#maybe podcast genres? i love listening to podcasts because im alone so much at my job
I kind of want to do a temperature blanket, but I don't care about the temperature, so I'm trying to think of something along the same format that's not as boring as temperature. I'm thinking maybe moon phases? I considered sunrise and sunset time, but it would require a lot of yarn and I'm not sure exactly how I would format it. Any ideas?
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badmccideas · 2 years
hello dear followers
its me, mod cyr
this is my fic rec list! join me on this journey of going through my ao3 history and bookmarks
please remember to read the tags on each fic before reading them and not to rely on solely the summary or my comments for warnings!
With stars and moons around us, I will hold you close by awoof_o
WORDS: 4443
With his year of knowledge in space, the biggest thing he has learned was to stay away from aliens and stay on the planet he was staying at, no matter how much he missed his home planet, Earth
But of course, he could never stick with his usual routine. After months of prepare, he was going to do the one thing he told himself not to do.
Or: Tommy is human who got spacenapped by dreamteam(only mentioned once) and then ends up on a ship with sbi
Oror: Author really wanted to write about alien bird Phil and human Tommy fluff
this was what really kickstarted my interest in alien dsmp aus i didnt know what i was getting into but i really loved it so i hope you give it a chance
to be a wanderer, wandering by ghostbandaids
WORDS: 8009
When Tommy was hungry, he would crouch in the underbrush and waited for a rabbit to come by, shooting it with an arrow before spitting it over a small campfire.
When he was tired, he would rest against a tree or maybe climb into one for the night.
When he was lonely or scared or sad, he had no solution. Walking through the forest alone was better than being tortured by Dream, better than a pool of lava or a tall tower of dirt blocks, he reasoned. And he was only a temporary forest-man. Still, the quiet grated on his ears. An AU in which Tommy runs away from not only Dream but the entire SMP, finding a new life and peace (and maybe an orphan who needs a home). When he's forced out of hiding seven years later, he's a changed man
this is a classic for the tommy running away genre of dsmp fics, somehow, someway, tommy runs fics lead back to this one
but i seek it (nothing changed) by silver-sparks (Madame_Marauder)
WORDS: 1777
Spend enough time with those favored by the gods, and you'll probably stop being quite so human yourself. It's not so bad, except for when the law of the land utterly forbids use of those abilities. Still, it's not that hard to suppress.
Until your freshly resurrected brother shows up on your doorstep to cause problems.
or; in which two shapeshifters play tag.
this is just fluffy crimeboys mess around for almost 2k words, theres a podcast version available too but ive not listened to it
the world through your eyes (isn't so bad) by wednesdayevening
WORDS: 3085
"Shut the fuck up," He says. Tubbo giggles and Tommy tries to too, because the situation is a little bit funny, but thoughts of Phil and reminders that Tommy tried so hard to push away - reminders that Tommy was - is - Phil's flesh and blood and bones and genes take flight and soar above his head, teasing. Threatening. Tommy didn’t ever want this. When he meant something special, he didn’t mean a fucking defect. Tommy forces a smile and stares at the grass, at the fragments of grass he can’t quite see. A shard catches the sun’s rays and shines.
Phil’s eyes look back at him.
or, tommy has inherited phil's inability to see glass.
dont let the description fool you, its crack treated seriously, a very nice fic to wind down with
I Was Looking for Someone by Raisans_Grapeon
WORDS: (currently) 24233
He was hungry.
He wanted the pulse.
But He needed something else.
He was looking for Someone.
Or: Wilbur is a zombie trying to get home.
im normally not one for zombie fics but this one really does just get my goat, love the way wilbur is just shambling along with the others, be mindful that speech is written very phonetically so you may have to sound out the dialogue at first
Scary Dog Privilege by ScumbagSimon
WORDS: 4964
Humans have quite the reputation. Sometimes, this works in their favor.
(aka space au. Tommy is Phil's scary dog privelege lmao)
this is another big one to get me into alien dsmp aus, there is semi graphic depictions of someones head being crushed via floor but otherwise a great read! by far one of my favorites
Part of a Coven by Impala_Cherry_Trickster
WORDS: 13533
When a rogue vampire is discovered in their territory, Phil has to decide what to do with the young fledgling.
Aka Phil, Techno and Wilbur adopt a rogue vampire Tommy into their Coven.
this is one of my favorite vampire au fics out there which says something because thats one of my favorite dsmp fic genres, i just love the series and the authors incredible at churning out works
Braided Realities by I_Have_An_Alibi, ScorpioNoesIt
WORDS: (currently) 147041
Tommy was just trying to get away from the vanguard of murder robots. He did not mean to fall from the sky and break most of his equipment (including his bones). And now he's been kidnapped/adopted by a beanpole, a wingman, and a pig. Help.
Phil and Ranboo are just chillin' in Techno's house when a tiny feral version of Tommy falls from the sky. Which shouldn't be possible because, according to Ranboo, Tommy died in prison. He's got weird armor, weirder weapons, he just tried to stab Phil, and- oh, okay, he blasted a hole in the wall. Lovely.
None of these people know what they're doing, and the child just brings more angst, fluff, and shenanigans than anyone thinks is possible while also kickstarting a mass emotional healing arc that no one knew they needed.
OR Dystopian resistance sci-fi Tommy falls through a portal and gets adopted by the Syndicate. (And yes it's adoption, because Phil.)
this is one of my favorite goddamn fics, i just love the worldbuilding and how everything is written, this fic kept me up until 4 am just to read it
I write my life in a dirty cheap Notebook by Idespisemilk
WORDS: 61029
"I gotta- I lost my dad!" He whines as he struggles to get out of the soldier's grip. He has to get in the same car as them, he has to be with them!
The soldier only grunts, sitting him down beside a lady who hadn't stopped crying since she was boarded on and quickly puts his seatbelt on.
"You'll see them again kid, I swear on it. But we have to get everyone loaded up before it's too late ok?" The soldier tells him, and all Tommy can do is whine while nodding. He just wants his family.
Or Tommy is a ten year old lost in the apocalypse trying to find his family and ends up writing his days in a notebook he found in a store
this fic had me on the edge of my seat i loved reading this
last fic since this post is long enough
A Stepfather's Tale by orphan_account
WORDS: 21207
'Lonely Lily and the Marquis' A popular book about two young lovers, a Marquis and a Baron's daughter falling in love. Phil had read it after one of his co-workers told him about how a character was 'Literally him.'
Turns out the character is the evil stepfather of the male lead. Nice.
Or, Phil wakes up in the body of Philza Minecraft, the evil stepfather of the hero Theseus who gets brutally murdered for his crimes. Now he has to change the story and stay alive while also trying to keep his step children from dying in a universe that wants them dead, if only Theseus didn't hate him so much.
A fic inspired by A Stepmother's Märchen and How To Get My Husband On My Side.
sadly has been orphaned but its completed and by far a favorite of mine as well, i love going back and reading the last 3-ish chapters, lovely read, lovely characterizations and worldbuilding, good dad phil which is always a PLUS in my books
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Questions For Zodiac sings
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What’s up guys hello how are you? Welcome to your favorite podcast 
For today’s episode, we are gonna answer  the questions for the zodiac signs,
okay in TikTok there's a guy who asks questions his name is Brennan I really don't know if I'm pronouncing his name right I'm sorry, well the thing is you have to do a duet to answer them and I think it's really funny, okay he has a series of questions for all the signs of the zodiac, I don't really know if I believe in the zodiac or not but I think it's funny, plus most of the time they always have something good to throw you off, I really don't like to classify myself as an Aries, Leo, Gemini or any sign, I don't even know who or what I am, so today I'm going to answer all the questions.
So let's get started. 
Aries  March 21- April 20
Are you really a Control Freak? Kinda
Besides your self who is your favorite leader? Ellon Musk  Period 
When do you feel the most alive? okay four things car, night, cool music, friends yeah PERIODT 
Why are you jumping into relationships? This question is not for me. I've never been in a relationship
Best kissers? I don’t think I am, I’m on average 
Favorite color red? No
Lucky Number 9? I don’t have lucky number
How rich do you want to be? I really don’t want to be rich I just want to have a decent life, but I want to save the world so I think a lot.
Would you be a great president? No
What big secret are you keeping? I don’t have a big secret, sometimes the people are more boring that every one thing 
Okay, guys, this was the question for the Aries. I think I'm 50 percent, Aries.
Leo july 23- Agust 22
How stubborn are you? omg like a 100 percent I really am stubborn
The biggest heart? No 
Prefer to be around other people? yes
who are you most jealous of? nobody really
Favorite color purple? No
Like being treated as royalty? if who doesn't?
Most attracted to Aries? kinda 
Who’s your favorite comedian? i don’t have one 
How do you react when someone ignores you?
It depends on the form and the case but I guess I get angry because it's rude or if it's in the form of relationship I think I'm still trying
How loud i your roar?
okay I think I'm 60 percent Leo I don't know if this is good or bad because a lot of people say it's the most hated sign
Okay next 
Gamini may 21-June 20
Social butterfly?
I think it's when you go from place to place all the time and mix with all kinds of people so if I'm a social butterfly
Always changing your mind? cuz I have issues bro, I’m not stable, I don’t have emotional intelligence and I know cuz I made the test for know it
How well do you handle stress? I think I’m in the average 
two personalities? I have about a thousand, I think I'm going to name them, I think i have a problem 
Last important decision? make this episode and wake up 
Is your mind always racing with thoughts? yea but I’m trying to do yoga cuz maybe in the future that can be a problem 
favorite color yellow? No
slow to commit to relationships? no
What’s your IQ? I don’t know I think is low and I hate then 
How flirty are you? like a 9 I’m sorry mom 
 i think I’m a 70 percent Gemini 
so next
Sagittarius Nov 23 - Dec 21
ask a lot of questions? sometimes
how energetic are you? i think a lot
good at giving advice? I'm the worst. I can give general advice like how to take care of yourself, drink water, but in specific problems I can't do it.
Too generous? no really
How optimist are you? 5 I'm very realistic but I think anything is possible
Can you make people laugh?On a scale of one to ten, I'd say an eight
Reaction when someone lies to you?I can't remember the last time I discovered a lie, but I guess I get angry
Fav color blue? omg yess i really love blue but in blue clothes I think I look great. I don't know. Blue is my color.
The most intelligent zodiac sing? idk 
Been mistaken as rude? no 
I'm just gonna say I love the color blue
aquarius jan 20- feb 19
Are you shy and quiet? No
Hard to trust other people?
no but i think that is a problem
The best listeners? i can listen but im not the best 
friends first? no 
hate being alone? i enjoy being alone
How do you help people?in any way possible
fav color black? no
Reaction when someone disagrees? I get stressed out
How many times have you broken a promise? I don't remember making a promise to anyone except myself, and I'm not going to break it.
How often do you just lose it? idk
Libra sep 23- oct 22
Are you a peacekeeper? kinda 
how charming are you? four of 10
What is your motto? You can do everything 
Admit when you’re wrong? its super hard for me
Talk someone out of something dumb?yeah
Make big plans? yeah because i really want a good life and for that i need big plans
Living your best life? im trying
fav color pink? no but its one of my favorites 
Why are you indecisive? I really don't think that I'm indecisive
What do you daydream about? collage, my crush, and be independent
 Cancer june 21- july 22
How persuasive are you? I'm not persuasive. I'd like to be.
How much do you like art? 100% i really love music, movies, films, paint but I'm not good at creating it, so I think it's better to catch it
Are you insecure? kinda but im trying to fix it
How emotional are you? a lot 
How big is your imagination? not a lot
Favorite place to go with friends? State fair 
Favorite family member? im 
Fav color white? no 
Favorite tv show? euphoria 
How moody are you? 4 of ten 
 Virgo Aug 23- Sep 22
How sensitive are you? 8-10
Afraid to speak in front of people? no 
Get mad when people don’t follow rules? sometimes
Why do you worry so much? because i have issues
What do you do to stay healthy? I exercise 30 minutes a day, try to sleep early and drink lots of water
Hate asking for help? I don't hate it but it scares me
Favorite animal? I think the chicken is the best animal in the world because you don't need to kill it to survive like cows or pigs, I love the egg and it can be your best friend forever having a give and take relationship for life, I think it's beautiful
Fav color gray? no
You talk to your self? Yes, and that's a problem, which is why I created this podcast
How clean is your room? 4- 10
scorpio oct 23- nov 22
Why are you so stubborn? because you have to fight for what you want to have 
Are you a “True friend”? yeah
How brave are you? 7- 10
What are you most passionate about? help people
How secretive are you? As a two, I hate secrets because they give me worries and I like to be in complete peace 
What pokemon would you be? pikachu
Need to be right all the time? people think that, but the truth is that I like to give my opinion and talk when I know about it, I don't like to talk about things I don't know because they can cause problems, so yeah i need it
Fav color red? no
Scale 1-10 how much of a joker are you? 6 Always tell the truth? no but I’m not a liar 
Taurus April 21 may 20
How patient are you? 2
Are you practical? yeah super and that’s why i don’t have a lot of patience 
Do you like drees up? sometimes
How responsible are you? 8
Scale 1-10 do you like to cook?  8 I love cooking, following recipes but I don't like how I cook, the taste of my dishes is horrible
Are you opposed to change? no im pro-change, change is always good and some ways
Good at minding your own business? I hate drama, getting into trouble that's not mine, I hate that kind of stress so I try to stay away from places where I'm not called, its for my mental health
Fav color green? no
Easy to make money? no really but i have some ideas 
Most reliable zodiac sign? idk
Capricorn dec 22 jan 19
How disciplined are you? like a 7
Are you a “know it all”? no, but that’s my goal 
Are you a family person? no 
Would you be a good manager? no but i can try it
Is tradition important to you? no really 
Do you expect the worst? sometimes 
Coke or pepsi products? coke but i like pepsi too
fav color brown? no
Fav music Genre? pop and rap
Do you learn from your mistakes? sometimes 
pices feb 20 march 20
are you a compassionate person? yeah
hate to be criticized? if it's not constructive to hate it
why are you always sad? im not sad always im neutral
what are you most fearful of? losing an arm or a leg, an eye, having one of those kinds of accidents, I think it's for brave people to be able to overcome that and I'm not that brave person I'd rather die Do you play any instruments? no i wish 
favorite season?fall I love it with all my being, it's cold and hot at the same time, hallowen, the sky is always beautiful, pumpkins, the color of the leaves I don't know if I could live in one season it would be fall
the wisest zodiac sing? idk
fav color purple? no
sleep all the time? no i hat sleep
do you trust everyone? no really
okay friends these were the questions for the zodiac signs, i really liked answering the questions, i'm going to post the profile of the person who created these tiktoks in case you want to make them, all the information is on my twitter, i really liked this episode i really don't like to classify myself and i think i have something from everyone, in the end we are all the same, we all have insecurities, good things and bad, so see you guys in the next episode hugs and kisses
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viralhottopics · 8 years
David Levithan and Rachel Cohn’s writing advice to get you started in 2017
Woman writing notes in backyard (Blend Images via AP Images)
Image: AP
2017 has just begun, which means it’s time to make (and stick to) your resolutions.
SEE ALSO: MashReads Podcast: How to set a New Year’s reading resolution you’ll actually accomplish
If one of your resolutions is to write more, maybe finish that novel you’ve always meant to write, you’re not alone. And Mashreads has your back. We went to not one, but two of YA’s best authors: David Levithan and Rachel Cohn. Not only are they award-winning and bestselling authors in their own rights, but together they’ve collaborated on such amazing books as Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist, Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares, and its 2016 sequelThe Twelve Days of Dash & Lily.
Keep reading for Levithan and Cohn’s advice on writing, reading, and collaborating to get you started on all those writing resolutions.
How long have you been writing?
DL: I always date my writing career to a story I wrote in third grade, which is the first time I remember being proud of a word Id chosen. (It was in the middle of a chase scene all of my stories were chase scenes then but while the chase genre did not survive into my YA career, the wonder at finding the right way to say something endures.)
RC: Im going to be honest and admit that my writing ambitions took root when I was a teenager and completely in love with ABC News anchorman Peter Jennings. (I loved his Canadian accent and the particular flourish he gave to the word Nicaragua.) So, like many writers, I started out writing fan fiction: romances involving me and Peter Jennings, which I passed around to my friends. They kept asking for more, I liked the attention and eventually moved on to other kinds of story writing. (Never did have that mad affair with Peter Jennings IRL, though. Sadness.)
What’s the biggest obstacle you had to overcome early in your career?
DL: My horrible singing voice. Oh, you mean WRITING career.The biggest obstacle I had to overcome was IT IS NOT EASY TO WRITE A NOVEL. But I tricked myself into thinking I was writing a short story that got longer and longer … and thats how I finished Boy Meets Boy, my first novel.
RC: My biggest obstacle may have been all the people insisting of course I could write, but getting published was probably an unrealizable dream. To which I responded by placing my hands over my ears and proclaiming BLAH BLAH BLAH until they stopped talking.Very mature, I know. But tuning out all the noise saying how hard it was proved my most effective tool for just getting that first novel finished.
What is your process when you start a new project?
DL: Goat sacrifice. Only, Im a vegetarian, so the goat is made of tofu.Then I just sit down and write.I am not an outliner by any stretch.
RC: I hate that he can just sit down and write. My process involves 90 percent procrastination (cleaning, eating, shopping, staring off into space) and 10 percent just finally sitting down and writing. Sometimes I outline before and sometimes I dont; every book is different. For me, character comes first, and I try to tap into that characters voice by just writing random scenes, and seeing if it clicks, and if I feel like theres more story to tell. Then theres more procrastination and then I finally write. In the time it took me to do this process, David has written and edited five new books.
What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever been given?
DL: A high school English teacher told me to forget about fiction and focus on writing essays, presumably for the rest of my writing life. But even from this bad advice came a good lesson: Sometimes proving someone wrong can be an excellent motivating force.
RC: Write what you know. Sure, try that. But dont limit yourself to that edict. Its OK to totally make stuff up that has nothing to do with anything you know.Spoiler alert: Its also kind of fun.
What’s the best writing advice you ever received?
DL: Dont be afraid to fail, because nobodys going to see a thing you write unless you decide to share it with them.
RC: A book signed to me by Ellen Gilchrist: Keep writing remember its just typing, and love.”
What’s the best utility tip for writers (apps to use, products, practical process tips)?
DL: I use this revolutionary program called Microsoft Word. Its SO MUCH EASIER THAN A TYPEWRITER!
RC: A typewriters not bad, either. Wait, you meant more recent technology?I use the Notes app on my iPhone to remember random ideas and pieces of story or dialogue for books Im working on.
What’s the best advice for collaborating with another writer?
DL:Go along for the ride. Dont try to control the story, but follow it where it goes. Try to make your co-author laugh as much as possible. Use collaboration as an excuse to try different things.And, most of all, have fun.
RC: Trust is key. Understand that you both have a shared interest in and love for your characters, and you need to trust that what the other person does with those characters is the right thing, even when its not the choice you would have made. Or ply your collaborator with enough sugar and flattery to make them believe that any changes you suggest are actually their idea.
Besides reading, what are good hobbies for a writer?
DL:I dont know if editing counts as a hobby … but putting your own words down for a while and focusing on someone elses can be helpful.
RC: Any kind of theater or live storytelling. Listening to audio books.Exercise even if its just walking around the block to combat too much time sitting hunkered down at a computer and also give your brain a rest.(And often the time away from the computer will allow your brain to answer the writing questions that might have been slowing you down anyway.)
BONUS: Someone designed a notebook that can last forever
Read more: http://on.mash.to/2jaYeLm
from David Levithan and Rachel Cohn’s writing advice to get you started in 2017
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