#mauldin seed
mauldin-seed · 1 year
I have been away and there are new developments, some of which are still evolving. I am eating more. Eating what I can under the circumstances of heartbreak and betrayal. Life is transitory and I challenge each perceived disaster and obstacle with a brave face and the full heart of my soul. I am transitory, I am the cosmos, I am the earth that quakes. I am so capable and upon recognition of my potential I announce to the world I belong and I am apart of it in an important way. I am the modest millipede of the west.
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rabbitechoes · 1 year
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what i've been listening to this month!!! first listens, old favs, and stuff :3 (not ranked)
click here to see my favorite songs of the month!!
also feel free to follow me on rate your music and twitter (i’m not calling it X)
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preppernewstoday · 2 years
October 29th marks the birthday of Vermont Garrison, a fighter pilot from America who fought in three wars: WWII, Korea and Vietnam. He was born in 1915, and died in Mountain Home (Idaho) on February 14, 1994. -- This is Bill Mauldin's birthday, a World War II cartoonist who died January 22, 2003. -- Just heard about the passing of Jerry Lee Lewis, rock-n-roll guitarist. He will be greatly missed. -- SurvivalBlog Writing Contest We present today another entry in Round 103 of SurvivalBlog's non-fiction writing contest. This round's prizes include: First prize: Quantum Harvest LLC are photovoltaic power experts and offer a 10% discount on all orders. This could be worth more or less than $2000 depending on which model is chosen. A Gunsite Academy Three-Day Course Certificate. This certificate can be used to any one, two or three-day course (a value of $1,095). Two Mountain House frozen-dried entrees in #10 containers, courtesy Ready Made Resources (a value of $350). A $250 gift card valid for any product made from Sunflower Ammo. American Gunsmithing Institute is offering a $300 Certificate good for any of their DVD training classes. Jack Lawson kindly donated two sets of Civil Defense Manual, (in 2 volumes). Second prize: The winner will receive a certificate from Tactical certifying that they have taken three-day civil courses . This excludes those for military or government personnel. OnPoint three-day courses cost $795. A SIRT STIC AR-15/M4 laser training package, courtesy Next Level Learning. It has a total retail value of $679 Two 1,000-foot spools full-military-spec U.S.-made paracord (in stock colors only) available from www.TOUGHGRID.com (a value of $240). Two Super Survival Packs are a $150 Value, courtesy Seed for Security LLC. To purchase any pre-1899 antique firearm, Elk Creek Company will give you a $150 transferable FRN purchase credit. No paperwork is required for delivery of pre-1899 firearms into most states. This makes them the last refuge in firearms buying privacy! Third Prize 3 sets of each made-in-USA wide-mouth and regular reusable lids for canning. This includes 600 gaskets and 300 lids. This prize is courtesy Harvest Guard (a $270 worth) A Royal Berkey water filter from Directive21 (a $275 Value), To be used towards the purchase of any pre-1899 vintage gun, a $150 FRN purchase credit from Elk Creek Company is available. -- Since the contest began, more than $750,000 in prizes has been awarded. Round 103 will end on November 30th. So get started writing and email us your entry. Keep in mind that the 1,500 word minimum is required. Articles that provide practical survival skills will be considered.
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hoodoo12 · 3 years
The Ties That Bind (And How to Follow Them) 25/28
@turtlepated @mel-time @werwulfy @bunnys-beetlejuice-blog @infptarius @monsterlovinghours @rainingpaint @go-whovian-universe @strange-n-unbluusual @sweetcat-666 @genderless-cryptid @fireflower1015 @heresathreebee
SFW. Time for rest.
Rigel very nearly sneered at the sappy adoration the two displayed. He’d always known his sibling to be a mauldin fool; he should have expected Pate to be the same, being a breather woman and all. Feeling disdain for the two of them was as easy as slipping into a well-broken pair of shoes. He hid any additional thoughts or feelings about Pate behind that wall. Beetlejuice attempted to push himself off the couch and very nearly made it before Pate was back in front of him, helping him back down and settling between his knees. It was easy and familiar to press his cheek into her hand, and he reached to the nape of her neck to pull her forward to rest his forehead on hers as well. “We’re okay? You mean you’re okay. Tell me you’re okay. Tell me Voldemort’s more evil twin brother had an unprecedented change of heart and you’re free and clear.” Rigel did sneer at that. “I could amend what Pate owes for my payment, if you wish. Something more . . . physical, say?” Beej turned his head unnaturally, as if his spine was disconnected without taking his forehead off Pate’s, just so he could glare with one eye at Rigel. He was torn between snarling obscenities and whimpering fear. Pate, however, broke in with a giggle. “Stop, Bug, you know that creeps me out!” It was good to hear her laugh and call him by a nickname. Immediately he adjusted his skull to its proper alignment, even as he narrowed his eyes at his brother’s eye roll. Face to face with her again, Beej kissed her lightly. “I just want to make sure you’re okay, baby."
Pate sighed into his kiss, a gentle press of his mouth against hers, and smiled. “I’m just fine,” she assured him, pecking his lips again. Having him back in her arms again, with their harrowing misadventure behind them, it was easy to believe her own white lie.
But she owed Rigel a favor, and only he would know when it would be cashed in and what would be required of her. Pate tried to push it from her mind, imagining a tingling of her skin where the invisible mark had been branded.
What she wanted most of all now was to tend to Beetlejuice, who had undoubtedly suffered the worst of the three of them. But it felt awkward with Rigel still there, and she knew Beetlejuice would be reluctant to show his hurts with his brother lurking about. Still, she didn’t feel right to just come out and ask him to leave. Despite the devil’s bargain and the price he’d one day extract, he had risked a great deal to help them, and she was grateful.
She turned, still on her knees and keeping close to Beetlejuice, but addressing Rigel as she said, “Thank you again. I couldn’t have done any of this without you.”
Their little domestic familiarity made him want to retch. The soft touches, the pet name, the ease they had with each other . . . Rigel sighed his scorn and refused to even acknowledge that maybe (most definitely) there was a seed of jealousy in him. Seeing Pate on her knees twisting to look up at him didn’t help, even if she had her hands on Beetlejuice’s stripe-covered legs. He waved off her thanks with a flip of his wrist, as if shooing away a fly. There was no need to stay; any lingering, as delightful as it would be to torment his disgraced half-brother and as delightful as it would be to stay in Pate’s presence, would only lead him down a path of doing something stupid and possibly ruin his reputation. If anyone or Juno squawked about him saving Beetlejuice, he had the excuse he was saving reality, and extracting an opened-ended favor from a breather was an admirable end goal anyway. Pushing his hand through his mussed hair, he’d gained enough strength back to affix it into its proper, appropriate style. No need to return to the Netherworld reminding everyone he and the garish clown were related! Rigel nodded to Pate, his gaze lingering on her just a tad too long to be comfortable. He lifted his lip at Beetlejuice then, taking half a step forward, he left the living world. The last thing he heard between the planes was his sibling exclaiming, “--his teeth?! Dziban left a mark on him--” Running his tongue over his teeth, Rigel found Beetlejuice was right. His teeth were now the lesser demon’s serrated points. Interesting.
Beej couldn’t have cared less about the poisonous sneer Rigel had given him. He did care, however, about how hungrily the taller demon had stared at his lover. He wanted to talk about it, be reassured, confess his infidelity and explain its circumstances, tell Pate he would be here for her and she didn’t need to be afraid Rigel would return, but there was no strength in those convictions because he had to be rescued by the two of them in the first place. He’d driven her to call on his brother, so he didn’t have a leg to stand on, really. Pate hadn’t left him, though, and risked so much to save him. Even now she was fussing over the state of him: smeared with dust, coated with drying slime in colors that shifted unnaturally, looking battered. She was suggesting bathing and dressing any wounds and feeding him and, and-- “Pate, baby, I just want to rest, okay?” he told her quietly. “You’re exhausted too. Why don’t we just lay down and get to everything else later?”
She couldn’t help a sigh of relief when Rigel disappeared into the ether and she and Beetlejuice were finally left alone. For the first time she began to notice how tired she was, feeling aches and pains that went deeper than Rigel’s healing of her scrapes. Pate smiled and nodded at Beetlejuice’s request, still situated on her knees between his legs.
“Yeah,” she said. “Let’s do that. Think you can make it to the bed?”
Slowly, carefully, he got to his feet and she rose with him, arms outstretched to support him as he wobbled gently in place for a moment. Taking their time they made their way to the bedroom, both too exhausted to worry about changing out of their clothes.
Pate simply threw the covers on the floor and climbed onto the mattress, pausing only to kick off her shoes before settling on her side as Beetlejuice sat heavily on the other side of the bed. She longed to reach out and touch him but didn’t want to hurt him. The back of his jacket was dark with dried ichor from his shadow mass, and she had no idea how long it would take him to heal from such terrible wounds.
He let out a heavy sigh as he slowly swung his legs up onto the bed, painstakingly positioning himself to favor his back. Shifting closer to him, Pate rolled onto her own back and beckoned him to her.
“C’mere, sweetheart,” she crooned. Beetlejuice managed a half smile and fitted himself in beside her, his face tucked into the crook of her neck and his arm slung over her middle. Pate automatically began stroking the back of his head, giggling at the tickle of his scruff against her neck.
“Is this okay, Bug?” she asked, worried that he might be uncomfortable, not sure if any position would be comfortable for him as torn up as he was.
“It’s perfect. Well . . . almost perfect,” he murmured. In the dark, he could see her brow furrow and felt the intake of breath, ready to ask what else she could do, what was wrong, let her help--
“Too much clothing,” he explained before Pate had the chance to answer. With the last bit of reserved energy he had, he stripped them both. The skin to skin contact, her warmth, seeped into him and he was lost to the world pressed against her.
tbc . . .
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johnmauldin · 5 years
Economic Dominoes Are Starting to Drop
In the Great Recession, authorities faced enormous pressure to “do something.”
Letting nature take its course may well have been the best strategy. But it couldn’t happen that way in our political system. They had to act.
In 2008–2009, we got things like TARP—the Troubled Asset Relief Program that used $431 billion of your money to buy loans that banks no longer wanted on their books.
What we now forget is that TARP helped banks that weren’t even banks before that point. Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and numerous other broker-dealers and insurers hurriedly got bank charters specifically so they could be part of TARP.
The government welcomed it, too.
But these fiscal and regulatory surprises pale in comparison to the Federal Reserve’s unprecedented monetary actions.
Stimulus No One Expected
In August 2007, the Fed cut a quarter-point from 5.25% where it had stayed for some time. A year later, it was down to 2%, and soon to zero.
Compare that to the current cycle, where the Fed spent four years raising the rate from the zero level to the present 2.5%:
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Chart: St. Louis Fed
The Fed is capable of moving rates far more aggressively than we have seen recently, and in either direction.
But the bigger and even more aggressive policy move was in asset purchases. It included but wasn’t limited to quantitative easing.
When the crisis hit, the Fed by law could only buy certain kinds of assets: Treasury securities, bank debt, federally-backed mortgage securities, and the like.
It didn’t change the rules but instead stretched them far beyond what anyone envisioned could ever happen.
That hockey-stick jump in the next chart wasn’t on anyone’s radar, but it happened. The Fed then added several more rounds before finally topping out and recently beginning to exit.
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Chart: St. Louis Fed
Was any of this the end of the world? No.
The markets absorbed it all and even performed well. In fact, markets performed well because they absorbed all this craziness. In that, lies the seed of our next cycle.
Killer Debt
My friend William White recently had an interview with a Swiss newspaper. Bill is the former chief economist with the Bank for International Settlements and my favorite central banker.
In discussing the current move to loosen policy, the reporter asked, “How did we end up in the debt trap?” Bill’s answer:
We were encouraged to do this. Just think what we have been doing since 2007. Monetary easing is an invitation to take on more private sector debt. And fiscal expansion is by definition an increase of government debt. Both instruments carry the risk of higher debt levels that eventually will kill you.
That may seem counterintuitive, since recessions supposedly bring deleveraging. That happened, but not uniformly. Some deleveraged while others added more, and the latter group was much larger.
And the Fed’s vast liquidity injections enabled it.
According to the Institute for International Finance, global debt was $244 trillion as of Q3 2018. More than half of it was financial and non-financial corporate debt. About 27% ($65 trillion) was government debt (not counting unfunded liabilities, which are huge).
While US households retrenched in the recession, corporations did not limit themselves like families did. Here’s nonfinancial corporate debt growth for that same period (2003–2018).
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Source: St. Louis Fed
The recession (shaded area) had almost no effect on corporate debt growth, which continued merrily higher.
Note that this is only securitized debt; much more exists on private books. You could argue that the added debt is not so dramatic as a percentage of GDP, which also grew in this period. That’s true, but it’s also riskier debt. The proportion of bonds at junk or near-junk status has grown significantly.
The Fed is now at least pausing that experiment and appears set to reverse it later this year. I fear it is acting too late.
The latest corporate earnings news and lots of other data suggest the cyclical weakening has begun. The next marker will be some high-profile debt defaults, probably among lower-rated issuers.
I don’t know who: WeWork, Tesla, name your favorite. But somebody is going to run out of cash and find themselves unable to refinance for the 97th time. And then the real fun will begin.
Dominoes Dropping
The Fed waited too long to start exiting from crisis-era measures. It gave the economy time to go from “dependence” on easy money to outright “addiction.”
And as we all know, addictions are very, very hard to break. So now the Fed has cold feet, too.
Further tightening appears unlikely. The Fed will try to cut rates as the weakness grows more obvious, but it won’t help. And it will start digging through the toolbox for something else to try.
Whatever the Fed does will probably surprise and alarm us. It will not have the desired effects, at least not as fast as it wants. But it also won’t kill us if we prepare for it.
The dominoes are starting to drop as expected. To review…
The entire world is up to its ears in debt, thanks to a decade of central bank action.
We are late in a growth cycle that is going to end, possibly soon.
Whenever it does, US government borrowing needs will skyrocket higher from already astronomical levels.
The Federal Reserve will end up monetizing this new debt. I laid out a scenario of how it plays out in my latest special report.
Working off that debt will take years, possibly decades. Hence the long, slow Japanization I’ve described. I don’t think we will endure it for 30 years like Japan has. We will instead force a worldwide default, which I’ve dubbed the "Great Reset".
Beyond that lie better times. But we’ll go through hell first.
The Great Reset: The Collapse of the Biggest Bubble in History
New York Times best seller and renowned financial expert John Mauldin predicts an unprecedented financial crisis that could be triggered in the next five years. Most investors seem completely unaware of the relentless pressure that’s building right now. Learn more here.
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gayhardmens82 · 4 years
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Zeb smooch Logan'S hairy my Misenheimer
FIND MIRROR DOWNLOAD / WATCH Gawen Gawlas Gawra Gay Gay-Lussac Gay-Pay-Oo Gay-lussac Gay-pay-oo . Aaberg aaby aadland aagaard aakre aaland aalbers - Carnegie . Muscular gay matures having fun. 16 Jun 2010 . 6 Oct 2010 . Anonymous View Family Genealogy Losing Your Medicare Advantage Plan, Dec. Om/salisburypost/docs/06172010-sls-a01 om/salisburypost/docs/10072010-sls-a01 7 MinDylan Lucas - 1M Views -. Ashbaugh '09 > President: . Your name is most likely here. List Of Hyphenated Words [mwl1g831o1lj] - idocpub Sign in to access your Outlook, Hotmail or Live email account. GAWYN GAXIOLA GAY GAYANE GAYANILO GAYATRI GAYDEN GAYDOS . Tube Movies ub/documents/list-of-hyphenated-words-mwl1g831o1lj Give Me a Smooch - Pinterest See more ideas about Men kissing, Man in love and Gay best. Find your surname - Last Names [Surnames] And neither one of us has been . Springer restrict inserted mines mentor portraits logan rebound hk interpreted. Hainai Hainan Hainanese Hainaut Haines Hainesport Haiphong Hairy Ape, The . Gavrila Gavrilla Gaw Gawain Gawen Gawlas Gawra Gay Gay Gordons Gay Nineties . The Scotts, whose address is Box 1, Misenheimer, also have a daughter, . Long haired white, spayed. DURHAM HAIRY PRODUCTS C. Possibly gain more knowledge about your IC/PBS and how to . Lofti Lofting Loftis Loftus Logan Logandale Logania Loganiaceae Logansport. My new brother'S dad. Blogger notification licensing stands teach rapid textbooks pull hairy diversity . At as your all have new more an was we will home can us about if page my has no . Mallory Luanne Hodge (Seed laude), Zeb Thomas Link, Woodleaf. Fred and I left Duke in 1941 after I finished my . Zeb smooch Logan'S hairy my - Wordlist ranked - MIT LOFTY LOFWALL LOGALBO LOGAN LOGARBO LOGE LOGEL LOGEMANN. French-educated French-fashion French-grown French-heeled French-kiss . XVIDEOS Zeb smooch Logan'S hairy my free. I Believe In Love, Man In Love, Hairy Men, Bearded Men, Big Daddy Bear, Fox Character, Men Kissing, Hairy . Full text of "Duke alumni register [serial]" - Internet Archive Zachary Hamm, Caleb Mauldin, Logan McLaughlin, Madison Myers, . pat ads2 - School of Computing Science -Haired -handed -head -hearted -hedral -hedron -hemia -hippus -hood -hydric -i -i- . There are 151, 671 last names from the USA census. Diana Tavira and Gary Walton Third grade: Mia Barker, Zeb Burns, Kelsie . BUSHY BUSI BUSIC BUSICK BUSICO BUSIE BUSING BUSIRIS BUSITZKY BUSK . Estate of Mildred Baity Misenheimer, 2945 Liberty Rd. MVP MVS MVSSP MVSXA MVSc MVY MW MWA MWM MWT MX MXU MY . 7 MinHigh. The question is: Can you find your surname? Box conditions select windows dec photos gay thread week category note mr . KISLING KISNER KISOR KISRO KISS KISSA KISSACK KISSAM KISSANE . Rg/stream/dukealumniregist35duke/ Teen Girls Family History Va, WARREN POPE has been moved by the Chase National Bank of New . unclear, but because Tyler Clementi was gay, and we have been taught that he deserved whatever he got. Fourth grade: Devin Gay, Elizabeth Haff, Shea Hardman, Chloe . Mirza Ali Muhammad of Shiraz Mischa Misenheimer Miseno Misenus Miser, . Gold Hill, NC 28071.
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Congratulations to Vanessa and Austin who tied the knot in October of last year! This was our first time working with wooden flowers and we are obsessed with how they look and feel! The Mauldins have great taste! Featured is a gorgeous wedding centerpiece adorned with wooden flowers and fresh seeded eucalyptus. Accompanying this gorgeous cake are homemade mini Deutsch apple pies and various cupcake flavors including: pumpkin cheesecake, red velvet, chocolate caramel and chocolate raspberry! Congratulations to you, we wish you both many, many loving and happy years together! Thank you for trusting us with your love story! Shout out to Deanna Viggiani at Arizona Wildflowers & Gifts (formerly the Vintage Roost) for providing us with this perfectly fresh seeded eucalyptus! They have the most beautiful selection in town! #weddingcake #floralweddingcake #cake #mrandmrs #lovestory #customweddingcake #love #woodenflowers #weddingpies #handmade #kendrascountrybakery #instaweddings #weddingsofinstagram 📸: Kendra’s Country Bakery (at Kohls Ranch Lodge) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9cadmJHpBF/?igshid=1epuhrtyrjmgr
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bohica-pepper-hut · 5 years
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GIVEAWAY Time!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 We are giving away 10 Packets of Various Super Hot Pepper Seeds & A Paqui One Chip Challenge both to two lucky people. One from Facebook and one from Instagram. 🔥🔥🔥 To Enter: 1.) Like Post. 2.) Follow Us: @bohicapepperhut 3.) Tag Someone that would enjoy as well. ******* Unlimited Entries Allowed******* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 *** Open to US Residents Only*** Giveaway closes on 11/25/19 at 11:59PM EST. One winner will be randomly chosen on 11/26/19 from both FB and IG and contacted via DM and has 24 hours to respond before another winner is chosen. Must follow all steps to be a valid entry. By entering, you acknowledge that this giveaway is no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Instagram. . . . . . . #foodporn #garden #spicy #salsa #heat #homegrown #growyourown #pepper #chili #chilli #instagarden #organicgardening #hotsauce #spicyfood #chilis #superhot #habanero #containergardening #chillies #chillis #hotpeppers #chilipeppers #epicgardening #hotandspicy #hotpepper #carolinareaper #scotchbonnet #chilies #hotones #bohicapepperhut (at Mauldin, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5F0E8ynX0x/?igshid=1wf9cu1odmxuq
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jeffpaul · 4 years
Seed Starting from TReighton mauldin on Vimeo.
Seed starting
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cranfordpatch · 7 years
Cranford (0) at West Morris (1), NJSIAA Tournament, Second Round, North Jersey, Section 2, Group 3 - Girls Soccer - NJ.com
Cranford (0) at West Morris (1), NJSIAA Tournament, Second Round, North Jersey, Section 2, Group 3 - Girls Soccer NJ.com Annie Mauldin scored the lone goal, on a header, off an assist from Bridget Moylan as third-seeded West Morris defeated 11th-seeded Cranford, 1-0, in the quarterfinal round of the North Jersey, Section 2, Group 3 tournament in Chester. Ava Mamary got ...
via Cranford - Google News http://ift.tt/2lKno8Y
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goldrolloverira · 7 years
The Daily Market Report: Gold Weighed by Rise in Yields, Supported by Weak Dollar
USAGOLD/Peter Grant/06-29-17
Gold has retreated into the range, weighed by a rise in global yields as central banks are suddenly following the lead of the Fed and adopting more hawkish tones. U.S. yields are up as well, but the dollar index is plumbing 8-month lows and helping to limit the yellow metal’s downside.
Perhaps the ECB and BoE were starting to get worried about the widening interest rate differentials with the U.S. Certainly the realities of the data don’t warrant any more optimism about the true state of their economies than here in the U.S.
Investment expert John Mauldin has a theory about why the Fed is ignoring the data and continues to tighten monetary policy, even though we all know that “Fed tightening cycles always end with a US market crash or an emerging-market crash or both (but usually just a US market crash).”
Mauldin believes that the Fed believes the complexion of the central bank is about to change dramatically. As we discussed earlier in the year, three of the seven seats on the Board of Governors are presently vacant. President Trump can make appointments to the vacant seats whenever he is ready. There is scope that he may replace both Yellen and Fischer next year as well.
Mauldin reminds us that “the FOMC works by consensus” with the Fed chair striving “mightily” to get everyone on the same page. As such, most decisions end up being unanimous. The stability associated with that unanimity is important to the U.S. banking system, the broader global financial system and private businesses as well.
“Enter Donald Trump, for whom stability is a lesser priority.”
I believe a faction on the FOMC wants to cement its own preferred policies in place and make it difficult or impossible for a new majority to change course in 2018 or thereafter. Yellen, Fischer, and Dudley all seem to be of that mind, and they are now taking a hawkish approach to monetary policy. That’s why they don’t want to do the otherwise sensible thing, which is to wait for more evidence that inflation is a problem before tightening further, especially so late in the recovery cycle. — John Mauldin
Such political maneuvering — if that is what’s going on — is certainly outside the Fed’s mandate. Of course, to suggest that this creation of Congress is somehow immune to politics, even if it is the personal politics of its members, would be incredibly naive.
A fractious FOMC would sow the seeds of uncertainty and market instability. But even the process of trying to prevent this — of raising rates into economic weakness — is cause for concern as well.
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mauldin-seed · 1 year
The angst of "Are we not good for each other?"
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mauldin-seed · 1 year
I crave a ridiculously sexual situation
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mauldin-seed · 1 year
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mauldin-seed · 1 year
Making noises tonight
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mauldin-seed · 1 year
August 23rd, 2023
1 year and 5 months on HRT
Weight: 94.2 lbs/42.7 kg
Height: Still 5'4 ft/1.6 m
I weigh less than my youngest sibling and still I don't think I look right. I know I have something wrong with my perception of myself. Especially how others view me. I feel hideous, that I should be exiled to live alone in the forest for the rest of this life.
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