#maves night art
dollnightfall · 1 year
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mrbexwrites · 21 days
Sibling Q&A Tag
Tagged by @spideronthesun here- thank you <3 Leaving an open tag for anyone else who'd like to do this, as my brain is not working at the moment 😅 I was going to answer this for my Memento Mori siblings, but the questions fit Mavis & Connor best!
1. Who looks the most like Dad?
Connor: Mavis. Mavis: We're twins. I feel like we both have a lot of his features. Unfortunately. Connor: You more than me, though. You have his frown, and you wear it all the time. Mavis:...
2. Who looks the most like mom?
Both: Colleen. Connor: She definitely takes after Mum. She got her eyes, which definitely helps.
3. Who eats the most?
Mavis: Connor. You've put some weight on, recently. Maybe time t cut down. You've got a wedding suit to squeeze into. Connor: Don't fat-shame me! I've been stress eating, and Hadley says my having a tummy means that there's more for me to love!
4. Who has been in the weirdest situations?
Connor: Mavis. 100% Mavis. I mean...you've met her right? She's pretty effed-up.
5. Who sleeps the most?
Mavis: Connor. He lies in bed well past sunrise most days. Connor: Some of us just sleep a normal eight hour night, and can't survive on whatever sleep they can snatch. Mave, getting less than four hours of sleep per night isn't healthy!
6. Most stable romantic life?
Both in unison: Connor.
7. Worst habit of each one?
Connor: Mavis has a lot of unaddressed anger issues. She's going to need a lot of therapy. She likes to horde tins of food, but I think that's a trauma response. She doesn't use her words to tell us how she's feeling, she'll just sulk and lash out, expecting us to know what's wrong with her. She's pretty grumpy most of the time. But she does like to keep thins neat and tidy....a little too neat and tidy. Like 'everything has a place' tidy. So, yeah... Mavis: ... Mavis: Connor chews with his mouth open.
8. Who's the most dramatic?
Connor: Mavis Mavis: Connor. Connor: Wait...! What?! How am I the most dramatic? Mavis: You cried when you got punched in the face. Connor: That's not being dramatic! That's being in pain! You're the dramatic one! You blew up an art gallery just because Arnauld was in it! Mavis: That's not dramatic. That's being thorough. Connor:...
9. Who had a weird phase?
Mavis: Connor. He went through his emo phase. With a stupid fringe and lip piercing. The long chain hanging from his jeans. The poetry! Connor: It was a phase! yes, it was super cringe, but who wasn't a total little weirdo when they were 13 years old?
10. Best cook of the family?
Connor: Mum. 100% Mum. She bakes her own bread, makes her own yoghurt. She can take anything and turn it into a banquet. Honestly, you should come round. She'll never see someone go away hungry.
11. Best memory together?
Mavis: That day we went fishing in the river, and you caught a fish. I helped you reel it in. Connor: We were five or six. That's your favourite memory of us? Mavis: *shrugs*
12. Worst memory together?
Connor: There was this one time when Mavis kidnapped me, and took me to our father. He tortured me. That wasn't great.
13. Dream trip together
Connor: Pretty much anywhere. We've been apart for most of our childhood. Maybe a camping trip so that we can have proper time spent in nature, bonding, reminiscing... Mavis: I'd rather go to Hell than go on a holiday with you.
14. Would you rather not be able to shower for a month or have the same clothes for a month?
Connor: Shower. I'd hate not being able to shower. I want to be cleeean! I could always air out my clothes, or spray them with deoderant to try to mask the smell. But I want me to be clean and fresh. Mavis: I not fussed. Done both, if I'm honest. No-one complained. Connor: It's a good thing that smell isn't something that can travel over our psychic link...!
15. Who's the older one?
Connor: Mavis. But only by a couple of minutes.
16. Role model?
Connor: Arnauld. He's so cool, and has shaped me into the man I am today. Followed closely by Gary. Mavis: Father.
17. Who usually has the worst ideas?
Mavis: Connor. He's an idiot. Connor: Says the person who blew up an art gallery !!
18. A GIANT insect is on the wall, who's taking care of it?
Both: Mavis. Connor: I'm squemish. Mavis will get it. Mavis: He usually begs for me to just trap it and throw it outside. It's easier to kill it, but he usually asks nicely, and I'm trying to be a better person, so I'll just scoop it into my hand, and throw it out a window.
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ltcolonelcarter · 2 years
Tagged by: @calalac ✨
Nicknames: mavy, rarely, mave more commonly but still not often
Sign: ♎
Height: 5'8" and a smidge, on a good day
Last thing I googled: we use duckduckgo here, but I went hunting for some old (unused, I think) dbh concept art of kamski and his android cat.
Song stuck in my head: literally SO MANY. social climb is playing in my brain 100% of the time, the death stranding soundtrack is ruining me in glorious fashion, and i'm still thinking about seeing witches burn performed live a few months ago.
Amount of sleep: last night, five hours. my average is a little higher.
Dream job: "I do not dream of labour" etc etc. I like my job, with a few caveats. science communication, maybe.
Wearing: jeans, my warmest turtleneck and socks that featur The Great A'Tuin.
Movie/show that summarises me: oh I don't know. stargate, maybe, if you're looking for my roots. the oa or dark if you want something closer to my flavour of "there's Something going on here but I'm not at all sure what it is". honourable mentions: pushing daisies for being murderous but also bright and fun.
Favourite song right now: to sidestep having to choose I'd recommend you check out my audio tag. it has my favourites.
Favourite instrument: i love so so many, it changes, but probably the organ. organ music gets me on another level. this track is a great example (and a favourite)
Aesthetic: choosing one runs antithetical to my preferences, but imagine that pleasant but mildly spooky stranger that lives in the village, probably has a dark secret, grows too many herbs and has a killer recipe for carrot cake
Favourite author: SIGH it's a two way tie between Jeff VanderMeer and David Mitchell (not the comedian). for the former, I read southern reach and loved literally everything about it: the unsettling nature of the narrative, the crystal clarity with which I could hear the narrator speak. sometimes I see things and hear a voice that reminds me of the biologist. david mitchell fucks me up in a very mundane sort of way. I finished the bone clocks and felt like I'd lived three lifetimes over the course of a few weeks. that book feels like a place, rather than an object, and his interweaving of characters and narratives in the subtlest of ways across his books drives me insane.
Favourite animal noise: my cat's happy trilling. he's such a sweet lunatic.
Tagging: no pressure ofc! @jadefyre @leelany-world @dattebae @pseudonymmcwriter @chaos-thirium @cerberusdreams @advictoriams @shinyportalsandthings @sp8sexual @tartrazeen and anyone else who fancies it✨
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ramonekemono · 18 days
The official release of my mod "Ramone Kemono's MMD Drag Ball", demonstrated by the Fallingstar Beast! You can download it now here!
And to enhance the experience, especially with dance animations without effects, you should download the MMDbg mod here: https://github.com/Baramanga/MMDbg
This mod add 18 new MMD dance animations to your Creature Editor Test Drive, with 7 of which having special effects designed by me to give you the full experience! All the dances have camera motion imported into the game and work by moving a camera effect attached to a very tiny horn weapon parts mounted on a long multi-segmented invisible limb. It took me quite a long time to figure out how adjust the camera animation to translate it to Spore, given Spore has quite a number of quirks when it comes to animation and camera control.
Overall, I'm quite happy with how this turns out after a whole year of developing this mod and its gimmicks! Shoutout to all my Beta Testers, who helped me catch any mistakes during development and provided with useful feedbacks! And get ready too because I already finished importing all the animations to my second mod and it's now also open to Beta Testers!
Credits of the motion and audio resources are in the files and is displayed in the mods. Big thanks to @i-am-thedragon for her wonderous work with all the graphical assets used for the dance effects!
-CynicalNightPlan (by:Ayase/cover:ARAKI) | motion:リングイネ(Linguine) | camera:yukineko_0815 | asset:I_am_THEdragon | effect:RamoneKemono -EXID - UP&DOWN + CupcakKe Remix(miniorite) | motion+camera:Sewelina -G(I)_DLE Nxde + CupcakKe Remix(Ranvision) | motion+camera:ren -K/DA - MORE + CupcakKe Remix(Ranvision) | motion+camera:ladiealien -K/DA - POPSTAR + CupcakKe Remix(Ranvision) | motion+camera:2TIGers -MAVE Pandora CupcakKe Remix(Ranvision) | motion+camera:Natsumi San -A Way of Life - Deep inside my mind Remix | motion+camera:Seto -Can't Stop the Feeling! - Justin Timberlake | motion+camera:cSEHxWAGznL0Xjo -CH4NGE (by Giga) | motion:mobiusP | camera:TheSodaWave | asset:I_am_THEdragon | effect:RamoneKemono -Cinderella (Giga First Night Remix) | Skeleton: sour暄 | Motion: porushi -Hiasobi / Play With Fire (by かめりあ/Camellia) | motion:mobiusP | camera:SvaliN | Effect Inspiration:TheSodaWave | asset:I_am_THEdragon | effect:RamoneKemono -Kimagure Mercy by HachioujiP | motion:iiCxmeron_MMD | camera+facial:seitsuki -Otome Kaibou by DECO*27 | motion:YY | facials:SAIKI | camera:Ri2Pepper | asset:I_am_THEdragon | effect:RamoneKemono -Primary Star (by Reno) | motion:mobiusP | camera:TheSodaWave | asset:I_am_THEdragon | effect:RamoneKemono -Satisfaction (by kz/livetune) | motion,camera:apr | Effect Inspiration:TheSodaWave | asset:I_am_THEdragon | effect:RamoneKemono -NAYEON POP + CupcakKe/Shenseea Remix(Ranvision) | motion+camera:Natsumi-san -Angel Wings (A4,cover by Ray Morris) | facial+motion:nai0202 | camera:HanaMMD+miiiiina_102 | asset:I_am_THEdragon | effect:RamoneKemono -YOASOBI - IDOL | motion:boluodesu | camera:1upus/Hina | asset:I_am_THEdragon | effect:RamoneKemono
Assets used: Annoying Stage: https://bowlroll.net/file/243036 Bone parts: https://davoonline.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=9416
Thanks to the amazing @i-am-thedragon for her tireless works with importing, adjusting and creating the textures and meshes used in this project! Follow her here for her other projects and art! https://github.com/I-am-thedragon/
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pollyna · 2 years
Sarah meets Tom in January, outside a very discreet queer pub in New York during Christmas' holidays and they decide to get married in February. Only Slider and a friend of Sarah, Olly? Molly?, are present and when the judge say you can kiss your bride Tom kisses her cheek and thanks her. A week later Sarah is back to school, studying to become a lawyer and taking a minor in art, and Tom is back to his post. They don't wear a ring but they share a black bracelet they chose after they signed all the right documents.
Tom calls her from deployment around the world when he can, Sarah studies and gets her degree and then she passes her bar exam and Tom flies commercial to be there, Slider with him and Olly, Molly?, more happy then ever to see them both. People call her Mrs. Kazansky and Tom has to take her hand in his before she punches someone and their parents too. Everytime Tom hears someone saying Mrs. Kazansky he can't help but straight out his uniform because where his mom is the General follows. But, for once, they aren't talking about his family.
Between a deployment and another they buy a house, big enough to have two bedroom, a study and an art room they make in a garage that's almost always empty, a garden where to host barbecues during the fourth of July and a livingroom with a couch big enough to serve as another bed in case Slider or one of their friends wants to stay for the night. Sarah's room is on the left side of the second floor and Tom's on the right. They're both almost thirty five and their life is better than they would have thought. Sarah works all the cases she wants because she is a very good lawyer that learned a thing or two about stern looks from Tommy and Iceman starts getting promoted so fast they stop throwing a party everytime or they'll spend all the time celebrating. They still have to go around Sarah's house and plays the happy couple, answering questions about babies (that Sarah doesn't want and that Iceman doesn't care abour, at all), about their anniversary (they spend the last one going out to dinner and then to dance because they are allowed to have fun, okay? Two before the last Tom tried to take Sarah up in the sky but she almost fainted after seeing the plane so they end up going out for a hiking and eating icecream for dinner), the sex (that makes Tom red in the face and Sarah giggling because if they only knew) and why don't they kiss in front of other people (Tom is shy).
Once Ron tried to make one of them explain what type of marriage they were in, loveless and sexless?, and Sarah has looked right in his eyes for so long the pasta in his dish has gone cold. This one, she finally says pointing her fork directly at Ice's face, is still in love with Mave-rick drawing rainbows and writing Mr. and Mr. Kazansky-Mitchell on every piece of paper he can find but doesn't talk about it with him because everytime Pete is around he gets stupider than usual and for me? I got to finish my studies, married someone my dad likes, who cares about me and remembers my favourite ice cream without having to remember him every two minutes. 'S strange but good strange.
The food is pretty good too Slider added because Ice's face was red as the tomato sauce, Sarah was laughing and he wouldn't want the night to be ruined by awkward conversation.
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dollnightfall · 1 year
Ehehe Circus Baby based off a convo I had with a friend
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dollnightfall · 1 year
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Late night rants
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