#max parkhurst
maxparkhurst · 14 days
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Somewhere in the distance, the clock tolled eight.
A warm, ember glow filtered through the curtains to cast a dappling spotlight upon Max. She hovered outside the window pane, peering into what would otherwise be a dim and dark interior. The alchemical sconces were lit to full this evening as her brother and their assistant - an aspiring arcanist named Colette- guided a fresh face through the labyrinth of books, herbs, and alchemical formulae. The new hire was a stripling of an elf, whose name eluded Max despite being introduced not moments prior. Colette fluttered like a hummingbird around the new hire, chirping in his ear as she fed on the nectar of his attention. She plucked vials haphazardly from their cases and paraded them as if they were her own concoctions. Watching her peacock around, knowing very well Max’s departure would not be for another few days, coated the alchemist’s throat in a caustic venom.
She did not want to hire Colette, much less a second assistant. Not for a lack of finance; between the stipends gifted by several organizations and the building’s rent covered by their absentee benefactor, the Parkhursts were to able accrue both monetary and influential wealth. From connections to the Gilnean Black Market, to the discrete research done for the kingdom’s reconnaissances division, it was safe to say that the Parkhursts possessed hands in several pockets. Except for Dalaran. No one held much claim in Dalaran; not as recently.
The shattering of glass caused Max to retreat into the shadow. Colette stood with upraised palms, she and the new hire blinking at the pool of azure and glass at their feet- utterly dumbfounded. A sour scowl drew across Max’s lips. No, it was not a lack of money that made her loathe someone new or novel.
Max’s attention briefly flicked to her brother. Augustine dispelled their stupor with a gentle smile and a chittering laugh. Both Colette and the elf grinned alongside him as they stepped back from the mess. Her brother’s gentle nature disarmed even the most seasoned veteran. Warm and affable, people often drew to him like moths to the flame. Yet as of the last few months, he began to shift. Slow and subtle. Constant, like a shimmer of sorts, dark like an overcast sky. She first noticed it when she woke in Drustvar after a long slumber. She heard it in his voice. In his choice of words. Not wrong. No. Still undoubtedly her brother. But there was deliberation in his words. Reservation. A guarded nature she did not see in him before. He was different. As if possessed of some new secret. Or, perhaps more adequate, stripped of something integral. Augustine was adept at batting away the topic of Drustvar and its witch. Whatever happened, he would not share with Max. He only continued to be different.
Augustine guided them to a new case of potions, directing their attention away from the deepening shadow sewn to his feet. The dark pool rippled and stirred. Tendrils rose from the depths, wavering in the shop’s glow, before coalescing into themselves. Gradually, the dark took form. A mirror image of her brother separated from his shadow. It was void of color and depth as if it’d been clipped from the daily paper. With an off-handed gesture from Augustine, the shade began cleaning the broken vial.
The mishap remedied and forgotten, the three continued their charades. Colette the bird and Elf the sheep, poking and prodding at Max’s work. Shepherded by Auggie - her dearest brother- who was more vulpine than either of them could ever imagine.
Max watched from the other side of the window. The burden of the sky weighed on her shoulders. The Alliance called for aid in Khaz Algar; if she did not go, then he must. And she would do anything to keep him safe within her shadow of silver-spun sophistry.
Some part of her, though, wished to go inside. To banish these newcomers from her burrow…
Somewhere in the distance, the clock tolled nine.
Smoke burned Max’s throat raw. The last of the cigarette sucked down in greedy puffs before being snuffed of its embers. Max tucked the bud in her pocket - after all, she must maintain the image of a consciousness citizen- and pushed off her claimed lamppost. A salt-laced breeze from the harbor rustled her hair, tiptoeing past to the silent gardens of Lion’s Rest. News of Dalaran and the growing onslaught of Nerubians finally reached Stormwind. It suffocated the last inkling of summer idealism, leaving behind a dense shawl of unrest and uncertainty. Many were recruited to the front lines. Most soldiers. Some artisans, scholars, mages, alchemists…
A sigh escaped Max’s chest as she meandered through the stone arches that fed into the harbor. She passed a number of shops on her way, a dozen unlit, a dozen half-lit, and a dozen dying dark. The city was dead as a result of recent events. Which served Max just fine. She needn’t worry about which mask appeared most pleasant. Even if it that dance were almost reflexive at this point. Being clever and pleasant was always exhausting. Better to be seen by no one at all.
She stopped just short of a door nestled where Light, Death, and the Deep meet.
Well- perhaps that was a small lie. There were a few individuals who saw past Max’s facade. And one in particular whose gaze she sought more than anyone’s.
From her satchel, Max fished out a sealed envelope. She ran her thumbs over the corners, ignoring the needle stuck between her ribs. A courtesy, she reminded herself, to a friend. That was the purpose of her letter. Her gaze lifted to the Kraken embossed on the door. A momentary pause as she wrestled with herself, hand poised above the knocker. She sucked the backs of her teeth and withdrew into herself. Standing on the other side of the door, she shifted on cold feet. The burden of her decisions weighed heavily on her shoulders.
Max drew in a quiet breath before placing the envelope in the door’s mail slot. She stepped back into the streets, hands stuffed in her pockets, and took a final cursory glance over the building. All the windows were vacant of light, much like the rest of the city at this hour. She found it rather peculiar and lingered a moment longer. The home’s tenant was gone for the evening. Not a strange occurrence. Yet Max couldn’t seem to shake a distinct feeling of deja vu.
Stuffing tendrils of dread deep into her chest, Max snaked her way through the Cathedral District and towards the Canals.
Some part of her, though, wished to retreat back in time. To a small cottage hidden in the shadows of the Jade Temple…
Somewhere very near, the clock tolled ten.
“He must be worried.”
More statement than question, Max’s voice cut through the Canal’s gentle quiet. She perched on the bridge connecting the Trade District and Old Town. Another sealed envelope sat heavy in her lap. Her myopic gaze lifted from the water and slid to the slip of shadow that lingered a few paces back. At this hour, with the street lamps burning low, the feline appeared paper thin. No more than a piece of shadow-stitched patchwork with eyes that glistened like translucent marbles. No fire burned in its gaze. Those eyes belonged to Calcifer alone.
“Is he still tending to our guests?”
The feline flicked its tail.
Max pursed her lips with a flat-note hum.
“I see.”
She offered the envelope down to the shadow familiar.
It stared back, unblinking.
“Deliver this to Director Hawke for me.” She settled back on her palms when the feline freed her of the missive. Head cocked back and eyes shut, she released a slow breath. “I haven’t the energy to do it myself.”
She was met with silence.
Peeking her eye open, she caught the last glimpse of Calcifer as he stepped out of the lamplight’s halo and dispersed into the evening’s dark.
Alone again.
Some part of her wished that Calcifer had stayed…
____ Mentions: @longveil & @kat-hawke
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antiquated-dust · 2 years
Seeing is Believing
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Max turned the vial between her fingers, its contents casting a faint, crimson glow. The shop was dark and dusty, lined with a layer of comforting silence. Tobacco smoke hung thick in the air. She felt at home among the oddities, rarities, and antiquities of Grimorium Verum. Or as close to home as she would allow.
“You’re awfully quiet, Bato.” Max’s fingers closed around the vial, sealing away its light and ethereal warmth. “Gil for your thoughts?”
She stole a fox-quick glance over her shoulder. And there, framed by towers of decrepit books and obelisks of junk she found the greatest antique inside Grimorium Verum. A raisin of a lalafell  hunched over the sandstone counter, milky gaze narrowed through a thick veil of smoke. Grey hair hung limp over his shoulders, left to grow wild and unruly. A black coeurl made fat and lazy laid on the counter next to him. Chirped when the man gave its belly an absent pat.  His lips shriveled into a deeper scowl. The pipe hanging from them bobbed when he muttered.
“Nothin’ important.”
“Same as usual, then.”
Max’s laughter died prematurely when Bato remained quiet. Not even a twitch to hint that she’d been heard. She cleared her throat, gaze flitting to the curio cabinet. A mental note was made: whenever the opportunity presented itself, she’d drag that old sense of humor under the table and smother it.  
“Anyroad- I have something for you.” The vial was returned to its home on the rack. A placard beneath it labeled the vials in thick, black letters - Voidsent Blood. Max reached into her jacket, procuring from its folds a velveteen pouch. She hovered uncertainly. Then tossed the pouch onto the counter. “Happy Starlight.”
Bato’s eyes flicked down to the pouch. Smoke rolled over his lips as he barked a humorless laugh. “Starlight?” - withered fingers curled into the plush fabric- “Heh. Ain’t ya’ just sweet.” He slid the pouch into a drawer, then returned his attention to Max. Stared at her through wire-thin brows. She knew that look very well. It was a look that demanded no nonsense.
So, she tried again.
“I need a favor.”
“O’ course ya’ do.”
“This one is different.” Max’s hand slipped into her jacket once more. This time, she retrieved a slip of parchment.
Bato upturned his nose with a chuff. “Different my ass.”
The note was slid across the counter, pinned beneath her finger. Her voice dipped into a gentle hush as she leaned forward. “Please, Bato.”  
The lalafell grew still and quiet, milky gaze burning a hole into the paper. A sly smirk drew across Max’s lips as she withdrew her hand with aching slowness. It felt good to win.
Bato remained silent a moment more before relinquishing a defeated sigh. He fumbled with the note. Read it over once. Then gave a curt nod. From its resting spot against the counter, he retrieved a wooden cane. A few hobbled steps brought him to the curio cabinet beyond the desk. “Curse th’ day I made that promise t’ ya’ father,” he grumbled as he began plucking jars from their shelves, “ ‘Twixt the two o’ ya’, m’ gonna be bled dry.”
“Oh. You’ve seen him recently?” Max propped either elbow on the counter, watching the Lalafell measure spoonfuls of fluorescent powder onto a scale. The warmth that crept into her smile almost felt instinctual. “And what exactly is my little brother up to these days?”
Bato hesitated. Threw a weary look over his shoulder before tapping off the excess powder from the spoon. “Shovin’ his nose where it doesn't belong.” From a drawer, he procured a draw-string bag. As an afterthought, he added, “Came ‘round here lookin’ for ya’ again.”
“I see.”
The powder was scraped from the scale and dumped into the bag. He sealed it with a taut pull of its strings. “He knows, kiddo.”
The air felt suddenly cooler, and the shadows appeared much darker. Max stepped away from the counter. Found a home for her twitching hands in the comfort of her pockets. “How much?”
“Mo’e than he ought to know. Enough t’ ask the right questions…”
Max drew in a quiet breath and held it until she could feel her pulse in her ears. When she finally spoke, she cringed at how weak her voice sounded in the open air. “Did you tell him?”
Bato’s nose crinkled at the question, lips curled to reveal a picket fence of plaque. “Told him the last I saw of Maxinora was on a boat set for Kugane.” He dropped the draw-string bag upon the counter. “An’ nothin’ mo’e.”
Inklings of relief seeped into Max’s fingers as she reached for the bag. After a moment, she mustered a quiet- “Thank you.”
“I didn’t do it for you.”
Max met Bato’s gaze. She still remembered a time when he looked upon her with warmth. When her puckish antics merited begrudging smiles and smoke-tinged laughter. Cold indifference warped his eyes into something far paler and more distant. He was peering through Max as though she were made of air. In this shop she called home, she was little more than a shadow on the wall.
“I did it for him,” the Lalafell sighed, “He’s finally findin’ some happiness. An’ he sure as shit doesn’t need you fuckin’ it up for him.” Bato plucked the pipe from his lips, dumping the ash into an awaiting tray. “He’s better off without you.”
She didn’t need to hear it from him.
She already knew it. Repeated it to herself until the words tasted foreign on her tongue. As if she could form a callus thick enough to withhold against its bitter sting.
Hearing it and knowing it were one thing. But seeing it with her own eyes was another.
Merriment lined the streets of Ul’dah by way of strung-up lights and Starlight sentinels. Vendors’ pockets were fat and deep from the seasonal bustle. Children were made gleeful by the mounds of snow pocketing the curbs. Warmth filled the air as couples meandered through the night, hand-in-hand. And above all the wonder and delight rose a note of laughter.
A sound she knew better than her own heart beat.
She picked him out of the crowd, though it took a few tries. He was taller than she remembered. More broad of shoulder. The missing tip of his ear was also new. As was his steady gait. She’d recognize those eyes anywhere, even if they gleamed with confidence she knew he wasn’t born with.
When did it all change? 
He wore a bright smile unlike any he’d ever donned. A smile that was unafraid to exist beyond the confines of his cheeks, becoming more teeth than eyes. It was one of growing happiness, much as the sun peeks through an overcast sky. It came from deep inside him. A morsel of his own soul offered in the most gentle of fashions. And she heard it, too, in his voice. In his choice of words. In the way he relaxed in the presence of that white-haired Au ra.
Max watched from afar, hidden in the recess of an alley, as A’gust and his companion disappeared into the crowd. How happy he seemed to be these days.
Much happier without his sister.
But she already knew that
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kat-hawke · 1 year
To Rattle the Chains
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Kat stood upon the stone outcrop, the gentle breeze rustling her hair as she gazed out over the serene park. Her eyes drifted across the vast open space, listening to the one-eyed alchemist below as she collect a bowl of soup from a street vendor just below her perch. Their gaze meeting for a brief moment in silent understanding.
With a covered bowl in her hand, Max respectfully approached her, acknowledging her position. "Director," Max spoke as she settled on the stone, holding the bowl carefully in her lap.
Kat's attention turned towards the bowl in the alchemist's lap, her curiosity piqued. "Is the soup for actual consumption, or some sort o' experimentation?"
"I don't play with my food," Max scoffed, tapping the lip of the bowl. "Augustine is watching the shop this evening. Thought I'd fetch him something."
"How kind 'n sisterly." The Director muttered, feigning interest.
Max clicked her tongue in jest, "I do try," she replied, turning towards the promenade below. "Business or pleasure, Director?" the alchemist asked with a smile, gesturing to the people below.
A curt snort forced through the Director's nostrils as her lips flattened at the corners. "As much as I love jokes about pleasure everyone seems t'make... Do I ev'a make an appearance in public for anything other than business, Miss Parkhurst?"
"Suppose not." Max hummed in agreement. "You'll have to excuse me, Director, if I so wish to cushion your professional demeanor with a bit of light-hearted banter."
A faint smirk curled the edge of Kat's lips, "Th' absolute audacity," she muttered before scanning the area. "A quick word, however, is my business here. I'll try not t'bend your ear for too long. Wouldn' want the soup t'go cold."
Max nodded understandingly, "Certainly not. Cold soup makes for a terrible meal," she quipped, raising a brow. "You have my attention. Unless you'd prefer a more quiet place to speak business?"
Shifting her attention fully toward the alchemist, the Director gave her a knowing stare. "When do I eva enjoy public crowds or the noise?"
"Fair enough," Max chuckled, rising to her feet with the bowl held securely. "Lead the way, then."
Kat motioned vaguely as she turned on her heel, leading Max to a quieter spot for their discussion. Choosing the longer route to ensure none were tailing, the two made small talk on the newly re-opened shop that the Parkhurst siblings had acquired. Whether or not the Director truly cared was uncertain, but the long walk to the far corner of the graveyard in silence would have been less than ideal.
Navigating beneath the vine-covered trellises, she approach one which held a tub of water and a handful of fish. Gloved hands rested upon the weathered rim as she stared down into her reflection in the water. Sinister thoughts and whispers of self-loathing began to stir in the deepest recesses of the Director's mind.
"I trust things have been goin' well with Sherwood's potions?" She inquired without looking away from the water.
Max took in the scenery with a subtle nod. "More or less," she remarked, turning to lean against the trellis. Her myopic gaze traced the vine's path upwards, tongue tapping against the backs of her teeth. A sigh eventually fell from her lips. "I've been researching the technicals behind the curse along with corresponding treatments. The result is just a lot of theory and postulation, though, without a real test subject."
The alchemist's fingers drummed against the bottom of the bowl. "All that to say— I've only a trial sample to offer."
As she gazed at her reflection with disappointment and disgust, Kat let out a low hum from behind her lips. Shifting her focus to Max, she leaned back against the water tub as her arms crossed beneath her bust. "Ian serves as the primary test subject, being th'only worgen in our crew," she explained. "But that's no' th'only reason for our conversation. There's something else that doesn' require Sherwood or anyone else's involvement."
Max's gaze snapped back to Kat, and the corners of her cordial smile twitched upwards. Revealed the faintest hint of a fox's wicked grin. "Then, at your word, I'll have the first samples delivered to Mister Sherwood." She paused, head canted as she recollected her smile. "You've my attention and discretion, Director."
Kat raised her hand for a brief moment before nestling it back into the opposite elbow with a shallow nod at Max's initial statement, a silent green light to deliver the trial potions to Ian. "Good. I need somethin' t'do th' opposite of wot Ian's potions will do. A concoction that will, let us say, uncage the beast within someone who is afflicted, rather than calm it."
Max's brows rose to meet her hairline as she incredulously blinked. "Might I ask why?"
The Director maintained her solid expression as she looked the alchemist back in the eye. "You may not."
Max clicked her tongue. Then nodded. "Fair enough."
"I do no' plan anythin' of ill intent. If that is of concern." Kat offered in a monotone.
A hum escaped the alchemist in her breath. It sounded more contemplative than condescending. "I am paid to craft potions and maintain discretion." She summoned her cordial smile and offered it to Kat with a slight inclination of her head. "What you do with my creations is beyond my concern. Though, I appreciate the reassurance nonetheless."
Max's shoulder rolled in a subtle shrug. "A lot of frivolous fluff to say I trust you, Director."
"Trust is generally earned, no' given, but I appreciate th' statement all th' same." Kat chuffed with a quick roll of her eyes.
"Fair enough. I'll begin work on your request as soon as I am able." Max replied before her brow raised once more to voice a slight concern. "This will require more valuable herbs and reagents, so you know."
"Send me th' invoice and I'll make sure it's taken care of. Either that or a list of th' reagents 'n herbs and I'll arrange a delivery." Kat dismissed the matter with a shrug, unbothered by the financial impact it may carry.
Max's warm smile lit up her face ever so slightly. "Wonderful. You can expect to hear back from me soon," she said, pushing herself away from the trellis and tilting her head inquisitively. "Is there anything else that needs to be addressed?"
"No, that's all," Kat replied, gesturing with two fingers towards the path. "You should go before the soup freezes."
"Of course." Max chuckled softly and started down the path, waving briefly over her shoulder. "Enjoy your skulking, if that's what you prefer, Director."
The Director let out a low, grumbling sound, lips pursed tightly as her gaze narrowed. "I do not skulk," she muttered, glancing briefly at her reflection in the pool before heading off in the opposite direction.
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[ @maxparkhurst ] [ Mentioned: @ian-sherwood ]
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kyuusei-shadowleaf · 1 year
FMK: Shandris Feathermoon, Max, Zeehva
“Marrying Shandris and there’s gonna be a looong honeymoon.” Kyuu’s reply was decisive, with nary a moment of hesitation. “You name me one kaldorei who went through the Long Vigil or served as a Sentinel and still says they don’t at least low-key crush on the General, and you’re naming a liar.”
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The druid sighed, lost in a brief, happy reverie.
“What were we talking about again?” “Oh, yes, the other two. Mhmmm. Both human, and I wouldn’t want to marry a short-lifer anyways. Maxinora, the Parkhurst woman, we’ve done some business in rare herbs before. That gives us something in common for pillow talk afterwards, so she’s in the fuck category. And Zeehva? I think I’ve heard the name but… sorry. Kill is all that’s left.”
(Thanks for the ask, @damien-ward. And sorry @zeehva - maybe if Damien had provided some pictures!)
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poptarttheremix · 3 years
The Writer
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High School is such a weird time. Everyone’s growing into their shoes and learning how to walk comfortably in their skin. I wore beat-up Chucks and felt out of place no matter how much makeup I painted on. The greatest adversary I faced happened to be the lunch line. No one tells you how they work or which one to stand in. So, instead of asking someone - and risking whatever fictitious standing I held- I took my lunch money and bought Poptarts out of the vending machine. This wasn’t a sound idea as a full lunch, drink and all, was only $2.15. A Poptart from the machine was a $1.75, and no matter how much water I drank from the fountain to fill those empty carbs I went back to class hungry. 
This would become routine for the rest of Freshman year, and gradually it bled into Sophomore until someone took pity on me and took me through the line.
Now, I know that the fear of not knowing shouldn’t be demonized. Your questions are not silly. Making discoveries is not lame. And Poptarts? Well, they still make for a good snack. 
So: Call me Poptarte. 
I fancy myself a writer, when in reality I’m a dork who likes the sound of their own voice. The night is when I reign supreme, coffee saturates my blood, and I’ve the terrible habit of sticking my face in dogs’ faces. Catch me running on that Eastern Standard Time and filling this blog with absolute nonsense. The vibes here are always chill. 
You want writing? 
Check out these characters I write for on Final Fantasy. 
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Final Fantasy XIV, Crystal/ Mateus (Status: Active) 
An affable, young Miqo’te searching for answers to questions surrounding the disappearance of his sister. While raised amongst the civil unrest of Ul’dah, he’s managed to keep his smile radiant and hopes high. It’s thanks to the crew of Porta Ciela that he’s able to venture out into the open world, equipped with aught more than his alchemical knowledge, quick wit, and endearing charm. 
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Final Fantasy XIV, Crystal/ Mateus (Status: Under Construction)
A reflection cast in crystal, she can’t shake this perpetual feeling of deja vu. She wanders across Eorzea under a myriad of alias and names. Though, she is most commonly referred to as The Alchemist. 
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auggieparkhurst · 3 years
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Perhaps he could not find respite in the shadows of their shared hearth, the second chair now occupied by someone else,  but he could still find it  within dust-filmed tomes. The bell’s chime welcomed Augustine into Stacks. It was  an old, decrepit bookstore. Haphazardly wedged between two towering buildings, as if it’s been an afterthought.  Even late in the evening, as Augustine had left the house at nine bells, the door to the shop remained unlocked. Ever confident was the Archivist in her security measures. The runes of her ingenuitive mind were etched into the doorframe, their lament light barely visible. He blinked up at them, flashed a smile, and stepped inside. Immediately the young man was met by the dower countenance of the Archivist. A gnome, who showed the first signs of grey as testament to her age, by the name of Tinkara, perched behind an adjacent counter. The ledger sprawled across her desk marked by a quill as she peered over horn-rimmed glasses.
“Hello again, Augustine.” She spared no time for pleasantries. Any kind word to be offered by him promptly silenced by an upheld hand. She licked a fingertip and flipped a few pages in her ledger. The crow’s feet at her eyes deepened as she strained to read. Her lips puckered in an indignant pout, nail tracing along a line of text. “Here we go.  Alchemical Principles and Runic Associations,” -she quirked a thin brow- “Just got it in, if that’s what you’re lookin’ for.”
He forced his smile to grow beyond its limits, revealing a sliver of teeth, while he stuffed any misgivings down his throat. The passenger in his bag squirmed. “Oh,” he chittered, clutching his satchel’s strap in a  white-knuckled grip. “Um...Not tonight, actually. I was just looking to browse.”
“Hmph.” Tinkara squinted. Milky gaze traipsed up and along his length until it lingered on his face. Another chuff. She flipped the ledger closed with a satisfying smack. “Look to your heart’s content, I suppose.”
“Thank you.”
Just as he turned to leave, Tinkara beckoned him back. “One moment, Augustine.”
He froze in the aisle, gaze fixed on some distant point. “Yes, ma’am?”
“You don’t have that cat with you, do you?”
His laugh was effortless. Light and airy, he expelled it like any other breath as he shook his head- extra sure to jostle his curls just so. “Of course not.” He looked over his shoulder to the Archivist, canting his head. “Wouldn’t dream of bringing her inside. Not after what happened last time.”
“Uh. Huh.” Tinkara pushed the spectacles further up her nose. She gave Augustine another once over.  “I should hope so.” She waved him on.
Augustine dipped his head in gratitude and scurried down the seemingly endless aisle of books. That was the magic of Stacks.  It’s exterior belied little of it’s interior. A street view would lead by-passers believing the shop to be little more than an insubstantial accrual of second-hand books. Only those who ventured inside knew the truth-- that the shop was bigger on the inside. Augustine ventured down the aisle, hand trailing along the spines of leather-bound books, and veered right when the path forked. And continued to choose right whenever the opportunity presented itself.  Further and further, he dove into the labyrinth. His shadow growing into itself by glow of alchemical lanterns. The tension in his shoulders began to unwound as the thick shelves swallowed any idle sounds made by the Archivist. Sure that he had placed enough distance between himself and her, Augustine paused. Knelt down and opened his satchel. From its fold, a black coil spilled onto the floor. A pleasant purr rolled from the feline shade as she nudged his hand.
“Yes, hello.” Augustine ran his hand down Calcifer’s back, and smiled when she rewarded him with the languid swish of her tail. He rose onto his haunches, arm extended down. “Come on then.” A devious smile curled at his lips as he added in a haughty tone, “As it please you, my Shadow.”
Green gaze wrinkled beneath the weight of the cat’s smug grin. She plodded up his arm and curled herself around his neck- tail coiled just under his chin.  
The two continued their journey- always right, never left- until they reached the emporium’s heart. The endless line of books opened into a central chamber lit by alchemical lanterns and furnished with a handful of weathered tables and accompanying chairs. A few ink pots and quills dotted the separate work spaces for anyone who chose to use them, stacks of parchment kept at the head of each table. Everything always kept in order, no matter the occasion, by an unseen force which enacted on the Archivist’s demand for organization.
Augustine expected the space to be vacant, as it normally was at this time of evening, and found himself a bit miffed when a mysterious man occupied his favored spot. A Kaldorei reclined back in the chair closest to the trolley of books. One hand supported the back of his head while the other held a weathered-novel folded back on its spine. He read with an impassive countenance. Skimmed through the pages as if they were little more than filler.
Retorts churned in Augustine’s stomach. Unsure if he could muster them beyond a shy whisper, he continued to swallow them down. His fingers flexing as they worked the icy-pricks of annoyance from his hands. Resolving to leave the man alone and choose another spot, he turned on his heel-
-and froze when the gentleman cleared his throat.
“Master Parkhurst?”
Augustine bit back a crestfallen smile as he faced the man. “Oh. No. You must have me mistaken for my sister- Max Parkhurst.”
The Kaldorei rose from his chair with the shake of his head. Stepping out from the shadows and into the lantern’s glow, Augustine caught a better glimpse of the man.  He was such a miserable specimen. Ears cropped to a length far unusual, cheeks hollowed and eyes - faintly lambent and silver- sunken into his skull. Wisps of black hair, dull and a bit lackluster, pulled into a haphazard tail. Only the wire-thin hairs of a goatee brought softness to his features. Augustine might’ve thought him to be bitter with his ill-fitting clothes and slight limp. But then, the man’s thin lips curled in a beaming smile. All teeth and no eyes.
“No. I am quite certain I have the right man.” He dipped his head low. “Augustine Parkhurst, yes?”
Augustine cast him a dubious look. “Yes…” A tentative hand reached for Calcifer, finding remedy to his nerves in the down of her fur. “That’s me- I’m sorry. I don’t believe we’ve met.”
Laughter eased the bite from the man’s appearances. He extended a callused hand out to Augustine. The chemical stains on his fingers contrasted against his ash-grey skin. “My apologies, young master. I am Hyleass Duskbough.”
An excited current danced up Augustine’s spine. “You’re...The Hyleass Duskbough?” he breathed, lips curling in a manic grin. He promptly took Hyleass’s hand in both his own. “The Glasswork Alchemist?”
“Anu’dora,” -Hyleass turned bashful gaze skyward- “That is one of my many titles. Though, these days I’m referred to as Councilman Duskbough.”
The sudden realization sapped the warmth from Augustine’s blood, and settled heavy in his stomach. He pulled his hands from Hyleass. Swallowed back the lump crawling up his throat. “High Alchemist…” He folded himself over in a low bow- Calcifer spilling from his shoulders. “I-I am so sorry for the disrespect! Had I known- If I was more observant… I’d wouldn’t have guessed you of all people would frequent- erm. Um! Not saying you couldn’t visit a bookstore,  but tha-”
Hyleass culled Auggie’s stream of incoherent babble with an upheld hand. His smile turned gentle. “It is quite alright. I am no more a man than you. Amongst these stacks, we are equals. So, please, just Hyleass.” He left no room for interjection as he canted his head.
Augustine nodded slowly as he rose. His gaze remained rooted to the ground. “Then it is an honor, Hyleass.” A moment’s contemplation passed before he cracked a meek grin, stealing a glance up at  the elder alchemist. “I am a big fan of your work.”
“As I of yours, young master.”
Inklings of warmth swelled in Augustine’s chest. “Really?”
The Kaldorei gave an affirming nod. Either of his hands came to rest in the depths of his coat pockets. His gaze found the young man’s, twinkling with aged whimsy. “Quite. Unique ideas with execution of equal measure. And your dissertation?” A breath of laughter filled the momentary quiet. “It I was none the wiser, I’d have sooner thought you a wordsmith rather than alchemist.” The gaiety all but withered from his smile. “A pity,” he lamented with the twitch of an ill-cropped ear, “That the Board refused to advance it.”
For all the praise in the world, Augustine couldn’t ignore the thin dagger which those words slid between his ribs. Old wounds never quite healed reopened with a simple reminder. The rejection still lived rent free in his head. Denied advancement. Try again next year. He tried to not let the disappointment show in his smile. Brushed it off with a half-shrug. “It gives me plenty of time to re-evaluate. To hone in on my research. As they say, ‘A jack of all trades is a master of none.’”
“Dora’ dor,” Hyleass remarked, “Though, you neglect the entirety of the quote.” He ventured back to the table, gaze thrown over his shoulder. “ ‘But oftentimes better than a master of one.’” A knowing smirk given as he began to collect his things. “You’ve remarkable potential, Augustine. Let not the word of a few pious individuals sully your thirst.”
The tailspin of emotions had begun to make Augustine dizzy. He entered Stacks with a seedling of resentment in his chest. So quick it shifted. Like the passing of a season. First to annoyance. Then annoyance rolled into excitement. To embarrassment. To pride then shame. And now, he stood in a dizzying stupor. Strength siphoned from the current dancing up his spine. Not a name to be given to this buzz as he merely beamed at Hyleass. For once, he was left speechless.
Hyleass filled the silence for him.
“It was a pleasure to meet you in person. Unfortunately, I’ve other duties to attend to.” He paused beside Augustine, casting the young man a knowing look. “Shall I see you here tomorrow, same time?”
Augustine blinked out of his stupor. Met the question with an eager nod. “Oh. Um. Yes, sir!”
A dubious brow was quirked at Auggie. He quickly checked himself. “I mean- Yes, Hyleass.”
The elf grew a face-splitting grin. “Excellent. Until then, ande’thoras’ethil.”
And with a departing nod, Hyleass ventured into the labyrinth of books. Augustine left to simmer in his excited buzz until Calcifer’s delicate chirp plucked him dust-filled clouds. He smiled down at his feline shadow.
“Tomorrow,” he echoed, reaching down to stroke Calcifer’s ear.
The cat responded with the deft thump of her tail.
[Prelude] | [Audience] 
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numinous-queer · 3 years
I’m in my late twenties and I’m only now coming into terms with the fact that I’m trans masculine. I’ve been a longtime follower of yours under different tumblr names, but seeing you thrive has always made me happy. Thank you.
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son, you're in a very exciting time in your life.
You've been given a gift that not many cis people get - the opportunity to build yourself from the ground-up in a very thoughtful and intentional way. It may feel like this "gift" is a particularly rank shit sandwich some days, and like it's an insult to refer to something that makes your life so difficult in positive terms. But I've learned that sometimes you have to repeatedly choose to reframe something and reintegrate it into yourself.
You're going to be doing a lot of that - revisiting old memories and ways of being and seeing them with more clarity and self-understanding. Don't worry if everything doesn't resolve itself into a coherent narrative immediately! Like a teen who's throwing paint at the walls to see what sticks, there's some frenzied pressure to figure yourself out immediately and project a very polished camera-ready version of yourself right away. You don’t need to know who you are from day 1. It is normal and okay to try on different versions of ourselves! This is particularly fraught for trans people, who may feel a pressure to broadcast to all our family and friends how extremely OK and SUPER CHILL this big new fact about us is. It often feels like we are skipping a bunch of steps, life markers from childhood that it’s harmless to indulge in. One fun way to "test out" new names for ourselves is to recreate kid experiences like writing your name in big bubble letters on the sidewalk with chalk or looking at fun keychains with your name... chasing any experience that gives you a sense of joy. Gender euphoria is real, and you need to orient yourself towards whatever gives you a sense of peace and wholeness. Yes, some of transitioning is setting down those things that no longer serve us, but it is good to remember to move forward as well.
Take heart that you come from a long line of strength, from Alan Hart to Jack Bee Garland to Willmer "Little Ax" Broadnax to Billy Tipton to Charley Parkhurst to Lou Sullivan. Our knowledge is historied and long; let their momentum carry you forward. I highly recommend bell hooks’s work, The Will To Change, which was powerful for me in considering my relationship to masculinity. I was also very impacted by The Nearest Exist May Be Behind You by Bear Bergman. Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg is also a classic for a reason. If you are looking for a day-to-day experiential discussion of HRT, Max Valerio’s Testosterone Files are invaluable. I’ve also been excited to read the second edition of Becoming a Visible Man by Jamison Green. You have this opportunity to be intentional in your gender and your way of interacting with the world. Use it to be a good human being!
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atvir · 3 years
[@maxparkhurst, @auggieparkhurst]
A brown envelope would appear on the steps of Parkhurst Alchemy, containing the following six-page correspondence within.
Dear Parkhursts and/or responsible associates of Parkhurst Alchemy,
I hope you are well. I deemed it reasonable to be the first tester of all five of your prototype elixirs since I’d be capable of attempting to deal with any side effects.
Keeping the element of mystery, ignored any labels on the vials to see if I can draw my own conclusions to what the potions would do.
Contained within the next five pages are notes for each concoction consumed, as requested by Max.
- Atvir Leafshadow
Formula One: A frothing, amber colored liquid
Examining the contents of the liquid, I would anticipate that there was a heat applied to this elixir, but it was remarkably temperate to the touch.
Uncorking the vial, the liquid reeked of charcoal.
I then drank the elixir, which tasted like ash. It felt like breathing in when stationed at Darkshore during the fourth war.
Other than the terrible taste and a brief glimpse of the past from said taste, I felt no effects.
Formula Two: A thick, brown draught
The liquid of the second elixir was an extremely thick, brown liquid, almost with the consistency of molasses.
The smell and taste were both of dirt. Reminded me of some Elwynn topsoil.
Almost immediately after imbibing the sludge-like liquid, even being quite a ways away from grass, the natural magics I have been in tune with felt very, very off.
I quickly exited the offices to investigate, reaching the farms outside of the walls of the Dwarven District. It felt as if the grass was..moaning? Walking through it unleashed a chorus of screams in pain. I ran quickly back to the office in fear.
Thankfully, the senses I felt receded very quickly. All in all, I would avoid giving this elixir to druids considering our greater connection to the natural world. The negative effect seems a bit extreme for us.
Formula Three: A vial of sapphire specked with rose
The liquid within the vial was rather pleasing to the eye. It reminded me of a courtier’s vestment from Suramar or Highborne nobility.
The smell was that of a lavender and rose perfume, the taste was surprisingly that of a sour apple, but one that has not rotten yet. Perhaps the most surprising tasting one of the five.
Drinking its contents...I felt nothing. If there was an effect that I was to experience, it did not occur here.
Formula Four: An indigo liquid
The liquid in this vial is a simple, unremarkable indigo.
Uncorking the vial revealed a faint smell of honey, which is also what it tasted like.
I felt nothing occur when consuming this.
Formula Five: The translucent green
I imbibed this potion last as one of our associates consumed it already, revealing the effects of glowing eyes.
The liquid smells of a warm, but not overwhelmingly hot night in the Redridge Mountains. The taste reminds me of the excessive humidity experienced in Dustwallow.
Drinking this elixir, I felt nothing. I then inquired with my associates if my eyes were glowing; turns out that was not the case.
After the last page of notes is a small footnote, stating the following:
I was perhaps the worst candidate for experimenting these prototype vials, as four of these five did nothing to me, and the one that did work had a very short and unfortunate drawback.
I wish Augustine the best in his endeavors and hope that the remaining participants bear more fruitful results.
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annadia-thorn · 3 years
“Annadia Thorn. A woman who consists of nothing but pointed edges and silver tongue.”
Max Parkhurst
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alexandriawilliams · 3 years
Drop your Muse’s name in my inbox and I’ll reveal my Muse’s opinion of them... Max :)
Most admirable quality: “Parkhurst is bright, like -- really bright. I barely know the woman, but she just has that sort of presence that bright folks do. It’s intimidating in a way that has a certain gravity to it, and it’s something I respect quite a bit.”
Most attractive physical feature: “... I’m really a sucker for those tattoos. Honestly, it’s hard to narrow it down to one thing-- but I’d never say that to her face. She’s a little too serious to take those kinds of compliments well, I think.” Most annoying habit: “Hard to read. A little dour. Very focused. Tough crowd for a joke, I think. Can’t ever tell what she’s thinking.”
Something they would like to do with them: “Hard to say. My usual go-to is some sort of playful competition, but I don’t know if I’d pin her as much of a fighter. Light, she’s so little. My next suggestion might be to engage in one of her interests, but alchemy is a bit out of my depth, I think. I’m sure, though, that we could find ways to collaborate.”
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saidelia-draconis · 4 years
💖(One for each sibling?)
"Max Parkhurst? She's a bitch. I like her, she's my kind of people. We'd probably be pretty good friends if we weren't... the way we are."
"As for her kid? I don't know, he's a good kid. Reminds me a little of what I was l like at his age. He seems unsure of who or what he is. It's scary, especially when you've already decided what your role in life is. Max loves him the way she can. Just wish he could stay sweet and sincere, but everyone has to grow up at some point."
(Thanks for the ask, @theparkhurstalchemists!)
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maxparkhurst · 1 year
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Max Parkhurst by [Saltmatey]
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antiquated-dust · 2 years
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Rays, soft and golden, tasted sweet upon the Fox’s sullied tongue. 
A greedy creature with a thirst that knew no bounds. 
She nestled in the Sun’s palm. Close. Warm. Content. 
And with each day, she lost her sight. Blinded by the Sun’s radiance. 
Knowing nothing but the honey-dipped lies whispered in her ear. 
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longveil · 4 years
What Brings Silence (cont.)
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(Continued from here)
The bell chimed as the door eased open, welcoming the stranger into the dreary shop. Tendrils of light poking out from beneath the drawn curtains sent long shadows extending into the shop’s far corners. Max crossed over to the work table and lit a candle. Its light cast a warm glow over the Alchemist as she leveled her gaze with the ren’dorei.
“What can I do for you?”
The elf inclined her head to acknowledge Maxine’s obviously reluctant invitation, fluid steps bringing Seraanna through the doorway and into the small shop rife with alchemy’s accouterments. Her shadow followed, eagerly.
But as Max lit a candle at her work table to make all indications of direct business, Seraa’s movements took her instead on a meandering path of inspection, her gaze drifting over the array of living plants and dried herbs that filled the dimly lit space.
“It is that I possess some familiarity with the... nature of your stock, Miss Parkhurst,” she murmured, “but of my own purposes, not the uses to which you bend your... attentions. I practice the art of a scribe, you see. Calligraphy, papers, and... inks.”
Seraa paused at one pot, a plant with groups of four to six-pointed leaves and groups of small, star-shaped blossoms. Her fingers lightly brushed a stem, then cupped a bloom for a moment.
“This, for example. Should the dried root be treated with alum, then with salts of alkali, it will render a pigment of color... crimson.”
Seraanna turned her head to regard Max, a faintly sly smile upon the ren’dorei’s lips. “Unusual to find such, so far from where it... is most often known to grow.”
Those same fluid steps took Seraanna to the worktable, into the candle’s warm glow. Her languid gaze remained fixed upon the Alchemist, and it could have been that shadows eddied behind her. Or it may have only been a trick of flickering candlelight.
“It is a specific need to which I would ask... you to apply your skills, one of my own and no other. I do not expect to leave with fruits in hand, only a commitment to your effort... and expertise.”
“Do I possess your interest?”
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melorica · 4 years
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The Parkhurst’s loft apartment was about as organized as a goblin trash-heap... in a charming sort of way. The siblings had been nice enough to shelter Mel on a handful of occasions when the night had stretched on too long for her to walk home. Alcohol was only involved in one, maybe two, of those instances.
After a night of chatting, flirting, ranting, and whatever else goes down within the crowded walls of the Pig and Whistle, Melorica woke up to the sun trickling through the window. She sat up in a flash, and immediate pain rushed to her head. When the pulsing subsided, she found herself in the loft, surrounded by disheveled piles of books, notes, and a small army of coffee mugs.
The sounds of the alchemists’ work filtered up through the floorboards: an explosion followed by Maxinora’s signature cry of “AUGUSTINE!” A smile found its way to Mel’s lips. She crept out of bed and set about tidying up the room. It was the least she could do to repay the kindness shown. And boy, was it needed.
After the dishes were cleaned and stacked away, the books returned to some semblance of order on the bookshelf, and both beds made, Mel stood and surveyed the space with pride. “Not bad for a morning’s work!” Her gaze landed on a single book hiding away in a corner. “Oh no you don’t...” 
As Mel stooped and picked up the book, a photo slid out from between the pages. She reached out for it an gasped as she flipped it over. The Max in this picture was younger, brighter, cleaner, and much less dressed than Mel had ever seen her. There was an innocence to her look, that was for sure. Mel tucked the photograph back between the pages and set it on a shelf. Some part of her wished she hadn’t seen that picture, and she could only wonder what had happened in the intervening years to change the woman so...
Mel left the loft, descending down into the shop to bid farewell and give her thanks to the Parkhursts. She’d let them discover the surprise on their own.
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auggieparkhurst · 4 years
OC Info: Auggie Parkhurst
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[Art done by Minoruru]
the basics –––
NAME: Augustine Parkhurst
AGE: 17
RACE: Kul’tiran Human
SEXUALITY: Bi-curious
FACTION: Alliance
physical appearance –––
HAIR: Black
EYES: Hazel
HEIGHT: 5′7″
BUILD: Lithe
Thick rimmed glasses
Steep widows peak
Smattering of freckles across nose
Silver coin tethered by a shoe string
Worn out jacket and scarf
Small leather bound book, stuffed and bulging with loose leaf paper.
Box of chalk.
Bandolier holding a myriad of potions, tinctures, and tonics
Chemical-stained, ashen gloves. 
personal –––
PROFESSION: Alchemist (Apprentice) 
HOBBIES: Reading light novels. Pyro-technic connoisseur. Window perching. Poetry. Book steal- borrowing.  Tinkering with formulas. Socializing. 
LANGUAGES: Common | Broken Thalassian
RESIDENCE: Trade District; Stormwind City
BIRTHPLACE: Upton; Boralus, Kul’Tiras
RELIGION: More attached to the principles of Equivalent Exchange and alchemy. Believer of Destiny and the Unspoken Language.
FEARS:  Athazagoraphobia-  fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten. Also spiders
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[Art done by Kuyoshuki]
relationships –––
PARENTS: Samuel Parkhurst (Father; deceased) and Martha Parkhurst (Mother; deceased)
SIBLINGS: Maxinora Parkhurst (Older sister; alive)
OTHER RELATIVES: A few aunts and uncles long since forgotten in Kul’tiras
PETS: Calcifer (Shop Cat)
traits –––
extroverted / introverted / in between.
disorganized / organized / in between.
close minded / open-minded / in between.
calm / anxious / in between.
disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
cautious / reckless / in between.
patient / impatient / in between.
outspoken / reserved / in between.
leader / follower / in between.
empathetic / unemphatic / in between.
optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
traditional / modern / in between.
hard-working / lazy / in between.
cultured / un-cultured / in between.
loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between.
faithful / unfaithful / unknown / in between.
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[Art done by Kal]
additional information –––
SMOKING HABIT: never / tried but didn’t stick / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / tried but didn’t stick / sometimes / frequently / to excess / sober
ALCOHOL: never / tried but didn’t stick /sometimes / frequently / to excess.
RP hooks –––
FOREIGNER: The note of an accent in Auggie’s voice is hint enough. Each word is rounded at the edge, spoken on an airy drawl in display of a Kul’tiran accent. Parkhurst will always sound more like “Pak-hust” from his lips. He appeared in Stormwind under his sister’s ward seemingly overnight. Settling in a new city rife with new cultures has left him awe-struck. He ventures through the streets with whimsy in his eyes, pestering any who give him will engage in conversation with him. Those from either Mariner’s Row in Boralus might be familiar with this eccentric boy, remembering either as a dower dockhand or mischievous shadow.  
DOCKYARD BOY: Those from Boralus may recognize Augustine from his brief apprenticeship at the Ashvane Dockyards. He remains vague about his time spent working under the alleged house, only alluding to it when the skills he acquired become relevant. Much to his chagrin, he did learn quite a bit of nautical knowledge. 
BOOK THIEF: For as innocent and well-mannered as Augustine may appear, his mischievous tendencies do not go unnoticed. Those associated with the Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences or its librarian, Adair Gilroy, may be aware of Auggie’s ban from the premises due to the elicit “borrowing” of books. 
UNLIKELY PAIR: Augustine currently resides in his sister’s home as both ward and apprentice. The siblings are like two different sides of the same coin. Where Max is introverted, methodical, and callused, Augustine is extroverted, impulsive, and optimistic. An unlikely pair that works seamlessly well as they garner fame for their alchemical work together.
OOC & Contact Info   ––– –
“Hey, my dudes. I’m just a dork looking for good vibes!”
CONTACT: In-game RP is honestly the best method for me; however, I am flexible with Tumblr and Discord so long as you’re chill with delayed responses. I am willing to give out Discord and Bnet deeds upon request and with a bit of interaction. Throw something in my Tumblr DMs/Inbox if you wanna brainstorm!
You can reach me in-game as: Augustíne
SCHEDULE: What is a schedule? I do not know. I barely have one. BUT! I do live in an Eastern time zone, so I’m usually popping in-game around 6PM-7PM server time depending on RL stuff.
I like to write BIG, THICC emotes and responses. If that overwhelms or annoys you, don’t be afraid to tell me and I’ll dial it back!
I am open to a lot of different themes, though would prefer a heads-up with darker ones.
Don’t be afraid to approach with any questions or ideas you might have about the siblings! Let the creativity flow.
Anyone and everyone is welcomed to reference these two so long as you give me a bit of a heads-up :)
***Updated: Augustine’s more of a comedic character who is used  less than his sister ( @maxparkhurst​ ) Poke me here if you wanna chill with this chaos child
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