#maybe I'm too deep or I misread his character...
doki-doki-imagines · 4 months
There is no love in your relationship. At least not from Kaiser's side. He likes you, as he may like someone else, but you make him feel good, and most importantly Michael firmly believes your actions, your words aren't born from the heart, but from a deep desire to use him, to wrap him around your fingers.
The blonde never reveals his feelings to you. He keeps a smile on his face even when your honeyed words make him gag. They are mellifluous, and Kaiser can hear the lies dripping. He is always on the alert, waiting for you to drop the mask and show your true face. Michael tells himself he is ready for your betrayal and it's not like he is getting used to you, not moving a inch when you ask for something he doesn't want to do, provoking and teasing you, fueling the fire to see your real self.
The problem comes when he notices that there isn't malice in you, or at least there is no malice towards him from you. Michael isn't used to that, unloved since the day he was born, disliked by many, a disgusting guy that finds pleasure just in other people downfall. That's why when he starts to feel his heart beating dangerously fast when you smile at him, or when he feels the need to put a cover on you when you fall asleep on the couch, even tucking it in so you won't get cold, he starts to worry.
It's not the same affection he sports for Ness, more similar to the one a kid has for his new favourite toy, or as Alexis' parents would say, "an experiment well made". It's totalising, making him feel like dirt under nails, something that scratched old memories that still wound his mind. He searches for an explanation of his emotions in his psychology books and everything points at love. But the outcome isn't the same because Michael broke the first rule of a loving relationship; truth. So now worry and anxiety pervade Michael's body because now that he desperately cares about you, he understands that you'll never love his real self, would never love the corrupt person he is.
A laugh with no real joy leaves Michael's throat, hands scratching his eyes, blonde long lashes already sticking together thanks to the newborns tears. Fingers digging into the skin of his cheeks. Imagines of you smiling, of the handmade gift you gave him for his b-day, of your eyes filled with joy, of you angry but still loving him flash in front of his eyes.
But nobody loves dirt under the nails. Seems like he was born to be unlovable after all.
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helluva-shit-show · 1 year
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I swear I don't hate the show, I don't even hate any of the ladies above, not even Stella, it's just insanely unfair how the women get treated in Helluva.
And no, I don't need the creators of any given media to hold my hand and walk me through every tiny choice made by every character in said media.
Of course I can infer that Stella grew up in the same pre-determined mold Stolas was forced into. Of course I can infer that she learned tantrum behavior and violence probably got her what she wanted so her royal parents didn't have to hear it.
I can infer that Barbie self harms bc a tiny thin scar doesn't form a perfect circle around your forearm by accident, and an "X" doesn't perfectly cross out a tattoo that probably causes you great trauma to look at every day, on accident. Her tail scars are deeply concerning and saddening to think about, bc again, why do they PERFECTLY match her twin brother's natural markings? I can infer that his actions, intentional or not, deeply traumatized her, and her response was to remove a piece of herself that reminded her of him. It's dark, it's mature, it's compelling and it makes sense. The issue is, it will probably never be touched on.
I adore Millie, I adored her before season two was even announced. To the contrary, I actually don't care if she ever gets a deep deep dive at her backstory. There have been PLENTY of male characters across all kinds of media that are simply psychotic little murder gremlins, and no one ever bats an eye at it. I adore her as the murder gremlin queen she is. But as she's main cast, it's incredibly unfair by comparison how she gets utilized and how she doesn't. One minute she can take down a 60 meter tall fish monster single handedly, the next minute, because the plot wants this to be about the bois, a single hit breaks her arm to the point that BONE IS PIERCING THROUGH HER SKIN, and she just happens to get thrown directly into the world's MOST CONVENIENTLY PLACED AND ARMED bear-trap ever. It doesn't snag her face, her hair, or her hand or arm or torso or back, she falls just perfectly that her leg is just perfectly in its jaws. No arteries got caught? There's not an excess of blood, she's by the show's own dialogue, "fine." But she's benched for the rest of the episode.
And maybe it wouldn't be so bad from the critical eye if the excuse given for it wasn't SO hollow. "Helluva is more male focused and Hazbin is more female focused." Ma'am. Who do you think you're fooling out here. Angel Dust and Alastor built the HH fandom. Do you expect me to believe Mimzy or Niffty are going to be treated any better than the Helluva gals? Mimzy is literally already on the wiki as a "minor character".
It's truly ok to focus your story on males. There is literally a whole genre of anime focused on mostly male stories. But if someone, or a lot of someones, feel your female cast is lacking in substance, I find it insulting to dismiss them and say they're misreading the media and nitpicking. They care about the show, YOUR show, they care about YOUR characters, if you can remember back when you were a smaller creator HERE on tumblr, ppl love when you ask them about their OCs. And you don't have to spit out a quick bs backstory to your character if you haven't given it much thought, that's not what anyone is asking for. (Cough, Unhappy Campers, COUGH).
Idk how to wrap this critique up, so I'm just gonna say, Moxxie's mom is too badass to be Mrs. Knofirstname Knolastname. 🤡
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coraniaid · 5 months
top five buffy characters?
In order (today, anyway):
Can't really put my thoughts on Buffy Summers better than I did last year. As I said then, she's one of my favorite fictional characters in any medium. I just think she's neat.
Big fan of Willow, too, although a little bit less so than I was when I first watched the show as a teenager. As well as the slight derailing of her arc with the whole magic-addiction stuff in Season 6 and the show struggling to find anything for her to do in Season 7, I think on reflection, despite the whole "occasionally I'm callous and strange" line, the Buffy writers sometimes don't actually realize when they've made Willow do something interesting and a little fucked-up. They're just a bit too sympathetic to her. So we never get the pay-off those moments deserved, and maybe we were never going to, because -- like Willow herself -- the writers simply don't think Willow did anything wrong.
Faith is the other character who is an easy fit into my top three. (Yes, not shocking, I know.) It seems a bit silly to claim that a character who appears in less than one full season's worth of episodes is one of my favorite characters, but ... I guess I'm a bit silly. She's a main character in my heart (and in my fanfiction), even if the show writers never quite realized it.
A bit below those three, but above anyone else, is Rupert Giles. I think Giles is a fascinating character, but -- more than almost anyone else in the fandom -- he tends to get flattened into this role of "Buffy's good dad" which simply doesn't reflect his role in the narrative at all. (I think it's telling that the fandom's big take-away from Helpless is "Giles has a father's love for Buffy, which we know for a fact because an evil British man said it", combined with a general indifference about ... the objectively awful things we literally just saw him do.) But canon!Giles is (mostly) much better than the fandom caricature. He kind of sucks. I like him.
That fifth spot is the tricky one and the one that's most liable to change. I don't think there's any character in the show who is consistently as sympathetic and interesting and multi-layered as those other four. Tara is nice and has a surprisingly deep relationship with Buffy, but doesn't really get much in the way of an arc. Dawn only appears in three seasons (and the writers seem to just run out of ideas for things for her to do in the third of them). While I will defend the importance of Joyce to Buffy forever -- I think Buffy's relationship with her mother is one of the key things that makes her who she is, and I think the show would be far less interesting without Joyce Summers in -- Joyce herself isn't ever given enough to do and basically doesn't exist outside of her relationship with Buffy. Xander is kind of like Giles in some ways - a deliberately flawed image of (a certain kind of) masculinity who cares about Buffy enormously but isn't always able to act accordingly because of his own self-loathing and because he has a slightly idealized image of her in his mind -- but he's also a little less interesting and a lot more irritating (and, like Willow, sometimes the writers just don't seem to realize when he's in the wrong). I think most of the Xander detractors on this site are misreading the text, but I don't really want to be a Xander defender either.
There are a whole host of other minor characters I wish the show had done more with or cared about at all: Amy, Jenny, Drusilla, Oz, Kendra, Robin are some names that come to mind. But the truth is that, as they appear on screen, I just can't pretend they were ever more than cyphers. (Even if Oz appeared in far more episodes than Faith ever did; at least Faith had some sort of agency and was central to most of the episodes she appeared in.)
So, who's left?
I think Anya is badly underused in the show throughout her time on it (she's just almost never taken seriously at all, either by the writing or the characters), her backstory has all the consistency of wet papier-mâché and to be honest I don't like Selfless quite as much as most people either. But, well, at least she's reliably funny, and there's definitely the idea of an intriguing character in there. Her death makes me furious too, more so than any other character on the show. So, almost by process of elimation, there she is.
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grungeeuvu · 2 years
I love Goshiki so much and you all get to hear me briefly explaining his character:
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Goshiki is the only first-year on the starting lineup of a powerhouse school that is absolutely formidable. Imagine the pressure, being selected out of the other hundred students: not just the other first years but also the second and third years. There aren't even any other first years on the bench, he is the only first year on the court entirely. Seriously, imagine the stress he is under to perform as calmly, perfectly and logically as all his cold and unreasonable upperclassmen, who've all been to nationals many times. Not only that, he is regularly told he will be the next ace once Ushijima, one of the top three in the whole country, graduates.
Everyone expects him to live up to being the ace of a legendary team, succeeding the local "miracle boy" himself. He probably doesn't have a lot of his friends in his classes due to volleyball commitments and probably is shunned by other first years on the club out of jealousy. The only company he'd really have are his other teammates, whom he is trying so hard to impress. He doesn't want to let them down, he wants to do them proud and be worth all the effort they put into him.
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He is a bit loud, brazen, tries to talk big but you can see how much he looks for his upperclassmen's approval. He's making promises, he's trying to show the team that he's not cracking under the pressure, that he can brush it off too. He's challenging ushijima to prove he's fearless, to prove he's not daunted by the task everyone is expecting him to accept.
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Some might read that and think I'm saying he's crumbling on the inside, that this pressure is breaking him into nothing but I wouldn't say crumbling. Hell, I don't think Goshiki could ever actually crumble. I think part of him believes this sense of confidence. I would say, though, that there is a voice in the back of his head that tells him he's not enough. Everytime he messes up, it sits in the back of his mind, every point missed he feels it. He knows he's giving his all but he wants to give more.
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I love Goshiki Tsutomu and he is so often treated like a pet peeve of arrogance or Shiratorizawa's "baby" but think of it like this: Ushijima hates baseless confidence. He hates when someone's bark is louder than their bite, we see how he views Hinata for a start. Do you think he'd ever encourage Goshiki so honestly if he didn't have the potential to enhance Shiratorizawa?
Do you think Washijou would've even glanced at him if he wasn't something? Do you think Shirabu would set to someone who wouldn't score? Do you think anyone in the team would let him mess up and geek out if they didn't believe, deep down, he was as good as them?
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When my mum watched Haikyuu with me, she said she found Goshiki arrogant, annoying and immature: it infuriated me and I could never quite articulate how she has misread him so much. Maybe on the surface he seems that way but it's because it is all on the surface. He is constantly trying to seem cool, for the validation and respect of his senpais, who do not seem to understand that the praise is really what he needs.
When Hinata compliments him, Goshiki shone and he performed with flying colours. The praise was all it took for him to change his mind on a dime and play with them and, not to mention, he was the designated leader of that training camp for sure!
He was the one everyone had their eyes on and he was the most advanced - you could tell that these players respected him and I hope he knew it, I hope it gave him the confidence boost he'd been lacking for so long ever since joining Shiratorizawa.
It got slightly off track at the end but I hope you followed :') I love my boy lol
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otaku-tactician · 6 months
2, 17 and 22 about Gilgamesh and Mori for the character ask 🌝
Hello, thank you very much for the ask! I appreciate this a lot. Hmm, both Gilgamesh and Mori! This will definitely be challenging, so I will have to work off vibes for these two guys as well.
I've written answers for Gilgamesh first and Mori second if thats ok? Thank you!
Gilgamesh Character Asks
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
I think the one Gilgamesh headcanon that I'm the most annoying about is the belief that Gilgamesh doesn't always have lofty goals behind his intentions; and that he can definitely partake in morally gray actions purely for the sake of it sometimes.
This is a VERY unpopular opinion- particularly in the wake of fate works revealing that Gilgamesh often acts as an impenetrable opponent as a means of 'fostering the growth of his people'; but at times I believe Gilgamesh can be a wanton and arbitrary King who does things based off a whim sometimes. Yes, I do understand that Gilgamesh is also an incredibly smart servant- who plans many things in advance, but some of his behaviors do strike me as very uncouth and sadistic, and they're not always for a noble end goal.
I don't believe that all he has done has to be justified. It's okay that Gilgamesh is fucked up. Acceptance and tolerance are two very different things, but I only learnt this recently.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
OOF this is a very hard question, sans for the canonical instrumental songs that are canonically associated with Gilgamesh, there are a few that make me think of him but... I'm trying to remember which ones...
LMAOO FOR SOME REASON THIS SONG RANDOMLY CAME INTO MY HEAD?! (I first heard this song during a Madara AMV for Naruto Shippuden????) This one is heavy metal.
I'm looking over the lyrics, and it's about an absolutely terrifying king of annihilation. Well... I guess there is some relevance, then.
There was also a Nier:Automata song (Song of the Ancients I think) that played in a Gilgamesh fgo gameplay video, so I tend to associate this song with him too:
But I don't really have a personal connection to this song, per se. I admit, I tend not to make playlists for my blorbos sadly. But sometimes I will see a tumblr post and go 'GILGAMESH!!!!'
22. Best Physical Feature
HIS EYES. I could drink in those pools of glistening red forever. My god, what a rich shade of red! Other than that he is handsome.
Mori Nagayoshi Character Ask
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
That there is method to his madness. Mori Nagayoshi may be very blunt and can definitely misread the atmosphere; as well as act in ways that may seem a bit 'dumb'; but deep in my heart, I believe that he is actually very intelligent. There is just something about Mori that screams to me 'he knows more than he lets on'. Maybe this is just me though, as he can appear as a bit dense XD
Maybe this is just me, but beneath all of his chaos and bloodlust, there is a chilling sense of... someone who is making the most out of what hand he's been dealt. He does seem unusually nonchalant about some hard-hitting things, but as I have grown and learnt more about the many ways in which people cope with hardship, I have learnt that this is the way how characters like him cope. They live in the moment, they go wild, they accept the reality... damn, Mori is kind of a mystery to me as well XD
ANOTHER HILL I WILL DIE ON! Sorry, this one is a bit NSFW but!!!! Although Mori is rough and wild I BELIEVE 100% DEEP IN MY HEART that Mori Nagayoshi would be very good to who he is indulging in physical intimacy with! I think he may be clumsy at times but he has the spirit, I believe in him wholeheartedly.
AND A THIRD HILL I WILL DIE ON! I love his rare meek and blushy side when he gets a bit vulnerable. MORI NAGAYOSHI IS CUTE! I REFUSE TO BELIEVE HE ISN'T CUTE! HE IS ONE OF THE CUTEST IN FGO!
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
Oh crap omg a poem just came in my head
Amongst the blood-red moon, The lark sings. With spider lilies for veins He bleeds forth a river, A never-ending deluge.
Also a song? To be honest, I don't have any playlists for Mori but this GUDAGUDA fgo ost reminds me of him ^^ Just in a vibes kind of way (I was unable to complete the GUDAGUDA event with him in it, sadly!)
TT-TT It's a very moving and emotional final battle theme, definitely the kind of battle I'd love to take a guy like him to.
22. Best Physical Feature
To me personally, there is no best feature for Mori Nagayoshi. The WHOLE PACKAGE is freaking sexylicious!!!!! Phwoar, Mori Nagayoshi is very beautiful to me personally, from those fiery red locks, to those stunning ochre yellow and red ringed eyes; that bulky build and his massive teeth.
He is very pretty ^^
Thank you for the ask, my answers are completely off the wall in this one
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desertfangs · 9 months
🎤 If you could ask Anne Rice any three questions about tvc, what would they be?
This is really hard because while there are things I'm curious about (Why isn't Daniel mentioned more in PLROA when he's supposedly there the entire time? Why is he left out of BC2 entirely?) I feel like the answers would be unsatisfying. The truth is, I think she just didn't care about him and he was an afterthought. Armand and Daniel returning to Trinity Gate is meant to show that Armand is unhappy with how Court is going and how his concerns are being ignored, it's not about Daniel, it's just giving Armand his boyfriend back to travel with because who else would he go with? No one else is going to leave Court at the moment, certainly not Louis, whom she wants with Lestat.
And she just didn't have any interest or use for him after that. He's not in BC2 because she didn't care about him. Maybe she forgot he existed. Maybe she pictured him house sitting TG. IDK.
And this goes for all questions of that nature. Why is Louis so absent from the books for a while? Because she wanted to make David Talbot happen. Why does Eric disappear? Eric who? Etc etc. So I don't know that those kinds of questions would be worth asking, at least to me.
I guess what would interest me most are her thoughts on her work, and these are the questions I would ask:
Is there a book or event in The Vampire Chronicles that you regret?
I don't know that she'd have one, although it does seem like Prince Lestat comes in and kind of paves over the Mayfair crossover pretty quickly, and I wonder if she later decided that wasn't the right way to go. I like Quinn but I never liked the idea of the crossover, or Rowan in the VC. Did Anne? Did she think it was a mistake?
Maybe she'd say something else! There were certainly things she did that were not well-received and we know Anne took criticism hard. But enough to regret her choices? I don't know. Maybe she'd say she had no regrets! She often followed her own bliss and wrote what she wanted to write, and I admire that.
2. Is there something in the books that you feel people constantly misunderstand or misread?
Anne definitely had a deep understanding of the stories she was telling (or trying to tell), even though I get the impression that she was an exploratory writer - I think she plotted somewhat but I think a lot of her story ideas formed as she wrote. And I think sometimes that means you, as the writer, only really understand things after the fact.
I would love to know if there's an element or a character or a plot point that she always felt people didn't "get."
3. Which book are you most proud of?
I do believe she really loved Memnoch and was sort of aghast at its reception (which was not good when it came out). But which one does she really think is her best work? TVL? QotD? BC2? I'd love to know which one she was most satisfied with.
Also maybe I'd ask what inspired the alien idea. Too much X-Files? 😂
Anyhow, maybe not the most insightful of questions, but I'd be curious to hear her answers.
Thank you for the ask!!
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aotopmha · 11 months
what do you think about the "it's because i'm an idiot. an ordinary idiot who gained power." line the anime added to eren and armin's conversation? it's funny to me how some people interpret it as isayama degrading eren's character to "being an idiot" as if it was the only reasoning eren had for his genocide. media literacy is at an all time low.
AoT is probably the story I have seen have the most bad faith readings.
Yes, I'm pretty active talking about it and participating in the community surrounding it, but even then it feels like it's one of the most commonly misread stories in manga and anime.
And it's all because Isayama (most likely) said some dumb stuff back in 2010/2014.
Every time I see that stuff now I have that tweet in the back of my head. People bend over backwards to make the story fit that tweet.
When in reality if Isayama said it and meant it, he probably didn't make a connection between it and the story he was telling.
If you've ever written anything *you know* how easy some connections are to miss and not to think about.
This story has clumsy enough thematic stuff for me to believe that he said some stupid shit 10 years ago without understanding the issues with it and the connection it has to his story.
Tweets generally ain't some super deep thought out stuff, just spotaneous thoughts, positive, negative, anything inbetween.
But going back to the main bit of the ask, I actually don't also see Eren's sole motivation being "an idiot with too much power" as an issue, lol.
Because that describes a lot of powerful people.
It's not – he also did it to save his friends, to free everyone from the Titan curse and because he was messed up in the head by an ancient parasite and its time travelling powers.
(With maybe just a touch, a sprinkle of a destructive impulses and strong opinions about freedom in there garnishing it all, maybe. He still stabbed a guy at 6 without any hesitation.)
Also the world not fitting the mold he wanted it to fit into, an aspect of himself he was terrified of or the massive amount of guilt he had about killing all of the people he saw he was about to kill.
Or the entire dichotomy of young Eren's idealism and old Eren's horror at what he is going to do. Chapter 131 is some great stuff.
(Eren is a mess of motivations that's fantastic in my opinion.)
People tend to focus on a single aspect of a character or story or any aspect of a piece of media if they dislike it or if they want to put it in a box fitting to them.
But Eren also absolutely is an idiot. The fact that he's loser trash, but also complex is the good part to me.
So jokes on them? An idiot with too much power is great, actually.
Thank you for the ask!
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kakashihasibs · 1 year
the character everyone gets wrong
sweaty soggy noodle man kakashi is who this is all going to be about so. I don't think everyone gets him wrong. a lot of people do but it's usually bc they're too horny to care lol
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
have you seen him? have you felt his vibes? he is lazy by nature and recoils away from most physical contact that isn't necessary to do his job (and even he doesn't seem to enjoy it). there are like 7 total people he even lets see his face (while knowing it is his face) and most of them are dead by the time he is 13. hang out? sure. do nice domestic couple things? sounds lovely. get naked and fuck? so an enemy can kill him or a loved one while he's distracted? no. he probably has tried scheduling his shits and showers with gai so he's never actually vulnerable. he's also so ace.
Aubu kakashi: "Tenzō I need you to stand outside the bathroom while I shit." baby tenzō: on it boss (thinks this is completely normal bc he is also in anbu)
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
uhhh that kakashi would not only have sex but would want you to call him daddy. that nearly 50 year kakashi who has never worn sunscreen in his life shouldn't actually look old/older. that a young looking kakashi is a health looking kakashi.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
lol that insinuation that looking young is healthy
5. worst discord server and why
i have never been in a discord server longer than a few days. idk.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
facebook dude bro fans whoops i misread this. i thought it just said fans. but shipping fans? idk kakairu is a notp for me but the fans aren't overly annoying? maybe the painfully ooc readerx shippers. I haven't seen many in a while tho so
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Iruka lol but only when shipped with kakashi. annoying loud-mouth chunin. whatever dude.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
kakashi fucks and gai doesn't
9. worst part of canon
it's naruto man. everything after the land of waves arc lol
10. worst part of fanon
the bumbling husband and nagging wife characterizations from the kakairu fanon.
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
bruh lots idk lol
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
tenzō T-T
13. worst blorboficiation
i'm pro blorbo. i am rotating these fictional men in my mind at all times.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
i don't know.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
fangs v-v and scars.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
people who love kakashi but don't give a shit about gai. those two are like a packaged deal in my mind. can't have one without the other. they are eternal rivals after all.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
sometimes i just really need a deep dive into kakashi's head. i love the character study type stuff.
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
younger gai and tenzō bumping into each other bc they're both watching kakashi stand at the memorial stone bc they're both worried.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
there is nothing i am mad/ashamed/horrified about but if you're wondering yes i do enjoy the fanarts of kakashi in bondage. lol
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
the flashbacks are out of control. my memory isn't great but it's not that fucking bad holy shit girl
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
idk i feel like the parts of fandom i interact with are pretty realistic about how good something in Naruto is
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Yaknow how Obito's dream that naruto sees is Obito is back in konoha and becoming hokage but Rin is still dead? like what does obito wish had changed? I think it's if Minato had recognized him. I think Obito was actually praying and hoping for Minato to realize who he was fighting. Obito had a seal on his heart. Minato could have saved him if Minato pulled his head out of his ass for more that 5 mins at a time.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
none. my kakashi stubbornness knows no bounds
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
idk kakashi discourse is easy for me to ignore.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
none. i love hatefulness drama and kakashi.
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alihightowers · 2 years
Hello!!!! I very much enjoyed the chapter update. Thank you so much for sharing this story.
I am processing so many emotions right now, it was so intense. I feel for my poor babies.
I was wondering who did you fancast for James? His he the same age as Kate?
And just to clarify in chapter 2, K+A are both 22-23 yrs old, right?
Also, I just want to say that I am fascinated by how the emotions are vividly portrayed. Without telling us explicitly what is going on, we felt the thread and the underlying tension within the dialogue with the characters (I don't know if that make sense). For example, the whole Kate/Benedict conversation, I am super fascinated by how their relationship did evolve during these 5 years; he seems to have been such a supportive person in her life and the person who know her best and her secrets (probably because they both were the closest to Ant?).
I wonder, why does everyone doesn't want Ant to know about [redacted]? Maybe, I misread that. Does Violet and the other kids know? I guess that it is because he is going through PTSD and the family want to protect him as he is trying to rebuild his life. But, I wonder, if knowing about [redacted] could give him hope and something to hold on to?
Kate is bottling up so many emotions, it feel like she is going to explode.
I spotted an infidelity tag (YES PLEASE and WHEN??).
Anyways there are so much more that I want to comment on but I will leave it there and wait to see how it will all unfold. All that to say, that I adore your writing, it is suspenseful, full of nuance and very evocative. I feel like I am in a movie where the characters have so much secrets and trying to control their emotions before shit hit the fan (if that make sense) LOL. I am living for it!
Anyways, I am so invested.
I hope irl get better for you. Take care.
Hi babe!!
I'm sorry, I don't know why I've done this to them. I promise it'll be okay though!
I don't have a specific fancast for him actually, it was mainly features that stood out to me and I wanted to make them the opposite of Anthony's. So I kind of left it up to the reader to conjure an image of their own. I also didn't spend too much time on it because he really won't be featured THAT much, but if I come across someone I think fits, I'll let you know! He's three years older than she is.
At present time they're 25 and 26.
It makes sense, I just can't believe anyone would think that of my writing lol. Even though I absolutely love both writing and sharing, I'm always second guessing myself, so this truly blows my mind and when I say that means the world and matters so much to me, it really does. ❤️
Aside from Edwina, Benedict is her best friend. He's been her rock throughout the 5 year gap and has been someone she can lean heavily on because, as you said, they were the closest to Anthony. The three of them spent a lot of time together, so he understands her better than most and she feels safe talking to him about anything. I do plan on bringing in more of their dynamic as the story moves along.
So, it's not that they don't want him to know, it's just too soon. He's only just returned, and not only is he coping with everything he's been through, he now has to relearn how to live a normal life. To throw something that huge and life altering at him at this stage now would just be cruel and unfair for all parties involved. It all stems from the deep need to protect, largely on Kate's part. But it will give him strong purpose and a bigger reason to be present.
And yes! everyone knows and has been very much involved.
Girlie is going through it. She's got a lot on her plate!!
LMAO, soon! I'm trying to be realistic with the pacing and don't want to rush into anything too soon. The tension has to build a bit before it completely shatters, you know? I guess it's kind of a slow burn, and I like writing teases, but not at a snail's pace. I'm too impatient for that shit lol.
Ahhhhh!!! I don't even know what to say, just know that I'm sending you so much love right now. I will literally remember this forever.
Thank you for reading and also taking the time to write one of the nicest messages I've ever received.🥹❤️
Thank you, love!!
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with-love-from-hell · 2 years
Hi there! Happy 666 followers! For the drabble requests, could I ask for chubby fem!Mc with "What are you gawking at?" With Mammon? Thank you so much!( I absolutely adore your work!)
Hi! Thanks for the love!!! Also Thanks for responding to my message clarifying the genre you wanted (:
Prompt #3: "What are you gawking at?"
Character(s) featured: Mammon
Genre: fluff
Written for F!Mc
cw: maybe some reader insecurity?
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You sigh, staring into the mirror, trying to decide if you preferred this outfit over the others you had tried on. You wanted to look a bit nicer, given that Mamon had finally asked you on a date after months of acting like you were a nuisance.
Or well...you were pretty sure it was a date...
He didn't call it that when he asked you to accompany him out to dinner, but the way his face turned beet red when he did tipped you off into thinking this was more than a "just friends" thing. You knew he had a crush on you. Really anyone with eyes could see that. But there was always a voice in the back of your head that convinced you that maybe you were misreading the situation.
You reside yourself to the black minidress you were currently wearing. It showed off a little more skin than you were used to, hugging your curves in the right places and low enough to show quite a bit of cleavage. At first you thought it would be fine, but you found yourself feeling a little self conscious as you walked by Asmo and he nearly fainted.
You made your way down to the entry way where Mammon was impatiently waiting for you to meet him. He was dressed a bit nicer than usual- wearing a pair of black slacks and a white button-up. Per his usual look though, the top few buttons were undone. You feel your throat tighten as he sees you descending the stairs.
Mammon's heart nearly stopped when he laid eyes on you. Your fashion taste was similar to his, so seeing you in something a bit more out of character was a bit of a shock...plus, it was so revealing! He had a hard time tearing his eyes away from you, a deep red blush painting his cheeks the closer you got to him.
You feel your own face heat up under his gaze. His eyes were completely glued to you as he admired your body. Part of it felt uncomfortable...but another part felt a bit more enticing.
"What are you gawking at?" You tease, pushing Mammon's shoulder playfully to try to lighten the mood.
He opens and closes his mouth, but doesn't say anything, only continued to stare at you.
"Well..." you rub your arm nervously, trying to get him to say something. "Should we get going? We don't want to be late for our-"
"Huh?" You blink, confused at his interjection.
"You. I-i'm gawkin' at you..." He finally tears his eyes away, looking down at his scuffed Oxfords.
"O-oh." You swallow, looking away nervously.
He shakes his head, glancing up through his bangs. His voice was quiet, as if he was embarrassed to admit what he was thinking. "Ya...Ya look real nice, Mc."
You smile shyly. "You look handsome too, Mammon."
You both meet each others eyes for a moment. He smiles, snatching your arm and putting it around his. He tried his best to make himself look more confident, but you could tell he was still nervous.
"'Course I am. Its only natural that you're smitten with the Great Mammon!" He gives you a flashy grin, getting you to giggle.
Arm and arm, you walk out of the house to make your reservations at Ristorante Six.
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jimmymcgools · 2 years
Thoughts on Jimmys descent and people saying he’s evil and irredeemable?
i feel like implicit in my previous answer is a very oh-dear-she's-deep-in-the-clown-brain bias towards the character, so bear that in mind, but i can talk more about it.
i definitely don't think this. do you?
jimmy has always had a capacity for violence and cruelty in him. it's part of the character to me. i'm enjoying this arc because we're getting to see that side explored to its fullest extent -- and i think it's one of those things that deserves to be treated seriously so that any next evolution can be really earned. he needs to see that part of himself before he can respond to it, you know?
he's always been self destructive when he's in pain, and this is the most self destructive he's been. he's always been cruel and lashed out when he's in pain, and this is the most cruel he's been.
(is it the most in pain he's been?)
i think jimmy has done awful things, continues to do awful things, and part of the artistry of this final season is the way they're not just relying on his actions in brba to carry this moral low point. that would be a much weaker show. instead, we get to see them here, in a world unique to better call saul, with gene. commensurably awful things as brba saul, or even more awful. that final scene with marion is so hard to watch.
but because we're seeing his descent here, in gene times, the writers are free to let him evolve. they can let the clouds part and the horror seem to set in and he can hand her back her life alert and for the first time in the series we don't KNOW where he's going, he doesn't have this specter of his looming descent hanging over him.
i think it would be misreading the kind of show better call saul is to imagine jimmy being forgiven for all his sins, but irredeemable? maybe these characters learn lessons sometimes.
i'd also say, if i had to guess, that peter gould and vince gilligan would be very interested in crafting a penultimate episode that makes people think "oh god, is he irredeemable? has he gone too far?" to set the stage for the finale.
without speculating, with just living in the moment, as i think has protected me from a lot of the more painful responses to this season -- to me that's a much more comforting question at this point than "oh, he's saved himself. what can go wrong now?" would be.
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I have two suggestions for the Gray Ghost AU.
1: Wes Weston is no longer under suspicion of being a Ghost. Now, he is under suspicion of being the Phantom Hunter. He is athletic, fits the build, is on record as saying he wants to fight Ghosts, and has access to the tech (just BS a connection to the GiW or Axiom). The difference this makes in his regular life is mostly null... except for the fact that Ghosts now keep targeting him for retribution attacks. Danny goes out of his way to obscure his identity from everyone, meaning Wes is seen as them catching Phantom Hunter off guard. I imagine him trying to pin it on Danny but because he so clearly disdains his parent's work, literally no one believes him.
2: The idea of Danny getting his hands on an Ectoplasm enhanced suit like the Technus upgrade Val got to her suit, most likely given by Maddie as a way to bond with Danny (and further prep him for a transformation into a Halfa). Except given his preexisting contamination (his mum is half Ghost) and Maddie messing with the suit, he ends up with the suit now fusing to him more thoroughly. After reading too many Iron Man comics, I picture something like his Bleeding Edge armour. It is basically stored mostly in his body, and he can augment it with extra technology. This would probably be a win scenario for Maddie because this puts Danny even further into Halfa territory. This also makes things more tragic with Val. Because not only has Maddie betrayed Danny to experiment on him, but because it means Val failed to stop this happening to someone she cares about. Also, this opens up a new opportunity for one of the Clones: one who is now a more pronounced cyborg made with a prototype of the suit Maddie gave to Danny, maybe he looks like the Terminator or something. For extra irony, he's the nicest one and likes gardening or something. I know this can be taken further, but I'm not able to focus on it more due to exhaustion.
Also, your idea is great, and thank you for sharing it with us and letting us all throw our suggestions at you. Thanks for all the good content.
no thank you! this stuff is always way more fun and interesting when it's collaborated! most of these ideas wouldn't exist without other people's suggestions, even the initial prompt! ✨
also @everystarstorm this will answer your ask too ~ y'all sharing a braincell today haha
1. omg yes YES yes this is perfect absolutely 100%
Wes just cannot catch a break in ANY universe (the concept of Walter Weston working for Vlad has been a Thing so we can keep that around here since Vlad works at Axion and that can be the connection, maybe Walter is just the paperwork guy or the company's legal attorney)
I also had a suggestion from @burns-art-account that Valerie gets her own version of a Wes, but like since the name Wes initially came from a joke about Sam's name being misread upside down, we could do the same with one of Val's friends, like Star could be Jets or Jeqs, or something like that
although I think this person would be less open and vocal about Valerie since her popularity would make it impossible to point a finger at without being laughed at by the whole school (I mean just look at Wes, his target is just some nerdy kid and he's still a laughingstock), so this character could be a little more subtle in trying to get evidence to out Val, it would make a pretty funny running gag if every time she got a chance to photograph Val transforming or capture some kind of evidence, something always gets in the way at the last moment, like a bird flying in front of the camera or something
2. I want to keep Danny getting the suit from Technus because I'd want this universe's version of that episode to still happen because it was a great episode between these two and it could still work with the switch around
but Maddie really would have to change course with her portal plan because this whole thing could actually make that more difficult for Maddie, all of her calculations weren't made with a highly ecto-contaminated person in mind, this would mean she would have to readjust the portal's design between Danny and the rest of her family, or actually just throw that plan away in favour of working with this new angle
she could realise that her kids HAVE picked up some traits from her because yeah a normal human shouldn't be able to do that to ghost tech
the idea that Maddie does add to his arsenal is good, once she figures out that any tech he uses gets absorbed into his suit she starts making more weaponry that's super compatible with him, possibly even making stuff that will purposely contaminate him further to bring him closer to being like a halfa (this would be a pretty huge step in Maddie's villain development because now she's resorted to experimenting on her own son, she's losing sight of why she's doing all this in the first place) it would be really cool to see Maddie gradually losing her maternal motherly nature to the cold calculating scientist
like her warmth used to feel at least somewhat genuine deep down but now it just feels like a part she's playing, slimy and sinister, she was always manipulative but she had a real genuine care for her family underneath, she thought she was doing the right thing, but that love and care is slipping away into just doing whatever it takes to get what she wants, to complete her experiment
also I was thinking about the cloning ep being set kinda earlier in this universe, so that would have happened pre-upgrade, but the idea of there being a cyborg clone made later is super cool, and then we could get a clone centric episode where the other clones try to convince this newer more dangerous clone to join their family, and yes him becoming the sweetest, nicest clone is *mwah* perfection
that ep could pave the way and maybe even foreshadow Maddie's eventual experimentations on Danny himself
and the repercussions on Val oooooof, she would feel so guilty, she would feel so much like she let him down and she couldn't save him from becoming something he never wanted to be and now it's getting to a point where it'll be too late for him to get back to normal
and since we've established in a previous post that Vlad knows about Danny, he could even play as Danny's one guiding light, warning him that if he keeps doing this he won't be able to turn back, and his interactions with Danny could give us some insight to what's going on in Danny's head, he's trying so hard to point Danny away from all this while his own mother is more subtly encouraging him and pushing him in the other direction, like a shoulder angel/shoulder devil kinda thing
these are some great ideas thank you for sharing! ❤️❤️
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