#may as well have just donated it and not wasted my time listing packaging etc lol oh well
bobmckenzie · 9 months
SORRY IVE BEEN SO INACTIVE I got into the decluttering mood these past few days and it's all I can focus on lol 😵‍💫 I hope to catch up on tagged posts soon!! <3
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samwisethewitch · 4 years
Earth-Friendly Witchcraft
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Whatever religious or spiritual tradition they identify with, most witches agree that there is something sacred about the natural world. We draw our power from the earth beneath our feet, the sky over our heads, and the air in our lungs.
And yet, many of us live in societies that are actively contributing to the destruction of the natural world. Most developed nations have a linear economy, which means resources are extracted and then sent on a one-way trip to consumers who will use them and then throw them away. This leads to overflowing landfills, air and water pollution, and quickly disappearing resources. The World Economic Forum predicts that, if our habits don’t change, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050. And I dearly hope that by now we’re all familiar with the reality of climate change and its devastating impact on global ecosystems.
I’m not trying to scare you, but I do want to point out the hypocrisy of drawing power from the Earth in our magic while simultaneously contributing to her destruction. If we truly want to consider ourselves spiritual allies of the planet, we need to make an effort to live our lives — and practice our magic — in ways that are less harmful to her.
You don’t have to become an environmentalist or switch to a zero waste lifestyle, but we can all make little changes for a more sustainable life. There’s lots of information out there about how to live a more Earth-friendly lifestyle, so in this post I’ll be focusing on how to apply that same philosophy to your witchcraft.
Steps to a more Earth-Friendly Practice:
Limiting your consumption will automatically lower your negative impact on the planet. Follow my previous guidelines for avoiding consumerism to start shrinking your carbon footprint.
Avoid plastic as much as possible. According to the WEF, 70% of our plastic ends up in a landfill or in the world’s waterways, and according to Julia Watkins, author of Simply Living Well, only 9% of household plastics get recycled. Plastic (unlike glass and metal) cannot be recycled indefinitely — it can only be recycled a handful of times before it becomes too degraded to be repurposed any further. There really is no way to make plastic safer for the planet, so it’s best to just avoid it altogether. Look for tools made of metal, wood, or glass instead of plastics, and try to order things shipped in paper and cardboard when possible.
Create spells that won’t leave leftovers. One of the big contributing factors to our current environmental crisis is that we just produce too much waste. You can avoid this in your magical practice by crafting spells that won’t leave you throwing away a big ball of candle wax, herbs, and paper. Kitchen magic is a no-brainer for this, since kitchen spells are meant to be eaten. If you want to do a candle spell, use small candles that will burn up completely — I find larger candles are more likely to leave leftover wax. Making magical bath salts is another great option for leftover-free spells — just make sure everything you include is safe to go down the drain and won’t contribute to water pollution!
Forage for your own spell materials. One of the best ways to avoid plastic packaging and cut down on emissions from shipping is to use materials from your backyard! Learn about the plants, animals, and minerals native to your area, and take regular nature walks where you can gather what you need. Remember to only take as much as you need and to be careful never to damage the plants you harvest from. Make sure to carefully disinfect any animals bits you pick up — you can do this by burying them in salt for a full moon cycle and/or setting them in the sun/under a UV light for several days. If you find a dead animal and want to strip and clean its bones for use in ritual, this is a much more involved process and will require special research, equipment, and lots of time. And, of course, never eat anything you have foraged unless you happen to have an advanced degree in botany.
Keep a magical garden. Another great way to connect with the planet and shrink your carbon footprint is to grow your own herbs, vegetables, and fruits. You can, of course, grow food for your kitchen if you have space, but even if you live in a tiny apartment you can grow a handful of magical herbs in pots. For a list of common houseplants and their magical associations, check out this post.
Shop for spell materials at a local farmer’s market. Buying local is a great way to avoid the environmental impact of shipping produce, and it allows you to support small farms. Farmer’s markets also typically carry seasonal produce, which can help you align your magical practice with the cycles of nature. Farmer’s markets are a great way to find seasonal fruits and vegetables for kitchen magic, but you can use the produce you find there for other types of spells as well.
Trade paraffin wax candles for beeswax or soy wax. Paraffin, the material used for most cheap candles, is a by-product of crude oil, which is not only highly unsustainable but contains carcinogens (chemicals that may cause cancer). Beeswax is a sustainable alternative, and beeswax candles produce a “clean” burn, meaning it does not negatively affect air quality. Soy wax is a slightly pricier, vegan-friendly sustainable option that also produces a clean burn.
Use undyed, unbleached paper for your written spells. The bleaches and dyes used in most commercially available paper have a toxic effect on the environment. Colored paper cannot be recycled or composted because it will contaminate everything it touches. Use plain, unbleached paper for your written spells, especially if you plan to bury them in the ground or dispose of them outside.
Make sure your essential oils are ethically harvested. Essential oils are tricky — although they are marketed as natural, many of them are produced through unsustainable methods. Because essential oils are concentrated, it may take thousands of pounds of plants to produce a single pound of oil. This can have a devastating impact, especially for endangered plants like white sage or palo santo. Look for ethically-sourced, wild-harvested essential oils — these are oils that are gathered from the wild in ways that don’t hurt the local ecosystem. Mountain Rose Herbs and Eden’s Garden are two brands that are committed to sustainable essential oil production.
Instead of burying a spell in a jar, bury it in a hollowed-out fruit or vegetable. Many traditions call for spells to be buried in the ground. Items like jar spells and witch bottles are traditionally buried on the witch’s property. The problem with this is that plastic and glass bottles do not biodegrade, and will remain in the ground for years. Instead of putting these materials in the ground, bury your spells in a hollowed-out fruit or vegetable. As a bonus, you can choose this item to support your intention. For example, you might use an apple for a love spell or a spicy pepper for protection. Just make sure everything inside the spell is also biodegradable!
Keep a compost pile as an offering to your local land spirits. Compost is an easy way to reduce food waste, and it gives your garden a boost! Even if you don’t have your own garden, you can give your compost to a fiend who does or look into donating it to a community garden. When composting, it’s important to maintain a balance between carbon-rich “brown” ingredients (leaves, undyed paper, cardboard, etc.) and nitrogen-rich “greens” (fruit and veggie scraps, coffee grounds, egg shells, etc.) — you want about four times as much brown as green in your compost. Start your compost with a layer of brown — preferably twigs or straw to allow good airflow. Alternate layers of green and brown materials as you add to the pile. Every time you add to your compost, verbally express your gratitude to the land spirits. Your compost should be moist, but not soggy — you’ll know it’s ready when it’s dark and crumbly and smells like soil.
Make your own tea blends with loose herbs and a reusable tea strainer instead of buying teabags. Witches and tea go together like peanut butter and chocolate, but the individual wrappers on teabags create a lot of waste. On top of that, since many of these wrappers are dyed, they may not even be recyclable. Keep your teas earth-friendly by buying dried herbs in bulk and blending your own teas. Making your own blends is not only better for the planet, but also allows you to choose each ingredient for a specific magical intention.
Find ways to use your trash in your craft. This one is pretty self-explanatory. Instead of throwing things away, find ways to use them in your magic! Use food scraps from cooking, like carrot greens and potato peels, in spells. Turn an old shoe box into a travel altar. Add your coffee grounds to spells to ground them and manifest results in the physical world. You get the idea. Be creative!
Research different models for Earth-friendly living, like the zero waste/low waste lifestyle, sustainability, and the solarpunk movement. This will give you more ideas for a sustainable lifestyle, as well as a sustainable magical practice.
The funny thing about Earth-friendly living is that, the more time you spend taking care of the planet, the more connected you feel to it. I encourage you to try some of the ideas on this list — you’ll be amazed by how quickly you develop a deeper relationship with the Earth and all her creatures.
Of Blood and Bones by Kate Freuler
Simply Living Well by Julia Watkins
“By 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans, study says” from The Washington Post
A Sustainable Mind podcast
Practical(ly) Zero Waste podcast
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growandsparkle · 3 years
how to be more sustainable during the holidays
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Image from Unsplash
Wrapping paper, Scotch tape, ribbons, and the annual surge in shopping make Christmas a pretty unsustainable holiday, and seriously takes away from the true spirit of the holiday.
Christmas Day is probably my favorite day of the year. I try my best to be as sustainable as possible during the holidays, and be conscious of how much I buy. After all, my favorite part of the holiday season is the spirit of it: gratitude, generosity, and compassion. I've come to learn that consuming a bit less during the season does not take away from the spirit, but rather enhances it.
Here are some ideas to make your holiday season a bit more sustainable.
1. Gift exchange party: Rather than buying a gift for every person in your life, host a gift exchange party! Secret Santa, White Elephant, etc. It's more affordable, less stressful, and most importantly more sustainable! My extended family does a Secret Santa party every year and we always have so much fun exchanging our gifts. If you host a Secret Santa, I recommend using the website Elfster to organize it.
2. Alternative gift-wrapping: Nothing is better than a well-wrapped gift, but that doesn't require the wasteful paper, tape, or plastic ribbon! To be more sustainable with your wrapping, try out recyclable paper or fabric secured with twine -- Bonus points if the fabric is a gift too, like a scarf or kitchen towel. You can also put it in a bag that the receiver can reuse, like a tote.
3. Make your gifts: There are millions of giftable DIYs out there, and getting something handmade by someone you love can be more meaningful than something bought. If you're not super crafty, that's ok -- you can make cards or food! Here is a starting list from Popsugar to get some ideas brewing.
4. Prioritize the spirit of giving over gifts: Commit to being a better human this December. Maybe try to do one nice thing each day, or donate to a charity. Maybe your gift to a loved one could be paying a visit, cooking a meal, or even just a nice text! Spread the holiday spirit in non-material ways -- it's a lot more meaningful.
5. Buy from small businesses: More sustainable, often more personalized, and feels good to buy! There's probably some independent stores near you, but you can also buy from small businesses on Etsy or Redbubble.
6. Don't just buy for the sake of buying: Take the time to find something really nice for each person -- and if you can't think of anything, just opt for a card or gift card. It's nicer than giving someone something that'll end up in the trash. Often, getting just one really good gift per person in your life is a lot less stressful than buying multiple. Quality over quantity!
7. Buy in person: If you are able, go in person to buy your gifts so you won't waste a ton of packaging.
8. Lose the unnecessary purchases. You really don't need a new set of Christmas pajamas or holiday decorations every year, or a new roll of wrapping paper when you already have ten. Reuse as much as you can. Having the perfect holiday outfit, decorations, or gift wrapping isn't worth the cost, money or planet-wise.
9. Don't buy from unsustainable brands, if possible. If you are able, avoid Amazon at all costs. Quickly made, cheap stuff usually is not made well and is awful for the planet and the people making the products. But obviously it can be pricey to buy from sustainable brands, so just try to find the least unsustainable thing you can reasonably afford. Most importantly, buy things that you know your giftee will use.
10. Skip the wishlist. Unless someone asks you for ideas, just let it flow and see what you get. It's more fun to keep it a surprise, and helps you not feel like you need more, because chances are you don't.
I hope these helped! Happy holidays! Please comment any other ideas you have! May next year be happier than the last two!
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lakewoodranchmovers · 4 years
New Moving Hacks That Work
New Moving Hacks That Work
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New Moving Hacks That Work: From purging household items to loading your valuables, moving an entire household isn't a simple process. Thankfully, with the help of these smart moving ideas and techniques, it's about to get a wee bit easier. Here are 21 oh-so-easy moving tips and tricks that anybody can utilize when relocating to a new home. Best of luck and have fun moving! Look for complimentary moving boxes at recycling drop-off points. Do not dish out your hard-earned money for cardboard boxes. Rather, try to find free moving boxes at your regional recycling drop-off points. Chances are, you'll be able to discover plenty of cardboard boxes that have actually been tossed by neighbors. Other locations to discover complimentary moving boxes consist of Craigslist, Nextdoor.com, Freecycle, book stores, liquor stores, workplaces, and U-Haul Box Exchange - just among others. For more advice on discovering complimentary moving boxes, check here. Reuse initial boxes for electronics and devices Speaking of moving boxes, do not forget to reuse your old ones. From the TELEVISION to the blender, the majority of electronics and small devices come provided in cardboard boxes. If you occur to still have these boxes, we advise recycling them for the move. Not just does this guarantee that your items will fit perfectly in the box, but it likewise saves you from needing to invest money inboxes. Set up a Good Will or Salvation Army pick-up for free Purging heavy furnishings, old clothes, and other home products? Try scheduling a complimentary donation pick-up with a regional charity such as Goodwill, Salvation Army or Habitat for Humanity. Having them pick up your contributions will save you from having to transport whatever yourself, which indicates you'll have more time to concentrate on the relocation. New Moving Hacks That Work Obtain quotes from at least three different moving businesses Don't hire the first moving company you speak with. Instead, attempt to get quotes from a minimum of three businesses to compare rates and services. When speaking with a moving business, make certain they are correctly licensed and guaranteed. For more advice on what to ask your mover when interviewing them, inspect here. Have lots of water bottles on-hand when moving Given the large number of jobs involved when moving, it's simple to forget the basic things - like the fact that you and your movers will need a great deal of water on moving day (particularly during the summer season). So come moving day, we suggest bringing a pack of bottled water with you to the brand-new home. Trust us - your movers will thank you. Take images of your personal belongings before packing them Hiring movers? Prior to packing your personal belongings, be sure to take "previously" images of all delicate and/or valuable items. If the mover breaks or damages your products while moving, you may need these pictures in order to file a claim and get compensation. Select a mid-week, mid-month move date The easiest way to conserve cash when moving is to opt for a mid-week, mid-month moving date. Proceeding the weekends when demand is greatest will certainly be pricier. Moving business and truck rental rates tend to be lower Monday to Friday. They likewise tend to be lower in the middle of the month instead of the first and last weekends. Place a fully-charged iPad or another iOS device in a box to track your relocation Hiring a moving business to manage your long-distance relocation? Depending upon how far you're moving, it could be a week or more until your possessions are delivered to the brand-new house. To monitor where your things are at perpetuity, attempt positioning an iPad inside among packages that are packed onto the truck. You ought to have the ability to use the "Find My iPhone" tool to track where your iOS gadget is at perpetuity, which will likewise inform you where your belongings are located. Color-code your moving boxes and family items with post-it notes Don't squander cash on expensive moving labels. Use simple colored post-it notes to color-code your boxes when moving. For instance, position a pink post-it note on anything you wish to donate and a green post-it note on anything you wish to sell. Place orange post-it notes on boxes consisting of cooking area products; location blue post-it notes on boxes including office products, etc. Use foam pouches for plates, bowls, and glasses Covering products in plastic wrap and cushioning takes time and a lot of packing tape to protect. Instead, attempt using basic foam pouches to hold everything from dinnerware to glasses. All you have to do is slip the item inside the foam pouch and place it inside a box. You can find an example of a foam pouch here. New Moving Hacks That Work Bring a door stopper with you You'll require to keep the front door open on moving day in order to bring items in and out of your house more easily. You may likewise need to keep a back door or interior door open throughout the day. To make your life easier, we suggest bringing a door stopper with you to your home on moving day. Location heavy items in small boxes While it's tempting to place heavy products in large boxes, it's always best to put them inside small boxes rather. Not only will this will make it simpler to bring the boxes, however it will likewise avoid your products from falling out the bottom and breaking the box. Things boxes consisting of fragile items with pillows and blankets Eliminate two birds with one stone by packing moving boxes including fragile items with pillows and blankets. This will offer extra cushioning for products and avoid them from breaking, while also allowing you to pack more of your items inside the boxes. Flatten boxes after relocation and store for later on Planning on moving once again in the next few years? When you've finished unpacking, we extremely suggest flattening all boxes and conserving them for your next move. This will avoid you from having to purchase or find boxes later. Save donation receipts for tax season Contributing household products to charities such as Goodwill or Habitat for Humanity? Save those donation invoices! Come tax season, you ought to have the ability to claim a deduction on your income taxes utilizing these invoices. Make certain the moving truck has a parking area Do not forget to book a parking spot for the movers Without it, you might wind up ticking off your neighbors and getting a parking ticket. Likewise, don't forget that time is money. If your mover's waste important time looking for an area to park their large truck, then your move will eventually cost more in the end. Get extra money to tip movers. Lots of people pick to tip their movers for a job well done. If you plan to tip your movers (assuming they do a good job), we suggest heading to the ATM the night before to recover the cash. For guidance on how much to tip movers, check here. Inspect cabinets, drawers, appliances, and closets prior to vacating When leaving, it's easy to leave things behind. We advise confirming all kitchen cabinets, bedroom closets, drawers, and devices (think: your refrigerator) prior to turning over the keys. Rekey your new house as soon as possible From handymen and cleaning services to friends and family, there's no informing who was provided a copy of the secrets from the previous owners. For security purposes, we recommend restoring your entire house prior to relocating. All you have to do is call a locksmith to come out to your house to alter the locks. They must have the ability to do so in a matter of hours. Usage Lakewood Ranch Mover's Moving Planner tool to arrange your move Get organized for relocation by utilizing our detailed Move Planner. Our tool supplies customizable moving lists, individual jobs list, useful recommendations, e-mail tips and plenty of vouchers to get you organized. Load a moving day basics box Don't relocate to a brand-new home without a moving day essentials box or bag. This box needs to consist of anything and whatever you may need on moving day (and the following couple of days). Fundamentals might consist of toothbrushes, medications, toiletries, clothing, crucial documents, child requirements, toilet tissue, paper towels, cleaning spray, trash bags, a tool package, family pet food, mineral water, wallets, and additional shoes. For a full list of what to pack inside your moving essentials bag, check here. New Moving Hacks That Work: Curated from our partners at Moving By:Marian White Read the full article
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i tend to react to work-related stress by procrastinating a lot. a lot of it has to do with anxiety, but i’m also just a person that has, and still does, procrastinate constantly. i’ve had some success at kicking the habit before. don’t get me wrong, right now i’m not doing too badly. just still a lot of room for improvement.
i’ve been lurking around subreddits like ‘no surf,’ ‘stopgaming,’ and ‘anticonsumption’ … even though i don’t game anymore. that’s something i’m done with practically for good i think. it’s odd because i never thought i’d come to this place of neither wanting to play nor even thinking about games. league really absorbed my attention for some intense periods over the past few years, and i was always into games pretty hardcore before that. when talk of games that have released this year was bubbling up, i thought right now i’d be obsessing over them.
the well dried up and i’m glad it did, to be honest. i’m glad that i want better[for me] things than a higher rank or a certain console or sense of superiority through winning.
not that i won that much.
as for the others: anti consumption and nosurf … there’s a lot there. if there’s anything i’ve wasted time on the internet doing besides games, it’s just…surfing. just being O N L I N E. forums[bbs] were always my thing. while i never thought of myself as a materialistic person, i’ve learned that i totally am. i care about fashion and brands and looks; i put a lot of thought into what i want to own.
earlier this year our non-participation in the paris agreement had me thinking about climate change. pretty much anything i do is almost futile, but the effort does make an infinitesimal difference that helps my state of mind. so i’ve stopped eating beef, pork, and other red meats. mostly stopped eating chicken and fish as well, but i’m not sure about those yet. chicken is a no, i think; fish is up in the air for now.
a video on youtube turned me on to the ‘zero waste’ movement; an effort to minimize the waste that one sends to landfills. so this is one major thing i’m going to consciously move toward in 2018. i’m not going to go nuts; just like with vegetarianism[or pescatarianism, as the case may be], i’m going to try to find what works for me and makes the most impactful differences that are still manageable.
so this sent me tripping down the path to some anti-capitalist friends that talk about anti consumption. again, big impact on me recently.
i seriously have so much shit.
old shit from literally fucking forever ago.
shit i never think about.
shit i 110% forgot i had.
shit i legit hate but just stuffed away somewhere.
shit that i’ll never want or use again but leave lying around.
and i can’t stand it. i’ve been picking through my clothes little by little to see what i should get rid of[whether by way of donation or repurposing], and a lot has piled up. it’s good but it’s just the start. so in 2018, i want to take some huge ass steps toward cutting down on the junk i keep around, free up space, and recycle/donate shit that literally just collects dust here.
what’s funny about all this is that i’ve become a lot more aware of the impulses that i have to buy. they’re connected, unsurprisingly, to my emotions. i’ve felt shittier because of finals and pms-ing, and every day i’ve wanted to go out and buy food. i would’ve just done it, say, a month earlier, too…but it’s so glaringly obvious that buying and wasting won’t make me feel better. expensive xmas gifts won’t, etc. etc. so in a way i’ve had to focus on what i already have; this has led to my being a lot more content somehow. when i was religious i tried so hard to be content with my life, but of course, i was deeply unhappy. that only exacerbated things. not to mention the cognitive dissonance involved there. yikes.
anyway, i just really want to keep making these cognizant, effective changes. switching to making my own instant oatmeal in mason jars was so easy and way fucking cheaper than buying the disposable packages. bringing my own paper bags to the grocery store instead of adding 6 more plastic bags to the 7000 i already have feels good. they’re nicer anyway. and saving money’s good too. especially when it can go to better things; i’m glad to prop up our depraved industries just a little less.
i’ll have to make a concrete goals list, maybe a no-buy, and get around to thinking about my internet habits. see you next time. good talk.
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aLBoP a Scam? Drama, Scandal, Ooh Ahh!
Once upon a time, last winter, we moved A Little Bit of Personality to WordPress from Blogger. It was a long, tedious process with a lot of formatting (which on some posts I’m still not pleased with). The site was down for almost a month. All the urls changed, even though I went through and made redirects for as many as I could.  And all our Google+ comments got removed (which honestly was part of the point of moving platforms.  It was being an annoying system).
All this led to the complex set of algorithms which is Google Search to be very confused as to what was important on aLBoP.  When you Googled aLBoP or A Little Bit of Personality, suddenly it was trying to give search results of random image links and obscure posts, instead of things people really wanted to find, such as Type Specializations, the Super Simple Series or Type Heroes.
It also didn’t help that we were working on other aspects of aLBoP and life in general, so posting has been a slow game all year.  As I understand it, Google prioritizes frequent posting, as well as Google+ shares (nepotism lol), neither of which were in our favor anymore.
But this also meant that non-aLBoP links, especially from popular sites, suddenly came up much earlier in search results.  One in particular, with the most click-bait-y subject line ever, notably rose to the first page of search results right away: a forum thread with the subject line “A Little Bit of Personality Blog: Is it a scam or did I overreact?”
Well if the promise of a scam won’t get people to listen to you, I don’t know what will.  Talk about the most buzzwordy word possible lol.
Ha, which just now when I Googled to be sure I was quoting the name of the thread correctly, I saw something relieving which I didn’t know, but I’ll talk about that in a minute here.
So I have never clicked on this link, I’m pretty sure. As soon as we were live again on WordPress, I was trying to make sure that Google had our sitemap, working on our SEO, etc., so I believe I saw that link there as early as January 2017.  And seeing it there immediately upset me, not gonna lie.  But I wanted to listen to the immortal words of Taylor Swift and shake it off.  Plus I had way too many other things to worry about, not the least of which was continuing to be sure my links went where they said.  And I also knew that reading people lying about me would just upset me and keep me from getting things done.  So I went on with life and working on content like INTJ – The Dragon, which came out in February.
But apparently a lot of my aLBoP friends, (people who we’ve met through their long-time reading and loving of the site, but have become so very much more than just readers, as so many of you have ) had seen this link too, and several of them were even more upset than I was about it.  They checked it out on their own and then came and told me about who had posted on the “scam” thread and what they had said.
As soon as Justin and I heard what the original poster of the thread had said, we were immediately like “Oh, him.”
Now before I go briefly into what this guy’s “grievances” were, let me tell you what I was relieved to see this afternoon while writing.  When I Googled “a little bit of personality” and saw this link there, not actually clicking on it (it’s gross enough to smell a pile of poop, I don’t want to put my hand in it), it says under the link:
“Oct 2, 2015 – 10 posts – 4 authors” [emphasis added]
*Whew* when my friends were describing what was on there to me, I thought it was like pages and pages of all these people saying how much I suck!  To know that it’s just four people, two of which I know who they are and knew that they were like that before they even had anything to complain about, is incredibly relieving.
Okay, so four people. I don’t know who two of them are because I haven’t actually read the thread, although it’s likely I would know them too.
Most of the people who get really angry about aLBoP are ones who liked us at first, often even people who vied heavily for our attention initially, until we say something that offends them, or more often their worldview, and then they hate us with the burning passion of suns and must tell anyone who will listen.  Although I don’t think there is a single one of those people who we didn’t get a red flag in our minds at their first email, “watch out, this is one of those kinds of people” no matter how positive they were toward us at first.  Observing people is our job, after all.
Person 1
So with this particular guy, the one who started the “scam” thread, *sigh* I knew from his first email “ah, one of those.”
He bought a typing + personal chat package from the store, sometime around then in 2015.  We don’t actually carry personal chat time anymore, because it was taking way too much time and we were getting behind. We actually *still* have some out that we sold but haven’t done.  We will either go ahead and do those ones at some point, or refund their money.  But I know there were several really cool people who ordered them near the end, so I would really like to fulfill those at some point here, rather than refunding them.
Anyway, we don’t carry them anymore because they had gotten really stressful and after we had a forum, which we’ll talk more about later, we thought people can get their questions answered there anyway, answer each other’s questions, etc.
We’ve never been especially timely with Typings, but we do always get to them.  I don’t remember how timely we were fulfilling this guy’s order. We do them in big batches, usually, where we sit down and type a bunch of people at once, oldest order first.  So if we took a while to get back to him it wasn’t at all because he was a less pleasant customer, because the time we take has nothing to do with that.  So if you have to wait a while for your Typing, it’s not because we don’t like you, lol <3 (If we’re ever taking too long, you *can* send us a polite email and ask if we can go ahead and get on it.  But we always do get to it and we always feel really bad making people wait.)
Oddly, I vaguely remember doing this guy’s really fast anyway, so I don’t think that was part of the problem. We may have been like “this guy is a live wire, we shouldn’t let his sit too long.”  We do occasionally do that.
Anyway, if I understand correctly, his main reasoning in calling us a “scam” is that the following happened:
1)  He ordered a typing + a video chat.
2)  We felt immediately “eh” about him, but fulfilled his typing order in a normal and polite fashion.
I think it was his condescending attitude toward people in general in his first email that seemed like #badsign to me.
3)  He was displeased with the type we gave him.  We have a post about this.
No matter how consistent and repeatable the results are, no matter how many people are over the moon about our typing of them, no matter how many people are repeat typing-customers because they see how it all lines up over and over again in real life; there are so many people who are set on the type or set of types they want to be a part of, and therefore who dislike the type we give them.  But the way we Facial Type is a science, with consistent data-sets that have proven universally consistent thousands of times, holding up over time and experience.  We can’t go changing the answer because somebody gets his panties in a wad.
There are also plenty of people who are personally threatened by the idea of Facial Typing at all, or just very uncomfortable about it.  You are welcome to feel however you want on the topic.  But I don’t understand why people order from us if they feel that way.
It’s like someone coming across town to tell you he thinks your house is ugly.  I feel like “… Okay, thanks?  Then don’t look at it and get off my lawn.”  The internet is a big place and no one is making you stay here.  Honestly there’s probably a more fitting analogy with someone who hates seafood yelling at Red Lobster or someone buying an orange and getting mad that it’s not an apple, but eh, I like the lawn one.
4)  We don’t give refunds on Typings we have fulfilled.  We never have, and say so very clearly on the Type Me page, which has all the instructions. That page didn’t exist in its current version at the time, but we have always listed that on pages describing the Typing process.
The effort and our typing results are what is being paid for, and people who get snotty about their results take far *more* effort than people who are happy with them.  That’s not to say you are required to be happy, but that even if you are not, our time and our results have still been given to you, so we can’t just refund that.  If you don’t trust our scientific process and our definitions, then that is completely your prerogative.  But if that’s the case, then please don’t order a typing and waste our time, as well as yours.
5)  He also applied to the, at the time, brand new Phase 2, via a separate self-invite system.
Okay, the thing to know about all our websites is that they are 100% free, always are, always have been, always will be.  We currently have—*counts*—4 websites.  They all have free admission and no subscription fees or anything of that nature.  The only things we charge money for as part of aLBoP are specific services and merchandise. That used to include video chats, which as I said we don’t offer anymore, and now includes Personalized Typings and, hopefully in the future, merchandise such as t-shirts (you can buy t-shirts here, but I really want to make more designs and figure out a better system for producing them), patches or whatever other physical or digital items you guys might want to buy.  We do not have any premium content, if the definition of “premium” is content you pay for.
All other funds from aLBoP come to us via Patreon where people can support our content, which helps us produce more of it, or via Love for aLBoP, one-time donations in the aLBoP shop.  (Everyone has been remarkably patient as I haven’t been great at giving out everyone’s Patreon rewards, such as the monthly desktop wallpaper for $5+ people, etc. But I really am excited to do that and plan to do it sooooon.  Not one person has said anything about it yet, I just feel really bad because your support means so much to me. <3)
HOWEVER, we do have content that is restricted to people we have given access. Like I said, we have 4 websites, of which this is the first; Phase 1 as we call it. Yes, this is a blatant reference to S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Phase 2 in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Why, yes, we are giant nerds.  Here, have a picture of stick figure Phil Coulson with his gun from Avengers, if you haven’t seen it on the Phase 2 Intro site.
But while we do gate these websites–the Phase 2 Intro behind a self-invite you can use right now if you want (it’ll open up in a new tab so you don’t have to lose your spot here <3), and Phase 2 gated behind applying and us getting to know you—ALL of them are free.  Let me repeat that: none of our websites cost any money.  (The fourth site only has a few people on it so far and it’s still under construction anyway, but it’ll have a similar kind of gating.)  These websites are provided free of charge, including our time spent on the Phase 2 forum, where we give lots of personal help and advice.  We don’t even have ADS on any of the websites!!!! (Although we are considering adding them to our videos, because we find that less invasive.)
6)  Where was I?  Oh yeah, he had applied for Phase 2, but then we were busy and hadn’t gotten to adding people to the new Phase 2, back before the process was automated.
7)  He sent an annoying displeased email.  I could pull up said email now to remember the details (I never delete aLBoP emails from anyone, which is why my Gmail storage is exploding), but I really really don’t want to.
But I recall that he was firstly, really whiny about his typing.  I don’t remember if he actually said he couldn’t be an F, like we had typed him, or if that was just the impression we got from his email, which is a very common tale, especially with people who hold onto the internet’s definition of Feeler.  Men typed as Fs and women typed as Ts have been trends in our grumpiest clientele, because people believe that Feeler means soft like mush and Thinker means Vulcan, and people equate those to feminine and masculine traits, respectively, which is frankly pretty dumb.  Although I can only blame people so much for wanting certain types, when the internet deems some types so wildly more worthwhile than others.  However, how people react when they’re disappointed says a lot about them.
The second thing that really got our eyes rolling about his email was his attitude that because he had given us money, he owned our time.  Money seemed like his main card to play, which makes all the more sense why he made money the focus of his thread title, calling us a scam.  Anyway, it was a very “but you have to do what I say, I paid you,” attitude.
But if you’re not sure on my character judgment of him, go ahead and look at the thread.  I haven’t read it, but if he doesn’t come off whiny and like someone who feels like money makes him entitled, then I will eat my hat. Well, I won’t, but it’s the only idiom I could think of.  But if you don’t agree then you won’t agree, and that’ll be the end of it, but at least I will have left the opinion up to you.
8)  So we saw from his email, which wasn’t a surprise from his original email, that we didn’t want to waste time and energy having a personal chat with him.  We also didn’t want him on the brand new forum, which as a private, free forum was our prerogative.
9)  So I sent him an email telling him that we would refund the chat money because we didn’t want to talk to him more and that he was the first person banned from the forum, which was true.
I think we only actually banned… 2.5 people ever.  I say 2.5 because we officially banned 2 people from ever entering the original site, and were close to banning another, but he quit before we could fire him, so to speak.
Was I especially nice in this email reply?  No. I wasn’t trying to be.  I wanted to really let him know why we didn’t want to deal with him anymore, and frankly he was a buttmunch.  Again, you can go look at the thread if you want to verify his buttmunch-itude.
Again, like I said in point 5… No… 4, we don’t give out refunds for typings. We had fulfilled that part of the deal, so we kept our $15 dollars (I know, huge quantities of money being exchanged ), but refunded him the $10 for the video chat we didn’t give him.  He was our first refund; we had to figure out how to do it on the website.
11)  I think he probably replied again, angrily, but I was super done with it.
12)  Shortly after (we launched Phase 2 on September 15 and he wasn’t in the first several batches of applications, so he probably rage posted pretty quickly), he started that thread.
Apparently his reading comprehension was limited enough that he thought paying for a video chat was paying for Phase 2…I guess… Even though you would have to read the Phase 2 announcement page from the time to even apply… idk. I’ll give him the limited benefit of the doubt that he was more stupid than flat-out lying… Stupid isn’t a nice word, it implies mental limitations and implies that if other people missed information, I think they’re stupid too, which I don’t.  “Making the decision to be willfully idiotic” is a much more fitting term.  I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that he was being willfully idiotic, rather than flat-out lying.
13)  I thankfully haven’t heard from him since and hope he finds happiness despite his buttmunchiness. Totally a word.
Anyway, you can have any opinion you want about my choices in responding to him, but since he had no purchase that wasn’t either fulfilled or refunded, he has zero claim to a scam.  Although, you know, I’m really rolling in his fifteen bucks.  *Evil laugh*
  Person 2
The other person who I know wrote on the “scam” thread, got upset in the very earliest days of the forum. It was a lot of drama in a short period of time that happened… two years ago today! [At time of writing, which was the middle of September.]  Holy crap, I didn’t know that when I started writing.  Happy anniversary to drama .
There was a lot of drama in those early days of the forum as we were attempting to establish an atmosphere different than so many forums and so much of the internet.  This other person wasn’t the only one involved at the time, but since other people didn’t feel the need to run my name through the mud, I don’t feel the need to address their personal issues with aLBoP.
This woman was INFP and I’m referring to her by her type since I have no intention to be petty enough to share her name.  That doesn’t mean I think all INFPs are that way *obviously,* it’s just easier than saying “woman” on repeat, because that’s weird.
But, as I’m sure she talked about on the thread in question, she thought we were harsh and mean on our forum in a way that she deemed “never called for.”  She was referring to one particular forum post of mine.  Here’s what happened, from my perspective:
If you are unfamiliar with cognitive typing, you will need to know that ESTPs like to poke for reactions.  It’s how they interact with the world, which is a good thing.  And because motives and character judgment is their primary Type of Information, it really really matters to them what people are really like. They hate fakeness, perhaps most of all the EPs, and attempt to cut through the crap of pretension (wow I had no idea that was spelled with an s instead of a t, interesting), or fake nicety, by catching people off guard and seeing how they react.  Reactions are an EP’s bread and butter, after all.
So since very early aLBoP, there was this ESTP.  Great way to start a story lol. And he had been all over the internet and in real life, and had seen people being crappy on repeat, so he was used to that as the norm rather than the exception. We can all relate with that.
So when he found aLBoP he immediately began his routine “poking for legitimacy” like a 19th century miner biting a gold coin lol.  But because of the crappy he had experienced, he was used to having to poke oftenly and fairly hard to see what was really inside someone.
But when he first began poking at aLBoP, I didn’t know this backstory.  I just saw that the same guy was commenting on *every* new post, and giving me pokie lip on each one lol.  He would comment things on each post, trying to get a reaction, commenting about how I said this or that, or on what he’d read elsewhere that disagreed.  And at first I was just like “>:( leave me aloooone! If you don’t like the posts, why are you here??”
But that was the thing, he kept staying around.  I didn’t get it.  I felt like his comments meant he didn’t like the posts, so why didn’t he just move on?  And the comments were getting more positive over time, usually just with something pokie at the end or something.  And he ordered a typing from us and I was like “What???  Well, I guess he does trust us some… Huh…”  That was before Facial Typing, but when I realized his type it just made all the sense.  (I have obviously since seen his face and it was spot on what we predicted, for the record.  Take that people who try and pretend this isn’t a science .  When it can accurately predict what people will look like before we see their faces.)  And he had really been open about himself in his typing emails (of which there were several, telling us about himself, which is so adorably ESTP lol <3), and I was already liking him a lot more already.  And then he posted pokie comments on the Spartan, being skeptical and I’d feel grumpy about him again, but as much as I wasn’t a fan of the way he was poking, feeling like “how many times are you going to have to poke me before you’ll believe I’m legit? :P”, I did still really like him and care about him, and was starting to appreciate his bold, frank, poking sense of humor.
But this back and forth dance of poking and a surprising growing loyalty we saw from him about aLBoP, was at an interesting place right before we launched Phase 2.  I remember he had left a really sweet comment on SS:P2 (which isn’t there anymore because we moved, remember?) and I was feeling really supported and happy about him.  And yet because of this history, and the fact that I was aware the poking was still strong with him, lol, Justin and I were nervous about him as we came up to launching Phase 2.  I remember three individuals that we were worried about with it and this ESTP was one of them. But like I said, we liked him too, so Justin and I had high hopes about the whole situation as we launched.
Now, if you haven’t read what is now the Phase 2 Intro, and don’t know about what kind of content we have over there, it’s not only more in depth than what we have here on Phase 1, it’s about understanding yourself in a very core way, even deeper inside than cognition even, which is why we didn’t want it to be drive-by internet bait.  It’s not secret, but we think it’s pretty special, and we wanted to foster an environment of reading-comprehension and self-examination, for this information that is intended to help individuals grow, for people who want to do that. Like I said, it’s pretty special to us, and we’ve had immensely special experiences seeing it work in the lives of others as well as ourselves <3.
But because of the crap he’d experienced, and because most of the time Motives aren’t treated as a valid Type of Information, even after all the times he’d poked us, this ESTP felt very wary as he came onto Phase 2 and began reading the new information.  It was all new stuff and lifted the ceiling on his own potential, making him worried he was going to be judged unfairly for things he didn’t know yet (I hope that’s a fair assessment of his feelings at the time).  And so he sort of acted out about it.  From what he said later, he skimmed the Intro, feeling grumpy about it from the very beginning of the information, and went to the fresh new forum even more wary than he had started.
He read the forum rules, which we had written purposely open-ended, talking about attitudes that weren’t acceptable on the aLBoP forum, and referenced content from the Intro in showing how those attitudes would be identified.  Having been treated unfairly other places for doing the “wrong” action (his last step and mine), and I think feeling grumpy about the new information being referenced again, like he was expected to know everything right away or, like I said, be judged unfairly, our ESTP’s first forum post was a criticism of the forum rules, saying they were too open ended and wouldn’t work.  I remember in one of his posts in this conversation, he said that other forums’ rules were better and said it would be better to be like every other forum, which was the opposite of what we were aiming for.
Justin replied very nicely to him, explaining that he wasn’t expected to know everything yet, and to just relax and settle in, trying to encourage him to get comfortable and let us worry about whether or not we could reasonably make it better than other forums.
(I swear, I don’t know why people consistently treat Justin like he’s going to be the intense, harsh one. 9 times out of 10 *I* play bad cop, not him.  Which people don’t expect from me because I’m adorable and smiley, lol, and the unsuspected nature of it works in my favor.)
But our ESTP (running out of ways to say that) was still feeling upset from the Intro, and didn’t want to be soothed about the topic, still arguing about it being unfair.  I think some others might have talked too at that point?  Don’t remember.  But it was a particular “won’t let this go” thing iirc.
And we were working so hard on the atmosphere of this baby forum.  Justin and I were getting about 2 hrs of sleep a night, trying to help the forum feel like a safe place where people could actually talk about things, and this was the last thing it needed.  And I was so done with this ESTP’s mood and attitude at that moment.  He was being so stubborn (which I lovingly joke ST stands for sometimes, lol <3) and obstinate, and I decided “no more!”
I sat down and wrote a reply post that was intended to smack him upside the head, hard, and say “Stop it!  I think you can be better than this!  Are you going to prove me wrong?!”  It was an intense post, not gonna lie. I actually remember very little about it besides my calculated fury and the fact that I quoted XKCD.  And I said he wasn’t allowed to say “I didn’t do any specific actions wrong, you can’t call me on my bad attitude and intentions.”  Oh and I may have said he was acting like a “dick” at some point … Yeah, apologies, that is a phrase I use, not actually on Phase 1 before this point.  It’s just so concise and jerk is just not strong enough sometimes!!  Is it bad that it’s a little bit funny looking back at how intense I got, since it’s been very resolved on that front since?  Like I’m kind of embarrassed that I am that intense of a person.  You know, as if someone took a picture of my battle face and I’m looking back at it now like  “That’s what I look like angry, huh?”
Which isn’t to say that I rage posted.  I don’t rage post.  Case in point, how the thread that sparked this whole post is now over two years old, and I began writing this post over a month ago.  I am meticulous and thorough and attempt to predict the reactions my words and choices will evoke, as is my one-true-mental-love as an ENTP.
I stayed up all night writing that post, trying to imagine how he would reply to different parts and trying not to let him wiggle out of it, and yet wanting to give him the opportunity to do better if he wanted to.
I am a very passionate person, I’ll give you that for sure.  People and things mean more to me than I can ever say, often against my will.  But that means while I get really truly incensed about plenty of topics, I will never write an angry message to someone if I have no hope of getting through to them.  Like this post for example; there’s a reason it isn’t addressed to the people over on that thread.  I have hopes of actually communicating with very many of *you,* however I won’t try and communicate with them.  I don’t have any hope that that would do squat.
Ask Justin’s brother, also ETP, sometime about the intense face-slap email I sent him, he’s definitely never forgotten it.  But I would never have sent it if I didn’t respect him and his ability to apply things and desire to grow.  (He replied epically to it, btw.)  If I ever get truly angry with you, and let you know it, know that I respect you enough to believe it’ll make a difference to address the issue with you.
ETPs need to be poked as much as poke (saying that is going to get me into trouble with people lovingly poking me, heh), and I wanted to poke this ESTP hard enough to get a reaction of change, and I poked as hard as I felt he personally needed, based on knowing him personally and knowing his cognition.
But the INFP woman in question immediately replied informing us that you never ever ever (need a bunch more evers) speak to someone that way!  She said we were mean and rash and harsh and she would have no part in it!  And for the record, she was definitely not the only one concerned.
The post I wrote *was* in fact harsh, but it was not a knee-jerk reaction.  It was a calculated move decided upon, based on love for the person I was talking to, and the hope that snapping him out of the way he was acting would induce him to be *more*, which I hoped he could be.
And if you consider “lovingly harsh” to be an oxymoron—if you believe that there could never be a situation where harshness would be the appropriate reaction in order to get through to someone you care about—then this may not be the place for you, especially the later Phases of aLBoP.  aLBoP is a place for adults to come of age, and attitudes that say “you always deal with people this way or that way” are, frankly, childish and therefore wouldn’t fit in with the atmosphere of aLBoP’s later Phases.
We deal with people on a case by case basis, not by one-size-fits-all rules, and this was actually what I thought would be most effective.  And to be honest, it worked.  He immediately stopped in his tracks and said “I’m sorry, what can I do differently?”  Honestly, his reaction was much more epic and adult than I expected it to be, but I did anticipate that the best way to handle an ESTP acting that way, was to shock him to get his attention, and stop him in his tracks.
But this INFP woman didn’t care whether or not it worked.  She was all too pleased to be indignant.  She told the forum (if I remember correctly) that she was leaving, and also emailed to chastise us again, and to tell us she was leaving.  We emailed her a short but polite “sorry you feel that way” email, but tbh were pretty pleased to see her go.  (Now when I say “polite,” I actually mean polite.  I don’t consider my harsh post in question to be polite, for example, but it wasn’t intended to be polite.)
She was actually one that we *did* have a video chat with before we even launched Phase 2 (you guys see why I didn’t want to carry them in the store anymore?), after we had typed her.  And while we made it very pleasant and answered all the questions she had, to her stated satisfaction, Justin and I both could tell there was something about aLBoP that made her very uncomfortable.  He and I discussed afterward, “that was good… right?” “yeah, but we had to make it good.”  I could go into the ins and outs of what made her uncomfortable, things having to do with her Type Angst, blah blah blah, but that just seems petty at this point.  Interestingly, I talked about her in What if I’m not the Type I Thought I Was and referred to her as a “cool INFP.”
I was being nice.
I will say, disappointingly, that there has definitely been an FP trend among the people who have been the least cool about aLBoP.  I mean, I know soooo many cool FPs, and I suspect we get more of them, quantity-wise, since their Type Specs are all about the meaning that they can get out of Individuals and Situations <3 and I think and hope that aLBoP is right down that alley.  But when an unhealthy FP feels like we’re a threat to their own personal meaning, watch out!  We’ve especially had a lot of ESFP and ENFP guys (more often guys than girls, interestingly) who have approached us as “nice guys” with obvious warning signs, that when they ended up showing their true colors were anything but nice.  I won’t go into tales of the one who wouldn’t stop emailing me in all-caps not-so-nice words, or the one who spammed comments about how ENTPs didn’t have feelings.  I don’t make character judgments flippantly, especially negative ones.  And unfortunately, my spotting of warning signs has proved depressingly accurate, as individuals have demonstrated with later actions.
But in a twist of couldn’t-get-more-ironic, the reason I decided to write this post was because Justin was chatting with the very ESTP she had said I was abominably too hard on.  He’s been one of our biggest supporters ever since, both in having our backs with emotional support and sharing aLBoP, and he’s been ridiculously generous on Patreon (I hope it’s okay to share that, I never know what is couth when it comes to talking about money and donations ).
Lol, when he found out about people discussing him on that thread he was like “Hey, they’re talking about me!  That’s pretty cool.” ROFL, could he *be* any more ESTP?!  Idec, I love you, you are seriously amazing and I can learn a lot from how you let stuff roll off of you!! <3
But he had a friend whom he’d been telling about aLBoP, and the friend saw the “scam” link and got wary, so I felt like it was finally time to address this.  I have better things to do than tell people on the internet that they’re wrong, but when it’s deterring other people who are looking for aLBoP, then that’s something I need to try and fix.
*Whew* sorry this has been so long!
But I don’t want you guys to worry that this has delayed posting at all.  The only major posts this year have been The Dragon, like I said, and the Four Types of Love, both of which I am ridiculously proud of, although I have been worried sick about not posting more, especially since you guys have earned it with Patreon all year; don’t think I’ve forgotten it!!
But the reasons we have been gone so much are somewhat other aspects of aLBoP, working on later “Phase” stuff, especially training people who want to help us help all of you guys more, but also working on our own personal situation as well.
In June I was offered a part-time job by an INTJ friend of mine that I really respect, at his business, and I felt like it was the perfect time.  (For the record, he doesn’t know I’ve typed him shhh )  And while I’m really enjoying it and I think it’s benefitting aLBoP, I felt fairly overwhelmed and anxious the first few weeks, so that took a lot of my attention at first.  But really, there’s been plenty of other aspects going on with us working things out to establish ourselves for the long haul.
Which, for the record, the part-time job is in financial planning, so I had to have a background check for it, which I passed, so I guess the FBI doesn’t believe I’m a danger to people’s money if that helps with the whole “scam” thing lol… Unless that’s a ruse and they’re watching me *right now.* O_O  Considering that I’m writing this from the bathtub, that would be super pervy.
However, apparently I have very little fingerprints left, I guess from my skin condition, so I am considering a life of crime.  If anyone has any suggestions, please leave them in the comments below.
Anyway, I have two short Super Simple posts almost done, working on a new format for shorter posts and faster posting, so I hope to get those out to you guys ASAP.  I will make up for all the months I’ve missed, I swear!!  Thank you guys for your patience as always.  And for your trust of us as a source.  I can’t tell you how much it means to me those times when people are impugning our character (which thankfully seems to be happening less and less these days), to know you beloved readers are out there; knowing that you know us, love us and have our backs.  I couldn’t ask for a better audience or better friends. <3
My hope in clearing this up is to just soothe people’s worries and hopefully overcome misleading search results so that new people can find aLBoP every day, and hopefully feel like who they are and the way they think naturally is worthwhile and wanted.
Much love, <3 Calise
The post aLBoP a Scam? Drama, Scandal, Ooh Ahh! appeared first on A Little Bit of Personality.
from aLBoP a Scam? Drama, Scandal, Ooh Ahh!
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charlieharry1 · 4 years
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lindawood · 6 years
How to Get Rid of a Used Car Seat
Last January, I needed to get rid of two car seats that my girls had outgrown. Safety experts caution against giving them away unless they’re in near-perfect condition (most charities won’t even take them), and finding recycling programs specific to car seats is rare. What could I do to keep the seats from going straight to a landfill?
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This April 22 through May 5, Target will host its first trade-in program of 2018. Bring in your unwanted seat and get a coupon for 20 percent off a new seat or stroller.
At a loss for better options, my husband and I tore our car seats apart, as best we could, and put the exoskeleton-like shells out with the recycling bags on the curb, hoping for the best. Next recycling day, the truck didn’t pick up the shells, and I spent a week anxiously imagining them decomposing right there on the sidewalk, weathering a millennium of snowstorms and humid New York City heat waves. Although the seats were eventually picked up, I couldn’t shake my guilt. I wondered if the seats were really recycled, and if I should have tried harder to pass them on.
The problem of getting rid of big, bulky gear (or other similar home goods) isn’t unique to car seats. But considering that most kids will go through three before they turn 11, and the safety issues involved with handing them down, car seats pose a pretty significant disposal issue. After seeking the advice of a child-passenger safety expert, a specialty recycler, and my local department of sanitation, I determined the best practices for donating and recycling a seat. But most of them require more work than you might expect.
Pass it on … but only if you can vouch for its condition
You can give away or sell a used seat, but it better be in near-perfect condition. The next owners should be able to talk with you, ideally in person, about the seat’s history. Lorrie Walker, training manager and technical advisor for the Buckle Up Program at Safe Kids Worldwide (which certifies Child Passenger Safety technicians), told me the seat should meet the following criteria:
It should be within the expiration date. Car seats have expiration dates, which might make some parents suspicious that manufacturers are just trying to make us buy more stuff. But like anything, the components of the seats can wear out over time. “Those expiration dates are there for a good reason,” Jose Ucles, a spokesperson for the U.S. Department of Transportation, told me in an email. “An expiration date tells you about the integrity of the seat’s components. Webbing, plastic, foam, buckles, etc., experience wear and tear over time that could weaken their ability to provide optimal crash protection.” Infant seats (our favorite is the Chicco Keyfit 30) usually expire five to six years after the manufacture date. Convertible seats (we recommend Britax’s Marathon ClickTight) expire after about 10 years. Look for the date in the manual or on the seat.
Never hand down an expired car seat, like this one that I recently saw on a sidewalk in my neighborhood. Better to recycle it or throw it away. Photo: Christine Cyr Clisset
It should be from the original owner and never have been in a moderate to serious crash. Only the original owner will know the full history of the seat and can vouch that it’s never been in an accident. “Once a car seat’s been in a crash, much like a bike helmet or a motorcycle helmet, it’s no good,” said Walker. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), a fender bender might be okay, though.
It should not have any missing parts, or parts that you’ve jerry-rigged. Walker told me a nightmare story about a child who was ejected from a car seat that the parents had bought at a yard sale. Only after the crash did they discover the prior owners had replaced a steel bar that was supposed to hold the car seat harness straps in place with a soft, straw-like metal rod that couldn’t support the weight of the child.
The seat shouldn’t be under recall. And if it was recalled, make sure it was fixed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. “Many of the recall items are generally fixable at home, they’re not difficult to do,” said Walker.
Ideally, the safety manual and registration card should be included, though if you’ve lost the original manual most car seat manufacturers have PDF versions online. Walker recommends the new owners also register the seat to receive updates on recalls, which can be done with the registration card (if you still have it) or through the NHTSA.
Checking all the boxes on this list can be a tall order for the average parent. “Very few people want that responsibility,” said Walker.
Look for buyback programs
Target and other stores periodically host events where you can bring in your old seat and receive a coupon toward your next purchase. What happens to the seats after the trade-in depends on the retailer and which disposal company it has partnered with. Some partners, like TerraCycle, will recycle the entire seat (including the foam and fabric covers), others recycle only the most valuable materials (usually the metal and some of the plastic). Some retailers just send them to a landfill.
Target ran two buyback programs in 2017 where it partnered with TerraCycle, a company that specializes in hard-to-recycle items. A rep from Target told me the company recycled nearly 80,000 seats, equaling over one million pounds, during one event alone. This April 22 through May 5, Target will host its first trade-in program of 2018, this time partnered with a company called Waste Management. Bring in your unwanted seat and you’ll get a coupon for 20 percent off a new car seat or stroller.
Recycle it—if you can!
Your next best option is to recycle your seat through your municipality (call to see if it takes them) or one of the rare car seat recycling programs. Car seats are challenging to recycle because they’re made of so many materials, which need to be separated for individual waste streams. Most programs will recycle only the metal and some of the plastic parts of the frame, which have more value than the foam and fabric covers.
“The only way I see that car seats would be recycled by a municipality is if they’re going to cherry pick the parts of the car seat that are valuable or have any value to them once they’re separated,” said Brett Stevens, vice president of material sales and procurement at TerraCycle. Corporate subsidies allow TerraCycle to recycle less-profitable parts. For instance, Target paid TerraCycle to recycle the car seats from its two trade-in programs in 2017. TerraCycle also partners with a range of companies for free recycling programs for packaging, like snack bags and toothpaste tubes. “That’s why we’re able to exist,” said Stevens, “because of the generous sponsorship of these companies.”
Pull Quote
It took my husband and me a curse-inducing hour with an electric drill, screwdriver, and hammer to remove a fraction of the metal pieces embedded in the plastic.
If you decide to recycle through your municipality, remove the cover and cut off the straps, harnesses, and buckles. Basically, make it unusable. If the seat isn’t fit for donating, you don’t want another family nabbing it.
Before putting my daughters’ seats on the curb, I followed advice I’d read on the Internet and broke the shells apart as much as possible. In practice, I found this to be backbreaking work that most people probably won’t hassle with. It took my husband and me a curse-inducing hour with an electric drill, screwdriver, and hammer to remove a fraction of the metal pieces embedded in the plastic. I felt better about our weak performance after I talked to Walker: “I’ve been at [disposal] events through the years where somebody has piled the car seats in a really big heap and then they take an earth mover and try and crush them…sometimes it takes this earth mover going over it three or four times to break the molds on these car seats.”
Throw it out … but do it right!
If you do need to send the car seat to a landfill, take it apart first (again, you don’t want a family mistaking it for a giveaway and using it). As you would if recycling the shell, cut off all the straps, buckles, and harnesses. “That way you’ve completely rendered the carseat unable to be used,” Walker said. She recommends putting the shell in one dark garbage bag, and the straps and cover in another.
As for my daughters’ car seats, I tried to investigate their fate by emailing the NYC Department of Sanitation’s press office. Hypothetically, I asked, If I put the stripped car seat shells out with the rest of my recycling, would they be recycled? I quickly got a response from Vito Turso, a deputy commissioner at the department: “We accept all rigid plastics for recycling, so I think you can say yes.”
Well, probably yes and no.
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judithsears · 6 years
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2017 - Great year.
I went to Cuba in April. I swam in turquoise waters for the first time and cried like a baby. Snorkeled in the ocean, danced and ate with the locals, squished giant cockroaches and lived in paradise for 8 glorious days.
I went to Italy in July with my mom. Visited Mestre, Venice, La Spezia, Portovenere, Cinque Terre, Florence and Rome. I ate pizza, pasta and drank prosecco. Swam in the Mediterranean sea with the fish, saw the sun set at the top of piazza di michelangelo, hiked the eastern coast between the towns or Corniglia and Vernazza. It was incredible. I spent one day alone, a complete stranger in a village. Anonymous, and alone, eating gelato at the top of a mountain, sweating in 42 degree heat, looking down onto a marina on the ocean.
I completed my second season of rowing.
I learned how to throw ceramics on the wheel and made several mugs and bowls.
Continued working on my body and my self.
Watched Third Eye Blind play Semi Charmed Kind of Life, live, outdoors, at sunset overlooking the water in upper New York.
My nephew was born in January. He is perfect. And I love him.
I tried desperately to expand my friend-base. It has proved very difficult between the weddings, babies, schedules, careers, money, etc...But I made some genuine connections with some really great people and feel pretty fortunate for it.
What do I want to do in 2018? I was doing aquafit the other day, floating in the pool with one of the aforementioned friends, and we talked about what goals we have for the new year...
-Build and nurture friendships and put myself out there. Stop standing in my own way and hang out with people.
-See my ladies club - S.W.I.S. - come to fruition.
-Work on my hobbies in the evenings after work rather than just sit on my ass and be lazy. I’d like to do things that feel good, make me happy and allow a feeling of accomplishment at the end. (ie. sewing, painting, etc...)
-Make my GRL PWR show a reality.
I’m welcoming in 2017 with open arms. I’ve turned 30 and am trying to figure out how to be happy and to better my life. Here are my goals for 2017:
*Travel. I want to go to Italy and go hiking in BC. (I DID IT. I FINALLY WENT TO ITALY.)
*Create less waste. Less packaging. Find a way to compost.
*Eat slower (like my dad) and enjoy my food (and wine) more. (FAIL)
*Take more pictures. (MEGA FAIL)
*Sew wearable clothes. (NO)
*Take a pottery course/workshop. (YES! SUCCESS!)
*Continue rowing. (YES. V GOOD.)
*Continue at my job and maybe grow into a new, higher position or role to gain experience. (KIND OF IMPOSSIBLE RIGHT NOW)
*Continue my quest for good health - physical and mental. Which means eating well, eating whole foods, less sugar, salt and fat and exercising regularly. (YES)
*Continue growing food on my balcony and using it in my cooking. (50/50)
*Travel. (CUBA)
*Travel. (ITALY)
*Travel. (SYRACUSE)
Lets see how I did at my 2016 list….
- Sew something new. Clothing. T-shirts. Dresses. Anything. (No. BUT I did pick up a pattern. I guess that doesn’t count though.)
- Be kind for pete’s sake! Drop the attitude. (No. Attitude is as fiery as ever.)
- Be more accepting of others and everyone’s little imperfections! ( I tried.)
- Complain less. Appreciate more. (Yes, I tried.)
- Work out more. It wasn’t until I hurt my knee that I realized there are other things you can do with your body that are (almost) as challenging and as rewarding as running. (I’ve completed Kayla Itsines full 24 week guide this year.)
- Get them abs. I want to see and earn my muscle tone and definition. (Photos to come soon.)
- Travel somewhere new. (I think the only place I really went this year was Syracuse, NY)
- Grow something new and edible. Grow more edible things! (My whole balcony was food this summer! Kale, kale and more kale. Tomatoes. Basil. Etc.)
- Drink more water. (Nay.)
- Cook new things and try new foods!!! I love food. (Yes. Success.)
- Love more. (Yes.)
- Beat this awful and miserable fear of flying. (Nay. I think it may have gotten worse actually. haha.)
2016. It’s coming to an end. Everyone is going on and on about how much it sucked. I thought it was alright.
I think the really defining piece of my year was moving into a new job. That all my hard work and time and emotional exhaustion paid off in one way or another and I am now supervising the program I started off in. I may not be teaching, but I’m happy.
I began rowing. I was on a team this summer with 7 other rowers and we learned and raced and drank together. It was amazing. Terrifying but amazing. Along with that, I started doing yoga at the boat house, overlooking the Ottawa river. Pretty amazing.
Went to Syracuse, NY for an amazing, incredible, spontaneous weekend to see Rob Thomas and Counting Crows at a beautiful, magical outdoor amphitheatre.
I turned 30. And my best friend and boyfriend orchestrated the more surprising surprise party, and it was so fun and memorable.
I donated my hair for the SECOND TIME! I love doing this. But somehow after turning 30, my hair is incredibly thin now and worrying me so it may not happen again! Hah.
I had an amazing time at the cottage this summer with my best friend. I visited the cottage I grew up at every summer, rode the boat I caught my first fish in, swam in the lake I learned to swim in and roasted marshmallows in the same spot I roasted marshmallows in when I was 5 years old. That weekend meant a lot to me.
So I think I did alright.
Its that time again!
we are, another new year. It feels a little lack luster right now, but at the same time - I don’t mind. I feel kind of, at peace, I suppose! Content. And I think that is okay! The New Year right now, doesn’t seem all that scary and it doesn’t need to be a BIG SHA-BANG! I feel peaceful and happy and I’m going to roll with it! Also to be noted - I have to say I really thought my new years kiss was so sweet and tender, and maybe thats why I feel this way! I’ll take it. Anyways - what can I knock off my list of things to do in 2015, what did I achieve?
- Be kinder. Do things more selflessly. Do things for people without expectations of getting anything in return. (I’m going to say I was about 60/40 on this one. I think I definitely took strides, but its hard when you begin to feel used. We’ll work on this one.)
- Concentrate on what is RIGHT or what is GOING RIGHT. In life, in my job, career path, etc. (Yes - I think I did this to the best of my ability! Love my job, my home, my friends, etc.)
- Complain less. About everything/anything. (No - definitely need to work on this.)
- Eat clean, whole foods. Less salt, less sugar, less fat. Eat whole ingredients and whole foods. (YEA YEAAH)
- Love more, accept more. (hmmm I’d say.)
- Paint more. (Nay, Nay)
- Sew something wearable. Sew another quilt (#4) (Sewed two more quilts, need to up the game on the SS Fashion Line for 2016)
- Make the best out of any bad situations. (I’d say.)
- Fitness. Find some way to correct my knee problem and work on being the fittest I can be. (Knee is still fucked. Body is reasonably fit. Feeling pretty good!)
- Get on the supply list. (Nay Nay - I think my career path may take a slight sliiiight detour.)
What would I like to achieve in 2016!?
- Sew something new. Clothing. T-shirts. Dresses. Anything.
- Be kind for pete’s sake! Drop the attitude.
- Be more accepting of others and everyone’s little imperfections!
- Complain less. Appreciate more.
- Work out more. It wasn’t until I hurt my knee that I realized there are other things you can do with your body that are (almost) as challenging and as rewarding as running.
- Get them abs. I want to see and earn my muscle tone and definition.
- Travel somewhere new.
- Grow something new and edible. Grow more edible things!
- Drink more water.
- Cook new things and try new foods!!! I love food.
- Love more.
- Beat this awful and miserable fear of flying.
Well.. I’ll continue coasting for now on my wave. Work is good and could open up some doors to a career detour. Love is good. My man human is amazing and as sweet as sugar. I saw a few new places this past year. Met a few new people. Made a few new things. Close friends got closer. My family is amazing and they love me so much - and I am so grateful for that. Missing some old friends, gained a few new ones. And I’m not sure what else to say - so on that note! Peace out 2015, its been a pizza-slice.
2014 - well, well, well, we’ve come to an end.
Am I sad to see you go? No, not really. You gave me a lot of great opportunities a TON of new experiences. You’ve given me a lot of exceptional moments, good times, good friends and good memories. I’ve become a lot closer with some of my favourite people and shared a lot of cool memories. Could we improve for next year however? Of course.
So what did I accomplish from my MUST DO list of 2014?
WELL - lets see…
-Get on the supply list (I’ve supply taught, but I’m not on the list JUST yet..)
-Cook more natural foods (YEA GIRL YEA)
-Read more books (#1 on the list, Wheat Belly) (I think I read 3, but that might be a record?)
-Continue running (and working on my self) (My knee is busted, so no… )
-Help people more - without the expectation of anything in return (Check.)
-Meet more people (Check)
-Play more music, write more music, play more shows (nope)
-Paint, quilt, sew - be more creative (painted and sewed another quilt)
-Love more, accept more, understand give & take more (Check.)
Not too bad. I feel like I’m in a good place. I’m content and believe I’m on a path of success. My job is good, and my co-workers are fun and keep me motivated. The kids I get to hang out with make me laugh and challenge me every day. I’m always learning how to plan better, how to be more patient, be more engaging and to listen and communicate. Kids are weird, but the hilarious stuff I hear them say always makes each day bareable when all I wanna do it be a lazy pile on the couch.
My best friends are amazing. My favourite human is amazing and he lifts me up and lets me depend on him for anything, and I know he’ll still accept me with open arms at the end of the day no matter what. Life is good and for now, I’ll just keep rolling along into the new year. I’m pretty interested to see what its going to hold for me.
- Be kinder. Do things more selflessly. Do things for people without expectations of getting anything in return.
- Concentrate on what is RIGHT or what is GOING RIGHT. In life, in my job, career path, etc.
- Complain less. About everything/anything.
- Eat clean, whole foods. Less salt, less sugar, less fat. Eat whole ingredients and whole foods.
- Love more, accept more.
- Paint more.
- Sew something wearable. Sew another quilt (#4)
- Make the best out of any bad situations.
- Fitness. Find some way to correct my knee problem and work on being the fittest I can be.
- Get on the supply list.
So what do I need to accomplish in 2014…
-Get on the supply list (I’ve supply taught, but I’m not on the list JUST yet..)
-Cook more natural foods (YEA GIRL YEA)
-Read more books (#1 on the list, Wheat Belly) (I think I read 3, but that might be a record?)
-Continue running (and working on my self) (My knee is busted, so no… )
-Help people more - without the expectation of anything in return (Check.)
-Meet more people (Check)
-Play more music, write more music, play more shows (nope)
-Paint, quilt, sew - be more creative (painted and sewed another quilt)
-Love more, accept more, understand give & take more (Check.)
I’ve been working on my list of New Years Resolutions and things to accomplish in 2013.
Here goes…
*Get a job in my feild - or at the very least take a leap in the right direction. (CHECK. *pats self on back*)
*Paint more. (Does water colour count?)
*Run more. (Check.)
*Meet new people - whether through the internet, group meet-ups, through other friends or mentors, just meet people. (favourite new friends of 2013 awards coming soon.)
*Continue my clean eating quest. The more natural the better. (December has been rough on that front - but the rest of the year has been top notch)
*Buy less. Narrow down my possessions. (I am a notorious self proclaimed “thing-hater”. If I can do without it, I will find away to make due without it.)
*Run a half marathon - which may require me to buy new running shoes. (Didn’t happen… but I did go through 3 months of physiotherapy and therapy-ed my self back to running again)
*Volunteer at Ottawa School of Art - again. (CHECK.)
*Grow plants or vegetables. (Two live plants, thriving in my apartment presently. Tomatoes next?)
*Maintain my pledge to never work another Christmas in retail. (SUCCESS! I spent boxing day laying on my couch. Win win win!)
Things to do in 2012…
*Tattoo (before Sept. 11th). (Didn’t happen.)
*Record that EP I’ve been meaning to record. (Didn’t happen.)
*Make a [shitty] music video. (Didn’t happen.)
*Sell some art work. (Check!)
*Finish my quilt. (Double check!)
*Paint more. (Check!)
*Find a shitty job to get me through the winter and then a sweet job for later. (Hmmm - well I didn’t work a lick last winter, but I managed to get an assistant manager position in a shitty shit shoe store selling over priced leather shoes to annoying Europeans.)
*Cook more diverse and delicious food. (Duh, check! Clean eating!)
*Drink more wine. (Check, obviously.)
*Visit Alex in Berlin. (Didn’t happen.)
*Be more spontaneous. (Check. Summer of YES happened.)
*Be a lady. (Hmm, Summer of YES may have gotten in the way of that.)
*Be more creative. (Somewhat check?)
*Design and sew a piece of wearable clothing. (Didn’t happen.)
So not so bad! It could of been worse. So what did I do this year?
*Got my second degree.
*Had my first solo art show and sold art work.
*Wrote A LOT of music. Basically an entire new catalog of songs.
*Moved out of my long time apartment on Somerset and made some big changes in my life.
*Started running, trained for a 10km, ran a 10km run.
*Moved from Somerset to High Street to Lisgar to Frank to Lisgar.
*Summer of YES.
*Endured the most difficult and traumatic ordeal I’ve ever experienced in my life to date. Which has effected me long term mentally and physically.
*Rode a motorcycle for the first time. Many times. Best time - to the top of Champlain Lookout in Gatineau
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goddessgardener · 7 years
Dig a Little, Dream a Lot
By Cynthia Brian
“Be at War with your Vices, at Peace with your Neighbours, & let every New-Year find you a better Man.” Benjamin Franklin
Resolutions, goals, a fresh start. Does January bring out your best efforts in wishful thinking as you embark on a new year or do you have the stamina and mindfulness to actually fulfill your gardening dreams? The famous English gardener and writer, Vita Sackville-West, wrote: “The most noteworthy thing about gardeners is that they are always optimistic, always enterprising, and never satisfied. They always look forward to doing something better than they have ever done before.”  Although Vita died in 1962, her gardens at Sissinghurst survive as a national treasure, thriving with seasonal beauty and tender care from volunteers. I was fortunate enough to travel the grounds last year and marvel, even in the rain, at the expanse of her horticultural involvement. Vita’s quote definitely describes my personal gardening mantra as my motto has always been “Failure is fertilizer. Throw the mistake on the compost pile to grow a new garden.”  In other words, mistakes, or malfattis as we say in Italian are always an experiment in something new…and maybe even a better creation. I don’t rest on my bay laurels but keep on striving.
One of my favorite global excursions is to visit gardens everywhere I travel. Exploring gardens, great and small, is a wonderful way to expand one’s horticultural intelligence while gathering ideas for one’s own plot. At the top of my resolution list for 2017 I’ve designated garden hopping as a must-do. In the past few weeks, I’ve had numerous emails from readers of this column with questions, comments, and aspirations as well as ambitious dreams for gardening in 2017.  Here are ideas you may wish to employ this year as you dig a little and dream a lot!
⎫ Get your children and grandchildren engaged in gardening activities. Virtues, skills, and life itself are learned in the garden. ⎫ Be brave. Experiment more. Worry less. There are no brown thumbs. ⎫ Plant more seeds to watch the wonder of sprouting. ⎫ Grow more vegetables and herbs in your pots or potager for a healthier plant to plate palate. Consume, share, preserve to eliminate waste. ⎫ Photograph your garden often and keep records of what blooms when, what works where, and what you want to edit. ⎫ Install a water-saving irrigation system. ⎫ Donate extra produce to a food bank. ⎫ When time is limited, hire help. ⎫ Compost, compost, compost. (see composting recipe below) ⎫ Visit botanical gardens wherever you travel. ⎫ Encourage pollinators to take up residence by planting and offering habitat that attract them. Birds, bees, bats, hummingbirds, and butterflies are precious protectors. ⎫ Eliminate insecticides and pesticides. Research companion planting. ⎫ Mulch more to reduce weeds, keep the soil warm or cool depending on the weather, and stop soil erosion. ⎫ Take a class to expand your knowledge. ⎫ Be more realistic. ⎫ Find interesting outdoor accents to use in the landscape like vintage windows, doors, or Victorian gazing balls. ⎫ Add one or more water elements. ⎫ Start saving special seeds. ⎫ Propagate from cuttings. ⎫ Plant a garden or pots in a patio for the first time. ⎫ Add a new rosebush. ⎫ Plant a cutting garden for creating beautiful bouquets year round. ⎫ Sow a path of fragrance with lavender, jasmine, honeysuckle, or other sweet-smelling shrubs. ⎫ Become more aware of the natural world by paying attention to the sounds, smells, and sights. ⎫ Make your garden drought tolerant with succulents. ⎫ Resolve to utilize organic gardening methods. ⎫ Begin keeping a journal of your outdoor endeavors. ⎫ Use tropical plants indoors as air purifiers as well as décor focal points. ⎫ Enjoy your garden more, slave less. Spend at least 15 minutes every day admiring your beautiful handiwork in conjunction with nature.
Since getting in shape or losing weight is the number one New Year’s resolution that is rarely kept, remember that gardening provides an excellent workout with the digging, tilling, weeding, raking, mowing, moving, planting, and climbing. Plus gardening is great fun.  My hope for you is that you will adopt one or more of these tips as your gardening promise for the year. Be enterprising. Do things better than you ever did before. Be optimistic. Be the STAR you are.
As we take a moment to reflect on the past and look forward to the future, share your gardening dreams for 2017. Email me, [email protected].
Cynthia Brian’s Garden Guidelines for January ⎫ Compost Recipe: Keep a bucket with a lid on it in the garage or other storage area to fill with your kitchen scraps, shredded newspaper, coffee grinds, tea bags, fish bones (no meat products), and egg shells. Dump daily in an outdoor bin or pile. Add leaves and other brown materials, grass and plant clippings, and garden waste. Keep moist. Turn often with a spade or pitchfork. When the material looks and feels like a damp chocolate cake mix with an aroma of the earth, spread in your beds. ⎫ With the flu and colds that seem to be ubiquitous, make sure to keep lots of citrus on hand, especially oranges and lemons which have a high concentration of vitamin C, citric acid, calcium, iron, fiber, and B complex vitamins. Squeeze lemon juice on salads, vegetables, meat, and, of course, in your water to keep you hydrated. Even cut flowers benefit from drops of lemon juice in the vase, helping the water to travel from the stems to the flowers. Scatter the peels on any acid loving plants in your garden including roses, azaleas, rhododendrons, and fuchsias as a natural fertilizer. ⎫ It’s time to do your heavy pruning on your roses. Cut out any dead wood. Prune roses to about knee height. Although many people assume that roses are fussy, they really are quite tolerant providing months of luscious blooms. ⎫ Buy and plant bare-root roses, berries, vines, and fruit trees now following the instructions on the packaging. ⎫ Spray an application of dormant spray on peaches and other fruit trees to kill overwintering insects. ⎫ Peruse catalogues for ideas for spring and summer flowers. ⎫ Make fragrant potpourri from cut flowers.
Happy Gardening and Happy Growing! Happy, Healthy, Auspicious New Year!
Dig a little, dream a lot!
Read ore: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1023/Digging-Deep-Dig-a-Little-Dream-A-Lot-in-2017.html
©2017 Cynthia Brian The Goddess Gardener StarStyle® Productions, llc [email protected] www.GoddessGardener.com 925-377-STAR Tune into Cynthia’s Radio show at www.StarStyleRadio.net I am available as a speaker, designer, and consultant.  
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TWITTER: It's cold, raining, snowing, and holiday season is coming to a close. What's happening in your garden? http://ow.ly/csEN307y3ES
Cynthia Brian’s Gardening Guide for January https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1022/January-Gardening-Guide-Season-Greenings-for-the-New-Year.html
Season’s Greenings By Cynthia Brian
“Winter is in my head, but eternal spring is in my heart!” Victor Hugo
The festivities of holidays are almost over, winter has arrived, and our hills are once again the lush emerald that we, and the cattle adore.  Congratulate yourself on a year well-spent growing your own food and tending to your plants. Now it is time to put your gardens to bed and give yourself a bit of respite. With the colder weather, we are fortunate that lemons, grapefruit, and tangelos are ripe to help us stay healthy.
There is still time to plant bulbs through the end of January for a late spring show. All bulbs need well-drained soil, full sun, or partial shade. Avoid planting in soggy soils where the bulbs will rot. Instead of lining bulbs up in a row, scatter them in clusters for a more natural look. Since deer, squirrels, raccoons, and rabbits enjoy eating many bulb flowers, experiment with planting narcissus cultivars, snowflakes, and snow drops (galanthus) as these repel the critters with their toxicity.
Speaking of critters, our readers enjoyed the article on keeping unwanted guests from taking refuge in homes. From the response, it is apparent that this season of green has indeed brought the rodents to our doorsteps in increasing numbers. Excellent advice came to me from Jenny Papka of Native Bird Connections. With her permission, I am printing her edited suggestions here: “What you term as "vermin" actually misleads people, since rodents, skunks, wasps and even mosquitoes are necessary in Nature. Yes they are annoying in many cases, but it is important to be respectful of why they can actually be good. Rodents are like chocolate for almost all young wild animals, and often are a life-long food source for many. The advice given about getting rid of ivy, etc is helpful, yet other animals will also be impacted. For example, Barn owls nest in palm trees, especially the dead frond areas just under the green crown. Barn owls are the BEST rodent controllers around and other than applauding their presence we do not have to do anything. Obviously we don't want rodents inside our houses or out buildings, yet annihilation is not ideal for anyone. The advice listed is excellent particularly about what we are responsible for doing around our houses.
In Contra Costa County, skunks are officially considered rabies vectors. This is NOT true in other counties. Obviously caution should always be utilized but seeing a skunk, even in the daytime, does not automatically indicate that it is sick. Skunks are omnivores and will eat many of the bothersome creatures we dislike, snails, slugs, rodents, fruit, and yellow jacket larvae. Skunks look for mates in early spring (Feb usually) otherwise they are solitary and crepuscular. So most of the year they are not obvious. This year is a "rebound year" as well, especially for rodents since last year was so dry. The rain this year promises more grass/food so rodents are producing large families. Information and education really increases tolerance and better, more humane choices. Thank you for a good article.”
Jenny also mentioned that it is illegal (and inhumane) to trap and relocate any wildlife. She also does not suggest acquiring cats as rodent control because cats are responsible for the deaths of millions of birds daily, another contentious subject.
Other ways to eliminate the rodents is to install barn owl boxes to encourage owls to your yard. Areas with heavy Great horned owl presence usually will not support barn owl populations (Great horned eat barn owls) but any owl is good for rodent control. Native Bird Connections has boxes available at Wild Birds Unlimited in Pleasant Hill for a $100 donation. Also of importance is to not use the sticky traps as they can entangle other animals creating suffering and a lingering death. Ninety percent of wildlife in the San Francisco Bay Area has rodenticides in their tissues including coyotes, bobcats, and foxes according to WildCare in Marin. This means that the use of poisons for all applications move through the food chain and should be avoided. My advice is to contact Vector Control at 925-771-6142 or visit www.ContraCostaMosquito.com when you have questions or concerns.
Enjoy the cold nights, the rainy days, and the season’s greening. Thanks for allowing me to be your gardening guide on the side. Get ready for great new year of horticultural joys.
Cynthia Brian’s January New Year Gardening Tips:
⎫ BRING health inside with power plants of ferns, palms, spider plants, and other air-cleansing specimens. Tropical houseplants absorb indoor toxins and add humidity to the air saving you dollars on heating. ⎫ BUY a copy of “Great Garden Quotes”, a coloring book with wit, wisdom, and heart from the editors of GreenPrints, the Weeders Digest. Pat Stone, the editor, was a co-author with me on Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul. You’ll love this new coloring book with inspiring garden axioms. www.GreenPrints.com ⎫ ALLOW the organic matter of chopped leaves and lawn clippings to decompose on the soil during the dormant season. ⎫ ADD a cover crop to keep soil healthy, avoid erosion, and help with fertility. ⎫ PICK Meyer lemons and use for juicing, cooking, and baking. This rich citrus will help fend off colds. ⎫ PROTECT tender plants from frost by covering with burlap or cloth. Do not use plastic as it will maximize the freeze. ⎫ PRUNING for dormant fruit trees and shrubs begins this month. ⎫ TIDY your yard by cutting back your chrysanthemums to six inches above the ground, and removing dead foliage from plants. ⎫ SPRAY your peach trees with a concoction of fixed copper or lime sulfur after all the leaves have fallen from the tree to control peach leaf curl. Repeat this process in late January and February for best results. ⎫ PLANT bareroot stock such as grapes, berries, artichokes, roses, and several fruit trees. ⎫ PRUNE roses, vines, and berry bushes to encourage new growth. ⎫ CUT bouquets of geranium flowers for indoors and snip pieces to plant in other areas. ⎫ DONATE $100 to Native Bird Connections and receive an owl box for your garden. ⎫ REMOVE all ornaments, lights, and tinsel from your Christmas trees before placing on the curb for composting pick-up. ⎫ EXPRESS gratitude for all the green that nature is bestowing on us!
Happy Gardening and Happy Growing! Happy, Healthy, Auspicious New Year! See the photos and READ more: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1022/January-Gardening-Guide-Season-Greenings-for-the-New-Year.html
©2017 Cynthia Brian The Goddess Gardener StarStyle® Productions, llc [email protected] www.GoddessGardener.com 925-377-STAR Tune into Cynthia’s Radio show at www.StarStyleRadio.net I am available as a speaker, designer, and consultant.  
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