#mass effect wiki
grtmnick · 6 months
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"My name is Padarth Raelbano. You killed my squamates. Prepare to die!"
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inkiedraws · 2 years
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Some Volus designs! plus a baby
Based of what little we know of them from the wiki i went with a design inspired by Monotremes. (platypus and echidnas) And a little bit of rain frogs.
I have some ideas that are based of caterpillars and larvae but tbh they are very scary and not ready to come out of the oven yet.
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shadesofmauve · 1 year
It all fits: The asari as conservative capitalists
[Thanks to @swaps55, @comeoniwantacoolname, @shadoedseptmbr, and everyone else who contributed to this wild red-string-connecting ride. Don't know all the tumblr names]
The asari: galactic influencers known for elegance and diplomacy. The only full natural biotics, powerful, graceful, and attractive to everyone they meet. The species at the pinnacle of advanced biotic technology.
And holders of immense wealth, acquired over 1,000-year life spans spent playing capitalist chess with galactic society.
Yes, the asari are the most technologically advanced race in the galaxy, but they're not innovators. They're ahead because protheans masquerading as gods gave them hot civilization tips that equated to a millennia-long head-start. They're ahead of the rest, but they move slowly. Within a few centuries — well within the life-time of most asari living today — they'll lose that technological advantage. From asari board rooms to Thessian political think-tanks, this is seen as a looming disaster.
Thankfully for the asari, long life-spans also mean the opportunity to amass huge amounts of wealth. You don't need to be an innovator if you can hire the best minds in the galaxy and lock them under a brutal non-compete contract. Buy out the competition entirely if you can; if that won't work, steal their secrets. You know how the council prohibited genetic modification and AI research because of 'ethics' and 'galactic safety'? Those laws also just happened to effectively quash scientific study in two areas where the asari were already starting to lag behind.
Ever wonder why the volus,creators of the whole financial system, don't have a seat on the council!? Who would want to keep the people who understand financial systems away from power, if not the people who are successfully gaming that system?
The asari reputation as master negotiators is chalked up to experience, skill, and empathy, but the unspoken threat is their ability to stop any negotiation dead in it's tracks. They are the masters of stalling, stonewalling, and passive blockades. Other species might filibuster. An asari can walk away from the table and wait for you to die.
It may look like galactic civilization is a multi-species effort gracefully guided by wise elder asari. It's actually a bunch of shorter-lived species being held over a barrel by sexy blue Mitch McConnell.
Sure, their kids go out and dance at bars or get involved in mercenary groups. That's fine: other species tend to underestimate you when all they see is your trust-fund kids tearing it up on their decades-long spring break. And it's not that risky. Mamma can always buy junior's way into the best armor (or out of jail).
A vastly-longer life lends itself to even more unethical behavior, though. Y'know that super popular dating site? Did you know if you dig through the front companies it's asari-owned? Did you realize when you submitted your genetic profile to 'help find your perfect match using proprietary technology' you also signed away rights to your own genome? No, of course you didn't — the fine-print is forty-six pages long! Forty-six pages is nothing to an attorney with a thousand-year life span! And they REFUSE to share their matching algorithm. Why?! Because they're BREEDING US. They can choose the traits they want using your own genetic code, and only match you with mates likely to pass them on! It's not a service, it's eugenics via tindr. It doesn't matter if doing that via dating app is wildly inefficient; when you have 1,000 years inefficiency doesn't matter!
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weirdbabs · 1 year
i am once again thinking about how fucked it is that sacrificing like half to three fourths of the ships/crews to save 3 people is considered a paragon option but sacrificing about 75% of your unit to defeat the enemy is renegade. why would sacrificing thousands of people to save 3 be considered “compassionate” or “heroic” while sacrificing 75% of your unit (which is 7-14 people apparently, so like 5-11 people) to ensure you won is considered “ruthless” or “apathetic”
(i know why. its bc the first mass effect game doesnt really seem to have a grip on what it wants its morality to be much more than blue= nice, good and red= bad, mean)
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flame2ashes · 1 year
So Garrus has a sister named Solana, but is it actually confirmed that she’s the younger one? I feel like there could be a possibility that she’s older, and to me that opens up a lot of funny possibilities
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ferniliciousness · 6 months
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I am feeling very subconcious, but I give an offering.
I love this, but the more I look at it the more I feel like its terrible so I'm throwing it to the wind before I burn it.
Little scene writing fun under the cut.
Butler: Gaia, when I asked to see your guns this is not what I meant.
Gaia: Yeah I know, but this was funnier.
Every human dying of laughter in the background while all the alien crew have no idea what the fuck is going on.
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lucius-the-sinful · 2 months
System Alliance Dossier: Zafir Daedlock
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D.O.B: April 11th, 2143
P.O.B: Luna
Rank: Captain
Classification: N7 Infiltrator
Status: Active
Psychological Profile: Daedlock's dedication and effectiveness is highly respected by most leadership within the Alliance. However, due to events during his service, he is restricted from participating in tours within the Terminus System unless approved by Admiral Steven Hackett.
Pre-Service History: Born on a Luna military base to Commander Einar Daedlock and Saadiya Daedlock. Before the First Contact War, his father was on tour in Shanxi, his family living on the colony. Commander Einar was killed in action during first contact, and Daedlock's mother and sister were killed in crossfire on an escape vessel.
Notable Records:
-N7 Designation, Interplanetary Combatives Training as of 2163.
Tours of Duty: RESTRICTED
-2161 Arcturus Station Security detail and special operative training as part of the Interplanetary Combatives Academy.
-2162 Europa Patrol and reconnaissance (recommended showing exceptional dedication, integrity, and leadership ability)
-2163 Arcturus Station Graduated at the N7 level with honors.
-2165 Camala Led the ground team to evacuate Kahlee Sanders
-2168 SSV Hyderabad Led the assassination of Eluam Ran'perah and destruction of the Tunerron on Alsages
-2170 SSV Einstein Rescue and recovery of the Mindoir colony
-2171 SSV Leipzig Commanding officer; sabotage of a batarian slaver vessel in the Viper Nebula
-2171 Earth Removed from duty at the request of the Citadel Council
-2176 SSV Agincourt Led sabotage team to take down batarian communications during the Skyllian Blitz
-2183 SSV Normandy Assigned under the command of Commander Shepard as a special agent
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sol-consort · 20 days
i wish Mass Effect wiki editiors were as obsessed with their characters as the Pathologic wiki editors are
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masterweaverx · 11 months
End of the Month Fic Roundup
Happy all hallow's eve, to those of you who care about such a thing! I've been publishing a few treats, and I do have one trick to play...
First of all, another chapter of Japari Interstellar has come out, for those of you who love stories about cute animal people making first contact with aliens. And there's also Power of the Chosen One's new chapter, if you're into the interactions of fae gods and superheroes.
Then we've got a quick smattering of one-shots and snippets: an altpower called Chrysalis, for those of you who like Kafkaesque transformation; another little bit of Central Collapse, featuring the ramblings of a depressed man; and further delving into Vaita Ketotakha, where a bargain is struck between two psychics.
If you're into meatier stories, though, Vista of the Stars got four updates this month, during which our intrepid heroine settles into her new life on Ryloth over the course of a year. Or perhaps you'd like An Injection Of Chaos, where a young girl is blessed with access to the multiverse but cursed with a lack of control.
And finally, an announcement: Some of you may remember that fun meta story, Describing The Series Via References. It hasn't gotten an update this month... but it will get one next month. That's right, this monster has lain dormant for almost a year, but for everyone who wants to jump on... the real ride's finally about to begin.
Please remember that writers are artists too, and artists need support! Here is my Patreon if you want to support me long term, and here is my ko-fi if you want to support me short term. I really depend on this for... basically all my income. If you can't fund me monetarily, reblogs are also appreciated!
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Huh, I didn't know Shepard's psychological profile affected renegade/paragon points
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jackwillwrite · 1 year
there are so many joys to being a writer but one that i find endlessly amusing is that i just immediately start taking notes when i experience a unique pain for you know writing purposes
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gavinopricey · 2 years
Love that biotics canonically need to eat a shit ton of calories per day and supplement between meals with sugary drinks and snacks. ME1 biotic Shepard and Kaidan just absolutely destroying the galley every day around midnight because they’re fuckin HUNGY
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villainanders · 2 years
I like that I’m into the last ME game playing a biotic and I still don’t really understand what biotic powers are
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gwendolyn-of-loxley · 2 years
N7 Month, Day 3 - Veteran
Hoisting himself up, John watched as Garrus and Tali headed out to use the restrooms before they returned home.  Put in charge of the leftovers, the Spectre adjusted his stance, ready to put a little more weight on his cane, before picking up the bag from the table.  He never could remember that this place had such large portion sizes.  
"Commander Shepard?"
Turning on his cane, John raised an eyebrow.  He was no stranger to getting recognized, and it wasn't an unpleasant experience, but it didn't usually happen here on Rannoch.  At this point, the people who saw him were usually quarians who'd been his neighbors for the past thirty years.  This voice was distinctly human, or at least didn't hold any distinctly non-human accent. 
His gaze met that of another human, and a somewhat familiar one at that.  She was on the taller side, bearing sunkissed skin, emerald eyes, and deep brown hair.  The corners of her eyes were joined by very faint crow's feet, and the roots of some hair had begun to gray, though not very deeply.  A hopeful smile had taken her lips, and her gaze harbored an anxiety that she had either misspoken or guessed incorrectly.  Her stance was a strong one, strengthened in consequence of her life.  Unfortunately, however hard he tried, he couldn't quite place her name.
"You'll have to excuse me," John said, "but I'm drawing a blank on your name.  Have we met?"
"Rodriguez, sir.  I was one of the biotic students you rescued at the Grissom Academy during the… back in the day," she said, and the pieces clicked in his mind.  He remembered a nervous, scared teenager, brimming with biotic power and faced with a situation she didn't deserve.  He remembered her shrugging off Atlas mech fire with bubble shields, driven by Jack’s words.  His lips curled into a prideful smile.  She'd sure grown up in the past thirty years.
"Grissom Academy," John said.  "Yes, I remember.  Though you don't need to call me sir," he chuckled.  "I am thoroughly retired."
She smiled, taking a step toward him.  “Then you can call me Maria, Mr. Shepard.”
John chuckled, setting down the bag, offering his hand for her to shake.  “Please, Maria, you can call me John.”  She shook his hand, and he couldn’t help but bask in the feeling of seeing someone familiar.  He loved his neighbors on Rannoch, but it was a delight to encounter someone he’d walked through the old days with.  “So, what brings you to Rannoch,” he asked, putting his free hand into his pocket.  “Got friends here?”
Maria nodded, standing up a little straighter.  “My son’s fiance has family here.  I’d never been, and they wanted to see some of his family outside of a formal event, so I managed to catch a jump.”  She looked out the window.  “It’s always nice being somewhere warm after doing Alliance work.”
John hummed, joining her in watching the sandstone mesas.  “It certainly is a nice change of pace.”  The Spectre looked at her again, nodding with his head toward some vague idea of space.  “Are you still serving?”
At first giving a nod, Maria shook her hand, a grimace on her face.  “More desk work these days.  I take it how it comes.  It’s boring as hell, but…”
He picked up her trail.  “But it’s better than excitement.”  He thought about how wonderful it was to become bored with Tali and Garrus over the past few decades.  How perfectly dull their life together was allowed to become because of survival.  “You keep up with any of the other students?  With Jack?” 
She shrugged, and the Shepard frowned with concern.  “Jack kept up with all of us for a while, but she’s been quiet.  I’m hearing rumors that she’s kicking around the Terminus Systems, gunning down pirates as a day job.  Has she called you?”  John let his poker face dominate, not willing to either confirm or deny that she had, indeed, stolen a pirate ship and had been terrorizing gangs for years.  Every once in a while she sends him a gruesome selfie via omnitool.  He hoped she never stopped. 
“The other students… well, we just sort of drifted.  Grew up, grew apart.  It felt hard to stay together when the really bad stuff was what we had most in common.”  She looked off somewhere, thinking for a second.  “I did have a drink with Prangley last month, though.  He’s doing well.  Retired.  Runs a bakery out in the Traverse.”
John raised his eyebrows at that.  “Sounds nice.”
Maria smiled a little.  “Yeah.  It does.”  She looked back into the field of tables, eyes resting on a group of quarians sitting with a man wearing Rodriguez’s eyes.  She turned back to John. 
“Thank you for talking with me.”  
“Of course,” he said.  “Any time.  Enjoy your dinner.”
As she walked off, he pondered the sight of Maria Rodriguez’s son sitting intimately close to a young quarian.  He remembered a frightened kid sipping a juice box out of pure anxiety, blue sparks around her fingers.  He smiled, happy to have been there.  
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princess-massacre · 1 year
Bioware's greatest crime is making Jack straight when they originally intended for her to be pansexual, all to appease the critics from Fox News.
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flame2ashes · 1 year
Okay I need to figure out where in the game was Kaidan’s name spelled as “Kaiden” because I realize I also misspelt his name at first but I can’t figure out the reason why other than that somewhere in-game his name was being spelt wrong and then people just never bothered clarifying the actual spelling
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