#matching clocks with bdubs
applestruda · 1 year
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I never shared my Etho design
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Okay let me talk abt my latest interest (hermitcraft) real quick
I cant help but pay attention to the different ways they all use their elytra?
Like scar does a lot of large, sweeping flybys, where he starts high and pulls up at the ends a lot—like ive seen some larger birds do short glides and he uses almost the exact same movements. Wider circles, too. Just larger smoother overall motions
Grian does a lot of very tight turns—in flight maneuvers and almost always when he comes in to land, and he does less swooping and more level glides.
The other two i watch, bdubs and cleo, dont do quite as much on camera flying? But i notice bdubs does a lot of aerial turns to bleed off speed BEFORE he lands, rather than doing it to land like the first two do. And he has a tendency of circling more when he’s talking + flying, like how scar swoops or grian glides during their little monologues. And cleo wiggles instead of circles to bleed off speed, i havent noticed anyone else doing that, at least not as widely
Idk theres probably a lot im missing since ive only been really paying attention for the past few episodes while im working my way through the season 9 backlog. But its interesting to see if i can catch their little habits. And try to match their flight patterns up to real birds
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goingdownorup · 1 month
Thinking about limited life again.
It made sense Etho went with TIES.
Etho went with TIES because he’s comfortable with the three of them. Because even though Bdubs was there when Scar asked if Etho could be their dad, Etho wasn’t comfortable enough with Scar and Cleo to even attempt…whatever they were trying to do with him at first. He had been with Tango and Skizz once before, and Impulse and him worked really close together the previous game, even if it was mainly for Etho and Bdubs benefit. It was based around being comfortable with each other.
All three of them knew Etho’s flaws. All three of them were well aware of Etho’s bias to Bdubs, and honestly, used it to their advantage. All three of them knew how to work around that, how to plot under Etho’s nose and sometimes even in front of him if it meant Etho could keep plausible deniability. They knew his strengths too, his loyalty, his mind. His mob farm was probably the biggest supplier of gunpowder that season, for everyone. The flaws and strengths didn’t matter as much as the fact that Tango, Skizz, and Impulse all wanted him on the team, and that the team never felt like it was fracturing. It wasn’t two and two like BEST was, it was four strong from the beginning. It was comfortable, because all three of them wanted Etho there. Not just Bdubs, not just Scar for a bit, SIT was prepared to do what it took for Etho to commit to their team up.
And maybe, that’s why it hurts so much that they had Etho take the final kill for Skizz.
They had built a comfortable place for Etho and now they were asking him to destroy that. Etho could go back to TIES tower and be greeted by people he KNEW were friends and allies. These guys would never betray Etho, just like he would never betray them. All three of them had the same kind of loyalty that Etho has, self-destructive in the name of character. Etho had just been hunted and hunting his own family down for time, getting knocked down time and time again and had finally come back to his home with his tail between his legs. He was panicked, more panicked than normal with his clock ticking down at the corner of his screen, he was walking into a scene half done and taking it over with a frustrated cry, which isn’t something Etho usually does.
But he did, because he felt comfortable doing so.
And then Skizz throws him the ax, Tango acts like someone shot his dog, and Impulse just stares.
And suddenly, it's not comfortable anymore.
It’s not comfortable that Impulse is one step away from dissociating. It’s not comfortable that Tango has tears trailing down his face, that both of them look almost angry that Etho picked up the ax in the first place. It’s horribly jarring, to come into a meeting expecting comfort for his failures and be greeted with a worse opportunity.
Because Skizz- the nicest guy in this match, the man who looked at Etho and said “i want him to join us”- is telling Etho to kill him. Ordering him to, actually, his final order of the game. No amount of pleading looks will get Tango and Impulse to do what Skizz wants done, Etho’s only defense is quickly shut down when they bring up just how much time Etho still had.
It’s not comfortable to see Skizz’s head roll off the edge of skynet. It’s not comfortable, the next session, when Impulse and Tango look to him for leadership. This game wasn’t meant to be comfortable, and Etho forgot about that. TIES was the most comfortable team up for him, and in the end, it created one of the most heart wrenching ends for all of them.
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jeskerthefool · 1 month
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Bdubs!!! Had a lot of fun with this one
Check out the comic :D
-yes I changed the colour of the clock from gold to silver. It just looked better.
-don't ask me why he has pointy ears. He just deserves them.
-Heels because he loves horses a lot. (or that's what he says when asked. It's also to be taller. But mostly the horses.)
-No I didn't design the daggers cause he's never going to be shown using them and I am. Lazy. They would match Etho's daggers, and he's not gonna be using them either.
-...you can probably tell who's going to be using their weapons by how much detail I give them... oh well.
-shortest one yet (will probably change once I do chapter two, where Grian appears)
-Cape was also a wedding gift
-Yes, Impulse has a matching clock. Assume what you will.
-the funnest to draw in my opinion. I just really like his cape. He can close it around him and become one with the moss.
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hermitscratch · 6 months
imp n skizz + 27... the besties. did you know skizz irl sometimes kisses impulse n the cheek. to annoy him
Send me a pairing + a number! || Accepting
27. A platonic kiss, Impulse/Skizz, 873 words
This may have been the greatest day of Impulse's life.
The exhilaration of starting anew had hit him full force. The space between seasons had been spent dreaming up builds of grandeur, and he was finally able to see what he was working with. Better still, he had a partner in crime to share his vision with. Providing Bdubs his first clock was a point of pride, and Bdubs had accepted it with promises of a great future ahead of them.
He'd made momentous progress. Maybe not on the scale of Doc and his villager operation, but the humble underground iron farm he and Tango constructed would serve them well. The land that would become a sprawling cyberpunk city was sectioned off. His strip mine was fruitful, piles of diamonds to be fashioned into armor and equipment as needed. Everything was coming up Impulse.
When the day was over, the rest was well-earned. The Mountaineers, as Scar had named them, reconvened to share dinner around the fire. He took the chance to wash up in the river- a water well would be a tomorrow project, once he had a place to lay his head that was more permanent than the blocked off mouth of his cave- and laid down for a good night's sleep.
...Any minute then.
Impulse rolled onto his back and sighed. It didn't feel right, and Impulse knew what was missing.
This may have been the greatest day of Impulse's life, because Skizz was there.
Skizz was there, and so much as thinking his name made the thread connecting them hum. Before Skizz was a hermit, when Impulse had been summoned and made the decision to stay, it was easy to ignore. The proximity now, though, made it impossible. His very soul knew its other half was near, and Impulse longed.
Skizz hadn't wanted to be coddled. He was determined to stand on his own two feet in this server of building gods and redstone masters. It was with full support that Impulse had agreed to let Skizz forge his own way, neighbors instead of roommates.
...But surely Skizz wouldn't mind a late-night visit, right?
Impulse relit the torches by his bedside. He didn't change, just throwing on his shoes. On his way to the door, he wondered if it would be worth taking his wings out. It would make the trip incredibly short, at the cost of nearly guaranteeing he'd spend all night at Skizz's. He wouldn't mind, but if Skizz did...
"Aaah!" A yell made Impulse jump as he opened the door, snapping him out of his thoughts. An equally startled Skizz stood in the doorway, a hand on his chest as he settled down. "You scared the dookie right outta me, dude," He said, heaving a breath, "Don't you know it's like, dumb o'clock in the morning? Nice jammies though," Skizz snickered.
Impulse snorted. Skizz was wearing a matching set. "These old things? Aw, they're nothin'," Skizz barks a laugh, and Impulse chuckles with him, a line of tension leaving his shoulders, "I know it's dumb o'clock in the morning, what're you doing at my front door?"
"Well I- y'know, I was in the neighborhood," Skizz started, wings held around his shoulders like a mantle, "And I'm thinkin' to myself, I think, y'know... I'm really feelin' it! And if I'm feelin' it, my best buddy over here, Mr. Impy Dimpy Dippledop, well, he's gotta be feelin' it too, right? Am I right? I bet I'm right," Skizz poked at Impulse's cheek.
Impulse huffed fondly, lightly smacking Skizz's hand away. Nobody could manage to be longwinded and straightforward like Skizz could. "I might've been on my way to yours for the same reason," Impulse admitted.
"Good thing I beat you then," Skizz cackled, "I don't have a bed yet!"
"Skizz!" Impulse laughed, "That's the first thing you do!"
"I was excited, okay? Some stuff fell through the cracks!" It only made Skizz laugh harder, "Are you gonna invite me in or not!"
"Okay, okay," Impulse placated once their laughter calmed into the occasional giggle. He stepped away from the doorway and gestured Skizz to follow him inside, "Come on in, make yourself at home. Don't forget to shut the door behind you."
Impulse heard the door close. The place was basic, really, meant for function over form. A double-wide bed, some chests for storage, and the simple wall that separated the space from the outside. There was a joke on the tip of Impulse's tongue, something about excusing a mess that wasn't there, but it's forgotten the moment he feels arms around him.
Arms, and then wings, warm and white and all-encompassing like a blanket settled around his very soul. If Impulse looked behind himself, he was sure Skizz's halo would be showing. In turn, Impulse's horns grew. Dark scales climbed up his arms where he held Skizz's arms across his chest, and his tail found purchase around Skizz's leg.
Skizz squeezed him in a hug, lowering his head to leave a kiss in Impulse's hair before burying his face in it with a content sigh that made Impulse want to melt into bed and never get up again.
"Yeah," Skizz mumbled, soft and tired, "This is home."
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
Life Series Scarring Headcanons: Part 2
All the disclaimers and explanations are on Part 1, so if you haven't seen that one yet, I recommend hopping over there real quick.
Some of these do get a bit...graphic? Specific? Something along those lines. I kind of split the middle ground between Video Game and more realistic injuries. (Did I spend way to long thinking about specifics of murder and death for this? I plead the fifth.)
This one is Grian, ImpulseSV, InTheLittleWood, and LDShadowLady
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Third Life: In my mind's eye Grian has always turned to look at the sky after his leap from the cactus ring, so the death blow was to the back of his head.
Last Life: Scott killed him when the late-game reds banded together to hunt down Grian and Joel. The other members of the alliance dealt damage, but Scott got the final hit in. Grian was fleeing at the time, so the scar is on his back, above his wings.
Double Life: Because sonic booms don't leave external evidence so much as they remove your insides from anything vaguely approaching a solid state, there isn't a scar as such from this death. There is a mark though, mid-mass. (it is not concentric circles, that's just what I put on the diagram to mark the location)
Limited Life: Fall damage again, based off the "camera angle" the general vibe I got was that Grian could have tried to catch himself on his hands as he fell. From that height, it was futile and there are faint marks on his wrists where the bone poked through as well as the actual death blow to the side of his forehead. Bird Man needs to stop falling off things fr.
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Third Life: Bdubs shot him after Scar gave him a clock in the most infamous backstabbing in the series to date. Usually when Bdubs shot someone I place the mark a bit lower, but they were on a bit of a hill at the time.
Last Life: In what was something of the fashion on the Last Life server, Scott shot him. He was trying to flee when he was shot, so I placed the mark at the base of his skull. (If only they were able to wear helmets)
Double Life: Pearl killed Bdubs with a blow to the front, so Impulse has a fainter scar from that death.
Limited Life: In the new contender for most infamous backstabbing in the series (poor Impulse has some rotten luck here) Martyn pretended to go along with the "disarm and fight it out" plan only to turn on them and seize the victory. Impulse wasn't wearing his armor, so the final blow was a sword through his torso that severed his spine.
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Third Life: Martyn died in the Battle of Dogwarts, to an arrow from Scar. Due to how helter skelter the melee was, I opted to have it be an off-center shot that tore the side of his neck, so it is not a clean mark. (It mirrors Ren's on the opposite side)
Last Life: He was blown up by his own end crystal, (probably triggered by a potion Scott threw) which was placed level with the top half of his body and he was literally right next to it facing it. He didn't even have time to try and shield himself with his arms.
Double Life: He died when Cleo took fall damage while fleeing from Pearl and her dogs. This is one where I took some creative liberties and opted to have the fall damage interpret as a tree branch that Cleo landed on with the full force of their own body weight, impaling herself by accident.
Limited Life: Whether going with his time ran out or Grian smote him, either way it is a death by lightning and the scars are lichtenberg figures down his chest and arm and a little bit his back. The smitey-lightning always goes for the heart, so he and Scott match now. (it also leaves a mark on the sole of the foot when it exits the body and enters the ground, but that doesn't show on the diagram.)
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She has only perma-died in one season, even though she has technically been in two. In Last Life she ultimately died to fall damage while trying to fight back and escape from BDubs when he betrayed the other reds. Her scar is hidden by her hair.
Part 1
Part 3
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spiderziege · 11 months
omg i love the 3rd life horses so much <333 do you have a thought process for the specific breeds you assigned people, along with the horses’ armor pieces and such? also, i know you said you’re doing 3rd life horses, so do you have any headcanons for what kind of horse life series players that weren’t in 3rd life like pearl and lizzie would have? (like even if you don’t end up drawing them)
THANK YOU FOR THIS ASK!!! i do have thoughts!!
i dont have specific breeds picked out for all of them but ill just go through each one :]
cleos horse is a clydesdale, i knew i wanted some big draught horses for cleo and ren specifically, and i just looove clydesdales theyre so beautiful. for bdubs i wasnt as sure, his is maybe a quarter horse or something? definitely something fast and versatile. and both of their tack is meant to be fancy but not too over the top (cleos horse has a couple flowers that match the ones in cleos hair, and bdubs' horse has a clock and a red cloth that matches bdubs' headband)
rens horse is a shire, wanted his horse to he as big and imposing as possible. for martyn i also wanted something strong and big, but not as fancy and eyecatching. so that its obvious from looking at the horses who's the king and who's the hand. i think his is maybe a cleveland bay? and then both of their tack is very medieval knight-esque, which i think fits their vibe pretty well.
for joels horse im not really set on a specific breed, but i wanted something small and agile for him, something used for hunting. his tack is also a lot simpler than the crastle & dogwarts people
for etho i was kinda struggling tbh. the first breed that came to mind was something like arabian or akhal-teke, but in a third life scenario it just doesnt really make sense to give a desert horse to anyone except desertduo lol. my other option was some kind of ancient breed - like sorraias/tarpans. but those are pretty small and i wanted something a bit bigger, so i ended up with just kinda. generic gray horse. i wish id have made the markings a darker gray instead of white, and added a stripe on the back, i think thatd work better. he also has pretty minimal tack, and he's the only one who rides without stirrups cause he just seems like that kinda guy (same)
for the other third lifers - desert duo get either an arabian or akhal teke, like i said. kinda leaning towards arabian. they also only get one horse because they still have pizza too of course
imp & skizz & bigb all get bigger working horses similar to martyn probably. i think imp & skizz get very similar horses, and for bigb im thinking maybe black forest horse or something?
tango gets a mustang, i dont really have a reason for that it just feels right
jimmy gets a haflinger because thats like the golden retriever of horse breeds i think
for scott im not sure either - he could be a lusitano kinda guy, but tbh i think flower husbands can just share one haflinger with a million flowers woven into its hair
and then the ones that werent in third life - pearl definitely gets a marwari horse. im not sure what it is about those horses but thats just. the pearlescentmoon horse to me. maybe its the ears, they kinda look like little antennae
for lizzie im not really sure generally, but i think specifically for the last life fairy fort she gets a unicorn. thats just the only kinda horse i can think of that makes sense lol
mumbo gets a trakehner or some similar warmblood breed
gem gets an irish cob i think. definitely something thats strong but not super big
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I made a Bdubs doll and this is what happened.
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so my idea was to make a bdubs doll and make a moss coat out of this moss mat stuff I found in the floral section at Joann. It was easy to just stick the moss onto a fleece coat (even though fleece sets off my sensory issues) but it also got little moss bits all over my apartment. At that point I realize that I absolutely could not display this next to any other dolls lest they also succumb to the moss so I bought this huge candle holder from target and made a platform of foam, foam clay, and leftover moss mat to look like a minecraft grass block. But with moss. So now I have sealed him in for the protection of not only myself but all who dare to enter my home. Because I'm a responsible crafter.
Moral of the story: don't do this.
But I have my bdubs and I'm very happy with that.
The actual doll is, and this is true, a gen 1 monster high body with a lol omg head. I chose this head and body combination for maximum skrunkly potential. Mainly the eyes. As for the headband I cannot verify that that specific shade of red would match the hex code that is mr. doubleo100's namesake, I know for a fact it's too bright, but it complements the green very well I think. 
Oh and how can I forget the little clock I made? I just went back and took a few more pictures, and at this point I will apologize for the reflections of me taking the picture because it's hard to get good pictures when you have to contain your creation in a glass box. It's not the nicest clock, but it's my clock, and that's what matters.
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rainecreatesstuff · 1 year
ok so the post was made a month ago and i'm sure you've already gotten this ask but what's the symbolism behind the limlife clocks you made?
tbh im low on energy and I wasn’t gonna answer this but then I noticed you’ve got a d20 username and avatar so out of respect for another d20er hanging out in the mcyt fields I will.
Tango - stopwatch. Lil reference to him running the death games in s1 and 2, also to match his general sense of urgency. Also can be used for red stone timing
Impulse - watch. Simple, practical, but has his own lil flair to it with his logo. Stays on the wrist so he doesn’t have to worry abt other people nabbing it or it getting broken, kinda symbolizes his tendency to play multiple sides to keep himself safe. Also has a day/night cycle, connecting him to Bdubs after double life
Etho - sleek, elegant design. Can be glanced at quickly to see time. Day/night cycle connecting him to Bdubs bc. They cannot be normal about each other. A small sundial bc he’s been around these parts a while and also it just feels like something he would brag about being able to read.
Skizz - forget-me-nots symbolize skizz’s loyalty to his people and his kindness to everyone. Also, as the first to lose a significant amount of time, given as a reminder to. Yknow. Remember him. Cracked after being killed twice by boogeymen in ep 1
Mean Gills:
Martyn - simple, easy to read and glance at, can be clipped to a weapon or tool so he can see it easily, imbued with his status as a follower of the listeners.
Scott - poppy in the middle to symbolize his ties to Jimmy, which keep popping up despite. Everything. A gold heart which is awarded to each of the victors. Scott’s clock originally had chains around it, put there by the Watchers/ higher beings/ whoever to prevent him from messing with his clock, broken immediately bc Scott found them annoying
Nosy Neighbours:
Pearl - locket. Unseen in drawing, but a wolf’s head is carved into the front. Phases of the moon show how much time she has left rather than numbers. A gold heart awarded to each of the victors.
BigB - cookie clock! Lighthearted and fun, shows bigb’s brand a bit, not really intense or complex, showing how bigb tends to be pretty upfront and chill throughout the games
The Clockers:
Cleo - an old clock that matches the aesthetics of the Time Witch from wcsmp. The inner mechanisms are visible to represent how she usually plays with all her cards on the table, and is very upfront with her allegiances and her reasonings etc. elegant and a bit imposing.
Bdubs - a busted-up clock that doesn’t work anymore. Or, well, the inner mechanisms work. It ticks. Nobody can see how much time is left though. Chipped and cracked from the last three games. Blood from first boogey kill.
Scar - an hourglass with a dark oak border. Can’t have a scar clock and not put desert duo in it. Anyways, not only does the sand represent Scar’s permanent ties to the desert, it also is a very clear visual, meaning Scar doesn’t have to worry about accidentally jumbling numbers when reading his time (dyslexia is a bitch)
The Bad Boys:
Joel - Two ruby eyes representing the red that is always in Joel, no matter his colour, as well as acting as a small nod to his wolves in 3rd life. The hands are dagger-shaped, but round at the ends (he is scary but also a wet cat. If you are loyal to him he will not so much as scratch you). Scorched from Bad Boy Actions in ep 1
Jimmy - canary wings going round and round, cyclically. A cage that should open; it has hinges. Jimmy cannot open it yet. (If someone else dies first, he might be able to) also scorched from Bad Boy Actions
Grian - they will not let him forget he is not meant to be there. He has to concentrate to keep his clock at the right time- its hands will spin wildly (sometimes even going backwards, giving him more time) if he doesn’t keep an eye on it. Three hearts to remind him that he created the games. A gold heart awarded to each of the victors. Not shown, but two winged-shapes on hinges close over the clock face to shield it from other’s’ view.
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poetthewriter · 1 year
Hi! I'm not sure if you're taking requests or not but I had an idea! Would it be possible to do a bdubs x reader oneshot? Just some fluff or HCS will do! <3
Ello I would love to write for you this is actually my first request<3 please give me feedback and tell me how i did and how to fix and improve
If you request agian feel free to become someone on my anon list just leave an emoji
𝒜𝓁𝓁ℯ𝓎𝓈,𝓉ℯ𝒶𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓉ℯ,ℴ𝓇 𝓅𝒶𝓇𝓉𝓃ℯ𝓇𝓈
𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬=𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐬&𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐰𝐬🌶🥕🌽
limited life : Bdubs x reader
Here we are again, three hearts stain my arm and a clock on my communicator set to twenty four hours starts counting down. we once again stand in a circle and on the count of three we all run away from spawn, cowering around the area I pick up food, sugarcane and herbs along with an abundance of items that I will be sure too use later on. the whole server will be sure to team up with people soon so I better start looking out for who will be my ally's and enemies for this run through, my first thought is Bdubs as hard as it is to remember certain things about the last seasons I always remember Bdubs and how he has been loyal and kind to me even if I haven't been on his team so after I go mining he will be the first I search for.
17 diamonds, about a stack and a half of iron aswell as 33 gold is quite a good turn out for only a half an hour of my time and its certainly enough for a chest plate, a pair of nice new pants, and a sword. while I was in the caves a message had popped up on my communicator saying that Scott had killed Skizz and that another boogieman would be chosen so on my way out I better be sure to watch out and make sure that I stay weary of the people I keep around me, finally I can leave the caves to find my hopeful ally or maybe even teammate, as I reach me final steps I hear a voice above me as I lay on the grass, my eyes shoot open and I zip right up off the ground to look at who's talking to me.
"Timmy. . ."
"AHAHAHA WHAT HAPPEND TO YOUR HAIR" I yell out giggling at Timmy's slicked back hair, Tim's face changes as he looks down, an annoyed face covers him before speaking to me.
"what are you laughing at Y/n" he mumbles as Grian and Joel come behind him wearing matching outfits before I can say anything to them a message pops up again.
Skizzleman was slain by Bdoubleo100
shock covers all our faces again as we realize Skizz is now on around nineteen hours of time left, the boys stand there a little longer as more chats pop up including one saying "rematch at spawn NOW" typed by Skizz.
yells and chants are heard across the server and no one is in sight I run to the fight happening on the mountain as the suited man swings one last time before Bdubs falls to the ground and disappears, reappearing a few meters away from the fight circle. skizz walks towards the revived boy and starts attacking him again swinging and punching trying for even more hits but then i see skizz pull out a sword, it shimmers as he lifts it up and i run towards them slidding down just blocking the sword from hitting bdubs, i push skizz away well bduds clings and falls to my back i turn around and grab him running away well leading him to a little den in the hills of a meadow, I lay him down agianst the dirt and stone walls of cave and look around the land for crops and flowers to use in helping him.
red bloody cuts covered in yarrow to stop the bleeding as well as many other herbs and flowers blended nicely are now placed in a pot with boiling water over a hot seeping fire, a wooden tray with fresh honey, sugar and butterfly pea flower petals lays beside me and I start to place pieces of ice from a few biomes over on Bdubs bruises, he slowly shivers awake. I can see that he is looking at the moss bed and rhubarb leaves under the spot he lays and I now see him look at me, his eyes look confused and they shine at me I feel as if he is speechless at the moment.
he starts to lean towards me and he pulls me into one of the most heart felt and strong hugs I've ever been given he just lays his head into my shoulder, "thank you" he whispers, I just sit there hugging him back I don't exactly know what to do but I just cant seem to let go something just feels familiar.
"I was trying to find you, I just knew I needed someone like you on my team but I didn't expect to find you like this" I say quietly while chuckling but he still doesn't look up.
a few minutes go by and we finally get up and start walking around the forest as the sun slips away from the sky, we talk and talk about what ever we can including the odd days in this game and how its different then the other seasons as well as our ally's and who we might be able to trust, soon enough everything goes quite and he starts up again in a different tone.
"i was looking for you"
we continue walking but he just looks at me, why me? why was he looking for me? did I do something? I question and wonder off into my thoughts but I snap back when he hands my a tiny bouquet of wild flowers
he slowly looks down and starts to slowly talk again "i feel this way every season... i always want to be around you. its like i NEED to be around you even if we are not teamed". he spits as he tucks himself in to his sweater all embarrassed.
"really?" I just question I feel a little rosy as he continues to ruffle out but I cant help my self but saying that I was looking for him as well.
we sit down at a flowery river side and just look up, "I love you, you know that right? and I think more happened between us in previous games but I don't remember".
"why do you think more happened, what do you think happened between us".
"because I feel as if I love you like your oxygen, you are someone I know even if I cant remember how I know you" i fumble out.
"I think we know each other better then we remember to because I don't think I would want to kiss you if you were just a person I could trust", my heart jumps a little as he turns to me placing his hand behind my ear into my hair and he pulls him self in close to my face, we just lay there and the thing I've been waiting for him to say finally comes out of his mouth.
"want be my partner?"
"of course, lets go home"
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captainschaos · 1 year
It's always been Etho and Skizz.
When the seventh session begins, the two stand together, and without speaking they know they are each revisiting their matching sides of corresponding memories. The clock ticks as always, growing and louder and more sinister with the crimson hue of their names. They're running out of time. But they've been here before.
The Red Army runs over the fields, banners flying, shields held high. Skizz and Etho are beside each other, two soldiers, two brothers. In that time they could be how they truly were. The reaper, not just ferrying dead for duty, but able to look his fellows in the eye, to stand on even ground and be in the middle of it all. The fae, empowered to both place his traps, his trickery and watchful eye repaying each slight he'd been paid through the games, along with the fun of the chase. They smile at each other as they run with the Army. Always watching each other's backs. Always together.
This session, they're on the hunt. Etho especially, even though Skizz's clock ticks louder than his. Etho doesn't like to let it show, but he's far more bothered by it than the reaper. Skizz is used to being so near to death. Etho envies it, in many ways, but he just feels trapped when he doesn't have a safety net between him and the end of his run in the games. But if nothing else, even when his hunt fails, Skizz keeps coming back. If nothing else, Skizz can be a soften the blow.
It's always been Skizz and Etho.
They stand together in the Hero's Hideout, arms crossed, meeting each other's eyes across the room as Tango and Bdubs scream at each other in the middle. Even separated by the quarrel, they're together. Because that's a truth that supersedes so much, a truth that can be relied on. When Skizz turns red, even when he threatens what remains of Team BEST, Etho knows he'd never really hurt them. It feels temporary, if nothing else. They were red before, they'll reunite on red again.
Which made it feel like a stab to the gut when Skizz died before Etho ever got there.
This session, Skizz has a duty to finish. He wants to hunt, and he does, when he can, but the kindness he can give will always be more important to him than the blood he can spill. After it, when he's delivered the words the others deserve, he stands alone on his tower and looks over the server. Maybe he did it. He made a safe place, one of warmth and protection and maybe, just maybe, some sort of hope. He's always envied the guardian angels. But maybe he's managed to do what they do in his own right.
Now it's down to Etho.
He'd had to get used to it in Double Life. He's had to get used to it in Third Life and Last Life too, but only at the end, only when chaos had broken loose and he was too busy fighting to save his skin to sink into it. But in Double Life, Skizz was never there to begin with. But still, it was different. The alliances were picked for them, unless you were Cleo and Scott, so he didn't need to worry about it as much. But still, every moment Skizz wasn't there, it felt like something was missing. Etho felt exposed, vulnerable and unshielded without the reaper's wings at his back. Maybe that's why he'd been so willing to partake in Joel's fury, to hunt wildly and recklessly. Without his guardian angel, there was no being safe, was there?
Now it's down to Etho.
The group is waiting for him when he gets to Windsor, and he just has to look at Skizz to know. His eyes are a deep, darkening, fading crimson, and his proud wings hang almost limp behind him. His sharp halo is so faint it's barely visible, and Etho knows. But he refuses to believe it at first, can't help but be shocked as Skizz starts to take off his armor, hand Etho anything he thinks the fae might want, and put the ax in Etho's hands.
As the seventh session rapidly approaches its end, Etho and Skizz are standing in the same memories. All the time they've spent together here, the shared hunts, the fight against the clock. Their time in Last Life, trying to make the server a better place, trying to be heroes. And their time in Third Life. Fighting under the same banner, in the same army. Under the same king, who Etho knows Skizz is thinking about as he bows his head and bares his neck.
You're a stand-up guy, Etho tells Skizz. You're better than me. You're kind, you're strong, you're good. Just like the guardian angels you've always wanted to be. I love everything about you, Etho tells Skizz. I'm going to miss you. I've loved every moment with you. I love you. I just wish you were better at this game, Etho tells Skizz. I wish you were more like me. I wish you could win, I wish your kindness weren't a weakness, here. I wish you'd be playing with me longer.
And then he swings.
And even his faeish ears don't hear Skizz's response through the stifled tears.
Now... it's just Etho. And the clock keeps ticking, even as Skizz's last moments flow into Etho's timepiece.
Guess he'll have to get used to it again.
[There will be one of these for each week! This is 7/?]
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The TACOMLU Hermit Tattoo post!
Have you ever wondered if the TACOMLU Hermits have tattoos? Well, wonder no longer! - Patton
Bdubs- a clock on his right shoulder (because 'it looked cool')
Cub- the concorp logo on his right peck, the pattern of Scar's wings across his neck
Doc- Tommy’s full birthday in binary code around the bicep of his lower right arm. If anyone asks, he says it's a recipe for pasta sauce
Etho- none (that anyone knows about)
False- eagle wings across the nape of her neck(was inspired by Cub's tattoo)
Gem- none (yet)
Grian-  the L'manburg flag on his ankle. It's rarely seen, and only Wilbur knows it's there
Hypno- a pocket watch sleeve up his arm
Impulse- the date he met Skizz across his collar bone
Iskall- a blooming rose matching with Stress on her shoulder
Jevin- you can't tattoo goop
Joe- Beetlejhost took over last time he tried to get a tattoo, so she's opting out for now
Keralis- xB's name in a heart on his bicep, Xisuma’s name in a heart on his hip
Mumbo- none but Niki is talking everyone in the Syndicate into getting matching tattoos
Pearl- half of a sunflower that matches with Sausage
Ren- Womb tattoo that says 'Papa K', Tramp stamp that says 'Docm77, a crescent moon over his heart, 'Season 4' in cursive across his arm
Scar- the concorp logo on his left thigh, Tommy’s birthday and the day Tommy disappeared on his right
Skizz- the date he met Impulse across his wrist above the 3 hearts every player has
Joel- none because he's a weenie who hates pain
Stress- at this point what part of her ISN'T tattooed. An entire sleeve of vines, roses, tulips, etc up both her arms, an Iskallium stone on the back of her left hand, her favorite constellation on her ankle, a heart on her cheek, the Hermitcraft logo across her tummy
Tango- a ravager head across his pelvis (yes it hurt like a bitch but Zed said it'd be cool)
Beef- none, but he will get one to commemorate TCG
Wels- none
xB- Papa K womb tattoo, guardian spikes down his spine
Xisuma- all the Hermits names across his back in cogs like a machine, a tramp stamp but only Keralis knows about it
Zedaph- a trophy to represent his Zedvancments
Cleo- they used to have SO MANY, and her favorite was a little ghostie on her wrist representing Joe, but after XD turned her into a gorgon they all disappeared
Lyarrah- a candle up her arm and a pair of goggles across her ankle
Zloy- a red feather on his wrist and a candle on his hip
Pix- the coordinates of The Vigil above his heart, a half burning candle up his leg, a hard-core heart to represent Phil on his right ankle, his parents and sisters names in candlescon his back, a red feather and a pair of goggles on each of his shoulders
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salemoleander · 1 year
Chapter 2 of With Soul Intent
Ultimately, they decide as a group to head to TIES. Tango’s admin expertise and Etho’s everything-else expertise make them the clear people to start with, especially as they both also fall in the rarified category of ‘potential to make worse technical choices than Grian’. (Much of the delay in heading over was due to Bdubs, who kept interrupting the discussion to insist that Etho would never be that dumb.)
They’ve only just made it to the river bed when Pearl and Bigb pop out of seemingly nowhere to the side of the group.
“What’s all this then?” Pearl asks, the latter half of her question difficult to hear due to the matching screeches of surprise Bdubs and Joel emit. (Joel isn’t that surprised; he just thinks yelling is fun.)
Walking at the front of the group, Grian keeps moving, calling back, “Walk and talk, people, come on.”
Pearl rolls her eyes at the dismissal, staying stubbornly put, and turns her attention to Jimmy for an explanation.
“Server’s haunted,” Jimmy says solemnly.
“Sorry, what?” Bigb asks.
Joel nods, suppressing a grin. “Server’s haunted.”
Pearl and Bigb rotate their attention to Cleo, who is surreptitiously trying to fix their war paint, and mostly just spreading the blood and/or paint ominously over their cheeks. Joel approves of the look.
Cleo nods. “Yup, server’s haunted.”
“Oh, would you- it’s not haunted, guys,” Grian says, having fallen back when no one followed him. Muttering, he adds, “Ghosts would be way easier.”
“Um, why is the time stopped?” Bigb asks, nervously checking his wrist and looking around like it’s a prank one of them will cop to. Which, Joel has to admit, if he had admin privileges on here that is absolutely something he would do.
“Grian broke the server,” Scar says eagerly.
“I did not! Scar, that’s-“
“I regret going along with the joke now, congrats everyone.” Cleo sighs, aura of responsibility slightly undermined by half of her face being red now. Turning to the Neighbors, she says, “Clocks stopped, Grian is in here with us so he can’t fix it, we’re going to ask Tango or Etho for help because they’ve done weird admin tech stuff before. That’s all.”
“Also you can come with, if you like,” Jimmy pipes up. “Probably should, so if anything changes or we all need to weigh in we’re together already.”
Pearl and Bigb fall in behind their motley crew, and they continue the trek over to TIES Tower. Joel keeps a watchful eye on the group, as they bicker and joke their way forward. He’s not good at details, and can’t figure out who exactly is giving weird vibes, but something feels… off, and he keeps worrying the idea like a loose tooth. It feels tense, like the moment between making eye contact with an enderman and getting your ass beat by said enderman.
It could simply be the lack of time passing that’s putting him off-kilter. Standing to the side of the bridge waiting for the others to cross, he stares west at the setting sun. It lazes on the horizon, frozen in the sky like some great big ominous orange. Yeah, Joel reckons that could be it.
“TIESSS, where are ya?” Pearl calls, directing her yell vaguely in the direction of their underground base.
A muffled, agreeable response echoes up from below. The group shuffles unenthusiastically towards the edge of the sandbar, everyone looking down at the water and the faint light emanating from the hidden doorway they are all (by now) aware of.
“You know, everyone complains about the frog noses being creepy,” Bigb says, “but at least our door isn’t underwater.”
“UGH,” Joel says, and plunges into the ocean. It’s not terribly cold, but with the low angles of light from the sunset, and silt kicked up as others enter the water, visibility is terrible. He grabs onto kelp and seagrass, pulling himself over to the ‘secret’ entrance.
Emerging dripping seawater onto the stone floor, Joel spares half a moment to worry about pressure plates – but the ground is solid underfoot.
Someone shoves at his shoulder from behind, and he shuffles quickly forward to make way for Grian and the others. As everyone makes their soggy way in, Impulse emerges from a side hallway. Halfway to raising his hand in greeting, he freezes for a moment upon seeing the crowd of wet mostly-enemies.
“Uhhh, hey, what’s the idea here? I thought I heard Pearl ask to come in, not-“ he gestures to the packed hallway.
“I am here!” Pearl calls from the back, busy squeezing water out of her hair.
Grian marches a few purposeful steps forward, and Joel cocks his head when Impulse stays put. More guts than he’d have guessed.
“Impulse the server is messed up – time’s not working right now.” As Impulse raises his own wrist to check, Grian continues, “I was hoping to talk with Tango or Etho, see if they might know how to fix it.”
Impulse looks a bit crestfallen at this, and Grian awkwardly tacks on, “Or- or you, or anyone, I just thought-“
Cleo chimes in, “We didn’t think you’d ever been stupider than Grian, to have caused something like this before. You’re too sensible.” Despite their sardonic tone, Impulse brightens considerably at the addition.
“Well, I guess that kind of explains the entourage. Tango and Skizz are down mining, but Etho is-“ He stops.
“Etho is…?” Grian prompts.
A divot appears between Impulse’s eyebrows. Joel thinks it makes him look like some kind of weird, consternated fish.
“I’m not actually sure?” Impulse says, tone rising. “He was hanging around, but I don’t think I’ve seen him for at least a couple hours. Which is weird. Hey, as much as I love having a bunch of visitors who may be motivated to kill me, do you all have to be right here?”
“Impulse! I am shocked, shocked, that you would think our plans are anything less than gentlemanly,” Scar proclaims, picking back up the pressure plate he’s just placed down.
Cleo rolls her eyes. Then she blanches, which is concerning. Joel didn’t know zombies could blanch.
“Where’s Bdubs?” she asks, gently pushing Jimmy out of the way to look behind him, like Bdubs could’ve somehow gotten lost in the group like an errant suitcase.
Joel feels a jolt as he realizes – Bdubs has been gone for a while. “At least since the bridge, he’s been gone,” he says, feeling uncharacteristic concern. He wouldn’t normally care if Bdubs wandered off- or got killed, for that matter- but it feels… off, for him to do it when they’re dealing with an actual problem.
Impulse groans. “That’s gotta be where Etho is, too. Those two are-“ He shakes his head.
Grian raises a finger and starts to respond, when everything is cut short by the arrival of two chat messages.
Tango tried to swim in lava to escape Skizzleman
Skizzleman tried to swim in lava
The room around the corner and down the stairs is suddenly filled with sound.
“I am SO sorry dude, I didn’t mean to-“ That’s Skizz, voice strident and apologetic.
“Hey no, you’re go- We’ve got company.” Aaand Tango.
Impulse yells, “What happened?” down the stairs, and after a few moments they both emerge from the depths of the base.
Skizz looks chagrined, and Tango looks… Joel isn’t sure what Tango looks like. His expression seems blank, and then lurches suddenly into a grin.
“This goofball broke the wrong block, and my stupid flailing got us both killed! We're a bunch of- bunch a clowns!”
Standing near the back, Scar speaks up, confusion evident. “Why didn’t your timers go down?”
Scrambling to check, they both raise their wrists to reveal… well, Joel isn’t 100% what their times were before, because he’s only really been tracking his own, Grian’s, and Jimmy’s. But based on the shocked gasps Skizz and Tango give, Scar is right.
“Is that… expected, given the timers are paused?” Impulse asks Grian, who looks vaguely ill in the flickering torchlight.
“Not really,” he says. “It means- it means something is really broken.”
Everyone starts talking and yelling at once.
[ AO3 Link | Chapter 1 ]
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novastardoughnut · 1 year
head cannons for Limited Life timers
so people within the community drawing fanart and writing fanfiction have been giving each member of limited life clocks or timers customised for each player. and i want to share what i have in my brain for each members clocks and timers
Team Ties: most TIES members are redstoners and Technical Players thus in my head their watches represent that. Etho has an old fashioned clockwork stopwatch, Impulse has an LED Display wrist watch, Tango has a Nixietube watch and Skizzleman has a rather smart digital wrist watch. most of these watches are more advanced or technical matching their more technical play style
The Clockers: the clockers all have pocket watches. cleo has an old style victorian watch that goes at half speed (thus it reaches 12 at the end of the game. and 6 at half way through the game), BDubs has his typical minecraft style clock (ending when the clock turns full night) and Scar has a pocket watch with the cover and back showing an image of Jelly engraved.
The Nosey Neigbours: the nosey Neigbours watches are more interpretational using the conventional hand format but not denoting an exact time. BigB has a watch with every 2 hours denoted by the percentage of a cookie eaten ending at where 12 would be where there is no cookie and all that remains is crumbs. Pearl has a clock with each 2 hours is portrayed by phases of the moon, ending upon a full moon with the half way point being a new moon
The Bad Boys: the bad boys clocks are far more wacky and rebellious in that bad boys kinda way. Jimmy has an old fashioned alarmclock that clips to his belt (this harkens to miners who would use windup alarm clocks to tell them the time), when his time runs out the alarm rings out for all to hear, joel has an old Shrek themed wrist watch and grian has a somewhat magical, watcher amulet that tells the time among a shifting, swirling purple void.
the mean gills: both martyn and scott have sand timers. both very appropriate for their sandy beach/island appearance
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zodarii-dae · 1 year
last life symbols! the third lifers are here, the top three are here (and here), and the losers are here.
mumbo is a whiskered screech owl. i wanted all the southlanders as animals with good eyesight, and owls fit that. i chose them for mumbo because they kind of remind me of ghasts. somehow.
skizz is a white winged dove. again, i want skizz to always be a dove. i chose this one bc the vibes of the name.
impulse is a golden-ringed dragonfly. dragonflies have pretty good eyes, and this one matched his color scheme perfectly.
lizzie is a pipevine swallowtail. i had to make her a butterfly because fairy fort, and this had the best colors.
bdubs is a black rat. i want him as a mouse because 'tick tock, tick tock, the mouse ran up the clock'. but i chose a rat for this game because of his behavior.
tango is a bengal tiger. they are very aggressive, also he just. makes a good tiger.
bigb is a monarch butterfly. pretty and innocent looking, but they're actually toxic. butterflies can represent a lost loved one coming back, which in this context would be negative. also i think the colors look nice together.
scar is a mangrove pit viper. he's a snake oil salesman, and i chose this species because they can be purple.
cleo is a tarantula hawk wasp. very dangerous, and the colors fit her.
pearl is a luna moth. i can't make pearl anything other than a moth. luna, the moon, partnered with the stars.
grian is a eurasian sparrowhawk. grian is another one i want to keep kind of consistent, as birds. hawks are known for their good eyesight, and i chose this species for the vibes.
etho is a canada lynx. lynx are solitary animals, which i think fits etho. these ones live in the snow, like he did. also, he's canadian.
joel is a brown hyena. hyenas represent sorcery, evil, and trickery, which basically sums up last life joel. no real reason for brown hyenas, just the vibes.
once again, lmk if you have any other ideas!
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r3nrit · 2 years
Hello hello !! This is my super long post explaining my Empires / Sun God Bdubs design !! :oD
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Here’s the design broken down layer by layer to which I will now be breaking it down with notes on each of the main looks under the cut!
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Staring off with his antenna, I made him based off of an Emperor Moth ! In most of my Bdubs designs I try to relate him to some kind of moth like for the design I have for his main hermitcraft season 9 being based off peppered moths and so on! The reason I chose an emperor moth specifically for this design was for 2 reasons: first one being is because he’s in empires smp and ya know… emperor… empires.. you get it. The second reason being the color pallet and wing pattern! The colors reminded me of the colors you’d see during a sunset or sunrise along with the eye-like dots on the wings reminding me of the sun symbol that’s shown on the left of the drawing in the notes.
Now onto his outfit! With his base layers I wanted to keep it simple while also still looking kinda fancy by implementing gold on the vest, shoes, belt, and even in his hair. For his shirt, I wanted it to be kinda plain mimicking his Minecraft skins having rather simple shirts but still keeping it fun and incorporating the sun motif. As the notes say, the cuffs and collar are supposed to resemble cartoon sun shapes which is a reoccurring shape I use throughout the design. With his boots I wanted to also keep them somewhat simple like the shirt but adding a bit of flare with the gold detailing. Derailing from the clothing to quickly point out his hand on the left that’s resting on his hip. I added that symbol to the back of his hands mainly to kind of give him a bit more interest to his hands but unfortunately it’s not clear on either of his hands since I drew both of em in a way where you can’t really see the back of his palms so now it’s just kinda a little small detail my apologies T-T
Before heading into the accessories, let’s take a quick close up of the clock and his face:
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For the clock I wanted it to mimic what the actual Minecraft clock looks like but obviously with some changes! I made the part that’s usually blue into what’s supposed to be glass like a little window to the actual clock. (think of a pocket watch) I made it into a moon like shape with a sun engraving implemented alongside it since you can’t really have the sun without the moon
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For his face I actually took a lot of inspiration from my Double Life Pearl design with them having similar eyes as well as also having that little crescent moon shape implemented in their hair. For Bdubs eye color, I was trying to hint at the markings on the wings from the emperor moths more so kind of as an easter egg. Another resemblance to Pearl is the poncho ! Like my Pearl design, Bdubs also gets a poncho !! Instead of the moon symbol like the end of Pearl’s, Bdubs has a star like shape like the buckles on his vest but that will be seen more up close in later pictures
Now onto the start of the accessories !
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Lets start off with the belts first. I knew immediately the second I started coming up with this design that I for sure wanted Bdubs to have a sun-chain belt PFFF Like most of his accessories, it’s gold and shiny ! I added a lot of gold to his designs since I was inspired by the glowstone Minecraft skin he has but didn’t know how I wanted to implement that glowing/ shining element into my design so I resorted to adding lots of gold. His second “belt” is actually kind of a reference to my Empires season 2 Joel design. I want all of the ‘gods’ of the server to be kinda connected somehow so I like to think they have lil matching green sashes. I also made it green since I also wanted a bit of a pop of color to kinda break away from the yellows oranges and browns of the design as well as bringing backing some green from his mossy cloak Minecraft skin
Here’s a quick close up before I head into talking about the necklace:
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For the necklace, I had a rosary in mind when designing it since Bdubs and Gem often refer to it as a religion’. I added a few beads due to the inspiration of a rosary while still making it look like a somewhat normal necklace. Like his hair and clock, I brought back in the crescent moon shape but as tiny beads in his necklace. The subtle/ tiny moon symbols are further implanted in the drawing to kinda further insinuate how the sun and moon really can’t exist without the other or ever truly separate from one another.
Now onto the start of the outer fabrics first starting off with the green poncho:
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As I said earlier, the poncho was directly inspired by my Double Life Pearl design but with some obvious changes. For the end of the hood, I added the star-like shape from his vest as the charm at the end contrasting the moon one thats at the end of Pearl’s. For the loose part of the poncho I was trying to go for the shapes that are on his shirt cuffs ya know that subtle sun-ray kinda shape. I have it green to match the green belt/sash thing to call back to his little mossy cloak/hoodie.
Now onto the ‘cloak’:
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With his ‘cloak’ I actually just kinda wanted to be this big blanket he uses as a cloak. Since Bdubs is almost always the first one to sleep, I’d like to think he’s always prepared to sleep with his big cozy blanket. I thought to add a more magical kind of feel to his design that I’d have the cloak be kinda whimsical since in movies big cloaks are kinda seen as mysterious and magical. His blanket has 2 sides with one being a reflection of the bright blue sky during the day while the opposite side being a mirror of the night sky where you can see all the stars and constellations. (Also before anyone asks, I bs like,, a few of the constellations on the cloak LMAOO some of them are real though I just absolutely butchered them when drawing them out T-T) For the clasp that’s holding the blanket secure, I brought back that sun symbol from earlier.
Now onto the final stretch !! The second poncho and the sunglasses:
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I choose red as the color since I wanted another pop of color but something that was already in the color pallet I had. In the wings there’s a slight tint of red near the tip of them so I incorporated that color into some of the beads on his necklace and in his eyes as well as using it as the color for the final poncho since it wasn’t really used all that much in other parts of the drawing
Here’s a close up of the sunglasses before I dive into discussing them:
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I wanted the sunglasses to be fun and loud like the rest of his outfit so I decided “eh why not” and incorporated that cartoon sun shape I was talking about earlier as the actual shape of the lenses. I also like to think he keeps them on his person at all times so he keeps them on a chain at all times to never lose them. Like the necklace, I added little moon beads onto the chain of his sunglasses. One of the decisions I made about the glasses was having them being only half of a sun rather than big circle sun glasses. I choose this design instead since I kinda wanted to emphasize his big eyes along with how in empires the glasses he wears don’t really fully cover his eyes so this was kind of a reference to that.
Alrighty and with that we’re done !!! If you’ve read this far you’re a champ holy crap man PFF Anyways hope you all enjoyed this and hopefully more in-depth designs like this to come since i absolutely LOVE character designing and this project was so much fun to work on!! Let me know what you all thought and if there’s any questions please feel free to send them my way :o]
(Also p.s. shoutout to the person who wrote a whole PARAGRAPH in the tags of the original post from yesterday who literally got EVERYTHING RIGHT ABOUT MY DESIGN AAAAAA if that was you and you’re reading this then you absolutely RULE !!! That made my day !!! <3 )
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