#i love knitting. its very calming
I kind of want to do a temperature blanket, but I don't care about the temperature, so I'm trying to think of something along the same format that's not as boring as temperature. I'm thinking maybe moon phases? I considered sunrise and sunset time, but it would require a lot of yarn and I'm not sure exactly how I would format it. Any ideas?
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hey-scully-itsme · 2 years
I’m home sick and starting a new knitting project, so I’ve been listening to the Lubber’s Hole podcast while I work. I get now why people develop parasocial relationships with podcast guys. I know nothing about Mike and Ian but they and this blanket I’m working on are my new best friends.
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chrollogy · 1 month
SFW; fluff ><, scara uses a term of endearment for the very first time which catches you off guard, implied established relationship, pet names mentioned. divider: cafekitsune.
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── it wasn’t foreign to not receive terms of endearments from scaramouche—it was simple, really. he’d rather just call you by your name. you asked him about it once to which he flatly replied with ‘it’s a silly thing for silly humans.’ and you left it at that, of course not without a pout thrown his way but more times than not, you’ve always wondered how pet names rolled off his tongue, how they sounded with his dulcet voice, though, the biggest question in your mind was: what would scaramouche even call you?
given his personality, he definitely excelled in colourful derogatory nicknames when it came to enemies or people that lacked basic common sense, though, those words were never directed at you. of course, you’ve asked scaramouche to at least try calling you something, even a simple ‘baby’ would suffice but all you were met with was an unamused grumble before walking away, clearly he was more flustered than he let on.
you stared at your boyfriend across the wooden study table, a serene expression painted on his handsome face, his amethyst gaze slowly followed the inked sentences across each page of the book. the house of daena was filled with low murmurs from other students, and researchers, sounds of pages turning every now, and then turned into a calming melody.
bored, you let out an audible huff which not only gained scaramouche’s attention but also from other students in your vicinity, “i’m so bored.” scaramouche simply turned another page from his book before replying, “last time i checked, you have an assignment due tonight.” you didn’t bother replying, instead, poking your tongue out at him despite his eyes glued to the pages.
not wanting to let this conversation go to waste, you spoke up again, “what do you think are the chances of me failing this assignment?”
scaramouche didn’t reply, not even having the heart to lift his gaze towards you. he knew what you were doing, making pointless conversation just to satiate your boredom, unfortunately for you, he actually had matters to tend to, and supposedly, so did you. scaramouche knew better than to engage in your silliness.
oh, but you were determined to get his attention.
“not even going to speak to me? how mean,” you feigned hurt, dramatically placing a palm over your chest even though he wasn’t looking.
“heeeeeeeey, don’t ignore me.”
this carried on for a few more seconds, calling out to scaramouche with a hushed tone but to no avail, his expression remained indifferent, still focused on the task at hand—definitely an expert at tuning out your silly antics, you had to give it to him.
“hat guy.”
scaramouche let out an annoyed sigh, it was a silly name that other students at the akademiya called him, he wasn’t fond of it but he didn’t necessarily despise the name—he just wished others had the creativity to at least give him a better one. nonetheless, you successfully gained his attention, a celebratory smile crept up your face.
you watched as scaramouche closed the book with a light thud before turning his sole attention to you, with an annoyed huff, he spoke, “yes, my love?”
your eyes widened, the smile you wore seconds ago unceremoniously falling off your face, heat blossomed from your chest, kissing its way up the column of your neck, and onto your cheeks. my love. were you hearing things right? did scaramouche just call you my love? you weren’t dreaming, were you?
he snickered at your unexplainable expression, brows knitted, and amethyst narrowed at you, “cat got your tongue now? you were just begging for my attention seconds ago—”
scaramouche cut his sentence short upon realising the words that slipped past his lips mere seconds earlier. oh. that was definitely not meant to come out. he clicked his tongue before looking off to the side, to avoid your wide-eyed stare. he hated that expression (not really), how it was able to bring out such humanly emotions from him, how it rendered him completely speechless.
you held the cosmos in your eyes, and scaramouche thought you were the most beautiful person in all of teyvat.
crossing his arms over his chest, he closed his eyes, and let out another annoyed sigh, “what? now that i’m finally giving you a pet name, you’re not even going to acknowledge it?” scaramouche clicked his tongue once again but didn’t dare meet your gaze.
“no, no. it’s just that . .” you trailed off, still trying to process his words.
my love.
you smiled, letting out a soft chuckle, “my love, huh? you’re adorable, did you know that?” this earned another grumble from scaramouche, paired with a roll of his eyes,
“i’m taking it back.” “you don’t mean that.”
he didn’t at all. in fact, my love was what he had been wanting to call you since then but he just didn’t have the guts to—it made scaramouche feel all weird inside whenever he imagined a scenario where he’d say it to you. he guessed there were consequences for keeping such thoughts to himself, seeing as how it accidentally rolled off his tongue.
though, the words felt oddly natural. like it was meant to be.
affiliated with @houseofsolisoccasum !
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n0tamused · 3 months
Hi! Could I request Jiyan, who didn't realise he was in love with his best friend!reader until he almost lost them. The moment he held them unconscious in his arms everything just clicked.
Angst with a happy ending, please.
A/n: sorry this took some time to write! I initially planned to write this as some short drabble/scenario but as you can see, things went out of control lol I do hope you enjoy this :) Also a small note - I initially wrote this with you/yours stuff, but I wanted to experiment this method, so I do apologize if there is some mistakes left here regarding that. Do tell me which one you guys prefer more? You/yours or they/them/she/her.
Contents: Jiyan x GN!Reader, they/them pronouns, blood and injuries, angst but turns to bittersweet at the end, fluff? They both live at the end so we can count it as a happy ending.
Words: 3867
'I can't do this without you'
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Holding the weight of a body in his arms never felt heavier before. The gradual added weight on his heart and lungs kept getting heavier and heavier by the moment, he was sure it would make his ribs burst from the pressure. And he wouldn’t be surprised if the next time he looked down he saw his own heart beating outside his very body. (Y/n) was pale, bleeding and giving no response to any action he took. “Please..” His lips muttered, but to what extent his plea stretched out, no one could tell. 
His dragon came crashing through the waves of TDs like a storm, breaking apart their limbs and turning them to ash before he himself emerged from its glowing maw, jumping in front of (Y/n) with spear in hand. Jiyan’s face twisted in a fierce scowl, his sharp eyes hooded beneath his knit brows as he plunged into the remaining monsters that lurked around. But not even after he dealt with them did he achieve the quiet that usually followed a concluded battle. The buzzing in his ears did not stop. His heart beat still thundered between his ears, and the sound only multiplied once his golden eyes landed on the falling body of his dearest companion.
There was no time, he told himself, gathering all the courage and patience he found within himself, gathering them in his arms and fleeing from the charred fields as if fire was threatening to lick up his heel. The buzzing sound was deafening, so akin to silence yet it was everything but. He heard nothing else, but he heard it all. As he pushed his way past the soldiers at the front, eyes wide and staring into the void, trusting only his feet to find the path for him. He needs nothing else but to hurry and scold himself for not being able to go faster.
He carried them into the first medical tent his eyes landed on, the flap of the tent slapping out of place and before his form and before he could process the light slap the material did to his cheek, he was placing them down onto one rolled out mat in the corner. He saw the lips of the medical staff move, but no words reached his ears, and for all he knew he could’ve been barking or whispering at them to do something - to help them. He joined in the efforts, plucking out the gauze and the antiseptics from  the corners of the tent and gathering them next to the mat as one healer already began to cut away their dirty clothes to gain better access to the wound. 
The bare skin glistened with blood, the only shade of theirs that could make Jiyan feel sick to the stomach. Other healers in the tent looked at him in bewilderment as his breathing was yet to calm down, labored and ragged, but his hands held utmost care and precision as he started on the gauze, already keeping steps ahead and waiting until the healer next to him peeled the clothes away. Each layer unfolded like a wet petal, revealing the yawning gash underneath. Jiyan’s golden eyes turned a shade darker under the pressure and the light in the tent, turning a shade of olive instead, sick with worry. Were they gone already? He looks at their face, glimpsing their peaceful expression, dotted with splatters of blood and grime. They’re still bleeding, he notes as his fingers become slick with blood whilst he worked on their wound, there was still a beating heart inside of them, and that meant life. His mind spun prayers on repeat, prayers he thought he had long since forgotten the words of, favoring battle chants over putting his hope into something he couldn’t see or touch. How long till (Y/n) wakes?
Long time has passed until his mind has reeled back around to the present. He was alone now, aside from (Y/n), huddled on a small wooden chair in the opposite corner from which he could see them, patched up and under the light. His hands, once so calm and steady, had begun to shake as realization settled within him. How he could have so easily lost them, with so many words yet to be spoken, hurt more than any wound he sustained. Blood caked on his fingers, falling off into dust as he flexed them into a fist before releasing again. All the worry made him angry, and anger never suited him. It made him think badly, irrationally, and in the silence that followed the medical emergency of their state, all thoughts took root deep within his mind and soul, festering like a neglected cut. (Y/n) shouldn’t have been allowed on the front lines, he should have set them back, or even better - he should have misused his position and sent them home, risking to humiliate them for being sent home for seemingly nothing, other than his selfish need to keep them safe on all accounts. 
Sighing, Jiyan shuddered at his own mind’s skilled ways of wearing him down. It played out his image and character in ways he knew he’d never act. He’d never do those things, but in such a state as he was in, he nearly believed it all. Pressing his forehead into the clean heels of his palms he stared at his own boots until the silence became a soft comforting buzz. Sleep had tried to pull himself down his eyelids, but each time he refused it, eventually finding himself sitting at their side again, instead of the faraway corner. Long hours had passed, and Jiyan felt the camp go to bed with the night settling in the corners of the world. But he couldn’t, it would be a disservice to you if he left you alone, but his duty called - and he internally begged for forgiveness as he stepped out of the tent to check up on all the others, cleaning his hands while he was at it. 
There was blood on his hands.
And it was theirs.
And he’d never be able to wash it away, no matter how hard he scrubbed, or how many times he washed his hands. 
Morning came chill and misty, but Jiyan’s body felt none of it. The cold clung onto him like a second coat, greeting him like an old friend and embracing him as the same. He only hoped the cold did not embrace them too. The night was sleepless for Jiyan, and after he had ensured the safety of others and checked in with his Captains, he had found his way back to the medical tent he left (Y/n) in. 
“There’s a lot for me to say, my dear…friend..” Jiyan’s pale lips formed the last word hesitantly, treating it as an impostor instead of the usual warming endearment in which fashion he used it years ago. The word had long since become strange to him, yet he wished not to risk disrespecting them in this state, heavily considering the fact they may not even share in his sentiments.  “Yet you seem so eager to cut your life short.. “ he sneered lightly, not at them, but rather at himself, blame always within reach to be pulled towards himself by his very hand.
“What would  I do without you..? Who would I be without you?” The world around him seemed to quiet down in silent sympathy.  “You mean so much more than you believe, more than you know.. I’ve wished to tell you, but all you force me to do is scold you and weep over you like some child… like when we were kids…” 
A twitch, and then the fingers of (Y/n)’s hand grasped into a fist, making his eyes widen at the sight he barely glimpsed with his head hanging low, staring at the ground. His golden eyes snapped to their face, seeing the corners of their lips curl downward into a pain filled scowl. 
“(Y/n)!-” he beamed with all the softness his surprise would allow him as he kneeled beside them in one swift swoop. His hand came over their eyes to shield it from the light once he saw how their nose scrunched and brows knit together. Relief filled their eyes as the intrusive light no longer tried to pry them open so cruelly. Dizziness was still huge, feeling as if it split their blood apart, making it as light as clouds, and making them float on top of the mat. 
“What’re you.. rambling about…?” (Y/n) muttered, throat dry and voice coarse and wincing, their face once more ended up in a painful twist. Jiyan didn’t need all his medical knowledge to see they were still out of it, his frown deepening, but his heart raced up to climb into his throat. 
“I was saying how reckless you can be..” he whispered, blinking away the nervousness from his eyes. His other hand hovered over them, refusing to touch them in fear of hurting them. But his eyes drank in everything, looking for any anomalies that he may have not noticed before, although the chance he missed something was astronomically low with how keenly his eyes kept vigil over you throughout the night.  “Are you in pain? Tell me, I’ll help make it better” he told them, shuffling as he loomed over their body. 
(Y/n)’s eyes still refused to open after they fluttered shut, their throat bobbing, but swallowing nothing with how parched it felt. “Water..” They croaked, and suddenly light was kissing their eyelids again as Jiyan moved away in haste to fetch a bottle of water. 
He returned as quickly as he left, swift as the wind and helping them drink with one hand stabilizing their head and the other holding the bottle to their chapped lips, watching them carefully as they languidly took sips to drink. The gloved iron claw on his finger faintly scratched against their scalp, tangled between their hairs. Letting out a small sigh, thirst finally quenched, they finally opened their eyes to see just how disheveled and worried Jiyan looked. 
“Jiyan..” (Y/n) called him, watching as his face both hardened and mellowed at the drop of his name in that worn out tone. Their face looked confused to see him like this, not that they ever doubted he’d worry if they got injured, but the tension within this space felt like a maw of a beast, ready to snap its jaws shut. Something was amiss, something they couldn’t quite place.  The aching throb in their side didn’t subside, but they were able to somewhat ignore it for now, worry poisoning them into thinking of the worst - whatever could be worse than their own life nearly being taken away. The question remained unsaid, but it appeared as if Jiyan didn’t need the verbal communication to respond. 
“Nothing- don’t worry about it.. Please, lay down and tell me how you feel” He urged as he placed his palm onto their sweaty forehead, pushing it back onto the small pillow below. (Y/n) blinked, confused and scared and exhausted as he pawed gently at their skin, only pulling away after he ensured there was no rising heat. 
“I’m.. aching.. that’s all.. and sore all over”
“I believe that to be an understatement, this isn’t some small scratch.. You nearly..” Jiyan looks at the bandages, splotches of red already having bloomed through like little poppies in a faraway field. “I’ll get you something for the pain now… Don’t move.” It was a command, that last part, and left no room for any question or rebuttal as he lifted himself away, painfully severing the moment in favor of searching the place for painkillers and herbs. If there was a way to remain glued to their side and heal them in that way, he wouldn’t have ever left, and that option would have done his heart many favors.
“When will you start listening to orders?” he asked as he walked back to the mat, his hand grasping the gorge shaped pill box his mother gave him, his tone now heralding the lesson he was about to drop on them. His eyes refused to meet theirs as he crouched down again, popping the lid of the gorge open and letting two pills fall into his open palm. 
“Whenever you... decide to be less dense..” (Y/n) responded with a small cough that rippled the pain from their wound, and wincing they forced themselves to stay still. He did not take sweetly to the jest, his eyes focusing on them like a target, a beloved one at that.
“You should have called out.. I was there, I could have helped you out. You didn’t need to get hurt, and all because of your faulty sense of independence” Jiyan kept going, urgency for them to understand his side coloring his voice. He helped them sit slowly, apologizing for making them move in a husky and quiet tone, apologizing for making them sit and be here and be in pain, swallowing the big tasteless pills. 
Keeping their silence, (Y/n) looks down, guilt seeping through their veins and weary body which seemed to know no rest now. 
Sore and worried and dizzy and ever forgetful in this half slumbering state they could only grasp at the thin strings of consciousness as Jiyan loomed over them like a hawk, restless in his pursuit to help, yet he remained in the dark as to how else to do so. What else could he do except think of healing magic he had no possession of. His teeth grinded together, golden eyes flickering over them and then up to their face, meeting their bleary gaze.
“I’m sorry…”
(Y/n) whispered, one hand over their chest as they took breaths in, slow and weak, but good - they were not the shallow breaths you took when he was racing back to the medics and other healers with them in his arms. This was better.
Jiyan’s heart stuttered at the low tone that broke under the pressure he had placed upon them, unwilling yet it was no less necessary if he wished to have them understand. Too many times he had sat down with them, told them to be careful, to follow protocol and all the talked about strategies, to value the teammates at their sides, yet it all seemed for naught. What did those conversations mean, they could not heal you now and make you whole again. 
A shaky sigh drops from Jiyan, pulling all the weight from his shoulders and making him sag in his spot, head hanging low and heavy. What was he supposed to say?  He had words too many to share.
“It’s… fine.. What’s done is done, and we can’t change what happened.. It’s alright..”
“You’re mad at me..”
Of course he is. Grief has never bitten him so hard as in the moment he saw them stagger in the field, it made his stomach churn and his sides tickle as if wind passed through the hollows between his ribs. And he grieved as if he lost them while patching you up, so much so it poisoned him and made him mad, angry. 
“I.. I am not mad at you.. ” ‘I love you, why can’t you see?’ - a part of him wanted to say.
Blinking at him, tears bubbled up to their lash line, listening to him huff, unknowing of the inner turmoil he struggled through, the answer to close yet so far, holding you in suspense. Like a word about to be spoken.
“Why can’t you just listen to orders.. You throw yourself into danger as if you have lives to spare” Jiyan began, finding their eyes in a stern glare which mellowed out quickly. “You are not valued only as a soldier to be thrown across the board but as a human, someone’s companion.. (Y/n)..”
There’s a plea in his tone, and another in his eyes, and his fingers itch with the need to hold onto them, to let the venom of his grief seep into them too, to make them see, understand. It’s like a beast he’s hardly keeping at bay. When was the last time he felt so strongly about someone? Anyone? And to the point he’s shedding his general persona to give way to a man desperate to keep the few people he holds dear alive. Jiyan couldn’t name anyone.
“I understand that, but Jiyan.. how many nights have we spent talking about the day of peace? When there’s going to be no wars to fight? I know-” A cough interrupts them, but Jiyan does not jump at that opportunity to cut them off and scold them - he waits. “..I know it’s a childish dream, a hope, but peace is achievable. And if it means getting battered and bruised and hurt along the way, then so be it  - the road to peace is not paved in a bed of flowers..” (Y/n) frowns, nearly pouting, and in some absentminded state, their hand flails in the air in search of his, a purchase he gladly grants without a thought. 
Shaky fingers curl around his gloved ones, a tinge smaller, and more fragile than his own with the state now. They lack the grip they usually possess, yet they grasp and hold and he holds back, squeezing a bit tighter. God knows, he shares their view, their childish hope, but he can’t agree with it, not now.  “(Y/n).. Peace will mean little if you’re dead to see it..” It’s a whisper, as fragile as the wings of a hatchling, and as soft as the summer breeze. 
“That all will mean nothing to me either, it won’t be peace if you’re not with me to see it..” he added, his other hand grasping over their own, thumbing at their soft skin. He swallows thickly, hoping to wish away the tears that threaten to come up to his eyes.  “I lo-... I love …you…” 
Realization is slow to settle, but he sees it in their face, their eyes that fail to blink as they take him in, deciphering his words one by one, failing, at first, to understand their weight from the usual affections they shared before. Parting their lips, they fail to respond, their eyes flickering to the surroundings before they return to him, and it was as if all air had been knocked out of their lungs.  The meaning is written all over him, communicated through all ways but verbal and it was enough. They were children together, growing up and exploring the world, plucking strange berries from nature and sharing them together, they grew up together.
Now they are grown, and (Y/n) focuses on the thought that has appeared in their mind countless times before - growing old together. It was just out of reach, and it was not guaranteed and their actions on the battlefield nearly made it certain that the future would not embrace them together. Trying to blink the tears away, they look at Jiyan, apologetic and ashamed, but where they wished to seek forgiveness was unneeded, as Jiyan had already forgiven it, no matter the hurt. 
“I love you too-” The words were accompanied by a stray tear wetting their cheek. 
Hushed breaths and shuffling of clothes flutter, and in a blur, Jiyan had pulled himself ever closer, sitting at their side and ever so carefully drawing them to his chest. His movements are slow and calculated even in the face of such strong emotion, too fearful to hurt them. 
He lets them rest their face into the crook of his neck, eyes fluttering closed as they both simply hold onto one another, and it was in that moment he felt them squeeze him back, full of blooming life and energy. His fingertips itched for a stronger embrace but he controlled himself. 
“I love you..” he repeated, even more quiet and directly beside their ear. “Please.. listen to me.. I only wish to keep you safe.. alive most of all.. Understand me..” They nod their head against him, their fingers clawing at his back with a little more strength, holding on as if he was a ghost ready to vanish.  “You’re my candlelight leading me through the darkness.. I can’t do it without you..”
“Oh, Jiyan..” They crack their voice over his name, eyes seeing a mosaic of colors through tears ready to be shed. “I only wish to help you.. Under all this armor and uniform, I can see you struggling too.. How can I not become a little desperate when I see all my other attempts to help you have failed?” They sigh, their breath tickling the skin underneath this chin and he shudders to think of this mutual tug-of-war. They can’t win, neither can. 
“You leave my struggles to me.. I do not withhold them for no reason, but I see that has done me, us, more harm than good..” He says but fails to make another sentence, knowing he’d rather not burden them with his own worries, and he’d much rather hear of their own. 
“Just.. promise me this” he begins, pulling away and making them face to face. “You will not jump to take any more blows for me, in no amounts at all. I’m the one that should guard you, and not the other way around” He is firm in his case, and even if (Y/n) had the strength to argue, they wouldn’t. This was final.
Closing your eyes and giving a little bow of their head, they profess their agreement to his words without a word of their own. And sinking back into his embrace felt like sinking into a bed of feathers, soft, warm and welcoming. “Fine..”
“We’ll talk more about this once you’ve healed..” Jiyan muttered, his lips ghosting their brow and feeling them nod against him again. His hand rubs up and down their back, and his lips land on their cheek, lingering there in a gentle expression of his love that knew no bounds.
The flickering light and the sudden silence made his mind wander, and his body began to rock back and forth slowly, hoping to ease you into slumber. He wondered how it would feel to hold them again, when they were healed and not even a scar remained of their injury; how it would feel to kiss their brow and hold their cheek in his palm, to see those lights stare back at him from within their eyes, full of mirth and devoid of pain; he thinks how comforting it would feel to feel you flush against him each morning, holding your warm body close and tucking them under the covers when they shift in their sleep… So many images run through his mind, and he prays he gets to see them materialize in reality. 
For now he was fine with holding them, serving their needs until war reeled its ugly head again, and he had to leave once more. For his people and (Y/n) he’d grow great miles to achieve peace, even if it meant losing his own peace. 
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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What did you just say? Pt. 2.
Aegon x FEM reader.
Aegon confronts his mother, the truth leaves his mouth as the fire leaves the snout of his dragon. To his surprise you don't share the same desires of being with him anymore.
Warning: maybe it wasn't as good as the first part lol. Grammatical and spelling errors, maybe a Dark obsessed Aegon at the end but nothing very serious.
Credits of these gifs to whoever they belong to
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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(...) The goblet In his hand flew to the other side of the room, tension filled the room, silence was uncomfortable, then, Aegon simply asked.
- What did you just say?
Poor servant, avoiding Aegon's look, he simply muttered and kneeled down.
- I... Said lady y/n is pregnant... please Forgive me my king, I beg for your pardon.
Aegon didn't understand why the servant was apologizing, he only rolled his eyes, he was furious, fire was running through his body.
- Get up and leave. ALL OF YOU, LEAVE! I need to talk with my mother. NOW!
Everybody left the room in an instant, Alicent was in the same place, she didn't move but was also avoiding to see her son.
- Look at me and tell me you didn't know about this, mother.
She looked at him but was speechless, there were no words.
She felt fear, she was always behind him, she was always the one who reprimanded him, but right now, she's feeling like a little kid In trouble.
- Aegon, you have to understand...
- Understand what? Is it not enough that we're all dragged into this unhappy family, full of hypocrisy and sadness for all your decisions? Your decisions had taken us to misery, my sister is right, if you weren't so blind and full of hate against Rhaenyra our story would be different.
- This, is totally unfair, You have no idea of the sacrifices that were made to put you on that throne.
- A throne I never asked for! This is all your Father wants! You've been so blind, thinking you're doing all this because of the safety of the crown, your family and the kingdom when In fact, it is only that old man's desire, to see his own blood sitting on that stupid chair!
Aegon's point of view wasn't totally wrong, he always saw his grandfather as a spider knitting its web waiting for its prey, like a moth attracted to the brilliant things, waiting for the right moment to get inside and be around the warm and brightest light, an opportunist, that's how Aegon secretly always described his grandfather. He sighed, clearly annoyed.
-...When did you receive the news of her marriage?
- Months ago, I received a letter when she was betrothed to him... and later another one arrived with the news of her wedding, but I can promise you that I don't know nothing about her pregnancy, I doubt she is pregnant.
Her words are honest but not reassuring enough to calm Aegon.
- Do you see me, mother? Do you see how painful it is for me? This marriage with my own sister, this crown over my head that I never wanted. Your decisions had been brought pain not only for me but for my siblings too. You hate Rhaenyra for all the things you consider wrong and improper , but I've done all of them too, and you hide them and pretend we're the good ones, it's pure hypocrisy. Helaena could be happier if you accepted the proposal of marriage with Jace or even if you married her to Aemond she would be happier, I could be happier if I were married with (y/n) and you wouldn't have your youngest son far from you and his true home, but no... Here we are, with a war knocking on our door, our family crumbling and with my beloved In the arms of that fuckin' wolf In the north!
Alicent approached Aegon, trying to be a loving mother, her hands on Aegon's cheeks, she can see his eyes, there's anger, pain and deception. She's trying to convince him that your marriage can bring good things in his favor.
- Aegon, you cannot see it now, but the marriage of lady (y/n) with Cregan Stark could be useful, she will do anything you asked her, she will ally to us in this war if it's necessary. Your brothers will fight at your side and your wife and children will be there too.
Aegon gave a step back, neglecting with his head, his face only shows how disgusted he feels. He never expected kind words from her but also not this kind of poorly try to calm him down, at this point he feels like he's trapped, he's a little boy trapped in a man's body, he wants to run away from that room, he needs to calm himself before doing something he could regret later.
Suddenly, your voice and the memory of your face, your hands and the affection between you and him filled his mind. You were his safe place years ago and yet, he still thinks about you when he feels lost and suffocated.
He left the room while Alicent was yelling his name, some guards tried to go behind him but he stopped us, he only wanted a person close to him, You.
He arrived at the dragon's pitch, Sunfyre his precious Dragon sensed instantly Aegon's emotions and roared to let Aegon know it was ready to fly away with him.
And that's what they did, Aegon disappeared in the sky, the clouds covered them, it was possible to hear them but to see in what direction they went wasn't that easy.
You were in your chambers resting when one of your ladies appeared, pallid as snow.
- My lady. There's... A... A dragon landed not so far from the castle.
You sit on your bed quickly, it is not possible, you try to calm yourself thinking it can be any dragon.
- A dragon? Which one?
- I'm not sure, it looked like a golden dragon, shined like the sun.
No, no, no. The fear of seeing him after all this time has appeared and grown inside you.
- What do we have to do my lady?
- Bring my coat, we have to welcome our unexpected guest by our own since Cregan is not here.
As soon as you arrived at the hall of the castle, Aegon was already there, waiting.
- My... (You doubted) King. What do we owe the honor of your visit?
- Lady (y/n), I recently found out about your marriage, I merely came to give you my congratulations.
- Thank you, my king, I've been blessed with such a wonderful marriage with a good lord.
- Where's he?
- Hunting, we weren't expecting visitors or he would be here to give you a proper welcome.
- That's fine, lady (y/n) I would like to have a private audience with you.
You looked at your ladies and knights, you didn't say a word but they understood instantly and left you alone with Aegon.
- What are the real motives of your visit... My king?
- there's no need for such formalities (Y/n)...
- Well, tell me Aegon, what are you doing here?
- I came here... To take you with me.
You are in shock, while he is walking to you, getting more and more close.
- Pardon?
- Come with me, we will annul our marriages, now that I'm king, only my word is the law. We can finally marry as it was planned years ago.
You're still surprised, you haven't moved from your place, he doesn't wait and hugs you, you can feel his nose in the crook of your neck, it's just like when you were children, he was always hiding his face in your neck while you were hugging each other, it was innocent and pure. But you two are not children anymore, both are married now, he's father and king now, you're married and soon to be mother, you haven't bled In two moons or more, your breast started to grow and hurt a little, and all your ladies had told you you look different, more beautiful, Cregan said to you that being pregnant with a boy brings more beauty to some women.
You kindly stepped back, you will not leave your husband or your new home just for an old childhood love. Aegon doesn't look surprised by your reaction.
- You don't smell like the roses anymore, now you smell like forest and berries.
- I've changed, you don't smell like cotton and Oak either, you smell like ashes and sea. You've changed too, my king.
- Probably we changed, but I'm sure our feelings are still the same (y/n) please let's go, you don't belong here, your place is at my side... Please.
His pleading eyes are like knives in your heart, but there's no way this works, people will speak, your parents will abandon you, you know a war is coming and you know who your house will support. And there's Cregan, the man of your dreams, the one who took his time to know all about you, the man who patiently won your trust and your heart, he made you a promise under the God's tree, you did too and you will not break it.
- We're adults now, Aegon, those dreams were erased, I'm married and I love him, a wolf grows inside me, I will not leave nothing of this just for an old children's dream, I moved on.
Aegon's eyes are full of tears, you're breaking his heart, but someone needs to be right-minded. You're observing him with sadness and pity while him is remembering what Alicent told him. You would do anything he asked you, maybe his mother is right, if he can't have you as wife, at least he can have you as an ally.
- I understand, you're right, I'm being a fool and I ask you to forgive me.
- It's okay Aegon...
You held his hand and squeezed it, he's contemplating the small interaction and then he looks into your eyes.
- I want to ask you for something else too.
- Go on, tell me.
- People say a war is coming, my question or the favor I want to ask for, is, will your house and the north join me?
You know the answer to that, you know your house and the north decisions are, even you have your own decision. Maybe you can avoid this uncomfortable moment.
- Aegon... I beg for your pardon but I cannot decide the loyalty of my house or my husband's house on my own. If you wish, you can stay and wait, my husband and I will discuss and consider your proposition.
He smiled at you, certainly he's not pleased with your response, he simply whispered in your ear.
- You're a terrible liar, Lady (Y/n), your decision is already taken, isn't it?... Don't worry, I forgive you, but remember this, After I win this war, I'll be back here and I'll take you with me, I will not have the kindness to ask for your permission or opinion, I will be back for you.
He left a kiss in your cheek and your hand, then he left without saying anything else, the roaring of a dragon echoed through the castle, your ladies appeared just in time to catch you, you fainted.
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valsdelulucorner · 5 months
Belphie head cannons <3
Belphie is a very cuddly person with the right people. With Beel and you, he can easily just lean against you and fall asleep. With Lucifer however, he would rather wake up and be productive then lay against him.
I feel like belphie likes to do things with his hands like knitting and crocheting. Since he got locked in the attic, there wasn't anything interesting in there for him to do so he decided to teach himself knitting. He can now knit without looking so if he feels sleepy or is watching a movie with the others, he might just subconsciously start knitting.
If MC comes down as a singer, Belphie will probably love laying on your lap while you sing to him and play with his hair. He mostly loves listening to sing songs like "rises the moon" or "I don't want to set the world on fire" while he cuddles into your lap. He loves listening to you belt out songs like "my heart will go on" aswell but he prefers the softer songs he can fall asleep to
Will just fall limp against you randomly if he wants you to stay with him, if he wants you to carry him or if he's jealous. Your trying to leave bed to get ready? He's limp on top of you so you either have to stay in bed for the day of have one of his brothers remove him. He sees you talking with some other lowlife demon? Suddenly your holding him up and focusing on him now, not that scum you were talking to. He gets tired walking around and Beel isn't around? He's now nuzzling into your neck while you give him a piggyback ride, his tail wrapped around you both to make sure he doesn't fall off
Now I hate the fact that we just forgave belphie so easily after he literally killed us then tried to kill us again. Imagine MC was actually really weary around belphie for a few weeks/months after the incident and it was just eating belphie up inside seeing how scared we were of him
He kept trying to prove to MC that he got better and he wouldn't hurt them but sometimes it came off as to much and mammon stood in-between you both and took you away. It was only until he caught you in the observatory and decided to have a long conversation with you about everything. You saw how genuine he was in his apology so you guys made up and went on as friends
100% would share you with Beel. Cuddle piles, food runs, movie marathons, classes, he wouldn't mind Beel being there but he does like having one on one time with you without beel there
Your the only one he doesn't mind waking him up. He has and will again cuss out his brothers for waking him up (cough Lucifer cough). He might get annoyed initially but when he realizes its you, he will calm down and reach for you
He butts his head into you often, like how cats show their affection. He does it often while cuddling you, if you both are just laying in bed and talking about anything, he will gently butt his head into your jaw, side or neck and just act like nothing happened
Belphie does love cuddling you, that's pretty obvious but he also loves doing other things with you. He absolutely adores it when you listen to him nerd about the constellations and planets in devildom, gently holding your hand as he points to which one is which. He does love going on walks with you and stopping at shops that have crystals and little trinkets, buying matching things with you
Crystal and zodiac girly, need I say more
If you have scars from when he killed you, it breaks his heart every time he sees them once you guys start dating. While cuddling or even just sitting together, he will gently trace star protection spells over them, making sure they don't hurt or open up again
He finds it funny when your focused on something then he randomly brushes his fluffy tail across your face. Your annoyed and surprised face is just the cutest thing. If you go back to working, he will just curl up on your lap and wrap his tail around you, nuzzling his face into your neck while his tail keeps you close to him, making sure your safe in his embrace
Because he used to be infatuated with humans in his younger years, he likes to admire the way you age or the way you experience things differently to them. Your tastebuds, your hands, your skin, your hair, your eyes, everything is different to him but he loves that about you
He like to trace little spells into your skin when you both are cuddling in bed, he wants to make sure his starlight has the best of dreams while being held by him. After he makes sure all of his protection spells are in place, he will wrap his tail around you and let you spoon him, feeling safe in your arms
"will i see you in my dreams my dear?" "of course, my love"
This was suggested by @cuddlybelphie, Thank you so much for the suggestion! This was such a fun write
Who should i do next?
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arcielee · 1 year
A love that burns.
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Summary: Aemond is a man obsessed and you are the object of his unwavering devotion. Paring: Aemond Targaryen x Female!Reader Word Count: 1037 Warnings: Canon book Aemond, manipulation?, sexual themes, oral (female receiving), p in v, absolute depravity and murder. Author’s Note: This is a reader insert, but with the third person perspective, it is a bit Alys-coded kind of? (I rewrote one of her lines in F&B) A big thank you to @bhxrdy and @itbmojojoejo helping me fix some mistakes and for helping me choose the title 💜🦝 This story is dedicated to the wonderful, the talented @aegonx who gave me prompt #371 by @creativepromptsforwriting. She also made my nifty banner for my blog, so I owe her everything. I am always happy to attempt any requests, I just cannot promise a timely fashion, as it is more whenever the muse strikes. Tags (Tumblr kindred spirits): @aaaaaamond @annikin-im-panicin @watercolorskyy @schniiipsel @sylas-the-grim @aemondx @fan-goddess @babygirlyofthevale @httpsdoll @theromanticegoist @assortedseaglass @amiraisgoingthruit @theoneeyedprince @babyblue711 @girlwith-thepearlearring @hb8301 @lovelykhaleesiii @darylandbethfanforever9
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He was a dragon incarnate with the blood of Old Valyria knitted within the ichor that coursed through his veins. Aemond was proud, tall and lithe, his broad shoulders held back despite the burdened weight of his reputation that preceded him–Aemond the One-Eye, Aemond the Kinslayer, but those utterances only rolled like rain against the scales of Vhagar; he was unbothered, unharried, especially now his role within the kingdom elated with the title Prince Regent, and with it the Conqueror’s Crown to wear. 
The metal and rubies held a weight that now grounded him, reminding him of his purpose, and he went to reclaim Harrenhal with the intent of killing every Strong bastard. 
Here is where he had found her, an eerie calm amongst the chaos, silent despite the cries of mercy as each person was brought to the courtyard and slain. She had watched, unblinking, with an expression that was akin to when Aemond had watched his nuncle take the head of Vaemond Velaryon in the Throne Room a year prior; it had been a moment that kindled a bloodlust that thrummed beneath his skin, a vengeance that could not be forgotten. 
That night, when she was brought to his quarters, she greeted him like an old lover, a sweet kiss pressed to his lips, her soft murmur, “I have been waiting for you, my prince.” 
She came from a noble house without the wealth of Westeros, but revered still and old, old enough to carry the blood of the First Men and its mystical properties. She had followed her sister to Harrenhal when she was chosen to be the next wife for Ser Simon Strong.
Both were now dead and she did not seem to care. 
“Then why did you choose to accompany your sister?” Aemond had asked her after; it was that intimate exchange shared in their bared embrace, nestled on sex soaked linens with her plush thighs serving as a pillow.
Her fingers thread through his silver hair. “The Isle of Faces,” and she smiled, as if she were stating the obvious; she leaned forward to give a chaste kiss to his lips. “I came to listen to the whispers of the weirwoods.” 
Behind closed doors he was intoxicated by her proximity, with an unbridled lust that replaced the blood in his veins, as if she were the very embodiment of his siren call. They fell into one another, and he felt something that burned within him, something that perhaps was always there and only now  ignited by her soft touch, by her gentle pull that brought him flushed against her chest. 
Aemond would worship her through the night, drinking her very essence until the brim of her overstimulation, until he saw her lashes clumped together from her unshed tears, and only then would he shift his weight between her thighs, flushed and slick from her peaks. 
He would move to press his heady cock, heavy and wanting, against her silken folds, and despite their many nights together, she would still feel split open, aware of the ridges and the veins of his thick member as he sheathed within. Her soft gasps came in response to his thrusts that would begin again the crests of ravishment that warmed her blood; and he would not stop his pace until she was a mewling mess, until the lewd sounds of skin to skin mixed with her cries of release, until his name was a repeated reverent prayer that spilled from her lips. 
Aemond hummed her praises, his hot exhale against the curve of her neck. “The gods made you for me alone,” he would breathe against her lips and they would part in a silent cry, her skin pebbling with pleasure. “You were made to take my cock, and you do so well.” 
His words brought her to the precipice and when she felt his hot pulse within her velvet walls, her own clenched in response to chase another climax with boneless ambition, with a sobbed release as the air tore from her lungs but she was breathless to reclaim. Only then would they curl into each other’s arms, their skin aglow with the intimacy shared, with the soft murmurs and quiet exchanges of lovers in their post-coital haze.
“I will have your son,” she promised him. “I can already feel the flames warming my womb.” 
She was always at his side, devoted, everpresent, with a severe gaze that served as a balm for the Prince Regent in the most twisted way. They called her his Blood Queen as she seemed to encourage a sadism that pulsed beneath, speaking that the gods knew what had to be done and that he was the vessel of their actions, always encouraging him to listen to the beckon of the blood of Old Valyria. 
Aemond became a man obsessed and she fed into his depravity; she spoke with such conviction and he believed her every word, her every prophecy. When she would take a boat across the waters, he would remain on the shore pacing like an animal caged, while Vhagar roared overhead, the wind beneath her wings causing turbulent waves that crashed against the lakeside. 
She returned as her namesake with blood that covered her hands and her dress; she would whisper what she saw to him alone, of what was to come and what needed to be done. On one such day, she spoke of the betrayal in the Riverlands, of those who had chosen to ally with the Blacks and their false queen. 
Aemond called for Vhagar and they climbed aback; she was knitted against his backside with her cheek pressed between his shoulder blades, and she could feel his rumbled command, “Dracarys,” to rain fire below them, scorching the very earth. She hummed her contentment, the scent of sandalwood and smoke, a scent that intimately belonged to the Prince Regent. 
Her arms curled around his slim waist and he looked down to see her small hand pressed against his chest. Though the histories would recall all the ugly things they had done, in this moment, as his palm reached to cover hers, all he thought was how their entwined fingers were so beautiful together. 
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arcie's masterlist
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mizuseyebrows · 7 months
a tamed blue-eyed onryō —mizu x reader
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warnings: not proofread. fluff. she/her pronouns for mizu. petnames. so much fluff. tantrums.
includes: sweet and stubborn reader. sensitive and soft mizu. word count: 3.2k
summary: you little mf get horny when you see an angry mizu (I get you) and you were trying to make her mad, but she happens to love you too much.
a/n: even tho reader's gender is not addressed, I imagine this being sort of a second part of my love letter to mizu. but they're not actually related (?)
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Your head bounced against the futon, two hands digging into your wrists—trapping you beneath her. A pair of blue eyes penetrated into your soul, while the eyelids remained still. She didn't even blink. The rest of her face had a grim expression, her breathing was heavy but calm. Her passive but threatening attitude reminded you of when a tiger had its sights set on a new prey. Maybe you shouldn't have gone too far with the teasing. Maybe you should have kept your mouth shut.
Although, this was what you were looking for, huh?
“Do you enjoy finding ways to piss me of?” Mizu huffed hoarsely, pinning you with her legs pressed against your thighs. Your faces were so close that you could feel every hot, deep breath coming from her nostrils.
You looked at her with a mocking—and pleased—smile. Gods, every time her eyebrows knitted together like that and she bellowed in anger, you felt your limbs setting on fire. "Piss you of? What did I say?" You also knew that feigning innocence would make her angrier.
Mizu's expression is one of annoyance as she shifts her weight around on your body— now her knee pressing right up against your waist. Her lips curl up into a wee smile as she leans her forehead against yours, her blue eyes darting over your face like a hawk. A small smirk sounds as her body heat radiates against your skin, your vision blurring due to the proximity between the both of you.
"Exactly that."
"Exactly what? I don't understand you, Mizu." You looked defiantly into her eyes, trying not to show your satisfaction with the situation; although you failed miserably.
A small laugh escapes from her lips, her breath tickling your cheeks. Her hand slides up against your neck, her fingernails almost digging into your skin as she keeps her forehead pressed against yours. She holds her grip tightly as she looks into your eyes, her voice becoming lower— her breath becoming hot.
"That smirk and mocking tone you use," She replied in an annoyed tone with an unamused look in her eyes, though you could almost see a little smile remaining on her lips. "It's infuriating."
"Is that so?" You closed your eyes at having her so close, sighing softly at the feeling of her nose touching yours. "How infuriating?"
"Very." Her voice was a low whisper as her body trembled with annoyance. "Insufferable. I should slap your smiling face." She let out a low chuckle at the thought, lowering herself slightly to where her lips were only a few inches away from yours. Your breath mingles with hers, her fingers tightening around your throat.
"Do it..." You breathed, feeling choked—you loved that feeling. Your entire body tensed and your free hand reached for something, which ended up being Mizu's navy blue haori. "Take away my insolence with a slap..."
Mizu's breathing hitches as she glances over at your lips. Her eyes grow wide with surprise as her breath becomes shallow. She doesn't move away as your lips brush against hers. Her eyes narrow as the corners of her mouth curl up into a small smirk. "I'd much rather kiss you..."
"No. You said slap." You protested with a childish pout, throwing a tantrum over something as worrying as wanting her to hit you. Mizu has never dared to put a hand on you like that, but from the way her fingers squeezed your neck so deliciously, you could imagine that her skin crashing rudely against yours must feel even better.
The swordswoman rolled her eyes as she chuckled with amusement and tightened her grip around your neck to bring you so close that her lips were just inches from yours again. One of her legs straddled over your thigh and she looked at you with a dark yet seductive gaze as the corners of her mouth curled up into a small smirk.
"No, you're going to shut up and kiss me."
"Mizu!" You complained and looked into her eyes, with your breath hardly entering your throat.
Mizu's expression softened. She leaned above you, closing the distance between the both of you. Her tongue darted out and poked your lips gently like she was licking, searching for permission to enter you. She moved her lips against yours so slowly and seductively, her lips feeling like a million tiny kisses being rubbed all over you. Her hand gripped the back of your neck as her other slid down your back.
You sighed and opened your mouth to allow her tongue to caress yours, tilting your head to the side so she could do whatever she wanted with your mouth. What else could you do when that dominant side of her made all your fingers want to curl up?
Mizu hummed as she took advantage of your submission, her tongue slowly and seductively pushing deep into your mouth. Her lips were soft and hot, her body was taller than yours, her strength was strong as the tips of her fingers slid into the hair in the back of your head. She bit your lip softly as she slowly pulled away, her breath becoming hot against your skin. Her blue eyes dart as she looks back up at you with a lustful gaze.
She stayed like that for a beat longer before her mouth formed into a soft smirk. "Your mouth is very pretty, darling." Mizu stated lowly.
"Oh really? How pretty is it?" You giggled, still lost in the mental haze that her kiss had caused. You could still feel your lips tickling and the sensation of her tongue against yours. A single kiss from Mizu made your world spin.
Mizu tilted her head to the side as she stroked your lips. She thought for a moment before speaking again. "On a scale from one to ten, I would say it's a ten. Maybe even higher." Her tone was soft and low as she spoke, her blue eyes still glued to your features— almost as if she could see right through you. She had such an intensity to her stare.
You smiled sweetly at her, still a little lost in your thoughts. But suddenly you remembered what you had been looking for by bothering and you frowned. "No! Why can't you be mad at me? I want to make you mad!" You snorted dramatically.
That made her smirk widen into a full-blown grin, seeming amused by your antics. She shook her head, her finger tapping on the middle of your forehead. "You can try." She spoke in a low, deep, sultry voice as she leaned her face a bit closer to yours.
"I tried! I thought you pinning me here was because I made you get angry but you're already letting out your pretty smiles." You pouted, crossing your arms.
"Let me see you pout, darling," Mizu giggled quietly, her breath caressing your skin. "Let me see you pout, darling. I think it fits you very well." Her tone was teasing and playful as she spoke.
"Mizu!" You complained again, making a sad expression. "I miss you being mad at me."
Mizu rolled her eyes and huffed at you, leaning her head back and closing her eyes. "You are so spoiled. You always want what you can't have, don't you?" She replied with a mockery as her tone was amused at the way you acted like a child.
You whined slightly kicking your feet, continuing with your tantrum. "You're very sexy when you get angry. Get upset!"
Mizu laughed loudly at that comment, throwing her body aside. She couldn’t believe you were serious about any of this. "So, what you're telling me is... I should get more angry just for you?"
"The same way you were annoyed with me when we first met. Remember, when everything about me made you snort in annoyance?" You brought your hands up to caress her neck and pressed your hips against hers.
Mizu's face instantly turned into a bright red as she felt your hands caressing and your body pressing against hers. "Yes, I do..." She breathed out softly, her voice becoming quiet with her throat slightly closing up. She blinked slowly, taking deep breaths and staring down at you innocently.
"Tell me what can I do to make you upset? Stop loving me for a few minutes and get angry, come on~" You kept whining to convince her, as if you were a little girl.
Mizu blinked at you, seemingly trying to hold back her smile. She frowned and leaned her head away from you to stared down at you, seemingly giving you the response you wanted to hear. "I am going to strangle you if you don't shut up," She gritted her teeth as she spoke in a low tone, clenching her fists and frowning at you.
Your eyes shone upon hearing her threat and you couldn't help but grin from ear to ear, feeling excited. "Really?! Then I won't shut up!"
Mizu couldn't hold back her smile anymore, her lips curling as she watched you grin like a child who had a plan and found it hilarious. She laughed and shook her head, looking down at you. "You are such a brat." With that, she leaned her face closer to you, her lips hover next to your ear when she whispered one last thing. "Shut up."
You gasped heavily and closed your eyes, bending your face to the side. "I give up... I softened your heart too much; you can't be bothered with me anymore... It's all my fault." You continued your tantrum, being a little dramatic.
Mizu chuckled softly as she kissed your ear, her face slowly moved closer to yours again. "Are you telling me that you want me to be angry with you? Is that your way of getting me more riled up? That has to be the most childish thing I've ever heard from you."
"I already told you, my love... You're sexy when you get upset." You looked her in the eyes, with a pout. "You're hot at all times but when you get upset you have something that... I don't know how to describe it." I groaned, squirming under her.
Her face reddened even more as your voice turned into a growl, something that made her heart race even more. You had really put those words to good use, making her blush brighter than before. She cleared her throat and stared at you with a soft smile. "I see... so you're basically saying that when I'm upset, I'm even hotter.”
"Oh yeah. You become more dangerous and threatening, it's like dealing with a time bomb. It's hot as hell." You nodded several times, being very serious.
She tilted her head at you with a playful smile and whispered softly again. "So... Is that all I would have to do to drive you crazy and make you go insane? Just get really angry with you all the time?" Mizu said in a low, sultry tone.
"Not all the time, honey. Just... Sometimes." You caressed her cheeks, admiring her ethereal face. She looked like a woman painted by the kami themselves.
She looked at you with a gaze that could easily melt a man's heart as she brought her lips closer to yours. Her fingers hovered against your cheek just an inch away. "Is that so? Should I get angry at you more?" she whispered softly as she gave you a slow peck. She let out a small, quiet hum of pleasure as she gave you several little kiss.
You sighed feeling her small, soft kisses on your lips. You just loved when you gave each other those types of kisses that always had a snap sound. "Do you like to spoil me?" You reached up your hands to release her bun and began to comb her hair with your fingers.
That made her let out a soft sound of contentment. She breathed out deeply as you loosened her bun, her shoulders relaxing as she let out a small sigh. "I enjoy spoiling, my sweetheart. Would you like to be spoiled more?" She whispered softly, letting out a slow, quiet hum of pleasure as you continued to caress her hair.
"Mhmm... Please me by bothering you more..." You nodded, still speaking in a soft, intimate tone. "Just like you get upset with Taigen. God, when you get upset with Taigen it's so amazing."
"Taigen has a way of pissing me off that not even you can match. He's so stubborn and infuriating that it's impossible for him not to get on my nerves at one point or another." Mizu breathed out deeply as she leaned her head against your chest, your hand in her hair making her feel relaxed. She closed her eyes momentarily and let out a soft sigh.
"Why do you love me so much?" You held her tightly to your chest, making sounds to represent the force you were exerting.
"Because you’re my weakness, you make me happy, darling. You have proven time and time again that you care about me, that you're there for me and that you love me." Mizu said softly, her breathing slowing down as she grew more and more eased in your arms. She smiled and wrapped her arms around you, her fingers curling around your torso.
"Gods, what a nightmare to have softened the onryō!" You sighed dramatically, teasing her. You made her bury her head in the crook of your neck and started kissing her forehead and hair profusely.
Mizu couldn't help but laugh a bit as you teased her about "softening her" and kissing her all over, she began to feel more relaxed with those gentle and sweet kisses you showered on her, her heart fluttering away with each peck. "Is this a nightmare for you too?" She teased back in a playful way as she closed her eyes.
"You have no idea how horrible it is to have tamed the blue-eyed demon." You continued mocking her, feeling an enormous wave of love for her at this moment.
She couldn't help but laugh a bit at your teasing, her breath catching in her throat as she was overwhelmed with the sudden rush of affection. She squeezed you as her body began to melt into the softness of your embrace. She had grown to love your little kiss-attacks to the point where she found them endearing and calming. It was so nice to have her darling spoil her like this.
You cupped her cheek to lift her face a little so she could look at you. Then lowered your face a little and kissed her softly on the lips, just wanting to convey the love you feel for her. "Everything I said about you being an onryō is a lie, okay? You know I don't think you're a demon, right?" You whispered against her mouth, wanting to assure you were only joking.
Mizu's eyes met yours with a genuine and soft expression as you held her face in your hands. "I know that, darling. You have proven me that you don’t think of me as a demon." She whispered affectionally back, leaning her head against your shoulder again.
You continued kissing her lovingly and caressing her hair. You pressed her closer to your body, wanting to merge with her. "Also, if you don't want to get upset with me, that's fine. Don't take anything I said seriously, I don't want you to feel bad because I 'softened' you or something."
"I know, sweetheart. You don't have to worry about that." She whispered quietly, her hands slowly wrapping around your back.
"Do you promise me that you won't punish yourself because I soften you? Do you promise me that this won't make you feel bad about yourself?" You looked into her beautiful, icy blue eyes.
"I promise you," Mizu breathed out as she looked at you, her heart fluttering again in her chest. "Do you promise to always love me? Even when I feel weak, when I break or when I get upset?" She asked in a slightly higher voice.
"Of course, darling. I will love you always always always." You shook your head to emphasize your words.
That was all that she really wanted. Mizu couldn't help but giggle as she grasped herself closer to your body even more. She closed her eyes tightly, allowing her body to relax against you and letting out a quiet humming sound of content. She was almost falling asleep in your arms. She could have stayed like that forever— safe in your arms. She was only a little bit worried that you'd let go of her.
"I love you so much, Mizu..." You whispered, looking at her sleepy countenance and lovingly stroked her long, silky hair. Having her like this just for you made you feel warm and complete. "Thank you for always trusting me and allowing me to give you everything you deserve."
She nodded slightly. She didn't feel the need to say anything back because you already knew how she felt. She just let her body melt into yours, her arms hugging around yours.
"You should let yourself get some sleep, I'll protect you, my baby."
Mizu let out a small sound of protest at that pet name. Her breath growing deeper and slower— slowly falling asleep in your arms. She couldn't help but think that this was the most peaceful she'd felt in a long time, feeling completely protected by you.
"Although, before you go to sleep, I want you to dream about what I'm going to tell you." You tucked her hair behind her ear and leaned in to whisper to her. "You're heavier than me and as soon as you fall asleep, you'll crush me. You'll crush your girlfriend." You laughed sugarily, cracking the last joke of the night.
She let out another soft sound of protest at your tease, frowning a little bit. She was feeling more and more tired now. She didn't respond to the joke at first, too exhausted to even laugh about it. Although she finally mumbled. "I'm not... that heavy"
"Oh yes, you are, baby." You nodded and laughed, holding her closer to you. "But I like you heavy and all."
"You like me being heavy?" Mizu mumbled; her voice full of sleepiness. She sighed softly, shifting her body to be more comfortable against you. Her breathing slowed down once again as she was becoming overwhelmed with how sleep-inducing your embrace felt.
"It's like being squished by a warm, fuzzy bear, I like it." You gave her a tender kiss on the forehead.
She didn't respond to that, she just let her breath slow down even more. It seemed like nothing could bother her at this moment— not the soft sound of your giggling, not even the fact that you called her a big bear. She was just happily sleeping against you, her chest rising up and down with her deep-ish breaths.
"Rest, honey." You whispered as soon as you saw her asleep.
Mizu’s body became limp. She seemed so small and delicate as she slept peacefully against your chest. She didn't stir at all, her breath slow yet steady. In her sleep, she had a gentle expression— as though she was having a peaceful sleep. She truly felt safe and protected.
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yes-divine-ruler · 1 year
Kai with cry baby reader, who likes gardening & crotchet <3 HCs
(a little specific, obviously had to add a little smut in here)
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You’d met Kai in the strangest way.
You were leaving a parking lot outside your local Family Fare supermarket. You’d forward parked in the bay, in your micro, electric blue hatchback. As you were reversing, you didn’t realise that the car across from your bay was also reversing out. Hopelessly, you ended up hitting the other car, rear bumper to rear bumper. The slight jolt of your car definitely sent you into a panic. With your heart accelerating in your chest, you adjusted your rear view mirror to see that you had, in fact, hit someone, and the person in that car was driving forward into their bay. Opting to do the same, you took a deep breath before readying yourself to apologise to the owner of the other car. Unbuckling your seatbelt and getting out of the car, you didn’t have to walk far until you were face to face with a very angry-looking man. He snarled at you, as you cowered backwards, pressing your back against your car in fear.
“What the fuck?! What do you think you’re doing? Do you not have any fucking eyes?” The man continued to scream until he finally calmed down, and saw that tears were cascading down your face.
“I-I’m so sorry, sir. I didn’t- I didn’t see you! I’ll pay for the damage,” you pathetically pleaded with him once you got the chance to get a word in. You weren’t good at confrontation, and you certainly weren’t good with getting on anyone’s bad side. He looked at you with concern, and for some strange reason was tempted to reach out and wipe away your tears.
He was good at sensing when someone was lying, or if they were an overall bad person. But he didn’t see that in you. What he did see was that you didn’t have any bad intentions, and that you were quite vulnerable. It didn’t help that you were wearing a pair of dark wash denim overalls and one strap had slid down your shoulder, revealing the entirety of the tiny striped bandeau you wore underneath.
“Look, don’t cry please,” he found himself reaching out and squeezing your shoulder as some sort of way to comfort you. Your eyebrows knit together in confusion as you stared up at him. He must be short tempered, the same way you were easily upset. He looked sort of alternative, his hair was long, and blue and he wore all black. It was quite different to the guy you’d usually find yourself standing across from. He didn’t seem much older than you, and looking back, it was weird that you’d called him sir.
“Hey listen, how about I get you a coffee, and we forget about all this. I don’t think there’s really much damage to my car anyway.”
For some reason, maybe it was the guilt, you agreed.
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The coffee shop date was the first of many. You find yourself really liking Kai, and despite his flaws, you thought he had good intentions. He never made you feel uncomfortable, and often joked about how you both first met.
Kai wasn’t shy to compliment you. You’d awoken a side in Kai no one ever thought he had. He loved calling you baby and sweetheart. His eyes lit up every time they found you, and despite his usually scary demeanour, he’d melt into a soft, sorry-excuse for (what he defined was) a man.
The first time you invited Kai back to your apartment to meet your housemate was definitely memorable. Never in a million years did she think she’d see you with a guy like Kai. Kai tried his hardest to sit through the thorough interrogation he got, even though he wanted to slam his fists down on the table and tell her to shut the fuck up. Maybe you were turning him into a better person?
Seeing your bedroom was definitely a shock for Kai. He learnt so much about you by just seeing where you lived. It was definitely different to what he was used to.
“I want to show you something!” You grab onto his big hand and pull him into the direction of where your bed was. Sprawled across its surface, a pastel blue Afghan blanket.
“I made it! It took me almost three days but.. isn’t it beautiful!”
Kai’s eyes widen as you pull the crocheted blanket off the edge of your bed and hold it to your chest. You really were wholesome. The corner of his lips curled up into a small smile just at the glimmer of pride and joy in your eyes.
“And this! It’s called propagation!” Kai stands back as you hold what looked like a sprout of a plant in a test tube of water.
“Looks great baby,” he’d kiss you on the forehead and spend the next hour listening to you explain why you started to crotchet and keep a garden. It wasn’t anything of interest to him, but because you enjoyed it so much, it made him happy. He did learn, though, that one day you wanted to own a big plot of land, so you could have a huge garden and your own animals. He saw himself there with you.
After a few weeks, you’d decided to make Kai his first blanket. For reasons unknown to you, he seemed to really like a unique type of smiley face. It was even the wallpaper on his phone. When you’d asked about it, he brushed it off, saying that he thought it was “cool” and “just a random smiley face”. You thought that it would make for a good blanket.
When you showed up to your next date with a small gift bag, it certainly spiked Kai’s interests.
“What’s that?” He asked, as he leaned down and planted a firm kiss against your soft lips. “Something I made for you,” you answer shyly, your face hot from anticipation. You really wanted him to like it. “You didn’t have to do that sweetheart,” Kai gushes, like the big, soft teddy bear you’d turned him into. “I wanted to! Have a look!” Kai opens the bag and peers inside, his face lighting up into the biggest smile as he pulls out the cobalt-blue blanket.
“Baby… holy shit, this is incredible!” Kai laughs in disbelief as he runs his fingers over the crocheted threads. When Kai notices that the blanket has some red detailing, he sprawls it out across the table, and then his heart sinks.
“Do you like it? Look, it’s the smiley face you like!” You just giggled proudly to yourself as Kai stood frozen. He knew you had no idea what it meant and it reminded him how guilty he felt for keeping it from you. He shook his head quickly to snap out of it, before leaning over to give you a grateful kiss. You were his escape from reality.
“You’re truly amazing and so talented, I love it! Thank you baby.”
Soon Kai would find himself sitting back in a deck chair and watching you as you fussed over the garden on your balcony. Sometimes, he’d even step in to help when you dragged him into it. Gardening isn’t something he ever thought he’d like, but, somehow it was proving to relax his usually racing mind.
“Kai! Our first strawberry!” You’d tug at the strawberry vine, and hold the fruit up proudly between your fingertips. Kai’s cold heart melted just hearing you call it “ours”. You situate yourself in Kai’s lap, holding onto his shoulder with one hand, and feeding him the fresh strawberry with the other. Kai thought it tasted better than any strawberry he’d ever had, purely because you’d grown it.
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You began to wonder why Kai never invited you over to his place. Every time you’d bring it up, just like the smiley face, he’d have some sort of vague excuse.
“My sister is there, she’s always got people over. There just isn’t much privacy.” “Privacy?” You’d ask, staring at him with doe-like eyes, “what do we need that for?”
Kai would distract you from your question for the next 30 minutes by sitting you in his lap, your back pressed against his chest. He knew the best way to keep you from worrying was to make you cum. That, or you might cry.
“Kai?” You voice quivered as Kai gently opened your legs and slid a hand into your shorts. Almost immediately your head would fall back to rest against his shoulder, as the pads of his fingertips toy with your clit from over your panties.
“Do you like when I touch you like that, baby?” He’d ask with his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear. You’d make no attempt at a reply, lost in your own head by his delicate touch. His fingers would eventually pull your panties to the side, and his slick fingers would run from your entrance up to your sensitive bundle of nerves, blissfully back and forth between your folds. Your hips would buckle to chase the pressure building between your legs. Even you had to admit, no one could make you come like Kai could.
You were good at making blankets and clothes and harvesting small gardens, and he was good at pleasuring you. He’d whisper praise in your ear, telling you how proud he was of you, how wet you were for him, and how much of a good girl you were for letting go for him.
Keeping you happy and satisfied was Kai’s way of making up for all the bad things he’d done in the past.
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silv3rswirls · 7 months
Their s/o using their safeword
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Anon asks: what are your thoughts on svt's s/o using their safeword? if its too many members to write, I'd like to request at least the hyung line
Note: Thank you for requesting, I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: 18+ content, sex. Mentions of spanking, degradation, edging, overstimulation, tears, hair pulling, gagging
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He hadn’t meant to go so hard, as far as he thought things were going well until you squirmed uncomfortably over his lap and yelped out your safeword. You sit up, your skin red and stinging, tending as you try to sit down and hiss a bit in pain. Spanking was nothing new to your sex life, but the safeword was. Had his strength gotten away from him? Had it just been too much? Seungcheol is quick to ask if you’re okay, gently rubbing the sore spots and ready to do whatever you need him to. Run you a bath? Let you lean against him and just calm down? He’s very caring and sweet on you, spending the rest of the night pushing his guilt away and caring for you.
He was already in the process and slowing down when he noticed the tears rolling down your face between the dirty talk, and finally when you manage to get your safeword out he’s pulled out and beside you in an instant. He hushes away your apologies, gently rubbing the tears from your cheeks and cradling your face in his hands. His dirty talk could cross into degradation from time to time, but he had let his jealousy get the best of him today and crossed the line. He apologies repeatedly; pressing his forehead against yours, murmuring apologies and sweet words for you. Of course, he didn’t mean it, he assures you. He loves you so much. He gets you cleaned up, and some water to nurse your headache from the crying. 
Normally Joshua was a sweet and giving partner, but every now and again he could be a bit unfair. He’d been edging you for what felt like forever now. Your body twists against the sheets, desperate moans and pants filling the room. He’s settled between your legs, listening to your whines and pressing little kisses against your shaking thighs. But when you managed to get your safeword out between shaky breaths and choked moans he’s tossing the vibrator aside and climbed over you to untie your wrists. He’s very concerned as you hold his hand and begin to calm down. He checks on you and helps you clean up when you're ready. He runs you a bath, sitting with you as you relax in the hot water. He talks sweet to you; asking if he had gone too far with things, if you were really okay, if you wanted anything else, etc.
Jun lives for your moans, every sweet little nose and breath you take. It makes him feel good knowing that you’re enjoying what he’s doing, so when you yelp a bit in pain and squeak out your safeword. He’s worried, asking what happened and if you're okay. In his bliss he had gotten a bit sloppy, thrusting into you at an awkward angle that was just too uncomfortable to keep going. He’s extra worried, even if you’re not. How bad did it hurt? Did it still hurt? What do you need? He’s clinging to you the rest of the night, cheek pressed against your stomach as he checks on you throughout the night, pressing little kisses to your stomach and talking.
He slows down as soon as you muster out the safeword, slowing to a stop rather than abruptly jumping off of you and leaving you with a jarred feeling. You’re thankful, explaining that it had just been too much. Hoshi could go for several rounds, his stamina a blessing and a curse as he pushed orgasm after orgasm out of you. It was just too much this night, too overwhelming as you lay back and catch your breath. He’s quick to fall out of his passion, rubbing your arm and watching over you with knit brows as you come down. He’s very gentle and slow with your aftercare. Cleaning you up, helping you get into some comfy pajamas, offering to get you something to eat.
There had been a weird air between the two of you from the start, but you wanted to make the other happy despite not being in much of a mood. You hadn’t gotten far past foreplay. Wonwoo was dragging lazy kisses over your neck, a hand between your legs as you sat in his lap and leaned into his chest. It all felt good and you liked being so close to him, but you couldn’t shake the weird feeling. You very quietly murmur your safeword in his ear and Wonwoo picks his head up and places both his hands on your thighs. He drags comforting circles against your skin, looking over and checking up on you. He nods in understanding, telling you it's okay and that he doesn’t mind, that he’s glad you said something. He spends the rest of the night laying with you, letting you cuddle up to him and talk about whatever was bothering you, contently playing with your hair.
It had been a while since you and Jihoon had some alone time. He was busy at the studio while you were occupied with your work, but you stopped by the studio during one of his many late nights to catch up and spend some time together. It didn’t take long for things to get heated, making out and heavy touching. Comments about how it had been too long, you both needed the other so bad. You had sunk to your knees, pawing his pants down and quick to take him in your mouth. He had gotten into it, a bit too lost in how good your mouth felt as he dragged a hand through your hair, tugging you down and taking more control. It was fine until he hit too far, leaving you tapping his tight and sputtering out little coughs. He apologizes quickly, feeling a bit guilty like he had let his selfishness get the better of him. Things fizzle off after that, he’s now more interested in letting you rest in his lap, cuddling and making sure you are okay. 
His actions to stop as fast as he can get clumsy when he hears the safeword. He’s frantically asking if you’re okay and what he did wrong. You assured him you had just been feeling some discomfort and needed a break, but he wrote off getting back to business the moment you stopped him. He almost wants to cry at the thought of hurting you, especially in such an intimate way :( He just loves and cares for you so much. He gets you anything you want and need and makes sure you're cleaned up and comfortable. He clings to you the rest of the night, keeping you tight against his body until you drift off the sleep, following not long after you.
He’s so big and strong, intense feeling while he’s doing his thing in bed with you. His fingers may be digging a bit too hard into your soft flesh. His hold on you is unintentionally too tight as he gets lost in the passion of it all. You squirm, finding it hard to focus on him and not the achy feeling. You groan the safeword out, hand around his wrist as he quickly legs go and pulls away. Mingyu asks if you’re okay a dozen times; apologizing for not realizing how rough he had gotten with you. He massages the sore spots gently, taking extra care and attention to your body as you clean up and get changed. He’s putty in your hands for the rest of the night, cuddling you however you want, getting up for anything you need.
The way you seemed disconnected from sex that night was already pushing him toward stopping, but when you weakly utter the safeword his hands are off of you. He frowns, sitting beside you. Tilting his head and looking over your frown and furrowed brows. He asks what's wrong, what's going on in that cute little head of yours. He brushes his fingers through your hair, listening closely as you vent about all the things leaving you stuck in your head. He draws a bath for you and lets you relax as he cleans up and changes the sheets. He’s gentle all night, making sure you’re tucked in and comfy, letting you talk about anything you need to, and listening earnestly, talking you through your complicated feelings and trying to be as comfortable for you all night.
You’re on top of him, but with every moment that passes, you can feel your body growing heavier, your eyes struggling to stay focused on Seungkwan. You prop yourself against his chest, your head dipping down as you apologize and simply tell him you can’t anymore, and that you need to stop for the night. He sits up, helping you lie down and relax. You look exhausted. Seungkwan won't entertain any apologies you try to give him. He cleans you up, gets you one of his shirts to wear, and tells you not to worry, to just relax and let your body rest. 
It leaves him with little goosebumps on his skin when you give him the safeword. He stops right away, pulls away, and checks on you. He’s observant, making sure you’re not hurting anywhere. When you reach your arms out for him he obliges, leaning down and letting you lock your arms around his shoulders and pull him down to hug. He stays there with you until you let him go, letting him get up to start cleaning up. Vernon gets you something to drink and a snack, sitting up with you and watching over as you pick at your food, comfortably leaning against the headboard with him. He’s attentive, but not suffocatingly so. Whatever you want from him you’ll get.
He’s confused at first, a bit shaken up when you get the safeword out between pants and moans. He stops in his tracks, asking what’s wrong, what you need him to do. He’s worried he’s hurt you in some way or pushed you too far. Chan’s disinterested in sex now, solely wanting to make sure you’re alright. He slowly ushers you out of bed when you’re ready, cleaning everything up for you while you get dressed. He massages your body and any sore spots. Makes you drink a glass of water. He asks exactly what went wrong so it doesn’t happen again. He talks to you, letting a movie play in the background as he holds and presses small kisses to your hand.
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feninina · 9 months
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𝐣𝐨𝐛 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 ༉‧₊˚.⁀➷
𝘁𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘆 𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗯𝘆 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿.
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: desperately, you come to tommy shelby for help, hoping he would lend you a job that could finally free you from your sorrow, not knowing he had other things in mind.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: SMUT (minors dni!!!), heavy dubcon, mentions of sickness and death, poverty and slight angst. gunfucking, oral, implied dacryphilia, cheating, oral (f receiving), hair pulling, spitting.
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 3.6K words.
𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿’𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: hi!! i was gone for a very long time but now i’m finally back, yayyy!! 😁 hope y’all enjoy this little thing i wrote, lmk if there’s a mistake, it’s always good to receive some feedback.
smut under the cut
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It was a lovely afternoon outside, the sun bathed the streets of Birmingham with a warm shine, the birds chirped on the trees and the children played outside their classrooms. You wished nothing more but to be there, sitting between the flowers watching your students run and chase each other, listening to the sweets laughs that came out of their throats with every step they took, but instead, you were there, sitting in front of Thomas Shelby, and those, were no longer your students.
"Someone's here to see you" Lizzie Shelby announced to his husband moments prior, who was focused in the papers on his desk, not raising his eyes to meet his wife on the door of his office.
"Who?" he asked sharply, more interested on the work he was doing in that moment than any potential visitor.
Lizzie accustomed to his unwavering dedication to business, sighed softly as she stepped into the room, exposing you to his sight, standing timidly behind her, waiting for Tommy's approval to go inside. "It's your son's teacher"
Thomas Shelby finally tore his gaze away from the papers, a mixture of surprise and curiosity flickering through his eyes. "Yeah? Bring her in," he replied, setting aside his work momentarily, intrigued by the unexpected reunion.
Lizzie nodded before giving you an unenthusiastic look, gesturing you to go inside. You complied, smiling awkwardly at her and starting to walk towards the desk of the imposing man in front of you, who's only presence made you feel weak at the knees.
He stood, offering you his hand to take, stretching it with such a formality that made you regret coming here, to ask what you were about to ask.
"Miss" he said, clearly not even remembering your name. His tone was calm, but a hint of curiosity sounded clear in your ears as he spoke. "Is my son giving you trouble?"
Your fingers were trapped inside his large palm and your tumb brushed against his knuckles, making you sense how rough his hands actually were. The smell of smoke filled your nose and your mouth parted slitghly, not losing the sight of his mesmerizing blue eyes as your soft skin met his, a soft sigh coming out of your lips.
"No, sir" you said, your voice breathy as embarrassment ran through your whole body, you put your hands together in front of your legs as he let go of it, the feeling of his calloused skin lingering on yours. "Charles is an amazing student"
He sat again, gesturing for you to do the same, he knitted his eyebrows for a second, his silence feeling everlasting in your buzzing ears. You felt your whole face burn in anticipation, a knot in your stomach building since the moment your brain came up with this little twisted idea.
"Is he?" he asked with a light chuckle, lighting up a cigarette, you nodded. Once you were sitting, you crossed your legs so the shaking was less evident, putting your lips into a fine line when Tommy continued speaking. "Because I don't think you only came here to tell me what a great student my son is. Did you?"
Smoke came out of his velour lips along with his words, the grey cylindrical cloud making its way up to the ceiling and forming a faint curtain that enveloped the both of you. Still, even between the smoke that enveloped him, you could still feel his eyes burning holes through your skin, making you throw your head down, your gaze glued on your fidgeting hands that rested on your trembling lap.
"Actually, Mr. Shelby" you stuttered, raising your eyes for a moment to meet his stoic face. God, you felt pathetic. "I- I'm not Charles' teacher. Not anymore"
"Yeah?" he said, licking his lips. "What are you doing here, then?" his tone was plane, a little intimidating in your ears, and you were so nervous, that you didn't notice the amusement behind it. Him? He was having a blast. A little young beautiful thing like you sitting on his office, practically entering the wolves mouth by your own will.
You could feel the humiliation flow through your body as you tried to come up with a way to tell him what you needed— to do that beyond your beliefs request that you were there to do. And you stayed quiet, lost in your own thoughts, trying to come up with an idea to speak your mind.
You were desperate, you truly were.
Last week, your sister fell sick, and for her bad look, your family was poor. Starting with your already struggling parents and adding your low wage job to that, she would be death within the span of two months or less. You adored teaching, every little part of it, and the little payment wasn't really a problem to you, but that was before your sister contracted the fever.
Now, the bills were too much to handle, and your poor and elderly parents expected something out of you, to maybe ask for a little extra payment at the school, but you knew that wasn't possible, they barely payed you the minimum. But going against your instincts, you did as you were told, and asked for a raise, or, maybe an advanced payment— the only thing they gave you was a nice and simple "Clear up your desk".
It's an euphemism to say that your parents were disappointed. They supported you during the course of your teaching career because they held hope for you to marry a wealthy man, who would help you to support your family with their expenses, but that was very far away from reality.
It was unrealistic, to run into a man's arms just to save your penurious family from a dying child. You could do it, jump in with both feet into a marriage with no love just for the economical part, but what man, in his right mind, would marry a malnourished and poor woman like you? You weren't even that beautiful in your own eyes.
You were lost in your own thoughts, playing with your silk handkerchief between your fingers looking down at your lap. It was silly, even considering coming here, but this was your best choice.
Not the last— you could be a hostess, you could swipe floors and wash clothes, maybe even beg for your old job back, but you know that it won't pay the bills, it won't save your sister, but this? Oh yeah, this will.
You knew about the Peaky Blinders, everyone on Birmingham knew about them, and last year, you had the luck to teach the child of the one and only, Thomas Shelby. Charles was a well-behaved kid, it surprised you, to be honest, knowing the reputation attached to his last name you thought it would be a nightmare to have him in your classroom, but Charles was sweet, polite.
But beyond his good manners and perfect grades; you noticed, his shinning shoes. His fancy clothes. The endless talks he starred to the other kids about his father horses and his big house.
And you always despised the Shelbys, they were criminals, evil people. You were just another permanent victim of their damage to Birmingham, that's what you considered yourself and the other folks like you. It was just a logical thing; they profited by destroying the city, the city that you barely afforded to live in.
But now you wanted to be a part of them, because you knew that it could be the only way to save your sister. And you begged to god that Thomas Shelby would take pity on you and maybe hire you to at least wipe his floors.
You'll do anything.
"So," he said again, snapping you out of your intern turmoil "what are you doing here, ey? Wasting my time?"
You took a sharp breath, looking at him with those big, teary eyes that made him wish to jump to the other side of the desk and tear you apart, a big sigh leaving his lips at the delicious thought of laying his hands on your tender skin, that shinned like gold in his sight, to touch and mold it to his will.
But he stayed there, waiting for you to speak as he watched with that unsettling stare of his that made you wish you never came here in the first place as you opened your mouth and closed it again, trying to find a way to say— to ask what you came here to ask.
"I know that the pay here is good" you started, your body covered in a cold shiver that ran down your spine as you spoke. "And I really need the money-”
Your words came out rushed, your tongue pushing them our of your mouth before you could think twice about it, urging you to say them before the man in front of you would lose his patience and kick you out of his office.
But he didn’t speak, amused, looking you through the smoke of his cigarette, the corners of his lips twisting into a minacious smile, the way you struggled to talk, to look at his eyes, it all entertained him.
He was thinking, very carefully, about what to do with you. You were being ridiculous, of course, he had to suppress a laugh when he realized what you wanted, and if you were any other person you would be out of his office whitin the blink of an eye. But he was trying to decide what to do with you.
You were a lucky woman, he thought. Because, luckily for you, he was more focused on the way your dress hugged your body in all the right places, the bright red color of your cheeks and those eyes full of tears— Luckily for you, he meant no harm, but his thoughts weren’t exactly good ones.
“I want a job” You finally admitted, his silence only encouraged you to keep speaking, sighing heavily and feeling the urge to explain yourself to him, but he quickly cut you off the moment you opened your mouth to tell your tragic little story.
“I’m not hiring” his voice startled you, and that only sentence felt like a slap on the face. “And if I was, what can you do for me, ey?”
You finally broke down, tears falling down from your eyes as you couldn’t answer that, shaking your head and mouthing a little ‘I don’t know’, your voice coming out as a soft whimper, music to his ears.
“I really need the money, mr. Shelby-”
“We all need it, don’t we?” he said, putting out his cigarette as he leaned in, resting his arms on the desk, trying to get a clear view of you. “But do you know what we do, honey? Can you kill a man? Are you good with numbers?”
“I- I am” you pathetically tried to answer his second question, but he laughed at you, coldly. “I was a teacher- I can-”
“Nah, that’s not enough” he said, pursing his lips. He then reached for something in hip, making your blood run cold as you registered his movements and your brain understood what he was looking for.
When you saw it in his hands, tho, you nearly got up from the chair and ran away, but your legs were so shaky, that you just looked at him with pure terror, not knowing what was going to happen.
“Do you know how to handle one of these?” He asked roughly, putting the gun on the desk and you felt a deep sense of relief going down your body, but still, you were scared. You shook your head, unable to say any words.
“So, you came here to waste my time, after all” he snarked, leaning back on his chair with a cocky grin, making you shiver. You should have ran away from that room several minutes ago, but for some reason, you felt like he was luring you in into something you didn’t know about.
“I don’t want to waste your time, mr. Shelby, my sister, she’s sick-” your pleas felt like honey to his ears, and he couldn’t help but lift himself up from his seat and walk towards you, rounding the desk and grabbing the gun in the way.
“You came to me to help your sister” he repeated, like he was trying to understand your reasons, nodding as he stood there, besides you. You looked up to him timidly, bitting your lip. You wanted to notice about anything else than the silver weapon in his hand, but you couldn’t, your eyes were glued to it. “That’s a good girl”
You knitted your eyebrows at the shift of his tone of voice, the fear now twisting your stomach, and you couldn’t help the way you grimaced when he brushed his free hand through your hair, which made you look at him with a hint of curiosity, your venison eyes not leaving his face.
How clueless you were.
“I can help you” he told you, his caress suddenly turning into a strong grip on your hair, yanking it so you stood up in front of him, making you yelp in surprise. “But you’ll have to help me, too”
Suddenly, your whole body ran cold as you felt the cold metal of his gun trail along your thighs, a gasp leaving your lips as panic filled all of your senses, more tears gathering around your eyes.
Tommy groaned at the sight, dragging the pistol upwards, sneaking it inside of your dress and in between your legs, the sensation of the weapon resting right outside of your mound making your knees fail you, but lucky for you, his strong grip on your hair kept you steady.
“Mr. Shelby…” you pleaded, closing your eyes when he started to move the gun in a circular motion, making your mouth betray you and slip out a pretty moan, that made Tommy’s pants grow tight on him.
“You see, that lady out there, it’s my wife” he explained, making you open your eyes while you tried to understand him, the way he brushed your clit with every quick movement of the gun between your legs making your brain send waves of fear and pleasure through your body. “She doesn’t satisfy me, not anymore”
You nodded, your agape mouth liberating soft gasps for him to hear everytime he pressed the blade further against your cunt. You wished nothing more than to him to pull it away, but at the same time, you wanted to beg him to keep doing whatever he was doing.
You could feel your panties get stickier by the second, your wetness flowing out of your pussy with every passing second, and you breathed heavily, not sure of what to do.
“I’ll pay you a generous salary to do that” and with that, you nodded even more feverishly, the idea making you feel repulsed, but something about the way he touched you and talked to you made your insides pulse. “And I’ll use you as I please, got it?”
Tommy smiled, moving your panties to the side and running the barrel up and down through your folds, making your heart run in circles on your chest, but you swallowed the fear, something about him having total control of you now made you feel even more attracted to him.
“I do, mr. Shelby” you chocked out, bitting your lip when he pushed the barrel inside of your slick hole, your hands coming to wrap themselves around his arms when you felt the weapon stretch your pussy out, closing your eyes in pure bliss.
With a dry chuckle from him, he started pumping in and out the gun from your cunt, and you mouth hanged open as you tried to find some kind of steadiness by grabbing his arms. He noticed the gun get slippery by how wet you were, and his eyes were fixed on how your nipples were showing through the fabric of your pretty dress.
A loud click from the gun made you open your eyes, but that didn’t stop the way your hips jerked against his relentlessly movements, the fear mixing with the pure pleasure you felt— and he, with those cold, blue eyes of his examining you, had you right there where he wanted you from the moment he saw those big and hot tears leave those eyes of yours. At his full and complete mercy. For him to use and abuse.
“You like this, don’t you?” he murmured, working the gun even faster, sensing how agitated he had you, the sight of you being completely lost at the feeling making him laugh a little. “You are a good little whore”
You nodded, your hands traveling to his shoulders as you had spread your legs even further, begging for him to not stop, the sound of your whimpers fulfilling him, doing unspeakable things to Tommy that you didn’t even imagine, but you would find out any time soon.
“You are, yeah?” he continued, and then you thought he would go easier, he trusted the gun more aggressively, making sinful sounds that made you blush at how wet you were, and then he leaned down, yanking your hair harder than before when he clashed his lips with yours.
You moaned into the kiss, letting him move his lips against your open mouth, your tongues dancing with each other at the rhythm of the forbidden song your body played everytime the gun entered and slipped outside of you, making your way through your orgasm.
His lips were soft against yours, his teeth making the slightest contact with your lower lip, the way he kissed you so tenderly made your stomach twist even more, pressing your eyes shut as you could feel your insides twitch and squeeze against the gun.
When he pulled away, you looked for his lips again only to find a teasing smile from him in return, one that made you feel tiny in his arms. And when you were about to beg for more, he pushed the barrel even deeper, only a moan coming out of your lips.
“Your body will be only mine to use” he whispered against your mouth, and by how hard he was pulling your hair, you feared that he would rip it out of your scalp. “You’re my property now, do you understand?”
You nodded, not wanting him to stop, your tongue pocking out of your mouth by how much you were moaning, a sigh of relief leaving your when his hand freed your hair, only to grip your jaw, keeping your mouth open. You knitted your eyebrows in confusion, one that was erased away when you felt his cold saliva on your tongue after he spited on it, closing your mouth with his hand to make you swallow it.
“Such a pretty girl” he whispered, moving the weapon even faster, fucking you mercilessly with it. “Going to come? Cream my gun?”
You nodded, moaning desperately as you could feel your climax approaching, pressing your body against his when you knew that your orgasm was close, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as he pulled you by the arm and bent you over the desk, pushing your dress out of the way as he kneeled over, admiring the way your pussy sucked the barrel of the gun so heavenly, switching the angle so suddenly that it made you see stars.
“So good, you’re doing so good” he moaned out, spreading your folds with his other hand to have a more clear view of your swollen cunt, bitting his lip at how soaked it was, his mouth practically watering at the sight.
“Mr. Shelby” you moaned, closing your eyes as you could feel drool dripping from your mouth, wetting the papers he had on his desk. “Mr. Shelby, I’m close”
He smiled, licking his lips as he leaned in, his hand still fucking you with the gun in a pace that made you shake, shiver and scream. He was rough, unforgiving and brisk with his movements, so it surprised you when you felt the tenderness of his lips suck so gently on your pulsating and unattended clit.
The moan that left your lips was so loud, that you would hear surprised if Lizzie Shelby hadn’t heard you on the outsides of the office by now. And you couldn’t care, because with Tommy doing God’s work on your pussy like that, even if your sister died now, you wouldn’t give a fuck.
You arched your back against his face, moving your hips erratically against the gun, feeling your orgasm finally unleash and hit you with an animalistic force, painting his gun white as you soaked up his face, and he drank it all, thirsty for you.
“Oh, God” you mewled, bitting your lip, never feeling something so intense before. He let go of your clit with a loud sound of his lips, chuckling when he heard you.
He shook his head, helping you ride out your orgasm, moving the gun more slowly before finally pulling it out. He was going to take good care of you, and you felt relieved; he was going to save your sister, and also, fuck you so good.
“Don’t call for him, sweetheart” he said, and you looked up at him in confusion from your position in the desk. Your heart sinked in your chest while your stomach churned with excitement when he put the gun beside you on the desk and began to unbuckle his belt. “God won’t hear you here, only I will”
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thanks for reading, w/ love, fenina 😌
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margaretoakgrove · 1 year
Taking care of Heisenberg
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If once you decide to open an old huge dictionary and find the word ''workaholic'' within this book, i bet the name of this handsome man certainly will be its definition.
It is just incredible that each day Heisenberg finds so many hours to build his metal army of mechanical undead soldiers and, unfortunately, such a small amount of time for taking care of himself.
The lord tends to put his own self-care and state of health aside, but you, on the very contrary, put them on the first place along with yours.
Actually, it will be fair enough to say, that you enjoy taking care of your loved one, and the undeniable fact that you are able to make his life easier and better turns you into one of the happiest people in the world.
Heisenberg is definitely a man of a good appetite, but in spite of that he prefers a simple food over rare exquisite dishes. Therefore if you just cook a fried meat with boiled potatoes and a simple vegetable salad, be doubtlessly sure that your pretty hands will be covered with little kisses of his endless gratitude.
Oftentimes, the old worn clothes of the lord become dirty and damaged as he usually works with motor oil and different metal scraps with rather sharp edges, but you are always ready to remove any oil stain from his trousers and sew up every hole in his shirt.
One needs to mention that your loved one's work is not only physically hard, but it's also hazardous, and, at times, sharp tools, metal scraps or even his own creation that, all of a sudden, went totally crazy can injure him. After such unpleasant situations you carefully patch his bleeding wounds up, and Karl, seeing a concerned look on your face, every time gives you a reassuring smile and tells that you shouldn't be so worried because of just another scratch. (Well yeah, just another scratch which, in the afterwards, turns into another deep scar.)
As Heisenberg strictly forbids you to wander the lowest levels of the factory completely all alone, warning that it's super dangerous, you cannot go down there and check on him when he burns the midnight oil, creating one more addition to his army.
But when the lord sits in his workshop on the highest and safest floor of the building, designing and improving scatches or writing down important notes, you always bring him a healthy snack and a mug of aromatic strong coffee even in the middle of the night which is not a problem for you at all.
When your loved one, after working hard during all day almost in nonstop regime, tirely flops down on your shared cozy bed, you don't ever mind to provide him with a wonderfully relaxing massage. The caring hands of yours slowly and gently rub his weary neck and shoulders, and Karl doesn't even try to hold slight moans of an absolute pleasure, letting you understand like this how unbelievably good you make him feel.
By the havoc which practically daily happens in his life Heisenberg, rather often, feels very stressed out, and you perfectely know that at these gloomy days of his Karl needs the comfort of your company more than usual. You caringly offer him to drink a nice cup of hot relaxing herbal infusion and take a slow walk on the fresh air somewhere in the woods, trying to speak on positive themes in the process of your little trip, at the same time listening to the calming ambient sounds of the nature.
In winter you are especially worried about the health state of your dearest man, noticing that despite a cold weather he is quite lightly dressed, and his neck is perpetually open to the strong gusts of freezing northern and western winds. Does one need to say how surprised the lord was when you timidly gifted him a simply-looking yet so soft and warm scarf knitted with your own golden hands? No, the man wasn't just pleasantly surprised, he was baffled, even shocked by this gesture because literally nobody in his entire life has ever done such a nice thing for him.
Having the new accessory wrapped around his neck (which fits him well, by the way), Karl attends special occasions by the name of family meetings where he with a smug-ass smile on his face lively brags to the siblings (especially to Lady D) about what a kind, caring and attentive person his precious darling really is, unlike someone's annoyingly buzzing bloodthirsty bugs.
Heisenberg is sure as hell that he will never be grateful enough to you for everything you do for him every single day, understanding very well that without your divine presence in his life he would never ever feel so truly loved and cared for.
But the lord does not even imagine that the short sincere ''thank you, Buttercup'' of his makes you melt like a sweet sugar cube in a hot fragrant tea.
And each new day you are willing to keep tirelessly surrounding him with your priceless love and tender care because this so close to your heart man means the world for you and, surely, even more.
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jaylleoo14 · 10 months
Thinking of a punk Floyd and cottage core Jade, and sometimes they would switch styles to throw people off >:3 (Also can we please ignore that Floyd literally has so much drabbles-) Look, if you've read my DNI already you should be familiar that I do like more of these darker and toxic topics/tropes in fiction. But I was thinking of a bullying one where the tweels try and make you more dependent on the other so they could trap you ukno? Now personally, sometimes I dont think i’m too big on like the bulliedxbully but LIKE AHHHHHHHHHHH omgomgomgomogmg the brain is ROTTING!!! Punk Floyd bullying you into having you to rely on Jade and Jade cooing you with sweet words as he comforts you, only to bring you back to Punk Floyd. Or Cottage Core Jade manipulating a situation or spreading some false rumors about you to have you get into a fight, only for Floyd to be around and save you from the situation. And its just the same repetitive process till you slowly break and become theirs.
The only way to have Floyd become nicer to you is to start hanging out with him more. But you dont want to hang with him, I mean, who'd want to hang out with their bully am I right? Though Jade's piercing words make you reconsider because he isn't going to be there to comfort you forever. You might as well be on better terms with him. So you do. You try to fearfully make an effort to get along with Floyd, and surprisingly why is he a lot nicer than before? Yea sure he still teases you and treats you a little roughly but he acts a bit more tender than before and much more mindful. Around this time though you begin to become wary of Jade. Sometimes you seek refuge in Floyds arms because of the things Jade tends to say, and with these two scary guys hanging around constantly, you seem to get more isolated from your friends. Jades work behind the scenes to spread some little "words' ' towards your friends and every time you come back to hang out and talk with them they inch away further. Their faces are shown with a mix of fear or discomfort. And you know this is Jades doing because he's always there when you turn around. He knows you know. But could you honestly blame them? They just love you so much! They want you to themselves, and yes they have shared nasty fights about it but the results came in and lord and behold. It's on a positive note that they will be sharing you. Maybe not so positive for you, but very delightful for them. They just love that fearful look in your face, the frustrated tones in your voice, and how adorable and cute you look overall. Not only that but Floyd loves it when he cages his arms around you whenever he teases/roughly plays around with you. And Jade loves it when you go to him, burying your tear filled face into his chest or shoulders from the aftermath of Floyds bullying. I can imagine Floyd getting all whiny a little after as he comes over seeing you hugging Jade trying to seek some sort of comfort and that satisfied look on his face. Jades brushing your hair as you continue to cry in his wool knitted sweater and now Floyds is just irritated. He's coming over and pulling you off of Jade in such a forceful manner that it catches you to stop crying for a moment. He's holding you close to himself and slightly aggressively patting your back like one would to calm down a baby, positioning you on his lap for a more comfortable hold. "Ahhhhh jeez stop huggin' Jade like that. Here, look, I'm sorry okay? Shhhhh just be quiet now." His hold on you is tight, as if wanting you to just let him do this. Like he's always done. Though it doesnt exactly help with your tears. "Oh look, you're making them even more scared fufufu." God you hate this. The way you have no one else to turn to other than Jade and Floyd, but when Floyds around you cant help but hide yourself from Jade when he makes you feel a sort of humiliation. "Hm? Now lookit' here Jade, you're makin them all shy." Floyd brings his free hand to your head, pushing it down gently to the nook of neck with your stifled tears. "Shy" was the wrong word to describe it, but he knew that he was just underplaying it. "They're shaking," Floyd remarks. "It seems so. Is something wrong (y/n)?"
The audacity... THE AUDACITY OF HIM ASKING THAT! You have to be around them, its either one or the other. Because whenever you're not, they ensure that something happens just so you could go back to them once again. "Here, why dont you come into my arms (y/n)? I'll comfort you better like i've always done." Jades extending his arms out to grab a hold of you but Floyds tugging you away. "You've already got enough time with them, its my turn to have shrimpy to myself." You can only stiffen yourself a bit in his hold, continuing to just let yourself sit on his lap as you lay your head on his shoulders. Nothing but sniffles as you try and calm down. Jade is deeply displeased with this, a darker look shadowing over his face. “Oh? I’m pretty sure I was talking with (y/n). You should learn when to know who's talking to who Floyd.” You can feel a fight brewing up, slighting clenching your hand onto Floyds fishnets over his black shirt. “I dont give a fuck, shrimpy’s mine. Piss off.” 
Floyds beginning to get into a nasty mood himself, and Jade is starting to also get heavily irritated with you being in Floyds arms instead of his. Though with a slightly strained smile but dark glinted eyes, Jade speaks in a low tone. “Yours? We agreed to share, and they certainly dont look comfortable-” 
But before Jade could finish his sentence Floyd goes in and kisses your wet cheeks, his black lipstick smeared and now planted and marked on your wet cheeks. “Too late~” You were definitely caught off guard by this, a slight gasp squeezing out of you. And with that, Jade snaps. He’s pulling Floyds head back with the most viscous strength and Floyd lets go of you. You fall off of his lap so suddenly and so abashedly. Now on the floor, your eyes still being red and puffy, your cheeks being a tad bit moist from the leftover streaks of tears, and now a black kiss mark, you watch as the two brothers start to go all out on each other. Floyds going in for nasty punches and Jades pinning him down. Jade’s jealous. Ohhhh so jealous. Not once was he able to give you a kiss, but Floyd has? Not only that but he got to leave a mark of the kiss as well. Things are starting to get bloodied between the two with their completely enraged fistfight, throwing each other around and taking in powerhouse swings of kicks. The sheer monstrosities these two are, it only makes you wonder what else they are capable of. “S-Stop it!” You’re not quite sure why, but you felt the need to do something about this. If you just left, well it isn't that hard to make you come running back once things have calmed down. And just as intended, they stop mid-fight and turn to look at you. Floyds black eyeshadow and black lipstick are all smudged, his face bruised and scraped. Jade shares a similar look, his hair no longer neat and more ragged looking. Parts of their clothes are ripped and torn, Jade's fist is raised in the air as the other is clenched at the collar of Floyds shirt. Floyd has his foot dug into Jade's side, a hand on his neck and his hand clenched into a fist stopping mid air. 
Shit, all you wanted to do was have them stop. But you never actually thought of what to do. You sat there on the floor, still shaken up by witnessing their short but brutal fight. And Jades the first to speak. “Ah, look how shooken up they are. Apologies, I didn't mean to show you such a perturbing sight of me.” Both Jades and Floyds grip on one another loosen up and they both look over at each other. And despite their beaten faces, without needing to speak another word it was like they both knew what to do with those unsettling big grins of theirs. “Ahhh I’m in so much pain because of Jade. He’s such a big meanie you know?” 
“I find that hard to believe when I have all these bruises on me.” They both come back over to you, eerily crawling over. Another wave of fear is ushered out from your throat and you scoot yourself back, only for the both of them to lunge forward and grab your ankles to pull you towards them. “Hmm what's this? Are you trying to run away from us?” 
“Yea, after all that fighting for you Shrimpy you want to run away?”
“You are the reason we fought.” 
“Its only fair you settle it considering you were the one that started it~”
“W-what? I didn’t-” They both tug you down against them further, each one on your side. They wrap their arms so possessively around you and despite just having a fight, they seem to be having a more gentle approach towards you. “Hmmmm though It’s still unfair if Floyd gets to leave his lipstick on you, it bothers me. I want to leave something on you too…” His sudden low voice tickles your ear and you dont really know how to react to this situation. But your hearts beating a bit faster now, and they both seem to know what it is they were doing. “Hey hey shrimpy look at me,” with your head turned over to look at Floyd like he asks, he lets out a satisfied smirk sprawled onto his beaten and makeup smudged face. Jade on the other side goes into gently peppering kisses into your neck and slowly digging his teeth in, taking advantage of the open chance given from Floyd. You react strongly, and to ensure you stay in place they ensure to hold you more firmly. “Just a little nibble. Just a small one. I dont have lipstick on so I had to take other measures, apologies (y/n) fufu” They’ve never made such big romantical advancements like this before, if you can call it romance. If so, then it’d be a very very messed up version of one. But in their arms like this, it felt so comforting. Why have you only been in one's arms when you could have been in both? This has just been so exhausting, and with somewhat mixed feelings despite all that had happened, you go in and kiss Jade on the head. “WHAT?! THAT'S SO UNFAIR!!!” Quickly, you go over to kiss Floyd on the forehead too and he’s quickly more pleased, a pout still forming on his face however since you didn’t pick him to kiss first. Tired. That's all that you are right now. And to just please them, you indulge yourself to them as well. And with the three of you tired, you just lay on the floor with you starting to doze off. And Jade and Floyd start to become content snuggling themselves next to your sides. What reason was there to bully you when you’ve already accepted the situation now, you were theirs, and they’ll make sure everyone knows that. Starting with you. 
Hehehehehe I love the tweels >:3 i wouldn’t mind if Floyds lipstick was smudged on my cheek hehehe ^w^ (Or sandwiched in between them) I mean why pick one when you can have both! Indulging in myself because I deserve it🤞🤞
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
the fandom has felt kinda quiet to me for a few days now (which might totally be my fault i dont think im using this app correctly) and i kinda feel like im standing with a group of people where everyones done talking and no one know what to say next so im gonna do what i do then too: Yap ‼️ (its my one talent)
if you’d like to yap with me feel free to hop in my ask box and say whatever you like, headcanons, theories, whatever, but for now here are some random little headcanons I have:
(disclaimer: my apologies for weird spelling errors or oddly autocorrected words im dyslexic lmao)
- Wild loves to do fun things with his hair! He loves braiding it up in new styles or putting pretty things in it or buying fun clips to keep it out of his face. Sometimes one of the others with shorter hair who can’t do their own fun hairstyles will ask Wild if they can do his, and he almost always says yes
- Legend is the most likely to buy little gifts for the others. He’s not as likely as the others to verbally say he cares, and he can come off as a bit standoffish, but he really does love the others and gifting them little things is how he shows it. He bought Sky a beautiful new carving knife once, he loves giving Wild earrings (and Wild is not above just poking new holes in his ears so he can wear more of them at once), he gave Warriors a new journal one time, etc.
- Four is a HUGE fan of rain at night. He loves the sound it makes on roofs, it’s calming to him. It’s less fun when he’s sleeping outside, but he just loves the sounds and smells of rain. Warriors does too, and the two of them have sat out in the rain together silently, just enjoying each other’s company
- Twilight loves the occasional pet as Wolfie, as long as the others still hold the same respect for his physical space they do when he’s a hylian. He loves hugs, he loves the occasional pet, and he loves bonking the top of his head into the backs of Warriors’s legs to trip him before he innocently runs off to Time and acts like he’s done nothing wrong in his life ever
- Sky wakes up every day and chooses peace. He chooses kindness and love, and he seems so very calm and sweet on the outside, but if someone dares to lay a finger on someone he cares about he will explode and there will be serious consequences. He’s genuinely a very loving person, but he does have a side of him that’s just full of rage that he occasionally unleashes on monsters that deserve it. He one time let a sliver of that anger loose at a monster that knocked Wild unconscious and the others stood their with their jaws open, and then of course Sky turned back around after he calmed himself down and looked at them all like “:3”
- Hyrule cuts his own hair and because it has a good amount of curl to it, it ends up looking fluffy and it’s hard to see exactly how uneven it is. When Legend found him just trimming his hair in the dark with a knife he was like “what the fuck” and ever since he’s at least tried to help Hyrule make his hair a LITTLE more even (its still an absolute mess, but it looks fine on him)
- Wind gets under stimulated a LOT, it’s hard for him to just stay in one place or walk super slow or not be doing something with his hands, so Warriors taught him how to finger knit so he can do that while he walks as a sort of mindless activity. He doesn’t really make anything in particular, and he ends up unraveling it at the end of the day so he can keep reusing the same ball of yarn, but it helps him stay with the group and it gives him something to do as they walk
- Time is the biggest prankster of the group and he gets away with it every single time, and Wind, Wild, and Hyrule often end up taking the blame for it. The only ones who know it’s really him are Warriors (though he never actually catches him in the act, he just knows) and Twilight, who’s seen him do it several times and had to swear his silence. He’s too scared that Time will be disappointed in him if he reveals who the true prankster is, but he does feel genuinely bad every time someone else gets yelled at for one of Time’s dumbass pranks. On their last day together Time does reveal it was him all along, and then he literally leaves and disappears before the others have a chance to yell at him for it. When he arrives at the ranch alone with tears in his eyes, laughing his ass off, Malon somehow knows EXACTLY what just happened
- Warriors is usually the one who helps mend the other heroes’s clothes. They all have SOME ability to sew (some of them are better than others, like Wild and Legend, and some of them refuse to fix the holes in their clothes until it gets so bad there’s no fixing it and they literally just have to buy another tunic, *cough* Wind), but more often than not Warriors gets asked to do it, and he does it gladly. He does a wonderful job every time, and sometimes he gets to embroider little patterns, which is a lot of fun for him. When he gets bored he’ll just do that on his own spare tunics
again feel free to come talk to me in my asks or add ur own headcanons to this post :) i like to yap and i’ll gladly yap with you if you send me things
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lostinwildflowers · 2 years
Iced Tea Kisses
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader
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Summary: Rooster and you have known each other for a long time and he casually asks you on a date after being platonic friends for years. 
Word Count: 1.5K
Warnings: Fluff, very very very slight angst if you squint, just two goofballs in love
A/N: This is my first time writing for Rooster, so hopefully I did him good! I'd love to hear feedback because I've got a couple of other Rooster ideas in my drafts!!! Please enjoy!! -Birch<3
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It was an unusually calm night outside of the Hard Deck. Yes, it was the middle of summer and the sun was blistering hot, but with a decent amount of cloud cover and the ocean spray catching the wind, it was a peaceful day.
The regular crowd was gone for the weekend, the chance to go see their families giving them the opportunity to get out of dodge in the blink of an eye.
But you were a local, and you enjoyed spending time outside of the naval bar, reading down by the water as the sun set over it. You were friends with some of the naval aviators, specifically long-term best friends with none other than Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw.
After his father had passed away when he was young, Carole had him transfer schools, where Rooster met you and you became his best friend almost immediately.
Over the years, the two of you formed a very close and tight-knit friendship, as you were one of the only people Rooster had after his mom passed away. Thus, when everyone left town, the two of you stayed behind and hung out.
The sun had just started to set, and even with your shades fighting off the bright rays as you tried to read, you still had to squint at the pages to follow along with your book.
Next to you, Rooster was fiddling with the small cooler of drinks he'd managed to snag from Penny at the bar, reaching for iced tea to try to cool himself down.
Rooster, being himself, donned what most would call the ugliest shirt known to man, the bright reddish pink and yellow flowers splattered all over the green base of the Hawaiian shirt. The shirt was completely unbuttoned, exposing his abs and muscular pecs.
You did your best to focus on your book because while you weren't blind and you knew your best friend was hot, you'd seen him shirtless plenty of times over the years.
You could hear Rooster fumbling with the ice in the cooler, and blinking away from your book, you ask, "You need help over there?"
A small chuckle is your only response, and the sound of ice crashing before Rooster turns to you with a wide smile makes close your book and look at him.
"Iced tea?" he asks, offering the drink to you as his aviators slid down the bridge of his nose. You smile back at him and say, "Only if you didn't break my glass of lemonade for later."
Rooster's smile drops and he tugs the drink back toward his bare chest, the sides of his shirt gently flowing in the wind. "Ooo, might need to get a rain check then, you see, I had to put it out of its misery for trying to steal my iced tea."
A snort falls from your lips as you set your book down and face him, an eyebrow quirked at him as you quip, "You had to put it out of its misery? Did it try to attack you or something?"
Rooster shifts his weight forward, and looking over the brim of his glasses he whispers, "It did. You missed it, but it tried to cut off my right hand, so I did the only thing I could do."
At the same time, you both say, "Fight back." A moment of silence passes between the two of you before you both erupt in booming laughter, your hand coming up to swipe the iced tea from Rooster's hand.
But he's always one step ahead of you, and he lifts it above your head as he tuts, "Nu-uh, Y/n/n! This one's for me!" You struggle to your knees to try to grab at the cool drink, giggles still falling from your lips.
Rooster turns his body away from you, swapping the drink to his right hand as he chuckles, trying to keep you away from the last living drink from the cooler.
"Roooooooster," you call out in between giggles, your hands still trying to grasp at the drink. Your knee slides in the sand under you, and your right-hand flies out to catch yourself as you go down.
You end up catching yourself on Rooster's shoulder as your body weight pushes his back into the sand. The drink in his right-hand lowers as you fall into him, and his left wraps around you so you didn't whack your head on the cooler.
"That's my name," he mumbles cheekily up at you as try to catch your breath from all of your laughter. The drink was no longer a thought as you gazed deep into his hazel eyes, his shades having fallen into the sand a little ways away.
It's still around the two of you, minus the waves and the occasional call of a gull off in the distance. Rooster looks divine laying under you like this, his hair was longer than usual, the curls just barely beginning to be bleached by the sun.
His gaze was soft as he looked up at you, and before he could stop himself, he whispers, "Go out with me." His stomach drops as the words leave his mouth, and your reaction is similar.
You don't move from his lap as you stare down at him, your cheeks getting warm as you push your sunglasses from your nose up into your hair to keep it out of your face.
"No," you say, shaking your head. In reality, you wanted to lunge forward and shout yes, yes, yes! from the top of the world, but he was your best friend. There was no way you could do that to him, you couldn't ruin your friendship.
Rooster frowns and you think your world is about to implode for a second, but then a smirk returns to his lips as he says, "Why won't you go on a date with me, huh? Scared you'll like it or something?"
A huff falls from your lips, and your head falls to rest on Rooster's chest in practiced ease. You can feel Rooster's grip on you tighten, and when he squeezes your waist a few times, you pull back and look at him.
His gaze is serious, and you suddenly feel butterflies bloom in your stomach with the way he's looking at you. Rooster glances away, setting the iced tea down next to the cooler.
"Y/n, I want to take you out with me," he mumbles, his now free hand coming up to brush a piece of hair behind the end of your sunglasses. You shake your head once and say, "Roo, no, you don't. If we did this- if... if I say yes, we can't ever go back to the way we've been."
Rooster smiles lightly as he cups your cheek and replies, "But I don't want to be where we've been. I want a future, with you, and broken lemonade glasses. Days where I can come home and hug you, kiss you, make love to you." At the end of his sentence, he playfully wiggles his eyebrows, eliciting a soft giggle from the two of you.
He sighs as he tugs you closer and whispers, "I want you." You swallow thickly as you move your hands from his bare chest up to hold his face. His mustache tickles your hands as you run your thumb along his cheek, and you smile quietly for a moment before you nod.
"I want you too," you whisper, leaning into his touch, your nose barely brushing against his. You take a deep breath before cracking a wide smile and busting out, "As long as you promise to not break anymore of my lemonades!"
Rooster groans and leans back, falling flat against the sand. You giggle at his reaction but squeal when he pulls you to his chest. His hand releases your face, and with impeccable timing, he digs his fingers into your sides, tickling you mercilessly.
Cries and laughter fall from your lips as you wiggle helplessly in his arms, your limbs flailing in all directions. "Okay, okay, okay, I'm sorry!" you cry out as you catch one of his wrists.
You sigh as his attacks stop, giggles still escaping you as you reiterate, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I ruined your moment." Rooster smiles and leans back into you as he mutters, "Just as long as you'll promise me a thousand more."
You lean deep into him this time, your nose bumping against his as you whisper, "Always." At that, he makes the final push, and his lips land on yours in a soft but sweet kiss, the taste of iced tea on his tongue sending your mind into overdrive.
Ever so slightly you shift in his grasp, and before you know it, a cold liquid is running down the side of your legs. The both of you pull away from the kiss and roll away from the imposter, seeing the iced tea Rooster had set down just a few inches away, now laying on its side, the liquid poured out across the sand.
You turn back to Rooster and you mumble against his lips, "Now it's not only another lemonade you need to get me," and you fall back against his lips.
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sadlilghostt · 6 months
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𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Demon Alastor x human reader.
๑ | Navigation : where a human summoned a certain demon and both created a deal, where one who seek for protection of her and her family and while the other who see for her body and soul. The demon demands to have her soul to hell from time to time and in order to do that, they share a ring whenever one wants to leave earth or wants to leave earth. Two pairs became close but the other one developed more.
๑ | Tw : angst, unrequited love, swearing
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If the word "idiocy" is an understatement at your state right now then, a fool would be the best. Your little curious human mind stumbled upon an old abandoned cabin upon strolling around the woods of Louisiana on New Orleans.
You and your family moved on New Orleans just a month ago and getting bored of being inside of the house, you decided to stroll around then saw an old cabin then went in there.
Upon arriving inside, a sickening chills electrocuted your nerves as your doe eyes wondered around the cabin, dolls, voodos and a book on a pentagram greted your sight.
Normal people would have choosen to flight the place and forget about it, but you, you let the curiosity get the best of you and decided to take the book and eximine it.
Stumbling to a certain spell, you decided to try it.
Did it work? Well, unfortunately, it did. And nownhere you are, shaking under the heated gaze of a deer demon in front of you with its sickening grin.
It radio static voice echoed through the cabin as it asked for what your wish is. It took you a solid minute when answering his question, refusing to believe the sight in front of you.
The stag was getting clearly irritated due to its knitted brows and strained grin. But instead of wishing quickly, you broke into a sprint leaving the cabin with an irritated demon.
Two night have passed, nightmares have been visiting your dreams. The sight of the deer demon haunted your dreams for two long nights. Dark presence and shadows would look around the room in the depths of the night. It made you restless and very exhausted.
Your family started to get worried at the bags under your eyes and your lack of energy, but you refuse to tell them the exact reason for them being religious and would have you an earful of scolding.
You sighed as you hugged your blanket around your form as you tried to calm you racing heart to your chest as you stared at the forming dark shadow on the corner of the room.
You can see face, nor eyes but you feel it's staring at you.
You took a shaky depend breath as you clutched your blanket, too scared to move that it might pounce on you if you made any slight movements. You tried to fight of the fear creeping out of your heart since your grandparents always tells you that, fear feuls a demons hunger more. But clearly your failing miserably at it.
" are you just gonna stare at me all night or will you state what you desire most and seal the deal? " you almost screamed your heart out at the radio static kind of voice if it weren't for a shadow covering your mouth before you let out the scream.
" careful now my dear, we wouldn't want to cause troubles to you parents now we? " the voice mocked before it stepped out of the corner revealing the oh-so-mighty-deer-demon you summoned two nights ago.
You breath heavily as you squirmed to its shadow, you felt your heart stopped as he got closer to your height with a menacing grin.
" look darling, tasting and witnessing your fear and frustrations and all but I have a business to attend to back to my place, it would have been done perfectly finished if it weren't from you rudely interrupting me by summoning. " be breath out as he grabbed your jaw, claws digging to your cheeks as you let out a whimper.
" and you know what I loathed the most? " he growled " that is mindless fawns who interrupts me in the middle of my work for something useless. " he growled again and emphasizing the "mindless fawns".
He let's go of your jaw as he leans back and placing his arms behind his back elegantly.
" now, let's make this quick. " he smiled with a half-liffed eyes.
" you give me your wish and I can fulfill it, anything you want. And by anything, I mean I can give everything. " he hummed as he walked over your bed.
" fame, your love, money, protection , to kill for you—" he stopped in front of your bed " You name it! "
" and in exchange, I'll have your soul. " he grinned menacingly down at you.
" so do we have a deal? " he leaned down once again with his hand stretched out for you to take. You stared at his claws where a soft green glow emitting his hand.
" i-.. I.. " he quirkee a brow at your stutters as he patiently waited for your response.
You thought for a moment about this, it seems like you have no escaped to the action you made. So you swallowed your fear as you took a deep breath.
" m.. May I add something.. F-for my deal? "
" of course darling! Darling you'd like! "
You took your time collecting enough courage to speak as you met his eyes again.
" i- I would like to add to our deal.. That.. You.. To never touch any of my family nor love ones and friends. T-their souls are their to keep and protect them to at all costs! But never make any contact with then unless it's protection. And I still get to do whatever I want after you own my soul! " you rambled as you out up a brave face at the demoness in front of you.
The demon let out a dark chuckled as he retracted his hand.
" now that wouldn't be really fair, now is it darling? "
Your heart stopped for a moment after you thought for another way to still keep your freedom.
" how about this.. I will gave my all to you and you give your all to me.. W-well apart from that is way pass your comfort ,t-that is.. " you squeaked out feeling very embarrassed at your choices of words.
The stag grinned devilishly as he filter his head to the side.
" anything? "
" a-anything.. "
He smirked as he grabbed your hand.
" I would also would love to add in terms for me— " he cooed as he squeezed your hand " I would like to bring your body and soul to hell, with me in how many times I would like. " he grinned.
" wait-thats possible? -"
" in my power, it is. " he smiled.
" but- I'm quite a busy gal, and I'm still a student and a dancer. I can't be always available. " you explained.
" oh? Then night time. "
" my training and contests are in night time.. " you squeaked out.
The stag quirk a brow at you as you thought quickly for a solution.
" h-how about you uh.. Give me something like a ring or any accessories that would let me know if you're coming here or will take me to hell..something that I can still give you a response whether I'm in training or not.."
He gave you a look for a moment before pulling your hand making you crash into his chest.
" fair enough. " he grinned as grin glow emitts the room as a glowing green collar snapped to your neck as the chain leash appeared on the stage hand.
" pleasure doing business to you , dear darling~" he cooed as he yanked the chain making you pulled closer inches from his nose.
" now get the name of the lovely gal I'll be doing business with? I didn't got the chance to get it from two nights ago when you decided to rudely cut the conversation by running. " he chuckled darkly.
You gulped as you let out a strained voice due to the collar on your neck.
" y-y/n.."
"Y/n." He purred, you felt your stomach tingles at the sound of your name rolling smoothly to his tongue.
" quite a lovely name for a lovely gal indeed! " he smiled as he let go of the leash and then it vanished as you dropped to your bed, coughing.
" the names alastor darling, pleasure to meet you, quit a pleasure! " he exclaimed as he watched your coughing form.
" now that the deals is set, I would love to go back to my place and continue.. My unfinished business.. I'll see you when I can.. Little doe " he cooed as he melts in to the darkness.
For the last couple of days, alastor fulfilled his part of the deal, your family got raising pays to their jobs on Louisiana, you were popular to your school, no one dared to disrespect you, you were the catch and the talk of the school. Though one thing you didn't like is.. The attention, unfortunately, you were quite introverted one.
It's been a couple of days too since you've seen alastor, but you didn't mind. You're still not quite used of his presence, just after knowing that you summoned an overlord.
When he yet again made an appearance to your kitchen, you almost screamed half to death upon seeing a very tall red grinning demon in front of you.
You clutched your chest as you were hunched over with your other hand on the table supporting yourself from you knees getting weak from the scare, you wheezed as you glare at the demon who was grinning in amusement at your startled form.
" fucking HELL never to that again! " you painted as you clutched your racing heart.
" you almost made me face the golden hates of heaven with your stunt! Jeez! "
The stag chuckled as you sat on the chair finally calming your heart.
" fuck.. I think I hear the seven trumpets of heaven. "
" language dear, language. " the stag chuckled as he made his way beside you as you calmed your breathing.
" (insert your language). " you answered sarcastically as you quirked a brow at you.
" so what brings you here? "
" what? Can't I just visit and see how my darling doe doing? " he cooed as he leaned over your seat.
" well I was doing fine that is until you decided to appear out of nowhere and scared the living daylight out of me! " you huffed as you received a laugh from the said demon.
" now now my dear, for the real matter of why I am here it's because.. I would like to take you to hell with me from this moment? "
" why? "
" well just because, no come along. "
" wai-! " before you could protest, you could feel yourself slowly getting succumbed through the darkness as you closed your eyes and feel yourself falling, when you felt the hard ground you stumbled over your stance and landed on your butt as you rubbed your head from a nausea kicking it due to the transportation and the switching realms.
" you could have atleast.. Warned me. " you mumbled and earned an amused laugh from the demon. When you opened your eyes, you were greeted with more demons shocked faces, one was a Blondie, a moth, cat, Cyclops, and a serpent.. And holy fuck- spider. You felt chills crawled in your spine as you saw the spider demon.
Overall upon meeting them, they were nice, especially the blonde, you also got to hang out with the spider who's name was angel. He was nice, the cat gave you an pity look which you understand clearly, the moth gave you a worried look. But overall, their very nice. You like them. And when you first met Rosie and the cannibal town, they almost launched themselves to you when the certain overlord threatened them. You liked Rosie, Rosie liked you, though sometimes she's scary.
Then before you know it, it's been 4 years since you met alastor and the hazbin hotel. You're on your last year as a collage student now. Your relationship with the stag became quite close too, especially you. You've grown very attached to the radio demon and so was he. But yours was differently.
Alastor have also witnessed your very worse and your greatest, he had seen everything. Apart from the feelings you held for the said man.
Alastor have given you advices here and there, quotes, riddles and more. You were also there when the extermination happened 3 years ago, you faced your fears that time like the stag adviced you, sadly you lost one friend in that faithful day.
Right now, it was yet another normal day with you on the radio tower copying your notes while alastor busied hismelf with broadcasting. When you finished, our let out a sigh as you stretched out your limbs as alastor ended his broadcast. You stared at the ceiling of the radio tower as your feelings for him gets strongly as the more seconds you spend with him.
" hey al? " you called for him which he answered with a hum, examining his papers.
" you remember the advice you gave me with my fears right? "
" certainly darling, I do, how can I forget when I always reminds you with it. " he chuckled which you laughed softly at his response.
"I wanna do something brave today."
" oh? Mind enlightening me about it? "
"...well.. I have this one fear I have been holding for 3 years now. "
" go on dear" he hummed as he scribbled to his papers.
You went quiet for a moment as you felt your heart race.
" dear? " he called out to you, realizing you're not answering, he set down his papers as he walked to the couch in front of his broadcasting station and sat in front of you.
" darling? " you finally snapped out of you trance as you meet his eyes. You but your lower lip as you sighed.
" I... You-.. From-.. Ugh for fuck sake- " you groaned from you last sentence with your hand flying over your face in frustration. You took out a heavy sigh as you stared at him directly in the eye as you feel heat crept out to your cheeks.
Alastor quirk a brow at your actions.
" are you alright sweetheart? If your not comfortable enough with sharing this information then you don't have too. Give it a time. " fuck- how can you not fall for this demon when his-his like this?!
It's so wrong but you can't help it.. No man have ever treated you as the same as he treated you.
You felt your lip quiver as you sigh, muttering a small "fuck it".
" alastor.. "
" yes sweetheart? "
".. I-... " you paused as you gripped at the hem of your oversized T-shirt. " I love you. "
The sound of radio scratching erupted across the room making you since as you shamefully avoided his gaze. He was quiet, he went quite. No response or what's over, just an Increasing sound of white radio static.
" I.... I have loved you.. F-for the third years of our meetings.. I know it's very wrong to feel this way for a demon.. Especially I'm a human. " you rambled as you looked down on your lap, your hands gripping at your pants.
" I loved you for.. For you, I don't exactly know- but it just happened. Everything you just did for me, apart from the deal just made me fall for you? I don't know.. This was never ment to happen.. But.. Here I am. " you laughed dryly.
" I know you will never reciprocate this feeling since.. You never have been familiar with this types of emotions..but.. I just want this feelings out and known. " you took a deep breath as you finally met his eyes who was staring at you with wide eyes and strained smile, his ears were laying flat to his head.
" I.. I love you all.. I really do. " you smiled bitterly.
" you don't have to response.. You don't have to answer since I clearly know the answer.. " you tried to keep your voice straight but miserably failing since there are possibilities of him avoiding you for the rest of your life because of you stupid little feelings towards him.
" but... The-.. There's one thing... I wish.. Is.. For us.. To.. " at this point tears were already spilling to your eyes.
" for us.. To.. Not.. " you sobbed.
You sniffles as you hugged yourself as you tried to contain your tears. You wished he would swallow up his pride and embrace you and comfort you, but sadly, you know darling too well he won't.
And before you knew it, you found yourself back in your room.
" i-.. I'm sorry.. " you sniffles.
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