#mass terminate??
commissionsdarian · 1 year
Fucking hate Reg. I swear to fuck
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
In terms of Wenclair nicknames, I believe in ‘Enid using Willa’ supremacy and φεγγάρι μου (‘my moon’ in Greek) is especially beloved to me, but I also love little shit Enid who calls Wednesday any day of the week EXCEPT Wednesday (“Hey, Monday!” “What do you think about this Sabbath?” “Oh thank god you’re here Friday”) and it annoys her favorite murder goth to NO END but slowly said murder goth becomes endeared by her roomate’s antics as feelings start to tumble and bloom away. Besides ‘my moon’, I can also see her calling Wednesday ‘silly raven’ in Greek.
Meanwhile, Wednesday has this wholeass evolution from shit like “mutt” to way softer nicknames because Gomezifcation™️ is a powerful thing. She starts to pine and internally call Enid her Alectrona (a greek goddness of the Sun, known for sunrise or ‘waking from slumber’, a perfect combo of how Enid brings light to Wednesday as well as her inner wolf finally waking up), but slowly she starts using it out loud along with “mi sol” (‘my sun’, Spanish), “mon petit chiot” (‘my little pup’, French), and “la mia vita” (‘my life’, Italian). Enid melts everytime without fail and stutters in Greek and honestly? Who could blame her when Wednesday has that passionately lovestruck shine in her eyes as adoration drips from devout lips.
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jackalopescruff · 2 months
oh im for sure already blocking the dashcon 2 blog fuck that fuck this website how are you even gonna after everything that has happened good fucking lord sfdkjg
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onstantinescream · 5 months
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They have no value in these calculations
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ego-lore · 3 months
i don't feel like remaking the polls here so go to my twt and vote :)
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government mandated floor time
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chellodello · 8 months
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You can’t just spring stealing a baby on someone Dib.
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treasuredtobio · 2 months
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hatboyproject · 1 year
Hi! I absolutely love your work! And really wanted to thank you for putting in so much of your time and effort into creating what really is the best addition to Mass Effect ever! Out of curiosity how much new content do you reckon there will be in the LE version? Compared to the OT version that is. Thanks again for your work, you are truly a godsend!
Hi, thank you for your kind words!
There is a lot of new content for the Legendary Edition:
It features completely new and much higher quality audio across the board
It has several entirely new conversations
A mechanic which tracks what kind of approaches you take with Jeff, and he responds a little differently accordingly
It has reworked scripts with improved attention to narrative flow and adjusted pacing
Some reworked and improved animations
Fully supports both female and male Shepard
Fixed a narrative sequence issue that meant two of the four different Citadel endings I made for him could never trigger
Fixed a narrative sequence issue that meant several ambient NPC conversations I made for him in Citadel could never trigger
Fixed a narrative sequence issue that could cause EDI's second vanilla conversation about free will that takes place in Flux Bar to never trigger
Planned Content:
Joker as the Citadel date
The ability to tell Joker what happened to his little sister, unlocked by certain conditions
Over-the-radio comments during the DLC mission where Shepard returns to the SR1 on Alchera
Improved romance scene model
Various additional romance-specific dialogues
Occasional over-the-radio comments during certain missions
Additional ambient dialogue between Joker & some other NPCs
Dialogue for some NPCs acknowledging the relationship specifically, in keeping with vanilla LIs
Custom romance scene animations (Joker walking into the room with a limp, new action in the cutscene before the fade-to-black)
Honestly out of those the one I want most out of those is the most complex. I'm not sure how I'd manage to bake new animations for them that have the right coordinates. We do have the models with bones intact, but not their controls (IK handles, etc) so I'd probably need to rig them up. Rip the cabin environment & set it up in Maya for reference. Animate the scene, then bake & export. Possible, but time consuming. Would rather farm that out if possible, but... I'm not going to hold my breath, haha!
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major-alenko · 7 months
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read this in a book the other week and cannot stop thinking about Shepard in the first half of me2 lol
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butch-reidentified · 1 year
no please do show your Tumblr screenshots to law enforcement, anon. I'm sure they're gonna take that super seriously
in the interest of honesty and accuracy: you said you don't follow me, then immediately proceeded to claim I treat radical feminism as an identity rather than a set of actions. maybe do your homework before making claims then? bc I swear I talk soooo fucking much about how the only thing that truly matters is irl action, I talk about so many of the irl actions I take and how I'm organizing in my community. this is just a ridiculous claim, I'm sorry.
second, I've never even been to Arizona lmao. at least get the shit right if you're gonna threaten to go talk to ~law enforcement~ you said you had screenshots of all my posts but got basic shit wrong 🤡
"don't bother deleting/erasing this stuff bc I have screenshots." I do not delete things. I also do not send on anon (ever). It simply goes against my beliefs. I own what I say and do 100%. I wouldn't have posted the shit in the first place if I was worried about people taking screenshots and doing whatever with them. use your brain honestly. and speaking of irl action, how exactly is running to the cops over the death of a pedophile feminist action? got me fucked upppp with this one fr
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cyberpunkboytoy · 9 months
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I've decided it is imperative that I find out the answer to this. This will be the Men-Likers Post. (Women-Likers version here)
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Concuss: He's so nice. Sooo nice. So tired of being nice. Seconds away from going apeshit. (Pretend he's stockier, I keep accidentally twink-ifying him.)
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Lacerae Shun: edgy Hot Topic femboy, extreme simp. Would wear a maid dress for you.
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Vagus: what if a white haired anime boy was buff and introverted? And terrified of confrontation?
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Evan: you want to fuck the old man. You want to fuck him sooooooo bad. (Kind of a nag, but will do you taxes for you. And enjoy it.)
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Dulce: Absolute mess of a human being. Absurdly tall (6'11"), raised on a diet of cigarettes and violence.
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Luka: Softboy cyborg, Very Horny about being a robot. Very sweet when he's not goading you into touching his wires (during which he's still sweet, but also kind of intense).
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Damien: Friendly, somewhat snarky e-boy. Will photograph you and buy you treats. Pretend I know how to design tattoos.
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tau1tvec · 1 year
I tell ya, it’s always something with The Sims CC community.
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shannaraisles · 3 months
Worth Fighting For - for @queenofthyme
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For the charming @queenofthyme, who requested something flirty and epistolary for a pre-relationship Fem!Shepard x Kelly Chambers, and gave me the opportunity to play in the Mass Effect sandbox for a little bit. Thank you, lovely!
Worth Fighting For
TO: ShepardCommander FROM: ChambersYeoman SUBJECT: Preferences
Forgive the informality of the request, but I neglected to ask during our conversation what pronouns you prefer to use, and how you would prefer to be addressed. Your comfort in command is a high priority during these first days of our mission. How would you like to be referred to among the crew?
Kelly Chambers
TO: ChambersYeoman FROM: ShepardCommander SUBJECT: Re:Preferences
Call me nuts, but I prefer my subordinates to be the comfortable ones around me. Commander’s good, doesn’t need to be any more fancy. Shepard once you’ve earned it. She/they, doesn’t much bother me either way. 
P.S. See? Doesn’t take much to earn it. And, by the way, you’re much more fun to look at than a janky V.I.
TO: ShepardCommander FROM: ChambersYeoman SUBJECT: Checking in
Your visits to the lower decks have gone down very well. Most of the crew seems very reassured that you don’t consider us to be your enemy, despite your experiences with Cerberus. I would like to discuss those past experiences with you, if it would be at all possible. Your past trauma may be something we can soothe through information sharing exercises
Kelly Chambers
P.S. I hear you kicked ass at Skyllian poker last night. Shame the stakes were so tame.
TO: ChambersYeoman FROM: ShepardCommander SUBJECT: Re: Checking in
Tame? Would you have preferred to see him running for the dorms in nothing but his skivvies? It’s very doable, just say the word. 
I have it on good authority that dinner tonight is going to be not only edible but enjoyable. Come join me in the mess, you can finally get that in with Joker and the doctor you’ve been hinting at. Maybe even a conversation with Garrus if he’s done with his calibrations for the day.
TO: ShepardCommander FROM: ChambersYeoman SUBJECT: Re: Checking in
That wasn’t an answer to the main question. I am here to facilitate your needs, not only when it comes to the administration of your work, but also to assist with your recovery following the traumas you have already experienced.
Don’t make me schedule an appointment in the diary.
Kelly Chambers
TO: ChambersYeoman FROM: ShepardCommander SUBJECT: Re: Checking in
Don’t threaten me with a good time. Because that will not be a good time. I can handle it, Kelly. I’d much rather enjoy the view from my terminal than avoid it because you’re openly psycho-analyzing me. Call me crazy, I prefer the stealth approach when it comes to me. Just don’t pop up unexpectedly in my shower.
TO: ChambersYeoman FROM: ShepardCommander SUBJECT: Aliens vs. humans
You mentioned you don’t see race or gender, just character. Does that only apply to aliens, or can I stop pretending to be a supposedly normal, well-adjusted human being in your presence? I can definitely guarantee I have a whole lot of character.
P.S. Grunt has promised not to crowd you in the elevator so long as you promise not to smell so good when you walk past him. That’s his compromise, so I’m going to find you a perfume that turns krogan stomachs. No offense.
TO: ShepardCommander FROM: ChambersYeoman SUBJECT: Re: Aliens vs. humans
Commander, that subject line is very misleading. But thank you for speaking with Grunt, it is very much appreciated. I believe the line of perfumes made by Goddess Essentials are particularly repugnant to krogan, though I would not like to cause him any actual harm. Perhaps I should just take the service ladders instead.
TO: ChambersYeoman FROM: ShepardCommander SUBJECT: Re: Aliens vs. humans
Have to give Miranda something to get excited about before disappointing her with the actual subject matter. And yes, I know you’re reading my mail, Miranda. I will find a way to stump you.
As for you, Yeoman Kelly Chambers, was that a note of disapproval I detect in this highly unemotional, non-contextual manner of communication? Perhaps you should reprimand me in person if you don’t want to hurt my feelings.
TO: KellyGrrl FROM: JShepReborn SUBJECT: Privacy at last
Well, hello there, KellyGrrl. At last I have tracked down your private comm. (I tracked it down, you did not give it to me. That’s the story and we’re sticking to it, no matter what Mr Illusive might say.)
That said, are you sure you’re doing okay? You seemed very rattled by what happened with the Collector ship trap. Not complaining about the hug - in fact, feel free to hug rather than salute - but you know you’re allowed to have an emotional response to a stressful situation too, right? Hugs go both ways. I have muscular arms that give safe harbour-type hugs, so I’m told. They’re open for you anytime.
P.S. Miranda, if anything said in these private communications end up in your reports to The Illusive Man, you will learn exactly why a large number of people in this galaxy are personally afraid of me.
TO: JShepReborn FROM: KellyGrrl SUBJECT: Re: Privacy at last
I’m fine, Shepard. I was more worried for you than for myself. After all, you were the one trapped on a Collector ship we have no way of destroying if it came to it, and you would not have been there had our own organization manipulated the situation. The end does not always justify the means, especially where your life is concerned. A highlight of my day is watching you walk away ... that is quite the physique you have cultivated there.
Goodness, that was very flirty, wasn’t it?
TO: KellyGrrl FROM: JShepReborn SUBJECT: Flirty McFlirtersson called ...
... she’d like you to know your butt flirts with me behind your back. Don’t sweat about doing it consciously, you have my attention, honey.
TO: JShepReborn FROM: KellyGrrl SUBJECT: Re: Flirty McFlirtersson called ...
Oh, my.
In that case, we definitely need to swing by the Citadel some time soon. I have an order on hold at This One’s that will do wonders for my rear end’s escapades.
TO: KellyGrrl FROM: JShepReborn SUBJECT: Re: Flirty McFlirtersson called ...
Citadel, here we come.
“Commander, you have a new message at your private terminal.”
Commander Jane Shepard raised a brow at the very formal tone in her yeoman’s voice, glancing to where the other woman stood at her own terminal. Kelly was focused on her work, apparently utterly engrossed in what looked like a logistics report. Around them, the command center of the Normandy buzzed with industry, crew members going about their work with warm efficiency. If they were aware of the flirtation between their commander and the yeoman, they gave no sign of it.
The commander activated her terminal, absent-mindedly opening the first message without really registering who it was from.
And stared.
That was ... Yes, that was a very nice picture of Kelly. Possibly not command center appropriate, though.
Clearing her throat, Shepard quickly closed the message, encoding it and sending it through several rounds of encryption back to her own private comm channel before deleting it from this terminal as thoroughly as possible. Acutely aware of her dry throat, she coughed delicately before stepping away.
“I’ll be in my cabin,” she informed the yeoman, biting down on a laugh at the knowing smirk that flickered on Kelly’s face as she acknowledged the information. 
Wicked woman, that one, but so much fun. 
Definitely worth fighting for. 
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arctic-hands · 11 months
Dunno if it's just me or The Times, but lately when I go to the hospital–either E.R or just for appointments–they'll not only ask me if I have a will or an advanced directive (normal), but now when I say "no" they've been asking me if I want information on how to get one (new, abnormal, strange and eerie). My sleep specialist went so far as to print out the information packet for me
What do they know that I don't know 👀
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blitzbefallen · 1 month
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@diewithaname sent: "Quit your grinning." — Owen Blackthorne
'Things My Friends' Muses Have Said' prompts
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Shepard had stopped over to Owen's little corner to check up on him; last mission, he had taken a little more heat than what was desired, and a visit with Chakwas was ordered. The meds the doctor had given him, well... it revealed that there was a side of Owen that Astrid hadn't seen—not that she had any qualms with it. And now she was seeing how he was doing a few hours after his interaction with the non-human crew, involving reminding him of his little 'presentation', much to his chagrin.
"I'm sorry!" Laughter spills from the Commander's lips, light and playful. "But you should have seen yourself! You brought up the Bermuda Triangle! To our alien crew!" The Commander's outburst is disrupted by gasps, the woman attempting to refill her lungs with sharp inhales. "Agh, my sides..!" Arms wrapping around her waist, Astrid pauses once more as she attempts to recollect herself, her gasps for air turning into deeper breaths to finally settle her racing heart. Despite all that, the softest chuckle still made its way out.
"I think you managed to convince Tali to never visit Earth."
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