waywardimpalas-blog · 8 years
maturecas replied to your post “It doesn’t feel like much, but I finished 5 short essays and a poem...”
You should be incredibly proud, that's a lot of work you did in one night. Well done! :D
Oh my goodness you’re so sweet! Thank you so much!
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crashingcas · 8 years
maturecas replied to your photo “STORYTIME ABOUT ASYLUM 16 - RACHEL MINER ! so, I was at Asylum 16 this...”
you were at a16 too? we should have met up :(
aw no way, you went as well? :/ we really should have.. which hall were you in?
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cajunroe · 8 years
maturecas replied to your post:you are really rude and annoying, stop posting...
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bikeride · 9 years
title:this is war (not really)
words: 1107
notes: mmkay so this is basically a midam au where they live together but samandriel’s there too and this is based off this vine and a few others but they arent in the fic
The first time it starts is when war is declared.
Adam walks into the bedroom he shares with Michael, and he lays down, close to his sleeping Michael.
He puts a hand on Michael’s upper arm, slowly shaking him awake.
“Michael. Come on, babe, time to wake up. We’re going to see Mockingjay today with Samandriel, remember?”
Michael lets out a groan,  and curls up more.
Adam smiles at him, and shakes him again. “Michael.” he urges more firmly, but just barely.
Five minutes of shaking Michael awake, and him ignoring Adam, Samandriel decides that he’s waited too long and he really, really want to unpause the Orange is the New Black episode he and Adam were watching.
Samandriel walks into the room, and sees Adam with a dumb smile on his face and Michael curled around him, ignoring Adam’s requests to wake up. Samandriel almost has mercy. Almost.
Samandriel  jumps on the bed and pulls the covers away from Michael and screams, “WAKE UP, BITCH.”
Michael’s eyes jolts open, and glares at Samandriel, before pulling his blue blankets back up to cover his cold legs.
“This is war, ‘Driel.” Michael says, soft enough for Samandriel to hear.
That’s when Samandriel realized what exactly he started.
The second time is what Michael likes to call it, ‘In case Samandriel’s a little shit.’
Michael sets the camera on a pile of textbooks, stolen from Adam’s library. (He didn’t know college need that many books.)  He starts filming and whispers, “He’s been snoring for hours, and I can’t get to sleep. What I’m going to do is, I’m gonna hit him with this pillow.” He points to the sleeping Samandriel behind him.
While it’s true they had separate rooms and Michael couldn’t even hear him, he was only awake due to hours watching music videos and criticizing them, he decides to get his revenge on Samandriel.
He creeps up to Samandriel’s sleeping form, head down, back facing the ceiling, limbs spread out.
Michael harshly brings down the pillow to Samandriel’s pale back, and his reaction is priceless.
“Fuck! Fuck Adam, get fucking down! I’ve been fucking shot.”
Adam comes in the room, blonde hair messed up and wild, with a loose grey t-shirt and green flannel pants that are a foot too long. He tries to rub the sleep out of his eyes while making a small confused noise, that makes Michael melt.
“Nothing, Sweetheart, go back to sleep. I’ll be there in a minute, okay?” Michael says, fondly.
Samandriel’s eyes are full of fire. “No, no, no, it’s not nothing, Sweetheart, because Michael just hit me with a pillow while I was sleeping and made me do a push-up off my bed, onto the floor. Control your pet, Milligan.”
Adam’s not as sleepy, now, and what does he do? He chuckles. “You guys are both idiots.” With that, he returns to his room.
The third time it happens is when Adam intervenes. It shouldn’t be how he gets involved, but it is. Adam’s supposed to be the peacemaker, but he decides to have fun with it.
It’s a Monday, and Adam grabs his books quickly to dash to Samandriel’s locker. He gives himself distance, a lot of distance. Adam hides behind a crowd with just enough room to see Samandriel.
Samandriel opens his locker and paper heaven falls out of his locker. He flips over a piece of paper and he instantly knows who it is. The paper has a picture of the spaghetti pepe.
He flips over another one. The alien from the goddamn ‘hte spaghetti’ post.
Samandriel straightens up to see his locker, covered in sticky notes. A purple one read, “I am gay, gay, gay.”
A blue one read “Hi, I’m Samandriel and I’m the gayest person you’ll ever know.”
One that was yellow said, “Samandriel’s a piece o’ shite.”
Michael’s ass was dead.
Adam is sobbing. He saw Samandriel read the sticky notes, and see the photos and grow angrier at each one. There was no doubt he thought it was Michael. Adam’s face was bright, bright, red, trying to hold in his laughter.
The fourth time, or rather the third and a half time happens approximately seven hours later.
Adam forces Samandriel to go to the mall with him, and after Samandriel accidently loses himself in the bookstore, Adam makes his escape.
He takes the bus home, knowing Michael won’t be home for another ten minutes. Adam knows Michael walks to work, complaining about pollution or whatever.
Adam takes his seat in the bushes, waiting for everything to come together. He sees Michael stop dead in his tracks, a couple feet away.
Michael’s black Bentley is covered in multi-colored sticky notes. His jaw drops.
He reads a few, knowing exactly who did the crime.
“Michael Milligan.” Michael goes red at that one.
“What’s your favorite food?
Adam’s ass.”
Michael was going to smite the shit out of Samandriel.
Michael goes into the apartment building.
Adam lets out a breathy laugh, as he gets a text.
‘where r u???’
‘im @ taco bell omg’ Adam replies.
‘i thought we were @ the bookstore wtf adam’
‘yeah ik but u got lost and i got hungry’
‘fine i’ll meet u @ taco bell u spoon’
Adam walks to Taco Bell.
“You do realize I hate your son-of-a-bitch boyfriend, right?” Samandriel sighs, after they meet up at Taco Bell and Adam pays as an apology to leaving him at the bookstore.
“What’d he do?” Adam asked, feigning innocence.
“He covered my entire locker with sticky notes and writing how gay I am on them, which I think everyone knows how gay I am, and he filled my locker with that goddamn pepe spaghetti meme and the alien from the ‘hte spaghetti’ post. “ Samandriel confesses.
Adam snorts and takes another bite of his quesadilla.
“Sorry, Adam, you know I’ll have to kill him.”
Adam sighs, “I know.”
Adam is pressed against Michael, watching The Addams Family.
“I hate your son-of-a-bitch best friend, by the way.” Michael declares.
“What makes you say that?” Adam tilts his head.
“He covered my car in sticky notes.”
“What’d they say?”
Michael sighs. “One said, what’s your favorite food? Adam’s ass.”
Adam broke a smile, “It’s true, though.”
“I never said it wasn’t.”
The next day, Adam wakes up to screaming. (Ironically, he falls asleep to screaming too)
Adam treads softly to the kitchen, finding the source of the noise.
Adam’s wide awake now, and they both don’t notice him. He smirks, and walks back off to bed.
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jambearie · 9 years
haiKUUUS omg i love them v v v much
My fave blog right here
Made of a Midam trashcan
Kit, get off my dash ;)
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timelesscas · 9 years
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feartheophanim · 9 years
Dean introduces Cas to Cards Against Humanity; he thinks it’ll be a good joke.  He didn’t anticipate that Cas would not only have a dirty mind under that halo of his; Cas actually makes a worthy opponent.
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crashingcas · 8 years
69? hue.
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
I do. However, I don’t believe that soulmates always have to be of a romantic kind. 
ask me ! 
0 notes
softedwin · 9 years
maturecas replied to your post “i lost so many followers again over night what did i do???”
It seems like quite a few people are losing a lot of followers?? Idk what's going on. :/
yeah me neither but it’s really shitty B(
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bikeride · 9 years
callout post
@maturecas is lying about how wonderful and cute they are
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tequilasdean · 9 years
Are you still doing urls, if so, antlerssam, maturecas, dreamyjensen
antlerssam- Really great blog, and I really adore Daniel.  He was one of my first mutuals and I nearly freaked out when he followed me back.  I love his Gif sets so much (in particular the Ten Inch Hero one he made for me) :D  I also really love his domain, it makes me happy :)
maturecas- Their blog is so beautiful and there’s great SPN posts.  Plus I really love the Matt Cohen twitter feed on the side of the theme it’s awesome to see Cohen love!
dreamyjensen- alright so, I’ve followed this blog almost since I got on here and I love seeing them on my dash so much, their art is freaking awesome and I’ve come to find out that they are just so so nice, too! :D
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timelesscas · 9 years
tagged by the cutest lil’ punkin’ in the patch leavingdean
tagging: maturecas and anyone else who sees this! don’t forget to tag me! :)
Choose 5 otp’s without looking at the questions in the read more first, then tag five people.
My OTP’s:
Midam (Michael & Adam - SPN) Webgott (Liebgott & Webster - BOB) Stease (Steele & Dease - OWW) Merthur (Merlin & Arthur - MERLIN) Hillback (Ack Ack & Hillbilly - T-PAC)
The Questions: (there are a lot of them, be warned now)
Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 5? UHM, definitely the tank scene. Among others, the tank scene really hits me.   Have you ever read fan fiction about 2? I’ve read EVERY webgott fanfic. :) Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr id?  On my iPad, I’m fairly certain merthur was it at some point. If 3 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be? (Though they’re not together/canon) I WOULD RIP MY HEART OUT.  Then...regain my composure because they’d get back together. They’re too perfect together to ever stay broken up.  Why is 1 so important? WHY IS MID...WHY IS MIDAM SO IMPORTANT? BECAUSE IT IS. THEY ARE BOTH SASSY LITTLE ASSHOLES AND THEY MEAN SO MUCH TO ME. I’M NOT EVEN GOING TO GET STARTED ON THESE SHITHEADS BC I LOVE THEM TO MUCH. Is 4 a funny ship or a serious ship? It can be a bit of both depending on when you see them. Out of all your ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?  All of them have their own chemistry. And is this asking emotional, physical, sexual, etc. chemistry or just chemistry in general?
Webgott has really great sexual chemistry over others. Hillback and Midam have amazing chemistry all around. Stease and Merthur have remarkable emotional chemistry over others.
How many times have you read/watched 2’s fandom? UHM, I HAVE AN ENTIRE BLOG DEDICATE TO BOB + HBOWAR SO UHH ALL THE DAMN TIME. <3 Which ship lasted the longest? Well...they’re all still together and forever so...all of them.  How many times, if ever, has 5 broken up? Technically...once...but...Peleliu Hills never happened...so...NO! If the world was suddenly to thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 1 or 3? HMMM...well Michael is an archangel and Adam’s been back and forth from life and death and heaven and hell and is still a sassy perfect soul and Steele and Dease are fierce soldiers so...I like to think Adam would welcome them into their group and they fight side by side.  Did 4 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason? I don’t think they ever like hid it. I’m gonna go with no…” Is 5 still together? Yes, they’ll always live on and be together. <3 Is 1 canon? IN EVERY WAY, SHAPE, AND FORM ASIDE FROM ACTUALLY BEING CANON.   If all five ships were put in a couple’s hunger games, which couple would win? DUDE, this would be an awesome (and sad) hunger games, although maybe not so sad because each one has a snarky vs angry in the relationship for the most part. So one would be pissed off and the other would be laid back and idk it’d just be really entertaining to see district snark vs district anger in the least action packed hunger games ever.  Has anyone ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship? ...war...ammunition...mortars...i’m gonna cry . Which ship(s) would you defend to death and beyond? EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Have you spent hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page? There really isn’t one...so like half an hour? IF AN EVIL WITCH DESCENDED FROM (THE HELL) THE SKY AND TOLD YOU THAT YOU HAD TO PICK ONE OF THE FIVE SHIPS TO BREAK UP FOREVER, WHICH SHIP WOULD YOU SINK? First of all, RUDE. Second of all, I’d sink myself in order for all of them to survive...they’ve suffered enough. 
0 notes
maturecas said: you’re so pretty. (^▽^)
thank youu friend! says you though my pretty cookie <3 ilyyy
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crashingcas · 9 years
faithsammy, maturecas, boykinqs
Do they follow me: Yes | No
Do I follow them: Yes | No | Now
What I think about their blog: professional reblogger indeed ! x so much jared and sammy ^-^ 
Do they follow me: Yes | No
Do I follow them: Yes | No | Now
What I think about their blog: Kit is one of my favourite bloggers *-* like dude have you seen their blog?
Do they follow me: Yes | No
Do I follow them: Yes | No | Now
What I think about their blog: omg thank you for drawing my attention to this blog !! the theme is stunning and dude the sidebar fanart *o*
Send me a URL anonymously and I’ll tell you
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ackleholics · 9 years
Tumblr media
I just hit 2.5k and wanted to celebrate!!
Amazing graphic by cuteackles
Must be following me
Must reblog THIS post
There will be one winner, and two runners up
Ends early May
A follow from me
A spot on my updates tab
Any help you may need (coding, graphics, ficcery)
As many promos as you want :)
1 5k fic of your choosing
runner up
A follow from me
A spot on my updates tab
Any help you may need (coding, graphics, ficcery)
2 promos
1 drabble of your choosing
If there’s any problems, let me know!
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