#maybe he will improve in the sequals
riosnecktattoo · 2 years
why don't you like spider from avatar the way of water :(
(spoilers obvs)
Firstly I would say that aspect of the plot was utterly uninteresting to me and every time it cut back to it I was kinda bored. I didn't mind him so much when he was with the Sully's at the start. Who we are sold as his family unit along with all the Na’Vi who he views as his people.
This was then the cornerstone for my dislike of him as the film progressed.
I went with my best friend and there were MULTIPLE times, in Spider’s scenes, where we turned to eachother with a wtf stink face that conveyed fuck this guy lol
He’s horribly unevenly written. From scene to scene his loyalties and affections change and that’s very hard to warm to. Especially since we are obviously Team Jake and his family and the Na’Vi.
Spider had one moment where he seems (rightly) sad over who his biological father is and then.......he’s captured by him and they become best buds. He really seems more fascinated than disgusted.
He is fully aware that Quarritch is a genocidal evil man and he’s literally actively hunting down with a view to murder Jake and his family. And Spider’s......chuckling and laughing with him? Having a good old father-son bond while they laugh about how he’s pronouncing I see you wrong. Just sweet little father-son things.
I feel like those scenes are written and performed so oddly that it’s hard to know what the film wants me to think about that character. And he is a perspective character, so how he engages with things is how we engage. In some ways he’s meant to be the audience surrogate, since he’s the only human lead. But Spider was all over the place. And not in an intersting ooooh where do his loyalties lie way because.......they should fuckin be with his people! Jake! Not helping his would-be murderer find him!?!
He’s literally smiling and laughing with Quarritch for the whole film and then just....present for a lot of war crimes that at best he’s overwhelmed by and at worst he’s....kind of interested in. And it made me (and most of my screen judging by the chorus of do it’s that sounded out when Neytiri had him under her knife) dislike him intensely.
This quote from an article - -  “Those scenes just don’t have enough emotion from Spider to really communicate the depths of his identity struggles, so he just seems weirdly interested — even complicit! — in harming these sick-ass majestic animals.” - - Like....exactly!
There’s definitely an argument that he doesn’t know where he fits in and Qaurritch obviously cares for him when Neytiri was calling his bluff but..........no? fuck that guy? 
Your ‘brother’ died saving you. They were all safe and away and they came back for you. And you save the man responsible for his death. Cool.
oh ALSO the two scenes where he’s.....scared of Neytiri cause he saw the video of her killing his dad? He should be fuckin impressed not having evil little thoughts which he so obviously was. Like....woman kills the evil man who is about to murder Jake, the man she loves. The evil man who also nuked her home and murdered thousands of her people and destroyed sacred sites with glee. That’s applause only!
Lastly just in general, in such a creative and visually stunning film I thought his character design was......bad, bland and thoughtless. And there were many times when I don't think the acting performance was very good. Like Zoe Saldana out-acted him (and everyone else) and she was a CGI cat. He often took me out of the world and in the worst spots I had to suppress a laugh.
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rosebarry16 · 3 months
This is a sequal for this page click "this page" to get to it easily
TW : mention of abuse, gore
"Tell me, what's your connection with perseus?" Hudson asked me with more like disappointment look on his face as he was close to me excepting a response from me, I gazed at the floor and stayed silent so I won't get harmed if I answered, the lady who was behind seems to notice i'm too scared to answer so she had to bring herself to me to avoid hudson getting closer and creep me out
"Don't hesitate if you're worried for us to hit you we won't infact we have to know what perseus is up to"
"I worked with perseus since 77' well I was forced to join the soviet just to stay alive, the kidnapped me because they knew I have a connection to a person in the CIA"
"Who's the person?" After this sentence came up I dared myself not to say anything about it, I didn't want people to know I'm married to him but It's necessary.
"Wait what?" the woman is open to doubt that this fact is true, infact Hudson stares at adler like he's the one who set me up on all of this.
"Where did you two meet? How do you have a connection?"
"It's classified"
"You better talk"
"Stop she refused to talk"
"Russ you stay out of this"
"Saira, you better talk or this is not going well"
"FINE! I'm his fucking wife you happy now??" My tone got aggressive and wanted to shout but I had to get a grip for myself to not do anything related. I could say much more but I get very pissed on how Hudson has gotten this kind of his character.i don't remember him being this hostile, russell came forward to me in additional of placing his arm resting around my neck and smoking his cigarette
"Tell us more, maybe you have something might help us or improve evident"
"He would always tells us about the nukes all over Europe but after some disappeared I began to receive their roles which he is not being easy. All i know is that he used to be aggressive and whine all the time to me so i don't have any info and if you do ask me where is he then none of us know where he goes"
"So, you don't have enough info on him even if you're working with him?"
"No it's not that easy. This is all I have I promise" her and adler seems to accept my answer but hudson didn't so he just left the room like he wasted his time on me, i glanced down feeling like I failed on giving them what they need. At the end of the day I can't help them
"I tried to avoid it but I can't"
"We'll if you don't have information that is concerned evidence then that's fine" she understanded me more and accepted it all which is good, I settled down on the chair and my plams ended up on my face feeling off track. She said she'll left was alone and left the room that mean it's only the two of us
"I'm sorry..."
"It's okay, that's all you got hun"
"I couldn't really ignore the offer, I can't risk my life and leave you all alone" I couldn't let my tears escape I just couldn't cry, he grabbed me for a hug and didn't bothered to embrace back. I let go, all that left is us staring into each other's eyes until his words escaped from his lips
"What's up with your eye?"
"It's just a little accident, nothing serious"
"You don't have to hide it from me"
"Yeah..while I was in a conversation with perseus.."
"Are you getting any sign?"
"No, I barley got anything related for them to come and get the evidence they need"
"Ah" all he said as he's watching me messing around the CIA's system to get on what are they going to do next as a sign, nothing really was interesting to collect.
"What about adler? He must be up to something"
"Not even him, I'm trying everything to get information but nothing is available"
"Saira I might have a feeling"
"That you are hidding something from me"
"Oh no Iam not doing something like that"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, of course"
"Mmm" I got back on looking at the screen again until he threw a floppy disk infront of me and standed still, I picked up the disk and tried to read what's on it but it didn't really have something written on it.
"What is this?"
"Load the disk and see it yourself" his Russian accent sounded so greedy I couldn't help but to Load it, as the computer was reading it i waited till the screen showed a map of the lubeyanka building and the mission is assigned for adler, I deleted the screen so they can take the names but too late since perseus copied the info, I felt his hard grip on my hair forcing me to get up.
"So you tried to delete it just to let that street dog take it"
"P-please let go!"
"This isn't how we do it" Perseus then threw me on the ground then placed his foot on top of my stomach, I hissed in pain and grabbed his leg to get it off but he was strong
"Let go of me you fucking prick!" He didn't respond instead he picked me up, threw me on the wall and pulled his gun out then I felt the deep pain started to infect me
"AH FUCK!" I yelled and I began groaning when he held my neck tight .
"Listen to me, I might be missing something but I'll never be fooled on that day you go there and stop that piece of shit. Other then that I'm Erasing the names, do you understand me??"
"Y-yes" I responded in a low voice as he let go of me, my knees met the ground as I'm covering my bloody eye
"I'll show you" I thought to myself.
<end of flashback>
"And this is how my eye is fucked up"
"That asshole" Adler swapped his thumb on my cheek, I placed my hand on his including letting my eyes close to feel his soft hand on my skin.
"Sit down, let me cover it for you" he told me and did what he told me to do, 2 minutes passes he was done covering my eye. I smile weakly
"Thanks sweetheart"
"Anytime let me talk to Hudson and see if he gets to accept the answer if he doesn't then that's too goddamn bad he has to"
"Good luck with that" he nodded and left the room but the woman came back
"I hope your doing well there"
"Iam good I suppose"
"I didn't mean to scare more but is it true about the fact your his wife?"
"Oh yeah, I wanted to keep it a secret but hudson forced me"
"He's like that, nobody really has his trust then mason and woods"
"That's weird he trusts me"
"Not anymore since you retired 4 years ago"
"Makes sense..whats your name?"
"Park, Helen park"
"Pleasure to meet you park"
"Same goes to you saira, if you need me I'm outside or you can go out and see the other crew"
"I will, and thanks for the offer"
This was a rough one..
Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed it! Tell me what you think and if you don't want to then that's fine no pressure!!
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Things i wanted to see in dragons dogma 2
Weapon varity: in dragon's dogma there basic weapons you've find are, sword,greatsword,mace,bow and arrow dagger and hammer. And it's fine all but i wanted to see more types of weapons in the game i wanna see weapons like battle axes,katanas,scythes, spears n glaves, lances, claws and gauntlets i wanna see more weapons for my character to use for taking down enemies.
More Customizable options for you're character:, in first game the customizable options are pretty great but i wanna to expand on it. i wanna customized color and length of my character's hair, the length of there hands arms and legs, add tattoes on diffrent parts of there body,(also i hope capcom kept the option the edit the size of you're character's breast it's because 2022 and women on twitter has this mindset)
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Customizable armor and weapons: with layering system allows the players not only to mix match for best stats, but also, allows there characters to looked dripped put of there minds, with that i think editing the weapons and armor's color, with dyes, and adding some transmog to the weapons armor to maintain looks but change except for the stats stats
More custom made pawns: Another thing i personally want is to allowed to add another custom made pawn to you're party. I know core of the game is to use rc to hire pawns that other players made but i wanna add my own personal team of pawns that i made
Weather: Another thing i personally wanted to see added is weather, in dragon's dogma 2 i wanna see that over time while you're character is traveling in gran soren or anyother area the sequal takes place i wanna see not only a day and night cycle i also wanna see diffrent weather to occure like the rain,snow, and also hot sunny days and maybe give them a not just you but everyone a debuff like, like when it rains makes you soaked, or when it'a snows you're more theres a chance you'll be frozen,etc
Area varity: in the second game i wanted more areas to explore, in the first game the places you can go is, ruins,caves,and forest n crypts in the next game i wanna scale mountains, explore jungles, truged through the deserts hell maybe go onto a boat and sail through the 7 seas and visiting islands fighting seamonsters and such.
Improve the pawn personality: in the first game order the change the pawn's personality the player have to sit on a chair and have a pawn asked the player on what personality and behavior to change. The main problem that the pawns will ask you randomly on what aspect they wanted to change in the second game i wanted a ui to show the player all of options how they talk, there behavior,etc. Also another thing i wanna add is more personality options, i see option such like optimistic or jovial making the pawn to be super energetic and happy, or make the pawns more sarcastic and sassy.
PRONOUNS:Another thing to i wanted to add, for the new decade, is allow what pronouns the pawns can use, it's bound to happen one way or another it's 2022 and this is the new decade, and people with diffrent sexualities are becoming the norm in fiction, and since we have same sex relationship in dragons dogma why not add some pronouns, as a option for you're pawns, you can choose if they go by he,him,she,her, and they them. It's 2022 and we're bound to get some more rep one way or another.
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writerforfun · 3 years
Underwing Challenge Day 6 + Day 7
6. What does your portfolio look like? Talk about as many other WIPs as you’d like here.
I have to be honest here, I never understood portfolio. I mean u understand what it is and its purpose but I never understood how to make it for myself.
But either way I guess I do have certain things I worked on.
Starting of with Collection.
1. Collection: Story 1: Mirror Defect: (DONE) (Sorry no cover)
Not all is as it seems.
Not all can be explained and even when the truth is out not everything will make sense.
"I just lost my brother, I can't lose her."
What can you do when you lose trust in those around you? When grief holds you too close?
When lies are hidden all around you?
When nothing is real?
Can you trust your own eyes? When all goes wrong who can you trust?
"Experitment 1034, you are next"
Is anything real? Are you real?
**Warning: character death, graphic description of the deceased character.**
The story was originally done to scare my uncle. I was going to send him this other story, which R.L. Stine wibe to it but sadly I lost it.
So here we are. Now this story features Mark, who despite all that has occurred, is trying to fix his broken family, even if it means destrying himself but is this family real?
You can check it out here
2. So, A Deal?: (DONE)
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Met with death she has no choice but to let death consume her.
"No, I can't leave like this! Not like this."
There is no other way, or is there? But is she ready?
"What do you want? Does your soul not fill with rage, anger and despair? Pushing you to the core of vengeance? Don't you feel like a ghost? Dreading you will disappear? You know you are nothing but a ghost, and eventually, you will have to fade."
"I have seen the face of affliction brought by my reality, I'm tortured by the future of things that cannot be, haunted by visions of yesterday."
Her sin is great, but her desire greater. Will she survive the burn?
This was something I did for my school wrok once. Although it is quite different than the original work. I'm quite happy with the last chapter. I honestly just posted it out as a test to see if others would like it.
It took quite an effort and I enjoyed doing the last bit of it. I really want to make a sequal to it, get it going, but not really sure if this is going to go well.
You can check it out here.
3. Solar Elements: (DONE)
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Avatar: The last Airbender inspired.
A lot can happen during a lifetime, faultless rotating to flaws, heroes into villains, a lifetime of destruction smiling in your wakes.
A lot can be lost in a lifetime.
"Wolf is going overboard,"
"We do not have time to wait."
"Surrender now and we shall show you all mercy."
"No, we will never yield to you"
"Then so be it."
"You are not prohibited to address better yet conduct such disgrace." "We are still alive!"
"Love you, Son"
A lot can happen during a lifetime, faultless rotating to flaws, heroes into villains, a lifetime of destruction smiling in your wakes.
"And so she has finally awoken."
I had done this for a story contest once, sadly I was unable to win. But I have to behonest, if I had I would have been so annoyed, it was awful, so awful. I won't talk much on it, as I still don't like this too much.
This feature elemtnal magic and time twist you can say, where a character, reborn must choose to either repeat history or change it completely.
4. Pirates tale: (WIPs)
Had this in for a while, been working on it but didn't have a plot till now.
The ship has no name, no crew, nothing. But if you see it, it's already too late.
Legend says they're ghost, some say they are cursed, others....... others don't live to tell the tale.
It was inspired by a prompt I saw once. Hoping to make these pirates cured to be vampires, hidden from all and only visible at night. They are insearch of their first crew captain, the one who must break the cures. Problem is, Captian dies 30 years ago.
Guess, his hidden daughter must be placed instead.
This is dumb, so dumb, but hey, I'll work on it.
5. The Basement: (WIPs)
Another school work.
This one feartures students sneaking into their school's basement. Each with their own story on why the basement is forbbiden.
If only they had listened and not followed through, then maybe they would not have encountered, the hidden dark past of the school.
This has a gay couple, lol I actaully send it to my teacher but I don't think she noticed :(. It needs alot of work though, so this may take a while.
6. To find the Truth: (WIPs)
This one seems to be liked a lot by you guys. Many seem intrigued.
In the dystopian future, when the world government collapsed, when humans fell and the virus took hold, out rose a series of mutants. Their genes mutated by the virus released when a power plant went nuclear.
These mutants, blessed with powers beyond their control, have taken leadership. Smart, strong, powerful and undefeatable. They hold power over the weak like you and me. But I won't let them stop me. I won't let them come in the way.
They are sloppy, weak and useless. The world is filled with criminals, danger and people in need. This world needs justice, it needs help and they won't help, so I will.
"They'll take you away. They take people like them away"
"I won't let them"
I worked up a lot on this in the past few day and have actually most of the plot down. Well the main chracter's backstory at least, even how the virus started and why these mutants have taken over.
I just need to start it out and get it going. I have done that and I was thinking of adding bits and pieces on how the world is after every sub-story, like telling the tale as the story progress.
Was also hoping to give this story, a big reveal as to who these mutants are and how they came to be, why they take other's like them and how they find other's like them.
7. To Sacrifice or To Live? (WIPs)
Still working up on the name here, but the story goes like this.
Two wedding decades a part, each holding nothing but tale forgotten.
An evil entity hanting them both. A power over both familes, readdy to demolish them whole this time.
Will the scarifice work?
Ok, before you turn away, here me out here.
Two weddings, one in the 1900s and the other in 2000s. Both familes trapped in a curse long active, each must work to find a way to break the curse. One failed, made it worse, will the new bride make it? Or will she suffer worse?
8. Collection: Haunting Memories (WIPs)
Jenny doesn't know how she did it but she did. She didn't mean to. She really didn't. But Nina is dead now and it's her fault. She did it.
It's her fault.
Then why do they blame Jake? Jake is sweet, kind and caring. Sure he was the one with the blade, covered in blood and coming to kill Jenny next but it wasn't Jake. Because she saw.
Saw him kill her. Push the blade through Nina, watching as the girl fell. Her blood turning the ground crimson. She saw as the life left Nina's eyes. As the killer slumped to the ground, the control over him wearing off.
Jenny knows because she killed Nina. Then why does no one believe her? And why do her memories differ from Jake's?
“I am telling you what happened.”
“All you are doing is wasting our time.”
“Then be patient, this is all I have. Please just hear me out.”
“We are busy people here. We don’t have time for stupid tales, girl”
“This is not a stupid tale. If you could just listen.”
“We are listening. Listening to you for the past 10 minutes, all you have done so far is tell us useless things. We have things to do.”
“Everything I mention is important. One thing missed and you won’t understand. Please. I need your help.”
“You have 10-”
“Fine 15 minutes.”
This I hope to work and get done by at least in the next month. It need a lot of work and must be quite slow yet fast paced. I need to make the plot a bit more than just what I have written.
8. Trick? No, I'll take the Treat (WIPs)
Halloween themed. Done quite long ago.
What will you do when your Halloween turns into a nightmare?
I have nothing much on it at the moment, but will update this soon.
7. What kind of partnership are you looking for in this event? Friendship? Somebody to bounce ideas off of? Something else? What sorts of people are you hoping to meet and adopt?
Honeslty, I did a lot of research in the past few days and boy do I ned a lot of work done.
For starters, I need someone who can actually tell me how my work is going, just how kuch of an effort I have out in and how it seems to others.
I need harsh, quite harsh feed back so I know what I am doing wrong, what I should improve with and what interests the reader about the book.
I also say wish to meet and know other writers here. Would love to meet them and get to know them.
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inbarfink · 5 years
To continue on from that last comment I made about Justice For All and Phoenix's internal monolouge, I'm gonna talk about it a little more. 
In 'Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney", Phoenix's internal monolouge is designed to be incredibly well-synced with the player. I believe Shu Takumi said that he based Phoenix's thoughts on his own thoughts and comments about what was going on in the plot. As someone who loves watching unspoilered LPers,  many times I've seen LPer's snark sync up with Phoenix - to the point I can't always tell which one is which. (I often put it on in another tab and I don't notice a line is Phoenix’s until it repeated in multiple LPers). The one notable time where Phoenix’s internal monologe was *wrong*, was when he called Miles a ‘liar’ for saying he’s a fan of Will Powers’ work. And I believe this wasn’t technically wrong at the time. I believe the idea that Miles is a Steel Samurai Nerd developed a bit after the first game was done.
By the time we get to "Justice for All", we're used to the idea that we're super-identifying with Phoenix's thoughts - but then JFA adds a wrinkle of... unreliablity to the mix. Phoenix's thoughts are no longer a reliable source to how we should feel about some stuff - and by ‘stuff’ I spesifically mean the character Franziska von Karma. It's not *obvious* in a first playthrough, most players are used to side with Phoenix\Player Characters in general that we're gonna side with his observations about Franziska at first. But replaying it after knowing Franziska better, it's clear that he's being very biased and trying to paint Franziska at a worse light than she deserves. Phoenix in JFA is emotionally-fucked-up due to grief and denial and he started out already deciding that he's not gonna like Franziska because he basically just see her as an extention of her father and maybe of Miles Edgeworth too. Once you realize it. It becomes really clear through Phoenix' internal monoluge. How Franziska is really Not All the Bad in ‘Reunion, and Turnabout’, but where Phoenix would note stuff about that with Miles (because he was searching for evidence Miles could change and improve), he keeps ignoring or misinterpeting it with Franziska just cause he wants her to be the Worst. Most notably, he compared Franziska’s act of concealing a photo from the court with Manfred’s similar action. But where Manfred was being deliberatly dishonest about incriminating evidence which he knew about cause he planned the whole goddam murder, Franziska was legit SUPRISED that the photo actually had case-relevant details. And that’s something that’s easy for players to miss when Phoenix just flat-out ignores it.
And it's just... an intersting decision for a sequal. To make the internal monolouge we already got used to, and make it a bit unreliable.
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Why We Need Gaming News
Evidently not a day goes by with out studying of the grotesque horrors related to modern day life. As with films and TV in days passed by it will seem the standard Video Game has emerged as the nice terror influencing the youth of right this moment's fashionable British society.
20 years ago in the event you were to say the words online game to anyone it could conjure up pictures of fats moustache sporting Italian named plumbers making their way by means of a two-tone facet scrolling magical land to an infuriatingly repetitive 8-bit noticias gamessoundtrack. However if you utter the identical two phrases in 2009 you might be likely to be greeted with a gasps and sighs of disgust as the image of a hooded teen in a darkened room with a yr's supply of vitality drinks and crisps piled up beside them.
It appears very a lot that Video Games have change into the enemy of the 21st Century however given the contradictory nature of online game critics it is difficult to take this view severely, however that has not stopped passionate advocates of contemporary day video games doing their upmost in protest of this Our Blog new medium of violence. None maybe have finished extra for the trigger than Florida based mostly attorney Jack Thompson. Thompson has made it his mission over the past decade to rid the world of violent video video games and guarantee those who do slip by way of the new don't fall in to the palms of minors.
Mr. Thompson has a specific bee in his bonnet regarding one Edinburgh based mostly publisher Rockstar Games. Since the launch of Grand Theft Auto and the Creation of Rockstar video games in 1997 the world of video game critics rejoiced at this new 'scapegoat', the mix of on display violence and hands on recreation play led to issues that video video games could be conditioning youngsters in relation to extreme violence. The video games questionable graphics and soundtrack result in many claims being dismissed, because it was not believed a title with such graphics may have a serious influence on a minors mind.
This changed with the release of the PlayStation 2 in 2000 and Grand Theft Auto three the next yr, this for the primary time bought truly 3D gaming to users. It was with the release of GTA 3 that Jack Thompson's ears pricked up with nice consideration Married Games and it wasn't long earlier than he was at it again. In 2003 Dustin Lynch made an madness plea after being accused of homicide claiming he was 'obsessed' with the sport and been influenced by the sport's depiction of graphic violence.
The plea was retracted and his mother acknowledged that it had nothing to do with Video Games. As video video games have improved each graphically and by way of recreation play they have taken https://marriedgames.com.br/ on new roles in society and in recent times have seen a return to the family orientated leisure hub of yesteryear however can online game developers really declare complete innocence?
The Call of Responsibility sequence is without doubt one of the hottest and successful franchises in video game historical past and has even been adopted by the US army as a manner of coaching the US armies troopers in strategic fight so does this not implement the argument that video video games can indeed 'prepare' gamers Wikipedia Here in violent conditions? Well not precisely sure the advancements made in video games has made the level of realism unquestionably detailed however can it actually be argued that at the moment's youth are uneducated enough to battle to distinguish between actual life and quite a few coloured pixels on a tv display screen?
The contradictory nature I referred to earlier performs into this subject. Weight problems in recent times has change into a real hot subject within the USA and certainly Britain and what was being blamed? Sure, that is proper the time being spent in front of the small screen playing video games, so personally I discover it very troublesome to imagine these overweight avid gamers who apparently spend nothing wanting 'all' their time in front of the tv inflicting mayhem and dysfunction on the streets of this nation.
The online game ranking system ensures titles intended for adults usually are not offered to minors nevertheless it does not make sure that they will not be performed by such minors in some unspecified time in the future. An analogous ranking system is in place in the USA nonetheless it is not nearly as tight as that within the UK and mature titles have been bought to underage US kids.
Grand Theft Auto although a favourite for the prosecution just isn't the only franchise to be blamed, the Virginia Tech bloodbath in 2007 which saw the worst shootings of its form in fashionable history, Jack Thompson was fast to put the blame firmly at Social Profile the door of this exciting entertainment type after he acknowledged, killer Seung-Hui Cho was a fan of first person shooter counterstrike nevertheless it was later revealed by Cho's roommates that they had never even seen him taking part in the sport.
By no means the less the declare had great resonance here within the UK resulting in many retailers refusing to stock sure titles one in all which is another of Rockstar's titles 'Canis Canem Edit' originally generally known as bully which underwent a name change for the UK market due to strain on the publisher, despite the sport utterly advocating bullying. The bloodbath also contributed to the banning of the sequal to controversial Manhunt in the UK market.
As with mobile phones and their apparent hyperlinks to cancer much analysis has been executed in to the link between violence and video games, and it is not just violence that has been researched, oh no, it's also video video games obvious glamorization of intercourse, medicine and maybe even rock and roll'. And what is the conclusion? Nicely unsurprisingly research confirmed no significant hyperlink between video games and violent crimes, sexual assault or drug consumption. Nevertheless alcohol however might be immediately linked with the above however has this led to a world damning of alcohol? No. So what of our buddy Mr.
Thompson? What did he make of this analysis? Effectively, not much because it occurs nonetheless in a sign that video games are 'preventing again' in a very non violent approach after all he has since been barred by the state of Florida from filing any new circumstances as a result of improper conduct and abusing the system.
So nice news video games are off the hook, nicely if only it had been that straightforward. Critics will proceed to search for a simple excuse in justifying a teen's behaviour and when the white coat clad forensics transfer in they may nicely proceed to march previous the sawed off shot gun and the newest edition of shooting for beginners and march straight for the games room and the latest online game with an 18 certificates. However I ask these critics to contemplate this, the gangs or the games which got here first? In the meantime we await the most recent medium that may warp and destroy the minds of the children of the world abandoning logic, cause in favour of blaming the glamorous and evolving world of contemporary leisure.
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eyezlikethesky · 6 years
What annoys me about the recent DC expanded universe is the wasted potential, the heros all are so cool and interesting in the comics and animated movies but due to poor direction, casting and well pretty much everything the movies for me anyway fall flat. Take Justice League for instance, i just watched it tonight and mind you i havent seen all the set up movies but i've seen Batman v Superman and Wonderwoman (both average) we spend the whole movie watching Ben Afleck do some weird funny Batman like he's trying to an Adam West imppersonation but the tone for the movie is dark and it feel weird and out of place, in the animated movies when Batman makes jokes they kind of work and are usually him being equivocal or just kind of a dick but its funny, in this we see him straight up just revealing himself as Bruce Wayne to people he barely knows for no real reason, the movie just felt sloppy and i honestly think Ben Afleck could do better he's a decent actor and i genuinely believe that he could pull off an excelent Batman i think the problem is more with the script, I like the actor playing Aquaman i thought he was pretty good but again his character was i felt anyway not true to the comics which realistically he should be there were elements i saw in there but he was portrayed as like a biker or something idk it felt off for me. Then it seemed cgi heavy to the point where it looks shit me watching it now and this isnt an old movie. Anyway i didnt write this to review Justice League i wrote it to show why i think DC is failing in the Live Action, so lets look at it i'm a huge fan of the TV shows and the animated movies they're fantastic i usually view movies more from a story standpoint and for me most of those shows and movies hold up well the script is good and its an interesting story and the characters dont do stupid shit. So they have made good movies before even the Christopher Nolan movies are clearly great so its not an issue with the characters. That essentially leaves the casting, the Director and the script (plus a lot more but i wont get into all that) so i think a lot of the issues are in the script and the direction the action sequences suck and all the characters just feel off and unrelatable because we only see them as these infallable super heros we cant relate to them. Look at Marvels start they had iron man. Its great because Tony Stark is a likeable character and you can kind of relate to him he's having troubles at work and his love life is in shambles you he's relatable to normal people in some aspects and they spend time showing us Tony Stark he isn't just Iron man the whole movie. I think they tried to do something like this with Wonder Woman but i dont think the actor really pulls off the part. So Anyway Batman is the leader of the Justice League so we start with a movie about him get a villian that makes Bruce hunt him down not just get punchy he's the worlds greatest detective lets have like a murder mystery but i think it could really benefit from having lots of Bruce Wayne time because he's a character that we can relate to as people (something like Mask of the Phantasm would be good) then we have a Superman movie i think a really cool superman movie could start with him beating down some massive badass dude with a few punches and then take some inspiration from one punch man and show him sitting there in his fortress of solitude trying to comprehend his immense power. I think you might get the idea by now have a movie for each member but show them being people obviously have a cool fight as well but you know we need to feel for these characters and have a bunch of stand alone films. Throughout these movies we have Batman lowkey collating data working out that theres an incoming threat maybe we have a movies where Batman and Superman collab not fight but join together to take down someone strong. Anyway. Batman has worked out that heres something bad coming and over this time he already knows where everyone is and what their deal is maybe he's contacted them so we start the Justice League movie with this imminent threat so Batman get the bois together and they as one team work to take down the bad guys but i think its important that they have all the comic book originals in this movie. Then at the end of this one we get them forming together and branding it as the justice league, the sequal could be like dark seid and it would be cool. Then it opens it up for bring in the teen titans, Justice Society ect... then years down the road it all breaks up and we can have Batman V Superman like they do in the dark knight returns, it works better and they way they did it was stupid and a waste of a cool movie. Anyway this is probably pretty unstructured and sloppy bit hopefully its comprehensible, these are just my views on how i think DC could improve their live action movies
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inbarfink · 6 years
Alrighty, here’s all of my Deltarune theories
1. Deltarune’s central theme\moral question will be something a long the lines of “The free will to do bad things versus the safety of not having the bad choices”. To put it in videogame terms (as Undertale was more concerned with meta-commentary about videogames than real-world implications) “Should a game give you the option to do the evil thing even though you should totally do the good thing?”. The world of Deltarune is... safer than Undertale’s, at least that’s how it looks like. You literally can’t do a Genocide run, you *have* to end your adventure in the Dark World as a ‘Hero’, you have to be good - no matter what you want. It’s safer, since there’s no chance of a Genocide-Timeline, but it’s... oppresively suffocating when you know you have no other option - and kinda creepy to think about the fact that even if you WANT to be a horrible human being, everyone is ignorant to it and thinks you’re a great hero anyway. The world of Deltarune is a world where *nobody* has a choice; the player is railroaded, Kris is controlled against their will, Ralsei argues we *have* to be heroes because of a prophecy, the Darkners were created for a ‘purpose’ so their Free Will might be kinda fucked. The “Pacifist” Ending to the Dark World segment feels like a rushed parody of an Undertale Pacifist Run, complete with going back and talking with all the monsters you befriended. But it feels... deeply unsatisfying because this “Happy Ending” was not caused by your hard choices, but because you just... did as you’re told. Plus, Kris and friends have caused no REAL change in the Dark World the way Frisk changed everything to the Monsters living in the Underground. Sure, there’s a new ruler in Card Kingdom - but the Darkners are still living hidden from Lightners without much hope of having “purpose” again. Meanwhile, in the Light World, the Monsters have lives that... fairly happy and safe - but not quite as happy as they could be in the Undertale True Pacifist Ending. There’s less relationships, less self-improvement, less people-choosing-who-they-want-to-be. No free will robs you of satisfaction and reaching your fullest potential, but on the other hand... is it worth it if it means someone (*eyes the Player*) will use that free will to do evil? Yeah, the Light World is not quite as happy as the True Pacfist Ending - but it is not the only ending Undertale has.
2. There are two main antagonist-forces in the story: The Angel’s Paradise, that force the Delta Warriors are destined to banish and whatever you wanna call the Queen and the Knight and ect. The Angel’s Paradise is responsible for ridding this word of choices, probably for that sort of ‘greater good’ of preventing people from making bad choices (Although, to be thematic, the Angel’s Paradise is also robbed of choice in some way). The Knight and the Queen and company wish to bring choices INTO this world, but like... in a bad way. By destroying and remaking it or something. They would be a metaphor for a frustrated-denied-Genocide-player. But they would also be potrayed sympathetically somewhat because, as mentioned - not having choices sucks.
3. Since the Angel seems to be the center of the religion of Hometown, I think Deltarune will be upping the JPRGness game of Undertale by having Kris literally fight against the God-Figure of their parent’s religion to restore free will to the universe.
4. The Angel’s Religion in the Light World would be very open about the fact that it’s all about personal choices being less important than safety. That’s why Toriel is so religious, valuing safety over freedom was always kinda her thing.
5. I do, at the very least, believe Toby Fox’s claims this is not a direct sequal to Undertale and it doesn’t effect the ending of Undertale that you got in any way. I espacially buy that last part. It’s VERY important to Undertale’s themes that all endings are equally “canon” and whatever one is real depends on the player’s choices and nothing else. I don’t think Toby wants to make either True Pacifist or Genocide or Post-Genocide Pacifist into the “Real Ending”. That hardly means it has to be a totally unrelated AU, however. My money right now is that we’re looking at a stealth prequal. The World of Deltarune is one without choices, by banishing the “Angel’s Paradise” and\or letting the Queen and the Knight destroy and remake the world - they create the world of Undertale, one where there are choices. Although the characters are fearful about existing their safe, railroaded world, they are hopeful this new world would be even better with choices. Although the ending is the “same”, it’s context would be different depending on what you did in Undertale. If you ended with True Pacifist ending, you have proven the hopes the Deltarune people had for the new world correct. If you did a Genocide run, then the Deltarune people just look like dupes and overidealistic fools and you have accidently proven the Angel’s Paradise totally correct about how nobody can be trusted with choices and you’re no better than the Queen whooops. 
6. Undertale tells us the original meaning of the Delta Rune symbol has been lost to time. I’m guessing that although the Underground interpeted as a prophecy of freedom - this was all just conjecture and coincidence on their part. The real meaning will be revealed in Delta Rune, it’s probably the Delta Warriors banishing the Angel’s Paradise (IE, the Undertale World’s creation myth, basically). Question is, why is one of the triangles upside down?
7. Not only do I think Sans might be originally from the Deltarune timeline (and aware of it), I think he might be a Darkner. Implications that Sans might not be originally from neither the Underground or the Surface, and that he might not be a proper Monster - are well-documented in the Undertale fandom (”You must really want to go home. Hey, I know the feeling, buddo.” “look. i gave up trying to go back a long time ago. and getting to the surface doesn't really appeal anymore, either.” The fact that he bleeds, can dodge attack and we don’t ACTUALLY see him turn to dust.) I just never took them super-seriously cause none of the purposed “solutions” made sense to me. Sans as a Darkner, though? Darkners are not originally from the Underground, Lancer’s dialouge implies they can bleed, and we don’t know what happens when *they* die. Not to mention, they can perfectly dodge attacks if they’re ‘On Guard’. ALSO, the most consistent difference between Monsters and Darkners? Monsters have Black-and-White dialouge icons, Darkners have them in full-color. But Sans (and Papyrus) have black-and-white faces. Darkners or Monsters, THEIR PROFILES WOULD LOOK THE SAME. That’s the sort of Hidden-in-Plain-Sight twist Toby Fox is into. Papyrus is almost certainly a Monster, he turns to dust when you kill him and everything. So that would mean Papyrus and Sans are not brothers by blood or something like that. Maybe Sans adopted that little Monster Skeleton Child as his “brother” to keep his Lightner disguise intact and ended up really honestly caring for the guy as his true bro.
8. Speaking of Papyrus? Something is very much up with him being one of the only Undertale Monsters you don’t get to meet. I support the speculation that he might have a radically different personality in that timeline, but also... Sans only mentions hanging out with his “Little Brother”, he never mentioned a name. Could it be that Sans’ brother is not Papyrus? At least not yet? I mean, we still don’t know where Gaster fits into this timeline.
9. I’m betting that Deltarune Asriel is... secretly a jerk. Mostly because: A. Ralsei is an obvious Flowey-Analogue and he’s as sweet as they come so what does that makes of the analoge for Flowey’s sweet alterego. B. Everyone is just so fucking praiseful of the guy some other shoe’s gotta drop C. Deltarune has some real ‘Monkey’s Paw’ vibes in regards to what people wanted out of Undertale 2 (Dark World = Just Undertale Again with Some Terms Switched and Upgraded Gameplay, Light World = Hanging Out with the Post-Pacifist Happy Ending Characters) it only make sense Toby Fox would want to fuck with our desire to see Asriel alive by making him such a radically different (and asshole) person. Kris’ gloomy and antisocial personality might be a result of being bullied by their big brother while nobody notices and assumes Asriel is Just Such a Nice Big Bro and Great and Hot. I’d be bitter too. They could have, like, a sequence that plays on our expecations of Asriel from Undertale. Where at first he comes in and seem as nice and sweet as that other Asriel and the player buys into it too (even though Kris was in a position where he would have recognized it as non-sincere) only for it to be NOOOPE he’s a jerk actually! Why did you fall for his trap Kris you’re the one person who knows how he REALLY is it’s almost like you’re mind-controlled or something? Thankfully, since Asriel was last in town, Kris aquired a new mean purple friend who likes eating faces and doesn’t like mean family members.
10. As for the OTHER Goatson, I don’t think Ralsei is like... secretly sinister or deciving Kris and Susie - but I also don’t think his worldview is as sweet and correct and right all the time. His issue is more... naivete, and being just a bit too comfortable with a lack of choice. (He honestly doesn’t seem to realize why Susie isn’t really into “Well, the prophecy says you’re a chosen one so you MUST be a hero and act nice and stuff). Although he means well, I think more will be called into question about his worldview other than the Pacifism. I am also... kinda expecting the twist that he might not be the Prince from the Dark. Again, not because he lied, but because he was... mistaken. (In the Legend of the Deltarune speia tone thing, the Monster and Human clearly look like Susie and Kris - but the Prince of the Dark only looks like Ralsei because he is wearing a cloak, which is not his default outfit. I feel like this might be relevant). He wanted it to be true cause then he’d get to go on an adventure and be a hero and have friends - so he just convinced himself it’s true. Would he be so okay with following prophecies when he finds out that, like, Lancer or whatever is who’s REALLY supposed to be a hero and friends with Susie and Kris?
11. Also that part about Darkners being made with a ‘purpose’, to ‘serve’ the Lightners... it REALLY creeps me out. Ralsei says Lancer feels good inside about being friends with Kris and Susie because he’s ‘fulfilling his purpose’... Is it possible that maybe all Darkners are just... a little too suggestible to friendship from Lightners? Like the friendship with Lancer seems pretty honest, but maybe all the ‘friendships’ we made with the Darkners we spared had less to do with us just being nice and more about us accidently overriding their free will??? Scary to think about, but it fits with the theme of Restrained for the Greater Good versus Free and Evil. It could also explain the King of Spades’ reaction to Lancer saying the Lightners are his friends, as far as the Spade King knew this was more Mind Control than actual friendship. Maybe the Spade King doesn’t think there’s any way to solve that dilemma but destory all the Lightners so that the Darkners won’t have to worry about that ‘purpose’ shit anymore? He thinks it might be the only way his people could have free will? (Also there’s a real theme here about rejecting railroading by becoming a villain; Spade King being a self-professed ‘Bad Guy’, Susie rejecting the role of the Hero to also become a Bad Guy, probably Kris at the end)
12. As for the ‘purpose’ for which Darkners were created. Well, to be meta, I think they were created to be NPCs for RPGames... sorta. I don’t think the game is gonna use the term outright, but they’ll word it like the Darkners were created to play villains and secondary roles in epic-fantasy-stories Lightners made happen inside their realm. That’s why the Dark World follows RPG Logic closer than the Underground (you can sell items in shops, for example), and why all the Darkners are themed after things like Chess and Checkers and Card Games and Plushies. They were made to be playthings, games. 
I think that’s it for my predictions to what’s gonna happen next in Deltarune, stay tuned to literally none of them being true in any way.
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