#mass effect andromeda scenery
sweeetestcurse · 2 months
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Scenery in Mass Effect: Andromeda 04/??
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madcat-world · 2 months
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Mass Effect Andromeda: Metal World - Richard Wright
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Mass Effect Andromeda planets 🪐✨
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roarmoreau · 1 year
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Founded in 2176 and launched in 2185, the Andromeda Initiative is a civilian, multi-species project created to send scientists, explorers, and colonists on a one-way trip to settle in the Andromeda Galaxy. With powerful benefactors lending their support, the program has grown substantially in scope since its inception. The Initiative’s ultimate goal is to establish a permanent presence on the seemingly resource-rich frontier of Andromeda and eventually create a reliable route between it and the Milky Way Galaxy.
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neffilin · 11 months
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kawaimoonshine · 8 months
Got a lot of ME:A screenshots/photo mode pics I want to share
Both funny and whatnot but very less the former, so gonna share those first, or that.
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Getting the Nomad stuck on the bridge was planned and Vetra on the other hand? Not so much.
Now for the more cinematic planned photos and testing and whatnot
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Testing out the "photo mode" with Vetra and playing around with it
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And finally while inside the vault with a bit more, ik what I'm doing
Unfortunately I couldn't add one more pic which was a variation of the first two of the vault pictures (only with halftone in it so it looks pretty similar to the second pic) but I reached the picture limit XD
Hope you liked them tho!
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albinoshepard · 2 years
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N7 Month 2022 - Day #01: Space
The infinite wonders of space
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djfatchip · 2 years
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Sara Ryder Sentinel - Leader - Liam Vanilla No Mods
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bioware-bard · 8 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
Received this message in my inbox right before my latest depressive episode, am currently trying to crawl back out of that dark pit, so this should be interesting.
Writing > Just in general, yeah. The action of writing, putting words together and forming sentences, creating images in the reader's mind. The feel and sound of skin brushing on paper, the scritches of the pen as it moves. Then the rush when an idea comes to mind, one that excites you as it fills a gap, solves a problem or is just fun.
Reading > Being transported to different worlds, realms and universes just by words on a page. I can't wait to get my hands on Sarah J. Maas' latest Crescent City book. Seriously, I'm not excited about much right now, but this book? This book I need in my life and I might spend some grocery money on it, because fuck it. It makes me happy. :D
A good book to TV adaptation > Netflix's atrocity that they blasphemously call The Witcher is a good example of how not to do it. You know which one did get it right? Percy Jackson and the Olympians. The season finale was yesterday and I can't wait for season 2! Everything about this show was great: the casting of the characters, the adaptations to the story, the sceneries and sets. Seriously, some of the shots on the show are exactly what those locations looked like in my mind when I was reading the book. Also, the new live action Avatar: The Last Airbender looks really good. Might have to borrow my dad's account to check it out.
BioWare Games > I'm way behind the times and only started playing BioWare games 3 years ago and started with Dragon Age: Inquisition 'cause, you know, I'm backwards. XD After finishing all of the Dragon Age games, the Mass Effect Legendary Edition was free for me with my Playstation subscription so I was like, "Eh, why not." (I thought it was just a shooter in space. I was stupidly ignorant.) That was about a year ago now and I am so glad I found these fandoms. Also, they're definitely my new comfort games: I played some Mass Effect 3 and Andromeda the past couple of weeks.
Comfort Characters > I can't talk about my favorite video games and then not mention the characters. Or, just share some gifs because it would be an entire essay if I started about why I love these characters.
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gay-nidoking · 6 months
Per the corrupt election held only days ago on this very blog, I have re-started my Mass Effect: Andromeda playthrough as a commentary-less playthrough, so no more of my second puberty voice. This new and improved episode 1 also has chapters, and a cool thumbnail, and a mod list!
I am aiming to be as complete as possible in this playthrough, so there will be a lot of exploring the map (and potentially getting lost), eavesdropping on npc conversations, and stopping to admire the scenery.
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fereldanwench · 2 years
got in A Mood and decided to browse my edits tag
a few thoughts/observations/rambles:
i've had this specific blog since 2016 and i've been doing various screenshots, gifs, moodboards, etc since i made it almost exactly 7 years ago. i have 109 pages in my mine: edits tag: - 54 of those pages are from 2016-2021 and encompass about half a dozen or so fandoms. - the other 55 pages? run from july 2021 until now and are almost exclusively cyberpunk (and more specifically, almost exclusively valerie and/or goro). the amount of ~*content*~ i made over the course of 5 years for 6-10 fandoms is almost the exact same amount of ~*content*~ for one game in the span of about a year in a half? like damn. if that doesn't just perfectly capture the brainrot.
it was very heartwarming and enlightening looking at some of my OCs/ships that i consider more or less "retired" at this point, like my ryder and jaal or my inquisitor and cullen. it was nice looking through all those sets again and having some warm fuzzies and seeing how they influenced later OCs/ships but also being content to be like yeah, that's it. we had good times, but we moved on just like we needed to.
on the flipside, it was also interesting going through some of them and seeing the OCs/ships that I'd like to revisit at some point. or possibly rework into cyberpunk. i think i could see some themes i had wanted to explore with my sole survivor acting as a foundation to really develop valerie's mother, whomst i haven't talked much about here but i have a lot of thoughts on. (although audrey (sole) and ava (valerie's mother) are kind of the antithesis of each other in that audrey never wanted a kid and wanted to pursue a career but ended up living the opposite whereas ava wanted a kid and felt pushed into the corporate world BUT ANYWAY I DIGRESS)
it was also kind of cool for me to see how my screenshot/vp style developed over the years. i wasn't even familiar with the term "virtual photography" until cyberpunk--i just thought of it as fucking around with a flycam and taking screenshots. the 'photography' element didn't even really click with me. but i can see where some of the stuff i was doing 6-7 years ago, even with moodboards, definitely influenced how i approach vp in cyberpunk.
and number/performance-talk, because even if i make stuff for me, i still think it's interesting to take note of trends and whatnot: - i definitely experienced a pretty noticeable drop off in notes post-2018 and the great tiddy purge. that shit really hit hard, damn - i remember in past fandoms i often felt like stillshots didn't get nearly as much love as gifsets (especially gaming scenery gifsets), and based on my own stuff, that does seem to track. i think the two big exceptions for me there were mass effect andromeda and now cyberpunk. which are very pretty games with very pretty characters and compatible with decent cinematic tools so idk, maybe they just work better in that format than, like, muddy potato-y dragon age origins, lmao.
anywhoooooo i also filled my queue up with some old posts so get ready for some vintage wench content over the next few days uwu
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sweeetestcurse · 12 days
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Scenery in Mass Effect: Andromeda 06/??
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notruevampire · 2 years
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I just finished Mass Effect Andromeda, and quite frankly, I loved the fuck out of it. I wish it hadn't been rushed and fucked over so badly. The game is SO CLOSE to being there. I'm heartbroken the series got axed.
This was the game I wanted to be playing: exploration, diplomacy, adventure, azure, mixed species crew, AI friend, and nifty tattoos. Yeah, the glitches sucked, and there needed to be way more side quests that weren't fetch quests or 'maybe you'll find it, but we sure won't help you' completion quests (seriously hated that). Also the 'no save during missions' thing could go to hell.
Spoilers after this:
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I wasn't in awe of the scenery as often as I was in previous games for some reason, which was sad. There was plenty to criticize. But frankly, if Mass Effect 3 wasn't building off ME 1&2, I doubt I'd have enjoyed it without DLC. And having Addison call Tann a colonizer for getting mad that I said the native species should get to speak for the cluster was *chef's kiss*. It was nice not being as constantly gaslit by leadership, though.
Anyway, I loved the game, and I really hope Bioware eventually reconsiders and puts out sequels. I want more of the Ryder twins' stories.
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perseus-veil · 4 years
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me:a scenery 4/?
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redjenbeees · 3 years
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Mass Effect: Andromeda - 2021 revisit [1/?]
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albinoshepard · 2 years
Alec Ryder.
A veteran galactic explorer.
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He enlisted as an Alliance soldier at a young age and was immediately distinguished by his great skills. For this reason he was chosen as a member of the special task force that took part in the historic journey through the Charon mass relay. He and the rest of the crew, led by Jon Grissom, were the first humans to explore the unknown beyond the Solar System. It's thanks to their heroic deeds that humanity has been able to expand and flourish in the Galaxy, and without their efforts we would never have gotten this far.
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Back on Earth, Alec Ryder would go on to further prove his mettle. His experience and his determination have made him a perfect candidate for a new special training, later be known as the N7 Program, solidifying himself as one of the first members of Alliance military's elite. Few people can boast this title and he's been a beacon and inspiration for many of them. He later gave maximum proof of this value by fighting on the front lines during the First Contact War, which reached its peak during the siege of Shanxi.
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Yet few in humanity remember his deeds. His controversial AI research and experimentation, illegal under Council law, resulted in a dishonorable discharge from the Alliance military and his memory was discredited. He later found himself fighting a lone battle, but in spite of his disgrace he did never give up, and it was thanks to his project that he was chosen to lead the Andromeda Initiative alongside Jien Garson. Without the SAM technology we could not have guaranteed a future for all species in this Galaxy.
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But above of all of this… he was my father.
I owe him everything. I wouldn't be here now without him. The things my father taught me made me a better woman and the Pathfinder you needed most. I hope my father knows that the seeds he sowed are still growing. He showed me how it feels to feel the sky within my reach and I always will remember all the strength he gave to me. I'll keep a part of him with me and everywhere I am, there he'll be.
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He will never be forgotten.
Once he said that when his time came, he wanted to go out among stars no one had seen before. Somewhere... there's a star that's shining so bright that I can see him smile. Thanks dad, for everything.
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N7 Month 2022 - Day #03: Veteran
Taken from the speech given by the human Pathfinder Aerrin Ryder at the inauguration of the memorial to Alec Ryder on Habitat 7, now known as Ryder-I in his honor.
🎶 Things My Father Said - Black Stone Cherry
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