said.
“As hand?”
“As regent…I suppose it is your doing.” The Violet eyed woman mused. She took a seat next to you.
“Partially.” You admitted “Your father is sick, he does not sit the throne. Why would his hand rule in his steed when he has an appointed heir.”
“I am grateful for what you’ve done, but I’m not going to.” Her words shocked you, your eyes widened as you took in her features.
“Why?” Your voice came out a bit harsh, startling Rhaenyra.
“I do not wish to spend another moment in that vipers den, along with her. And my sons do not want to either.”
“You cannot be such a fool Rhae.” You demanded. “An opportunity of power is laid on a silver platter and you cast it aside over a squabble?”
“It is not a squabble-“ Rhaenyra protested but you silenced her.
“Whatever happened between you and Alicent was years ago. You are the heir but that does not do much. Viserys has a son and there are lords who will petition for him to be King instead of you. You must prevent this in the earliest stage of development .”
“And becoming regent will do that?” She questioned her brows furrowed.
“Of course! You’ll hold more power than the hand, you will show the realm you’re its rightful Queen. And when Viserys dies you will be there to inherit the crown.”
The realms delight sighed and sunk into her seat.
“After all these years of hoping for a son and failing he noticed me and named me heir. Defying custom and tradition. But now when he do gets a son he casts him aside. Fate is a funny thing isn’t it?”
You hummed agreeing.
“I wanted to visit you and introduce you to a person I hold dear to my heart.” Rhaenyra said after a moment of silence.
“Is he here?” You questioned knowing who she was speaking of. She nodded. “And what is your plan? Will you marry him? Name him Prince consort?”
“I do not know. Not now anyway.” She admitted “He makes me feel loved and appreciated. He likes the boys and is a good father figure to them.”
“But he’s Essosi.” You finished for her. “He has Valyrian blood, maybe it could be a pretext.”
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youare-number6 · 9 months
Mushroom Planet Revisited
More style tuning
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chronicowboy · 1 year
accidents happen (but i will love you on purpose) | 4.4k
They're in the baking aisle when Christopher brings it up.
"Am I just supposed to pretend I didn't see that earlier? Without a bribe?" he deadpans, eyebrows raised expectantly. Its such an Eddie look that Buck can't help but grin down at the price tags on the shelves.
"Pretend you didn't see what?" he asks as he compares the prices of self-raising flour.
"Buck." Chris sighs, long-suffering. Another Eddie-ism that Buck wants to bottle to give to Eddie on his worst days.
"Kid, I'm gonna need more than that." Buck grabs the bigger bag and drops it into the cart before turning to give Chris his full attention.
"I saw you kiss dad." Chris rolls his eyes. "You did it right in front of me."
"What?" Buck blinks. Of all the things he'd been expecting, well, let's just say that hadn't made the list.
He glances down at his list, tries to decipher Eddie's handwriting at the bottom of the page and promptly rolls his eyes at the unnecessarily expensive snacks he added there, gets a little chastened when he sees his own favourite brand of chips that he never allows himself to buy in Eddie's chicken scratch.
"Buck, you can't gaslight me," he scoffs, rolls his eyes harder. "I saw you French my dad."
"Where are you learning these words?" Buck blurts out, unwilling to face up to what his heart already seems to know as it pounds against his sternum.
"Mason." Chris shrugs. "He made a Tumblr account."
"He's eleven!" Buck squeaks, shooting an apologetic look at the single mother who flinches at the sound. "I'm telling his mom."
"No, Buck!" Chris groans, turns his puppy eyes up at Buck. "Pretend you didn't hear that, and I'll pretend I didn't see you French dad."
"I did not French your dad!" The words come out louder than expected, and Buck grimaces as the woman's baby starts to sniffle. She shoots him a dirty look, and he can only mouth a red-cheeked apology. "I did not French your dad," Buck hisses at Chris.
He'd know. Right? Like that's something Buck would know he did. Or, at least, he thinks so. Doesn't see how he could ever miss something like that. He's pretty certain he'd know if he'd kissed his best friend. This is probably just some evil mastermind plot to get something out of Buck. For all he knows, Eddie is probably in on it. A joint effort to turn Buck away from all the mushrooms he's been sneaking into their meals lately.
Yeah, that has to be it.
There's no way he kissed Eddie Diaz. Of all people! His very straight, totally platonic best friend. Buck doesn't even want to kiss him. Like, sure, he's objectively gorgeous. Handsome in his dumb dad Henleys, downright hot in his navy blue uniform, adorable in his cut-off sweats with that grumpy morning frog face of his. But a blind man could see how attractive Eddie is. That doesn't mean Buck wants to kiss him.
"I didn't French your dad," Buck repeats, just for certainty's sake, before heading towards the cocoa powder.
(OR: buck kisses eddie, goes grocery shopping with christopher, then realises he's in love with eddie - in that order)
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aiainight · 2 years
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mushroom gathering in the evening
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Full Mushroomcore Collection on Threadless
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