#maybe i should remade it slower? idk
goldenpinof · 11 months
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okay, thank you
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mgf-game · 2 years
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Here's a rough sketch idea of how I envision the character art. I've never done character design before, so I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing. Actually I've never done any of this before so it's my first time if you can leave me any advice in the comments I would appreciate it!! I'll come back and edit or add to this post as I flesh out the game idea more.
Her magical wardobe
I want my protagonist to be a magical girl so I gave her a dress. I embellished the garment with basic magical symbols to represent items she can pick up. I've never done clothing design so I tried to keep it basice. She has a light color scheme and her hair is brown because I still want to keep her rooted to reality but when the game is built I'd like to add customization options so she'll be able to have her hair changed.
Core game fighting style
The player can select between 2 fighting styles.
The first style is the staff equipped which she uses to spread an AOE multi enemy type attack. It's fantastical and opens her up to abilities. Her attacks are a little weaker but it looks cool and she deals damage to multiple enemies at a time.
The second style is fist Mano e Mano- she throws her staff into the ground behind her and lifts her fists, a little animation should emphasize magic around her fists so she can attack 1v1 she hits way harder but she's a bit slower and can't fight off too many at once.
When she switches between attack styles there should be a 1 second delay but it should feel cool and switching styles should help with strategy while fighting different waves or bosses. Also maybe staying on one style should be rewarded or punished depending on whatever is more fun ill have to think about it.
Fighting enemies and gathering condensed magic crystals
The enemy squud here would be one of many, I didn't really think about enemy design the Lil squid here is just a placement holder. I would rather have enemies that represent some abstract representation of magical energy or creatures that look they could be made of magic. Anyway enemies drop condensed magic and coins.
Coins are used to purchase clothes or weapons
Magic is used to power up or increase mana/magic capacity. I think some types of condensed magic could also be used as prestige points.
The art style
I don't want to spend hours drawing each character so I'm working with a simple chibi style sketch large outline for each object that the player can interact with. I want it to be less colorful and more pastel like nothing too hard on the eyes.
During serious bits or hard-core parts I want to flesh out a more illustrated or realistic sketchy anime style.
Core gameplay loop
So you switch between fighting styles while fighting waves of monsters or bosses as your character fights they improve in either skills being able to take on tougher challenges depending on how they've built their character while idling- at some point they are defeated or die but they're reborn or remade via the crystal bits they be collected idk and start out at lvl 1 they can spend collected coins or crystals to buy or equip different clothes or armors or weapons to fit their playstyle.
The plot
Uh I'm not sure. I think whatever is going on she's like getting revenge for a loved one who was killed and basically she has to kill her way through a vast amount of enemies before she reaches the big bad the irony is she herself is killed a billion times and everytime she resets she loses a little more of herself but tbh idk I'm not a writer ill have to think about it longer. Maybe the crystals take her over. Oh maybe the more crystals you use to Power up distorts your character over time and so you can choose an active playstyle where you get stronger faster but your character looks more evil or a more idle passive approach where you gather strength but naturally idk.
Those are the basics I have rn, I don't want to spend weeks working on art or plots i just want to build
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murkycran · 4 years
Summary: "First, there was never any proof that was even me, and secondly, I have a hatchback, Virgil, obviously any hypothetical opossums in cages would be stored in the back rather than on my leather seats." 
"I was literally sitting beside you when Remus asked you to help and you said yes-" --- It's pouring when they leave the movies, Remus does his best to get them all banned from the theatre, Virgil's ride canceled on him, and only three of them are wearing rain boots.
Rating: Teen
Relationships: Gen
Characters: Morality | Patton Sanders, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders, Logic | Logan Sanders, Deceit | Janus Sanders, Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders, Sleep | Remy Sanders
Tags: Friendship, Teenagers, Alternate Universe - Human, Fluff, Remus' brand of humor, Anxiety, Angst, very small angst where Virgil is having negative thoughts, But Nothing Too Bad
Words: 3410
Read on AO3!
As the end credits rolled and the lights of the theater brightened to allow guests to leave, the sudden lack of theatrical music revealed another sound.
"Is that rain?" Virgil asked, leaning forward in his seat to look at the others.
Remus was already out of his seat and hurriedly making his way...up? the theatre steps, rather than heading for the exit. Roman didn't appear to be paying attention at all, seemingly trying to reach down the back of his shirt for something while Logan checked his phone for missed notifications. Janus gave Virgil a dry look. "No, that's not rain at all. It totally sounded like that before the movie started."
As if punctuating his words, a rumble of thunder shook the building.
Patton hopped to his feet and dug around in his drawstring bag for a bit before emerging with a collapsible, lime-green umbrella clasped in his hand. "I hope everyone came prepared! I wouldn't want the weather to dampen the mood!"
Virgil completely missed the pun, because he, in fact, did not come prepared and was already dreading getting his clothes soaked. Janus at least remarked, "I'm not sharing my umbrella."
"Nor am I," Logan agreed, standing up as he put his phone away. "I told everyone in the group text earlier today to bring adequate rain gear, so no one is going to be able to use the excuse that they 'didn't know'."
Virgil sighed as he stood with the others and they began shimmying down the aisle towards the stairs. "Yeah, well, I kinda ducked out of the group text after Remus started threatening spoilers for the movie."
Speaking of. "HEY! Hey, guys, look!"
Virgil already felt a wave of mortification sweeping over him as not only their group but everyone else still in the theatre turned towards the projection booth at the top of the stairs. Remus was using his hands to make shadow puppets of dicks in front of the light coming from the projector.
"Oh my god," Virgil choked out, suddenly wishing the ground would swallow him up. Janus and Logan both wore unimpressed looks as Patton chuckled nervously and called back up to Remus. "Hey kiddo, maybe come back down? We don't want the movie theatre employees to ban you again."
"Patton, stop acting like we know him!" Virgil hissed. "Everyone's looking at us!"
"Normally I'd relish the attention," Roman spoke up as he finally stood, still shifting his shirt and jacket in an odd fashion, "but I have to agree with the Dark Knight on this one, padre. I'd rather we all not get banned because of my brother."
"Glad to see the everlasting, unbreakable bond of blood between brothers is still as strong as ever," Janus said.
Logan pushed his glasses up on his nose, raising an eyebrow at the tamer twin. "Roman, what are you doing?"
Roman's reply was cut off as Remus made a mad, cackling dash back down the stairs through the last of the people leaving the theatre as employees appeared from behind the projection booth door.
"We should leave quickly," Logan said. He was checking his phone again. "I'm getting flash flood warnings for our area."
Virgil groaned. "As if Remy's driving wasn't bad enough."
They all shared a wince. No one carpooled with Virgil twice after riding with Remy in the driver seat.
The remaining five - since Remus was no longer in sight - began making their way down the stairs. Roman lagged behind after every few steps, still tugging at his shirt behind his back. After reaching the bottom and glancing back to see the twin still struggling on the stairs halfway up, Patton finally asked, "Do you need help, bud?"
Roman huffed frustratedly. "Remus kept putting candy down the back of my shirt during the movie. I got the Twizzlers out, but I'm pretty sure he also dropped some Reese's Pieces down my collar. I think they're stuck to my back from sitting between me and the seat cushion."
"Oh, so that's what he was doing," Janus said. "I was wondering why he was moving around so much."
"Aw, what a waste of candy," Patton pouted.
"Dude, just go in the bathroom and take your shirt off to check," Virgil said.
"Yes, please do that," Janus agreed, eyeing Roman warily all of a sudden. "If you're going to be riding in my car there will be no melted candy left behind in the seats."
Roman sighed but finally stopped pulling at his shirt and jacket to follow them the rest of the way out. As they neared the bathrooms, Logan asked, "Why didn't you just stop him from doing it?"
The twin scoffed. "Uh, have you met my brother? It's Remus, you can't tell him to do anything, and it would've been exactly what he wanted: me making a scene in a dark theater. Besides, I got some revenge by shoving SourPatch Kids down his shirt, too." The last bit was said with a bit of pride.
Janus groaned dramatically as Roman left them outside the bathrooms. "Great, two people littering candy in my car." He sighed as he made his way to the benches against the wall opposite of the bathrooms and sat down, pulling his yellow, faux snake skin-patterned backpack into his lap and opening it.
Patton took a seat beside Janus and Virgil sat on Patton's other side, slouching down with his hands shoved in his pockets. Virgil said, "I know for a fact that you helped Remus smuggle possums into the guys gym at school two months ago using your car to back up to the back entrance. Yet you're worried about a few pieces of candy?"
Janus rolled his eyes as he pulled off his left shoe. "First, there was never any proof that was even me, and secondly, I have a hatchback, Virgil, obviously any hypothetical opossums in cages would be stored in the back rather than on my leather seats."
"I was literally sitting beside you when Remus asked you to help and you said yes-" Virgil started to argue, but Patton cut him off quickly, desperate to avoid the argument that was sure to start. "Janus, you brought rainboots, too?"
The teen in question had pulled two shiny yellow rainboots out of his backpack and already had one on. "Of course I did. My regular shoes are too nice to get wet. Plus, these keep water from getting on the cuff of my pants."
Logan was looking at the garishly yellow backpack somewhat dubiously. "How did you even fit those in there? You snuck in all the drinks in that bag."
"Please, I'm a very efficient packer. Carrying five bottles of soda in just because you all are too cheap to buy from the concession here was child's play, even with my boots."
"I wore my boots, too!" Patton excitedly stuck his feet out, proudly showing off his cat-patterned rainboots. "Why didn't you wear yours in? They're so cute!"
"What if it hadn't rained?" Janus asked as he packed away the shoes he'd originally been wearing, now sporting his yellow rainboots. "I would've looked like a fool."
Logan said, "There was a ninety percent chance of rain."
"Still didn't want to risk it."
"Risk what?" Roman interrupted, finally leaving the bathroom.
Virgil stood up, looking at his phone. "Janus ruining his hypothetical reputation."
The hoodie-clad teen missed the impressive glare Janus shot his way. "Excuse you-"
"Guys, where's Remus?" Roman once again interrupted (to the relief of Patton and Logan).
"I think he's outside," Logan said, pulling out his collapsible, navy blue umbrella. "He's probably waiting on us."
He was right. Sort of. Outside the rain was pouring down hard enough that a mist was being swept under the overhang of the theatre by the wind. The parking lot was visibly flooded with only a few cars left in sight. They found Remus using a sharpie to draw on one of the encased movie posters placed outside the building. "You guys are slower than corpses. I've already drawn on Shia LaBeouf's movie poster over there and remade it into a masterpiece. Want to see?"
Everyone was thankfully saved from answering by Virgil's strangled noise of frustration. "Guys, I have a problem."
As Patton held a hand out for the sharpie (which Remus turned over with only a slight pout), he asked, "What's wrong, kiddo?"
"Remy just said he can't pick me up. He thinks the tread on his tires wouldn't stand up against this much rain and he's worried we'd hydroplane."
Well, what Remy actually said was this:
Sleepy bastard: hey V, sorry but I can't pick u up tonite. it's raining 2 hard *sad face emoji*
Virgil: seriously? how am I supposed to get home?
Sleepy bastard: gee, idk, ask ur friends? call an uber? hey, I'll even pay for it bc this is kinda my fault
Virgil: what
Sleepy bastard: I keep forgetting 2 go get new tires and I'm afraid the tread wouldn't get any good traction with it raining this bad. can you imagine getting out in this like that, with MY driving? *horrified face emoji* one of ur friends is some rich kid, right? i bet he can afford tires, probably the BEST tires *several dollar sign emojis*
Virgil: oh my god
Virgil: youre my cousin and youre literally leaving me out in the cold
Sleepy bastard: gee, babe, it's almost like that driver's test u refuse 2 take might actually be worth taking now, huh?
Sleepy bastard: ok srry that was a low blow. but rlly i think u should try 2 get a ride with ur friend. not kidding about my tires being shit. college is sucking my bank account dry and i don't want 2 add a car repair bill, or worse, a hospital bill
Virgil: ...fine
Sleepy bastard: cool cool, I'll leave the lights on for u. lmk if u decide to spend the night at a friends house instead
Virgil almost would've laughed at that if he wasn't currently wondering how he was going to get home, because spending the night at one of his friends' houses, unexpected and uninvited? Yeah, right, like he'd do that. He needed at least two days' notice in order to psych himself up into talking to anyone else's parents, let alone inviting himself to their house unexpectedly.
Thankfully, he didn't have any reservations about asking his friends for a ride. "I need a ride. Can I go with one of you guys?"
The rest of the group shared a glance. Janus spoke up. "Well, technically I was driving everyone home... Roman and Remus were dropped off and Logan rode with me here from school since we had a debate team meeting after school. Patton had a GSA club meeting after school so he rode with me, too. My car only holds five people."
Virgil felt the first stirrings of panic winding up in his chest - he's such an inconvenience, if only he could make himself take the stupid driving test without freezing up - only for the fear to die as Remus suddenly scoffed. "Of course you can fit more than five people in that fancy car of yours, Dee, you're just not trying hard enough."
"Remus, you're not riding on the roof of the car again. We saw what happened last time," Logan said in a somewhat exasperated tone.
Patton paled. "Again?"
Roman waved off the cat-loving teen, unfazed. "Trust me, you didn't miss much. They were going so fast I didn't even get a good video out of it."
Patton made a choking noise, looking increasingly more worried. "Guys-"
Remus giggled, slapping a hand down on Patton's shoulder. "Don't worry, Dad, I was so pumped full of adrenaline I didn't even feel anything when I landed."
"You're going to give him a stroke," Virgil muttered, eyeing the increasingly paler Patton warily.
"The point is..." Remus cut in, "if the back cargo space is good enough for my opossum friends, then it's good enough for me. Problem solved."
"Hypothetical opossum friends," Janus hurriedly corrected. "But sure, we can try it."
"Cool, great, quick question though-" Roman said, staring out at the flooding parking lot. "Why the hell did you park so far away?"
All eyes turned to squint out through the virtual monsoon that was coming down. At the farthest end of the darkened lot sat golden Chevy Bolt, illuminated by the weak beam of a parking lot light pole.
"So people wouldn't park near me and risk scratching my car, obviously," Janus said, completely unbothered by the fact that his car was at least a good fifty yards away. "Unlike some people, I brought an umbrella and appropriate footwear. I can just pull back around and pick you all up so you don't drip in my car."
Completely disregarding his words, Remus suddenly shouted, "First loser to the car gets shotgun!", before taking off headlong into the pouring rain. Not to be outdone by his brother, Roman cursed before running after him, yelling, "NOT FAIR!"
The remaining four watched with varying reactions of dismay, amusement, and confusion.
"...Wouldn't the loser be the last one to the car? And I thought Remus was going to ride in the back...?" Logan asked.
Janus hummed. "He is. I'm pretty sure he just wanted to get wet."
Virgil once again regretted his life choices, looking down at his worn-out converses and tattered jeans. "This is gonna suck so bad. I'm going to be soaked the second I step out there."
"I don't know," Patton said with a smile, still watching Remus and Roman chase each other in the rain. "It looks kinda fun to me."
"Oh, please," Janus started, shooting a wide-eyed look at Patton, "don't tell me you're actually thinking about-"
The glasses-wearing teen shot Janus a bright smile. "Pleeeeease?"
The blonde teen stared hard at Patton, trying to resist. After a few moments, Janus finally crumbled with a put-out sigh and roll of his mismatched eyes. "Fine, go for it. Seems like everyone is out to ruin my car's interior tonight, you might as well join in."
With a gasp of delight, Patton leaped forward and put his arms around the shorter teen, exclaiming, "Thanks, Janus!"
Looking a bit like an indignant cat that didn't want to be held, Janus awkwardly patted his back. "Sure. Whatever."
Virgil was snickering to himself at the look on Janus' face, only to be startled out of it by Patton shoving his collapsible umbrella into his hands. "Here, Virge, you can have my umbrella since I won't be using it now!"
Then the cat-loving teen was laughing as he dashed out into the rain, ignoring Logan's call of, "Be careful!"
The last three friends watched as the others gleefully ran about the parking lot. Roman reached the car before his brother, but Remus just jumped on his twins' back and held on, making Roman shriek indignantly and stagger as he tried to adjust to the new weight. Patton was finding the deepest puddles of the parking lot and jumping in each one with giant splashes, his laughter echoing across the parking lot even in the rain.
Janus sighed once again and pulled out his umbrella. "Well, I suppose it was about time I had my car detailed anyways."
As Logan opened his own navy umbrella, he said, "I suggest we walk at a slower pace than the others to the car. Not only could we slip if we ran, but running in the rain causes you to get even wetter than if you walk because more droplets are hitting you as you increase speed."
Virgil hummed, taking note for the next time he had to go between classes when it was raining and opened the bright green umbrella Patton had lent to him. It popped open to reveal two eyes and a mouth resembling a frog's face on the green fabric. Cute, he thought to himself (but didn't dare say out loud; he had an aesthetic to maintain). Mumbling, he shot a "thanksforlettingmeridewithyou" in Janus' direction.
The blonde teen's mismatched eyes lit up and he grinned. "What was that, Virgil? I don't think I heard you. Speak up a little bit."
The hoodie-clad teen huffed. "You heard me, I'm not saying it again."
"Hm, rude."
All three of them stepped out into the downpour and began making their way through the flooded areas of the parking lot. Virgil's shoes were soaked in virtually seconds, but at least his hair and eyeshadow was dry. Patton had nearly made it to the car at this point as Remus chased Roman around the vehicle, going in circles while shouting at each other.
Janus twirled the keys in his hand but made no move to unlock the doors until he was standing at the driver's side door. Patton moved to get in the door behind the driver's seat. He was soaked to the bone and grinning as Virgil came to stand next to him and shared the umbrella with him (even though it wouldn't do much good at that point). Roman, thinking Janus was about to unlock the door, stopped running to stand and wait at the passenger seat door. "HA! I call shotgun."
Stopping turned out to be a mistake. Remus, still thoroughly engrossed in the chase, tackled his brother right into the wet asphalt with a triumphant cry. Logan deftly stepped in to take Roman's former spot and it was only then that Janus unlocked the car.
Everyone sans Roman and Remus quickly piled into the luxury hatchback that no high schooler had any right to be driving. As Janus cranked up the heat to full blast, a soaking wet Roman swung open the door to the backseat and dove into the last open spot behind Logan, grumbling. "Seriously, Remus, why? You just succeeded in getting us both completely wet. This jacket is probably ruined now, thanks to you."
Remus, who was already crawling into the cargo space behind the back seats via the back hatch, blew a raspberry. "Just get it dry-cleaned, you baby. Besides, some of us like getting wet, if you know what I mean." The comment was collectively ignored.
"I can already tell there's going to be scuff marks from the pavement," Roman said as he examined the fabric. "I hope those Sour Patch Kids I put down your shirt melted to your clothes when you got us both wet."
"Oh, I already ate those."
There were more than a few disgusted faces in the car at that particular statement. Roman looked horrified. "That's so disgusting- How are we even related?"
A question everyone had heard numerous times...
"The car isn't moving till everyone is wearing their seatbelt," Janus stated, sternly eyeing the backseat passengers in the rearview mirror. He and Logan were both already buckled.
Virgil scooted over a bit for Patton, who had taken the middle seat between Virgil and Roman, to reach his buckle. "But Remus doesn't have a seatbelt."
"Remus doesn't count," Janus said.
"Yeah, emo," Remus leaned forward to poke Virgil in the neck. "God herself couldn't kill me."
Virgil gave a full-body shudder at the poke - Remus' fingers were freezing - and leaned forward to get away from the offending hand. "I swear to god, Rem, if you keep that up-"
Patton paused in trying to wipe away at the water obscuring his glasses and turned in his seat, squinting. "Now kiddos, play nice-"
Roman snorted. "I don't think my brother even knows how to 'play nice'."
Remus jabbed freezing fingers into Roman's unprotected neck in gleeful retaliation.
Tuning out the less mature back seat passengers and setting the windshield wipers at full blast, Janus shifted into drive and began to slowly pull out of the nearly empty parking lot. Logan studied him out of the corner of his eye for a few moments before saying, "I would think you'd be more upset at the amount of water we tracked into your car, Remus and Roman especially."
Janus shot Logan a mischievous grin as he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. "Oh, I'm sure I'll find a way to collect on this favor with each of you at a later date."
"Of course you would," Logan sighed, already dreading the implications.
The blonde teen simply snickered, finally pulling out onto the road to begin the ordeal of dropping everyone off at their respective homes.
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