#maybe educate yourself on these subjects first? lol
digikate813 · 6 months
15Qs and 15As
Thanks for the tag @marvelandponder ! Been a while since I've done one of these
I'll tag @orangeoctopi7 @notquitechrome @nuttyinks @amaranthbirate and @cinemageddonreviews if they want!
Don't dox yourself on the 'where were you born' question tho, y'all. We're better than that.
Are you named after anyone? No but two of my aunts think I am apparently. So that stays between us.
When was the last time you cried? Probably like a month ago for reasons I don't want to talk about.
Do you have kids? No and probably won't have any of my own. Though I would like to foster one someday when I get my own life together.
What sports do you play/have you played? I played a lot of baseball and softball all through Elementary School
Do you use sarcasm? Yeah lots of times. But I try to be really obvious about it because I know how hard it is to tell sometimes.
What is the first thing you notice about people? Maybe... how they approach someone? Like how someone greets or interacts with another person. Especially a stranger. Does that make sense?
What is your eye color? Blue!
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings! As much as I appreciate a compelling cautionary tale, I have a hopeless desire for characters I get attached to to just, be happy in the end
Any talents? Ugh! My self deprecating attitude is kicking in!! I'd like to think I'm a good artist and writer, I'm good at organizing stuff, I can do a few close up magic tricks (like 3) and I'm polite. Is that last one a talent? IDK
Where were you born? I am going to follow in Marvel's example and NOT dox myself, but I will say it was a hospital in my dad's hometown. Which later treated me for a rare disease. So that's nice!
What are your hobbies? Quite a few! But a lot of them revolve around creativity and entertainment. My whole Youtube channel is a hobby technically. I collect all sorts of stuff, I like learning unusual facts about history and science, I draw, write, sculpt. And I'd like to get better at baking and cooking.
Do you have any pets? Yes! My little brat/angel of a dog Rikki
How tall are you? 5' 6" last I checked. About average I think.
Favorite subject in school? I liked most subjects in school! If school only relied on being good at it academically I would have exceled. But my favorites were always variations on Math and History.
Dream job? My first job was working in my local library and I'd love to work in that kind of environment again. Somewhere centered around archiving or educating, surrounding my materials I have a real passion for helping people comb through, in a way where i don't have to talk to large crowds lol
Yeah it would be nice if I could make Youtube stuff full time, but I realized pretty quickly that I do not have the skill nor the constitution to take on that oversaturated beast. So I just do it for fun!
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bratzdolldiaries · 15 days
I almost gave up on school.
Like the journey I was expecting I didn’t get. I’m thinking school is finna be like the fictions I read or the videos I’d watch.
I done changed my major, changed my career goals, got lost in the sauce of my original dreams. I almost forgot I had dreams. Forgot that I wanted to make a difference and I wanted a name for myself that wasn’t so typical. College dropout wasn’t the one I was going for 😂 but I’m happy I went back.
I started with mass communication in hopes that it would educate me on how to be a good writer.
I transferred schools and changed my major to psychology because maybe observing , understanding and helping people would be in my alley but I also just found the subject fascinating and thought maybe there’s a career here me for there.
I skipped a semester, which turned into 2 years. I transferred again.
Changed my major once again because maybe I can’t chase a dream without a good job. I tried studying pharm tech. Never got into the nitty gritty because I haven’t seen biology in yearsss. Decided to leave the allied health department to those with passion 😂 I thought separating pills would be more simple and straight to the point. Nah just a program I don’t have patience for. Although I have recently come across some information on how people got into that field without the degree I was caught up in but with experience and a certificate 😂 crazy.
Fall 2024
We’re back.
Studying mass communication and still wondering am I in my right lane but this time around I have a little hope because there is a scriptwriting class and I am more closer to the dream. Atleast a little right? However that one class has connected me to resources and people who just feel right. (At least I hope they are lol)
I originally wanted to go for a school that offers education for creative writing. Dillard University in New Orleans was one of the first schools I came across but I never tried to get in because I never thought I would get in. I am truly Mrs. Sell yourself short.
But I don’t plan on giving up to be honest. I keep trying to find my lane while staying around to help my loved ones but I also want to help me and I don’t know what that looks like just yet and what the future is of that just yet.
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sitron-sunni · 5 months
a get to know you better meme
tagged by @dummerjan, tysm!<33
do you make your bed? no.
what's your favourite number? Four! No reason behind it, I've just always really liked four.
what is your job? don't have one
If you could go back to school, would you? I'm in school! I actually had to drop out for several long years due to chronic illness. I had to move to find a school willing to provide accommodations, but I got started again with online classes almost three years ago. Now, I'm finally (finally!!), wrapping up my last subject for upper secondary school, which qualifies me for higher education. I literally sent in my application for art school last night<3 Everything is terrifying but also exciting but also terrifying but also there's no other way but forward, so.
can you parallel park? nope, I can't drive.
a job you had that would surprise people? Have not had any jobs.
do you think aliens are real? Well yes. the universe is infinitely big, I do believe some form of life exists out there, whether single-cell organisms or a more intelligent species. Do I think they came over here and built the pyramids? no. no i do not.
can you drive a manual car? still can't drive...
what's your guilty pleasure? i don't know, do i have one? I like lots of things people might find cringe, like, 80's love ballads or early one direction songs, but I wouldn't say there's anything I think of as a guilty pleasure.
tattoos? can look really cool on other people, though they're not necessarily something I'm inherently attracted to. also, they are not meant for me. I'm too indescisive, too afraid of making a mistake, and too aware of how changeable I am. I hope I keep growing and changing for the rest of my life, and I don't wanna put marks on my body that define me as someone I've moved away from, if that makes sense.
that being said, there are some tattoo artists i follow on instagram whose work i really like. People who do the loveliest watercolour work, people with insane colors, people with gorgeous, folk art-style. If I had to get a tatto, I would go to one of them, and let them dream up something wonderful.
favourite colour? yellow! yellow-y orange! sunlight!<3
favourite type of music? I think spotify usually tells me it's some type of folk indie pop rock-thing, but it's easier to answer the reverse: I don't really listen to opera, screamo/heavy metal or dubstep/edm. Aside from that? I love gathering artists and songs of all different styles from all over the world in all different languages. I'm eclectic at heart.
do you like puzzles? yes, although it's a struggle to do physical puzzles as I can't seem to find a spot with good lighting. But I've done lots of digital puzzles and they're fun.
any phobias? my fear of insects has gotten progressivley worse. specifically the crawling ones. especially if they have lots of legs, and are fast. ughhhh. does it classify as a phobia? idk.
favourite childhood sport? the words 'childhood' and 'sport' in combination are rarely associated with enjoyment for me. idk. we played a game similar to baseball sometimes, that would probably have to be the one but... I've never really been a sports-person...
do you talk to yourself? Hm. rarely out loud, but often in my head.
what movie(s) do you adore? the first lotr movie = ultimate comfort movie. Mamma mia, pretty woman, notting hill, wild child = fond childhood memories w/ my mom. Billy Elliot and the way back are two movies I've watched several times and really really enjoyed, like they just stand out in my mind. Divines, which I stumbled across on netflix, is possibly my fave. If I were to rec someone one movie, it would be that one. I just think it's good. I vibe with it.
coffee or tea? coffee, I cannot stand tea.
first thing you wanted to be growing up? A hairdresser, maybe? and I wanted to be a designer for several years after I read the book threads by sophia bennett, lol. Grew out of that one around 13/14 i think.
tagging whoever sees this and wants to do it!<3
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azucanela · 4 years
ack anon with the dress hcs here- tysvm for those!! my heart~ ok so another random idea i just needed to share but bakugou/deku/todoroki first frenchie kiss with their s.o. and neither of them have much experience 😖 lots of fluffy awkwardness y'know? idk. again go ahead and add on but don't stress yourself!
[ft. bakugo katsuki, izuku midoriya, todoroki shouto]
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SUMMARY: someone decides to bring of french kissing and as expected; its chaotic.
WORD COUNT: french kissing? nothing explicit, very mildly suggestive
WARNINGS: kissing, maybe second hand embarrassment but i doubt it, awkward situations
A/N: my search history is “how to french kiss now” which is the main reason i held off on doing this one ajkshdkjah also this is my first time writing for our boy deku so uhhhh be kind to me, also anon you are now dress anon also i tried something new because i couldn’t bring myself to write full scenarios also i can’t write for midoriya i TRIED BUT I THINK HIS IS BAD
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lol this is funny
this is peak comedy right here
hes gonna be so embarrassed but hes gonna try to act like hes completely unaffected by everything that is going on
i feel like he knows what french kissing is and has definitely thought about french kisses with you but he would never bring it up because it embarrassing for him
he might just randomly try it and place you in a complete state of shock, like y’all are just making out and— whoops would you look at that somehow you two are now french kissing! wonder how that happened... 
if you ask him he will flat out deny you the first time around because he is embarrassed, but keep trying!! after a few attempts he’s gonna claim to be annoyed but it’s actually because he wants to
“Hey Katuski, you know what we should do—”
Bakugou slams the textbook that laid on his lap shut, a sound reverberating through the library the two had gone two, which earned him a strict glare from the librarian seated at the front desk. His eyes narrowed as they look to Y/N, “if you say French kissing, I swear I will break up with you right now.”
Despite his harsh words, Y/N can see the pink blush that dusts his cheeks as they lean forward on their arm, tilting their head at him innocently as they reply, “actually, I was thinking we could go see a movie later.” Their words only worsen the blush on Bakugou’s cheeks, causing him to snap his head away in an attempt to salvage some of his reputation, “but that works too.” 
“Shut up you damn nerd.” The boy grumbles, brows furrowing as he leans back in his seat, looking away as he says, “if it’ll get you to stop asking then I guess we can try it.” Y/N is about to open their mouth to reply but Bakugou quickly adds, “only once though! Damn nerd...”
A grin finds its way onto Y/N’s face and they nod slowly, “great.”
“I hate you.”
honestly i feel like he would lowkey be bad at it the first time around and bakugou is the type of person where if he tries something and isn’t good at it immediately he either avoids this activity entirely or tirelessly works to improve his skill
luckily for you this happens to be a skill that bakugou wants to improve, alot because for some reason you wanted to try this and if he’s not good at it then whats the point
regardless the first time around is like a solid 6.75/10 sorry bakugou oops, you tried, but i feel like he’s already a really like aggressive and like harsh kisser so this is just gonna make things a mess
he can be soft sometimes tho i swear
i feel like he would get good at it after some ~practice~ but even then its a rare occurrence to french kiss with bakugou, its really intimate and he saves it for special occasions or when hes bored lol
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OH YOU ARE GOING TO KILL HIM WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GO AND DO THIS like apologize, apologize rn for the stress you are about to cause him
if you try to initiate a french kiss with izuku here, you NEED to tell him ahead of time or else things will go south very very fast. he’s going to panic because this is new and he does not understand what is happened oh my-
give him a heads up whenever you want to try something new, so when you pull this while kissing him he’s going to pull away like what a r e you d o i n g 
once you tell him he’s gonna be like let’s do this tomorrow, and then will spend the rest of the day RESEARCHING how to french kiss properly, like he’s on wikihow and everything this boy wants to treat you right and is going to make sure you enjoy it
which is when when y’all finally french kiss he is going to be good at it okay, he’ll learn every strategy possible and then he will be a PRO like you’re probably going to be shocked for a hot minute because wait when did he have the time to get good at this—
you’re definitely his first partner and he had no experience prior to you but he trained himself because going into any anything blind and without a plan places him in a state of distress
this was a PLANNED EVENT it was like a date except without all the date stuff just french kissing, like he texts you “hey lets try that thing you wanted to try...” all shy and stuff like he literally took five minutes to actually send the text, and you are trying to figure out what that thing is because deku do you mean like the coffee shop ?? what ??
you make him specify and he nearly dies but its fine its fine, when he finally gets his point across you’re like okay! cool!
overall its a pretty nice experience, i feel like he would be really gentle with you per usual but it was also probably really awkward like homeboy fr sat you down on the bed and just stared at you with bright red cheeks for like
a really hot minute
Y/N brow raised as they stared at Izuku, who’s eyes had pierced into their head since they’d sat down. Oddly enough, Y/N found his meticulous planning of this to just make the situation more awkward, it had done nothing to relieve the burning sensation in their cheeks. But Y/N had a feeling that only one of them could flustered about this or else everything would fall apart rather quickly. It had also been their idea in the first place so, there was that factor too.
“Are you alright, Izuku—”
“FINE. I—I’m fine, I mean.” He cleared his throat as he sat across from them, his cheeks a bright red color as Y/N tilted their head at his antics.
A small laugh escaped them, “If you don’t want to do this Izuku, we don’t have to.” He’d always been easily flustered, so Y/N couldn’t say his reaction came as a shock, but he’d agreed to it nonetheless just yesterday.
This seemed to bring the boy back to reality as he shook his head, “no... I want to.” He straightened in his seat, looking away from Y/N as he tried to collect himself.
A grin spread across Y/N’s face as they leaned closer to Izuku, “fantastic.” Their words only served to fluster Izuku further, though Y/N could feel their cheeks warming as well. 
french kissing will not be a regular occurrence, izuku feels embarrassed whenever it happens, he gets shy, all around a very rare thing for him that will only occur if you initiate it, but PLEASE let him know ahead of time, he needs to mentally prepare himself
he enjoys it though 
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why am i laughing rn
okay but like shouto probably discovers it online entirely by accident or like hears kaminari talking about it and decides he should educate himself because hes fluent in french and knows alot about the culture of france because of all the tutors his father hired so why doesn’t he know what this elusive french kissing his? 
shouto is also fluent in kissing he honestly just really enjoys kissing you, he doesn’t know why but its probably because hes touch starved and just likes intimacy like that but he never really knew how much he liked physical touch until he actually experience it [in a positive way] and also you are SOFT :D
regardless shouto is the one who brings it up and honestly you are gonna be shocked because how did this clueless bb find out about that??? sir??? who is teaching you these things?
“You want to do what?” 
Y/N couldn’t help the shock that flooded them as they stared at their boyfriend, Shouto Todoroki, who sat with his legs crossed before them on the bed as he replied, “French kissing.” The boy in question repeated, tilting his head at them as he watched her reaction.
Y/N shook their head in an attempt to clear their thoughts as they looked back up at him, meeting his eyes, “who taught you about that?” In the past, Y/N had been forced to explain... certain subjects to Shouto because of things he’d overheard in conversations or seen online. Sometimes it was entirely innocent and other times, well it wasn’t. This time around, it seemed Shouto had took it upon himself to learn, rather than asking Y/N. 
“I don’t see how that’s relevant.” Come his response, brows furrowing at her question, “however, if its not something you’re interested in then—”
“I didn’t say that!” And Y/N couldn’t help how their cheeks warmed at how quickly they cut him off, hands coming to their face in embarrassment.
the internet and unintentionally kaminari, or maybe intentionally 
he doesn’t do any research in fact, he might not even bring it up, next time he sees you in a private space, he’s just gonna start kissing you and you’re probably gonna be like aight bet thats chill this is normal
UNTIL he just grabs your thigh and in the shock your mouth gapes open and SHOUTO STRIKES
honestly i feel like he would be ridiculously good at french kissing for no reason, i don’t know why, i have no explanation, he’s just good at it 
its a talent
of all the boys he is the least embarrassed he has no shame, its just natural curiosity right? whatever happens happens. it is literally so annoying how UNFAZED HE IS
probably really liked it because hes a touchy kinda guy, so this will become a more frequent thing when you two are in private, he just enjoys it 
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TAGLISTS[lmk if you wanna be added or removed via asks or replies]
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folerdetdufoler · 2 years
This is a weird question but here I go: I’ve been reading fic for another fandom, a very popular show (Bridgerton if you must know lol), and there’s not a lot. So did a little digging around fic numbers for different fandoms and I’m in awe at how much fan production for skam there is, for such a short, non American show. There are lots of shows with far bigger audiences and running time and less fan stuff. What do you think happened with skam that made fans produce so much?
oooo, not weird but very interesting! i’m going to be very subjective here, since i don’t write or read for any other fandoms, like i can’t speak to what draws people to create for other shows (or not). but first and foremost i think skam was just GOOD. it was a good story and it was told in a great format; that might be inspiration/motivation enough. watching someone tell a story using social media and real time could be novel and interesting enough to want to try that for yourself. for me i started writing because of the quality of the show and because of the community that had formed around it. i saw other people creating gifs and writing up very interesting commentary, and i wanted to contribute to all of that. i didn’t have any of that talent or skill, so i thought maybe i could write. i was daydreaming about these characters while we waited for s4 to arrive, so i just put a little more organizational effort into those daydreams and spit out a story. that helped me pass the time and, when i saw people enjoying it, made me think i was contributing to a community that had provided so much entertainment and education and camaraderie.
and i definitely felt like i owed something to other skam fans, because they were the ones who gave me access to the show in the first place. i don’t know if that’s a shared sentiment but because we depended on other fans to just simply view the show, i was directly connected to the fandom. whereas with any other show that i can just find and understand on my own, there i can just be a viewer. i don’t have to be involved in a fandom, i don’t have to see other content, i don’t have to see what people are talking about or wishing for or theorizing on. but with skam i was exposed to all of that on my way to just viewing a clip, and that was inspiring and motivating for me. it kept isak and even constantly on my mind, just like the clips would. and i wanted to contribute to that. the validation definitely helped, too.
so a high-quality show and a high-quality fandom pushed me to start writing, and that kept me writing for many years. there were organized writing events and fic libraries, so the fandom was very interested in encouraging and preserving stories. people would support artists and buy merch too (until crackdowns started). we still have the big bang running, and over the years that has incorporated the remakes, so they’re still trying to encourage creativity even as the show has ended and faded. i think my writing has continued just because of my personality, like i’m still daydreaming with my comfort characters. and i also like staying active if it draws in new viewers. knowing that the show never used any marketing while it was airing, word-of-mouth required the active fandom for the show’s survival. it gave content creation a little more weight, knowing we were just as much a part of the show as the show itself. i know i cringe at the s4 fan service, but that was probably the most well-earned placement for any show.
so…idk. i think there was a pretty big audience beyond what we saw on tumblr or twitter or facebook. and even the more casual viewer had to be invested in the show more than usual. and that investment, that involvement, probably led to more people creating. we were active viewers. we were creative viewers.
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May I request Golden Deer x fem!reader headcanons where her upbringing didn't lend itself to her learning feminine hygiene like shaving or knowing how to braid her hair which makes her insecure and the house notices she never wears short clothes even in sweltering heat? Maybe with Claude x reader undertones?
Of course anon! I’d be more than happy to try my best. I certainly hope that I did them justice! Hopefully they aren’t out of character lol. to be completely honest, i feel like i rushed this towards the end lmao
~Admin Hurricane
Claude von Deer
He didn’t understand it, but you intrigued him
You weren’t like Marianne or Hilda, in fact you were far from it
It surprised him nonetheless when you were wearing long sleeves in sweltering weather
He’d asked you countless times why you weren’t wearing something lighter, but you would always shake your head and continue on with training.
It certainly worried him, when you suddenly fainted one day
He insisted that he be the one to carry you back to the infirmary.
Byleth had to force him to go back to class cause all his pacing outside of the infirmary was giving Manuela a headache.
When you finally woke up, he immediately booked it from the GD classroom and was the first one in
That was when you broke down and told him everything
He listened to every word you had to say, not breaking eye contact once please i love him he’s hubby material why isn’t he real sOB
When you finished he was silent before consoling you and pulling into a hug
He told you that it didn’t matter what your body looks like and that all that mattered was your personality and you as person
That caused you to break down more which made him PANIC lmao
Offered to teach you how to braid hair 
Whenever you guys are training or are in battle, he keeps an eye on you to ensure that you don’t faint again cause of heatstroke 
Advises you to drink plenty of water, STAY HYDRATED!
Ohoho Byleth the matchmaker caught on, and immediately paired the two of you together 
Whenever you’re feeling down cause you don’t seem “feminine enough” or are “too masculine” Claude immediately waves off those bad thoughts
Also to add onto you feeling down, if you were really out of it, he would drag you onto his wyvern and take you out for a ride :))))
Hilda squealed when she first saw you, immediately dragging you into her room. 
She tried sprucing you up, but you didn’t really get it as she eagerly showed you different outfits and makeup
She got kinda upset when you stared out the window instead bored out of your mind
Tried to get your attention by waving her hands dramatically in front of you
She was pretty surprised when you opened up to her about why you weren’t interested
From then on Hilda decided to give you some tips on how to do your hair and such
She also gave you advice on clothes to wear, if you were still insecure. Something that won’t cause you to overheat, but is light and long enough to cover up your arms and legs.
Overall she was pretty open as soon as she learned about your circumstances and very willing to help.
Off topic but Lorenz please change your goddamn pre time skip hairstyle
To be frank, the two of you didn’t get along that well
Why do I say that? Well you didn’t like his womanizing attitude towards other girls and felt that he was too stuck up for his own good
He thought you were too masculine and brutish for your own good and tried educating you which annoyed you to no ends.
Finally one day, when you couldn’t take his pestering anymore you just snapped
He stood there in shock, completely unsure of what to say
From then on he was more aware of what he said to you cause he was worried that what he would say would wound your pride again
Keeps an eye on you because he’s “such a gentleman” hey, his words not mine.
Sorry bby, I love you Raph, but he’s a little bit dense 
Doesn’t notice your discomfort at first
Takes you awhile to open up but once you get to know him, he’s more than willing to listen
Being a big bro, he does his best to comfort you and encourage you saying that it doesn’t matter how you act he’s still rooting for you 🥺 BAHA PLEASE I LOVE THIS BIG TEDDY BEAR
Encourages you to wear whatever you like and be proud of yourself 
10/10 wholesome relationship
Bonus: if you still don’t know how to braid your hair, he’ll help do it for you cause he’s had plenty of practice with his younger sis 
I’d like to think that he’s pretty sensitive and noticed right away
He asked you about why you were constantly wearing long sleeves
At first you weren’t that willing to open up, opting to change the subject and move on
However, as you came to know him more and discovered that his intentions were indeed genuine, you decided to tell him
He was rather surprised at first because he saw nothing wrong with you 
He told you to just continue being yourself and that everyone has flaws
You broke down crying and poor iggy panicked
You eventually stopped crying and thanked him
Since you shared your insecurities with him, he shared his secret hobby and love for painting and you encouraged him to pursue his artistic dreams rather than becoming a knight
She has many secrets herself but she isn’t very sensitive to how others are if you’ve seen her support with Marianne I think you know at first
Once you spend more time with her she notices how you avoid talking much about yourself and your upbringing
Not wanting to pry, she left you alone
Once you got to know her better, you slowly opened up about how you felt and your insecurities
And to your surprise, she listened
She kinda just sat off on the side patting your side unsure of what to say
Since you opened up to her, once you got to know her better, she found that she could trust you and told you abt her secret obviously i'm not gonna say it cause spoilers :)
You’re insecure? She’s insecure? HOORAY YOU’RE NOW FRIENDS
Whenever the two of you hang out it’s literally just:
Yeah...it's a little hard to strike up a conversation with Marianne at first
She was fairly curious about why you constantly wore long sleeves tho
"Um...y/n not to be rude, but why do you wear long sleeves? Aren't you hot, i-im sorry if I've overstepped, don't mind me…" 
But the two of you had grown close so naturally also being insecure you told her about your worries
Marianne didn't rlly know what to tell you at first and went all "oH iM soRRy you sHoULdNt bE taLkiNg tO mE bEcaUsE i bRiNg bAd LuCk"
In a sense Leonie could relate to you
She told you to mmmm block out the haters and just be yourself
You gained a confidence boost from her cause she was encouraging and told you to just stay true to yourself.
She truly helped you get your walls down and let you know that its okay
Want more of my writing? Be sure to check out my masterlist :)
If you wanna request something, don’t be afraid to send something my way! Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
Hey! Could you do these headcanons [💖,💐] for Jaime, or Tyrion? I've been in the GoT fandom “recently” (like a month or two ago?), and I don't see much of them; especially Tyrion (I don't know book-Tyrion yet 👀). I've been reading your blog for a while, and I really like your writings; I'm taking my time to read them again jsjsj. I understand if you don't want to, or doesn't catch your eye; I hope I'm not being rude or anything, but I wanted to try my luck. Please take care and be safe! <3
welcome to our cluuuub! welcome to our cluuuuuub! 
im glad youre enjoying GoT so much, and my blog! You should def give the books a try if you ever have a chance! Book Tyrion is rlly diff in many cool ways, same with Jaime. 
also i uh ... did the thing where i confused the emojis again, so I did “date” for both of them as well LOL oops
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💘 Tyrion Date HC
Once Tyrion really starts liking you, he takes you to the loveliest places. We’re talking walks through gardens with little ponds and animals, a covered boat ride on a river, or walking through an exciting market full of Essosi traders. The thing is, he’d never call this “courting”. That makes it too official, too serious. He plays it off as simple visits two friends would make.
He’s excellent at finding out the things you’re interested in. You aren’t aware of it, but Tyrion really pays attention to what you respond to and what you like the most. I mean, he’s already watching you because he loves you, but if you aren’t vibing with an activity and location he’ll take that into consideration for next time.
He has lots of fun experiencing new things with you, period - after you’re together, after you’re married. If he finds out about something new, he’ll tell you so you both can do it together.
Tyrion prefers more private locations, since the court is exhausting and nearly all people he meets don’t like him anyway... but there’s something exciting about having such a pretty girl on his arm, someone who clearly adores him and wants to spend time with him.
Gifts! You tell him he doesn’t have to, but he likes presenting you with little things at the beginning or end of a date. First it’s practical things, so he can brush it off as “You seemed like you could use that”, before it’s just outright pretty jewels and dresses and he has no excuse. At that point it’s because he clearly loves you.
When it’s your name day, he has such a great evening planned out. If you’re married, make that a weekend or a week to travel and enjoy a little mini-vacation. Tyrion is excellent at planning an event in secret, so you have no idea what he has in store until the morning of your birthday.
In a modern AU, he’s not too different - he wants to explore new places and new things. He’d probably live in a city and would always find the strangest hole in the wall places to eat and shop at. If you like books, or records, or clothes, he’s gonna find something really out of the way and specific.
💖Tyrion Pregnancy HC
From the time you announced your pregnancy to the entire 9 months, it was like the worst emotional whiplash he’s ever had. There are SO many thoughts going through his head. Some of them are:
One, he’s delighted you want to have a family with him. Yes, you two are married, but it’s not out of duty to the Lannisters. It’s the ultimate proof you love him, he decides - because there’s a real chance your child could turn out like him, and you don’t care. And he knows you’ll love the child if that happens. He just knows you’ll be a wonderful mother. Second, you clearly express your joy to his family and the courtiers. You’re proud and you don’t care who knows. Third, he thinks about how horrid his own upbringing was, and he’s absolutely 100% determined to be an excellent father. Fourth ...
You get the point. He’s so torn between worry - what if the child is born with a problem, what if you die in childbed, what if he turns out to be a terrible father - and absolute, unbelievable devotion. You thought he was protective and doting before? Nothing is too good for you. You have to tell Tyrion to dial it back a bit, you don’t need new clothes every month and ten sets of silken bedsheets and all this jewelry....
He’s a bundle of nerves the closer the due date is. You two might actually get into spats because you’re exhausted and achey, and he’s just a mess. Jaime actually has to knock sense into him and get him to calm down.
But once your child is born...  it all washes away, like a wave carrying him. He’s so happy. He can’t even function. He wants the hold the child all the time, he wants to see them, talk to them - and he asks so many questions to you and the maester. When will the child talk? When will they walk? Can they understand him? Do they know he’s their father? And so on.
Also, his protectiveness would go through the roof. He would never forbid you from going anywhere or doing anything, but.. he would be obviously nervous if you mentioned you were going travelling or something. 
And it goes without saying he’s keeping extra tabs on Cersei, certain courtiers, maybe his own father. He doesn’t trust any of them for anything.
Bronn will probably get assigned to bodyguard duty for you. He’s clearly not pleased, and you just sigh and dismiss him for the day so you don’t have to listen to his smart mouth.
He likes to feel your stomach, especially when the babe kicks! It relieves his worries that the child might be born “wrong” somehow. The fact they’re kicking, wiggling and moving, seemingly in response to him, makes him feel much better.
💐 Tyrion Family & Kids HC
He’s an excellent father, even though he has his moments of emotional hang-ups. He wants to ensure his child is educated, empathetic and uses their damn head. While he’d be doting and affection, he wouldn’t be a total pushover and can reasonably discipline them. Tyrion is great at talking to children respectfully and treating them like people.
On that note, he has no patience for someone like Cersei or his father trying to butt in on his parenting. He’ll stand up to them and firmly insist he can raise his child on his own, thank you. He won’t take any “advice” or threats from them.
He’d be quite good at figuring out what his children are talented in, and encouraging them. He’s seen what it’s like when a child is forced into a single box and hinge all their worth on that (Jaime) and when they’re looked over and ignored (him and Cersei). 
Yes, he basically decides to do the opposite of whatever his father did.
There would be times when he’d want to educate his children himself, but only on certain subjects - reading and writing, for example. He trusts the maester just fine, he just wants to have that bonding opportunity with them. 
(He’s so proud of all of them no matter what though 😭)
If you’d be up for it, Tyrion would like several children. He’s not 100% on how many, since he’s never really given himself a chance to hope and daydream for a family. He knows he needs a son for the Lannister line to continue, but he’d never force you to continue risking your health for that. Ultimately, however many you want, that’s what he’ll be happy with. If it’s all girls, he’ll love them the same.
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💘 Jaime Date HC
It’s actually amusing how bad he is at taking you somewhere interesting. It ends up being an accident - you run into him in a beautiful garden or some obscure part of the Red Keep, and he offers to show you something interesting he found. From there, you two get lost and take a while to find your way back.
... Or you take him somewhere you thought was interesting, and he goes along with it. When you point out that Jaime is pretty bad at this “courting” business, he just scoffs and says that’s definitely not what he’s doing. He’s just visiting with ... a friend ... .... just a friend. Yup.
Another aspect is the fact he’s a Whitecloak, and he might be having to avoid Cersei. That kind of makes things dicey.
However, when he returns from the Dreadfort and that absolute hell of a journey, he’s doesn’t care so much who sees you two. He wants to get away from the Red Keep, even if that’s his duty, so he starts wandering out with you. When Jaime is patrolling on his own and sees a place of interest, he makes a mental note to bring it up to you later. And when he does, and you offer to go with him ... Well, he won’t complain.
Since you two have been so many places, he starts to associate them with you. When he’ll pass by it on his own, he thinks about something you laughed at, or something you told him there. If you ever touched his hand or his face while you two visited a garden, he will remember that touch every single time he passes by. 
After you’ve known each other for a while, and he’s feeling sentimental, he’ll ask, “Do you remember those docks a mile away from the Red Keep? There was a man pushing a cart that had these colorful glasses and wares. You were wearing a blue dress, and when you dirtied it, I carried you around down the street?”
You have no idea where he’s talking about, but that’s the sort of road his memory lane is.
In the modern AU, he’s still pretty terrible at dates. He’s more of the type who wants to wander around with you and just pop into a place that seems interesting - and then he’ll associate you with it. Anytime he sees that cafe chain again, even in a different city, he remembers the hot cocoa you ordered and the little marshmallow mustache you gave yourself.
And honestly, he prefers to stay home with you, cuddling and watching something. He can be as bad as a needy cat when he wants cuddles and attention; you aren’t escaping anytime soon.
💖Jaime Pregnancy HC
Oh no.
Back when Jaime was a boy and lectured endlessly on the duties of a Lannister heir, he didn’t truly understand what that meant. Especially after Cersei coerced him into taking the white cloak, he figured he’d never have children of his own.
... Well. Then there was three. but they never felt like his, which was Cersei’s intention. It was so strange, even if they looked like him, he couldn’t connect Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen to himself.
Also, look who his father is. That’s a lot to unpack.
It’s not until he’s completely left Cersei and lost his sword hand that he starts thinking and seeing things differently. It feels different when you play with the children, when you look longingly at mothers, when he’s intimate with you and you let him finish inside. He starts thinking what it’s like, and that’s scary, considering it never crossed his mind before.
And then he thinks about how his mother died, and what it did to his father. He never openly discusses it with you, but he has nightmares about it. Jaime doesn’t sleep well for a lot of your pregnancy, especially toward the last few months. He does a little better with each child. To distract himself, he takes care of you.
He likes the idea of having two children, a boy and girl, or two boys, but he’s fine with one or more than two. Anything more than four would probably overwhelm him.
Gods save the person who threatens you, even if it’s his sister. His protective instincts go into overdrive, to the point where someone being disrespectful to you on the street will make him want to fight.
💐 Jaime Family & Kids HC
When you tell him, honestly... his first thought is what an awful parent he’d be. He had one example for what a father is like, and he was hardly an influential part in the lives of the three children he sired. You’d have to reassure Jaime and give him confidence, because he has none where this is concerned. He’s positive he’ll screw it up somehow, he’ll be too distant, or too cruel. How do you even hold a baby? What do you say to little ones? He’s going to take care of you, there’s no question of that, but his nervousness is palpable. 
Still, he has such a cute smile when he holds his child - what he considers his first real one - and he right away sees you in them. Their nose, and smile, and eyes. It’s amazing, he decides.
Jaime is a terribly indulgent father. He tries to scold where he can, but more often than not he’s amused by his kid being mischievous. When they pull pranks on guests or get into fights with other kids, he’ll let them off easy if he felt like it was justified. If you’re the more disciplinary parent, the kids totally learn to go to Jaime when they want something.
He’s not overly physically affectionate, but he often ruffles their hair (even if they’re a girl with hair you just braided), gives them rides on his shoulders and lets them sit on his lap and fall asleep. He also has a habit of patting their cheeks or shoulders when he’s pleased.
Jaime didn’t think he’d be excited to teach swordplay and horseback, but he’s so happy when one of his kiddos is interested in both or either. Even if they’re a girl, he can’t help but teach her everything he knows. It also makes him feel better that he has something to teach and pass on even if he lost his sword hand.
Also ... he’s a terrifying papa lion. Do not ever even slightly threaten his children or wife in front of him. His temper and pride will flare and he’ll start a fight right there. 
Related to that, he can fight off Cersei’s cruelty and coldness to you and your children together because he knows how to deal with her. If Tywin disapproved of you in some way, or was trying to take control of how the children were reared, Jaime would genuinely struggle to stand up to him. He doesn’t want his kids to go through the childhood he had, but it’s difficult for him. He won’t go into full “fuck this” mode unless the children are seriously threatened. 
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another-stark-sub · 4 years
Hiya. If you're still taking requests, could you do headcanons or something for Tony Stark really being a giver in bed (and out of it too)? Like he really wanting to get the reader to cum and also getting off on it... I hope I didn't make this confusing lol thank you anyway.
Well, seeing that he gave Pepper a giant stuffed bunny, he is definitely a giver. 18+ stuff ahead!
Tony Stark loved you, so he loved making you smile and laugh and blush. At first, it was the flirting. It was calling you beautiful, stunning, the only one for him. Ah, your smiles and giggles were so fucking cute.
Then, it was the gifts. It started when he invited you to a gala and gifted you a necklace with a charm made from his first arc reactor. Your eyes got all teary-eyed as you hugged him tight and thanked him, and god he wanted that to happen again. Good thing he was rich.
Do you want dresses? He’ll get you dresses. Did you mention that you wanted to try that one restaurant in a different country from a Youtube video? He will fly you there and pay the tab. You really like that one movie? He’ll invite the cast to a party and make introductions.
“Tony, this is too expensive, but thank you.”
“This is why you told me to take the week off? For food? ... I love you so much... No, I don’t love you for the food. Of course not. It doesn’t hurt though.”
“Oh my god! I... Hello, I love your work. You probably hear that all the time, but really... Tony, why didn’t you tell me? Did I look ok? Was I too much?”
Tony had so many pictures of you. You hated it, but he just loved being reminded that he could make you smile. It made him happy, because maybe he didn’t like himself all that much. But, if he was the reason for that brilliant smile, then he was ok.
Making you happy was his hobby. And that went for inside the bedroom as well.
The first time he made you cum, you looked so heavenly. Back arched, jaw slack, and you moaned so beautifully. He wanted to hear it again and again.
“Fuck, you are beautiful.” He kissed you gently, his fingers still stuffed in your cunt. “Absolutely ethereal.”
“You look good, too,” you said.
He hummed against your lips, and his fingers rubbed against your g-spot again, and while you were gasping for something, he was just murmuring how wonderful you looked.
Safe to say, the first time he made you cum was followed by the second and the third time. Tony just loved that free and blissed-out look.
He took pride in making you happy, so he worked hard to know all your reactions as you came to your highs. How h
High-pitched your moans were, the frequency of your cunt squeezing and how tight it got, how your  fingers curled around whatever you could get your hands on.
Tony wanted to be an expert on your body, and as an educated man would do, he studied his subject as often as he could.
He studied your body in his lab, with you strapped down to a lab table and a security camera recording for review later on. He observed how stimulation affected you in public. He made hypotheses on how you would react to different kinks and places and positions and rejected them or proved them.
And experimenting and getting you off did it for him.
There would be days when Tony would just kneel in front of you with raised eyebrows. It reminded you of a puppy. “Yes, dear?”
“Hi.” He nimbly pulled your knees apart and rested his cheek on your knee. “Wanna take a break with me?”
“How long, five minutes?”
He looked offended. Then, he contemplated. “If you want, I think I can get you off in five minutes.”
“Really? Cause I don’t want you to be disappointed in yourself.”
“Is that a challenge?”
His low voice made you swallow. “Mhm.”
“Challenge accepted.” He nodded to the table. “Go back to what you were doing.”
You managed to talk as he kissed up your thigh, “I can’t exactly go back to” -his lips warmed the spot where your thigh met your pussy, and it was so warm- “oh god, Tone, you-”
“Shhh, it’s ok.” Your boyfriend pushed your underwear aside. “Let me take care of you.”
Some sound you couldn’t describe escaped you when his mouth met your cunt, flicking your clit side to side before laying his tongue flat against you and licking.
You couldn’t help it. You grabbed him by his hair and pushed him deeper into you. Grinding your hips against his mouth encouraged him. Tony peasily slid two fingers into and started to slurp the wetness that came from you.
Even if his lips left to say, “Fuck, you’re soaked for me,” the in and out of his fingers made enough lewd sounds to make up for the lack of slurping.
With a glance at his watch, he said something about “two more minutes” before stopping.
With the lack of stimulation, you whined and looked down to meet Tony’s eyes. The bastard winked, and crooked his fingers to rub against your g-spot. The sudden pressure was already pleasurable enough for you to fake it, but then he sucked your clit while rubbing that spot inside of you.
“Tony!” you cried. Your thighs clenched around his head, and you curled around him as he kept rubbing your walls and drinking in your pleasure.
When you could think and see clearly, you felt your wetness under you and Tony had a shit-eating grin. “Hi,” you mustered.
“I had twenty-four seconds left.” He kissed you and patted your thighs. “I’ll see you later, darling.”
“What about you?” You were exhausted, but god you woulaid you didn’t want Tony’s dick filling your mouth.
“I’m good.” He got up and kissed your head. “Later, we can do more, ok?”
“Mm, ok.” In a daze, he kissed you again, and you could taste yourself on him. Just like that, he was gone, and you were back to whatever it was you were doing. 
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biletdoux · 4 years
stages of love | j.jh TEASER
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Pairing: jung jaehyun (nct) + female!reader
Rating: G (teaser), M (completed work)
Genre + Tropes: college!au, romance (angst, fluff, smut)
Warnings: none (in the teaser), full warning list will be posted with completed work
Length: 1.7k+ (teaser), TBA (completed work)
Summary: A playlist for the trials and tribulations of a beating heart.
(Or; your relationship with Jung Jaehyun in ten songs.)
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Note: I didn’t intend to post a teaser, but maybe it will motivate me to write faster if I at least just put something out?? maybe lol. Story is based on an 8track playlist I found years ago which has been lost over time. I tried writing this story many times, but I finally got to it, so we’ll see how it goes. Let me know what you think ! <333
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1. Peach by IU
smitten at first sight.
“How can I explain this feeling?”
“Alright, I think that sums up about everything we need to cover for today’s lecture. Remember, most of this will be in your final exam. Any questions before you’re all dismissed?” 
Your professor looks up from the board, scans the room and all he sees are most of the students waiting with bated breath, itching to leave the class, and half of those students having already packed their belongings in anticipation. He held them back an extra twenty five minutes today, which is notably longer than previous lectures in which he delayed dismissal.
“Okay, you’re free to go. Chapters nineteen and twenty are due the next time we meet.”
You breathe out a sigh of relief, ready to head out with the rest of the class. You like Professor Jang and find that he makes history somewhat digestible, but he had a tendency to lose track of time, which is inconvenient, but more so today since you had agreed to meet up with Yeri. You glance at your phone to see text notifications and curse to yourself. You’re already ten minutes late and Yeri is many things and impatient is one of them. 
You’re one of the first out of the small lecture hall and you shoot her a quick reply before making your way to the oncampus cafe. Through quickened strides and shortcuts engrained from cross-campus treks from class to class, you arrive in record time. You’re slightly out of breath and impressed by your speed, but you stop, frozen in your tracks when you see Yeri’s displeased face. You find her situated in a small, but cozy corner next to the windows, already unpacked with notebooks and papers strewn on the desk ready to review for exams. It's one of the best study spots in the cafe and you immediately know your best friend had to come extra early to nab such a sought after table. 
“About time,” she scowls, “what took you so long?”
You shoot her an apologetic look, “aww, Yeri,” you pout your lips a little too dramatically, “I’m sorry. I just came from history and you know how Professor Jang is.” 
Yeri looks at your jutted lips in disgust, but then her face softens in consideration. “Hm, I do know Jang.” She scrunches up her nose remembering her time in his class last semester. “That old man can talk for days on end and he never lets anyone leave class early. I guess I’ll let you go this time.” 
You beam at her knowing she’s no longer angry for your tardiness. “Great, drinks are on me today. It’s the least I can do for being late.” Yeri forgives as easily and as quickly as she loses her temper. You learned this after a few weeks of being her roommate. 
Yeri says nothing in silent agreement and you place your stuff down across the table next to the chair she reserved for you. You pull out your wallet and weave through the packed cafe to head to the order counter. The line is long and you patiently review the menu. Your roommate has consistent tastes and always orders a vanilla frappuccino regardless of which cafe she goes to, but you base your decision on your mood. You mull over your choices and by the time you reach the barista taking your order, you decide you’re in an ‘iced Americano’ kind of mood today. You have exams on top of exams you need to review for and a stronger caffeine kick is much needed.
After paying, you head back to the table with two drinks in tow. Yeri takes her drink and after you both take a few sips and catch up for the day, you dive straight to work. The two of you decide to review for statistics. 
Between re-summarizing chapters and answering review questions, you muse to yourself about how your college experience thus far hasn't been that much different from your high school life. You didn’t necessarily hate high school, per say, but it was safe to say you didn’t enjoy it. Your heart was in the arts, specifically music, and you had found studying the core subjects to be boring and tedious. You remember being ecstatic to have been accepted and enrolled in a music college, foolishly thinking your days of solving differential equations and memorizing chemical formulas were over. You specifically remember daydreaming of your hours being filled with keyboard practice and composition notes and only such things. Somehow the reality of mandatory general education courses slipped your mind when you constructed such fantasies.
Despite frivolous and preconceived notions of college, you have already survived a semester and you are nearly through your second. 
“Hey, do you remember when this stats assignment is due?” Yeri’s inquiring voice snaps you out of your brief reverie and you search your cluttered brain for a date.
“Uh, I think it’s due, like, a few days before the final, but I’d have to double check.” 
Yeri nods. “Alright, well let’s take a small break. We have some time till then, we don’t have to finish all of it today.” 
You happily agree and set down your pen. Yeri takes a sip of her frappuccino and you lean over the table to get closer to her. “Anyway, did you hear about what happened with Jiwon and Youngjae from the entertainment management department?”
Her eyes glisten with wicked interest. “No. Do tell.”
Break time is always synonymous with gossip hour between you and Yeri. 
You spend the next fifteen minutes dishing what you know and Yeri offers her own input whenever she feels fit. 
“And they think they’re being discreet, but the whole dorm knows they’ve been sneaking around, but guess wha─” Before you can finish your sentence, you were cut off by a loud and energetic voice calling out Yeri’s name.
The two of you look up to see a slim and boyish brunet waving to Yeri and excitedly making his way to your table. He looks vaguely familiar, but you can’t quite place your finger on it, so you let it go.
He smiles happily at Yeri and greets her. “Hey Yeri, how’s it going?” He notices you there and gives you a polite wave, which you return in the same manner.
Yeri replies back breezily, but with her full attention. “Good. Did you need anything, Mark?” 
He flushes just the slightest bit, but it doesn’t escape your eyes. “Erm, nothing I just wanted to remind you that we’re meeting for the music theory project tomorrow at four. I would’ve texted, but I forgot to get your number in class, and I saw you here and thought it was a good opportunity to tell you.” 
Yeri’s eyes widen, “ah right! I completely forgot about it. It’s a good thing you found me here today, huh? Here, I’ll give you my number.”
She reaches her hand out her hand expectantly, and Mark is confused before scrambling to pull out his phone. You can tell Mark looks flustered while Yeri is calmly putting in her contact information. After finishing, she hands his phone back, “okay, all set. Just shoot me a text so I have your number as well. Thanks for reminding me today or I probably would’ve forgotten and not have shown up.” 
Mark smiles again, this time a little more sure than before. “All good. I’ll see you tomorrow, Yeri.” 
They wave goodbye and you watch Mark scamper from the cafe. Your eyes follow him, but Yeri is already focused on you again, paying Mark’s retreating form no mind. 
“So…” you start.
“So?” She returns.
“He’s cute.”
“Yeah, maybe,” she shrugs. “I barely know him though. We have music theory together, but this is the first time we’ve talked all semester and we’re only talking because we got paired up for a project.”
Yeri seems apathetic and you study her closely. You notice she’s acting a little too stiffly carefree to be truly indifferent to the situation. You can’t help, but to tease her a bit. “Well, make the most out of this project then.”
Yeri gives you a hard look and you decide to let it go despite finding your best friend’s situation to be amusing. 
“Anyway, keep telling me about Jiwon and Youngjae. You never finished.” Yeri changes the topic, knowing that you might decide to pester her again if she doesn’t.
“As I was saying,” you started up again. A figure outside catches your attention and you peer outside through the window past Yeri’s shoulders. You realize it’s Mark and you watch with interest as he gestures excitedly, pointing to something in his hand, you assume his phone, to some of his friends. From there your eyes wander absentmindedly from one person to the next, and it’s when you see him. 
The reaction is almost instantaneous. 
“Like you were saying?” Yeri urges, but her words fall on deaf ears, for all your attention is captured by the boy next to Mark with heart-shaped lips.
When you see said boy laugh, you notice he has moon for eyes and you unconsciously suck in a sharp breath. You must have been staring too intently without noticing because he turns his head in your direction and you two hold direct eye contact. Like a deer caught in headlights, you freeze and lose all rational thought. Your head is completely blank. You have never seen someone so beautiful and your mind does not know how to process any sensory information at the moment.
Someone calls the boy away and the entire group of friends leave. It’s only then do you find yourself releasing a breath you didn’t know you had been holding onto so tightly. Your heart is pounding and you feel as though blood is rushing through your ears. 
“Hello?” Yeri sounds annoyed, but you struggle to find the words to answer her. 
You feel a sudden heat rush to color your cheeks a vibrant red and a feeling surges through you that leaves you out of breath and weak at the knees. A steady warmth washes over you quietly and you feel it deep within yourself and you can’t help but let out a small laugh.
How silly, you muse. Not to be dramatic, but you think you’re in love.
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bimboficationblues · 4 years
I’m interested in going to law school, but as a commie I’m not really sure I’d be able to fit in lol what has your experience been?
In the words of my political hero, Urdnot Wrex, “better than I feared, worse than I hoped.” 
The short version: law school is culturally and pedagogically hierarchical and conservative. As a part of the capitalist social architecture, it’s structured to wear down the spirit of people who might otherwise use legal tools and skills for good, and get them to go help fuck over workers. I have made some good friends, met some great people who are doing comradely work that I really respect, and I know what my goals are, but I was pretty miserable before I achieved those things.  But, on the other hand, I think it’s a net positive if more people who care have the tools to help their comrades.
Even now I don’t find legal education rewarding in itself but as a means to my desired end - and I’m privileged to even be able to consider that end as a realistic possibility. I think this essay is worth reading and accurately describes many of my experiences. Feel free to DM me if you want to talk more directly!
The long version: 
1) If you go to law school then you will almost certainly hear a lot of staff and faculty say stupid bullshit about how it’s training you to “think like a lawyer.” This is true, but not necessarily a good thing. “Thinking like a lawyer” is a way of narrowing your understanding, making you less adept at understanding the world in general in exchange for a better understanding of one specific aspect, making you into a weak and malleable subject for your future employer. It is not some kind of access to the Deep Knowledge that couldn’t possibly be figured out on your own; because in most states you cannot take the bar exam without attending law school, legal education is essentially a class-based barrier to entry for one of the few tools that the liberal capitalist order actually values and responds to.
This idea of "legal reasoning" is designed to make you believe in the magic power of words and rules, to the neglect of material power relationships. Legal realism - the completely correct assessment that rules are (in Karl Llewellyn’s words) "pretty playthings" except insofar as they are useful to make power do what you want (whatever side of the bench you're on) - will be given a passing mention, but never actually applied in the skill-building process. Because of all this I have found law school, especially the first year, deeply frustrating; it obfuscates as much as it clarifies. The silences can feel oppressive in their own way.
2) This will probably depend on where you go, because some schools churn out more legal academics, but ime law school is not very intellectually stimulating or rigorous. If you are searching for something that will be engaging it will probably not be found in law school; there are ways of examining and analyzing law in interesting ways (and useful ways, for a revolutionary), but they largely require the application of other disciplines.
3) Many of your professors will lean authoritarian, if not in their politics then in their pedagogy. Not all of them - I’ve had several that I consider good and one that I considered great - but typically the reliance on the cold call system, curves, class ranks, and a generally infantilizing attitude all contribute to the distinct feeling of losing one’s autonomy. The hierarchical structure of the classroom inoculates you to the hierarchies that shape capitalist life and the legal system; the relationship between the authoritarian professor and yourself is not unlike that between the judge and the attorney, or the senior partner and the junior attorney. Many students tolerate it because they figure that when they get into their firm of choice they can work their way up and lord over some poor paralegal or junior attorney.
4) Any given peer you interact with will probably be some kind of liberal, but frankly that’s not so different from society in general ime. And just because they’re liberal actually doesn’t mean they’re not feeling the same sort of hostility towards the infantilizing educational environment. As it happens I have a higher tolerance for liberals compared to other communists (though not this year tbh), so usually when my liberal friends start spouting some shit I either gently but explicitly disagree or just move on. 
5) Those who go to law school and want to contribute to positive change, but lack scholarships or personal/familial wealth, are faced with a difficult choice. a) They can grapple with debilitating debt in an underfunded public defense or public interest job (though loan forgiveness is a thing), or b) They can go work at a well-paying law firm (or maybe even in-house counsel) that will pay off their student loans in exchange for fucking over the working class, domestically or internationally. The materialist answer as to what people will do is not surprising; most people will gladly accept bifurcating their private and public lives in this way. Even those who aren't saddled with debt are in a social environment that highly favors the corporate firm as the site of maximum social mobility, and it can be hard to see beyond that. (And those who don't care at all about having a positive influence can go into sports law or become prosecutors, I guess.)
I say all of this not necessarily to be like “don’t do it,” but like, know what you’re up against. Legal education - like the rest of capitalist ideology - is designed to either destroy you and drive you out, or make you surrender and assimilate to it. I think it’s possible, on an individual level, to do neither, but it’s hard.
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lacheri · 3 years
Your knees heaved you up once more, and you moved to straddle the raven haired man’s lap. You felt the hump of his erection between your thighs, and you bit back a moan at the sensation. Levi was in a similar frame of mind, trying not to let his bodily instincts and desires take over entirely. You rolled your hips, teasing his clothed length, and his grasp on control was nearly lost. Your naked breasts pressed against his chest, nipples hardened from your excitement. By no means were you the kind of girl to sleep with your clients or even entertain the thought, but when Levi’s lids fluttered and he bit the inside of his lip, you were rethinking every morally right ideal you held within yourself.
On par with the beat of the song, you leaned back, hands on his knees, and thrust your hips lazily in rhythm. Levi watched your ribcage expand and disappear under your naked torso, your navel shrinking and opening at the rolling motion. You flicked your hair behind your shoulder blades, your lips parted, and you let out a shaky breath. You were flushed against his hardened member, you could feel your center weeping at the contact. This was not your intention, to rub yourself all over this stranger, but the way his hands twitched and his eyes were so hungry had you feeling things you only indulged in by yourself, in the comfort of your bed and with your favorite pink vibrator.
“Make it fifteen hundred, and I’ll let you take me back to your place,” you mewled against your better judgement.
This is without a doubt one of the sexiest things I’ve read in a fic (and it was my first fic of yours too!!) and I love that you did both POVs so we could see how much they both wanted each other, but I want to know like. Everything. The thought process. The build up. (And honestly if you want to include how the whole premise for this fic came to be I wouldn’t complain 😜)
so in case no one knows, streets is based off of the Doja Cat song and I was listening to it one day going “huh, this would be a cool fic idea” and then wrote this fic in like two days lol. this was the third fic I think I posted to this account, so I was highly motivated to put out content at light speed (oh how I miss these times, I think I wrote 20,000+ words in a month at the beginning of all this so I had some content on this account. me now could NOT)
streets is also based off a previous fic I had written YEARS ago with a different character, a real life guy named Matty Healy from the 1975. had an OC and everything named Dahlia, she sold drugs and stripped and I adored her <3 it was multi chaptered and I gave up on the story just as quickly as I wrote it because I was like, 17/18? at the time and I just wasn’t ready or prepared to write something like that with my lack of knowledge on the subject
then I became educated on sex work through real life people I know, learned what an actual stripper does and how they would operate, and decided hey let’s try this again! I had just written and posted follow me, another sex work fic featuring Eren, and I wasn’t done with writing that realm. I’m still not. I love writing and playing around with “taboo” subjects and giving them humanity through perspective. besides, support sex work/sex workers. fuck p hub. get your p locally sourced (lol like a farmer’s market except it’s onlyf*ns and self produced p)
I wish I could rewrite this fic now though. I think I’d give more insight to reader’s day to day life, and Levi too. maybe one day I will, I really loved the premise of this fic, I still do! in hindsight I think this would’ve been a really cool two/three part series, had I broken up the scenes. but this fic came about before I learned and practiced the art of outlining, so this was straight fingers to doc with NO editing. I was really out here rawing the dash in April, I wish I was sorry
idk I think there’s a few fics I wrote in the beginning of my lil tumblr journey that really stuck with me, and helped me find my place as a writer. this fic was one of them. it helped me develop a narrative in smut writing, and to understand my understanding (lol) of Levi’s character a bit better. I probably would not write the smut the same now as I did then, having a better grasp on how I like to portray Levi. either way, I love this man, and I love this fic (as flawed as I personally think it is but we’re always our own worst critics aren’t we?)
ty Astrid for indulging me, ily thanks for this <3
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
Come What May
Request: hey! can i get a request for an american transfer (i’m not sure if they were even a thing lol but anyways) and she is a hufflepuff? maybe she becomes friends with remus due to him being a prefect and sirius ends up really liking her? if you want to change it up a little bit for your writing that’s perfectly fine! xx
A/N: I loved writing this - it took me some time to start, but I loved writing it. I hope you like it and I hope I’ve done it justice. I’ve no clue whether I’ve made the reader American enough but I still hope its good nonetheless. Moulin Rouge is one of my favourite musicals; the title is the name of the song. Enjoy!! :)
Pairing: Sirius Black x American!Transfer!Reader
Warnings: fluff, mentions of pregnancy, I wanna say swearing but I can't remember, mentions of nausea, mentions of anxiety, mentions of homesickness
Word count: 3.3k
In an attempt to improve relations between the wizarding worlds of the United States of America and the United Kingdom, MACUSA and the Ministry of Magic set up a transfer scheme for sixth years of Ilvermorny and Hogwarts. The entirety of their sixth year would be spent abroad where they would gain the worthwhile experience of receiving an education in a different country.
Some pressure from your mother had you applying to spend a year at Hogwarts. Only ten students from the year group were given the opportunity – when it was offered to you, you took it with both hands. A year abroad would look good on your final transcript when applying to train as a Healer.
Upon arriving at Hogwarts, you were swiftly sorted into Hufflepuff; a kind, gentle house that made you feel welcome. Their proximity to the school kitchens would help with reducing the stress for exam season, you thought.
Your first week was plagued with intense homesickness. The Scottish Highlands were hauntingly beautiful, but they were nothing compared to your surroundings at Ilvermorny. You longed for the familiar sight of the familiar Mount Greylock. You missed your family, but your mother’s letters would still find you at Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall had assured you of that.
Your classes were hard to navigate. Hogwarts was bigger than Ilvermorny and you found yourself running from one side of the castle to the other in an attempt to get to lessons on time.
“Hi, are you okay?” A male voice asks. You turn to find lanky teenager with scars littering his face looking at you in concern. A prefect badge on the collar of his robes had you relaxing; here was someone that could help you.
“Hey!” You shout, eagerly, happy to see a friendlier face, “I’m lost. I’m trying to find Divination.”
He smiles at you, “You’re in luck, I’m heading to Divination as well.”
“That’s great, I’ll follow your lead. I’ve been here three weeks; you’d have thought I’d have the layout down by now.”
He chuckles, “I’m Remus, by the way.”
You hold a hand out to him, he shakes it once, “I’m (Y/N). I’m part of the transfer scheme between Ilvermorny and Hogwarts.”
Remus sits beside you in Divination; helping you when you struggled with understanding the teacher’s accent. Divination was taught at Ilvermorny, and along with Herbology and Potions, was one of the subjects you excelled at. Your four times great grandmother on your father’s side was a prophetess who barely escaped the witch trials in Salem; her talents had been passed down to you.
The lesson is over fairly quickly with Remus by your side, helping to translate the Professor’s words. You’re packing your books up, hoping your usually spot in the library isn’t taken when Remus asks: “(Y/N), would you like to join me for lunch? You’ll have to meet my friends, but they’re mainly harmless.”
Remus flashed you a grin, “They’ll talk your ear off, but they mean well.”
“In that case, I’d love to join you for lunch. I’d be spending it in alone in the library, so this is a definite upgrade. Lead the way.”
On the walk to the Great Hall, you and Remus bond more and you can feel the start of a genuine friendship beginning to be built.
By the time you arrive at the Great Hall, you have decided that Remus is in fact a sweetheart with a heart of gold who loves his books as much as he loves his friends. From your limited knowledge of Hogwarts houses, you can see exactly how Remus meets the standards to be a Gryffindor.
Remus automatically heads to the table assigned to Gryffindor, spotting his friends in the crowd. You only hesitate for a moment before joining him.
“(Y/N), these are James, Peter and Sirius.” Remus introduces, pointing to each teenage boy with their name. They look at you with fascination as you take a seat next to Remus, who hands you the pitcher of water without a second thought. Yes, your friendship with Remus would be something you truly treasure with all of your heart.
“It’s nice to meet you all,” You greet, not missing how their eyes widen at your accent.
“Are you one of the American exchange students?” Peter asks.
You nod, smiling at him, “I am.”
If it’s possible, his eyes widen further, “You must be really smart then. Like super smart to get into the programme. The one’s we got in Gryffindor are like geniuses.”
“Thank you, that’s a very nice compliment.”
Peter blushes, breaking the eye contact between you two.
You start placing food onto your plate, eating a forkful in between answering questions.
“My turn now – how did you all become friends?”
James grins, “We all met on train and became friends. It seemed fate was on our side when we were all sorted into the same house.”
You look at the ties each worn by the teenagers; stripes of solid red stand out against dark black. “You’re all in Gryffindor!”
James nods, “We are! And our ever-lovely Remus is our prefect.”
You smile when you see Remus out of the corner of your eye, sitting a little straighter at the sound of his school role.
Sirius catches your eye, a smirk turning the one corner of his lips upwards, “What house were you sorted into?”
You point to your tie, not missing the way his eyes rake up and down your body, “Hufflepuff,” you state proudly, feeling very at home with your Hogwarts house.
“What’s your house at Ilvermorny?” He asks, pronouncing each syllable of your school separately, testing out the sound of it on his tongue.
“Pukwudgie.” You declare, prouder than ever of your house back in America. Those sorted into Pukwudgie are defined by their passions and their desires; they commit themselves fully to everything they do whilst being fiercely loyal caregivers and protectors.
Sirius’ lips tremble; he wants to chuckle at the odd sounding name. You don’t miss the expression on his face, rolling your eyes at it.
“We have four houses at Ilvermorny: Pukwudgie, Wampus, Horned Serpent, and Thunderbird. It is said that my house, Pukwudgie, favours healers which makes sense since that is what I’m working towards. I want to work at the hospital for magical folk in New York City. The other houses favour different positions; Wampus – warriors, Horned Serpent – scholars, and Thunderbird – adventurers. Truthfully, we aren’t that different to Hogwarts expect for the fact that we’re in America. The Hogwarts students over there are probably realising the same thing. ”
The four boys look at you in astonishment, and you realise that since you arrived in Scotland, those were the most words you had spoken in succession.
“Well,” You say, grinning, taking a sip of your water, “we aren’t entirely different other than the fact that we’re better
James squawks in indignation, “How? I think you’re mistaken. I’m going to need a point by point explanation of how that is even possible. Hogwarts is the best school out there!”
You laugh at him, “Hogwash. Are you ready for that conversation, James?”
Sirius grins, showing off his perfectly straight, white teeth, “Oh, I like you. I think we’re going to get on like a house on fire.”
With your heart racing, your answering smile is blinding.
The Marauders adopt you as an honorary member; Peter had dubbed you the emissary to Ilvermorny with a promise to tell your tales of your time at Hogwarts to the student body of the school; to make them famous ‘across the pond’.
The more time you spent with the pranksters, the more you saw them as themselves. James and Sirius were ridiculously smart but played aloof – happier to marked as the class clowns than the smartest in the class (though they were by miles). James was besotted with a red-haired girl named Lily who never seemed to want to give him the time of day, but he persisted.
Peter had the best stories from his childhood, and he was more than happier to tell you them. But there was something simmering under the surface with Peter, as if he was too close to the flame of something he couldn’t quite pull back from. You hoped he would before it was too late.
Remus confessed to you a month into your friendship, of his lycanthropy – he trusted you, he knew you wouldn’t spread his secret and you wouldn’t. You could see his self-hatred always simmering, but Remus was so pure of heart with a predisposition for trouble that made him a natural leader when planning the school-wide famous pranks, that you knew he would not let the wolf inside him control him for longer than was necessary.
The friendship you had created with all four of them was something you would cherish upon returning to Ilvermorny. In such little time, they had taken you in and made you feel at home within their group.
Out of all them, you felt drawn to Sirius and he was more than happy to entertain you. He found you fascinating as well as extremely beautiful. There was something about your eyes that he couldn’t put his finger on, but they had him from the very moment they fell on him in the Great hall. He could sit and listen to you for hours whether it be a story or a rant. He was more than happy to let you talk and for him to listen. You had bewitched him; mind, body and soul. He’d follow you to the ends of the earth.
It was this that made you fall in love with him.
As cliché as it is to describe, your feelings for Sirius took you by surprise. In a matter of few weeks, you had started to fall in love with the shaggy-haired prankster. He had captured your heart in a way you never thought possible; you found it hard to think of anything but him. Your heart raced with every bit of eye contact made across the classroom; as if you were the only one in his line of vision.
Sirius had a way to make you feel as if you were the only one in the world; he would listen to your rants over the differing education systems between the USA and the UK or if someone had gotten on your nerves. He would defend you if ever a cross word was even uttered in your direction; Severus Snape had been on the receiving end of most of Sirius’ hexes. Sirius had you completely enthralled.
You spend weeks agonising over your feelings for the Gryffindor; badgering Remus at every opportunity until he cracks and tells you that Sirius feels the same but doesn’t know how to approach you.
You decide then and there that you’re going to tell him; that you’re going to confess your feelings for him. As you rush to the library, you steel yourself in case of rejection. It would break your heart, but you would find a way to repair the friendship.
You find Sirius in an isolated corner of the library, pouring over one of the many leather bounded books. The library had taken your breath away when you first arrived; never in your life had you seen so many ancient and dusty tomes dedicated to the practice of witchcraft and wizardry. Now, your eyes are drawn to the teenager hidden among them.
Sirius is sitting in one of the few arm chairs. You don’t sit down; the anxiety and adrenaline preparing your legs for a quick exit if needed.
“Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?” You ask.
Sirius looks up from his book, wide-eyed, “What?”
“Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend? I know it’s a free weekend for the both of us and I’d like to go with you.”
“Yes. I like you, Sirius and I think you’ve known for a while that I do.”
Sirius can’t help the blush that rushes to his cheeks, “I know of your feelings.”
“I need to know: are they returned or am I overstepping here?”
Sirius places his book on the table, “No, no, you’re not overstepping. I’ve had a crush on your for a while.”
Your grin lights up your face and Sirius find himself making the promise of to always be the cause of your smiles and never your tears.
“So would you like to come to Hogsmeade with me?”
“As long as you let me pay; it would be shame on my name for me to let such a beautiful person pay for their date.”
“You are a gentleman. So you will come?”
“Yes, we’ll go to Hogsmeade on a date this weekend. I adore your confidence.”
“I’m American,” You state, shrugging your shoulders, “We’re born with it.”
Sirius barks a laugh as he pulls you into his lap, his hands on your waist. You press not one, but two kisses to his cheek where the blush still remains, savouring he fact that it was you who affects him so, and no-one else.
Sirius relaxes beneath you; happy to have you in his arms for however long you have left at Hogwarts.
In the muted light of the moon reflecting into his dorm room, you can be honest with each other. Your time at the school for witchcraft and wizardry was coming to a close with little under a month before you were returning to Ilvermorny to complete your final year of education.
You didn’t try to ignore the lance of pain spearing your heart as you imagine that year without Sirius. A little over four months with him and you knew that you have found the love of your life; that there would be no-one else for you.
“I don’t want to leave you,” You whisper in the dark of the night, curled under his arm, your hand pressed to his chest so you can feel his heartbeat under your palm.
“I don’t want you to go.” He whispers against your hair.
Tears sting the corner of your eyes, “What are we going to do?”
“For now, I’m going to sleep next to the girl I love. Tomorrow, we are going to talk about it, I promise. I just want to hold you now.”
“Tomorrow,” You promise, “Tonight, I just want to be held by you.”
Sirius pulls you tighter to him; as if the two of you aren’t already pressed together. He drops another kiss to your head while you press one to his shoulder. You aren’t sure whether of you get a lot of sleep that night; worries of the future working their way down the familiar path of your mind.
The following morning brings lingering touches and unhurried kisses. The anxiety from last night hangs like a dark cloud over the both of you but there is a determination within you to hurry it away.
The day is spent slowly; slowly walking around the grounds, slowly reading in the common room, slowly kissing. As if the slower your pace, the longer you can spend in his arms where you truly want to be.
The topic needs to be approached; it needs to be addressed or else it’ll sour the remaining time you have left with the boy you’ve fallen in love with.
Laying on the couch in the Gryffindor common room, your head in Sirius’ lap, you ask, “What are your plans for the summer?”
He sighs, pretending to think it through as he brushes a hand from the top of your forehead to the tip of your nose, “I’m not sure, I think I’m going to be visiting this really pretty girl that I’ve fallen in love with.”
You beam, “Yes please. Come stay with me! My family is going to love you.”
Sirius’ cheeks warm, “Really?”
You nod, “Definitely, I’ve already told them all about you in my letters. My mom is going to love you. My dad is going to take some persuading though. I think the whole family won’t be able to leave you alone. I go to Scotland and come back with a boyfriend.”
Sirius laughs, warm and rich, “I’ll have to bring my charming self.”
“You do that, and you won’t get to leave.”
“Maybe that’s the plan. I think we can do it, you know.”
“Can do what?”
“A long-distance relationship. I think we can do it; I think we’re strong enough.”
“Yes, really. I know we haven’t been together very long but I’m in this for the long-haul. I want no-one else but you; I love no-one else but you. In such a short time, you’ve shown me what a relationship should be like and I want it. I want it all with you. So I think we’re strong enough to get through it. We can send letters and on the longer holidays, we can alternate between America and the UK.”
“You’ve really thought this through.”
Sirius nods, nudging you to sit up. “I have. I thought of it last night, I don’t know how neither of us thought of it earlier.”
You think it through, seeing no disadvantages to his plan other than the fact that you would miss him dearly. “I like it. Let’s do it, let’s do long-distance. I love you too, I want no-one else either. I hope you’re ready for all of my letters, Black.”
He laughs; the sound music to your ears, “More than ready.”
You can’t help the smile as you lean into kiss him.
7 years later:
The house is quiet; too quiet, you think as you push your feet into your slippers. You make your way downstairs to be greeted to the sight of your husband of five years cooking with your four year old daughter. 
“I think we’ve been caught, sweetheart.” Sirius whispers to the toddler sitting on the kitchen counter.
Your daughter turns from her place, “We’re making pancakes!”
“I can see that,” You say, chuckling, making your way to your husband – kissing him before kissing your daughter on the top of her head.
“We wanted to give you a bit longer in bed. I know you were up most of the night feeling sick.” Sirius says, a hand touching the barely-there bump.
“You’re my knight in shining armour, Mr. Black”
“Always at your service, Mrs. Black.”
Your final year at Ilvermorny was filled with letter upon letter from Sirius telling you the stories of his final year at Hogwarts. You were very happy indeed when he reported that James and Lily had finally started to see each other, and that Remus was thinking of going steady with a girl in Ravenclaw who loved books as much as he did.
The long-distance relationship was hard at times; always after a visit from one of you to the other but nevertheless, you both persevered – worries always extinguished over written word. Your family understood that your home was now in England; in the arms of a black-haired prankster that had captivated your heart from the very first smile. Your dream of being a healer was still very much attainable in England.
You and Sirius were not long behind James and Lily for marriage. Sirius had proposed one evening after you returned home from your shift at St Mungo’s; bone tired and in the need of a hug, you were shocked to return home to rose petals leading to the living room where Sirius was down on one knee – the only light in the room being from the candles lit on every surface available. You both cried when you accepted; you both cried at the wedding a year later.
You didn’t think there would be any more room in your heart to love someone else other than Sirius.
Then you found out you were pregnant. And your heart made room for one more. Your heart had stretched to fit three when your test came back positive for the baby currently growing in your womb.
As you sit in your kitchen, watching your husband cutting up pancakes for your daughter, you feel overwhelmingly grateful for your mother pushing you to fill out the transfer paperwork all those years ago.
Harry Potter (General) taglist: @slytherinprincess03 @bforbroadway @obsessedwithrandomthings @the-hufflefluffwriter @masterofthedarkness @kalimagik @summer-writes @lupins-sweater @mischiefsemimanaged @soleil-amaryllis
Sirius Black taglist: @cheapglitter @fific7
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Some more general musings about WBL, DeYi, healthiness in real relationships and their fictional portrayal, and something that is close to my heart.
It’s not on my dashboard, and I am not on twitter, but a friend mentioned that there are people saying that nothing about DeYi is consensual or healthy, or something along those lines.  I just used that vague statement to ramble a bit more about stuff, because it got my brain going, so join me if you wanna.
First of course, the distinction comes to matter here again, that there is on the one hand
-          an artificial recreation of reality, infused with intent and a story, there is written characters, acted out and edited to tell that story, a portrayal of characters that are devices to carry said story, carry the intents of the show makers.
On the other hand
-          there are real people, this is us, the people interpreting the material, experiencing it, also people that have lived parts of the stories that are told, or are living it, or just measure their way of living against it, to help formulate their own boundaries.
 It is important, because in some arguments online that line blurs, and mixes into some people’s understanding of what is art, and what should art be, and it is a complex discussion often present in fanfiction communities, I believe/ have witnessed.
It comes down to: Should art/media be morally pure, show ‘what is right’ to be superior to ‘what is wrong’, should it dissolve those tensions and questions for the consumer? Or should we be left with that task? And are we up to it, lol?
I will cut it short here, because it is a really complex discussion and topic, but a related issue is that of portraying healthiness in relationships, which is of course intertwined with the matter of consent, and communication.
There’s this trend in society to put health as the overall goal in life.
Health, as in the absence of every unhealthy tension, that seems to be the ideal to pursue. Well, an ideal is always something that exists outside of reality, can never be reached, only strived for, but the concept of complete health as an achievable state of being is an illusion. We are all the walking wounded.
The trend to elevate that ideal of health so much in recent years is above all, ableist, and a deeply political and socially telling phenomenon, too, but enough of that, for now.
DeYi and the healthiness of a relationship, and what I actually wanna talk about here, lol:
Let’s say, that yes, this is a portrayal of a relationship that has more than enough unhealthy elements, regarding consent, respect for boundaries, and faulty communication, that some people would rule it dysfunctional. You are able to draw those lines on paper, judge clearly, maybe you come to the conclusion, that were it you, you shouldn’t stay with that person, because the negative outweighs the positive.
Because it isn’t healthy, when you break it down to all its dysfunctional elements, it has prominent unhealthy elements, ergo the whole thing, the whole relationship is unhealthy, thus invalid.
Let’s leave DeYi behind for a bit.
I stayed at a psychosomatic clinic for six weeks, some years ago, where I was treated for depression. The things the spokesperson of that clinic said at the welcoming meeting still stay with me till today. It was something along those lines:
Some of you are here for the first time. Some of you have been here several times, and I welcome you back.
To those who do this for the first time, you will maybe come to understand, that often the things that make us sick are rooted in the systems we live in. Family settings, jobs, relationships, that are unhealthy for you. Ideally, theoretically, you’ll have to cut yourself out of that system, to be able to heal yourself, to not get sick anymore. Because most of the systems won’t budge.
But not everyone chooses to do that. And not only because it seems impossible, or too high a cost to cut off most of your life as you’ve known it.
People choose to stay in those systems, that they know make them ill, as an educated choice.
Are those choices not valid? Do they not deserve to come back here with the claim, the right to wanting to heal, because of those choices? Do they not deserve to have their pain relieved?
He said: I am happy to welcome you back here, even if it is to make you feel better just enough to go back into the system you chose.
This clinic was filled with exhausted mothers. Fathers. But also exhausted health workers, social workers, nurses.
What I think I want to say is:
Life is not only about health above all. It’s about boundaries, and they can only ever be very subjective and personal. Subjective life decisions are valid life decisions.
Back to DeYi.
Let’s say, yes, this is a portrayal of a relationship that has more than enough unhealthy elements, concerning consent, respect for boundaries, and faulty communication, that some people would rule it dysfunctional.
Is it not still a story worth telling? For us to measure ourselves against it, and set the boundaries we need? And if they ‘choose’ to be together despite it all, is it not a story of life, too? One that is valid, and beautiful in its own right even?
 I am not sure I made clear points here, but I sure had thoughts, lol.
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Academic Success Tips from My Parents
Out of all the things my parents enforced in my siblings and I, the most profound were educational and life success tips. Legit would get 100% regardless of the subject/ course/ workload. Here’s a bunch of them.
Before class:
Spend no more than a quarter of the journey to class chilling. 
Organize your study materials according to subject. Files and folders in the back, then textbooks, then notebooks. Stationery in appropriate places.
Always carry a folder full of blank sheets (plain, graphed, all the kinds!).
Fix your bag before you sleep. Hang your wristwatch on the strap so you don’t forget it when you go.
Clear your desk/study area as soon as you’re done - you’re not allowed to move out of that spot until you do.
If you have a study journal/ school diary/ study guide, read it everyday before class. 
Be the first one there, at least 15 minutes early (30 mins to an hour early is favourable).
If the teacher walks in, you better greet them with a smile, regardless if they’re crabby or not. Everyday.
You have the option to relax and do whatever before the teacher walks in. However, you have to preview the lesson before it starts. No exceptions.
Make ‘preview’ notes, which is basically little helpful tidbits about what’s to come, stuff you’re not sure about, questions and guides, how formulas connect - literally anything that’ll make the class go smoother for you.
During class:
You can talk to your friends before class, but as soon as it starts, not a word or glance in their direction.
Have all your materials either out if you have the space, or within reach. 
Listen carefully and take notes where appropriate (on printed ppts, on the corners and margins of the textbook, or an actual notebook), always, every class. There’s no such thing as ‘I didn’t take any notes today’ or ‘There wasn’t anything going on’. 
Always write the date and the day. Make an index as you go.
No highlighters during class. Underline textbooks with pencil only, and use pencils for sketches.
Whenever a teacher assigns work or extra readings or reference materials, write them down - always. Optional or not.
You better write down test/ quiz/ exam dates, even if they’re happening the next day and you’ll obviously remember. 
Speaking of exams, if the teacher mentions that word, write down everything they say, dialogue tags and all.
Answer as much questions as you can. It would be favourable if you answer twice per class or more, but it’s fine if you don’t. Your performance matters more.
Give people a chance to answer and ask questions.
Listen to what they’re saying and what response the teacher gives, even if you know it. Listening skills are important.
If an exercise is assigned during class, get on it like it’s an exam, and show the teacher your work (if possible) for corrections.  
If there’s a couple minutes before the class ends, but the teacher’s lesson finished for whatever reason (a final exercise is going on and you finished, they’re taking questions etc.) you keep to yourself if you’re not talking to the teacher. Read a book, do some work, anything productive.
You can help your friends and classmates now. Never say no, even if you’re not sure, say so and let them know you’re willing to struggle with them for a solution.
If you lend stationery, get it back before you bounce.
Arrange your materials backwards as you go through the day.
If you have another class right after, you better get over there immediately. It doesn’t matter if you’ve gotten more than enough time to mess around. Take your friends if you if you’d like.
During breaks:
Study, read, review, or preview. Something light for at least a quarter of the break this time.
If someone asks for help, help them (again). It’s good practice for you to see if you understand, and it’s good practice for when you go out into the world.
If you have nothing light you can do, you can do whatever. 
After class:
Start by finishing all your homework. It isn’t due this week? Doesn’t matter. Always do your homework as soon as it’s assigned.
Once you’re done with your homework, check your study journal/ school diary/ study guide again. Take note of what’s coming up.
stUDY NOW PLEASE. All the subjects / courses you’ll have tomorrow should be either a) memorized if you didn’t have more than an hour of homework time or b) read and reviewed and tried and tested if you did. 
You can use highlighters now. Make summary notes and formula master lists. 
Organize your stuff again. 
You’re caught up with everything and barely did an hour today? Time to bust out the optional readings then.
You have no extra stuff too? Time to go on the computer and get some resources yourself. 
If there’s a big project, plan every step with excessively precise details. Follow them. Don’t forget to add buffers in case you miss something.
You missed something? Plan all over again. 
Go to sleep by 7 if you’re in school and 10 if you’re in college. You haven’t finished studying? I’ll wake you up at 3/4 in the morning then.
Did I mention do your assignments the day they’re assigned to you?
No relaxing till the weekend. You wake up, go to classes, come back, shower, eat, then study until you go to bed. Oh, and lay out your clothes right down to the shoes and socks (accessories too) right before you do.
Sike. You only get one day off. 
(Legit tho, back in the day, my work week was from Sunday to Thursday, and my parents would allow Thursday night and half of Friday off. We had to get up at eight-thirty in the morning max and study until lunch with zero breaks. Lunch would usually be at 1:30 pm. You can forget about most of Saturday too. We’d study till lunch, then have to go back again until late afternoon (about 5:30 pm - 4:30 if we were lucky). And then of course, since we were starting back on Sunday, we’d be in bed by 7. People would wonder how in the world we’d be able to sleep at 7 with all that we had to do as students - now you know.)
Don’t get me started on exams lol. This may seem harsh, but without this type of discipline, I wouldn’t be doing as okay as I do now with the subpar standards I’ve seemed to developed in college. Well. I’ve got a bunch of other things I used to do (some still do), as these are only the ones I could remember on the top of my head. More coming soon maybe?
Hope this helps you!
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blackberry-gingham · 4 years
the beatles with an autistic reader who’s self-conscious abt their stims? 👉👈👉👈👉👈
Aw, this pure 🥺
It's always nice when you guys send in asks like this, I love learn a bit about topics idk much about so I can get both more informed on it and write better content too! So yeah, thank you! 🤗
You’ve been dating George for a little now, but today is the first time you’ve really stimmed in front of him
The two of you are relaxing in his flat, watching some telly on the couch
Why does this have to happen now?
You feel nervous, and you’re trying to hide it
But you can’t help it!
You just keep itching then rubbing around your neck
However, you’re doing a better job at being subtle then you think
When George catches on, he thinks you’re just trying to ask for some affection!
So, George being George, he pulls you in for a snuggle
Of course that just excites you more though, and that’s when George gets a little confused
“Are you alright love?”
You figure you have to tell him eventually...
So you quietly explain your stims and all that to him
George feels a little bad for not knowing, or at least not asking first before exciting you like that!
He apologizes, but other then that he doesn’t make a big deal out of it
Just as long as you’re alright, that’s all that matters to him!
George asks if there’s anything he can do for you first though
If you’d like, you two can still cuddle and while you stim!
And if you’d like to rub or itch him a little instead, he’d be totally ok with that
In fact, if you can be gentle! he might even like it :)
Now John (or at the very least, my John), is really into mental health and understanding different illnesses and disabilities!
He’s very up front with his issues with anxiety and eating disorders, as well as the fact that he’s been getting the treatment he needs for them
So if, for any reason, you feel shy about being autistic and all that, being with John and hearing him be so open and accepting makes you feel comfortable enough to tell him everything up front
And of course, he totally understands!
He asks you for a little more information, if you can, like your triggers and stims so he knows how to be mindful and helpful to you
That takes you aback for sure
See, you’re actually quite self conscious about your stims...
So having someone be so chill about it is both surprising and comforting to you!
Still, you’re a little nervous to tell him, but John assures you that you have no need to be embarrassed, it’s just natural for you!
You’re starting to think you like this guy, lol
You do manage to tell him in the end, and John makes a mental note of all the information you share
Of course, he never stops trying to learn about autism and stims after this conversation though
You’re very important to him after all!
So any time you do have to stim, it’s totally normal between the two of you!
If you’d like, John can help you co-regulate yourself so you can calm down should you be feeling too overwhelmed 
But, if you’re fine, then no big deal!
Oh, and one more thing...
You can bet that John would be super protective of you if you need to stim in public!
Anyone rude enough that has something to say or even just a weird look, has to deal with John lol
Per your request, he won’t make a big scene or anything, but he for sure has, can, and will, tell certain people off if he has to
Personally, I feel like Paul would be the one to be the most like... cautious?? I guess, when addressing your stims
Like whichever your stims are, it’s not that he’s bothered or anything!
He’s just not sure what’s going on
It’s like, he doesn’t want to bother you incase if this is a sensitive topic for you
But at the same time, what if there’s something he could be doing to help you! More importantly, do you even need or want his help?
These are some very important questions to Paul, so he makes sure to breach the topic gently and respectfully
You feel kind nervous to tell him about your stims, maybe even a little embarrassed
But, you explain that you’re just stimming and it’s a part of your autism
And Paul feels relived to hear it!
Well, first he wants to make sure that it’s not like a problem for you and if you want him to do something when you stim
You tell him that sometimes it’s a bother, but generally you can handle it yourself unless you specify otherwise
Then he feels relieved!
As a perfectionist, I could see Paul also making it his mission to try and learn more about autism and stims
He just wants to understand you better so he can be helpful and informed on whatever you may need
From then on, honestly things don’t change too much
You still have your stims and Paul acts totally normal when they happen
Except now, you don’t feel as much a need to hide them!
And Paul feels a little more at ease knowing you’re ok and, more importantly, that you trust him to help you if you want it!
All you have to do is ask <3
Honestly, I think Ringo would be in the same boat as George
Like he’s kind of ignorant on the subject of stims, but it’s like an innocent ignorance if that makes sense ???
I guess what I’m trying to say is he doesn’t think your stims are weird or that you’re weird or whatever, he just thinks you simply have your own way of expressing certain feelings!
Which I mean, you do, lol
He just doesn’t know that you’re actually just stimming!
Like, if you’re the type to be all energetic, like flapping, bouncing, or just jumping around, then Ringo assumes you’re just having some fun!
I mean... Anyone who’s seen A Hard Day’s Night, or even just some clips of him performing lol, knows what Ringo’s idea of dancing/having fun is
If anything, I feel like he’d just join in and jump around with you rather then, idk, assume something else is going on
Now if you’re stimming bc you’re in a good mood, you guys could just jam out for a while until you get it all out!
But, if that’s not the case, I’m sure you’d  be like, uuuuuhm ????
To which, once you explain, Ringo would feel really bad!!
He genuinely thought you were just enjoying yourself, he doesn’t want you to feel like he was mocking you or something!
You might have to reassure him that you're not offended tbh, after all, that was far from his intentions
Moving on tho, he'd definitely like to know more about your stims!
He doesn't think it's strange really, he just wants to know how he can better interact with you while you're stimming
Like, would you like to be left alone? Do you want him to be with you while you stim?
Or if you just really don't care, he's more then happy to jam out with you!
After all, if stimming makes you feel shy or embarrassed, Ringo wants to make it feel as normalized as possible for you!
Although, from now on he's sure to try and get a little more educated about your stims :)
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
All I Need is You
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(Guys I miss Mark so fucking much *Cue Tori Vega I think we all miss Mark)
Songwriter Mark X Reader
Genre: Extremely fluffy angst (is that even a thing?)
Word Count: 5.8K
Summary: For all your life, your parents raised you to be the perfect daughter of every parent’s dreams. You did every single thing your parents forced you to do and never did you complain about anything they’d make you do, no matter how badly you wanted to. That all changed the day your path collides with Mark Tuan. After being stripped of your childhood completely in order to be respective and follow your parent’s desires, Mark shows you how beautiful life can be when you do the things you want to. Mark is the breath of fresh air from a life you feel so suffocated in. For the duration of your relationship, you did your best in hiding him from your parents in fear of them disapproving of the older boy. However, once you graduate from college, you decide you are old enough to make your own decisions and you build the courage to introduce your boyfriend to your family. The night starts off without a hitch; everyone seems to really like him up until your mom asks him what he does for a living. That’s when things take a turn for the worst and your mom gives you an ultimatum; to chose between the love of your life and your family.
A/N: Hey guys, so I’ve been wanting to write an imagine based on the song Paris by the chainsmokers for the longest time and here it is. Only when I reached the middle of writing the story did I realize this is the complete opposite of my other story “Second Chances” LOL. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story (most of it is written in past tense so I hope you don’t get confused).
We were staying in Paris To get away from your parents And I thought, "Wow If I could take this in a shot right now I don't think that we could work this out" Out on the terrace I don't know if it's fair but I thought "How Could I let you fall by yourself While I'm wasted with someone else
"If we go down then we go down together They'll say you could do anything They'll say that I was clever If we go down then we go down together We'll get away with everything Let's show them we are better Let's show them we are better Let's show them we are better
“Hey, everything okay?”
It was currently 2:45 a.m. and normally, you’d be fast asleep right now but you couldn’t help feeling as if the bed grew more spacious and colder than it was when you first went to sleep. Mark was your own personal furnace; the two of you fell asleep pretty early after a long day of sightseeing and an even longer night of love making.
After multiple rounds of his all but gentle kisses on your neck, jaw and chest as he rammed himself in and out of your velvety walls, you both were too tired to get up and clean yourselves off. He immediately pulled you in to his chest and wrapped his arms tightly around your waist while placing his face in the crook of your neck and whispering sweet nothings until his dreams finally took a hold of him. It’s been like this for the last three weeks since you and Mark ran away to Paris in the hopes of hiding from your extremely overprotective and non-understanding parents.
You’d go sight seeing, visit a couple of museums, cute little coffee shops and sometimes you’d even go to a farmer’s market and you’d buy food to make for recipes you and Mark learned while watching whatever they had on television. Almost every single night ended up in sex; on a few occasions, there were drunken stupors where one of you or sometimes even both of you would have a little too much to drink and you’d have wild, kinky sex.
Then there were the days where you’d argue over minuscule and unnecessary things and usually Mark would be the first to give up and apologizing with his head between your thighs. Most of your love making sessions were soft, passionate and very romantic.
To strangers or people who weren’t familiar with him, Mark gave off an intimidating and sometimes standoffish kind of vibe. It was only because he was actually very shy and soft spoken and those who actually knew him were aware of how talkative and outgoing he could be around those he was comfortable with.
Unfortunately, your parents were the kind of people you’d always sought praise from and you’d do whatever you could to make them proud. Ever since you were a little girl, you went along with every command they would give you, you never complained about the clubs they’d put you in or the clothes they had you wear. It wasn’t as if you were the only child, you had three other siblings but since you were the youngest, your parents were a little more strict with you even if you never gave them a reason to question or mistrust you.
It wasn’t until Mark came in to your life that your relationship with your parents took a completely different turn. You’ve known Mark since middle school and although you hardly ever talked to him, you did admire him from afar and you could only wish to build up the courage so that maybe one day, you’d be able to at least say hello.
He was always such a social butterfly and made friends with anybody he’d interact with. All the girls in your grade had a crush on him, but you couldn’t blame them. Not only was he a sight for sore eyes, he was such a free spirit; he had decent grades and not once did the teachers have any problems with him like they did with his friends. But he was never one to genuinely care about his education, and unfortunately that was his downfall.
When you finally entered high school, it’s as if the world felt like it was time for you and Mark to come together and for your two worlds to become one. In your first semester, he was in almost every single one of your classes. You didn’t think you were the smartest person in your grade, but you did pretty well in all the subjects. All those years of long, grueling days of summer school actually paid off. Sometimes, you hated being the youngest.
Your parents expected so much out of you but they never seemed to care about anything that your two older brothers and your older sister did. They all got to join groups, clubs and sports that they genuinely liked whereas you were coerced in to learning how to play the violin and the cello. You were thankful that school was considerably easy for you seeing as how your parents made education your first priority.
While your brothers would play video games and your sister would talk on the phone with her friends, you’d be practicing math problems and read books about the civil war. You didn’t think you got to experience a legitimate childhood you’d witness all your classmates and friends had. For that reason alone, you always felt different from everybody else and it was the reason why you were so hesitant on continuing friendships with the few friends you did have from middle school.
You could never relate to anything they’d talk about; all their favorite movies they’d watch, the latest installment of Grand theft auto that they’d play, going to each other’s houses—you weren’t even allowed to cross the street by yourself let alone go out with your friends. Entering high school by yourself had to be one of the most scariest things you had to go through and because your siblings were at least five years older than you, none of them would be there at least if you needed someone to confide in or run to.
From all the stories you’d hear from each of them, their high school experiences were ones for the books. Both of your brothers joined each and every sport you could think of and your sister was the co-captain of the cheerleading team. She also had a few boyfriends in high school and you felt as if a lot of the mistakes she made were the reasons why your parents took complete control of your life.
It didn’t take long for Mark to acknowledge your existence; in fact, what you didn’t know was that back in middle school, he noticed you even if you didn’t realize it yourself. While all the girls would ogle over him and try to get his attention, he would find himself admiring you from afar.
Mark always thought you were so cute; you were always hesitant to answer the questions your teacher would ask you even if everyone was aware you knew the answer, whenever someone asked you for help you were always so quick to attend to them no matter what they were asking of you and he could never get the way you would blush when you were flustered out of his head.
He had no problem talking with other girls, but he’d become a mess at even just the thought of having to talk to you. Mark was quick to pick up on how you had most of your classes together, and he was going to use this to his advantage. Only a month in to school, both his algebra teacher and his language arts teacher pulled him to the side to tell him that he wasn’t doing too good in their classes. It wasn’t that Mark was purposefully failing his classes in order to get you to tutor him, he never was all that amazing in school to begin with.
High school wasn’t even half as easy as middle school was. Getting anything lower than a C wasn’t going to cut it and now that he had two Ds, he planned on asking you for some help. When Mark did approach you and asked you to help him catch up with a couple of missing assignments and to help teach him some algebra formulas, you had a hard time believing he was even talking to you. In the beginning of your tutoring sessions, he was always quite the gentleman.
He’d give you his full attention, always waited till you were done talking before he’d ask you a question, he’d tell you silly jokes so that it wasn’t always about studying and learning and sometimes he would drop you home after your meetings. It didn’t take long for your tutoring sessions to turn in to something more and only three months after getting to know each other, he asked you to be his girlfriend.
Dating Mark was a dream you never think would become a reality. He was extremely kind hearted and took care of you in ways you didn’t think you’d be able to experience. You were shocked when he confessed that he’s liked you for all these years, and you were quick to admit the same to him. Knowing how your parents could be, you decided to keep your relationship with Mark a secret and he was very understanding about the entire thing.
The two of you would sneak around during and after school for the entirety of your high school years and your love for one another only grew stronger as the time went by. You fell in love with him in tiny little coffee shops, in the back of the library where you’d be making out together when you were supposed to be studying. You’d lie to your parents and say you were preparing for tests and picking up on extra credit when really you’d be lying in the back of Mark’s truck, cuddling in his arms while looking up at the stars.
Mark did a great job at helping you take your mind off of how perfect you were supposed to be. He was the breath of fresh air that you’ve always craved and now that you had him, you didn’t think you would be able to let him go. Ever. He made you feel like a little kid again; you actually got to experience all sorts of things you’ve wanted to do as a child through your relationship. It didn’t take you long to fall in love with him.
Being in love was an indescribable feeling. Every time something good happened to you, he was the first person you wanted to tell and whenever something bad happened, he was the shoulder you wanted to cry on. He always knew the right thing to say; but if there ever was a time he didn’t know how to respond to something, he would just hold you comfortingly while whispering sweet, encouraging words in your ear.
People claimed that perfect people didn’t exist and if that’s the case, then Mark came pretty close. You felt as if he was sent in your life to be your safe haven; your sanity. The burst of color in your world of black and white. He had a habit of telling you he loved you every single day and even if he weren’t to do so, his actions spoke for him. You don’t know how you did it, but you actually did a great job in hiding Mark from your parents for the last few years.
There were times where you did come pretty close to getting caught; whether it was because of how loud you didn’t think you were while talking on the phone with him, or when you’d come back home with swollen lips and tousled hair. It didn’t matter to you though. A part of you was ready for whatever response you’d receive from your parents. Honestly, Mark was the kind of guy you’d bring home to your parents; so you weren’t afraid of the idea of introducing him to your family.
The only thing you were really worried about was what they would say when they were to find out you were hiding a boyfriend from them for over six years. After graduating from high school, both you and Mark went straight in to college. You went in to study criminal law and he had high hopes of becoming an engineer. Three months in to college, Mark decided it wasn’t for him and as his girlfriend, although you were upset at the idea, you supported and trusted his choices.
College wasn’t for everybody. With that being said, it was then that you found out he wanted to become a songwriter. In the few years that you’ve known him for, not once did he ever talk about wanting to write songs. You didn’t think he was passionate about music in general let alone wanting to write music for artists but when he showed you a few of the songs he had wrote, with most of them being about you, you knew he was extremely talented.
Mark always had a way with words and now that you saw them written down on paper, you knew you’d continue to support his dreams and his future endeavors and that you would do anything to help him if he needed it. Before you knew it, four years came and gone and you graduated from college with your bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. It didn’t take too long for law firms to reach out to you with internships and to see if you were interested to work for their companies. Mark was also very successful  with his career.
He started off small; he wrote a few things here and there for some up and coming artists but it wasn’t anything too major. No matter how patient he was, there were times he did grow discouraged and felt like giving up but you never allowed him to. You saw how passionate he was about writing. You’d watch him stay up trying to write down any ideas that would pop through his head.
The road to success wasn’t easy, but when he got an offer from a record company to write songs for a popular artist you both listened to, he was extremely over the moon and made sure to let you know your love, your patient, your support and your determination to help him succeed was what kept him going.
The day came where you felt like you were ready to tell your parents about the man you were head over heels in love with and the reaction you got wasn’t one you were expecting. When you brought him over for dinner, both your mother and your sister raved over how good looking he was and your brothers tried their best to come off as the older, overprotective brothers boyfriends wouldn’t want to mess with. But when they heard Mark played fortnite, they were sold.
Even your father took a liking to him once Mark told him his favorite football team were the Patriots. Everything seemed to be going perfectly and you were so upset with yourself for keeping him a secret for so long. It wasn’t until your mother asked him what he did for a living that things only went downhill from there. I’m a songwriter. You could still remember the grave look on your mom’s face and with the way she motioned for you to follow her and your father in to the living room while excusing the three of you from the table, you knew it wasn’t going to be good.
You were angry that she didn’t wait for dinner to be finished or even for Mark to go home before ridiculing him on his career. It was obvious that she wasn’t too happy to hear he was a musician but it didn’t matter what she thought. Hell, you didn’t care about what anyone in your family thought about him. You loved Mark, with every beat of your heart and there was nothing your parents could say or do to change your mind about him.
“You are to break up with that boy immediately.”
Your eyes widened in shock at your mother’s command and for the first time looking her, hell, looking at your parents, you didn’t feel afraid of them. This time, you had something beautiful worth fighting for. This wasn’t something minuscule; it wasn’t something you could just stop like piano lessons or tennis practice. This was an 8 year long relationship she was telling you to end and there was no way you were going to lose against your parents without putting up a fight.
The scoff that came from your mother’s throat wasn’t unexpected. This was the first time ever you talked back to either of your parents. This was the first time you actually said the word no in your 23 years of existence and damn, it felt really good.
“Excuse me? Did you just tell your mother no? Y/n, he’s a musician! He will never be able to give you the life you deserve! That is not a career! You’ll be the one having to take care of your entire family, I refuse to let this man ruin your life. You’re going to throw away everything you’ve worked so hard for—for someone whose position in your life isn’t promised. You know better than this, there are plenty more men in the world with better jobs and probably better living situations. Mrs.Choi’s son is a—“
“I don’t give a shit about Mrs.Choi’s son or Mrs.Park’s son or anyone’s damn son for that matter. I love Mark. I am in love with Mark. I only want Mark. Mark is all I need. I don’t care about what his job title is. It makes him happy and he’s pretty fucking amazing at what he does. But like I said, I don’t give a shit what he does for a living. He could be a garbage man and I’d still love him with every fiber of my being because that’s what love is mom. Love is not money, it’s not a big mansion in Beverly Hills with a doctor husband and six cars I will probably never drive. Love is what I feel when I’m with Mark. He takes care of me. He makes me laugh when I’m sad, he makes me smile even in the most inconvenient situations. He does my laundry, cleans our apartment, blow dries my hair when I’m tired, takes me to and pays for all my doctor’s appointments. We’ve been together for almost 8 years and these last 8 years have been the best years of my entire life because of him. The two of you stripped away the entirety of my childhood from me and Mark was the fountain of youth to help me experience actually being a human.” If looks could kill, the glare your mother was sending you would have you six feet under, but you didn’t care.
“I’m not a little girl anymore. I’m grown. I’m an adult for crying out loud you guys can’t tell me what to do anymore. I’m sorry you can’t accept it but I love Mark and I plan on doing so for the rest of my life and there’s nothing either of you can say or do to change my mind.”
“If you leave with him tonight, you are never allowed back in to this house ever again.” The burst of confidence and bravery you had confessing your love for Mark and the fact that you had every intention of staying with him went right out the window at your mother’s ultimatum. Was she really making you choose between your boyfriend and your family? There was no way you could choose between the two of them. Yes, Mark was the best thing that’s ever happened to you. But to lose all contact with your family because your parents were being unfair and irrational with their decision? She didn’t even take the time to listen to your words; did she not care about your health, happiness and well-being? Here was a man putting her youngest daughter on a pedestal, giving her the entire world and more but yet she still couldn’t accept that. You didn’t know the consequences of your next few words, but it wasn’t even a question. “Mark, we’re leaving. Let’s go.”
Your boyfriend came out from the kitchen and you had a feeling he probably heard the entire conversation between you and your parents, but your mind was so focused on leaving before things could get any worse. “Y/n, wait, sweetie think about this—think about what you’re doing—are you really willing to give up your family for a boy?”
“A man—he’s a man and yes—he’s all the family I could ever need. He’s shown me more love and support in our 8 years of being together than either of you did in the last 23 years of my existence. If you were a really family, you’d accept Mark for who he is and what he does and you’d be happy with the fact that he takes such good care of me but no. Your pride, your reputation, your wealth, your social status and your ego are more important than my feelings and what I want. You don’t care about me. You never cared about me you just cared about what others would think about me and I’m sick of it. I’m done. Have a nice rest of your life. Assholes.”
You marched out of the house and a huge weight was lifted off of your shoulders. With the rate you were walking, your boyfriend had to practically jog to catch up with you because you were filled with so many different emotions. Anger. Sadness. Grief. But no regret, nor any remorse. You knew you made the right decision in choosing Mark because not only did you choose Mark, you chose yourself. You were no longer going to allow your parents to dictate your life anymore.
“Baby—are you alright?” You gave him a sad smile before stealing a soft kiss from the corner of his mouth.
“Maybe not right now, but I will be. Take me home Mark.” Your siblings tried to get in touch with you for weeks, trying to get you to come back and to talk things out with your parents, but the damage was done. Neither of them were going to accept your relationship. It was a tough pill to swallow, but you accepted it for what it was.
Even if one day they came around and accepted Mark being a songwriter, there was no way you could ever forget the look of disgust on your mom’s face when Mark said what his job was nor could you forget how your dad just stood there and said nothing. It genuinely showed that neither of your parents really cared about you even if you were the star child out of the four of you and that’s what was hurting you the most.
Mark did his best to try and take your mind off what had happened and every time you’d look at him while he was sleeping, while he was cooking the two of you dinner or while the two of you would shower together, you’d see the glint in his eyes as he looked at you like you were one of the seven wonders of the world and you knew you made the right choice. You’d pick him again and again every single time.
He never brought up the fact that your parents didn’t accept his passion but you were sure it must have hurt him. Especially because that’s was caused you to be cut off from your entire family, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t extremely content with your decision. A few weeks ago, Mark got a call from the record company he was working for and gave him the opportunity to travel around Europe to work with a couple of the entertainers there and he didn’t hesitate to ask you to tag along with him.
The adventure started off in Italy, then you found yourselves in London and Greece. Each and every city was more than you could even imagine. The scenery was so beautiful, the food was delicious, the people were so sweet and the fact that you got to experience it all with your soulmate; your favorite person was a feeling you would never be able to fathom in to words.
Paris had to be your favorite place you had visited so far and you were sure it had to deal with the fact that it was the city of love and you were making the most of it with the love of your life by your side. It was currently winter in Paris right now; the temperature only grew colder as the days went by which is why you were shocked to see Mark outside on the balcony in only his underwear, but the sight did make your cheeks pink.
No matter how many times you’ve seen him naked, you always got so shy and flustered. He was freezing cold when you finally found your way behind him, you placed your chin on his shoulder blade and left a soft kiss there while lazily wrapping your arms around his hips. The giggle that fell from your lips at the feeling of your bare chest against his back couldn’t be helped, he was so cold and the frost nipped at your skin.
It took you a few moments to notice the cigarette in his hand and when you did, you grew worried. Mark hated cigarettes. He hated the smell and hated the negative effect they had on people’s bodies. However, you noticed he began smoking them after working with a well-known rapper who claimed that smoking helped him relax. It was a habit you weren’t too fond of; you knew it was probably damaging his lungs and you could taste the ash in his kisses, but you knew something had to be bothering him for him to want to even start smoking so you never tried stopping him.
For the last month, you haven’t seen a pack of cigarettes lying around the place nor did the scent linger on his clothes so you knew there was a chance he stopped. Seeing that ugly death stick in between his fingers made your blood boil; you didn’t want anything happening to his health because of a stupid decision he‘d make whenever he was upset.
“Go back to bed baby. I’ll be there soon, I just needed a little break. I’m fine.” You’ve been with Mark long enough to know when he was lying. You didn’t have to see him; the lack of confidence in his voice and the way he tensed up against your body made it clear that something was indeed on his mind, and there was no way you’d be able to go back to sleep knowing he was overthinking.
“Talk to me Mark. Something is obviously bothering you and I want to be able to help you.” He released a long sigh before putting out the cigarette and turning to face you. His eyes were red and puffy and there were dried tears on his cheeks.
The idea of him crying made your heart hurt; he was always the strong one in your relationship. No matter how rough life would get for him, he never showed that he was having a hard time. He hated burdening other people, especially you. So all his battles, he’d keep to himself. You hated that he never confided in you the way you always seemed to with him. You wanted to be able to help him carry the burden or to help fight the war in his mind that he was battling alone.
“Why did you do it?” You immediately looked at him in confusion. What was he talking about? What did you do that could be causing him so much distress and frustration?
“You gave up everything to be with me. You’re completely cut off from your parents, you gave up your job at the law firm, you had to sell your car, you left all your friends without any explanation as to why you were leaving—just for me. I can’t give you everything that I want to just yet. I can’t promise to give you a big house, a nice car—we’ve been together for years and I have every intention on marrying you y/n but I can’t afford to buy you the ring of your dreams—I’m honestly nothing. I’m a college dropout trying to become a renowned songwriter y/n. Sure, I’ve been getting quite a few amazing opportunities but it isn’t enough for us to be set for the rest of our lives nor can we really be comfortable. Like your mom said, there are many men out there who’d be able to take care of you in the ways that I can’t. All I can do is love you y/n, and fuck. I love you more than you can even fathom yourself. But you deserve so much more and sometimes love isn’t enough—“
“Do you hear yourself right now? Are you really asking me why I left my life behind to be with you? My family, I love them dearly. But you know how I feel about my parents, how they sheltered me, overprotected me, forced me in to doing things I didn’t want to. They never did care about how I felt; not once did they stop and think maybe they were working me to the bone. I was never happy Mark. Until you came in to my life and I really don’t know what I would do if I were to lose you. I’m assuming you must’ve heard what my mom said and don’t you dare listen or even think what she said was true. You are not nothing Mark. You are so talented, so hardworking, so passionate and dedicated and if anyone deserves the world baby—it’s you. I meant what I said when I told her I couldn’t give less of a shit about any materialistic things. What’s a fucking Porsche going to do for me if my husband neglects me? What’s a big house if the person that I love isn’t there to share it with me?” You brought your hand up to cup his cheek and released a sigh of relief when he leaned in to your palm.
“You and I could live in a fucking box and I wouldn’t care and you wanna know why? Because you’re there. All I need is you. I don’t care where we go, who we meet, how much money we have in our bank accounts; as long as I have you right beside me, I’m not worried about anything. I can get another car Mark, I can find another job, I can make new friends—but there is never going to be another you. So stop beating yourself up about the decisions I made in the last few months. I did it for us. I did it because I love you. I will never love anyone the way I love you. Now get it out of your head that I deserve someone better than you because a man like that doesn’t exist. And yes—your love is enough Mark. It’s all that matters to me. The way you take care of me when I’m sick, or hold me close as we watch a scary movie. The way you take a bite out of my food to make sure it isn’t too hot, although I feel like you use that as an excuse just to try my food. The way you can be so tired, yet you want to sit down and listen to me go on about my day. You love me Mark. You never fail to say it, but it means more to me because you never fail to show it either.” At this point, his tears were flowing steadily from the bird of his eyelids and you found yourself wiping them away every time new tears fell.
“A person’s job title, the amount of education they’ve received, the kind of car they drive and the house they live in; none of that matters babe. I know you probably hear this all the time, but it’s what the inside that matters. Genuinely. All the wealth, the riches, it doesn’t make you better than anyone else. Your personality, your selflessness, your golden heart, your generosity, your patience, the love you never fail to show others, that’s why I fell in love with you. Oh—and your stupidly handsome looks but that’s besides the point. I’d go wherever it is that you’ll go. Whatever you need me to do, or be in order to help you grow as an artist or just a human being in general, I’ll do it. I’ll do anything for you Mark Tuan. And one day, when everything works out with your career, we can rub it in my parents faces. No more tears my love. It’s just you and I; and that’s what makes me the most happy. Oh—and I don’t need a big wedding or a huge diamond ring to get me to marry you. You could get me a ring pop for all I care. I just want to be with you. We could honestly elope in one of the hotel’s chapels if that’s what you want.”
He didn’t miss a beat before bringing his hands on either side of your face and roughly connecting your lips together. His mouth was warm and wet against yours, his kisses were rough and needy. It’s as if he was putting everything he wanted to say to you in to the kiss. How grateful he was for you. How much you meant to him. How much he loved you more than his heart could genuinely handle. Mark knew he needed to continue fighting for his dream in order to prove to you that you made the right decision in choosing him. Soon, the atmosphere was filled of sexual tension and it didn’t take too long for you to feel something hard against your thigh.
“I just—I hope—fuck. Thank you baby. I could never thank you enough for everything that you’ve done and continue to do for me. You’re the most ethereal being to walk on this earth you know that. I really, really do not deserve you but I will spend the rest of my life proving to you that I’m sure happy you chose me. Don’t tempt me, I might just go down to the gift shop and get you that ring pop. I love you—so fucking much my beautiful girl. God , only you could make me hard as a rock while I’m in the middle of crying—I know it’s 3 A.M, and I promised I would take you to the Champs-Élysées later on today, but I really want to show you just how grateful I am for you. I also kinda want to solve this problem in my pants and fuck the shit out of you so let’s go baby. You might have to rent a motor chair to get around once I’m done with you.”
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