#master hunter romulus
senatuspromo · 2 years
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NAME/ALIASES. UTP AGE & BIRTH DATE. Prehistoric & Unknown SPECIES. Aspect GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male & He/Him or He/They AFFILIATIONS. N/A OCCUPATION. UTP FACECLAIM SUGGESTIONS (must be black poc). Idris Elba,  Aldis Hodge, Billy Porter, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Jesse Williams, Michael B Jordan, Isaiah Mustafa, Daniel Sunjata.
Chosen by The First, Oztalun, Octavian was a hunter who took mercy on a man who’d stolen from his village in the early years of their society’s stratification. The man in question revealed himself in the form of a golden dragon, one who reared his head and blew flames across Octavian. The second archdruid to be made, Octavian went on to choose others who had traits most aligned with his own to bestow the druidic gift upon. He mastered his own abilities and rose as a protector of humanity, a second born in a generation of four archdruids. In the early days he and Oztalun were friends, his siblings were close, and together they rid the world of scourges that threatened humanity. Monsters and demons, he was a warrior, a hunter, a brother, a friend, and eventually a father. The hubris of him and his siblings attracted the attention of infernal forces, Python, Ayi’ig, and Tiamat. Python wormed their way into the mind of Netellia, Octavian’s younger sister, and through a foul ritual, the Necronomicon was written. While Octavian’s younger brother Aren slept, it fell to Dionaeia and he to defeat Netellia and to seal not only the Necronomicon away, but Netellia’s soul as well.
When the fighting ended neither sibling would ever be the same, the anguish they felt and the feelings of betrayal festered in Octavian’s heart for centuries. Millennia passed and conspirators of the coven of Asphodel liberated the necronomicon, while eventually Octavian allied with the senate to bring down the coven of necromancers, it became clear that the book needed to be safeguarded. Divided into three, Octavian took a portion of the book for himself and sealed it away so that it couldn’t fall into the wrong hands. What Octavian did not anticipate was how powerful the book’s influence would be, even divided into three. The necronomicon slowly corrupted his mind, he saw enemies everywhere as his mind began to decay towards the dark. His own child was taken to a pyre as hatred settled in the archdruid’s heart, rage so profound that eventually he became one of the very things that he’d fought against for so many years, a chimera. In Rome Octavian rampaged, he lost control as the amalgamation of his many traits took hold and went violent. It took the full weight of the senate to bring him to heel, while the public was told that Octavian had been killed, Romulus made the decision to imprison him indefinitely. Over five hundred years Octavian spent within his cell as he honed the dark magic into an art form, when at last he was broken free he rose from his ashes a chimera no more but a phoenix. For too long the druids had been in decline, it was time for them to rise once more.
Romulus: Imprisoned by the magister, Romulus allowed the druids to believe that Octavian had died and would someday reincarnate, that the decline of their kind had been orchestrated by fate and not by the senate.
Pythia: Corruptor of Netellia, it was Pythia who led Octavian’s sister down the path that made Netellia sacrifice so many druids to create the Necronomicon. Because of Pythia Octavian had no choice but to kill his own sister.
Phoenix Form: A perfect chimera, Octavian can turn into a phoenix at will and will always retain his humanity.
Phoenix Fire: The hottest element in the magical world, phoenix fire takes on an azure hue, it can burn away spirits, curses, injuries, and sickness, depending on the intention behind it.
Immortal: While mortal wounds will kill Octavian, upon his death he’ll burst into flames. From the ashes he will emerge once more, unscathed. He’ll never age and is no longer restricted to a five-hundred year lifespan like other druids.
Druidic Blessing: Octavian is able to turn mortals into druids, this applies to humans, witches, and lycans. Additionally, he is able to revoke this blessing and make druids mortal.
Mortality: While durable, Octavian’s body is still mortal, when he is killed he bursts into flames and emerges a time later from the ashes. Everytime Octavian is killed, it takes longer for him to return.
Binding: Several witches, druids or fey can bind him to his ashes if killed.
Animal Binding: Several witches, druids, or fey can bind him to his phoenix form if banded together.
Lycanthropy: While Octavian can no longer be turned into a lycan, their bite is poisonous to him and would prevent him from using his magic until recovered.
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senatushq · 2 years
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NAME/ALIASES. UTP AGE & BIRTH DATE. Prehistoric & Unknown SPECIES. Aspect GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male & He/Him or He/They AFFILIATIONS. N/A OCCUPATION. UTP FACECLAIM SUGGESTIONS (must be black poc). Idris Elba,  Aldis Hodge, Billy Porter, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Jesse Williams, Michael B Jordan, Isaiah Mustafa, Daniel Sunjata. 
Chosen by The First, Oztalun, Octavian was a hunter who took mercy on a man who’d stolen from his village in the early years of their society’s stratification. The man in question revealed himself in the form of a golden dragon, one who reared his head and blew flames across Octavian. The second archdruid to be made, Octavian went on to choose others who had traits most aligned with his own to bestow the druidic gift upon. He mastered his own abilities and rose as a protector of humanity, a second born in a generation of four archdruids. In the early days he and Oztalun were friends, his siblings were close, and together they rid the world of scourges that threatened humanity. Monsters and demons, he was a warrior, a hunter, a brother, a friend, and eventually a father. The hubris of him and his siblings attracted the attention of infernal forces, Python, Ayi’ig, and Tiamat. Python wormed their way into the mind of Netellia, Octavian’s younger sister, and through a foul ritual, the Necronomicon was written. While Octavian’s younger brother Aren slept, it fell to Dionaeia and he to defeat Netellia and to seal not only the Necronomicon away, but Netellia’s soul as well. 
When the fighting ended neither sibling would ever be the same, the anguish they felt and the feelings of betrayal festered in Octavian’s heart for centuries. Millennia passed and conspirators of the coven of Asphodel liberated the necronomicon, while eventually Octavian allied with the senate to bring down the coven of necromancers, it became clear that the book needed to be safeguarded. Divided into three, Octavian took a portion of the book for himself and sealed it away so that it couldn’t fall into the wrong hands. What Octavian did not anticipate was how powerful the book’s influence would be, even divided into three. The necronomicon slowly corrupted his mind, he saw enemies everywhere as his mind began to decay towards the dark. His own child was taken to a pyre as hatred settled in the archdruid’s heart, rage so profound that eventually he became one of the very things that he’d fought against for so many years, a chimera. In Rome Octavian rampaged, he lost control as the amalgamation of his many traits took hold and went violent. It took the full weight of the senate to bring him to heel, while the public was told that Octavian had been killed, Romulus made the decision to imprison him indefinitely. Over five hundred years Octavian spent within his cell as he honed the dark magic into an art form, when at last he was broken free he rose from his ashes a chimera no more but a phoenix. For too long the druids had been in decline, it was time for them to rise once more. 
Romulus: Imprisoned by the magister, Romulus allowed the druids to believe that Octavian had died and would someday reincarnate, that the decline of their kind had been orchestrated by fate and not by the senate.
Pythia: Corruptor of Netellia, it was Pythia who led Octavian’s sister down the path that made Netellia sacrifice so many druids to create the Necronomicon. Because of Pythia Octavian had no choice but to kill his own sister.
Phoenix Form: A perfect chimera, Octavian can turn into a phoenix at will and will always retain his humanity.
Phoenix Fire: The hottest element in the magical world, phoenix fire takes on an azure hue, it can burn away spirits, curses, injuries, and sickness, depending on the intention behind it. 
Immortal: While mortal wounds will kill Octavian, upon his death he’ll burst into flames. From the ashes he will emerge once more, unscathed. He’ll never age and is no longer restricted to a five-hundred year lifespan like other druids. 
Druidic Blessing: Octavian is able to turn mortals into druids, this applies to humans, witches, and lycans. Additionally, he is able to revoke this blessing and make druids mortal. 
Mortality: While durable, Octavian’s body is still mortal, when he is killed he bursts into flames and emerges a time later from the ashes. Everytime Octavian is killed, it takes longer for him to return.
Binding: Several witches, druids or fey can bind him to his ashes if killed. 
Animal Binding: Several witches, druids, or fey can bind him to his phoenix form if banded together. 
Lycanthropy: While Octavian can no longer be turned into a lycan, their bite is poisonous to him and would prevent him from using his magic until recovered. 
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cyberbattiee · 4 years
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Hello Ghouls, Ghosts and Themlins,
Today marks the first of many The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition videos! This video is a short slide show of a funny glitch we discovered while messing with mods on a test character. Check the video out here:
We’re currently testing Immersive Hunting, Divine Skins and bodies, Skyrim capes, Bandolier, Male Face Textures, Campfire, Hunterborn and a few other environment mods. 
This guy is named Romulus (Star Trek reference?) and his face likes to play Houdini with textures! Every time we move his mod around in our load order, we get a new face texture! He is a master hunter and comes from the mod Immersive Hunting. We’ve moved his mod to the very bottom of our load order and every which way we can think of and we still have this issue! If anyone has any idea on how to fix this glitch, please let us know!
Please don’t forget to leave us a like, a comment and subscribe to see more Skyrim! Thanks for watching and stay creepy!
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veale2006-blog · 4 years
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The Truth Behind St. Valentine’s Day Long but worth the read. February 14, 2021 St. Valentine’s Day is the world’s “holiday of love.” Since the Bible states that God is love (I John 4:8, 16), does He approve of the celebration of this day? Does He want His people—true Christians—partaking of the candy and cards, or any customs associated with this day?
When God says He wants you to live life abundantly (John 10:10), does that include celebrating a festive, seemingly harmless holiday like Valentine’s Day? The God who gives us everything—life, food, drink, the ability to think for ourselves, etc.—surely approves of St. Valentine’s Day, the holiday for lovers to exchange gifts—right?
Do not be so certain. Do not assume anything. Do not even take this article’s word for it. Go to history books and encyclopedias. Go to the Bible. Then you will know the real truth behind St. Valentine’s Day. And you will know what God expects you to do about it!
Valentine’s Past Like Christmas, Easter, Halloween, New Year’s and other holidays of this world, St. Valentine’s Day is another attempt to “whitewash” perverted customs and observances of pagan gods and idols by “Christianizing” them.
As innocent and harmless as St. Valentine’s Day may appear, its traditions and customs originate from two of the most sexually perverted pagan festivals of ancient history: Lupercalia and the feast day of Juno Februata.
Celebrated on February 15, Lupercalia (known as the “festival of sexual license”) was held by the ancient Romans in honor of Lupercus, god of fertility and husbandry, protector of herds and crops, and a mighty hunter—especially of wolves. The Romans believed that Lupercus would protect Rome from roving bands of wolves, which devoured livestock and people.
Assisted by Vestal Virgins, the Luperci (male priests) conducted purification rites by sacrificing goats and a dog in the Lupercal cave on Palatine Hill, where the Romans believed the twins Romulus and Remus had been sheltered and nursed by a she-wolf before they eventually founded Rome. Clothed in loincloths made from sacrificed goats and smeared in their blood, the Luperci would run about Rome, striking women with februa, thongs made from skins of the sacrificed goats. The Luperci believed that the floggings purified women and guaranteed their fertility and ease of childbirth. February derives from februa or “means of purification.”
To the Romans, February was also sacred to Juno Februata, the goddess of febris (“fever”) of love, and of women and marriage. On February 14, billets (small pieces of paper, each of which had the name of a teen-aged girl written on it) were put into a container. Teen-aged boys would then choose one billet at random. The boy and the girl whose name was drawn would become a “couple,” joining in erotic games at feasts and parties celebrated throughout Rome. After the festival, they would remain sexual partners for the rest of the year. This custom was observed in the Roman Empire for centuries.
Whitewashing Perversion In A.D. 494, Pope Gelasius renamed the festival of Juno Februata as the “Feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary.” The date of its observance was later changed from February 14 to February 2, then changed back to the 14. It is also known as Candlemas, the Presentation of the Lord, the Purification of the Blessed Virgin and the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple.
After Constantine had made the Roman church’s brand of Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire (A.D. 325), church leaders wanted to do away with the pagan festivals of the people. Lupercalia was high on their list. But the Roman citizens thought otherwise.
It was not until A.D. 496 that the church at Rome was able to do anything about Lupercalia. Powerless to get rid of it, Pope Gelasius instead changed it from February 15 to the 14th and called it St. Valentine’s Day. It was named after one of that church’s saints, who, in A.D. 270, was executed by the emperor for his beliefs.
According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, “At least three different Saint Valentines, all of them martyrs, are mentioned in early martyrologies under the date of 14 February. One is described as a priest at Rome, another as bishop of Interamna (modern Terni), and these two seem both to have suffered in the second half of the third century and to have been buried on the Flaminian Way, but at different distances from the city…Of the third Saint Valentine, who suffered in Africa with a number of companions, nothing is further known.” Several biographies of different men named Valentine were merged into one “official” St. Valentine.
The church whitewashed Lupercalia even further. Instead of putting the names of girls into a box, the names of “saints” were drawn by both boys and girls. It was then each person’s duty to emulate the life of the saint whose name he or she had drawn. This was Rome’s vain attempt to “whitewash” a pagan observance by “Christianizing” it, which God has not given man the power or authority to do. Though the church at Rome had banned the sexual lottery, young men still practiced a much toned-down version, sending women whom they desired handwritten romantic messages containing St. Valentine’s name. Over the centuries, St. Valentine’s Day cards became popular, especially by the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. These cards were painted with pictures of Cupid and hearts, and meticulously decorated with lace, silk or flowers.
First Man Called Valentine But who was the original Valentine? What does the name Valentine mean? Valentine comes from the Latin Valentinus, which derives from valens—“to be strong, powerful, mighty.”
The Bible describes a man with a similar title: “And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD” (Gen. 10:8-9). He was said to have hunted with bow and arrow.
As mentioned, the Romans celebrated Lupercalia to honor the hunter god Lupercus. To the Greeks, from whom the Romans had copied most of their mythology, Lupercus was known as Pan, the god of light. The Phoenicians worshipped the same deity as Baal, the sun god. Baal was one of many names or titles for Nimrod, a mighty hunter, especially of wolves. He was also the founder and first lord of Babel (Gen. 10:10-12). Defying God, Nimrod was the originator of the Babylonian Mystery Religion, whose mythologies have been copied by the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans and a multitude of other ancient peoples.
Under different names or titles—Pan, Lupercus, Saturn, Osiris—Nimrod is the strong man and hunter-warrior god of the ancients.
But what does the heart symbol have to do with a day honoring Nimrod/Valentine?
The title Baal means “lord” or “master,” and is mentioned throughout the Bible as the god of pagans. God warned His people not to worship or even tolerate the ways of Baal (Nimrod). In ancient Chaldean (the language of the Babylonians), bal, which is similar to Baal, meant, “heart.” This is where the Valentine heart symbol originated.
Now notice the name Cupid. It comes from the Latin verb cupere, meaning “to desire.” Cupid was the son of Venus, Roman goddess of beauty and love. Also known as Eros in ancient Greece, he was the son of Aphrodite. According to myth, he was responsible for impregnating numerous goddesses and mortals. Cupid was a child-like archer (remember, Nimrod was a skilled archer). Mythology describes Cupid as having both a cruel and happy personality. He would use his invisible arrows, tipped with gold, to strike unsuspecting men and women, causing them to fall madly in love. He did not do this for their benefit, but to drive them crazy with intense passion, to make their lives miserable, and to laugh at the results. Many of the gods of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Assyrians and others were modeled after one man—Nimrod.
But what does this have to do with us today? Why should we be concerned with what happened in the past?
What God Thinks Read what God commands His people concerning pagan customs and traditions: “Learn not the way of the heathen…For the customs of the people are vain” (Jer. 10:2-3). Also notice Christ’s words in Matthew 15:9: “…in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”
Throughout the Bible, God describes “heathens” as those who worship things that He had created (animals, the sun, the moon, stars, trees, etc.), or man-made idols, or anything but the one true God. He calls such people and their practices pagan. True Christians understand that God hates any customs, practices and traditions that are rooted in paganism.
But just how serious is God about paganism?
When He rescued the twelve tribes of Israel from brutal slavery and led them out of Egypt, He commanded them, “After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein you dwelt, shall you not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, where I bring you, shall you not do: neither shall you walk in their ordinances” (Lev. 18:3). God demanded the Israelites not to defile themselves with the pagan practices and customs of surrounding nations (vs. 24-29). “Therefore shall you keep Mine ordinance, that you commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that you defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God” (vs. 30).
God cursed Egypt—a nation of nature-worshiper—with ten plagues and freed Israel from slavery. He rescued Israel from Pharaoh’s army by parting the Red Sea and leading His people to safety. He fed the Israelites manna—special bread made by God—from heaven. He protected them from battle-tested Gentile armies, delivered them into the Promised Land and drove out their enemies.
How did Israel treat God in return? “Our fathers understood not Your wonders in Egypt; they remembered not the multitude of Your mercies; but provoked Him at the sea, even at the Red Sea…They soon forgot His works; they waited not for His counsel: But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert…They made a calf in Horeb, and worshiped the molten image. Thus they changed their glory into the similitude of an ox that eats grass. They forgot God their Savior, which had done great things in Egypt; wondrous works in the land of Ham, and terrible things by the Red Sea…they despised the pleasant land, they believed not His word: But murmured in their tents, and hearkened not unto the voice of the LORD …They joined themselves also unto Baal-peor, and ate the sacrifices of the dead. Thus they provoked Him to anger with their intentions” (Psa. 106:7, 13-14, 19-22, 24-25, 28-29).
God explicitly commanded Israel to cast out and utterly destroy all nations that occupied the Promised Land (Canaan). Above all, His people were not to make political alliances with them or marry into their families (Deut. 7:1-3, 5, 16). “For they will turn away your sons from following Me, that they may serve other gods” (vs. 4).
But the Israelites thought they knew better than God. They decided to do things their own way. “They did not destroy the nations, concerning whom the LORD commanded them: But were mingled among the heathen, and learned their works. And they served their idols: which were a snare unto them. Yes, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils [demons], and shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood. Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions” (Psa. 106:34-39).
To wake them up and get them back on track as the model nation He had originally intended, God gave Israel over to their enemies. Israel repented and cried out to God. God rescued them. With their bellies full and lives protected, the Israelites went back to pursuing other gods. God punished Israel again. Israel repented and cried out to God.
And so went the deliverance-idolatry-punishment-repentance cycle (vs. 40-46), until finally, God had no other choice but to divorce unfaithful Israel (Jer. 3:6-11).
He used the Assyrians, one of the most brutal warrior nations in history, to invade, conquer, enslave and relocate the entire northern kingdom of Israel (II Kings 17). Having “disappeared” from history, the modern-day descendants of those ten “lost” tribes are unaware of their true identity even to this day.
Later, God sent the southern kingdom of Judah (mainly the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi) into Babylonian exile (II Kings 24 and 25). Because they kept (at least physically) the true Sabbath, which is a special sign that identifies the one true God and His people (Ex. 31:12-18), the Jews were able to retain their true identity.
The Israelites were severely punished because they lusted after pagan customs, rituals, traditions and practices. As you can see, God does not take paganism lightly.
Why Paganism Is Wrong Just why does God hate anything that resembles pagan customs? Is it possible to “whitewash” or “Christianize” pagan practices and make them clean? Is it okay to practice pagan customs as long as you “worship God”?
Notice what God says in Leviticus chapter 18. After rescuing Israel from slavery, God warned them not to practice the customs they had picked up in Egypt, or learn the ways, customs and traditions of the Gentile nations that they would encounter in the Promised Land (vs. 1-3). Instead, God commanded Israel to follow His ways (vs. 4-5).
God then describes the pagan ways of these ungodly nations in great detail. In verses 7-20, He condemns all kinds of heterosexual sex relations that fall outside the holy boundaries of marriage—incest, fornication, adultery, etc. In verses 22-23, God condemns homosexuality and bestiality. Together, these sins break down and destroy the family unit that God had so lovingly created and instituted.
Notice what God links to these perversions: “And you shall not let any of your seed [children] pass through the fire to Molech, neither shall you profane the name of your God: I am the LORD” (vs. 21). God ties in the perverse sexual practices of ungodly, pagan nations with human sacrifices—parents offering the lives of their children to pagan gods!
The Bible shows that Israel not only disobeyed God and wholeheartedly embraced the sexual immorality of the Gentiles, they even went a step further.
“And they have turned unto Me the back, and not the face: though I taught them, rising up early and teaching them, yet they have not hearkened to receive instruction. But they set their abominations in the house [the temple at Jerusalem], which is called by My name, to defile it. And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into My mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin” (Jer. 32:33-35). (To learn more about these child sacrifices to Molech, download from our website our sermon Santa Claus is Molech and our booklets The True Origin of Christmas and The True Origin of Easter.)
Imagine. Israel committed a sin so vile, so disgusting, that it even shocked God! But that was then. What about today? Surely, parents do not sacrifice their children to pagan gods today—or do they?
Do not be so certain. Perhaps their lives are not being sacrificed—but what about their innocence?
Parents today expect their little ones to “fall in love” and have boyfriends and girlfriends. They think it is “cute” when little boys and girls hold hands and act like a couple, sneaking a kiss or two when no one is watching. Some parents get worried when their kids do not show romantic interest in the opposite sex. They constantly ask them, “Do you have a boyfriend yet?” or “Who’s your girlfriend?”
Yet these same parents are surprised when their teen-aged “little girl” gets pregnant. Or catches a sexually transmitted disease. Or gets an abortion behind their back.
St. Valentine’s Day is just one of many tools the “god of this world” (II Cor. 4:4) uses to get parents to sacrifice the innocence of their children.
When little boys and girls draw each other’s names in a lottery and send Valentine cards and gifts to each other, declaring their “love,” they are learning the first stages of intimate relations that the Creator God designed specifically for emotionally mature adults. Instead of embracing the carefree innocence of youth, growing up without the headaches and heartaches of adulthood (finding a job, paying bills, marriage, raising a family, etc.), children today are taught to lust after each other. They are caught up in a daily drama of “If-you-loved-me-you’d-sleep-with-me; I’m-pregnant; It’s-not-mine, she-had-an-abortion.” By the time they reach adulthood, virtually every shred of innocence, sincerity and moral decency has been stripped from them. Emotionally drained, they have world-weary, “been there, done that” attitudes. And their lives are just beginning.
This is why we live in a world where a teen-aged virgin is a rare find. Where what used to be called “shacking up” and “living in sin” is now simply “living together.” Where sex is nothing more than meaningless physical recreation—no emotional attachments, no cares, no concerns. Where people change sex partners as conveniently as they change clothes. Where unmarried twenty- or thirty-something’s have had at least five sexual partners—and that is considered a low number, especially in the United States. Where men are not referred to as “my husband,” or “my fiancé,” but as “my second baby’s father.”
How pathetic!
Satan has deceived the whole world (Rev. 12:9) in multiple ways—especially when it comes to intimate relationships. St. Valentine’s Day is just one of his tools for deception. (To learn more about this great deceiver, read Who Is the Devil?)
“Come Out of Her, My People” Concerning the near future, when man’s Satan-influenced world is about to collapse, God declares, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils [demons], and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed [increased] rich through the abundance of her delicacies” (Rev. 18:2-3).
Concerning this pagan, satanic system, God commands true Christians,“Come out of her, My people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues” (vs. 4).
St. Valentine’s Day originates from the ancient paganism of this Satan-influenced world. It is designed to deceive mankind by appealing to fleshly, carnal desires—or, as the Bible calls them, the works of the flesh.
“Now the works of the flesh are manifest [made obvious], which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry…drunkenness, revellings, and such like” (Gal. 5:19-21). Do any of these sound like Lupercalia to you?
Ultimately, “they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” A true Christian is focused on God’s soon-coming kingdom (Matt. 6:33) and the world to come—not on the fleshly cravings of this world. A true Christian must strive to “put off the old man” and actively imitate the perfect, righteous example of Jesus Christ. A Christian knows that he must actively come out of this world, out of its pagan-infested customs, practices and traditions.
Christians do not celebrate St. Valentine’s Day!
Have a blessed day and weekend. May Yeshua the Messiah bless you, Love, Debbie
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worldcakecakecake · 5 years
The Society of Romulus and Remus
Ludwig is the product of a centuries old curse that transforms him into a dangerous werewolf. His only chance for a cure is with Feliciano, heir to the Society of Romulus and Remus, a group of hunters who hunt on the supernatural.  
…it…has been more than a year since I last updated this story…in fact, I was still in Florida last time I did…and…well…wow. I am…so sorry for how long it took…for those few who are actually…still reading this. I really don’t know how else I can make up for it…I feel like I have betrayed something. Yet…this story is still on my mind, I am determined to finish it, continue…even if it takes me a year to post updates…but I get the time when I can and here it is. I hope you enjoy!
                                                   Chapter 12
It was a matter of constant practice.
 With enough use and adjusting, the headaches dimmed until Feliciano could use the spell without suffering the pangs and cringes that followed. He had learned the usage of the Bronze Stare’s basic properties, watching things from distances and being able to keep it for several minutes. Each day they would further his vision, until one day he managed to spot Treviso. Then came the difficult part of manipulating and kill, Ludwig starting him with just cutting branches from trees or moving rocks from their place. Here, there would be hints of those familiar headaches, but wanting to prove himself, Feliciano would push through until he fulfilled his given mission. They increased the difficulty with moving items Ludwig would place. Some heavy, others hidden and difficult to find, Feliciano successful in achieving all, always celebrating in a small feast of himself, his joy and smile bringing enough warmth to Ludwig’s heart, finding it endearing. Ludwig had wanted to practice on animals, but Feliciano was completely against it if it meant killing, so they settled with riding of ants and mosquitos, only manipulating larger animals. Ludwig considered Feliciano to have mastered the Bronze Stare when he managed to lead a wolf to a river to drink. It was a celebration that Feliciano enjoyed in embraces and Ludwig could not refuse, could not hold his smile and how comforting having him in his arms was, finding it harder each time to push him or deny the feelings that were starting to engulf him.
 On the day before the examination, they spent it together just training, from the early sunrise to the now darkness at the top balcony Ludwig had for them reserved most of the time. They were tired, but Ludwig was confident, only now testing Feliciano on some theories, worded problems, or even reading other spells from the Bronze Stare chapter of his book, small ones that he didn’t find interesting to teach Feliciano earlier, only now something to aid his known knowledge, little tricks or small things that he could do to simply train that power. They sat each on their own sofa, seeming rested, loving the fire that Ludwig had turned on from the stoned hearth in the center. It was soothing in a night like this, its sparks massaging and just the only sound needed in this contenting silence.
 Ludwig had a couple of minutes ago just closed the book, staring along with Feliciano to the fire, persuaded by its dance and its lovely colors.
 “Have you done this test before?” Feliciano suddenly asked, not at all disturbing or out of place.
 “Of course. Every beginner must take it.”
 “How was it like?”
 In Ludwig’s very honest opinion, easy, but he remained silent knowing it had to do with his own enhance abilities that got him the highest score of that round of students back then. He knew that if he mentioned it, it would seem unfair to Feliciano…who was not cursed with awful magic to transform into the very monsters he was teaching him to kill. Even if Feliciano was the descendant of demi-gods and destined to break his curse, his powers were still the mundane that some humans could manage.
 He took a deep breath and tried to word it as best as he could. “I studied and prepared myself well. Elizabeta had been my mentor and I was with Gilbert in the same group testing. It was hard, some things were unexpected, but I faced them well and came out with a seal I deserved.”
 Feliciano smiled, as if he was there to greet him after his test long ago, congratulating and prideful for him. “We’re you scared?”
 “Of course.”
 “Really?” Feliciano couldn’t find it believable in such an imposing man as Ludwig.
 “They make us face real monsters. Sure, they have healers and anything to warn if it’s a dire emergency that the student cannot control, but you never really know how things will transpire, what you’re going to meet and how strong they can be. You tend to wonder if it would be enough.” Ludwig found himself feeling that very nervousness from long ago, staring to the experience in his hands, ones that had done the feat to get him here, showing him brave and victorious. Yet, it was a way to understand how Feliciano could be feeling now, the brunet’s eyes showing clear the anxiety and doubt for tomorrow.
 “You must have been amazing! Probably the best in that group!” Feliciano glowed.
 “I…actually…was,” he found himself admitting.
 “That’s great!”
 “It’s…only the first test though. They’ll be others afterwards…even more dangerous than this one.”
 “Yes, but, usually afterwards you’re more prepared and experienced and can pretty much take anything. This one…this one is made to release the true hunter in us for the first time, it’s our beginnings and where we start…so it makes it a bit scarier.” Feliciano loosened himself, letting his legs fall to the side, the fire reflecting on him enlightening more that fear…and yet Ludwig was swayed by how the colors looked so charmingly on him, even with such doubts on him, ones that he wished he could erase with a sweet caress.
 To replace that want and that idea from his head, he put the book on a near table. “We’ve prepared ourselves well. You have everything in your possession,” he sounded believing, which managed a smile on Feliciano.
 “Do you…really think I can do it?” He tested.
 “I’m pretty sure.”
 “I doubt I’ll get something so cool like…the best in the group.”
 “Feliciano, it doesn’t matter. I just want you to come back safe and well.” Something in those words stunned Feliciano, a miss in his eyes, one Ludwig couldn’t capture well as he looked away. “It’s all enough to get you a seal.” Ludwig then leaned to begin putting off the fire, a sign that they should be heading off now.
 “Right…” Feliciano seemed to be put off along.
 “Everything will be all right. I’m sure you’ll do fine,” Ludwig told as he stood, giving a hand for Feliciano to do so as well. They had to head back inside quick before it got too cold.
 “And…Ludwig…” Feliciano kept them, even taking a strong grasp of the hand Ludwig just offered. “…Thank you, thank you so much for everything you’ve done to help me, all you’ve taught me and just…being an amazing teacher,” he smiled in earnest with a blush and shine in his eyes.
 Ludwig was captive, staring back and letting the words embrace him from the coming cold, without a word or action to reply with. “You-you…you should leave that for later…per-perhaps when you have completed several tests-”
 “I want to tell you now!”
 There was such a force he couldn’t go against, falling silent yet again and simply…accepting this hold and this gaze Feliciano gave him.
 “I want to let you know now…we…don’t know what could happen…” And now Ludwig was worried, having to rise both his hands to hold his.
 “Feliciano, I already told you. They’ll be nurses and healers, they will have many watching making sure nothing too dreadful happens. I…myself, will be watching.” He got very close, hands close to his lips, head laying upon his to give him more comfort. Feliciano’s heart hitched, a simple blush growing, all pleasant, beautiful, this little moment leaving him frozen and without a proper way to respond.
 He forgot completely why he was doing this. Ludwig couldn’t believe he had let himself be so daring, to answer to a deep part of him, to have this want to come nearer. He had to release it before it could get any stronger.
 “Go and rest. It will help your body along with your mind. Try to relax and keep your mind away from the challenge. I’ll be at the gates with the other teachers early in the morning, you’ll find me there tomorrow if anything.” He let go of Feliciano’s hand and settled off without a gaze back, leaving Feliciano alone, who then decided to obey and head off as well. Before he was hid from the cold night air, he took one last glimpse to the starry sky and then the distance…making sure of what would be his path. It looked safe for now, with big wide-open arms that he was ready to fall into. He looked to Ludwig’s disappearing back, admitting…that he was going to miss him.
  The test was to begin at ten in the morning, a good hour for all the students to wake, have their breakfast in the hall, make last minute preparations or just chat with their fellow companions or teachers. The main square of the base was filled with commotion as many came to join, not just students or teachers, but friends or others who were curious about the newly acquired skills of these new additions. Through here, students could get chosen to be apprenticed to high masters, gain new teachers, new access and a whole new archive of missions and these opportunities were there waiting for their proving. Ludwig was of course one of the many present, apart from the commotion, alone in a spot right by the very entrance, only a couple of students well in their place, ready for their call. Those closest to him, like Gilbert and Elizabeta, were off dealing with their own group of students, only having giving Ludwig quick greetings as they were huddled by last panics and questions. He was grateful that this season he didn’t have that, only but one single student which he hadn’t spotted yet, no matter how he kept his gaze attentive to his particular curls.
 “Ludwig! How many little babes are you throwing in there today?” Came the high greeting of Keron Montaje, a fellow member that decided to join his side for the morning. He didn’t mind it. Keron had been one of his classmates back when he was starting. He knew him to be overly cocky, deciding to not speak to Ludwig for months after he had taken the most points from the first test. But other than that, they had shared in conversations when possible and had even gone a couple of times on missions together. Ludwig wouldn’t exactly consider him a dear a friend, but someone of good acquaintance that he preferred remained as so. To be honest, he much preferred his twin sister, Pisa Montaje. With Keron, everything was a competition, everything had a second meaning that he could take insult to and if his attention was not in outmost praise, he threatened and angered. Ludwig couldn’t always bear it.
 “Just one,” he answered simply, turning away, not showing interest, in the hopes he would bore and head to another.
 “Ah, yes, Feliciano Valenti.” The lustful tone in which he uttered his pupil’s name made Ludwig shiver with sickness. “And how do you think he will do in this test? Surely the impression that would live up to his family name.”
 “He’s…his own,” which Ludwig honestly said in positive light, proud and hoping.
 “Ah yes, he is indeed different, much more fragile and weaker. He makes do looking so divine.” Ludwig gripped his hands and gritted his teeth in insult. “We’ll see if he’ll make the points. Also, I must admit I’m rather jealous,” he admitted with a smirk, one Ludwig refused to answer to, remaining still and with his eyes on their search for his pupil. “Feliciano Valenti, all for yourself, alone, following your commands and teachings. Honestly, tell me, what have you done?” He neared.
 “Teach him the ways of the society as well as any needed magic and skills for when he begins hunting,” Ludwig thought it obvious.
 “Of course, but I meant, have you enjoyed from him?”
 Ludwig was offended, not knowing if to feel despicable at himself for making anyone wonder if he was capable of such a thing, or at Keron’s dark and atrocious mind.
 “No. He is my student, I would never use him in such a way.” There was true sincerity in his voice, one that surprised Keron, not expecting him to actually be serious and not done…anything.
 “You…haven’t touched him?”
 “Only when it’s needed in our practices, but other than that…no, I haven’t dared. He is the grandson of our leader, a respectable, creative, kind, young man who is looking up to me for proper guidance into the society. I wouldn’t betray or do anything to change that.” He determined well, not being able to hold the edge of anger to his tone.
 Keron was left rather dumbfounded, without a word to say as Ludwig continued to challenge him with a menacing stare.
 “Ludwig! Buon giorno! I’m sorry I’m so late!” And there he came, appropriately dressed, surely fed and with even a rather heavy backpack.
 “Guten morgen. You are doing fine, there are still some ten minutes left for the test to begin,” Ludwig assured, breaking the menace he was sharing with Keron.
 “Oh great! I was afraid it had already begun!”
 “You seem very nervous,” Keron added himself, noticing how Feliciano fretted, moving his hand and body more so than usual.
 “Oh, hi, Keron!” As excited, as plentiful, something that Ludwig now thought Keron didn’t deserve being shown from him. “To be honest, yes, I really am. I don’t even think I properly slept.”
 “It is a dangerous test. I believe some had even died. But it is the best way to tell if any of the new members are worthy to continue on. Ludwig and I showed wonderful colors and came out as one of the best. It’s rather difficult to reach our same rankings and I don’t expect anyone to reach it today. Yet, I’m sure you will do enough to pass,” Keron smiled despite the deep poison in his words, one that to Feliciano seemed to ooze through his teeth.
 Ludwig sighed, taking Feliciano by an arm closer to him, hoping to keep him out of reach from Keron, “you’ll do fine. As long as you keep everything I taught you, you’ll be your grandfather’s pride.” Not the ideal words either, but enough to soothe and make Feliciano smile so sweetly.
 “Isn’t that bag a little too big for the test,” Ludwig noticed, pointing and wondering if it could make things worse for Feliciano.
 “It’s a lot of other stuff to keep me prepared just in case, some that Lovino suggested and well…food,” he chuckled, having Ludwig roll his eyes.
 Keron noticed the slight tinge in Feliciano’s eyes, in Ludwig’s own smile, even the dear hold the taller kept on the heir’s arm. They could have stayed in whatever it was longer if it wasn’t for the sound of a horn being blown, signalizing for all to begin forming.
 “You must go now,” Ludwig tried to hurry him.
 “Yeah, yes.” But not before sharing one last deep glance, before jumping and taking Ludwig’s figure into his embrace, tight, loving and full. “Thank you…thank you so much for everything,” Feliciano wished and tightened almost like a…goodbye.
 “Why-” Ludwig couldn’t question longer as Feliciano was off to the rows, taking his numbered place and preparing himself like all the rest. Keron gave what looked like a growl at the hold they just shared, one Ludwig couldn’t say his word in as he headed off, to where, Ludwig didn’t really care, he focused on turning to the formation of students.
 He saw as his brother take the welcoming at the front, with a microphone to share some words of encouragement, jokes, and an explanation as to how the testing will work.
 “I assume you have been taught well to know, but just in case,” he pointed then to the exit, a simple arch, a marked route into the forest surrounding the base. “You will all have three hours to go through this path and face whatever monsters that are to come into contact with you. Some of them are spells created by many of us, not real but as ferocious and you should take them as seriously as if they were a real threat. There are also others we had kept in our captivity, and perhaps actual beings that are lounging for a hopeful attack on the base. We have seers who will keep watch on all of you to make sure everything runs smoothly as well as to keep numbered your kills. The amount you slay and how you slay will determine your points, grade and decision if to stay in the society or not.”
 Whispers spread between these hopeful students, with worries and plans.
 “If you fail, we expect you to pack your things and leave the next day.”
 Feliciano gave a tighter hold to the straps of his backpack.
 “If you are desperate to stay, then you will have talk to our superior, Augusto Valenti, and your teachers, about a second chance. If you pass, you will immediately be leveled and granted new accesses that will help you to better develop among us. You will start getting accompanied missions and become a truly integral part of the society.” Gilbert looked over to two of the waiting guard members by the archway, inspecting, returning their glance to nod, signifying the path was ready to begin and thus the test.  
 “Now, go! The timer runs now. Make do and make us proud!” He shouted with a last hopeful glee before the first students settled off between the archway. Ludwig managed to keep a good stare on Feliciano, in a tight mess of people hurrying through the small entrance, letting himself be waved, no certain emotion to catch, only a deep sigh before it was his turn to pass through. Soon enough, the yard was left empty, all students gone and only but teachers and other members there to wait.
 “He’ll do fine,” Gilbert came, noticing Ludwig’s agitation from afar, deciding on taking his side, a walkie talky in his hand and a near member ready to give him signs on how all was going. “You taught him well. None of your students have ever failed,” his brother smiled, then receiving a message that the first kill was done, writing and omitting the information to others.
 The job continued right on Ludwig’s side as Gilbert communicated, but they were mute to him, only wanting to hear Feliciano’s name, desperately waiting for his return through that archway.
  As he waited, he managed to keep himself from any other students, away from eyesight, a silent area of the forest, no marked path and no other threat to worry present. Feliciano could walk peacefully, a smile, even a little hum to go along with his steps as he climbed down, careful, as well as making sure that nothing creeped on him. He stood at a sudden victorious chant, echoed from somewhere deep in the forest, along with a particular ring that meant the killing of a goblin.
 He was still too close, he had to keep moving.
 He continued the descend of the hill he found himself in, his looks back but those of caution to make sure nobody, absolutely nobody was following his same way.
  It had become busier, the judges having to call the help of others to keep well track, Gilbert had even left Ludwig’s side, his presence needed in the table where they tried to organize everything.
 Lukau taking down a ring of shadow demons, placing him above the highest currently. Vladimir daring into a near river and catching a poisonous serpent. Alfred destroying one of the paths…but he at least stopped the mountain monster. A Yasmeen Ubaydli had been heavily injured, trying to save a gryphon from a ground serpent, members heading their way to help. And Tiaraoluwa managed to freeze a monstrous rabid vampire.
 Feliciano Valenti…nothing, Ludwig had heard nothing of his name. He knew he didn’t miss it, as he hadn’t leaft the vicinity of the judges and could well hear all the mentioned names and all their progresses. In the hour that passed, his student’s name was not at all shown and with how busy everyone was dealing, they couldn’t really focus and check what he was exactly doing…unless he attacked something or was in danger.
 Augusto joined the procession around this moment, smiling to all, none missing to tell him how all the students were doing. “What about my Feliciano?” He asked with endearment, leaning into the table hoping to find him with high numbers.
 “Nothing for now, signore,” one eased, turning just as he received a message of another student spraining an ankle and needing instant health assistance.
 “For how long has the test been going?”
 “An hour, signore.”
 An hour…and yet Feliciano’s name on the list was the only one without a single action or point. Augusto’s expression was unreadable, but Ludwig had learned to know that when he stood himself high, arms wrapped on his back in a particular strength, he was discontent and annoyed. Their gazes met that instant, Augusto with a blaming glare. Ludwig switched his glances back to the opening, as waiting and now beginning to get worried, for now working himself hard on remaining grounded in that singular spot.
  The sounds of whatever battle were heavily distant, now Feliciano couldn’t even hear them, couldn’t even spot the encrusted rock and hill where the base was located between the trees. He was unfamiliar with this territory now, looking up to new expanses of wood, in the far distance a road, the one of his goal, a smile on his face knowing that it was reachable. He eased himself forward and forward, until he reached an old abandoned gateway, singular, in elder brinks surely from the times of Rome. At the very top lay the symbol of an ancient wolf…it looked kind, peaceful, gladly offering this escape gate to Feliciano, who stood before it in contemplation.
  Pisa oversaw tracking, a singular device for her where she kept gaze on all the dots that represented a student, all extending across different parts of the selected ground. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, most students stayed within the first circle of the fields…but that’s when she noticed a singular dot on what they considered the third, the very last. Sure, one or two other students were in there as well, but not as close to the edge…not as close to the exit.
 “Gilbert, Eduard!” She called them to come, pointing in the case it needed attention.
 Eduard quickly checked the computer, and all was running smoothly as it should, meaning that there was indeed someone at the edge of their protected testing field. “Who is that?” He asked.
 “That’s-” she clicked on the dot and got a card of information, “-Feliciano!”
 All in the table raised at the mentioned, looking straight to the computer, even Ludwig came as close. Whispers arose, worries, wonderings, all as the dot still stayed where it was.
 “What is he doing?” One questioned, Ludwig hoping he’d knew, but he was just as perplexed as the rest.
 At the commotion, Lovino pushed himself between all, until he had the screen to hold and stare, as if demanding the contraction to tell him all.
  Feliciano touched the arch, humid, somehow soft, the last reach he had of the base, of surely his family, what he was. It was with the marked hand that he said that farewell.
  The dot inched more and more to the exit, all holding their breaths, Lovino taking a tighter grasp of the monitor.
 “He is not…?” One whispered.
  Feliciano passed under, as if breathing new air, in a release like swimming into a new ocean. Already the breeze he felt was like a soothing liberation, telling him to go out there, to where he wanted, belonged and could start a whole life anew. He ran to it, without hesitation or looking back.
  Panic settled, all rummaged, shouted and many of the members began movement.
 “We can just go get him back!” One shouted, thinking it obvious.
 “We only have coverage on those who are inside the territory of the society. Outside, all signal is cut and there is no way to trace them,” Pisa reminded, as she was desperately trying to find some new way to get Feliciano back on the map.
 “Sir, what about the test?” A whole group had hurdled now around their leader awaiting instant command.
 “It shall continue. I will not let my grandson’s insolence ruin a chance for others. Roderich! Go with your men to the edges of the territory in case he comes back. It could perhaps be he got lost and is looking for his way.”
 “Right away!” He headed out with a group that moment.
 “Keron!” The man raised his head from his bore expression to all. “You go and trek our outskirts. Find him and bring him here by force if you have to. Those lands are not safe and I prefer he is not there any longer.” Keron smirked, intentions that made Ludwig sicken, yet he stood and headed to his own group, quickly making their way out.
 Augusto was to head out himself, mostly just to use his magic and get a specific location. If he had to get him himself, so be it.
 “Signore, please, let me go out there as well!” Ludwig hurriedly came over, a beg to him that was surprising to the elder.
 “You will not! I do not know what’s going on, Ludwig, but this gives me suspicions of you.”
 “I swear, Augusto, I don’t understand it either. I never taught him to do this and he didn’t tell me anything. I’m being honest. Let me at least make it up and head out!” Ludwig was blocking whatever way he had to continue.
 “I have enough men doing that.”
 “They don’t understand Feliciano. I can talk to him!”
 “There is no time to talk on such a forest. We don’t have control of what’s in there. My grandson’s life is in terrible danger and I will not have him be threatened by more creatures like you!” The venom was striking, leaving Ludwig halted, insult and shame that didn’t let him block or move forward, a misery that kept him and made him think useless.
 Augusto, despite how he helped, gave him a high position in the society and teachings to his young grandson, still did not fully trust him…and still couldn’t see him beyond the monster he had seen and knew Ludwig truly was. He had tried so hard to show himself the man he was, proving above many others, surely one of Augusto’s best and with a name known worldwide, and it was great betrayal that despite his achievements, he could never go beyond his condition to Augusto. Yet Ludwig couldn’t take to just stand there as he watched their leader move away, as his pupil was in danger, as his person continued to get doubted and shamed. He gripped his hands, scowled…growled…and decided on working on his own, turning and following his accord. Luckily, everyone was too busy, the courtyard was a disarray and so Ludwig could make his own exit in the mass. He took to the forest, a path for himself alone, ready and determined.
 No matter what they thought of him, no matter the commands, he had to save Feliciano.
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Prompt #2: Bargain
About 15 years ago...
It wasn’t too difficult to find time away from his duties and training.  Master Riku was content with his progress with the blade, not pushing nearly as hard as Khenbish wished he would.  He was so far behind, at least that is what the other students told him before Master and student had left Monzen to serve Lord Kaito.  The subtle disapproval hadn’t stopped upon coming here, except now it came from the others that served, somehow managing to look down upon the darkscale despite being fulms shorter than him. 
It rankled, grated at the pride and arrogance that ran through Khenbish’s veins, a gift from his father’s blood. A gift that was carried in so many tribes of the Steppes, that arrogance ran hotter and higher within the blood of the Oronir in particular. A Uyagir wouldn’t dare think themselves better than another, however the Oronir? Arrogant as the Sun is what many would say and something the tribe would claim without hesitation. He’d rather claim that than the ones that hide in the caves, meek and avoiding the eyes of the gods.  Under the sun, under the burning eye of Azim was where he belonged.  That need was why he tolerated the Doman looks and sneers the past few years.  All to learn the skills needed for him to take his place among the hunters as it should be.  Master Riku held so much back from him, so much he knew he was ready to learn if only the older samurai would show him.  The frustration paired with the current Lord’s unending disdain?  It was too much for his bruised sense of worth to bear any longer. That fire drove Khenbish into the bamboo copse along the One River before dawn as he was instructed.  It was a good time to go, the fog rising off of the river making it harder to see any who came this way.  Few did, it was too close to the Castrum for anyone’s taste even the ones that lived in the shadow of it already.  That lurking presence was one of the reasons he and Master Riku where here instead of still at Monzen. Lord Kaito continued to stubbornly, subtly resist the Garlean rule despite the increasing pressure upon his district.  It was a dangerous dance the Lord played, but an important one for Doma.  It kept Garlean attention focused there instead of elsewhere, allowing others to act unseen as Doma struggled to overthrow the puppet strings the Empire tied to them.  The Empire was at the end of their patience with the well loved Lord, hence the quiet offer whispered in a horn a few weeks back.  It hadn’t woken him out of sleep, the footsteps of the person drawing close had done that, muscles tensing in preparation for whatever prank was going to be dropped upon his person.  The words seemed to be a prank. A trap.  Yet, nothing changed after the offer.  That amount of gil?  It could buy him anything.  He heard others speak of Kugane, a world of vibrant with the colors of possibility, a place where anything could be bought. It would allow Khenbish to leave this Azim forsaken land, seek out a proper trainer in Kugane, one that would listen to him and show him what he deserved to know.  Then he would show Ganzorig and the others.  He wasn’t weak, he was stronger than all of them.  All. Of. Them. Those thoughts were cut short when the fog swirled around a previously still figure.  Khenbish stopped short, hand going for the katana at his side out of habit from the subtle movement. The uniform was unmistakably Garlean and it only took a moment for the young xaela to recognize the hyur.  Even with the promise of all that gil in his mind’s eye, it still took Khenbish a moment to loosen the grip on his blade and bow formally to the man.  “Pilus Sylua, I am here as you requested.”  A shallow, but proper bow was given in turn, the Pilus straightening up to look over the xaela critically.  “Thank you for coming, Khenbish.  I’m glad you took my offer seriously.  If it’s alright with you, I’ll get right to the point- I’d rather not waste more time than is strictly necessary.  We move in three days.  You have our offer, will you accept?” “What proof do I have that you’ll see it through?”, his eyes were sharply focused on the Pilus.  Romulus rem Sylua had a reputation for guile and ruthlessness even among Garleans.  Yet, a few spoke of honor.  It was a combination that had him uneasy, if there were other reasons for the churning in his gut?  Khenbish was not looking deeply at those at all.  
“Ask the residents of Aibara village what they think of my word, if you won’t take it from me.”
“I remember that.” Khenbish looks into the fog for a moment before nodding once, sharply. “They weren’t strong enough to hold against The Empire.  I’ll make certain the eyes are looking elsewhere.”  He looks back to the Pilus, “And you are killing the Lord, yes? You just need his guards distracted?”
Romulus’ lips twitch briefly.  Perhaps holding back a smirk?  Who knows.  “Exactly that.  No one will be the wiser. You’ll receive half the payment upon agreement, and the rest once the deed is done.” “I agree.”, the words are said immediately, before the young man could really think it through.  It would be worth it.  Any thing to get out of this mudhole to someplace where someone would recognize his worth, even if it meant flashing an obscene amount of gil around to do it.  “Three days hence, then, two hours before dawn,” he says, holding out his hand.  “Your first payment will be underneath your pillow by the time you’re off duty.”
Khenbish extends his hand a moment later, he had to remember why Romulus would do that since he’s gotten so used to Doman bowing.  “I will see to it.”  He clasps the hyur’s hand tightly to seal the bargain.   [Co-written by @eyespywithmyoneeyegtfo.  Thank you for writing Arden with me for this!] @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast
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iridescent-frog · 5 years
Sergio Romulus playlist
Tumblr media
Waltz of the Marionettes - The Fiechters
The Master of Death - Peter Gundry
Flip - Glass Animals
The Revival - The Dear Hunter
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Hi i sure as hell have time to read all the world building and story planning you have for the supernatural au. Those are my absolute favorite aus!!
Nonnie! You are on my favorite Anon list! I love anyone that wants me to ramble about my writing.
Ask me questions
This is just the world build and not the plot which is forming(?). Time for you all to experience what I call the Blender of Worlds and Words. I never know what to do, so I just to an overview where you can kind of see what plot I may do, but it gives you a better taste of the world as a whole without the microscope lens of story.
Power structures
Humans and Supernaturals know about each other, however, they have sets of different laws governing them
E.G murder is illegal for humans but for Vampires, they can kill so long as it was for feeding/self-defense
Tax evasion is illegal for everyone
Werewolves laws are more stringent 
Despite the governments being equal, there is a societal imbalance between everyone
Humans are middle ground, but there are other supernaturals that consider themselves better than humans
These are the types that can pass as humans but they’re not because ~reasons~
Between Vampires and humans (this would be easier if I had a graph
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Okay, so now that that’s present
The more “human” you are the higher Society thinks of you
Werewolves are the lowest because they lose their humanity, whereas Mermaids only take on the qualities of animals
There are some who try to argue against this system
The Supernaturals
 Prefer to be called Trueblooded if that, otherwise Vampire is acceptable
Do not call them leech, blood-sucker, demon, etc.
They are treated like royalty p much by everyone because they’ve established themselves as the best, regardless of how bad your blood line is
Truebloods are Vampires that can directly trace their founders to the First
There’s about 15 Trueblood families
They’re the council of Vampires
Typically, they’re on the Supernatural governing committee
Mostly they’re in equal standing, but they’re all vying for top spot.
These are born Vampires, even if the offspring should be between a Vampire and Human 
It’s a no-no, and typically the offspring will be killed
This is dependent on how you can trace your sire’s line
Mostly for those turned
Bloodlines are founded originally by Truebloods
The more prestigious the bloodline, the higher rank you are
E.G if you’re from Vlad’s line you’re just under a Trueblood
If turned by a Trueblood then you’re the start of your bloodline
1-340 years of age is a Newborn
They don’t get the protection of their bloodline completely until they’re adolescent
Newborns are the easiest and most frequently killed
Or die b/c they don’t understand their new limits/powers
Truebloods age until they’re 25
Halfers or Dampheirs age until they’re 35 if they’re half human
Blood drinking
enhances abilities
Different things happen to a Vampire if they drink from another Super
E.G Werewolf blood will poison them where as blood of Fae creatures get them drunk
Heightened Eyesight // Night Vision
Super Speed // Super Strength
Trueblood (From most common to least)
Increases Attraction
Thought influencing
Emotion Control
Immune to the Sun
Future sight
A trueblood
Sunwalker // Charmer
Really hates Vampire politics
He doesn’t care about the hierarchy shit
Except when he sees poor treatment then he gets heated
Mostly he wants to drum
Nature sprits who use music to influence the world
Do not call them sirens
Their music is so enchanting to others that it draws them in seemingly against their will (the person influenced doesn’t though)
Music Dryads
Have been called the Muses in the past
They have the best music out of the Dryad race
Most Common
They sing to make trees grow
9/10 they’re hippies
Destructive but also Regrowth
Most likely to be called a Siren
Which is why they’re so lowly thought of by the other Dryads
They have accidentally lured sailors to their deaths
Luring Voice
Charm aura
People are naturally drawn to them
Perfect Pitch
Immortality (they can shift their forms)
Music Dryads
Empathetic Voice
Can make you feel the motion the dryad wants you to
Background track
You always here music around them
Music Dryad
While typically Dryads are neutral to humans and care little about the hierarchy in general, Freddie wanted to experience it
He’s like I’m going to start a band!!
He’s mastered control of his aura and charm so that he passes mostly as a human
You can always here a piano when you’re near him
Its v distracting when the band first forms
Literally, that’s all
Most of them respect the hierarchy and don’t try to involve themselves in Supernatural politics
There are some that are prejudice against all Supernaturals however
The most extreme are Hunters
They’re an unofficial form of Law Enforcement
They tend to kill Supernaturals that are “getting out of hand and a danger”
Mostly Newborns b/c they’re easy + do cause a lot of damage
Wolf’s Head
Specialize in hunting Werewolves because they consider them to be the biggest menace to society
They’re the worst of the supernaturals
Wolves playing to be humans
An open-mind human
Doesn’t believe that anyone is inherently better, but doesn’t understand it
That is until he has to figure it out living with Three Supers
What was I thinking?
And he decides that he wants to try and change some of it
Preferred to be called Lykans or Lycanthropes (and now that we’re here, that’s what I’m referring to them as from here on out b/c I was only doing it for understanding)
Werewolves, beasts, mutts etc are hugely offensive
Ofc most people don’t care because they’re so low ranking
In some countries, they aren’t allowed within a city
In others, they can’t work with certain groups or at all
Some require Lykans to wear collars to designate their status
Many have heavy laws and regulation to protect others
“No Beasts Allowed” establishments are common
There are some that won’t allow a Lykan on a seat
Britain's Work Laws
4 days prior to the turn, and 3 days after, have to be taken off unpaid
I could have specified the week of the full moon but
Some business require more
More progressive business give half pay
Blood of Romulus
They can trace themselves to the First Lykan, which was First King of Rome Romulus
He got cursed b/c he killed his brother
They’re only higher ranked because most of their turns are by choice
Only 3-4 times a year are they influenced by the full moon
Can shift at any given time
Born Lykans
Those with the blood of Romulus will always have the form of a wolf no matter how far removed
Turned Ones
Otherwise known as the more offensive term Cursed Ones
They’ve been bitten by a half-formed Lykan and thus have become one
Oh shit explanation
Typically a full moon transformation is slow, which means that a Lykan will be half-man half-wolf longer, and that’s when Lycanthropy is easiest to pass
About 40% chance of taking at full shift
About 2% while not shifted at all
Heightened Senses
All the time if BoR
Super Strenght // Super Speed
Wolf form
Enhanced Healing
Blood of Romulus
Controlled Wolf form
Immortality Ritual
Limited shifting
Pack bonds between non Lykans
Pairbonds are a thing
The bonds let them know where their bonded are on a subconscious level
Also their condition and emotion
Most people don’t want to be packed bonded because it drops their status to that of a Lykan in the eyes of society
Blood Hunt
If they bite someone mostly to completely shifted they can track that person
Blood of Romulus
He’s rarely in his wolf form
Uncontrolled turns 1-2 times a year
It does tend to ruin his mental health // mood
Very much aware of the hierarchy
There is a specific group dedicated to exterminating his kind
He’s very careful to not draw attention to the fact that he’s a supernatural, much less a Lykan
If anyone cares enough they can look it up in the registry
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Was Jesus a Mythical Figure Based on the Giant Orion? Um, NO, and Here Is Why:
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Like the ancients, people in the modern world are fascinated by constellations. Whether its Hercules, Draco, Hydra or the Southern Cross (the latter only seen in the southern hemisphere), our minds come alive with imagery, legend and mystery when we see them or hear their names.
Perhaps the most famous of all is Orion.
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Orion, aka The Hunter, stalks the night skies, as if on a perpetual quest for game. One could imagine him holding a lion in one hand and a sword in another, or perhaps a bow and arrow. Two other constellations, Canis Major and Canis minor, were thought by some to he his dogs, aiding their master in the hunt. The constellation Orion is one of the most marvelous sites in the heavens, but who was it named after? What is the myth that it was said to evoke among the ancient Greeks?
In Greco-Roman myth, Orion was the giant son of Poseidon and the gorgon Euryale. He grew to be a hunter, one who boasted that he would wipe out all the animals of the earth. Gaia, goddess of the Earth, didn’t like that idea, so she created an animal that could rival him; a giant scorpion.
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Like Godzilla and King Ghidorah, these two behemoths clashed in the wilderness. One can only imagine Orion firing his colossal bow and then later wielding an equally colossal sword while the scorpion counterattacked with its stinger and pincers, their collective roar shaking the earth. Eventually, however, the scorpion prevailed, leaving its foe bleeding and decaying on the battlefield. 
A true Clash of the Titans!
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Honoring their bravery, Zeus made both of them constellations. 
Like with many myths, there are several variant versions of Orion’s tale, in particular pertaining to his birth and death. Nevertheless, each is a fascinating story, a great myth that is sadly known to only a relative few today. Indeed, such ignorance can lead one to be easily deceived about it, as well as to draw wrong conclusions about the myth.
Enter Jesus Mythicists.
Jesus Mythicists are fond of trying to argue that Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World, was a mythical figure instead of a historical one. Indeed, they claim that the story of Jesus was based on pagan myth, that some ancient Jews repackaged pagan myth into a new Hebrew myth. There are many gods and demigods that they try to harken to as candidates for Jesus being a rip-off from, anyone from Horus and Hercules to Romulus and Inanna. Orion is one of these. 
Let us now further explore the myth, in order to see why this is a stupid idea.  
 1. Born of a virgin? 
 There are two versions of Orion’s birth. The first is that mentioned above, of Poseidon and the gorgon Euryale being his parents (sex was involved). The other tells of how Zeus, Poseidon and Hermes (Roman Jupiter Neptune and Mercury respectfully) visited King Hyrieus of Thrace. Since the king showed them proper hospitality, the gods told him that they would give him anything he wanted. For a long time, King Hyrieus wanted an heir, but his wife had died years ago and he vowed to marry no other. So, he asked the gods for a son. The gods granted it…in one of the most unusual ways possible. 
You see, King Hyrieus had recently sacrificed a bull. Hermes grabbed the bull’s hide and put it on the ground. Then, all three gods peed on it. 
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Yep, I had that reaction too. 
Finishing, they buried it in the ground, and ten months later…Orion emerged from it.
True, there is no sex involved in this myth, no sexual encounter that conceived Orion, but this doesn’t = a Virgin birth, unless you want to call the earth a “virgin”. Course if you went that far, the sky, wind, rocks, trees, seas, paper, cars, DVDs, TVs and computers would be called “virgins”. Plus, one has to remember that in Greco-Roman myth, the earth was personified. It was considered living.
And what was the name of this personification?
The Romans called her both Terra and Tellus.
The Greeks...called her Gaia. 
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Indeed, Pseudo-Apollodorus, an ancient mythographer, stated bluntly that she was his mother.
And was Gaia a virgin?
Indeed, long before Orion, indeed before the gods and the titans, Gaia had married Ouranos, god of the starry sky. Together, they brought forth the Cyclops, Hechatonchires and Titans.
And how did they do this?
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I know, shocking right?
Thus…Orion was not virgin born.
2. Born on December 25th?
BTW: Jesus wasn’t said to be born on December 25th in the Bible, that idea being a later extra-biblical idea. And before you try to say “Oh uh that’s something that they have in common!” : Do you realize how many religious and mythological figures were not said to be born on December 25th?
Some “similarity”
3.  Visited by shepherds?
 4. Visited by Wise Men?
No. He was conceived by three male gods and a female god in one version of his myth, but that’s it. I could see Jesus Mythicists trying to (pitifully) try to argue that King Hyrieus is comparable to Joseph, Gaia is comparable to Mary and Zeus, Hermes and Poseidon are comparable to the wise men, but…it would be utter stupidity to do so. Joseph was a carpenter, not a king, Gaia was neither a virgin nor married to King Hyrieus and the three gods were Orion’s fathers, not mysterious magi from the east (BTW: the Bible never said that there were three wise men; it only mentions that they had three gifts (Matthew 2:1-12).
I could also see them (once again pitifully) trying to state that since King Hyrieus would have went to Orion shortly after he was born, therefore this myth gave rise to the story of the three kings who visited Christ shortly after he was born. After all, in both stories, a divine infant was visited by royalty, right? However, the Magi are never called “kings” in the Bible. Indeed, they were simply astrologers, neither gods nor kings. The idea that they were kings is a later, extra-biblical invention.
Plus, in the main version of the myth, Orion was the son of Poseidon and a gorgon.
Repeat; they conceived him by having sex.
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��5. Did miracles?
While Jesus did a wide variety of miracles, Orion could only do one kind of miracle that didn’t involve super strength (see below). Jesus was a miracle worker, while Orion was a hunter.
Big difference. 
6. Walked on water?
Both actually did walk on water. Orion was given the power to walk on water by his father Poseidon.
Does this mean that the story of Jesus walking on water was derived from the Orion myth?
Its odd that Jesus Mythicists will ignore the fact that Yahweh, in the Old Testament, is likewise depicted in Psalms as...walking on water. 
“He alone stretches out the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea.”
Job 9:8. 
“He alone stretches out the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea.”
Considering that this passage indicates that only God can “tread on the waves of the sea”, and that Jesus walked on water...we can therefore conclude biblically that Jesus is therefore...God, which was the point of the miracle of walking on water!
Jesus Mythicists will cry foul at this point, ranting and raving about how the next verse mentions Orion. Well, let’s look at Job 9:9, shall we?
“He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south.”
The Hebrew word translated here as “Orion” is “Kesil”. There are several kesils in Hebrew, but this particular one refers to the constellation Orion (repeat, the constellation, not the giant demigod)...as well as to its adjoining constellations. 
I.e. constellations that are close to it.
And which constellations are close to Orion?
Um, not that strong of a connection.
Plus, not all cultures in the ancient world believed that the constellation Orion represented Orion the giant demigod, and indeed most didn’t even call it “Orion” (Kesil and Orion are obviously not the same word, and the former is not the Hebrew name of the mythological giant Orion, only the name of the constellation that the Greeks called “Orion” (along with constellations adjoining it). The reason we use “Orion” for the constellation is because we simply borrowed that name from the Greeks).  As I pointed out in one of my other articles,  ancient Egyptians believed that the constellation depicted the god Osiris, not the demigod giant Orion (their myths are VERY different).  In Mesopotamia, the constellation was thought to depict Anu, the Babylonian sky god (whose myths are FAR different from those of Osiris and Orion). 
Question If an ancient Hebrew read the word “Kesil” in a book, would they have initially thought of their OWN interpretation of the constellation...or that of the pagan Greeks?
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However, let’s assume that the story of the giant Orion is somehow being alluded to or referenced in the passage. Not only would this NOT debunk the fact that the story of Jesus walking on water had Job 9:8 as its basis (whether you believe that the story is true or not) , but the Hebrew writers often repackaged elements of pagan belief and turned them on their heads in a monotheistic context. Before Leviathan was written about in Hebrew scripture, he was well known in Canaan and Ugarit . Behemoth likewise was derived from  Atik, a mythical bull who was given the slight misnomer “El’s Calf” or “Calf of God”, even though it was considered a full fledged bull. He was possibly also derived from the Bull of Heaven in the Epic of Gilgamesh, a monster slain by Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu. The biblical writers took these monsters of pagan myth and repackaging them, in order to prove monotheistic points. Likewise, as I mentioned in another article, Zechariah 5:9-11 borrows elements of the myth of Pandora, in order to prove a monotheistic, non-pagan theological point (the links to both of these other articles will be in the sources section below). 
So even if the myth is being referenced, it isn’t an instance of Old Testament paganization: the Hebrew writers would simply be taking elements from a pagan story and applying them to Yahweh, to show that he, and he alone, had power over the waters, that he alone could walk on them. 
Thus, even if Job 9:8-9 repackaged pagan ideas, that doesn’t = that the story of Jesus walking on water was derived from pagan myth; Job 9:8, where God walks on water, is still the basis of it, not the myth of Orion. Remember, Christianity derived from Judaism, not ancient Greek religion, and thus would be expected to have a Jewish instead of Greek cultural background. 
Thus, we cannot invoke a pagan origin for the story of Jesus walking on water. 
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7. Healed a blind man?
No, Orion was blinded, only to be healed miraculously by the sun god Helios.
8. Son of God?
Not in the way Jesus is.
When Jesus is called “Son of God”, he is not being called a demigod like Orion. Nor does the term mean that he was created, without being born, like Adam and the angels were in the Bible (Genesis 6:1-4, Luke 3:38). It means that he is God the Son, a part of the Trinity of God. While Orion was half god and half man, Jesus is fully God and fully man.
 9. Turned water into wine?
10. Multiplied bread and loaves?
 11. Preached?
 12. Prophesied?
 13. Carpenter?
14. Crucified?
No. In the mainstream version of the myth, he’s killed by a scorpion. In several others, the Greek goddess Artemis kills him with her arrows.
Dying from arrows or scorpion stings…is a tad different from death by crucifixion, to say the very least.
15. Resurrected?
No, he was turned into a constellation after death. 
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This didn’t include a physical resurrection. Indeed, no monster or hero was physically resurrected in order to become a constellation. The Nemean Lion, for example, was slain by Hercules, who used its super strong pelt as armor. This pelt didn’t vanish when the Nemean Lion was placed in the heavens as the constellation Leo. Indeed, we have no evidence that the rest of its body was done in the same manner. Likewise, the magic ram whose golden fleece Jason and the Argonauts sought after had died, its famous hide stripped from it. The ram became the constellation Aries, and yet…the hide was still on earth, something that shouldn’t have been if it had been physically resurrected into a constellation.  Indeed, Hercules died without a physical resurrection (he was turned into a god, but his body was totally vaporized by his funeral pyre), and yet he in turn was also a constellation, which indicates that physical resurrections were not involved when it came to being made a constellation. The Hydra itself never really died, its immortal head buried after it was defeated by Hercules, and yet it also became a constellation…despite the fact that it was still alive, not having the rest of its body attached. This should also be indicative that being made a constellation didn’t involve a physical resurrection or attaining a new physical body. 
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Plus, if people and animals were physically resurrected when turned into constellations, then why where constellations seen as spirits by the ancient Greeks? Why were they not seen as flesh and blood beings? Sure, Hydra was still a flesh and blood creature, but its constellation wasn’t.
Thus, Orion wasn’t resurrected.
16. Called “Savior of the World”?
 17. Will rule a future age in a new earth?
 Out of 17…Orion only got one right.
Not much of an inspiration for the Gospel, eh?
 Orion is a great myth and a great constellation.
Jesus is the Son of God, King of the universe.
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Pseudo-Apollodorus “Bibliotheca”, 1.25-27
Pseudo-Hyginus “Fabulae”, 195
“Apollodorus Library and Hyginus’ Fabulae: Two Handbooks of Greek Mythology” by R. Scott Smith and Stephen M. Trzaskoma, 4, 164
“The Penguin Dictionary of Classical Mythology” by Pierre Grimal, 314
“The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology” by Arthur Cotterell and Rachel Storm, 79, 265
“Titans and Olympians: Greek and Roman Myth” by Tony Allan and Sarah Maitland (Consultant: Dr. Michael Trapp), 22-26, 79-80
“Mysteries of the Unknown: Mysterious Creatures” by Time Life Books, 13
“KJV, Know the Word Study Bible, Ebook, Red Letter” By Thomas Nelson, 720
“The Portable Seminary” by David Horton (General Editor), 93-95, 120, 124-146
“Systematic Theology Volume Two: God, Creation” By Dr. Norman Geisler,597-99
“Apologetics Study Bible” (HCSB translation), 1822 
“The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament”, by John H. Walton, Victor H. Matthews and Mark W. Chavalas, 500
“Zondervan NIV Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible: Second Edition” by Edward W. Goodrick and John R. Kohlenberger III, 843, 1425 
(Mis)interpreting Genesis” by Ben Stanhope, 21-46 
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vikasgoddubarla · 4 years
A History of Ancient Rome in 10 Buildings
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Rome was the hub of the universe for half a millennium. This ruled a region that stretched from Scotland until Sudan. The first city in history to have more than a million inhabitants. His influence went further: the Roman monuments flooded southern India's markets, and the Chinese emperor's court scientists made treaties on that town which dominated the western sea. Rome's rulers built some of the world's largest structures, drawing on the tribute of sixty million people. Such buildings, aside from their remarkable architectural and technological accomplishments, are objects that actually bear witness to the fascinating past of the Eternal City. In order to bring this story to life, I built "A Rome past in 15 houses," hosted at toldinstone.com. Each of 15 profiled buildings is presented as part of a Roman history event and discusses a podcast segment, a short story and a photo essay in a Youtube video. The first ten of my 15 houses, which go from the founding of Rome to the fall of the Western Roman Empire, is presented in this article. Related: The Medieval period was used social Distancing and quarantines to combat Black death Tap on the link below the short description to visit the full page for every house. 1. The Romulus Hut The Romans kept the small mudbrick building they called the House of Romulus carefully for a thousand years. While today only the post-holes that remain in the hut remain, excavations around the site on the Palatine Hill are at least as fascinating as the popular Romulus and Remus legend. 2. The Rostra The Roman Empire has very few evidence of the cityscape of Rome that lasted nearly five centuries and dominated the Mediterranean basin. The Rostra, the speaker platform in the Roman Forum, is probably the most historically important. It was here, for example, that Mark Antony was denounced by Cicero, the biggest orator of Rome – and here, a few months later, Cicero's severed head and hands were impaled by Mark Antony. 3. The Forum of Caesar Julius Caesar was a talented actor, a politician born, and a magnificent general. Such attributes brought him to the height of Roman culture – which led to the collapse of the Roman Republic. By the road, Caesar built a new forum, ruined by the invasion of Gaul and decorated it with a Venus temple. Some Senators were persuaded his habit of keeping audiences on the podium at this temple that a knife in the back was appropriate. Related: 5 Unbelievable Ocean Mysteries That Haven’t Solved 4. Ara Pacis He officially restored the ancient Republic after the adoption of Caesar by Octavian son Mark Antony and Cleopatra in the epochal battle of Actium. In fact, for the rest of his long life he remained all-powerful ruling the roman world as 'Revered Augustus.' A master of deception, he used the arts in combination with morality, wealth and, above all, harmony, to bring about his silent autocracy. His view of the new golden age was promoted by the reliefs of the altar dedicated to Pax (Peace). 5. Santa Sabina Santa Sabina is the early Christian basilica of Rome which has been best preserved. Built on the site of the Rome Sack of Alaric and dedicated to the Pontiff who (possibly) sent St. Patrick to Ireland, the Church is a result of those years which have both seen the decline of the western Roman Empire and the bishop of Rome rise as the leader of Western Christianity. 6. The Pantheon In fact, emperor Hadrian was not only a Greek literature enthusiast, ardent lion hunter and longwall builder in the UK, but also, a skilled amateur architect. It is fitting that during his reign the Pantheon was built, the largest Roman building. The architect's name is uncertain, but he was a concrete master and an interior poet whoever he was. 7. The Column of Marcus Aurelius Over raging rivers and wild mountains, the Roman troops file in pleasant lines. In the fight after fight, they kill barbaric forces, leaving bodies behind. Villages burn, the captives weigh – the Philosopher-Emperor's lonely figure leads his troops to victory. Thus, Marcus Aurelius ' spiralling reliefs are the brutal conflict which reversed the initial wave of barbaric invasions. 8. The Baths of Caracalla There was no motivating group of emperors who founded the Caracalla baths. A murdering sociopath was Caracalla who designed the principal bath block. Elagabalus was a half-mad maniac, who began a huge precinct around the Baths. The incompetent marionette of Severus Alexander, who completed the project. But the complex they built was spectacularly reminiscent of two traditionally Roman pastimes, public bathing and Imperial megalomania, with its sumptuous vols and smooth marble walls. 9. The Arch of Constantine Shortly before he met his opponent Maxentius in the Milvian Bridge War, Constantine had Christian icons on his helmets with his troops. He won the battle and shortly afterwards became the first Roman Christian emperor. Built to celebrate the victory on the Milvian Bridge, the Arch of Constantine marked the first steps of its conversion and the start of the religious movement to alter the direction of Roman history. 10. The Colosseum Eight tigers are battling 6 lions! A party of elephants working! Executions, full orchestra followed! 12 gladiator combat, guaranteed to death! So a day of Colosseum games could be declared. There is no more memorial encapsulation – or human costs – of the Roman empire. Related: Explained: How Was Earth Formed? Read the full article
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templarhalo · 7 years
Roman Fempercy AU
I’ll probably write a fic for this. Oh who am I kidding, I wrote a fic for this and turned it into a 40k crossover fanfiction involving a Deathwatch Kill-team and now I’ll never get to that third Chapter of Endryd Haar: The Riven Hound for @sisterofsilence or Simple Souls.
Anyway here it goes.
Fempercy’s name is Persephone. Real original, I know, but Sally thought it sounded better than Prosperina.   Persephone is also lesbian. 
Speaking of Sally, she’s like a Roman Matron. Not even Juno can find something to criticize her about and Venus is jealous of her looks. If the Empire was still around she’d be Empress.
Her life and time at Yancy Academy follow Canon. But Chrion and Grover have an “Oh shit we’re screwed.” moment when they’re looking at Persephone’s grades. When it comes to translating Greek, she’s a D-. Latin translatians  an A+. She always uses the Roman names when they discuss mythology in class. Plus she smiles even more when Chiron shows off his Roman legionare equipment.
Chiron actually starts cussing out Neptune. He says more cursewords that day then he has in centuries.
A child of Posidon would be bad enough, but a child of Neptune? In New York? At Camp Half-Blood’s doorstep? Does he want Chiron to retire early?
Anyway The Lightning thief happens as canon. With a few changes.
Persephone feels really isolated and unwelcome at Camp Half-Blood. She has nightmares about the campers killing her and even has a panic attack during archery practice.
Her only friends are Annabeth and Grocer. She’s uneasy around Annabeth because the idea of Minerva breaking her vow of maidenhood even if she’s technically not doing via actual sex is weird.  She actually meets Hestia and she really listens to Persephone and accepts her.
Ares actually appears as Mars to Persephone after they fight and congratulates her on beating him as Ares.
After they return the Master Bolt, Persephone has to swear an oath on the Styx to never reveal the existence of Greek demigods.
Grover and Annabeth have to swear an oath to never reveal the existence of Roman demigods.
After they  return to  Camp Half-Blood and celebrate, Persephone leaves a few days later.  Officially it’s because she’s returning home early to spend some time with her mother.  Which  is actually true.   She and Annabeth promise to Iris message each other.  Persephone and Sally spend some time in the cabin Montauk.  Neptune actually briefly visits.  Some family bonding time.   Neptune has some Cyclops make her and Sally some very nice jewelry and a very nice Pugio for Persephone.  Persephone gets a tour of Neptune’s palace.  Triton told himself he was going to make a conscious effort to dislike her, but actually ends up liking her.
Lupa’s wolves show up at the Montauk cabin on their last day there.  Hugs are exchanged and than it’s off to the Wolf House.
Lupa has a lot of fun training Persephone.  Persephone has a lot of fun training with Lupa.  Persephone’s panic attacks and nightmares stop.   Persephone ends up terrorizing the wolves and some of them even beg Lupa to  send her off to Camp Jupiter early because she’s adapted so well there.
Lupa actually keeps her for a day longer then she intended to.  She doesn’t tell  Persephone this, but she’s one of the best Roman demigods she’s trained since Jason Grace and Romulus and Remus.
During her trip to  Camp Jupiter the other two gorgons show up.  She kills them just like Percy did in  the Son of Neptune. 
Arriving at Camp Jupiter is like coming home for Persephone.  She meets Jason and they  hit it off.  Persephone is a little upset that she can’t tell him Thalia’s fate because of her oath on the Styx.   Persephone becomes Jason’s Optio in the Fifth Cohort.  She pisses off Octavian, chats with the Lars and Terminus, spars with Jason and kicks his ass 55% percent of the time and becomes pretty well-respected in Camp Jupiter.  Camp is a paradise for her.  She feels a sense of belonging she’s never felt before.  She and Jason  are like siblings,  and Jason confides in her some of his doubts and the pressure he’s under as a Son of Jupiter.
Meanwhile, Luke betrayed the camp and the events of the Sea of Monsters happens.
Percy actually meets Tyson during a visit to  her father’s palace.  Tyson makes her a cool collapsible Roman shield for her and reforges some damaged Imperial Gold weapons she and Jason recovered on a quest.
About a week after the Sea of Monsters, she begins having dreams about Heracles and what went down in the Garden of the Hesperides.  About two days later the Hunters of Artemis show up at Camp Jupiter to  rest and resupply.  Persephone meets Zoe Nightshade and they talk.  Persephone mentions her dreams and offers to return Riptide to  her.  Zoe refuses and tells her to keep it. 
Before they leave, Zoe and Diana lay on the sales pitch thick to  try and convince Persephone to  join  the Hunters.
At first, they think, she’s refusing because she and Jason are dating, but Persephone tells them that she and Jason are not dating because she’s lesbian and she and Jason are friends.  Very close friends, but just friends.  Persephone actually snaps at them and tells them they  don’t know a damn thing about Jason.  That’s he’s a better hero than Heracles and that apart from her and Juno, his patron, she’s his only real friend and she’s not going to abandon him.  Zoe and Diana actually apologize and Zoe and Diana depart on good terms with Persephone. 
After the Titan’s Curse, she get’s a tearful iris message from Annabeth about what happened.  Persephone is crying herself and really wants to  tell Jason his sister is alive and is now Diana’s Lieutenant. 
It’s a good thing Persephone didn’t join  the Hunters because soon  after they leave, Reyna shows up at camp.
And damn  Persephone is crushing hard.   She’s nervously asking Jason what she should do and Jason is like “I don’t know I’ve never had a girlfriend before.”
Persephone does a lot of praying and offering to  the Olympians, talks to Vesta when she visits and even considers asking Octavian to  do his augur thing and see if Reyna is in  her future.
Reyna is doing the same thing.  She and Persephone have built up a solid friendship and she’s kind of realizing she’s Bi and wishing Hylla or her mother was around to give her advice.
Then the mission to  retrieve those Imperial Gold Torpedo’s from the CSS Hunley in Charleston happens.  The air between Reyna and Persephone is a little thick and Jason is hoping the two confess ftheir feelings for each other because sick  of his two best friends tiptoeing around each other. 
During the quest, Jason is separated from Reyna and Persephone.
The two actually are about to confess their feelings for one another when Venus shows up and lays on  the whole “No demigod shall heal your heart.” speech.
And both of them flat out refuse and confess their feeling for each  other.   They tell Venus to piss off.  Venus relents but warns Reyna that her fate will be passed onto another.
The two meet back up with Jason and tell Jason what happened.  Jason is happy for them, but he’s praying to Jupiter for Venus to not screw things up for his friends.
After the quest preparations for the war against Saturn are made.  Annabeth is informed of the events of The Battle of the Labyrinth via Iris message.  Persephone, Jason  and Reyna are jokingly referred to  as the Triumvirate
When Jason and Reyna become Praetors, everyone expects Persephone to  take Jason’s place as Centurion of the Fifth.  Instead she hand Gwen the vine cane and is promoted to Tribune.   As a Tribune, she serves as an official  advisor to the Praetor’s, assists in  the day to day running of the legion  and should a cohort or two be deployed and a Praetor be unavailable, assume direct command.  Octavian  complains  saying it was an abuse of power,  but most legionaries didn’t give a damn.  
There were a couple dates.   A sharing of Jelly beans and  kisses.  Hands held when they thought no one was looking during senate meetings. 
Meanwhile, the Olympian’s are debating on the Great Prophecy.  Typhon has been awakened,   Thalia’s joined the Hunters, and Persephone is at Camp Jupiter.  Zeus suggests they bring her back  to Camp Half-Blood .
Neptune, Vesta and Juno all put their foot down.  
Neptune because he doesn’t want his daughter anywhere near Camp Half-Blood.  Vesta told him what Persephone had to  deal with at Camp Half- Blood, how isolated  and uneasy she felt there.
Juno was not going to have her champion/adopted son’s best friend disappear right before they Legion’s assault on Mount Orthyrs.  It would demoralize him.  It’s not because she actually cares for the girl. Nope no Sirree. She still hates demigods and her husband’s bastard children.
Anyway the Legion attacks Mount Orthrys. 
It goes pretty well.
Jason and Persephone make a huge hurricane and Reyna lends her strength ot the legion, they tear there way through the Titan army ranks, It’s a bitter battle, the Legion is relentless, there’s no turning back.  Better to strike now than wait for the Titan Lord’s army to encircle Camp Jupiter. 
Any way at the end , Jason kills Krios, Saturn’s throne crumbles to dust and the enemy is routed. 
Than Saturn himself shows up.
He’s lost his host body, his scythe, his throne and taking a huge beating from the Olympians.  His body is riddled with arrows from  Artemis and Apollo, burned by Hestia and Hephestaeus and he took a Lightening Bolt.
But he’s still not dead, and he could kill most of the Legion before he is finally defeated.
Jason is exhausted and semiconscious after curb stomping Krios.
Reyna has given most of here strength to the legion.
Most of legion is bloodied, but unbowed.  There’s no way they can kill Saturn, they can only prolong their own deaths and buy time for the Olympians show up.
So Persephone challenges him.
She summons the power of the sea and takes on Saturn herself.
With a little strength lended from Reyna, she sends Saturn screaming back to  Tartarus.
When the Olympians show up, Persephone is on her knees, Riptide still clutched in her hand, bleeding from at least a half a dozen wounds.
After, the Greek demigods receive their awards, Persephone, Reyna and Jason are ushered into Olympus.
Persephone is offered immortality.
She refuses.
She makes,the gods swear on the Styx to claim their children by 13 and to pardon all the traitor demigods and titans and minor gods.
After that.  There’s some peace and quiet, and things go back  to normal at Camp Jupiter.
Than Jason disappears and contact with Olympus has been cut off.
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Kill Accolades
updated 7/31/18
Some of you are probably saying “why should I bother with these kill accolades, anyway?!” Well, on top of most of them giving you new titles to use and some trophies to display on your ships, they also give you a 2% damage bonus on ground/space per enemy. And all of those damage/resist percentages really start to add up after a while. The hardest part really is just knowing how to build those numbers up quickly outside of doing story missions. The 200 kills per for space isn’t so bad but the 1000 per for ground can get...tedious. So, here’s your master list for attaining all the kill accolades. I’m working on building foundry missions for the one that KDF does not have yet. I’ll do my best to keep it updated so please let me know when things change. As they often do...
Beast Ground: Beast Master
Go to Numbus III.
Bluegill Ground: Bluegill Exterminator
Search “Bluegill Ground Accolade” on the Foundry.
Borg Ground: Assimilate This
Go to Defera Battlezone.
Borg Space: Nanoprobe Immunity
Do Borg Red Alerts.
Breen Ground: Cold Hearted
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Breen Space: Frozen Over
Do Breen Deep Space Encounters in the Alpha Quadrant.
Breen Capital Punishment: Kill all 3 Breen Capital ships.
The Desna patrols near Deferi Outpost 3, the Istapp is sighted near Kelvani Belt colonies, & the Snosk is sighted in the Defera Sector stalking Deferi Patrols. These capital ships do not pop up every time you enter one of these encounters so the easiest way is to team up so if one person finds a capital ship the rest can follow to that zone.
Cardassian/Dominion Ground: Founder Foil
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Cardassian/Dominion Space: Alpha Quadrant Savior
Do Cardassian Deep Space Encounters in the Alpha Quadrant.
Devidian Ground: Neural Feast
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Elachi Ground: Spore Smasher
FED search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
KDF do “Defend Rh’Ihho Station” PVE.
Elachi Space: Free Thinker
Do Elachi Deep Space Encounters in the Alpha Quadrant.
Federation Ground: Scourge Of Starfleet
FED search “Accolade- Federation” on the Foundry.
KDF search “seethestar” on the foundry.
Federation Space: Order Of The Bat’leth
FED do a PVP with FED players.
KDF go to the Kahless Expanse in the Beta Quadrant.
Fek’ihri Ground: Haunted
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Fek’ihri Space: Wicked
FED search “Accolades - Fek’ihri” on the Foundry.
KDF search “Fek’ihr Space Grind” on the Foundry.
Gorn Ground: Cold Blooded
FED search “seethestar” on the Foundry”
KDF go to the Gorn Canyon on Nimbus III.
Gorn Space: Arena Champion
Do Gorn Deep Space Encounters in the Beta Quadrant.
Herald Ground: Demon Bane
FED search “A Barrel Of Heralds” on the Foundry.
KDF currently story missions and Arena of Sompek are the only way.
Herald Space: Light Bringer
Do Iconian Space STFs.
Hirogen Ground: Hunter
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Hirogen Space: Alpha Of The Pack
Do Hirogen Deep Space Encounters in the Delta Quadrant.
Hur’q Ground: Reckoning Of The Cycle
Complete the Hur’q story missions.
Hur’q Space: Reaper Of The Swarm
Complete the Hur’q story missions.
Klingon Ground: Descendant Of Kahless
FED search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
KDF do the first part of “The House Always Wins” and beam out after the battle to easily repeat it. There’s also Arena of Sompek and “Brushfire”.
KDF-ROM the only way outside of Arena of Sompek is “Brushfire”.
Klingon Space: Champion Of The Empire
FED do Federation Fleet Alerts.
KDF do Klingon Fleet Alerts.
Klingon Empire Rebel Ground: Defending The Empire
For FED/ROM kill Zorgun on the Snap Dragon crew in “The Undying”. Beam out after that round to more easily kill him again.
KDF can kill 8 at a time in “Bringing Down The House”. They’re in the first two rooms of the “Heir We Go Again” section. Beam out before Worf yells for easy repeats. Also Zorgun on the Snap Dragon crew in “The Undying”. Beam out after that round to more easily kill him again.
Klingon Empire Rebel Space: Maintaining Order
Do Klingon Rebel Deep Space Encounters in the Beta Quadrant.
Na’kuhl Ground: Monster Hunter
FED search “Na’kuhl Grinder” on the Foundry.
KDF currently story missions and Arena of Sompek are the only way.
Na’kuhl Space: Time’s Archer
Do The Battle Of Procyon 5 STF.
Nausicaan Ground: Brute
FED search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
KDF/KDF-ROM Arena of Sompek and one on the Snap Dragon crew in “The Undying”. Beam out after that round to more easily kill him again.
Nausicaan Space: Mercenary
Do Nausicaan Deep Space Encounters in the Beta Quadrant.
Orion Ground: Syndicate Boss
FED search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
KDF/KDF-ROM do “Warehouse” on New Romulus for ~42 kills each.
Orion Space: Hitman
Do Orion Deep Space Encounters in the Beta Quadrant.
Reman Ground: Caste Mutiny
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Reman Space: Xenophobe
FED search “Accolades - Remans” on the Foundry.
KDF currently “The Vault” is the only way.
Romulan Ground: Praetor
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Romulan Space: Tal Shiar’s Most Wanted
Do Romulan Deep Space Encounters in the Beta Quadrant.
Species M-113 Ground: Salt Vampire Slayer
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Sphere Builders Space: Wrecking Ball
Terran Empire Ground: Evil Twin
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Terran Empire Space: Scourge Of The Terran Empire
Go to the Badlands Battlezone.
Tholian Ground: Shattered
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Tholian Space: Spider’s Bane
Do Tholian Red Alerts.
Tzenkethi Ground: Reptilian Ravager
FED search “Accolade: Tzenkethi Ground” on the Foundry.
KDF currently story missions and Arena of Sompek are the only way.
Tzenkethi Space: Crusade Conqueror
Go to Gon’Cra Nebula Battlezone.
Undine Ground: Liquidator
Search “seethestar” on the Foundry.
Undine Space: Planet Killer Killer
Go to the Dyson Sphere Space Battlezone.
Vaadwaur Ground: Cobra Crusher
Go to Kobali Prime Battlezone.
Vaadwaur Space: Vaadwaur Vessel Vanquisher
Do The Battle Of Korfez STF.
Voth Ground: Extinction Event
Go to the Dyson Sphere Ground Battlezone.
Voth Space: Heretical Doctrine
Go to the Dyson Sphere.
0 notes
worldcakecakecake · 6 years
The Society of Romulus and Remus
Ludwig is the product of a centuries old curse that transforms him into a dangerous werewolf. His only chance for a cure is with Feliciano, heir to the Society of Romulus and Remus, a group of hunters who hunt on the supernatural. 
Sorry for the length it has taken me to post. I’ve been in Spain and things have been hectic.
                                                   Chapter 10
Ludwig hurried behind Feliciano the whole way to the hospital wing, trying to shout sense into him.
 “Feliciano! Lovino’s wounds are too complicated for a beginner! You’ll only put him at more risk!”
 “You said I could heal whatever wound!” Feliciano shouted back.
 “I didn’t think you would want to heal something at your brother’s level!”
 No matter, Feliciano had reached with his still strong intent. Ludwig followed him up the stairs, down the halls and before the ward. Only two nurses were there attending to his falling figure, most of his wounds now covered in healing bandages or IVs. The nurses, having heard how Feliciano reacted when he saw his brother this way, instantly covered and were soon to close.
 “Wait! I can heal him!” Feliciano moved between them and took secured standing right next to the sleeping figure.
 “Sir, we are doing the best we can ourselves,” one of them tried to stop him.
 “Then let me!” He raised his sleeves, revealing well his wolf mark, one of the few times Ludwig had seen it.
 As he analyzed how his brother's body was presented, surely mapping well how his own system must be organized in his ruined state, the nurses gazed over to Ludwig hoping he could say the words to get him to move back. He had already tried and knew that anything more will just fall uselessly.
 “He learned a Venetian Mark in two days and passed Carlotta’s statue just for this,” it seemed Ludwig was starting to defend upon seeing the confidence Feliciano bore, only slightly trembling because of the haunting of how Lovino was still heavily damaged and without much promise.
 The nurses widened upon hearing this, impression enough for them to hold back and watch what this could turn into. If anything, they prepared a blocking and interrupting spell under their breaths for if it failed.
 Having those eyes on him made this slightly nerve wrecking, but he quickly learned to shut them off once he was sure of the mapping he had done in his mind and how the spell was going to move across his body. He could do this, he repeated to himself in his mind, enough in it to spark the needed energy. He took the position, straight, focused on his power, arms outstretched, the center well under their shadow. As he produced the magic, all in its well route, Ludwig saw him do something new and that was utter something under his breath. That wasn’t part of the spell. He was just about ready to comment, maybe even stop him, but the blue started along with a spread across the damaged parts of the body.
 Ludwig and the nurses could tell it was difficult. Feliciano spent long times in many areas over the difficulty of the passing and the bruises, but more words and he continued through, all intrigued at the normal skin color that was beginning to return. Wounds closed, scars fully disappeared, bringing the body to a glow as if it had come anew to this world. Ludwig had never seen such a clean doing of the spell and surely it had to do with the whispers Feliciano was giving. Even as the body moved with breaths, Feliciano continued on his focus, fully until he had completed the entire body.
 In a closing of his hands, it was done, the magic gone, a strong lingering of the energy disappearing away, leaving behind a healthy and bright Lovino, For the first time since his bloodied arrival, his eyes began to blink, adjusting to the heavy lights that glowed above him. The rest didn’t dare move, as if giving it all for Lovino to take.
 Finally, hazel eyes widened completely, their usual fire and liveliness that didn’t match this ward, bandages and all the still connected IVs. He raised himself slightly, all sharing stunned expressions, either waiting for some kind of reaction.
 “What?” Lovino decided to break the silence.
 “You’re… okay?” Feliciano neared, still hesitant to touch him, afraid that he could disturb this and bring him back to his ruin of earlier.
 “I’m…completely fine…why…” he looked around to the blankness of the ceiling, walls and floors, the machines, the bandages and the IVs. “Why…why am I in the hospital wing?” He was incredulous, slightly maddened even.
 “You…you don’t remember?” One nurse questioned.
 “Remember what?”
 “The attack!”
 “Oh that…yeah, I remember that.” And still he seemed nonchalant, well rested, like he was just lazing on a couch.
 They all took a deep breath, one that seemed to push them to the floor in relief.
 “So…do you feel okay?” Feliciano began to smile.
 “I feel completely all right,” Lovino admitted truthfully, looking over to himself for all those bruises and scars. “How did you-”
 “I’ll tell you later, but, Lovino, just let me hug you!” And he jumped on him and brought that embrace. Even with Lovino’s complaints and shouts, the nurses, even Ludwig, could only smile at the touching scene, giving them that loving exchange before they would have to start his removal. In the hardened shakes and the ramblings Feliciano went on with, Lovino tried to escape his eyes anywhere in the rush, landing them suddenly on Ludwig. Their eyes only met briefly, but in those couple of seconds, Lovino held that blue for a long while…wondering…wondering…wondering…until he recognized. Sudden raging darkness, roars, blood, a hundred piercings of what seemed a hundred sharpened teeth, a near reach of death. Lovino found himself returning the embrace of his brother, cradling into his neck and letting himself that comfort of his familiarity. Feliciano felt him trembling suddenly, so he hardened his hold, whispering words of comfort and love to try and ease him back to the calm he held when he woke up. He didn’t notice the hardened glare his brother sent his teacher. Ludwig noticed how the hold was a protective one, territorial, one that flared his inner wolf. It almost seemed like Lovino was staring right at the eyes of the beast even as it lay dormant in that body. Ludwig clenched his fists and pretended to be ignorant to these stares, willingly losing to that battle to try and avoid having Lovino recognize him.
 The obvious hint were his eyes, as intense and dangerous as they had been in the attack.
  Another nurse was told of the news and it was quickly brought to their leader, who arrived later to give the same embrace of welcome, as suffocating and as embarrassing.
 “I was so scared, so scared. I dreaded to lose you and I’m so happy you’re well. You are safe and alive and healthy,” and Augusto had gone on with rumbles, never dispatching from the embrace, not halting the kisses he lay all over Lovino’s head. Sure, he had practically awakened by a coma, didn’t mean that he was accepting all this love feast easily, only trying to find escape even in his jailed position on the bed by the strength of his grandfather’s arms.
 “Now, are you sure you’re all right? No headaches, no strains?” Augusto finally released him, his hand working as the expectations to his questions.
 “Fine, completely fine. I can’t even remember how it felt like,” Lovino eased, pulling away that searching hand.
 “And you’re sure you’re ready to leave the ward?” Augusto still wanted to make sure.
 “I would this very instant. In fact, can I leave right now?”
 “Easy there, give yourself a break to rest.”
 “I rested long enough. I want to get back to work.” Lovino was determined.
 “Really?...After that attack?”
 “It’s the usual for someone of the society. Heir or not, it was bound to happen to me.”
 “This kind of attack would have killed anyone. You’re lucky Feliciano mastered a Venetian Mark in two days just for you, or who knows how things would have ended.”
 “Two days!” Lovino shouted incredulous, rising slightly from the bed in the push of surprise.
 “I had the same reaction.” Augusto shushed him back to a proper sitting.
 Feliciano stood in delight beside the bed, sporting a bright smile.
 “I have to say I’m very impressed and of course proud. What made you so determined to learn it in two days?”
 “I…really, really, really wanted to save Lovino.”
 Augusto smiled, now brining him closer to the bed in his own crushing embrace.
 “You are both admirable. Lovino, I see you soon reaching a golden sheep seal, and Feliciano, you have impressed me with this ability. Your dedication is true and just what this society needs.” There was faltering in Feliciano’s smile. “Perhaps you shall soon get your bronze sheep seal. I shall speak to Ludwig, you will be ready for your hunter test.”
 Feliciano couldn’t hold his grin, fear carved, one Augusto didn’t notice as Lovino came out with another concern.
 “Nonno, can I speak to you alone for a moment?”
 Augusto raised an eyebrow, Feliciano already standing from the bed, wanting immediate leaving from his grandfather’s words.
 “I’ll let you guys talk then,” Feliciano decided, rushing off to other freer things that could rise him from the new mood his grandfather brought.
 They were alone in the ward now, nurses and others passing along not seeming to want to interrupt whatever it was they were to speak about.
 “What is it?” Augusto neared to keep their conversation low.
  The German they spoke on about had decided on training for the day, exercises and lifts that he shared with others in a gym. He practiced on his breathing, on more of the controls that Augusto had given him, well on him even afterwards as he made his way around the base, thinking if he should have an early dinner or spend time on new readings. He passed by the hospital and suddenly found himself remembering Lovino. Curious over his wellbeing (especially after he was the one that caused it), he went over to see if he was still there. He arrived just to see his first standing since the attack, dressed well and ready to head back to his usual in the base. He seemed quite eager and strong, but then they caught their eyes, and he was soured, angry, turning away and already stomping to some other place in the hospital with no cringe or delay in his body. It was unexpected, and it left Ludwig in question. He didn’t notice Augusto was there until he began to approach him, a confident smile that didn’t show at all menace until a harsh hand had fallen well on his shoulder.
 “Come with me, Ludwig,” Augusto commanded, leading Ludwig to another more secluded hall, with no array of doctors and nurses. Even when they found this place, Augusto refused to let him go.
 “You were there, weren’t you?” His tone was sharp.
 “Whe-where?” Ludwig feared.
 “In Lithuania, more specifically, the forest where my grandson was attacked.”
 Ludwig froze, silent and with not even a word on his mind to tell Augusto.
 “Out with it, boy! Speak the truth!” He commanded.
 How could Ludwig continue to defend himself of something that left a marking well for Augusto to know…and perhaps even Lovino.
 “Sir…it was a powerful transformation I couldn’t control.”
 “Didn’t I give you emergency pills?”
 “I couldn’t reach them on time. Sir, I speak with the outmost truth that I was completely taken and unaware. I would never, ever, do a thing to harm you so closely. I apologize heavily, and I am willing to prove it however necessary.”
 Augusto saw it well in his eyes, which controlled whatever violence the hunter and grandfather in him wanted to deal this in.
 Augusto sighed, his hold now more comforting, his voice the gentile of family. “For your chances in staying in the society, not betraying my trust and your curse breaking, I hope so.”
 Ludwig was released, and for a moment he thought he was free.
 “I confide in you a lot, Ludwig. But I have to admit, I’m still taking a huge risk in letting you be my son’s private teacher. I trust well your control, plus the medicines and charms I have given you. This is only your first time breaking out of that line and my grandson was saved by a spell you did well to teach Feliciano quickly, so I will let it pass. But mark my words. You attack someone of my family again and I will personally be your end,” he threatened with quite a growl that reminded Ludwig, of well…a wolf.
 “Understood.” Ludwig lowered his head in acceptance to such faith.
 “Good, now, about Lovino…”
 “Did he…?”
 “Recognize you? Probably. My grandson has good instinct and can tell the signs of when a beast is among us.”
 Ludwig raised his eyes, for he felt Augusto accusing him harshly with that word.
 “It was hard convincing him and I doubt I truly cleared his suspicions, but I did enough so he wouldn’t go out to take you down by himself, but be wary, he told me he will keep you under a heavy watch, more so when he knows you spend a lot of time alone with Feliciano.” He turned, soon to take his leave, but of course he wasn’t done yet.
 “Which reminds me, Ludwig, I congratulate heavy what you did to get Feliciano to learn it. You have proven more than ever your abilities as a teacher in this base.”
 Ludwig tried to hide his pride, but a small grin escaped that Augusto caught.
 “How ready do you think he is for his first testing?”
 And it was gone, his thoughts now lost on that probability.
 “I…don’t know, sir. We haven’t really done much on hunting tactics. When’s the next test?”
 Augusto looked through his mind for the exact date. “About a month from now…do you think that’s enough to prepare him?” Augusto seemed to force that determination while Ludwig only stuttered.
 “To be honest, sir, I don’t know.” He let himself say and Augusto appreciated it at least.
 “After this one, the next test will take place in six months. It would be best if we didn’t have to wait that long,” was the last suggestion he decided to give, turning away to give Ludwig the time to think for himself.
  Three days had passed only, days that Ludwig had decided on a locking in his room, reorganizing his year plan notebook concerning his curse breaking, an organizing depending heavily on Feliciano’s progress.
 With his quickness in learning the Venetian Mark, something immensely good he admitted, it still drove his planning book in a mess that had him pulling his hair for every change and effect even for months ahead. Another haunting headache was his decision if to enter Feliciano into the next group testing. Sure, it would mean a new level and his first seal, it would mean access to all new materials that had to do with the other spells, as well as just a new name to talk about for the Valenti. But this was majorly a hunting test, risky because they go out into an actual field with actual dangers. Any slip off can be very costly and he just couldn’t imagine seeing Feliciano leave any of that without the least injury of a broken bone. But waiting six months…that would be too long a wait for the rest of the spells, to watch Feliciano improve and grow.
 He left his office then, late in the night, halls practically deserted when he arrived at his room. As it had been in his life before he was taken into the society, his room was surrounded by books, all having to do with his teachings, or just new things Ludwig wanted to know more about. Because of their plentitude, sometimes he would forget the books he had, covered well by all the others he would get new, in quite a mess that he wasn’t really proud of. No matter what he did, a book was always on the way, seeming to come from out of nowhere and surprise him as if ready to attack. Ludwig was a werewolf…he could feel anything’s approach and defend himself well…even against books.
 He wasn’t meaning to read anything. Once he was done with his washing, he prepared the bed and pushed aside whatever books were on top of it. He hoped he would have a better decision in the morning after sleep, one the very room wanted to help with. As soon as Ludwig was well tucked in his bed, a book he had overhead on a shelf fell right beside his face. Any other and he would pushed it aside like the rest, but the form of its cover took his instant interest.
 It was an old leathered book Augusto had lent him back in the year that he had started in the society. It was part of a pile that he had said would help. He hadn’t remembered looking through this one, having better interest in what was Michelangela’s compendium and practically pushing aside the others. This one had a single eye in its front, carved in darkness that was somewhat eerie to Ludwig. He reached for it, opening to find a power and spell book for the usage of eyes. There were several basic ones that he could do himself, ones that you could teach to children, ones he had taught well to other students, difficult ones, even ones he had never read before. The last chapter was on ‘The Bronze Stare’ an extremely familiar one. Usually there was barely anything about it, mostly simplistic things that always kept Ludwig wondering if there was more. But this book, for once, brought something more extensive to the spell, showing more than what Ludwig originally thought it was for.
 The Bronze Stare was known as a tracking and sight spell, to see things from afar and to better find and reach them. Yet, as the book showed more that it was perhaps where the spell was originally written on, it said that there was more to its purpose. He read that it could be used to paralyze or even kill from distance. Ludwig now couldn’t find it in him to sleep, reading on in all its full potency…one the would surely help Feliciano for when he joined the test.
  This new book slammed well on Ludwig’s desk, startling Feliciano suddenly, who was wide awake, unlike other times mind you.
 “You’re joining the next group testing,” Ludwig declared, taking his usual seat in his chair.
 “What?” Feliciano was confused.
 “You know that every six months, the society creates a test where they send newcomers to the Paneveggio to hunt for creatures that are either released by the very society or happen to be there as they try to find a way to get into our base. Whoever passes it, is granted a new level, a seal and relinquish their titles as beginners. If not, you will have to wait another six months and to be honest, I would rather not wait that long.” He already took pens and empty notebooks ready for the lesson, tapping them as he leaned forward, waiting for whatever questions Feliciano might have. Since he remained silent, he continued.
 “You’ll be joining the students of other teachers, will be given all the necessary equipment and will be rightfully prepared.”
 “And…when is the test?”
 “At the end of the month.”
 “But…that only gives us a couple of weeks!” Feliciano panicked.
 “I said you’ll be rightfully prepared. For the next couple of weeks, we’ll be focusing on your hunting skills, as well as,” he opened the browned leathered book, until it was back at the important chapter, “the Bronze Stare.”
 Feliciano was still too preoccupied with the ticking time, knowing of the exhaustion of physical training that will come, of the soon approach of having to kill to really think about this new spell.
 “What is it?” He finally managed to question.
 “It’s a sight intensification spell.”
 “Oh, then it has to be simple,” Feliciano excited.
 “In its basic form, yes, but we’ll be doing something different with it.” And Ludwig then turned the pages until he was in the last section that talked about paralyzing and killing. As soon as Feliciano saw those words, he gulped and moved the furthest away he could in his seat.
 “The best chance you have at even surviving this test is this spell.”
 That didn’t make Feliciano any confident about it.
  Of course, they had to practice the spell, but alongside it they had to prepare Feliciano’s body for the training and intensity the spell asked when it came to hitting its targets until destruction and just hunting in general. It was back to the excruciating exercises, to the bruises from sticks and rocks they would use to practice different weapons, to the cringes and turns that made Feliciano cry, less and less visits to the terrace of statues because of how tired he was and how he wanted to spend most of his time just crashed on his bed.
 On one particular day, Ludwig had let Feliciano do his first try on the Bronze stare. After how vicious the last days had been, he thought it to be something that could be of relaxation, peace for his body and mind.
 He had been absolutely wrong.
 His first tries gave him headaches, bulging and attacking headaches that had him groaning on the floor, Ludwig having to give him potions of medicine and even bags of ice to place on his head. He was sent back to his room completely drained, looking like an attacked mess and wanting nothing more than to lay for weeks on.
 He arrived, his shirtless body in red, sweat, pushing everything to the side, simply riding of every piece of clothing and instantly falling upon his bed. The grasp of the darkness of sleep caught him, and he smiled for once in his hardened day as he finally settled with something of peace.
 He dreamed of children playing in a beautiful garden, a banquet of the most delightful sweets presented for them. Feliciano acted in this dream as their caretaker, handing them all the caramel apples, chocolates with nuts and gum they wanted. A small orchestra played, a sweetened song that was tempting Feliciano into a dance with the children instead of working on more chocolate lollipops for them.
 Ah yes, peace, peace, peace, peace…thunder.
 The skies darkened, with an approaching storm, all scurrying to head inside to the palace behind them. Yet Feliciano was the only one that was not permitted the escape, being forced to watch as this storm that came brought along with it a destroying black smoke, tearing apart the surrounding trees, rivers and fountains.
 Come on, come on, come on, he repeated to himself as he tried to dispatch from whatever mud kept him standing there, sweating, huffing, shaking, trying every pull he could.
 The smoke began to take form, large, a last intimidating wave before it decided to consume this castle of peace, of escape.
 No, no, no, no, not this, not that familiarity of the monster wolf, of those eyes of red, another of blue, evil grimaces with the most intimidating teeth, already gushing blood and wanting nothing but more to add. At every shout, at every try to get himself away from that spot, the monster only turned larger, a form of menace that did well to cover his entire being under its shadow.
 Beilschmidt, Beilschmidt, Beilschmidt, Beilschmidt, it repeated like always, the last warning before it reigned, dropping its violence and destroy to pain and breaking.
 Ludwig Beilschmidt.
 Feliciano awoke with a heavy take of breath, only to release it in a scream, a sitting, hard to let it die down, hard to see in this darkness, in this clutching space. He had to give constant taps around his sheets and blankets to realize that he was in his room, alone, no ominous eyes in the darkness ready to consume him. He quickly headed to his bedside table, taking out the matches and lighting one of the scented candles he had there. It was a dim light, but enough to see, not so shinning, a relaxing orange settling in the room that was comfort and embracing warmth.
 Once the scent of sea breeze from the candle reached him, he finally breathed easily, settling well on his bed, laying upon it in great relief.
 A dream, a dream, it was only a dream. For a moment there was comfort in it, until he remembered that he hadn’t had those kinds of nightmares in a while. He thought them gone, he thought he could finally have that freedom in his dreams, liberated…but it wasn’t so.
 It had been a long time since he had cried about them, since he had weakened so much into his bed, dreading their return, their surely continuing to haunt.
 Ludwig Beilschmidt. This time they said his full name, reminding Feliciano of the fear in that family name, of his questions pertaining it. All over again to that unsettlement of years ago, wondering and wanting…only this time it was close, it was his teacher, those scolding blue eyes seeming more fearful now than ever. He had never been so terrified of him.
 “Why didn’t you stop? Why didn’t you stop?” Feliciano scolded himself, gripping his head harshly as he slammed himself against his pillow.
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veale2006-blog · 5 years
The Truth Behind St. Valentine’s Day
Long but worth the read. February 13, 2020 St. Valentine’s Day is the world’s “holiday of love.” Since the Bible states that God is love (I John 4:8, 16), does He approve of the celebration of this day? Does He want His people—true Christians—partaking of the candy and cards, or any customs associated with this day?
When God says He wants you to live life abundantly (John 10:10), does that include celebrating a festive, seemingly harmless holiday like Valentine’s Day? The God who gives us everything—life, food, drink, the ability to think for ourselves, etc.—surely approves of St. Valentine’s Day, the holiday for lovers to exchange gifts—right?
Do not be so certain. Do not assume anything. Do not even take this article’s word for it. Go to history books and encyclopedias. Go to the Bible. Then you will know the real truth behind St. Valentine’s Day. And you will know what God expects you to do about it!
Valentine’s Past Like Christmas, Easter, Halloween, New Year’s and other holidays of this world, St. Valentine’s Day is another attempt to “whitewash” perverted customs and observances of pagan gods and idols by “Christianizing” them.
As innocent and harmless as St. Valentine’s Day may appear, its traditions and customs originate from two of the most sexually perverted pagan festivals of ancient history: Lupercalia and the feast day of Juno Februata.
Celebrated on February 15, Lupercalia (known as the “festival of sexual license”) was held by the ancient Romans in honor of Lupercus, god of fertility and husbandry, protector of herds and crops, and a mighty hunter—especially of wolves. The Romans believed that Lupercus would protect Rome from roving bands of wolves, which devoured livestock and people.
Assisted by Vestal Virgins, the Luperci (male priests) conducted purification rites by sacrificing goats and a dog in the Lupercal cave on Palatine Hill, where the Romans believed the twins Romulus and Remus had been sheltered and nursed by a she-wolf before they eventually founded Rome. Clothed in loincloths made from sacrificed goats and smeared in their blood, the Luperci would run about Rome, striking women with februa, thongs made from skins of the sacrificed goats. The Luperci believed that the floggings purified women and guaranteed their fertility and ease of childbirth. February derives from februa or “means of purification.”
To the Romans, February was also sacred to Juno Februata, the goddess of febris (“fever”) of love, and of women and marriage. On February 14, billets (small pieces of paper, each of which had the name of a teen-aged girl written on it) were put into a container. Teen-aged boys would then choose one billet at random. The boy and the girl whose name was drawn would become a “couple,” joining in erotic games at feasts and parties celebrated throughout Rome. After the festival, they would remain sexual partners for the rest of the year. This custom was observed in the Roman Empire for centuries.
Whitewashing Perversion In A.D. 494, Pope Gelasius renamed the festival of Juno Februata as the “Feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary.” The date of its observance was later changed from February 14 to February 2, then changed back to the 14. It is also known as Candlemas, the Presentation of the Lord, the Purification of the Blessed Virgin and the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple.
After Constantine had made the Roman church’s brand of Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire (A.D. 325), church leaders wanted to do away with the pagan festivals of the people. Lupercalia was high on their list. But the Roman citizens thought otherwise.
It was not until A.D. 496 that the church at Rome was able to do anything about Lupercalia. Powerless to get rid of it, Pope Gelasius instead changed it from February 15 to the 14th and called it St. Valentine’s Day. It was named after one of that church’s saints, who, in A.D. 270, was executed by the emperor for his beliefs.
According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, “At least three different Saint Valentines, all of them martyrs, are mentioned in early martyrologies under the date of 14 February. One is described as a priest at Rome, another as bishop of Interamna (modern Terni), and these two seem both to have suffered in the second half of the third century and to have been buried on the Flaminian Way, but at different distances from the city…Of the third Saint Valentine, who suffered in Africa with a number of companions, nothing is further known.” Several biographies of different men named Valentine were merged into one “official” St. Valentine.
The church whitewashed Lupercalia even further. Instead of putting the names of girls into a box, the names of “saints” were drawn by both boys and girls. It was then each person’s duty to emulate the life of the saint whose name he or she had drawn. This was Rome’s vain attempt to “whitewash” a pagan observance by “Christianizing” it, which God has not given man the power or authority to do. Though the church at Rome had banned the sexual lottery, young men still practiced a much toned-down version, sending women whom they desired handwritten romantic messages containing St. Valentine’s name. Over the centuries, St. Valentine’s Day cards became popular, especially by the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. These cards were painted with pictures of Cupid and hearts, and meticulously decorated with lace, silk or flowers.
First Man Called Valentine But who was the original Valentine? What does the name Valentine mean? Valentine comes from the Latin Valentinus, which derives from valens—“to be strong, powerful, mighty.”
The Bible describes a man with a similar title: “And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD” (Gen. 10:8-9). He was said to have hunted with bow and arrow.
As mentioned, the Romans celebrated Lupercalia to honor the hunter god Lupercus. To the Greeks, from whom the Romans had copied most of their mythology, Lupercus was known as Pan, the god of light. The Phoenicians worshipped the same deity as Baal, the sun god. Baal was one of many names or titles for Nimrod, a mighty hunter, especially of wolves. He was also the founder and first lord of Babel (Gen. 10:10-12). Defying God, Nimrod was the originator of the Babylonian Mystery Religion, whose mythologies have been copied by the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans and a multitude of other ancient peoples.
Under different names or titles—Pan, Lupercus, Saturn, Osiris—Nimrod is the strong man and hunter-warrior god of the ancients.
But what does the heart symbol have to do with a day honoring Nimrod/Valentine?
The title Baal means “lord” or “master,” and is mentioned throughout the Bible as the god of pagans. God warned His people not to worship or even tolerate the ways of Baal (Nimrod). In ancient Chaldean (the language of the Babylonians), bal, which is similar to Baal, meant, “heart.” This is where the Valentine heart symbol originated.
Now notice the name Cupid. It comes from the Latin verb cupere, meaning “to desire.” Cupid was the son of Venus, Roman goddess of beauty and love. Also known as Eros in ancient Greece, he was the son of Aphrodite. According to myth, he was responsible for impregnating numerous goddesses and mortals. Cupid was a child-like archer (remember, Nimrod was a skilled archer). Mythology describes Cupid as having both a cruel and happy personality. He would use his invisible arrows, tipped with gold, to strike unsuspecting men and women, causing them to fall madly in love. He did not do this for their benefit, but to drive them crazy with intense passion, to make their lives miserable, and to laugh at the results. Many of the gods of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Assyrians and others were modeled after one man—Nimrod.
But what does this have to do with us today? Why should we be concerned with what happened in the past?
What God Thinks Read what God commands His people concerning pagan customs and traditions: “Learn not the way of the heathen…For the customs of the people are vain” (Jer. 10:2-3). Also notice Christ’s words in Matthew 15:9: “…in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”
Throughout the Bible, God describes “heathens” as those who worship things that He had created (animals, the sun, the moon, stars, trees, etc.), or man-made idols, or anything but the one true God. He calls such people and their practices pagan. True Christians understand that God hates any customs, practices and traditions that are rooted in paganism.
But just how serious is God about paganism?
When He rescued the twelve tribes of Israel from brutal slavery and led them out of Egypt, He commanded them, “After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein you dwelt, shall you not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, where I bring you, shall you not do: neither shall you walk in their ordinances” (Lev. 18:3). God demanded the Israelites not to defile themselves with the pagan practices and customs of surrounding nations (vs. 24-29). “Therefore shall you keep Mine ordinance, that you commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that you defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God” (vs. 30).
God cursed Egypt—a nation of nature-worshiper—with ten plagues and freed Israel from slavery. He rescued Israel from Pharaoh’s army by parting the Red Sea and leading His people to safety. He fed the Israelites manna—special bread made by God—from heaven. He protected them from battle-tested Gentile armies, delivered them into the Promised Land and drove out their enemies.
How did Israel treat God in return? “Our fathers understood not Your wonders in Egypt; they remembered not the multitude of Your mercies; but provoked Him at the sea, even at the Red Sea…They soon forgot His works; they waited not for His counsel: But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert…They made a calf in Horeb, and worshiped the molten image. Thus they changed their glory into the similitude of an ox that eats grass. They forgot God their Savior, which had done great things in Egypt; wondrous works in the land of Ham, and terrible things by the Red Sea…they despised the pleasant land, they believed not His word: But murmured in their tents, and hearkened not unto the voice of the LORD …They joined themselves also unto Baal-peor, and ate the sacrifices of the dead. Thus they provoked Him to anger with their intentions” (Psa. 106:7, 13-14, 19-22, 24-25, 28-29).
God explicitly commanded Israel to cast out and utterly destroy all nations that occupied the Promised Land (Canaan). Above all, His people were not to make political alliances with them or marry into their families (Deut. 7:1-3, 5, 16). “For they will turn away your sons from following Me, that they may serve other gods” (vs. 4).
But the Israelites thought they knew better than God. They decided to do things their own way. “They did not destroy the nations, concerning whom the LORD commanded them: But were mingled among the heathen, and learned their works. And they served their idols: which were a snare unto them. Yes, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils [demons], and shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood. Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions” (Psa. 106:34-39).
To wake them up and get them back on track as the model nation He had originally intended, God gave Israel over to their enemies. Israel repented and cried out to God. God rescued them. With their bellies full and lives protected, the Israelites went back to pursuing other gods. God punished Israel again. Israel repented and cried out to God.
And so went the deliverance-idolatry-punishment-repentance cycle (vs. 40-46), until finally, God had no other choice but to divorce unfaithful Israel (Jer. 3:6-11).
He used the Assyrians, one of the most brutal warrior nations in history, to invade, conquer, enslave and relocate the entire northern kingdom of Israel (II Kings 17). Having “disappeared” from history, the modern-day descendants of those ten “lost” tribes are unaware of their true identity even to this day.
Later, God sent the southern kingdom of Judah (mainly the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi) into Babylonian exile (II Kings 24 and 25). Because they kept (at least physically) the true Sabbath, which is a special sign that identifies the one true God and His people (Ex. 31:12-18), the Jews were able to retain their true identity.
The Israelites were severely punished because they lusted after pagan customs, rituals, traditions and practices. As you can see, God does not take paganism lightly.
Why Paganism Is Wrong Just why does God hate anything that resembles pagan customs? Is it possible to “whitewash” or “Christianize” pagan practices and make them clean? Is it okay to practice pagan customs as long as you “worship God”?
Notice what God says in Leviticus chapter 18. After rescuing Israel from slavery, God warned them not to practice the customs they had picked up in Egypt, or learn the ways, customs and traditions of the Gentile nations that they would encounter in the Promised Land (vs. 1-3). Instead, God commanded Israel to follow His ways (vs. 4-5).
God then describes the pagan ways of these ungodly nations in great detail. In verses 7-20, He condemns all kinds of heterosexual sex relations that fall outside the holy boundaries of marriage—incest, fornication, adultery, etc. In verses 22-23, God condemns homosexuality and bestiality. Together, these sins break down and destroy the family unit that God had so lovingly created and instituted.
Notice what God links to these perversions: “And you shall not let any of your seed [children] pass through the fire to Molech, neither shall you profane the name of your God: I am the LORD” (vs. 21). God ties in the perverse sexual practices of ungodly, pagan nations with human sacrifices—parents offering the lives of their children to pagan gods!
The Bible shows that Israel not only disobeyed God and wholeheartedly embraced the sexual immorality of the Gentiles, they even went a step further.
“And they have turned unto Me the back, and not the face: though I taught them, rising up early and teaching them, yet they have not hearkened to receive instruction. But they set their abominations in the house [the temple at Jerusalem], which is called by My name, to defile it. And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into My mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin” (Jer. 32:33-35). (To learn more about these child sacrifices to Molech, download from our website our sermon Santa Claus is Molech and our booklets The True Origin of Christmas and The True Origin of Easter.)
Imagine. Israel committed a sin so vile, so disgusting, that it even shocked God! But that was then. What about today? Surely, parents do not sacrifice their children to pagan gods today—or do they?
Do not be so certain. Perhaps their lives are not being sacrificed—but what about their innocence?
Parents today expect their little ones to “fall in love” and have boyfriends and girlfriends. They think it is “cute” when little boys and girls hold hands and act like a couple, sneaking a kiss or two when no one is watching. Some parents get worried when their kids do not show romantic interest in the opposite sex. They constantly ask them, “Do you have a boyfriend yet?” or “Who’s your girlfriend?”
Yet these same parents are surprised when their teen-aged “little girl” gets pregnant. Or catches a sexually transmitted disease. Or gets an abortion behind their back.
St. Valentine’s Day is just one of many tools the “god of this world” (II Cor. 4:4) uses to get parents to sacrifice the innocence of their children.
When little boys and girls draw each other’s names in a lottery and send Valentine cards and gifts to each other, declaring their “love,” they are learning the first stages of intimate relations that the Creator God designed specifically for emotionally mature adults. Instead of embracing the carefree innocence of youth, growing up without the headaches and heartaches of adulthood (finding a job, paying bills, marriage, raising a family, etc.), children today are taught to lust after each other. They are caught up in a daily drama of “If-you-loved-me-you’d-sleep-with-me; I’m-pregnant; It’s-not-mine, she-had-an-abortion.” By the time they reach adulthood, virtually every shred of innocence, sincerity and moral decency has been stripped from them. Emotionally drained, they have world-weary, “been there, done that” attitudes. And their lives are just beginning.
This is why we live in a world where a teen-aged virgin is a rare find. Where what used to be called “shacking up” and “living in sin” is now simply “living together.” Where sex is nothing more than meaningless physical recreation—no emotional attachments, no cares, no concerns. Where people change sex partners as conveniently as they change clothes. Where unmarried twenty- or thirty-something’s have had at least five sexual partners—and that is considered a low number, especially in the United States. Where men are not referred to as “my husband,” or “my fiancé,” but as “my second baby’s father.”
How pathetic!
Satan has deceived the whole world (Rev. 12:9) in multiple ways—especially when it comes to intimate relationships. St. Valentine’s Day is just one of his tools for deception. (To learn more about this great deceiver, read Who Is the Devil?)
“Come Out of Her, My People” Concerning the near future, when man’s Satan-influenced world is about to collapse, God declares, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils [demons], and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed [increased] rich through the abundance of her delicacies” (Rev. 18:2-3).
Concerning this pagan, satanic system, God commands true Christians,“Come out of her, My people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues” (vs. 4).
St. Valentine’s Day originates from the ancient paganism of this Satan-influenced world. It is designed to deceive mankind by appealing to fleshly, carnal desires—or, as the Bible calls them, the works of the flesh.
“Now the works of the flesh are manifest [made obvious], which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry…drunkenness, revellings, and such like” (Gal. 5:19-21). Do any of these sound like Lupercalia to you?
Ultimately, “they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” A true Christian is focused on God’s soon-coming kingdom (Matt. 6:33) and the world to come—not on the fleshly cravings of this world. A true Christian must strive to “put off the old man” and actively imitate the perfect, righteous example of Jesus Christ. A Christian knows that he must actively come out of this world, out of its pagan-infested customs, practices and traditions.
Christians do not celebrate St. Valentine’s Day!
Love, Debbie
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veale2006-blog · 6 years
The Truth Behind St. Valentine’s Day Long but worth the read. February 10, 2019 St. Valentine’s Day is the world’s “holiday of love.” Since the Bible states that God is love (I John 4:8, 16), does He approve of the celebration of this day? Does He want His people—true Christians—partaking of the candy and cards, or any customs associated with this day?
When God says He wants you to live life abundantly (John 10:10), does that include celebrating a festive, seemingly harmless holiday like Valentine’s Day? The God who gives us everything—life, food, drink, the ability to think for ourselves, etc.—surely approves of St. Valentine’s Day, the holiday for lovers to exchange gifts—right?
Do not be so certain. Do not assume anything. Do not even take this article’s word for it. Go to history books and encyclopedias. Go to the Bible. Then you will know the real truth behind St. Valentine’s Day. And you will know what God expects you to do about it!
Valentine’s Past Like Christmas, Easter, Halloween, New Year’s and other holidays of this world, St. Valentine’s Day is another attempt to “whitewash” perverted customs and observances of pagan gods and idols by “Christianizing” them.
As innocent and harmless as St. Valentine’s Day may appear, its traditions and customs originate from two of the most sexually perverted pagan festivals of ancient history: Lupercalia and the feast day of Juno Februata.
Celebrated on February 15, Lupercalia (known as the “festival of sexual license”) was held by the ancient Romans in honor of Lupercus, god of fertility and husbandry, protector of herds and crops, and a mighty hunter—especially of wolves. The Romans believed that Lupercus would protect Rome from roving bands of wolves, which devoured livestock and people.
Assisted by Vestal Virgins, the Luperci (male priests) conducted purification rites by sacrificing goats and a dog in the Lupercal cave on Palatine Hill, where the Romans believed the twins Romulus and Remus had been sheltered and nursed by a she-wolf before they eventually founded Rome. Clothed in loincloths made from sacrificed goats and smeared in their blood, the Luperci would run about Rome, striking women with februa, thongs made from skins of the sacrificed goats. The Luperci believed that the floggings purified women and guaranteed their fertility and ease of childbirth. February derives from februa or “means of purification.”
To the Romans, February was also sacred to Juno Februata, the goddess of febris (“fever”) of love, and of women and marriage. On February 14, billets (small pieces of paper, each of which had the name of a teen-aged girl written on it) were put into a container. Teen-aged boys would then choose one billet at random. The boy and the girl whose name was drawn would become a “couple,” joining in erotic games at feasts and parties celebrated throughout Rome. After the festival, they would remain sexual partners for the rest of the year. This custom was observed in the Roman Empire for centuries.
Whitewashing Perversion In A.D. 494, Pope Gelasius renamed the festival of Juno Februata as the “Feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary.” The date of its observance was later changed from February 14 to February 2, then changed back to the 14. It is also known as Candlemas, the Presentation of the Lord, the Purification of the Blessed Virgin and the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple.
After Constantine had made the Roman church’s brand of Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire (A.D. 325), church leaders wanted to do away with the pagan festivals of the people. Lupercalia was high on their list. But the Roman citizens thought otherwise.
It was not until A.D. 496 that the church at Rome was able to do anything about Lupercalia. Powerless to get rid of it, Pope Gelasius instead changed it from February 15 to the 14th and called it St. Valentine’s Day. It was named after one of that church’s saints, who, in A.D. 270, was executed by the emperor for his beliefs.
According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, “At least three different Saint Valentines, all of them martyrs, are mentioned in early martyrologies under the date of 14 February. One is described as a priest at Rome, another as bishop of Interamna (modern Terni), and these two seem both to have suffered in the second half of the third century and to have been buried on the Flaminian Way, but at different distances from the city…Of the third Saint Valentine, who suffered in Africa with a number of companions, nothing is further known.” Several biographies of different men named Valentine were merged into one “official” St. Valentine.
The church whitewashed Lupercalia even further. Instead of putting the names of girls into a box, the names of “saints” were drawn by both boys and girls. It was then each person’s duty to emulate the life of the saint whose name he or she had drawn. This was Rome’s vain attempt to “whitewash” a pagan observance by “Christianizing” it, which God has not given man the power or authority to do. Though the church at Rome had banned the sexual lottery, young men still practiced a much toned-down version, sending women whom they desired handwritten romantic messages containing St. Valentine’s name. Over the centuries, St. Valentine’s Day cards became popular, especially by the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. These cards were painted with pictures of Cupid and hearts, and meticulously decorated with lace, silk or flowers.
First Man Called Valentine But who was the original Valentine? What does the name Valentine mean? Valentine comes from the Latin Valentinus, which derives from valens—“to be strong, powerful, mighty.”
The Bible describes a man with a similar title: “And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD” (Gen. 10:8-9). He was said to have hunted with bow and arrow.
As mentioned, the Romans celebrated Lupercalia to honor the hunter god Lupercus. To the Greeks, from whom the Romans had copied most of their mythology, Lupercus was known as Pan, the god of light. The Phoenicians worshipped the same deity as Baal, the sun god. Baal was one of many names or titles for Nimrod, a mighty hunter, especially of wolves. He was also the founder and first lord of Babel (Gen. 10:10-12). Defying God, Nimrod was the originator of the Babylonian Mystery Religion, whose mythologies have been copied by the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans and a multitude of other ancient peoples.
Under different names or titles—Pan, Lupercus, Saturn, Osiris—Nimrod is the strong man and hunter-warrior god of the ancients.
But what does the heart symbol have to do with a day honoring Nimrod/Valentine?
The title Baal means “lord” or “master,” and is mentioned throughout the Bible as the god of pagans. God warned His people not to worship or even tolerate the ways of Baal (Nimrod). In ancient Chaldean (the language of the Babylonians), bal, which is similar to Baal, meant, “heart.” This is where the Valentine heart symbol originated.
Now notice the name Cupid. It comes from the Latin verb cupere, meaning “to desire.” Cupid was the son of Venus, Roman goddess of beauty and love. Also known as Eros in ancient Greece, he was the son of Aphrodite. According to myth, he was responsible for impregnating numerous goddesses and mortals. Cupid was a child-like archer (remember, Nimrod was a skilled archer). Mythology describes Cupid as having both a cruel and happy personality. He would use his invisible arrows, tipped with gold, to strike unsuspecting men and women, causing them to fall madly in love. He did not do this for their benefit, but to drive them crazy with intense passion, to make their lives miserable, and to laugh at the results. Many of the gods of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Assyrians and others were modeled after one man—Nimrod.
But what does this have to do with us today? Why should we be concerned with what happened in the past?
What God Thinks Read what God commands His people concerning pagan customs and traditions: “Learn not the way of the heathen…For the customs of the people are vain” (Jer. 10:2-3). Also notice Christ’s words in Matthew 15:9: “…in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”
Throughout the Bible, God describes “heathens” as those who worship things that He had created (animals, the sun, the moon, stars, trees, etc.), or man-made idols, or anything but the one true God. He calls such people and their practices pagan. True Christians understand that God hates any customs, practices and traditions that are rooted in paganism.
But just how serious is God about paganism?
When He rescued the twelve tribes of Israel from brutal slavery and led them out of Egypt, He commanded them, “After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein you dwelt, shall you not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, where I bring you, shall you not do: neither shall you walk in their ordinances” (Lev. 18:3). God demanded the Israelites not to defile themselves with the pagan practices and customs of surrounding nations (vs. 24-29). “Therefore shall you keep Mine ordinance, that you commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that you defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God” (vs. 30).
God cursed Egypt—a nation of nature-worshiper—with ten plagues and freed Israel from slavery. He rescued Israel from Pharaoh’s army by parting the Red Sea and leading His people to safety. He fed the Israelites manna—special bread made by God—from heaven. He protected them from battle-tested Gentile armies, delivered them into the Promised Land and drove out their enemies.
How did Israel treat God in return? “Our fathers understood not Your wonders in Egypt; they remembered not the multitude of Your mercies; but provoked Him at the sea, even at the Red Sea…They soon forgot His works; they waited not for His counsel: But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert…They made a calf in Horeb, and worshiped the molten image. Thus they changed their glory into the similitude of an ox that eats grass. They forgot God their Savior, which had done great things in Egypt; wondrous works in the land of Ham, and terrible things by the Red Sea…they despised the pleasant land, they believed not His word: But murmured in their tents, and hearkened not unto the voice of the LORD …They joined themselves also unto Baal-peor, and ate the sacrifices of the dead. Thus they provoked Him to anger with their intentions” (Psa. 106:7, 13-14, 19-22, 24-25, 28-29).
God explicitly commanded Israel to cast out and utterly destroy all nations that occupied the Promised Land (Canaan). Above all, His people were not to make political alliances with them or marry into their families (Deut. 7:1-3, 5, 16). “For they will turn away your sons from following Me, that they may serve other gods” (vs. 4).
But the Israelites thought they knew better than God. They decided to do things their own way. “They did not destroy the nations, concerning whom the LORD commanded them: But were mingled among the heathen, and learned their works. And they served their idols: which were a snare unto them. Yes, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils [demons], and shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood. Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions” (Psa. 106:34-39).
To wake them up and get them back on track as the model nation He had originally intended, God gave Israel over to their enemies. Israel repented and cried out to God. God rescued them. With their bellies full and lives protected, the Israelites went back to pursuing other gods. God punished Israel again. Israel repented and cried out to God.
And so went the deliverance-idolatry-punishment-repentance cycle (vs. 40-46), until finally, God had no other choice but to divorce unfaithful Israel (Jer. 3:6-11).
He used the Assyrians, one of the most brutal warrior nations in history, to invade, conquer, enslave and relocate the entire northern kingdom of Israel (II Kings 17). Having “disappeared” from history, the modern-day descendants of those ten “lost” tribes are unaware of their true identity even to this day.
Later, God sent the southern kingdom of Judah (mainly the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi) into Babylonian exile (II Kings 24 and 25). Because they kept (at least physically) the true Sabbath, which is a special sign that identifies the one true God and His people (Ex. 31:12-18), the Jews were able to retain their true identity.
The Israelites were severely punished because they lusted after pagan customs, rituals, traditions and practices. As you can see, God does not take paganism lightly.
Why Paganism Is Wrong Just why does God hate anything that resembles pagan customs? Is it possible to “whitewash” or “Christianize” pagan practices and make them clean? Is it okay to practice pagan customs as long as you “worship God”?
Notice what God says in Leviticus chapter 18. After rescuing Israel from slavery, God warned them not to practice the customs they had picked up in Egypt, or learn the ways, customs and traditions of the Gentile nations that they would encounter in the Promised Land (vs. 1-3). Instead, God commanded Israel to follow His ways (vs. 4-5).
God then describes the pagan ways of these ungodly nations in great detail. In verses 7-20, He condemns all kinds of heterosexual sex relations that fall outside the holy boundaries of marriage—incest, fornication, adultery, etc. In verses 22-23, God condemns homosexuality and bestiality. Together, these sins break down and destroy the family unit that God had so lovingly created and instituted.
Notice what God links to these perversions: “And you shall not let any of your seed [children] pass through the fire to Molech, neither shall you profane the name of your God: I am the LORD” (vs. 21). God ties in the perverse sexual practices of ungodly, pagan nations with human sacrifices—parents offering the lives of their children to pagan gods!
The Bible shows that Israel not only disobeyed God and wholeheartedly embraced the sexual immorality of the Gentiles, they even went a step further.
“And they have turned unto Me the back, and not the face: though I taught them, rising up early and teaching them, yet they have not hearkened to receive instruction. But they set their abominations in the house [the temple at Jerusalem], which is called by My name, to defile it. And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into My mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin” (Jer. 32:33-35). (To learn more about these child sacrifices to Molech, download from our website our sermon Santa Claus is Molech and our booklets The True Origin of Christmas and The True Origin of Easter.)
Imagine. Israel committed a sin so vile, so disgusting, that it even shocked God! But that was then. What about today? Surely, parents do not sacrifice their children to pagan gods today—or do they?
Do not be so certain. Perhaps their lives are not being sacrificed—but what about their innocence?
Parents today expect their little ones to “fall in love” and have boyfriends and girlfriends. They think it is “cute” when little boys and girls hold hands and act like a couple, sneaking a kiss or two when no one is watching. Some parents get worried when their kids do not show romantic interest in the opposite sex. They constantly ask them, “Do you have a boyfriend yet?” or “Who’s your girlfriend?”
Yet these same parents are surprised when their teen-aged “little girl” gets pregnant. Or catches a sexually transmitted disease. Or gets an abortion behind their back.
St. Valentine’s Day is just one of many tools the “god of this world” (II Cor. 4:4) uses to get parents to sacrifice the innocence of their children.
When little boys and girls draw each other’s names in a lottery and send Valentine cards and gifts to each other, declaring their “love,” they are learning the first stages of intimate relations that the Creator God designed specifically for emotionally mature adults. Instead of embracing the carefree innocence of youth, growing up without the headaches and heartaches of adulthood (finding a job, paying bills, marriage, raising a family, etc.), children today are taught to lust after each other. They are caught up in a daily drama of “If-you-loved-me-you’d-sleep-with-me; I’m-pregnant; It’s-not-mine, she-had-an-abortion.” By the time they reach adulthood, virtually every shred of innocence, sincerity and moral decency has been stripped from them. Emotionally drained, they have world-weary, “been there, done that” attitudes. And their lives are just beginning.
This is why we live in a world where a teen-aged virgin is a rare find. Where what used to be called “shacking up” and “living in sin” is now simply “living together.” Where sex is nothing more than meaningless physical recreation—no emotional attachments, no cares, no concerns. Where people change sex partners as conveniently as they change clothes. Where unmarried twenty- or thirty-something’s have had at least five sexual partners—and that is considered a low number, especially in the United States. Where men are not referred to as “my husband,” or “my fiancé,” but as “my second baby’s father.”
How pathetic!
Satan has deceived the whole world (Rev. 12:9) in multiple ways—especially when it comes to intimate relationships. St. Valentine’s Day is just one of his tools for deception. (To learn more about this great deceiver, read Who Is the Devil?)
“Come Out of Her, My People” Concerning the near future, when man’s Satan-influenced world is about to collapse, God declares, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils [demons], and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed [increased] rich through the abundance of her delicacies” (Rev. 18:2-3).
Concerning this pagan, satanic system, God commands true Christians,“Come out of her, My people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues” (vs. 4).
St. Valentine’s Day originates from the ancient paganism of this Satan-influenced world. It is designed to deceive mankind by appealing to fleshly, carnal desires—or, as the Bible calls them, the works of the flesh.
“Now the works of the flesh are manifest [made obvious], which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry…drunkenness, revellings, and such like” (Gal. 5:19-21). Do any of these sound like Lupercalia to you?
Ultimately, “they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” A true Christian is focused on God’s soon-coming kingdom (Matt. 6:33) and the world to come—not on the fleshly cravings of this world. A true Christian must strive to “put off the old man” and actively imitate the perfect, righteous example of Jesus Christ. A Christian knows that he must actively come out of this world, out of its pagan-infested customs, practices and traditions.
Christians do not celebrate St. Valentine’s Day!
Have a blessed day and week. May Yeshua the Messiah bless you, Love, Debbie
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veale2006-blog · 7 years
The Truth Behind St. Valentine’s Day
Long but worth the read. February 13, 2018St. Valentine’s Day is the world’s “holiday of love.” Since the Bible states that God is love (I John 4:8, 16), does He approve of the celebration of this day? Does He want His people—true Christians—partaking of the candy and cards, or any customs associated with this day?
When God says He wants you to live life abundantly (John 10:10), does that include celebrating a festive, seemingly harmless holiday like Valentine’s Day? The God who gives us everything—life, food, drink, the ability to think for ourselves, etc.—surely approves of St. Valentine’s Day, the holiday for lovers to exchange gifts—right?
Do not be so certain. Do not assume anything. Do not even take this article’s word for it. Go to history books and encyclopedias. Go to the Bible. Then you will know the real truth behind St. Valentine’s Day. And you will know what God expects you to do about it!
Valentine’s PastLike Christmas, Easter, Halloween, New Year’s and other holidays of this world, St. Valentine’s Day is another attempt to “whitewash” perverted customs and observances of pagan gods and idols by “Christianizing” them.
As innocent and harmless as St. Valentine’s Day may appear, its traditions and customs originate from two of the most sexually perverted pagan festivals of ancient history: Lupercalia and the feast day of Juno Februata.
Celebrated on February 15, Lupercalia (known as the “festival of sexual license”) was held by the ancient Romans in honor of Lupercus, god of fertility and husbandry, protector of herds and crops, and a mighty hunter—especially of wolves. The Romans believed that Lupercus would protect Rome from roving bands of wolves, which devoured livestock and people.
Assisted by Vestal Virgins, the Luperci (male priests) conducted purification rites by sacrificing goats and a dog in the Lupercal cave on Palatine Hill, where the Romans believed the twins Romulus and Remus had been sheltered and nursed by a she-wolf before they eventually founded Rome. Clothed in loincloths made from sacrificed goats and smeared in their blood, the Luperci would run about Rome, striking women with februa, thongs made from skins of the sacrificed goats. The Luperci believed that the floggings purified women and guaranteed their fertility and ease of childbirth. February derives from februa or “means of purification.” To the Romans, February was also sacred to Juno Februata, the goddess of febris (“fever”) of love, and of women and marriage. On February 14, billets (small pieces of paper, each of which had the name of a teen-aged girl written on it) were put into a container. Teen-aged boys would then choose one billet at random. The boy and the girl whose name was drawn would become a “couple,” joining in erotic games at feasts and parties celebrated throughout Rome. After the festival, they would remain sexual partners for the rest of the year. This custom was observed in the Roman Empire for centuries.
Whitewashing PerversionIn A.D. 494, Pope Gelasius renamed the festival of Juno Februata as the “Feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary.” The date of its observance was later changed from February 14 to February 2, then changed back to the 14. It is also known as Candlemas, the Presentation of the Lord, the Purification of the Blessed Virgin and the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple.
After Constantine had made the Roman church’s brand of Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire (A.D. 325), church leaders wanted to do away with the pagan festivals of the people. Lupercalia was high on their list. But the Roman citizens thought otherwise.
It was not until A.D. 496 that the church at Rome was able to do anything about Lupercalia. Powerless to get rid of it, Pope Gelasius instead changed it from February 15 to the 14th and called it St. Valentine’s Day. It was named after one of that church’s saints, who, in A.D. 270, was executed by the emperor for his beliefs. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, “At least three different Saint Valentines, all of them martyrs, are mentioned in early martyrologies under the date of 14 February. One is described as a priest at Rome, another as bishop of Interamna (modern Terni), and these two seem both to have suffered in the second half of the third century and to have been buried on the Flaminian Way, but at different distances from the city…Of the third Saint Valentine, who suffered in Africa with a number of companions, nothing is further known.” Several biographies of different men named Valentine were merged into one “official” St. Valentine.
The church whitewashed Lupercalia even further. Instead of putting the names of girls into a box, the names of “saints” were drawn by both boys and girls. It was then each person’s duty to emulate the life of the saint whose name he or she had drawn. This was Rome’s vain attempt to “whitewash” a pagan observance by “Christianizing” it, which God has not given man the power or authority to do. Though the church at Rome had banned the sexual lottery, young men still practiced a much toned-down version, sending women whom they desired handwritten romantic messages containing St. Valentine’s name. Over the centuries, St. Valentine’s Day cards became popular, especially by the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. These cards were painted with pictures of Cupid and hearts, and meticulously decorated with lace, silk or flowers.
First Man Called ValentineBut who was the original Valentine? What does the name Valentine mean?Valentine comes from the Latin Valentinus, which derives from valens—“to be strong, powerful, mighty.” 
The Bible describes a man with a similar title: “And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD” (Gen. 10:8-9). He was said to have hunted with bow and arrow.
As mentioned, the Romans celebrated Lupercalia to honor the hunter god Lupercus. To the Greeks, from whom the Romans had copied most of their mythology, Lupercus was known as Pan, the god of light. The Phoenicians worshipped the same deity as Baal, the sun god. Baal was one of many names or titles for Nimrod, a mighty hunter, especially of wolves. He was also the founder and first lord of Babel (Gen. 10:10-12). Defying God, Nimrod was the originator of the Babylonian Mystery Religion, whose mythologies have been copied by the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans and a multitude of other ancient peoples. Under different names or titles—Pan, Lupercus, Saturn, Osiris—Nimrod is the strong man and hunter-warrior god of the ancients.
But what does the heart symbol have to do with a day honoring Nimrod/Valentine?
The title Baal means “lord” or “master,” and is mentioned throughout the Bible as the god of pagans. God warned His people not to worship or even tolerate the ways of Baal (Nimrod). In ancient Chaldean (the language of the Babylonians), bal, which is similar to Baal, meant, “heart.” This is where the Valentine heart symbol originated.
Now notice the name Cupid. It comes from the Latin verb cupere, meaning “to desire.” Cupid was the son of Venus, Roman goddess of beauty and love. Also known as Eros in ancient Greece, he was the son of Aphrodite. According to myth, he was responsible for impregnating numerous goddesses and mortals. Cupid was a child-like archer (remember, Nimrod was a skilled archer). 
Mythology describes Cupid as having both a cruel and happy personality. He would use his invisible arrows, tipped with gold, to strike unsuspecting men and women, causing them to fall madly in love. He did not do this for their benefit, but to drive them crazy with intense passion, to make their lives miserable, and to laugh at the results. Many of the gods of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Assyrians and others were modeled after one man—Nimrod. But what does this have to do with us today? Why should we be concerned with what happened in the past? What God ThinksRead what God commands His people concerning pagan customs and traditions: “Learn not the way of the heathen…For the customs of the people are vain” (Jer. 10:2-3). Also notice Christ’s words in Matthew 15:9: “…in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”
Throughout the Bible, God describes “heathens” as those who worship things that He had created (animals, the sun, the moon, stars, trees, etc.), or man-made idols, or anything but the one true God. He calls such people and their practices pagan. True Christians understand that God hates any customs, practices and traditions that are rooted in paganism.
But just how serious is God about paganism?
When He rescued the twelve tribes of Israel from brutal slavery and led them out of Egypt, He commanded them, “After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein you dwelt, shall you not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, where I bring you, shall you not do: neither shall you walk in their ordinances” (Lev. 18:3). God demanded the Israelites not to defile themselves with the pagan practices and customs of surrounding nations (vs. 24-29). “Therefore shall you keep Mine ordinance, that you commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that you defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God” (vs. 30).
God cursed Egypt—a nation of nature-worshiper—with ten plagues and freed Israel from slavery. He rescued Israel from Pharaoh’s army by parting the Red Sea and leading His people to safety. He fed the Israelites manna—special bread made by God—from heaven. He protected them from battle-tested Gentile armies, delivered them into the Promised Land and drove out their enemies.
How did Israel treat God in return? “Our fathers understood not Your wonders in Egypt; they remembered not the multitude of Your mercies; but provoked Him at the sea, even at the Red Sea…They soon forgot His works; they waited not for His counsel: But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert…They made a calf in Horeb, and worshiped the molten image. Thus they changed their glory into the similitude of an ox that eats grass. They forgot God their Savior, which had done great things in Egypt; wondrous works in the land of Ham, and terrible things by the Red Sea…they despised the pleasant land, they believed not His word: But murmured in their tents, and hearkened not unto the voice of the LORD …They joined themselves also unto Baal-peor, and ate the sacrifices of the dead. Thus they provoked Him to anger with their intentions” (Psa. 106:7, 13-14, 19-22, 24-25, 28-29). God explicitly commanded Israel to cast out and utterly destroy all nations that occupied the Promised Land (Canaan). Above all, His people were not to make political alliances with them or marry into their families (Deut. 7:1-3, 5, 16). “For they will turn away your sons from following Me, that they may serve other gods” (vs. 4). But the Israelites thought they knew better than God. They decided to do things their own way. “They did not destroy the nations, concerning whom the LORD commanded them: But were mingled among the heathen, and learned their works. And they served their idols: which were a snare unto them. Yes, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils [demons], and shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood. Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions” (Psa. 106:34-39).
To wake them up and get them back on track as the model nation He had originally intended, God gave Israel over to their enemies. Israel repented and cried out to God. God rescued them. With their bellies full and lives protected, the Israelites went back to pursuing other gods. God punished Israel again. Israel repented and cried out to God.
And so went the deliverance-idolatry-punishment-repentance cycle (vs. 40-46), until finally, God had no other choice but to divorce unfaithful Israel (Jer. 3:6-11).
He used the Assyrians, one of the most brutal warrior nations in history, to invade, conquer, enslave and relocate the entire northern kingdom of Israel (II Kings 17). Having “disappeared” from history, the modern-day descendants of those ten “lost” tribes are unaware of their true identity even to this day.
Later, God sent the southern kingdom of Judah (mainly the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi) into Babylonian exile (II Kings 24 and 25). Because they kept (at least physically) the true Sabbath, which is a special sign that identifies the one true God and His people (Ex. 31:12-18), the Jews were able to retain their true identity. The Israelites were severely punished because they lusted after pagan customs, rituals, traditions and practices. As you can see, God does not take paganism lightly.
Why Paganism Is WrongJust why does God hate anything that resembles pagan customs? Is it possible to “whitewash” or “Christianize” pagan practices and make them clean? Is it okay to practice pagan customs as long as you “worship God”?
Notice what God says in Leviticus chapter 18. After rescuing Israel from slavery, God warned them not to practice the customs they had picked up in Egypt, or learn the ways, customs and traditions of the Gentile nations that they would encounter in the Promised Land (vs. 1-3). Instead, God commanded Israel to follow His ways (vs. 4-5).
God then describes the pagan ways of these ungodly nations in great detail. In verses 7-20, He condemns all kinds of heterosexual sex relations that fall outside the holy boundaries of marriage—incest, fornication, adultery, etc. In verses 22-23, God condemns homosexuality and bestiality. Together, these sins break down and destroy the family unit that God had so lovingly created and instituted.
Notice what God links to these perversions: “And you shall not let any of your seed [children] pass through the fire to Molech, neither shall you profane the name of your God: I am the LORD” (vs. 21). God ties in the perverse sexual practices of ungodly, pagan nations with human sacrifices—parents offering the lives of their children to pagan gods!
The Bible shows that Israel not only disobeyed God and wholeheartedly embraced the sexual immorality of the Gentiles, they even went a step further.
“And they have turned unto Me the back, and not the face: though I taught them, rising up early and teaching them, yet they have not hearkened to receive instruction. But they set their abominations in the house [the temple at Jerusalem], which is called by My name, to defile it. And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into My mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin” (Jer. 32:33-35). (To learn more about these child sacrifices to Molech, download from our website our sermon Santa Claus is Molech and our booklets The True Origin of Christmas and The True Origin of Easter.)
Imagine. Israel committed a sin so vile, so disgusting, that it even shocked God! But that was then. What about today? Surely, parents do not sacrifice their children to pagan gods today—or do they?
Do not be so certain. Perhaps their lives are not being sacrificed—but what about their innocence? 
Parents today expect their little ones to “fall in love” and have boyfriends and girlfriends. They think it is “cute” when little boys and girls hold hands and act like a couple, sneaking a kiss or two when no one is watching. Some parents get worried when their kids do not show romantic interest in the opposite sex. They constantly ask them, “Do you have a boyfriend yet?” or “Who’s your girlfriend?”
Yet these same parents are surprised when their teen-aged “little girl” gets pregnant. Or catches a sexually transmitted disease. Or gets an abortion behind their back.
St. Valentine’s Day is just one of many tools the “god of this world” (II Cor. 4:4) uses to get parents to sacrifice the innocence of their children.
When little boys and girls draw each other’s names in a lottery and send Valentine cards and gifts to each other, declaring their “love,” they are learning the first stages of intimate relations that the Creator God designed specifically for emotionally mature adults. Instead of embracing the carefree innocence of youth, growing up without the headaches and heartaches of adulthood (finding a job, paying bills, marriage, raising a family, etc.), children today are taught to lust after each other. They are caught up in a daily drama of “If-you-loved-me-you’d-sleep-with-me; I’m-pregnant; It’s-not-mine, she-had-an-abortion.” By the time they reach adulthood, virtually every shred of innocence, sincerity and moral decency has been stripped from them. Emotionally drained, they have world-weary, “been there, done that” attitudes. And their lives are just beginning.
This is why we live in a world where a teen-aged virgin is a rare find. Where what used to be called “shacking up” and “living in sin” is now simply “living together.” Where sex is nothing more than meaningless physical recreation—no emotional attachments, no cares, no concerns. Where people change sex partners as conveniently as they change clothes. Where unmarried twenty- or thirty-something’s have had at least five sexual partners—and that is considered a low number, especially in the United States. Where men are not referred to as “my husband,” or “my fiancé,” but as “my second baby’s father.”
How pathetic! Satan has deceived the whole world (Rev. 12:9) in multiple ways—especially when it comes to intimate relationships. St. Valentine’s Day is just one of his tools for deception. (To learn more about this great deceiver, read Who Is the Devil?) 
“Come Out of Her, My People”Concerning the near future, when man’s Satan-influenced world is about to collapse, God declares, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils [demons], and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed [increased] rich through the abundance of her delicacies” (Rev. 18:2-3).
Concerning this pagan, satanic system, God commands true Christians,“Come out of her, My people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues” (vs. 4). St. Valentine’s Day originates from the ancient paganism of this Satan-influenced world. It is designed to deceive mankind by appealing to fleshly, carnal desires—or, as the Bible calls them, the works of the flesh. 
“Now the works of the flesh are manifest [made obvious], which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry…drunkenness, revellings, and such like” (Gal. 5:19-21). Do any of these sound like Lupercalia to you?
Ultimately, “they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” A true Christian is focused on God’s soon-coming kingdom (Matt. 6:33) and the world to come—not on the fleshly cravings of this world. A true Christian must strive to “put off the old man” and actively imitate the perfect, righteous example of Jesus Christ. A Christian knows that he must actively come out of this world, out of its pagan-infested customs, practices and traditions.
Christians do not celebrate St. Valentine’s Day! 
Have a blessed day and week.
May Yeshua the Messiah bless you,
Love, Debbie
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