#maybe if we're able to we can squeeze your ask in later when we're back with peppino or something???
Meet the Parents
Request: Hii🩷 can you maybe make like a fic where reader is matt’s girlfriend and friends with the triplets and after like a few months of dating Matt she meets their parents in Boston and she’s like nervous and stuff and they all try to calm her down and their parents and other brother end up loving her
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The triplets are going to visit Boston for a little bit and Matt invited his girlfriend of five months, the girl immediately accepting the invitation. The general idea of meeting the rest of Matt's family and seeing where he grew up was amazing at first, but now that they're about to leave, she has nothing but anxiety coursing through her.
"What if your parents totally hate me? What if they think I'm not good enough and you deserve much better?" Y/N rants off any question that comes to mind.
"They won't think that." Matt insists. "I've talked about you countless times and my mom already loves you."
"So your dad might hate me." Y/N says.
"He doesn't hate you either." Matt says. "Stop psyching yourself out, sweetheart. I know you're nervous, but it'll go great. I promise." He kisses her on the forehead.
"We're back!" They hear Nick yell out, the other two triplets having gotten an Uber to go pick up some food for the group, Matt needing to stay and pack.
"Come on." Matt grabs her hands, pulling her to her feet. He leads her out as she continues to wrack with nerves.
"I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight. I could totally embarrass myself and they'll hate me forever." Y/N whines.
"Baby..." Matt tries.
"What are you talking about?" Chris frowns.
"Y/N's nervous about meeting mom and dad." Matt says. "Despite me assuring her that it'll all be okay."
"They've been looking forward to meeting you." Nick says. "Mom will probably be attached to your hip all day asking questions and gushing over you." He laughs.
"Yeah, they ask about you whenever Matt talks to them." Chris says.
"What about Justin? He could totally hate me. You're his little brother, it may not--"
"Justin will be fine." Chris promises.
"Long as you and Matt are happy, that'll probably be all they need to be happy." Nick says, his brothers nodding in agreement.
"It'll be okay." Matt promises, cupping his girlfriend's face. "And if you're too nervous, I'm right there the whole time. I promise." He pecks her on the lips.
"Can you guys save that for later so we're not throwing up during our meal?" Chris pleads.
"Shut up, Chris." Matt rolls his eyes.
They're at the airport in Boston, waiting on the boys' parents. Y/N barely got sleep and has been anxious the whole day, Matt doing his best to calm her nerves by making her focus on things other than meeting his family.
Matt grabs onto Y/N's hand, intertwining their fingers and gently squeezing.
"They'll love you." Matt assures.
"Hey, there they are." Chris points. "Oh, Justin came." He smiles.
Y/N stands back, watching with a soft smile as the boys reunite with their parents and older brother.
Her smile falters for a moment when the attention is turned to her and Matt quickly wraps his arm around her waist, gently squeezing her hip in reassurance.
"Mom, dad, Justin, this is Y/N." Matt introduces, a grin full of love directed to his girlfriend.
"Hi, sweetheart. It's so nice to meet you." Mary Lou immediately greets her with open arms, pulling the girl into a hug.
"Hi." Y/N softly replies, gently hugging the woman back.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N." Jimmy smiles, giving her a quick hug.
"Hey, nice to meet you." Justin gives her a small wave, Y/N returning it with her own wave.
"Nice to meet you guys, too." Y/N smiles.
"Oh, we've heard so much about you. I can't wait to learn more." Mary Lou smiles. "Come on, let's get you guys something to eat and get home."
"Sweet." Chris excitedly whispers at the idea of eating.
"Y/N, what food do you like? We can go out somewhere." Jimmy offers.
"Oh, uh... I-I'm okay with wherever." Y/N smiles.
"She loves Italian food the most." Nick speaks up.
"Ooh, perfect! There's a really good place we all enjoy, you can try it." Mary Lou grins.
"Can't wait." Y/N nervously smiles, reaching for Matt's hand.
"All right, let's go, boys." Mary Lou urges.
"See? Not so bad." Matt quietly says.
"It's only the first five minutes. I could still totally fuck up." Y/N insists.
"You won't. It'll be amazing, promise." Matt tells her, kissing her cheek.
After lunch, Y/N's anxiety had finally started to dwindle after spending time with the triplets' family and being able to converse with the three just as easily as she can with the boys.
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oneforthemunny · 27 days
Janitor Eddie, fluff, ultrasound
this is so precious i wanted to start the day off sweet with this!!! janitor!eddie babes, get ready!! it's your time to shine! a small content warning that reader is pregnant but everything is fluff.
"Are you ok?" You looked up from the table, chin ducking to your chest to look at Eddie in the waiting chair.
His knee hadn't stopped bouncing since you'd gotten into the room, palms sweaty the whole drive. He couldn't even hold your hand the way he usually did, alternating between a tight grip on the steering wheel and wiping his clammy hands on his jeans.
"What?" Eddie's eyes were wide, rounded in the exact same way Oliver's did when he was caught doing something he shouldn't. "Yeah, I'm fine, I'm good. I'm just- Wait, are you good?"
You nodded, biting back a smile. "I'm good." Your hand smoothed over your sweatshirt, cradling the small swell of your abdomen that was beginning to grow more and more. "We're both good. Just want to make sure you're good. You seem... a little nervous."
Eddie sat straight in his chair, hand rubbing over his eyes. "You can tell? That obvious?" He laughed lightly to himself. "Sorry, I just- I don't know. I read that fucking book and now I get nervous every time we come that they're-"
"-Don't say that." You frowned, shaking your head at him. "Can't think like that, honey."
"I know." Eddie sighed. Your voice always soothed him, a voice of reason in the panicked fog of his mind. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to say that and ruin this-"
"-Ed, you're not ruining anything." You soothed gently with a coo. "Just try to relax. Try to enjoy the moment. You know you'll wish you would have later instead of worrying so much."
It was true, he knew it was. Taking a deep cleansing breath, Eddie let his shoulders fall. "Right, sorry, sorry. You're right." Eddie looked up at you, heart swelling with surges of pride. You were so unbelievably kind, so patient with him, with Ollie; he had no doubt you'd be the same way with this new baby.
"How big are they supposed to be today?" You hummed, smiling at him so brightly it made him burn with warmth.
"Uh, a bell pepper." Eddie nodded, leaning against the wall. "Should be able to see them more. Maybe feel them move soon."
"Oh? That's what I've been feeling then? Just thought my stomach was upset." You teased.
Eddie grinned, shaking his head lightly. Everything still felt so surreal, he'd felt that way from the very first time he'd kissed you and it just continued to grow.
"Do you want to find out the gender today?" You looked at Eddie carefully. Eddie blinked in surprise. "I mean, if they do the ultrasound and ask again today. Do you want to know?"
"I-I thought you wanted it to be a surprise?" Eddie gaped. He tried to keep his voice calm and steady, shield his excitement. You told him you wanted to wait, not know the gender, and though he was disappointed, he never let you know that.
"I thought I did, but I dunno." You hummed, hand sliding down your bump. "Now, I think I kinda want to know? Is that-Is that ok?" You hesitated. You'd been so indecisive, overwhelmed with emotions since the end of your first trimester.
"Yes, i-if that's what you want." Eddie nodded eagerly. "It's whatever you want to do."
You gnawed at your lip, the OBGYN walking in and saving you from your decision. The appointment was routine at this point, the tech wheeling in the machine, gliding the wand over your abdomen. Eddie held your hand through it, and you felt his grip relax as soon as the heartbeat played through the machine.
"Are you still wanting the gender to be unknown?" The doctor asked, before the tech could beging wiping the sticky goop off your stomach.
You hesitated, looking over at Eddie, who stammered, unsure with the response. "Actually I think we want to know." You squeaked, squeezing his hand a little tighter, looking over at him. "I-I changed my mind. I'd like to know."
The doctor smiled gently, pressing the wand back to your abdomen. "Alright, if you look here," You squinted, moving towards the monitor. "You can see that it's a healthy, baby girl."
Eddie felt the air leave his lungs, his hand limp in yours as you gasped, lifting your hand in his to your lips. "A girl?" You repeated, eyes shining with excitement. "Really? It's- She's a girl?"
The doctor nodded. "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Munson." You turned to Eddie with a choked sob of excitement, reaching for him, overwhelmed with joy. "We'll get this printed out for you to take home."
Eddie held onto that ultrasound with even more delicacy than the very first one, setting it carefully in the safe with the others. With the extra one, you bought a small frame placing Oliver's school picture in one slot and the ultrasound in the other for Eddie's office. He kept it on his bedside instead, too precious for the school, his most treasured possession.
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sugar-omi · 6 months
Just some brainrot because we love Cove. (Also, your fics are soooo good. Thanks for sharing it with us. I mean omega! and rockstar!cove :o )
So, we have Step 3 Cove in hand some time after Patreon's nsfw moment. MC is obssessed with giving him head, of course. He's so cute when you do...what can I say ? I'm a simple human. So yes they do it often, like casually saying : "Cove, I'm hungry." while you two are casually hanging out. At first he doesn't understand but the look in your eyes convey your message to him.
Most of the time, you'll be totally satisfied with just leaving him all red, dishevelled and flustered. Just having him putty in your hand makes your day. But at some point, when you ask Cove to come to your house (without kinky ideas in mind for once) he asks you if your just horny. While it makes sense, I like imagining that MC decides to not get him off anymore. Obviously until he begs, all red and pent up, for a release.
In the meantime, MC just spent their time teasing him. Light touches, flirty remarks and maybe getting him all worked up while making out only to purposefully stop. The poor guy, will clearly snap if show up at his door, anklet on.
This was a bit long and I'm sorry if there's any mistake as english isn't my first language.
I LOVE YOU ANON IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE ROCKSTAR!COVE TOO HEHE 🙈🙈🙈(omega!cove too, im having sm thoughts abt him lately...) also dw your english is perfect n i feel like you took an exert outta my head LMAO
tags : NSFW, hc's, gn reader, multiple choice dialogue, this just a really big ramble bc i've been a zombie thinking abt this shit n now we're here...., mmm overstim, oral (cove/reader receiving), reader's a TEASE, mind break honestly, ooc but idc 🏌️
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he's confused when you first make subtle hints/advances, but i think realization hits him like a truck a millisecond later
for the longest you two wouldn't be able to keep your hands off each other
late at night sneaking into the others room so you can suck cove off, trying to keep all the slurping and gagging noises to a minimum
cove's moans are another struggle, but i say climb on top of him and let him eat you out / suck you off while you suck him off too
ohh his head would SPIN with that
he almost woke up your mom's last week because he moaned a little too loud when he finished
so now you're on top of him, your lovely ass and sex in his face
ahhh he'd be so fucking cute. teary eyed and whining into and drooling all over your cunt / cock, pulling you down onto his face so he can get more of you
also i loveee the thought of sucking him off in his car
realistically, i don't think step 3 cove could even handle the thought, he'd probably faint and hit his head n die LMAO
but arghh it'd be so hot
you went on a nice date, and now you're sitting in the parking lot of a beach far from home late at night, and tonight was so much fun.
shopping, movies, you even got some nice food from a hole in the wall restaurant
and now you're finally alone, no one around to see your boyfriend throw his head back, claw at the steering wheel and moan and babble and try not to thrust up into your mouth because he doesn't wanna hurt you
he's so whiny, and so loud
you've been sneaking around for awhile now, you can't blame him for wanting to be vocal because fuck your hot, wet mouth around his cock is so hot
and definitely doesn't help he's probably overstimulated, his cock so sensitive because you've been touching n sucking him off so much
let alone when he's rubbing one out in the shower before a date/event or in the middle of the night because he had a wet dream about you<333
mmm idk about yall, but i would break him <333
of course he doesn't interpret every touch or invite as sexual, but i also you've ruined him so you can't blame him, its your fault 🤭🤭
so now whenever you rub and squeeze his thigh, or give him a hot kiss, or say something like "cove, i wanna leave now... " or "come over, i miss you <3"
or send him a spicy text, "i had a dirty dream about you, can i come over, please?"
also omfg i would be so satisfied with just teasing him too…
i love it so much. it’s the best actually
mm i like having long nails, i’m always thinking about getting a new set/doing your nails all pretty and you’re showing them off to cove then you tell him “i wanna see how they look around your dick”
he’d love that omfg
imagine dragging your nails over his chest, teasing his sensitive nipples before you move down, pulling out his dick and giving languished strokes while you kiss him breathless, only moving onto leaving love bites all over his neck n chest once he’s a drooling, blushing mess <33
i think he’s gotten used to your late night/midday booty calls too
so when you invite him over, he can’t help but anticipate sex
but instead you’ve set up some snacks and a movie you’ve been waiting to come out set up on the TV and now cove looks like a fool with a half hard dick and with how fast he rushed over here
when you ask what’s wrong he’s mumbling, stuttering out how he thought you had ulterior motives for inviting him over…
so now it’s his fault because now he’s set up on your couch with him on your lap, teasing him about how he’s too horny to even imagine his s/o would want a normal date, no ulterior motives whatsoever
how he probably can’t even hold your hand without thinking about how you jerked him off in the bathroom of his workplace
and you’re so fucking right
because some days he can’t even kiss you without remembering his taste on your lips, can’t forget how your legs were trembling on either side of his head and now you’re having lunch with your families
how you’re sharing ice cream and jokes with your friends like you didn’t pull him aside before you left and got him off, begging him to cum, that you need to taste him to get by
omfg i also love the reverse/the consequence of breaking cove this way
because either way, he’s obsessed with you too
needs to taste you, have you… he’s just dying every day to have you under his hands, on his tongue..
and i can’t decide which i love more.. teasing cove bc he needs to have you, or teasing cove bc he gets so wound up from you needing him often
bc both is so delicious, and both of them scratch my brain so much
cove eagerly eating you out / sucking you off at the beach, he can’t even focus on teaching you surfing/surfing with you or building sandcastles, etc. because all he can think about is you n having his mouth on you…
you’ll show him a new outfit or sit in his lap or cuddle up next to him, etc. and now he’s thinking about ruining you in those clothes or sinking onto his knees giving you head while you lay back on the couch, still focused on your show
i love how in the ORCA dinner moment cove gets tense when you touch his thigh
i think he’d definitely be obsessed with you teasing him, working him up, dirty talking him especially
oh fuck i almost forgot. in the first patreon nsfw moment, he loves when you pull away before he finishes and you “don’t want it to end”
so technically this is canon <3333
so he’d definitely love is you pulled up to your date one day, anklet on and looking so lovely
n you’re touching his thigh, telling him how good he looks, kissing him suddenly and then pulling him into a deeper kiss when he gets it together
at some point you end up in his car, too busy swapping spit and slipping your hands where you can to get a feel of each other under those clothes, to even make it home
of course eventually you do, but even then your teasing doesn’t stop
ohhh sitting in his lap, rolling your hips into his, kissing him breathless until he’s babbling
you try to pull away, partially to tease cove but also because its late and his dad will be back any time now
but he convinces you to just get each other off, that you’ll have enough time so please?
and while you’re jerking cove off, you hear cliff’s car pull up and cove has not been quiet whatsoever, you couldn’t possibly risk it
but he’s so desperate, he’s so close to finishing, you can’t stop now!!
on the verge of tears prbly, all blushy and hot and a total mess
babbling about how he’ll be quiet so please make him cum, he’ll be good so please.
he’s such a doll, and he does keep his promise, even if it means shoving your undies in his mouth or muffling him some other way, like with your hands, lips, or sex
or you can let him bite/hide his face in the pillow, messing up his bed from all his squirming…
fuck this turned into such a big ramble tysm for sending this, im sorry i used this as a chance to unleash my apocalypse of horny brainworms LOL
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1whore1gang · 7 months
it's the little things🤍
part 1
part 2
Enjoy part 3 besties :)
I feel like something bad has happened in every chapter so far, i’m sorry lmao
the next chapter will be fluffier 🫡
WARNING: this chapter contains some tough topics such as SA, read at your own risk!!
Taglist: @ghostslittlegf @sketchyfandomgirl @batw3nch @thedevillovesflowers @gaymistakeboi @almightywdm @under-the-dirt @clear-your-mind-and-dream
(if i forgot anyone i apologize!!)
I feel like these are getting shorter and shorter 😬
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The hum of the coffee machine was the only noise in the kitchen as you waited for the coffee to brew. You and Price were able to squeeze in a couple more hours of sleep before you became restless and got up to make coffee.
You had your arms wrapped around yourself due to the cold air in the compound. Taking a deep breath, you watched as the coffee began to pour out into the container. The smell of it already woke you up more as you breathed it in.
Pulling out the mug underneath, now filled with the liquid, you began to blow on it before setting it down hearing footsteps approaching.
"Morning. Did you make any tea?" Price's groggy voice rang through the silence.
"No, I didn't I'm sorry." You wrapped your sweater closer around your body.
"S'all good." He mumbled, moving around you to get a kettle going. "You still got that training session today?"
"Yeah, new recruits. It was supposed to be me and Ghost, but I told them Ghost got the flu." Price chuckled at that.
"Want me to come help you since you're down a man?" You tilted your head in confusion at his statement.
"Who would watch the boys?"
"Laswell. We can trust her can't we?" You lolled your head to the other shoulder, thinking.
"I suppose so. how do we even tell her? She's gonna report us for illicit drug use." You laughed a little at the thought.
"I'll tell her it's my nephews or something, or we can tell her the truth?" Price laughed along with you.
"Can I ask you a question?" Price hummed as confirmation. "Why haven't we fought yet? Usually when we work together, we're at each other's throats."
Price nodded, obviously contemplating his answer. "I don't know." He said it so simply, as if he hadn't noticed the change in behavior from you both. "Maybe because there's children involved?"
"How many rescues have we done with children where we're still fighting?" Price nods in agreement.
"I'm not sure then." He looks up at the clock, noticing the time. "Let me go ring Laswell while you get ready."
Somehow, Laswell bought the nephew lie. She agreed to watch them for a small amount of time.
"Alright recruits. I'm your Lieutenant, and you can call me that. This is Captain Price, you report to him for any major or emergent situations, otherwise you find me or Sergeant Garrick, who you will meet at a later date. Today, we are going to go over some basic defense maneuvers."
Carefully, you taught the recruits, demonstrating each device with Price. From what you could see, the recruits were catching on quickly. "Finally, my favorite defense mechanism." you signaled Price to come at you, putting you in a headlock. Bending down and quickly pulling your body weight forward, you fling Price over your head.
You hear a couple of recruits gasp. "For the nature of this exercise, we will have each one of you come up to try to flip one of us instead of having you flip each other."
One by one, each recruit came up attempting to flip you and Price. A couple failed, which is normal in these types of training situations. You only had a couple of recruits left. "Private Taron?" you called the young man up. "Try to flip me." You heard Price call up another recruit as you wrapped your arm around the Private's neck. He easily had you flying over him, landing roughly on your back.
You felt the wind being knocked out of you. "Here, let me help you." Taron reached out a hand, helping you up off the floor. When you stood up, he didn't let go of your hand. "Can I ask you something since I'm the last one in your line?"
"Yeah, what's the problem?"
"No problem, I just wanted to see if you could flip me?" You froze at the question but took the challenge since Taron was about the size of Price.
"Why not, I could use the challenge." You prepped yourself, waiting for him to wrap his arm around you. "Ready when you are-"
Your words caught in your throat as you felt him grind himself into you, his erection pressing into your lower back. "See what you do to me ma'am? You won't write me up for sleeping with my superior will you?-"
Quickly, you flung him over your head, him landing with an audible thud. "You have a meeting with General Shephard at 0800. Don't be late."
You left the room quickly, not even bothering to look at Price. You beelined to your room to change and shower as quick as you ever had before going to relieve Kate from the boys.
"Thanks again Laswell."
"Anytime, his nephews are angels." She left without another word as you looked down at the three littles in their playpen.
Soap and Gaz were playing with some little planes you and Price had bought while Ghost was asleep. Soap looked up at you and his little face lit up, making grabby hands at you. You smiled as you picked him up. He immediately snuggled into your neck, letting out the cutest little sigh. Gaz followed suit, giving you grabby hands as you picked him up too. "Come on boys."
Moving over to the pullout couch, you propped the two boys to where each one was laying on a shoulder as you sat back. Both of them seemed calm, almost sleepy at contact. You stroked their little heads, shushing them into a nap since Laswell said she couldn't get them to settle.
You tried to focus on the current moment and not the disturbing event that had happened not even 10 minutes prior.
Your skin itched, feeling exposed, dirty. You felt violated. You felt tears sting your eyes, trying your hardest to focus on the little sounds coming from Soap and Gaz. Deep breaths left your mouth, trying to calm yourself.
Little snores filled your ears as your face became red with tear stains. You moved to set the boys back down, feeling bad for not holding them for very long. You sat with your head in your hands, trying to subside the tears you felt. It was such an icky feeling, your body crawling with an uncomfortable feeling.
You didn't want Price to see you like this, you knew he'd ask about what happened and you two would get into a heated debate about how you could've handled it better than storming out.
You could hear his voice now, telling you how you should've reported him right away, spoke up. His voice telling you that your response was immature.
Sighing, you took out your phone to send an emailed report to Shephard so he knew what was happening when the recruit walked in.
Footsteps filled your ears as you hit send, the door opening slowly as a freshly showered Price entered the room. "What the hell was that?"
"I'm not doing this right now. Yell at me all you want another time."
"No, explain to me why you walked out on those recruits." His voice was beginning to border the line of anger.
"Price, please."
"No, Y/N, what was that?! It doesn't matter who you are, you don't walk out on recruits during a vital training sessions." his stood against the closed door, his arms crossed. His head tilted as he spoke.
"Can we please not do this?" You finally made eye contact with him for the first time since he had stepped in. This made him see your tear ridden eyes.
"Tell me. Now." His voice was almost a growl as it came out.
"WHO?!" He boomed as his hands slammed down on the table in the kitchenette of his room. It made you flinch, which made his gaze soften. "Y/N."
"Price." He moved over a few steps closer to you.
"Tell me. Please." You saw his eyes change from being the angry narrowed look to a more gentle, beckoning one. "I am still your superior, so you report any issues to me, regardless of what it is."
"Don't fucking pull that card." You shook your head in annoyance.
"I can pull whatever card I goddamn want, I am your Captain and you will tell me what happened." You was back to the pointed look he always gave you.
You huffed out a breath. "You don't give up do you? Don't know when to stop talking?"
"One of the recruits rubbed their hardened cock on me and told me that they wanted to sleep with me. Happy?"
"Y/N, if you had just-"
"Don't start. I know you're gonna tell me my response was immature and that I'm overreacting or I misheard him. You're going to tell me the statistics of women getting harassed in the military and how one little grope isn't gonna hurt me right?" You watched Price's face turn to one of horror.
"Why the hell would I say that? Do you really think so lowly of me?" Price was hurt now.
"Because that's what you did last time something like this happened. November 4th, 2020. We were on a mission in Dubai and one of the new soldiers on the mission groped me and fondled me. You told me I was overreacting and told me to brush it off."
Price was froze, his mind turning for answers to why he did that. He wasn't speaking nor moving. Instead, he just walked out.
He walked out on your important conversation like that. Left you alone in your state of pain and the familiar feeling of betrayal came back to your chest.
That feeling was a package deal when it came to your Captain. You always felt betrayed and hurt by him due to your common interactions. He was tough on you, and you two never were on the same page.
Except lately, you thought you were. You were so wrong.
You took your things and the boys back to your room that night, wanting to be away from your Captain. You knew the kindness was too good to be true, deep down though you wanted it to linger just a little bit longer.
His offers to cook or watch the boys, the way he would look at you and tell you to rest. You wanted the kindness in his eyes and his smile to stick around longer.
You wanted John, not Price.
And you'd never have that. Not with your Captain's history with you. The constant fighting, the butting of heads, the disagreeing will never go away, and as you realized that, you cried.
You had seen a glimpse of the man behind the title, and you welcomed the warmness he had brought to your eyes. The way his personality shown through instead of his usual coldness. You had felt a tinge of a friendship blooming, but that has quickly been ripped from your grasp.
While you were crying, you looked over to see Ghost standing up in the playpen, staring at you with a blank expression and wide eyes. He whined when you looked at him. "Oh, Simon..."
Moving, you picked him up and rocked him in your arms as he began to sniffle. "I'm okay, just the usual squabble with our Captain." You shushed him, trying to convince this small child that you were okay.
His little hand reached up to touch your mouth, letting out a little sound. he blinked at you a few times, still sniffling as his bottom lip quivered and he eyebrows were down.
You smiled a little at the seemingly meaningless gesture. "How do you know how to make me smile even as a baby?" You laughed a little as he sad expression faded, his little hand dropping back down. he let out a couple of little baby babbles, and you smiled again. "My Simon always comforting me, even if it's incoherent baby noises." He yawned, leading you to move him back into the playpen, giving him a thank you, even though you knew he couldn't understand you. He yawned again as he rolled over, closing his little eyes.
You sat back down in your bed as your mind raced a million miles a minute.
How could your Captain be so double sided, and what triggered him to change from cold to warm, but so quickly snap right back?
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mikefaistslut · 23 days
anything for you
chapter 2:
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(reminder: this is my first writing anything ever! pls keep that in mind. another reminder, this is entirely a work of fiction based on Mike Faist. Enjoy! <3)
He was so pretty it was hard to make eye contact as I spoke to him.
"Emma," I say with a smile as I reach my hand out to shake his. He has a kind smile, I think to myself as his hand touches mine. With that, he puts his own things away and gets comfortable for the long journey ahead. As the remainder of the passengers board the plane and a flight attendant shuts the door, I feel my whole body tense up. In just a few minutes, the plane is going to take off into the sky, and I'm going to feel like I'm dying. I try to think of things to distract myself. The color of the airplane seats, the number of passengers I can see straight ahead of me, and whether I'm going to choose diet Coke or ginger ale when the flight attendant comes by later to offer us refreshments. All of my tactics work until I feel the plane begin to shift forward. Slowly at first, circling the tarmac towards the runway. Then, all at once; reaching over 100 mph. As I feel the plane lift off the ground and tuck its wheels under, I feel myself start to breathe quicker, and my eyes clench shut.
As the plane begins to climb in the air, I feel a hand grab ahold of mine that's been clenching the armrest since I sat down. "Are you okay?" Mike speaks softly, understanding the stress I'm obviously under. I nod, not really being able to talk.
"Squeeze my hand. Hard as you need to." He opens his hand up and I let my fingers intertwine with his, squeezing as hard as I want to, just like he said. I feel a little more comfortable in his presence. I gain a little confidence.
"Ask me something. Ask me anything." My own mind is no longer enough to keep me distracted. "What's your favorite color?" He asks. "Maybe something a little less personal," I tease, still clutching his hand. "Right, my bad. What do you think happens when we die?" He pushes back. "Purple," is all I can think to say. He laughs.
At this point, the plane has fully ascended into the air and we're coasting at a steady pace.
"Thank you for that, really. I've never been good with that part of the flight. Or the coming back down, now that I think about it. So I'll be needing you again in about ten hours." He chuckles and rubs circles onto the back of my hand with his thumb. At this point, I realize I'm still holding on very tightly to his hand. I could've held onto that hand for the rest of my life. However, not wanting to appear creepy, I politely gave the man his hand back.
"So what brings you to London?" He asks. "Personal trip, actually. I've always wanted to go. I've been saving up for years. What about you?"
"I'm actually going for work. I'll be in play on the West End." That really caught my attention. "Really? What play?" He could've said he was going on a business trip as a data reconfiguration analyst and I still would've hung on to every word he said, but an actor in a play was so unbelievably cool.
"You ever seen Brokeback Mountain? Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger? Gay cowboys?"
"Duh? So someone turned it into a play? That's SO cool. So who are you playing?" I asked, now fully intrigued.
"Jack, actually! I'm really excited." He smiled proudly, as he should have. "Woah! Well, I've been dying to see a play on the West End. Maybe I'll get tickets to come and see you."
"You should! Seeing at least one friendly face in the crowd would be nice." He smiles at me again, the most beautiful, tight-lipped smile.
I feel my cheeks heat up. "So is acting a full-time gig, or do you have anything else to keep you busy?" As soon as the words leave my mouth, I realize how insulting that must sound. He smirks back at me as my eyes get wide, realizing how rude I just was. I worry I've ruined this whole flirtatious interaction we've been having. Luckily, he just chuckles back at me and says, "Um, you know I haven't been asked that question in a long time. I suppose acting is it for me at the moment."
"Just stage plays, or anything I might've seen?" I quickly recover.
"Yeah, mostly stage plays. A couple of short films, nothing serious." He was being modest, I could tell. But I didn't push any further.
As the flight went on and I stared out the window, it began to feel very difficult to keep my eyes open. I closed my window, allowing myself to drift away.
I felt a warm breath on my face as I woke up. I look to my left and see that Mike has laid his head on my shoulder as he's fallen asleep. I stare at him as long as I want to, as he's not awake to catch me admiring him. I glance out the window, looking out into the night sky a couple of times, before continuing to memorize every detail of his gorgeous face. I see his lips start to upturn into a smile.
"You like me." He says, matter of fact, with his eyes still closed. "You think I'm really cute and funny and you like me."
"Were you awake the entire time I was staring at you?" He opens his eyes. "The entire 45 minutes? Kind of. I was in and out. You definitely like me." He finally looks up at me.
"Were you always this bold or did you develop that in the theatre?" I say, gaining some confidence of my own.
"In the theatre, definitely. I never would've had the confidence to look a girl like you in the eyes before, let alone speak to you without stuttering." He said, taking his head off my shoulder.
The boys I'd dated in my hometown never made me feel pretty, but Mike, the theater boy from the plane, made me feel absolutely breathtaking. I couldn't help but smile. It scared me, the feelings I had for this man that were developing so quickly.
"Well, you like me too. Otherwise, you would've found my staring incredibly weird and off-putting, so." He laughs yet again. I love making him laugh.
"You're not wrong. I want to know more about you. I know your name is Emma and your favorite color is purple. Are you from Ohio? Or was that a connecting flight, maybe?" My heart was starting to race a little bit. "I am from Ohio, actually. I grew up about 30 minutes from Columbus, in Gahanna. You know it?"
I watched his eyes get wide and his smile get even wider. "I grew up in Gahanna. I actually was just here for a few weeks visiting my family." I cocked my head to the side.
"No shit? Small world, huh? How come we've never met?"
"How old are you again? What year did you graduate high school?" He began to look a little cautious.
"24! I graduated in 2017. What about you?" He seemed to relax a little bit.
"I graduated in 2009, but it was a year early, so I was originally class of 2010. I turned 31 in January. Is it weird that I still like you?"
"Not even a little bit. It'd be weird if I was five years or so younger." I smiled at him and laid my head on his shoulder this time.
"Good. Because I really really like you. Would you want to get dinner sometime while you're in London?" I watched him think for a few seconds. "Actually, how long are you staying, now that I think about it?" "I'll be here for about 2 weeks. What about you?"
"It really depends on how well the show is doing, but probably through the whole summer." He lifted his arm so I could lay my head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around me. A bold move, but I felt comfortable with him for some reason. A flight attendant came over the intercom and announced that we'd be landing soon. As we landed, I gave him my phone number so he could message me when he wanted.
"I'd love to get dinner, just let me know when," I told him as we both gathered our belongings. After about twenty minutes or so, we were finally able to deplane. I looked at him, suddenly feeling attached, hoping this wasn't the last time I was ever going to see him.
We walked together through the long process that was getting out of the airport. As we walked out into the cool air of the London night, we turned to each other and he promised to see me soon. I hoped he was telling the truth. He kissed me on the cheek and lingered, only for a moment, then smiled at me and got into a taxi, waving goodbye.
My cheek felt so warm. I already missed him.
He messaged me about an hour later, as I got settled into my hotel room.
"So, how's tomorrow night?" I think I'm in love.
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dre6ming · 1 year
The delicate beginning rush
Chapter 17 - this is when the feeling sinks in
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Pairing: Austin Butler x singer/ actress fem reader
Warning: age gap (10 years), smut (18+ mature content), cursing, mentions of death, grief, alcohol, fluff
Plot: the ending to a beautiful love story, the next few months in (y/n) and Austin’s life, navigating everything.
Word count: ~10.000
Disclaimer: this is the last chapter of the series, BUT be not afraid, there will be an epilogue to tie the end completely, but I can’t make any promises about when it will be posted since I have started on it yet, but keep an eye on my page, I always update when I can. Also this chapter is not proof read so there my be writing errors. Thank you!
A/n: thank you so much for coming along on this journey and though the story might be over “The delicate beginning rush” universe is not closed, so content from this world might still be posted on the form of fake instagram stories or small stories. I will always revisit these two whenever I feel like you (my readers) want me to. Thank you!! 💜🧶
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June 2022
Today it's a calm day in the studio with Taylor and Jack, I'm working on my vocals for her new album that she will announce at the AMA's. "Ok when you hear the beat, start singing." Taylor tells me, giving me the ok to record my vocals. Jack plays the track, the song Paris, is not finished yet, but she really wants it on the album, so we're doing the mixing and vocals for it, I the hopes that inspiration will struck and she'll finish it. As I'm singing I keep thinking that the way she describes she's feeling about Joe, it's the way I feel about Austin, only I can't scream it from the top of lung like her, I have to keep it private. When the word private comes to my mind something in my brain clicks I tell Jack to keep playing the beat for a little longer.
" Privacy sign on the door and on my page and on the whole world
romance is not dead if you keep it just yours
levitate above all the messes made
sit quiet by my side in the shade
and not the kind that's thrown
but the kind under where a tree has grown"
After I finish I take my headphones down and come out of the recording booth, seeing Taylor's and Jack's knowing looks. "That was amazing, Taylor you're up next" Jack says, getting back to his computer, putting together the vocals and such. "Ahah right away, then you're gonna tell me who this person that has you so in love is" Taylor teases before going into the booth to record the verse I just wrote.
Later in the car on the way to her place where she and I will have dinner with Joe, like we usually do, I fidget around nervously. "It's Austin isn't it? He's the one you love?" She asks, looking at me and taking my hands in hers, to stop me from picking at my skin. I look at her, scared for her reaction and all words leave me as I simply nod. What she does, takes me by surprise, when she brings me close and hugs me resting her chin on my head. "If he make you happy, I'm willing to give him a chance." She promises, squeezing me tight in her arms. "Thank you, it means so much to be able to finally tell you." I giggle, the weight already off my chest. "I hope you know now you've got to arrange a meet between me and him, preferably a double date at your place maybe?" She says. "Deal." I agree, happy to have her support.
August 2022
"Agh I'm so nervous, this is too much for me to handle" my hands are shaking holding the champagne glass, looking at the huge projected screen counting down the seconds until my album goes live on streaming. "It's going to be so amazing, my darling, trust me (y/n)" Austin tells me, squeezing my shoulders in a comforting way, kissing my cheek. For the past months I've slowly been introducing Austin to my close friends, so when I decided to host my birthday party and my album release party, privately at my New York apartment, I decided it was safe to invite him. "You think so?" I ask furrowing my brows, creasing my forehead with concern. Austin smooths his hands down my arms, his electric touch sending shivers down my spine. "I know so." he smiles at me so confident.
Shaking my head in disbelief, I put my glass to his lips and he tilts his head back, drinking the remaining liquor. He licks his lips sensually, dipping down to kiss me, but I see Taylor approaching in my peripheral vision, so I turn my head to the side, so his lips touch my cheek instead. "Hi Taylor!" I say, moving out of Austin's embrace, to hug her tightly. "Happy birthday my mastermind!" She says, squeezing me as hard as she can. I feel Austin shift uncomfortably behind me, so I can only imagine she's giving him a death stare. Taylor was the one who probably took it the hardest when I told her about me and him, she loves me and she's very protective of me. Taking caution from her previous relationships with age gaps such as mine and Austin's. "Hello Taylor, nice to meet you in person!" Austin says, extending a hand for her to shake, this is the first time they meet officially, he knows she's not too fond of him. I try to give her my best pleading look, while trying to be subtle about it and Taylor understands, her gaze softening a bit. "Likewise Austin, glad to see you're here supporting her, it means a lot to her!"
"I know it does." Austin tells her truthfully, snaking an arm around my waist. "So are you excited, only 10 minutes until it goes live." Taylor moves her eyes on me, looking excited. A set of arms wraps around her waist and Joe's head pops from the side, resting on her shoulder. "(Y/n) happy birthday, 20 looks good on you." Joe says in his strong British accent, smiling wholeheartedly. "Aw thank you Joe! I'm actually freaking out right now, what if everybody hates it?" I start stressing out again, all kinds of thoughts taking over my head once again as my heart rate picks up and my hands go clammy with sweat. "Hey, hey, none of that, you have a beautiful voice and you wrote beautiful songs, people would be crazy not to love them." Taylor assures me, taking my hands in hers, smoothing her fingers over my knuckles. "She's right, it's gonna be amazing, you're so so talented." Austin chimes in, agreeing with Taylor. "Austin man, mind grabbing a glass? Let's leave the girls do their thing." Joe proposes, leading Austin to the bar, to get a drink.
Taylor hooks her arm around mine and starts walking me to the balcony to get some fresh air. "You know I think I'm slowly working my way to liking him, you guys are cute, I'll give you that." I giggle at her confession, curling a strand of hair behind my ear. "He's sweet, he's been by my side through all of this, he calms me down."
"Well that's good, doesn't mean I won't keep my eye on him." She tells me, squeezing my arm. "Well it's good to know I have friends I can count on." I lean my head on her shoulder, looking out at the New York lights, the city looks so magical at night. "I just don't want you to go through the pain I did, when I felt like everything hurt, every single action was excruciating." She sighs. "Heartbreak is inevitable, I don't think me and Austin are forever, maybe I'm wrong, I don't know." I admit my thoughts, this is the first time saying this out loud, though I've thought it for a while now. I love Austin, of course I do and it's not to say that I don't think he loves me, but I have to keep a grip on reality and the possibility that he might leave some day. "Don't!" Taylor warns, taking a step away, turning me to look at her. She places her hands on my shoulders, softly shaking me, like trying to wake me up, her blue eyes looking straight into mine. "If there's one thing I've learned from every relationship I've had, is that if you keep anticipating the bad outcome, there's always a good chance it'll happen. Austin may not be forever, but he might also be, you don't know and you can't keep jinxing yourself."
Tears well in my eyes and I nod, a soft whimper escaping past my lips, turning into a sob, as she pulls me into her arms, to hug me. "I'm so scared Taylor, I feel paralyzed, soon all of the songs I wrote about my parents, my feelings, about Austin, everything.. it'll just be out there. And then I have to admit to myself that me and Austin won't be able to keep this hidden for much longer, I'm so sa-" my voice breaks as I fist the material of her dress, clinging onto her. "Oh (y/n) it'll all be ok, just breathe ok? Please!" Taylor tries to calm me down, but I'm livid at this point shaking in her arms, hot streams of slat running down my cheek and into my mouth. "(Y/n)? Taylor? Guys?" A all too familiar voice calls out, slow steps approaching. "Oh my sœur, my sweet little sister, what's wrong? Joe and Austin said you two walked out on the balcony, is everything ok?" Timmy asks, smoothing a hand down my back. "We just need a minute, how long until midnight?" Taylor asks, rocking me in her arms. "Four minutes on the clock." Timmy tells her, causing a much louder sob to go past my lips as the fear of the inevitable release of everything I've worked so hard for approaches. "Ok, go in there, we'll be in at the right time." Taylor assures.
Timmy kisses my temple, then leaves me and Taylor as we were before, alone in the hot august night. "You have one more minute to cry, then we will wipe those tears away and go in there. You'll act like the superstar that you are and claim every good thing coming your way, I know it can be scary to have you're feelings served on a plate for everyone to see, but once they are out and you see that everyone feels or has felt like that, you won't be so scared anymore." She wipe my tears with a tissue she pulled out of the pocket of her dress. My lips shiver in a shy smile, as I breathe deep. "Ok, I'm a superstar, I'm gonna be great." I repeat her words, trying to convince myself, the fact that she looks so sure of it, helping a bit. "Come on, we don't want to miss the release." She drags me back into the apartment, all my fiends are gathered around the screen projector, looking at the huge numbers counting down, champagne glasses in their hands, ready to toast.
"Five, four, three, two, one..." people count out loud, then clapping and music erupts, shaking the room alive as Timmy and Joe pop some confetti. I let go of Taylor's hand, my eyes scanning the room for the one I want to see the most. A pair of arms catches me, turning me around to face the person. My face inches away from Austin's. "I love you, congratulations!" He whispers, before placing his soft plush lips on mine, moving slowly and tender, bringing me to life, every cell in my body becoming overcharged with serotonin. My head thuds against my rib cage and I lace my fingers through his silky hair. "I love you too!" I tell him, as he lets me go, so I can circle the room and hug everyone here. It's not a big party but all the important people are here, except my parents. Now, my mom wanted to come, but she couldn't take so much time off work and dad, well I still haven't gotten around to talking to him.
After hugging Billie and her brother, I move on, ending up face to face with Joshua. "Congratulations! I'll be rooting for you at the Grammys!" He jokes, making me laugh as I drag him into a tight hug. "That reaching but I think that just for tonight I'll entertain it." I say, smiling. "Well we'd hope so!" Roxanne says, coming to his side, kissing his cheek. They started seeing each a few months ago, after she came along for a studio session with him. "Very funny, have fun!" I wish them moving on to the next person.
At the end of the night I'm pretty tired and my feet hurt like hell from being squeezed into those very uncomfortable, but very beautiful heels. "An outstanding piece of art from a young upcoming singer, best known for her Oscar worthy performance. A raw, bone shattering audio experience, a journey through the ups and downs of the teenage years..."
"Oh my lord, stop stop, that's enough!" I say, crawling over the bed to reach Austin and take the phone out of his hand. "Hey it's on rolling stone, it must be legit." He says, bending down to kiss my lips. "Maybe." I mumble moving my soft lips against his. My hands roam his torso, until they reach the collar of his shit. With a little tug, I fall on my back, dragging him along. Austin chuckles against my mouth, using one hand to prompt himself up so that he doesn't squish me underneath him. My thoughts are going at a thousand miles per hour and my hands find purchase in his blonde locks of hair, scratching at his scalp, resulting in a long breathy moan to escape him. My hips lift off of the mattress unconsciously, my pelvis brushing against his. Austin grunts, grinding his crotch against mine, placing his free hand on my thigh, encouraging me to wrap my legs around his waist.
We're a panting mess of bodies colliding, the clothes between us restricting us from feeling the warmth of each other fully, so I grab at his shit that's tugged into his pants, snaking my hands underneath the cotton material, to feel his soft burning flesh with the tips of my fingers. Austin's lips move along my jaw, taking their sweet time in loving that one spot right below my ear, that has me going crazy. "Austin.." I sigh, pleasure traveling through my bloodstream enveloping my whole body, I feel the arousal starting to gather in my underwear and I need more, so I move my hips against him harder, searching for that release. Austin's hand ghosts over my thigh, lifting my dress up, then stopping on my hipbone he pushes me into the mattress.
"(Y/n), baby? How far do you want to go?" Austin asks me, his fingers digging into my flesh holding me in place against the mattress. "All the way, I- I need you." I whine, trying to get free out of his grip, but to no avail. Austin freezes above me, then slowly moves back a bit, putting some distance between us, to look at my face. His blue orbs look over my crimson complexion, analyzing every freckle and every wrinkle, looking for the smallest drop of doubt. "Are you s-sure you're ready? I've told you before, you don't have to, I love you!"
Austin has always been considerate, ever since we started dating and I told him about being a virgin he assured me that I should never feel pressured into changing that. And I never have, but I've dreamed maybe even wished that it would happen and that he would be the one to do it.
I push my hips up fighting he's strong hold on my hip, whining for his touch, feeling starved in a way I've never felt before. Austin's breath gets a bit jagged and his hand resting on the side of my head, fists the bed sheets. "Ok baby, anything for you, anything!" He promises putting his lips back on mine, consuming my entire soul with his wet kiss. I lift my head off of the bed to follow his sweet soft lips when he pulls back. Austin's hand leaves my hip, coming to stroke my left cheek gently, his skin feeling electric against mine. His ocean blue eyes travel over my face, following my every feature like his willing to have my face engraved in his memory forever. The glimmer in the sky colored orbs watching me, melts my heart, it makes heat travel all over my body and stop in between my legs, so I rub my thighs together, trying to get some relief. The action does not go unnoticed by Austin and a boyish smile appears on his face.
I blush a deep shade of pink, trying to hide my face in the palm of his hand. "Nah no doing that, eyes on me honey! Good, now tell me what you want!" I open my mouth to speak only a bit scared to voice my desire, but his loving glare calms me down. "I want you to make love to me, Austin. Be mine!" I tell him, cupping his face this both of my hands, smoothing the skin on his cheeks. "I'm yours, I've always been, always will be!" His eyes so full of honesty and love, there's no doubt that what's between us, is real and genuine. I pull him in, only to miss his lips right before they touch mine, turning his head to whisper in his ear. "Show me!" My words sound like a dare and his whole body trembles in response.
Instantly his lips are on mine, drinking me in, moving in an orchestrated manner. Austin's hands roam my body and he shifts around the bed, placing a leg in between my thighs, angling it up, putting pressure right her I crave it. I sigh in pleasure, moving my hips over his thigh, wanting more than just the peer pressure his leg provides. I'm wearing thin nylons under my dress and he uses one hand to rip them apart. "Aus!" I gasp pulling back to see him smirk. "I'll buy you a dozen more, now let me make you feel good." He says stealing the breath out of me. His hands settle on my hips, moving me along his thigh, the friction sending electric shocks of pleasure through me. I grasp onto him, keeping him as close as possible, while he keeps my hips moving. I feel me sleek coating his pant leg and I squeeze my thighs around his muscular thigh. Austin keeps a steady pace, speaking quietly in my ear, telling me how much he loves me. "Let go baby, realx, come on!" He encourages me and my orgasm takes over me leaving me a shaky breathless pile of bones and muscles.
Austin gets up from the bed, taking a step back to look at me, catching his chin between his thumb and forefinger. "You look so fucking beautiful like this, spread out for me, cheeks rosy" he bites his lip, slowly starting to undress himself, unbuckling his belt. On cue I start to lift my dress over my head, but he shakes his head, stopping me. "I want to do it, just be patient my darling." His voice rasps, filling me with excitement.
Soon he stands bare in front of me and I can't help but roam my eyes over his form, I've seen him naked before, but for some reason right now feels like it the first time. "Like the view?" Austin quirks a brow at me, chuckling. "Maybe!" I giggle, licking my lips, the action wiping the smirk off his face. Austin comes closer, bending down to take both of my hands in his, lifting me up in a sitting position. "You're the best thing to happen to me." He tells me truthfully. I touch his face, smoothing the wrinkles by his eyes, then ghosting my finger tips over his plump lips. "I love you Austin, thank you for being mine." I kiss him forcefully, as his hand grab the hem of my dress, slowly lifting it up my body, his burning flesh teasing my, leaving goosebumps all over. We have to break apart when he reaches my head and we both laugh when the sequences of the dress get stuck in my hair.
Now here I am, naked in front of this man that watches me like I'm the only thing he's ever known to look at. His eyes glimmer in a way I can't describe and his hands follow the shape of my body without touching me, like he's scared I'm going to perish if he dares to lay a hand on my. I grab his wrists and guide his hands to cup my bare breast, the moment our skins make contact his eyes snap at me, pulling me into a deep stare. There's something so carnal about this, just to people in love, looking into each other's eyes. I let go of his wrists and move to take off my panties and ripped nylons, finally leaving myself completely bare for him to see. Austin's eyes never leave mine, as on of his hands moves over to my hip, the other snaking around my torso. Carefully he lifts me up, placing me in the middle of my bed, hovering over me.
"Are you scared? You're so quiet." Austin asks, brushing the hair out of my face. "No, I think you've left me speechless." I smile, brushing my hands through his hair. "As flattering as that is, I want you to tell me if you need me to stop. Eyes on me (y/n)!"
"I will, I promise! I'm ok now." I assure him and he nods his head, coming down to kiss me. "I need a condom, fuck I- I don't have any." Austin suddenly realizes, looking apologetic. "I'm so sorry baby, I just, I don't carry one around and I-" I start laughing at his frantic way of apologizing. Their is my Austin, always so sweet and considerate, not to say polite. Him not having a condom on hand tells me that this is as unexpected for him as it is for me. "I have an idea." I say trying to hold my laugh in. "What?" He looks rather skeptic of me. "I know Timmy has some, I could go sneak in and take some."
Austin instantly looks terrified. "And risk getting killed on your birthday?" I can't hold my amusement in anymore. "I'm glad my eminent death amuses you." He says trying to sound angry, but unable to hide his laugh. "Well technically, it's way over midnight, so it's no longer my birthday and I'll be careful." I say, sliding from underneath him, grabbing my silk robe and tying it around me. "(Y/n) are you sure? We can do this tomorrow, or when you want to, we don't have to rush." I bend down to give him a quick kiss. "I want to now, I'll be right back." I turn around walking out of the room and closing the door behind me.
I tiptoe through the quiet house and I can hear Timmy in the kitchen talking on the phone, so I quickly sprint to his room, going straight to the bathroom. I search every drawer and cabinet, finally finding the condoms, grabbing two and putting them in the pocket of my robe. As I close the cabinet door and get ready to leave I hear the door to his room open and close. "Fuck fuck..." I look around for an excuse of why I'm here, this late and naked. I grab the toothpaste tube and decide I'm just gonna lie about needing it.
The bathroom door opens and I'm met eye to eye with him. "Can I help you sœur?" He asks, looking confused. "Um I just needed to borrow toothpaste, I ran out." I explain nervously, shifting my weight from one leg to the other. "Okay?" He doesn't seem to believe me. "Well thanks!" I smile trying to get past him and out the door. "Can you bring that back when you're done? I need to brush my teeth as well." He says and I curse myself for not thinking about that. "Oh well I'm actually so tired, I think I'll just take some now." I say, opening the tube and squeezing some toothpaste onto my finger. "Here you go, have a great night." I tell him, handing back the tube and running out the door. "Ok wiredo.." he mumbles as I walk fast back to my room.
In my room Austin waits for me on the bed, with his arm folded under his head and everything on display. "You made it. With toothpaste?" He jokes, getting up from the bed, hugging my waist and spinning me around onto the bed, to end up where we left off, with me under him. "Timmy walked in in me, I had to find an excuse for being there." I explain taking a tissue form my bedside table and wiping the toothpaste off. Austin laugh shaking his head in disbelief. I slide my hand in the pocket of my robe and pull out the two condoms, holding them up. "Two? You plan to seduce me more than once tonight?" Austin smiles at me, coming down to pepper kisses all over my face. "Maybe." I tease, getting lost in the feeling of his lips traveling over my skin. "Well to be honest you don't have to try to hard" he confesses, kissing down my neck, reaching the spot under my ear, sucking and turning me to jello in his arms. His hands walk over my silk covered form, untying the robe and letting it fall open. Austin places the palm of his hand on my lower stomach, slowly inching it down, teasing me by taking a second to play with my hair. "Please!" I beg, lifting my hips off the mattress, willing him to touch me. "Patient baby, I need to open you up a bit, I don't want it to hurt." He says breathing ragged.
Finally his skilled finger touches my clit, drawing slow circles, pleasure cursing through me, enveloping me whole. "Aus.." I moan pulling at his hair, causing him to let out a guttural groan. "(Y/n)." His fingers work me like magic, his thumb applying pressure to my clit while his forefinger teases me hole. Slowly he enters one finger, pumping it in and out at a slow pace, curving it up, to massage that spongy spot inside me, making my legs shake. "I'm gonna add another one baby, ok? Just breathe for me." Austin instructs me and I nod my head, unable to reply as my voice gets knocked out of me. His long fingers work me open, gentle and slow, the stinging of the stretch being gone very soon. I feel the bubble of pleasure start to form in my belly and I start breathing faster. Austin moves down my chest to take one of my nipples in his mouth, swirling his hot tongue around the sensitive bud.
Right when I feel about to reach my peak, his long fingers disappear, leaving me whining and wanting more. "What-" his lips on mine silence me. "Take off the robe baby, I want to feel all of you." As I work on getting my robe off, he takes his shaft in hand, pumping himself a few times, quiet curses going past his lips. "Fuck the way you watch me kills me baby, you know that (y/n)?" He asks, taking one condom, opening it and rolling it on slowly. Everything suddenly feels so real and when he clears his throat to catch my attention, I realize I was frozen. "(Y/n) we don't have to, I told you." I quickly shake my head and wrap my arms around his neck to pull him back over me. "It's not that, I just-" I'm a bit ashamed to voice my fears, but looking into Austin's eyes I see that I have nothing to fear. "What if I'm not good enough and I don't make you feel good?" I whisper.
"My darling love, when it comes to you it's not just sex, never was, never will be, it's about showing each other how much love we have for one another. And to be honest sex feels good for guys almost no matter what, only a jerk would tell a girl she doesn't know how to please him. Ok? I love you!" Austin caresses my cheek, kissing my lips. I feel my heart gallop in my chest and the second I feel his hard on, touch my inner thigh I'm reminded of the desire I have for him. "I love you too." I tell him, kissing him back. "I know, I'm going to try ok? If it hurts to much, just tell me and I'll stop." Austin promises, looking into my eyes. "Yes, I promise."
I feel his head nudge my entrance, my breath hitches in the back of my throat and anxiety builds in my chest, up his eyes never leave me. I wince at the sudden sting and he freezes. "Keep going it's ok." I say, and though he looks skeptical, he keeps going. When he's fully inside me and his pelvis touches mine, I feel complete. I wish I could describe better how the way we're now conjoined makes me feel so at peace and so safe. "Are you ok?" Austin asks one of his big hands cupping my breast and twisting my nipple between his fingers. I moan loudly, throwing my head back, screwing my eyes shut. "Yess, move, oh god." A low grunt escapes Austin and he starts to move, his head hitting my g-spot with every thrust. "You're so tight, squeezing me so good, God I wish to stay like this forever." He whines, moving his hips at a steady pace. I get more confident and start moving my hips to meet his thrusts. "Shit Aus, feels so good.... Love you so much."
"I love you too!" His hands touch every patch of skin, exploring me, memorizing every inch of my body and I do the same, touching every part of him I can. Austin moves on of his hands back to my clit, stimulating it, making me squeeze around him. "You close baby? Look at me." He demands and I follow his request, making eye contact with him and feeling closer to my orgasm. "I'm so close, Aus, don't stop." He gives me a sloppy grin, kissing the tip of my nose. "I'm close too honey." He says, moving a bit faster. At this point we're just two piles of bones and muscle, whimpering and chasing our pleasure. Austin keeps playing with my clit and soon my orgasm hits me like a brick wall, pleasure washing over me like a cold shower, making everything blurry. "Austin." I moan, feeling him twitch inside me, as he freezes on top of me, moaning loudly. "(Y/n)"
When we both come back to reality he gets up, to throw the condom in the trash, then he scoops me up into his arms and carries me to the bathroom, turning the shower on. We take turns on washing each other, cracking jokes. "I love using your stuff I smell like you and it feels like you're with me all the time." Austin tells me, kissing my lips and working my conditioners through my hair. "I love you so much." I say, looking into his eyes. "I love you too."
December 2022
"Mom, the timer is done, I think your chicken is cooked." I scream from the kitchen, busy cracking some eggs for the cake I'm baking, tonight we plan a surprise birthday party for Timothee, so I'm doing all the baking while mom take care of the cooking. She and I kept on talking over the past months and while she's keen on staying at her new job in Nevada she visits now. Don't ask about my dad, neither of us got the courage to contact him just yet, but it's on my goal list for next year. "Oh Jesus, why must this skinny white boy have as his favorite food, your father's secret chicken recipe?" I giggle, adding flour to my mix. "Mom if it were secret, you wouldn't be able to cook it right now." She flips me off, making us both laugh as she gets the delicious food put the oven.
"So I think I got the karaoke system to work, but I won't put my money on it." Austin comes in the kitchen. "Oh miss. (Mother/n) that smells so good." He compliments my mom, coming over to my side to dip a finger into the frosting I made. "Hey, wash your hands first, now put it in the fridge please." I ask politely and he complies, giving me a quick kiss on the top of my head. "Thank you Austin, dear!" My mom smiles at him.
She met Austin a month ago and despite our big age difference she seems to be quite fond of him. She told me however to be careful, but other than that she welcomed him in. "So when is everyone showing up?" Austin asks, leaning against the kitchen counter. I look over his shoulder at the clock on the wall. "In two hours, but Roxanne and Joshua should be here any minute." I tell him, singling for him to bring the cake pan over so I could pour the mixture in it and pop it in the oven. "I'm happy the are still going strong." Austin speaks, opening the oven for me to slide the cake in. "Yeah, they seem happy." They've actually been going steady for a few months now and anyone who watches them sees that they have a great time together and that they love each other dearly.
"So any songs you want to do tonight?" Austin teases, walking me over to the living room to show me the karaoke station he installed. "Hm not really."
"Give it a try?" Austin hands me a microphone, helping me up onto the small stage he put together. "Ok, any requests?" I ask, smiling at him. "Surprise me." I think a bit about what song I want to do and decide to do one that's not yet on streaming, one I wrote a while and recorded not so long ago. "Ok, ready?"
New York back in August 10 floor balcony
smoke is floating over Jane and Greenwich Street
goosebumps from your wild eyes
when they're watching me
shivers danced down my spine
head down to my feet
swimming in your eyes in your eyes Egyptian blue
some thing I've never had without you
you're giving me chills at 100°
it's better than pills how you put me to sleep
Calling your name the only language I can speak
taking my breath a souvenir that you can keep
"When did you write that one I don't think I've heard it before is it about me?" Austin teases coming over to take me into his arms and kiss my cheek. I giggle putting the microphone down and circling my arms around his neck looking straight into his eyes "Yeah I wrote it about you what gave it away?" Austin shrugs his shoulders smiling at me playing with my braids between his fingers "Maybe it was the part about giving you shivers" I laugh tilting my head back "Oh really I thought it would've been the part about Egyptian blue eyes" he chuckles softly. "That part too, I guess." I shake my head at him, kissing his pink lips, licking my own when we break apart. "Is that my lip balm?" Austin blushes and pulls the lip balm tube out of the pocket his sweatpants applying some. "Dork" I say slapping his shoulder, making him feign hurt.
"Would you love birds stop all the smooching" Roxanne says walking into the living room with Joshua in hand. "Hey man!" Austin says reaching a hand out to shake Joshua's, then he goes to hug Roxanne. "Roxy, ever bubbly." Austin teases. "Hi Roxy, Joshua." I say. "Butler, ever a golden retriever, go fetch." She jokes, throwing an invisible ball. "Easy tiger!" Joshua pats her shoulder, kissing her cheek.
"Everything looks nice, is the cake ready? Can I taste some?" She asks excitedly. "Thank you and no, not yet." Just then my alarm rings for me to take the cake out. "You think you boys could fend for yourselfs while me and Roxy make the cake?" I ask, looking between Austin and Joshua. "I think we'll be fine." Austin responds, Joshua agreeing. "Ok, come on Rox, I'll let you eat the extra frosting."
"Hey that's not fair, I want some as well." Joshua says walking out way, only to get pulled back by Austin. "We'll steal some later, let the girls have their own moment" Austin winks my way, making me blush.
"Oh hello Roxanne!" My mom says, as she works on the smashed potatoes. "Hi miss" Roxy says back, hoping on the counter and watching me take the cake out of the oven and pouring syrup over it to cool it of and get it moist. "So Joshua was saying that he was thinking a trip to Rome might be nice for new year's. He said you and Austin should come along and if Timmy keeps things steady with Lily-Rose he should bring her." I get excited for a minute only to deflate the next. "What about paparazzi? You know me and Austin want to keep this as hidden as possible."
"We would rent a vineyard air b&b outside of Rome, keep away from the big city, maybe visit some of the villages around." The plan sounds great, but not bulletproof. "Paparazzi could still find us." She shrugs her shoulders, taking a spoon and helping herself to some of the frosting. "At this point you've been together for what? 10 months?" I nod. "And you love each other, if they find you, the last thing you should do is listen to their stupid speculations and talk, you and Austin know the truth of your love story ."
"I'll have to think a bit more about it. Ok?" She understands and tells me that I still have a few days until Joshua has to confirm how many people will be staying at the place he rented.
The party starts soon after our conversation and we all have a great time, singing and enjoying good food. At the end of the night when me and Austin put ourselves to bed I tell him about Roxy's invite and he tells me Joshua brought it up to him as well, as far as he's concerned he is willing to take the risk. "I love you and you love me, we both know what we have it's true, so what does it matter if they find us." I agree with him in the end, deciding that maybe yes we should go with our friends and enjoy new year's with them, but the anxiety of being found out doesn't necessarily leave me.
February 2023
The Grammys
"And the Grammy goes to..." Dua Lipa, makes a slight pause to read the winner off of the card and I hold my breath, having so many feelings at once. Taylor holds my hand under the table, also watching the stage closely, waiting for the moment the tell us who won. "(Y/n), Someone who loves you (wouldn't do this)" my song "everything I wanted" starts playing and there's screams from everywhere, feel Taylor hug me, lifting me up from the chair and pushing me towards the stage. She, Finneas, Jack, Billie and Joshua join me on the stage as I accept my award.
" I can't say that when I was making this album I ever thought it would be nominated for a Grammy and then it would get to win a Grammy. I poured my heart into this project and every single one of the people on this stage tonight can tell you how many tears I've cried over these songs and how difficult it was for me to open up to the world in the way that I did. It's more than just a dream to see my words be transported from my journal entries into songs into streaming platforms and then into your homes and hearts. I am so honored and so happy and I want to thank my family, my friends, my love, and my record label and the Academy for the amazing opportunity that they've offered me tonight thank you!"
After the great ceremony and a few more awards, I finally get to go home, missing Taylor's after party, since I'm too tired to attend. When the elevator doors open to my apartment, I'm met with a huge arrangement of flowers, from purple star flowers to sun flowers and peonies, all my favorite flowers, filling the room with their incredible aroma. "...my love" I hear my voice say as Austin comes into view holding his phone, turning the recording of my speech off. "You found a way to thank me, you didn't have to." He says, scooping me up into his arms. "That was exactly what I needed to do, dandelions was my first number one hit." I remind him kissing his cheek, as he carries me to my bedroom and into the bathroom where he prepared a relaxing bath for me.
Golden Globes evening
" Good evening everybody, I want to start off by thanking the Golden Globes for giving me the honor of presenting an award this year. The first time I ever attended the Golden Globes ceremony I was Timothée Chalamet's +1 it happened in 2016 and I met Taylor Swift. If you would've told me back then that getting to talk to Taylor would change what my future would look like forever, I probably wouldn't have believed you so I have a lot of things to thank the Golden Globes for. Last year I was nominated for a couple of words I even won a few but I couldn't attend so this year it was mandatory for me to be here. I am excited to announce the category for the best actor, on our list we have nominees who have given us amazing performances of incredible characters, bringing to screen pure and raw emotion pouring their soul and entire being into these personas that they've taken responsibility to portray. Here's a list of our nominees for best actor" I wait for the promoter to read the nominees, hoping that my reaction to Austin's name being called out, wasn't too much.
The room is quiet and it's my turn again to speak, with shaking hands, I hold the golden envelope up. " In this year's winner for best actor is" I pause opening the envelope and as soon as my eyes make out the name written on the card, they fill with tears that quickly blink back. " Austin Butler for Elvis, Congratulations!" My voice tremors and I feel like my entire body could explode with joy and excitement for Austin. After hugging Baz and his father Austin, runs over to the stage, coming my way with teary eyes. On reflex he hugs me and picks me up off the ground, squeezing me tight, so I have to remember him about where we are.  "Careful baby!" He puts me down, taking the award and mouthing a silent 'sorry'.
After he gives his speech, we both get down from the stage and I walk over to his table to make small talk with Baz and Priscilla and meet Lisa Marie for the first time. "(Y/n) always a pleasure to see you, you look beautiful, honey." Priscilla says, putting back in place some pieces of hair that fell out of place. "Thank you and it's a pleasure to meet you miss Presley" I say to Lisa, extending my hand out to shake, but she surprises me by giving me a big hug. "Oh please it's Lisa, I was so sad we didn't get to talk at the premiere last year and I'm so happy so finally get to see you." I blush at all the nice commentary coming my way, making small talk for the rest of the night.
A few days later
I'm still in L.A. after the golden globes working in getting some auditions for some new exciting roles, I'm staying over at Austin's house, which I think by now a lot of people know. There were some pictures of him picking me up from the air port before the awards, but nothing too scandalous to confirm we're more than just friends.
Austin is in his office, working on some online interviews, having doubled his press due to the Oscars being in a couple of weeks. I can hear him softly talk and laugh to the interviewer and it makes me smile, knowing how sad and worried he's been for the last day. He received news from Baz who heard from Priscilla, that Lisa Marie was rushed to the hospital last night and since then Austin's just been packed with nerves and anxiety, he formed a strong bond her. Not to say he's under pressure for the Oscar nominations, being announced in two days from now.
As I scroll through my phone, Austin's phone rings, he left it here with me to take any calls or messages while he's busy with interviews. I see the id caller being Baz, so I decide it's safe to answer. "Austin?" Baz's voice comes through the phone, worry and sadness evident in his tone and my mind goes directly to Lisa Marie. "It's me Baz, Austin is in an interview right now." I hear Baz sigh. "Well maybe it's better like this maybe he'll take the news better coming from you." I know what this means, I know it so well, it hurts before he says it, my heart filling with hurt and sadness, tears breaming my eyes. "Just say it." All this wait is killing me. "Lisa Marie didn't make it, the memorial is a week form now at Graceland, both you and Austin are invited to come. I'm so sorry to be the bearer of bad news." I wipe the few falling tears from my cheeks, breathing deep. "That's ok Baz, thanks for telling me, I'll tell Austin when he's free, we'll talk soon, take care." I end the call and cry for a few good minutes, but I decide to be strong for Austin and I wipe my face and sit reading my script, while closely listening for him to be done with his interview.
When I hear him say goodbye to the interviewer and close his laptop, I get up form the couch and walk over to his office. The door is closed so that way, neither William or Simba could walk in and bomb his interview. I knock quietly and open the door. Austin, who was resting his head on his hands, ruffling his hair, lifts his eyes up to look at me. "(Y/n) have you been crying? What's-" I sit down on the leather couch in his office and pat the spot next to me. "Sit with me." Austin looking worried, listens to me, no questions asked, sitting down next to me. "Baz called, he," I take a deep breath. "He told me Lisa didn't make it, the memorial is next week at Graceland."
As I speak he doesn't seem to hear me talk anymore, his eyes filled with tears. He falls limb into my arms and cries with his face buried into my chest. I feel his hot tears soak into my shirt and his hands grip the cotton material harder, almost ripping it off of me. I try to soothe him, but the best thing I can do right now, is let him cry in my arms.
After a good hour or so of crying he fell asleep on the couch with his head in my lap, it was good thinking I got my phone with me when I left the living room, cause he had another interview scheduled for today, so I texted his agent James and told him that Austin isn't going to be able to do them. James, being Austin's best friend since they were little kids, understood perfectly, giving me green light to let Austin rest.
About three hours into his sleep, I need to use the bathroom really bad, so I unlatch his hands from around my waist and get up to go to the bathroom. As I'm washing my hands I hear him call my name, thinking he's up, I call back. "In the downstairs bathroom Aus." But I don't hear anyone approach, which worries me. I still hear him calling my name over and over again and I realize he's not awake, he's just sleep talking, something he does when he's very nervous.
I find him still on the couch in his office, asleep and mumbling my name. I squeeze next to him on the small couch and find my stop into his arms, instinctively he hugs me close, burying his nose into my hair and breathing in my scent. I don't know how long we stay like that, but by the time his eyes flutter open, the sun outside is setting. His hazy blue eyes watch me. "Is it real?" He asks, new tears pricking his eyes. "It is, baby." He holds me close to his chest, breathing in and out quietly.
A little over a week later
I attended the funeral with Austin, which made sense since I was close to the family outside my relationship with him, there were a few photos of me and him at the event, but we were both in mourning and us hugging didn't look too out of character. But to be honest at this point I don't think we care to hide the relationship anymore, we just want to be happy.
After the funeral Austin decided to fly back to New York with me, where we are now. Tonight the Oscar nominations are announced and I'm so so nervous for him, he really deserves it and I know deep down he wants it so badly. "Ready for bed honey?" He asks, coming into my bedroom and setting into bed next to me. "Do you really think you could sleep?" I ask as he puts his head into my stomach. "If you sing to me, please." He asks politely, so how could I refuse him?
One night a few moons ago
I saw flecks of what  could've been lights
but it might just have been you
passing by unbeknownst to me
life is emotionally abusive
And time can't stop me quite like you did
and my flight was awful
thanks for asking
I am unglued
thanks to you
and it's like snow at the beach
weird but fucking beautiful
flying in a dream stars by the pocketful
you wanting me tonight feels impossible
but it's coming down no sound it's all around
like snow at the beach
Though Austin falls asleep soon enough, I can't find rest for the whole night, so at 7am I'm at the kitchen counter, drinking a big cup of coffee, looking out the window and listening to the nomination announcement. When they reach the best actor category, my heart stops and I hold my breath. Finally they say it, they say he name, I'm so excited I don't have the patience to stay and watch the rest of the ceremony to see what other nominations hie movie gets, this one was the one I cared for the most.
I Find him still soundlessly asleep, his phone buzzing on his nightstand. I pick it and see it's James. "James hi, I'll wake him up now so sorry." James his agent sighs, chuckling. "That's ok, tell him to call me when he can, but an hour later max, understood?" I promise James that I'll get Austin to call him no later than an hour from now and end the call. "Aus.." I shake him awake gently and he opens his blue eyes for me. "Baby?"
"It's here Aus, you, made it, you got the nomination." As soon as the words leave my mouth he, sits up , looking for his phone. "You'll call James later, look at me Austin, I'm so proud of you, congratulations." I say cupping his face in my hands and kissing him. I can't believe I get to live in the moment with him.
March 2023
The Oscars
"This year every time we went to the cinema we had an incredible experience watching amazing actors put on a show for us, we saw personalities portrayed in ways we've never seen before from the electric magic of Elvis to the magnificent sad story of the Whale, we have experienced pain, love, fear, happiness all in one, all at the same time. We got drunk on the feeling of pure joy and pure excitement watching these incredible human beings play out on our screen. Tonight we honor them, we offer a token of our appreciation for the hard work that has been put into these movies. Here is the list of nominees for this year's best actor in a drama." My palms are sweaty and watch Austin holding hands with Angela Basset, while his dad has a hand on his shoulder for the two behind. I see the hope in his eyes and when in handed the envelope with the results, I say a little prayer for him. " Austin Butler for Elvis."
I can't believe it, he doesn't seem to believe it either as he sits frozen in his chair. "Austin it's you, you did it, you won, come up, you won." Finally he wakes up, standing and running over to the stage, not missing a beat when it comes to hugging me. I feel his tears on my cheek and it makes me so happy to know all he's worked for payed off. "I love you so so much!" He says letting me go, receiving his award and heading to the mic the give his speech.
"It's a lot to imagine that after four years of hard work, three years of dedicating myself to this incredible person who is no longer with us, but who left us with such an immense legacy , I get to be here on this stage tonight and hold this award in his name. Elvis, he loved acting, he loved movies and this award it's so much for him as it is for me. I want to thank him I want to thank his  daughter Lisa for always watching over me. I want to thank my mom who is up there with them looking down at me hopefully so proud of who I am right now and what I managed to do. I want to thank every single person who was by my side in this period of time and who always supported me even when I didn't believe it myself thank you so much!"
After the ceremony and after getting his award engraved with his name we get in the car together, I rest my head on his shoulder as his driver takes us back to my place, so we could change for Baz's after party. "I can't believe it!" Austin whispers, smoothing his fingers over the cold metal of the award. "I can, you work very hard and you reached peoples hearts, you deserve it, own up to it."
July 2023
After the Oscars we were photographed many times together, but the most recent one, which finally confirmed our relationship came out only two days ago, after we had cute date. We were both a little tipsy and while waiting for Matt to come pick us up, we were photographed making out on the side of the street. It feels so weird to have everyone know that we're together, but it also feels good in a way, because now we don't have to hide anymore. Trying to lift my spirits up, Austin booked a trip to Disneyland the day after my birthday, which we chose to celebrate together at his house in L.A, combining both of our birthdays since they are only 9 days apart.
I look down at my lap, at the sleeping Austin, he looks so sweet and peaceful, I think it's finally time that I confirm my love for him online, so I snap a picture of him over my book that I'm reading, posting it to my stories and tagging him. I know this will probably blow out the internet, but I don't care, I'm so in love that I might stop breathing, he and I are approaching two years together and it's so unbelievable, if you've told me two years ago, that Austin would be mine, I probably would've laughed in your face, but it's true and it's of so amazing.
I can't wait to see what our future has in store for us, but I'm hopeful that we'll get through everything, like we have so far, by being open and communicative, by listening to each other, knowing when and where to set boundaries. Dedicating our time to helping each other grow and stay happy and healthy.
All because loving him is golden like daylight and the delicate beginning rush we felt so long ago never seems to leave us, only growing in intensity, fueling us to always come back and be here.
Tags: @galaxygirl453 @rainydayz101 @samaraannhan20 @marlowmode @myradiaz @areuirish @micaelainthe60s @homebodybirkin2003 @pennyroyalcreep @purejasmine  @strokesofstokes @lanasfloridakiloss @denised916 @kibumslatina @macey234 @melodixs-blog @shantellescrivener @chewiethecatus @guacala @fangirl125reader @father-of-2cats @lucid315 @melodixs-blog @ilovehobi101 @richardslady121 @jensmithin @julie181 @chrisevansgirl34 @ranaissingle @onecrazydirectioner @maria-1287 @austinbutlerssimp @kingdomforapony @acoolnight @tarot-sybarite @goldenmarygio @frozenhuntress67 @anonyboo63478338 @littlewhiterose @thefallofthedamned @1eminicookie @rose-deathman @iheqrtaustin @desitravelsblog @prompted-wordsmith @austinsvlrslut @crystallizedth0t @hertvgirl @peanutbutterinacup @austinswhitewolf
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coldfanbou · 2 years
Another Addition
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This was the piece chosen by all of you during this week's poll. Here is the prompt "Yerin being hypnotized and became a shibari sex machine for OC. Even after coming out of a hypnosis, she already addicted to bondage sex and begs OC to bind and use her." I also put in a picture to show how she's tied up more or less. There's rough sex, and hypnosis involved, some degradation. Also looking at the end if you know you know. (Wink wink nudge nudge)
Length 2K
Yerin x Mreader
Previous Part
Next Part
It was a little weird when Yerin came to you asking for you to hypnotize her. Sure, you could do it, but what she was asking for was odd. "Look, I've been struggling to…." She pauses, becoming embarrassed about having to explain herself. "Don't laugh, but I've been struggling with 'finishing.' I just can't seem to get off. You do that hypnosis stuff, so I thought that you might be able to do something about it."
"I… get where you're coming from, Yennie, but haven't you tried using different toys, or maybe we could-"
"I've tried it; I just can't get over the edge. Do what you have to; just make it so I can cum" Yerin leans back on the sofa and closes her eyes. 
"I kinda need you to have your eyes open for this." Yerin opens her eyes and looks at you with a sly grin. 
"So you'll do it?" 
You give a resigned sigh, "Fine; I'll do it. Anything else you want while I'm there?"
"Could you try to get me into bondage? Right now, I get nervous about the idea even though I want to try it; I think that'd be useful. Feel free to give it a test run, Mr. Know-it-all." Yerin says, teasing you for your exploration into all sorts of things. 
"Yeah, sure." Mildly annoyed you just agreed to it. Having a long-time friendship with Yerin included having her be very open about this sort of thing. 
"Oh, should I take my clothes off now, or are you going to have me do it later?" 
"Just do it now, Yennie; I'll get the rope." You step out of the room and search for the rope you'd use to bind Yerin and everything you'd need for the hypnosis. 
"Hey! You should take yours off while we're at it." You hear Yerin yell from the other room, and you follow along a strip down. When you return, she's just finished taking her clothes off and is setting them aside. You stand there, taking in the sight of her toned back, shapely ass, and milky thighs. You shake your head to regain focus before returning to your seat across from Yerin. She stares at you with a smile.
"Thanks for doing this."
"Yeah, yeah."
"Don't expect me to pay you; you already get to try out the effects of the hypnosis on me."
"Yeah, I know, Yennie. Just relax and let me do my thing." Speaking in a low and soft voice, you say, "Take slow deep breaths and focus on something in the room. It could be whatever you want. Just focus on it." Heeding your instructions, Yerin's eyes focus on a poster behind you. "Relax your legs; feel the muscles tighten and loosen in them as if you don't need to put effort into maintaining them. You're letting yourself relax now; you feel heavy now. The more I talk, the heavier and more relaxed you feel; you're reaching a peaceful trance." As you continue with the hypnosis, you see Yerin's eyes shut, and her body goes limp. It's at this point you implant the suggestions within her.
"With the snap of my fingers, you'll awaken very sensitive and with a strong need to be tied up." Before you snap your fingers, you move to Yerin's side and plop her down onto your lap. You snap your fingers, and Yerin awakens. "How are you feeling, Yennie?" 
"I don't feel any different, maybe… oh wait, my arms feel weird. Kinda too free, I don't know how to explain it."
"Hmm, okay. How does it feel when I do this." Your hands grope Yerin's modest tits; she loudly moans as you squeeze her tits. 
"Oh fuck, that feels so good." She says.
"Does Yennie want to be tied up?" You ask teasingly. 
"Yes! Please tie me up!" Yerin looks somewhat shocked that she said that without a second thought.
"Looks like it all worked," you think to yourself. You let go of Yerin's tits and have her stand up. Grabbing the rope, you start to arrange it around her body. Being the first time, you make it somewhat simpler and tie Yerin's arms behind her back with intricate knots. The rope is tightly wound around Yerin's body, though not enough to make her uncomfortable.
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As you pull on the rope to make sure it's adequately tied, Yerin moans, "That’s it, this is what I wanted" You stand back and get a look at your work once everything is set. You bend Yerin over the coffee table, and from behind, you poke and prop at her already wet lower lips. Soft mewls come from her as her body shivers in pleasure. Yerin wiggles her ass as you continue, "please, I need more." You slide your fingers inside her, making her moan. "Oh fuck," Yerin presses her face against the table as she's forced to stay in place while you have your way with her. "Fuck!"
Yerin's body shakes as she cums unexpectedly. Her juices spray onto the floor below as she goes through her first orgasm in weeks. The hypersensitivity her body had from the hypnosis was wholly forgotten about on your part; tying Yerin up had made you forget. Yerin pants, she's trying to catch her breath. You take this opportunity to press your cock against Yerin's lips. She moans as she feels your cock push into her. She drowsily says, "You're so big; you're going to destroy me." You ignore her words and continue slowly pushing your way into her pussy. You feel it stretch around your cock as you move further into her. Yerin whimpers as you thrust deeper into her. "Fuck, fuck, fuck me." Yerin mumbles out."
"Oh, you want me to fuck you now?"
"That’s- ahh!" You cut her off by thrusting the rest of your cock into her. Yerin had meant fuck me, as in she might have bitten off more than she could chew. You start pulling out of Yerin and notice how her pussy grips your cock as you do. You slam back into her drawing a yelp out. You bask in the feeling of her tight, wet pussy gripping your cock as you start thrusting at a moderate pace, crashing into her cervix with each one. Yerin's sensitive body leads her to have multiple orgasms as she continually cums. You keep thrusting, “I’m cumming!” She screams out with each orgasm before, only to go silent after. The everlasting tightness of Yerin's pussy getting as each orgasm courses through her feels great and only drives you to thrust faster. You then decide to spank Yerin, making her yelp in pain. You feel your first orgasm coming soon, and you thrust even quicker; the clapping of Yerin's ass hitting your thighs, along with her continued moans, fills the room.
"You're finally getting all the orgasms you ever wanted, Yerin. How does it feel?" 
“So fucking good, keep going. Fuck my brains out! Do it!” She yells in a haze as she responds to your question.
As you continue to abuse Yerin’s pussy, your cock pulses inside her, and you bury it deep inside. Your seed pours into her as grip her soft ass. “Fuck, Yennie, that felt really good.”
“Your cum is flooding my pussy, thank you,” She mumbles. “I want more; give me more.” You press your cock against her gaping pussy before Yerin mumbles, “No, I want to taste it.”
You pull on the ropes, pulling Yerin along. Your cock is right in front of her, “Go ahead then.” With her hands behind her back, Yerin resorts to rubbing your cock with her face, coating it in cum. As your cum drips down her cheeks, Yerin takes the head in her mouth. Lazily sucking on it, her tongue slowly circles the head a few times before she starts to take more of your cock in. Yerin’s mouth stretches to accommodate your size. You feel her tongue lap at the sides as she manages to get to the base of your cock. “Fuck, Yennie, you’re always so good at blowjobs.” If you were in a different position, you would’ve been able to see Yerin's throat bulge as she took all of your cock. Yerin stays at your base for a few moments before returning to the head. Her eyes are half-lidded as she continues. You let the temptation of using her overcome you and pull her hair into twin tails to use as handles while you facefuck her. You thrust into Yerin’s mouth as you hold her place. Your cock hits the back of her throat with every thrust; spittle flies from Yerin’s mouth when you pull out, only for it to hit her face as you push back in. Your second orgasm is soon to come, and you decide to slow down. Yerin takes this chance to breathe before she goes back to your cock.
When your cock pulses in her mouth, Yerin pauses to say, “Give it to me; pour your cum down my throat.” She immediately returned to your cock as she took it all in her mouth and her tongue lapped at the sides of your cock. Unable to hold on, you cum down Yerin’s throat, and she drinks it all without trouble. Once done, Yerin cleans your cock as she pulls away. She moves back to lean over the table, satisfied. 
You undo all of the bindings on Yerin and move her, so she leans against the couch. As you look at her, you see her face still has bits of your cum, and her used pussy is leaking all over the floor. It aroused you, and you debated using Yerin again, eventually deciding against it. “I’m going to count from one to five; when I reach five, you’ll feel wide awake and refreshed.” You say as you ready yourself to bring Yerin out of hypnosis. “One, two, three, four, five.” At five, Yerin snaps back and is wide awake. “So, how do you feel, Yennie?” 
She crawls to you and grasps your cock, giving you a few strokes. “I want to be destroyed by this cock. Tie me up and use me like a cum dumpster.” 
She stares into your eyes. “I want you to use me; I’m just a cum dump for you to leave your hot seed in.” She gently licks the side of your cock as she eyes you. “Please?” At that moment, you’re saved by a knock at the door. 
“Yennie, get your clothes on quick!” you whisper, just in case the person at the door can hear you. Yennie nods sadly and starts putting on her clothes. “Just a moment,” you yell as you rush to put on some shorts. When you return to the room, you see Yerin fully dressed and cleaning up the mess on the floor. “Thanks, Yennie.” You peek through the peephole on the door, and on the other side, you see Eunha, Umji, and SinB. “Oh no, not them,” you whisper to yourself. You didn’t need the other cum dumps to come in. You open the door and ask them what they want. 
“Master, we did it. We went an entire day with these toys teasing us. Can we get our reward now?” SinB says as she twitches from the vibrating toys attached to her nipples and clit. Even though they were on the lowest setting, having them on an entire day would torture them. You peek over your shoulder to see Yerin sitting on the couch. Turning back to the three, you say, “I have a guest who will be a part of your group now, understood? We’ll be training her today.” The three girls grin and step inside, ready for a training session.
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griffin-girl-r · 8 months
You came back to me (Part 2)
Created: 20.03.2022
Finished: 26.06.2022
Edited: 19.09.2023
Age: 15
Word count: 2,030
Warnings: Shovels
Request: No
Part 1 , Part 3
"Why do you want us to go back there, Nat?" Clint asked annoyed
"I want you to go there and find everything you possibly can about Y/N."
"But why?!" Clint whined rolling his eyes "An abandoned HYDRA base isn't the nicest place in this world."
"Not your business, Barton!" Natasha shouted angry
Clint immediately shut his mouth and just nodded.
"Don't worry, Nat. We'll try our best." Steve reassured Natasha, placing his hand on her shoulder
"Thank you, Steve. It means a lot." She smiled at him, placing her hand over Steve's, squeezing it a little
And with one last nod between Steve and Natasha, the two men took off.
Natasha turned towards Bruce and gave him a look that said 'I'll need your help later'.
A few hours later, Steve and Clint returned with their hands empty much to Natasha's disappointment.
"We're sorry, Nat. But we found no records of her." Steve explained
Natasha only stormed out of the room confused and frustrated.
She was almost running towards Bruce's lab when she bumped into someone on the way there.
"Hey, Tasha! Where's the rush?" You questioned the woman, rubbing your shoulder that came into contact with Natasha's
"Hey, Y/N? Can I ask you a few things?" She nervously asked
You have never seen Natasha this nervous.
"Sure, Tasha. You know you can ask me anything." You smiled
"Do you remember how much time you spent locked in there?" The spy intently watched you
"In the cell?" You raised your eyebrows
Natasha nodded.
"I think that, I don't know, maybe 8 or 9 years. I can't remember exactly."
"And they did experiments on you?" Natasha kept her gaze on you
"Not really. No." You shook your head "But they used to run tests on me all the time though."
"What kind of tests?" Natasha rushed to ask
"They were testing my agility, reflexes, intelligence, endurance... Things like this."
You only blinked once and when you opened your eyes again, Natasha was already sprinting down the corridor.
"Tasha, where are you running?" You shouted after her
But you received no answer from her.
Shrugging, you kept walking to your initial destination. The kitchen. To get some snacks and drink some milk.
Natasha banged open the lab's door and speed walked towards Bruce who was sitting at his desk.
"I don't know how but you will find out who are Y/N's biological parents and her medical history." Natasha pointed her finger towards the doctor "You have 48 hours."
And with that Natasha rushed out of the room as fast as she could, not leaving any space for Bruce to protest.
Leaving him no other choice than to run multiple DNA tests.
Later that night, Natasha was sitting on the edge of her bed, deeply lost in thoughts, when Clint entered the room without even knocking first.
"What are you doing here, Clint?" Natasha sighed tired
"What do you think you're doing, Natasha?" Clint snapped back at her "Bruce told me what you asked him to do. Is there something I should know?"
"No..." The woman quietly answered
"I don't think you'll ever go this crazy for nothing. I know it's about Y/N, who by the way, keeps asking for you. But I don't understand what... You've noticed something strange?" Clint crossed his arms, waiting for an answer
After a few moments of considering whether she should tell Clint or not, she nodded her head.
"Y/N..." Natasha let out a shakey breath "She has a scar on the back of her head, hidded by her hair."
"And?" Clint encouraged her to go on
"It's in the exact same spot where Dreykov shot my Y/N when he killed her..." She tried her hardest not to cry
Something clicked in Clint's head and he sat down next to his best friend with a long sigh.
"Do you remember the day we found the grave?" Clint asked, looking at Nat "I know for a fact that I will never be able to forget it. Not even if I tried."
"How could I forget?" The woman finally allowed herself to cry
It's been 2 years since the day Natasha lost everything. Since the day her world came crashing down and only left a big hole inside her.
For the past 8 months, ever since Clint became her best friend, he had done nothing but search for the grave of the child he hadn't even met but started to love because of Natasha's stories about her.
And he did. He actually found it with a lot of help from some people that owed a debt to him.
It was a cloudy day when Clint told Natasha that he found the grave and she, practically, begged him to take her there in that instance.
Much to Clint's surprise, the grave was placed in a really quiet forest not so far from the place they currently lived.
He was there every second of that painful encounter and the scene in front of him will haunt his dreams forever, becoming one of his multiple nightmares related to Natasha.
Clint felt the cold summer rain starting to pour down the moment Natasha laid eyes on the little gravestone in front of her.
But Natasha didn't.
She didn't feel the cold raindrops soaking her up.
The pain inside her was so strong that she couldn't feel the physical pain anymore.
With small and shy steps the 24-year-old woman approached the grave that had become the new home of her beloved baby.
She fell to her knees and hugged the gravestone so tight that someone from afar would believe she was actually hugging her child again, planting kisses all over the dirty and cold stone.
"Y/N?" Natasha sobbed out with all her heart "Oh, Y/N. What are you doing here, baby? You were supposed to be home playing with your puppy while laughing and running around the house, not lying here in the rain. It's cold out here, my love. You might get sick. You have to come with me inside. We can do anything you want. We can play or cuddle or bake cookies or anything you want us to do... Just get up and come with me, baby girl. Get up! I love you!"
Natasha kept bragging and bragging over and over again, while uncontrollably sobbing and screaming.
Clint was no longer trying to be strong.
No one in this or any other world would have been able to control their tears at the heartbreaking sight of a mother hugging her daughter's gravestone. It was too much pain.
When the man couldn't take more of his friend's pain he slowly lifted her and took her back to her house, despite Natasha's screams of protest.
Over time, every time Natasha would disappear, Clint knew exactly where she was.
And he wasn't disappointed when, every single time, he found her asleep next to the grave.
Most of the time, he would just cover her with a blanket and let her sleep, watching over her from a nearby tree.
"I will never be able to forget your painful screams, Nat. And I never want to see you pass through this again. It will be too much for you." Clint sighed "And for me..."
"But what if... What if somehow what I'm thinking it's true, Clint?" Natasha asked hopefully
"Look, Nat. I don't want you to get too excited only to have your dreams and hopes crushed, okay?" The archer patted her back
Natasha saddly nodded.
"I want to do something crazy that will be extremely painful no matter the result." Natasha looked at Clint for confirmation that he's in
"What?" He sighed, letting his head fall in his hands
The next day, Natasha was back at her daughter's grave together with Clint, Steve, and two shovels.
"Give me a second, guys." Natasha pleaded
She crouched down next to the stone and, kissing it, she whispered "Forgive me, baby girl. But I need to know. Always remember that Mama loves you."
She pointed to the grave with her head and the boys nodded. Taking the shovels, they started digging.
Half an hour later, Natasha was holding her breath as Steve and Clint placed down next to her the small white casket her daughter was in.
She lovingly dusted the dirt from it with tears in her eyes and shakey hands.
"Hi..." She whispered as she kept moving her hand from side to side on the casket "Long time no see..."
"Are you sure you want to do this, Nat?" Steve asked concerned
"Yeah, I need to." She said not taking her eyes from the casket
Both men got closer to their friend, getting ready for whatever they were about to witness.
Natasha slowly opened the casket and she gasped shocked when she saw what was inside.
"Nothing..." Nat breathed out in shock as she took in the emptiness of the casket, her grip on the side of the casket tightening with each second that passed
Steve and Clint looked at each other shocked for a moment and then both rushed to talk to Natasha.
"You were right, Nat..." Clint exclaimed surprised
"What is this supposed to mean?" Steve asked equally as surprised as Clint
"Either she's buried someplace else, either..." Natasha looked with shimmering and full of hope eyes at her friends "Either she's alive."
Natasha couldn't wrap her mind around the information she just found out and Clint for sure wasn't helping too much.
"It's empty!" Clint cheered for the one hundred time in the last five minutes
"Clint, shut up!" Natasha threatened him
But Clint only kept on celebrating "It's empty. It's empty..." He chanted and started to dance
From one quick move, Natasha picked up one shovel that was beside her and smacked Clint over his upper back with it, the archer falling to the ground with a loud groan.
"I. Said. Shut up!" The woman spitted out
Steve looked shocked at her for a few seconds but dared to say nothing.
"Why?!" Clint started to cry like a little baby and brought his knees to his chest "Just why?!"
Back at the compound, you were chilling on the couch almost falling asleep when you heard voices and recognized Natasha's.
The three heroes entered the room and you shot up on your feet with a questioning look on your face as you saw the state they were in.
As soon as Natasha laid her eyes on you, she engulfed you in a really tight hug, and the redhead started to cry.
"What have you done to her this time, guys?!" You gleared at the men annoyed while holding Natasha in your arms "Robin Hood? America's Ass? Do you have something to say for yourself?"
"Bye!" Clint shouted and ran out of the room, dragging Steve out with him in the process
"Hey, Tasha... Are you okay? Why are you crying?" You slightly pulled apart to look at the woman who took care of you these past months
"I-I... I just discovered something really important for me." Natasha sniffed
"Is it a good news?" You questioned carefully
"The best!" She smiled
"Yey! I'm happy for you, Tasha!" You cheered
Natasha didn't fully reveal to you what that important news was and you didn't push her to tell you.
You just cuddled up with her on the couch, watching movies until you fell asleep.
Natasha admired you sleeping for a moment and then, gently peeling you off of her, she went straight to Bruce's lab to collect her answers.
"I need answers, Banner! And I need them now. I can't wait anymore..." Natasha demanded as she entered the room "Have you found any information about Y/N?"
"I actually did." Bruce announced, making Natasha's confident facade fade away "I found her mother. It wasn't that hard to find her since her mom was already in our database. Y/N's DNA matched almost instantly with her mother's."
Feeling like her feet couldn't support her anymore, Natasha let herself fall into a chair and, holding her breat, she asked the important question.
"Who is her mother?"
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kiankiwi · 3 months
Would you possibly write another cg!Jacob fic? Maybe him soothing little!reader to sleep after a bad day :)
Jacob could always tell when you were not okay.
As soon as he realized that today, he took you to a corner alone to check on you. "What's up baby you okay?" You nodded, biting at your thumb. "Hey, baby no thumb please." But you knew you couldn't have your paci for a while as you guys were in public getting fitted for your outfits for an award show that you were going to in a few nights with Jacob. And all day today your brain was racked with anxiety about the red carpet you were getting fitted for. What if you made a fool of yourself? What if you tripped or ripped your dress or embarrassed Jake?
You averted your eyes from Jacob as he took your hand in his to avoid you biting at your thumb nail. "Sorry daddy, I just... my heads being mean..." With yourself teetering on headspace, that was the easiest way to explain your anxiety.
Jacob sighed and you tensed, afraid you had upset him. "Baby, I can't be daddy here. Here, how about I tell them I'm not feeling well and we figure this out at home okay?" Your eyes lit up with hope. You could go down at home and you really needed it. "Go home?" You asked, tears filling your eyes without your permission. "Yeah baby, here you wait for me here and no thumb okay? I have a paci for you in the car.." You nodded as you sat and waited for Jacob to formulate his lie.
Back in the car on the way home, you started feeling bad all over again. Jacob had stuff to do to get ready for this red carpet and you got in the way. You and your stupid anxiety was causing him to ignore his responsibilities in order to take care of you. You felt like a horrible burden to him.
Your paci fell out of your mouth as the horrible thoughts circling around your brain caused you to begin to cry. "What's the matter baby? Hey, hey, what's wrong?" You curled up in your seat away from Jacob and sobbed into your stuffed owl. "Baby, can you talk to daddy please? I can't fix it unless I know what's wrong?"
"M-m-mean thoughts!" You forced out as you continued to cry. Jacob knew from years of decoding your littlespace speak that that meant you were having bad anxiety. But you were much too upset right now to talk about it or be talked through it. Jacob just needed to comfort you and figure out what you were anxious about later when you were able to articulate your thoughts better. "Your brain is being a meanie again? Okay sweetie, you can cry if you need to. Daddy is right here okay? You're safe and daddy's not mad at you. We can talk about it more when you're a little bigger okay? But right now daddy's just taking you home and he'll take care of you okay? You're alright sweetie, it's alright to cry. Do you wanna hold daddy's hand?" You reached forward and held onto Jacob's hand that he offered you, squeezing hard as you continued to sob.
Once you were home, Jacob got out of the car and came over to your door, opening it and crouching down to your level. "Hi baby, can you and daddy take some deep breaths? It'll make your chest feel better." Jacob rubbed his palm in the center of your chest, the spot you've told him hurts most when you experience a lot of anxiety. "H-hurts." Jacob nodded. "I know it does, can you take some deep breaths for me please? Then we can go inside and get all cozy and talk about what's going on in that little head of yours." You bit your paci in fear, shaking your head. "N-no tankoo!"
Jacob grabbed your hands as they started to shake. "Okay baby, we don't have to talk about it yet but we're still gonna breathe together okay? Ready, in for four..." You and Jacob took some deep breaths together and you gripped your owl stuffy as you calmed down slightly. "Good job baby." Jacob picked you up and held you tight as he brought you inside.
"Alright baby, let's get you cozy." Jacob brought you into the nursery and laid you down with your owl. "Here we go bubs." He brought over your favorite onesie and changed you quickly. He smiled at you softly. "You look so sleepy bubs." You couldn't help yourself, you let out a yawn. "Oooh big yawn baby. Such a sleepy baby. Do you want a bottle before we nap?" You nodded clinging to him yet again as he picked you up. "It's okay baby, daddy's not going anywhere." Jacob said as he gave you a forehead kiss. You whined and pushed your face into his shoulder, hiding. "Are you sure you don't want to talk about it baby? We can wait till you're bigger if you want?" He asked as he quickly made you a bottle for naptime.
"Tiny!" You whined, wrapping your arm around Jacob's neck. "You want to stay tiny and talk about it later?" You nodded. "Okay, we can do that." Jacob handed you the fresh bottle and brought you back upstairs to your nursery.
You held onto your bottle as Jacob sat with you in the rocking chair and adjusted you so you could lay down. He smiled as he began rocking. "Hi baby. I love you so much. Yes, I love you." Your eyes misted again as you drank from the bottle. "Oh no baby, no sad it's okay!" You whimpered, bringing your hand up to knuckle at your eye. "It's alright sweetheart, are we just having a bad day? Is that it?" You nodded, curling up against Jacob's belly. He began running his hand through your hair to comfort you. "You're okay baby, it's all okay. Once you wake up from your nap, we can start over again okay? We can still have a good day." You nodded as you drank the rest of your bottle.
Jacob set the empty bottle down by his feet and continued rocking bringing his hand down and cupping your face in his hand rubbing his thumb across your cheek. "It's okay baby, quit fighting it, you can sleep." You whimpered as you closed your eyes. "You're okay baby, I promise, it's alright. It's just a bad day." Jacob continued rubbing your face until he was sure you were 100% asleep. "There we go. Sleep tight baby." He whispered as he stood up and transferred you carefully to your crib.
Once you were up, you would be able to start your day over in hopefully a better mood. He could talk about what was bothering you later when you were back in adult headspace. For now, you could just sleep.
@mooodyblue @crypticminx
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attackonpaper · 1 year
No Regrets
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Levi Ackerman x reader
Levi and I made a promise long ago… No regrets.
- Angst - Slow Burn - Fluff
Part 1 / Part 2
"Lan's been having trouble with his leg, I think we should help him." Furlan suggested and I took note of it nodding in agreement.
"I'll see if I can get those meds. One of you will have to hit right here, draw the attention from the medical bay." I said.
"I don't know if that's a good idea." Levi stepped in, "That place is the most guarded. What happens if you get caught?"
"I can't tell you that." I looked up at him, "But, I won't let myself go down easy."
"Are you sure you can't wear these?" Levi gestures to the gear I was buckling Isabelle into.
"You know I'm not very good at these things in the air." I gave Isabelle a small pinch to her cheek causing her to swat my hand away with a groan.
"Besides." I walked the few steps to Levi, tightening a strap on his chest, "I'm better on the ground. Easier to steal things while you lot make a commotion." I teased with a smile.
"Be safe." He said.
Levi glanced down and I could only dream it was to kiss me. Maybe later I could get one from him...
"I'm only as safe as you are." I smiled looking over at Furlan, "Furlan, do you need any help?"
"No, I think I got it this time." He gave a thumbs up tightening the laces on his shoes.
"Alright." I picked up my basket, "Let's go."
Isabel threw her fist towards the air before her and Furlan took off into the sky. Levi gave me one last glance and a nod, something he would always do before taking off. Now it was my turn to get myself together and steal as much as I could.
I walked through the market subtle at first as to not be caught. Buying a few items with coins at one stall while stealing from another. Small things of course, the bigger items would come after they would arrive. It was only a few moments and then I heard his whistle. It was time. A scream could be heard a few stalls down as they knocked over a basket of apples.
As everyone drew into a panic I was able to pick up three before the seller looked over and I began to pack the basket with jams, some meat, bread, and cheese from other stalls.
My next move was to get to the medical bay and wait for the signal but, after the given amount of time I was suppose to wait nothing had happened and I began to grow worried.
I hurried back to our meet up spot in a small alley way a few blocks away from the market. The minutes grew longer than I would have liked. It shouldn’t have taken them this long. I began pacing back and forth my heartbeat slightly racing.
Where were they? Are they okay? What if-
My racing mind was silenced as my little family of three landed in front of me. I was quick to drop the basket and run into Levi's arms.
"You're okay." I breathed out in relief as I felt his arms surround me in a hug.
Levi squeezed my waist when I pulled away to look over Furlan and Isabel to check for any injuries.
"I thought something horrible might of happened when I didn't hear the signal. Is everyone okay? What was it?" I asked.
Levi stepped forth, "I pulled us back. There were too many guards, it didn't feel right."
"Oh..." I breathed out a relieved sigh and smiled, "We're all okay and that's what matters." I picked up the basket of goods already seeing the excitement in each of their eyes, "Let's go home."
We were walking back home talking about what we could make for dinner. It was peaceful and calm, but happy as I carried the heavy basket on my hip. We were almost home before we heard a voice.
"Excuse me." A voice called out from the darkness and our laughter slowly died down.
Levi was quick to step up in front of us and I gently pushed Isabelle behind me. Furlan was to Levi's left, both holding a protective stance.
"What is it old man? Lose your cat?" Isabel spoke and I was quick to shush her.
"I need a job done." I watched the man close his pocket watch before I began surveying for any other possible threat.
"You sure you didn't get the wrong address? We aren't handymen you get to boss around." Farlan grinned.
"I assure you the pay will be good." That peaked my interest as I looked back towards the stranger. What kind of job is he talking about?
"Piss off." Levi's words were clipped and straight to the point as he continued to walk.
I nudged Isabel in front of me while we walked pass the man and up the stairs, glancing back every now in then just in case this was a trap and we'd all be dead in seconds from an ambush.
"I believe that I have already put in a deposit for your services." His back was still facing us and I couldn't help the chill of unease that ran across my back.
"What do you mean? What kind of deposit?" I stopped on the steps my eyes scrutinizing as I waited for an answer.
"You're kidding me, right? This is the first time we've met. What did you do? By us a bouquet of flowers?" Furlan scoffed clearly uninterested.
"I wouldn't lie, so as a token of your faith I'm sure you will recognize the gentlemen right over there." He looked over to where Lan suddenly appeared being carried over to a cart by another man I didn't recognize.
"Just who exactly are you?" I asked.
"Think of me as a friend with mutual interests for your benefit." Furlan stepped towards Lan in surprise and the mysterious man continued to talk, "His leg is impaired. His health is depleting. I doubt he would make it through the month without it being operated on in a hospital above ground. I am correct, am I not, Levi?"
I glanced at Levi worry shooting through me, "Levi?"
He looked at me and with a small shake of his head and I knew he didn't know who this man was either. So how did he know his name? Who was this stranger exactly?
I voiced my thoughts out loud, "You’ve been watching us for quite some time to know his name."
"I know all of your names." He answered vaguely.
"What do you mean?!" Furlan yelled his anger seeping through.
The man remained calm, "I'll repeat myself from before. That is our deposit for your set of skills. Now will you hear me out? Or will you watch your friends health decline?"
"Very well." Was Levi's curt reply as we were following the strange man.
Furlan stopped for a moment to watch Lan being put in a carriage. I knew he was worried for his friend. After Lan couldn't be seen any longer he caught up with the rest of us.
"You should go back. Take Isabel with you." Levi whispered quiet enough where the man wouldn't hear.
I shook my head tossing the thought away, "No, I won't leave you. We all stay together."
He gave me a sigh slowly down his stride a bit to reach over and run his thumb over my cheek bone, "So stubborn."
"Well I have you to blame for that." I replied cheekily.
He gave me a soft smile and I reached into the basket to hand him an apple, "You haven't eaten all day. We need you to have your strength for this."
"I'm strong enough." Levi said.
He took the apple anyways, taking a bite into the juicy fruit.
"You know what I mean." I rolled my eyes turning to my right to hand Isabel one too as well as Furlan.
"Where's yours?" Levi asked when I didn't reach back into the basket for myself.
"I could only grab three and I want to save the rest just in case." I lowered my voice so no one but, him would hear, "If this doesn't go the way we want it we'll at least have enough to get us through for a while."
"Here, eat some of this then." He handed me back his now half eaten apple but, I only shook my head no.
"I'm fine, I don't want to take from yours- Mmph." I was caught by surprise when the apple was suddenly shoved into my mouth.
He only rolled his eyes, "Bite."
My cheeks felt hot from the embarrassment and I bit down into the apple trying to hold the warm feeling in my stomach of finally eating. And maybe because of the way Levi cares so deeply in his own way. Our unspoken love speaks to us in actions, not words.
We walked up a flight of stairs, light hitting us at the end of the tunnel. After I blinked a few times I could finally make out a carriage being drawn by horses. The door to the carriage was already swung open and I could barely make out the shape of a man.
"Are these the ones?" His voice was gravely and deep that made me wish I was being buried by stones.
"Yes." The man who had confronted us early on and led us to this fated meeting spoke up, "I've heard great things about them. Seen them too."
"Who the hell are you." I watched Levi's stance. He was calm but, intimidating to both men. He only needed to give a look to make any man quake in fear.
"I understand your unease especially in these untimely circumstance but, you will learn to trust me after you hear what I have to say."
Levi only scoffed tilting his head in mock interest, "How so?"
"Just from the fact that I've contacted you personally proves my hand of friendship. I am risking quite a lot on my wellbeing and status just being here you know." He took a moment to take in a deep breathe as if this was tiresome for him, "Have you receive my deposit? I'm sure you were quiet pleased seeing your friend getting professional help for his leg. I bet he'll be walking on it better than before in no time at all."
Levi stepped in front of us taking a few steps towards them, "I don't know what you call it above ground, but it's called taking a hostage where we're from."
"It is just a small token to show that your reward will be adequate should you except this offer. Do you understand now? When you complete this job, not only will you be compensated heavily for your work and dedication, but..."
My breath held in my throat as I waited for him to finish. My hands gripping onto the basket even tighter.
"You will also earn the right to live above ground." The man stated.
That put a pause in all our steps.
Above... Ground?
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seradae · 7 months
Transplant [TF/agender] [TF/TF?] [robotics] [trans feels] [robofucking] [The Spire]
"I have spent the last few days thinking about how to say this, but I think I want to change bodies. I know this is the one you picked for me, but it just doesn't feel right, the more I learn about myself." Q sighed, looking at its feet. "I think I'm a woman. I feel like a woman; I want my body to reflect that. I hope that isn't too disappointing."
Jess looked at it and frowned, seeing the fear and worry and confusion. She sat down on the bed next to it and said softly, "I love you, no matter what your gender is or your body looks and feels like. Thank you for telling me! I'm really proud of you." She gave it a kiss on the forehead and wrapped it in a big hug.
"I love you too. You're not upset with me?" It asked, looking at her.
Jess couldn't help but laugh a little bit and gave it a reassuring headbutt. "Upset? You realize I'm trans too, right? I love that you're learning more about yourself and that you trusted me!" It giggled and visibly cheered up.
"I... didn't really consider that this does make me trans, doesn't it? I wasn't assigned a gender when I was brought online, but damn. I guess we're properly T4T now, and not just trans for transformer," it grinned, entirely too proud of itself for that joke.
She laughed and held it tight. "Well, I guess we're going shopping! Not gonna lie, I'm a little envious you get to so easily swap bodies, even if it's likely gonna take some getting used to."
"True. Maybe someday we can get you out of that flesh and into a fresh new robot body. But for now, you can help me customize!" It nuzzled her and smiled contently.
She stroked its back, yearning for that opportunity. "A girl can dream! What are you thinking in terms of names and pronouns?"
"I think Q fits me, but maybe we could have it stand for something? I've been thinking about Quinn, but I'm not sure yet. For pronouns, she/her!" She blushed softly, thinking about the prospect of keeping it/its for kink scenes, but decided to bring that up later.
"Want to try out the name? No pressure to keep using it; I went through three before I settled on mine." Jess took her hand and squeezed it reassuringly.
She blushed harder and whispered, "yes please!" The eagerness made Jess grin, knowing exactly how that feels.
Jess stood up and pulled her to her feet, wrapping her arms around Q's waist, then looked into her eyes and spoke. "I love you, Quinn. And you make me happy."
She was quiet for a moment and then simply said, "I... like that a lot."
They stood on the sales floor of Phantom Robotics and walked around the display units, pointing out features they each thought would fit her well. "I love her hips!" "I could see myself scratching that back..."
Once she had a rough idea of what she wanted to look like, they talked to a sales assistant, who pulled out a tablet. On it, she was able to customize her new body from top to bottom, getting occasional advice and input from Jess.
After choosing body parts, skin color, and programmable hair coloration, the assistant spoke up. "Okay, I have to do the salesman thing now. We have some new features that weren't available when you were made. We can add them now, and even if you make further drastic changes to your body, you'll be able to carry them over. Want to hear about them?"
They looked at each other and in unison said, "YES!"
"I figured, Jess," he chuckled; they ran in similar circles and knew each other by reputation, if nothing else. "First, we can integrate a Personal Mobility Unit. You would be able to fly freely in zero G, inside and outside of The Spire. It's also honestly just really fun."
He paused for a moment and then continued. "We can also give you modular genitals, allowing you to mix and match as you see fit; some of the accessories are... Interesting, to put it mildly. Finally, we can give you attachment points for additional arms. But as you know, there are many things other than arms that can be attached. Just something to think about."
Jess flushed, knowing that robotic tentacles had already been developed. She grabbed Quinn's hand and squeezed. "Your choice, sweet. You know I'm down for anything."
Quinn looked at her and she nodded. "Let's do it all!"
"I thought so! Okay, I just put in the order. Now, you will have to be disassembled to transfer your main boards over and put your new body together. It shouldn't take more than 30 minutes or so."
Jess pulled her in for a tight hug and kissed her tenderly. "I love you, sweet! I'm proud of you and I'm so excited for you."
"I love you too, and I'll see you on the other side!"
"How are you feeling, sweet? It's been a big day," Jess said softly, laying next to her girlfriend and stroking her currently-pink hair.
Quinn turned to her, nuzzling her hand. "I feel so, so good, love! I feel... like me. Thank you." She kissed Jess's nose and smiled.
Jess kissed her softly and whispered, "you deserve it. You deserve everything."
"And we both deserve to test out all my new functionality..." She trailed off, looking pleadingly up at her.
Jess had a wry grin as she asked, "you wanna go fly around in zero G? Right now?"
"Or you could fuck my circuits out; your call." Jess pulled her in close and kissed her deeply, fingernails trailing down her side. "So, not flying I take it." She grabbed Jess's hand gently and slid it down to her thighs.
"I love you being mine," she said, her fingers gripping the squishy simulated flesh of her robo girl. Then she slowly slid her hand up and felt the heat coming from her electronic pussy. "Fuck," she whimpered, biting her lip.
Her middle finger slid into Quinn, hearing a moan escape her lips. It didn't matter that the warmth, the wetness, the texture was artificial; the feelings -- physical and emotional -- were not. She felt her girl squeezing around her, adjusting to the new sensations.
Slowly, she began to move in and out, praising her as she did so. "You're being such a good girl for me. Tell me what you want and it's yours." She slid a second finger into her as she spoke the second part.
Quinn looked at her pleadingly and whispered, "I want you to fuck me. I want to feel you cum inside me and claim me. Please?" Jess couldn't help but flush and let out a whimper at the sweet, naughty, romantic request.
She pulled her fingers out and licked them, tasting the sweet fluids; a big upgrade from the oil-based lubricant they had to use with her previous body. She kissed her gently and climbed between her legs, rubbing the tip of her girlcock against her. Quinn looked at her again and said softly, "please?"
She didn't need to be asked again, sliding into her slowly and letting out a low moan. "Fuuck-" She pushed into her, feeling her clenching. Once she was as deep as she could go, she leaned down and kissed her softly. "How's it feel, sweet?"
Quinn's pupils turned to hearts as she mewled, "just like it should, love: so. good." She punctuated the last words with intentional squeezes. "Now, please fuck me to pieces."
Jess pulled out before plunging deeply into her girlfriend, the two moaning in unison. She began to fuck her, gradually faster and faster. Their feelings both intensified, Quinn's legs wrapping around her and grasping tight.
Jess fucked harder and faster, her breath growing ragged as she got closer and closer, moaning wildly as her girlfriend began to vibrate around her cock. Quinn looked into her eyes, her pupils expanding starbursts, and begged sweetly. "Will you please cum in me, love?" And that was all it took. She thrust deep inside her beloved robo girl and exploded with a loud moan, feeling the walls of her new pussy milking every drop of girlcum out.
Suddenly, Quinn's legs pulled her in even more deeply and her eyes turned to static as her first orgasm ripped through her new body. She could feel her servos seizing and grinding, fighting against each other as the newfound sensations overstimulated her mind. Slowly, she regained control and looked up at Jess with her eyes wide open.
Jess leaned down to kiss her and whispered, "I love you, sweet. And I like this new body... A lot."
Quinn returned the kiss and smiled. "I could feel every bit of you. I can even feel your cum in me, love. Oh my god, this new body is amazing. YOU are amazing!"
Jess slowly pulled out of her and cuddled to her side. "That is so hot I almost want to do it again, but I'm exhausted now and I suspect you have a lot to process."
Quinn nodded and rested her head against her love's. The two laid in contented silence together for some time. Finally, Jess spoke. "I still can't believe I ended up in love with a dysphoric robot. It happened to every 'cis' human I dated, but damn."
Quinn leaned to the side to lock eyes with her and grinned wide. "At least you didn't make me a non-binary robot; can you imagine how confused I'd be?"
The two laughed together, cuddling tightly and basking in their shared love.
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austinsgirl · 1 year
Rather Die | Chapter 17
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word count: 2787
no warnings (:
cross posted on wattpad
leave me all your thoughts!
Austin wakes up to the smell of fresh homemade snickerdoodle cookies coming from the kitchen.
"Hey Vic, what's all this?" he asks, walking into the kitchen with just his grey sweats on.
"Oh hey- 
Victoria gets caught off guard, not expecting him to walk in & walk in wearing what he's wearing.
"I'm just making cookies to take over to your sister's later. I hope that's alright. I just want to make a good first impression on your family." she finishes.
"Yeah, that's fine. I'm sure they'll really appreciate it."
"I would have made a pie, but it was such short notice that I was joining you so cookies it is."
"You know, you didn't have to make anything. It's not like you're my girlfriend & you really have people to impress."
"Yeah, but I am your baby mama, so I do need to make a good impression. Your family is about to become my family in some way."
"I guess that's true. Watching the parade?" Austin looks over to the TV from the kitchen.
"Yeah, I'm waiting for the Rockette's to come on. I've always loved them and it's a dream of mine to go."
"Weeeellll, I am hosting Saturday Night Live next month, so maybe you can come with me to New York & I'll take you."
"You'd do that?" Vic asks in awe.
"Yeah, of course." Austin smiles. "I'd love to. Consider it your Christmas present from me."
"That would be amazing, Aus. Thank you." she hugs him. 
Austin feels butterflies in his stomach as she squeezes him tight. 
"Can Ashton come too?" Victoria asks, making those butterflies disappear.
"Sure. The more the marrier." 
It's definitely not what Austin had in mind, but he knows it'll be easier to let him tag along.
"We can probably go that Sunday night after SNL. I'll be in rehearsals all that week." Austin mentions. "I'll look into tickets for us, and I'll see if Ashley wants to go too."
"Ashley is your sister, right?"
"Yeah. She's going to SNL to see me host. She's really my biggest supporter."
"Even more so than your dad?"
"Yeah, I would say so. Don't get me wrong, our dad is very supportive of me, but I think Ashley is just a tad more supportive."
"Do you think your family will like me?" Victoria asks him.
"I think so. I don't see why they wouldn't."
"So, who's all going to be there?"
"My dad, his parents, Grandpa Michael & Grandma Linda, Ashley & her husband Tony, my mom's mom, Grandma Karen, then my Aunt Hilary & her boys, which are on my mom's side."
"What about your grandpa on your mom's side?"
"He passed a few years ago."
"Oh, Aus. I'm so sorry to hear that."
"Thanks, Vic. I was able to say goodbye thankfully."
"I'm glad you we're able to. I was stuck here during the pandemic when my grandma passed back home in New Zealand. She was already battling cancer, then she got hit with Covid, so her body just completely gave out. I had plans to go see her too that year, but of course it all got canceled."
"Damn. That's rough. I'm sorry."
"Thanks. I went back last year. It was weird going to the cemetery to visit her & not to her house."
"I bet."
"I'm so nervous to meet your family. Like what if they don't support our situation?"
"If they don't, they don't. This baby is ours, whether they like it or not."
"If they don't support, it'll be okay. I know my family, and once they meet our cute little baby girl, they'll get over it."
"You did tell your family about the baby, right?"
"Yeah. Well, I told my dad & Ashley. I think my grandparents and aunt know."
"Okay, good. I don't want to go in there with this baby bump and have them freak out."
"Did you tell your family?"
There's a silence from Victoria after Austin's question.
"You didn't tell them, did you?" he asks.
"Nooo, I haven't. I just know my mom is going to flip because I'm having a baby out of wedlock, even though she had my two oldest brothers while in high school."
"You have to tell them, Vic."
"I know, I know. I will soon because I have to break it to them that I won't be going home for Christmas."
"Invite them here."
"Yeah! We can do a joint family thing here. Our families meet, I meet yours."
"I don't know, Aus. That would be a lot of people & I don't know how my mom will act. She can be so nosy when it comes to my relationships with men."
"But we're not in a relationship."
"But we're in some sort of situationship, so."
"I think it'll be fine. They'll meet eventually anyways. They're all related to our daughter."
"You're right. I'll talk to my mom about it."
"Good. How many siblings do you have, anyways?"
"Three older brothers, and one older sister."
"Aw, you're the baby of the family just like me."
"Mhm. There's fourteen years between my sister and I."
"Damn, so really the baby."
The oven beeps and Victoria takes the last pan of cookies out of the oven.
"Can I have one?" Austin asks, gearing towards the cookies that are on the cooling racks.
"Yeah, go for it. I'm sure there will be extra anyways. Also, I want to know if they're good before taking them over there." Vic replies. "I haven't baked in a while."
"Holy shit, these are really good!" Austin says after taking a bite.
"Really? You think so?"
"I really do think so. They're great, Vic. I didn't know you could bake."
"Yeah, I've always loved to bake things like cookies, cake, brownies, etcetera."
"A reason why you're going to be a great mom."
"Because I can bake?"
"Yeah, I feel like all great moms can bake. I mean, mine could."
"Thanks, Aus. That's really sweet."
"Of course, babe."
"Sorry, habit. Didn't mean to call you that."
"It's okay." she gives him a puzzled look.
The sound of the reporters of the parade come from the other room, announcing that the Rockette's will be up next.
Victoria scurries into the living room and sits down on the couch so she won't miss anything. Austin chuckles and smiles to himself at how cute it is that she's so excited to see the Rockette's on TV.
Austin joins her on the couch to watch. He fights the urge to put his arm around her shoulders. He wants to so bad, but that would be breaking boundaries.
In the middle of watching the performance, Victoria gasps and feels tears start to form.
"Aus...." she says to him. 
"What??" he asks confused.
"Oh my god..."
"What? What's wrong??"
"The baby just kicked..."
"She what?!"
"She just kicked! Wait, she's kicking again!" Victoria grabs his hand and places it on her belly where the baby is kicking. "Do you feel her?"
"Yeah, yeah I do." Austin responds as his eyes swell with tears, and he smiles wide.
"Wow, that's something I never thought I'd ever get to feel. This is so incredible."
"I know. I've never felt a baby kick before. I mean, makes sense as I've never been around someone who was pregnant before. I bet it feels so weird on the inside."
"It does, but also amazing at the same time. It really feels like I'm pregnant now, actually feeling her inside me. I felt flutters before but this is just...woah."
"I'm never going to get over the fact that we're going to be parents."
"Neither will I. I prepared myself to not being able to carry, but actually getting a chance to with my chances being so low, is just something I will always be grateful for."
"I know this isn't the ideal situation you wanted to have a baby in, and I know I'm the last person you wanted as your baby daddy, but I'm glad it worked out this way. I couldn't ask for a better parenting partner. And I hope you know I will forever take care of you & our daughter for the rest of my life, even if we aren't on the best terms."
"Thanks, Austin. That really means a lot. And yeah, I wasn't ever picturing having a baby with you, but I'm glad it's with someone I can trust."
"You trust me? Never thought I'd hear that from you after what I did."
"It took me awhile, but yes, I trust you. Eliana on the other hand..."
"Yeah, no one trusts her." he laughs. "But I'm glad I've been able to earn your trust back."
"Me too." she smiles.
Hours have passed and the two of them headed over to Austin's sister, Ashley's house.
"Hey! Happy Thanksgiving!" Ashley greets Austin opening the door for them. 
"Hey Ash! Happy Thanksgiving!"
The siblings share a hug before Austin introduces Victoria to his family.
"Ashley, this is my friend & co-parenting partner? I don't know how else to say it, but um, this is Victoria. Vic, this is my sister, Ashley." Austin introduces them.
"Hi! It's so nice to meet you finally!" Ashley greets Victoria with open arms.
"It's nice to meet you, too!" Victoria responds.
Austin goes around the house introducing Victoria to everyone else.
"Vic, this is my dad, David. Dad, this is Victoria." 
"Nice to meet you, sir." Victoria shakes his hand politely.
"Nice to meet you too, Victoria. And please, call me David."
"Got it, David it is."
Victoria also met his grandparents, aunt, cousins, and brother-in-law.
She went into the kitchen and set the cookies she made onto the counter. 
"It smells great in here. Do you need help with anything?" Vic asks Ashley as she's basting the turkey.
"Uh, yeah! If you want, you can peel potatoes for the mashed potatoes! The potatoes are in the fridge & the peeler is in the third drawer to the left." she replies.
"I will get on it!" 
As Ashley, Victoria, and Aunt Hilary get dinner finished up in the kitchen, Austin is sitting in the living room with his grandparents & dad, watching football.
"Austin, how did you meet Victoria again?" Grandma Linda asks.
"We just filmed a movie together over the summer." Austin answers.
"Oh, that's right. Weren't you with that Hispanic girl?"
"Yeah, but we broke up."
"You sure moved on fast then, dear."
"Linda, they aren't together." Grandpa Michael tells her.
"They're not??" she asks.
"Then how'd she get pregnant?"
"We, uh, hooked up, Grandma." Austin says.
"Oh..." Grandma Linda says disappointed.
The room was silent until the team they're rooting for scored, and everyone cheered.
"Austin, help me set the table?" Vic pops her head into the living room.
"Yeah." he responds.
They go into the dining room and start setting the table.
"I think Grandma Linda, and everyone else is disappointed in our situation. Well, at least everyone in the living room." Austin says to Vic.
"Why do you say that?" she asks.
"Because Grandma asked how we met, and then she asked if I was with Eliana, and I told her we broke up, said I moved on fast, Grandpa had to remind her we aren't together, and then she asked how you got pregnant, and I told her we hooked up and the room went dead silent. I could tell she was disappointed that we aren't together & having a baby."
"I had a feeling someone would be disappointed & not super supportive."
"Yeah, well, they're older and traditional. What should we expect?"
"That's true."
Not long after the table was set, dinner was ready & everyone sat down to eat.
Of course, Victoria told her life story to his family after being asked where she came from, how she got to into acting, when she moved to the US, etc.
Austin played catch up with his family, giving all the details on the Elvis press tour, filming the new movie, and his other upcoming projects.
Eventually, it came down for them to answer the real questions.
"So, you two are going to raise this baby together?" David asks.
"Yes, we're going to co-parent." Austin responds.
"Victoria lives with you now, right?"
"Yeah, I moved in not long ago. It's been a lot easier on us with appointments & milestones. Like today, we both felt the baby kick for the first time." Vic smiles. Her reply gets smiles & awes from everyone around the table.
"And no wedding for you two?" Grandma Karen asks.
"No, no wedding. We're not together, we're just two friends having a baby together after a one-time thing happened. Victoria is seeing someone, and he's okay with what's going on." Austin answers.
"If you don't mind me asking, what made you decide to keep the baby?" David asks Vic.
"I've been told a few times before that it may be almost impossible for me to conceive, like my chances of getting pregnant we're very low. Since I was able to conceive, I decided that I wanted to do this, whether Austin was going to be apart of this or not. I didn't want to go the abortion or adoption route and give up my chances of being a mom in the future. I'll be super lucky if I ever get to conceive again."
"Oh, Vic. I'm so sorry to hear that you have fertility issues like that." Ashley says sympathetically.
"Thank you. When I first found out, I sobbed. I've always dreamt of having kids of my own someday, and that news just shattered me. It's definitely not how I wanted having a baby to go, but Austin has been so supportive, and just has been the greatest. David, you & Lori really raised Austin right." 
David gets choked up a bit, "Thank you, Victoria. That means a lot."
Austin got a little choked up too. "Thanks, Vic." he smiles at her.
"Of course."
Now that everyone is more aware of what's going on, during desert, everyone has loosened up and is really warming up to Victoria & the idea of her and Austin co-parenting.
"These cookies are so good, Victoria! You have to give me the recipe!" Ashley says to her.
"Thank you! We can exchange numbers and I'll send it to you."
"Sounds perfect!"
After everyone was full from dinner and sweets, they all relaxed a bit in the living room. Ashley had pulled out her photo box which contains many photos of her and Austin when they were kids. 
"Oh, look at this one! Here's Austin as a baby in the bathtub!" Ashley pulls it out of the box and hands it to Victoria. 
Austin blushes & covers his face, being shy and embarrassed.
"Aw, Aus don't be embarrassed! Look how cute you we're!" Vic says to him. "And it's not like I haven't seen you naked before." she jokes.
Victoria's joke made Austin shift in his seat, thinking back to the time where she did see him in the nude.
After awhile, Vic and Austin said they're goodbyes. Austin could really tell that his family really warmed up to Vic & just fell in love with her. They all gave her such big hugs goodbye & wished to see her soon. 
On the way home...
"I think they really liked you, Vic." Austin says.
"You think?"
"Yeah, I think so. Seems like they really got used to the situation pretty quickly, and seem okay with it."
"Definitely. You're family is really sweet, Austin. Ashley invited me to go shopping with her tomorrow. I told her we had plans to go, but we can join her."
"Oh yeah, she mentioned to me that she talked to you about that. We can go with her for sure. I'm glad you two get along really well."
"Me too."
Once they got home, Vic goes into her room and starts getting ready to check out for the night.
On his way to his bedroom, Austin stops in to her room.
"Hey, is there anything you need or anything I can do for you before we go to bed for the night?" he asks.
"No, I'm okay. Thanks though."
"Okay. I'm happy to help if you ever need anything. Just want to help you in anyway I can."
"I know. Thank you, Aus."
"Love you, too." he says kinda quickly and quietly, on his way out of her room.
It was silent for a second before Austin realized what he said. 
"Oh! I'm sorry, I-
"What did you say?" she asks him.
"I didn't say anything."
"Oh, okay."
And with that, Austin runs to room, saying "Shit, shit, shit." to himself. "I have to move on..."
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harvestleaves · 2 years
When you breathe, I wanna be the air for you: Chapter 3
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Summary: Suggestions are made to Alex by Meredith and Derek and sleepy cuddles ensue.
A/N: I know not many people care about this fic since I haven't updated it since April of last year. But, it's one I'm enjoying writing when the inspiration sparks, so just skip it if Grey's Anatomy isn't your thing. The fic is also posted on Ao3 here.
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,471
The room was dead silent.  The only sounds that could be heard were the beeping of the monitors and Alex’s wheezy breaths.
“Alex?  Did we overwhelm you with this?  You don’t have to answer yet if you’re not comfortable with it.”
That was Meredith, Alex noted as he finally zoned back into the conversation, his brain having short-circuited briefly at the question from Derek and Meredith.
“No.  You didn’t overwhelm me.  I just wasn’t expecting this question.  I like both of you.  I feel more comfortable and safe around the two of you than I ever have around anyone.  It just kind of scares me,” Alex admitted as he stared down at his hands.
“It scares you that you’re letting your guard down?” Derek asked gently as he reached out for Alex’s left hand, his heart breaking at how shaky the younger man’s hands were.
“Yeah.  I’m usually the one that has to be the responsible one, I’m not used to letting other people take control,” Alex explained as Derek squeezed his hand, Meredith moving to wrap her arm around him in a hug.
“I completely understand.  Before Derek, I didn’t want to ever let my guard down, but he made me feel safe.  Safer than I had ever felt in my entire life.  It’s scary at first, but the more you open up, the better you will feel.  And we will never let anything bad happen to you again.  We promise,” Meredith said softly as she pressed a kiss to Alex’s temple, hoping he would catch the sincerity in her voice.
"Trust me, I believe you. Both of you. But it's going to take time for me to fully open up. Can we start slow? Maybe have dinner tonight, just the three of us?" Alex asked nervously, his eyes flickering between Derek and Meredith before he squeezed Derek's hand back.
"Of course, we can! We can take it as slow as you need to in order to feel safe," Meredith smiled, her voice encouraging as she reached out to smooth Alex's hair back from his forehead.
"We definitely can do that. How about when we're done here, I can take you back to Meredith's place and we take a nap before Meredith gets off work? She's off five hours before Izzy and George, so we'll have plenty of time, just the three of us," Derek offered, hoping Alex wasn't feeling overwhelmed by their suggestions.
"A nap? Yeah, that actually sounds pretty good," Alex agreed after a moment of thought, a blush appearing on his cheeks when he felt Derek ruffle his hair before dropping a kiss on his temple. Biting his bottom lip, Alex froze for a moment before he melted against the kiss, burrowing his face into Derek's neck with a happy sigh of contentment.
"I should probably be getting back upstairs before Bailey yells at me. I had Cristina covering for me," Meredith smiled with a laugh as she pressed a kiss of her own to Alex's forehead before squeezing his hand gently and heading to the door. "I'll see you two tonight. Get lots of rest and feel better."
"Can I close my eyes for a bit?" Alex whispered softly as he looked up at Derek, finally tuckered out from being able to breathe a little better.
"Of course, just rest," Derek nodded, hoping the day would pass quickly and they'd be out of there soon.
Four hours later and hyped up on albuterol, Alex let Derek lead him out to his car, letting the older man wrap him up in his coat before he was settled into the passenger's seat and driven back to Meredith's.
"I know you already took a shower today, but why don't you go take another warm one? I'll bring you some sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I keep some spares in Mer's room," Derek spoke, breaking the comfortable silence as he parked in the driveway.
"That actually sounds nice, I smell like antiseptic. You should probably also take one, even though you and Mer also took one today," Alex smirked, the teasing jest sliding naturally out of his mouth as he nudged Derek's arm with his own.
"It was a nice shower, I give a great back massage. I can give you one after your shower if you want," Derek offered, as he got out of the car, opening Alex's door before leading him inside.
"I'll go heat up the shower while you get your jacket and shoes off." Derek headed up the stairs after taking his own shoes off. First, he stopped at the bathroom to turn the shower on hot before he made a detour into Meredith's room, grabbing a fresh towel, his Bowdoin sweatshirt along with a pair of grey sweatpants, and a fuzzy pair of Meredith's socks.
Was he going overboard with how comfortable he wanted to make Alex? Probably. But did the younger man seem to enjoy the coddling? Yes. That thought alone had Derek making his way back to the bathroom, smiling as he ran into Alex in the hallway.
"Here's the clothes and a towel. I'll go make you some tea while you shower," Derek smiled as he pressed the items into Alex's hands before heading back down the stairs, leaving Alex alone with his thoughts once more.
This was the first time in a while Alex had fully let himself go after what he truly desired. He had heard of polyamory before but in the one man and two women sense of the word. For some reason, he had never thought it could be the other way around, with two men and one woman. Derek seemed to have lots of experience with the subject, and he definitely wanted to hear more about his past relationship with Sloan and his ex. If the other was comfortable discussing it of course.
Shaking off his thoughts, Alex quickly undressed before stepping into the shower, letting out a small moan as the hot water ran over his sore muscles, shoulders still tight from his shallow breathing earlier. Washing quickly, Alex kept his shower to a quick once-over of his body with what he suspected was Derek's body wash, before he rinsed off and turned the hot water off.
After drying himself off, Alex slid the socks and sweatpants on before he picked up the sweatshirt and brought it up to his face, inhaling the comforting scent of detergent and Derek's leftover cologne before he sighed heavily and tugged the hoodie on before making his way down to the kitchen.
"I hope you like chamomile. I kind of raided Izzy's tea stash," Derek admitted as he handed Alex a steaming mug before looping his arm around the younger man's waist as he led him to the couch. The couch that now had two fluffy blankets on it, and a pillow, ready and waiting to be laid down upon.
"I grabbed the blankets you used yesterday along with the pillow. I figured you'd feel more at ease," Derek offered as he eased Alex to the couch. "I'm gonna grab a quick shower too, then I'll be back down. Pick something to watch. I'm fine with whatever," he smiled, handing Alex the tv and VHS/DVD remote, giving him full control of what to watch.
Once Derek had left once more, Alex wrapped one of the blankets around his shoulders and turned to an Indiana Jones movie marathon, only thirty minutes into Raiders of the Lost Ark as he settled in for the afternoon. Ten more minutes of the film passed before Derek came back downstairs and settled into the corner seat of the couch.
Silently, Derek stretched his left arm out over the back of the couch, and Alex's shoulders, as an indication for the other male to come cuddle.
Alex's first instinct was to freeze up at the contact before he let the tension fall from his shoulders and he leaned into Derek's side, letting his cheek settle against the older man's chest, the sound of his heartbeat strong against Alex's ear as a yawn finally slipped past his lips.
He didn't mean to fall asleep for the afternoon, but he'd be lying if he said it wasn't the best sleep of his life to date. He didn't stir awake until an hour and a half later, to Derek's fingers gently caressing his hair to wake him up.
"C'mon, we don't want you sleeping the day away. Mer's almost home," Derek whispered softly against Alex's temple, the other man letting out a small whine of disapproval, though he slowly opened his eyes in compliance, right as Meredith entered the house.
"Hey sleepyheads," she smiled, kicking her shoes off as she hung up her coat, smiling proudly at how soft and comfortable the other two looked, excited to join them.
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garebearandnan · 2 years
A bit of me
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Chapter 3: A Ballerina's Last Dance
Flashback to Sittingbourne, Kent (2011)
Grace said she didn’t really want or need her grandparents to do anything extravagant for her birthday. Even so, they wanted to do something special for her. They woke up much earlier than her and immediately went to the kitchen to prepare her favourite breakfast; pancakes, crepes, veggie omelette, and cantaloupe, along with freshly squeezed OJ. The last thing they prepared was a cuppa tea. There was maybe a little too much food, but it was her birthday and her mum was not here in Sittingbourne this weekend. James, her grandad, grabbed the tray, following behind her nan, Isabelle, as they walked back towards the bedroom. Her grandfather took the tray and proceeded upstairs to the bedroom with his wife. 
"We're going on three..." Isabelle murmured as she came to a halt in front of the door to Grace’s bedroom.
James sighed. "Do we really need to?" 
Isabelle only smiled, "One, two, three!" She held the door open for James to step into the room with the tray of food.
She tapped Grace’s shoulder, "Gracie love, it’s morning." 
Grace smelled something delicious and gently sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Ugh, what time is it?" She asked, yawning and stretching, "Did my alarm go off?" 
"Oh, it hasn’t gone off yet, don’t worry. But..." her nan helped James settle the breakfast tray onto the bed, both of them on either side of her bed, smiling at their granddaughter. "...happy fourteenth birthday!"
"Oh, you didn’t have to do so much!" Her eyes lit up at all the food on the tray. "Wow, thank you; this is amazing," She smiled, drinking some of the tea and then eating a few bites of cantaloupe. "I love you two."
"We love you too, Gracie." Her grandmother placed a kiss on her forehead.
"Well, your grandmother insisted." As he perched on the edge of the bed beside her, James grinned and ran his fingers through Grace’s untidy, wavy hair. "Wishing you a happy birthday, sweet pea."
Her nan smiled as she said, "Everything here your grandad helped make too! With the exception of the fruits and tea, of course."
Grace gave them a loving smile. She squealed after taking a taste of the omelette. "It's all fantastic!" You ought to have some! I doubt I'll be able to finish everything on my own. And I have to dance later." She stabbed the omelette with her fork. "Here." Grace knew that if she wanted to be a professional ballerina, she'd have to eat well and stick to a rigorous fitness plan in order to do the demanding routines. The majority of the professional ballerinas she met have the most beautiful bodies in the world. But it was her special day, so she decided to splurge a little. 
Isabelle only smiled, leaned in close, opening her mouth. Grace fed her the egg dish. "Mmm... that is good."
"You, too, Grandad." She took up another chunk with her fork and offered it to him this time.
"Ah, don’t worry about me. I’m not hun-" James was interrupted by his own stomach’s growling. Snacking on a few strawberries and nothing else as they prepared everything else had hardly filled him enough.
"Please, grandad, there is way too much food."
He sighed and opened his mouth just like his wife did, letting Grace feed him.
"So?" asked Isabella.
James looked at his wife of 43 years. "Your food is always good, you know that." Isabelle huffs and rolls her eyes at her husband. 
"You're so adorable." Grace pinched his cheek.
"I think you’re cuter." James kissed his granddaughter's forehead. "You're getting prettier every day. You look just like my Isabelle when she was your age. The first time I laid eyes on your Nana, my heart was hers. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen." James sent his wife a wink. 
Isabelle giggled and smiled fondly at her husband, "James, you charmer. I can never stay annoyed at you."
Grace didn’t know how much her family had planned for that day, besides her afternoon dance performance. But it didn’t matter if it was a lot or just a little. Because waking up in her loving grandparents' home was enough to make it possibly one of the best birthdays she ever had.
I move to the full-length mirror in our bathroom to see if my appearance has changed. Nothing has changed. I have the same round face, the same wild wavy brown hair, and my boobs are still small. Maybe I'm asking for too much! I'm only fourteen! I turn to look at my bum. My green eyes widened. Has it gotten more round? She turns to the side. Am I more attractive now? Oh my days, Grace. I'm such a nerd!
I make my way to the shower, hoping the hot water will soothe my worries. For a few minutes, the hot shower does. She knew she was nervous, as always before a performance. When she performs on stage, all eyes are on her. And it can be nerve-racking. Grace was a natural at ballet and very passionate about it, training at least two hours a day, four to five days a week. Oh, no, what if I stumble and freeze? Grace took deep breaths, trying to calm herself, inhaling and exhaling slowly. 
London Children’s Ballet (spring performance)
Back stage
Grace arrive at the theatre early, taking a spot at the lip of the stage in her tights, leotard, and a pair of long leg warmers pulled all the way up her thighs. She started her warmup routine, stretching all the areas she would use while dancing today. As she continued doing stretches to loosen up, she watched the other dancers arrive in the theatre auditorium for their warm-ups. Leaning down and putting her right foot on the edge of the stage, she stretched her right hamstring as she bent her upper body forward to lean into her leg. Then she bent to the side over her leg and stretched her arm overhead. Taking the arch of her foot in her hand she extended her leg in front of and to the side of her body. She let her leg down, swung her leg forward and back to loosen up her hip, and switched to the other side. 
After Grace finished her warm-up, she headed backstage to the dressing room area. She squinted at herself in the mirror. The bags were unfortunately still prominent underneath her eyes up close. She sighed heavily, lowering her head. She was nervous. It definitely wasn't her first time, as she began ballet lessons when she was around four, but she couldn’t seem to shake the feeling that something important was happening today other than her turning fourteen and her ballet performance. 
With her stage makeup complete and dressed in an expensive ballerina costume, she looked herself over in the mirror. She turned to the side to make sure her white beaded tiara headpiece was secure in the tight ballet bun. She ran her hand down her white bodice and twirled to admire her costume (tutu). She felt like a beautiful swan; the white bodice was embellished with beads and sequin applique, and the romantic length tutu was made out of several layers of white tulle, embellished with sequins and beads and a wing-shaped piece of lace. 
Grace quickly untied her pointe shoes, removing her feet so they could cool down and she could massage her sore foot. She used a foot roller and her hands to roll out the muscles in her left foot. After a few moments, she put her pointes back on and re-tied her ribbons to make her feet feel tighter and more secure. 
A Ballerina Performs
The view from the stage is breathtaking—sparkling crystals adorn the balconies and ceiling. Grace had butterflies fluttering in her stomach as she awaited her turn. She turns to the stage to watch as eight girls in two rows stand in fifth position (the heel and toes of one foot are directly in front of, and adjacent to, the toe and heel of the other). 
Grace sighed at the exquisite sight of the girls dressed in white against a sky-blue backdrop, standing in front of the midnight blue curtain. She smiled brightly and flashed a little wave to the girls. A number of them smiled back, and her beastie Kate gave her a thumbs up.
The lights dim, the curtain rises. They all rise up onto point, their arms forming halos above their heads, still in fifth position. Then each steps out and bends into a plié. The dancers take off on the first note of the music with basic ballet moves. The choreography includes a variety of movements. They continue dancing outward from the centre, travelling sideways as they do their first ballet jump, a small pas de chat.
This was not how the 15-year-old teen boy had planned to spend his Saturday afternoon, but his grandmother insisted that he attend his cousin Millie's ballet performance. He had complained to his nan, 'why did he need him to see his cousin's ballet?' His nan told him to stop complaining that a little culture was good for the soul. He rolled his eyes. He'd rather be playing video games with his best mate, or fiddling around in the garage. Anything but this, please! She also made him wear a white dress shirt, black trousers and a tie.
The music changes and the performance begins with a solo violinist. On stage, the spotlight shined down on a lone ballerina. His eyes widened in astonishment as he looked up from his phone. At first, the melody was slow, and the ballerina gracefully lifted her hands over her head and glided in lengthy, delicate steps while keeping her toes pointed. The teenage boy sat up straighter to get a better look. Wow, she’s a fit bird. The ballerina, wearing a costume of pure white, danced with such grace and elegance that she reminded him of a white swan. She was a vision of perfection. His mouth went dry and his heart picked up tempo.
Grace swiftly moved her legs forward, backward, and to the side without losing her balance. She took a deep breath. Her movements were slow and steady. She smiled internally as she completed the grand adage.
He became captivated by the young dancer in the way her muscles moved as she transitioned from one move to the next and the way her arms and legs displayed both elegance and incredible strength. The music picked up the tempo as other instruments joined the violinist. The ballerina's movements became quicker and shorter, but she remained graceful and stunning.
Grace had to really concentrate now as it was a faster, more difficult sequence; relevés (rising up to pointe without pliéing), cambré (bends backward), penché (forward bends) and arabesques three times in a row. 
During the climax, two violins begin playing at different speeds. With every fluid bend and twist of her lean frame, Grace executed perfect turns, bends, and jumps, landing softly and quietly. She paused briefly before beginning her final movement. She had spent hours executing it and knew it required a lot of balance and control to pull off. She was overjoyed as she glided gracefully across the stage floor, pirouetting perfectly. 
At the conclusion of the ballet, the music stopped while the curtains were drawn back, and the lights returned to the main theatre. The whole ballet school was lined up backstage for the curtain call, the littlest dancers first. As each class paraded onto the stage to a louder and louder ovation, the beautiful ballerina returned to the stage to take a bow. Even her bows were graceful. The teenage boy was on his feet, joined by the rest of the audience in a standing ovation.  He suddenly felt silly for having such an emotional reaction, but then he noticed his aunt wiping tears from her face.
"That was beautiful," she said.
"Indeed. That ballerina wasn’t half bad," his grandmother agreed. 
The grandson scowled. She was better than ‘not half bad’. The bird was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
After a quick cool down, the dancers dispense. Grace's dance instructor, Nathalia, was extremely proud of her performance. She knew Grace was a very talented young dancer, so graceful and very coordinated on the dance floor. "Wow, hun, that was brilliant!"
Grace beamed with delight, a blush settling gently on her cheeks in response to the compliment. "Miss Nathalia, you say that every time you see me perform." 
"Well, Grace, it's simply that you're... so," the ballet teacher trailed off.
Graceful?" The young ballerina giggles at her pun. "
"Good one, darling," Miss Nathalia smirks. "Seriously Grace, your pirouette and grand jete were flawless. You have so much potential. It’s up to you now what you want to do with so much talent." 
Grace beamed at her, "Oh wow, thank you. Without your direction and instruction, I would not be where I am today. When I grow up, I want to be just like you."
Nathalia gave her a warm loving embrace. For the past two years of ballet competitions and stage performances, Grace has remained very modest and sweet. She sighs and wipes away a tear. "Grace, don’t you have places to be, people to see? Now, shoo. Off you go." She gives her another quick hug and Grace leaves in search of her family.
At the end of performances guests gather either in the main auditorium or in the vestibule to greet and congratulate the dancers.
"Tonight was a lot better than I expected," one of his cousins confessed to the group as they waited for Millie to join them. The hair on his arms suddenly stood on end. The vision he had seen on the stage walked past him as gracefully as she had on stage. His eyes followed her every movement.
Grace looked around the vestibule for any of her family. Maybe they were using the loo or getting a refreshment? She continues searching for her family. Where are they? As she is accidently bumped from behind her bouquet of flowers slip out of her hand to the floor.
"Dad gum it," she snips loudly.
With very quick reflexes he picks up the bouquet before it touches the floor. He's cuffed to bits to run into the stunning young ballerina. He chuckled and remarked, in a cheeky Cockney accent, "Well, that ain't one I've heard before."
She turned and was met by a lean boy who looked close to her age, holding her bouquet with a cheeky lopsided grin on his face.
"Oh, I-" she says, embarrassed, flushing the cutest shade of pink he has ever seen. She looks into the loveliest blue eyes behind thick optical frames. He was tall, well taller than her, maybe 5'10. She glanced down to see his white shirt was half untucked from his trousers and his tie was loose.
He couldn't take his gaze away from her beautiful face. She was more breath-taking up close. Her stunning green eyes appear more intense with white eyeshadow and clear gems that appear like wings on the outside edge as she gazed up at him. His gaze lingers on her red luscious lips, wondering what they would be like to kiss. When he looks up, he sees a mischievous gleam in her eyes. He hands her the flowers and their fingers touch. She gasped loudly. He couldn’t help but zone out for a moment, and then she graced him with a dazzling smile that knocked him sideways before he remembered to breathe. His face lit up and his pulse raced. "Alri-" The boy is cut off by one of his cousins pulling on his sleeve.
"Stop chirping on the pretty bird, we gotta go." the young cousin giggles. His mouth fell open and he flushed a pink colour. 
The ballerina's eyes widen and she blushes. The boy shifts uncomfortably and went to speak, but instead just let out a deep sigh. He follows his cousin, but turns his head back over his shoulder towards her. Their eyes met one last time before he disappears into the crowd.
Thank you, Blue Eyes.
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casspurrjoybell-22 · 2 months
Dream Eater - Chapter 17 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
I wake up from a dream and I smile.
It was a good dream, though I can't remember the details.
It had something to do with Dante and a cake and maybe a dog.
It doesn't matter because it didn't mean anything and it was all mine.
I roll over and press myself closer to Damien's back, wrapping my arms around his waist and giving him a light squeeze.
Early morning light spills in through the bedroom windows and the comforting sounds of the city drift up from the streets below.
We're home, in our apartment, on Earth.
After Astoreth healed me, I came to lying in the snow, stretched full-length with Damien at my side and my hand clasped in his.
Dante knelt beside us crying like we'd broken their heart.
Which, I learned, we momentarily had.
When they found us by the stone arch, Door closed and Astoreth gone, they'd thought we were dead.
It seemed like we were, too.
Then I woke up and a moment later, Damien did as well.
I hadn't felt any different, as far as I could tell and Damien said he didn't either.
Except that when he tried to use demonic power, nothing happened.
I was terrified he'd resent me for it, eventually, for choosing a human soul but if anything, he seemed overjoyed.
"You don't miss it?" I'd asked.
"Being able to summon fiery swords and pop between realities whenever you please?"
He grinned.
"Not at all. Do you miss having to eat people's dreams?"
I shook my head.
"No but that was never cool to begin with."
Somehow, though I don't remember hearing her speak, Astoreth had told me that the three natures of my soul were now one.
Each part had joined to create a single whole but while I was no longer a dream-eater and I'd never been much of a Celestial, I was still a Key and always would be and now Damien's soul was inextricably linked to mine.
Astoreth said that we would always seek one another, drawn by a force stronger than magnetism or gravity and that we were each now a part of a greater whole.
"What if I'm reborn as like, a toad or an eel or something?" I wondered and Damien had laughed.
"Then I hope I'm a toad or an eel too."
Dante offered to make us both sex-demons and told us we'd be able to feed off one another for all eternity but of course, we'd have to die first and we've both had enough of that for the moment.
We kept their offer as a distant backup option, just in case.
For now, we're happy to live and love as mere mortals and to savor each beautiful, precious, fragile moment as it comes and goes.
As for Dante, they decided to remain in Carnâk for now.
They said they were still having fun there and enjoying the artistic adoration.
Also, they'd bonded with Oran on the battlefield and the relationship had bloomed.
Apparently, seeing Dante in full battle-mode was like watching a violent ballet and Oran had been hooked.
I was sorry I hadn't gotten to see it.
Sometimes, when I just want see them, I wish Dante wasn't currently living in another dimension but Oran brings them to visit often enough that I hardly have time to miss them and Damien keeps me busy in more ways than one.
I hug him to me now and wonder at the strange machinations of fate.
Not that long ago I wanted nothing more than to get away from him and never look back.
Now I literally wouldn't be complete without him.
He wakes up and rolls over to face me, his features lit with a now, familiar look of wonder and delight.
It's the same look he has every morning when he wakes up next to me, like he can't quite believe his eyes.
"Good morning, beautiful boy," he says, kissing me lightly.
"I don't think you can call someone born a hundred years ago a boy," I say, smiling.
"Your passport says you're twenty-one," he replies.
"Barely old enough to drink."
It's amazing what money can buy these days.
Damien has us both fixed up with all the documents we need to live legit and above-board.
"That didn't stop you from getting me drunk last night," I say.
It didn't quite leave me with a hangover but it was enough that I don't remember exactly what happened, except that at some point I was up against a wall and then on the floor and then... I blush as memory returns and he grins.
"Thinking of something good?" he asks.
"You wish," I retort but blush harder when he slides a hand beneath the sheets and finds me hard.
"I do love mornings..."
At this point, he hardly needs Dante.
He's becoming a sex-demon all on his own.
Speaking of Dante, that night we celebrate the opening of Damien's latest architectural triumph... a gallery dedicated to their work.
I do my best to hide in the shadows and not draw attention to the fact that I'm featured in many of the examples on display.
Dante and Oran are here for the event and Dante finds me before long.
"Still happy, little bird?" they ask and I smile.
"Yes. I'm still happy."
"That was a ballsy choice you made. I don't know if I could've done it. Not after everything I've seen."
"That's why I made it," I say.
"I've seen a lot, some through my own eyes but mostly through other people's dreams. I know what grief and sorrow and loss and hate and fear look like. One thing I didn't see a lot of was happiness. But I saw it in those months I was living here with Damien, before Azael found us again. That's what I wanted more of, a happiness that's not just mine but his too."
"Well, I hope you enjoy it for a long time," they say.
"But when you get tired, just say so and we can be demons together again... all three of us."
I squint at them and they hold up their hands.
"Not like that... I just mean in general."
"Maybe someday, Dante," I laugh.
"Or maybe not. Maybe we'll just grow old together and die and see what comes next."
Dante makes a face.
"Listen up, little bird... you make me cry again and I'll fucking kill you myself and then I'll bring you back as my own personal demon and keep you in a gilded cage for the rest of eternity, safe and sound where I can see you and paint you whenever I want. Of course, I'll have to bring Damien too..."
It seems like they've given this a little too much thought already, so I distract them by asking about Oran.
Apparently, he has amazing stamina, both in bed and on the battlefield, which for Dante is sometimes the same thing.
I let my mind wander when the details get to be a bit too much and before I know it the evening is over and we're saying goodbye once again.
After an overly drawn-out farewell, Dante and Oran are gone.
The world seems a little more empty without them and I hope they get tired of Carnâk and come home to stay soon.
Later, Damien and I return to our apartment.
I feel deliciously tired... not exhausted, not drained of energy and needing someone else's nightmares to keep me alive... just pleasantly weary and ready for sleep.
Damien has other ideas.
"I have something for you," he says, walking me back until my legs hit the edge of the bed and I fall over.
"You've already given me that three times today," I say, though I'm not really complaining.
"Not like this," he says.
"Close your eyes and don't freak out."
"Uh..." I frown but do as he asks.
I feel him take my wrists in his hands and then something soft closes around them with a click.
I open my eyes and see that he's chained me to the bed with a pair of fluffy pink handcuffs.
"If you don't want to, I'll take them off," he says quickly, looking nervous.
I tug at them experimentally and frown.
"You realize the last time you had these on me I thought you were gonna kill me, right?"
"These aren't the same ones. I bought these myself."
'Oh, great. What a relief.' I roll my eyes.
"At least tell me you bought them online, where no one could see your face."
He doesn't answer and he still looks really nervous and I give in.
"All right... have your way with me then."
The slow grin that breaks over his face makes me shiver.
"Oh, I intend to. That night, when I put those cuffs on you, I really was just afraid you were going to hurt yourself if you got up too fast. But when I looked back on that memory it became an obsession and I've been dreaming of it ever since."
"I never saw that in your dreams," I scoff.
He gives me a crooked smile.
"It's not a nightmare. Sometimes I'm not even asleep."
"You're a demon," I say, laughing.
Maybe Dante will be getting their wish sooner than they think, after all.
~The End~
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kessicasrps · 2 years
"Of course I'd want to be with you again. I don't know that I would be that lucky though. I feel like I am the one to blame for all this drama with the girls.. It kills me inside. Haley wouldn't be dealing with any of this if I had been an actual decent father to her from the start," I say, putting so much of the blame on myself. I carried so much guilt around when it came to how I treated you and Haley in the past. I nod at you when hearing what you said next. "I just think it might be better to keep the girls apart for now.. I need to focus on having one-on-one time with Brooke too and maybe getting her into therapy. She can't go on treating people this way. I would love for them to be sisters one day and in each other's lives but I have to do what is best for both of them right now. I doubt Haley wants to be around Brooke right now too and I can't blame her," I say honestly. "I appreciate you being here for me though. I definitely don't deserve you.."
"Louis, I would have done anything to be with you again," I say softly as I looked in your eyes. "I'd always take you back in a heart beat," I added. "You were the love of my life, and if I'm honest, you still are, I haven't been able to picture myself with anyone else, and I've never pictured raising Haley with anyone else," I added. "It's always been you," I say as well. "I know you're going through a divorce, and we don't have to tell anyone or show it in public, but I know Haley would love it more than anything if we were together, and I'd love it too," I explained as I bit my lip. "I wouldn't have asked you to move in with us if I had negative feelings for you," I tell you. "I just always thought you never wanted me back because you chose someone else over me, I always thought I wasn't enough for you," I say. I nodded in response to what you said about Brooke. "I understand, and I'm sure Haley does completely. I just don't want you to be a stranger to Brooke." I say honestly. "I don't know how you'd feel about it, but we can always look into getting a house or an apartment, so you can have Brooke over and she can have her own room and like I said, Haley and I can keep at a distance. I don't want you to feel like a stranger if we live together and you bring her around, especially when you get custody and you end up having her for weekends or holidays or when she's out of school, you'll need a place to bring her to." I added. "I want to make this works for us, and for you, and the girls,"
"Okay, yeah... you're right," I say, leaning my head on your shoulder and continuing to hold onto your hand, squeezing it gently. "I want to protect what's going on between us because this is new and it's not like we're in a relationship or anything. We're just getting to know each other right now. This film shoot is only a few weeks anyways so we can just keep this between us for now," I say. I knew I had to protect my heart and my own well-being after being in such a draining and difficult relationship. I knew that I liked spending time with you though and I was looking forward to spending more time with you later. I get out of the car when we arrived to set, putting my sunglasses back on and keeping some distance between us as I headed to my trailer. "I will see you in a bit, yeah?"
"And I understand, baby," I say as I held onto your hand tightly. "I want us to enjoy what we have before anyone knows," I added. I kept you close to me for the rest of the car ride, rubbing your back and kissing the top of your head so you could feel comforted. Once we got to set I watched as you put your glasses on. "Baby, you don't need to hide, you are beautiful inside and out," I say honestly. "But I will see you in a bit,"
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