#maybe i should try sketching digitally again?
kurocatsstuff · 9 days
11:55 : reincarnation.
genre : angst, suggested suicide, hallucinations, Scaramouche x reader, GN reader
notes : I got bored, consider this my apology for not updating on the magical girl AU I did :3
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You’d never really resorted to anything in life, your grades were average at best, the only talent you ever had was drawing yet you couldn’t improve, your envy and self esteem dragged you to the ground, and you were always alone. No matter how much you hated it you were alone.
You were blessed to be having the friend you do have, Scaramouche. Yet you were scared to talk to him in the public because you knew he was too good to be true. Beautiful, smart, cold yet soft to you, your exact type. And that’s how you always knew he was just an hallucination, because he was fictional, Scaramouche from Genshin Impact.. as your real life friend? How stupid you would sound if you said that.
Holding his hand, comforting silence, intimate situations. All that you’ve experienced is just a wall blocking the loneliness that ate you alive. Just a reflection of what you want.
11:34 PM, you were at the playground, sitting on the swings with Scaramouche to your right.
The cold breeze embraced you as you shivered in response, your coat and red scarf helping you through it.. turning to Scaramouche, you saw that he was looking through your sketch book.
“..Is this me?” He pointed towards the unfinished sketch as he tilted the page towards you so you could see it. “Yes, that’s you.” You answered in a quiet tone, you were a bit nervous to talk to him. Even when it was night, everyone was sleeping other than the few teenagers that smoked in the nearby alleyway.
Scaramouche smiled softly, a smile only you could see in a literal way. “It’s nice.” He mumbled, a soft blush on his face as he looked at it. You nodded in response. “Why don’t you finish any of your drawing anymore? You’re only sketching nowadays without finishing it like you used to.” You gently swing, while he was unmoving.
“Because it’s just wasting time.” Right, just wasting time… coloring and shading, completing your drawings either traditionally or digitally it was rare for you to do. Honestly you didn’t see a point in it anymore, you’ll just disappoint yourself again. And it won’t change, you couldn’t improve no matter how hard you tried.
“You should try at least, it’s nice to have a finished piece.” He wouldn’t know what it would be like, he’s not an artist, he’s not human either, he’s not even real. “..hey Scara?” You called out his name.
“Do you believe in reincarnation.. like, to another world once you die?” He wouldn’t die, but it would be nice to ask. What does Scaramouche think about reincarnation?
“Do you think I could meet the real you if I get reincarnated?”
“I am real.”
“No, you’re not.”
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caruskie · 3 months
Doodle dump + warning: bløød and lil vent
Hello! Sorry for shitpost again, today wasn't really any good. But, here's some silly doodles (maybe I'll make some more later)
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Yep, it's da boiz again! Trying to get the Toppats :D
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Yeah, he just thrown it. I mean... Still works?
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Lil Charles sketch! I've seen like a looot of art where he was an angel. I get the idea (still sad on that ending) maybe I should try to draw my version some time..
Okay, it's bløød warning again! I know it's drawn shitty, but I understand that some people still can be triggered by that
So yeah, you're warned
She failed to stop Henry and got into trouble:
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Yeah, watercolors. I haven't drawn with them in a while. It's nice to draw with then, especially when you were doing more digital stuff or just something else
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I wonder if Dmitri yells at his employees (I'm still afraid to be yelled at lol)
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ravangie · 3 months
Your style of characters is so beautiful!! How did you learn/develop/practice to draw like that?
Ah!!! Thank you!! 💗💗💗✨✨
Here comes a long rant, get ready
Talking about your own art style is kinda tricky, I feel like to artists it comes as second nature, so one doesn't really see it as a so-called separate "style". Rather they see it as a continuation of themselves in a drawn form (at least i do). But if i had to, i'd say that one's art style consists of two things:
1) What comes naturally.
I look at 5 year old kids drawing and see that each one of then has their own unique style. Already. Without even trying.
I've been drawing my whole life and I never tried to shape my drawing style into a box that I could call "my style". I just let the lines flow naturally and followed where they led me.
I started going to live-drawing sessions again recently and my friend told me that she could see "my style" of drawing that she sees in my digital works in those quick sketches that I make during these sessions. I think that's because when I work on digital illustrations, I don't think about how I should draw this or that. I just do it.
So, practise! With time, the ways you personally draw things will flow to you. When you draw one thing a 100 times you start to notice simularities in all of the 100 different examples, and then you systematize what you've learned and put it to use drawing your 101 drawing. After a while you won't even think about it before drawing them in the usual for you way.
I like to draw freely, not picking up a pencil from paper, with my lines just flowing naturally everywhere that I want them to. And I try to keep that same feeling in my finished drawings (where there is lineart still visible).
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Here, found an example of a quick live sketch without any boobies for ya (just to be safe) and a linework for one on my more recent digital works. See how I try to keep the lines alive in the same way. And add highlights where I deem them necessary just for something interesting to the eye.
2) Your inspiration.
Everything that you see and like impacts your style, whether you mean it or not. My friend (other friend) watched Wolfwalkers the other night and immediately texted me saying she could see the inspiration that I've drawn from that movie. And she was right. I am a fan of the artstyle of the whole studio, so it's only natural that i, maybe even unconsciously, took something that i liked from their works and incorporated it into my own art style.
When I asked my friend what exact simularities she saw, she couldn't pinpoint them, she said it's just the vibe that she's getting. And i was content with that answer. Means i didn't copy and paste, but rather interpreted what i liked in my own way.
Also. Very important. You have to love what you draw. You're gonna wanna spend some extra time and add those extra couple of strokes that don't add anything in meaning, but are there to just be pretty. Sometimes those couple of strokes make the biggest difference. I think it's is very important to take time to just sit with your work and listen to what it needs to make it truly finished. A drawing can go from empty and unfinished to fantastic in just a couple of lines.
So. There it is. Sorry for the long answer. Or maybe you're welcome? Anyway hope it satisfies you!💖💖
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iztea · 6 months
Maybe you have some drawing tips for beginners?
Your style is incredibly beautiful and it just inspires this thing inside me to grab my iPad and start drawing but unfortunately I have no idea where to even begin
Or maybe you have some recs where to look to learn how to draw stuff?
But I understand completely that it’s your thing and artists should never feel pressured to share all their techniques and secrets, you worked hard on it!
I just really really love your art to the point where I just look at it for 30 minutes straight with this big feeling in my chest
ah it was never about being secretive, i'm pretty open about my drawing process since gatekeeping knowledge is a big pet peeve of mine. It was more like,, laziness because writing a cohesive and helpful drawing tutorial is pretty difficult and i wouldn't even know where to start; i'm afraid i'll get maybe too technical and what have you.
As for tips for beginners, i've shared plenty on my couriouscat so you can scroll through the answers there, i also have some drawing timelapses on my twitter account as well (albeit you'll have to scroll a little)
I'm very flattered you feel that way about my art, it really means a lot to me and i'm glad to have inspired you to draw as well that's awesome and i wish you best of luck!
I actually don't know how different drawing on an iPad is compared to a graphic tablet+desktop, so I am actually pretty clueless in that regard. I think Procreate is the most used digital art app for iPad so you can start by getting it and familiarizing yourself with the UI. I think this step is often overlooked. The brushes and the chosen program can make or break the drawing experience. If you simply find yourself not enjoying Procreate, experiment with other apps or maybe try switching to a graphic tablet, maybe that feels better and is more suited to your tastes.
To be completely honest, one "bad" piece of advice that i should probably keep to myself is to draw something you actually enjoy: fanart, Pretty Girl Portrait(tm), your cat, landscapes etc even if it's above your skill level (becoming obsessed/ fixated on some character from a piece of media also works wonders i'm just gonna throw that out there). The main point is to actually care about your chosen subject in order to get inspired and to have that inner desire of "doing them justice" aka drawing them well. The traditional art learning route probably involves studying the fundamentals, shading spheres and cones and simple 3D forms blablbablah which. Yeah ! sure that's probably better advice but i'm telling you what will make you want to keep going and not get discouraged after a few failed attempts.
As for the drawing subject, I highly recommend having photo references to guide you.. you always need refs it's a recurring thing. My fastest artworks are the ones where I have the right references. the less references the more difficult it is to draw something
As a beginner it is also a good practice to draw OVER your photo reference to get the proportions right ( i'm not talking about literally tracing the contour of a face or limb ( just an example ), but moreso identifying the Main shape which makes up that body part and observe how long is it in respect to the other components, how does it connect to the other parts etc - big difference. Tracing won't help you in the long run).
Another thing you can do is to study your favourite artists and see how They tackle whatever it is that you like in their work. how do they simplify facial features? what about anatomy? color/ light etc and kinda reverse engineer your way through their process. ( but i highly recommend to just keep these practice sketches to yourself, and to not share them on social media- unless you get the artist's permission)
This is how i got into drawing and what i did back then, again, for more technical hands-on information i did answer similar CCs before so with a little bit of stalking you'll find them in no time
I wanna finish this with some resources that helped me:
>youtube guys - sinix, ahmed aldoori, marco bucci, and also just speedpaints in general i highly recommend watching those
>for simplified anatomy i found @/ taco1704 's ref sheets to be very helpful but ........... I'm pretty dry here i just look up refs on Pinterest tbvh
speaking of, here's my pinterest i have a bunch of art related boards board cool stuff overall maybe they can help guide you towards some direction or inspire you in some way idk
ok i kinda suck in the resource department listeN. im starving too just.................. watch youtube speedpaints ok
SORRY IT'S SO LONGGGBGGG i hope it was at least a bit helpful? this was all over the place... I'll try to come up with a tutorial as well but i really gotta be careful with how i go about it. I'll leave you with this for the time being. Again, thank you a lot for the kind words, I really am very grateful and touched esp by that last part about staring with the big feeling stuff eeeeeeeeeeeeee really wow T T that's so lovely and a big compliment thanks ty ly
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@prince-kallisto *slams door* okay after a lot of trial and errors and me trying to figure out the perfect theme. I went for the godly type theme with a hint of birds.
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And to go with the whole idea of the mirror and domain expansion. I wanted to give him a godly image. Portray as an image higher with a new style of sense of judgement and grand power. Believe me I tried every take and I spent it happily on this. Possibly should done a traditional sketch take and line art on digital for the grand effect. Probably. Maybe. Should’ve done that but I can assure you. I will return this concept again with better style to more of a grand painting. I’m tempted to go the distance and I’ll take it.
There was to be a whole lotta mirrors. Like an absurd seven on the background with each seven eyes, some on himself, and I was aiming a spiral glossy eyes concept for the look to give Crowley a reflection on his eyes.
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daikon-dishes · 7 months
heaven knows i'm miserable now || NakedToaster
Late autumn evenings are always unbearably cold but for Toasty, who always had his airconditioner on no matter what weather, it's like waking up on a warm summer morning. It's been a long day. Company meetings are always such a pain to attend but as CEO, he really had little to no choice since he was the head of the entire thing even if all he had to do was sit there and listen to them talk.
A clouded breath left his lips as he sat himself down on the heated bench and popped his earbuds in, waiting for the train to arrive like everyone else who had just left their strenuous work schedule. His thumb gently tapped against the screen of his cell, trying to search for something good to listen to until his attention eventually landed on a particular song that's been collecting digital dust in his old playlist.
".... The Smiths."
Toasty turned his attention to the person next to him as he pulled his left earbud out, blinking in slight confusion. "What?" It was bizarre to experience a random stranger talking to him. Usually, people kept to themselves and saved their energy, especially after a long work day.
The person laughed, pointing to the bright screen of his phone before repeating, "I said, I love The Smiths." They smiled at him, polite but also excited at the fact that they spotted another person who listens to oldies.
Toasty, still a little shocked by this exchange, nodded. "Oh... Cool." He turned back to his phone, trying to shake the interaction off his mind but he tucked the unused earbud in his hoodie. Why? He didn't quite know. Perhaps he wanted this person to interact with him again.
♪And if a double-decker bus Crashes into us...♪
He sighed, listening to the song he cursed all those years ago. Perhaps just for nostalgia. His music taste has changed quite a bit in the past 2 years but that didn't change the fact that he still enjoyed listening to the songs in his old playlist.
The train skidded to a stop at the station, prompting the crowd waiting to squeeze in as soon as the doors opened. Toasty was one of the many who failed to reach for a seat which led him to just stand in the middle and hold onto the bar on his side while trying to not stumble into the obviously tired worker next to him.
Toasty always had a certain distaste for big corporations with horrible work schedules and, well, corporate slaves. It was ironic, considering he was a CEO, but he preferred treating his employees with actual respect and a proper work schedule.
Maybe he should stop by a restaurant or convenience store on his way home. He hasn't eaten since breakfast and has been running on sugar and caffeine the entire day. Normally, he would be fine with that but lately, something has been compelling him to eat properly and set a schedule on when he should be eating throughout the day.
"That looks... really good." Toasty laughed, continuing to watch them sketch the empty pudding cup as he ate another spoonful. Drawing has never really been a hobby that Toasty prioritized so it was always amazing to watch people draw even if it's just a trashcan or a bird.
"You think so?" The embarrassment was obvious on their face, a clear indication that praise directed at their art was not something they were used to. He wondered why. Their watercolor works were good, better than most would expect from a corporate slave who has little time for themselves or their own hobbies.
"Why don't you post these? These look great." He carefully flipped through the sketchbook handed to him, skimming over the small texts written on the side while eyeing the details of each watercolor painting more intensely. The details were even more impressive...
"I uh... I don't know. I guess I just didn't really think to do that. Besides, it's uh- It's just a dumb hobby."
"It's not dumb, what?? You should take pride in these."
The taste of microwaved lasagna felt bland on his tongue but food is food and it would be a waste to throw it out now. Maybe he should stop hoping it'll be good the next time he buys it and start eating something else. There were plenty of options so why does he keep getting the frozen lasagna with stale garlic bread?
He doesn't even like lasagna all that much.
"Come again!" The cashier called out after him as he left the convenience store, a paper bag full of energy drinks in his left arm while his right hand continued deleting photos and apps he never uses or looks at anymore.
At this point, he should just factory reset his phone with the amount of things left in there that he doesn't even use anymore nor care for. Why does he have Stardew Valley? He barely opens it on steam. A sketchbook app, Tsuki's Odyssey, Wattpad, Roblox; He really should've deleted these a long time ago.
He dropped his bag on the couch, sighing heavily. He gave up on clearing his gallery halfway through. There were just way too many photos and it made his eyes hurt trying to see which is important work stuff and which is just useless information.
"You're... moving away?"
"Yeah uh," They gently tucked a strand of hair behind their ear, seemingly oblivious to Toasty's dismay. "I got accepted to my dream art school! It would be kind of awkward since I'm probably the oldest person there but, you know... Like you said, it's never too late to try."
Would it be selfish to say that if he had known this would be the outcome of his encouragement, he wouldn't have told them to pursue their dream? Maybe. So he won't say it. He'd rather die than shoot down their dream all because he wants them to stay.
"That's..." He held back the sarcastic tone that threatened to spill from his lips, needing to pause for a moment as the person next to him waited in baited breath for what he was gonna say. "That's great." His dismay was hidden well by his cool composure and he tried not to burst into tears as his friend cheered and embraced them.
He really thought he had more time. More time to figure out his feelings. More time to gather courage. More time to bathe in their warmth.
"Listen, I-"
The slight tilt of their head and the smile on their lips made him bite his tongue. What if they don't feel the same way? It would ruin their mood entirely. Maybe it would be best not to say it... But if not now, when?
"I know you'll do great there."
The rapid notifications from his pc made him stir in his sleep, groaning in his chair and trying to rub the sleep off his eyes as he sat up properly. He must've fallen asleep playing Final Fantasy again. He really should've taken a small nap first before hopping on as soon as he got home.
Why is Xyx spamming him again? Ah. A new person joined.
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missdeepend · 1 month
So I do like drawing and I have been drawing sketches for this Mermaid AU in Fairy Tail... so I was wondering... Should I show some art?
I don't do it too often just because I am not too proud of my work but I wouldn't mind showing off my sketches. Maybe even try to do some digital work again.
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billiejean485 · 2 months
Open Request
Taking in a single request to work on for a limited time!
I don't know for how long - probably as long as I have the time and possibility to do it (which can be just today or a few more following days).
This time, I'll draw anything, not just fan art.
As I still don't have a list of what I don't do, you can send in any requests.
Because of that, you can send in as many requests as you want too. I'll probably go with the 'first comes, first serves' rule but, to be fair towards everyone if I get more at once, I'll randomly pick among the people that sent them, so - don't send anonymous requests. They're the last things I'll look at.
I'd prefer if you'd send them via DMs, so I wouldn't have to find all of your messages in the Asks. Feel free to spam me as much as you want BUT - put a "REQUEST/S" title at the top if you want me to look at them for that purpose. I don't have a lot of people messaging me now, but it'll help to not get overlooked for the duration of the Open period.
If you have multiple requests, either note me which you'd like the most or I'll pick a random one among what you sent (maybe I'll pick a favorite topic if it's hard for me to choose, but I'll try to avoid that). You can send in new requests as long as this is open.
As for what to ask for: currently I am looking for something that would only take me about half an hour to 2-3h to make - I am struggling with health issues right now and I'm not in a place where I can tell how much free time and energy I'll have, so it has to be like this.
And for which medium I use - I mostly opt for quick traditional sketches, but if I can, I'll try to use digital tools. I'll let you know when I pick you (or you can just tell me your preference).
If you've sent me requests in the past and I haven't neither done them or responded back to why I haven't, feel free to send them in again.
If a person I pick doesn't respond within a few minutes after I reply to their request, I'll have to roll the dice again. I know this is very unfair, but I don't have time to lose currently. However, this will only happen if I have more questions about what you want me to do - so I urge you to be as detailed and as clear about what you want as possible.
To get a glimpse of what my art looks like - you can use the #my art and #billiejean485 tags on my Tumblr blog, or go to my DeviantArt (I'm BillieJean485 there too) to see some of my old stuff (it's from years back, but I have immeasurably more there than I have here).
... I guess that should be it.
Okay - ready, set - GO!
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ghost--girlfriend · 2 months
I NEEEEEED to know more about you and Marlet!! Me and my boyfriend (Stars) are DYING to know!!!!
Eeehehehe!!!!!! Okay, lots of this is subject to change(currently rewatching utyellow pacifist with my s/i in mind for her story ^_^) but here's what I'm thinking!
For my self insert im going with my mermaid monster utdr sona :)
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I only have this (digital and colored, gotta lotta sketches)pic for her, changing up her outfit cause this is from back when I used to ship with Susie. A reel cutie, but has those big claws to watch out for! I'm thinking she lives in waterfall, and goes to visit a snowdin friend... where she sees the most charming bird girl!
Lily(might change her name?) Is just. Instantly smitten with Martlet. Turns to her friend going 'who's that beautiful lady...?' And her friends just like. 'You mean Martlet? She's kind of kooky, the local royal guard.' Lily just doesn't even hear the kooky part just like stars in her eyes awestruck
The friend visit concludes and Lily is on her own exploring snowdin. Martlet is going around checking puzzles when she notices, hey, there's somebody new in town!
Martlet swoops down and introduces herself ^_^ lily in her head is just. Oh my gosh not only do I see a cute girl today I get to TALK with one !?!! Just when their conversation really gets going, Martlet has to return to work/checking puzzles and they say goodbye.
Lily is kind of like. Wow.. whole days been made. Maybe even week!(lesbian who doesn't get out much so this was a big deal to her)
Martlet is happy to meet another kind-hearted monster and returns to work with a pep in her step! They start writing letters to each other and soon enough Lily visits snowdin again :) they're both glad to have a friend.
id like for things to get more spicy(in the dramatic way) but i dont have any ideas for it just yet! I know that Lily wouldn't be in UTyellow too much, she'd probably have a little shop after interacting with Clover some(I imagine she'd be self conscious that her wares weren't good enough, but seeing Clover so bravely facing the Underground inspires her! Then you'd learn some more about her with shop dialogue and her crush on Martlet(that shes horrible at hiding haha) and then, sense she chills in a river, Clover could ask her for a ride like the riverperson maybe? im spitballin' idk!)
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I'd like for her to have an intro cutscene(sketched it out!) where she pops up(after being all ominous and spooky ftgyh) greets clover(as shes trying to be more social, which she mentions) and then just '.... OH! Are you.. A human? I should... I should... Fight you! I think!?" something like that. THEN BOOM FIGHT !!!!! mostly because i like thinking about attack patterns though i only have two attacks for her so far tygujhk I'll have to think of another outfit for her too..! I'm thinking swimsuit top but I dont wanna portray Lily as overtly sexy, maybe I'll go with the whole 'mermaid top fused with her tail' look that Ursula in the little Mermaid has.... I'll have to think about it more :] THANKS FOR ASKING <333 !!!!! working on developing more for me and Martlet's story!
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minevn · 6 months
(I'm sorry for the mistakes) Hi! I would like to say that I miss you and I hope you are taking good care of your mental and physical health, eating/hydrating and sleeping well!(´ ∀ ` ) About the updated sprites. Your drawing style has become more cool, I love the updated Minato and Haruto! Minato looks so gentle and sweet(─‿‿─) and Haruto is soft and maturely cool(≧ω≦*)! As much as I would like to see the updated sprites of the remaining LI's as soon as possible, first of all, I hope that you are not overworked. ⸜( *ˊᵕˋ* )⸝ Thank you very much for your work, you are amazing! (๑>◡<๑) (with your permission) *tight hug* (づ ◕‿◕ )づ
HI IM GONNA SOB THIS IS SO SWEET! THANK YOU! I MISSED BEING ACTIVE ON THE MINE BLOG AND SEEING EVERYONES ASKS AND ANSWERING THEM!! Thank you so much for your sweet words!! I've been trying, but I think I'm doing okay for now :3 I hope you're also taking care of yourself!!
AAAA thank you! I'm glad people are liking it, I was worried other's wouldn't like the change. Not saying I would've kept the old style which I was unhappy with as this is my project and I know I should do what I like with my own projects, I was just worried the designs and styles might've not been peoples tastes and stuff, I personally like more detailed designs and more colors though so I've been way more happy with these designs! I'm so happy that the designs come across that way, I really wanted Minato to look more friendly and approachable and I did want to add more maturity to Haruto out in public due to his reputation! Thank you so much! I'm trying to have at least one character in front on the previous character in my concept sketches, for example I've finished Jun's concept, but I don't want to digitalize it yet as I don't have Hoshi's done, I'm actually working on Hoshi's concepts right now lol. Much like the first time, he's giving me the most issues, but I think I'm getting there with something I like :3 thank you, one again! I would love to get these out as well since I've been really happy with the designs and art so far and want to get back into writing. I'll probably continue working on rewriting my old ask answers to fit Minato and Haruto(maybe even Jun and Hoshi) better later tonight or something! WAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR KIND WORDS AGAIN!! YOU'RE ALSO AMAZING!!
I'm always down for hugs so *Hugs back* :3
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lilrobinbird · 4 months
Maybe some better questions would be: what visual artists inspire you the most? Are there any artists whose style or use of color you like to emulate? (I know nothing about visual arts, so I hope these are not dumb questions lol)
I really need to read more high fantasy. Should I start with The Witcher?
Long response by me (!!!) under cut, I'll not be held accountable for any typos as my autocorrect is currently not present
Not to emulate a whole artstyle but I it's good to take little parts from different ones and translate it into your own (which honestly I should start doing again bc I'm getting stuck lately)
@/manny.oe (insta) is probably my favourite artists, he changes artsyles whenewher he feels like it but he is a professional and does visual dev work, he does so mych aauuh so much to kearn from him, I used to get inspired by the way he shades and picks colors, he also posts a lot of figure drawing sketches on stories that I try to just copy lolol (but these are the kind of studies you copy and never post)
@/ahmedaldoori_art (insta) when you look up his profile you see a lot of sketches and unfinished stuff but when you find his fully rendered pieces RAHHH THATSS how I want to render, very soft(?) rendering that I like
There is also someone from tumblr aaand from avatar fandom @/allgremlinart and they're my lineart goals (the line weight! yes!)....ok and rendering goals too..... They also have a side blog where they post their original art and yeeea good stuff good stuff
@/jamjoob (tumblr and insta) LINEART GOALS waaauuhhh such a nice light smooth lines, their colors are also tasty cozy..
So there's four digital artists I thought about first, there's WAY more but I'm not writing a book pointing out every artist I like (sadly. Hm ok I'd be too lazy)
(bonus five person a girl I had csush on fhgvjh legit best artist man give me your style. hand it over)
But I can get inspired with others all I want I still should learn color theory my biggest hater and enemy
I told you before you sent a fun good ask but I didn't notice a witcher part then shsjs
So hmmmm mmm m I'm not sure? It really depends on the person but the writing isn't that good, I was personally drawn by the characters and concepts (and the whole idea how witchers work is fun to me) (also I've read them in highschool so)
Some scenes can be kinda weird, it was after all written by a silly old polish guy
First two books- The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny are more of short stories and they're probably the best, after them the tone changes a little and the main plot begins (if I remeber it correctly)
I've read them in polish but I've heard some opinions that the writing in translations can be worse than original
But you already know I loooove legend of Korra, that is an art of taking good characters and concepts form stuff with questionable writing (but legend of korra is justified and forgiven by circumstances the writers struggled with (((and by me)))))))
But honestly that's up to you, I'd say you should try something else for your first time, you can look for other opinions too
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toniyx · 3 months
meeyow!!! hello there, I'm Tonix, this is my secondary account lol. I'm mainly an artist, but I may write some headcanons from time to time.
I'm gonna post my lazier stuff, more explicit stuff, & thoughts here so look out for that
- Transformers 👾🚓
- Hazbin Hotel 🌹👁️‍🗨️
- Portal/Half-Life 🧡💙
- The Stanley Parable 〽️🪣
- Ace Attorney ⚖️✒️
- Wolvesville 🐺🏘️
(this list will get updated as time goes on)
stuff I do :
- digital & traditional art
- animation sometimes
- OCs
- roleplay
- sometimes little headcanons and stuff???
- idk there's not much else, if you're a mutual ask for art if you want, usually just gonna be sketches
- I do commissions so if you ever want one of those yeah, reduced price for friends/mutuals
content warnings, DNI, and blog rules below, please read. (separate rules for headcanons/writing requests are here)
- bugs, either talked about or posted about, I love bugs (probably won't TW this past here so, heed my warning)
- violence, guns/knives, potential talk of cannibalism, occasional dark jokes/comedic violence, etc. (text stuff might not be tagged, but gore art will most likely be tagged as #gore art, #robogore and/or #gore)
- possible mention of drugs; all will be censored, won't go into anything crazy
- bright colors/very saturated art (will be tagged & probably put under a cut. block #bright colors and #neon if you don't want to see any of this)
- maybe some NSFT lol (will tag either #suggestive or #nsft)
- I may ramble and get annoying
- under 18, sorry pals. feel free to interact on my main account tho!
- super religious blogs (excluding fandoms obv)
- on that same note, super political blogs
- anyone toxic or looking to start drama
- not really a DNI, but I'm aromantic, keep that in mind while talking to me and don't push your luck
- AI art users
- proshippers
- "don't support X creator"/"did you know that X said Y about Z" fellas, again, no unnecessary drama here please
blog rules:
- don't repost my art anywhere else, even with credit given. ask me directly before using as a PFP/banner/etc., but using as wallpaper is fine so long as you don't share it. (note: sharing a link to one of my posts somewhere is absolutely fine)
- do not use my art for your own OCs; inspiration is totally fine but if you're just snagging my stuff just... no, man, no
- generally don't request art unless you're a mutual, but if you're really polite about it or give an idea that I really like I may draw you something
- asks may be deleted without warning and without telling you. if you did something that upset me I'll try to reach out and tell you the first few times, but past that you're blocked, yada yada yada.
and lastly, this is totally gonna be a repeat, but here's my biggest rule of all: absolutely no drama here. be dramatic about anonymous people all you want, but no-one you could identify by looking them up. this is also not your place to complain/nitpick about something that someone else on here (namely I) might like.
cancel culture is a huge no-no here. people are people; people make mistakes and have shitty opinions. unless they were convicted of a crime, I don't wanna hear about whose content I should/shouldn't enjoy.
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rawrtriesagain · 8 months
Heya, same anon who asked you for art advice! First, I wanted to thank you for answer my questions and listing all that wonderful advice! I just have some followups. It’s really okay to just draw without even knowing how to put down a line? Won’t that just lead to bad habits or not learning the right techniques? And you mentioned learning how to draw the human body, will the sites you listed help, or are there other resources I should look up (like maybe on Pinterest?). Again, thanks!
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Combining your asks into one. Thank you for the kind words! I'll be happy to continue helping where I can :)
So in terms of bad habits and practices, this is where my advice will fall flat haha because I myself don't know what's a good practice actually - I just do what I want to do even if its the worst way to do something anyone's ever seen! For example, my way of doing 'lineart' (just cleaning up my sketches) is to draw big fat lines and then slowly carve it with an eraser into a line I deem good enough. Someone who could grab a pen and draw a perfect line on the fly would probably be like wtf watching me meticulously erase my one fat line lol
If you really don't know how to put down a line at all yet, your best bet really is to just start. There's not really a trick or technique too it, its just practice. I think unless you were trying to go into art school or something and needed to work on a portfolio (btw again I am not the person to ask for that), there's not really a 'bad habit,' its just as long as you're having fun. In my earlier example about my 'lineart' I pretty much know I'm doing it in such a dumb way, but I actually find it really fun to carve away my line with an eraser haha. Yea I could put in the effort to actually learn how to do things properly, but I like wasting hours just nitpicking on this little thing just because its fun to me. (I do the same thing for coloring also. I'll scribble my entire screen and then use an eraser to start carving things out lmao)
Of course while you're drawing and you're doing something that makes you think "hey this actually sucks actually-" that's when you take the opportunity to grow and learn something new that you didn't know before. This is a digital art thing: but for the longest time I literally didn't know anything about layers and my thoughts were just "man there's got to be a better way to do this" which throws me into a rabbit hole of searching "how do I do This Thing"
If you're really into learning art techniques though it might be good to slowly go over all of the 'art fundamentals' especially when it comes to like shading and perspective. I looked at this blog post and it looks like it would help start you out with some links to other resources: link then of course you can look up the corresponding Youtube videos to see someone actually do the fundamental for real. I'd also honestly recommend like a beginners artist course in person if that's something affordable and accessible to you. It's been one of my dreams to go to like random art classes for fun haha but alas life happens so its just me and my tablet until I'm rich as hell I guess. I've never taken a digital course either, but if that's one of the ways you're able to learn that's great too and I'd recommend it!
Next on human body:
Sorry I should have talked about them more in depth at the time, but yes they will help but only if you're determined to use them correctly! So the sites I listed basically show a pose for 30 seconds, and the idea is you're supposed to just try to take in the shape/form of the pose and draw it without nitpicking over minor details. You can also set the timer higher if you need (I used to set it to at least 60 seconds just because I was just a slow ass artist). But basically it should help you break down the human body into simple shapes and lines.
Now what I mean by using the sites correctly: So there's two ways to approach drawing from references:
1. "eye tracing" which is where your eyes are kind of just following the outline of whatever you're drawing but you're not really processing what exactly you're doing to help you later down the line. I have a bad habit of doing this and I tend to struggle later again for the same pose.
2. Breaking down the reference into small chunks and shapes, and then morphing those shapes into your piece. And later down the line you should start to be able to think of things like "oh the Circle piece of the body normally goes Here!"
Here's a random google image I found to help illustrate what I'm kind of talking about:
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So eye tracing would kind of be like a less refined version of #3. Just a blobby but like you can somewhat tell what it is and that's cool I guess, but its not very helpful for when you want to try drawing a variant of the pose above. Breaking down the reference is like steps #1 and #2, simple shapes and blocks that help guide and outline the final shape you want. #1 in particular is very easy to change around should you want to.
So while you're on the sites I linked, you should try to break down each pose into its shape instead of drawing exactly what you see. You should also keep in mind the 'line of action' while doing so:
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It's definitely a lot to take in all at once, so I'd honestly recommend just loading up the site and doing your best to replicate the pose, 'eye tracing' or not. Once you get more used to the routine and flow, then try to branch into learning more appropriate techniques. I've seen around that some people also recommend removing the time limit on the poses, as some people learn better by taking their time on one thing and breaking things down even further from there, but that's definitely up to you. You could also go out and try drawing random people if that helps and if you're bold!
My experience with Pinterest has mostly been for inspiration or cool things I've never thought of before, though I'm sure others are able to use it better than I can haha. I'm sure there are step by step guides to help you out around there!
I think resources to learn how to draw better really do come down to what kind of learner you are in the first place. Lots of people learn really well from Youtube tutorials for example, or maybe reading and following along with a book about anatomy would work for you too. I have like the most god awful attention span ever, so what works for me is just raw trial and error and hoping for the best. tbh idk how I even got this far haha but i am happy that I've progressed at all
Let me know if you have more questions and I'll definitely do my best to answer them! If you're looking for more advice regarding traditional art learning fundamentals, I'm sure there are many other artists that would be happy to answer your questions as well!
Best of luck! :)
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I don't really talk about my new spiritual journey much simply because I don't want my mom to find it or her side of the family. I also don't want to make anyone uncomfortable when I'm in the mood to info dump about my deities so I figured I'd rant a little here, more like, discuss the signs I got from each deity that led me to contact them and what working with them has been like.
Disclaimer, everything that I discuss about these deities are from my own UPG and all deity relationships are different, if we happen to have similar experience I'd love to hear about them! Side note, the only way that I've ever been able to communicate with my deities is through pendulum which is of course, yes and no questions, and tarot cards, usually I start a conversation and I can get pretty detailed responses, I also read what I think they are trying to say through cards and confirm if it's what they are trying to say!
Athena (Patroness)-
Generally I enjoyed things associated with her until I got that GUT feeling that something was up
I had an obsession for her in midle school, more like I read The Mark of Athena more times than I could count and found her so interesting
ART mostly trying anything under the sun from sketching, painting, sculpting, sewing, crocheting, watercolor, digital, etc... I want to go into an art based work feild
Loved learning about wars and such
Really enjoy finding ways to make my brain think, specially finding series that really make you question reality and morals, following with strategies and trying to guess the next move characters will make
I really enjoy reading, mostly fanfics but it counts
As for signs it was more adrupt
Was curious about deity work and figured I should find a deity to reach out to that represents my interests, who do I find? ATHENA!
I did some tarot card pulls and kept getting cards associated with her
Contacted her through pendulum after doing a lot of research making sure I was safe and talking to her and not a trickster
It was her and she has been with me from the start
She came to me saying that I wasn't necessarily prepared to do deity work but wanted to make sure I was safe and I've definitely felt protected since
Working with Athena has been incredible, she helped me find the motivation to finish high school in a time of depression, helped me form a path for what I should do after school and gave me so much motherly advice. She really has felt like a second mother and I love her energy so much. I had a dream about her recently and she did come to me as a mother figure and taught me how to sword fight so maybe that's something to look into for me! She also has a great sense of humor, for my UPG at least and our relationship feels more comfortable than strict, giving me breathing room considering I'm still new to this.
Apollo (Patron)-
Again, it was just a gut feeling, I kept feeling drawn to him
I love music art, sunshine and although psychology isn't plague or medicine related I kinda lump the two together and I really like psychology
Had an obsession with plague doctors which I associate with Apollo
I grew attached to bumblebees randomly
I named my cat Apollo
Looovvveee taking sunset pictures and watching the sky
I randomly wanted to work more on my intuition which is what we are doing together
I wanted to be outside much more
I started to want to write more often which I never do
Got more obsessed with a character that reminded me of him
After I started working with him, I started waking up super early which I never do, always at sunrise. I was pushed more to go outside and do shadow work, he's really helping me with that and motivation to do art. He feels a lot like a big brother energy and just fun to be around, he has been forcing me to go outside lately but I'm not complaining. He's sent me many MANY bumblebees since I've contacted him and I love it! Shadow work is rough tho but I know it will help me in the future.
Bastet (working with/unspecified relationship)-
I also kept feeling drawn to her but ignored it for a long time as I thought it was more mundane than spiritual
Had a dream of which I can only remember hearing her name, again pushed it off as it was just a dream
Suddenly cats had a much more emotional impact on me, like... I can't explain just how happy they make me, it wasn't usual
Just a few days ago, randomly, my dad's girlfriend told him to tell me that she did a card reading and said that I should look into Bastet
THAT is what pushed me over the edge to do research and contact her
The next day, still hadn't reached out, went to a friend's house, she has three cats, two of them are skittish while the other one just likes to lounge
I thought, heck it, and asked bastet to send me a sign if she was trying to contact me
Two of the cats ran to me at the same time, one from upstairs and the other from further away, the one upstairs was the sleepy boy who was comfortable on a bed, the other was one of the skittish ones
That finally set my proof
Once I contacted her she said she wanted to work with me on financial growth, self confidence, and shadow work like Apollo, all of which I really need help with
After, I was in the car with my dad, I was talking about Bast to him and whaddya know, there was a cat that was sitting on the side of the road, something I never see
As far as what I have had conversation wise with Bastet, she seems like a good friend and I'm very excited to see what she has in store for our relationship, I already have a newly growing alter for her and wold love to get a candle and finish the statue I'm making for her. She's been patient with me as were the other two in terms of an alter and doesn't really care what I have on there as long as it relates to her but it's the thought that counts!
I've had such a wonderful experience with my deities from the beginning! For a while I thought that I'd just be working with Athena, only to find that she's my patron who will guide me for my life alongside Apollo. I'm still unsure how long Bast is going to stay but I really like her so far so I hope she isn't going anywhere soon. I can't wait to grow my practice through these guys and I can't wait for what's in store!
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Christmas in July
It's July 1st here which means I get to fully indulge on my love for all things Christmas by making my own Thunderbirds Christmas in July writing collection! I hope this helps to cool everyone a bit during this scorching summer :) 
Our first snapshot is Christmas Time Is Here!
TW: they do drink alcohol and get a little tipsy in this one.
Link to AO3
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“Have you found it yet?”
John purses his lips. That’s a no then.
Gordon glances to the holoprojector where the screen should be playing A Charlie Brown Christmas but instead is showing an error screen. He claims the seat next to Dad with Alan on the other side. Alan stretches his legs out, brushing the coffee table and almost kicking Kayo’s mulled cider off the edge. She makes death eyes at Alan who just laughs it off.
Ever since turning 20, the Sprout’s gone and found himself another eight inches of height. He’s even with Scott and taking up John’s trick of spending enough time in 0 G to add an inch on top. Gordon’s not jealous or anything. Nope!
“Hey Squid,” Scott says. He taps Gordon’s shoulder with a warm glass.
“You think you made enough?” Gordon asks. There’s only an entire counter full of hot toddy’s waiting on the counter back in the kitchen that Gordon can see. Did Scott forget there’s only the seven of them tonight? Either way, Gordon takes one of the hot toddy’s from Scott with glee. Jeff chuckles next to him and takes his own. Scott gestures to the other half of the room. “Pass ’em ‘round.”
Gordon raises an eyebrow at Scott’s slurring. Someone enjoyed making the drinks. All alone. In the kitchen. With a bottle of whiskey.
But his eldest brother has got a dopey smile on his face and a steady enough hand handing out the cocktails. No one calls him on it. Scott makes a second run to bring the other glasses out before settling on the far side couch with Virgil. John sacks his head down on the center coffee table.
“EOS, bring up all sites that have A Charlie Brown Christmas available to stream.”
Her icon pops up from John’s portrait. “All of them John? I must warn you that quite a few are virus ridden. And those pop-ups are not family friendly.”
“Yeah, yeah. Just find us one that’s not too bad so we can just watch this thing. I can’t find any of the old digital copies we have. They must have gotten corrupted a while ago.”
EOS’s lights twinkle around in her circle lens as she finds a suitable version. “Well, it’s not me going to jail for pirating…”
A jazzy piano starts as the cartoon finally plays. The gang is ice skating as Snoopy causes mild mayhem- a scene as familiar as the back of Gordon’s hand.
Gordon leans back on the couch, resting his head on his dad’s shoulder. Like dominoes, Alan finds himself comfortable on Gordon’s shoulder and John leaning onto Alan’s outstretched legs from the ground. Kayo, Scott , and Virgil are one big tangle of blankets on the other side of the holoprojector. Gordon falls into the lull of warmth- a bit from the booze, a bit from the chatter of his family. Even if that family is Virgil endlessly praising the musical composers of the episode.
Jeff’s been back home for over two years, going on a third. But that leaves another six to make up for. They never watched anything Charlie Brown during those years. Virgil tried with Gordon, one Thanksgiving, but it left a bitter taste in their mouths. A Charlie Brown Christmas was an absolute no-go. It’s their Dad’s favorite Christmas special. It never felt so special without him.
“I never thought I would get to see this again, you know.”
Gordon sleepily looks up to his dad as Charlie Brown makes his way with trusty Linus to find a Christmas tree for the play. The second hot toddy is hitting pretty hard now.
“I tried my best to keep track of time out on that asteroid. Each time I thought it was Christmas, I would try to celebrate somehow.” He nods towards the cartoon. “I would recite all the lines to myself, just like we used to as a family. Maybe sketch some of the characters that would end up looking nothing like they were supposed to, but I suppose that was half the fun,” Jeff continues. Gordon turns his attention back to the screen.
“Just like we used to?”
Jeff chuckles. “It was Scott’s idea. He liked being Lucy. Named after Mom and he got to be obnoxious to everyone with a reason. She always got a kick out of it. John would always insist on playing Snoopy so he didn’t have to talk. We convinced him to be a very accurate Charlie Brown instead.”
“Huh… I don’t think I remember that.”
Gordon wrinkles his forehead in thought. There’s plenty he remembers about their childhood- both with and without Mom- but this isn’t one of those things. It hurts in a disconnected far-off sort of way. “Who was I?”
“Linus. But you had that octopus with the stretched-out arms instead of a blanket.”
The aquanaut thinks he remembers that stuffed animal. Maybe it’s still tucked away somewhere in the old farmhouse. “And Alan?”
“Sally. The ever-endearing little sibling that does nothing but get away with things that should earn them a pounding,” Jeff jokes.
That’s an understatement. Gordon sips at his hot toddy. “How much did you remember?”
“I could recite it almost line for line.”
“Dang… Just how many times have you seen this?”
Jeff thinks. His eyes flicker to the right in that way Gordon remembers them always doing when his dad does mental math. “Probably at least one hundred. I’m guessing about one hundred and fifteen. Grandma and Grandpa had us watching this once a year since Uncle Michael, so I was born into the tradition you could say. That leaves fifty some- which comes from guessing I’ve seen this as a rerun about two dozen times and Virgil and Al playing it once a week some years.”
“No wonder.”
Jeff clinks his glass with Gordon’s empty. “No wonder.”
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marzgurl · 2 years
Now that I'm back logged into Tumblr, I'm still trying to kind of, like, figure out exactly how to best spread my interactions across multiple social media platforms. Maybe I'm risking spreading myself too thin, but also I figure I need to plant seeds in multiple locations just in case Twitter just collapses like a Jenga tower. I have a digital tablet collecting dust, so a little earlier I did a crappy little self portrait sketch. I had kind of had this idea that as I practice sketching again (which I do on and off and never really progress in my skill very far for that reason), I'd actually start dropping them over onto Cohost since I really can't think of a good specific purpose for Cohost. If you're curious, you can see that specific post over here.
That having been said, I don't really know if that's the right plan...? I've already got a semi-established Tumblr, it's just a little dusty is all. Maybe I should be sketching and dumping over here instead. But I dunno. Maybe crossposting isn't a terrible idea, but if I crosspost everything it makes using each of those platforms not especially special.
Or maybe I don't actually know what the hell I'm talking about and I'm thinking about it way too hard. I dunno. I just wanna cultivate a community in every possible place, because I managed to reach 20,000 followers over on Twitter, but I don't NEARLY have a community of that size on any other platform, except for YouTube.
Ah, hell, I mean, really, I should be poking around at YouTube again, I guess. I try, but, like, my focus for long-form videos just isn't there anymore. Life is just too much now for all that.
I'unno. Just a whole bunch of thoughts and stuff.
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