#mate has the same username as an artist i love so i mean if that them im likle gonna do a backflip <3
tenshindon · 3 years
i go on twitter
i see v*geta got a new form
i decide to sleep early
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cgl-matchmaker-blog · 4 years
Name: Looking to be adopted and renamed (Jessica)
Preferred titles: I like a lot of titles and to explore them.
Age: 22
Gender: Genderqueer
Sexuality: I am looking for a demisexual sapiosexual
Roles: will take on a lot of roles depending on how much we need each other emotionally but have not seriously had anyone I could seriously count on when we are talking about emotions.
Partners Preferred Age: depending
My location: Los Angeles, California
Preferred Location of partner: I want to have sleepovers or feel like I am with someone emotionally
Poly or Mono: Poly, but open to a mono situation depending on certain soul mate connections
Sexual or nonsexual: it is dependent on the chemistry between the individuals
About me: I am extremely obsessive but also artistic. I am like a machine or a star guest on a television show but with the roll of doctor phil until you bully him to death. I am an old romantic at heart but my soul has been bludgeoned by the patriarchy and distant evils until now. The fuel that I need comes in the form of reasonable love, and with my recent system upgrades, could potentially fly this baby to the moon and beyond.
Hobbies: I like to write to people and try to do therapeutic things for my friends. It might seem like I am living on vacation, but I have had an extremely hard life. I am really into studying the supernatural, as they are walking around my room right now. Again, I'm Dr. Phil so I really need you to understand what I am talking about.
Physical Appearance: Daniel The Prophet as a beautiful woman (Bel)
What I’m looking for: I am looking for real Sherlock Holmes / John Watson connections. I would like to reintegrate myself into society as well as cry like a baby. I am close to killing myself to death but I am looking for that special someone that does not want that to happen because they need a source of inspiration like Jesus Christ to also keep them living. I am listening to God to write this. That was dark comedy. I had no parental permission to write, so I might now be disqualified.
What I dislike in a person: racist, mean, lacks reasoning or logic, not emotionally intelligent or sensitive, too sensitive but lets their emotions hurt others for no reason. Nancy Grace
Ways to contact me: palindromestone on instagram
Date submitted: 9/20/2020
1: Preferred social media platform and username for talking with your match: Here but also Palindromestone
2: Real age: 22
3: Gender: genderfluid but female
4: Roles that you’re comfortable holding: Most things depending which area I feel secured in intellectually.
5: On a scale of 1-16, 1 being strictly sexual, 8 being romantic, and 16 being strictly platonic, what kind of relationship do you want? Keep in mind there are no wrong answers! (We’ll match you with someone close to your number. For instance, if you say 6, the furthest you can be matched with is 8 or 4.)
About your match! It really depends on the connection. I want someone I can be super close with on every level but especially on theoretical philosophy and deducing emotions
6: Age range that you’re comfortable with
Mental ages vary and it depends on the vibe
7: Gender(s) that you’re looking for in a partner
I am looking for someone who at least claims to be masculine
8: Role(s) that you’re looking for in a partner
I am looking for someone who considers themselves good at understanding how to respond empathetically to brain injuries and is fun.
9: Do you also want us to match you with friends in the same roles and age group?
That would be nice.
- If you’d like to add any information that you feel is important for us to know, or just important to you, feel free! I like to watch Blues Clues. and I do like surprises sometimes.
- Tell us your favorite color! This won't be used to match you up, we just wanna know :)
Blue or green
How to contact me: Tumblr pleasehelpmenotbealone
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itsmyusualphannie · 5 years
something wrong in the village
Chapter 3/5: leviticus Beta: @candanandphilnot Rating: T Warnings: Transphobia Read on ao3
Summary: Fiona Lester has a secret. Dan Howell thinks they hate each other. Dan meets an online friend and comes to realize something important about himself while juggling a changing relationship with his parents, friends, and Fiona.
~~~ previous chapter ~~~ next chapter ~~~
"Daniel!" bellowed Dan's mum, the morning after the end of the festival and, really, too early for anyone to be speaking. "Ten minutes, let's go!"
He didn't move from his slumped position before his laptop, fingers rapid over his keyboard as he thudded out replies on the chat feature in the 'FRIENDS' website. He had made two other matches in the past week, but had ignored them both and hadn't been bothered when he didn't receive a message either. Dan didn't think anyone could measure up to his current conversational partner.
No it's definitely a sock monster! read Phil's most recent insistent message.
you just don't want to admit that you lose your socks, tapped Dan immediately. His fingers hovered impatiently as he waited for a reply, which took less than ten seconds to pop up.
listen, the message read, and Dan could almost hear a stern, disembodied voice informing him of this, my mismatched socks are an aesthetic choice. No judging!
i'm judging, Dan replied. He wasn't particularly judging, really, but it was so fun to rile up Phil - and so easy, too. Dan lost his socks too, just not as often as Phil apparently did. Evidently, it was almost a daily occurrence with him.
A brief, intrusive thought informed Dan that he knew people in real life who lost socks, too. At the festival yesterday, Fiona had been wearing sneakers with brightly patterned mismatched socks. Not that he had been looking at her feet. That would be weird.
:(  was his reply from Phil. There was a pause, and then another message popped up.
come on, you have to have weird habits too. not that wearing different socks is WEIRD. haha. tell me your secrets
Dan snorted hard through his nose, and regretted it when it stung. He swiped at the burn and then typed out, i have no secreets? I am the most well behaved guy you'll ever meet. The instant the message sent, his fingers spasmed with the sudden desire to take it back. Because, you'll ever meet was an accident. Dan had known Phil for three weeks, and he certainly felt like he knew the other boy far better than any of his other friends, but something squirmed inside Dan whenever he entertained the idea of meeting this faceless friend. What if Phil was just some old fifty-year-old woman getting her kicks by chatting with a teenager?
Well, Dan doubted that. Phil's knowledge of TV shows and video games was perfectly age-appropriate for a 17-year-old boy. According to the website, he lived within 50 miles of Dan as well, so there was still that tiny chance that Phil even went to the same school as Dan.
Dan, maybe, had thought about that, and had wracked his memory for any 'Phil's at his school, but had come up with nothing. It had been a far stretch, anyway. There was just that small part of Dan that desperately wished for an actual, real-life friend that he could talk to, and share inside jokes with, and laugh about ridiculous jokes, and play video games, and watch movies. He did that with his group of friends, sometimes, but it wasn't like Dan had always thought about when he imagined having a best friend.
That's what he wanted, really. A best friend. And wasn't that who Phil was shaping up to be? They already got along so well...but that could change if Phil actually met Dan. He might realize then, that Dan was the weird, friendless type of loser that actually signed up for a friend-matching website. Well, Phil had done that, too. Dan had a feeling that it was more because Phil was bored, though, and not for any ironic sort of reason.
"Dan, I swear to god!"
The yell from his mum broke Dan from his thoughts, and he jolted his concentration back to his laptop, where two messages were waiting from Phil.
no secrets, sure, read the first message, and then, i still don't know your name lmao.
Yeah, Dan realized. He'd typed 'Bear' as his username those few weeks ago. Phil clearly knew that it wasn't his actual name. Phil didn't know that it was a cheesy nickname his parents used to call him. Potential best mates had to know real names though, right?
With that hesitant thought encroaching upon him, Dan quickly hit out an answer and then sent it. He scrambled to his feet, grabbing his backpack and shoes, and left to grab breakfast and head to school. The laptop, left open in his haste, still revealed the last message he had sent.
my name's dan
Dan hadn’t seen Fiona all day.
It’s not that he was looking for her. Dan had no reason, none at all, to actively search her out. He wasn’t interested in what she was doing. Well, he amended to himself, it was good to keep tabs on his mortal enemy. So perhaps it was a bit concerning that he hadn’t seen her all day.
It wasn’t that unusual. They only had two classes together, both of which were on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Today was only Monday, so it wasn’t impossible that Dan would not catch sight of Fiona the entire school day. It was just...it was Monday, and she had been acting strangely at the festival yesterday, and it was probably because of Dan’s lingering headache that thumped in quiet tune to the drums from the Muse concert, but he almost wanted to seek her out.
It was foolish, of course. One shared moment at a music festival, still riddled with insults and clear distaste for each other, was nothing that could erase the years of mutual spite for each other. It was just odd. Dan may have been just a bit intrigued to find out why she had been acting the way she was. Just a bit, though.
“Danny boy!” bellowed a voice down the hallway. It was milling with students slowly collecting their day’s items from their lockers as they chatted. Dan himself was standing in front of his open locker, staring bleakly inside as he pondered the Fiona conundrum. He let his gaze drift slowly toward the mutilated call of his name, eyes bleak. He knew who it was.
The boy jogged up to him a moment later, a grin spread wide on his face. “Mate,” he said, “you gotta come fuckin’ see this.”
Dan didn’t particularly want to come fucking see anything, but he reluctantly shut the door to his locker and followed his friend anyway. ‘Friend’ was a loose definition of their relationship, but Dan didn’t have anyone much closer than his small horde of acquaintances, so he took what he could. This boy just rubbed Dan the wrong way sometimes. He was Australian, which wouldn’t mean much other than the twang of his accent, but he also liked to loudly introduce himself as ‘Sam the surfer!’ to everyone he met as if the fact that he could belly flop on a piece of styrofoam in water had earned him some sort of official title. As he couldn’t exactly ride any waves around town, he rode wheels instead, throwing himself with fervour down pavements and the occasional hallway on his favourite skateboard. He’d been adopted into Dan’s friend group when he’d almost run over Dr Pentland. That, at least, Dan could admit was funny. He’d seen the principal’s shocked face as she’d reeled backwards from the boy zipping past. Although it had morphed into irritation a moment later, the look had been priceless. Dan had snapped a picture of it. That single photo had earned his place in the friend group as well.
“You’re gonna love it,” Sam assured Dan as he trotted down the hall, waving Dan on impatiently. “The rest of the boys are already there. It’s bril.”
Dan hefted his backpack further up his shoulder and followed. Sam ducked around the corner and then into the bathroom. A girl squeezed past Dan to make her way into the bathroom as well, so Dan paused for a moment to let her through.
The school was definitely saving money on this bathroom. They’d slapped a unisex sign on it last year and shut down the other bathroom, claiming diversity for all genders. While Dan thought it was a great idea, he also thought it was bullshit. They could have very well made both bathrooms unisex, but had downsized instead. Now students were more cramped and the bathroom smelled even more like piss than usual.
“Oh, here,” said Sam as soon as Dan ducked into the bathroom, the door swinging shut behind him. He thrust a slender object into Dan’s hand, then turned back toward the group of boys huddled around the corner of the room next to the line of sinks. Another boy was washing his hands next to them, but he just cast a curious glance over at the crowded corner and then left. The girl who Dan had followed inside slipped into a stall, the door creaking ominously as she latched it shut.
Dan only realized that the object in his hands was an uncapped marker when he made his way over to the corner and glanced over the shoulders of his friends. They were talking amongst themselves, but quietly and full of mirth.
“Hey, Danny boy, gimme a hand,” one of the boys called over his shoulder, and a few stepped aside for Dan to step through. He did so, but almost reluctantly.
It was then that he found what they were so focused on. Someone, certainly not one of the boys here now, had drawn a delicate, flowing transgender pride flag. The pink and blue colours were bold and bright, striking against the faded grey chalk tiles.
The boys, uncapped markers obvious in their hands, had drawn crude depictions of genitalia and scrawled slurs around it, but the largest defiant symbol was a massive circle drawn around the stolid flag and a slash drawn across that, clearly defining the group’s feelings about the matter.
“Bril, innit?” Sam chirped.
Dan’s throat hurt suddenly, for some reason he couldn’t identify. His headache, just background noise all day, came to the front of his brain with full force. He didn’t say anything.
“Come on, you’re an artist, right?” urged the boy in front. “I figured you’d have something great to draw. Like tits or summat, I dunno.”
Dan’s limbs were lead weights at his side, his tongue thick and useless in his mouth. He couldn’t - wouldn’t do anything.
The latches to one of the stalls on the far side of the bathroom clicked, and like an encroaching train wreck, Dan’s gaze followed the noise. The door swung open and out stepped Fiona, hair loose and swinging around her shoulders as she did up her trousers. She glanced his way, clear blue gaze meeting his, and wrinkles sank deep around her eyes as she smiled deeply at him.
It was terrible. It was beautiful. It was nothing Dan had ever seen directed at him.
“Hey, Dan,” she greeted. His mind sank like a stone, diving deep into murky waters. He had no idea what was going on. He couldn’t even say “Hey” back to her.
Fiona didn’t seem to care, crossing the room in a few steps to thrust her hands under the tap and briefly scrub them. Dan felt a horrific rush of relief when she looked away from him. “Whatcha doin’?” she asked over her shoulder, reaching for the paper towel dispenser. It whirred, spitting out a short, ineffectual leaflet that she used to swipe at her fingers.
Dan did not reply, but Fiona didn’t seem to notice. She sidled up behind the group of boys, most of whom were utterly ignoring her presence, and simply peered over their shoulders to see what was drawing their undivided attention. Her height was more than an advantage here.
Dan could only watch helplessly as her expression slipped from something beyond open, the first time Dan had ever seen such a light in her eyes, to a look that Dan could never hope to decipher. He had never seen this new expression on her face either, but it was so much worse than the previous. Her gaze turned back to him, searching his face for a moment, and then it fell to the marker still clenched unfeelingly in his hands. When she looked back into Dan’s eyes, it was with a level, clear stare of pure disdain.
“Right. Hope you have fun, then.” She turned on her heel and left, tossing the wadded paper towel in her hand at the trash bin by the door. It arched through the air and bounced off the rim, landing on the scuffed floor without a sound, but Fiona didn’t stop to pick it up, and she didn’t glance back at Dan once.
Dan had been motionless throughout this entire process, but it was now that he could feel the bile churning in his guts. His mouth reflected it, tasting bitter as he swallowed thickly. Some distant part of him acknowledged his own actions and repressed emotions with a mocking laugh. He didn't know if it was worse or better that he hadn’t said a word through this entire encounter.
“Come on, Dan,” pressed Sam, brilliantly oblivious.
Dan dropped the uncapped marker in his hand. It landed unevenly and skidded across the floor, rolling to a stop against the bottom of the mutilated wall.
“I have to go,” was all Dan could manage.
He left.
Dan drank three full glasses of water, one after the other, as soon as he arrived home, but the dry taste in his mouth and the nausea brewing in his stomach didn’t go away. The glass clinked dully against another cup as he set it into the sink, bracing himself against the counter with both palms pressed flat against the marble. He didn’t want to understand why he felt this way, but he did. He understood too well.
This was the same all-encompassing self-disgust and hatred that had rushed over him the first time he’d heard the word ‘gay’ and realized it might apply to him. Now it was the other way around, though. That tiny symbol of pride, so stout and enduring in the “progressive” unisex bathroom, now stamped out so cruelly by the whims of sixteen- and seventeen-year-old boys who thought nothing of mocking the acknowledgement of someone’s identity. It didn’t mean anything to them. It meant everything to someone, maybe more than just one someone, in that school. And Dan hadn’t done anything to stop it.
The look on Fiona’s face had somehow made it worse. As if she, Dan’s self-proclaimed mortal enemy, had somehow seen something so disgusting in Dan that she wouldn’t even bother to fight back against him. She’d left. She’d given up.
She’d never, not once since Dan had known her, done that before.
“Hey, Dan!” called a voice from the living room. Dan had gone through the side door of the house when he’d gotten home, so he jumped as he realized his dad had been here the entire time.
He didn’t move from the counter. “Yeah?” he called back, almost reluctant. He didn’t want to move, a deep part of him wanting to just lie down for a while and not think about anything.
“Come here for a sec?”
Dan sighed and dragged his hands from the counter. The marble had been cold against his palms, almost grounding, and the warm air felt sticky against them now. He trudged to the doorway between the living room and the kitchen and leaned against it. His dad was sitting on the couch in front of the television set, a binder and various envelopes spread on the cushions around him and the coffee table before him. “Yeah?”
His dad spared him a quick glance, but then went back to frowning at the stack of paper he held in one hand. “You, uh…ah! Right. We’re going to a wedding next Sunday, don’t forget.”
“A wedding?” Dan repeated dumbly.
“Yeah, my work buddy is getting married - finally - and he invited all of us. Do you have a suit to wear? It’s a semi-formal event.”
Dan just shrugged. “Guess so.” He paused, still feeling that churning deep in his stomach. “Do I have to go?”
“Yes,” his dad said firmly. “We’re all going.”
“Fine.” It wasn’t as if Dan had any plans for that weekend anyway, other than playing video games until past midnight. “What time is it?”
Papers rustled loudly as his dad gave up on sorting them and crammed them into an orange folder. “Uh…” he said. “It’s...one. In the afternoon. Yeah.” He glanced up, then, and something in Dan’s posture must have given away how he was feeling, since his face collapsed into concern. “Are you okay, Dan?”
“I’m fine,” Dan said instinctively.
He looked dubious. “Here,” he said, and shoved a few envelopes to clear the seat beside him, then patted it. “Sit down, come on.”
Dan did not want to sit, but he did so anyway. He had to fish out a crumpled paper from between the couch cushions after he sat down, and he took his time smoothing it out so he could avoid the deep gaze of his dad.
“So,” his dad finally said. “How’s school going?”
“It’s fine,” Dan muttered. The paper was cool against his fingers, but not as much as the marble countertop had been. The faint scrape of the paper edge as he slowly dragged his fingertips over them was soothing.
“Making any new friends?” his dad joked.
The paper dug in a little too deeply, threatening a papercut, so Dan pulled it away. “Losing some, maybe,” he said under his breath.
His dad’s ears were too sharp. “Ah,” he said. “Having some disagreements?”
“You could say that.” Dan’s eyes stung, suddenly, and he blinked harshly. His nose burned with the effort to hold back his emotions. “Do you - ” he started, and then had to breathe heavily through his mouth before continuing. “Do you ever feel like you did something wrong by not doing anything?”
There was no answer for a moment, but then his dad said slowly, “...Yeah, I have. Kind of recently, in fact. Why do you ask?”
Dan shrugged in response. His myriad of whirling thoughts and the sizeable lump dwelling in his throat wouldn’t allow him to say anything out loud, so he just folded the paper in his hands until it was a tiny square. He almost jumped when his dad placed a hand over his knee.
“I’ve actually been meaning to talk to you about something,” he said, voice soft, and Dan wanted to hurl himself away from it. The nausea was coiling its way deeper into the pit of his stomach and he almost felt light-headed, even though he was sitting. There was something important about the tone of his dad’s voice just now. Something that Dan didn’t want to have to answer.
“You know I love you, right? No matter what. You’re my son.”
Dan just nodded. The corners of his eyes burned.
His dad’s grip tightened on his knee, and then, in an almost forced casual tone, he asked, “So, have your eye on any pretty schoolmates?”
Dan’s gaze snapped up to his dad’s, almost defensively, but the returning expression was nothing less than understanding.
“Any girls?” his dad clarified, and then, after a dragging pause, added, “...or boys?”
Something crumpled inside Dan.
His dad must have seen it, since he hastily said, “You don’t have to tell me! I know what it’s like being a boy your age, it’s just that you never talk about girlfriends or, or boyfriends at all. Or bring anyone round.” He tugged the folded paper from Dan’s punishing grip and opened it, smiling down at the creases. “I just started thinking about it because of the wedding, you know? My coworker is marrying his boyfriend - took him long enough to propose, yeah? - but I told him congratulations the other day and that’s when...well, it’s when I realized I’ve never said anything like that to you. We never really talked about that. And I just want you to know that...it’s okay. Whoever you love, I’ll love. Well, sort of, I mean, I still have to be your dad and threaten your dates, but I - ”
Dan threw himself abruptly at his dad and was caught immediately, although he was clearly startled. Dan wrapped his arms around his dad and buried his face in his neck, feeling the dampness from his closed eyes making their way to the collar of his dad’s shirt. He’d never heard his dad say so much at one time. It hurt, but like the cleanest of cuts, and in the best of ways.
“I love you,” Dan heard himself say, and felt his dad’s laughter through his chest rumbling against him.
“Love you too, kiddo,” he said.
Dan withdrew after a moment longer, swiping ineffectually at his eyes. “I have to...homework,” he said desperately.
“All right,” said his dad, and it was so gentle that Dan wanted to curl up right there, head on his dad’s knees, and have a sob like he was five years old again. Instead, he scrambled to his feet.
“Thanks,” he choked out, and then he headed to his room.
The laptop was still open from that morning. The screen was dark as Dan dropped into his chair before it. It was hard to believe that a little over three weeks ago, he had changed his life, just a little, for the better when he'd signed up for this cheesy location-based friendship website. He and Phil had talked about nothing but the most casual of conversations, barely touching upon subjects that could be considered thought-provoking in any way.
Dan swiped his fingers across the mouse trackpad, lighting up the laptop screen, and he entered his password. The website and chat screen were still open from that morning, revealing his last message that had given his real name to Phil.
There was a single new message from Phil, timestamped that morning. hi Dan!
Dan's eyes burned, but he had barely just regained his composure from the encounter with his dad. He swiped at the threatening tears, taking a heaving breath that did little to settle his nerves. Maybe it was his message this morning before school, maybe it was what had happened at school, or maybe it was what his dad had just told him. Either way, something inside Dan yearned to be let out. To be known.
Despite his longing, his fingers still hovered hesitantly above the keyboard. He wanted to overthink it, but he knew that if he did, he would never send any sort of message.
hey, he finally sent, a terrible opener. He added, you up?
It was four in the afternoon. Of course Phil was up. This knowledge didn’t settle the anxiety twisting inside Dan.
A reply did not immediately pop up, so Dan switched tabs to Tumblr and scrolled for a few minutes. His computer pinged, then, and he flew back to the website so quickly that he almost closed out his browser on accident.
Yeah. Phil’s reply was almost lacklustre, a far cry from the enthusiasm usually conveyed in his previous messages. Maybe he’d had a bad day, too.
i have a weird question, Dan typed, and he worried his lip between his teeth before adding, you don’t have to answer.
you...like guys, right?
There wasn’t even a moment of hesitation. Yep.
It couldn’t be so easy. 
...Couldn't it?
Dan's fingers moved without his permission, daring to test the idea. He forced himself to stop after only one sentence, gaze burning into the screen like he could set the computer on fire and escape from this. The letters stared coolly back, almost appearing emotionless on the screen, but Dan felt that, somehow, Phil would understand the turmoil behind them. It was something he'd never said out loud before, much less typed out in a way that could be held accountable against him.
i think...i do too.
~~~ previous chapter ~~~ next chapter ~~~
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xion-faith · 6 years
Tag Game
Thank you @imsureyourelost and @sincerely-a-fan for both tagging me! Love both of u guys and ur guy’s blogs! Also Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Nicknames: Bekah (which is basically my name since everyone calls me that), bekah-bee, bek-ers, beker-roonies, soul mate (<3) , stega-bekah, beKAH, and fuzz bucket
Zodiac: Libra
Height: Last time I checked I was 5′5
Time: 12:25pm
Favorite Band/Artist: Jon Bellion, Mr. Kitty, Three Days Grace, Years & Years, Simmon Curtis, Pogo, and Two Door Cinema Club
Song Stuck in Head: Let’s Kill Tonight, Hellfire, Bon Appetit, After Dark, U Got That, C’est la vie , and MOVE
Last Movie I Saw: Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (good movie enjoyed it a lot)
Last Thing Googled: ml nathalie sancoeur (for reference art and i just love her)
Other Blogs: hpseverussnape-art, dhmis-dump-blog, vampireseternallove, and an nsfw blog
Do I Get Asks: I do get requests on my art account that I need to get around and do them. Other then that I usually just message other people
Why I chose this username: So that way my Xbox live and instagram account would all share the same url. Plus I mean I like Snape
Following: Waaayyy to many accounts, I’ve had tumblr for six years and currently am following 959 accounts. The first couple I followed were once-ler ask blogs but I think all of those are deactive
Average Amount of Sleep: I usually prefer 8 hours but recently it has been 6 cause I like to chill in bed or stay up drawing
What I’m wearing: Well currently chilling at home so a sports bra, beanie, and cool designed black skinny jeans
Dream Job: Concept Artist or Animator
Favorite Food: Strawberry Mochi, IceCream, Farmers Breakfest, and Boba Tea
Play Any Instruments: I used to play piano and guitar, need to pick those up again
Hair Color: Just my natural color which is dark brown, i do want to get a blue streak in the front one of these days though
Languages: I have been speaking English all of my life, but I have taken a Spanish class almost every single year i have been in school and I’m currently learning ASL
Most Iconic Song: Well I’m not sure about ‘iconic’ but songs that I will forever love is After Dark (Mr.Kitty), The Good In Me (Jon Bellion), Killer (The Ready Set), and Only This Moment (Royksopp)
Random Facts: Ummmmmm, did you know that plants can feel ‘pain’? Also in the new YuGiOh link formatting that players can only special summon one extra deck monster at a time unless a link monster is on the field? Which I find to be completely bs since it murdered my Frightfur Deck
Describe Yourself As Aesthetic Things: 2000′s vibe, beanie hipster, punk??, anime aesthetic, rose, fang, galaxy pastels
I think I’ve already tagged a lot of people in the recent Tag Games I’ve done so if anyone wants to go for it! If you do though tag me I would love to see your results <3
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janteamour-blog · 7 years
Obtain Kik For Android
Kik Messenger is a free smartphone to smartphone chat utility accessible for Android. This means that if the device you need to monitor is working Android Marshmallow, you are going to have to wait. This messenger supplies numerous new features which you'll be able to't discover in other messaging applications. PersonalL: Your Kik username ­ not your telephone number ­ is your Kik apk identity, so you can maintain complete management of your privateness.
So when you have a video clip containing any second from a special occasion, then use Kik to share the video with individuals you care about. Saying that, the interface is easy to navigate and it will take you no time at all to rise up and working with Kik.
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Then you'll be able to restore backed up Kik Messenger recordsdata out of your Android backup. All you must go to your telephone settings> Security> Unknown Sources and allow it. In this article I'm going to elucidate you how one can obtain Kik messenger on your Android Telephone.
It's a really good and free various to other similar apps like WhatsApp and Line, with which it shares a whole lot of options, but in addition some variations. Better yet, just get a plain immediate messenger that you could share with each one within the family if you happen to're not involved with the rest of its features.
These databases store details on the Kik apk consumer's contacts, messages and attachments despatched and obtained by way of the Kik Messenger application; however, they are structured very in a different way. Please give your useful feedback under in regards to the app to share your expertise with us. Obtain greatest communication app and luxuriate in.
Once you've discovered your folks on Kik you can begin Kik'ing” it together with your contacts. And now you can do even more on Kik, with three new features that let you instantly discover and share enjoyable videos, sketches and pictures. I do not need to loose a chat simply because I have to sign off/redownload the app.
Rising in reputation, Kik Messenger claims to have greater than three million customers across iOS and Android. Kik is a great app however two things are placing me off: 1. Please add an choice for saving chats! Awesome options: Kik means that you can message buddies with texts and images in real-time as well as offers you with further tools such as the sketch pad and constructed-in browser.
Note: One more factor you must remember to tick on the unknown source or else no one will get entry to obtain the third party software on their telephone. This is a manner that can backup your Kik messages from Android to pc and no root is required.
Provided that Kik is a messaging software, it's likely that essentially the most invaluable proof might be found within the messages themselves. If you happen to're responsible for a kid, or manage an worker - discover out the reality, spy on their telephone.
Now the application can be installed on the cell because the permissions in Android are modified. Kik Account Hack Device This hack instrument is perfect for stealing those passwords and spying on the Kik account. As well as, it has shortcuts to different apps and plugins you possibly can download for Kik.
And the best thing is that the app is completely free to download and use and all you want is a working Internet connection in your device to make use of the app. Andy is supplied with full Android UI and supports Windows 7/8 and Mac OSX operating methods.
One in all its unbelievable features is that if you're a developer, Kik has open source software which is able to allow you to to create an infinite experience on the appliance. You possibly can ask your friends or colleagues to examine Kik chat historical past on their phones and despatched you the messages or photographs that you've deleted.
No Cellphone Numbers: With Kik app for Android, you need not enter your telephone numbers within the app. Blue Planet Apps is working on a cross platform messenger that can help you ship messages to BBM phones. Kik would not want you to provide a telephone number, but it additionally doesn't provide security features and may make some customers really feel uncovered.
You can start a public group chat of up to 50 members or you can begin a private group chat. But since smartphones have change into more like an indispensible software, there are various messenger providers with better options. Earlier than, you can solely text somebody from mobile phone to a different cell phone, which includes the minimal information charges.
So, we are very glad to announce that in our latest FlexiSPY for Android launch, now you can Spy on KiK Messenger! It permits you cross-platform messaging, so you possibly can text the people who find themselves utilizing Kik Messenger not only on Android system.
It is usually worth noting an attachment can include a message; nonetheless, the messages and attachments are sent separately within the Kik database. Word: Once you have misplaced or deleted fancy Kik messages or pictures in your cellphone, stop utilizing it instantly and observe under offered strategies to get lost information restored.
With the help of KIK App, you'll be able to simply share; ship photos, videos and text messages to your friends across the globe free of charge of cost. So, in this content, we'll share with you on KIK APK, its options, obtain and set up course of in your device.
If you have already got FlexiSPY put in on an Android gadget operating in Full Mode, you can remotely replace the FlexiSPY app from your dashboard, just search for the flashing replace icon, click on it, and you will be good to go. Kik just isn't working so I believe it is because of the update a couple of days in the past i've reset kik uninstalled and reinstall nothing works.
The other manner Tips on how to spy Kik Messenger messages on Android phones is to write an app, to catch Kik Messages Notification(solely incoming Kik messages). Not like another messaging apps, you do not want to offer your phone number to others and your Kik ID will likely be your chat name for contact lists.
Get entry to any photos, movies or audio recordsdata sent through Kik Messenger chat and saved on the target telephone. Line messenger supplies 100s of free stickers to make messages extra interesting and artistic. As talked about earlier than, both the iOS and Android versions have acquired the update, and brings almost the identical options.
Go to settings web page in your telephone and navigate to Security>Enable apps from Unknown Sources>Tick box. It lets you view all the contacts which have been in touch with the focused particular person and in addition expose your complete chat historical past and call logs.
Click the button, then use a QR code scanner to obtain the app directly to your Android system. You'll be able to chat together with your contacts one-by-one or create group chats, what's excellent to set the assembly with all your pals at the same time. Just like Facebook, kik messenger additionally has an built-in internet browser which helps you to to open any internet-link without leaving the app.
Sensible reply: This feature in Google Allo messenger lets you reply to messages sent by your pals shortly. Simply click on the OBTAIN button to obtain the apk file in your Android machine. KiK apk Messenger is likely one of the most reliable and a very fast instantaneous messenger in your phone.
To find your mates on Kik Messenger, simply faucet the discuss to icon within the top proper and type in your folks username. If you have not used Kik earlier than, you can be prompted to create an account in order to use the service. KIK has designed in a simple manner by means of which everyone can use it simply and in addition will enable you to to communicate with your pals and be you.
It is the best strategy to connect with your friends, stay within the loop, and explore - all through chat. If you do not need open google play store then you'll be able to obtain directly from right here. It is important to make use of a separate username for Kik as a result of when you use the identical underneath your public profile in the social media, then you understand how it'll destroy your privacy.
You can too depend on kik messenger spy to spy on multiple person at a time, with out being found. NOTICE: This app requires your Android gadget to be atleast on Android 2.2 and up for this app to work! Kik Messenger needs a telephone that runs android or iOS however otherwise it only requires barely any processing power, any GPU inside the previous few years to deal with the minimal graphical requirements, and a very small quantity of RAM.
Keeps going up greater than 500mb after a week and I solely talk to 1 person on it. Digital camera is a joke even a blind man could focus better than the digital camera in Kik. You will be able to see if your chat companion has obtained and opened the message in addition to if they are currently typing a message on their machine.
Kik will then ask if you wish to add your contacts to see who's already utilizing Kik messenger. Use Kik anywhere and stay in control at even just a few feet away out of your LAPTOP using your touchscreen machine! Nonetheless, with only a few useful instruments, you possibly can easily install and run Kik apk on COMPUTER without spending hours organising sophisticated digital machines or emulators.
Whereas it makes it a lot harder to search out associates, as you possibly can't robotically populate your mates checklist through cellphone quantity, it does provide that additional layer of privacy since you do not have to offer out any personal details.
So whether or not you are utilizing a pill or one other type of device, you'll be able to keep linked with everyone. No surprise Kik is the primary manner individuals connect in other social apps like Instagram, SocialCam, and Viddy. You may stay on the loop regardless of how busy you are whenever you hold this messenger operating in the background.
The Kik contacts tables may contain profile picture hyperlinks and timestamps, in addition to group and block lists (relying on which application is used). Kik means that you can create groups of as much as 50 members, which can either be invite solely or public.
You possibly can download and install Kik messenger in your Android Cellphone from Google Play or you'll be able to Obtain and set up it by means of apk file which you can download Kik messenger form google play directly and formally. Video chat is apparently the highest consumer-requested function in accordance with Kik, and they also lastly listened and introduced it to its more than 300 million month-to-month energetic customers.
Step 2: Start the set up of Andy by clicking on the installer file you downloaded. All you must do is set up the app, shortly create an account, and then the app searches your contacts to determine in case you already know others utilizing Kik Messenger.
For anybody who suffers from a limited voice or information plan, utilizing Kik as your cross-platform app is a superb different to chatting with your mates for absolutely free. Kik Messenger is an effective app that provides prime notch functionality all free of charge -no app fee, no advertisements, nothing.
Nonetheless, this app is obtainable on Google Play Retailer or App Store the place you can easily download them in your device. Simply log in to your on-line TheTruthSpy control panel and you may entry all of the Kik Messenger chat details you need. The best solution to recuperate Kik apk when crashed on your good telephones is to delete/remove Kik and do a contemporary install.
It's quite potential that your pals nonetheless have the chatting historical past with you, so you may ask them them to ship the conversations or display get latest kik apk download for pc photographs of the chat to you. Andy breaks down the partitions that used to forestall you from downloading your favorite Android apps to your pc.
You possibly can replace your Kik to the most recent model so you'll be able to enjoy video chatting with your pals now. However, if you want to obtain the latest Kik Messenger APK in your cellphone and set up it manually, then you can do so utilizing the hyperlink given under.
Within the above content, we have now mentioned KIK APK, its options, download and installing process. Earlier, we've got already informed you that KIK APK is a free prompt messaging app which is out there on Google Play Retailer and App Retailer. Full step-by-step tutorial is given on easy methods to set up Kik Messenger APK manually.
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