#maybe I'll made a lighting guide one day
vyeoh · 2 years
what is the process you use to make your drawings? and what base do you use for the people, I’m trying to get better at drawing people myself, and I absolute love your style! 😊
Hi! I usually
1) sketch out my compositions
2) do a clean sketch/dirty line work layer
3) do my base colors
4) do a basic shading pass with a multiply layer and a hardvpainting brush
5) do a basic highlight pass with a 30% add layer and a hard inking brush
6) do more multiply and add layers from there until I'm happy
7) merge, and fix any final things by color dropping and painting directly onto the layer
Here's a speedpaint of my process I posted before, its a bit different from the process described, but honestly I'm always playing around with different styles and processes so I mess around with these steps a lot lol
(Similarly i can never tell people what brushes i use because I usually just download a bunch of cool looking free ones and then choose a random one)
As for drawing people, I also can't really give many shortcuts; I'm a biology student who learned art under someone who was classically trained, so I basically did studies until I learned the bones and muscles, and now for better or for worse, I don't really use references. I'd say what really changed the way I thought about drawing people was learning all the joints in the body, and how they functioned.
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Like, knowing the range of motion of your body is super helpful, and even if your proportions are weird you won't end up with janky posing.
It's also helpful, when drawing muscles, to think of your body as a piston system. You have an antagonist muscle that pairs with each muscle that essentially reverses it's motion (think: biceps and triceps) and thus whenever you draw a person flexing an arm, for example, keep in mind that if you draw that buff bicep, you gotta also leave room for the triceps. Also remember that fat exists on any healthy person, so limbs should really never be sticks
Last drawing tip for people: learn how to shade things, like just generally. Things are a mix of hard and soft shadows, and don't be scared to really push your values to be very light and dark. I've been told not to shade with black but honestly, the way I layer multiply layers just means I do it anyways and as a not-professional, I like how it looks
tldr: unfortunately, I don't know any tricks or shortcuts, I only can suggest to learn the rules before you break em. Sometimes classical art training techniques are good
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chlorinecake · 3 months
am in love w ur work<3 can u do an enha x reader ff, where they're dating a very feminine y/n who's also insecure? yk like them comforting y/n etc etc?
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──── 🪽 𓂃 𓈒 step one: date 1 / 7 members of 엔하이픈
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🪞 ( . . path to bookshelf ◍ ) 𓄼 be the best version of you .ᐟ g𝓮nre. fluff, comfort, est. dating, fem.r ﹙ 🧺 . . . ﹚. 美しさ skinship & kisses 350 𝒘𝗈𝗋𝖽s each ✩ ✩ ✩
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𝐋𝐄𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐆 for my melanated queens; “God, I look terrible in this picture,” you sighed miserably at the couple photo before you, zooming in closer on your screen to get a better look. “I'm literally lost in the background…”
“Let me see,” your boyfriend offered, bracing himself behind you as he peered over your shoulder. “Baby… you look beautiful here, what’re you talking about?” He practically chuckled, somewhat humored that you thought the picture was bad when it was clearly fine.
“I’m talking about my complexion,” you sighed, shutting off your phone out of frustration, “Maybe we should only go on dates when it’s sunny outside so I don’t look like a shadow next to you by time we take a picture…” That's when Heeseung felt his heart drop at your words, pouty lips partingas he asked, “Why would you say such a thing, ____? I love how healthy your complexion looks…”
“I know, but—”
“No buts,” he interrupted, walking from behind you and guiding your chin towards his. “Did someone say something to make you feel this way, love?” You struggled to meet his sincere doe eyes as your own weak ones were on the verge of tears.
With a crack in your voice, you finally spoke, “No, Heeseung… I’ve always felt this way, I just never said anything til now…”
“And are those insecurities motivated by your own standards or by what society has poisoned you to believe?”
You got quiet at his question, knowing deep down that you never had an issue with your skin color and that it was something the world had made you feel...
“Look at your beautiful hands in mine,” he continued, shattering your inner thoughts as he drew your attention to his hands holding yours. “Please don’t think your skin color is something we need to work around… especially not for a silly picture…”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, feeling your stomach flutter as he lifted your hand to his lips, pressing a loving kiss to your wrist. “So,” you started in a soft voice, his gentle eyes looking back up at you, “can I at least delete the picture then?”
“Fine,” Heeseung smiled through a complying breath, wiping the moisture from the corner of your eye with his thumb, “but only because I’m planning a date for us to take more photos later…”
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐉𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐒𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐆 for the frequent bad hair days; “Gosh, this is why I need to go bald one day,” you sulked, tossing your hairbrush to the ground in a fit of exhaustion, “otherwise, I'll never be able to make my hair look right...”
“It looks pretty to me, baby,” Jay smiled upon meeting you in the bathroom, the frustrated clatter of your hair products having caught his attention. “What style are you going for anyways?” Your boyfriend hugged you from behind, placing a tender kiss to the crown of your head.
Reaching for your phone that sat on the bathroom vanity, you showed it to Jay. “Here’s the reference picture,” you sighed, feeling yourself calm down slightly as he held you in his arms, “I just have so many fly-aways today that the gel won’t even hold them in place...”
Jay's eyes scanned your reflection in the mirror, comparing it back and forth to the reference photo, “Easy fix, princess. We’ll just have to buy better products.”
“But it’s not just that… my split ends—”
“Then I’ll schedule you an appointment at the salon today…”
Your shoulders fell at your boyfriend's words. You knew he was only trying to make things better, but you still felt insecure. “Hey, look at me ____,” he whispered, voice light as a feather as he caressed your side, “my girl always deserves the best... especially if it’ll make her feel better about herself… got it?”
A smile spread across your face as Jay's fingers playfully tickled your waist.
In reality, no, you couldn’t get your hair right every time, but the hair you had suited you best, and simply required a little more tender love and care…
“Sooo, no salon date today?” He asked, watching your features.
You scoffed at his question, “No, we’re definitely still going… I’ll just make sure to embrace my natural hair this time.”
“And as you should, baby,” Jay smirked, kissing you one last time before his hands left your side, “I’ll go get the car keys...”
𝐒𝐈𝐌 𝐉𝐀𝐄𝐘𝐔𝐍 for the curvy girls; “Whatchya lookin' for?” Jake asked from the bed, watching as you searched through your shared drawers for anything big enough to swamp your entire body. “I’m too big for all of my clothes now, so I need to find something that's large but still cute...”
“Oh...” your boyfriend's voice trailed off as he got out of bed to meet you on the floor. “That’s why I always let you wear my hoodies, baby. Here,” he offered, pulling the white hoodie over his head and revealing a bit of his toned stomach before he shimmyied the oversized hoodie over your head. “So... can I cuddle with my adorable girlfriend all day like we planned now?”
You blushed slightly at his compliment, taking Jake's hand in yours as he helped you up from the ground, “Yes, but only if you promise not to put your hands on my stomach like you usually do...”
His eyes widened at your odd request, “I thought you liked it when I cuddled your tummy?”
He pulled you against his chest, but the physical contact only made you squirm with discomfort, “Please don’t call it that, baby…” The words left your mouth with such pain, his heart sinking at the sad look that washed over your features…
“I don’t get it ____, what’s going on?” Your boyfriend pressed with concern, releasing you from his hold to simply hold your hands.
“It's not like you'd understand where I’m coming from anyways...”
He frowned at your words, just as you watched with weak eyes while he pulled out a top from your drawer, holding it before your eyes. “You see this? You’re not too big for your clothes, but your clothes are too small for you…”
“Yea, but I used to be able to fit all of those…” You sulked in defense.
“And your body is just going through a normal change and has granted you with gorgeous curves… all we have to do now is accommodate for them..”
You thought on his words for a moment, a feeling of guilt washing over you after you realized you'd snapped on him earlier when he was only trying to help.
He placed a gentle kiss to your forehead, pulling you back into his warmth before whispering, “Please, be more kind to your body, okay?”
“Okay,” you nodded with a sniffle, tightening your arms around him.
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐍 for the giggles often hidden behind one’s palm; You and Sunghoon were sitting on the couch in your shared apartment living room, legs intertwined in a string of flesh like always as and it was your turn to laugh when your boyfriend retold one of the craziest stories from his prior days as an Italian restaurant waiter.
“And the guy had such a nerve to order 150 bucks worth of steak to then leave a measly fifty cent tip…” his voice trailed off, smiling to himself as he watched you struggle to maintain your laughter, a shy hand flying to cover your mouth.
“Sorry, sorry,” you said while giggling, cheeks hurting a bit from trying to hold back your emotions, “you can continue…”
He looked at you with confusion, his thick, dark brows screwing in the center of his face, “Wait… why’re you apologizing for laughing, baby?”
“Oh…I…” you started, startled by his question, “I guess… I just don’t like hearing my laugh sometimes?… plus it makes my face scrunch up and look all weird when I smile…”
“Stop, your laugh is gorgeous and so is your smile, what’re you talking about?” He scoffed, leaning back against the arm of the couch and crossing his arms.
“You’re just saying that because you’re my boyfriend,” you sighed, untangling your legs from his and bring your knees to your chest.
“Sure, but that’s only part of the reason,” Sunghoon corrected, readjusting himself on the couch so he could be closer to you as he spoke, “it’s true, y’know?” He said before tickling your ankle, making you smile once again, “I bet that makes you feel better already, doesn’t it?”
You looked down before meeting his sincere gaze, feeling your heart flutter in your chest as he squished your face together with his hand.
“Yes… it does,” you giggled through the pouty lips his fingers forced you to make, making him chuckle a bit to himself before leaning in to peck your forehead first, then your nose, before finally, your lips…
𝐊𝐈𝐌 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐎𝐎 for the spots makeup can't conceal; “Ugh,” you groaned with frustration, letting out a sigh as you aggressively wiped at your face with a makeup wipe, “this foundation is supposed to be full coverage!... God, now I'm gonna have to leave the house looking like a complete troll...”
“Excuse me?” Sunoo asked from beside you while adjusting his tie, a glint of amusement in his hazel eyes despite the concerned nature of his voice.
“I don't mean to be dramatic, but I swear the mirror hates me...” You exclaimed, tossing the dirty makeup wipe in the trash can while internally dreading the fact that you were having a terrible hormonal breakout today.
Sunoo's delicate hands left his neck tie to grab the package of wipes and pull out a few for you.
“The mirror has no feelings, sweetie... only you do,” your boyfriend chuckled at the pouty look on your face, guiding your head upward as he gently wiped away the remaining smears of makeup from your skin.
“Besides, you don't need to wear all this stuff anyway,” he whispered this time, the most loving look in his eyes as he caressed your cheek, “you're naturally gorgeous to me...”
He let his thumb graze over your lower lip before leaning down a little further from where he stood, pressing a tender kiss to your plush lips.
“You're lucky you didn't turn into a frog after doing that,” you giggled, playfully smacking his shoulder as you both noticed the pink hue rising to your cheeks... a hue that would've otherwise been covered by makeup.
Smiling at your words, he handed you a bar of soap and a towel, “I'm glad we don't have time for you to contour or conceal anything, so lets get the rest of this stuff off your face so we don't end up late for our date...”
You took the soap in your palms, lathering it together under the running faucet water as a new feeling arose in your chest upon looking at yourself in the mirror. No, you didn't have perfect skin, but you were still beautiful and loved, which in this moment, was all that mattered.
“Thank you, Sunny,” you said, massaging the soap into your face as he walked away from you, “I'll be out in a minute...”
𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐖𝐎𝐍 for the hairy girls; “Shit,” you cursed under your breath while rummaging through your things. “What’s wrong, baby?” Jungwon asked, approaching you from behind with a smile on his face.
“I can’t find my razor,” you stated plainly, not even meeting his eyes as you closed the suitcase you were just searching... “Oh,” he started, cat-like eyes rounding slightly, “you can always use my razor if you want to for now then…”
“Please, I’d need like three of your razors to shave my arms properly,” you huffed, stepping out of the closet and walking toward the window, “why’d I have to be born like this?”
“Baby… don’t say that, body hair is completely normal…”
You caught a glimpse of your unibrow in the bedroom window, turning away with frustration as your sad eyes met his, “So then why doesn’t it feel normal?”
“Because, sweetie… you haven’t embraced it yet,” he continued, taking your hands in his before drawing a feather-light line from your wrist to your elbow, “your arms look fine, okay? And if anyone doesn’t agree with that, they can take it up with my taekwondo skills…”
You smiled cheekily at his words, “So… I guess that means I’m getting kicked first then, right?”
“Never,” he chuckled, pulling you closer to him, “but… I’ll be more than willing to give you a lil kissy kiss instead…”
Wrapping your arms around his waist, you felt Jungwon snuggle his face into the crook of your neck, peppering kiss after kiss along the exposed skin. “Yang Jungwon, I command you to stop this madness right now!” You giggled playfully, stomach already hurting a bit from how much his tickly lips made you laugh…
𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐔𝐑𝐀 𝐑𝐈𝐊𝐈 for humble members of the itty bitty titty committee; It was just like any other ordinary night you'd spend with Riki. You two were cuddled up on the couch, sharing a bag of snacks as you browsed through the anime section on Netflix. Y’all had already binge watched just about every single series worth your time, but now, you found yourselves watching any and every trailer in search for your next big obsession.
You watched as your boyfriend flipped through the anime section with the remote in his hand, nothing but ample bosomed female characters flashing before your eyes.
Yes, those sorts of visuals were completely normal in anime, and yes, you and Niki usually loved simping over the provocatively animated characters together...
However, this time when he got to talking, it only made you feel insecure about yourself as you stared down at your own seemingly feeble chest, a tiny pout rising to your face.
“Riki,” you asked shyly while the trailer kept playing, “do you think my boobs are too small?”
He almost immediately whipped his head to face you, “What?”
“N-nothing…” you lied, looking back at the TV as if nothing happened.
That's when your boyfriend paused the show, “No, you definitely said something, ____,” he corrected, putting the remote down and letting his hand find your knee to comfort you.
You let out a sigh, resting your hand over his while looking into his eyes this time, “Would you like me better if I had bigger boobs?… be honest…”
“You're asking me this because of all the busty anime chicks we just saw, aren't you?” he asked back, which only made you sulk even more.
“I know, it's stupid but-”
“No, it's a normal feeling to have, ____... but trust me, your chest is the perfect size, babe... they're like... dainty little cherries, y’know?...”
Even though you knew he was only trying to cheer you up, you couldn’t help but side eye him in his moment. “Wowww, how romantic of you, Nishimura,” you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes.
“Whatever, I know you like it when I compare you to foods... especially when I call you jellybean,” he smiled, right before smothering your cheek with the biggest kiss he could muster as you giggled beneath him, knowing that somewhere deep down in your heart, he was 100% right...
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tysm for reading this quick lil fic !! ✗⚬メ𝟶 a/n ℓօⓥe always ⋆⋆⋆ and feel free to check out my masterlist for more !!
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𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ( 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 💌 ) @squoxle @nikisdubblchococake @wonbinisbabygurl @ashgonedash @yourmomscuntis2tighy @watamotee33 @addictedtohobi @microwvdstrawb3rri3s
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petriwriting · 4 months
My Chef - Theodore Nott X Reader
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Summary: You stay the night at Theo's, he makes you dinner. Oneshot. Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Little-bit of soft Theo. Established relationship, Sad-about-his-dead-mom-Theo.
A/N: You're telling me fannon italian!Theo can't cook pasta? Nah. Based on a scene from the movie chef. Bonus: Here's the recipe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJUiWdM__Qw
It was a quiet evening, you were at Theo's house, luckily his father hadn't bothered being home all weekend. Otherwise, the house would have been an un-ideal place to be with his father around. but the house was silent, apart from the Nott house elf, who was tidying the halls, despite Theo telling him to take the night off. You were wearing Theo's jumper, laying in his bed. You'd been relaxing. Since school was out for the summer, there wasn't really much else to do. You had mentioned you were hungry, and without much notice Theo disappeared into the kitchen. It was sweet, he said he could cook for you, which he had never done before.
You wandered through the halls of his house, looking curiously at how sterile the house seemed. There wasn't many family photos, or really much decoration. One photo was of Theo and his father, which made you smile slightly seeing it. As you made your way into the kitchen, you were met with the smell of fresh pasta.
Theo was kneading the dough, although he was unfortunately making a mess. He smiled as he greeted you. "Hi," he said softly. you sat at the kitchen counter, watching him work. "This part isn't as fun." He said. "Well it looks like fun." you chuckled. "Do you want to try?" he asked. "sure." you washed you hands, rolling up your sleeves and standing in front of the ball of dough on the counter, you were watching Theo's hands as he demonstrated. . .
Theo stood behind you, wrapping his arms around you, sprinkling some more flour over the work surface. "just like this." he said softly, taking your hands and guiding your movements. you flushed slightly, feeling the warmth of your cheeks from being so close to him. You could smell his scent, it was a mixture of tobacco and cedar.
"Okay, my arms are a bit sore now." you admitted. "Maybe it isn't all that fun." you said. Theo chuckled. "I'll take it from here then," he said happily. you turned to him, he was so close to your face. You wanted to kiss him, but didn't, instead taking a bit of flour and tapping it onto his nose. He laughed, playing along after wiping himself off.
"that was rude," he quipped jokingly.
You continued to linger around the kitchen, watching Theo as he cooked. You had no idea previously that he could cook, as it wasn't a skill that most men have.
The smell of fresh garlic filled the home as your stomach growled in hunger. Theodore Nott would make an amazing housewife, he was kind, attentive and he could cook. It made you feel warm and fuzzy to think that he would, in fact made an excellent husband one day. After some time, he broke the silence. "have a seat," theo said finally. "I'll set the table for us."
You follow suit, taking a seat at the large dining table. watching as Theo set two plates on the table, napkins, and cutlery. he even grabbed two glasses to pour each of you a glass of wine to pair with the dinner, finally lighting a candle, just for ambiance.
A relaxed afternoon had now blossomed into a somewhat romantic date. you were not complaining at all.
"Thank you for cooking, Ted." you said, before taking a bite. It was sweet, it wasn't very often that Theo would lean into his italian heritage, although on that night you were very thankful for it. "Of course," he says. "Buon appetito." 
As you took your first bite, it was delicious. you were in awe, each flavor complimented each other perfectly. "oh merlin." you exclaimed. "This is delicious!" Theo smiled, watching you enjoy his work he was quite pleased with himself.
you finished up pretty quickly, sitting at the table with Theo. before too long you were sipping wine together. "Where did you learn to cook like that?" you asked curiously.
"Well," he said, slightly stiffening up. "My mother taught me to make fresh pasta as a child." he explained, "It's one of my favorite memories with her." he said somewhat sadly.
"Oh. I'm sorry." you said quietly. "It's alright." he insisted. "It's nice to honor her memory." you were silent, letting Theo speak, it was relief for him to finally be able to talk about it with someone who actually cared. you were happy to listen to him talk about his mother, or anything really. "I think she would have really liked you." he admitted. you smiled softly. "I would have loved to meet her." you said.
This was Theo's soft spot. "I wish she could have met you," he says, softly, looking down. You didn't want to pry, or come across as cold, so you rested your hand on his and rubbed his hand with your thumb gently. The two of you enjoyed your meal, and the glasses of wine. You were quietly because you were eating, and because it was genuinely a good home-cooked meal which you hadn't had in a while. after some time, You got up from your seat walking over to Theo, giving him a hug. a genuine embrace, which Theo melted into immediately.
"Thank you for dinner." you said softly. "It was really delicious. I didn't know you were secretly a chef," you smirked. This earned a chuckle out of Theo "Well, there's a lot most people don't know about me." he said. "But you aren't most people."
"yeah?" you asked, just wanting to hear him talk. when he opened up, which he rarely did from being scolded for it so many times in his life, it made you feel closer to him. "Yes."
"I don't think i've ever told anyone that before- About my mother." he admitted. "But it's different with you."
"why is that?" you asked. "Because i'm in love with you." he says simply, standing up, looking at you deeply. He was playing with your hands. you were smiling. it was a blissful moment. He was memorizing the contours of your face in the candle-light. he looked at you as if he would never see you again, soaking in the feeling. "And..." he said, very matter-of-factly, his more outward cocky attitude showing a bit more as he relaxed. "you know what they say," you looked at him, pretending to be confused. "What do they say?" you retorted. "Kiss the chef." he smiled softly, leaning into the embrace to kiss you, melting into the moment. It was a sweet and romantic kiss that you'd find in romance novels.
"I love you." he whispered. "I love you."
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star-stilinski · 23 days
stiles with virgin reader? maybe she's like insecure or like is just scared he'll look at her differently 😩😩 everytime i watch the eichen house basement scene i literally die because he is so sweet and gentle and GHRHHSHEHDH
okay so i actually have that written from before i deleted my blog... would you guys want me to write another?! i'll repost the one i have but this concept is really super fun to me and i like writing it a lot so... maybe you guys would want to see more?? anyway here's the old one!
yep, stiles is perfect. dominant, but just to guide you. observant and overly educated (he once spent an all nighter researching female pleasure and orgasms. he stayed a virgin for a long time after, but at least he knew!). he wants you to feel good.
i feel like he had a conversation with allison once when she was really frustrated with scott where she basically ranted about how he was great in bed, really, but he sometimes got too excited and forgot about her until later. or his wearwolfness made him a bit rough. stiles just kinda stood there, but he was determined to keep that from being his reviews when he finally got laid. it was very educational.
set right before season 4.
you're reading up on the spanish mafia on your bed while stiles types away on his computer with one hand and breaks to texts scott with the other. he seems to be especially stimulated today.
"i think my excuse will be that we're camping." he mumbles randomly, setting his phone down face-up to take a swig from your water bottle. you frown. he smiles. "when we go get derek."
"for your dad?" you set the library book on the floor and scoot up on your bed, sitting back against the pillows.
"yeah. he's all worried i'm isolating myself after... everything. so he'll like that anyway. hey, scott invited us to the lake later tonight, wanna go?" your boyfriend talks so quick you almost get dizzy. that subject change was so stiles though, and seeing him as himself after those worrying days of the possessed, zombie-eyed shell of a man he was makes your chest feel fuzzy.
but at the mention of swimming, you glance away from him. you hadn’t been feeling super awesome about your body lately. It’s just… stiles is amazing, really, but he never says much about your looks and you’re scared he’s not into that part of you. It’s not like you need to be constantly hit on, but knowing that he wanted you in every way would be… well, it would make you feel better than you do.
so you hesitate, at the thought of being in a swimsuit in front of everyone. “uh, i dunno, i have a lot of homework.”
he laughs and his eyebrows shoot up. "what? we got ahead on, like, everything. did you fall behind again?”
"okay, first off, we did not get ahead on everything. we did everything due this week. you’re just used to waiting until the night before to rush through. second of all, i’m not really feeling the lake right now.”
“why not?” he frowns, tilting his head at you. you roll your neck and sigh, wishing you hadn’t said anything. It was so annoying to try and explain it.
“i mean…” you shift uncomfortably on your bed. “i don’t know. i’m just feeling weird lately.”
stiles stands, grabbing a stray pen to fiddle with as he stretches his legs, pacing your bedroom floor. "yeah, that's what you say, don't you? that you’re feeling ‘weird’.”
"you're weird." you deflect, watching him pace. he likes it when you do that, you both realized one day a long time ago when his hair was buzzed and you had braces. a lot has changed since then, but he still liked to know that you’re listening when he has to move around.
"and yet here you sit, after inviting me over to listen to me ramble." he teases back, throwing you a look before turning to walk the other side of the floor. he scans the pictures and posters on your wall, back turned to you. "seems like my weird is good weird and yours is bad weird."
you're thankful he isn't watching as you flush a light pink color in the cheeks. it's the stupidest stuff getting you flustered recently. the other day he said 'atta girl' to you and you were still blushing ten minutes later. kira actually thought you were sick. 
you know why. Part of you just wants to ask him, but a larger part of you assumes that -even as his girlfriend- he’ll be grossed out if you asked to have sex. He’s just not into you like that.
stiles swivels around to look at you, frowning curiously. "you went quiet."
"oh, um," you shift on the bed and fiddle with the hem of your shirt. he watches you do so with a look on his face before stepping closer to the edge of the bed while you scramble to remember what you were talking about. "your weird is tolerable weird."
he smirks and scoffs but it's kind of a laugh, one that makes your stomach swoop pleasantly. "what makes yours bad weird?"
"it’s nothing, sti’.” you fiddle with one of your stuffed animals, growing antsy under his gaze. “just thoughts.”
you feel the bed dip beside you as stiles sits, feeling his shoulder brush with yours. there's plenty of room on the bed. you know he did it on purpose.
"i like to know your thoughts.”
"yeah, well, sometimes i prefer to keep them in my head." you huff, still not looking at him. “and anyway, they’re just-”
"weird?" he interrupts and you look up at him. he's smirking, brows up, eyes sparkly.
you frown at his cockiness. you were going to say weird, but still. you can hear him silently asking you to elaborate.
"you’re not allowed to get all pitying, okay?" you feel yourself about to spill anyway, so you might as well tell him. it would usually take a lot more encouragement for you to say anything, but it's stiles and he's using his stupid pretty eyes on you and you trust him with your life. “lately i just feel kinda… just like, um, not great, i guess? i’m just scared i’m not doing enough for you, or something’s wrong with me because you never say anything about my looks and i dont need you to, but if you’re unsatisfied i want to change that because i want you to be happy in every area to do with me.”
stiles is silent for a moment. you look up and catch him look away from you. he frowns and looks back, meeting your gaze head on.
"that's not weird.” he says, quietly, brows upturned. “you… wow, you’re dense.”
you laugh abruptly at the jab stiles pulled, embarrassed. "stiles! I’m not upset or anything, i just dont want you to not be into the way i look. which might be unrealistic, i guess. not everyone is going to be physically attracted to me. that's fine."
"you say that a lot." his tone drops to something more thoughtful. you give him a face and tilt your head.
"what? no i don't."
"yeah, you do. 'oh, well, lydia's the beauty out of all of us anyway.' 'malia, you should dance with kira to blend in. that would be casual and guys will find you two hot, anyway.' 'that isn't my color.' 'i'm breaking out.' 'i'm bloated.' 'i don't think anyone would want to see me in something that revealing.'"
you feel heat crawl up your neck as he quotes stuff you've said the past few weeks. you scramble to make him wrong. "stiles, literally all of those were different sentences."
"no, they were not." he shifts, like he's revving up to explain something. you press yourself against the pillows to create space between you two. he notices. "you keep saying you think you're ugly. just the other day, a girl you didn't even know came up to you and said you were pretty and when she walked away you said she was lying. i remember, you were convinced. thought it was just to be nice because you had let her cut you in line for drinks. it was at the movies."
you look away from him, narrowing your eyes. you're embarrassed right now, and he knows. why isn't he stopping? "she was lying, stiles. you're a guy, you can't see that stuff like girls do."
"i'm a guy, i'm not blind." he gets hotter in his voice. both in tone and in attractiveness, getting sterner. saying 'i'm right' without saying it. "are you blind? you're so pretty. like, objectively."
"stiles, can you drop this? I shouldn’t have said anything." you curl in on yourself, drawing your knees up to hide your body. you feel so exposed, like he tugged the part of you out that you don't really like to talk about.
stiles goes soft. like a flip being switched, he loses his fight and shifts to face you better, placing a hand on your knee. "hey, i'm sorry."
you desperately want to go back to when he was a safe distance away and pacing your room and teasing you. you hate it when you ruin the mood with your feelings. you hate how much you love it when he touches you, especially since he'd never want you the way that you want him.
"it's fine, i promise." you claw around your brain for something to change the subject, but you feel it short circuit as stiles' hand begins to hold your cheek. he lifts your chin to look at him. you feel your cheeks flame hot and your whole body warm at his touch. you stare at him as you feel your resolve practically melt away.
"do you think you're pretty?" he asks, curiously. like you're something he doesn't fully understand yet, but he's on his way and he's getting excited to speed up the process. it makes you nervous.
"umm... i don't know..." you don't think so. you're very confident that you're ugly. but telling stiles that is letting him win. and you don't know what you'll do with a cocky stiles when he's already ballsy enough to corner you like he is now.
"i do." he says with finality. stiles gets closer and his hand leaves your cheek, only to part your legs gently and crawl in between them. "i think you’re hot. and pretty. and when you focus you nibble your lip and it kinda makes me want to pin you to the nearest flat surface and eat you out.”
now your legs are on either side of stiles and he's leaning over you, eyes roaming over your face hungrily. you stutter dumbly for a moment, face flushed and feeling like a cornered bunny getting stared down by a wolf. his scent becomes stronger and you resist the urge to ask him to do just that, opting instead for feeling like a gross creep and fretting if you’ve shaved well enough.
"you don’t have to say that..." you trail off, still flustered at stiles' boldness. "i just didn't really know what you thought about my looks, i guess. b-but i guess that’s kinda conceited, huh?" you laugh weakly at your joke. stiles doesn't laugh at all. instead, he watches you quietly for a moment, a hand landing on your knee again.
"i don’t say anything because i never want you to feel uncomfortable." he states breathily. you squirm under him as he leans forward, a determined look in his eyes. “do you want me to tell you what i think about you?”
"stiles, c'mon." you turn your head away. maybe you can resist this question by acting pathetic. it's not really working, and stiles just gently guides your chin so that you're looking at him again. he knows the answer. he kinda has to, doesn't he? otherwise he wouldn't be doing this.
"I want to hear you say it." he looks into your eyes like it would actually literally kill him if you said no. you feel that rush you get when he talks like this, all quiet and deep like he's breathless. and despite you thinking that stiles thought of you as a low-physicality girlfriend, you find yourself nodding slightly.
"yes, i do."
stiles sighs out like you just healed every one of his wounds and leans forward, shifting himself so that he's propped on his hands and knees above you. one hand moves to your waist and the other holds his weight as he leans down.
the kiss sends a spark down your spine. as he goes back in again, kissing you harder, deeper, gently guiding your mouth open, you think it's better than any other kiss you've experienced. his hand inches your shirt up to reveal your stomach and he pulls back.
"you're beautiful. okay? i feel like you're not hearing me. i want you to see it." he says, still upset about that. you're still a bit flustered by the quick change of events, so you don’t respond.
he frowns at your lack of response but it softens as your hands slide onto his neck, pulling him down again. he smiles and goes back in for another kiss.
this one's even more than the last. stiles' tongue... well, it works. that's all you can describe as he makes you gasp in surprised pleasure from just a kiss. you can feel his slightly cocky smirk as he kisses again, but it gets lost when you rake your nails lightly against the back of his neck. he manuvers you both further down the bed so you're laying more comfotably and kisses you deeply again, like he can't get enough. 
he presses his knee up against your core as you kiss and it sends a pulse of pleasure up your body, making you pinch your brows. stiles pulls back abruptly, and you're both panting. you can see your spit making his lips glisten prettily and you want to hide under the covers and pull him back into you at the same time.
"hey," stiles dawns a little smile. it's sweet, and when he tugs at the hem of your shirt gently your heart flutters. "can i take this off?"
you pause at that. if he takes your shirt off, he'll have to see you shirtless. you didn't wear a nice bra today, just the grey t-shirt bra you got at walmart. but he wants to see you shirtless. and you want to see him shirtless.
then again, you’re no pornstar-level body. maybe stiles will be disappointed. or laugh. no, no, he won’t laugh. but if he doesn’t like it, he won’t say anything, and you’ll be stuck wondering what he’s thinking again...
"i can hear you overthinking, you know." stiles' big palm lands on your bare waist, his thumb rubbing your skin softly. "we can stop if you want."
you meet his eyes. he looks like he really means it, like he'll pretend none of this happened if you asked. his hand leaves your waist, cups your cheek, and his thumb presses against your bottom lip softly. you breathe in. "i don't want to stop."
he nods, smiling. it's crooked and you almost giggle because of course stiles is excited to keep making out. and then his gaze shifts and he takes his hand off your cheek to tug on your shirt again. his brows lift in question.
"uhm, yeah." you nibble your lip. fuck it. "take it off."
"that was not enthusiastic enough."
"i-?! don't blame me if you don't like what you see! i just don't want you to be unimpressed!" you squeak defensively. he laughs and pulls you up just enough to lift your shirt off.
"you can be so obtuse sometimes." he mumbles as he tosses your shirt out of the way. you're propped up on your forearms when he turns back around and you can practically hear the breaks in his brain screech to a halt.
his eyes roam your body in a way that makes you flush and his hands aren't much better, spreading over your now-exposed middle like they have a mind of their own. he lets out a breath and blinks a few times, one hand sliding up to cup your bra. “s’ this okay?”
you swallow and nod. it is. really. you like the way stiles’ hands feel on you and how his eyes track over you like he wants to devour you but doesn’t want to hurt you. you like how eager he is to touch you. it makes you feel like maybe he really wants to.
he leans over you and presses a kiss to your neck. you tilt your head back on instinct as he grows more persistent, pressing open mouthed kisses along your jaw and nibbling your neck to pull a sound out of you. you gasp when he nibbles your earlobe and he reacts positively, hands getting more confident as he cups your breasts or you waist or whatever he can get ahold of.
you feel him press his knee up against you again and it makes you jolt momentarily. your thoughts are getting hazier, you feel yourself relaxing every second you spend underneath him. his hand travels up your back and finds your bra clasp and he kisses down your collarbone as he undoes it.
“you’re so pretty.” he starts, pulling back. you blink up at him as he sits over you. “you are, I don’t care what you think. I can’t believe you’re so convinced otherwise.”
he pauses, giving you time to reject him or tell him to stop or do anything. instead, you tug at his shirt, pulling it up.
he takes it off immediately and you press your hands against his bare skin. “stiles, i’ve never done anything before. I’m not gonna be good.”
he scoffs and shakes his head, toying with your loose bra strap. it’s still on, unclasped. he’s waiting.
“you’re doing so good right now, idiot.” he hums affectionately as he traces the seam of your bra, fingers brushing your breast. you suck in a breath. he watches your chest rise. “i’ve, um, thought about this before. a lot. and it’s ten times better having you under me than daydreaming about it.”
you blush at that. he traces the underside of your breast, fingers slipping under your bra to feel your skin. “I want to make you feel good.” he whispers, meeting your eyes. you nod slowly, fingers running along his abdomen as you admire him.
“you do?” you ask, as if he wasn’t practically pinning you to the bed already. he nods eagerly and it spurs you on. you shift, slowly pulling your bra off. he helps you and tosses it away with your shirt, but his eyes never leave you. instead, they dart all over your chest, hands cupping your tits. he sighs and his thumbs swipe over your pebbling nipples, making you squeak in shock.
“you’re so beautiful. ‘m gonna make you believe it, okay?” he says with finality, maneuvering so that he can kiss your breasts. you gasp when his tongue flicks over your nipple and he pulls up just to envelop your mouth. “you sound so pretty. just relax, I’ll take care of you.”
you’re embarrassed at how easy it is for you to make noise and how eager you are to listen to his instructions. you sink into the pillows and let your eyes flutter shut as stiles kisses you. it's soft and slow, but it makes you a puddle anyway.
stiles gets the both of you down to your underwear shortly after. his hands are incessantly gentle and when he does something new he leaves a sort of gap for you to tell him to stop.
you never do.
he's mouthing at your neck when he first presses his long fingers against your clothed clit, and you sigh lightly in relief. the pressure was more than enough and you had completely soaked through your panties anyway. he pulls away from your neck to watch you as he rubs a slow circle against your nerves, humming in approval when your lips part and your brows pinch.
"does that feel good?" he questions quietly, still rolling a circle against you with his middle finger. you nod and hear him swallow as his eyes roam from your exposed tits to your wet spot and everywhere in between, locking eyes with you at the end.
"i can't wait to hear you. you're gonna sound so good." he mumbles, mostly to himself as he slowly pulls your panties off. you whine in embarrassment and cover your face with your hand.
"don't say stuff like that!" you huff, scrubbing your face like it will make the blushing subside. "you're getting your hopes up."
"jesus christ." he groans, and it sounds super fucking hot. you peek through your fingers and see him looking at you like you've wounded him. "you've exceeded every single one of my very high hopes i've been getting off to since freshman year so far. you-i mean, look at what you're doing to me."
he gently takes the hand you're using to cover your face and guides it against his bulge. he's hard as a rock, and when you press your hand against him he tilts his head back and sighs out. "seriously, you're so gorgeous. and you're a great kisser. you're doing so good. i mean..."
with your panties off and him in between your legs, he has easy access as he slides two fingers through your slick. you can both hear it in the quiet of the room and you feel that heat rush of embarrassment again, eyes widening as he literally moans. "you're so wet. just for me."
and as he presses his finger to your clit, it feels ten times better than it did with your panties on. you gasp and your eyes flutter closed as you whimper "god," completely on accident. his hands aren't amazingly skillful, but the way he watches your reactions and tweaks his performance, fucking a finger into you and keeping his pace on your bundle of nerves-it's almost hotter than a guy who isn't looking to improve, because stiles is adjusting things to your preference. not just what every woman would generally like.
"how's it feel, pretty girl?" he hums against your stomach, kissing down your body. you don't know what the hell he's doing but most of your mental focus is on how stiles is making you feel, anyway.
"feels good, sti'," you gasp, feeling his mouth against your thigh. he moans when you say his name before sucking a hickey onto your inner thigh. your eyes snap open and you prop yourself up to look at him, eyes wide. "are you leaving a mark?"
stiles looks up at you, and then at your neck, and then your tits. he pulls away from your skin slowly and mumbles "uhm..."
"whatever, just... don't make it ugly. hickeys can look so weird." you flop back against the pillows and sigh, but your thoughts are cut short as stiles-
"oh, fuck," you moan, rolling your hips against stiles' tongue unconsciously as he presses his mouth on your clit. he flicks his tongue and you gasp out another moan, hips lifting.
his big hands land on your bare hips and press them back down, holding them there as he looks up at you. meanwhile, his tongue is laying claim on you in a way no one ever has, and he's making you feel better than you ever have. you sit up on your forearms to watch him and he sucks on your clit, making your eyes roll back. "stiles, oh god, that feels really good-"
he moans at your noises, mouth moving with more fervor against you, hands pulling you closer to him. he's doing everything perfectly, or so you thought, until he pulls a hand away from your hip and presses two fingers inside of you. it's a stretch, but it feels amazing, and your brain is fried as you feel yourself hurtling towards that edge-
and then he pulls back.
you look down at the speed of light, glaring at him on accident. "wha-? why-?"
his eyes are dark, something you haven't seen in them before. his mouth is covered in your arousal and he's sitting up, leaning over you. "i really want you to finish with me inside you. does... is that...?"
your previous annoyance falls away and you bob your head enthusiastically. "yeah. yes. please."
he grins and licks some of your slick off of his lips before kissing you sweetly. when he pulls back, you look down to take his boxers off but realize he took them off already. you also realize you've never seen stiles' dick before.
"your staring is making me nervous." he teases, rubbing your thigh. you blink and look back up at him, smiling sheepishly. he smiles back, and it's crooked, and he's tilting his head and panting and sometimes his eyes are wandering to your tits before snapping back up to your eyes. and.
"you're the hottest guy in the whole world, i think." you hum, reaching up to cup his cheek. his eyes go wide and he laughs, kissing your palm.
"is my dick that big?"
"not what i meant."
"it could be."
you laugh, biting the inside of your cheek. "'s it gonna hurt?"
his eyes go soft, a bit worried. "proabably for a second, but we'll go at your pace so you can stretch out properly, and if it's too much i can just finish the way i started, kay?"
you nod. stiles would never, ever hurt you. and with the way he's looking at you and how he moans when you feel good and how his hands always have to find a way to pleasure you... something in you switches and you realize he really wants you to like this. that he's being honest when he says he's thought about it a lot.
so as he quickly rolls on a condom (which included him admitting that he usually grabs one before he leaves to see you) and presses into you -slowly, slowly- you try your best to relax against the pillows. it's not unbearable, but you have to ask him to pause sometimes. he always does, and layers praises on top of each other while he does it.
"you're doing so well. just breathe, okay? just like that. holy shit, you feel amazing- b-but how do you feel? you alright?" he rambles halfway inside. you nod, breathing deeply.
"it actually feels... good..." you close your eyes and pull on his waist, urging him forward slowly. he bottoms our and gasps out a moan at the same time you do, feeling him reach the spot you're never able to. his hand snakes in between the two of you and presses against your clit. you gasp out his name, tilting your head back. it's almost too much.
as you urge him to move, he presses slow circles against your bundle of nerves and kisses any patch of your bare skin he can get ahold of.
"just relax, baby- fuck, god, you know how may times i've thought about this?" he pulls out slowly and pushes back in, and all of his stimulating mixed with his moans and his words... he's doing a good fucking job, that's for sure.
you moan when he moves a little quicker, gasping. he presses his tongue into your open mouth and kisses you sloppily, going a bit faster with every thrust. you whine when he flicks your clit almost crudely, pressing your head back against the mattress and gasping, "faster, sti'"
he obeys without further encouragement, snapping his hips a little quicker than comfortable. you feel your body adjust and watch stiles as he leans back to admire you.
his eyes rake over you, one hand cupping your breast and kneading it softly. he lets out a higher pitched moan than you've heard from him when he sees the point where your bodies connect, slowing his thrusts just to watch. "you're perfect, i swear to god."
you can't respond, not when he's already leaning down to overstimulate your nipples. your brain feels like it's in the other room and has been replaced with stiles' hands, almost solely focused on his kneading of your tits and his circling of your clit. his mouth makes its way back up your neck and he kisses you again, still with very little concern for the proprieties of it.
it's sudden, the feeling that crawls up on you as his hips snap quicker and praise falls from his mouth in between kisses. you gasp for air and tug his head back by pulling his hair, causing a loud moan from him that you'll have to unpack later. you're arching your back, whimpering "faster, faster," squeezing your eyes shut as you feel that sweet release low in your belly. he speeds up his hips, but more importantly his fingers on your clit. your vision goes white for a split second as you cry out, chanting his name like a prayer. you hear him moaning too, and it only helps you as he rides you through your orgasm.
"holy shit," you gasp as you come down. he nods, pulling out of you carefully, and you both lock eyes. you're smiling and he's kissing you and everything feels kind of perfect for a split second. then you remember him, and feel like an idiot. "oh, did you, i totally forgot, did you-"
"don't worry," he laughs sheepishly and glances away from you. "i did. it was, um, when you pulled me away from kissing you."
"when i pulled your hair?" you ask incredulously. he buries his face into your neck and groans.
"maybe we should focus on you again." he kisses up your neck and all over your face. "you did so good, you're so perfect and pretty and oh my god you thought i wasn't attracted to you. you're so out of it sometimes."
"stop insulting me! you never said anything!" you defend, slapping his shoulder. he laughs and cups your face.
"i'm going to say every thought i have now. okay?"
"i feel like this isn't going to end well..."
he grins mischievously. "you look so good when you're cumming. let me make you make that face again?"
you close your eyes and sigh. "yeah, i knew it. this is going to be the death of me."
he laughs, loudly, excitedly, and kisses you. "it's funny how you think death will help. i bet you'd be a sexy ghost. oh, fuck, now i'm thinking about that. yep, it's hot."
you shout and push him off of you, laughing.
when i wrote this originally, i wasn't super happy with it. even now i'm like... ehhh.... i dunno.... so if you guys want more of stiles with virgin/inexperienced reader, i have a lot of ideas and would totally post some if given the 'okay' from my fellow stiles lovers! let me know!!
(please say you want more because i want to make more lowkey tho just lowkey like idec but please)
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sillybilly01 · 4 months
Begging ♡
18+ content
Afab used
Themes: Sub Stephen Glass, dom reader, work buddies, and slight dacryphilia
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After a seemingly endless day at the office, reviewing and editing countless papers there is nothing more you wanted to do than go home and ignore everything and everyone around you. But unfortunately as you made your escape to your car you were stopped by your colleague, Stephen Glass.
You wouldn't say you're exactly friends with him but he was always nice enough. Even though he was painfully awkward and struggled to make connections within the office. You couldn't help but feel bad for him. Maybe that's how he convinced you to come to his apartment for drinks and how you ended up in his bedroom making out passionately on his bed after one too many.
His lips fumbled yours almost unsure of what to do. Eventually you pulled away.
"Can I take off your shirt?" You ask, toying with its collar.
Stephen starts nodding, almost frantically as you slowly unbutton his work shirt.
"I've never done this before" he blurts out.
"It's okay I'll take care of everything" As you reassuringly kiss his temple.
Stephen by now has fumbled off his pants and boxers, laying completely naked on the bed. You quickly discard your clothing as well taking a sick pleasure in how his face contorts as you take off your bra. Slowly you reach over to your purse on his bed side table and take out a condom. He is almost completely hard and with a few strokes of your hand he is there, shivering at the touch.
"That feel good?"
"So so good" He stutters.
Once the condom is on you start kissing up his neck, making sure to leave marks. Then after teasing him a bit more you snap your hips down on to his. His head flies back, mouth open, groaning, and trying to place his hands around your waist. You continue this pace for awhile until you feel yourself coming close. You grab his hand from your waist and guide it to your clit. He rubs in circles eyes locked on you, still unsure of what to do. With the way he's staring up at you, his dick inside of you, and his inexperienced hands trying their best to pleasure you, you come undone. After your high is gone you get off him completely. You stand from the bed reaching for your bra.
"What are you doing?" He questions.
"Getting dressed"
"Why? we haven't finished"
"Yes we have" you reply shooting him a sickenly fake smile.
A moment passes as you continue to dress yourself.
"But I didn't cum"
"Is that my problem?"
He just continues to watch you, tears welling up in his eyes.
"Please" His voice cracking.
"You want me to help you out?"
"Please, I need you so bad" he squeaks.
You kneel back on the bed thumbs wiping the tears from his eyes.
"Okay" you mutter.
His face practically lights up. Followed by a million small thank yous. Your hand wraps around his dick as you begin jerking him up and down. You put him in your mouth using just your tongue to circle his tip. The stimulation sends him whining and holding onto the sheets. Pushing your head down you finally take it all in your mouth and start bobbing up and down his shaft. It doesn't take long for him to come down your throat. Finally coming up for air you admire his fucked out expression his messy brown hair, the pink flush in his cheeks, and the tears or sweat streaking down his face, you couldn't tell which it was.
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justwonder113 · 5 months
Sharing a bed with Channie
Lee Know ; Changbin; Hyunjin; Han; Felix; Seungmin; IN;
My Masterlist
Summary: Chan is your rock, your guide your everything. He was also the the only person you could go to when you couldn't sleep. Warning: CURSING- I literally have no shame; GN reader, reader can't sleep. I Know I said it would be like one bed trope series but I feel like it isn't fully it? Like they lay in one bed for 5 minutes before point is shifted? Playful banter between friednds, Chan and reader are best friends and roommates. fluff, friends to lovers. Not proofread. Mention of burying yourself alive? A/N- I know I announced that I would write this eons ago but it took me more time thatn I thought it would. I had a clear vision but while writing this I changed everything like at least 5 times. I really hope you'll like it. Thank you for all the love and support you have given me. It means the world to me. Please share your thoughts with me and reblog. Also if you have any type of request please I'll be more than glad to write it. Word count- 2.5k
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You were going to do this! You were not going to back down. You were not a coward! What could happen? The worst thing he could say was no. Big thing! You knew how to take no as an answer... No you didn't.. You would most probably die of shame if he said no. He wouldn't right? No, he is much too kind to deny you of such simple thing. But what if you made him feel uncomfortable? You would rather chew off your own foot than make him do something that makes him uncomfortable or make him uncomfortable yourself. He would tell you if he didn't want it right? You were friends. Quite close ones too. God you were friends! Of course he would find it weird that you wanted to sleep in the same bed. You had nothing explisit in mind tho. You just wanted to sleep next to him. You had trouble sleeping these days and it was starting to affect your everyday life, You were more groggy, more irritable, your head was in the clouds and you couldn't fully concentrate on anything. You tried everything to fix your sleeping schedule but nothing really worked. To say that you were despterate would be an understatement.
For the past 2 weeks the only time you slept peacefully and didn't wake up feeling like shit was when you and Chan fell asleep watching tv. It was the best sleep you had in a while, you woke up feeling like a new person. You were hopeful that you wouldn't experience trouble sleeping like that ever again but sadly nothing had really changed.
You couldn't help but sigh when you saw that it was almost 3 am. You had to get up early too and you had to be on top too. You were going to do it!
You got up from the bed, but before leaving the room you turned back and headed to the mirror. After making sure you were decent at least fifteen times you finally left the room. If it was any other of your friends you wouldn't even thing twice before heading to them, but this was Channie, your channie, the guy you had been hopelessly in love with since forever, but also a guy who only saw you as a friend.
You've read countless times that whenever a person came to their crush with the excuse that they couldn't sleep and/ or had a nightmare(in your case both) their crush always welcomed them with open arms. And they always ended up together after sharing a bed. If there was a fanfiction god you prayed things would go well or you would bury yourself alive and at least that would solve your sleep issues.
You were surprised to see that the lights in his room were on. Was he still working? You had to scold him later, he promised that he wouldn't work until late and would actually try and sleep.
You softly knocked on the door, but there was no answer. After a few seconds you knocked again, but also no answer. Maybe he fell asleep you thought. Feeling bad waking him up you felt bad you turned back to return to your room.
To say that you almost had a heart attack when you saw a dark figure looming behind you would be a severe understantment. You even fell back on your butt. Chan's gasp of your name made you realize it was him, he even tried to catch you but couldn't hold onto you on time.
"Oh my god are you okay?" Chan crouched down next to you, he held your face and carefully examined you while you tried to catch your breathe.
"I think I saw god for a second." You gasped out after a few seconds of gasping dramatically. Chan rolled his eyes at you before asking "What were you doing in front of my room?"
You stumbled for a second trying to find a perfect answer. While staring into his eyes all your courage from earlier had disappeared, you felt embarrassed about what you wanted to ask him. Also the fact that he was only in his pyjama pants didn't help at all. Like you also needed to be distracted by his Greek God body! "I wanted to get water and saw that the lights in your room were on." You couldn't be more obvious you were lying but you still hoped he wouldn't pry. Chan looked at you sternly before sighing. "You couldn't sleep?" You wanted to deny but the way Chan was looking at you, you couldn't lie. You could only nod, feeling disappointed in yourself. Chan looked at you for a second before grabbing your hand and leading you into his bedroom.
"What are you doing?" You couldn't help but ask, when he literally just casually picked you up and put you in the middle of the bed like a pretty decoration on top of a cake. He only told you to stay put and then left the room. You were baffled. You stayed put and only waited for him who quickly returned couple of minutes later with your pillow and the plushie he won for you when you were at the arcade. He instructed to you to get comfortable under the covers and then left again. He took a bit longer this time, but in a minute or two he was back with the cup of tea. Literally how could you not love him? He was so sweet and gentle with you. He really was the most beautiful person to walk this earth both body and soul. You were so touched by this that you forgot all your bashfullness? You leaned in and kissed his cheek. And the bashful smile he gave you?! The butterflies in your stomach were having a french revoluiton.
After you drank your tea, Chan took the glass from you and put it on his nightstang. "Are you comfortable like this? I can go back in my room." You couldn't help but ask. You felt shy laying on his bed next to him. Chan rolled his eyes and got under the cover. You two were so close you could feel his body heat without even touching him.
"I was the one who bought you here so stop overthinking and go to sleep!" Chan grumbled before wrapping his hand around your waist and bringing you closer to his body. You were chest to chest now and your heart was beating so strongly you were worried he would feel it. You looked up at him with wide eyes. "Christopher Bang Chan! What is this behaviour? What did you do to my shy best friend?" Chan smiled, "when was I ever shy?" Now it was your turn to smile mischeviously, "you're right you always were a little shit." Chan pinched your side making you yelp, you couldn't help but laugh at his distaste. "You're a menace." His voice was low, making you shiver. "Learned it from the best." You quipped quickly.
"You love me."
Chan waited for a second before leaning in and kissing the tip of your nose before muttering, "You're right, I do."
You started at him with wide eyes, unable to say anything. Your cheeks felt really hot. "What's with the heart fluttering shit you do? Be carefull Christopher or I might fall for you. What are you going to say about that?" Not going to lie you were dying inside wanting to know what would Chan say. Chan opened one eye to look at you and then closed it. You thought that he would ignore you, he cradled you closer to his body. Your face was against the crook of his neck. You felt like you could melt. You felt so warm and secure,the smell of his shower gel and the musky scent of his body really soothed you, you could even feel his carotid pulse. It was comforting his pulse was almost as fast as yours. Maybe you were deluding yourself but what if he felt the same?
The sound of Chans voice bought you down to reality." I would say it's about time, I've been flirting with you for ages!" What the actual fuck? You immediately jumped up and looked at Chan with the most shocked face ever. He's being doing what now?
"You've been flirting with me?" You needed him to say it again. You needed the clarification!
Chan opened his eyes and leaned up, you tried to read his expression but you got nothing. "Yes? Since forever? I'm surprised you hadn't realized."
"You like me?" You couldn't believe your ears.
"Yes? Why are you so shocked?" He sounded genuinely confused.
"Because I thought you only saw me as a friend and well you do have a flirty personality." -You tried to explain, Chris sighed and fully leaned up. He looked at you for a second before putting his hand on your neck and pulling you towards him. You thought he was going to kiss you and your heart basically did a backflip on top of running 500 kilometers per hour, but instead of kissing you on lips he softly kissed your forehead. When you opened your eyes whitch you hadn't even realized you had closed, you saw that he was looking and you with the softest gaze ever. You couldn't put it to words but it was type of expression that even if you didn't like him you would fall for him head over heels without a doubt.
"First of all you're literally the hottest person ever with even better personality. I would be a fool to not fall in love with you. So trust me my flirting was genuine. Now the second, you always flirted back, you weren't being genuine?" His question bought you aback and you started stammering for an answer but you stopped when you heard him chucke. "Okay okay I'm just teasing. I know you were being sincere. And I'm also aware you have a crush on me. It's cute actually. " His eyes twinkled with mischief as he teased you. You didn't know if you wanted to hit him or kiss him sensless.
"I hate you so much sometimes." You couldn't help but groan. You were feeling beyond embarrassed, both because you knew that he liked you back and because he had known you liked him. What an asshole why did it take him this long to say anything? Chan leaned in and placed another peck on your cheek, making you sigh quietly. "Your raging crush on me says otherwise."
"Oh shut up!" You did smack him on the arm this time. Chan's cuckle filled the room and you couldn't help but also laugh. You felt like a lovesick teenager but you didn't really mind it. Chan's one hand was still on your neck rubbing the thumb mindlessly along your skin, his warm hand not failing to send shiver aftee shiver down your spine, while his other hand was on your waist keeping you close to him. He acted like the thought for a second before muttering "Good idea." And leaning towards you, your lips so close they slightly grazed each other with each breath.
"Can I kiss you?" God were you dreaming? You even pinched yourself and you were awake! Fanfiction God really did exist apparently. You would have to thank them later.
You nodded eagerly, making Chan's smile deepen. And he closed the distance. Chan, your lovely Channie, your best friend and closest companion, the guy you could trust with your life and your longtime crush was kissing you. And it felt beyond majestic. It was everything you had imagined and so much more! His lips were so soft, so warm and felt so nice against yours. Your whole body was like set ablaze and despite feeling so so many times today you felt like melting, like your bones were liquifying. Only he could make you feel that way. So confused and so hopelessly in love. You couldn't help but smile into the kiss, Chris mirrored it and soon you were full on chuckling between giving each other short pecks. You love how lighthearted and fun everything was with Chris but also very deep and meaningful and how he always made you feel so secure. Really, how could you not love him?
Much to your dismay after kissing each other for so long that your lips were already starting to buzz Chan decieed to lean back. You chased after his lips, you didn't care that your lips were buzzing, you felt like you could kiss him until your lips fell off. You felt like you had been deprived of him all your life and you felt greedy now once you got the taste of him.
Chan smiled and gave you a short peck. Then he brought you closed to his body and hugged you. "I really like you, heck I might even love you, this might sound cheesy and I know your menace butt is going to tease me after this but be mine?"
What a dork. You hugged him closer and kissed his neck. "I think I also love you too. And I will tease you about it most definitely, but yes, I will be yours." Chan smiled with his pretty dimples fully on display, he kissed your forehead and then helped you get comfortable on his bed. You felt so calm and peaceful despite your heart still running like crazy, you could feel the sleep approaching. Oh yeah you had insomnia, how funny.
A/N- I really hope you liked it, I will fix mistakes later my eyes are burning at this point. Feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading❤️
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pnghoon · 3 months
clay impressions
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୨୧ pairing : !nonidol hoon x fem potter!reader ꒰wc : 590꒱
୨୧ genre + content warnings : fluff, slight skinship, not proof read
୨୧ synopsis : in which sunghoon, the new guy in town spots a pottery club and joins because of the pretty girl he saw mentoring in the window.
writer's note ─ what the...juno's first ever work that isn't c.ai bot related??? this must be a dream.. (hehe im joking) anyways enough with the sarcasm--I finally decided to upload this story that's been in my drafts for a while. ik it's not what you're usually used to but lmk what you think of it and if I should continue >< if you enjoyed reading it, please be sure to like & reblog !! ♡
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sunghoon hadn’t planned on joining a pottery club. in fact, he hadn’t planned on much beyond unpacking his boxes and finding the nearest coffee shop. but as he mindlessly wandered down the charming main street of his new small town, something—or rather, someone—caught his eye.
the large window in front of the small building cramped between a bookstore and a bakery offered a glimpse of what lay inside: clay-covered hands shaping a delicate piece, laughter echoing softly, and cozy lighting. but what truly captivated sunghoon was the girl behind the wheel. her hair was tied up in a messy bun, a few stray strands framing her face as she concentrated on the clay piece in front of her. she looked like a masterpiece in the making, even with all those smudged beige streaks on her cheeks.
without thinking twice and perhaps blindly urged by his smitten heart, sunghoon pushed open the door, the bell above chiming cheerfully. he approached the counter, trying to appear casual as he signed up for a beginner's class.
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the next day, he found himself sitting in a circle of eager faces, dressed casual in a stone grey knit zip up—clay ready at hand. his heart raced when the girl from the window stepped forward, your features even more captivating in person.
"hi, everyone! i'm y/n, and i'll be your mentor for today.”
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sunghoon's attempts at crafting anything remotely vase-like were laughable. his first piece looked like it had been crafted by a particularly enthusiastic toddler, another imaging more of a lopsided pancake recipe gone wrong. so—maybe pottery wasn’t his thing. he glanced around, hoping no one noticed, only to lock eyes with none other than you. you smiled, a glint of amusement in your eyes as you made your way over to him.
"need some help?" you asked, your voice warm and gentle.
"very. turns out pottery isn't my hidden talent," sunghoon replied with a soft sigh and bashful smile, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment.
you chuckled, your laugh like music to his ears. "don’t worry, you're here to learn right? let's start from the basics.”
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as you slowly guided his hands with your own clay covered ones, sunghoon couldn't help but notice the spark in her eyes, the way your fingers danced with the clay like it was meant to be sculpted and formed with your delicate digits. through your gentle ministration and shared laughter, his lump of clay began to take shape, though it still resembled a vase only in the most generous sense.
by the end of the class, sunghoon had a crooked pot he was oddly proud of and a heart that felt a bit fuller. you handed him a wet cloth to clean his hands.
“not bad for your first try,” you spoke out, nudging him with your elbow as you stared down at your clay-stained apron. “with a bit more practice, you might even make something useful.”
sunghoon grinned, feeling a flutter of hope. “i guess i’ll just have to keep coming back then.”
you couldn’t help but crack a smile at his words, eyes sparkling with amusement. “i guess you will.”
and as he left the studio that day—he swore he saw your gaze on him through the window. suddenly moving to this small town felt like the best decision he’d ever made, and if learning pottery meant more time with you, he was more than ready to become the next great potter.
or, at the very least, the guy who made you laugh.
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𝓢igning off... @penghoon
── 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 [OPEN 🗯] @onlyhees @amouriu @greentulip @enhluv1 @samiikeu @hoonwhile @dearrwoni
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merlinssassybeard · 1 year
'Ex' Husband Gojo - Better without me
Part 2 || series masterlist
Tags- gojo x fem reader, angst, fluff
Synopsis- A look at Gojo's feelings for his now estranged wife. While his wife goes through a breakdown
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7th December, 2016
It was Satoru's 27th birthday.
Satoru knew but it really wasn't his priority honestly. Besides, he's not really in a mental state to even think of it.
He recalls how you, his wife, would plan various different things each year for his birthday. You, his joy and the light of his dim life.
All gone now...
Gojo had finished his mission overseas as soon as he could and returned back to Tokyo to submit reports of the mission and then again had to leave for his next mission in Seoul, South Korea.
He was aware of the incident with you just a day ago. Shoko had told him that it was just dehydration which caused a little fever and that everything's okay.
Gojo wasn't convinced. He didn't knew why, even when he wanted to believe Shoko, his six eyes indicated otherwise. They tell him there's more and Shoko probably knows but staying quiet.
Satoru had a few hours in his hand before leaving for the Airport check in by 4 am.
He decided he'd go to the Estate, which now belonged to you (not legally). He wanted to drop by the souvenirs from that particular day since he didn't really got any chance to.
Satoru Gojo is very prideful and quite egoistic and that is no secret. One day, his pride and ego will be the death of him.
7th December 2016 || 1 am
Satoru arrived at the Estate.
The air felt heavy but he went in anyways. Flashes of that day playing endlessly in his head. How everything unfolded and how you ran after him to stop him but his infinity barred you. Satoru feels guilty.
He usually doesn't have any guilt or regret regarding anything but with you... its different. He shouldn't have just walked away maybe. Maybe talking to you and trying to understand you where you're coming from would've helped.
He enters the house and is welcomed by the sleepy head staff.
"Welcome back Lord Satoru. Shall i prepare your room? I'll warm the food-", the head staff, Mr Kawaguchi, asked.
"No need", "is y/n asleep? How's she doing?", Satoru asked as if didn't even hear what Mr Kawaguchi said.
"Yes, Lord Satoru, Lady y/n is better now.", he said and started guiding Gojo to the room where you resided, "Lady y/n had trouble sleeping so the doctor had prescribed some sleeping pills"
Both of them reached outside your room. Satoru ordered the Mr Kawaguchi to leave him.
Satoru closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying his best to suppress his intrusive thoughts of hugging you and tell you that he's sorry (something he would never utter), have a conversation with you to figure things out on what is the root cause of such an abrupt bringing up of something as hideous as a Divorce.
He opened the sliding doors and entered the room for the first time after the last time he'd been here.
You were sleeping on your back with your arms all around and legs in another direction, trying to cover all of the space of the bed as much as you could.
This was your marital bed. A bed custom made to fit the giant 6'4 of a husband of yours.
But now it was just you...
He looked around the room. Recalling the old times, the 4 years of marriage he had.
What a blissful dream it was... just you and him against the world. Deep in love, exploring new things together. The warmth of your palm on his, your blushing cheeks whenever he kissed your lips before leaving for his missions. The nights that he had spent in your warmth on this very bed, in this very room. Old times when you slept in the protection of his big strong arms or when he picked you up from the bed and threw you into the water filled bathtub...
Blissful times indeed...
A smile had crept on Satoru's lips because the memories.
He placed the bag of souvenirs by the bedside table and leaned down to look at your face.
Dark circles, slight hollow cheeks, bony hands, piles and piles of medications.
'Oh what have you done y/n', he thinks looking at you.
If he had to be honest, he's never been this vulnerable in his life like he is now. So many emotions flooding him that he couldn't help but remove his dark glasses and lean down to your face.
He placed his hands gently caressing your soft hair and dropped a kiss on your forehead.
You were lost in your dreams and Satoru was in his. His dreams where he had you and took better care of you and did everything right.
But that's just a dream. A dream with no scope of fulfillment...
He knew this is the last and final time he'll see you this up close.
"Y/n.." he whispered, "I hope you find-", he struggled to say any further but still got himself to say it, "I hope you find someone better who will give you a better life... that i failed too."
Satoru couldn't bear to look at you any further from this moment. He gave his blessings to you for a better life and left that instant.
He knew he won't stop you from leaving if... no, when thats what you want. A person who loves, will never hold their lover captive against their will.
And that's what Satoru believes in...
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It was 8am in the morning.
You were sitting in your bed, wrapped in the thick blankets while sipping your soup that your attendant brought while Shoko sat in the gray arm chair beside your bed reading newspaper.
Shoko has been visiting you every morning and evening to check up on you whether you're taking your pills timely and also to give you company considering the fact that you barely have any friends.
Your only friend, if you have to name with whom you would share everything would be Shoko and Mariko Zenin (whom you befriended during Clan meetings.).
You saw today's date.
'7th December', it read.
"Shoko... its his birthday today...", you mumbled with your head bowed
Shoko looked at you and she could see it, all the emotions that reflected on your face.
She wanted to confront you that why don't you tell him that it was all but a mistake afterall didn't he try to persuade you? So this should be easy?
She knew though this isn't the right time because you're still recovering but she couldn't hold herself...
"Y/n", Shoko began and you looked up at her.
"Y/n why don't you tell him about it? He has all the right to know you know! Didn't you say he persuaded you to not to leave? And you don't want to leave either!" She made a point. "So just call... this weird thing between you two off already. And be together"
You kept blankly staring at her.
Is it all really that easy? As if!
"Shoko, i can't." You told her.
"But why? Wouldn't it be easier?"
"Shoko you don't understand! I can't... i can't just tell Satoru that he was going to be father! You don't get it!", you tried to explain her.
"But why? Y/n why? Try me!", Shoko got up from the arm chair and sat on the bed and held your hand.
You didn't want to tell her. You really don't want to but she's the only person whom you trust.
"Shoko you don't get it, you don't get it!", you insisted
"Try me y/n!"
"You won't get it Shoko!", you kept refusing
"Y/n!", Shoko kept insisting.
"Satoru didn't want to be father and that was our mutual agreement before we got married! I've always taken precautions to stand by my word ever since our marriage... but Satoru's family has been pressing me to get pregnant... So i didn't take any pills one day and a month later found out i was carrying... our baby.."
Shoko was left speechless.
But you continued with tears rolling down...
"I thought... when Satoru will return I will tell him everything but before i could... i-i lost our child". You struggled
"Maybe it was the God's way of punishing me for trying to force an innocent man like Satoru something he isn't prepared for.", you laughed through the tears. "Maybe its better this way Shoko. We should Divorce. I can't carry children to make his family happy anyway..."
Shoko wanted to say but the words just wouldn't come to her tongue. Maybe its because its not her place to interfere.
"Y/n...", Shoko didn't know what to say any further so she leaned closer and hugged you.
You hugged her back. You felt like a large rock got off of your chest now that you told her everything...
But things were about to take a different direction because one of the lady staff was secretly eavesdropping your conversation.
And she heard... all of it...
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@sindela @dazai-gojo-kinnie @whats-humanity-lol @thewickedofrizz @phantasmia @ghostllyyz @yihona-san06 @Enaaneaen@sweet-almonds @Angel_🫶🏻@autumn-slaves @wondermilka @hh0pe @kugisakinobarades @witchbybirth @nineooooo @ssc7514 @Hana-patata @blue_spices @haikyuubiggestsimp @urstepmom69 @hueneve @chayunwoo@waosobii @nadzhaf @yoriichiswife @tiltraumadouspart @kirschtein123 @whoisobsessed @Asala @ashthemadwriter @remnirris @svm666 @voidsatoru @staygoldsquatchling02 @dunnowhy-m @nnasv @violetmatcha
If i forgot to tag anyone, i apologise.
A/N- The next chapter will be quite spicy ^v^
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zurizex · 9 months
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▐ branch with an s/o who enjoys praising — nsfw
warnings. mentions of overstimulation, oral (giving and receiving), fem reader, no use of y/n, switch!brach, nicknames, slight degradation MAYBE??, creampie/breeding
request: none
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✧˖*°🦋  。゚・ ☆ 👥࿐
— 𝓦hen you first met branch, you were pretty secretive about how praising made you melt
— but one day before you even started dating, branch complimented how your decorative skills were neat
— when this happened you melted into absolute putty
— when you two ACTUALLY started dating, more praises left his mouth, him soon realizing what praising does to you
— branch one day said your singing voice was good and your face beamed red
— "you're really good at singing, doll— why are you sweating so much..."
— when he first called you sweetheart you almost came right there.
— one day, branch was so touch starved that he was basically buried in your neck, praising the ever living shit out of you.
— when you moaned. the dots like clicked.
— and GOD was he cocky with it..
— if you're sucking him off, he will never keep quiet. ever.
— praises will leave his lips as light whimpers escaped as well
— "O-Oh! My god..fucking just like that, doll...n-ngh..doing sooo fucking good..."
— His fingers would get tangled in your hair, pulling it softly from time to time, guiding your throat deeper on his cock
— we all agree branch is a munch
— he even praises you when ever he's legit going to town
— he will hold your thighs open so you don't close them whatsoever (not like he'd kill to have you crush him with your thighs)
— though it's very muffled, he will talk about how good you taste, how obedient your being, and even how much he loved you in general.
— "So good to m-me~, doing so well, keep making those pretty noises. Just like that, baby."
— even when hes BOTTOMING, he's praising the absolute fuck out of you
— you'll be riding him and his hands will grip on your hips, begging and trying to go deeper.
— though branch doesn't mention it, he loves giving you nicknames and watching your teary eyes go wide
— praise him once and you're in a secluded area with your legs around his waist
— he's heavily panting in your ear as he's rapidly thrusting into you, skin slapping filling your ears.
— Branch likes to whisper naughty things in your ear while around other trolls, especially when your helping plan something with Poppy
— "Keep bending your pretty ass over and i'm meeting you in the bathroom.."
— one time while he was eating you out, you came hella hard and he wouldn't stop.
— something snapped inside him as he kept looping his tongue around your sensitive clit
— the noises you made alone made him fuck you so hard that you'd barely walk
— which happened btw
— the sight of your face as your eyes slightly rolled back, drool dripping down your chin as desperate moans left you made him go feral
— "Aww..poor b-baby, taking me so well...S-shhhh, i'm h-here..."
— he loves touching you, actually everywhere
— you knew him in his bunker days, so you completely understood why he loves being around you soo much
— ooo, praise him while he's inside of you and he's breeding you on literal sight
— "T-thank you for being so good to me—" he came instantly.
— it's so bad that he overstimulates the both of you that same session
— when you're both done, after care is important in his book
— will not let you go until you've both officially caught your breath
— he'll clean you up the best he can, maybe sometimes giving you a hot bath if he knows your limbs are sore
— after, branch will cuddle you while he reads a book, waiting for you to fully fall asleep before he does.
— "You did so well, you know that? Always have and always will be my favorite person..."
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a/n. first post wooo, i'll make an intro later. ILY BRANCH MWAH MWAH MWAH PLS REQUEST BTW
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igotanidea · 2 months
The phone number: Dick Grayson x reader
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She was walking through the mall, running errands, crossing off the things on the to-buy list, eventually ending up carrying like ten bags.
A little too much for a girl.
Fighting with the bag strap, painfully digging into her shoulder, Y/N tried to find her phone, aiming to call her sister to pick her up, cause the chances of getting home in one piece were decreasing by a minute.
And then, to her terror she realised that the device was nowhere to be found.
Stopping in the middle of the mall passageway, the poor girl started digging into her bags and bundles, noting the slight shaking of hands she couldn't quite control.
Just not that.
She couldn't have lost her phone. There was so much information there. And she was having it in her hand just a second ago, checking time.
Right. She was checking time.
So there was no way she left it somewhere while shopping.
Yes. Obviously, She was so silly. All she had to do was take a deep breath, calm down and search methodically, and not fight the luggage in the middle of the way like a crazy squirrel with her hair all over the face
"Hey, you gonna move or something? You're blocking the passage..." male voice came from behind her, painfully pointing out that she was being a road hog.
"Oh! Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry, I just-" she spun around only to see a tall, lithe and very handsome man. The force of her movement mixed with the heavy weight on her shoulders made her lose balance and for a moment she was on a highway to meet with the floor.
However, before she could paint the tiles with her blood, the man caught her arm, getting half of her stuff into his own hands (literally! and the way those forearms muscles flexed almost made her fall again). Having ensured she wasn't dizzy or anything like that anymore he carefully guided her to the nearest sitting spot.
"You look distressed."
"Oh, do I?" she fixed her hair, now fully in panic mode due to the allegedly lost phone.
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
"I lost my phone..." she finally muttered and then it dawned on her. "Oh, um, hey- I really don;t want you to take it wrong way or make it sound weird but maybe you could - um-" she stuttered a little, cause the request she was going to make to this model-like man could easily backfire on her. "Could you maybe call me?"
"Call you?" he grinned and she mentally prepared herself for the worst reaction "you didn't even get my name and you're already offering your number?"
There it was. She was right. A mistake asking a guy like him something like that.
"You know what just forget it-"
"Oh, sweetheart, don;t go shy on me now. I'll be more than happy to call you. Only to help you find the phone, obviously." he smirked with a light chuckle, showing all his shiny teeth.
"Obviously." she nodded, rolling her eyes a little, dictating the set of numbers to him.
And as the phone was luckily found at the bottom of her bag, she hastily mumbled words of acknowledgement and fled the place before he could even attempt another mockery.
Leaving Dick Grayson astonished and a little amused, shaking heads while watching that girl run away from him.
She forgot the whole incident almost immediately. Well, maybe not all of it, cause those blue eyes seemed to mentally follow her everywhere for the next few days.
And when she finally managed to get past them, her phone chimed with a message from a number that was not in her contact list.
"Hey sunshine. Not to complain, but I think you at least owe me coffee for my help."
Y/N frowned, taking a longer moment to figure out what this was about. Was it SPAM? Phishing? An erotic offer from a portal that gathered her data from god knows where?
"Who is this?" she responded.
"Oh, you are hurting me. It's Dick. From the mall? The one who helped you with the phone hunt?"
Oh. It was him.
"So, now that you got my name, what do you say about that coffee? My treat." the notification of a text interrupted her train of thoughts.
A little drink couldn't do much harm to her, right?
"Okay." Y/N texted, waiting for his proposition, smiling to herself without even noticing it.  
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surielstea · 7 months
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Pairing: Azriel x reader
Summary: Reader is sick & Az being the best bf ever
Warnings: slight suggestiveness, tooth rotting fluff
A/N: Literally wrote this when I was sick asf and high on cough medicine so I hope this makes sense 😭😭
2.2k words
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My body tremors as another weak cough racks through me, my throat pulsing at the feeling. Watery eyes form tears, sliding down the bridge of my nose and dripping onto the plush pillow beneath my head.
I stare out the floor to ceiling window, marveling at the way the sidra morphs starlight into rainbow refractions. I sniffle, one of my nostrils completely closed off and making it a challenge to breathe. It was late. I didn't know the exact time but from the moons position in the sky I could guess it was far past midnight.
My mate hadn't come to bed and I debated clambering out of this all too hot bed to go and find him, wrap my arms around his waist and guide him back to our bed. But I can't expose him to whatever virus plagued me, in turn getting him sick, no matter how badly I missed his touch. It was already a risk to share the same bed, I couldn't push it.
Madja stopped by earlier and gave me a tonic to help ward off the cough but there was nothing she could do beyond that. I took the tonic minutes ago, the effects still settling in, I just hoped the cough would cease long enough for me to be able to fall asleep.
It's been days, my mate was convinced I was getting worse. He surveyed me like usual, but his gaze turned soft and pitiful every time a raucous cough came over me. Shadows kept me company, swirling fluidly against my back in a reassuring manner, the chill touch of them making me cool off from my heated state.
There was a soft knock at the door and I didn't have to look to know who it was. I adjusted under the covers, using my strength to sit up and lean against the headboard, teary eyed but making eye contact with the large winged male in the doorway. "Az." My voice was practically a whimper, a feeble excuse at calling for him.
"My love," He drew a long exhale, my sickness seemingly weighing on him as well.
"You can't be in here." I murmur, wiping my tears and wishing it was his hands instead of mine doing the act.
"I miss you." He offers me a soft smile as he tilts his head against the frame of the door, his silhouette from the hallway light made him look like some sort of angel.
"I don't want to get you sick." I shake my head, holding my arm out as if to shield him away but we both knew I held no power at the moment.
"It wouldn't be so bad," He tries to lighten the mood with a shrug. "I'd be off work, we could quarantine together. We'd read and cuddle and I could actually go within a ten feet radius of you." His words were convincing, and the idea has a smile tugging at my lips. That is until a croak of a cough rattles my body and I remember how irritating this illness is. I wouldn't want him to have this, ten foot radius or not.
"It's hard enough to stay away from you, don't tempt me." I sigh, allowing my bones to sink into the large matress.
"Worth a try." He mirrors my smile. "Do you need anything? Tea or soup?" He asks and I twist my lips to the side as I ponder what he could give me that would ever amount to how badly I want him and him alone. "A good book perhaps?" He arches a perfect brow. It pains me how well he knows me.
"A book would be nice." I hum and he pushes from the doorway, excited to accomplish a new task. His gaze lingers on me before he closes the door and his silent footsteps recede down the hall.
I look back out the window while I wait, fiddling with the mating ring around my fourth finger. My cough seemed to have settled, I'll have to tell my brother to increase Madja's salary for her admirable work — or maybe I'd pay her directly myself. As soon as I'm better I will, whenever that might be. I release a long sigh and allow my eyes to shut for a moment, I must've slept for half the day earlier but that didn't stop the rest from weighing at my heavy lids.
Before I dared slip into a sleep the spymaster opened the door with a multitude of items in his hands. I couldn't help but smile. The night courts intimidating Shadowsinger was at my door, with soup and tea and a book, taking care of me. He had one of the world's deadliest knife's at his thigh and he probably used it to cut open my tea bag.
"Az, I'm gonna cry." I warn. My already watery eyes verging on tears as I think about how much he does for me.
"No don't cry." His brows crease as he sits on his side of our bed, placing a bowl of soup down on my nightstand. "I tried to follow your mom's recipe but it won't be as good." He frowns and there's nothing more I want to do then kiss the pout off his perfect face. "And this is hot, so don't drink it for a few minutes." He places a steaming cup of tea beside the soup. "And this," He holds up a worn paper back book. "I went to Nesta and asked her for the best romance novel she could think of and she gave me this so." He places it on my lap. "Hopefully it's as smutty as you hope." He mutters beneath his breath and I flush hot but blamed it on my fever.
"Thank you." My voice was a rasp, he looked to my eyes. Hazel laced with love and admiration, the emotions reflecting on the golds and greens of his irises.
"Get some rest after eating, you have to get your strength up so I can get my sparring buddy back." He placed a hand on my forehead to check my temperature, something on his expression falls when he doesn't notice any difference from the last time he checked my temperature.
"Is Cassian not good enough anymore?" I scoff.
"He's not you." He huffs and an upside down smile spreads over my expression.
"I know you're sick but I really want to kiss you." He admits and just the idea makes me feel warmer inside. I grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull him into me, his upper half hovering over me as I plant my lips onto his. I grin against the sensation, it's only been a few days but gods, how did I forget how perfect it felt to have his mouth against mine?
He pulls back first and I debate chasing him back but he pecks my forehead and I settle for it, leaning back onto my headboard yet again. "I'm going to finish up an assignment then I'll come to bed, okay?" He gets up from the bed and my eyes follow.
"Mhm." I nod tiredly.
"If I find you reading that book when I get back I'm taking it away." He warns and I bite my bottom lip mischievously.
"Goodnight lovely." A shadow tucks a strand of hair behind my ear as I watch him make his way to the door.
"Night Az." I muse in reply, already reaching for my bowl of the nostalgic meal.
About an hour later I had finished my entire bowl of soup and cup of tea. Both of them reminding me of my mother humming her favorite songs as she sewed her dresses, of Rhys teaching me how to fly before I could even walk, of Cassian brawling with my brother when he first moved in, and of Azriel's warm embrace.
I was curled into a ball with a mage light over my head, flipping through the pages of the romance novel Nesta lent me. It was a fantasy with just the right amount of erotica, the kind that would make any female flush. There were a few times when I'd have to close the book and take a breather before opening it back up, which meant it was perfection.
The door opened with a creak and I slammed the book shut the way a teenage boy might with a nude magazine. Azriel crinkles his brows at me and I look at him guiltlessly. "Evening handsome." I greet and he blinks at me like I'm crazy.
"Why are you being weird?" He utters, coming further into the room and closing the door behind him. I fold my lips inward to keep myself from laughing or possibly exposing that I was reading absolute filth just moments ago.
"Just reading." I shrug innocently and he narrowed his gaze in on me but seemed to let it go when striding over to the armoire to change. I watched him shamelessly as he stripped off his shirt, golden tan skin inked in swirling black. He shuffles through the drawers, giving me a full show of his muscular back and those large wings. My breath hitched as I stare without caution and a small chuckle sounds from him. He knows I'm watching, and at this point I can't find it in myself to care.
"Are you flexing on purpose?" I ask him as he discards his leathers for a pair of lounge pants.
"I'm not flexing love." He confesses and my stomach does backflips. Cords of muscle rippled from his shoulders down to his bulging arms, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little turned on. And he was just standing there. He turns to look at my tinged cheeks and it only makes me blush more. The eye contact just might kill me. The nonchalance and causality of it made my stomach churn, as if he wasn't standing there in front of me shirtless.
"You're teasing." I set my book on the nightstand and sink down into my pillows.
"How so?" His question is half a laugh because he knows what he's doing.
"I can't have you right now." I whine like some sort of child, pulling the blankets up and over my head so I don't have to look at his chest that seemed to be sculpted by the gods themselves. The bed sinks and I know he's now beside me. I can't help but gravitate towards him only to stop myself because I know cuddling would get him sick.
His strong arm wraps around my waist and pulls my back to his chest.
"No, Az I don't want to get you sick." I protest, pulling away with the weakest strength since the predicament at hand wasn't all too bad.
"I already told you I don't care if I get sick." He brings me in closer and who was I to deny my mate's embrace?
It was nice to lay beside him, nice to have his warmth radiating onto me. I missed him even if it's only been a few days, even if he still sleeps beside me every night. I missed the physicality of it. Azriel's never been one for touch but sometimes I go through phases where if I don't have my hands constantly on him I'd collapse.
So I allowed myself to lean into his chest, matching my breathing to his and intertwining my hand with his scarred one. "I love you." He hums into my shoulder, placing gentle kisses to the crook of my neck and a soft smile spreads across my lips.
"Would you still love me if—" I begin but he doesn't let me finish,
"Yes." His tone is confident and didn't waver for a beat.
"You don't even know what I was going to say." I pout and I feel him shake his head against me.
"As long as you're still you, I love you." He professes and I flip around to look at his golden eyes that the stars themselves were outmatched against.
"I love you too." My voice is a mere whisper but a wide grin takes over his face, revealing his dimples. His smile was so bright I thought for a moment that sun wouldn't rise in fear of rivaling it. "And I'm totally getting you sick." I threaten but he doesn't seem to mind, especially not when I lean forward a few inches in order to kiss that grin.
"Sleep, love." He coerced and pulls me into his chest, his wing draping over me like a blanket, blocking out any seeping light from the moon outside. "I'll be here in the morning." He muses, smoothing a scarred hand over my hair. He continues to play with the strands until I'm drifting off into that touch, his warmth inviting me to sleep.
Azriel was quick to follow, once he noticed my breathing even out. Shadows settle around us as his lids grow heavy and his weight falls into the bed. With me in his arms it was easier for him to sleep, the comfort of knowing I'm safe while in his hold pushed him further into that sweet relief of rest.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
can we get more Fratbro!Darling interaction with creep!yan? it was amazing
They don't belong here.
Why did they even come.
The ice in their cup has melted from the heat of their skin, but the punch's still too strong to drink. With how shakey their hands are, they'd likely spill it if they tried. People are watching them now - probably wondering who let the freak in. They've been in this situation before. Invited to places because it'd be too awkward to invite everyone in the group but them while most of them pray they'll just stay home. Maybe they should have. The whispers are starting again and they're getting closer. Here it comes-
"Oh, hey! There you are! I've been looking for you since I heard you were here. You got a minute?"
Someone pulls them from the obscurity of the crowd - dragging them into the spotlight on wobbly legs. A strong arm holds them steady as the uncomfortable gaze of their peers swallows them, a gentle squeeze to their bicep negating their rising fears.
"This is the person I was telling you guys about - the one that drew that picture you saw on my lockscreen. I'm telling you, Mickey has crazy talent. I'm glad so we met at that gas station a few weeks back... Would you believe they live right across the street?"
It's pretty obvious that nobody really cares, but enthusiasm is an infectious disease. They do their best to answer half-hearted questions and try even harder to smile. It's hard to fake emotions when your attention is elsewhere. Mickey stares at you, arm still locked around their shoulder, like the beacon of light you are. How did you manage to be so different? When you first met they thought you were just another fake. Someone who pretended to be their friend for whatever benefit it gave. You cared. You tried to get them to be more social and showed up at their apartment when they'd be absent for days. You showed genuine interest in their quirky little hobbies and always laughed with them instead of at them. You even wore the crow skull necklace they made for you. It's like you were already dating.
Your grin falters as you look over at your friend, the clacking of their teeth and goosebumps on their skin catching your attention. "Hey, Mick... Everything okay? You're shaking."
Mickey hides their face in the collar of their jacket. "Yeah.... fine. Don't worry about me."
They jump as your palm touches their forehead.
"Nah, dude - you're like really sweaty. I'll walk you home in the morning, but you should lie down for now."
Mickey starts to protest, but as you weave through the crowd, heading for the stairs - their lips are sealed. They always forget you live with this meatheads despite standing beneath your bedroom window every night. Where you taking then to your room? They can feel stares on them even now, but they feel almost... jealous. Mickey likes that feeling. They squeeze your hand tighter - heart stopping as you approach the door with your name taped to it.
Opening the door just a crack, you make sure no one is inside before leading Mickey in. You take their cup as you guide them to the bed. Your bed. They giggle to themselves as you walk away with their cup, pouring its contents down the sink in the bathroom and filling it with fresh water from the tap. You really were the kindest person they've ever met on campus - like any good spouse would be.
"How much did they give you to drink?.... Just drink this water and relax. Remote's in the bottom drawer if you get bored. I'll be back to check on you in a bit. Don't worry about falling asleep I'll just sleep on the floor or the couch."
Mickey blushes as your fingers graze theirs as you past them the cup, and the image of the two of you cuddled up in your bed. They take a few tiny sips before setting the cup on the table.
"T... thank you... I wouldn't mind if you slept with me. It's your bed afterall."
"True, but I wouldn't want you to be comfortable. Relax, we'll talk about it more when I come check on you. Be back in a few!"
Mickey watches as the door closes behind you. They wait for your steps to fade down the stairs, finger on their zipper as they disappear. Mickey unzips and throws off their jacket like it was restricting their air flow. They drop it to the floor along with their shoes as they crawl beneath your blankets - planting their head face deep in your pillows and sheets. They smell just like the conditioner you use. Mickey makes a mental note to raid your bathroom, but there's so much they want to do in such little time.
Your dirty clothes. Your closest. Your dressers. So many places - so little time. What should they do? What should they do- Steal the fragrances you wear so their room always smells like you? Take your toothbrush or a water bottle you've drank from for their first indirect kiss? Steal a shirt or maybe even your underwear to.... now's not the time for that, Mickey - your window of opportunity is getting shorted with every breath.
Mind racing, Mickey decides the best thing to do now is to claim their new territory. Mark your room as theirs just as their entire apartment has been overtaken by pictures of you and the things you've thrown out. They fish through their jeans for their keys - picking the hidden knife discreetly disguised as a key. Having overprotective parents had its perks - such as items of self defense they'd otherwise be put on a list for buying themselves.
They climb out of bed, crouching to the floor. The gap beneath your bed has just enough room for them to wiggle into. Compared to lockers they'd been shoved into it was like a luxury apartment. They lay flat on their back, dragging themselves below the bedframe - knife in hand. Eyes adjusting to the darkness, their hands search for the boards supporting your mattress and drives their knife into the first place plank their nails catch on - drawing the curve of a heart into the wood. Light bleeds into the room as they complete the second arch and angle their blades for the first letter of their initials, followed by startled gasps and halted flirts at the odd sight of feet beneath your bed.
"Is this room already occupied?"
Mickey clutches their key ring tighter.
Mickey shrieks in laughter at the sound of slamming doors and footsteps racing down the hall. They've never raised their voice at anyone like that before. Love is a crazy drug. They carve their initials and yours beneath your bed, slithering from the opening and up onto your bed between the sheets for the best night of sleep they've had since they were young.
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rin-vana · 2 years
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⎯⎯ ( 𝙋𝘼𝙄𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂𝙎 ) : Doctor!Kento x Pregnant!Reader
⎯⎯ ( 𝙎𝙔𝙉𝙊𝙋𝙎𝙄𝙎 ) : Kento's favorite patient came to his office and he always looks forward to her visits, but she seems particularly down. Luckily Kento has the medicine just for her.
⎯⎯ ( 𝘾.𝙒. ) : Use of nicknames (love, angel mainly), reader has bad anxiety and hormones over all, public sex (in a patient room), Kento has been a little neglectful towards reader, angst to sex, heaaavyyy oral I mean Kento is literally obsessed, position switching (face sitting), reader has stretch marks n obviously black coded as well as thick coded, watersports (squirting), Kento is obsessed with reader, literally a filthy man
⎯⎯ ( 𝙒.𝘾. ) : 5,243
⎯⎯ ( 𝙉𝙊𝙏𝙀𝙎 ) : This took TOO damn long n its not even properly proofread I am so srry . College is fr a bitch but I hope that this piece gets as much love as Aisle 7 <3
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Will he be annoyed to see me?
The very first thought that ran through your head as you sat in your car that was parked outside the large, and seemingly never ending, white hospital. Why you were there was because your dear husband worked inside that very hospital, and due to your mood swings, you wanted to see him. In fact you felt a tingle in your chest at the idea of being able to visit him during work, but the lingering idea that he'd be annoyed with your presence sat foremost in your head.
Your hands gripped onto the steering wheel, contemplating whether or not to go back home. You did make it this far though, and it'd be a waste to turn back, plus you were already there. So you got out before regret started to take its toll on you, locking the doors to your cute little Infiniti Q60. You made your way to the wide automatic glass doors that opened to the front desk, two familiar faces sitting behind them.
”Evening, Mrs. Nanami. I'm assuming you're here for Kento,” spoke one of them. You approached the pristine desk, setting your purse atop. The woman had decently long brown hair, and noticeable bags under her eyes. In a friendly manner you smiled at how she spoke to you, feeling a little more at ease about your visit.
”Of course. Why else would I be here with this stomach of mine?” You referred to your baby bump that only seemed to grow bigger by the day. If you weren't so determined to see your husband then you definitely would've stayed home. Either way you were already at the hospital, so there was no turning back.
”I was just about to head up, so I'll walk you.”
”Thank you Shoko.” The woman moved from behind the desk and towards another set of double doors, waiting for you as you waddled your way over towards her. With your purse in tow you two traverse through the hallways painted in crisp white, doors leading to a multitude of operating rooms and technology you can never wrap your head around. Shoko guides you towards the elevators but it seemed to be taking a bit so you decided to make light conversation.
”Has he been stressing himself again?”
”You know how he is,” she starts with a heavy sigh. Here we go. ”Once he starts something he just has to finish it. Paperwork, diagnostics, pretty much anything that keeps 'im busy.”
Yup. That had Kento Nanami written all over it, certainly something your husband would do. He was a workaholic at heart, a trait he's never been able to get rid of since his high school days. In all the years you've known him he's been like that, even after the birth of your first daughter, in fact all that did was make him want to become a better doctor. ”Actually, 'm glad you came here, maybe you'll distract him before he starts downing coffee.”
You shared a laugh with the woman before responding to her. ”Don't know how much of a distraction I'll be. He hasn't.. well– actually, nevermind.”
”By all means, continue.” Now the brown haired female was looking at you. You chewed your lip as the words seem to bubble in your throat, but you're quick to swallow them.
”It's nothing, I'm fine.”
Shoko didn't want to press further so she just shrugged and you silently prayed a thank you because the conversation would've become awkward with the way you'd pour your heart out to the woman. Luckily the elevator finally came by then, so you stepped inside as she followed behind. Instinctively you pressed the fourth floor, the very floor where Kento's office was situated. It felt like muscle memory, being in the hospital and navigating it. Hell, you could walk around the whole facility by yourself and know exactly where you're going.
The quick elevator trip was quiet and the walk down the bright hallways was done in the same fashion, save for a few doctors that threw basic greetings your way. You knew a good amount of the staff thanks to your frequent visits, however usually you'd be here under a more positive premise.
Shoko guides you towards one of the many patient rooms, opening the door and moving to the side so you can enter the room. ”I'll let Nanami know you're here. Can't say it won't take a while though, so get comfortable.”
”I assumed as much. Thank you.”
The door closes and now you're alone. The room itself is nice, a counter on one end with cabinets above, and the other with a bed covered in a thin white sheet. The wall in front of you was covered in large windows, so it felt bigger than what it was on the inside, but in that same breath it felt as lonely as your household. You move towards the bed and sit yourself on it, placing your purse down and allowing yourself to get comfortable while being mindful of the prominent bump on your tummy. C'mon, move with mommy.
You somehow manage to get yourself comfortable, heels kicked off and forgotten on the linoleum floor so your feet can rest on the mattress. A huff of relief leaves your lips once your back is rested upon the slanted part of the hospital bed, allowing you to fully be situated so you can wait for your husband. Though nothing could've prepared you for how long it was going to take. Sure, you know Kento is always busy during these hours and you respected that, but a slither of you hoped he'd try to quicken things knowing you were there.
It took a good two hours of waiting until you heard a knock on the door. You had no idea when you fell asleep, but you started waking up again to give the person a response. ”Come in,” you project.
The door opens, revealing a tall man in a crisp white button up and black dress pants, blonde tufts partially framing his face. Your husband, Kento Nanami. You begin to move in order to sit up some more and give your husband a proper greeting, but before you know it he's quickly rushing to the bed and helping you lay back down comfortably.
”You should've told me you were coming to visit.” It's all he says, but it makes you happy to hear the worried tone in his voice nonetheless.
”If I did y'would've told me to stay home instead.” Kento had a look of hesitancy, and even bashfulness in his face since what you said was extremely true. Ever since you started to significantly show he advised you to take it easy and drive less since you have a history of getting stressed behind the wheel.
”Would you have stayed home if I told you to?”
”Hell no.”
Kento heaved a sigh as his eyes trailed down to your ever so swollen tummy. The way it protruded out with his child in there all over again, it's no wonder he wanted another so soon. You couldn't exactly say no to him either when you both promised to have at least two kids together, and now that you were on your second pregnancy, the excitement should at least be there. So why was the excitement not there in the first place?
”Shoko already told me you were two seconds from doing overtime again. What time was you expecting to be home?”
There was an obvious pause coming from your husband, awkwardness quickly taking over in the silence that filled the empty room. Your point was proven by the way Kento opted to simply not say a damn word, your stress levels already elevating since this topic was long overdue and you were tired of dancing around it for so long. Every time you tried to confront him about it, the conversation would be dismissed under the excuse of exhaustion and it’s over. But the whole reason why you came to see him in the first place was to convince the man to actually come home at a decent time.
It was then he finally decided to speak up. ”I was trying to get it done as soon as possible before y’started stressin’ yourself out, Love.” While he spoke he kept your gaze with his own, his hands being gentle in the way they rested on your stomach. His watch had brushed up against you occasionally as he began in a circular motion to ease your heightened emotions, and even though it worked temporarily you still didn’t entirely calm down. Just as you opened your mouth to say something, Kento was already speaking. ”Was getting up here a challenge? You know you shouldn’t be moving too much. What about your hormones–”
”Ken, I’m pregnant, not handicapped,” you sternly reminded him, taking the chance to also remove his hands from your body. In turn you grabbed his wrists, leaving him standing there with an expression that shifted to an obvious stupor. He knew he was to blame for the reason why you took the journey to see him during his grueling hours of work, and as much as you appreciated his care there wasn’t an ounce of you that wanted to hear it. It was then that you wanted him to understand why you felt the way you did, and to be quite frank if he wasn’t going to listen then the conversation would be entirely different. You know he loves you, and vice versa, but there’s an elephant in the room that needs to be addressed. ”I know how much you love your work baby, n’ I know you’re worried, but half the time it don’t feel like it. We don’t spend as much time together n’—”
Knock knock knock.
You don't even finish before Kento is moving towards the door to answer the person on the other side. You're left sitting on the bed with your legs dangling, mouth parted since you were mid-sentence. Can I not get my husband to myself no more? In your slowly building aggravation, you made out the voice on the other side to be a woman's, but with Kento's broad back you can't exactly see the other person, you just know you wanted them gone so you can finally tell him exactly how you felt. It's been what felt like months of you feeling like this, the shadow of loneliness finding its way to creep up on you in your home. Even with your little girl who can be a handful, there's an emptiness to your household.
”Sorry [ Name ],” Kento started as he approached you, placing his hands on either side of your body so that you're practically caged in his arms. ”You have my undivided attention. What's plaguing my wife?” It was now or never. But your confidence in telling him decreased at his words. The way he claims you as his wife and how close he was to your body. It reminded you of an intimacy that's been long forgotten.
”Ken, I know your work is important to you, but it feel like that's all you care about.”
You put your words in a blunt manner so the main cause of your stress and why you came to see him, but you didn't prepare for the way his face would show every bit of stunned on it. It didn't stop you, in fact it urged you on to continue. ”You could be home, but it doesn't feel like you're actually there, y'know? You work long ass hours then come home, say a few words 'nd go to bed. 'S been like this for the past few months.”
It felt satisfactory to get everything off your chest, you even heaved a little sigh due to your shortness of breath. You're too scared to look at your husband though, scared that what you'll face is something much harsher compared to the loving doctor you married. Did I sound ungrateful? Did I even make sense? You question your decision as the silence dragged on. Did I say something wrong?
”[Name], love, ” you hear his voice call out. Ever so smooth and gentle, that gravelly undertone making you want to look at him. But before you can do it yourself, his hand is reaching towards your face, cupping your cheek in a manner to get your attention. He tilts your head in his direction, and it only then makes you realize that Kento's face is so damn close to yours. You swear he can hear your heartbeat with how loud it sounds in your ears.
”Been doing this to my sweet wife for the past few months? Leaving her all alone 'n bothered, sweet thing I don't deserve you.” That name. He knew it was your favorite to hear.
Your eyes start watering subconsciously, you don't even realize it until Kento's finger is wiping away the tear that slides down your cheek, grazing upon your jutted out bottom lip that pouts at him. ”Y'missed me and I couldn't even tell. 'M so sorry baby. Don't cry, you know I love you.”
Fuck. You didn't want to cry, not like this. Your damn hormones were screwing you over, but to hear such three simple words that you've said all throughout your marriage had more tears coming down your face. Embarrassed, you look down again, but your husband doesn't allow it for long, tilting your head back up while his thumb rests on your lip.
”Can't leave my angel crying 'cause of me, tell me how you want to fix it.”
”Ken—” You're whining. You weren't supposed to whine, but you did. Not only did you mentally miss him, but you missed him physically too. You feel the fabric of his dress pants in between your thick thighs, keeping them apart even though you so badly wanted to close them tight.
”Tell me how you wanna fix it [Name]. I'll do whatever you want, I can't stand seeing my angel cry 'cause of me.”
His tone sounded so sweet again, even a little lower than before, but it still carried the same way through the air. You missed this part of him, all of him. You missed the long nights you'd spend of just loving on each other, pure and raw, drowned in one another. The way he'd take his time with you, waiting for your reaction to continue, you need that intimacy you had before, and you needed it bad.
”Kento.. all I want is your attention, your love. I just want you.”
”There's my girl. No more cryin' okay?”
You nodded to his sweet words like an obedient puppy, becoming subservient to the way you felt like you had his attention finally. Tears kept coming down your face still, but Kento was there to kiss them all away, just like he's gonna kiss any other pains and aches away from your body. It's his job after all, to fix any ailments and illnesses, especially for his wife.
You just need a little bit more love, that's all.
The blonde's kisses trail from your tear-stained cheeks to your pouty lips that he catches with his own. Immediately you whine at how much you missed having his mouth on yours, feeling yourself become like puddy when he begins guiding you to lay down on the hospital bed. It's then you're reminded where you are, and your kiss that lasted too long and too short ended.
”What– what if somebody comes in?”
You sounded exasperated even from such a short kiss when you and your husband have definitely done worse. You look so cute worrying and out of breath, he thinks to himself, but he can't get lost in the ocean of thoughts he has about you otherwise he'd be there staring at your pretty face for hours.
”Nobody is coming in any time soon, angel. I promise.” Even with his reassuring tone you still had your anxiety that you'd be caught being intimate in a public place, and as much as the risk had you rubbing your thighs together all over again, you also wanted to save yourself the embarrassment. ”How're you so sure?”
”I have the rest of the day off, [Name]. 'M all yours right now, jus' like you wanted me. I can't let my wife go untreated, can I?”
As much as you wanted to retort back with something, you responded with a small "no," and kept your silence. You finally have him to yourself. The idea of that alone leads to you initiating a fiery kiss, hands decorated with nails that are blue in color cupping your lover's face since now he was hovering above you. One knee was on your side supporting him on the bed, the other foot planted on the shiny floor as he kissed you with every bit of fiber in his body. God I missed you.
Your hands start sliding all over him, wanting to pry off that stupid button up the more his own large hands slide down your body towards your waist and tummy, one beginning to run circles around your womb area and it ignites all sorts of butterflies inside you. The way he can be so gentle and loving to your body always left you wanting more from him, and right now your mind was screaming at you to take this opportunity to love on your husband. Kento's hands continue moving south until they reach the hem of your decently long dress, pulling it up above your baby bump to reveal your cotton panties to him. So cute. The simple pair made you look all innocent even though he knew you were the opposite.
”Ken.. don't jus' stare.”
Your sweet sounding voice full of need urged him on, and along with your voice and body language he could tell you needed this badly. Don't worry, I got you baby. Prying a finger between the fabric and the side of your thigh where your stretch marks began forming, Kento tugged your panties off slowly, as if he was granting himself the blessing of revealing your semi-naked body to his eyes. He looked so sexy like this. Blonde tuffs framing his face messily, olive eyes staring at your now bare pussy. Just being under his gaze felt hot.
He tapped the side of your thigh to get your attention, noticing how you were drifting off. ”Spread your legs angel, keep 'em open nice 'n wide okay?”
Meekly you nod at his command, doing just as he said because you swear you can feel his breath fanning on your lower lips. All it does is make you want to feel more of that warmth tenfold and you'll lose yourself in raw need without it. Even though you so sweetly asked him not to stare, he can’t help it, the way you were literally oozing as soon as a long finger of his spread your cute lips open. Why couldn’t he go any faster? It’s like he was teasing you on purpose, but if only you understood why he was being so slow with you. His stressed out wife took the journey to see him at work, he has to treat her well or he deems himself unworthy of your care. After all, you’re carrying his child all over again.
Your lips had parted to voice your needs, but before you knew it you felt something hot and wet lick from your opening to your clit ever so agonizingly slow, lips closing on your protruding clit leaving such a long and satisfied sigh to leave your mouth. Your hand slowly made its way to his hair, only messing it up further as your fingers intertwined with his blonde strands. Kento can feel the way your body slowly starts to ease up and unravel with every slow, loving kiss he leaves on your little love button.
His sucking began to become more tenacious and eager, his eyes no longer locked with your pussy but now trailed up your half-exposed body to your lidded eyes that struggled to stay open. He couldn't blame you, after all you expressed how badly you missed him and what kind of husband would Kento Nanami be if he wasn't at his wife's beck and call?
”Baby..,” you moaned in such a darling-like manner. He knew he'd fall victim to whatever request you asked of him. ”More please…, I missed this.”
You're gonna be the death of him, he knows it, and yet he still complies and moves his tongue further down. Keeping a strong, sexy gaze locked on your eyes that peaked above your swollen stomach as he does so. You wanted to break eye contact as you felt your face heating up, as if he were a predator looking at his prey, but you felt his tongue probe at your entrance before entering you in full.
Your breath quicked feeling like the needs you repressed for so long were finally being met the more Kento’s tongue practically explored your insides with fervor. His hands maneuvered to your knees, only to spread them apart further as if he were granting himself more access to your hole. For a second his mouth pulled away, only to return to your clit that looked as if it were calling out to him. ”Y’know I missed you too right? I missed my pretty angel and I missed her pussy.”
”You’re so filthy”, you breathlessly commented, but it still filled you with emotions you haven’t felt in so long, and you were slowly becoming addicted to your husband all over again. The way you felt the vibrations from your aching core throughout the entire lower half of your body had your legs quivering like you wanted to close them, but Kento kept them nice and open to indulge in your flavor. He needed to show his wife how much he loved and appreciated her, how much he relished in the fact you were carrying his second child and enduring the pains all over again.
His right hand began making its way up your leg until his index and middle finger slid inside your sopping hole, the intrusion feeling a little awkward but you relaxed since he allowed you to get adjusted on his thick digits. ”Hohh, that feels good,” you absentmindedly mumbled, the small grip you had on his hair increasing once his fingers began pistoning in and out of your hole.
A feeling distant but familiar began building up within your lower abdomen once his fingers curled upwards, your hips slightly raising off the clean white mattress that began to become soaked in your essence. Kento had his eyes fixated on your body, watching every writhe and twitch.
You look so good like this. He wanted to see more, see the way you lose yourself on him again, see the way your lust for him grows after every orgasm. He needed it like the starved man he was. Your lips were babbling nonsense but the blonde simply blocked it out, hearing muffled ”not yet”s in between sugary moans.
You kept tugging on his hair to get the message across that you were about to cum, but your husband was already ahead of you. He knew. He always knew when you were about to give him your sweetest gift, it came with endless nights spent under his hold. Your thighs threatened to close around his head just to prolong the inevitable, squeezing so cutesy around his head as your whines just kept coming. His tongue felt so sticky and hot and good on your clit. Why was he so good at making you feel like this? Because a husband should know his wife and all her needs.
The bind in your core began to become detangled, feeling like a tight pressure was released as your nectar began coating Kento's fingers that continued to piston in and out of you and leak onto his chin. ”Kennnn,” you drag out through your high, grinding your hips on his face to ride out your climax. Feeling your body shudder less, his fingers finally pulled out your hole, leaving it fluttering so he couldn't help but coo at the sight. ”Get up f'me angel.”
Mindlessly you're doing as you're told, on trembling legs of course. It's been so long since you felt that good of a climax and the only thing on your mind was reaching it again. You watch your husband climb onto the bed in a lying position, making a "come here" motion with his index and middle finger so again you listen. You climbed on top of him until your naked sex is sitting on his clothed lower abdomen, juices staining the dressy material but that was the last thing on both of your minds.
”You know how this goes. Sit on my face.” As if it should've been obvious. You scoffed at the little smirk on his face, the one he usually gets when he knows full and damn well you get shy at the idea of making a throne out his face. Either way you listen because you've been deprived of this, and he knows that. Kento Nanami had always been a man of little words, so he let his actions convey how he really felt. This was his way of helping you release that pent up stress.
You scooch yourself up until you're just barely hovering above his collarbone, but Kento can't have that. You wanted him right? So why couldn't you let him please you like this? The very question had the blonde making his signature stoic face, that is until his hands reach to your thighs, trailing up the smooth skin he's traced without fail until he memorized your beautiful curves. His hands land on your ass, giving the flesh a tight squeeze before he's pulling your cunt on his lips once more. He could taste his own saliva on you, but in the mix of that is your sweetness as well.
Immediately you threw your head back once his tongue entered you, your hands scrambling to grab the railings on the side of the hospital bed. You were being so loud and your husband couldn't get enough of it. Kento knows he's filthy, in fact he's well aware, but it's worth it when you get like this over his obscene ways. Wet muscle leaving its imprint on your gummy insides, hands kneading at your thick flesh. This might just become his favorite thing to do.
Your pussy was still sensitive from your first orgasm, so the burning hot sensation in between your legs was practically screaming at you. Kento's tongue helped none at all and it was quickly becoming too much for you to handle, overwhelming your poor little brain past the point of stupid since you can't even remember the last time you felt pleasure this good in a while. Your knuckles turned a few shades lighter gripping on the sides, your teeth practically chewing your bottom lip as you tried to stay quiet but it felt so hard. Impossible even. Poor thing.
Tears flooded your eyes once his movements started getting more demanding, aggressive even. It was as if he was starved of a proper meal for weeks, consuming every bit of you. The droplets rolled down your cheeks right past your pouting lips. Kento had his eyes glued to your face, and upon seeing your tears his mouth finally pulled away from your sopping cunt.
”I thought I said no more cryin'?” His voice felt like a taunt almost, all sorts of rasp coming behind it. It only made you wanna fuck him more.
”Feels too good..!,” you respond as coherently as possible even though a finger of his was toying with your engorged clit again. He could never get enough of the way you lost yourself on top of him. It only made him wanna feed into your needs more if you were like this just because of his tongue.
Your mouth hung open looking down at him, watching the way he shamelessly kept eye contact with you while eating your cunt as if it were a full course meal, making out with your pussy in such a lewd and wet way it could've been porn worthy. The noises you made urged him on though, wanting to make you louder so nobody could bother him or interrupt your time. Kento refused to let this moment pass up where he has you to himself, soaking wet in between your thighs and singing a chorus of moans.
Fat tears kept rolling down your cheeks, feeling pushed past the brink of overstimulation since the fiery sensation in your stomach was too much. You couldn't even concentrate on the hand moving down to your dripping hole and pushing three fingers inside you. It made your thighs involuntarily close around his head in an attempt to get adjusted, but the doctor didn't give you no time at all.
”This the only time I wanna see you cryin' f'me, okay darling?”
All you can do is nod helplessly, hips instinctively rolling against whatever's giving you the most pleasure, that being his face. Fuck he loved the way you used him to get off like he was nothing but your little sex doll. If this was the only way you'd give him attention he'd be satisfied, you were sometimes too good to be true. Soft sounds filling his ears, the wet squelches of his fingers moving in and out of your hole. You were truly beautiful like this.
”Ken..— Ken! 'M about to cum again, fuck.” You're helpless like this, rendered a babbling angel. His eagerness showed once you finished getting out whatever you were gonna say, a hum that vibrated through your lower being telling you enough that your husband was gonna help you reach another climax. I got you baby.
The fingers inside you curled just a little bit, and it was the sweet pressure you needed to send you over the edge and more. A long drawn out whine left your throat as your gates flooded open. Beads of cum stained Kento's face and clear liquid getting damn near everywhere. He made sure to have his mouth practically latched onto you since he just couldn't let whatever you gave him go to waste. He has to appreciate every last bit of you.
Rendered breathless, you use your hand to push on his forehead to get him to stop, chest heaving as you peek from your belly to get a better look at him. His blonde hair was all sprawled out against the once clean white sheets, eyes blown with every drop of lust imaginable. Seeing him like this reminded you just how sexy he can be. Beneath you, a man with no sense of control around you, all he can do is stare at your face looking like a deer mesmerized by headlights.
You're giggling at the sight as you lift yourself up, him helping you by guiding your hips until you're sitting on his lap, again staining whatever clothes were right there. Catching your breath, the two of you are left to stare at each other in reflection of what you two had done, but all Kento was thinking about in that head of is that you two really need to go home.
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milliesfishes · 1 month
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[fem reader] contains: copious amounts of angst, death pairing: billy the kid x fem reader author’s note: I never cry writing and I cried during this so...keep that in mind Pinterest Board Spotify Playlist
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The ordinary defines everything. Each last is nothing special at first glance, but in memory becomes momentous. Then it all hits you like a bolt of lightning, sparking a fire that burns everything down.
Ordinary was waking up next to Billy, finding you had shifted in the night, and snuggling back up to him. It was wearing his shirt while you prepared breakfast, and having him come up behind you, arms covering your tummy as a kiss was pressed into your temple. It was giggling and turning around to give him a proper kiss, forgetting about what was cooking on the stove. It was eating your burnt pancakes and him assuring you they were delicious anyways, asking for seconds and beaming as you slipped another charred circle onto his plate.
Tan already from previous hours in the sun, he'd kissed you goodbye, big hand steady on the back of your head, eyes reflecting the beat of his heart for you. "I'll be waitin' for you, sweetheart."
The image of him toiling over the garden for you, shirt half unbuttoned in the sweltering heat of the day, was a pleasant daydream as you went about your business in town. Half-distracted by it, you absentmindedly paid for your things in the general store, meandering over to your horse, packing the saddlebags and climbing on. Steadily, you grasped the reins, spurring the creature into a gallop.
It was one of those days when the world was bright-eyed and open- the first one after so many days of rain. The sun was warm on your skin, and you knew Billy would trace the freckles you surely gained later, when you were both between your sheets, bare and blissful from the act of loving. The air held a promise of hope as springtime always did, the light of new beginnings a guiding path.
The spirit of the season had entered your home without so much as a knock. In recent weeks, Billy had begun to talk of riding out west, somewhere shiny and new where nobody would have heard his name or shuddered at his reputation. You were excited by the prospect, knowing how he had chased a fresh start for most of his life. It had always been just out of reach, or marked by some unseen consequence that set him right on the outlaw's path again. This time was different- you'd be leaving the state entirely. Tentatively, you began to make plans, set money aside. Late summertime, maybe, or early fall.
At night he whispered his dreams into your hair, stroking your collarbone lazily where his arms were wrapped around you. "Gonna get the nicest piece 'f land...and we'll live together, just the two of us. It'll be so nice, baby...you 'n me." Brushing tender kisses to your cheek, he promised it in everything he did. The way he touched you, kissed you, made love to you. It was a promise of someday.
Destiny breathed down Billy's neck, cutting sharp at his heels. It was tangled in every action, sprawled across each word. Somewhere in the back of your mind you feared your time with him would be short, the law hot on his tail. There were people out there who wanted the love of your life dead or alive, who'd do anything for a little bit of money. The thought made you cling tighter to him, though you never breathed a word about it.
So when he spoke of someday, you enthusiastically partook, determined to outrun what loomed over the life you'd built with him.
Tonight, you had agreed to start determining a route, and more importantly a destination. You imagined yourself sitting on his thigh, cheek to his shoulder with the candlelight flickering leisurely as he secured an arm around your waist, the other hand pressed to a map. Every little line was a possibility. Anywhere but here.
Smiling a little at the idea, you tugged on the reins, slowing your horse as the quaint house in which you resided came into view. It wouldn't be where you slept much longer. Your real home was the man who rested next to you.
Dismounting, you unloaded your things, petting the thick neck of the horse fondly. Grass grazed your calves as you made your way to the steps, carefully climbing each and making sure to avoid the one that creaked. The house was quiet when you opened the door, and you figured Billy must still be outside.
Humming to yourself, you opened drawers and cabinets, putting your purchases in their rightful places. The orderliness of your house was something you relished- the domesticity of it all. Out of the corner of your eye, something colorful caught your attention. Turning around, a vaseful of wildflowers, arranged in a messy bouquet, met your vision. He must have picked them for you, a sweet surprise for when you returned.
A smile parted your lips, and you touched the pretty blooms, taking careful notice. The daisies were as pure as the season's first snow, your very favorite flower. Forget-me-nots were scattered among them, the same color as his eyes. You had told him that once, and he'd pressed a kiss to the hand held in his grasp. "That's the nicest thing I ever did hear."
Childhood hadn't been easy on you, its duration long and arduous. Your past weighed on you like a stone, sinking you to the bottom of the river. Somewhere in its depths, you had found him too. In the act of falling in love you subconsciously swore to bring out the beauty of life in each other. Under the blanket of his love, you glowed.
It was just like him to make sure you had something pretty to come home to. Bouncing on your heels, you wondered why he hadn't come in yet. Surely his work hadn't taken him so long to complete. Your Billy was always toiling over the littlest details, wanting things to be perfect for you.
Deciding to go out and give him a break from his labors, you fixed one of the flowers he'd left for you behind your ear and swung the door open, stepping out onto the back porch. Peering out into the open expanse, you frowned when he was nowhere to be found.
Descending the stairs, you searched the area, bewildered. Was he outside at all? Had he gone to your bedroom, exhausted from his activities? You looked down aimlessly, already half decided to go check there.
He was flat on his back, eyes blue as the flower in your hair staring glassily at the sky. A crimson stain on the right side of his chest told the story you would never utter. You did not need to touch him to know he was cold.
The world became a void. There was nothing in it except the shell of the man you loved, lying still at your feet. Every thought you had was inconceivable, voices screaming that you were deaf to. Yesterday was suddenly your golden years.
Deadly calm, you numbly bent to the illusion before you, in the shade of the nearby oak tree. Kneeling and sliding your hand under him, his head found a place in your lap. Smoothing a hand through his hair, you brushed the dirt from it, taking one last look into his eyes before smoothing his lids over them. He didn't need to see you like this.
You saw a myriad of memories dance before your eyes, nearly taunting you. They were so close you could nearly taste them, but they lived in a different realm. You could not have them any more than you could have him.
Waking in his arms, morning light making him akin to an angel. It was so warm there burrowed into him, his body swathing yours like a blanket. Without opening your eyes you could feel his lips against your forehead, his morning tradition. Even when he didn't think you were awake, he was giving you kisses. It was the purest testament of his infinite love, washing over you in waves, rebounding for more before the last had passed.
Tucked in his stiff fist were more flowers. You could picture him studying his bouquet in the kitchen and deciding to come back out for more. Maybe if he'd stayed inside it would have saved him. Though he usually wore his holster, gun tucked at his hip, today it was nowhere to be found. A few feet away laid his hat, abandoned for unknown reasons.
Birds sang cheerfully in the distance, wind whistling softly and swaying the grass against you. It was as if the earth was reaching out, a hand on your shoulder.
"It's okay," you breathed, body operating on pure instinct now. The walls were closing in, and breathing felt like a chore. "You're okay...we'll...we'll just rest here for a moment." Swallowing thickly, you whispered, "We'll pick a place together for you to rest...longer. It's gonna be okay."
Cradling his head in your lap for the time being, you breathed in and out, fingers stroking his pale cheek. Determinedly, you did not look at the wound in his chest, focusing on his face. This was the most peaceful you'd ever seen him. The man you loved, slipped into his forever sleep. It wasn't real to you...but you could see awareness running toward you in the distance, poised to hit you at any minute. Maybe it was stupid, but you'd always imagined you'd go together.
A sudden chirp pierced the air, and you looked to it, seeing a little bird perched on the thick, knotted roots of the tree whose shade you knelt in. The little creature called incessantly, beak pecking the ground beneath its feet. It repeated the motion, as if insisting on something, before taking flight and leaving you.
He wants to be buried there.
A flood of tears stung at your eyes, and you bit the side of your lip, attempting to hold them in, but it was too late. What had been circling you had suddenly crashed, and now there was salt on your skin, falling in pearls down your cheeks like landslides. They darkened his shirt like raindrops, though the sky was clear. Helplessly, you gasped, wanting to stay strong, but the force was cruel, unable to be reasoned with. Sliding his head off your lap, you laid there on the ground beside his lifeless form, ear on his chest desperately searching for the familiar steady thump of his heart. Maybe his blood was on your face now, but you didn't care.
"Please come back," you pleaded, squeezing your eyes shut. "We're not done yet...we have to run away together, remember? And we're going to be happy-" A sob cut you off, and you buried your face in his neck, opposite hand fisting his shirt. You had always known your Billy to be warm, life bursting from the seams of him. It was disheartening to learn how cold he now was. This wasn't him. But it was all you had left.
How fragile a thing life was, how cruel a thief. The universe had given you such a love, one that transcended everything you knew, and then ripped it away, jagged edges left where he used to hold you. The future you had dreamt of, that you had counted on, had exploded into dust, as if it had expired. Dead with the one you'd desired it with.
You would never love again. There wasn't another breathing soul you could give your life to in the way you had him. The grave you would dig when you found it in you to let go wouldn't just be for his shell, but for your heart. If you could have cut out the organ and replaced his still one, you would have. Without Billy, what was the point in having it?
Grief ate at you, turned your lips down and spilled from your eyes, pathetically leaving your body weakened. However much he would have wanted you to keep going was irrelevant. Billy hadn't known how much of your will had stemmed from him.
There were so many things you wished you could have told him. So many things you had needed to do. Someday hadn't only been leaving the county. It had been getting married, something he so desperately had wanted. It had been your belly swelling with his child, growing old together, forever in love and finally free.
Now you were left with that same love, only it had unsheathed a new face, one that twisted an imaginary knife and spoke in absolutes you didn't want to believe. He will never hold you again, never kiss you again. The last time was the last time.
Love had shattered your heart and stilled his. Love separated you from him, became bloodthirsty when half of a whole was torn away.
You lifted your head, hoping he would be looking down at you, that nearly crooked smile breathing life back into your being. But he was still, and the world became greyer.
All that was wondrous and lovely before had dulled, and you were numb to any beauty probing at your senses. You could never look at it the same. Billy had told you once before that it was one of his favorite things about you, how you could find a reason to love anything. You knew now that it did not extend to death.
"I'm so sorry, my love," you murmured, leaning up and pressing your lips lingeringly to his cheek. His stubble scratched your chin, and you knew it would leave a mark. But it would fade away too, because all things end. Everything had to die when you least wanted it to.
"Rest and I'll be here with you." Your voice thinned as tears crept into it. "All is well."
His chosen burial spot beckoned, and you ignored the call, leaning your cheek back over his heart, reassuring both him and yourself. His last words to you echoed in your ears until they drew forth from your lips.
"I'll be waiting for you."
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vax-merstappen · 6 months
press delete (cl16)
summary: after your breakup with charles, you can't stop thinking back on your memories together as you go through your photos. you try to get over him as you realize he has moved on.
warnings: angst, drunkenness, breakup
part 2!
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After everything, you didn't know how he could have moved on so fast. It had been years of love, or so you had thought. But maybe with someone so rich and famous as Charles, he would always be looking for something better. Or in this case, someone better.
The pictures of him with some supermodel had spread like wildfire. They were on his yacht in Monaco, the same one you had sailed together on only four months earlier. Of course he would dump you for a model. He was always striving for a level of perfection in his life that you didn't even think was possible. And clearly you didn't fit within that lifestyle.
Instead, you sat on the couch in your apartment, scrolling through your camera roll and debating whether to delete all the pictures of him with you. And as each one went by, you couldn't help but remember all the times you had, all the moments you spent in his arms, and all the memories you made together.
Your eyes settled on a picture of you dancing in the rain and you let your mind wander.
As you were walking back from eating dinner at the local cafe down the street from your shared apartment, the sky had opened up and rain started pouring down onto the two of you. Neither you or Charles had thought to bring an umbrella.
The rain continued to pour down and you ran down the street towards home, laughing and trying not to step in any puddles. You saw one particularly big large puddle and an idea came to mind. As Charles went to step around it, you gave him a light push and of course he stepped right in it.
"Mon amour!" he exclaimed, giving you a look of exaggerated disappointment.
You gave a playful shrug and continued running back towards your apartment.
"Oh it's on now!" he said, chasing after you. He was slightly faster than you and caught up quickly, picking you up as you giggled trying to free yourself from his grasp.
"Put me down Charles!"
"Not until you're as wet as me."
"Oh? You want to make me wet?"
"Not like that!" he laughed.
You couldn't help but laugh back, giving in as he set you down in a puddle. You pulled him into the puddle with you and you found yourselves holding each other.
"Let's dance in the rain!" you exclaimed. "We're soaked already."
And so you did, guiding him through the steps of a dance you made up as you went. You didn't see the camera at the time, but when you saw the photo on social media the next day you saved it to your phone. It was a stunning picture after all even if it was taken by a fan.
You wondered if his new girlfriend would be willing to dance in the rain with him.
It didn't matter now and so you pressed delete.
Countless images later, you found yourself staring at a picture of the two of you on your apartment balcony late at night. You had spent countless nights there just the two of you, reminiscing about life until the early hours of the morning. As you looked closer at the image, you saw a bottle of wine in the background and you remembered that night.
"What if I told you I loved you?" Charles asked, slurring his words a little.
"You're my boyfriend, I would hope you love me," you laughed back, hiccupping a little.
Both of you were clearly drunk and your words were starting to show it. You had lost track of how long you had sat on the balcony, drinking wine and enjoying each others presence. You had no intentions of stopping because of a little drunkenness.
"No, mon amour, I love you sooooo much. More than I love aaaanybody else."
"Me too, Charles. I love you more than anyone. More than the tifosi."
"Noooobody loves me more than the tifosi."
You felt a surge of anger. "No! I love you most! I'll fight every Italian man who thinks they love you more!"
You tried to stand up as if to physically go find every Italian man and ended up tripping over your own chair.
"Are you ok?" Charles asked, reaching to help you up.
"It will take a lot more to stop me than a damn chair," you hiccupped, grabbing his hand and settling back into said chair.
"Tu es veeeery strong, ma cherie. Les italiens vont be sooooo afraid."
You started laughing uncontrollably. For some reason you always found it funny when he would get really drunk and speak in a mix of French and English.
"Can I tell you something funny?" you asked between laughs. "It might sound insane."
"I think you're the prettiest man in the whooooole world."
"Well can I tell you something even crazier?"
"I think you're the prettiest girl. I've never seen anyone so belle."
You only vaguely remember the moments that happened after that. The both of you laughing, finishing the bottle of wine, and at some point in the night heading to bed.
As you looked at the drunken selfie that you had taken sometime during the night, you wondered how the man who had once gushed over you like so had moved on so fast. Did he tell every girl he saw that he loved her more than anyone else? Or was that reserved for you?
You knew now that all those words that had meant so much then were empty now. Another picture deleted from your phone, another memory you'd rather forget.
And fuck him for leading you on for so long. For making you think you were more than enough just to leave you behind like a toy he'd grown bored of.
After an hour, all the pictures were gone except one. It was the only one that you had decided to keep. The one that would be your souvenir to remind you of it all. The good and the bad but most especially the ugly.
It was the last night you had seen Charles in person. You had been out for a day on his yacht. The past few weeks had been rocky with the two of you getting in more and more arguments. It had started with petty things, like his refusal to do the dishes and your unwillingness to pick where to eat dinner out. But then it escalated to him being away too often and your desire to "control his life."
It had all boiled over when the two of you had been cooped up together on the sea.
"Charles!" you exclaimed, completely exasperated with his childish behavior. He had pushed you towards the water, hoping you would fall in. Past you would have taken it as a joke, but not after he refused to take you seriously for months, always pushing aside everything you said.
"Mon amour, it was just a joke. Don't take it all so serious. We are here to have a good time, no?"
"Not if you are going to throw me in the ocean."
"You are so dramatic sometimes."
"Says the king of drama himself. You always blow things out of proportion, always acting like you're better than I am."
He scoffed. "You know I don't do that."
"You're literally doing it right now."
You couldn't see his eyes behind his sunglasses, but you knew he had just rolled them at you. When had it become like this? How had you gone from loving each other more than anyone else in the world to actively hating his presence?
You had walked over to him. "Is it always going to be like this? You thinking you're always right? That I don't deserve to be with someone like you?"
The silence was telling. He paused for a few moments before responding. "Of course I don't think that way. It's just you keep starting arguments with me. Can't you just appreciate being on a yacht in the sea? Not always turn it into a problem?"
You bit back an angry response. How dare he go back and pin everything on you? Like he always did?
You pulled his sunglasses onto his head, making him look you in the eye. "I don't think this is going to work anymore."
"Mon amour..."
"No, don't call me that now. Not when you've made everything about you. Not when I can't do anything that makes you happy."
He sighed, running his hands through his hair. He looked back at you with his stunning blue eyes. The ones you still hadn't been able to get out of your head ever since.
"Okay. We can take a break. But let me get one last picture of you to remember you by. And when we get back together, I will delete it off my phone so we don't have to remember this day? Ok, ma cherie?"
You had nodded. The picture stared back at you now. You were dressed in one of his oversized shirts over your swimsuit. Your skin was sun-kissed from summer days outside. And your eyes looked anything but happy, your smile only going as far as your face.
You wondered if he had kept the picture, still waiting for when you got back together. He had promised after all. But even though you had broken up with him, he was the one who moved on. To someone better, to someone who might love him like you once did.
Even if he did keep the picture, you doubted the day would come when he would delete it for the reason he described.
So with one last bit of motivation, you pressed delete. Deleted the last of your memories, the last of your time with him, the last of your hope for the future.
And just like that, he was gone.
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billthedrake · 7 months
Story idea generously provided by @talesfromunderthemattress.
Jim McCready didn't like starting his work day at 6:00, but he'd been dedicated to his CrossFit routine, and the flex schedule allowed him to carve out a couple of hours in the middle of the day. Besides, he realized he could bang out most of his work emails pretty quickly first thing in the day, as he had his coffee, without the distractions of the office or some "crucial" issue coming up.
He was in the middle of one of those emails when a light knock came from the direction of his office door.
His eldest son, Ryan, stood there, tall and bed-headed, wearing just a pair of gym shorts and one of his dad's beat-up hand-me-down Auburn fraternity T-shirts that had become his favorite. Ryan was a football jock, a senior in high school now, and Jim was impressed at how much his kid was filling out that old T.
"Hey Dad," Ry said, his voice still thick with his morning grogginess. Even Ryan's voice had gotten deeper over the last few months, a reminder to Jim that his boy would be off to college very soon.
Jim pushed his chair back. He was already in his business casual for the office, khakis, loafers, button-down, quarter-zip sweater, and the cross necklace barely visible beneath the unbuttoned top of his shirt.
"Hey buddy, what's up?" he asked. When he was younger he used to chastise any of his four kids when they interrupted him at work. But a church seminar on spiritually guided parenting made him shift his focus, to put family first.
Ryan got a shy grin. "I just wanted to be honest with you... and I guess you're gonna realize pretty soon, if you haven't already..."
Two and two clicked for the middle-aged father. "Oh," he said. "I take it you're talking about the app?"
The nervous smile got a lot more nervous. "Yes, sir," his son answered. "I had a weak moment this morning.... you know..." The football tight end shuffled on his feet a little.
His father wasn't exactly happy. He'd convinced Ryan to install the accountability app on his phone. Covenant Watch. It pinged Jim anytime Ryan looked at a porn site or material flagged as sexual. Jim had even set up the same, installing Covenant Watch on his phone. Becoming accountability buddies with his son in the goal of a purer lifestyle. James McCready believed in practicing what he preached.
He'd only received two pings from the app before. Once was a mis-coded site, not porn. The other was a slip up. He and Ryan had a heart-to-heart talk about it, about temptation. And then they prayed. That was four months ago.
Something felt different now, but Jim couldn't put his finger on it. "Anything you need to talk about, buddy?"
Ryan laughed. "No, sir, I'm good. I mean... I'll do better. I promise."
Jim nodded. He believed his son. Ryan was a good kid. Good student, great athlete, devout Christian, head of his FCA chapter at school. And yet, this was Ryan's second accountability slip up.
"All right," the dad replied. "And Ry... thanks for being honest with me, buddy."
Ryan nodded. Maybe more chastised than his easygoing teen demeanor let on. "That's what accountability buddies are for, right, Dad?" He gave his father a longer look, then said, "Well, I'll let you get back to work, sir."
It was three days later. Ryan had fifth period free as a study period, with an arrangement to help out Coach Mitchell. Today he was actually studying for his AP biology test while Coach did some paperwork.
The phone buzzed in his pocket. He almost expected it was his best friend Braden Whitmore, but the dude had already gotten detention once for using his phone during Mrs. Clemens class, and even a dumb jock like Whitmore knew not to be that stupid to tempt a second infraction.
It was a banner notification from Covenant Watch. James McCready, 8 flagged sites, 14 flagged pages.
Ryan's heart beat excitedly. As he pulled up the accountability report, his suspicions were confirmed. Dad was looking up the videos Ryan had jacked off to Monday morning. Figures he would, the football jock reasoned. That's what accountability was about. If he didn't want his Dad to know he was watching porn, Ryan knew he shouldn't watch the stuff to begin with.
But Ryan had only watched a couple of videos in his moment of hormonal weakness. It had been a really great stroke session. While the church didn't have a problem with masturbation, their teachings made pornography the forbidden fruit. Just watch those videos of young jocks fucking some hot college chick was enough to make Ryan's palm feel extra amazing.
His teen dick was boning up fast now, and he placed the Bio book on his lap to hide his hardon from Coach, who was engrossed his work anyway. Taking one good look to make sure it was OK to pull it up, Ryan scrolled through the full Convenant Accountability Report.
His father had first watched the ones Ryan had, but then continued to watch more of the Hot Guys Fuck videos on PornHub. Like five of them.
"Hey Coach," Ryan spoke up. "Mind if I find the restroom?" Mitchell wasn't as strict in study period as some teachers, but safer to ask.
"Yep, McCready... you know where it is."
Ryan tried to play it cool, but it was like he couldn't get to that men's room stall fast enough. He shut the door and took his perch on the toilet seat and unzipped. Ryan pulled out his phone and ear buds. Helpfully, Covenant Watch had a link to the offending site, so it took just seconds to pull it up. He almost wasn't even thinking that Dad would be aware he watched it. Ryan just needed to see.
It was a hot one all right. The dude was jacked in that collegiate jock way. HUGE dick, too, thick and veiny.
At times like this the football player was glad his father had left his foreskin intact. Slowly, Ryan worked his shaft with his bare fist as he watched part of one video, then another. Then another. All with the same model/star. Dad clearly was into this stud, and the idea made Ryan's balls twitch with excitement. His hunk of a father had undoubtedly jerked off to the very thing Ryan was watching now.... tugging at that nice long Dad cock, working out a heavy, manly load... And then in the middle of the video a second buff dude entered the scene and started tonguing the dude's balls along with the chick.
Ryan was coming, blasting hard. Cum splattered on the tile floor in front of him, and the rest dribbled down his first.
"Fuck!" he hissed then caught himself, glad no one else was in the restroom during the middle of fifth period. Hurriedly, he cleaned up and flushed the tissue paper down the toilet. The video was still running and Ryan was about to shut it off, when it occurred to him that his Dad would know he watched it. He knew he could in a pinch pass it off as being an accountability buddy, just seeing what Dad had clicked on. His Dad probably wasn't dumb, but it's not like his old man hadn't done that to him.
But, fuck, a part of Ryan didn't want to get off easy. He clicked on the "Bisexual" tag and scrolled till he found a hot looking one. Then hit play. He didn't even need to let the whole thing run. He had to get back to Coach Mitchell's office pronto, anyway. But this would be enough. His Dad would know.
Ryan shut the video and stuffed his phone and earbuds back in his pocket. He washed up and made his way back. Now he was trying to play it cool in a different way, trying to calm his breathing and hoping that he hadn't totally fucked up.
Jim could barely look Ryan in the eye that evening. The father could not believe he'd been so incredibly weak that afternoon, but it had been a slow day at the office, and just, well... he was horny as fuck. He'd actually jerked off on Tuesday just looking at the names of the websites Ryan had watched. That's before the guilt had sunk in. He should be leading his son away from sin, in Christian stewardship.
Then that afternoon guilt gave way to horniness. He'd watched more. And not even thirty minutes later, Covenant Watch was sending its accountability report.
The thing that had caught him off guard now was that Ryan was doing his best to act cool. Jim knew his son was nervous as fuck, as nervous as he was, but every body language signal his son sent out over dinner or as he helped his Dad cleanup and do dishes was "it's cool, Dad."
The tension was still thick as they were alone in the kitchen. Ryan broke the spell, leaning in to whisper, "You mad at me, Dad?"
Jim shook his head. For all the emotions he was feeling he wasn't upset at Ryan. He had to wonder why he wasn't. "No..." he replied back in an equally soft whisper. "It's just we shouldn't have done it."
Ryan gave a grin, though it was more of a supportive one than a cocky one. Jim never felt as much as he did now that his eldest was all grown up, 18, fully sexual. "I know, Dad... it's just... knowing you were looking at those sites, too..." He didn't finish his thoughts be he didn't have to.
"Not my proudest moment," Jim said. "This stays between us?" He KNEW he shouldn't be asking his son to cover for his own shortcomings as a man and a father. Accountability had become conspiracy. But he also knew he didn't want Kelly knowing what he'd done. He'd rather lose face with Ryan than that.
"Course, Dad," Ryan said. "I guess that means I'm not grounded or anything..." OK, now that cocky smirk was there.
Jim had to laugh. "Nah, kiddo, you're not grounded."
The conversation had cleared the air a lot. Jim felt better, and as he got ready for bed that evening, he reflected that his own lack of conjugal connection with his wife had put him in the mindset where he'd stray. Not that he was blaming Kelly for any of his shortcomings. But the idea of the no-porn pledge was to channel his male desires into marriage.
But Kelly rebuffed his attempt to initiate sex that night. Any other night, it would have felt normal. Marriage was a partnership and both people had to want sex. That night, though, it was like Jim McCready was looking for a lifeline. Looking for his wife to save him from more debased desires.
Those desires came hard and heavy, as the father tried unsuccessfully to fall asleep. They continued even as he finally entered his deep REM sleep. And they were there when he woke up at 5 in the morning, rock hard as he'd ever been.
Jim lay awake thinking about the bisexual scene and how he wanted to watch more... how he got excited by the two guys kissing, or one dude sucking the other one. This wasn't the first time in his life that he'd had gay fantasies, but they seemed surprisingly strong now.
He looked over the clock. Earlier than he got up, but not too early, he decided. He slipped out of the bed and found some sweats to put on. He went to start the pot of coffee and then made his way to his home office and shut the door.
Last night everything had seemed clear in his head. He'd implied to Ryan that they'd stop this escalation. Only this morning, he was horny as fuck. Moreover, the more he replayed last night's conversation with Ry, the last he was convinced that his son saw it as a stop to things.
Already, Jim was pulling up Pornhub on his phone. With his heart beating, he clicked on the "Straight" selection on top and changed it to "Gay." The algorithm did the rest. The page filled with thumbnails of hot, muscled collegiate-jock looking guys. Handsome, clean-cut. Jim turned down the volume on the phone and pressed play for one...
Ryan woke up and when he looked at his phone there was a Convenant Watch notification. 27 forbidden sites accessed.
"Dad, you naughty fucker," he said aloud as he sat up in bed and looked at the full report. Already he was pulling down his briefs and taking his morning wood in hand.
Jim was a little disappointed that Ryan only watched one of the videos. Then he started getting freaked out. Maybe the gay video was a step too far. They'd shared some bi-ones, but this was different. As he got dressed for work after showering, his whole body shook. What if Ryan wasn't gonna keep this between them? If his son told anyone, Jim was royally and truly fucked.
But as he walked into the kitchen, everything was normal. His family was there eating breakfast. Ryan had gone through a phase of skipping breakfast or maybe just grabbing a breakfast bar, but now he was working out a lot and had football, and the kid now was eating nonstop.
"Morning, Dad," his daughter Olivia said as Jim came in and poured his second cup of coffee for the morning.
"Hey Princess," he winked, then Kelly greeted him, but mostly laid out the plan for shuttling the kids from practice that afternoon. Her bossy planning mode used to annoy the hell out of Jim, but now he appreciated how his wife kept it all running. They had four amazing children, who were growing up fast.
Some faster than others, Jim thought with a gulp as he looked over at Ryan, scarfing down eggs, sausage, and toast. At least the kid wasn't giving him the silent treatment or even seemed bothered.
It out the door time, now. Kelly took the two youngest, Sara and Mitchell, while Ryan would drive Olivia to the high school they both attended. Jim went to his office to retrieve his hard drive and papers to take in. He took one final check around to make sure he'd cleaned up the cum from earlier. It had been a big load, for sure.
He heard a knock.
"Hey Dad." It was Ryan's voice. Quiet, almost as his son stepped in and shut the door softly behind him. "Just wanna say, sir, you have good taste." Ryan had his normal polite kid demeanor, but that smirk coming back.
That caught Jim off guard. Ry's words but more than that his nonchalant approach. "Yeah, buddy?"
Ryan nodded, like he was getting turned on a little just talking to his father like this. "Oh yeah... I mean, I couldn't make it through one before losing it." His eyes locked with Jim's for a second. It turned the father on, and yet he also felt the earth was opening beneath him. Swallowing him to Hell. "Anyway... catch you later."
"Yeah," Jim croaked in reply. Mad that he couldn't be the responsible dad. Mad that he was letting his libido drive things. "Have a good day, son."
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