#maybe ino....
wlwkunoichi · 7 months
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Hello inohina nation 🕴 (genin edition)
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inoreuct · 11 months
omg hiiii i love your work🥺🫶
can we get the crew’s reaction to when zoro reveals he’s a weretiger / when they realise that zoro is a weretiger?
WAJWHAJSH THANK YOU ANON 🫶🏽 let's get into it hehehe
he definitely tells the east blue crew first. luffy before anyone else, of course; he works himself up to it so much that he gets nervous and they end up having a stress-induced back-and-forth (“WHY ARE YOU YELLING” “I’M NOT YELLING YOU’RE YELLING”) and he eventually just growls at the heavens in frustration and poofs into a tiger.
it’s barely dawn; the sky’s a watercolour of orange and pink and blue and the silence that comes after is painfully loud. he sits there with his tail-tip flicking at the deck in agitation and watches luffy’s face go from unreadable to awed to unrestrainedly joyful, his grin wide and white as ever but edged with something soft. “can i touch?” he asks, quietly for his standards, and zoro has just enough wherewithal to give him a rather shell-shocked jerk of the head before his captain’s fingers are in his ruff and luffy’s laughing like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
(he should have known that he’d had nothing to worry about. luffy had wanted him as a half-dead stranger tied up in a marine base courtyard, and they’re nakama now. his captain is not someone to judge based on appearance. he is still luffy’s first mate, tiger or not— and he knows that after this, with his captain’s approval, his acceptance, telling everyone else will come easy.)
sanji’s next. zoro strides into the galley with conviction and the cook scoffs at him about stealing more liquor before zoro says his name and he turns, stunned and off-guard and concerned all at once, just in time to see the swordsman shift forms. his mouth falls open and he stares, wide eyes flicking about like he’s trying to process, for long enough that zoro starts getting shifty; like come on, now. you either react positively or negatively, what’s the hold-up?
he chuffs impatiently when sanji steps closer, muttering you have got to be kidding me under his breath. something settles slowly in the cook’s gaze, the furrow between his brows smoothing as zoro’s whiskers twitch at the brush of his fingers. “you’re gonna clear out my damn fridge, aren’t you,” he sighs, already resigned, and zoro lets out a happy, unrepentant mrrp.
(in this form, he finds himself reaching for sanji the most. his tail wraps around the cook’s ankle and his first instinct when he wants to sleep is to seek him out, curl around him like a dragon hoarding treasure; perhaps it’s because sanji takes to the shape of his soul as easily as breathing, blatantly unafraid as ever of zoro’s roughhousing (albeit however much he gentles it on his account of his claws and fangs and sheer mass), of putting him in his place when he’s unimpressed with his bullshit. sanji snarks and snipes and sometimes runs his nails through zoro’s fur absentmindedly as if zoro couldn’t snap his neck in half or bleed him out with a single bite; but he knows the cook is aware of just how dangerous he is. the trust is intoxicating— especially from him.
he tells himself he’s drawn near just because sanji gives him prime cuts of meat to snack on and nothing more.)
nami and usopp are having breakfast together when he finds them. their sniper does a double take at the massive green tiger and sucks down a sharp breath to scream before nami slaps a hand over his mouth, lightning-quick, pressing against his shoulder to keep him in his chair. zoro’s a little insulted; his control over his instincts is damn near impeccable. he’s not just gonna chase should usopp really decide to bolt.
but he can see nami’s mind racing, a smirk revealing the tips of his canines as he noses through one of sanji’s cabinets for show— and he catalogues the moment their navigator clocks his earrings and his green fur and realises it’s too much of a coincidence. she slumps back into her seat with a disbelieving, exasperated huff, leaving usopp to give himself whiplash looking between her and zoro and muttering a rapid-fire stream of panicked words that zoro pretends not to hear.
he takes great pleasure in putting his front paws on the table and grabbing an apple from the bowl there in his fangs (usopp squeaks like a dog toy being stepped on) before he tosses it up and slips back into his human form to catch it. “good morning,” he offers casually, grin growing, and as soon as he steps out of the galley he hears usopp absolutely lose his shit. the apple is sweet and crunchy and he’s having the best day ever.
when chopper, robin, franky, brook and jinbei join, luffy always finds a way to slip in a “oh, yeah, zoro’s a tiger by the way” at some point and he thinks they hear it but don’t really process it until they see him prowling around the deck in his shifted form. chopper had jumped about twice his height into the air and sprinted below deck before a laughing sanji coaxed him out; robin had accepted it with a singular nonchalantly raised brow and then a smile; franky, brook and jinbei had pretty much just blinked in surprise and laughed it off.
zoro had thought it’d be better to prepare his crew in case he ever had to shift in an emergency; better for them to know than to freak out in the middle of whatever situation if it ever came down to it. it takes some time for them to get used to him, but it becomes the norm— and he’s grateful for it.
before he joined luffy, before he showed all of them who he was, he’d never really had the chance to be in shifted form but now? he has the luxury of strolling about as a tiger, sprawling on the deck with the sun in his fur, his tail bobbing as he walks the rails for fun. none of them bat an eye anymore; nami yells at him to stop ruining the main mast with his claws while luffy cheers at him to climb it higher. usopp and franky make him what essentially amounts to a giant scratching post. robin always has a hand to spare for a quick behind-the-ear scratch. not having to worry about being hunted is the best thing he’s felt for years.
but amongst all of his nakama, luffy and sanji are the ones who touch him like it’s second nature. the cook hooks his fingers behind zoro’s fangs to pull him close and tease him about whatever, so terrifyingly blasé about willingly putting his hands near the mouth of a predator; zoro bats at him with a giant paw and a growl once and he just laughs with all the confidence in the world that zoro would never actually hurt him. his captain has seen fit to deem zoro his personal space heater/bolster/arm rest, and he drapes himself over zoro like it’s nobody’s business; pushing his face into zoro’s fur, arms around his neck, leaning against his side when they sit on the ground and—
it’s good. zoro curls around them, his cook and his captain, on the rug in the galley that the crew’s set near the oven because they know he likes it warm. even with all of sanji’s snarky fire and luffy’s happy-go-lucky glee their hands are gentler than he’s ever known, and zoro basks in their presence with an ease and eagerness that he will likely never admit. they are the sun and stars to his moon and he feels their call like the pull of the tide.
zoro does not fight it. he is the right hand to his king, the battle mate of one of the strongest, most infuriating people he’s ever met. they call, and he answers. their heartbeats are a steady thrum in his ears, their weight a welcome, grounding burden, and he has an inkling suspicion that for their acceptance, for their affection— there isn’t much that he wouldn’t do.
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(At the time) Uppermoon 6 Douma Character Sheet (Entertainment District Arc)
When I tell you good photos are difficult to find of this blonde-haired bimbo—
Edit: found one more
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thisearthycat · 5 months
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the backyardigans
(not ship)
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telleroftime · 2 months
Is it just me or does Takuma motion with hands a lot? Or just in general he's very expressive with his hands.
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The other characters don't do it, or at least not as often... right?
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It was a while since I made these sketches for my Guilty Gear Strive AU so I thought that it would be better to finish them since we got our old vampire man back lol
However, the process is still slow because I did some more research for these two. The 1998 London clothes are not as accurate as I wanted them to be but I wanted to give them a little of the games clotting style the characters usually wear.
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hermesmoly · 5 days
I'm sorry but Ovid’s Hera turning her haters into birds is so funny to me
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cursedvibes · 6 months
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One day Choso might be able to land a single hit on Sukuna, but that day is not today
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twnj · 2 months
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Ino: Come on, shika! I thought this would cheer you up?
Shika: I've never even heard of this band!
Ino: you are literally wearing one of their hoodies 😑
Ino is big into metal so she drags Shika to a gig (again) to cheer him up (after his little heart was broken) but Shika is just not into, as usual!
Headcanon madness inspired by the wonderful characters of Grandmaster by @notquitejiraiya, with translation help from fellow metal head @unioncolours
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I'm slowly but surely working on my next Alien Stage lyric comic (I'm about 60% done), but I might take a break to get a different idea out of my head - Ivan cosplaying as Sai from Naruto. I really wanna see it 🥺🥺
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torgawl · 9 months
i wonder what this means
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we know judgeman's appearance is similar to lady justice, who has a blindfold over her eyes, to represent impartial or blind justice. it's interesting that during sukuna's trial, and subsequent death penalty veredict, the stitches break on one side and that eye opens. something that didn't happen during the first death penalty delivered to yuuji despite both eyes opening up. we know everything higuruma is aware about his own ct, and ce in general, he grasped through reverse engeneering. his surprise about judgeman confiscating sukuna's cursed tool and not the cursed technique highlights that higuruma is only aware of his own technique due to things he was able to experience and deduce from the short time that has passed since he became a sorcerer. it's safe to say he had never persecuted someone who used a cursed tool before and therefore was unaware of this aspect of his technique (similar situations have happened before to characters like geto and even the way mahoraga works). this makes me wonder if judgeman's abilities are something we and higuruma have limited information on and there's something else going on, hinting at a possible outcome for higuruma/higuruma's character.
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judgeman's eye opening is especially interesting because that is exactly the stance higuruma decided to take once he lost faith in the justice system. jujutsu kaisen and the concept of cursed energy and cursed techniques are very based in buddhist philosophy, or rather the power system is, and more specifically the concept of suffering. buddha recognised there was suffering in life and started guiding people into following a practice to get rid of that suffering, through the four noble truths the noble eightfold path. which ultimately would result in liberation from the samsara, cycle of rebirth and suffering. a lot of that lifestyle is learning how to properly process suffering in a way that's beneficial to the individual with the goal of achieving enlightment. in jjk suffering directly creates cursed energy and when that suffering sort of accumulates it originates cursed spirits. jujutsu sorcerers are basically people able to process their own suffering and their own ce to fight and exorcise the suffering that's constantly emerging from humanity (tying deeply with the core theme of jjk and a big plot point - the merging). you could even draw parallels between ways individuals cope with their own pain and their cursed techniques, which is very obvious in characters like geto (ingesting curses through cursed spirit manipulation akin to bottling up his own feelings and letting that suffering eat him from the inside out), for example. where am i going with this? i'm not sure (sorry if you read all of this expecting a really cool theory) but what if this is sort of an awakening moment for higuruma? a moment where his technique will finally align with his beliefs? i just don't believe the differences in judgeman throughout the story are a coincidence. not when judgeman also has this form, with both its eyes completely shut.
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fvaleraye · 9 months
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"And, of course, don't be afraid to ask any questions!"
You ever suddenly remember a character exists and then you HAVE to draw them before you go feral. Yeah. We remembered Ino existed and we had to draw them before we went feralasdflkjn We love xym. We need to think of them more. It's in our brain. Rent free. As always.
Reminder that Ino is an Edeia, and Edeia belong to @ausp-ice
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happypanda101 · 10 months
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Recently, I just added Rin Nohara as a muse on my naruto blog @musesofchaos, and I knew I had to design her for the verse where she manages to just barely survive her demise. Getting stabbed by your crush, even though it was your own choice, and nearly dying would understandably mess someone up. Despite the smiles and her still kind nature, Rin's view on the world has shifted because of the incident, not to mention the overwhelming guilt she feels for inflicting such pain on Kakashi. She's scared that he hates her, resents her. That's far beyond the truth, but she doesn't know that. So for most of this new arc I'm developing for her, she's keen on staying as far away from Konoha as possible. I wanted to symbolize that change through clothing that one at first may think that Rin wouldn't have gone for. Keeping some of the colour scheme of her old outfit to show that she still has those old parts of herself left. I also admittedly just wanted to go for something different from the other older fan designs I've seen to her, which in my opinion are a little boring? Of course no offense to those artist, but I feel like a lot of people just try to incorporate her genin design into her adult design and I wanted to bring something more unique to the table. Anyway, I hope ya like her! She was a joy to draw : )
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generisydtoo · 4 months
Thinking of the time I made fanart of Sakura and Ino as Rue and Jules years ago, then deleted it bc it wasn’t up to the standards of my vision😭😭
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telleroftime · 2 months
ino fic ideas??? 👀 always have one in my head of his partner reacting to him waking up from the shibuya incident but never know how to proceed besides the angst of it all
OH! Oh okay, okay,, This can make some really good hurt/comfort... like really good hurt/comfort. Where Y/N was so worried at first, so scared of loosing him- body trembling "about to throw up" levels of scared -that after he wakes up, after they have him in their hands again... they just refuse to let go.
Shoko said he's fully healed? Don't care. Not in the slightest. They pamper him and take care of him because they're afraid it's all a dream. That at any moment he will disappear into a pile of blood. Y/N's nightmares don't help. His nightmares don't help. And his survivor's guilt because Nanami died and yet he lives? Oh boy.
Okay, gimme a few days maybe and I'll try and cook something up. Might be small, but I'll try and do something beyond this response.
Though it might also end up in bullet points.
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static-radio-ao3 · 3 months
if u had to choose between constipation or diarrhea
sigh......... i guess........ constipation?
> inbox me one thing you wanna know about me
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