#matt shiba
augment-techs · 6 months
I know it’s no Oc,,,, but
+ Spike Skullovitch
🌾 What would they be like if they were evil. Or if they’re already evil what would they be like as the good guy?
🌹 Do they have any scars? How and when did they get them?
Well, keeping to at least some semblance of the rules, let us go along with Putty!Spike, so we can have some fun~
If he were evil, it would be in large part because of either forced indoctrination by Master Xandred messing with his genetic makeup or some part of his clay from Finster corrupting him that came completely out of left field.
I would like to think that the human part of him would not allow him to be completely demonic and cruel as any other demon and monster out in the world. True, he would be able to send down the wrath of gods because of his being probably the most supreme version of a putty that has ever been or would ever be--like, seriously, boy could turn into a monster from the darkest wilds and slaughter a city if goaded into it--but there is just something about having been around the Power so long amongst his family that would make him incredibly wary about engaging with the Rangers for longer than needs must.
Also, he is bound by the form he inhabits, and every monster has some soft, weak spot, somewhere. A cat playing with a mouse before swallowing it can still be poisoned by any pellets the mouse ate filled with cyanide; or drown crossing a river. For Spike, he'd be INCREDIBLY susceptible to fights with a Purple or Blue Ranger. Which means if he did go rogue, his Uncle Bulk or Samurai Ranger Kevin would have to take him out. Which for Kevin would hurt; he did get to know the guy in their teens when he and Lauren were in ice skating and swimming competitions--and also while Spike was spying on the Samurai team for Lauren without walking about in human form. But for Bulk...he would try his best only to hurt the young man as needs must, but it would be tantamount to cutting himself with a scalpel each time.
When he was born through an act of the most revolting cruelty inflicted on Skull on the moon, Finster made his disapproval plain by poking the infant with his sharp fingernail until blood was drawn along his left side and Spike made his discomfort known--by which point, Finster got his leg broken basically in half and his face bashed to a bloody pulp for his trouble. When he was not even two weeks old, his grandmother finally decided to pay Skull and the infant a visit where they were recuperating at Angel Grove's Promethea. She already had an incredibly low threshold of empathy and affection for Eugene, so it really shouldn't have come as a surprise that she despised the infant on sight. Since Spike still had a bandage wrapped around his middle from the cut Finster inflicted, Madame Skullovitch could not resist pressing into the bandage until the cut reopened--and then deepened it until she almost grazed into newly formed bones. Right before Grace Sterling sucker punched the bitch and Terona snatched Spike up to stop the bleeding and sooth him as best he could.
At fifteen, there was an out of control teen that came into Angel Grove High to air past grievances with an automatic weapon. While everything and everyone was going into lockdown, there were a couple of freshmen that got caught out in the halls that made easy targets for the shooter's rage--but Spike had gotten a pretty good handle on his shifting abilities. The gun fired one round, but Spike had already gotten between the freshmen and the shooter as a bull moose that took up most of the hallway. He took the one bullet to the right side along the thickest rib, and it hurt like a bitch; but by that point he'd already turned his head to ram his not inconsiderably sized antlers directly into the shooter--which knocked the gun out of hand, the shooter to the floor, and gave Spike the opening to slam his massive hoof down on the asshole's belly. (Fortunately, nobody saw him transform, so after the freshmen ran out of the front doors to get the cops, Spike stomped the shooter once more in the belly, broke their ankle so they couldn't run away, kicked the gun over towards the doors where he could hear feet running towards them, then turned into blue-gold bushtit to fly out into the parking lot and wait for his dads. Of course Billy and Matt were freaking the hell out over the blood that was gushing from his side, but Eugene was mostly just incredibly proud while wrapping his son's ribs so they could go home and take out the bullet.)
When he was eighteen and still keeping his identity confined to various animals to guide and spy on the Samurai rangers in Lauren's stead, they came up against a demon that forced them into the ocean, had them pinned, would have ripped apart their megazord so the lot of them would drown, Spike intervened in the form of a Shishigami-Deidarabotchi mix (very fluid, face without features like a mannequin, branching antlers forming all along his long, fuzzy neck like stalagmites, legs like an upright walking hare, and arms so long ending in sharp points he was both beautiful and terrifying) and held off the demon until Lauren could make her grand entrance in her fox folding zord. The demon managed to tear into both of the scars along his sides, because the bastard fought dirty and mentioned something about "making them symmetrical" so they were deeper than ever, split off into three points at his hips, and made Spike scream even without a proper mouth--but he did not let go until Lauren was on the scene to help the Rangers and kick ass. He had to flee back to Shiba House property as a coyote, then a rabbit, then a tiny corn snake that barely made it under the porch, where Lauren found him bleeding and in agony. She brought him into the kitchen to set him into a large bowl, setting another bowl of milk mixed with her blood off to the side for him to drink, and made a call to Bulk and Kim at their shared dojo/youth center in Panorama City. (If Kevin had been freaking out that his best friend was actually the Shiba Heir and the first Black Samurai Ranger in history, he almost lost his mind when the tiny corn snake transformed into a slightly worse for wear Spike Skullovitch once Bulk showed up with food for the Rangers and clothes for his nephew.)
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twinknote · 1 year
death note characters as dog breeds
light: shiba inu (independent, vigilant, stubborn, cute and idealized but can actually be very bitchy and weird)
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misa: pomeranian (royal history in britain, giant personality in a little body, intelligent, very affectionate, often mischevious)
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L: briard (confident, intelligent, needs a job to do/mental stimulation, wary of strangers, protective, do i even need to mention the hair)
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mello: german shepherd (intimidating, courageous, intelligent, confident, vigilant, wary of strangers, can be kinda neurotic, esp if not given a task to focus on)
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near: australian shepherd (intelligent, loyal, extremely strong work drive, wary of strangers, stubborn, needs mental stimulation or they will destroy everything you love)
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matt: irish setter (affectionate, goofy, eager to please, intelligent, calm demeanor, needs mental stimulation or they will start bouncing off the walls)
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mikami: akita (built af, stubborn, courageous, intelligent, loyal, protective, tendency to be a little blockheaded sometimes)
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takada: afghan hound (dignified, intelligent, gorgeous, independent, hypoallergenic, loyal, can be a bit aloof with people/strangers)
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sour-stardust · 10 days
bro who gave Bite Yagami the furry note 😭
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My pen died halfway through so now the lineart looks wonky
Species/breed/etc choices under cut ↓
(most choices were just from vibes, but I was inspired by zimthandmade and this poll about anthro light yagami
Ryuk: Striped hyena
Light: Shiba Inu
Misa: Rabbit
L: Tuxedo cat
Near: Ragdoll cat
Mello: Maned wolf
Matt: Raccoon
BB: Black cat
Watari: Gray wolf
Matsuda: German Shepard
Mikami: Black sheep
Misora: Cross fox
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Aftg characters but dog breeds, in no particular order
Neil is an Australian cattle dog, high energy, loves running, stubborn, they don’t have self-preservation instincts, google “cattle dog getting flipped by bull” watch the videos and tell me that’s not Neil
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Andrew is a miniature pinscher, I’m open to debate on this one but minpins are basically compact malinoises with a bit of assh0le added so…
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Kevin has to be a border collie, I don’t think I need to explain
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Alison is a poodle (she is always in the continental cut, viz photo), I just feel like the whole poodles are prissy and just bred to look good, when in reality they’re versatile hunting dogs, gives Alison vibes.
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Jean is a mutt, a shelter dog who needs to learn how to live. If I had to pick one specific mutt, I’d be a doodle (don’t ask me to explain bc I can go on forever about this)
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Nicky is a husky, he just gives off yapper vibes and male huskies are known to be aloof
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Renee is a great Pyrenees, friendly, cuddle bug, love their family, but also can and will kill. These dogs don’t f around when it comes to protecting their family
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Matt is a Great Dane, big, goofy, social, some are used in personal projection but it’s not common.
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Aaron is a Shiba Inu, he is an assh0le to everyone and anyone (except like 2,5 people) and yeah you can tell him to do something, but you can’t expect him to do it or be enthusiastic about it
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Dan would probably be a German shepherd (I can see her being a Rottweiler or a Doberman too), natural leader, protective, she would be a well bred one tho (not neurotic or with 0 herding instinct)
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(Sorry for the weird picture, but this is the only nice German shepherd on google that isn’t sable)
Tumblr won’t let me upload more photos, might make a part two 🤷‍♀️
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phantasmiafxndom · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers: Hybrid Au Info [06]
This is the last of the info posts! This one has the remaining, miscellaneous characters who didn't fit into the other groups... and also happens to include my two favorites. Enjoy! >:Dc
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
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Kawata Nahoya — Red Panda
Small, triangular, fuzzy ears lined with white fur, that are tiny enough to rarely be visible through his hair. 
Long, fluffy tail with thick, dense fur in a ringed pattern. It needs quite a bit of grooming to stay soft and free of matts, but he’s not too fond of other people (outside of his brother) touching it. 
Thicker, softer body hair than a normal human, most notable around his lower limbs. 
Excellent grip strength and climbing abilities. If unsupervised, he can wind up in places that seem almost impossible. Prone to doing this just to annoy the people in charge of him. 
Highly territorial... with one exception. Other hybrids make him notably aggressive, especially if they’re at all threatening toward his brother. While he doesn’t seem too intimidating, he’s extremely protective and can be aggressive.
Gets low-energy and lethargic during the colder months, when his body starts to demand more rest.
Can make a variety of non-human noises, including growls, squeaks, and more. The noises are very socially meaningful, but humans rarely understand what’s being conveyed. 
Sensitive to smells; “territory” is defined by them, and he can pick up on far more subtle scents than a normal human could.
. . .
Kawata Souya — Red Panda
Small, triangular, fuzzy ears lined with white fur, that are tiny enough to rarely be visible through his hair. 
Long, fluffy tail with thick, dense fur in a ringed pattern. It needs quite a bit of grooming to stay soft and free of matts, but he’s rather nervous about other people (outside of his brother) touching it. 
Thicker, softer body hair than a normal human, most notable around his lower limbs. 
Partially nocturnal. Prone to napping during the day and drowsy if he’s forced to stay awake. His body is meant for quite a bit of sleep, and he’ll be in a bad mood if he doesn’t get it. 
Gets low-energy and lethargic during the colder months, when his body starts to demand more rest. Very whiny about being forced to stay active, and clingier with his brother.
Sensitive to smells; “territory” is defined by them, and he can pick up on far more subtle scents than a normal human could.
Can make a variety of non-human noises, including growls, squeaks, and more. They come out more often when he’s stressed or emotionally overwhelmed, in sharp contrast to his perpetually grumpy-looking face.
Picky about grooming, especially the fur on his tail and ears. Letting someone help with it is a significant sign of trust.
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Shiba Taiju — Holstein Cow
Small, tapered ears at about the same position as a human’s. They’re covered in soft, velvety, dark-colored fur and are fairly delicate. Has a tag-like piercing through one as an easy mark of ownership. 
Long, thin tail with a large tuft of fur at the end. The fur on it is black, and lighter at the tip of the tuft. It’s quite sturdy, and can be used to manhandle him. 
Horns that protrude at a horizontal angle from his head and curve up and out toward the tips. Horns are usually kept blunted for “safety”, and he’s frequently dragged around by them. Bases are sensitive and receptive to light rubbing or scratching. 
His massive size and impressive strength are natural traits for his hybrid species, and both go well beyond normal humans.
Emotional temperament. Prone to agitation, irritation, and sudden mood changes. Aggressive behavior and lashing out are common, but he’s well-trained enough to be easily put in line when that happens.
Isolation (in an effort to control his aggression issues) coupled with an innate desire to vie for dominance with other herd animals result in unstable behavior and a need for strict discipline. Used to being harshly controlled, and always through painful means. 
Highly protective, but has no idea how to show it. He’s a herd animal at heart, and subconsciously, desperately wants social connections. 
While he’s not aware of it, his body is highly receptive to touch. Not used to being treated gently in the slightest. 
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Shiba Yuzuha — Holstein Cow
Small, tapered ears at about the same position as a human’s. They’re covered in soft, velvety, tawny-colored fur and are fairly delicate. 
Long, thin tail with a large tuft of fur at the end. The fur on it is the same tawny color as that of her ears, and slightly darker at the tip of the tuft. It may be sturdy, but she doesn’t appreciate it being touched.
Naturally puts on weight easily (both fat and muscle), a lot of which will go to her chest. This has been carefully controlled in the past for appearance’s sake, though she’s still much stronger than her fairly petite figure would suggest. 
Has a number of splotchy birthmarks on her skin. She’s quite insecure about them, and usually tries to keep them covered.
As a herd-animal hybrid, she feels safer when she’s part of a group. No matter how tough she tries to act, isolation in any amount wreaks havoc on her mental state, leaving her stressed, miserable, and dangerously agitated. 
Prone to lashing out when she’s frightened or in pain, which has only earned punishment so far. Naturally rather nervous, but hides it. 
Highly protective over anyone she’s attached to. Needs someone to cling to and look after, even though she won’t admit to it. 
Likes touch, affection, and closeness much more than she’ll show, especially because she’s not used to positive contact being an option. Between being handled roughly and seeing her brothers go through the same, she doesn’t have much trust in humans. 
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Shiba Hakkai — Holstein Cow
Small, tapered ears at about the same position as a human’s. They’re covered in soft, velvety, dark-colored fur and are quite sensitive; he’ll melt under gentle petting to them.
Has a number of splotchy birthmarks across his body, just like his sister’s. He’s less insecure about them, though. 
Long, thin tail with a large tuft of fur at the end. The fur on it is black, and lighter at the tip of the tuft. The tail is sturdy, but he’ll still flinch if it’s tugged too roughly. 
Horns that protrude at a horizontal angle from his head and curve up and out toward the tips. They’re usually kept blunted so he can’t do any damage with them (not that he wants to), and he’s gotten a little too used to being hauled around by them.
Highly nervous personality. Partially a result of his upbringing and partially because of the prey animal side of him, unfamiliar situations and people cause him a lot of distress. 
Naturally emotional. While he’s far more docile than the average bull hybrid, he’s still prone to agitation and emotional upsets, especially when he’s forced to be alone for too long. Even short periods of isolation are terribly distressing. 
Can make a variety of mooing sounds, but the louder ones are usually a sign of stress— and he’s been mocked for them plenty. 
Attachment issues. Prone to latching onto people who are kind to him, especially when he’s already distressed.
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Terano South — Giant River Otter
Long, sturdy tail covered in a layer of thin, brown fur. The tail itself is solid and powerful, and the fur on it, which looks darker when wet,  is dense enough to be nearly waterproof.
Stronger teeth than a normal human, as well as a powerful jaw. Nails are sharp and claw-like, and his hands and feet are partially webbed.
Highly sensitive whiskers around his chin and nose. Different than normal human facial hair, they’re meant for gathering sensory input while underwater.
Capable of a wide variety of inhuman vocalizations, ranging from growls to whines. Their meanings are complex, but (since the feral-sounding noises are strongly discouraged) even he isn’t fully aware of the nuances. 
Strong hunting instincts; he’s programmed to hunt, and a lack of entertainment quickly leads to aggression. High energy, and gets dangerously agitated when confined for too long. 
Matching the need to hunt, he’s excitable— when something gets him worked up, his self-control plummets. 
Naturally social, with an instinctive need for a hierarchy. While he’s prone to vying for dominance, if someone establishes themself as the leader, he’s surprisingly cooperative. Isolation and a lack of companionship do terrible things to his mental state. 
Prefers having a “den” to himself, and can be picky/territorial about the space he considers his own. Can get aggressive if he feels that his space is threatened.
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rhythmstars · 2 years
Characters and fandoms i write for
Comic Book and live action
DC comics
The batfamily (except Alfred ofc)
The superboys (excluding lex luthor)
The teen titans
The young justice
Billy Batson
Freddy Freeman
Eugene Choi
Mary Bromfield
Pedro Pēna
Peter Parker
Miles Morales
Pavitr Prabhakar
Gwen Stacy
Miguel O'Hara
Hobart Brown (Hobie)
The Avengers (cap, tony, nat, thor, loki)
Matt Murdock
Dr. Strange
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Fred and George Weasley (separately)
Bill Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Cedric Diggory
Sirius Black (young)
Remus Lupin (young)
James Potter (young)
Lily Evans (young)
Peter Pettigrew (obviously young and maybe)
Regulus Black (young... obviously...)
Tom Riddle (not exactly eh)
Attack on Titan
Levi Ackerman
Jean Kirstein
Eren Jaeger
Mikasa Ackerman
Armin Arlert
Connie Springer
Hange Zoe
Sasha Braus
Reiner Braun
Jujutsu Kaisen
Satoru Gojo
Kento Nanami
Megumi Fushiguro
Yuuji Itadori
Suguru Geto
Shoko Ieiri
Iori Utahime
Bungo Stray Dogs
Osamu Dazai
Chuuya Nakahara
Kouyou Ozaki
Doppo Kunikida
Nakajima Atsushi
Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Ranpo Edogawa
Akiko Yosano
Junichiro Tanizaki
Tokyo Revengers
Manjiro Sano/Mickey
Ken Ryuguji/Draken
Takashi Mitsuya
Takemichi Hanagaki
Hinata Tachibana
Chifuyu Matsuno
Emma Sano
Yuzuha Shiba
Keisuke Baji
Tetta Kisaki (though i truly hate him lol)
Demon Slayer
Tanjiro Kamado
Giyu Tomioka
Nezuko Kamado
Zenitsu Agatsuma
Kyojuro Rengoku
Shinobu Kocho
Muichiro Tokito
Obanani Iguro
Mitsuri Kanroji
This list will be updated as i go! but for now these are the only characters I'll write for.
Rules (pls read)
I'm not comfortable writing nsfw themes so please don't request any
I do NOT write yandere themes.
I write mostly angst and fluff but anything else is fine! :D
I will try my best to write LGBTQ+ but I'm not FULLY aware of how things work so I'm so sorry if i make a mistake. (kind criticism is appreciated!)
I will write Character x reader and just character scenarios ONLY!!
Y'all are really free to request anytime i don't mind :)).
That's all i guess I'll see y'all on my next post!! till then bubyee!!
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wolfdogstuff · 1 year
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welcome to my therian blog!
my name is matthew, but most call me matt. i am 20 years old, a guy, and in a happy relationship (3/15/22). my boyfriend uses any pronouns! i like psychology, art n crafts, and video games.
i am both a spiritual and clinical therian. spiritually i believe i am connected to mother nature so much so, my soul is between human and canine. i also have dissociative identity disorders, with several alters taking the form of animals. both heavily impact my experience as a therian. feel free to ask about it
my theriotypes are wolfdog (timber wolf + husky, shiba inu, gsd) as well as (somewhat) domesticated silver fox and raccoon.
i also am angelkin and ghostkin, those may pop up from time to time :)
don't interact if you fit the typical criteria (p*do, explicitly nsfw, ed, etc.) and minors please just remember i am 20! i would prefer no one younger than 16 interacting
congrats you read it all!
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madhare0512 · 1 year
Ships I Write For:
- Marvel
The Scientists and the Spies (Leopold Fitz/Jemma Simmons/Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff)
Lance Hunter/Leopold Fitz
Daisy Johnson/Piper
Daisy Johnson/Piper/Lincoln Campbell
Melinda May/Phil Coulson
Mack Mackenzis/Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez
Foggy Nelson/Matt Murdock
Wilson Fisk/James Wesley
Luke Cage/Danny Rand
Danny Rand/Spiderman (Ultimate Spiderman only)
Armando Muñoz/Alex Summer
Danielle Moonstar/Rayne Sinclair/Illyana Rasputin/Sam Guthrie/Roberto de Costa
Carol Danvers/Maria
Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson
Kate Bishop/Yelena Belova
- DC
Malcolm West | Herald/Joey Wilson | Jericho (Teen Titans only)
Rachel Roth | Raven/Garfield Logan | Beast Boy
Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle
Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy
Tony DiNozzo/Jimmy Palmer
Tony DiNozzo/Nick Torres/Jimmy Palmer
Nick Torres/Jimmy Palmer
Sam Hanna/G Callen
G Callen/Eric Beale
Kensi Blye/Marty Deeks
Poly!Agents (Callen/Sam/Kensi/Deeks/Eric/Nell)
Gibbs/Jack Sloan
Jessai (Jesse Boone/Kai Holman)
- Criminal Minds
Micphet (Prophet/Mick Rawson)
Sam Cooper/Prophet/Mick Rawson
- Harry Potter
Jacob Kowalski/Newt Scamander
Fred Weasley/Harry Potter/George Weasley
Ron Weasley/Harry Potter
Hermione Granger/Harry Potter
- Maze Runner
- Doctor Who
Rose/Nine/Jack Harkness
- Supernatural
- Star Wars
- Star Trek
- Merlin
- Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
- Lord of the Rings/Hobbit
Frodo Baggins/Samwise Gamgee
Meriadoc Brandybuck/Peregrin Took
- Dark Matter
- Power Rangers (full list in the pr blog)
Jake Holling/Noah Carver
Brody Romero/Preston Tien
Hayley Foster/Calvin Maxwell
Tyler Navarro/Riley Griffen
Jayden Shiba/Antonio Garcia
Devon Daniels/Ravi Shaw/Zoey Reeves/Nate Silva
Devon Daniels/Nate Silva
Casey Rhodes/RJ
Vida Rocca/Xander Blye/Chip Thorn
Nick Russell/Chip Thorn
Jack Landors/Syd Drew/Sky Tate/Z Delgado/Bridge Carson
Jack Landors/Bridge Carson
Will Aston/Mackenzie Hartford
Ronny Robinson/Rose Ortiz
Scott Truman/Summer Landsdown/Dillon/Fynn McAllistair/Ziggy Grover
Dillon/Ziggy Grover
Scott Truman/Flynn McAllistair
Shane Clarke/Dustin Brooks
Zayto/Ollie Akana
Zayto/Ollie Akana/Javi Garcia
- Hawai'i Five-0
Max Bergman/Jerry Ortega
- Shadowhunters
Alec Lightwood/Simon Lewis
Jace Herondale/Clary Fray/Simon Lewis
Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood/Simon Lewis
- Umbrella Academy
Dave/Klaus Hargreeves
Eudora Patch/Diego Hargreeves
- Flashpoint
Julianna Callaghan/Sam Braddock
Lewis Young/Spike Scarlatti
Sam Braddock/Spike Scarlatti
- Teen Wolf
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
- Grimm
Monroe/Rosalee Calvert/Nick Burkhardt
Roddy Geiger/Carter Brimey
- White Collar
Peter Burke/Neal Caffrey
Horatio Caine/Eric Delko
Calleigh/Ryan Wolfe/Natalia
- 9-1-1/Lone Star
- One Chicago
Kelly Severide/Matthew Casey
Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz/Jay Halstead
Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead/Natalie Manning/Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead/Justin Lieu/Connor Rhodes
Antonio/Peter Stone
- Mission Impossible
- Sherlock
Greg Lestrade/Mycroft Holmes
- House
- Ghost Whisperer
- Baby Driver
- Bull
- Julie and the Phantoms
Leo/Usagi (2003 only)
Leo/Karai (2003 only)
Raph/Casey Jones
Don/Usagi (2003 only)
Mikey/Mondo Gecko
Splinter/Tang Shen (2012 only)
I do not write incest of any kind, I do not write abuse unless by my own ideas, I do not write manipulation unless by my own ideas
If you have a question about a ship you don't see up here and want me to write, you're welcome to DM/IM me.
Thank you!
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wonderkat11 · 11 months
My ideas for Just Dance 2 Animal AU
It’s Raining Men/Lari = Turtle.
TikTok/Kayla = Shiba Inu.
A-Punk/Thomas & Mia = Dog & Cat.
I Got You (I Feel Good)/Benjamin = Kermode Bear.
When I Grow Up/Lady = Flamingo.
Toxic/Ivy = Siamese.
Idealistic/Neona = Bat.
Girlfriend/Amy & Matilda = Fox & Rabbit.
S.O.S./Anzia = Coyote.
Dagomba = Asiatic Golden Cat.
Move Your Feet/Charlie = Iguana.
Proud Mary/Mary = Ostrich.
Hot Stuff/Nelly & Benny = Apes.
Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)/Laura = Hippopotamus.
I Want You Back/Thor = Quagga.
Iko Iko/Arizona = Crocodile.
Katti Kalandal/Veena & Manjul = Elephants.
Holiday/Goldie = Hyena.
Call Me/Samara = Labrador.
Sway (Quién Será)/Arista & Quinn = Swans.
Satisfaction/Isaac = Leopard.
Hey Ya!/Moses = Monkey.
Mugsy Baloney/Nia & Callum = Gazelle & Dolphin.
Baby Girl/Matthew (Matt) = Owl.
Jungle Boogie/Harry = Cheetah.
Crazy in Love/Anjia = Poodle.
Soul Bossa Nove/Aleena & Sam = Parrot & Red Wolf.
D.A.N.C.E./Lime = Toucan.
Sympathy for the Devil/Auli'i = Devon Rex.
Rasputin/Boris = Bull.
Jump in the Line/Caroline & Alexa = Giraffe & Arctic Fox.
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go/Eric = Gazelle.
Walk Like an Egyptian/Rula = Camel.
The Power/Khalid = Otter.
Jump/Momoe & Graham = Gray Foxes.
Monster Mash/Frank = Elk.
Take Me Out/Pyra = Octopus.
That's Not My Name/Jane = Rabbit.
The Shoop Shoop Song/Marie & Svetlanta = Gazelle & Coyote.
Cosmic Girl/Mariana = Panda.
Body Movin'/Juliana = Venom Snake.
Viva Las Vegas/Sebastian = Crab.
Alright/Amanda & Dan = Siamese & Monk Parakeet.
Rockafeller Skank/Kevin (Or you can call him DJ DNC3) = Skunk.
Should I Stay or Should I Go?/Rob = Red Wolf.
Funkytown/Oob = Darwin Frog.
Jai Ho! (You are my Destiny)/Kammi = Indian Leopard.
Firework/Icy = Fox.
Pon de Replay/Yui = Hyena.
Barbie Girl/Diva & Rex = Swam & Wolf.
Pump Up the Volume/Mikey = Hedgehog.
Maniac/Isabella = Flamingo.
Born to be Wild/Wolf = Wolf.
Professor Pumplestickle/Zeka & Pumplehead = Coyote & Frog.
Crying Blood/Miranda = Dalmation.
Down by the Riverside/Jennifer = Dove.
Fuetbol Crazy/Alice = Savannah.
Kung fu Fighting/Master Mantis & Dawn = Goat & Tiger.
Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit of Monika)/Steve & Elsa = Bear & .
Nine in the Afternoon/Mona & Jake = Cat & Dog.
It’s not Unusual/William = Pug.
Chicken Payback/Louis = Jersey Giant Chicken.
Crazy Christmas/Santa = Reindeer.
Skin to Skin/Perry = Parrot.
You Can’t Hurry Love/Gigi & Lily = Dolphins.
Why oh Why?/Michelle and Howard = Bear & Red Robin Bird.
American Boy/Taio & Julia = Owl & Jaybird.
Come on, Eileen/Soraya & Lucky = Fawn & Mouse.
Song 2/Zack, Bianca, & Josh = Deer, Penguin, & Arctic Wolf.
Spice Up Your Life/Jazzy & Pink = Peacock & Squirrel.
Here Comes the Hotstepper/Shaun = Rabbid.
Movin' on Up/Mindy = Snake.
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wheresunandseameet · 10 months
Current F/O and counting:
All with multiple relationship types (romantic, platonic, Familial, or family roles) are likely with multiple alternate universes.
Jaime Reyes aka the third blue beetle - romantic (primarily his comic runs (the first three if I remember right), young justice verse, and the couple of movies starting with TT vs JL). primarily talked about here
Khaji Da aka Scarab (DC) - platonic/Qppr
Bart Allen (DC, primarily YJ) - Platonic
Logan Howlett/Wolverine (X-Men/marvel) - Familial, Adoptive Father
Bruce Banner (Marvel) - Familial, father
Hulk - platonic
Steve Rogers - romantic
Thor - romantic
Matthew 'Matt' Murdock aka daredevil - romantic
Gamzee Makara (homestuck) - romantic (pale)
Sollux captor - romantic (flushed)
Mituna captor - platonic
Wayward Vagabond - platonic
Dave Strider - platonic
John Egbert - platonic
Sawada Tsunayoshi (KHR) - Platonic
Hibari Kyoya (Khr) - romantic (possibly/probably as poly)
Yamamoto Takeshi (Khr) - romantic (possibly/probably as poly)
Bovino Lambo - Platonic
Fon - Platonic
I-Pin - Platonic
Kakashi Hatake - romantic, both poly and solo
Shisui Uchiha (Naruto) - romantic, both poly and solo
Tobirama Senju - romantic, both poly and solo
Izuna Uchiha - romantic, both poly and solo
Naruto Uzumaki - Familial, nephew/ adoptive son/fraternal twin brother
Kushina Uzumaki - Familial, Sister/Mother
Minato Namikaze - Familial, Brother in law/Dad
The above are typically mentioned here
Hinata Hyuuga - platonic/romantic
Hunk Garrett (voltron) - Romantic
Soul Eater Evans - romantic
Senri Shiki (vampire knight) - Romantic/Platonic
Rima Toya - Romantic/Platonic
Zero Kiryu - Platonic
Portgas D. Ace (one piece) - Romantic
Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) - Familial, Twin brother
Karin Kurosaki (bleach) - Familial, Younger sister
Yuzu Kurosaki (bleach) - Familial, Younger sister
Yasutora Sado aka Chad (bleach) - romantic
Toushiro Hitsugaya (bleach) - Romantic and Professional as Taichou of the 10th Division.
Kaien Shiba (bleach) - familial, cousin (known in one au)
Rangiku Matsumoto (bleach) - Platonic and Professional as Fukutaichou of the 10th Division.
Hizashi Yamada aka Present Mic (MHA) Familial, Father/Twin Brother
Eri (MHA) - Familial/Platonic, my child/niece
Himiko Toga - platonic
Ochako Uraraka - Romantic/Platonic
Izuku Midoriya - Romantic/Platonic
Tenya Iida - Romantic/Platonic
Tsuyu Asui - Romantic/Platonic
Shouto Todoroki - Romantic/Platonic
Denki Kaminari - Romantic/Platonic
Eijirou Kirishima - Romantic/Platonic
Fumikage Tokoyami - Romantic/Platonic
Dark Shadow - Platonic
Hitoshi Shinsou - romantic/Platonic/Familial, adoptive brother
Tamaki Amajiki - romantic
Mirio Togata - platonic/romantic
Nejire Hado - platonic/romantic
Taishiro Toyomitsu aka Fat Gum - Romantic/Platonic
Tensei Iida - Platonic/Familial
Shota Aizawa aka Eraserhead - Platonic/Familial
Nemuri Kayama aka Midnight - Platonic/Familial
Oboro Shirakumo (past) - Platonic/Familial
Dolcetto (fma) - romantic
Greed - Familial/Platonic, Boss, found family
Martel - Familial/Platonic, found family
Roa - Familial/Platonic, found family
Bido - Familial/Platonic, found family
Ulchi - Familial/Platonic, found family
Roy Mustang - Familial, brother
Book/TV shows/movies/movies based on books:
Fili (The Hobbit movies) - Romantic
Gimli Gloinul (Lotr movies) - Familial, cousin
Samwise Gamgee - romantic
Tauriel - platonic
Kili - Familial/Platonic, brother-in-law
Gloin - Familial, uncle
Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds) - Romantic
Penelope Garcia - Familial, cousin
Derek Morgan- platonic
Rafael Barba (Law and Order SVU) - Romantic
Wen Qing (The Untamed) - romantic
Wen Ning - Familial/Platonic
Jiang Cheng - romantic
Jiang Yanli - Familial/Platonic
Wei Wuxian - Familial/Platonic
Jin Ling - Familial
Ye Zhao (Oh My General) - Romantic
Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones/GoT) - Romantic/Familial
The Sand Snakes - Familial
Elia Martell - Romantic/Platonic/Familial
Aegon Targaryen - Familial
Rhaenys Targaryen - Familial
Ellaria Sand - Romantic
Tyrion Lannister - Romantic/Platonic
Lysa Arryn - Familial, Sister/Aunt/Mother
Robin Arryn - Familial, Brother/Cousin/Nephew
Jon Arryn - Familial, Uncle/Father/Brother-in-law
Catelyn Stark - Familial, Sister/Mother/Aunt
Eddard 'Ned' Stark - Familial, Father/Uncle/Brother-in-law
Robb Stark - Romantic/Familial, Brother/Cousin/Nephew
Jon Snow - Familial, Brother/Cousin/Nephew
Sansa Stark - Familial, Twin Sister/Cousin/Niece
Arya Stark - Familial, Sister/Cousin/Niece
Brandon 'Bran' Stark - Familial, Brother/Cousin/Nephew
Rickon Stark - Familial, Brother/Cousin/Nephew
Edmund Pevensie (chronicles of Narnia) - Romantic
Tadashi Hamada - romantic
Hiro Hamada - platonic
Baymax - platonic
Perseus "Percy" Jackson - Familial, half brother/cousin
Poseidon (percy jackson) - Familial, father/uncle
William Andrew Solace aka Will (percy jackson) - Familial, Half brother/cousin
Apollo (percy jackson) - Familial, Father/uncle
Luke Castellan - romantic
Alexander Lightwood (shadowhunters + books) - platonic
Isabelle Lightwood - platonic
Max Lightwood - platonic
Simon Lewis - Platonic
Clary Fray/Fairchild - Familial, Adoptive sister
Luke Garroway aka Lucian Graymark - Familial, Uncle/Father figure
Magnus Bane - platonic
William Herondale - romantic
Tessa Gray - romantic
James "Jem" Carstairs - romantic
Bolin (legend of Korra) - platonic/romantic
Bonnie Bennett (the vampire diaries) - Platonic
Caroline Forbes - platonic/Familial
Rebekah Mikaelson - Platonic/Familial/Romantic
Kol Mikaelson -Platonic/Familial/Romantic
Niklaus Mikaelson -Platonic/Familial
Elijah Mikaelson - Platonic/Familial
Finn Mikaelson - Platonic/Familial
Freya Mikaelson - Platonic/Familial
Hope Mikaelson - Familial
Hayley Marshall-Kenner - Platonic/Familial
Davina Claire - Platonic/Familial/Romantic
Marcel Gerard - Platonic/Familial/Romantic
Rosalie Hale (Twilight) - Platonic/Romantic/Familial
Emmett Cullen - Platonic/Romantic/Familial
Jasper Hale Whitlock - Platonic/Romantic/Familial
Embry Call - Platonic/Romantic
Leah Clearwater - Platonic/Romantic
Paul Lahote - Platonic/Romantic
Harry Potter - Familial, nephew/ adoptive son/fraternal twin brother
Lily Potter nee Evans - Familial, Sister/Mother
James Potter - Familial, Brother in law/Dad
Neville Longbottom (HP) - Platonic
Cedric Diggory (HP) - Romantic/Platonic
Theodore Nott (HP) - Romantic/Platonic
William "Bill" Weasley (HP) - Romantic/Platonic
Charles "Charlie" Weasley (HP) - Romantic/Platonic
Percy Weasley (HP) - Romantic/Platonic
Fred Weasley (HP) - Romantic/Platonic
George Weasley (HP) - Romantic/Platonic
Luna Lovegood (HP) - Familial/Platonic
Susan Bones (HP) - Platonic
Blaise Zabini (HP) - Romantic/Platonic
Daphne Greengrass (HP) - Platonic
Tracy Davis (HP) - Platonic
Padma Patil (HP) - Platonic
Parvati Patil (HP) - Platonic
Penelope Clearwater (HP) - Platonic
Nymphadora Tonks (HP) - Platonic
Remus Lupin (HP) - Platonic/Familial
Sirius Black (HP) - Platonic/Familial
Regulus Black (HP) - Romantic/Platonic
Fleur Delcour (HP) - Romantic/Platonic
Asra Alnazar - romantic
Portia Devorak - romantic
Wyll Ravengard (bg3) - romantic
Jenevelle Hallowleaf aka Shadowheart (bg3) - romantic
Karlach Cliffgate (bg3) - romantic
Thancred Waters (FF14) - romantic
Ascilia aka Minfilia Warde - Platonic
Owyne - romantic/Platonic
Ryne Waters - Platonic/Familial
Alisaie Leveilleur (FF14) - Romantic
Alphinaud Leveilleur (FF14) - Platonic/Familial, Brother-in-law
Regis Lucis Caelum (FF15) - Familial, father
Noctis Lucis Caelum - Familial, half brother
Sylva Via Fleuret - Familial, aunt
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret - Familial, Cousin
Ravus Nox Fleuret - Familial, Cousin
Tredd Furia - Familial, Adoptive cousin/brother figure
Luche Lazarus - platonic
Axis Arra - platonic
Sonitus Bellum - platonic
Nyx Ulric - romantic
Libertus Ostium - platonic
Crowe Altius - platonic/romantic
Pelna Khara - platonic/romantic
Gladiolus 'Gladio' Amicitia - platonic
Ignis Scientia - platonic
Prompto Argentum - platonic
Link (loz) - romantic
Zelda - Familial, half Sister
Riju - Familial, distant relative
Sidon - romantic
Mipha - romantic
Gorou (Genshin Impact) - platonic/Romantic
Itto Arataki - platonic/romantic
Childe aka Tartaglia - Familial, half brother
Nilou - platonic
Kaedehara Kazuha - platonic/romantic
Kamisato Ayaka - platonic
Kamisato Ayato - platonic
Sans (undertale) - Romantic/Platonic/Familial, brother figure
Papyrus - platonic/Familial, Brother figure
Asriel Dreemurr - platonic/romantic
Napstablook - Familial/Platonic, Brother figure
Rosalina (Mario) - Familial, mother figure
Bowser - romantic
King Boo - romantic
Sun (fnaf) - romantic
Moon - romantic
Mei-Ling Zhou (overwatch) - Romantic
Snowball - platonic
Brigitte Lindholm - Romantic
Genji Shimada - Platonic/Romantic
GLaDOS - platonic
Brewster (animal crossing) - Familial
Celeste - Romantic
Blathers - Platonic
Tom Nook - platonic
Timothy 'Timmy' Nook - Familial, nephew
Thomas 'Tommy' Nook - Familial, nephew
Redd - Platonic
Fanfics (likely i haven't had the chance to read the source material but the fics are good):
Bharin Kalzik (TBDH) - Familial, father figure
Patrick Kalzik - Familial, father figure
Surajini Kalzik - Familial, mother figure
Quinten Auwren Kalzik - Romantic
Dyshoka Kalzik - Familial, sister figure
Ithycar Deveraine - Familial
Bahn Deveraine - Familial
Aracle Insen Deveraine - Familial
Greta Deveraine - Familial
Ilsa Gorgens Deveraine - Familial, mother figure
Ariki Deveraine - Romantic
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catstarrecordings · 5 months
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donate for catstar recordings IBAN: UA643052990262026400959343044 PayPal:[email protected] card 5168752096564490 01.Don Carlos, Taka Boom, Micky More & Andy Tee vs. Sagan - Music Of Your Mind (Murchikk & D!scoman Rmx) [IRMA] 02.Micky More & Andy Tee, Don Carlos, Taka Boom - The Music Of Your Mind (Murchikk & D!scoman Vocal Mix) [Groove Culture] 03.Jack Back feat. Themba & David Guetta - Give Me Something To Hold (Murchikk & D!scoman Rmx) [Defected] 04.Beau Soleil - Burn for You [Cyanide] 05.Beau Soleil - Once Again (Murchikk & D!scoman Vocal Mix) [Cyanide] 06.Aron Scott, Baseek, Lydia Scarfo - Don't Move Alone (Stephane Deschezeaux Extended Mix) [Elegant Bastards] 07.Murchikk & D!scoman - Mind 08.Alyona Alyona Feat. Jerry Heil - Teresa & Maria (Dj.A-Bor Remix) 09.T-Connection, Dr Packer - At Midnight (Murchikk & D!scoman Club Mix) [High Fashion Music] 10.Jay Vegas - I Just Can't (Murchikk & D!scoman Rmx) [Hot Stuff] 11.Beny Junior - Love Story [Pink Funk] 12.UPZ, Salvador, Sofiya Nzau - Walking On Water (Murchikk & D!scoman Rmx) [soWHAT] 13.Aiko - Pedestal vs. Keith Mac (Murchikk & D!scoman Rmx) 14.Purple Disco Machine Ft. Roosevelt - Higher Ground feat. Roosevelt (Extended Mix) [Sweat It Out] 15.Dj.A-Bor - Summer 2024 16.Jolyon Petch - Insomnia (Elektrik Disko Remix) [House Life Records] 17.Daniel Dash - I Don t Depend (Extended Mix) [HouseU] 18.Sharam vs. The Shapeshifters - PATT (Party All The Time, Body Music) (Murchikk & D!scoman Rmx) [Armada Music] [Pleased As Punch] 19.James Mac, VALL - Try Again (David Penn Extended Remix) [Sweat It Out] 20.House Of Prayers, Maxim & Matte - All Night (Original Mix) [PornoStar] 21.Deeper Purpose, Jalja & LAZY JOE - One By One [Toolroom] 22.Jackers Revenge - More Then a Feeling (Original Mix) [Sophisticated Elite] 23.CASSIMM & Mahalia Fontaine - Say Yeah (Extended Mix) [Toolroom] 24.Paco Caniza - House Religion (Original Mix) [Jango Music] 25.Shiba San - One More Time (Extended Mix) [Tinted] 26.Javi Reina, Oscar Madrid - Volta (Extended Mix) [TROPICA] 27.Jude & Frank x Cumbiafrica - Sombrerito Blanco (Extended Mix) [Club Sweat] 28.Dj Fopp - Mi Piace Ballare [This House Music] 29.Alex Mills, Essel - Rave Is The Weapon (Extended Mix) [Toolroom]
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Shiba Inu (SHIB) is now trading 92% below October 2021’s all-time high, leading many investors to ponder: Is the coin officially dead? With no positive momentum in sight and the price nearing breaking key support levels, sentiment is becoming increasingly bearish. Meanwhile, a new meme token called Meme Kombat (MK) has emerged, looking to steal some of Shiba Inu’s former glory. Shiba Inu’s Price Continues Dropping as Key Support Level Looms SHIB is hovering around the $0.0000068 level, having posted three bearish daily closes in a row. The token’s price has broken out of the nearby trading range to the downside, looking likely to return to support at $0.0000065. SHIB is now well below the 20-day and 50-day Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs), signaling deteriorating momentum in the near term. However, indicators like the Relative Strength Index (RSI), sitting at a value of 33, show that Shiba Inu is close to becoming oversold, raising the possibility of some minor relief soon. Longer-term success for SHIB will hinge on price sustaining above the nearby support level and using it as a floor to reclaim the 20-day and 50-day EMAs. Given Shiba Inu’s notorious volatility, one tweet from a well-known influencer or a brand-new use case could spark a turnaround – meaning many traders are waiting on the sidelines for signs of a potential recovery. SHIB Price Decline Linked to Shibarium Development Delays One of the main reasons for Shiba Inu’s recent decline is frustrations around the delayed development of the Shibarium layer-2 network. Shibarium was intended to bolster the SHIB ecosystem and enable increased token burns, yet the slow pace of validator additions has raised security concerns. Lead developer Shytoshi Kusama has asked for patience, stating that the team prioritizes safety over speed. However, without significant burns for Shibarium and a lack of details on when these will start, investors are beginning to lose confidence. This lack of clarity on Shibarium’s future has shaken trust and resulted in a broad sell-off of SHIB tokens. Emerging Coin Meme Kombat Attracts Global Attention & Hits $450k Funding Milestone While Shiba Inu may look doomed, not all meme coins are experiencing a bearish wave. New project Meme Kombat (MK) looks to bring a unique gameplay experience to the meme coin space, boasting Play-to-Earn (P2E) and staking features centred around AI-powered meme battles. Users can place wagers on these battles using MK, Meme Kombat’s native token, and earn 112% APY by locking up their tokens in the staking pool. Beyond the gameplay and staking, Meme Kombat has several other factors working in its favor, including an experienced founding team led by fully-doxxed CEO Matt Whiteman. Additionally, an independent smart contract audit from Coinsult provides investors with assurance that the project is being built securely from the ground up. With over $450,000 raised through its presale so far, Meme Kombat is off to a strong start, attracting attention from investors worldwide. MK tokens are on offer for $1.667 through the presale, which is now almost halfway to its $1 million funding goal. Several influencers have noted Meme Kombat’s progress, including YouTuber Michael Wrubel, who told his 310,000 subscribers that he is “bullish” on MK. If Meme Kombat can successfully deliver the platform and meet the targets outlined on its ambitious roadmap, there’s a growing belief it could achieve mainstream status, much like SHIB. As such, crypto enthusiasts will be keeping a close eye on this up-and-coming project in the months ahead.
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Buy PEPE with INR with our Cryptocurrency Trading App!
Buy PEPE with INR - KoinBX
Buy PEPE with INR from a leading cryptocurrency trading app, KoinBX. The PEPE is a deflationary meme-coin created as a tribute to the “Pepe the Frog” internet meme created by Cartoonist Matt Furie and launched on the Ethereum network. Designed as a green humanlike frog, Pepe originated in Furie's comic Boy's Club released in 2005 and gained popularity in the early 2000s.
Aiming to take advantage of the fame of meme coins like Shiba Inu, Floki, and Dogecoin, Pepe strives to establish itself as a top meme-based crypto. PEPE features a tax-free regime, a redistributive system to incentivize long-term holders and a burn mechanism to sustain the Pepe scarcity within the crypto ecosystem.
From April to May 2023, the explosive rise of PEPE caused its market cap to reach $1.6 billion, minting magnates out of early holders and attracting a community of like-minded followers. Considered a “meme-coin season”, the meme coins reached spectacular pumps and astonishing dumps within hours after the launch. However, the meme-coins will reach new highs with the hope of bagholders.
The PEPE roadmap features three phases, •    Phase one includes listing on CoinMarketCap/CoinGecko, trending on Twitter, and 1000+ holders. •    Phase two includes listing on Centralized Exchanges (CEXs), Community Partnerships, and 10000+ holders. •    Phase three includes Pepe March, Pepe Academy, “Tier 1 (T1)” exchange listings termed as a “meme takeover” and 100,000+ holders.
Till now, the founders of PEPE remain anonymous, which is a common norm in the crypto world. Although the team behind the PEPE project is anonymous, they have successfully garnered attention using popular social media platforms such as Twitter to promote their meme coin and foster a community around the meme coin.
The objective of the PEPE project is to honor the “Pepe the Frog” character by distinguishing it from other cryptos and meme coins and strengthening its appeal within the crypto community.
The unique aspect of Pepe is the redistribution system, as it rewards long-term Pepe stakers and provides incentives to users for holding the token for a long time. Thus, it aims to promote holder incentives and increase the probability of long-term success. This approach improves stability by rewarding users for holding the token long time rather than selling it quickly.
The distinct nature of PEPE's burning mechanism aims to maintain scarcity within the crypto market, despite its maximum supply. In conclusion, the absence of taxation distinguishes PEPE from the other cryptos in terms of its ability to reach a broader audience and expand its user base.
PEPE is an ERC-20 token deployed on the Ethereum blockchain protected by the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. Decentralized validators stake 32 ETH for processing transactions and securing the network.
Token Name: Pepe
Ticker Name: PEPE
Total Supply: 420,690,000,000,000
Circulating Supply: 391,790,000,000,000
Max Supply: 420,690,000,000,000
Market Cap: $597,904,225
"Meme coins" - a hyper-speculative, ultra-volatile, and peculiar class of crypto grab the spotlight after the latest digital token hit the market with stratospheric paybacks. The PEPE meme coin has undoubtedly managed to cause a fuss within the crypto market, acquiring a total addressable capitalization of $400 million within two weeks after the launch.
How to Buy PEPE?
Follow the below steps to buy PEPE coins,
1.    Signup with KoinBX.
2.    Fill your details to create an account.
3.    Complete your KYC verification process.
4.    Add your bank account.
5.    Deposit Fiat to your KoinBX account.
6.    Click Buy PEPE to start buying PEPE with Indian rupees (INR) & Tether (USDT).
How to Sell PEPE?
Follow the below steps to sell PEPE coins,
1.    Signup with KoinBX App.
2.    Complete your KYC verification process.
3.    Add your bank account.
4.    Select the Sell option to find a buyer for PEPE.  
Once a buyer for PEPE is found, you can start selling PEPE with Indian rupees (INR) & Tether (USDT).
How to Trade PEPE?
Buy PEPE with INR
Buy PEPE with USDT
To make your PEPE trade anywhere, anytime with the great trading experience with KoinBX Android and iOS app.
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gurglysloshy · 1 year
This isn't vore related, but still. I tried to edit PaRappa and friends as different dog breeds but failed miserably ;w;
PaRappa is his own dog breed, a Rappa inu
Katy is a Husky
Matt is also his own dog breed, a British Major Spaniel
Paula is a Shiba Inu
PJ is a Chihuahua
And Sunny is a Golden Retriever
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cointahmin · 1 year
Bu hafta, ağır ilgi gören Bitcoin NFT’leri ve yeni ortaya göğüs coin projeleri konuşuldu. Hafta sonuna girmeden evvel, kıymetli şirketlerden yatırım alan ve fiyat açısından yükselişe geçen birkaç altcoin öne çıkıyor. İşte SHIB ve 15 altcoin’den günün sıcak gelişmeleri…Arkham, bu altcoin ağı ile işbirliği planını duyurduBlockchain data izleme platformu Arkham, platformun şu anda TRON ağını desteklemediğini lakin TRON ile paydaşlık kurduğunu ve yakında desteklemesinin beklendiğini açıkladı.Arkham’in bildirisi, bugün Tron kurucusunun göğüs token alıp satmaya duyurmasının üzerine geldi. cointahmin.com olarak detaylara bu yazıda yer verdik.https://twitter.com/ArkhamIntel/status/1656602856487518209 Bu altcoin, fonlama çeşidinde 250 milyon doları garanti altında aldıOdsy Network, merkezi olmayan kripto cüzdanlarının geliştirilmesini finanse etmek için 7,5 milyon dolar topladı. Duyuruya nazaran, fonlama çeşidi firmaya 250 milyon dolar sağladı. Yatırıma Rubik Ventures, Node Capital ve FalconX üzere firmalar katkı sağladı.https://twitter.com/Odsyxyz/status/1656673137839456259 Platformu Artizen, 2,2 milyon dolarlık finansmanı tamamladıWeb3 kitlesel fonlama platformu Artizen, 2,2 milyon dolarlık finansman çeşidini tamamladığını duyurdu. İştirakçiler ortasında Animoca Brands ve Protocol Labs üzere devler yer aldı. Consensys Mesh, Blank Street Coffee’den Dan Hill ve PleasrDAO’dan Matt Condon, öbür iştirakçiler.Bu NFT odaklı altcoin, 600.000 dolar fon topladıNFT abonelik platformu MintStars, Polygon Labs ve SpankChain liderliğindeki 600.000 dolarlık finansman tipini tamamladığını duyurdu. MintStars platformu, Polygon üzerine inşa edilmiştir. İçerik oluşturucular, abonelikler ve pazar satışları yoluyla içeriklerinden para kazanabilirler.https://twitter.com/MintStarsReal/status/1656327399569608704 Worldcoin ekolojik cüzdanı “World App”, Polygon’dan Optimism’e geçeceğini duyurduOpenAI CEO’su Sam Altman’ın şifreleme projesi Worldcoin, yakın vakitte piyasaya sürülen ekolojik cüzdan “World App”in Polygon’dan Optimism ağına taşınacağını duyurdu. Protokol tıpkı vakitte Optimism ağında da mevcut olacak.Bir başka duyuruda Worldcoin ve Tools for Humanity, Optimism Collective ile paydaşlık duyurdu.https://twitter.com/worldcoin/status/1656653377152114689 Gateio, trend altcoin Milady Göğüs Coin (LADYS)’i listeliyorGateio, 11 Mayıs’ta Milady Göğüs Coin (LADYS) süreçlerini başlattığını duyurdu. Milady Göğüs Coin (LADYS), Milady NFT koleksiyonu ile ilişkilidir. Dün Elon Musk’ın attığı bir tweet ile ralli yaptı.https://twitter.com/gate_io/status/1656585102053310465 Bu ortada, LADYS rallisinden evvel yatırım firması DWF Labs’ın yüklü satın alım yaptığı ortaya çıktı. DWF Labs’ın yönetici ortağı Andrei Grachev, toplumsal medyada ajans tarafından Bybit cüzdanına aktarılan 1 trilyon LADYS’in piyasa yapıcılık için kullanılacağını bildirdi. DWF Labs bugün piyasa yapıcılık için Huobi ve Gateio’ya 600 milyar LADYS aktarmıştı.https://twitter.com/ag_dwf/status/1656591119067512833 Bu ortada Bitget, LADYS’i ve NALS ve VMPX dahil olmak üzere dört BRC-20 projesini başlattı. Borsa bugün, BRC-20 bölgesinde dört BRC20 projesi olan NALS, VMPX, PEPE ve GÖĞÜS süreçlerini açtı.Baş Shiba Inu geliştiricisi Shytoshi Kusama, Shibarium hakkında uyardıSHIB geliştirici grubunun lideri Shytoshi Kusama, Telegram’daki resmi Shibarium kanalında iki kıymetli duyuru yaptı.Kusama, LEASH ve BONE dahil Shibarium testnet’i Puppynet ve ilgili tokenler hakkındaki tartışmalara dahil oldu. Shiba Inu topluluğuna yönelik ihtarda bulunan Kusama, Puppynet’teki tüm tokenlerin gerçek olmadığını ve sırf beta test modunda olduklarını hatırlattı. Münasebetiyle topluluğun, rastgele bir token satın almaması gerektiğini vurguladı. Kusama ayrıyeten, şimdiye kadar hiçbir gerçek token’in yakılmadığını belirtti.Binance, CFX para yatırım ve çekme süreçlerini başlattı11 Mayıs’ta yapılan resmi duyuruya nazaran Binance, Conflux Network (CFX) entegrasyonunu tamamladığını açıkladı. Borsa artık CFX alım satımını BEP20 CFX’e dönüştürmeden destekleyecek.
CFX fiyatı duyurunun akabinde %20’nin üzerinde kıymet kazandı.BONE, bu ankette rakiplerine fark attıHindistan merkezi kripto borsası Unocoin, kısa müddet evvel hangi altcoin’i listeleyeceğini seçmek için anket başlattı. Anket, PEPE, FLOKI ve BONE’u seçenekler olarak sunuyor. Anket, sonuçlanmasına yalnızca 9 saat kala 9800’den fazla oy topladı. BONE, PEPE ve FLOKI’yi geride bırakarak birinci oldu.https://twitter.com/Unocoin/status/1656331017714831361 Nuxgame, SHIB ödemelerini destekleyeceğini duyurduNuxgame, SHIB’i destekleyen bir ödeme işlemcisi olan CoinPayments’ı entegre etti. Bu kapsamda, CoinPayments’ın gelişmiş kripto ödeme ağ geçidini entegre ederek kullanıcılarının Shiba Inu ve öteki kriptolarla ödeme yapmalarını sağlayacak.https://twitter.com/CoinPaymentsNET/status/1656234746391715840 Threshold Network, Wormhole ile 20 ağda yayınlanıyorThreshold Network, tokenize Bitcoin’in yaklaşık yirmi Blockchain ekosistemine kolay kolay taşınmasına müsaade veren Wormhole ile çalışıyor. Wormhole, Nisan ortasında Threshold topluluğuna entegrasyonu önerdi. Bu mutabakat, güçlü bir topluluk takviyesi kazandı. 29 Nisan’da bir idare oylamasından sonra büsbütün onaylandı.https://twitter.com/TheTNetwork/status/1656658324623085577 Wormhole entegrasyonu, tBTC’nin hem Arbitrum, Optimism ve Polygon üzere Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) chain’lerine hem de Solana, Aptos, Sui ve Cosmos üzere EVM olmayan ağlara aktarılmasına müsaade verecek.
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dragox23 · 1 year
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