#master krell au
padawansuggest · 1 year
I love all your little quotes and such for obi-wan. But I especially love the ones with eldritch spooky baby obiwan telling a very tired and ready to deal with it knight windu a very haunting vision. ♥️♥️
Thank you. Obi-Wan is just a Little Guy who’s made of cosmic energy and would like to tell you about his latest dream it wasn’t that bad this time he promises 🥺🥺🥺
But also I think that would be the funniest fix it AU ever because Obi-Wan would get a fucked up vision and immediately go tell nice knight Windu (who likes to give him nice cheek nuzzles and tried to sell him to a padawan once) who is all ‘wow. The shatterpoints say that one’s real and I think I know how to sidestep it’ because their visions fit together in the most fucked up perfect way ever 🥰🥰
Also I just want tiny baby-Wan to track Mace down like the ghosts in the Shining or something with the sole purpose of telling him something messed up. It would be 7x as funny if Mace brought him to the temple to begin with cause he’ll spend every moment in the cursed baby’s presence like ‘ughhhhh’ but then Obi-Wan grows up and Mace is all ‘anyone wanna see this baby book of Obi-Wan that I put together? It’s also got some of his worst prophecies in it’ ‘don’t you mean first?’ ‘Nah these ones are his worst. Don’t touch them unless you wanna feel like someone just walked over your grave.’
Anyways. Cody and Anakin are about to gather up funds from Padme to try and buy the baby book they are obsessed they need it Right This Second.
Mace: *sees toddler wan* ew. It’s got fleas. I watched him bite Master Krell to the bone once. He’s probably diseased.
Mace: *sees adult Kenobi* He’s perfect. I would kill any of you for him. He’s my actual infant son. He’s just a Little Guy.
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squad-724 · 3 months
I'd love to know what your Vampire AU wip is about! :)
“Tech, we're pinned! Can't you cut off this part of the facility?!” “It's a prison Hunter! Their controls have multiple safety components that I need to override manually for each individual corridor!” The five clones, members of Bad Batch, were currently running from the droids of the Citadel. Ironic, wasn't it? A few months back Echo ‘died’ during a mission here. Now, with his new squad, he was once again running through the dark gray halls, this time his enemies were the Jedi, the same he sacrificed himself for. But not anymore. When the Batch received a coded message from Rex they got themselves into the craziest mission they have ever heard about. Torrent’s general had been killed less than a year into the war, protecting the chancellor from an assassin. His secret was never revealed to the public, only known by the jedi Order and his family, the 501st. That he was a vampire, a sith made species created to hunt down Jedi, believed to be exterminated with their masters. Over millennium after one was recorded a Jedi of the name Qui Gon Jinn found a young boy, able to transform his arms into bat wings, being used as an execution pet by a Hutt. After killing the slug the Jedi took the child to the temple. Anakin always said the Jedi were reluctant in him joining the order, the reactions to him trying to find friends raging from fear to outward hostility. It took the vode weeks to make their general spend his free time outside his quarters, eating and training on his own. If not for Rex catching their Jedi rummaging through their synth blood freezers they would probably never know what he was. And none of them cared. Not for his inability to stand in the sunlight, his wings, long fangs or how his eyes shone in the darkness. Every clone knew how their general would slice the palm of his hand to feed them his blood when the medics weren't able to arrive in time. None of them flinched when a shadow flew over their heads in the night sieges. They knew how to calm him down after his senses went haywire, wrapping him in blankets and shutting down the lights. The information of his sacrifice for the chancellor hit the 501st hard. They were assigned to many Jedi after that, all quickly resigning from the leadership of the chaotic battalion. The clones that served under Skywalker had a small bat painted on their buckets, to honor their late general. After a dozen Jedi refused to lead them, the leadership was assigned to Rex, who made them one of the most efficient night legions, specialising in battles taken in darkness. Thanks to that the troopers of 501st were immediately able to recognise their brothers on Umbara, preventing a bloody friendly fire Krell sent them to. The traitor was their last Jedi general. The captain turned commander was hit by Skywalker's death the hardest, the symbol of the bat taking most of his chest plate, over his heart. Only the closest of troopers to him knew how close that relationship was. That's why, when commander Fox called him over a year after Skywalker's death to tell him his cyare was alive, Rex began to act immediately.
Part 1 >:]
Rexwalker vampire Anakin au
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sarcastic-sketches · 7 months
I know this might not work with your au, but I think it would be funny.
Somehow in a conversation with the other Jedi, Kitsune!Anakin mentions how Sith's have a smell rotten to them. And then explains that the Chancellor has a similar smell to that last time he saw him.
Anakin himself doesn't think much of it but it gets the other Jedi masters to be a little warry of that connection. While Anakin just thinks he is very old (which he is).
Anakin assuming its just old man stank is hysterical actually - Dooku, Krell... it works.
I think Palpatine was so good at masking even when lying directly to Mace and Yoda's faces that even his Force scent would be masked too. Like spraying febreeze in a room to cover the smell of mold.
Now this has gotten me thinking about Force scents being a kind of Synesthesia. Hmmmm.
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Courtesy Class & Beyond: A Primer
“Courtesy Class” is a Star Wars: Clone Wars AU on Ao3(link in the blog desc above), revolving around two main concepts:
1) Palpatine is discovered early, and his main plot of starting galactic war is foiled by the Master-Padawan dream team, Kenobi and Skywalker. Senator Bail Organa becomes Chancellor, while Kenobi and Skywalker are able to repair their relationship as family without Sith influence.
2) The contract for clone production, no longer needed for war, is renegotiated between Kamino and the Senate, and the clones are put into slavery instead. Many Jedi Masters and Knights are given clones personally, as well as many Senators.
The main fic primarily focuses on 2224(Cody)/Obi-Wan and Padmé/7567(Rex)/Anakin, but includes many other platonic or secondary character interactions. Obviously, as this is a series revolving around interpersonal relationships, lack of autonomy, and the concepts of consent and sentience, there are Content Warnings:
- Whump, and associated trauma
- Implied-to-explicit physical, mental, and sexual abuse
- Sexual slavery
- Brainwashing & dehumanization
- Physical & psychological torture
- Discussions of reconditioning & decommissioning
- Dubious to lack of consent(no noncon in main ships)
If all of that sounds interesting and/or curious, and you’d like to know more, this is the blog to ask! If you have a question for a specific character you can address them by name or numbers, or groups of clones or Jedi all at once.
Currently we have two main blog-runners: Seraph(🪽), the main fic-poster and AU creator, and Crow(👐), beloved inspiration and co-creator of behind the scenes lore. We’re both also open to questions, and each have a clone OC to worldbuild with alongside the canon cast and fic. While the canon clones are also available for questions, especially in regards to the fic timeline where 2224 and 7567, alongside their owners are the main characters, these are our fun side projects for brainstorming and whump:
Seraph’s clone(🌅): CC-5968, aka “Lambchop”, owned by Jedi Master Pong Krell.
Crow’s clone(🌌): CC-1114, aka “Spooky”, owned by Jedi Master and High Councilor Yoda.
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 months
Forceful Intervention AU - Supporting Cast
The Masterpost for the Forceful Intervention Verse got ridiculously long and reached the character limit, so I opted with making a post for the supporting character cast instead of stressing over trying to make everything fit into one singular post.
Without further ado, meet the cast of OCs!
Lissa Colo'Ba - A natborn officer who served with the GAR while under the command of Jedi General Chora Tuteru and the 209th Battalion (aka Avis Squadron). Known simply as Dove (a nickname given to her by the troopers of the 209th), this mysterious pilot has a past that links her both to the Jedi and Mandalorians alike, in more ways than just her service record. Like the saying goes, never judge a book by its cover.
Maeleen Eppa - The renegade daughter of two very corrupt senators, Mae was reluctantly conscripted into the GAR after finding herself in hot waters with both her parents and the Republic (after accidentally stumbling into Separatist space while trying to run away from her home planet of Poluzitania). Spending the majority of the war serving under the 104th as an engineer and mechanic, her loyalty towards both Jedi Master Plo Koon and the 104th became the driving force for her rebellion against the Empire.
Zed Kwinde - A strong Force Empath that was raised as a Guardian of the Whills for the Kyber Temple of Jedha. He grew disillusioned due to feeling powerless in the face of war, as he could sense the misery and pain of others but was not allowed to interfere as that was not his battle to face. Unwilling to sit around idly, Zed fled the temple and completely reinvented himself, becoming somewhat of an expert in cybernetic enhancements, slicing and marksmanship. While he comes off as snarky and selfish, his intentions are often much purer than they seem.
The Golden Ladybug Crew - One of many brothels in Coruscant's red light districts that has allied itself to the Coruscant Guard, due to having formed a mutual respect for each other's street-savvy survival skills. The Golden Ladybug is not only open to clone troopers who have nowhere else to go, but also often provides supplies and information to the Guard in exchange for protection from the shadier folks who threaten the Madam's business and affairs.
The 105th/Petrichor Company - The veteran troopers of Krell's defunct Battalion, who could not be relegated to other Jedi due to their distrust of Force Users. Having initially worked with the 501st to try to rehabilitate them, several incidents involving in-fighting and excessive violence ended up forcing the Jedi to leave them under the Coruscant Guard's jurisdiction, in the hopes that some community service might help them get along better with "outsiders". The 105th was then assigned to work with the Golden Ladybug, who through sheer commitment and infinite patience, managed to rehabilitate the traumatized troopers.
Scully & Erin - An unlikely duo of a Changeling with connections in the Coruscant Underbelly, and an AgriCorps Jedi Ruurian. Scully and Erin both have ties with clones that (despite the horrors of Order 66) have clearly not been sullied or forgotten, as they are always willing to lend a hand to whomever most needs it. Even while on the run. The two travel with ex-501st Trooper Nax (known to them as Hobbs) who they rescued from Daiyu.
Metronome Squad - A batch of clone troopers divided among four battalions who maintained close contact throughout the war. They were ultimately separated by the tragedy of Order 66, but later managed to reunite with each other (those who were left anyway). The group consists of Rhythm (Communications Officer of the CG), Pitch (Clone Medic of the 501st), Beat (ARC Trooper of the 104th) and Tacet (ARF Trooper of the 212th).
Guard Remnant - A group of surviving Coruscant Guard troopers with faulty inhibitor chips, that managed to flee the heart of the Empire after Order 66 went out. Comprised primarily of riot troopers and unofficially lead by Slick, the Guard Remnant has made of the town of Bakkskrash their home and keep the settlement protected with the help of Dogma and Rhythm (whom both accidentally became the sole law enforcement for the entire town).
Sponge Clan - A tight-knit family unit comprised of ex-501st clone medic Sponge, their partner Hugo Espin, their adopted clone children, hybrid clone child Molly, Pitch of Metronome Squad (who at the time was having issues reconciling with Rhythm, thus had nowhere else to go), scuba trooper Penguin, heavy gunner Lichtenberg (who was considered MIA on Umbara but managed to survive by the skin of his teeth) and several pets (the most notorious being Beautiful, Sponge's barghest companion and most trusted friend). They are not immediately allied to any of the many Mando clans whom seem to have taken an interest in them, instead focusing on the Guard Remnant and the town of Bakkskrash.
AI Troopers - AI copies of Fives and Tup that were created from brain-scans that were done prior to their deaths. It's unknown who exactly created these AI copies, or what reason they had to do so, but the experiment seems to connect to one of Palpatine's various Immortality projects.
The Lost Children of Mandalore - Several Mandalorian clans that reside in Epifania, after their ancestors settled there while on the run from the Mandalorian Wars. While the clans sometimes don't see eye to eye, they are united in their affinity for the clone troopers who have sought shelter on their quaint little planet.
The Golden Pye-Dogs - A band of pirates that have allied themselves to the Guard Remnant and the Sheriff of Bakkskrash. While most don't understand why these scheming scoundrels would willingly work with law enforcement of any kind, one can't ignore the fact they seem to have an adopted clone child as the factor behind this particular choice.
The 13th Sister - Once an AgriCorps Jedi and dear friend to Erin, Kera Brookii willingly became an Inquisitor in the pursuit of power. Having grown disillusioned with the Jedi Order's seemingly "unfair" training policies, Kera felt like her potential was wasted and sought revenge on those who she assumed looked down on her. Cruel and manipulative, she is suspicious of Zed's activities as a mercenary for the Empire, being sure of him being a double agent. None of the other Inquisitors believe her however, as they consider her traitorous by nature and far too power hungry to ally themselves with willingly.
Sulu Ra, the Mad Cloner of Kamino - A microbiology specialist on Kamino. He was adept at perfectly replicating microorganisms that comprise the majority of a being's internal and external body flora, thus helping their products to live outside of lab conditions, making Sulu Ra's work an important part of the cloning process. However, due to his morbid curiosity of natural mutations and hybridization, interest in bio-weaponry, and natural dislike of wasting resources, the once highly sought out microbiologist became a nuisance that actively tampered with the cloning process to indulge in his own sick and twisted experiments. His list of victims includes Tup and Dogma, Olly's entire batch, two entire battalion's worth of rookies, and many more beings that they themselves created from scratch.
Aoife - A mysterious young lady with seemingly omniscient knowledge of the world around her. No one knows where exactly she came from, but Aoife seems to have good intentions regardless of her strange nature. She saved Hardcase from a fate she herself says was impossible for him to have been relegated to because it just "didn't make sense in the story".
The Rascal Gang - A group of kids who's parents were either a part of the rebellion or who were clones. Mismatched in all sorts of ways, this oddball group seems to have ended up on the Colossus, and are on the lookout for something. What exactly that something is, remains unknown (but likely has to do with the Resistance).
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 1 year
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Talking with @rogueleader14 about our respective Star Wars AUs made me decide to share more characters who exist in it, as well as their stories. As I've alluded to elsewhere, this AU draws on all corners of Star Wars canon, be it Disney, Legends, LEGO, or in this case, Visions. I finally got around to watching both seasons this year, and I jumped at the chance to incorporate some of the characters in my AU. These are the micros I've made so far for these characters. Story details under the cut. All of them are in the post-Return of the Jedi setting.
-The Ronin, real name Douga Heian, was a child during the Clone Wars, his Force-sensitivity never manifesting until later in life. By the time that happened, the Empire had risen and he was picked up by the Inquisitorious rather than the Jedi. Though a promising talent and initially loyal to the Empire, he gradually became more aware of the Empire's corruption and went awol, laying low and even starting a family. After Palptaine's death at Endor, former Inquisitors and other Imperial Dark Jedi began running amok as warlords and independent raiders, prompting Douga to come out of hiding and hunt down his former contemporaries.
*I chose his name by combining Kamikaze Douga, the animation company that made The Duel, and the Heian period of Japan (794 to 1185), where the term ronin came from.
-Am and Karre's story is mostly the same, albeit toned down CONSIDERABLY. Here, their creation was overseen by Sebban Keto, a character from a roleplaying game who is descended from Aleema and Sataal Keto from the Tales of the Jedi comics. Sebban intended to revitalize the Krath cult with the twins at the head, but Karre's defection puts those plans on hold. Karre steadily grows into more of a true Jedi as he journeys on his own, while striving to save his sister from the dark path.
*Karre wields a dual-phase lightsaber with a unique gradient crystal. While obviously nowhere near as big as in the short (closer to Pong Krell's blades for reference), it still grows much longer and thicker, enabling a greatsword style of combat.
*Am initially only carried her two normal lightsabers, but installed the prosthetic arms and built the extra four after Karre went rogue.
-F, real name Ephalline Kinema (also taken from the name of the studio), is mostly intact for her story in the Village Bride. Specifically, her feet were maimed while escaping Order 66, forcing her and her master to take refuge for medical treatment. Her ridiculous high heels are actually prosthetics here. Ephalline was still recovering when Darth Vader tracked her master down, and she was forced to watch helplessly as he was cut down. Post-Village Bride, F wanders the galaxy to do good wherever she can, eventually leading her to Tao...
-Lop and Ocho's story is also unchanged. Several years later, Ocho has risen to be the Imperial magistrate of her homeworld, while Lop has fallen in with fellow Lepi smuggler Jaxxon T. Tumperakki to make ends meet. During one of their runs, they bump into F, who recognizes Lop's potential as a Jedi and offers to train her. This development, combined with Ocho's difficulties in arresting her sister (due in no small part to her conflicting loyalties), leads to the Empire sending an Inquisitor to "help out". Lop eventually completes her training, succedes in getting through to Ocho, and joins the New Jedi Order.
-Anni Kalfus and Julan Van Reeple enroll in a New Republic flight academy as teenagers before joining the fleet post graduation. Their rivalry continues into their service, even as they find themselves assigned to the same flight group. Thankfully, the demands of military service and the mentorship of General Thane Kyrell goes a long way towards improving their relationship. By the time of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, the two are genuine friends and lead their own squadron with distinction.
-Jay and T0-B1 both also exist around this time period, while the events of In the Stars, Bandits of Golak, The Spy Dancer, and The Pit happen during Imperial rule.
-The Elder takes place pre-Phantom Menace
-Daal and the Sith Mother are part of the Banite line.
-Sith and Journey to the Dark Head are during the New Sith Wars, and Aau's Song is shortly after the Battle of Ruusan.
-I'm debating on where The Ninth Jedi would go in the timeline, while Akakiri is an in-universe fable.
(microheroes based on templates and parts from my List of Sources)
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ereborne · 11 months
Snippet from 'lay-on-the-floor-and-scream dot excel' please ❤❤❤
As you might have guessed from the title, this is my 'good data management solves the Clone Wars' AU! Work had me pretty agitated when I put it together, so it's more canon-divergent than originally intended, but hopefully it still holds up.
I started off thinking that the clones, coming from Kamino, would be pretty used to keeping extensive documentation on themselves/each other.  Multiple sets of books, even—the sanitized ones they show the longnecks, the informal tracking of things nobody else cares about, the multiply-encrypted ones with the honest data about how their siblings are doing—as automated and redundant as possible, and while yeah it would be difficult to maintain during wartime, they are 1) the best-trained military minds and logisticians in existence and 2) absolutely not going to pay less attention to their siblings when they’re in more danger. 
For this fic also I focused in on a worldbuilding thing that I actually thought was true a million years ago before I’d ever gotten into any Star Wars nonsense, which is that Lightside users are a sort of filtering system for the Force.  That the Dark was an agent or consequence of some sort of metaphysical entropy—the constant descriptions of it as cold and oppressive really reinforced that one for me—and Force-sensitives would dedicate themselves to opposing it on behalf of the universe.  So they’d be agents and sources of the Light, not only directly combating Darksiders (and more prosaically evil people) but also through meditation (and to some degree intrinsic aura) functioning as something like metaphysical space-heaters.  I was thinking of them kinda through a D&D lens, like galactic paladin-monks.  It made sense to me. 
Under this system, then, not only would things feel cold and depressing around a Sith, but the world would be warmer and more comforting around a Jedi.  To, say, a statistically significant degree.  You see where I’m going with this—what if there was a sweet little chart that proved, mathematically and objectively, that puppy piles around the Jedi general improve the quality of life/life expectancy of everyone involved? 
Such a chart could also indicate a general getting closer to a Fall (Krell more cleanly than Anakin, since Anakin’s baseline will be skewed after the Tusken massacre, and conflated by Obi-Wan and Ahsoka’s recurring presences) or various other ongoing issues in a battalion (Corrie Guard, my beloveds) but we have to start by convincing our ascetic galactic paladin-monks of the efficacy of wartime cuddles. 
Cody hums faintly, and still does not continue.  Obi-Wan has years of practice and does not need the Force to tell him to be patient, that if he pushes Cody now he might miss his chance to hear something important.  The Force tells him anyway.  “General.”  Cody begins again.  “You know the kark you make up so you don’t have to directly answer a direct question?”  Obi-Wan narrows his eyes.  This conversation could be about many things.  The Force tells him yes.  It is unhelpful.  It seems he takes too long to answer, and Cody continues on, delivering further defamatory accusations in his polite semi-formal voice.  “As when you refuse mandatory post-mission checkups, and Helix hunts you down and asks if whatever put the holes in your robes put any matching holes in you, and instead of telling him what he certainly knows, you spin a charming tale about some other poor sap who possibly got shot but is probably fine regardless, no need for any medics who may or may not exist to get involved?” The Force says yes.  Obi-Wan does not roll his eyes, because he is a master of the jedi order and also of himself.  “I’m familiar with the rhetorical construction of a hypothetical situation, yes.”  He replies primly.  “Good.  I’d like to discuss a situation with you, sir, with the understanding that everything I describe is purely hypothetical.”
(also as you can see this is a very fun Cody for me to write, because he and all the rest of the 212th have gone their entire wartime experience with Obi-Wan layering peace/comfort/reassurance over them like a mantle, so he’s a lot more comfortable speaking his mind and I get to lean into my favorite codywan bitch4bitch relationship dynamic from the jump)
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shootingstarpilot · 1 year
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
Got tagged by the fantastic @hawthornsword, and I have @bumbledees's lovely, lovely fanart of Stitch to thank for jolting me back into a writing mindset even in a hotel room in the middle of Nebraska- so here, have a (rather longer than a) snippet of the next chapter!
Shaak slows her steps. Her companion follows obligingly.
“You know,” she says, raising her voice slightly, “as Jedi, we must always remember to be observant of our surroundings.”
“Of course, Master Ti,” Pong says, inclining his head respectfully.
“Aware both in the Force and with every sense.”
Shaak gives him a sideways look, amusement flaring bright. Pong stares straight ahead even as one trunk-like leg begins to giggle.
“My goodness,” she says. “Knight Krell, your left leg appears to be developing an independent sense of humor.”
Pong grins at her. “Not a very good one.”
“Hey!” the leg exclaims.
“Have you gotten that checked out?” Shaak asks, ignoring it.
“Oh, yes,” he says, sighing hugely. “Master Che says I have a terrible case of youngling-itis. Terminal and everything. Comes with an enormous and annoying tumor.”
“I’m not a tumor,” his leg says indignantly.
“Prove it,” Pong says cheerfully. “Detach.”
And suddenly, in a flurry of flickering scales, a youngling stands where there was a second earlier an empty patch of moss. Beetle-like wings fold neatly behind her back even as she spreads her arms wide.
“See?” she says, beaming, and then squeaks as four arms scoop her up.
“Master Ti, I have excellent news,” Pong says brightly. “I’m cured!”
(Listen I have strong feelings about Pong Krell and his fall and what he must've been like as a proper Jedi because he can't have always been evil and I am going to make them EVERYONE ELSE'S PROBLEM.)
(...Especially Stitch's.)
No-pressure tags for @themonopolyhat, @foreverchangingfandomsao3, @jedi-enthusiast, @shadow-pixelle, @drauthor, @theredscreech (because I am SO curious about that Finn time-travel AU!!), and, of course, anyone else who wants in, consider yourselves tagged as well!
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padawansuggest · 1 year
You know what this series got me wanting? Mandalorian-Jedi AU where Ezra is suddenly a little brother when Ahsoka comes back to the temple one day with Sabine all ‘she’s not force sensitive but she’s awesome and bit Master Krell really good so I like her’ and Hera, the temple pilot who’s dating Caleb Dume is all ‘that’s a good one can I adopt that one???’ And doesn’t wait for an answer before that’s her new baby and now Ezra is a baby brother and had someone to run off to whenever a new litter of lothkittens are born.
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squad-724 · 11 months
I've been thinking about Anakin Krell padawan AU
Obi-Wan isn't ready to take on a padawan, so Anakin is sent to crèche for a year or two.
In the meantime, Obi-wan takes on a mission and when he comes back, Krell has picked Anakin as a padawan. Since Krell is a master and Obi-Wan is a young knight, he can't really protest (And thinks Anakin can learn more things from a more knowledgeable Jedi)
They don't really see each other until 2nd movie. Anakin is much colder, egotistical and rude towards any non Jedi, while practically bowing to any other knight and especially masters.
During the war he isn't close to 501st, but not as bad as Krell (unless he's working with his ex-master and so does nothing when the besalisk treats the clones badly).
Ofc it's just on the outside. Actually he's really lonely, begs for praise he never got and is scared of Krell really bad while craving for his approval.
He begins bonding with torrent, and Rex even stands behind his ideas during meetings when Krell is present.
I think he falls much earlier, cracked after his master's betrayal on Umbara, killing him and escaping the planet. Maybe Obi-wan and his padawan, Ahsoka, are sent to find the new, fallen Jedi. He's shocked to see that the awful and snarky padawan he was just before the war was replaced by a broken young man that cared about the clones, hated the Jedi, and hated Krell even more, but still thinking about those small happy times he spent wit him, how great a praise from his mouth sounded and now how he had to choose between his first friend in a long time, Rex, and his caretaker that betrayed all of them.
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devondeal · 2 years
So @jedimasterbailey and I were about Tarzan and came up with a Barrissoka AU.
We noticed that Jane has a lot of Barriss-like qualities so of course Barriss will be Jane and instead of her father, it's Luminara.
Ahsoka, we decided would be Tarzan cuz girl is feral 🤣 she is raised by those sabertooth tiger creatures that snatched her up in Tales of the Jedi as a baby.
Like can you imagine that one scene where Tarzan and Jane are in the trees trying to communicate and they press their hands together but it's Barrissoka 🥺
Luminara would be so quick to point out how gay this is but Barriss would be so in denial and like
"No no Master, I'm just establishing friendly relations"
"Your definition of friendly and mine are clearly different then Barriss."
Sidenote: Clayton would probably be Krell or Tarkin
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thewriterowl · 1 year
(just found out about your Proposal AU fic and im CRYING already) WHY DO THEY HATE LUKE SO MUCH???? HE'S JUST A BABY BOY. KRELL IS A SKEEVY MOTHER FUCKER AHHHHH
As someone said in a review, Luke is in Jedi Master Skywalker mode when he's the boss and the whole corporation sucks. He is the boss and is the target and can come out a bit strict and mean and a thief.
But WE know the truth. WE know he's just a BABY. A BABY WHO NEEDS A HUG.
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kaijusplotch · 2 months
Ok so the other night I was super manic and couldn't sleep and my brain decided to make an AU for sith Obi-wan or at least fallen obi.
(forgive the misspellings and run ons it was 5 am and I was manic)
Anakin is killed by dooku in attack of the clones instead of having his arm cut off
Obi-wan makes it to his side as he is dying and Anakin gets him not to let his (Obi-wan's) light gonout
Obi-wan hears it as don't let the light go out as in Anakin begging him to save him
Guilt begins to build along with anger and hate towards Dooku
Confronts Dooku on it
Dooku sees the potential in Obi-wan falling and let's him know that if Obi-wan wants to truly save the republic then he must open his eyes to the truth and he will be happy to show him
Dooku also says he didn't WANT to kill Anakin, but he knew his master wanted him to destroy the galaxy of the Republic and what not. Maybe mentions how now Obi-wan knows how he feels loosing a padawan
Obi-wan refuses and Dooku says that in time he will see the error in his choice but that he will always be there for his grand Padawan to show him the way
Over the course of the war Obi-wan starts wearing darker colors, his guilt building with every failure, including alpha 17's injuries which cause him to be removed from the 212th.
Meeting Cody does help bring him some hope but the war kills more clones and Obi-wan keeps hearing and feeling the guilt.
Eventually on a mission to save Palpatine, Palps realizes that there is a tipping point building in Obi-wan to fall and he may make a good option for his plans since Dooku fucked it all up. So Palps manipulates things and when Obi-wan is injured and Cody comes to see him he influences /force pushes Cody to slip in some of Obi-wan's blood and "kisses" obi wan. Who may or may not be ok with it
Palpatine conveniently walks in and sees this and turns on Cody for fraternization with a superior officer and that he should know better and that he should be "inspected" for perhaps a defective issue
Obi-wan scrambles to try and save Cody and in his efforts says there was nothing between them, that he slipped and that he has no feelings for Cody in a VERY believable way to Cody thanks to Palps manipulation
Cody thinking that Obi-wan would defend their relationship more is heartbroken and angry and immediately closes off and agrees
Obi-wan realizes he blew it and put his foot in his mouth at Cody's tone of voice even as Palpatine brushes it all off with his charm, apologizing that he misunderstood the situation.
When Palps leaves Obi-wan tries to fix it but Cody won't have it and says it is best if he perhaps reassigns another commander to handle the 212th.
Obi-wan once again is consumed with guilt and it gets harder and harder for him to fight the dark building
The rest of the war Obi-wan doesn't fight with the 212th much, and at one point Cody is severely injured and Obi-wan caves and rushes to him because he still loves Cody
Cody is still hurt emotionally and physically but says that something has happened to Obi-wan, he just isn't the man he thought he was. Especially as obi has spiraled. Cody blames him for more losses of his brothers because he wasn't there as their general. That Rex died with his faith that Obi-wan would arrive in time to stop Krell on Umbara in Cody's arms. Rex had sent the sos, and Krell manipulated it while getting it to ghost company from the 501st company so when Obi-wan got it it sounded less dangerous and Obi-wan delayed in going.
Cody refuses to listen to Obi-wan and tells him he is done, what they had died with his brother in his arms, what hope he had that Obi cared about the clones died with Rex from Waxer's blaster shots
By the time they fight Dooku in revenge of the sith, Obi-wan is one push away from falling.
Obi-wan's rage at Dooku for everything cumulates in the same stand off, savers crossed on Dooku's neck with Palpatine watching.
Palps begins to push Obi-wan over the edge then and there when Obi-wan hisses out that Anakin begged him not to die because of Dooku and is about to kill him when he hears Anakin's voice and time stops.
Obi-wan is pulled spiritually from his body and stares in horror as he sees his own eyes are yellowing. Anakin appears and tells him that's not what he said.
"I said "don't let YOUR light go out." Obi-wan I wasn't afraid of dying. I was afraid that your light would go out. Your light in the force ... Please ...don't let it go out!"
As time returns and Obi-wan is back in his body he closes his eyes and pushes all of the dark away, realizing that he needed to stop letting his guilt consume him.
Don't know if he kills Palps then not sure if it is a dark ending or a sad light ending
NOW my brain is like Waxer boil angst! Because Wax killed his Captain, and he kinda goes catatonic, and Cody knowing that Waxer is going to either be decommed or reconned if he is sent to Kamino or swallow his blaster if he isnt watched, decided to give Boil permission to desert and take Waxer to somewhere to heal because loosing his two ARFs to freedom is better than knowing another brother was killed.
So Cody has the batch pick up boil and Waxer and take them to live with Cut and Suu...angst but healing happens with boil and Waxer with the kids.
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ilonga · 3 years
new chapter of Master Krell!
Anakin's second introduction to the Jedi Temple is nearly as strange as the first.
Sure, the first time it'd been completely overwhelming—his first time off planet, and suddenly he was on Coruscant, the capital, in the heart of the Jedi and already being presented to the Jedi Council. But now he's returning, and in the meantime he's seen a Jedi die, a planet nearly collapse under siege, and blown up an entire droid control ship from the inside out. 
And he's returning not as a terrified to-be reject, but as a Jedi padawan.
None of this feels real.
Obi-wan had cut his hair, back on Naboo, and arranged his new Padawan's braid; apparently it was tradition for the Jedi Master to do it, but after correspondence with the Jedi Council and Master Krell it had been decided that in the interests of smoothing out his transition, Anakin would be skipping out on most of the formalities and ceremony.
Anakin's not quite sure how he feels about that, yet. Maybe the formalities would have made it feel less like the ground was falling out from under his feet but, then again, maybe they would have made it even worse.
He'd said his goodbyes back on Naboo—to Jar Jar, the clumsy but kind and good-hearted Gungan, to R2, that crazy daredevil of an astromech, and to Padme, the brave and brilliant Queen (he still can't believe she had been the Queen all along, that he knows the Queen of a planet). He'll miss them, he thinks, though of course not nearly as much as everyone he'd left behind on Tatooine; his heart aches for his mother, for Kitster, and the rest.
What does your heart tell you?
His heart says he'll meet them all again someday—the Naboo and the Tatooinians. So it must be true. 
"Nearing the atmosphere," the pilot says, and Anakin looks up only to meet Obi-wan's uneasy gaze. 
"Best strap in," he says, though it looks like there's something else at the tip of his tongue. "Just a few more minutes now, and you'll meet Master Krell for the first time. He'll be waiting at the Temple."
"Okay," Anakin says, though what he really wants to say is I know. Obi-wan's repeated himself enough on this trip that Anakin's practically got his words memorized.
Obi-wan watches him for another moment before turning away.
"Landing sequence activated," the pilot says. Anakin cranes his neck around the safety restraints to get a look at the planet's surface. The last time they'd come here, he'd been both too nervous and too far from any viewports to get a good look.
It's. . . incredible.
Seeing Coruscant from afar had been nothing compared to this.
The entire surface is covered in glittering, distorted metal structures as far as the eye can see, shooting up for the skies with fervent vigor. As they get closer, he can see what looks like hundreds and thousands of ships and speeders, descending from the skies and rising from below and twisting and weaving between buildings and streetlights. His eyes catch on a strangely shaped metal dome to the side, rising out of the masses like Gardulla's palace in its glory days.
"Uh," he says quietly, tugging at Obi-wan's sleeve before he can think the better of it. "What's that over there?"
"Hm?" Obi-wan says, startled at the contact, but then follows his gaze and sees what he's pointing at. "Ah. That's the Senate Rotunda—it's where all the galactic governmental duties are carried out. It's where Queen Amidala went before, to request aid against the Federation's blockade."
His gaze catches on something else and he gestures to Anakin. "If you look over there," he says, pointing ahead, "you can see the Temple in the distance. We're very close now."
Anakin follows his line of sight. All he can see are the spires, really, and the hint of the rectangular form below. Their first visit had been rather rushed; he doesn't remember much but high ceilings and long hallways, and the endlessly intimidating Council Room. Hopefully they can skip out on that part this time. He's been accepted for certain, right? No need to go through the tests again?
Obi-wan coughs delicately and Anakin realizes with a start that he'll be living at the Temple now. If all goes well, for maybe even the rest of his life.
The thought settles strangely against his chest and he jams his hands under his seat to stop them from shaking.
"Just a few minutes now," the pilot says. 
They pull ever closer.
They land without much fanfare. 
If he had been just a little bit less nervous, Anakin would have begged to watch the landing sequence from the cockpit—the Naboo pilots had been so nice to him, and this ship has got to be one of the most beautiful he's ever been on in his life—but as it is, he stays glued to his seat instead.
Obi-wan is the first to get up, and gestures for Anakin to follow him with a jerk of his head. On the landing pad, he recognizes Master Yoda and Master Windu. Behind them, there's a tall alien whose species he's never encountered before and a few other figures he remembers from the Council Room.
"Knight Kenobi," Master Windu says gravely. Suddenly Master Qui-gon's absence feels like a gaping hole—everyone keeps shifting as if to accommodate someone who isn't actually there. Obi-wan glances to the side and meets Anakin's eyes instead; he purses his lips and quickly looks away. 
"Commend you, for the feat you have achieved in defeating the Sith, we do," Master Yoda says. "A great deed you have done, young Kenobi."
Obi-wan blinks. He looks to the side again. "I only did my duty," he finally says.
Master Yoda speaks again, but this time, Anakin doesn't catch what he says. He's trying to take in as much of his surroundings as possible without being too obvious.
There are about six others with him and Obi-wan right now—Master Yoda, who's still speaking, Master Windu, three others he remembers from the Council, and the imposing reptilian figure who has both sets of his arms crossed. Could this be the Master Krell Obi-wan had mentioned before? The one who Obi-wan had said would take over Anakin's training?
The figure huffs and trains his gaze on Anakin, and Anakin quickly looks away. 
The rest of the hangar is a cavernous, elegant space; transports and shuttles of various builds line the walls, with Jedi (mechanics? Mechanic Jedi?) dotting the walls here and there, busying themselves with repair work. The floor below them has its tiles arranged in a bright, colorful pattern, almost reminiscent of Naboo's palace though not nearly as ostentatious. 
A passing mechanic (Jedi?) looks up and meets his eyes. She's a blue Twi'lek, probably just a few years older than Anakin himself. She grins and waves.
Hesitantly, Anakin waves back.
"We've bored you two enough for now, I should think," One of the Masters from the Council says, and Anakin snaps his attention back to them. "Shall we move on to a more pressing order of business?"
"Ah - yes. Yes, of course." Obi-wan says. He turns to Master Yoda. "If you would - "
The reptilian figure steps forward and speaks, cutting through Obi-wan's hesitant stutters. "That is more than enough, Knight Kenobi." 
"Master Krell - " The same Jedi from before says - Master Billaba, Anakin remembers now. She'd been in the Council Room during his original examination, but had barely spoken at all. Her voice is nice, Anakin decides. Soothing. "Perhaps we should take it with a bit more . . . patience?"
Master Krell - so Anakin was right, he was the mysterious Master Krell - concedes and steps back. "My apologies, Master Billaba. I am . . . eager to begin."
"Understandable." Master Billaba says lightly, but her gaze continues to rest on him. Is there something Anakin's missing, here? Some friction between the two of them? Master Billaba hadn't spoken for or against him during the examination - but maybe she was one of the ones that didn't want him trained, and even Master Krell's appointment didn't change his mind. Maybe he'll need to be on his best behavior to impress her. Or maybe it'll be better to avoid her entirely. Out of the corner of his eyes Anakin sees Obi-wan fold his arms into his sleeves.
"Then, if I may?" Master Krell says, beginning to move away from the group. The surrounding Masters nod their consent, followed by Obi-wan with a few seconds' delay. Vaguely Anakin wonders how Master Qui-gon would react to all of this, if he could see it now. Would he be happy Anakin was being trained? Upset, that he had been replaced by a different Master? Would he have changed his mind entirely, decided that Anakin should have been left behind after all? "Come with me, Skywalker."
Anakin can do nothing else but follow.
They walk down the long, winding hallways for what seems like forever before Master Krell finally decides to speak.
"Young Skywalker," he says. "You have heard by now that you are to be my Padawan, correct?"
"Yes, sir," Anakin says quickly. He wonders when Master Krell found out. Had he volunteered? Been forcibly assigned to him? Had he just found out before they landed in the hangar, or known days in advance?
"Good." Master Krell says, keeping his gaze trained on the hallway ahead. "This means, of course, that for the next decade or so until you become a Knight, you are under my authority as my Jedi Padawan. I will teach you, direct you, and train you every day until you meet and surpass the qualifications necessary for Knighting. I can make you into the greatest of the Jedi, as befitting of your title of prophecy - but only if you listen, and obey. Am I clear?"
"Yes, sir," Anakin says again.
"Excellent." Krell says, leading them further down the hallway. Maybe any moment now, they'll be coming up on Anakin's new rooms. His own rooms - he can hardly believe it.
"You will be the very best of us, Skywalker," Krell says, sounding rather less like he means it as a compliment and more like he means it as an order. "The very best."
Anakin doesn't know how to respond to that, but he's saved from the efforts by Master Krell's satisfied huff.
It rather seems like his new Master prefers the silence.
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bonesmarinated · 4 years
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Maul’s Old Master was a Falleen named Leng Shaan, whom died in battle during the second year of The Clone Wars. Master Shaan not only mastered every form of lightsaber combat known among the Jedi, but became a Weapon Master upon his mastery of the Teräs Käsi martial arts form. At some point in his service, Shaan was appointed as lightsaber instructors active under the respective Battlemaster Cin Drallig, whom was Shaan’s best mate. Shaan was one of the few Jedi to achieve mastery over the Juyo variant of Form VII, he was also aware of how dangerous it was due to its aggressiveness and potentially exposing the user to the dark side, hence his caution towards who he would entrust it to. For example, Pong Krell, as a Padawan, was salty over the fact that Master Shaan wouldn’t let him study Form VII. As a Jedi Master, Leng Shaan was know to be tough, aggressive and loyal with high ethical standards and commitment toward and from his students. Shaan’s former padawans highly regarded the Falleen, considered him as a disciplinarian with a stubborn, hard character.
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mrfandomwars · 3 years
Making you interested in the Tarre The Undead AU via memes
Part 2 - (Mostly) Yoda's face edition
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