#maybe itll be temporary
toastsnaffler · 4 months
what the fuck is all this. can we please just get a functional tagging system on this website it would literally have the same effect at creating a "dedicated community space" lmao
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Alright, why not: The ask box is open for how I'd visualize other characters as Bizzaros, like Pixal or Lloyd, along with how I think they'd connect to the ninja and to each other.
This is also acceptable to oc's. At this point, I'm calling this the 'bizzaro verse', so.. Have at it.
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july-19th-club · 2 years
therapist and i just came up with an excellent solution to my catastrophizing which is that every time i think a decision ive made is the worst possible one, i THEN think of a way in which *not* making that decision could've made things worse. this is a brilliant idea and it will cure me forever
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arolesbianism · 1 year
Mark meeting ded is just gonna be him going btw have you heard of the music producer 8ballin' 👉👈? And ae is just gonna sit there like I've been in every wrong place that you can imagine for the past half a decade you tell me
#rat rambles#splat posting#just wait until he figures out hes talking to the guy who was putting out all those sick beats during the lowest point of his life#hes going to be inconsolable#also sorry for the self indulgent mark posting Im just excited for him to get to do things again#despite technically having a lot going on Ive always felt that his limited relationships have made him the weak link of my agents#I love him sm and I love his dynamics with the others sm but he just doesnt have the bond with either of off the hook that I wish he did#but its kinda inevitable because he definitely was way too up his own ass during octo expansion to willingly talk to marina much#and pearl by extention#in fact cuttlefish is who he ended up closest to but hes been busy being off with his favorite children#so Im hoping thisll give me more ideas for him and pearl especially in the modern day when hes much more stable mentally#bestie survived the horrors of being 14 nothing will ever get as bad as that <3#now would probably be a good time to read octo expansion retranslated tbh make sure Im not missing anything super important#itll probably also be good to make sure Im satisfied with the current state of marks octo expansion stuff and rework some stuff maybe#I probably wont touch it too much but I think maybe adding some early on mark marina interactions could be good#basically give him a frame of reference for what talking to her felt like before his old grudge starts to return to him#oh yeah btw for mark his temporary memory loss was from too much exposure to sanitized ink#he did in fact go there to sanitize himself the only reason he wasnt able to was because the fumes from the shower caused his movement to#get kinda fucked up along with his vision so he fumbled about for a bit as his body fought the bits of sanitized ink that got in his system#he thought he was straight up dying so he tried to retreat but ended up running into cuttle and sash and the rest is history#his mental and physical state would worsen a bit more and only after that would his body start to slowly but surely flush the stuff out#it wasnt nearly enough to properly sanitize him or cause any coloration but it was still very much enough to effect him poorly#part of the reason that the trials helped with the memory loss was that all that movement and moving ink through his systems helped a lot#but he still struggled a Lot with it initially due to his struggles with balance and coordination#even post oe he has worsened short term memory and has some nerve damage#so yay chronic pain time#despite this he's still a duelies squelcher main because ofc he is#but in all seriousness he often does have to wear wrist braces and has had times where hes had to take extended breaks from ink sporting#its smth he struggles to accept is a limitation for him especially since the whole reason he initially wanted to get sanitized was to focus#more on his combat skills and prove himself as a soldier of great importance
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sharkdays · 2 years
don’t mind me just about to have a panic attack 🥰
#to make a long fuckin story short. my mom is jere#no one told me. i didnt even know where my dad was bc#he did not tell me he was leaving and did not respond to my texts or calls#and i had to cancel therapy today bc of it. so um *explodes*#and i go back to school tomorrow. so.#i was doing so well#i wa s literally just cleaning my room some more#and now all my energy is gone.#please dont do this to me i cant live with her again#i dont know how i did it before but i certainly cant now.#please let this be a temporary visit.#though her definition of temporary is questionable#she was only supposed to leave temporarily and was gone for like 2 years#and then ended up staying for. like 2 years.#why why why did she have to come down#i’m trying to be positive and maybe itll be ok but idk#she still deadnames me and misgenders me and its been like what 5 years#and tells me constantly i ‘killed her daughter’#i don’t want my siblings girlfriend to hear her say my deadname or anything#i was literally just talking to my dad abt medically transitioning and idek if he told her#or what her reaction was. but i dont want to have a big fight with the siblings here.#im so tired of my family giving me no warning at all for these thinhs#even though i told them explicitly that i need warning in advance so i dont fucking freakout#my dad doesnt even take my mom’s transphobia seriously. so uhm….#sorry for the rant if anyones even read this but um !!!!!! im gonna fuckjgn uh freak out#shark speaks
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fbpsdumbtklblog · 4 months
wsg chat i wrote a lightbrush tkl fic :]
idk where else i can rlly post this so i guess itll just be here lol
Happy Little Accident
(title suggested by @giggleeqween)
post s3/2 ii tickle fic
lee: lightbulb
ler: paintbrush
summary: lightbulb accidentally gets a ton of paint on herself, and paintbrush helps her wash it off- leading to some unintentional tiggles
word count: 807
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Paintbrush closed the lid on a can of paint and shoved it into their arms with the other ones they were holding. They had just finished a painting session with Lightbulb in the hotel’s art room and the two of them were cleaning things up now. “Here take these and I’ll get the rest of them.”
“Alrighty” Lightbulb held her arms out as Paintbrush handed her the paint cans. They grabbed the rest of them and they both started walking to the other side of the room to put them up.
“You got all those?” Paintbrush asked, noticing how Lightbulb was struggling a bit to keep all the cans in her arms.
“Mhm” Lightbulb nodded, trying to focus on keeping them balanced. She suddenly slipped on a stray piece of paper on the ground, letting out a startled yelp as she fell forward. The cans clanged loudly against the ground, busting open and quickly covering the floor in paint.
“Oh shit-!” Paintbrush swiftly but carefully set down the cans they were holding and helped Lightbulb up. “Are you okay?”
Lightbulb stumbled to her feet. “..Uh- y-yeah, I’m alright.” She rubbed her arm, which was a bit sore from the fall. A bit of paint smeared onto her hand, and she realized she was covered in it.
“..Yeesh, uh- here- lemme clean the cans real quick and we’ll get you washed up.” Paintbrush quickly explained, putting the lids back on the paint cans and setting them upright on the ground. They ran over to the counter and grabbed a few paper towels, tossing them onto the spilled paint as an extremely temporary ‘fix’. Meanwhile Lightbulb stood there awkwardly with her arms half-raised and away from her body, the cold paint feeling very uncomfortable.
“Okay okay c’mere” Paintbrush brought Lightbulb over to the counter and opened the cabinets. They grabbed a small bucket and filled it with soap and water, taking out a scrub brush and dipping it into the bucket. “Gonna have to scrub that off- bear with me here this is gonna take a little bit.”
Lightbulb gave a small hum in response, letting Paintbrush hold her arm and begin gently washing the paint off. It felt a bit tingly, but she didn’t pay it much mind. That is until the brush moved up to her wrist and hand. A wobbly smile started forming on her face as the tickly feeling became more apparent. She snickered a bit, which Paintbrush picked up on. “Oh yeah I forgot you’re ticklish, uh.. that- that’s probably gonna make this a bit difficult..”
“..Oh, hm..” Lightbulb mumbled, tensing up a little as Paintbrush continued. She honestly didn’t mind it much, it was just a bit unexpected. Paintbrush got the rest of the paint off her arm and dried it with a paper towel, repeating the process on the other arm. Lightbulb shivered as the brush was moved to her neck. She did the stupid t-rex arm thing and tried to hold in her laughter.
Paintbrush smiled at her, finding her reactions cute. They gently dried the area with the paper towel and moved the brush down to her torso. They barely even touched it before Lightbulb flinched and recoiled back, curling in on herself. The two stared at each other for a moment, Lightbulb’s face turning red.
“..So uh.. maybe, uh- maybe we should do this some other way. ??” She suggested, smiling awkwardly.
Paintbrush raised an eyebrow and smirked at her. “C’mon Lighty we gotta get this done.” They tried to keep scrubbing the paint off but were met with the same reaction. They laughed in amusement. “Does it really tickle that much?”
“Yes!” Lightbulb was laughing with them.
“Hm… okay hang on I’ll try to make this quick.” Paintbrush pulled Lightbulb into their arms with her back against them.
“WaitwaitwAIT PAINTY-!!” Lightbulb squeaked and fell into hysterical laughter, flailing around as Paintbrush quickly scrubbed the brush on her torso. “Sorry- try to stay still!”
“I CAN’T!!” Lightbulb tried her best to stop moving so much, but it wasn’t working. She wouldn’t even be able to stand if Paintbrush hadn’t been holding her up.
“Okay okay hold on I’m just about done.” Paintbrush finished washing the paint off and set the brush back on the counter. They let go of her and let her recollect herself. Lightbulb flopped onto her back on the ground, taking her time to catch her breath. Paintbrush gently pat her head. “You good?”
Lightbulb gave a thumbs up in response. Paintbrush smiled at her. They grabbed another paper towel from the counter and handed it to Lightbulb. “You might wanna just do that yourself”
“Yeah probably” Lightbulb sat up and dried the soap and water off. Paintbrush grabbed her hand and helped her up after a minute. “Alright now help me clean up the floor.”
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ty for reading!
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plaguethewaters · 6 months
@thetiredyuk i am having more Thoughts about that one - ranboo is the sone of death beeduo au. I was about to just send you an ask but also this is almost 2k words so it may be better off as a post lmfao
So like. bullet points time, this is an approximate summary of what i think the Plot would be like - wordbuilding aside
(Temporary mcd, suicide warning)
Year like, 1500 something (to be more well researched but i do want it to be like. something something renaissance. it works) we've got two poor ass kids born of the same year. Except tommy is pretty much a normal guy, liked by his family and such. His parents have enough children they can gamble for at least one to be successfull, so they send him to be a painter's apprentice in the hope he'll make some kind of money. There, in the slighter bigger town thats almost a city but not quite, he meets tubbo. Now Tubbo would have been a normal guy, except he was born with facial deformities so now everyone thinks he's a demonic freak hated by the gods (this renaissance world is politheistic bc kristin needs to be there and also i wil not do christianity if i dont have to lmao.)
Tommy is not intimidated by any gods. obviously. also his dad is really into the goddess of death and he prays enough for both of them, so he's like. protected and shite. And he immidiately hits it off with the cursed boy
surprise hes not actually cursed but people are dicks anyways. Tommy makes him a fancy mask to cover his face - even thought its totally cool as shit, but its cool enough only tommy should ever get to see it - and that eventually does help him. Because tubbo wasnt like, a shit guy. Hes a damn good builder and knows how to read, which are talents big enough that the costruction workers for that church out of town are ready to ignore the whole probably cursed thing. As long as he as the masks.
Tommy: makes him the first genuine gift hes ever received in fifteen years of life Tubbo: never takes it off again. like never Tommy: shocked pikachu face
anyways so tommy dies like. super young. They have their fun for a few years but at like seventeen tommy is called to be the artist for this very fancy duke of the town over - and at the start they'r super happy bc that means Money and Food and Roof over your head and shite. its a very good fucking deal.
except the noble is a bastard. His town revolts against him, and when they storm the castle they aren't exactly asking names or faces: tommy gets immidiately like, super destroyed by the crowd, and dies a few minutes later.
Tubbo hears of this like five months later bc its the fifteen hunderds and hes poor.
He does Not take it very well ngl
He goes a bit murdery - basically hes like "im not living without tommy, might as well burn down a village while im at it right, right."
Now ranboo, in all of this, freshly the equivalent of seventeen for an immortal death being, is starting on their training to actually become death- His mom send him on a quaint little village in europe thinking "hey, the most those guys die of is like. malaria. consumption maybe. itll be easy as hell"
And now like two hundred different souls are around him with FIRE written on their foreheads and Ranboo feels distinctly outside of his range, to be really honest.
he steps a couple ethereak planes down just to see what the heck is the matter - if this is another of those voide beings his mom will be Super Pissed and they want to see that reaction
And it isnt the void people
Instead, in front of their eyes, the singular most beautiful person hes ever seen - and hes seen lots, in this line of work.
He cant see their face, but their actions speak enough. The sheer rage, the almost dance like movement of their body perfectly framed by the light of their torch, seeing no humanity or mercy in whatever their searching for. their hair look angelic in its softness, burnt by the worst flames of hell and yet tended by the same hands who wield it - strong hands, clearly forged by hard work and dedication. This is a guy who has nothing to lose, and there's little Death loves most than someone who doesnt fear it.
He has to go down, has to speak to them immidiately.
So he does.
There's really no time - his mom had given the singular rule not to interact with humans, shell be on them in Seconds- but one question can be asked in the haste: "What brings a mortal to do this?"
"It's all for you, love!" the mortal says. They also say some other things, after, but Ranboo is not very well versed in the human tongue and they are speaking Very Loudly.
(Tubbo actually said "Fuck you, you motherfucker it's Your Fault, you took every single thing i love". Easy mistake, if one thinks about it.)
Their mom is Pretty Pissed but she does undesrtand stupid things done for young love. So she's like "eh, ive loved mortals too. go have fun" and everything
Except a year passes, and ranboo still hasnt even spoken to the guy, and she remembers suddenly Mortality Exists.
Shes never had them take a soul who died naturally - for lack of occasion, mostly - and they may have been. a tad sheltered. They most definitely do Not know what death actually is like for humans, nor how long does it take for them to die
she wonders if it would be a tad overprotective to take this over for them
she thinks about seventy years in the future, at most, when the boy dies. She thinks that her son cannot cry but can definitely cry. she thinks of their screams of sadness ringing through her ears-
Tubbo wakes up in the river, alive.
He did not Intend to be alive, and it's actually quite unfortunate for him to be so.The survivors are quite angry and probably close to him, now. Welp, no way to die is reallt any worse than another, he thinks. Ill just wait here for them.
When the pitchfork collapses his heart and he continues breathing, he understands something might be a little bit wrong.
And like, a good five hundred years pass like this.
Things Tubbo has learned in his five hundred, twenty three and two halves years on this demon forsaken earth:
Clothes get so much shittier over time. he has One (1) tailored shit from the 1800 and Nothing has even barely compared to it ever since.
getting stabbed does not hurt less just because youre not actually dying. Poisoning is actiively way worse since you're not actually dying. Diving off cliffs is Not Fun. In general, try not to do dying things even if youre immortal
theres a hole in his heart where his loved ones were and it will never get filled
Food gets esponentially better over time. Lord bless whoever decided curry should go on chicken because they were Cooking For Real. Chocolate was still better before though.
Working for soulles bosses has not changed At All in all of this time tho.
he works at mcdonalds because no college would accept his non existant resume, and being immortal dosent deprive him of his needs unfortunately. The manager took one look at this kid dressed from like three different centuries with a goat mask on his head and was like. why not. at least youre not a stoner and you know how to read.
His coworkers firmly believe hes a criptid and have a full going investigation to prove it. The highest bet at fifty dollars says hes mothman in disguise, there to eat the fliest that live on their shitty food. The lowest bets hes an angel waiting for the right time to brign down armageddon.
Every night he goes in the woods to an almost forgotten Death altar and he prays. Half of his prayers consist of insults and the other half are pleas for her to fucking kill him already
This does not help the criptid chronicles
Kristin also has like. only so much patience. Hes holding up the prayers line - which is actually still pretty fucking used in central asia - and hes generally annoying as shit.
She takes ranboo by the scruff, gives them a passable human form, and throws them down there. Get your shit together boy youre like a thousand years old. Get your man (to stop fucking with the phoneline)
Ranboo is Not Enthusiastic about this but cmon. Hes death. How hard can working at a mac really be?
Spoiler it is
Spoiler it does Not matter, because awkwardness aside ranboo is funny, and easy to talk to, and compassionate and caring. He doesnt want to kill tubbo, he doesnt look at him like hes a fictional creature (and yes marcie, hes seen the bet table), he isnt his soulless boss. Tubbo is grieving but he also very desperstely wants a friend.
One day someone stops at his shitty apartment at like three am
Ranboo stands in fron of his door drenched from head to toe, holding the possibly smallest kitten tubbo has ever seen in his Life. Hes miserable but the cat is miracoulously dry, screaming their head off - and ranboo is panicking. Are they okay are they dying? Do you have any food i dont know what he eats but its so small and i didnt know where else to go- please i dont want it to die or something and-
The moon shines on their long, wet hair and their stupid fucking suit is as wrinkled as ever. They look like they desperately want to rub their hands against each other but there is a kitten in the way and it probably makes them even more anxious - theres very little messes bigger than him, right now.
Tubbo falls in love.
They heal the kitten and keep enderchest in their now shared apartment.
They grow closer, and closer, and something is forming. Ranboo is aware a relationship cannot be based on lies, as much as it worries him how tubbo will react.
so he prepares like a romantic ass evening
roses and candles and a nice dinner with a fancy wine
tubbo almost gets flustered
except at the end of the night the confession isnt "i love you" but "im the guy who took away your only ffamily".
and he sees Red.
Ranboo doesnt remember what tubbo screamed, not exactly. He remembers grief, and crying, and feeling worse than he ever believed he could. He remembers the endless guilt sitting in his chest, and the slam of a door - maybe from the inside out. Hes definitely outside, now, and the house ifìs far away enough eh cant see it, but that could also be the tears.
His mother finds him crouched in a patch of grass, tears steaming down their cheeks in a constant flow. Shes not aware if they'd returned to death form to feel safer, or because they believed they deserved the burn. Shes not sure what option makes her feel worse.
shes aware that this is. pretty much her fault
TO HER DEFENSE she was not really aware humans were so touchy about death. The souls she reaps arent very talkative and the guy shes with is chill about it so like. maybe this one is weird
(the guy she's with is Phil, whos Decidly not a human but has also decided not to tell her yet. For the bit, yknow? He's been a live a couple thousand years, it would be awkward to drop it now. He's also somewhat a serial killer and Not Normal about death At All)
BUt this is still here fault and she does have to set it right a little bit
So she summons Tubbo to her persnoal room in the palace and goes like. "oi. why r u so mad little guy"
And hes like: you took away the single person whos ever loved me ever
"Wait that's the only problem?"
"What the fuck else would it be"
"thought u were mad at him cause he lied lol"
Anyways Kristen is so relieved rn. She thought tubbo was phisically like, repulsed by the concept of death and all, and he was mad that Ranboo lied to him and all. Which he is, but the rage is so so much less than the grief yknoe. And she knows how to fix it if its just one (1) measly soul
Tommy is so fucking confused
Th modern world is full of sounds and weird textures and the food is fucking fantastic but also Too Much, and Tubbo introduced him to this weird ass potion hed called a bong and now hes seeing gods the likes of which had never been discoveres
Over all hes just happy to be alive and with his best friend
He kinda hates ranboo. The fucker threw a scyte at him for no reason when tommy would have Almost Certainly survived because he is simply That Cool. Ranboo didn't believe in his awesomeness enough and is thus a Bitch
Tubbo is. iffy
He cant deny he has a teensy tiny crush now, because hes far too deep in this for that
But also ranboo did like. lie straight to his face
but also tubbo would Not have believed him if a random guy showed up at three am at a mcdonalds saying they were the child of death
and he Did trust that what he saw in ranboo was real, betrayal aside. No one fakes looking That much like a wet cat
so it does take a while. couple years in fact, to get back at the level of trust they had before (inster a cool anime montage where they have lots of fun together as roommates and cats coparents and all)
One night when they are - not back together, because they hadnt been dating before, but back to that almost definitely dating just not officialized stage- ranboo asks him if would ever want to be mortal again.
And tubbo thinks of it. His time on earth had been so plagued by grief hed never really ecperienced anything it had to offer. Hed never seen the sights or did anything at all besides praying for death, and thats kind of a shitty way to pass five hundred years
'But tubbo what about your humanity? wouldnt it be irrevocabily lost by giving awau something so fundamentally human as death" someone would ask. And tubbo would anser "ehh who cares"
He hasnt been fully human since hes burned that whole village down, anyway. And he likes the benefits of this life more than whateer moral superiority a Normal human would have over him
"and tommy too, obviously. I get the feeling you dont like him dead" Ranboo jokes.
There's no decision at all then. Fuck yeah, immortal boyfriend and immortal brother what more could a fucker want.
They get to cause chaos on earth and probably kill a bunch of rich people for a long long time
the end :)
Im like. very tentatively calling this Deathless Death, in the vane hope that i will write something for this better thant bullet points. But for now bullet points it is
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pocketramblr · 2 years
Headcanons for OFA stockpiles beauty, tddk version, please.
1- ok so dorms happen earlier in the first semester, after the revelation that Shigaraki carries a picture around of Izuku and the winged nomu targeted him to carry off. But in the meantime while they're being built, UA is like 'maybe we should get this kid a protective detail or someone at least watching him off campus'. Tenya and Shoto are both in the hospital room while that's discussed, and both immediately offer their connections- but with the Iida family focusing on their sons right now, it makes more sense to see if they can take the Todorokis up on it instead. Which means that now, Izuku is alternating between staying with All Might (doesn't want to impose or run more of his time down) or the Todorokis (also doesn't want to impose, but its nice to get to know his friend more!)
2- Enji isn't thrilled about the protective detail, but he figures pretty quickly this kid's got some connection to All Might and would like to figure out what- and uh yeah Shoto's crush on him is as obvious as it is understandable, so he wants to keep an eye on that to make sure he isn't distracted now that he's finally using his fire.
He is very specific about Izuku getting a guest room in a different wing of the house from Shoto.
It doesn't matter much, since they spend a lot of time out with friends after school or together in the living room or dojo anyway.
3- Fuyumi decides to try and help her brother out, asking Izuku a couple questions while he's helping her cook and Shoto's gone to visit Rei one Sunday. She says she's sure he's the heartbreaker of his class, any datemate?
Izuku laughs uncomfortably, says no, but gets why she asked- its a side effect of his quirk, he isn't really as attractive as it seems, no one is actually likes him, just the quirk tricking them too.
Fuyumi gets very quiet and very serious, and says she's sorry. Sometimes, quirks don't seem worth the trouble, and he's in hard spot- but she's sure at some point, someone will see the real him, and like the real him, besides from the glamour. Izuku thanks her, and after dinner Fuyumi pulls Shoto aside to bring up the quirk and if he thinks he's under the effect of it, or if he has a real crush on him.
Shoto stares at her, and says he doesn't have a crush on Izuku, he's just objectively attractive and a brilliant friend.
Fuyumi realizes he's as oblivious as Izuku, and both beyond her help.
4- Shoto realizes that night that Fuyumi was right, but as a youngest sibling is physically incapable of admitting that so soon, and decides to simply act as if it was a slowburn unrelated to anything she said, and that itll probably be easy, since Izuku is so clearly over any attempts to woo him. He doesn't want to be pushy. He doesn't want Izuku to feel like Rei. So instead, he just acts friendly. Gets him All Might merch for his birthday, keeps a poker face when Izuku joins them in the hot spring at camp even if he cant quite control the temperature reaction, and keeps a lookout/causes distractions to make having quiet meetings with All Might easier for him.
5- Ok i dont know how but imagine whatever convoluted scenario needs to happen for Izuku to get shot with a temporary eraser bullet. this is mostly because he deserves to go feral and smart and fight quirkless again, but also because everyone realizes he does look/seem different this way, until the glamour comes back- everyone except Shoto, who didn't notice a difference and says it, which startles some tears out of Izuku only for him to bury that deep, deep down because he's got a while before he's gonna confront the mortifying ordeal of having a crush of his own
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verflares · 3 months
so it’s totally okay if u don’t wanna answer, but when do you think the next chapter of dragonsong will be out? i know writing block can happen — trust me, i am NO stranger — but an update on what’s going on with the story would be cool! like if life is just too much rn you can just say that and that’s totally fine :) honestly i will wait till the end of time for this fic, it’s too good 😭
hi!! no worries, i appreciate the question ^_^ it's fair too, i don't think ive really mentioned what's going on outside of like. tags on various personal text posts tht u'd have to hunt down. honestly i'm a little shy talking abt it or some of my other og projects on here LMAO which is mostly just. that's how i Am and i know most of my followers that i have now are here for my art and maybe my insane ramblings from time-to-time
anyways, atm i don't really have a clear date for when i'll get the next one out... it's still sitting in my files and i Still have an outline for what i want to happen in it + the next few chapters planned out right till the fic's conclusion. but yeah, planning versus execution is a whole other beast.
i Do want to finish it so much, and i Will... its mostly just various combinations of irl, writer burnout, and i've kind of also just been enjoying getting better at art more these past few months - so i'm doing that in my free time instead of writing x_x. so i guess the state of it rn is temporary hiatus?
i've considered some ways in which it might be easier to say, trick my brain into continuing too LOL. i could try putting out shorter chapters, but i worry if itll upset the flow of all the other chapters that came beforehand... feel free to let me know or any other potential ideas and i'll see what i can do!
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toastsnaffler · 3 months
not really relevant to anything but sometimes I just rly wish I had something core that made everything else feel real and worth it. ykwim
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retrotrait · 5 months
wait last anon got my attention and ive also been wanting to send you a long ass ask dissecting simon's behavior lol~ also cw this talks about drug abuse!
I don't want to be a simon shooter, but I feel like he deserves empathy considering he abuses substances and has trauma from his childhood. Not to excuse his behavior at all. I feel for anani and simon because i was in a relationship with someone who abused substances (xanax) this was in my senior yr of high school & it sucked seeing someone you care about constantly high of their ass vs. the person you met. The drugs affect not only the person, but the people around them and its awful.
There is such a stigma towards people who abuse substances (I personally dont like to use the word addict thats just me tho!!) I feel like people tend to think ppl who abuse drugs act out on purpose and want to purposely hurt their loved ones, when that isnt the case.
Anani was without a doubt, simon's diamond in the rough. It does make me feel a certain was that his mother called her to BASICALLY, fix her son. Girl.............that is your child, Im pretty sure his mother asked her to "get him help" because she couldnt face the music, she couldnt see history repeat itself, but you cannot send someone over that he hurt so many times to fix things.
I believe Anani continuously stayed by his side because she thinks itll be different everytime. She could fix him, its possible in her eyes because of their bond, but that is not true at all. He needs to realize for himself that he needs help. If he cares about the people he loves he would go and get help. Anani is def a push over in this case (im sorry my queen PLS STAND UP I KNO U LOVE HIM BUT PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS STAND UP!!)
I dont think its possible for them to have a platonic friendship after everything, but I do believe Simon needs a good support system around him and MAYBE anani could be apart of that support system...minus the physical bc from what it seems, simon uses Anani like temporary medicine to ease his pain & it hurts to see Anani care and love him, but get hurt in the end :c
I love what you're doing with this story & I am so excited for what is yet to come. <3
You couldn't be righter and the number one reason I created an OC with substance abuse problems is because I know how one sided it can be for people to misjudge them, even the people who love them. It's not as easy as quit and get better and I wanted that to reflect who Simon is.
Anani became that drug replacement for him as well and even loving someone to that extent can be unhealthy because without them you don't know who you are (also a reason why he left in the first time around) the town, his parents, even Anani, he needed to separate himself from becoming the person his brother was but unfortunately, it's not easy when you're in that party/rockstar lifestyle. He's stuck be
To Anani, he also became like a drug, someone who filled that musical emptiness that her mom's passing left. Like you said, she wants to fix him, it's in her nature and him knowing that makes walking away a little bit easier to understand, however wrong it was to do it in that situation. It's very on brand for him the "not wanting to hurt someone while hurting them."
I think their relationship thrives on that push and pull, that "I hate you but I love you." I just don't know if it would work if they were ever just good to each other without the toxic-ness.
<333 ILY and thank you for sending this amazing dissection of these characters.
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chanderlona · 6 months
soooo i feel like posting a new little edit i did AND one thats been like, months ago lmfaoaoao
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if you know me on instagram for a while, i have a headcanon where Captain Ice is actually a Xylitolian !!!! she was basically sent to space (eventually her uhm, pod or something idk, landed on earthbread) when she's 6 yo physically. thus her real name is Xylitol Ice Cookie wooohooo
uhhhhh also after a lot of reconsidering...... where she was created by Xylitol Nova's own hands in his lab... you could consider she's XN's biological daughther!!!!! (considering my notice on Dark Enchantress created Matcha and people seeing them as biologically related :333)
btw btw XN had her living with him for more than a year.... sobs...
the reason she was sent out to space its bcs the whole planet had like uhhh massive political problems in their goverment (XN was only in his 20's and he's afraid he cannot keep Ice safe 😭😭😭😭😭)
uhm btw regardless of the seemingly popular headcannon of XN was the one who created Planet Xylitol.... i have my own headcanons depicting the Nova Cookies as a whole. maybe i'll tell y'all one day on another post cause idk how long itll be alone 💔🙏🏻
AH ANYWAYSSS she was also like, she purposely was made to temporary forgot her life in Planet Xylitol, her origin, basically everything. XN wanted her to live a normal life if she even landed on a liveable place (which she diddd). but once she does starts to remember it via memory triggering or something, she'll eventually fully remembers it all like she used to, as well as having her pupils slightly changed. (and yes, another headcanon. all of the Xylitolian residents have those unique looking pupils—actually, all cookies who live in different Sugar Substitute Planets will have a different pupil one way or another !!! (i really REALLY hope this could be canon somehow... we'll see when the next space update rolls 🙏🏻🙏🏻))
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i'm also, upset that the devs didnt decide to give them those cool pupils and give them basic ones instead, like, they're basically ALIEN COOKIES you just gotta give em a little kick..... so these are the edits i made a while back depicting on the headcanon !!!! (Xylitol Grey Cookie's pupils is quite hard to notice in this edit but she has it too!)
gosh they did them awfully in this part besides from the cool story and all 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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WAIT WAIT ALSOOOO since both XN and XyL-Q sees eachother as family, i decide SIKEEE XN created XyL-Q because Ice wanted a lil brother robot.... /vvvvpos
once they're reunited they'll do silly sibling shenanigans HEHEHHEHEKEHHEHE
god i love sharing headcanons i WILL do more in the future /vvvvpos ‼️‼️💞💞🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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15-lizards · 6 months
(this is voltron anon) but OH GOLLY GEE WHERE TO START. its honestly not a “send an anon about it” sort of story but more of a “tell around a campfire with dramatic reenactments” sort of story, but i guess i COULD have  compromised for messaging you about it. except im on temporary ghost mode?? sort of???? i dont know how long itll last but basically we had a little ✨crisis✨ and i deleted all my post and unfollowed all my mutuals and unliked everything i had previously liked and deleted all messages and basically purged my account clean, short of actually deleting it bc my mental stability depends on the feeble bursts of serotonin u get from scrolling on the hellsite. and so now i only interact through anons, bc again, ✨reasons✨(fyi its also bc of voltron)
but if i ever DO get back on my regularly scheduled bs, i will tell you the full story. possibly in like. 5 months. if my calculations are correct. 
that being said i think i can spare you and your humble followers some note-worthy anecdotes about The Fallout, yk, as a treat;
fainted a total of three times. reasons varied.
insomnia induced hallucinations and crippling paranoia that left me curled up sobbing on the floor of my childhood bedroom my beloved <33
also got a bit into computer programming (i ran a pidge kinnie blog back in the day and that largely influenced my decision)
attempted parricide
changed my major like three times?? technically four??? in like a year
taken to a witch doctor to smoke out the gay adhd demon possessing me
punched said doctor and cemented the belief that i was evil and gay
worked at a vet clinic?? for like a week?? idk it was kinda random but fun
filled out seven journals in less than a year. writing mostly illegible and when i can make out the words they either dont make sense or just. sound weirdly ominous. idk it was probably whatever meds i was on at that time
knitted a scarf <3
lost my cat
dropped out of drama club AFTER ALMOST DYING
accidentally kicked my brother in the balls. hard. yes bc of voltron. 
also i technically changed continents 3 times haha
it was an eventful time period. felt longer than it was. but yea maybe ill tell the full story one day. (i can be cool i promise just gimme a chance)
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do i,
one person out of eight billion, on a planet that's bathing in a sea of stars and galaxies,
even matter ?
if i was gone it wouldn't affect the world all that much, maybe the people around me, but that's temporary. we all die anyways, don't we? people say life is short yet it feels so, so long despite how the days will pass me by. how ill sit in bed doing the same things, scrolling on this phone, recognizing I should get off, get up, go do something, yet still, I remain unmoved. in my bed. on my phone. and the next days the same, and the next, and the next. my days are all spent the same, what good does living do me, really.
one small person in a universe full of things that have far more potential then ill ever have or live up to. a quit exit would be taking pills, or jumping in the river only a quick drive from me, maybe drown myself in the pool.
ive planned it in my head, sort of anyways. i could sneak out in the middle of the night, walk hours just to find the bridge, to feel the cold railing before ive sunken beneath it. or i could take a ton of pills, though that's not guaranteed. neither of them are i suppose. its funny, really, how suicides something ill always think about. it's the only constant on my mind; even if im happy, out with my friends or family, it lingers. what if this is the last time i see them? the last time they see me. it gets worse when I'm sad. killing myself would take evey feeling ive ever felt away, and id be gone.
i wonder if death is peaceful, i wonder what happens once we die. everyone does, i think, yet it remains unanswered until it happens. tons of reasons to stay, but tons to leave. sometimes i think about how if i do have another life after this, ill never know since it won't actually be me, it won't be my second life because itll be someone completely different. theyll have a different name and face, a different conscience because they won't be me. ill be dead, and someone else will live their life.
when you put it like that, do second lives even exist? if it won't be someone with the same conscience, someone who won't know of your existence, then really, it's just someone else.
“ in my next life I want — ” not your next life, someone else's life. someone completely different. and sometimes, i wanna be something, i wanna be everything, but thatll never be possible. i cant live every life, study every animal whilst learning of every movie ever made. i cant read every book written or listen to all the music that was created on this planet, and that frustrates me.
i wanna be soft, gentle, but at the same time, i wanna be loud and confident. i wanna get better, to live without the need to criticize my every move, every feature on my body or every word i said, but at the same time, i wanna get sick, be the worst i can be. cut my skin every day, go weeks without food, stop showering, give up, all in the hopes someone notices. to simply let go, to see how it feels, to see if it's any better then trying to be good, to be kind, better then putting in the effort to get out of bed every day, to shower, to do laundry.
back to suicide, i guess. its a sin, isnt it. but is god real? so many things yet to be proven. if god were real, why would he waste time with such insignificant things such as humans, much less care about the sexuality of someone or what they choose to believe in. god is cruel, afterall. someone could spend their whole life being good whilst believing in a religion other than christianity, and guess what. to hell they go. someone who's suffering, who sees suicide as their only way out, to hell. the rapist of someone who committed because of them, they repent and suddenly their a saint. to heaven, of course. what makes someone a good person, really? is if how often they compliment others, is it whether or not they pick up the money someone dropped and return it to them? to be a good person must you believe in certain things, does your past define how good you are? what does it take to be defined as good.
life is unfair, really. you're born into a body, into a family, you're raised, taken care of, unless you arent. the people you're surrounded by as you grow completely dictate who you become, and you cant control that. the body you've got from your mom, the addiction gene from your father, the nose and face you hate from generations before, stuff you get stuck with. you can't change most things, sure, workout, starve, do as you please but that doesn't change the structure of your bones or the people who made you. plastic surgery is expensive, and youll be called fake anyways, so is it worth it? I wonder why it's so hard to like myself.
i really dislike my face, my body, my personality and my voice. the little comments people make, whether they intend to cause harm or to not. they linger within my mind, floating in a thousand other thoughts i have yet to think deeper about. i guess thats what im doing right now. i would be journaling this but my hands hurt, so now whoever sees this gets to decide if they wanna read this. thats probably why i made this account. to rant, to vent.
something i really can't imagine is being anything older then I am right now. being an adult, growing up, it seems so impossible but i know it's not because i see it all around me every day. maybe it's because since from a young age, i always thought id be dead. that id kill myself before the age i am now, before i ever got to be a parent or employee. i still think that, probably, because i still wanna kill myself and its still set in my mind. “ i wont be anything more then what i am right now. ”
maybe its true, maybe its not.
the question “ what do you wanna be when you grow up ” was always hard for me. i never knew, i mean, my childish dreams of being a youtuber were there but that's it. i have no idea who i am or who i wanna be. theres so many jobs, but only so much time to do them, so many careers require a certain course in school, which tends to be expensive. what if i choose something i end up hating? what if im stuck for the rest of my life and miserable. im scared of growing up, of making the wrong choice.
on that topic, sex. its scary, really scary. what if i lose it to the wrong person? of course, i could wait till marriage, but divorce is always a possibility so even then. who would i consider the right person? im not sure. itll probably hurt, what if they see me naked and change their mind? someone seeing me naked is scary. maybe ill just die a virgin, lame, but atleast i won't have to be vulnerable. what if I bleed and he says ew, what if it goes wrong, what if what if what if.
my mind is full of what ifs, always. what if the hangout I have planned goes wrong? what if I get made fun of? maybe I think too much.
thats probably it for now, read it or don't, I wish tumblr said how many words it had. maybe it does, not sure, anyways, bye.
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abyssalpriest · 7 months
Alright, so, astral update. Not sure what I've said already so I'm just gonna recount from the beginning.
A while ago lev gave me some of his territory. He took me to the outside of an old building that dropped off into the sea, showing me the sea and ignoring the building. I've been having a great time going there to paddle around and swim in one of my forms that's too big to really fit anywhere else, let alone move around... Well. Eventually I was like hold on, is this building included in the territory? Yes. It's an old temple, it's been out of use for so long I wonder if locals (if there are any) even know what it is anymore. Actually, I do wonder if the temple is still fully Astral or if it's been dragged into his mind, or if it ever existed in reality in the first place but... It's weird. The sea feels very real, but it feels like the beach stretching off from it fades into nothing.
Anyway. I was poking, and he was nudging me and my thoughts, pushing me to conclusions. Seems like it's Poseidon name related -> maybe to do with an epithet -> maybe Earth-Shaker -> maybe the name he's worshiped under here is a version of or comes from a Greek epithet... He said then it was a name that was like the beginning of epithet, e-something-e. I know next to nothing about the name Poseidon and his epithets, but the first thing I see when I start googling is Earth-Shaker=Enesidaon.
So. Yeah.
The place is... Very much abandoned. It's in great shape! But there's no trace of anything that once was inside it, the lines of past figures and means of worship are... So faint. The walls haven't forgotten because they're inhabited by Lev who hasn't forgotten, but beyond that it's so hard to trace memories, energetic echoes, etc. I think that that's going to be a temporary thing, I don't think I'm ready to remember or tap into them just yet, and I don't think Lev's willing to release his jaws from around them and what's happened here...
I put a crystal mirror I snagged from a friend's realm in here, don't think it'll stay, but it definitely was a moment of this temple and myself coming back to life - coming into being used again?
I think for now the goal is... well, it's a choice, a choice to leave this abandoned, to dress it up into a house, or to (re)form an astral temple for Lev, itll probably be the latter, and that's the goal for now until I see that I should be making another choice, if that ever happens.
Idk. I said the other day I was beginning my journey into becoming an actual priest, but I wasn't expecting this. Wasn't expecting astral stuff, but boy am I thankful it includes that. Or. Might include that. Obviously it's happening lmfao
Anyway, in regards to the weirdness of it seeming grounded in the ocean but torn from land, I'm sort of presuming he cut off the locals/local area from it and dragged it further into the ocean. There's continuous similar weird shit going on with him and the name Poseidon at every turn and this would fit into that really well. Everywhere I go, "Poseidon" specifically seems so distant from worshipers and hard to reach, I always see worshipers online starting to get into working with him and falling off, and he himself tells me he Used to be Poseidon, still technically is, but his family and stuff have taken over that name for him.... He says it so like "I am he but he is gone". And still even though I'm sure family has stepped in to help him keep up the name, everywhere I look Poseidon is an absence. If this temple is torn from land... It's. Yeah? Literally? That makes a tonne of sense. He's been removing himself SPECIFICALLY as that name from humanity and other races' worship and going down into the sea again. He fades from view, he removes himself slowly and quietly from peoples lives, thats his MO atm whether it's worshipers on this plane slowly stopping posting about him, or us all not being able to point to the point in time he stopped showing up, or... the fact that this temple is slowly forgetting him and the locals are forgetting the temple ever existed because he's slowly rending the space between them and it into this dreamlike fog that inspires forgetting what you're there to do
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marrow-minded · 1 year
sorry for the janky screen recording twitter sucks and im impatient
OKAY SO LIKE. WOW????? this is so much and its SOOOOOOO GOOD like both ruby and jaune both have completely valid points !!
ruby is finally being allowed to snap a little, shes allowed to be pissed at her friends and sister who have all done a pretty piss poor job of supporting her, despite the fact that shes the youngest and has the most weighing on her. its great that show is lampshading (something i never expected to say) the fact that ruby is usually just looked to for the answers as well as telling blake to shut up when she tries to do the old "i know things look bad but" schtick that always shows up in the show. its FANTASTIC that ruby just leaves them behind even if we know itll be temporary; i truly hope this is a wakeup call for WBY who have been passive in rubys life for FAR TOO LONG despite all ruby has done for them
and its AMAZING that ruby *CALLED BLAKE AND YANG OUT* for prioritizing their relationship NOW! like i said on twitter, rubys reaction to the bees means her "what" in reaction to weiss' "finally" earlier in the vol wasnt confusion. it was disbelief that this is the priority for her sister and teammate after everything and considering where they are; not in a homophobic way (duh) but in a "we are literally in hell and salem is still OUT THERE with two relics and a maiden and we destroyed a fourth of the known world bc of a plan crumbled as we made it AND PENNY IS DEAD and we dont know what happened to our friends and all the civilians and NOW this is a priority?!" way, WHICH IS SO FANTASTIC. i just hope that the writers let this stand and dont have ruby walk back her feelings to protect WBY's because shes 100% RIGHT.
and jaune. oh jaune. i think its easy to forget that jaune really has sort of revolved his entire life around ruby for the past few years; hes really the only one thats never left rubys side, except unwillingly. so hes really not wrong when he says that it IS all about ruby, it always has been; yes, he chose to go with her but doing that has led him to do some really terrible things and of course when he's experienced such high levels of trauma (they all have) and then is abandoned to a madhouse of the ever after, hes gonna snap, AND HE ACKNOWLEDGES THAT HES NOT WELL. he knows hes struggling, he realizes that he shouldnt have yelled, but hes VALID FOR STRUGGLING IN THE FIRST PLACE. again, i hope its something that the writers let continue naturally and not just have it walked back or dismissed as a lot of male trauma is done in the show (looking at you ren i see you)
side note, how WILD is it that yang literally *moves in front of blake* as if to protect her from RUBY?! like thats so insane to me, and it just VALIDATES rubys annoyance and betrayal that yang is prioritizing blake and their feelings over ruby and their situation here. also, yang protecting blake???? i thought blake was the fiesty one? the one that had a shouting match with weiss for hours? the one that shoved past sun and shouted "hes mine" to get at roman? then again, ever since adams death she barely been able to fight at all so maybe i should just stop being surprised that blake is a wilting wallflower even around her own friends. and BOLD MOVES from yang to act like RUBY is the dangerous one when shes rightfully showing anger and frustration, like yang isnt literally the one known to have anger issues and lash out at ppl. i guess its only okay when yang is mad, ruby really is just having a hysterical woman moment i suppose
UGH this is just so nice and i hate to praise miles about anything but hes always voiced jaune very well and this is a real standout moment from both him and lindsey. good catharsis and felt really good for a least a tiny TINY bit of my critiques of team rwby to be acknowledged by ruby and jaune; hopefully this shit can continue and let them ALL learn and honestly i hope we get even more scenes of ruby and jaune laying into others/each other and bringing criticism that rwde has been saying for years to the screen
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