#mattias slater
lyrakanefanatic · 2 months
If tig characters had twitter part: 12
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herondalesbooklover · 2 months
Grayson with his sisters in law: 🙂💕😊✨️🌸
Grayson with his brothers in law: 🤬🔪😤🔪☠️
Grayson with his brothers: 😒🤨🩶
Grayson with his sisters: 😊💗😄🌼✨️
Grayson with lyra: 😍💖🥰💐☺️💍😘
Honorary mention
Grayson with thea: 😐😒
(No but he'll really hate his brothers in laws, rohan got too close to his girl for his liking and slate literally kidnapped gigi, not a great start for either)
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Can you do a Gigi and Slate fic, pleaseeeeeeeee???
I can’t lie I didn’t really ship these two but you converted me!! I reread their one interaction and tell me why I’m a little bit obsessed…. this was honestly so fun to write, I hope I didn’t disappoint 🤍🤍
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title: late night visitor
pairing: mattias slater x gigi grayson
synopsis: mattias slater or as gigi knows him code name: mimosas is one slippery eel who knows how to get exactly what he wants, but when it comes to gigi he’s not himself and neither is she…
a/n: this is set an hour or so after chapter 81 of the brothers hawthorne (after she realises grayson has been lying to her)
tag list: @tornqdowarnings @whatsamongus @wish-i-were-heather @inmyheaddd @never-enough-novels @sweetlikeanangel @midiosaamor @sweetreveriee @emelia07 @f4iry-bell @zaraaaabear @thoughtdaughter3 @benny1989fredd @elysianwayy77 @maybxlle @sheisntyou @anintellectualintellectual @aleatorio1234 @adalia-jaycee @off-to-the-r4ces @lyra-kane @reminiscentreader @lyrakanefanatic
Gigi walks back into her room, wiping the few tears from her cheeks. She’s stronger than this, braver than this, she couldn’t afford to fall apart now. No one could hurt her, not even her brother. She goes into the bathroom and splashes her face with ice cold water.
“Wake up, wake up, wake up,” she hisses at herself with each splash, “you’re stronger than this.”
She glances at herself in the mirror, the glass reflecting her saddened features. It’s unusual to see herself looking so dimmed down, she was meant to be the light, the happy, jumpy, full of energy Gigi everyone knew her to be. She tentatively prods certain features of her face, maybe to check if they were real, if she could really look this upset. Turns out she could but she can’t afford to be upset-Gigi so she plasters a wide smile on her face, her cheeks still rosy from crying. Her eyes are a little glossy if the light catches them right but she ignores that and focuses on her smile, not letting it waver. She walks out of the bathroom desperately trying to compose herself with each step. Taking her by surprise, she feels herself fall forward, but managed to catch herself before she kisses the floor. Her heart thuds in her chest. Looking back Gigi realises that she must’ve left her phone charger lead out and made a mental note to put it away to eliminate the tripping hazard.
Gigi shivers suddenly, cool air coming into contact with her the exposed skin of her arms, face, neck and collar bone. She walks towards the window which is curiously open. It’s odd, seen as she never remembered leaving it that way. Gently she runs her fingers along the window pain, the patent shine feeling smooth underneath her fingertips, still deep in thought.
“Hello sunshine…”
Gigi yelps out, jumping backwards, in pure shock. She stumbles, landing on top someone. She knows exactly who it is before she even opens her eyes, that voice only belongs to one person.
“Mimosas?” she blurts out before her brain could stop her.
Her sapphire eyes sparkle, wide open. She’s directly on top of the mysterious man she’d encountered down by the pool earlier that evening. The one who was impossibly good looking, that she’d been unable to stop thinking about.
His slick brows furrow and Gigi couldn’t help but notice how the little scar across his right eyebrow inched inwards slightly as well, “what?”
It’s only now she notices how close their faces are to one another’s. In a frenzied surge of panic, she quickly scrambles up and he follows suit, but in a more refined manor. He seems even taller than he had before. Gigi couldn’t help but stare at the way his sun-kissed face complimented his brooding dark eyes or at the mess of honey golden hair on his head, that looked softer than a cloud. Then reality kicks in.
“Did you sneak in here?” Gigi asks, suddenly clocking why the window was open.
“Maybe,” he shrugs delicately.
She folds her arms across her chest, “how?”
“Your window was unlocked,” he replies smoothly, leaning back into the wall behind him.
“And you took that as an invitation?” Gigi asks, the unfiltered words flowing out without permission.
“Maybe,” he says quietly, with a small wink, so fast if she hadn’t been staring so intently into his eyes she might have missed it.
“Are you here to make me the grilled cheese and mimosas you promised?” she cocks her head with an illuminated smile.
“I never promised you them,” he deadpans, his eyes darkening slightly. But Gigi didn’t mind, she actually found she quite liked it.
“Your eyes did,” she sing songs, her smile so wide that she could feel the dried tears on her cheeks. Momentarily she’d forgotten about her pain but this served as a sharp reminder.
“They did not,” he scowls at her.
She couldn’t help but giggle, as the silly, happy, warm feelings that came with interacting with this handsome stranger, flowed through her veins, “one day you’ll admit it, today just isn’t that day.”
“Sure sunshine,” he rolls his ebony eyes.
“Why are you here?” she asks curiously, with a look of innocence about her that wasn’t far off from a small child’s.
“You don’t want me to be?” he quirks his scarred brow upwards and butterflies attack Gigi’s stomach.
“No it’s not that, it’s only I’m curious,” she rushes quickly, “why do want here of all places?”
“You,” he replies, not missing a beat. Like the answer was ingrained into his brain, like it was something he was sure of.
Gigi struggles to form competent words but manages to murmur, “me?”
“Why else would I sneak into your room?” he asks flatly, looking almost bored.
“I’m quite good at pulling reverse heists,” she shrugs, happily “you might want money.”
“I’m not a petty thief, if that’s what you’re getting at,” he shakes his head, “if I wanted to steal, I’d do it with big money and once, I’d also be a lot more discreet than sneaking in someone window.”
“Good to know if a business mysteriously looses all of it’s money and no one can find the culprit that it might be someone I know,” she jokes with her usually infectious grin.
His brooding expression almost twitches but not quite, but she takes it as a smile and feels accomplished.
“Do you want to meet my cat?” she asks excitedly.
“No,” he replies bluntly, staring directly into her ocean eyes.
Gigi grins and drops down to the floor, making encouraging sounds for Katara to find her.
Mimosas looks at her, eyes narrowed, his face pinched and contorted into confusion, “what are you doing?”
“Calling my cat,” she shouts from under the bed.
“I said no,” he groans, probably with an eye roll she imagined.
“You said yes with your eyes,” Gigi replies breathlessly, as she wriggles back out from under her bed. Katara isn’t there.
“What is it with you reading my eyes?” he asks.
“It’s just a talent I have,” she explains, still searching for her beloved cat.
He looks at her, exasperated and a little tired, “I don’t want to meet your cat.”
“There it is again! That sparkle of ‘yes I definitely want to meet your cat and there’s nothing I’d rather do in the moment’,” Gigi says, pointing at his eyes.
“My eyes do not sparkle, sunshine,” he grumbles with a death stare that is so cute she could just pass out on the spot.
“Of course they do, when the light catches those little flecks of golden within the deep brown, almost black, they definitely sparkle,” she analyses.
“Who are you? Shakespeare?” he asks.
“Katara!” Gigi says suddenly, spotting her cat.
“Katara?” he says, utterly confused.
Gigi walks over and picks her up, “it’s my cat,” she shows him smiling.
“Your cat is called Katara?” he asks, his tone dull.
“Well obviously,” Gigi rolls her eyes playfully, kissing Katara on the top of the head, “keep up Mimosas!”
Gigi tactfully ignores the question and talks to Katara instead, “hey sweetie, I missed you today.”
“You’re talking to a cat,” he comments, almost disapprovingly.
“Well she can’t do sign language” she shrugs, “… yet?”
“Yet,” she confirms with a nod, “here.”
She practically drops Katara in his arms. Disarming people with cats was one of her favourites things to do. Panic flashes across his face and his hands fly out instinctively.
“Woah, hey, I don’t, I can’t-“ he splutters, “I’m going to drop her.”
“No you’re not,” Gigi says, “because I’ve let go.”
He’s silent for a few beats and then grumbles something under his breath sounding annoyed. Gigi grins happily. He looks toward Katara and meets her large sparkling eyes. She tilts her head to one side and he slowly moves a free hand to stroke between her head and ears. Katara purrs affectionately, closing her eyes. He’s gentle, Gigi thought. The way he slowly, almost cautiously pets Katara. He knows how to look after animals. He knew exactly how to hold Katara right, knows exactly when to stroke. Gigi’s heart warms and pulsates this new found attraction for Mimosas’s sweeter side. Besides Katara didn’t trust many. She was very much a cat who’d eye you up before she approached and was cautious about who she let touch her. She liked Gigi of course and Grayson, tolerated Savannah and Acacia but didn’t go near most others. That’s why Gigi had to keep her jaw from dropping when Katara nuzzles into the crook of his neck, rubbing the side of her face lovingly into him. Gigi’s jaw actually did drop when Mimosas looks down at Katara and his expression glistens. A smile.
“You can smile!” she exclaims happily, her stomach doing backflips at the thought of that gorgeous expression. She makes a silent vow to herself that she’d make him smile more often. Selflessly, so he could feel real joy and radiate it and selfishly so she could admire him for it. A win-win in her eyes.
“What?” he says looking up, his face dropped back to his usual sulleness.
“You just smiled,” she says.
“No I didn’t,” he snaps, suddenly finding Katara’s fur far more interesting than Gigi’s eyes.
“It wasn’t a broody twitch like before, that was a smile, a proper smile,” she announces proudly.
“I did not smile,” he scowls, extra hard this time, making it known by each tiny feature that he was severely displeased.
“So cats are the way to your heart, huh?” Gigi grins smugly, winking at Katara who ignores her for more cuddles with Mimosas.
“Cats are not the way to my heart,” he grumbles, as he abruptly stops stroking the leopard looking cat in his arms.
“So what is?” Gigi asks, over Katara’s meows of complaint over lack of attention.
He sighs and slowly obliges to giving the cat a tickle under her neck, “I don’t have time for love.”
“Woah,” she almost choked, “what depressing character have you chosen to play today?”
“I’m serious,” he rolls his eyes, not looking away from Katara.
“Me too,” she replies, “lighten up, use your smile again, it suits your face you know.”
“You didn’t see me smile,” he glowers darkly, making Gigi’s internal swooning-measurer practically smash into smithereens.
“You’re just big softie and you can’t admit it,” she says, hands on her hips.
“I am not a softie,” he snarls.
Gigi suppresses a girlish giggle, “your eyes are screaming you are.”
“Stop looking at my eyes,” he hisses, turning his back to her.
“Why?” she laughs, stepping into his eye-line again.
“Because maybe I want to look at yours for a change,” he says, catching her off-guard.
Gigi’s heart leaps out of her chest and all of the air is suddenly knocked out of her. She did not expect that.
“No one’s stopping you,” she murmurs.
Onyx meets sapphire and in that moment there is only silence. Not even Katara purrs in the background. It feels like there’s an outer force meaning that they can’t pull away from the intense stare at one another. The fixated gaze holds for what feels like decades. Gigi feels like she’s in a surreal interstellar universe where one she and him exist. She could write essays just about his eyes, his face not even factoring into it yet.
“You like cats,” she says after a while, cursing herself for being so awkward.
“They’re okay,” he replies, scratching Katara’s belly.
She purrs happily in his arms, moving around in an attempt to get closer to his body.
“She’s pretty,” he murmurs to no one in particular, his voice sounding distant and so unlike his usual tone. It was soft and gentle, almost nice, like it had been sweetened by the honey-colour of his hair. For some reason, Gigi finds her face flushed at the sight of him like this, curled up with a cat in his arms, murmuring his beautiful she is.
Katara wriggles to be free of his grasp, suddenly tired of being so fussed over. He carefully places her on the floor and the bengal struts off elsewhere. Gigi goes to follow her but flies forwards at an alarming speed. Damn that stupid phone charger. She barely has time to comprehend that she’s falling before her face is inches from the floor. Just as she’s convinced she will hit the carpet, a hand catches her lower back and flips her quickly to meet a pair of dark concerned eyes that makes her insides go like jelly.
He pulls her upright but doesn’t remove his hands from her waist. In fact, she’s sure he pulls her a little closer to him. She bites back a small gasp and gets lost into his mysterious voids for eyes, like black holes containing a million stories. She can feel the warmth of his hands through the material of her trousers and how her face is hotter than usual.
“My brother won’t like this,” she says suddenly, as a rush of guilt hit her.
She feels like she shouldn’t be doing this, like she is Eve biting into the forbidden fruit, that turns sour on her tongue.
“You, being here,” she clarifies.
“And why do you care?” he asks.
“I don’t know…” she trails off, the answer suddenly coming to her, like an instinct, “he’s my brother.”
A ghost of a smirk plays on his features, not quite surfacing properly, “he doesn’t know everything.”
“I guess not,” she replies.
“And he doesn’t have to know about this,” he says, his voice so low and dangerous a shiver runs down Gigi’s spine.
“Why did you sneak in?” she questions, curiosity and some sort of hope eating her away.
“Your windows are surprisingly easy to open,” he shrugs nonchalantly.
“I should get that looked at,” she speaks her immediate thoughts aloud, without thinking.
“Why? Don’t you want me to visit you again?” he raises an eyebrow, the corner of his mouth twitching.
“No… I mean yes,” she splutters, “I mean…I don’t know.”
“Well leave the offer open and I might take it, bolt your windows and I’ll bolt too,” he tells her, his voice serious and strong.
He stares for a few moments, his eyes intensely pinned to her. Slowly he takes a fingertip and drags it softly against her collarbone, his other hand still gripping onto her waist. Gigi tries very hard not to explode.
“Why so sad, sunshine?” he asks, cocking his head to the side.
“I’m not sad,” she laughs.
“You’ve been sad ever since I’ve been here,” he says, dropping his hand back down to her waist.
“No I haven’t,” she shakes her head, widening her smile.
“I can see past your smile.”
The words hit harder than they should. Like a punch to the stomach. No one is meant to see past her smile but herself, no one is meant to know Gigi without a smile. And somehow this stranger who’d she only encountered once before knew her better than most people in her daily life.
“He lied to me,” she tells him in barely a whisper, admitting her pain out loud for the first time.
“I warned you to be careful,” he says quietly, eyebrow raised. The attractive little scar distracting Gigi momentarily.
“I thought I could trust him,” she says, her voice shaking slightly.
“In this world you can’t trust anyone,” he replies
“Not even you?” she asks, eyelashes softly fluttering.
“Especially not me,” he says a little too seductively.
She bites the inside of her cheek, “I never though Grayson would lie to me.”
“It’s the people we never thought would hurt us, that hurt us the most,” he murmurs, his voice stone cold. He says it like he understands how it feels.
Gigi knew that tone, that expression on his face all too well. A numbness that was trying to disguise a much deeper pain, Savannah did this all the time.
“Has anyone ever hurt you?” she asks him, a surgery sweet innocence laced into her tone.
“I don’t get hurt sunshine,” he shakes his head with a bitter chuckle.
“Everyone gets hurt,” she says, eyes swimming with concern.
“Hey, want to do something illegal?” he asks, changing the subject, “it might cheer you up.”
“Oh I only do illegal things when I’m heavily caffeinated,” she tells him.
“I can buy you a coffee,” he says, dark eyes sparkling.
“Are you asking me on a date?” she winks, a burst of foreign flirtatiousness coming over her all of a sudden.
“I don’t know, am I?” he replies.
“What’s your name?” Gigi asks, suddenly very aware she only knew this man as code name: Mimosas.
“Why do you need to know my name when you can taste my lips?” he whispers.
Gigi had never been kissed before. Boys didn’t look at her, they looked at Savannah. She’d never even got this close to one, let alone had her lips on another’s. She’d never imagined a kiss to feel like this. His lips were soft and slightly sweet and she so naturally melted into his hold. There was no sense of awkwardness or hesitation. They were sure of each other. When Duncan kissed Savannah it was short and ragged but this was nothing like this. This was long and passionate and meaningful. Gigi could feel something, deep in her chest, it was a fluttery warmth of a spark that burning so feverishly she couldn’t ignore. It made her want more, kiss deeper. So she does. Mimosas seems surprised at first, almost hesitant but within a few seconds he too is deepening their connection.
Her lungs scream in protest, craving oxygen but her brain tunes them out for as long as she can hold on for. When she truly can’t breathe, she is forced to pull away, heaving for oxygen. Mimosas is every bit as breathless as she is, she can feel his heart racing through his shirt, pressed up against her. Gigi is prepared to go in for seconds kiss but he doesn’t initiate it. He only presses his forehead against hers and stares into her eyes.
“Don’t forget me, sunshine,” he murmurs. And just like that he was gone.
Gigi stood still frozen in the exact position she’d been in moment for, paralysed in shock. Her lips tingled with the taste of him, an experience that her again was new. She couldn’t believe she’d just been kissed, that someone had actually chosen her. Her heart swells to double its normal size, full of feelings she’d never imagined before. She has to re-teach herself how to breathe after realising she’d been holding her breath for so long.
‘Don’t forget me, sunshine.’ The words replay in her head like a broken record, the low hum of his soothing voice, rings a beautiful melody through her ears and deep into her chest, where her heart thuds on. She gently runs her fingertip over her bottom lip, closing her eyes. Had it all been real or was she imagining it? She rushes to the wide open window and looks out into the night. Sure enough, in the sea of black, she sees him, illuminated by the moonlight. He looks back at her and their eyes lock from what feels like a million miles away. Time seems to still and neither one of them move a muscle. Gigi blinks once and then he is truly gone.
Gigi wanders back into her room and sits on the edge of her bed, laying back. She doesn’t know his name, or where he’s from, what he likes or his favourite colour. But she does know one thing, there was no way that she’d ever forget this.
TIG masterlist
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su4vz · 14 days
“I know you’re out there,” she said again.
Silence, again—and then a familiar, if tinny, voice: “No, sunshine, you don’t.”
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wolfies-writings · 1 month
A little drabble
Also no Grandest Game spoilers in the comments or reblogs please, I haven’t finished it yet
Warnings: none, just a simple interaction scenario that popped into my mind, mild fluff but nothing too much
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Grayson said with his leveled steely gaze pinned on Rohan, “You are aware I still distrust you and your intentions with my sister, yes?”
Rohan looked up from his conversation with Savanah and cocked an eyebrow with a slight smirk. “Oh, so I’m the target now, I see. No longer plotting Mr. Slater’s death and trained your sights on me?” Savanah sighed as Grayson rolled his eyes.
“Tell me, how is it that I ended up with a brother like Jameson and then a potential future brother-in-law who is the English carbon copy of him? What deity did I so grievously offend?” Lyra, on his arm, patted his back soothingly. She’d seen first hand the drama he had to put up with and had some sympathy for him along with her amusement.
Jameson, sitting on a nearby love seat with his arm lovingly draped around Avery’s shoulder, burst out laughing at the comparison, clearly amused at the reaction he figured Rohan would have. Rohan simply narrowed his eyes. “Don’t you compare me to that masochistic twat,” he warned. Jameson sent him a scowl. “See? He doesn’t even deny it,” Rohan sneered with a smirk.
“Play nice, Rohan,” the serious blonde girl on his arm chided, with a soft warning smack to his chest. He looked to her and sighed softly in resignation.
“As you wish, love.”
“Ha, and you’re talking like I’m the only one who’s both sacred of and whipped for his girl,” Jameson mocked, never one to miss an opportunity to clap back at the Englishman.
Rohan rolled his eyes. “At least I’m not the one who gets turned on when his girl shows the slightest hint of assertiveness,” he drawled mockingly, earning a yank on the sliver chain around his neck from Savannah, diverting his attention back to her admonition.
“Rohan.” She simply said, her message clear. He sighed, slightly irritated by his witty comeback getting shut down. He lowered his eyes slightly.
“Sorry, darling.” He said quietly, catering to her orders. He was by no means a submissive, but people like Savannah were not ones you wanted to argue with. Jameson chuckled again, shooting an ‘oh really?’ look his way. Rohan scowled back but then trained his focus back on his girlfriend, wrapped an arm around her waist and keeping her warm body close to his. These families were going to be the death of him, he could already tell. But her presence made such an outcome much more pleasing; he could live with that.
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sunshinelivesforever · 6 months
Here are my mood boards for Gigi, Savannah, Rohan and Slate (in that order), hope you like 'em!
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riddles-n-games · 4 months
Guys, I know that Slate is already hot but like, what if he had an Australian accent? What would we do then? What would GIGI do then? Hmm? 👀
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imaseabear · 9 days
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They're soulmates in every universe even bath and body works
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jkriordanverse · 4 months
Mattias Slater is basically Grayson Hawthorne but biker boy and flirty tf? (+ tatoos ofc)
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hearthown · 6 months
TGG Theory!!!
In the NOVL's post about the Hawthorne Vault (regarding TGG), the caption and the clue to solve the password was "opposites attract".
In the most recent teaser post, the caption mentioned "enemies to lovers". What if these captions are related to the potential relationships that might blossom in TGG?
Gigi and Slate would obviously be the grumpy x sunshine couple (hence, opposites attract!)
Rohan and Savannah would most likely be opposites attract and also enemies to lovers because... did you see the teaser today 😭 - plus, Rohan has that roguish and charming vibe while Sav is serious and doesn't like playing around.
Gray and Lyra? Something tells me that Lyra Kane is very different compared to anyone else (any girl) that Grayson has known before. This one might be enemies to lovers because... Lyra probably hates the Hawthorne family (or at least dislikes them) because of her father's death. Grayson probably won't trust her easily either.
Anyways, I dunno, this was just a sudden thought I had 👀
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lyrakanefanatic · 2 months
Okay I haven’t gotten the grandest game yet (i will today tho) and I’ve been trying to stay off social media, so here are some “if the tig characters had twitter” thingys that i made cuz im bored: part 14
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hyacinth-lily · 2 months
spoilers for tgg
It was so good, I can’t wait for glorious rivals!! Here are some of my thoughts on the book
•I loved Odette and her lives and her secrets!!!
•Savannah and Rohans teamwork!!!
• I found it so funny that while Savannah and Grayson each got kisses with their love interests Gigi was getting kidnapped by her potential love interest
•Also I called it I was right about the whole A Hawthorne did it!!!
•I am glad that I have been pronouncing Lyra the right way too
•I bet the Calla Lily had something to do with Alice Hawthorne
•SAVANNAH KNOWS!!! She better talk to Grayson and Gigi to get things cleared up
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Mattias Slater Masterlist:
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mattias x reader
coming soon
mattias x gigi
late night visitor
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mattias-slater · 7 months
Mattias Slater
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Hello, Mattias Slater here, also known as slate. I belong to my sunshine Gigi only so fuck off.
20 years old, and very tired of being the bodyguard of the most idiotic, dumb person I've ever graced my elegant lashes upon @evelaughlin
@the-hawthorne-heiress please give the honorable asshole @thegraysonhawthorne even more hell I live for it and if possible, please send eve back to her creator 🙏
@jameson-hawthorne ticking time bomb indeed
@libby-grambs eve never spoke of you tbh
@thegraysonhawthorne the only thing I like about you is your sister and the way you rejected evelyn
@xander-hawthorne-is-the-best eve told me that you are a genius
@omg1g1 my dear sunshine ☀
@savannah-grayson you're female Grayson but better one
@theaaacalligaris eve kinda likes you idk why but don't u have a gf ?
@lyraisonthephone dunno who u are but surely going to be eve's nemesis
@motherfaxingmax I like your humor
Evelyn if you're watching this, please don't challenge Avery you're going to be floored.
acc ran by @lumine4624
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flowers-for-em · 2 months
guys trust im tryna find an epub for you 😔✊
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sunshinelivesforever · 7 months
Getting severe Gigi x Slate brainrot recently so here we are
Gigi x Slate Headcanons
They are the literal embodiment of the grumpy x sunshine trope
It wasn't love at first sight for them, more like attraction at first sight
And then they slowly fell in love
Taking care of Gigi just kind of becomes second nature to Slate
Like, when he notices her shoelaces are untied, he ties them for her
When he notices that she's cold, he takes off his jacket and puts it on her
And he's really protective of her
He can listen to her ramble for hours but Gigi being Gigi, she often gets really curious about his past and asks too many questions
When that happens, he just kisses her to shut her up
Speaking of kissing, Slate is Gigi's first kiss
After he kisses her for the first time, she becomes unnaturally quiet and her face becomes red
Savannah asks her what's wrong and thinks she has a fever
And Gigi says that it's nothing and goes to her room but then a few minutes later she bursts out of her room screaming "MATTIAS SLATER KISSED ME" at the top of her lungs
Grayson nearly murders Slate when he finds out
Gigi is very physically affectionate and it takes Slate a while to get used to that
He's usually the one who's better at flirting verbally but the first time Gigi back-hugs him, he's so flustered he can barely form words
Gigi 100% steals his jackets, hoodies and sweaters
She sends cute cat videos to him all the time and he claims to never watch them but one day, she catches him watching one of the videos with a smile on his face
They talk together for hours, about anything and everything
As he works for Eve, Slate is always relaying Eve's messages and stuff so he doesn't really ever get to express his opinion on anything
But when he's talking with Gigi, he can do that
Their outdoor dates are like mini-adventures
Their indoor dates are comfortable yet fun
Gigi often falls asleep on top of Slate
Gigi makes really creative handmade gifts for him and he's so touched because no one's ever done that for him before
Slate loves kissing her
They usually hold hands when they walk around
In conclusion, Gigi x Slate is an adorable ship that I can't get out of my head and I request JLB to make them canon. Please.
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