#maybe i'll add more to it someday
steel--fairy · 7 months
ships i love and actively look up content for: falkner/janine, whitney/jasmine, steven/wallace, may/brendan, candice/maylene, cynthia/diantha, sycamore/lysandre, serena/shauna, kukui/burnet, selene/lillie, laventon/cyllene, palina/iscan, ingo/melli, hassel/brassius, red/yellow
ships i love and would look up content for if anyone else but me shipped them: falkner/whitney, wallace/cynthia, steven/roark, eri/carmen
don't really actively look for content but i vibe with them: morty/eusine, will/karen(/grimsley), roxanne/brawly, phoebe/sidney, archie/maxie, lucas/barry, flint/volkner, hilbert/n, hilda/nemona, siebold/malva, leon/raihan, sonia/nessa, sonia/piers, victor/mallow, gloria/hop, kabu/juan, dendra/miriam
ships that exist (positive): red/blue, ethan/silver, kris/lyra, silver/lyra, steven/zinnia, steven/riley, cynthia/lucian, skyla/elesa
ships that exist (negative): hop/bede
""shippers"" ruined it: wallace/winona
ships that make my blood boil for good reason: steven/may, cynthia/dawn, all the others of their ilk
ships that make my blood boil to the point where i can't even stand them being friends idk why seriously why does it get under my skin so much: steven/cynthia
call me im single: diantha/me, melony/me, rika/me P:
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willczek-art · 8 months
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NPMD Tarot - The Devil
Others from the series : The Hierophant, The Lovers , The Star, Strength, The World
Symbolism + WIP doodles under the cut :³
It's a really straightforward one:
Max is the Devil, keeping all of the nerds in line. It's willed into existence and enforced by peer pressure - Red Eyes/Red Glow are a substitute for loose chains from the original card.
Blood splatters hint at the victims - Richie's on the left since he was first c:
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deeva-arud · 6 months
So, about that one AU that's been marinating in my mind for years
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mothocean · 10 months
Fuck it. Steampunk era new albion tumblr
⚙️ mcallisterindustries Follow
Today is the 40th anniversary of the death of my beloved mother, Annabel Mcallister, whose passion for science has inspired me since i was a young boy. Without her, the memory of her death aching in my heart, driving me to pursue a way to bring back those lost to time, Mcallister Industries wouldn't be where it is today. To honor her memory, we are holding a 30% sale on all new doll models, and a 1+1 deal on reanimating newly dead loved ones! Call 1-DOLL-800 to find out more about upcoming sales and order your loved one's new doll body today!
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💀 voodoopunk-official Follow
We're meeting again at the crossroads tonight!! Bring your doll-ay doll-ay spirit!
- Mod B
#voodoopunk #vote voodoopunk we dance with you on your graves
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💀 voodoopunk-official Follow 🔁 averagealbioncitizen Follow
🤵 averagealbioncitizen Follow
man can these dolls play literally anything else. i keep retuning my granny's radio but it always plays that elysian night song :(((
🔁 💀 voodoopunk-official Follow
You just don't get it like we do
- mod A
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🟥 redhairedbisexual Follow 🔁 redhairedbisexual
🟥 redhairedbisexual Follow
my bro died so i have to take over the family business now :(( anyway hmu if you need anything special iykyk 😜🤙💯
🔁 🟥 redhairedbisexual Follow
update: who tf keeps stealing our stock im gonna fucking bootleg doll you
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👑 aliceinfutureland Follow
made some progress today :) the angels will be proud
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🤖 doll34221543 Follow 🔁 doll356857543 Follow
🌠 newalbionmayor-official Follow
Elysium, the silent sighed lost lullaby...
56.7K notes
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💀 voodoopunk-official Follow 🔁 bi-bye-byron Follow
🕶 destroy-da-dollz-deactivated
🔁 🎩 bi-bye-byron Follow
🔁 👯‍♀️ dykes4dolls Follow
What a self own lmao
🔁 💞 dollay-darling Follow
op did u really think people were gonna vote against the doll? On the voodoopunk website?
🔁 🕶 destroy-da-dollz-deactivated
'voodoopunk website' up my ass y'all let the power get to your head. You fucking rusty ass stoner cultists ain't gonna last here
🔁 💀 voodoopunk-official Follow
- mod B
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🕶 crossroads-acolyte-deactivated
My dad's been really terrible lately... at least i have the dolls to comfort me
🔁 🕶 crossroads-acolyte-deactivated
Their song is so beautiful... if only i could join them...
🔁 🕶 crossroads-acolyte-deactivated
Elysium, the silent sighed lost lullaby
Elysian night
Read more
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🤵 averagealbioncitizen Follow 🔁 voodoopunk-official Follow
💀 voodoopunk-official Follow
With great agony, we announce the passing of one of our dear members. Mod A, also known as Acolyte Amelia, you will be missed.
- Mod B
🔁 🤵 averagealbioncitizen Follow
I KNEW THOSE DOLLS WERE PROBLEMATIC FROM THE START UGH... don't support the voodoopunks they're lying to you #killthedolls #antivoodoopunk
🔁 💀 voodoopunk-official Follow
Amelia didn't die because of the dolls dumbass you're just using her death as a means to further your stupid political agenda smh 🙄
- Mod B
🔁 🤵 averagealbioncitizen Follow
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🚫 destroy-da-dollz-remade Follow
#anti voodoopunk #kill the dolls #i fucking said it from the start but y'all didn't LISTEN
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🤵‍♀️ kate-the-nyarrator
can anyone even hear me
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stergeon · 5 months
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And so your PLANT shall henceforth be known as FERDINAND II.
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The thought of needing to inform FERDINAND I of his having a namesake makes you a bit ill, but you are already hard at work devising several plausible excuses for the gesture. Something about how you've named it after the one most invested in its naming, or how it is similarly prone to drooling. Yes. Yes, you will be able to deflect quite easily, should the need arise. It has nothing to do with your fondness for FERDINAND or your desire for a substitute in his imminent absence, no—again, you are not so prone to sentimentality. It's about the drool.
Well, anyway. Best to move on with your day and think about something else, lest you grow maudlin or cultivate further affection for the PLANT. May the GODDESS be merciful and never cause you to develop inclinations that could be described as paternal.
Now that your plant has received sufficient care, it is time for COFFEE. You set to making your morning brew. By CHANCE, there happens to be sufficient water remaining in the kettle for FERDINAND I to have TEA, should he wish it.
Per your TIMEPIECE, it is now a quarter to eight. You have made excellent progress on your PRE-BREAKFAST TO-DO LIST thus far: the only remaining task is to remove FERDINAND. You are starting to get rather peckish and would like to be rid of him quickly, but over the past week, you have found that extracting the man from YOUR QUARTERS is a more arduous task than it ought to be.
#007 | << | <- | -> | JOURNAL | HOW TO PLAY | ALL POSTS
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And I... by Kraiva and Trin & famous paintings (Surrogate: The Director's Cut spoilers!)
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1.) Michelangelo, The Creation of Adam. 1508-12. Photograph by Jörg Bittner Unna. Wikimedia Commons. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:%27Adam%27s_Creation_Sistine_Chapel_ceiling%27_by_Michelangelo_JBU33cut.jpg
2.) Repin, Ilya. Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan. 1885. Wikimedia Commons. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Iv%C3%A1n_el_Terrible_y_su_hijo,_por_Ili%C3%A1_Repin.jpg
3.) Leighton, Edmund. The Accolade. 1901. From nevsepic.com.ua. Wikimedia Commons. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Accolade_by_Edmund_Blair_Leighton.jpg
4.) Klimt, Gustav. The Kiss. 1907-08. Wikimedia Commons. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Klimt_-_The_Kiss.jpg
hi, @late-to-the-magnus-archives, i hope it's okay to tag you (i'd tag Kraiva as well but i'm scared of being a nuisance!). i wish i knew how to draw but i fear this is the best i can do at the moment. the imagery in this fic is exquisite!! thank you for writing, this series has consumed me body and soul 💛💛💛 !!!!
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golf swing and a trampoline
INKTOBER DAY 22 - trampoline
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adozentothedawn · 10 months
And so it is done! Praise be our bird lady Hylea, even though she was a dick to me while making it.
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I tried getting multiple different lighting situations, but unfortunately none are great. If we're getting some sunlight tomorrow maybe I'll post another one in natural light.
Now, eagle (hah) eyed viewers might notice that there are two different shades of pink in this banner. This is definitely on purpose and not cause I ran out of the first one and bought a wrong one to stock up and then only noticed when it was too late.
You might also notice that wings don't look like weaving. That is cause they aren't. While the egg and the top part honestly went amazingly well on the round loom, the wings unfortunately bend into the wrong direction for the most part so it looked garbage when I tried to weave it the way I do usually. I then tried to weave it on top of the background, using the weft as another warp, but didn't look great either. Then I got the idea to maybe use the fact that I branched out in textile arts recently and just try something completely different. I ended up using a backstitch basically, but through the string itself to make it stick in one line. Honestly I'm kinda proud of that thing, cause it did come out pretty good. (Except that the one top line somehow got too long which meant I had to staunch the right wing so it wouldn't look too off kilter but at that point it would have been ludicrous to try and fix it so I did my best to work around it.)
Tbh I was too lazy to look up proper rim techniques but hey it works, so whatever.
The next project will take a while for sure, because I have about 5 million Christmas ducks to crochet, so we'll see when I get back to it.
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coquelicoq · 2 months
i'm now looking at my list of least favorite french words to pronounce and going "too many r's" for about 40% of them and "skill issue" for most of the rest. some of these are actually very fun to pronounce i just couldn't wrap my tongue around them a year or so ago, but now i can i guess??? so that's very exciting. makes me hope that someday i'll be able to pronounce the rest of them. this is a bit pie in the sky because i really don't see myself ever getting there with procureur du roi but you never know. and luckily the french abolished the monarchy so it's not like i'll ever have to use that phrase in modern conversation.
anyway here are the words i actually love pronouncing now: décaféiné diététicien filleul pneumonie
i now feel normal/neutral about these words that used to be hard for me: automne, condamner douloureux électricité, énergie inférieur, supérieur, etc. itinéraire lourdeur salmonellose sclérose subodorer succincte
words that are definitely within the realm of my current capability but i haven't practiced them enough: bugle hiérarchisation méditerranéen phtisie
words that are still the bane of my existence but i live in hope: [yʁ] plus at least one other r or [y] sound: chirurgie, fourrure, marbrure, moirure, nourriture, ordures, peinturlurer, procureur du roi, prurit, purpurin, sculpture, serrurerie, structure, sulfureux, tournure all words beginning with ur-, hur-, or sur- other difficult sequence of r's and vowels: construire and other -truire verbs; lueur and sueur; utérus too many r's: marbre, martre, meurtre, opprobre, proroger, réfrigérateur, rétrograde, rorqual difficult sequence of vowels and/or semivowels: coopérant, extraordinaire, hémorroïdal, kyrie eleison, météorologique, micro-ordinateur, micro-organisme, mouillure, quatuor, vanillier not pronounced the way i would expect from the spelling: indemne, penta-, punk just hard for some reason: humour
#girl you didn't like filleul????? get well soon damn#the french love writing about linden trees (tilleuls) so i've now had tons of practice with that sequence of sounds and love it#all the words that are hard for some reason other than r sounds is just a skill issue. and it makes sense because a lot of them are#not common words so when would i even be practicing them?#the words that are hard because of r sounds is also a skill issue but that's one that i don't know i will be able to fix through practice#i think i have maybe plateaued with my r sounds lol. but you never know!#bugle is a funky word. i want to love it. someday i will.#you'd think i would have méditerranéen down by now since it is a pretty common word. but it still trips me up. i'll get there#sur- words are bad because i just end up whistling the s?? i think i'm pronouncing the [y] too forward in the mouth#i just looked at my ladefoged and he's like 'rounding lowers the second formant so [y] sounds like it's between [i] and [u]'#but i think i'm trying too hard to get it really close to [i] and maybe overcompensating for the formant drop#and actually pronouncing [y] MORE forward in the mouth than [i]? that's my guess#french#fun with pronunciation#my posts#i deleted a couple words from the list if i couldn't remember why they were hard. filtre? what's so bad about filtre...#yeah folklore is a little weird in french but it's not like putting an l before a k is phonotactically illegal it's just unusual#and not at all difficult for an anglophone ultimately#lubrifiant? idk why i would have felt strongly enough about lubrifiant to go back in my drafts several pages to add it to the post#the rest of these though i can explain. électricité and énergie were hard because my mouth just automatically wanted to pronounce#the second vowel as é as well#automne and condamner were hard because you don't nasalize the vowel before the m AND you don't pronounce the m#these are now so normal to me that i can't get myself to remember the pronunciation of indemne (in which the m IS pronounced)
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illreviews · 5 months
Review: The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake
Book complete?: No
Thoughts: The Atlas Six could’ve been so much more than it currently is. I haven’t read the sequels (and do not plan to) and honestly am not really sure where it would go from how it started. The characters are mostly and mainly obnoxious in some way, shape, or form. Particularly obnoxious is Libby Rhodes, who seems to have the worst case of untreated social anxiety I have ever read in a book. Equally annoying, but for other reasons, is Parisa Kamali, who is generally portrayed in a vapid and needlessly sexual “not like other girls” kind of view. The male characters all seem to fall flat but for various reasons. Nico has a surprisingly bland personality and his relationship with Gideon is never fully explained nor reasoned upon. Tristan is a constant pessimist who is obsessive about his mobster father (who is never fully explained either) and is just generally a drag. As for Callum, what can be said about him? He’s got one personality trait and it’s that he feels nothing and feels nothing about feeling nothing. At one point (spoilers), he “kills” Parisa and I believe this is just to cement that he is actually psychopathic, though this is hardly touched on again besides some mentions from Nico and Parisa. As for the writing, geez! I want to know why the writer suddenly decided to become Henry James. The sentences could be written with about half the words that are in the actual thing and furthermore, it doesn’t do anything for the story! It’s vaguely Victorian, pretentious, and just really hard to read. I get the feeling that Blake was going for the haughtiness of Dark Academia but she ultimately falls flat in her attempts. The action scenes are far from feeling like the amount of action that they propose. Half the time, I don’t even know where the characters are standing/sitting/jumping off a balcony(??). As for the magic usage, it’s poorly explained and left me wondering just exactly what the rules for magic are in this universe. It leaves too much to the imagination and not enough to the actual text. All that being said, the illustrations that are included in the novel are quite nice. I really liked the art, but really did not like the story.
Notable quotable: “You don’t have to be sorry for existing, you know.”
Book cover review: Lovely cover, if you get it in the first edition. Otherwise, sort of bland and boring.
Overall rating: ♥♥ 
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monstrsball · 2 years
a few of my hq sibling headcanons:
the sawamura siblings all think suga is the coolest person they've ever met. this is daichi's worst nightmare.
suga's little brother is a lot like kageyama personality-wise. quiet, awkward, kind of intense. this is why suga's older brother instincts kick in whenever he's around kageyama.
and he outgrows suga. suga comes home from college one day to find that his baby brother is taller than him and he cries.
saeko dated one of bokuto's older sisters.
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dormiloncito · 7 months
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my collection of posts i think sum up fear and hunger
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a few of my favorite Lan things (gameverse)
The way this kid gave 0 fucks about fighting off evil organizations that could KILL people. Even impulse control Megaman is just like, “Yeah Lan let’s show them who’s boss!”
His response to anyone doing bad things is essentially, “You’re a terrible person and I’m gonna stop you.” And then he stops them!
Literally oversleeping like every day despite Megaman literally yelling at him to wake up (king tbh)
Trespasses practically everywhere because his loved ones were put in harm’s way and anyone who messes with Lan Hikari’s loved ones will catch MEGA’S HANDS
Chaud in almost every BN game: Stay in your lane and let the Officials handle this
Lan: How about I don’t?
Literally decided to take on a crime syndicate without an official NetBattler license because fuck you it’s the right thing to do!
Fought off actual flames coming out of his oven with a squirt gun
Stole his dad’s government ID so he can have access to the water plant in order to confront said crime syndicate
He reformed Higsby just by telling him joining WWW for rare battlechips was dumb
Got freaking electrocuted trying to pull down a lever so Elecman would quit healing himself
After finding out his dead twin was really his Navi all along his first response is to apologize to Megaman for bossing him around for literal years
Mayl essentially tells him she has a crush on him and the poor oblivious boy is just absolutely DUMBFOUNDED
After Wiley told him that Lan’s grandpa beat him in a science contest so now he wants to kill everyone Lan basically called his shitty motive out and said Wiley’s loss wasn’t his family’s fault
Practically failing a semester (or at most has a C average) except for Virus Busting (THIS KID BECOMES A SCIENTIST WHEN HE GROWS UP)
He wanted to research a different country and get a penpal from said country on the grounds that he wanted to eat their food (KING TBH)
Fought off a swarm of bees with a stick, a newspaper, and a lighter with 0 help from his friends
His first time overseas and he gets mugged....3 times
Keeps saying Mayl is “just a friend” but will have romantic dreams about her
Volunteered to captured a poisonous spider with 0 hesitation because he’s Lan Fucking Hikari
Freestyle rapped in order to get whiskey...yes really
Easily convinced his dad to let him go to a town with lethally high levels of radiation to take down a mafia because fuck you he’s Lan Hikari and this is the right thing to do
Managed to survive 100k radiation
Used the power of brotherly love to operate Megaman with his heart
STOLE THE KEY TO BREAK INTO HIS SCHOOL (it was to make sure Dex didn’t fail his homework but still the AUDACITY)
Fucking Y E E T S his navi like a fucking POKEBALL at a man
He’s apparently good at calligraphy???
Falls for the, “Hey look over there!” trick
Jumps from a 2nd story window into the ocean in order to reach a hospital’s basement because he’s Lan Fucking Hikari
Caught a condor to return to the zoo
Calls Megaman out for being reckless on obtaining the GigFreeze even though the entire list proves that this gremlin has no room to talk
Gets gunned down by a tank with a built in machine gun and just...side steps it so he can jack into it
Can’t enter an area because it’s not open to the public? TRIES TO HAVE HIS NAVI BLAST IT OPEN!
An employee from said area shows up? HAVE YOUR NAVI KICK HIS ASS THEN TAKE HIS ACCESS CODE
NetBattled a gang because his new punk friend needed help
Gets involved with a mafia….again…
Got goaded into putting his hand in some wall relic thing’s mouth (with a slight risk it’ll be bit off) in order to prove he wasn’t lying about being in a tournament
Had Mega take on a soccer (I’m sorry, “footbomb”) challenge because some rando trash talked them
Swore revenge on an actual military official because he punched Lan in the stomach
Insulted a master chef by saying his mom’s curry was better
Had Megaman get some cyber beer and cyber jerky so they could learn how to break rocks...I wish I was making this up
Braved a blizzard and almost froze to death so he could stop some asshole from freezing the entire earth (and this ISN’T PART OF THE GAME’S ACTUAL VILLAIN’S PLOT! THE GUY WAS LITERALLY JUST BEING AN ASSHOLE BECAUSE HE WAS HOT!)
Literally kept the fact he’s a part of the NetAvengers a secret from his mom and friends until almost the last minute, which wasn’t very hard apparently
Like deliberately disobeyed his mom about being safe because if you think Lan Fucking Hikari isn’t going to find a way to save his own dad you got another thing coming
Was initially refusing to listen to Dusk’s demands to show off his and Mega’s battle capabilities, but agreed after he was called a wimp
Called the actual family dog ugly fdjksfldjs
Took down 100 dummy samurais so he could bypass a castle’s security system
Unfortunately not a whole lot of other moments but that’s because Lan’s chaotic nature is challenged by his equally chaotic teammates:
Chaud fakes an attack on SciLab so he can see if Lan has what it takes to be part of the NetAvengers (because saving the world 4 times just doesn’t really cut it I guess...)
Tesla literally almost killed 3 children because she was stressed and thought drilling in an abandoned mine would do the trick
Charlie decides to cause problems on purpose just to test Lan’s capabilities and CHAUD WAS IN ON IT
Charlie also took out Nebula’s evil server thing but decided to attack Lan and Mega anyway because he just really wanted a rematch I guess
Fyrefox almost got away with theft because he just REALLY wanted his fireworks business to thrive okay?
Jasmine said fuck your precautions I’m going to the Undernet and there’s nothing anyone can do about it!
She also continues to say fuck authority, and if Lan won’t have the balls to go after Nebula then she and Meddy will!
Baryl--like Chaud--fakes an attack on Scilab to test lan and the entire time Lan is just like WHO ARE YOU?
Dusk also causes problems on purpose for the sake of testing Lan but he’s an assassin so that kinda makes sense for him
Goes to the Undernet again because dammit Lan if you won’t be a leader and avenge Colonel then SHE WILL
Was prepared to fight off 5 security bots when they wouldn’t let him into his new school
Was willing to take on those same security bots who were burning the entire school down because this isn’t Lan Fucking Hikari’s first rodeo
Considered that an actual penguin could be a pelican...
Would have jumped into a pool full of jellyfish had impulse control Megaman not stopped him
Almost got fucking TAZED because he was yelling and touching a tree (IT MAKES SENSE IN CONTEXT....KINDA)
Sleeps in class when there are security cameras watching him (THIS KID BECOMES A SCIENTIST WHEN HE GROWS UP)
Tried to pull a Mary Poppins with an umbrella to jump down a tall ledge...the umbrella broke
Basically took an assassination class... (Gregor version)
Nearly threw hands with the mayor (he had it coming tho)
Took down a NetMafia...again (request post-game; but for real how does this keep happening to him???)
Put off leaving a building that was about to blow up because he was reforming the franchise’s long running villain
Decides to investigate a bad vaccine after his dad tells him to stay put because sorry dad I’m Lan Fucking Hikari and this is the right thing to do! (Network Transmission)
Saved the Waterworks plant from Iceman (again) not just because it’s the right thing to do but because if he didn’t he would get any dinner that night (Network Transmission)
BEAT UP A GROWN ASS MAN (Battle Chip Challenge (his route))
Okay this kid does all this bullshit but the one thing that knocks him down is the fucking common cold (Battle Chip Challenge (Mayl’s route))
Lied about WWW stragglers being at the BattleChipGP to impress his #1 fan and when that proved to be true he tried playing it off that he knew all along before Megaman outs him (Battle Chip Challenge (Kai’s route))
Literally calls a powerful being from space an “Arm Navi” and when corrected he tells it to shut up (Operate Shooting Star)
Becomes a memetic badass 200 years into the future (Operate Shooting Star) including but hopefully not limited to things such as:
having an IQ of 300
Being efficient in every sport (soccer in particular)
Making goals in soccer against 11 players (presumably single-handedly)
has a signature move called a LanPunch and it’s never specified HOW THIS CAME ABOUT
Literally comes into Dex’s house uninvited with a strange boy from the future and jacks into a wall clock WITHOUT AN EXPLANATION TO DEX (Operate Shooting Star)
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inun4ki · 10 months
relationship tag dump
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queenofthegalaxxy · 2 years
[[ Starter for @maddmuses (Conner)!]]
At first, this all had been only a necessary waste of time. Stay with the team, befriend them and make very very very sure that they wouldn't be looking for Starfire. She could have left a week or two after Starfire left, but then there was the urge to prove herself better. To become a better friend to her little sister's friends, a more valuable asset of the team, just in general be way better than Starfire ever had been. So, Blackfire stayed a while longer, by now rather certain that even if the team would for some reason still start to search for Starfire and despite the barely existing chances actually find her, there was absolutely no way back for Starfire at all.
She had probably proven by now how useful she could be, too, given all the enemies she now had already faced with the team, so she could leave. And she would, because following along the rules of heroes for their missions was really annoying at times and she had to be careful to not let too much of her actual (lack of) morals show through - but. There were some fascinating people here, she had to admit that. Sure, they were heroes, but that aside, Blackfire kinda enjoyed hanging out and being part of this group. Kon was one of the ones that Blackfire found especially fascinating, and right now, he was in the Tower for a visit.
With no trouble currently being there, it was a leisure time for the team, which meant some routinely patrols and trainings but otherwise no real activities planned. Or in other words - booooooring. Having lounged on the couch and trying to find something interesting in the TV for a while already, Blackfire now glanced over to Kon, who seemingly was trying the same or perhaps simply didn't know anything else he could do.
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"Hey, Kon. You up for some 'patrol'?" She gestured some quotation around that word, because while it was a good excuse, it wasn't really what she was suggesting. "I'm gonna die from boredom if I stay like this much longer." She had before made it obvious that she was not a good option for patrols - she claimed to never notice the crimes that happened nearby when she was out, though the truth was that she simply didn't care about stepping in when something happened - so this might be a weird offer if one didn't notice her gesture; but it wasn't really patrol she was suggesting after all. If he'd understand that didn't really matter, she could always explain herself more once they were on the move. Patrol was simply the best-sounding excuse to go for the city, if she wanted to make herself sound like a caring hero.
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abluescarfonwaston · 2 years
Looking up waistcoats and vests like: Gay V Gender Envy FIGHT
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