#mayans s1
winnie-the-monster · 10 months
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sophiexrph · 30 days
PUBLIC COMMISSION !! by clicking THE SOURCE LINK you will be redirected to a page with 163 gifs of EMILY TOSTA as LETICIA CRUZ in MAYANS M.C. s1 (2018) made from scratch by me, sophie ! emily was born in 1998 ! please don’t edit these or add them to gif hunts and like or reblog if you use them ! :) thank you so much to my commissioner, and click this link if you’d like to know more about my commissions !
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teambyler · 5 months
Stranger Things 5 speculation based on the episode titles and what we know from D&D
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Vanishing of Holly Wheeler?
I already shared that I think Episode 2 is Holly Wheeler: "IF this information is accurate, I'm guessing the missing Wheeler is Holly. They have a new actress to play her. I think they're returning to s1 themes and the horror of a child being in danger is one thing they might get back to. The 1st episode would give them time to make her a character we care about. (And probably stabilize the situation at the end of s4.) It would also consume the entire Wheeler family into getting Holly back. Karen will be beside herself. Nancy will be tough and take charge. Will will have to unearth his memories of the Upside Down, and possibly use his connection, to help MIKE and NANCY get back their little sister. One possible road to BYLER is Will having to reexperience his trauma and possibly sacrifice himself to help his best friend."
I see a LOT of interest in episode 6 title "Escape from Camazotz"... I think for ANY speculation we HAVE to go to where our D&D nerds would go, which is the Dungeons & Dragons sourcebooks in the 80s. Camazotz was published in Deities & Demigods for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1980). It is the "bat god," so we're probably going to see it tied to the demobats.
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We learn from Deities & Demigods that the Aztec and Mayan gods have "inscrutable motives"... which is ON BRAND for the Cthulhu inspirations of Stranger Things. These gods come from a "parallel universe." Clerics "are the elite of the populace," and are able to cast "commune or gate spells" to connect the planes together. ("Will the Wise" has been the cleric of the party... perhaps he is a cleric?)
Also, these gods "unusual nature makes it impossible for them to travel on any planes but the ones that they have worshipers on." Maybe Vecna needed to have a host on the "Right Side Up", to take form here, which is very consistent with the s2 and s3 plotlines.
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The clerics perform human sacrifices... maybe another theme in s5??
But perhaps JUST as important, the adventure D&D module Hidden Shrine of Tomoachan (1980) involved an ancient temple dedicated to Camazotz. Odds are that our heroes will be trying to escape from a "temple" within the Upside Down. According to the Wikipedia article about this adventure, it is "full of tricks and traps".
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As a "tournament module," meaning for competition purposes, and it was EXPECTED that heroes died in it because it was so deadly. The goal "is to get out of the ruins before time runs out." The lower levels (where the heroes begin) have a poisonous gas that slowly kill them. Also it is very unstable, spells will cause a collapse. If El were caught in it, it might be dangerous to use her powers.
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This adventure debuted the gibbering mouther, a very distinct D&D monster that is VERY reminiscent of the s3 Flayer and would be VERY on-theme for Stranger Things:
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The Sorcerer
Also, Episode 5 is titled "The Sorcerer." Sorcerer was not a class yet in D&D in the late 1980s. (The idea that Sorcerers have innate arcane power versus Wizards who study magic, was not invented yet until 2000.) Sorcerer was one of the many titles that Magic Users had (next to Wizard). Sorcerers had less power than Wizards. They were 9th level, while Wizards were 11th level:
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It is already established that El is "the Wizard." Maybe there's another person with powers in season 5 which are less developed? If so, the most logical choice would be Will. It's confirmed that this season will focus on him. Although he's a "cleric" in their D&D game, maaaaybe he finds out he has new abilities. There was a reason Vecna didn't kill in season 1, and who has had "truesight" since.
That's what I can find for now! There's a lot of interesting traps and puzzles, with illustrations, from the adventure. But it's hard to predict what else (if anything) they might borrow from it! The aspect of escaping, and the poison gas and the timer, are probably what we can most rely on!
P.S. I mainly blog about Byler, but I thought my D&D knowledge would be useful for this one. If interested, follow and read my blog! I have so much to say!
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gretchensinister · 7 months
Babylon 5 rewatch, S1 E7: The War Prayer
Oh, Minbari have little blue nailbeds that match the tops of their heads.
Oh phew she's alive
The plotline of anti-alien sentiment makes me tired and sad. It's been 30 years. It is not better.
Oh hey it's those Centauri kids
Babylon 5...it's a port of call...where your ex will show up
Hi Lando's three wives!
I'm not sure how I feel about the casting for the suspect
KOSH KOSH KOSH unsettlingly studying human history
Oh right the pilot that our rewatch schedule missed lmao
I love Vorlons so much you don't even know
Lando you still need a wife to represent War, it seems (G'Kar? lmao sorry [not sorry])
Look at Ivanova's cute little curl
I've taken an instant dislike to Malcom, IDK if it's because there's an actual problem with him or because I'm queer
NO THE CHILDREN okay they're alive
I spotted a Minbari in the crowd, that's interesting, we haven't seen any Minbari that would be inclined to be part of a riot as speaking characters so far
MALCOM IS A HUMAN SUPREMACIST I knew there was something wrong with him. I am sorry for Ivanova, though.
The "shoes too tight" line is also one that stuck with me through the years.
Ignoring Malcolm in favor of trying to figure out what that silver vessel is on the counter. It can't be an espresso machine, can it?
We have learned: Narn have pouches for their children
Ah Lando...ever the romantic. It makes what happens later so much woooooorse I love it
Well, Malcolm's arrested but I know that anti-alien plotline isn't going away and it's going to feel so so heavy every time it comes up
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dinisuciyanti · 4 months
Mengejar PhD #56
Terakhir nulis 30 November yah. Many things happened back then. Termasuk, setelah revisi proposal sesuai kemauan bos, ternyata background ku kurang kuat untuk studi machine learning. Jadi ya, gak lanjut. Sedih sih, tapi kalo dipaksain juga gak mungkin.
Di November-Desember aku juga les writing, persiapan retake, kalo masih belum dapet beasiswa juga. Ternyata ya rejection dari scholarship uni pas Desember itu, jadi mesti retake ke-3 di Feb 2024.
Jujur, pas 2021 persiapan IELTS bisa lebih lowong karna aku freelance, ya ada project tapi gak bikin sibuk, paling cuma kerja 1-2 jam per hari. Persiapan 2 bulan tuh cukup banget karna bisa full latihan tiap hari. Gak ke ganggu meeting, atau kerjaan urgent.
Sekarang tuh, ya allah, gak tipes aja udah syukur.
Full-time worker plus persiapan IELTS ini, sangat menguras waktu dan mental, mungkin biasa aja buat yang udah casciscus fluent semua skills karna dari kecil udah di-les-in. Tapi buat aku, kaum-kaum yang baru familiar pake bahasa inggris pas SMA/S1 tanpa les, I would say, it's definitely hard. Even harder when you are a full-time worker.
Persiapan Januari kemarin, aku jadwalkan pagi-sore kerja, malem belajar. Tapi, jadi gak fokus belajarnya, karna udah kecapean. Terus ku puter, pagi-siang belajar, sore-malam kerja. Lumayan tuh bisa fokus, tapi jadinya tidur malem banget, paling cepet jam set 1. Ngejar latihan writing tiap hari. Ya hasilnya mayan, skor W/L/R naik 0.5, tapi speaking turun 1 point. Sebel. Ngejar writing, speakingnya lupa.
Akhirnya break dulu, kena mental karna mesti retake lagi, yang ke-4 wkwk, akhirnya Juni ini terlaksana.
Belajarnya gimana? Masih sama, lebih parah malah, baru bisa fokus belajar 2 minggu terakhir. Kerjaan lagi banyak juga. Untuk kali ini, disempatkan belajar speaking lebih rajin, ya sendiri sih, ngulang2 materi pas 2021 kemarin. Sempet mau latihan tandem bareng temen, tapi karna malem itu jadwal ku kerja, takutnya malah kerjaan ku yang keteteran. Di dua minggu terakhir juga baru fokus latihan writing lagi. Yah pokonya, capek lah, masih waras aja udah syukur. Dan hasilnya, masih sama kayak Januari kemarin. Emang u cuma buang-buang duit din. For me, it's not about money, but how you manage your time and your kewarasan.
Ini lagi mikir, kalo tahun ini masih juga belom dapet beasiswa atau skor ku masih jelek, mau bilang ke calon spv kalo aku mau mundur, takutnya belio nungguin aku berangkat. Kasian dah nunggu 2th belio T__T takutnya juga belio keburu pensiun sih.
12 Juni 2024
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thegirlwhowritesfics · 8 months
If Mayans had continue for more seasons, and Nestor did stay in the club. Do you think you would have had to change the vibe of how you would have written for him?
Like take Jax for an example, writing for season 1-3 Jax is a completely different vibe than writing for season 5-7, season 4 Jax I feel you could go either way.
I would hope that the writing for the show had elevated. If Mayans had of continued and Nestor stayed with the club I would have liked to see him be more of an enforcer, similar vibes to Tig/Happy in SOA.
this would have taken him back to his S1-2 vibe but had that rougher edge of the MC, we saw some really beautiful soft moments with Nestor in the last season and they just didn't build on it, they made him bland when they could have continued on the badass image softer for those he cares about.
if all of this had happened I definitely would have written more for Nestor, and probably a darker version of him in the MC. Some of my favourite SOA one shots and fics are Jax in those later seasons, he had a much darker heart and I loved that.
Jax in season one made me fall in love with his softness, Jax in season five and onwards had me frothing and "touch him and you die" vibe.
I really wish we got that with Nestor, Bishop, Miguel in the later seasons of Mayans.
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myckicade · 1 year
If you don't like EZ why the fuck are you watching the show he's the whole show
I had to sit with this for a minute, I admit. Not because I think it's right and correct, but because it's so defensive I wanted to make sure I said this properly.
Mayans M.C. is not just about EZ Reyes, just like SoA was not just about Jax Teller. If either had been the case, I never would have seen either series through. Main characters give us a focal point, sure, but the supporting cast are the meat of the tale. If not for them, for their lives and storylines, EZ probably would have been shot dead in S1, or, at the very least, still behind bars. There is no show without all of the players present. And, unfortunately, he's endangering said players.
An issue I have with the telling of this story, and its main player, EZ Reyes, is that they've stripped him of anything and everything I could possibly root for. As President, he's in the Clay Morrow era of leadership. Every move is designed to benefit himself the Club on a financial level. It's about ego, and power. Status. Outsmarting people who are a hell of a lot smarter and more experienced. The writers have skittered right past creating an antihero, and instead have taken a head-first dive into presenting us with a villain to lead the way. It's hard to pull for a dude who's just going to get his people - his support - killed.
In the end, this is fiction, and I do enjoy the fact that this show makes me feel a rainbow of emotions. But EZ Reyes is still a character who can go cannonball onto a fence post.
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Hi! I'm hearing a lot of shit about the end of Mayans, got me wondering if there are any seasons you think are not worth it for me to watch? (I'll soon start season one, just waiting for the dvds to arrive)
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Sorry I love any excuse to use this lovely Coco gif!
So my fav seasons and the best ones on my opinion are S1 and S2, I would watch S3 at push again. However S4 is decent in some respects as you get to learn more about some of the side chars like Hank and Neron.
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asrisgratitudejournal · 7 months
Waow sudah lama sekali saya nggak update karena kehidupan sangat dinamis.
Mau rekap dan bersyukur dulu saja kepada Allah SWT karena diberi kesibukan yang sungguh membuat pusing dan stres, tapi minimal jadi nggak galau apa itu makna kehidupan kalau lagi galau banget gini:
Weekend kemarin Sabtu nggak ngapa-ngapain beres kelas SMA16. Kayanya lanjut nonton apa ya? Lupa juga. Karaokean DAY6 apa yah. Terus jalan ke center sorean ba’da Ashar buat beli saos ABC, kelengkeng, ke Waterstones beli giftcard Kak Kaca, beli kopi dan sabun, dan ditutup dengan jajan YiFang.
Minggu setelah kelas 16 ada call sama angkatan GEA 11! Bahas UKT mahal banget, belajar banyak sih tentang… well, mostly pertanyaan yang keluar tapi betulan jadi banyak banget pertanyaan yang muncul (yang bisa dicari jawabannya) seperti:
kenapa kita ganti sistem jadi UKT dari yang dulu pas jaman kita kuliah uang pangkal aja di depan terus semesteran Rp 5 juta/semester
kenapa LPDP gaada buat S1, cuma buat S2 dan S3 doang
apakah sistem loan untuk kuliah seperti di UK dan US itu adalah yang paling bagus
gimana Jerman dan Perancis bisa ngegratisin SPP kuliah S1 atau minimal murah banget lah ya, jawabannya ternyata adalah tax money.
Kami semua (yang dateng 4-5 orang dari 87 orang, wow gaada 5% bahkan) gaada yang tahu jawabannya karena bukan expertise kita, but that’s what discussion are for kan. Tetap sangat senang karena sudah menyempatkan diri untuk hadir.
Di awal-awal sebelum mulai diskusi juga Adis sempat nanyain si Repsol udah produce natural hydrogen, jadi sempat membuatku baca lagi artikel-artikel natural hydrogen itu occurrence-nya gimana.
Habis dari diskusi, ke ulang tahun Kak Kaca, untungnya tetangga, masih sama-sama di Castle Mill kami. I had so much fun bertemu Rashid, Najlaa, makan nasi kuning juga. My heart was full lah pokoknya. Dari situ ke city, ketemu Deva bentar, terus lanjut jjs (jalan-jalan sore) ke Christchurch Meadow. Dilanjut ngopi (decaf) dan makan cake sambil baca di Endorphin. Ku tertarik banget sama koleksi-nya Endorphin kemarin baca salah satu bukunya studentnya Hawkings tapi sangat pusing dan gangerti akhirnya ku berhenti setelah chapter 1.Habis itu pulang! Di rumah dilanjut meeting prep untuk acara buka bersama nanti tanggal 23 Maret.
3. The whole week before: Jumat ke Royal Holloway! Sangat senang juga karena sangat produktif. Diskusi banyak sama Alex dan berhasil pinjam InfraRed Thermometer! Ku juga berhasil nge-vacuum seal 11 tubes, WHICH WERE A LOT, tapi karena skill-nya sudah ke-build dan confidence-nya juga sudah ada, itu semua selesai dalam 2 jam saja including packing.
4. Kamis di lab sampai malem karena nyiapin sampel: dari nyuci carius tubes, ngeringin tubes, masukin sample ke tubes, packing. Mayan efektif sih dan CAPEK.
5. Senin-Rabu lupa ngapain aja tapi kayanya nyiapin buat sealing di Jumat juga. Dan juga ngerjain manuscript gak ya(?) Lupa-lupa inget. Ku gak sabar menyelesaikan semua 24hour opening supaya bisa langsung fokus nulis ke manuscript ke 2.
Oh inget deng dikit! Senin-nya tuh aku mulai kerja baru sore karena paginya ngopi dulu sama Deva di Westgate wkwkw, terus dilanjut lunch makan Ji sama Mbak Shofi (dia mau apply PhD), Iris, dan Mbak Jessica. Seru banget ngobrolnya.
6. Minggu kemarinnya lagi: Sabtu ke London! Ulang tahunnya Shivanky. Kukasih dia hadiah giftcard Waterstones juga (wkwkw sangat tidak creative ya Noni ini). Ku beli di Waterstones yang depan Trafalgar Square. Ku senang banget ketemu sama teman-temannya Shiv (yang adalah super smart ambitious typical Oxford graduates lah ya) dan kami ngomongin banyak hal. We talked in Tate Modern, took some nice pictures over the Millenium Bridge, then lanjut makan Jollibee di Leicester Square. Itu Jollibee perdana aku HUHU SANGAT ENAK.
7. Hari Minggu-nya nggak ngapa-ngapain cuma siang getting susu di Sainsbury’s Jericho. Terus malamnya formal dinner KE-TIGA DI MINGGU ITU! Di Exeter sama Deva dan Aji. Sangat seru juga sih karena pertama kali mengajak Deva formal’s and we did talk about a lot of things.
8. Week yang sebelum itu ngapain yah. OH. LAGI DEMOTIVATED BANGET KERJA. Itu tuh habis dapet kiriman comments dari Alex dan tinggal kurapikan aja sebetulnya. Jumatnya ngerjain Lumex kayanya sama Joost, terus lanjut lunch Comptoir Libanais sama Bu Yani. Kamisnya, pagi, aku ke Nizami Ganjavi buat cari-cari buku belajar baca Korea, terus siangnya lanjut ke Westgate Library (LANJUT BELAJAR BAHASA KOREA), dan lanjut ngobrol di G&D depan Christchurch sama Hanif. Habis itu ada formal dinner Graduate High Table. Ku ga banyak ngobrol sama siapa-siapa, mostly Mas Felix aja di samping. Rabu di RUMAH SEHARIAN. Selasa WFH juga cuma sorean ke Lung Wah Cong beliin Deva kecap ABC dan ke Black Sheep. Senin juga WFH dan sorean ke Cohen Quad lanjut ke Exeter buat formal Subject Family Dinner. FIUH.
9. Weekend sebelumnya lagi: Sabtu jalan jauh ke Cowley setelah random di Westgate dan Sasi’s. Minggunya pengajian ku ngisi tausiyah tapi payah karena kurang prep but it is okay.
UDAH DEH. Balik lagi ke post terakhir yang gabisa kerja ituu. WOWWW. Itu literally di atas adalah rekapan selama 3 minggu. Sangat banyak hal yang terjadi sesungguhnya. AND I MET SO MANY PEOPLE??? Harus disyukuri dan SEMANGAT NONI sedikit lagi perjalanannya!!! Fighting!
19:27 04/03/2024 office room dept
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babblingpipit · 7 months
It is what it is
Sedang di United Club lounge gara-gara flight terusanku dari Chicago ke Aspen di cancel. Kalo dipikir-pikir lumayan banyak drama yang mengikuti trip yang bahkan baru dimulai ini. Aku ke Aspen, Colorado ini dalam rangka konferens tentang debu, topik PhD yang udah 3 tahun terakhir ini ga aku kerjain lagi (masih sih, tapi sebagai project students S1 tahun lalu sama high schoolers tahun ini, intinya itu model sejak terakhir dipublish di 2020-2022 udah gaada update lagilah). Tapi berhubung debu adalah salah satu cinta pertama w di astronomi, ini topik akan selalu deket di hati dan penasaran aja orang-orang ngerjain udah sampe mana. Dan kangen juga ngobrolin debu sama orang yang beneran excited tentang debu. Long story short aku kirim abstrak terus keterima yay!
Konferensnya tanggal 3 Maret nih mulainya, talknya mulai senin pagi terus minggu malem ada reception. Jadi aku booking pesawat Minggu pagi banget dari Boston, layover 45 menit di Chicago, terus harusnya langsung terbang Chicago - Aspen nyampe sekitar jam makan siang. Jadi kupikir bisa lunch dan boci dulu di hotel sebelum siap-siap reception.
Nah, kebetulan paspor Adit tuh abis tengah Februari, jadi kita trip ke DC buat perpanjang paspor. Pasporku abisnya masih Juli tapi yaudah sekalian aja mumpung udah di DC aku perpanjang. Waktu itu kita appointment paspornya masih H-3minggu dari trip ke Aspen ini jadi kupikir masih amanlah ya paspor seminggu juga jadi, terus kirim pake pos ekspres paling 2-3 hari nyampe. Ternyata mepet dong setres kirain gaakan berangkat. Sampe hari Senin di 2 minggu setelah appointment belum dikirim juga sama KBRI, udah aku telponin hampir tiap hari dari Selasa seminggu setelah appointment padahal. Terus baru dikirim hari Selasa degdegann secara teori harusnya nyampe Kamis-Jumat tapi kalo ada apa-apa udah aja aku hari Minggu ga berangkat huhu. Panik tiap detik ngupdatein status pengiriman di website USPS. Alhamdulillah Kamis beneran nyampe ya Allah.
Akhirnya aku Jumat baru bikin slides buat talknya. EH aku lupa dong bentuk abstrak yang kukirim 5 bulan lalu kayak gimana WKWK badut. Biasanya bakal di post di konferens program apa websitenya tapi ini tuh konferens kecil yang ga seterbuka itu gitu loh huhu. Akhirnya email ke komite konferensnya minta copy abstrak sendiri WKWK BADUT semoga ane ga dijudge.
Lanjut terbang tadi pagi jam 6am banget dari Boston, bangun jam 3.45 tapi tidurnya yang ga nyenyak gituloh kalo flight pagi. Udah khawatir banget harus lari-lari di Chicago geret koper (karena ane team Carry On all the way). Eh alhamdulillah nyampe Chicago setengah jam lebih cepet. Dengan chill melenggang keluar pesawat dan ngaktifin mobile service cuma untuk mendapat SMS bahwa flight dari Chicago ke Aspennya DICANCEL??? Yang bener aja dong u united yaAllahhh. Mana dapet rebookingnya buat besok pagi (?) terus pilihan lainnya masa flight via LA (?) sore ini. Yakaleee ane ke west coast dulu udh nyampe Chicago yg tinggal sekali flight ke Aspen.
Terus ke customer servicenya United dan GAADA ORANG gile, akhirnya scan QR code buat nelepon service agentnya terus dibookingin flight yg ke Aspen jam 3pm dan standby di flight yang jam 1pm. Mind you ini tuh masih jam 8am waktu setempat ya. Buset lama bgt ane ngetem di Chicago kan. Mau keluar airport males, tapi airportnya juga bukan yang fancy gimana gitu. Akhirnya setelah berpikir panjangg, kita beli day pass ke lounge aja mayan mam AYCE dan bisa ngetem dingin ga berisik. Asalnya mau ngetem di restoran beli sarapan tapi diitung-itung abisnya ga jauh lebih dikit dan kayanya lebih nyaman lounge.
Terus ya pas aku buka appnya ada pilihan buat pindah flight dengan pasti ke yang jam 1pm terus pas aku pencet keluar nomor kursi dan boarding passnya! (gaada tulisan standby lagi) TAPI ini boarding pass gabisa kesimpen di apple wallet ahahahah jujur takut baru pertama kali standby flight begini. Doakan aku yah geng semoga bener ini dapet flightnya bismillahh.
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zaenight · 1 year
Avaliable on wattpad : zae-night
Avaliable on wattpad : zae-night
Avaliable on wattpad : zae-night
Avaliable on wattpad : zae-night
Avaliable on wattpad : zae-night
Avaliable on wattpad : zae-night
Available on wattpad : zae-night
Available on wattpad : zae-night
Available on wattpad : zae-night
Available on wattpad : zae-night
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winnie-the-monster · 10 months
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lamyaasfaraini · 10 months
November Recap, welcoming December!
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Nov dibuka sama makanan fav kami berdua, Dendeng Batokok sambel ijo Dago. Alhamdulillah akhirnya nyobain lg setelah hampir 5 thn terakhir makan ituu huhu. Rasanya masih sama, sama enaknyaaa
Rujak premium claimnya mah haha nemu di shopeefood yg nearby aja. Entahlah bulan Nov lg pengen rujak mulu sampe protes suamiku
Mulai rutin lari pagi (subuh kali ya?) ke daerah deket rumah aja paskal atau sekitaran taman pandawa. Mayan seminggu 2x, mudah2an bulan dpn bisa seminggu 3x yaa.
Tiba2 ke ubud van java wkwkwk. Banyak bikin konten disini disuruh marketing restonya, makanannya sungguh b aja huft
Fieldtrip part 1, wisata dirgantara ke PTDI/bandara husein yg tinggal ngesot tp ttp dipinjemin bis TNI AU. Seruuwww namun vanasssh! Aku ditumbalin 1 dari 3 ortu yg ikut jagain anak2 dan dokumentasiin.
Fieldtrip part 2, taman lalulintas.. Seru disini lebih banyak wahana, adem karena rimbun bgt dan kebetulan cuaca ngga terik jg malah kdg mendung. Dalam 1 minggu ada 2 kegiatan outing, remponggg eeyymm. Alhamdulillah anak2 mah yaa hepi lah mudah2an sehat2 yaa wlpn banyak kegiatan ttp jaga kesehatan, makan banyak, vit booster, tidur siang.
Welcoming December! Penuh kenangan di bulan ini. Tgl 8 desember 2011, lulus sidang S1. Hari bersejarah! Tgl 10 desember 2017 dinikahin kawan smp yg udah menjalani pacaran hampir 3thn (6 years together and going strong! Aamiin). Tgl 13 desember ultah suamiku, memasuki usia 34 tahun! Ada lagi yg belom disebut bulan desember ada apa aja pak? @sagarmatha13 wkwkwk bisi lupa aku ada apa lagi..
Bismillah semoga segala sesuatunya lebih baik, lancar.. Rejeki, ketenangan batin, ibadah dan olahraga juga lebih rajin lagi~ katanya nak TK jg ada bagi raport wuih.. Nanti disambung liburan deh yeay!
Alhamdulillah progress lari di bulan Nov banyak target yg tercapai, semoga makin konsisten yaah. Ingat menjalaninya happy aja dulu, enjoy, jgn mikir pgn kurus wlpn udah turun bb 2kg wkwk. Etamah bonus aja. Sehat dan fresh yg paling penting.. Syukur2 mental sehat juga. Semangaaaattt
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calif0rnia-lovers · 2 years
Back again with questions. Only it’s about Mayans…as I said before I never returned after the s3 finale. I have bolded the questions because it somehow turned into a rant post as well.
1. Was Manny Montana being brought to Mayans worth it? OR was his addition a tactic to garner more attention back to the show?
With him being freed up from Good Girls, I keep thinking they brought Manny in because they know he can play someone who can fit into an outlaw role (ie Rio), but can also a lovable soft side (ie Johnny T). Ya’ll know I follow Manny from fan base to fan base, and love to see my guy booked & busy. But I’d hate to pick Mayans back up to find they’ve shoveled in a temporary character to avoid developing the old. My guess is he’s from the charter that showed up at the end of S3. So his character is probably just to fill in for S4 to distract us from the poor writing of S3. Probably won’t make it pass a season, kinda like how they used the prospect character for a bit and tossed him away in S3.
2. Do they ever focus on Miguel being Felipe’s child???
That storyline alone could have saved Mayans. I think Elgin could learn from “less is more.” I liked SOA and definitely noticed its faults BUT….You know our boy Kurt would have cut out all the extra “mini-shocking” storylines like Angel being a hoe (and disrespecting his momma’s memory by giving her ring to Nails), Coco’s trip to Meth Mountain (when he could have just been a father to Letty and adopt Mini), Ez and Gabby (Sutter would’ve had Ez pining for Em with them sharing some long lost love stares across town like Jax and Tara in S1), and Bishop’s dead son (I’m sorry but they could have used that screen time to develop Bish into a bad ass Prez. That “bad ass Prez” was implied when I just wanted to see Bishop fuck shit up). Used ALL that wasted screen time to develop Miguel into the central character opposite of Ez. How would this simple tactic develop a far more interesting plot than what we were served in S3? Miguel be the father of Adelita’s baby. Fuel source #1 to the fire in the ultimate brother show down. Angel has a reason to hate Miguel. Fuel source #2 to the ultimate brother show down? Miguel fathering another woman’s child…easy plug to push Emily back into Ez’s arms. Which would have given enough ammo to push the original premise of this being a battle between brothers….Fuel source #3 Miguel wouldn’t have chickened out of killing Emily. He would have had Miguel drown her. Not saying this because I don’t like her character. Just saying that Sutter knew one thing “less is more.” It takes a simple act to tip a characters motives and the plot. Prime example: Opie being killed lit a fire under Jax’s ass and started pushing him toward’s the main goal of Jax dying. If they had taken that route they could have easily killed two birds with one stone. Miguel would have finally “crossed the line” separating him from his father. They made big deal saying he wanted to be different from his dad, but in the next scene show he was a lot like the man he was running from. With Emily being dead Ez would have a motivation in the Miguel and Ez tension they pushed the entire first season, only to randomly leave it at the end of S1. My guess is instead, Elgin has Gabby killed because she was Ez’s love interest when I stopped the show. But if he did I as a viewer wouldn’t buy that as enough for Ez to tip like Jax did. He knew Gabby for what…a year??
3. Lastly, did Hank get away from Nails?
Male show runners love an age gap. I’m still salty they didn’t just give Miguel someone his age instead of someone as young as Emily. Danny Pino deserved better. I don’t know why they gave Hank that weak storyline of falling for a girl young enough to be his granddaughter. They should have given him an old lady his age. If you want to know what I miss about SOA…all the old heads had old ladies their age. Some Gemma’s and Luann’s would have sprinkled in our weekly spice of drama. You caught a glimpse of it with the shitstorms Dita was able to stir when she was alive. We needed some legit old ladies to save this plot man
4. Am I the only one who feels we were pitched an entirely different show than what we got?
I hate when shows deviate from the original plan. I came to Mayans the second I saw they added Danny Pino. Seeing him play detectives half his career let me know he was going to serve as Galindo (and he did all of season 1). Can’t believe this Danny Pino opportunity was wasted like that. I came for the deadly Galindo Cartel and poor writing served a half baked drug king pin and a MC that can’t get shit done because they spend all their time focusing on personal shit instead of securing the bag. For an MC that strives solely on the Galindo transactions, I didn’t see a brick of coke more than twice the entire three seasons I watched. Elgin tried to turn the Mayans plot into something poetic. Sir. People don’t watch shows like SOA for half baked poetry. We want you to stick to the outlaw shit. That other stuff?
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ttenvely · 1 year
Below the read more, you will find a compilation of responses from my most recent Google Form. These are suggestions I will keep in mind, and simply posting them here into my tag to be able to better access them. (Fellow gif makers, feel free to take a gander!)
If you would like to use the Google Form, it can be found here. I'll keep it active and check periodically for any new responses!
Everything should be in alphabetical order. Anything with a strike through it, I know I will not have the muse and/or gif packs already exist.
suggested faceclaims & projects: 
alina khan (1998) - joyland (2022)
bae suzy (1994) - start-up (2020)
camille yolaine (1994) - limited resources; youtube
cha eunwoo (1997) - island (2022-2023)
chloe van landschoot (1997) - from (2022-2023)
choi hyunwook (2002) - D.P. season 2 (2023)
christina chong (1983) - star trek: strange new worlds (2022-2023)
corteon moore (1998) - from (2022-2023)
daniel kaluuya (1989) - black mirror 1x02 (2011)
elizabeth saunders (1964) - from (2022-2023)
grace park (1974) - a million little things (2018-2023)
gugu mbatha-raw (1983) - black mirror 3x04 (2016) > HERE
harold perrineau (1963) - from (2022-2023)
howard charles (1983) - whitstable pearl 2.01 (2022)
jayr tinaco (1989) - another life (2019-2021)
jennie panhan (1986) - 3 will be free (2019)
ke huy quan (1971) - everything everywhere all at once (2022)
kim gaeun (1989) - because this is my first life (2017)
kim gaeun (1989) - king the land (2023)
lee soohyuk (1988) - the scholar who walks the night (2015)
lorena andrea (1994) - warrior nun s1 (2020)
necar zadegan (1982) - ncis: new orleans (2018-2021)
nico tortorella (1988) - the walking dead world beyond (2020-2021)
nina singh (1996?) - beyond paradise (2023?) ??
paapa essiedu (1990) - black mirror 6x05 (2023)
pegah ghafoori (2000) - from (2022-2023)
priya davdra (1987) - count abdulla 1x05 (2023)
rhianna jagpal (1995) - the imperfects (2022)
ricky he (1995) - from (2022-2023)
rj mitte (1992) - the unseen (2023)
sarah kameela impey (1991) - we are lady parts (2021)
selene luna (1971) - mayans mc (2022-2023)
teresa ruiz (1988) - mayans mc (2022-2023)
yumi nu (1996) - youtube/ig posted!
preferred themes:
contained themes (2)
non-contained themes (2)
muse pages (2)
single muse page (1)
simple contained and/or non-contained themes (1)
last updated: 5 august 2023
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
(I’m just gunna slip in here with another one if that’s okay)
2,12,20,26 for Nestor Oceteva
The way I would never deny you anything. ❤️
2.) When I think I truly started to like them: Okay. So on my first watch of Mayans, back when it was just s1 & s2, I didn't really have any specific feelings about Nestor good or bad. Like, obviously he's beautiful but as a character I was pretty neutral. But then I went back and started rewatching just his scenes when I decided that I was going to start Protective Detail and THAT'S when I fell in love. Like I just immersed myself in everything about him and I have yet to come back up for air.
12.) Sexuality HC: Ohhhhh. You know. Okay. So like. Hear me out. You, better than almost anyone, know how I feel about Miguel. 😂 But that being said!!!!! I can't believe I don't see more fic for the two of them. Like that boggles my whole mind. I won't write it because I think Nestor deserves better and Miguel can choke lmao. But there is potential!!! There is such good fucking pining potential!!!! I'm objective enough to recognize that there is an opportunity there. I do think about it. I do. Guilty.
20.) A weird headcanon: How weird can it get for a cartel mercenary? 😂 But the way it truly wouldn't surprise me if Nestor is scared of really strange things. Like the man can stare down the barrel of a gun and not bat an eye but he's got a really weird, irrational fear of something very mundane and harmless. The way that squirrels are coming to mind for some reason and I simply cannot explain why 😂😂
26.) When do you think they were being themselves the most?: It's a tie between whenever he's with Marcus, and when he was working security. 😂 Like, my man took to that job too well. It was probably the best fucking break he's had since he was on leave from the Navy lmao. But I always think back on his relationship with Marcus. There was always a level of flex or effort when it came to Miguel, like he always had to try a little too hard. But that wasn't there with Marcus. Like. That's the real shit right there. From the jump. I love them.
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Send me a character and some numbers!
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