#may this post find you with good weather and food etc
katabay · 1 year
hello,,,,,everyone,,,,,it has been a minute! since I have logged in here! mostly because my laptop died in an irreparable kind of way without warning and I've been. Stressed. but time marches on! I hope all of you have been doing well!
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anipgarden · 1 year
What to Do Once Things Are Planted?
This is my seventh post in a series I’ll be making on how to increase biodiversity on a budget! I’m not an expert--just an enthusiast--but I hope something you find here helps! 
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So you’ve gotten started on making a garden to boost biodiversity! 10/10, excellent work! So, now what?
First, you’ll need to keep watering the plants--especially if you’re going through a dry season. Native plants will be more acclimated to your area’s seasonal weather, but they’ll need a helping hand while they’re getting established--especially if you’re starting with young, tender seedlings. With that in mind, if you accidentally skip out on crucial watering days, don't panic! There's been tons of times where I haven't watered for an entire summer and had perennials come back the next spring! Even this year, during a heatwave, I completely did not water my swamp milkweeds, but they're already popping back up! You may also need to go in and weed, especially if you’re seeing invasive species popping up in the garden. Invasives are no good--if you do anything, do your best to get those out as effectively and safely as possible!
If you’re needing to maintain your shrubs in spring and summer, double check to make sure there are no active bird or insect nests within them. If it’s possible to wait until later to cut your shrubs, it could be extremely beneficial.
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When fall and winter come around and your plants begin to die back, don’t cut them away if you can! Many insects overwinter in the plant stems left behind as perennials die back to the roots. In addition, birds will use seed heads as a source of food over the winter. Try not to clean things up until late winter/early spring, when other food sources are beginning to come back and things are growing again. By then, the insects should be waking up and leaving the plant stems as well.
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However, don’t let this discourage you from collecting seeds! Collecting seed from your plants is a great way to continue gardening at low cost, as well as making friends and encouraging others to garden by trading seeds or offering them as gifts. If you're in an area where you do need to cut back, this is a great opportunity to collect the seeds and save them for the future. You could also cut back what’s dying in the front yard and keep things to overwinter in the backyard. Some overwintering habitat is better than no overwintering habitat.
Want to know how to collect seeds from specific plants? I've found YouTube to be a great source of info for this! Knowing what you're doing and when is key to getting a viable harvest.
As your mulch begins to break down, you’ll need to keep adding more to top it off, if you can. It can get a bit repetitive, but no worries--the mulch breaking down means your soil is improving! 
If possible, add to your garden! Expand, add in new things, and keep encouraging the growth of native plants. If you couldn’t add that water feature in year one, see if you can in year two! New interest in birds? Add a birdhouse, or more bird feeders. Loving the butterflies? Add plenty more nectar-rich plants, or do more research into what they lay their eggs on! Want more color? See what else you can add in! Came into some new pots to expand your flowerpot garden with? Find cool native plants to put in them! I always encourage people to start small and then expand over time, as opposed to starting big and getting overwhelmed.
Keep learning and observing native species of birds, insects, mammals, etc. See what’s coming to your yard now, and look into how you can improve things more for them on your budget. If you aren’t seeing what you were hoping, see if there’s other actions you can take that’ll attract what you’re hoping to see in your backyard habitat. Knowing more about the world around you makes it easier to know how to help the world around you. Talk to others about what you’re doing, the changes you’ve made, and the results you’ve seen! Curious neighbors? Work friends? Your closest homies? Your family? All fair game! You just might be the one who gets someone else interested in making their space a habitat for local wildlife!
That’s the end of this post! My next post is gonna be about the secret Other Thing you can do to help biodiversity--tackling invasives! Until then, I hope this advice was helpful! Feel free to reply with any questions, your success stories, or anything you think I may have forgotten to add in!
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mirlvshft · 3 months
introduction to my waiting room! — PART I .𖥔 ݁ ˖ִ ࣪⚝₊ ⊹˚
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this is part I of my very in depth showcase of my wr which is a luxurious penthouse in ny. i believe you can get a feel of the overall aesthetic so try to keep that in mind as you take in the visuals as they all do not reflect the same style.
this wr is like any wr, to relax in and whatnot. however i am catering mine towards my drself (criminal minds) which is reflected in part II.
if anyone has questions or further ideas please let me know! now…
「 ✦ welcome to mir’s
waiting room ✦ 」
| part II
i have the ability to keep and or change the time of day and weather. although, a very soothing dim rainy weather would be constant more often than not. the temperature inside will always be kept nice and cold.
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the most recent addition to my wr: connor, an android from the game detroit become human. he’s company and sort of a helper. connor can help with absolutely anything— he has tons of capabilities in addition to what i personally added to him. he can do a number of things such as help in redesigning the penthouse, give advice, help with scripting, etc,. although i will say his purpose isn’t to solely act as a strict servant or android per se. mmm, almost like a roommate? like how androids become “alive” in the game. hope that makes enough sense. side note: i did not finish the game, i just can’t
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my bed is huge and so incredibly comfortable, it’s serene really. this also moves over to temperature, it never gets uncomfortably hot— the apartment as a whole is at a very crisp cold temperature. i have fluffy pillows that never go flat and support me amazingly. the bed also has the softest, fluffiest, plush blankets— my bed is literal heaven. the sides of my bed have these nightstands as you can see, consisting of all my little necessities; phone, headphones, etc,. everything will always be well kept and never change in condition; always pristine. if i ever want a drink or food, whatever i may want, it’ll appear on the nightstand. as for the rest of the room, it’s all pretty basic furniture.
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it’s huge, i mean huge. it literally has an upstairs but i couldn’t find a picture good enough but trust, it looks great. it has everything i have in my pinterest, all of my wardrobes. it’s organized by the type of clothing and color. another feature is any desired clothing i find while on my phone or any other way, will just show up there neatly organized for me. i can also do automatic alterations to pieces that don’t fit me like how i want them to, useful huh?
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my kitchen is pretty big and has literally everything i could ever want from food to all the necessary dishes; pots and pans, glasses, etc., i can think of a snack or food i want and it’ll just appear there but sometimes i want to cook, you know? don’t know if that’s an unpopular opinion or whatever but i definitely want to cook myself sometimes. i want to have the option to mess around and actually make food, bake and all that— i think it can be quite helpful and i find it therapeutic. although the mess that occurs always cleans itself up or connor can help me (bc fuck all that). everything will always keep clean; no dust, no mess, no mopping or anything and will always smell good with whatever scent i want lingering!!
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these pictures are good examples but don’t do it justice, it’s bigger and has a few more elaborate details. the hot water will never run out, any wash for body or hair, bathbombs, essential oils, etc etc,. all that would be ready in the cupboards or wherever i want it. this also goes for cosmetics and whatnot. the whole space is such a vibe.
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i finallyyy made this post, its been sitting in my drafts since i damn near made this blog. i’m trying to open up more and not be so shy on my blog about my dr’s ( ˶°ㅁ°) !! but at the same time i could go on and on forever about them — finally putting this together was very fun and motivating!!
as lengthy as this guide is, i didn’t go in complete detail about every. single. thing. but just enough to explain the main features and rooms and to also give some scripting ideas to you guys too— i could go on forever but i will spare you all. if anyone has questions or further ideas to give me about my wr please let me know! (。> ᴗ ☆。) ‧₊˚
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seafoamreadings · 11 months
week of october 29th, 2023
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: it may be a bit of a low-energy, tired week for you but also saturn turning direct in your 12th house unleashes something that has long felt stuck. wherever you have been growing your wisdom, your discipline, your responsibility, you get a little bit of forward movement at last.
taurus: fortunately you have a cozy and gentle week coming off of the eclipse in your sign. the one potential caveat is venus opposite neptune can have drug-like effects, sedative or psychedelic, which can potentially lead to some problems just as substance abuse (or just use!) can sometimes do. however this opposition can also be consciously channeled into the highest forms of love and beauty.
gemini: your week may feel a bit suffocating, with a hint of sharp mutable tension, as though everyone is against you or forcing you into arguments when you just want a discussion. on the bright side, some mercurial healing with ceres can occur as long as you are sure to nurture your physical body. don't live too much inside your mind.
cancerians: as this is posted you're probably still strongly feeling eclipse effects. as the week continues on, it fades with the waning of the moon. you're strengthened by what you've been through, and bolstered further by the watery astrological weather and a good cancer moon.
leo: even though the eclipse is over (well, at least wearing off...) you have work to do along that same scorpio-taurus axis - your home and your public image. keep a private sanctuary. maintain your reputation. but do so with integrity, not deceit. live the image you want.
virgo: ceres is busy post-eclipse, with mercury. these are your 'modern' and traditional rulers. anything that needs healing can be healed now. but you have to be willing to change, and suddenly. a uranian influence brings shock and surprise but if you're playing your cards right, this works well for you. meanwhile a major relationship milestone unlocks. it is helpful even if it hurts. it may not hurt though.
libra: earthy watery vibes feel like being stuck in the mud for many libras. it's not great. at the same time consider that mud masks as a beauty treatment are a thing. alchemize the stuckness and make it work to your advantage. a lovely venus-neptune aspect all week helps.
scorpio: you will swim in the eclipse vibes longer than most. there is so much depth to it, and you don't care for the shallows. you are a thing of the deep-sea volcanic vents, not a tidepool creature. let others handle the piddly little things. do what matters most.
sagittarius: living with ease is a choice. the culture is one of struggle, especially this week. relax as you go about your hard work. when you can reconcile these things that seem to be complete opposites, you find a peace that your philosophical soul has always been seeking.
capricorn: you may be feeling a little bit eclipse-schmeclipse, like who cares. if so, you can look forward to the fact that your ruling planet ends its retrograde in the very earliest reaches of pisces, where it is not exactly comfortable, this week. it brings you new strength, vitality, and backbone - if you need to speak up about something get to it.
aquarius: ruling planet uranus is not messing around this week. hydrate, eat good food (not too restricted, not to starve, but to nourish), maintain your important relationships, have a good conversation, say what you mean and mean what you say. this combo brings you good results.
pisces: a highly auspicious week for you, especially if you've been living diligently with integrity and kindness and some compassionate self-discipline. bad situations magically turn around. love surrounds you from every angle and from every source, even the seemingly inanimate.
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kiwisoap · 2 years
Omg I didn't know there was such a thing as "flying weight"!! I assume they can't fly properly when too fat? Does this happen in nature as well? I am so fascinated by falconry, hearing about it is so interesting.
OKAY this is a really interesting topic and one of the most important but misunderstood aspects of falconry, so I hope you don’t mind me going on a little bit of a tangent with it LOL
But basically - it’s not that they can’t fly or can't hunt well when they’re fat, it’s that they have no reason to hunt. The thing about birds of prey (and most predator species tbh) is that they’re kinda lazy! They don’t want to waste energy when they don’t need to, so if they’re ‘fat’, aka they have enough stored energy to sustain them, they’re not gonna be motivated to hunt! Why waste the energy on trying to subdue prey when you could just hang out on a branch and do nothing til you get hungry again, right?
But of course, as falconers, we want our birds to hunt! That’s the point of the sport! But even more than that, we need to make sure that our birds are willing to return to us. I think I talked about it a little on one of my posts, but basically, a hawk/falcon/etc doesn’t like you, it doesn’t have any kind of affection for you with you, it doesn’t want to spend time with you like a social or domesticated animal might find rewarding. You have a working relationship with the bird, and your end of the bargain is food. You’re basically just teaching the bird that you’re a reliable source of meat. And if they’re not hungry, food won’t motivate them!
So that’s how you get to the idea of a ‘flying weight,’ which just refers to the weight at which the bird is responsive to the falconer and is therefore safe to fly free with a low risk of it flying off and ignoring you. If it doesn’t have a lot of stored energy, it’s going to be very interested in getting another meal. If you fly a bird when its too ‘fat’, it typically won’t want to hunt, won’t be responsive to you calling it, and may even fly off in a different direction to go chill in a tree and ignore you until it gets hungry again. Many many falconers have lost birds from flying them when their weight was too high and having them fly off and leave.
So this leads to weight management being a huge cornerstone of successful falconry - you want to keep the bird a little bit lean, enough that it’ll be motivated to hunt and will respond to you in the field. This leads to a lot of misunderstandings from non-falconers, because people hear the word ‘hungry’ and assume that falconers are starving their birds, which is blatantly untrue LOL. If a bird is starving, it won’t have enough energy to subdue prey effectively, and will also probably be deficient in important vitamins and nutrients. Its more like managing the diet and weight of an athlete to make sure they perform at their best - it’s a very careful balance of ensuring that the bird has good nutrition without letting them build up fat reserves that would cause them to be unresponsive. Most falconers weigh their birds every day, even multiple times a day depending on the species (smaller birds lose weight more quickly and need to be weighed and fed multiple times a day to keep them in good condition)
When people ask me about it with Odyssey I always tell them that he never misses a meal, but the amount of food and even the quality of the food changes depending on his current weight, how much he’s been flying, the weather and temperature, etc etc. It’s a huge aspect of successful falconry but like I said, it’s pretty misunderstood, so it’s neat to get to talk about it!
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is-this-tf · 7 months
tumblr messed up and maybe sent this ask early, so sorry if so.
i was wondering if you could explain the appeal of tf into inanimate objects? one body becoming another is something i find sexy, but less so the inhabiting the body after the change is done, so the thought of sexual gratification from becoming just. A Thing isn’t something i can really get my head around. i’m not judging, i’m just. hoping to understand why people find it sexy
Hmmm, good question....
Well, the answer is probably different depending on who you ask (similarly to how the level of sexual appeal to it in particular varies depending on the TF fan). Inanimate TF fans interested in the Changing Into part for a given object and doesn't really seem to be able to move around, might tie into themes of bondage or helplessness common in other kink spaces like BDSM, or rather the willing or unwilling reliance on another to move, function, escape, or otherwise experience their life- just a bit fantastical and TF flavored in this case, being transformed into an object. Although, in my case and as I imagine in many others', some of the prime appeal of inanimate TFs boils down to inhabiting the body After it's done changing, like you mentioned- and in these cases, how it may be used or treated after that change has finished. (edit: I tend to focus a lot on Clothing inanimate TF in particular in this post, but know that it can be pretty widely generalized to other inanimate objects as well! Pooltoys, food, sex toys, etc.)
Personally, inhabiting a 'body' of an inanimate object (or to my personal tastes, an animate inanimate object, as in one that comedically can still move around) has Incredible appeal when it comes to themes of Use and Purpose. The human being is a messy, wonderful, purposeless thing whose only job when you get to the bottom of it is to find their own meaning in their life, or to make one up that makes them feel satisfied and content and fulfilled. But taking that marvelous, multifaceted human body and changing it, refining it into something with a much simpler, much clearer purpose to it, like a comfy hoodie- well, that just makes things feel a lot Easier all of a sudden, wouldn't it? You'd have an inherent purpose to you, an Intended Way of Use to feel satisfied and fulfilled and perhaps pleasured (in any way that appeals to you the most) every time you're used in such a way. (And now that I think on it, given the often clear and well-indicated guidelines implied for how an inanimate object like you would be used, the effort to fulfill your purpose would fall to whoever would be using you rather than up to you yourself, wouldn't it?) (The same themes as well of needing to take care of yourself and are responsible for your own 'good condition' fall to the user, in a similar way- whether someone washes or cleans you regularly and keeps you in good condition, or if the user very worryingly doesn't care for you well at all and you end up degrading in quality in the process, is also entirely out of the hands of the object in question. Er, so to speak.)
These themes of having an inherent nature or simplicity to your very being- form following function, and all- can be a source of great comfort or sexual gratification (or both!) to whomever might consider themself an inanimate TF fan, as well as to whom they might let use them (or who uses them Regardless of their wishes, if that appeals to them). Think about it: a big winter coat's purpose is to keep whoever is wearing it warm and comfy in cold weather. A suit vest's purpose is to provide another layer over a dress shirt and to make the wearer look more fancy. A pair of socks' purpose is to cover the feet and keep them safe inside the shoes. A pair of underwear briefs' purpose is to hold in the dong so it doesn't go as hogwild as it could in a pair of pants otherwise.
There's a lot of range for this, as there is for most other themes and genres in TF, meaning there's a lot of ways someone can experience or enjoy it. Having it be a close and intimate personal things between friends or loved ones through keeping them warm as a hoodie or shielding them from the sun as a hat, or being punished and forced to be the watering can of some witch or wizard you befouled for a while, or getting snapped up unintentionally by your suspicious roommate who can't help themself and getting royally fucked from his irresponsible lack of cleaning habits, and so on.
One way or another, it just comes down to the given TF fan's preferences and what they're looking to experience, what themes and flavors to it that make the TF just that much more tasty. Just as it is about with any other part of TF!
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sunrayretriever · 11 months
HI FRIENDS!!! FALL TORNADO SEASON IS UPON US AND WHILE THE WEATHER IN THE UNITED STATES IS CURRENTLY QUIET THERE'S A CHANCE IT COULD START RAMPING UP SOON so i wanted to make a tornado safety post to give people a good outline of what to do in case of a tornado or really any sort of severe storm! please reblog and spread, even if you aren't in the US because as im about to mention pretty much 97% of the earth can experience tornadoes so without further ado
tornadoes can literally happen everywhere and its really important to know basic safety so you dont end up impaled by a piece of flying debris going 70mph <3
if a tornado is approaching the rule is BASEMENT FIRST. if you dont have a basement then the center of an interior room on the lowest level of your house, such as a closet or interior hallway. get under a sturdy table and use your arms to protect your head and neck. DO NOT OPEN YOUR WINDOWS. you'll want to put as many walls between you and the outside as possible.
IF YOU ARE IN A MOBILE HOME/TRAILER YOU ARE NOT SAFE. again IF YOU ARE IN A MOBILE HOME/TRAILER YOU ARE NOT SAFE. at all. end of story, doesnt matter where you go in a mobile home. you NEED to plan ahead and seek safe shelter please for the love of god plan ahead.
if you are in unable to move yourself and no assistance is available, cover yourself with as many blankets and pillows as you can.
if you are OUTSIDE perhaps on a drive through the countryside, lie flat on your stomach in a ditch or gully and protect your head with your hands. your vehicle is not safe. i know it sounds very scary but again, find a ditch, lie flat.
IF YOU CAN- FIND A BANK, A FAST FOOD PLACE OR A GAS STATION, walk-in freezers and vaults can act as shelter if absolutely necessary.
lightning round
going to your shelter? bring shoes.
make a go-bag with items such as a spare charger, spare clothes and socks, flashlight, radio, extra medicine, medical cards, etc. and bring THAT to your shelter too.
download a weather app on your phone and maybe check it every once in a while and see what's going on. sky look weird? check it. raining too hard? check it. you can learn so much.
(these are types of weather alerts that the national weather service in the US uses, they may be different from what your country uses!)
a weather WATCH, such as a tornado watch, means severe weather could happen. you don't need to get to shelter or anything, but make sure you have plans just in case. pay close attention to local weather information as they can change VERY fast.
a weather WARNING, such as a tornado WARNING, means severe weather is either about to happen or is currently happening in your area. execute your plan calmly and quickly.
a tornado EMERGENCY is an enhanced version of a tornado warning, issued VERY RARELY when a stronger tornado is about to strike populated areas and the national weather service expects widespread damage and/or injuries and fatalities. i cannot stress to you all how absolutely important it is to TAKE ACTION IMMEDIATELY!!!! DO NOT WASTE ANY TIME!!!
a great way to remember watches and warnings is making cookies cookie watch = you have the ingredients cookie warning = currently making cookies cookie emergency = eating the cookies.
anyways thanks for letting me slap this here on your timeline, i appreciate it :> i left out a lot of information im sure but i didn't wanna make this TOO long. if you have any questions my inbox is always open! i'm always happy to help!!
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Excuse me. I'm going full feral for Eddie for the first time ever on this blog. Personal to me but feel free to comment, reblog etc. If you wanna. I just wanna fully and completely lose my shit on here because I can't do what I wanna - which is to sit beside Eddie and say all of this to him. I'd say it, and then I'd show it.💔
Tagging people who commented on the post I made to announce going feral: @thegirlwiththatolduglybookshelf @purple-storm @olipratton @hawkinsroyaloutcast @ladyofthestayingpower @seidenbros @sparks363 @wannabestarkeysgirl @word-wytch
One of my love languages is acts of service. I love doing things for people, just because I can. My dad offhandedly mentions he's low on whisky so the next time I go food shopping, I'll "accidentally" buy some and give it to him as casually as if I told him it's sunny outside. I worked for two hours totally voluntarily at my workplace the other day because they made a comment about wanting help and I figured I would, just because I was already there running an errand while I was off the clock. So I may as well, right? And you all saw how thin I stretched myself at work this weekend in the name of helping people. Mum mentions a craving so next time I go shopping, I'll pick her some up and leave it on her desk for her to find. I make people drinks when I make myself one. I write fics for friends of characters I don't even know and have to spend days or weeks researching just because I know it'll make them happy and I want that for them. I never shop for myself without asking around my house to see if people want me to get anything for them while I'm out. I take very occasional trips to my dad's workplace to drop him off some coffee and doughnuts for him and his coworkers. I like to do things for people. And if I love you, I'll do almost anything for you.
Admittedly, this is at my own detriment sometimes and I'm regularly taken advantage of but I don't let that stop me because not everyone is like that and I do genuinely love helping people and doing things for them. If they take advantage of me, I know not to help them next time. It makes me happy to be able to do things for people. Like, yes, good, let me help you. Tell me how I can make your life a little easier!!! I want to. I never feel like I've said ENOUGH how much I love people through the things I do for them, so birthday cards almost always feature a small note or a letter, handwritten, of how much they mean to me, and I thank them for being themselves and other mushy gushy things. Thoughts of my loved ones not knowing they're loved or thinking I don't love them absolutely terrifies me.
And I want Eddie to know I love him. So much and for so many things. The things I would do for and with him. And Wayne. You can't be close to one Munson without being close to the other as well. They're a package deal when you really get down to it. I love both Munsons equally but in different ways.
I would do almost anything for Eddie. I say almost because, help him kill a dude if the situation called for it? Sure! Cut back on my eighteen cups of coffee a day (sometimes more if a deadline is looming)? Not a chance, Munson. Death before decaf, too, so don't even think about switching out and not telling me. I WILL know the difference.😂
I want to do what we all want for Eddie; to take care of him, help him to be happy and healthy and alive and vibrant and his most feral, bounciest self!!!! Assuming, of course, he would be interested in me romantically (oh woop there's the core insecurity that he wouldn't 💔 and assuming he'd be okay with dating someone a little older than he is), there isn't much I wouldn't do to show how much and how deeply I love him.
I want to buy him patches for his vest when I'm out running errands and give them to him as casually as you state the weather and not tell him that I deliberately went across the other side of Hawkins for that one specific patch he can't get anywhere else, even though nothing I needed was across that part of town. (Let's face it, he'd clock me almost instantly. But he probably wouldn't say anything about it because he'd be in total disbelief.) I want to get home from work a few hours before he gets home from Hellfire so I can cook us and Wayne some dinner and oh woops, I made too much so there's enough for all of us to have breakfast too, what a shame that is!!! I want to study for my psychology and counselling degree while he writes a new campaign, sitting together in the living room with Black Sabbath or Dio or Metallica playing and we're just chilling out together. He asks a question or I might ask a question or we might check in with each other occasionally but we're just spending time together separately. I want to listen to him practice Master of Puppets and applaud him, genuinely and wholeheartedly, because he mastered that song in eighteen days by EAR while also going to Hellfire and school and dealing and keeping out of trouble and making his uncle proud and Eddie is amazing and so so so intelligent and he deserves to know how loved he is!!!! I want to sit on his lap and cup his face in my hands and smother his face in kissies until he's giggling and cupping my wrists and his nose does that cute lil' scrunch and his eyes are molten pools of chocolate. I want to hike a leg up to his hip when we cuddle, not for NSFW reasons but just because I can't get close enough to him and I wanna be as close to him as possible because the side of the bed he isn't laying on is cold and I love the cold weather but I love Eddie more.
More than my own comfort, more than my own safe space, more than my life before him, just... more.
I want to help him graduate and have him help me to push through this degree and I want to go with him to The Hideout on Tuesdays because the ten seconds we heard of Corroded Coffin minus Eddie was so fucking lovely and I wanted to hear more and we were robbed of them!!!! I want to sit in the corner and watch Eddie and feel my heart swell in my chest because there he is!!!! Being amazing and working hard and having the absolute fucking time of his life!!! I want to laugh with him and cry with him and cuddle with him and harmlessly prank each other with fake spiders and things we can easily laugh off because if you're not both laughing then it's not a prank, it's just mean. I'm non-confrontational almost to a fault, I'll let people walk all over me if it means I won't get yelled at because loud voices make me cry and so does shouting and I'd just really rather not but I would stand up to Jason Carver in a fucking heartbeat if it meant keeping Eddie safe!!
I want to leave him love letters and love notes lying around for him to find - you look pretty today!, I'm so grateful to know you!, Thank you for existing!, and then longer and more detailed letters, ones like this post. I'd never have the courage to sit and talk to him about all of this, but I'd find it in me to write it all down and then read it aloud to him... I could do that, provided I kept my eyes on the paper. Looking at Eddie would make me forget what I'm doing in that moment but he'd deserve a full uninterrupted stream of consciousness... just like this.
I want us to brush and braid each other's hair and go on dates wearing Hellfire Club shirts and I want us to drive around Hawkins aimlessly blasting Ozzy or Sabbath or Dio or Metallica or Iron Maiden or Corroded Coffin, having fun and looking at Eddie and seeing him looking at me. I want to sit in the back of his van and spill out my guts, tell him all of this and more, all of the things which are in my fics are basically just ME talking to Eddie, talking to Wayne, and I want to look into his eyes and see him looking back at me. I want him to soothe the insecurities I have that the Munsons don't like me, I want him to show me that they do, that I'm someone they'd consider worthy of their time, I want to be someone they enjoy having around and I want to find out about the Munsons all the things Hawkins refuses to even consider finding out about. I want to be known as "Eddie Munson's girl" because what greater honour is there than being loved by him???
I want him to find out that I'm scared of the dark and tease me for having a fawn night light and a comfort pillow at twenty-five but then wisen up and stop halfway because wait, shit, he has fears too and I didn't tease him for them and I could then tell him it's okay, I make fun of me too but in a good way because sometimes the only way through something is to crack jokes about it and Eddie gets that.
I want to tell Eddie all of those negative thoughts and worries and insecurities and doubts - things I've shared here and deeper, darker ones I haven't - and I want to sit on the steps with Wayne and tell him, too, and to know that in the Munsons I've found two people I can trust more than I trust myself because as you all learned this weekend, I don't always have my own interests in mind when it comes to doing things for other people and it is a problem and the Munsons would be able to help me with that, but without making me feel bad about it. Eddie would be angry, it's true, but he'd lecture me in such a way that I probably wouldn't even realise it until after the fact.
I want to metaphorically rip my heart out and show it to Eddie - here I am, this is me, see me, know me - and I want him to wipe away all the tar and shit, to smooth away the cracks caused by the way I always break my own fucking heart with my thoughts and insecurities and traumas and worries, and hand it back to me, lines of gold laced in those cracks, his love the balm of it all as he slots it back into my rib cage. Not to fix me, I'm not broken, but I have some crevices and nooks and crannies Eddie can get into so when I'm hurting, when it's all a bit too much I can't breathe, Eddie is there when I close my eyes, put my fingers on my wrist or a hand on my chest to feel my own heartbeat, he's there.
I'm always scared, stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, worried, but Eddie genuinely makes it easier to breathe, gives me ten minutes here and there in the day to feel better, to focus on myself, and I've gotten better at self-care because will I do it for me? Not always. But for Eddie???? The thought of making him proud has me in the shower or cooking dinner so fast sometimes that it makes me dizzy. I love him so so so so so much and I just wanna spill everything out and have him be there with that beautiful smile he has, open arms, listening ears and a, "C'mere, sweetheart."
His smile, his eyes, his voice, his nose which is so boopable, the way he doesn't know what those stains are - and honestly, I believe that - his guitar, his love for the lost and the confused and the outcasts, the way he became for others what Wayne became for him, Hellfire, Corroded Coffin, his dorky jokes, the way we've both read the Hobbit and the Lord of The Rings books, the way my mum said my hair looked like Galadriel's mid-battle when I woke up this morning until she brushed it all out for me 'til it was just in normal waves, the way he drives like a maniac and the way I refuse to learn to drive because it scares me and I don't trust people at large, the way I was a sheltered teenager with an over-protective mum and that's still the case now and I am desperate to get out and I have been trying to since I was eighteen and the way Eddie would let me have all those firsts I never got to experience because of that and he'd keep me safe and make sure I have a fun time while that happens, the way we love and love hard, the way we share similar music tastes and the way he's plastered all over the wall above my bed so when I come home from work and just before I study, he's there making me smile and making it feel like my soul just got a shot of espresso... I love Eddie, so much. So much. I'd do anything for him. Anything at all.
I wanna take care of him and have him take care of me, I wanna dive into his mind like the deep end of a pool and have to readjust to the temperature because most people start shallow when getting to know someone and branch into the deep end but I wanna shock myself with Eddie and just go in and discover as I go and I want to learn all of him yesterday and I want to grow as a person with him and grow old with him and I... my heart is squeezing. I want to sit and watch him during campaigns and see him get lost in his element, in his happy place, I wanna soak up the sunshine vibes and enjoy the cackling and the laughter and the sadistic kicks he gets out of people losing but then the even louder joy when they win because he loves D&D and he loves Hellfire and he loves his sheep and he loves to love!! Eddie is a lover!!! He cares so much that if he tried to hold his heart in his hand, it'd burn him.
I just want to give Eddie Munson a biiiiiiiiiiiiig big big big hug. Tell him: "you're the sanest of them all, Eddie" and hear his laugh, see him smile, look at him and see him looking back at me. I want Eddie to love me, to love me, and I want to love him to. Not just like this, with a screen cutting through, but for real. I always waited, craved for an Eddie when I was in school, when I was growing up, and now I ache for someone like him. If I can't find him, I'll become someone like him, I'll be kinder and softer and gentler and better than I am, in all ways, I'll learn and grow and heal and develop as a person, for Eddie. For Eddie.
I say that to myself so often, multiple times a day, "if Eddie can do it, so can you", "Eddie would be proud", "do it for Eddie", "Eddie loves this song and he'd love that you're enjoying it too"... it gets me through. It really, truly does.
If I could make him smile at least once a day, that'd be enough.
I'd be enough.
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thegentlefem · 2 years
hi everyone! I recently got an influx of followers and I just want to say that I appreciate everyone and your compliments about the account. you all are great.
as a present to you guys, I made a little about me post. please don’t reblog it, but do feel free to copy these prompts to make your own bio.
Hobbies: photography, exercising, travel, reading, anything outdoors
Things I like: chai lattes, dogs, Marvel movies before phase 3 (generally), cars (racing), sci-fi, the beach, sports. I like the summertime and you can usually find me at the lake/pool/wherever water is when the weather gets hot. I’m a bit of a science and history nerd so there’s that.
Turn-ons: I have a list of these in my main bio already so I’ll write some non-kinky things here. It may sound weird but good hair, like a nice hairstyle, is really attractive to me. It’s like the first thing I notice visually about a guy. Also his pretty eyes. Other random turn-ons I can think of are accents, intelligence!!, men who think before speaking, and, you guessed it, a **good personality**.
Turn-offs: the word “daddy”. in any context. I’m sorry but I just...can’t. Hm what else... Smoking is also a turn off. Sorry to all the smokers out there. Also, intense age play is a no. I do love humiliation/degradation if my partner enjoys it (obviously), although any real shaming or toxic masculinity/femininity are big turn offs.
What kinks are you exploring atm?
Intoxication kink. I haven’t experimented with this in real life because it pushes the consent barrier for me, but in theory, intox kink is so hot. Something about having a tipsy sub stumbling around and begging for more...hm yeah. Also have been obsessed with shaving kink content (source material: that Skyfall scene).
Favorite cheesy romance tropes: enemies to lovers, only one bed, hurt/comfort, fake dating to developing feelings.
Random fact(s): I am absolutely terrible at cooking and baking. There’s a reason why my friends usually are the ones to make dinner and not me. I guess I should put an ad out there for a malewife who is good in the kitchen. Either that or we’ll just be struggling together to make bad food. I’m sure we’ll bond in the process but I can’t guarantee that we’ll produce anything edible.
anyways I hope you all enjoyed this! if you message me or send an ask related to these topics, I will probably be happy to chat. I’m not active daily on this account but I try to keep my queue running, so if you message me and I don’t respond, I promise I’m not ignoring, I am just actually busy lol. (make sure to have your age in your bio or you will be blocked)
I will also just reiterate that other than what is already posted in my bio, I will never share my name, location, photos, etc. so don’t mistake my kindness for naivety and ask me for any of these.
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Daily Log 9
Trying out (probably just temporarily) making short daily-ish notes about things, in an attempt to see if it helps me be more reflective or productive lol.
Activities: Worked on the previously mentioned tapestry style painting thing for like 5-6 hours today (with a few breaks in between), and that's just for the border around the main picture lol.. I think all the little sections and detail always take longer than I think they might. But hopefully the final product will look interesting! :0
I feel like I'm entering another Sick Phase where I just am weird/ill/sleepy/having joint pains much of the day (probably some vitamin deficiencies or hormone imbalances or general bodily inflammation or whatever nonsense seems to randomly pop up from time to time lol), so couldn't focus on anything more intensive like writing or editing videos, unfortunately. It's good to have smaller crafts I can do that don't take much mental effort and are just menial hand tasks (like carving, painting, sculpting, etc.), but I still always feel frustrated falling behind on the things I see as much more broadly significant to my overall life and potential career (making games, writing, finishing videos, socializing, costumes, etc.)
Organized my desk a little. Responded to some doctor emails. Paid bills.
Planned out something I might make with pressed flowers tomorrow.
Edited like 4 costume photos.
Also have a lingering sense of dread due to the weather. The heat often makes me feel terrible, and if I'm already in kind of a Bad Phase at the moment, I'm afraid of it making it even worse... stimky..
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Which I know these temperatures are nothing to some people but.. to me... aUGHHHH... I am abnormally heat sensitive + live in a dinky old apartment with no ventilation that gets direct sun the hottest part of the day.. on a 90F day outside, it literally gets about 84F inside.. like.. even people who love the heat I feel like would struggle to sleep at night if their bed is 85F lol... hewwo.. You can spray yourself down with water, drink ice water, put a fan on yourself, etc. etc. but.. sometimes it just feels so oppressive and inescapable..
ANYWAY. Aside from painting, feeling weird, and dreading the upcoming heat/contemplating my entire life and how to get enough money to move to a different climate somehow one day/existential exhaustion/etc., I didn't accomplish very much lol
Spent maybe 30 minutes thinking about a little more worldbuilding stuff, and some things in reference to the game I mentioned resuming work on at some point.
Notable sights: The clouds were really pretty and pastel this afternoon, and some stars are visible in the sky for once since the nights are beginning to be clearer. The 'forget me not' flowers that I thought had died after transplanting actually seemed to be perked up and healthy looking today, and perhaps may actually survive. >:3
Goals moving forward: Do new poll adventure post. focus on social activities, finding new friends in the places I want to move, communicating with the ones I have. Physical therapy exercises. Finish and upload videos, edit costume pictures & etc. Do the new costumes I've planned. MAKE SCULPTURES at some point, I miss them.
Notable foods: Not much, kind of a warm day so didn't really want to use the oven. No idea how I'll handle the diet I've been put on by my doctors (involves usually cooking all food fresh, using the stove a lot, nothing is supposed to be canned or processed or premade, so that eliminates a lot of 'quick easy simple warm weather' meals, etc. etc.) during the heatwave. I might just have to break the diet a little and hope it doesn't give me stomach pains while I'm already hot and feeling sick lol..
I did have a boiled egg with some green onions on top, which is very simple but was refreshing somehow lol. Another ice cold ginger ale treat today, and some cold prune juice (which I know most people find gross/it's an old person food/etc., but I like that it's a smooth textured and not very sweet juice? Like it's slightly thicker than apple juice, has a lightly bitter taste, etc. I just find it nice for some reason. More evidence I am secretly an 85 year old wizard)
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#why can't it be global cooling instead of global warming.. what if everything was just ice and I was comfortable and happy all year around#heat also sometimes gives me like a.. mild situational claustrophobia (like not a place that you are confined in/can't escape#but more an environmental factor that's all consuming. Like when there's fires and smoke fills the sky for days and it's like no matter#where you are you could never get away from it unless you're locked inside shut off from the entire world. if you need a breath#of fresh air or are feeling too confined you no longer have the option of going outside. it's all toxic. etc.)#Or like part of why I hate long car rides is for that reason. If I'm 3 hours away from home there is no way for me to get home#other than to ride 3 hours back. If I suddenly decided I really would rather be home I could not get home quickly. the 3 hours#to get home is an inescapable barrier. No matter how sick I started feeling or how bad things are and how much I wish I was comfortable#and safe at home - the only way to get there is to get there. you knowwhat I mean lol? I can't just be home in 20 minutes#it's a 3 hour ride or nothing. etc. etc. Like if you're on a ship in the middle of the ocean and suddenly just desperately decided you need#to be back on land. there isn't anything you can do. nothing will get you back on land but to stay on the ship and travel the hours it take#to get there. there's no quick exit. No way out that isn't doing the thing you already really don't want to be doing anymore (being in a ca#r or being in a ocean or etc. No alternative route but to just suffer the situation longer). idk.. if that makes sense??#so with the heat sometimes it's like.. it's hot INSIDE and it's hot OUTSIDE and it's hot everywhere you go theres no escape#from it and nothing you can do but just.. be hot. no matter how desperate you are to just BE COLD even for a few minutes#you simply don't have the option. The only way to get cool again is to just wait out the hot weather. You can yearn for the feeling of a#cool breeze all you want but abdolutely nothing will get you colder than just to be miserable in place and wait for the passage of time.#I always get that feeling in the summer like after five 90+F degree days in a row you're like AAAAAAAAAA#JUST AN ESCAPE JUST A QUICK ESCAPE DEAR LORD ' and then 5 minutes later like 'hee he. no its fine. haha. im actually so okay#with my situation i am coping.' short bursts of heat induced frantic anxiety with some resigned calm in between ghjgj#ANYWAY. yes every year I complain about the same thing. I am a hater and a complainer first and foremost ggh.. I love to be honest and#express my thoughts and opinions. I think way too many people are so reserved and repress everything for the sake of like social etiquitte#or personal insecurity (like owrrying they're being annoying or talking too much or that novody cares what they say etc.)#and then that ends up causing passive agression and communication issues and resentments that boil under the surface for years because they#re never adequately expressed. I don't think complaining is an inherently negative thing and it's weird to me that people react so#like it's some sort of moral thing to be against it. Like of course within reason. don't complain to the point that you appreciate#none of the good things around you or like where you start bullying people or something. but broadly speaking. being able to express your#concerns and thoughts in small bursts easily and openly and release some of that tension is better than just holding onto it all and having#it come out larger later or making you internally miserable or etc.. ANYWAY.. yeaghh.. hate heat.. hopefully done with painting soon.etc.#daily log
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voxxyboxxy · 1 year
Beginners in Need | Types of Witchcraft
This won’t be a complete list of different types of witchcraft. I see a lot of questions regarding what type of witch someone is, what they should label their practice, how to label their practice, etc. While I personally believe you don’t have to label your practice, I understand that this can be important to others. So I wanted to expand on some key things so you all have that stepping stone to move forward! There’s also different types of paganism, such as Hellenic, Norse, or Celtic! But this post won’t be talking about that side of things and focus on the Witchcraft Labels as I’ve noticed there’s much more confusion on that end.
Table of Contents
II.Examples of Types of Witchcraft
III.Why Some People Use Titles and Others Do Not
Hello! You’ve probably seen people label their witchcraft in different ways! You may even start to wonder… what type of witch are you then? First things first-you don’t have to have a label, unless you actually want it. Always remember that! Now, if you do what to label your witchcraft… how do you do so?
Theres some main branches that label broad concepts, then you can always get a little more in depth but there’s no inherent need to go to far into it unless you want to.
Examples of Types of Witchcraft
These are going to sound very broad, and very basic. But they are only meant to serve as examples and not a teaching point of what they are in full, nor a full list of the different types you may see.
Secular-Secular witches don’t use religion in their workings. They may have a religion, but it is separate from their workings.
Solitary-Solitary is just that! Someone who prefers to stay to themselves and not participate in anything like covens or group rituals/spells.
Green-Exactly as it sounds, Green Witches have a focus on using natural items in their craft. A few related practices may be things like herbs, and natural medicines.
Kitchen-The use of food and flavor in their workings! Kitchen Witchery is focused on what goes down with the pots, pans, and mixing bowls!
Death-You’ll see terms like Death Doula, or Psychopomp here, as well as general necromancy and the like. (No-not that kind of necromancy.)
Chaos-We all know that Chaos is… well chaotic! Imagine a little bit of everything and nothing at the same time. There’s no real rule set, but also so many things! All of the things!
Traditional/Folk-Traditional and Folk practices heavily depend on location! Think of an old woman in the woods of Appalachia, Vs a weathered man in the deserts of North America. They will have very different folk or traditional practices as it’s based of folk tales, wives tales, and tradition of the area. My grandmother liked to refer to herself as a “backwoods witch” when really, she was just an Appalachian Folk practitioner.
Why Some People Use Titles and Others Do Not
You’ll see a lot of discourse on if you need a title or not. Often times when someone asks where they’d fall in different subcategories, there’s at least one person to tell them that it does not matter. While to some it does not, I usually urge people not to tell others that something that may matter a lot to them does not matter.
I don’t have a good title for my path. It’s an amalgamation, and I always refer to it as such. Titles do not matter to me in this sense… but to someone else, especially someone finding their footing, it could mean the world to have an idea of where they can look for more information from people like themselves.
For someone like me, titles just don’t work. I don’t stick to one type of thing to only read one type of thing. But someone who is specifically in the Green Witch category may use that heavily, to find books that are made for them and their path or others like them! If you wanted to find more information on Death Doulas, that’s exactly what you’d look into, the SEO you’d use to find the information. And if you wanted to find books on Demonolatry, you’d look up Demonolatry. So imagine how being able to find people who do the same thing you do to give this information can be a godsend-especially for people who don’t have ready access.
I live in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is so known for Witchcraft and the like that one of our state officials is open about their spirituality and they still have their office. I don’t struggle to find resources, and face much less backlash for being open that others. Most people will see my Lilith necklace and Rune tattoos and it’s a knowing smile before it’s questions on if I worship the Devil and sacrifice small animals for fun. Not everyone has that! Even in the same state, more rural areas may face much different circumstances to myself, because I live next to one of our major cities.
When you live in an area that’s much less accepting, being able to use these titles can help a lot to find resources, because they may not have anything else. In an hours drive I have 6 metaphysical shops. Someone else may need to go out of state for their closest one.
For me, a title does not help me, nor does it even describe me. For someone else, a title may be the world in finding resources, and a way for them to find likeminded people. So, while some like me do not use titles as it can almost hinder us-to some it boosts them in a way we could not imagine.
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kittykatinabag · 2 months
It's been almost a week back to living alone and I am a bit exhausted. Cutting because this post is long and rambly. Feel free to read. Or not. Do what you like.
Rescued a perfectly good cast iron pot from the curb today. Probably needs a re-seasoning but it's a pretty blue, unlabeled, and heavy so you know it's decent.
There also was what looked like an older sewing machine that may or may not be broken and I was so very tempted to take that too even though I do not know how to sew at all. It also was pretty heavy though. Maybe if it's still there after trash pickup tomorrow I'll grab it.
Anyways, slowly cobbling together the apartment. I've spent almost $400 on just food and other household stuff (like cleaning products and such) and that kills my soul a bit. I'm not even counting the bigger stuff my mom bought (including a probably too expensive bed, a desk, other household stuff like dishes and glasses, and eventually probably one of those mobile kitchen islands). I still can't believe everything got this much more expensive since even 2022, the last time I was living alone and buying stuff for myself in the US.
Idk how people who aren't as privileged as I am with my family's resources are even getting by at this point. I guess all those videos I keep watching about Americans just getting into more and more debt are true.
But yeah. It's nice to be alone again. Honestly after these two years (pretty much to the day now, I left for my Europe trip in Aug 2022) of having to live with other people and only getting at most a week's worth of time fully alone, I've kind of forgotten how to live alone. It's a whole relearning process on letting myself be not-nearly-silent and relaxed. The eyes and ears in the walls aren't here anymore, and even though the agoraphobia is still there very very slightly, it's easier to get over nowadays. Though it's summer so I usually don't want to go out in the hot weather unless needed so staying inside isn't that bad.
The biggest problem so far has really been the lack of space in the bathroom. And really this problem is more my stupid no-drill shelves keep falling down and it's stressing me the fuck out because everything either goes crashing down and all over the place, or it's irritating to have to bend down to the floor to get the things I need to use. Today I think I managed to fix it though *knock on wood* as the target restocked their water-specific command strips and shower shelf thing. Cost me an extra 20 or so bucks, but worth it so I don't bang my elbows or feet into the shower shelf anymore. Plus that freed up the old shower shelf to be the outside shelf that has my toothpaste and moisturizer etc on it. I still have another shelf that I tried to use as the outside shelf but I think it's just too heavy for that so now it's just sitting on the window sill empty but I'm sure I'll find some use for it somewhere.
Now if only I could get a decent paying job. Or win the lottery so I wouldn't have to work. That'd be ideal. Unfortunately reality is not that dream as much as I'd like it to be.
Either way, happy to finally be able to unwind fully for the first time in a couple of years. Sometimes I do worry that I'll never be able to be like this with another person as everyone these days seems to get me at least a little tense and feels like their eyes bore holes into my soul. Yet at the same time I desperately desire to have a partner that I can be fully relaxed around. Man I don't even want to think about dating again, I don't remember how to do it anymore.
I also don't want to think about finding friends either. I've realized that unless there's a shared experience we're going through together, I am basically an anti-social person. Beyond introverted at times. I'll go out places, but rarely will I talk to others while out. Doesn't help that any nightlife places I go to (bars and the like), I can barely hear anything over the music and other conversations around. I'd love to join some kind of hobby club, but that usually costs money or if I'm working always tends to meet at the worst times for my schedule. But I'll probably try to give it more of a try this time. Last time I was far too wrapped up in the idea that I needed to be good at work to be successful and happy. That mindset has thankfully mostly withered and died since then.
But yeah the to-do list is never ending. At least it's better than rotting online all day like I have been lately.
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ramshacklefey · 2 months
Hey I saw your latest post and I wanted to ask if you have any resources about eating vegan! (recipes, getting started, etc.) I'm honestly so tired of the "vegans are annoying and obnoxious" stereotype too
The first thing to know is that you'll want to ease into it. This is a big change to your diet, and that can affect you in lots of different ways while you're adjusting. One good idea is to adopt a vegetarian diet first, and then switch to vegan once you're used to that.
The only supplements you definitely want to make sure you're getting are Vitamin D and a Vitamin B complex (just make sure it has B12 in it specifically).
Everything after this comes with the caveat that I don't know your particular living situation, dietary habits, or overall health, so this advice is pretty general. Take or leave it as it works for you.
(Long post under cut)
General Tips
Focus on seeking out ways to eat more plants, not on avoiding things. Focusing on the positive side of things makes the whole situation a lot easier, because you won't be thinking about stuff you're missing out on. If you're deliberately filling your pantry with plant-based foods that you enjoy, you'll find that you don't miss the things you used to eat so much. After a while, you'll stop craving things like meat and dairy.
Cutting cheese out of your diet is the hardest part. Turns out that cheese contains a protein called casein which, when you digest it, breaks down into chemicals that have a similar effect on your brain to microdosing cocaine. Be prepared to go through a week or two of bizarrely strong cheese craving when you stop eating it.
You don't have to be a fancy cook to be vegan. Obviously, there's a lot of fresh fruit and veg that you can just eat raw. But there's a lot of other stuff that's super easy that requires almost no prep. I'm a lazy bastard when it comes to my food, and I have no problems. Some of my go-to meals include: spaghetti (I use cheap jarred sauce most of the time), simple curries, rice and beans (plus whatever the fuck spices I feel like), potatoes in every form imaginable, peanut butter and jelly, chips and salsa, chips and bean dip, and oatmeal.
You don't have to pay exorbitant prices to get vegan snacks. There are a lot of companies nowadays producing vegan versions of common snack foods, and they are fucking expensive. However, lots of favorite, cheap snacks are already vegan! Off the top of my head: Oreos and many other cheap packaged cookies, most flavors of Pop-Tarts, almost any candy that isn't chocolate, a lot of chips, dark chocolate (70% cacao or higher), french fries, and popcorn are all good ones.
Fruits and veggies will get tastier the more you eat them. At this point, I'm as happy sitting and eating grapes, cherries, fresh green-beans, or frozen peas as I ever was eating candy. And I don't feel wretched afterwards.
Learn what produce is seasonal in your area. Fresh produce is absurdly expensive, but if you know what's in season at any time, you can take advantage of sales. This has the added benefit of putting some variety in your diet throughout the year.
Preserved produce is just as good as fresh. Frozen, dried, or canned fruit and vegetables are all delicious, often cheaper than fresh, and don't have any nutritional deficiency to speak of. If you're eating canned things, don't throw out the juice though! A lot of the good stuffs in the plants end up in the juice (basically it gets steeped out), so it's best to use that in your dish. Pickled foods are not only tasty, but they have great probiotics in them, and they're a lifesaver in hot weather if you're having trouble staying hydrated.
Add oil and salt! People get a lot of oil and salts from animal products, and if you don't replace those somehow, you may find yourself feeling hungry all the time. Also, adding oil and salt to veggies makes it easier for your body to digest them efficiently.
Roast those veggies! Pretty much any fresh vegetable can be roasted with oil and seasonings to turn it into a delicious meal. If you have an air-fryer, that's also a fucking excellent option.
Legumes are life. Beans and lentils are top notch friends for the vegan, and they can be added to almost any dish.
Peanut butter. If you can eat peanut butter, it's got soooo much fucking good stuff in it.
Tofu is bullshit most of the time. Ok, it's not, but I usually find it to be more of a pain in the ass than it's worth.
Fake meat is overrated. Some of it's definitely tasty, and if you're still feeling very emotionally attached to certain meat-based dishes, it's really helpful. But it's also not necessary. And honestly, it's been long enough since I ate meat that I find the stuff that really tries to mimic meat deeply unsettling and kinda gross. Speaking of which:
You'll start being grossed out by meat and dairy after a while. It's not a performative moral thing, your body just starts being grossed out by it.
Once you stop eating animal products, you will eventually stop being able to digest them. At this point, I am incredibly lactose intolerant, and even tiny amounts of meat or animal fat in my food will make me sick as fuck. Turns out, a significant amount of your digestion is actually done by your gut flora, and there are specific species of microbes in your guts that help you digest different foods. If you go long enough without animal products, the microbes you need to digest those will all die, and you can't actually digest them at all any more.
Things to keep on hand:
Spice blends! Try out a bunch of different ones and then just keep a few bottles of your favs around the house. They can be sprinkled on veggies, tossed into pasta dishes or soups, added to stir-fries, etc. They're especially great if you don't generally cook much and don't have a huge knowledge base for what spices go well together.
Nutritional yeast. This can be a bit expensive, but it's so worth it if you can swing it. It's a kind of yeast that's been dried into flakes, and it's great for putting on some things in place of cheese. I mostly use it for spaghetti and popcorn. It's got a very nice savory flavor.
(Personal) Plant milk. You don't need this by any stretch, but I like having it for oatmeal, smoothies, and baking. Almond milk is usually the cheapest, which I'm not super happy about. Oat milk is my favorite, but for some reason it's way more expensive (making your own oat milk is actually super easy, but I wouldn't expect most people to go to that much trouble).
Like I said earlier, you really don't have to be a fancy cook to eat vegan. However, learning a few recipes that you can pull out as stock meals will make life way easier. If there's a specific dish you want to learn how to make vegan, the easiest thing is to just go online and search for "vegan [dish] recipe."
One thing I cannot recommend highly enough is the cookbook Supermarket Vegan by Donna Klein. It's a simple, affordable cookbook that's focused on recipes that can be made of ordinary ingredients. It has a huge variety of different sorts of dishes from all around the world. They range from super easy snacks to main dishes that you could use as the centerpiece for a fancy meal. And the instructions are clear and concise, easy for even a beginner cook to follow. If you get a copy of this book and start basing your meals off the recipes here, it'll probably be a lot easier to make the switch, because you'll have a plethora of tasty foods to make!
Honestly, the most difficult adjustment to cooking vegan is baking. Most things can be adapted, but it takes a bit more know-how and understanding of what roles various ingredients are playing in a dish. And by various ingredients I mostly mean eggs.
Eating Out
This is generally the biggest pain in the ass for vegans. For one thing, it's amazing how many people just. Don't get what being vegan means. Be prepared for some awkward family dinners or parties where there's not a lot available to you.
When it comes to actual restaurants, your best bets are generally going to be Indian, Eastern Mediterranean, Ethiopian, Thai, and higher-end Central/South American. These places are the most likely to serve a variety of dishes that don't have any animal products in them by default.
If you like coffee drinks, ask for soy or oat milk when you order. They steam better than almond milk, which tends to curdle because of the acidity of the coffee.
Lastly, and this is definitely localized to where I live, Taco Bell is my absolute go-to for fast food. Almost none of their default items are vegan, but they're good about customizing things. My usual order is: Cheesy bean and rice burrito, no cheese sauce, no creamy jalapeño sauce, add black beans, add potatoes, add red sauce, and grilled.
Last Thoughts
Despite what a lot of people think, being vegan is easy once you adapt to it. It's suitable to any food budget, allows for a wide variety of different foods, and is just as healthy as any other decent diet. You might go through a couple months at the beginning that feel a bit rough, but dietary changes are a big deal and always take some adjustment. If you stick with it, you're likely to discover that you actually start feeling a lot better and more energetic than you did before.
Most importantly, be yourself and have fun! It's not a contest, and any benefit you want to see from adopting a vegan diet is still going to happen if you only manage to partly change how you eat.
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theninjasanctuary · 3 months
It's a bit sad how little I've managed to post in May and June, considering I've mostly been having a good time, and it would be good to recap that so I can remember later.
Threw myself a late birthday garden party towards the end of May, when the apple trees were still in bloom, the weather was lovely, as were my friends and fam who showed up, and we had nice food and a good time. This also served as summer garden party season prep, finding all the gear, dusting it off, etc. And so it was pretty easy to set up the solstice celebration garden party yesterday - pretty low-key, but sweet, with lovely weather and lots of blooming peonies. The ones I planted last August are not blooming yet this year, just gaining strength and hopefully growing strong roots in all the good soil, perhaps I can hope for a few blossoms next summer?
Thought to myself that the current year seems to be pretty good to me, all things considered. I'm making decent amounts of money, work is going okay-ish, and I'm not super-stressed about my prospects at the moment, Mom's doing okay, keeping busy, taking care of her place and enjoying life, and can cat-sit when we travel. I'm aware all of this might not last, I'm obviously in line to be the primary caretaker should Mom's health decline, and I cannot be too certain about my career outlook. And, well, apparently my big brother's marriage is in crisis and the drama might spill over even though they live in a different country, so who knows, might not have the peaceful second half of the year I hoped for.
The work trip to NYC and New Haven went kind of well. I didn't get sick, which alone is a massive upgrade compared to the last time I went to the US. The flight experience was so-so; picking a seat yourself is now ridiculously expensive (40+ €, do fuck off with that, Finnair), so I went with randomly assigned seat each direction, and of course they were in the middle 4-seat section of the cabin. On the flight over, had the middle row 4 seats all to myself, which wasn't too bad, but on the way back, the plane was pretty full, and I'd been placed into the extra legroom row in one of the middle seats, and after boarding was completed, a random dude made a beeline for the empty middle seat next to me because of the extra legroom, so then I was sandwiched between him and a hefty lady for the entirety of the flight; I was fuming internally, but also exhausted, and somehow managed to sleep for most of the nearly 9 hours. Another grumble about Finnair, they've cut the meal service so you get one meal for the transatlantic flight, and then a round of coffee or tea with an option of buying snacks - and the selection is really unappealing. On the way over, I had packed a couple of snacks, which helped. The leg back home left 11ish in the evening, and the served a warm meal at midnight NYC time or early morning destination time, and loads of people actually refused that, probably without realizing this would be the only meal on offer, because transatlantic overnight flights always used to serve breakfast before. I woke up enough to eat, although the food was less than impressive. It's a good thing we'd had a decent dinner at a Thai restaurant before leaving for the airport.
I had a work friend on the same flights, staying at the same hotel, which was even better than I expected, since it turns out he's a bit of an alpha dog when it comes to travelling, does his homework, knows exactly where to go, etc. Usually I have to do all of that, so having someone else lead the way was an interesting change. And he's chill, and a foodie, so it was nice to have someone to go to dinner with. We didn't hang out the entire time though. I shopped a little bit and very blandly (this is highly on brand), but mostly spent time diligently visiting art museums. Spent an entire day at the Met, but I think even so I only saw about 70% of their display, and that's with just walking through a lot of the rooms. Overall, more relaxed and less anxious than previous trips to the US have made me. The last time I'd been to NYC was 10 years ago, and it was stressful, with a work friend who I've since confirmed dislikes me, so it felt good to get a do-over with far less worries.
Stayed in three hotels; the NYC one was the smallest and most expensive, but clean, neat and fine, and very conveniently located, I'd gladly go back. At New Haven, the first two nights were at a four-star hotel, and they gave me an upgrade (I'm assuming they were overbooked for standard rooms and had to bump some people up; I'm cute, well spoken and take the trouble to sign up to memberships, which presumably helps). So I had a plush corner room with two walls of windows and a giant bed all to myself, it was bigger than the first apartment the boyf and I rented together. And I ordered room service one night, too, fish tacos with finger limes, I think it was the best thing I ate all trip and my mouth waters just thinking about it. Had to move hotels for the final night to a three-star one, and that was a standard room, but also rather nice. My body was trying to sabotage the entire thing by rescheduling my period, and I actually managed to leak through a tampon & Uniqlo period panties whilst sleeping there - not much, and it was on the sheets, not mattress or duvet, so I had to do some very-early-morning, half-asleep emergency washing in the sink, but hey, an anxious overpacker like me had brought a tiny bottle of stain remover that's very effective against blood stains (it's been in my travel bathroom kit just in case for a while). So that was another example of a dreaded thing actually happening to me, and managing to deal with it and move on.
All three hotels had flattering bathroom mirrors. And then I came home and weighed myself and set a new record. OTL
And it would be nice to get the expenses paid on location refunded to me ASAP (submitting all the paperwork was a hassle, but I hope everything is acceptable).
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ranchevents · 5 months
San Diego Corporate Event Catering - 5 Steps For Creating The Perfect Corporate Party Planning Check
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Corporate events are a great opportunity for your company to showcase its accomplishments and create camaraderie among employees and clients. Options range from a fancy corporate gala to a casual party. At Ranch Events, we have a variety of menu choices that ranges from Texas BBQ to an Elegant Sit Down meal.  When planning Corporate Events, you need to think of activities, themes, promotions, food, and entertainment. Employees, investors, clients, and even potential customers may attend, so it’s important that your company is presented well. Although this may seem like a daunting task, staying organized and following this corporate party checklist can help ensure that you have a successful event
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Step 1. Planning and Research:
…Set budget (talk to your financial department). Ranch Events works with all budgets and an Event Designer can help you choose a menu that caters to yours.
…Begin brainstorming type of event (for employees, clients, investors, etc.)
…Determine the goal of your event (reinforce your corporate culture, build relationships, increase sales or productivity, etc.)
…Choose a date, location, and time.
…Decide on a theme (formal, casual, 80s, other corporate event ideas)
…Research keynote speakers.
…Research professional corporate event entertainment companies
…Some companies book both a band and a DJ if it is a multi-day event.
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…If you are booking a band, try to talk to others who have hired them to make sure that they are professional and reliable, making sure that they have experience with corporate events. The difference in good entertainment and great entertainment can make a dance floor go from ten people to overflowing.
…WARNING: Some DMCs (Destination Management Companies) offer low-quality bands that give them a larger profit margin. Sometimes they do this while claiming to have the best entertainment in the area. If you are not impressed with their options, search elsewhere.  If they don’t have a live video of a band you love, search elsewhere. Remember, YOU will be the hero if that dance floor is packed, and everyone will remember it for a long time.
Step 2. Begin Booking and Promoting:
…Book the venue for your date.
…Decide on a theme(s).
…Order decorations.
…Book your entertainment. (keynote speakers and live bands are the most popular for corporate events)
…Book photographer/videographer to document your event.
…Send out the save-the-date (Post in your office, send out a save-the-date email, postcard, post on your website, etc.)
…Find hotels in the area of your event to accommodate your guests. (Ranch Events can give you a list of preferred hotels that may even offer discounts)
…Order your invitations and RSVP cards to be printed.
…If you plan on making a program or newsletter for your event, hire or assign someone to begin putting it together.
…Order or rent necessary equipment. (At Ranch Events we offer everything from Podiums and microphones to Overhead projectors and Easels.
Step 3. Invitations and Confirmations:
…Send out your invitations and encourage people to RSVP by a specific date.
…Confirm your hotel, venue, entertainment, and food.
…If your venue is outdoors, make sure you have a weather backup plan.
…If applicable, let guests know if they will need transportation from the hotel to the venue or if you will provide it.
…Confirm staff/volunteer responsibilities.
…If possible, visit the venue to make sure you know exactly how you want to set up (tables, food, stage, etc.) An Event Designer at Ranch Events can help you do a walkthrough of the venue to determine where tables, etc. should be placed.
…Determine security needs.
Step 4.  Day of Your Event:
…Have all staff meeting early to make sure everyone is on the same page.
…Do a walk-through of your event.
…Listen to what people like and dislike. This way you can make your next event even better.
…Encourage your guests to be active on social media, which will help to promote your company.
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Step 5. After Your Event
…Put together a video or article to put on your website highlighting the success of the event.
…Put pictures of your event in your company newsletter.
…Send thank you notes.
…Write up a report of what went right and wrong so that you do not make the same mistakes next time.
…Save all budget and vendor information, so that you can use it as a reference.
…Save any items that can be used again.
Although your timeline may vary depending on the scale of your event, it is important to follow the basic steps above. Planning a corporate event doesn’t have to be stressful. Ranch Events is a one-stop shop for most everything you need to create a successful and stress-free Corporate Event. Planning a successful corporate event will not only make you look good, but it will also benefit your employees, clients, and business. Remember, average events are quickly forgotten, but great events are remembered, along with you, for a very long time
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7 Useful Christmas Gifts For Employees
Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells, j
Jingle all the way through
What a blast it is to ride!
In a one-horse open sleigh........
Were you singing along with us? Because it's that time of year once more!
The pleasant, warm perfume of hot cocoa; the unusual but comforting aromas of cinnamon, ginger, peppermint, and vanilla; the frigid weather, the snug Christmas tree corner, heavy overcoats, and a lot of wine and laughter, you guessed it! It's that time of year again! It's the holiday season! It's also Christmas gift-giving season!
Christmas is one of the most lovely and well-liked festivities all around the world. People enjoy creating plum and chocolate cakes, visiting their families, eating turkey, and enjoying the entire Christmas week.
Another Christmas custom is gift-giving, and what better way to show your appreciation for your employees than by giving them gorgeous and practical gifts? Gifting is an excellent approach to convey how you feel & how much you value your staff. This post contains 7 practical presents that you can give to your staff for Christmas this year! 
1. Scented Candles
Christmas Gifts For Employee
Christmas is all about sweet and strong aromas. Some people enjoy the scent of vanilla, while others enjoy the powerful fragrance of ginger and cloves.
Scented candles are one of the nicest presents you can give your employees this Christmas because they will make them feel as though they are walking through the Christmas-scented streets of London. Employees can be given a variety of options through which they can choose.
Find some best-scented candles on Amazon!
2. Gift a Therapy Session
Employee Christmas Presents
Have you ever pondered how to assist a loved one who is going through a difficult time? People frequently find it difficult to seek help or discuss their issues. As a result, gifting a therapy session (if necessary) or a pastime in the form of expressive art or music production sessions, etc. This is a wonderful method to show them that you are always available to them.
Check visit our page to find relevant solutions!
3. Holiday Tickets For The Whole Family
Who doesn't want to go out of work and spend time with their families?
Employees need vacations, especially if they want to spend time with their loved ones. Companies can solicit feedback from every employee and buy tickets for their entire family for a two-day trip to a local location or city once a year. This would allow workers to take leisure off from work and spend time with their families in a location of their choosing.
4. A healthy snack basket
While working or sitting idle, we have a habit of chewing on something. Most of the time, we eat dangerous foods like chocolate or chips. As a result, businesses may provide their employees with a healthy snack hamper that includes a selection of healthy but also highly tasty snack products to munch on during the day.
A dried berry mix, a combination of various nuts such as cashew, hazelnuts, raisins, and so on, a mix of chocolate and strawberry flavored tiny wheat biscuits, a mini jar of organic honey, peri-peri flavored almonds, and so much more can be included in the hamper.
5. The Ideal Bedtime Essentials
When we are utterly tired and exhausted at the end of the day, our mattresses are the most comfortable place for us to be. As a result, one of the nicest presents that firms may provide to their employees is bed basics for sleeping. Soft and fluffy quilts, blankets, and pillows can be given as gifts. You can also give them bed warmers, which are a great winter present!
6. A Self-Care Package
We are so involved with work and so busy these days that we disregard our own needs. We don't even look after our physical well-being. As a result, businesses can create a tailored kit for each employee that includes essential and helpful goods.
The hamper can include sunscreen, lotion, moisturizers, eyewear, socks, travel cups, a little coffee or tea kit, a notepad, a massager, a book, a yoga mat, an oil diffuser, hot chocolate mix, and much more. The hamper can include sunscreen, lotion, moisturizers, eyewear, socks, travel cups, a little coffee or tea kit, a notepad, a massager, a book, a yoga mat, an oil diffuser, hot chocolate mix, and much more.
7. Gift certificates
Vouchers are sometimes the nicest gift that someone can give because they allow the receivers to buy anything at any time. Companies can thus gift coupons from numerous brands such as Zara, Zomato, Amazon, Bath and Body Works, and others to their employees. After all, nothing beats the satisfaction of giving ourselves a present. To be honest, there is no need for a certain day or time to express gratitude and show appreciation to your staff, but Christmas seems like the ideal time to do it.
Don’t think much as gifts make everyone happy 
So for that visit GoodLives for more great content
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