#maybe this time it was love lurking in the depths of human hearts
the-priestess-of-dawn · 5 months
Actually though now I AM getting the urge to essaypost about the sacrifice ending because... it occurs to me that perhaps "For once, I'm glad you and I are the same." might be a more significant line than I ever realized... If the Chrom ending represents Robin fundamentally changing as a person, then the sacrifice ending represents them NOT changing... but Chrom is insistent in both endings that Robin will always belong with him and the Shepherds. In the sacrifice ending, Robin comes back from death because of the strength of their bonds... but what does that mean?
You know, if you look at Medeus's death quotes in Shadow Dragon and New Mystery...
“Nngh… Defeated again… by humans! Know this, Altean prince… That light which surrounds you is only a temporary respite. So long as the darkness in your hearts continues to sustain me… I cannot be… destroyed…… Rrraaahhh!!!”
It seems to me that Medeus is saying that human hearts have the power to bring him back. I mean, yes, it could very easily be a metaphor. In fact, I think it largely IS figurative, but... The point is that this shit keeps happening because humans want it to happen, right? Like, Medeus was resurrected by GHARNEF; he basically just seized the opportunity this human gave him. Why wouldn't he expect it to happen again someday?
And Grima, of course, was revived by the Grimleal. We've got no word on whether Grima wanted their followers to do this after their original defeat (in fact, technically we do not not even know whether Grima consented to giving any humans their blood. It COULD be that they bestowed it on their followers as a show of favor. I also absolutely would not put it past the Grimleal to have collected Grima's spilled blood after the final battle with the First Exalt and used it for their own purposes... Especially because I do think that's most likely what Forneus did with Naga's blood to create Grima in the first place.). Regardless, Grima answered their followers' call and did exactly what they were asked to do.
And then we have Robin coming back. I think most of us presume that there was no specific revival ritual, but... still, fundamentally, isn't the same principle at play? The Shepherds called and they were answered. And Robin came back as Robin, Brandless and free from the power of the fell dragon, because that is who their loved ones asked for, and that is who Robin wanted to be, and I think in a world where magic exists then it makes perfect sense that a strong enough wish could literally manifest as a spell. (Tharja says in her supports with Ricken that "Curses are a kind of magic that gives life to dreams." so I'm inclined to think that this is very much how magic is intended to work.)
So the sacrifice ending becomes a twist on the cycle. Because the thing is, Robin chose destruction. Robin chose to use their power as Grima to bring about a final end—only in this world their conclusion is not that the world is unable to change and therefore must be destroyed, but that THEY are what cannot change and must be destroyed. "For once, I'm glad you and I are the same." They are embracing it. They are the fell dragon and they can't change but they can do the one thing they always do and destroy. This OUGHT to be a tragic ending where we're all left with the bitter feeling that nothing the hero OR the villain did ever truly mattered at all.
But we're challenging fate, right?
And the thing that Robin has that their future self did not is, of course, all the Shepherds reaching out for them. The original timeline Shepherds thought that Robin betrayed Chrom and then... presumably ran off to serve Grima or whatever (since nobody knows that Robin BECAME Grima). And so there was no one to beg Grima to come back and be with them. No shared wish strong enough to create a miracle. The tragedy played out straightforwardly.
But it was never inevitable. The tragedy didn't happen because there is something inherently wrong with Grima's being. Of course it didn't. They were not alone because they were unlovable but because Validar and the Grimleal had everything set up to ensure that Grima could not do anything but turn to them. ("These followers of Naga will spurn you now that they've learned what you are. Kill me, and you incur the wrath of the Grimleal as well… Would you truly choose to be so utterly alone?" Validar knew exactly what he was doing.)
So with the sacrifice ending... perhaps we're really saying that Robin never needed to change. That even if they never give up this perspective of theirs—that they're a no-good and repulsive being, that they're powerless to change anything, that all they can do is destroy—they're loved anyway, and there is room for them in the world no matter what.
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five-rivers · 1 year
Prompt idea: Undergrowth wants his Daughter back. Whatever it takes
This got way off track, but... here you go.
A vast and nameless rainforest spread itself over several islands in the warmer regions of the Ghost Zone, reaching out hungrily in all directions. Although the rainforest of the mortal plane shrunk, this forest only grew.
Many ghosts made their homes in this rainforest, and civilizations, too, empires, kingdoms, and tribes driven to extinction on Earth finding a second life among spectral branches and vines. Of course, one could say the same of nearly anywhere in the Ghost Zone. It was, after all, an afterlife.
Undergrowth also resided here. Along with his family.
"Why is he sulking this time?" asked Silvagenitus, lying along a reaching upper branch and peering down through the understory to the depths Undergrowth lurked in.
"What is he always sulking about?" asked Liana rhetorically. "As if those skyscrapers won't be trellises in another few hundred years or so. This is the ice age all over again."
"I don't know," said Canopy. "This seems different. And he isn't wrong that humans have destroyed a lot of forests the past few centuries."
"Here, let's ask Mycorrhiza," said Liana. "Oi! Mycorrhiza! What's Undergrowth sulking about?"
"I'M NOT SULKING!" rasped Undergrowth, clawing his way halfway up the nearest tree trunk.
"He won't say," said Mycorrhiza, quietly. "Something about humans."
Undergrowth snarled.
"Well," said Silvagenitus, reasonably, "we can't help you if you don't tell us what's going on."
Undergrowth snarled and grumbled some more. "My children–" he started.
"Oh, here we go again," said Liana. "They aren't children if they don't think."
"My daughter–"
"Your what?" chorused the other ghosts.
Undergrowth sneered. "It's not like you care."
"It's hard to care if you don't tell us anything," said Canopy. "But a daughter, really?"
"A precious seed among human refuse," said Undergrowth with a sniff. "We only had a brief time together before she was unfairly lured away by that horrible boy, but I would do anything to get her back."
"Anything but ask your family for help," commented Liana.
"I will win her back–"
"Has your daughter actually been taken, or did she just leave?" asked Liana.
"It's that boy's fault. He's no good for her, that cold-hearted little weed."
"I hate to be the one to bring this up," said Mycorrhiza, "but did you actually ask her if she wanted to be your daughter? Or talk to her at any point? You do have to do that with real children, you know."
"You do have a bit of a consent problem," agreed Liana.
"I don't want to hear that from the two of you parasites."
"Excuse you, I'm symbiotic."
"Okay, so you'll do anything but ask for our help or actually talk to your daughter, is that right?" asked Liana. "What actually was your plan here? Because I don't get it."
"It would be helpful to know what you intended to do about this," said Canopy.
"I will unmake that pestilent city–"
"Ah, there isn't a plan, then," said Liana.
"You should have a better plan," agreed Silvagenitus. "Maybe a gift. What does she like? Any hobbies?"
"She has a great love of all things green and growing," said Undergrowth. "And I am not apologizing."
"We don't expect you to, honestly," said Liana.
"But we will help you, won't we?" said Silvagenitus, graciously.
"Of course," said Liana. "We are family, after all. I want to meet my niece, too!"
Mycorrhiza went first. They were more subtle than their siblings, better able to sink into the ground and sneak. Humans didn't often pay heed to what lay within the soil, and neither did their ghosts.
Also, the seasons were beginning to turn, and Mycorrhiza's siblings didn't deal well with cold. They could prepare the way for them.
"There are a lot of mushrooms this year, huh," said Danny, leaning over an indigo and orange toadstool. "I've never seen one like this before."
"It's because of global warming," said Sam confidently. "All these oil and coal companies pumping chemicals into the air with no thought to how that's going to affect the ecosystem."
"You might as well blame something closer to home," said Tucker with a scoff. "Like, you know, Undergrowth, Vortex, the portal to hell in Danny’s basement…"
"Don't call the Ghost Zone hell," said Danny. "We've got friends there."
"Yeah, and Danny's parents should have been way more careful. Like, who knows what kind of crap the portal lets out into the environment? I mean, beyond the ghosts."
"Yeah, they could have tried a little harder to make things safe," said Danny with a sigh. "You don't have to tell me that."
Pamela Manson looked out her dining roo. window and scowled. "How much do we pay that gardener?" she asked.
"I don't remember offhand," said Jeremy Manson. "I'm sure it's reasonable. Why, dear?"
"Well, if they can't keep those awful mushrooms off our lawn, it's obviously too much."
"I think they're great," said Sam. "Weren't you the one complaining about how there isn't any color in the garden in the fall? This'll change things, won't it?"
"Samantha Analise Manson, if I find out you seeded our lawn with those weeds–"
"Mushrooms don't even work like that! They aren't plants!"
"I don't care what they are. They're ugly, and– Where are you going, young lady?"
"School!" Sam shouted angrily over her shoulder before slamming the door behind her. And good riddance!
"So," said Silvagenitus, clearly in a good mood, "what's your verdict? Our niece? This mysterious boy?"
"Our niece is lovely, and her human parents are awful. If Undergrowth hadn't already claimed her, I'd be tempted. As for the boy… Being angry with him is like being angry at winter. It's ridiculous."
"Undergrowth is a little ridiculous at times, isn't he? I suppose that is what little brothers are like."
Danny frowned up at the cloud of fog over the trees in the park. "Is it just me," he said, "or do those clouds look a little green?"
"Could be," said Tucker. He took off his glasses and cleaned them on his shirt. "Hard to tell with the light. Do you think it's 'cause ectoplasm's gotten into the water cycle or something?"
"It wouldn't surprise me, but I hope not," said Sam.
"Yeah," said Danny, shuddering. "Can you imagine? The hot dogs are bad enough, but what if all the roadkill in the city came to life? Or whatever is dead in the sewers and rain drains? Or you're eating a sandwich outside and it starts to rain, and now you've got to fight off bologna on rye… I'm going to check it out. You guys go ahead without me."
"Don't forget the English homework!" shouted Tucker after him as he flew up and towards the park.
"Ugh," said Pamela Manson, "why has there been so much fog lately? It's so dreary."
"The weather doesn't exist to please you, Mom," said Sam, rolling her eyes.
Although… Danny had called her last night and said that he'd felt something in the clouds, although he hadn't found a ghost. So maybe her mother had a right to complain after all. The fog had been thick in their neighborhood. On the other hand, the weather really was just like that, sometimes.
"How is it?" asked Canopy.
"What's 'it'?" asked Mycorrhiza, playfully.
"The girl, the boy, the city, the soil, the… artificiality. The pollution."
"Oh, it's not so bad as all that," said Silvagenitus. "Much better than… When was it? Fifty years ago? When were we last on this side of the veil?"
"Okay," muttered Danny, "I can accept the mushrooms, and the green clouds, but this? This isn't natural."
He and Tucker stared down the street, Danny floating a few feet in the air. Yesterday, the street had been an entirely unremarkable one, only of interest to Danny and Tucker because it led into Sam's neighborhood. Yesterday, it had a few normal trees - just barely past the sapling stage - and today, each of those trees had grown dozens of feet, tall upper branches reaching into the sky.
Those new branches dwarfed the original trees, and also had massively different leaves, each one dark, thick, broad, and waxy, unlike the smaller leaves of the trees they grew from.
"Yeah, I don't think this is structurally sound," said Tucker, gently pushing on a slender tree trunk. The whole tree swayed. "Undergrowth?"
"No," said Danny. "It feels different. It all feels different." He shook himself. "Ugh, my skin feels all prickly. It's like whatever it is has been here for a while, but I haven't been able to find them. Come on, let's go find Sam."
"So, your neighborhood's turned into a jungle," said Danny.
Sam rolled her eyes. "My parents consider it a personal attack. Figure out what ghost did this?"
"Not yet. I'm sure I'll get attacked sooner or later, though. What about you? How are you holding up? After all, you know, the whole thing with Undergrowth…"
"Come on, I'm not letting one bad week dictate my life and keep me away from the things I like. You guys haven't, after all."
"I still have nightmares," pointed out Danny.
"And you don't let them stop you. Besides, this is kind of cool, and also not hurting anything yet, right?"
"Yeah," said Danny. "That's true."
"Okay, you've got everything ready for me over here? Because I'm so tired of Undergrowth's whining."
"Yes, Liana, we're ready for you," said Silvagenitus, tiredly. "We've been ready for you for a month at least."
"Hey, no need to get snippy."
"Hey! Hey! Liana, you're here. Guess what? She thinks I'm cool."
"Wow, that's a first for you, huh?"
"Yeah," said Danny, glaring at the curtains of flowering, glowing vines. "I'm drawing the line here. Yoohoo! Ghosts! Ghosts! I'm talking to you! Come on out! I'm sick of waiting for the other shoe to drop! If it's Undergrowth– well, you'd better bet I'll be kicking your butt for coming back out here after what you did to Sam!"
"Hey, what about me?" asked Tucker. "I got one of those vines plugged into my neck, too."
"And Tucker!"
"I don't know if this is a good idea, Danny…"
"I don't care! I've been stressing about this since the mushrooms, and you'd better believe I'm ready to fight!"
"Well," said Mycorrhiza, "if you put it like that…"
A circle of mushrooms sprung up around the three teens, and a glowing green portal opened inside of it. Two fell through, and the third dove after them.
They landed among ghostly branches, and four large ghosts grinned at them.
"So," said Canopy, "humans. Let's talk."
"Let me get this straight," said Tucker. "You're Undergrowth's siblings, and he recruited you to hold some kind of… family intervention so Sam will join him on his take over the world mission again?"
"Well, it's more that he complained so much that we got curious, but, yes, essentially," said Silvagenitus. He passed Danny a cup-sized and shaped flower full of nectar. Danny held it loosely, as if he was afraid it'd bite him.
"Who does he think he is?" demanded Sam. "He has no right to talk to me at all– He doesn't have the right to be anywhere near me, and he somehow thinks he's my father? Is he crazy?"
"What about the conquering the world thing?" said Danny, who looked vaguely ill. "Shouldn't we focus on that?"
Sam waved him off. "They've been here for over a month and haven't hurt anyone or anything except for my parents' sense of aesthetics. Besides, they've been great for the local ecosystem. Where was I? Right. That jerk Undergrowth–"
Liana sidled up to Undergrowth. "Hey," she said, smugly. "You'll be happy to know our plan worked. She's coming to talk to you."
Undergrowth brightened. "She is?"
"Well. It's more that she's coming to yell at you, and bringing her friends to beat you up, but baby steps. After all, you did start your relationship with mind control."
"I hate you."
"Sorry, I'm too busy for you to hate me. I'm too busy thinking up birthday presents for my niece– oh, but you don't even know when that is. Ha ha."
"Do you think sending Liana to tell him was the right choice?" asked Silvagenitus.
"Eh," said Mycorrhiza, "better to get it out of the way, now. Consider it softening him up for Sam."
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monstaxdirtywonk · 2 years
Heaven is a place in hell with you.
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Member: San as Hades x Reader Persephone
Plot: It's not the typical myth although it does share some similarities I've made some changes too to fit what I had in mind.
Genre: Angst, Fluff and eventual smut (not in this chapter)
Endless darkness. That's all his eyes have been seeing for the eternity of time. If only someone could imagine the depth of time combined with the depth of the darkness, they'd lose their sanity. Being a God grants you great power but being the God of the dead might not be seen as attractive as other God's kingdoms. Poseidon, ruling the vast sea or Zeus, ruling the mortal world. But death is the most powerful of all, Hades thinks, for it holds the power to diminish everything else. Whether someone was rich, privileged or one of a kind, after their passing, they are just part of the soul parade, a group of shadows with no purpose, just lurking around till the dawn of time. Maybe even after that. Hades has a bit of a reputation if you will, hated by most, if not all the living. The God's aren't fond of him either. He is too monotonous for their liking, keeps mostly to himself, he is on his own, just like what he rules, a lonely experience by default. His body is as immortal as it can be, a vast contrast between his surroundings. He stood tall and proud, well shaped and proportionate. His face chiseled and enigmatic, his prominent bone structure and intense gaze making him intimidating in a striking way. Appearance wise he looked no older than 25, but his soul felt awfully old. Maybe others were right to despise him. He can't stand himself either at times. A gloomy haze was his life, that seemed to have no end.
"A girl is playing around the lake, Lord" Thanatos, his trusted winged friend mentioned.
"She comes here often. She doesn't look human, but not godly either. More like a mixture of them too, not ordinary enough for a mortal, not divine enough for a goddess".
Hades decided to take a closer look after Thanatos' description. He is someone that likes to keep his thoughts and opinions independent, but he couldn't agree more. Her beauty was like something he'd witness before and something entirely different, all at the same time. She appeared delicate and gentle, her hands brushing through the bush, as the wind blew against her face. She seemed beautiful, but in a very different way than Aphrodite is. He didn't feel an ounce of lust for her, her vibes innocent and pure, almost angelic. The type of person you want to protect with your life, if he even had such a thing.
"Maybe she is a nymph? But she is someone I've never seen before and I keep up with them to say the least" Thanatos laughed, confirming his womanizer nature.
Hades laughed as well. His friend had a charm that drew others to him. Maybe they liked getting a taste of death while still alive, literally.
"That's true, you'd know her by now. I'm sure Artemis despise you, my friend. You are ruining chaste virgins left and right."
"Well what can I say? I'm popular with the ladies. I guess they might have a thing for my wings? I mean there aren't that many of us, even in the immortal world. But speaking of getting down and dirty, you haven't been laid in such a long time, Hades!"
The latter's eyes grew at the realization. He had some needs but they never bothered him to that extent. Keeping busy did the trick so far and he was more of an old fashioned man to say the least. His mistress was the night but he grew sick of her. They were too similar, he thought. He wanted some light to enter his world, a blinding brightness to shake him up and warm his icy heart. Or at least that was his persona, his mask. He knew, better than anyone, how much he felt and loved and longed for it. But he could wait for that, he had time, that's for sure.
"Mind your business boy" he said in a teasing tone but failed at intimidating his friend. Hades looked dark, dangerous even, until he became familiar to you. Once you made a place for yourself in his heart, he couldn't be further from that.
"Okay okay, I was just saying that it's a pity for you to go like that. But whatever makes you happy." He answered and raised both of his arms in a defeating manner. Thanatos knew that he was basically a brother to Hades, but he still wanted to keep their relations good, because he had the tendency to say more than he should.
"It's all good, I'm just teasing you!" Hades smiled his way and showed his dimples, the sweetest sight his kingdom had to offer.
Thanatos smiled back and took a look at the lake again, which they were able to see from the inside, as it was the main portal for the underworld. His smile quickly turned sour, and worry played over his handsome features.
"What is it?" Hades asked.
"The girl...seems to be in danger". Thanatos pointed out and Hades took a closer look. A wolf was some meters away from her, moving eerily elegantly for such a creature. Given the area the lake was, it seemed unlikely for an actual wolf to be there. It's size was extraordinary large too, all this made him believe it was one of Zeus' tricks again. A sudden surge of protective energy took over him and he wanted to save this poor girl from Zeus. She didn't deserve Hera's wrath either. None of them did. Hades took a hold of his scepter and pushed it on the ground. The lake started waving and it turned dark as if it was raining during a perfectly sunny day. The girl gasped at the sight in front of her and took a step back since she was almost right next to the lake by now. The waters were divided and a set of stairs showed up. When Zeus realized that the girl was about to escape, he started running towards her and she felt such an overwhelming fear that made her run without even realizing that this was probably a bad idea. She followed the stairs which turned to water again after each of her steps. As soon as she touched the ground, she broke down in tears and hid her face inside her hands, too scared to open them and face her destiny. But sometimes our destiny isn't as scary as we think it is, because there, in this dark and seemingly unwelcome world, she'd find a man with no soul, but more capacity to love than anyone else with a soul ever could.
Next chapter:
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merakiui · 1 year
Hey I gotta interrupt your Sampo posting with Mermay update
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OMG YES OTL I am so ill for octomouche. I have written some octomouche before, namely here and here. But I am always ready and willing to discuss more of him!!! >:D
Octomouche who sinks your ship and spares you only because he thinks you're interesting (read: not annoying like other humans), and he keeps you tucked away in his underwater cave. But you keep complaining about how it’s cold and dark and how you’re so scared, and so it’s starting to annoy him. >:( but he likes you too much to get rid of you because you heal the lonely parts of his three hearts, so you’ll just have to learn to accept this situation. You will when he fills you up with lots of eggs!!!!
Octomouche in captivity. Aaaaa he hates the researchers, especially Dottore!! He’s always a hater for Dottore! The amount of researchers he’s yanked into the tank to drown or strangle is too many to count. He’s sneaky, so sometimes he’s close to escaping his confinements. But then he’s always mindful of the cameras and he knows he’s always being watched and listened to. It’s so troublesome. The researchers have this brilliant idea to help him get used to humans by allowing him to bond with one. You’re forced tasked with this mission (because no one else wants to step within a few meters of the tank of a venomous sea beast). It’s rough at first because he’s so averse to humankind, but eventually he’ll warm up to you. He’s such a temperamental mer, grousing over the times when you’re late (even if it’s by only a minute or two) or huffing about how you spent too much time talking to the researchers in the doorway before coming in to see him. He gets attached because you’re one of the few humans who isn’t downright terrified of him and you take the time to understand his perspective. You are his ideal human, but then he knows he can’t be with you in the way other humans can. He can’t walk on land. He’s confined to the sea. But that doesn’t matter to him. He’ll just drag you to his depths so you’ll never leave him. :)
Octomouche with a hunter!darling. >:) he’s been terrorizing fishing vessels for too long now and as a result your town’s fish hauls are getting scarce, along with the amount of people you’re losing each time a ship is sunk. You’re a renowned beast hunter and so the task falls to you to capture this deep-sea beast so fishing can safely resume. Octomouche hates it when humans intrude on his territory, but since it’s only you he supposes killing you would be too easy (and not nearly as satisfying). He’ll just have to give you a proper fright, one that has all of your equipment sinking and your boat being dragged out to sea until all you’ll see is blue on each side and vast, endless sky above. And just beneath the surface, a monstrosity lurks, waiting for you to use your puny human brain to think of a way out. :) the only way out is into his waiting tentacles, after all.
Octomouche who rules over an underwater kingdom and he takes you (an unfortunate peasant/servant mer) as his (forced) lover. You have no idea if he even likes you; he’s so mean to you. :( he’s only using you to hold all of his eggs so he’ll have plenty of heirs for the future because he’s deemed you suitable enough to carry such an important thing. You can’t deny him or protest because he has so much authority over you, and he’s threatened you with death in all horrific ways every time you’ve even hinted at disobedience. But secretly he can’t live without you because you’re the first real companion he’s ever had, albeit a forced one, and he’s grown too attached to entertain a life without you. <3 maybe he’ll whisper a fragile “I love you” when he’s fucking you next time, but you’ll be too sex-drunk to hear it hehe. And even if you do hear it, he’ll adamantly deny it and tell you you’re stupid for thinking stupid things about stupid (im)possibilities. (He is madly in love with you, but the rizz is highly threatening.)
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redfurrycat · 1 year
🧛🤠🦊🐓🧚‍♂️Mythological Creatures & Shapeshifters Fic Recs🧚‍♂️🐓🐺🤠🧛
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: AnadoraBlack, Arcticmonks, Bahjrc, Barnes_Brain, Caitlin44, Dalearden, Drhorrible, Earthangel_44, Elizabethgee, Fuddlewuddle, Halestrom, Hangmanbradshaw, LadyLanera, MadeItUp, McDanno50, Nixie_DeAngel, ReformedTsundere, Shadowdancing, SunMonTue, ToukoJalorda003, WaffleToaster, Winterbucky, Youlookgood.
> Ghoost & Ethereal Beings
A Shift in Feelings by Fuddlewuddle {T}
Bradley Bradshaw has a secret that only one person alive--Mav--knows about. He's a shifter and can transform into a Bobcat. When they all return alive from the mission, and Bradley shifts for the first time in years, he's realises that there's one other person he wants to know his secret. Here's hoping Jake Seresin won't live up to his call sign and leave Bradley hanging out to dry when he finds out Bradley is the big cat that's spread out on top of him whilst he's slept, or when Bradley tells him his cat views Jake as his Mate.
meet me in the woods tonight by Caitlin44 {E}
What followed was probably the most emotionally draining hour of Bradley's life since his mother's death. But in the end, the air was cleared between them, and he'd ended up curled into Mav's side, all parts of him once again connected to his surrogate father and his Pack, the connection between them all restored and open wide. He had laid there in almost wonder, exploring the connections he hadn't felt in over ten years, feeling the different links that led to the people he loved, that now formed a pack more extensive than the one he'd left.
Welcome to the Family by LadyLanera {T}
Bradley has the rest of his life to figure out when he's ready to die as a human and be reborn as a vampire. When tragedy strikes, though, he realizes that maybe he doesn't have that long after all.
(these moments given) a gift from time by dalearden {_}
He never could have imagined Hangman being willing to groom anyone, much less him, but it turns out Hangman has hidden depths.
With Teeth and Claws (Love Drags me Deep) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}
/Modified Form/
Rooster hadn’t exactly asked for Hangman to keep bugging him about his Modified form. He really hadn’t. …He actively avoided it, if he was honest. But now that wasn’t an option, and he was facing the consequences. On the bright side, Hangman seemed just as surprised as he had been - since he had never seen Hangman’s form, either.
a spoonful of sugar (helps the medicine go down) by bahjrc {G}
Bradley Bradshaw is a tired college student coming home for summer break. All he wants to do is come home, catch up on sleep, help his family's business and maybe figure out what the hell he's going to do with his life. He's not expecting a mysterious man and his weird cat that just moved into the apartment down the street to become a thing in his life. And he's definitely not expecting that golden cat to be such a pain on his ass.
baby, I'm howlin' for you by hangmanbradshaw {E}
/Wolf & Fox/
His smirk widened. He may not have been happy about this, but he could appreciate that Bradley gave as good as he got. “I am good, Rooster. I’m very good.” Bradley stared at him, expression battling between annoyance and what appeared to be a slight amount of amusement and intrigue. Jake continued, “Say, how does a werewolf get the nickname Rooster anyhow?” Bradley raised an eyebrow. “That’s none of your business.”
The Prince and His Knight by McDanno50
On A Dreary Night {E}
Jake felt his heart thump quicker, galloping in his chest, as the clicking of claws grew closer. Heavy breaths not his own let Jake know he was no longer alone. He remained still even as natural fear urged him to look over his shoulder to gauge the threat. But there was no real danger because Jake knew in his soul that he was safe with the monstrous wolf-like creature that lurked in the flickering shadows. The beast who terrified the men, women, and children not born of Miramar was hardly a monster to Jake. The bright light of day sees the Crown Prince of Miramar, Jacob Seresin, protected by his personal knight: a Lycan named Rooster. But at night, Jake loses himself to pleasure by Rooster's wolf form.
A Speckled Rooster Crowed {G}
Lycans had few offspring, litters born every ten years. The last Lycan pups included Julian’s own knight, Cyclone. And now it was Jake’s turn to choose a knight – his very own Lycan pup to raise and train as his personal bodyguard. He’d never known something so exciting yet terrifying. The time has come for Prince Jake to select his knight. Five pups vie for his attention, but one young Lycan seems a bit preoccupied with a fowl enemy.
Of Sex and Flowers {E}
If Heaven truly existed, Jake was sure his would be exactly like this. With Jake and his knight Rooster, alive and together in this peaceful place. Nothing outside of the meadow mattered when they were here: Jake was not royalty and Rooster was not a Lycan. They could play pretend and just be two men hopelessly in love with no duties and no secrets. Jake sneaks out of the castle to spend some private time with Rooster in a meadow. Their relationship will change once Jake becomes the Crown Prince so they say goodbye in the only way they know how.
the shapes of love by winterbucky {T}
sink your teeth into me (keep me)
Rooster doesn't need to know what animal Hangman shifts into, but he sure wants to find out. It's just another piece of the man he's hopelessly in love with, and he wants to know everything, no matter how much his friends tease him. Through a series of events, he finally finds out, and maybe gets more than expected Or shifter au where rooster is a wolf, hangman is [redacted], there's a LOT of pining, and icemav are cute together (ice is a tiger, mav is a fennec). they get their happy end
I see forever in your eyes
Having gotten together (and engaged in the same day), Rooster and Hangman don't get any less annoying with their behaviour. Rooster would even argue that their friends are more annoyed with them now, but he's too deliriously happy to care. He has the love of his life by his side, his friends surrounding him, and he's getting married. Life is great (and it's about to get even better) Or shifter au with smitten puppy rooster, disgustingly in love hangster, some background icemav and ANOTHER proposal
Lagoon by elizabethgee {E}
So it turns out that even though Bradley spends most of his time on land as a human, he is a shifter, and he he can shift into a merman. Jake has a lot of thoughts about it. And he's come up with a plan.
Lost Boy by Earthangel_44 {E}
Jake has to face the consequences after he stole from the pirate.
When the Waters Run Deep (Trust Them not to Pull You Under) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}
In all of Jake’s life, all he had ever wanted was to be a marine biologist. He adored the ocean and it’s inhabitants more than anything else. He thought he had everything he’d ever wanted. Until his boss sent him on a mission that he’d almost died on - forcing him to realign his perspective, and realize perhaps there was something else he wanted, after all.
Darkest Little Paradise by hangmanbradshaw {E}
Bradley never thought he'd be dealing with another round of hospital visits, especially not for the only family he had left. When he stumbles upon a book at his rare books store, he finds himself at a crossroads there may be no turning back from, but hey...don't blame him, love made him crazy. Or, Bradley *take my hand, wreck my plans, that's my man* Bradshaw needs to save Mav so he decides to make a deal. Enter Jake. Everything changes in ways he never could have imagined.
Up in the skies by AnadoraBlack {M}
Bradley hasn't been on Tarakona in more than ten years. It's time he goes home. Besides, at 30 years old, there's next to no chance a dragon egg would hatch for him, right?
My Better Half by WaffleToaster {E}
“You don’t know what you want, Bradshaw. You don’t want me, you may think you do, but you don’t.” When Bradley finds out about Jake's deepest and darkest secret, he begins to understand the meaning behind those words. He just never imagined it was going to take magic, pheromones, a life or death situation and sex for him to win Jake back.
What is Past is Prologue. by Barnes_Brain {T}
Everyone in life has secrets. The man at the bar, the woman serving drinks, the vampire who’s currently the COMPACFLT and the legendary pilot who is the same are not exempt. Jake “Hangman” Seresin, however, might have the biggest of them all. So when his secret is revealed, so many others follow. This of course, leads to complete chaos for the poor steward trying to do his best.
young savage things by drh0rrible {E}
After a year working as Jake Seresin's PA, there were three things Bradley was absolutely positive about. First, Bradley was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him-and he didn't know how potent that part might be-that thirsted for Jake's blood. And third, Bradley was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.
pumpkins and whiskers by youlookgood {T}
Needing a fresh start, Bradley moves from his old childhood home in San Diego to a far away small town. It's nice enough, he supposes. The residents certainly have that small-town autumn charm going for them. His new next-door neighbor's pretty nice too. What's less than nice is said neighbor's roommate, and his equally annoying orange cat.
Stuffin' That Muffin by WaffleToaster {E}
/Tentacle Monster/
Jake thinks it could have been a dream, but his distended stomach makes it obvious that everything had in fact really happened. But now weeks had passed and the eggs had dissolved, making him feel depressed in a sense and empty. And so that makes him ask, “What does it take to convince you for round two?”
Evil Be Gone by MadeItUp {E}
Training on the F/A-18 is everything he’s ever wanted, but Bradley’s dream becomes a nightmare when a new recruit joins the Golden Eagles. Blond hair, green eyes and a smirk so wicked he could rival the devil, Jake Seresin is everything Bradley hates – arrogant, brilliant and an unrelenting asshole. It’s almost as if he’s been sent there as Bradley’s own personal demon… All Bradley’s seen of the man so far is the back of his head – dirty blond hair cut short and sharp to the nape of his neck. At Nija’s invitation, Seresin turns to smile at the room, hand coming up in a lazy salute, his grin as sharp, as calculated, as the cut of his hair. His eyes are green, his dimples deep, and he’s far too pretty to be trusted.
The Halloween Special by ReformedTsundere {E}
/Tentacle Monster/
"Bradley?" Jake calls out, getting a hand on the knob even as his heart rate spikes. The sound of sliding limbs and another hard thump make Jake's choice for him. Without further announcement, he throws open the bathroom door, only faintly sure he's prepared for what's behind. He is, of course, incorrect. Jake has a series of thoughts that tangle together, crashing like a group of cars in multiple head-on collisions as his brain and body try to make sense of what he's seeing. It's as though he blinks through the five stages of grief, standing deer-eyed and petrified in the open door of Bradley's bathroom.
tell me your secret (I promise I’ll keep it) by shadowdancing {E}
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw has a secret. And Jake “Hangman” Seresin intends to figure out what it is. Well, actually Bradshaw has many secrets. But there is one secret above the rest. One that Rooster refuses to crack on. - Jake Seresin has known Bradley Bradshaw for over a decade. It's been a decade of rivalry, of push and pull, between the two. Everyone has secrets, including Jake himself. But he knows that there is something Bradshaw has been hiding from everyone. A big secret. This story follows two pilots, both coming from troubled pasts and heading towards a troubled future. With each revealed secret, their friendship, and their love only grows more.
Knot Your Typical Meet-Cute by ReformedTsundere {E}
There are no written laws saying that human Jake Seresin can't be a naval pilot, but that doesn't mean the social status of 'less durable meat bag' doesn't have its boot on his throat all the same. He's been a damn good serviceman so far, exceeded all his superior's expectations of him. But the simple fact of the matter is he doesn't have the connections to get him into the program or the genetics. Wolf-heavy and wolf-maintained, it's been nearly impossible to get his file on the desk of the fleet commanders who could streamline him to flight school. But if he does The Run, if he bags himself a wolf high enough on one food chain or another… it's his best shot.
Like Cats and Dogs by ReformedTsundere {T}
Where shifting is a sign of trust and love, indifferent Bradley realizes only when it's too late to stop his quick temper he might care more than he thought that Jake hasn't shifted in front of him even after dating for almost a year.
I wanna know, baby, what is it like? I know you want it, baby, you can have it by arcticmonks {E}
"It’s alright. Tomorrow, no onions. Drink lots of water to get it out of your bloodstream," Bradley says, casually, like he’s Jake’s doctor who’s worried about actual toxins instead of a vampire who wants his fuck buddy to smell just a little better. Jake’s head bobs. "Sure. Any other requests?" With a final hard suck, Bradley finishes off the bottle and sets it aside. "I’d like you to bite me."
Grant me freedom and I’ll set us both free by SunMonTue {E}
/Incubus & Demon/
One of Jake's past transgressions have damned him to 500 years of walking the Earth in human form, told he cannot feed off any of them directly. He has someone shadowing him to make sure he keeps to the rules.
I'll Be Your Guard Heart by Nixie_DeAngel {T}
Jake only loses control when it comes to Bradley Bradshaw and he was okay with that.
into the sky, with you by winterbucky {T}
In a world where some people can slip into dragon forms, Rooster haven't shown his dragon form to anyone since he was 15. He keeps to himself, but it proves harder than he imagined when the Daggers become an established squad and start spending all their time together. They don't even know that Rooster is a dragon. Or do they? And can the connection he had with Hangman 10 years ago come back to life? Maybe everything has a happy ending, and it's not as bad as Bradley is imagining or dragons au where rooster has Issues™️, but through the power of friendship and a hot aviator it's all okay
it's golden like daylight by halestrom {G}
Waking up in a warehouse after being hit across the head and hearing your dates dead parents talking is NOT Jake's idea of a good first date.
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jackles010378 · 10 months
Beyond the Monster
(Prompt: Hey there, I love your writing.... Can ask when you get a change if you could maybe write something about Benny lefitte and a female like falling inlove or something, like that! Thank you tons of blessings... 🌿🌺)
@nescavaneck hope this is what you were looking for 🥰
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Benny Lafitte was a notorious vampire, known for his abilities to charm and seduce anyone who crossed his path. One day, while on the hunt for his next victim, he spotted a beautiful young woman named y/n. Captivated by her innocence and grace, Benny decided that she would be his next conquest.
Under the cover of darkness, Benny approached y/n and swiftly kidnapped her, taking her to his secluded mansion. As the days passed, Benny began to realize that his feelings for y/n were unlike anything he had ever experienced before. Instead of turning her into a vampire, he found himself falling deeply in love.
Benny questioned his actions and wondered if he should release y/n and let her go free. However, he knew that she would never understand or forgive him for the trauma he had caused her. In an attempt to justify his actions, Benny convinced himself that he could turn y/n into a vampire and grant her eternal life and power.
As Benny spent more time with y/n, he began to open up about his true nature. He told her about his past, his struggles, and the undeniable attraction he felt towards her. To his surprise, y/n showed compassion and understanding. She listened intently to his stories and tried to see beyond the monster he believed himself to be.
In the depths of their conversations, y/n shared her own fears and desires, her dreams of making a difference in the world. Benny was captivated by her selflessness and determination, and he started questioning his own choices. Could love change him? Could he transform himself into someone worthy of y/n's affection?
Determined to find redemption, Benny sought out the help from his hunter friend Dean who had told Benny he was once turned into a vampire, but his brother Sammy and grandfather Samuel managed to turn him back into a human. He pleaded Dean for help, asking him to give him the cure, to give him a chance at becoming human again.
As Dean studied Benny, he noticed a transformation within him. His love for y/n had sparked a light within his dark soul, and he saw the potential for change. Dean gave Benny the cure, and so Benny embarked on a journey of self-discovery and redemption.
Months turned into years as Benny worked tirelessly to make amends for his past sins. Together with y/n, they fought against the darkness that lurked within his own heart, battling his carnal instincts and striving to find a path towards humanity.
As their love grew, Benny and y/n faced countless trials and tribulations, both from the outside world and from the inner demons that haunted them. Through it all, they remained steadfast in their belief that love had the power to overcome even the darkest of pasts.
In the end, Benny was transformed. No longer a vampire, he had become a human being capable of love and compassion. Together, he and y/n built a life filled with happiness and redemption. They dedicated their lives to helping others and proving that love was a force that could conquer all.
Their story became legendary, inspiring others to believe in the power of love and the ability to change. Benny Lafitte, once a feared vampire, became a symbol of hope and transformation. And it all started with a kidnapper who fell in love with the woman he was supposed to turn into a vampire.
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vkdshg · 2 years
Dating & Relationship Tips for Women
The CR survey found that 35 percent of respondents who’ve tried online dating felt they had been grossly misled by someone’s online profile, and 12 percent said they’d been scammed. For some, the physical attraction and arousal felt for a person may be the determining factor that catapults them into love. According to Psychology Today, researchers argue that people fall in love due to having something in common, spending time together, finding the other person attractive, and having a feeling that the person likes you. 24. Are you a morning person or a night person? There are a couple of things you can do to try and get him talking. Is there a hotel? While it's unknown if mermaids swim in the ocean depths or dragons lurk in deep underground caves, there is one place you can find them: guarding your heart. Let the tender unicorn show you how to open your heart and be vulnerable.
Nowadays, you can take out your phone, open a user-friendly app, capture a shockingly high-quality picture, make any corrections you need, and then send that picture to your grandma, who can see it seconds later. Others, like Donald Daters - tagline: Make America Date Again - claim they’re open to people of all political stripes who are interested in dating Republicans. The people who become members on our platform aren’t just half-heartedly perusing their options or looking for an opportunity to text-flirt, they’re people with a genuine interest in finding a committed and compatible partner. You will not only see information from the dating sites, but also information whether the websites have been experienced as positive or negative by people who have been before you. These are the best Christian dating websites available for single Christian however, We would recommend eHarmony or BigChurch. When you find out you have HIV/AIDS,Herpes,or any other STD, it can feel like you are all alone in the world. The wonderful world of dating may seem like a fun game to play, but it can be very difficult for some people. Although it seems like a simple thing to note as a deal-breaker, many people ignore the signs when there's a lack of interest from their partner, and according to Winston, it may not always be as simple to spot as you think.
Sophisticated search engines. I’m already seeing search engine parameters that can match image features, so singles will soon be able to search cyberspace for their ideal partner, without the need to join any dating site. You can always select your life partner preference and describe about how you wanted him/her to be in a line or two. נערות ליווי בראשון לציון  Or you can call Samaritans on 116 123, any time of the day or night for free from mobile or landline phones. Or call upon the perceptive sphinx to help you evaluate potential partners. For centuries, human beings have told stories about mythical creatures, from the gentle unicorn to the cunning sphinx. People have wondered if these magical beings do in fact exist among us. Most people likely fall in love based on these attributes, but some people place a higher value on certain attributes than others. In addition to these “attraction attributes,” the concerns of whether your social circle approves of a relationship and whether they will fill your personal needs also play a large part in shifting the tectonic plates of attraction to the earthquake of love. Well, maybe not. Merriam-Webster dictionary offers several different definitions of love, ranging from strong affection to sexual attraction to admiration.
Welcome back to The Attraction Doctor. You will receive an awesome welcome gift after you register on Plenty of Fish. Whether your current love interest is the apple of your eye or an acquired taste, this quiz will be able to diagnose the ice cream topping that summarizes the state of your heart at the moment. Take this quiz to find out what mythical creature guards your heart and allow it to help guide your romantic ventures. Any location, ethnicity, how religious they are (but that's for you to find out!), age, etc. This is coming from a female's perspective. Free users are able to create a profile and browse through other profiles in order to find a match. We’ve put together a list of some of the best headlines online dating users are finding success with and give you some useful tips to bear in mind. We’d make a list of what we do more naturally and make sure it’s even. Learn about all this and more. We’ll check in regularly to make sure no one feels like they’re doing more than their share.
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blushstories · 3 years
hello my dear!! i hope you are doing so well!! okay okay i am so excited for this lil drabble day i love this oh my gosh, so only if inspiration strikes, could i possibly request qoute #12 "i told you before. i’m not gonna let anything in this world nor the next harm you." with geralt :') of course only if you want to mwauh remember to stay hydrated and you are a wonderful human mwauh
hello!! oh my goodness yes of course! i was so happy to see you appear in my inbox, you have no idea :") anything for one of my sweetest mutuals !! <33i hope you are doing so well also, please look after yourself and have wonderful weekend!! hope you enjoy, i had maybe four different ideas for this, which i may post later anyway but this one felt new, so hopefully it's not disappointing :)
don't wander off - geralt of rivia
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summary: geralt always warns you to not be alone in the depths of the forest. but he was just here a minute ago. where did he go?
word count: 954
prompt #12: "i told you before. i'm not going to let anything in this world nor the next harm you."
warnings: canon-level violence, nothing heavy :)
drabble day prompt list
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You never understood why the books you read described moonlight that illuminated the path, acting as a saving grace for whichever character was stranded in the dark, because you couldn���t see more than six feet in front of you. The mushroom you had been inspecting lay forgotten by your feet as you searched for Geralt in the midst of the trees. You listened for footsteps, or Roach’s soft braying, but you heard nothing except the quiet cooing of the crows in the trees. Your heart picked up in your chest. He had been right next to you a few minutes ago, telling you to move on. You took his silence as patience, not that he had actually left you.
“Geralt?” You called, just loud enough for his heightened hearing to pick up if he was nearby. You didn’t want to attract any creatures that could be lurking nearby, as you were too far away from the main path to be safe. There weren’t any visible tracks on the floor that you could see, and you didn’t want to wander too far away in case Geralt tried to retrace his steps. Before wrapping an arm around yourself, you tapped the outside layers of your clothing to check for the dagger hidden underneath. Taking a deep breath, you began to walk in the direction that you had been heading anyway - maybe you could meet him in the middle of retracing your steps.
Being in the forest alone was completely unfamiliar to you, as Geralt warned you never to wander off without him, so you never did. The leaves crunched uncharacteristically loudly as you walked, looking around every now and then for any sign of him. At one moment, the forest lay still and empty. But the next time you turned, you spotted a dark figure just settled in your field of vision. You froze as you took in the network of tree roots supporting the tall creature, instantly recognising it as a Leshy. Your heart skipped a beat.
You knew it was pointless to run from leshen, but you took off in the opposite direction anyway, as fast as your legs would take you. The air burned your lungs as you ran, not being able to consider that you were likely about to be even more lost in the woods than before. What's worse, the forest is the Leshy's weapon. Numerous roots surfaced around you as you ran, loud and angry and relentless as they followed you with smooth movements, so when a thick root finally wrapped around your calf, you weren’t surprised.
“Geralt!” The roots tangled around your legs, weaving around each other while you were dragged towards the creature on your back, with your cloak catching leaves and other dead foliage as it followed behind you. You leaned over to catch hold of an incoming tree as sticks scratched at your back, hearing your name echo somewhere nearby, allowing some of your panic to ebb.
Following a loud squelch, the force pulling against your legs disappeared just as quickly as it came. Geralt crashed into view, wielding his sword that was glowing orange from heat. He started rushing towards you, eyes set on the web of roots that knotted your legs together, but you showed him your dagger. "Go! I've got this!" His sword swung to the side to neutralise another incoming root before spinning on his heel. He sprung into action, expertly swinging his sword at the roots that attacked him you sawed the heavy Leshy remains off of your legs.
You were thankful that its attention was now on Geralt, so you were able to keep low, and hopefully blend into the background of the forest. In the midst of the sounds of sword slicing through Leshy, you spotted another root crawling towards you, preparing to pounce. As if it had a mind of its own, you watched it emerge from the ground, showering dirt around you, hanging in the air before unexpectedly becoming completely limp. You looked up to see Geralt pull his sword out of the creature’s bark, leaving it in the shape of an immobile humanoid tree. You stood up on shaky legs as Geralt made his way towards you, expression unreadable - but you could see the tension in his shoulders. The leaves and twigs fell to the floor with gentle thumps while you brushed and shook them off of your cloak.
When he reached you he took your chin between his index finger and thumb, manoeuvring your head to the left and then the right as his eyes scanned your face, before he stepped back to assess the rest of your body. “I’m fine,” You insisted. “Just relieved to see you.” He was silent for a moment as you followed him to where Roach was waiting. “Are you okay?” He hummed, prompting Roach to start walking again. It took you a minute to recognise his unfocused stare, and the way he was relying on muscle memory to walk more than anything. “It wasn’t your fault, Geralt.” “I should’ve been there.” “You were there; you always are. I ought to thank you, for always being there,” You prepared for him to brush you off somehow, but he didn’t. “You don't have to thank me. I told you before. I’m not going to let anything in this world nor the next harm you.” You smiled to yourself, playing with a loose thread on your cloak. “I know. I trust you.” “Good. Are you really alright?” The soft tone to Geralt's voice had returned as he glanced back at you. "I promise I am. But do me a favour, Mr Witcher." "What's that?" "Don't wander off like that again."
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thot-writes · 3 years
first up i wanna dedicate this fic to the handful of followers i have that always, without fail, like my shit. shoutout to smol-mimi, echos-chamber, hella--horny, yanashee, and queenondeezmatatas. i see u queens, and i love u. if there’s anyone i missed i’m sorry i love u all sm u mean everything 💕
it’s time for megumi tentacle porn! also i decided to make the jujutsu schools more like college or finishing schools, so first-years are 18-19.
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adventures in tentaculum: scene II — Megumi Fushiguro (18+ NSFW);
you are an imaginary cursed spirit. over 1,200 years ago, you were an infamous pirate born from a small fishing village. throughout your adventures, people began to spin legends of you as a vicious demoness of the sea— as beautiful as you were fearsome, and able to take on many aquatic forms.
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Within the realms of jujutsu and spirits and sorcery, even you are considered an anomaly. You can hardly consider yourself vengeful — actually, that’s not true, you do tend to target the rich and privileged, but the vast majority of people have little to fear from you.
Japan is one of many countries you’ve ventured to in your time as a cursed spirit— or perhaps it‘s where you came from? Your memory of your human life has grown unfortunately foggy over the centuries. Regardless, it’s where you’ve been for some time, and where you intend to stay for the foreseeable future.
Because you’ve curiously grown rather attached to a human sorcerer.
The school of jujutsu in Tokyo is one you’ve had some contact with — mostly with Gojo. Despite being a sorcerer’s natural enemy, you’ve been known to be quite approachable and even human-like with your disposition. Of course the higher-ups want your exorcism and disapprove of Gojo’s willingness to talk to you, but they’re pathetically weak so they don’t register as a threat.
You met Megumi on one of your “meetings”, for lack of a better term, with the white-haired sorcerer. He was awestruck as he came face-to-face with you. You stand taller than the average human, almost a head taller than Gojo, and exude impossible amounts of cursed energy. Your aura is ethereal as well, your haunting beauty something far beyond a simple person’s and equally as strong as the sense of dread that lurks beneath the surface.
It was obvious to him, as it was to anyone that could see you, that despite resembling a human you most certainly were not one.
You ended up talking to — and befriending — Yuji. You were intrigued by his story of becoming Sukuna’s vessel, and you got along surprisingly well. Nobara was a classic whack-job too, just the way you like them. They would’ve fit in terrifically on your ship had they been alive at the time. Megumi seemed to be the only person that remembered you were a dangerous curse and not just someone to kick it with, but his protests were drowned out.
Eventually, you won him over.
So well in fact that he developed feelings for you. He absolutely refused to acknowledge them at first, banishing the thought to the depths of his mind, but like always your persistence paid off.
Your relationship today is still on the down-low. No one else knows a thing. How long has it been since it became official now? Time is so fuzzy to you. It’s either been three days or three months. Maybe three years?
No, wait. If it was three years he wouldn’t be in school anymore. One of the other two then.
Maybe you should get a watch. You don’t know the first thing about technology, though. Even a clock is too high-tech for you — how do those little things move? Cursed energy? Insane!
Megumi was trying his best to teach you about modern inventions (bless his heart) since it’d be much more convenient if you knew. You often would visit his dorm room and absentmindedly watch him fiddle with doodads and whatsits and doohickeys of all kinds. With each explanation, your questions only grew.
Today was one such day, though he’d all but abandoned his efforts and opted for watching a movie instead. His laptop is positioned at the foot of his bed whilst you two sat at the head, your long limbs entangled in his as you cuddled in a mess of blankets and pillows. His head is rested comfortably on your chest, the absence of breathing or a heartbeat perturbed him at first, but he’s come to like the stillness.
“So how can the people fit in the— what’d you call it? Laptop?” you ask him, chin nestled in his hair as your ancient mind ponders the logic of it all.
You hear him sigh. “They’re not actually in there. It was made beforehand. Imagine a play that was preserved forever, that’s what a movie is.”
“I remember plays.” You nod knowingly. “I killed a nobleman while he was attending one. I would’ve stayed to watch but the actors didn’t appreciate me beheading an audience member.”
“Really...” he muses in a flat tone. “I can’t imagine why.”
You point at the computer screen. “So if this is like a play, does that mean every time you watch it the actors have to perform it for you?”
Megumi closes his eyes in silent contemplation. He can’t believe you haven’t absorbed any of the lessons he’s taught you. Slowly opening them again, he says, “No.”
“How novel! And what is this thing we’re looking at again?”
“Laptop.” His voice has gained a curt edge to it as the last of his patience wears thin. “Maybe we shouldn’t watch this, you haven’t even being paying attention.”
“I wanted to!” you protest. “But then I couldn’t stop thinking about the tiny actors inside, I mean surely there can’t be enough air for them, right?”
He sits up and slams the laptop shut, groaning in annoyance as he puts it away. You frown at his back, you didn’t mean to bother him but clearly your technological illiteracy was too much. You were quite dumb, after all. Peasants oft were in your time, no matter what they became later in life. You put a hand on his shoulder soothingly.
“Sorry, I’m really hopeless at this kinda thing.”
He rests his hand atop of yours and shakes his head. “No, that’s okay. I should’ve picked something we could both enjoy doing.”
You shuffle over to him, your features darkening as not-so-innocent thoughts start coursing through your mind. “I can think of something we’d both enjoy...”
Curiously, he looks to you. The way you’re biting your lip and undressing him with your eyes, he quickly gets the message. His face heats up and he looks away, but you catch his chin and steal a quick kiss from him.
“That’s against the rules...” he murmurs, gaze fixed on your lips as you pull away just a touch. “You can’t just suddenly do that.”
“Are you saying you don’t want to?”
He remains silent and inhales your scent, citrusy and fresh, invigorating like a sea breeze and something he wishes he could smell all the time. He’s tried looking for candles that smell like you so he can burn them when you’re gone, but they never truly capture the magic.
When you make love, one of his favourite things to do in the aftermath is to luxuriate in the enticing aroma that is just you lingering in his sheets.
His mind starts to spin as he inadvertently leans forward so your lips are touching, only just, and sending a delightful shockwave throughout his body. “I do want to...” is what he finally manages to say.
You kiss him again, harder this time, and cradle his face in your hand. He loses himself in the kiss, the sweet taste of your mouth, the sensation of your tongue on his, the softness of your lips, he’s committed it all to memory. It’s hard to pinpoint when exactly this happened, but Megumi has fallen hopelessly, distressingly in love with you.
And the feeling is wholly mutual.
His hands find your hair and he pulls you closer, deepening the kiss as a trail of saliva drips from your mouths. His blood aflame, his heart pounding wildly in his chest, his thirst for you only intensifies while his pants form a tent from where his excitement is growing.
“Mmnh..” He can’t stop himself from moaning your name into your mouth. He really is far too cute for his own good; you haven’t even touched him yet.
You break the kiss but he, in a daze, tries to follow you. You spawn a tentacle from the small of your back and slip it around his neck, gently holding him in place. He gives a bewildered look, his hands falling to his side and his dark doe eyes fixed on you.
You press a finger to your lips and smirk. “Patience, sweet thing. There’s more I want to do to you.”
Your hand massages over the growing bulge in his pants and he whines. He watches your hand and bites his lip, savouring the sweet sensation of your warmth through the fabric of his clothes. You unzip and unbutton his trousers, giving you better access to slide your fingers into his underwear and stroke his throbbing cock. It twitches at the contact, and Megumi holds his breath.
You gently roll your fingers around his tip, precum already starting to peak out, and his voice quivers. You grab a handful of his sweater and stuff it into his mouth. He’s always the one saying he’s not ready to be out about your relationship, yet here he is, not even trying to mask how vocal he is. His blue eyes meet yours and he bites down on the fabric. He leans back on his hands and spreads his legs apart while you work his cock painfully slowly. He wiggles his hips in an attempt to get you to touch him more, and you can’t hold back a smile.
“So needy for me... You’re this frustrated already?” you purr.
He nods his head, suddenly remembering the tentacle wrapped around his throat as it restricts his movement. He remembers you telling him that they were sensitive, so he strokes a hand along the length. The feeling of his soft, large hand on your tendril almost makes you sigh, you always loved how he feels.
And as a second tendril wriggles it’s way into his undergarments, you ruminate on one thing you love feeling even more than his hands.
The tip of your tentacle teases his entrance and he yelps. Due to the malleability of your tentacles, lubricant is scarce a necessity when you decide to use them like this. Your finger tracing one of the pulsating veins of his cock, you squeeze the tentacle inside and shudders rock your body. Megumi, practically eating his sweater at this point, squeezes his eyes shut and moans.
His insides feel hot and tight on your tentacle, gripping it just right and making you breathe out a shaky breath. “Fuck, Megumi, you feel so good. How do you like it?”
You don’t actually need to ask. His whole body is quivering and his voice still manages to leak through his clenched teeth and sweater. “Kkh... s’good. Feels good.”
You duck your head down and push his sweater up further, exposing his cute pink nipples. You take one of them into your mouth and continue easing your tentacle inside him, he clutches his hand around the one on his neck and curls his toes. He arches into your mouth and throws his head back, lips falling open into a sob and letting go of the shirt.
You curl your hand around his cock in a vice-like grip and start to pump, his precum flowing freely and coating both it and your hand in the sticky clear substance. His eyes roll back and his cries grow louder, but you’re too focused to care about covering them.
Megumi’s taut, spongy insides send heat coursing through you, your arousal pooling in your panties as you thrust in and out of him. God, it feels like just doing this could make you cum.
Overcome with an intense want, you use the tentacle on his neck to yank him down harshly on the bed and he looks up at you in surprise, hands holding the tendril that’s practically crushing his windpipe. You’ve brought out your other tentacles and use them to slide his pants off his legs and fling them aside, same with his underwear.
You grab one of his hands and bring it to your pussy, and he swallows thickly. He wants you on his face, but you want to hear him. His fingers slip into your panties and clumsily work at your clit, rubbing it in circular motions and he drools at the feeling of your wetness.
Two of your tentacles hold his legs apart, leaving coiling red marks on his thighs as you fuck him senseless. He inserts his long, slender fingers and curls them in your pussy, pressing up against your g-spot. That combined with the sensation of his tight ass squeezing you so well is enough to bring you to your orgasm. You thrust your tentacle in deeper and gasp, while Megumi sloppily but hastily fingers you as you ride it out.
He brings his soaked fingers to his mouth and licks the cum from them, murmuring a barely audible “delicious” as he does so. Invigorated by the sight and your orgasm, you tighten the grip on his neck and pick up the speed.
Your hands busy themselves playing with his nipples as you fuck him, and he cries your name like it’s a holy mantra. His body jerks and writhes as his own orgasm bubbles in his core.
Digging his nails into the tentacle coiled around his throat, his cheeks splotchy pink and stained with tears, he hiccups and moans. “Aah-haah I-I’m c-c-cumming. It—s c-coming o-out-haa aah!”
Thick strings of cum shoot out from his cock and land on his stomach, chest, and face. He’s definitely going to have to throw out that sweatshirt now, it’s impossible to get cum stains out of black fabric. You keep fucking him as he thrusts his hips into you and his wailing fills the room.
As his motions slow down, so do yours. You slowly release him from your the grip of your tentacles even as droplets of cum continue to weep from his dick. His chest heaves as he takes in uneven breaths, eyes fluttering closed in long, languid blinks.
You brush some of his hair out of his face and smile at him. “How’re you feeling?”
He nods half-heartedly. “Good... I’m feeling sleepy... but good.”
“I’m glad,” you chuckle. “I’ll get you cleaned up then we can nap together, ‘kay?”
“Yeah,” he answers simply. You can tell he’s one blink away from passing out. He’s trying his best to stay awake though, poor thing.
You hop off the bed and grab some tissues, wiping him clean then tossing them away. You decide to take his sweater off too, it’s far too messy to sleep in now. Megumi almost falls asleep as you do this, but he desperately wants to spend as much time with you as possible so he continues to fight it with what little strength he has left.
For you, changing clothes is far easier. You’re a cursed spirit after all, you kind of don’t even exist. You simply generate a clean pair of panties and slide back into bed with him, tucking him into the blankets and cradling his head in your lap. He’s lulled into a calm, peaceful sleep with your hands running through his hair and your soothing scent permeating the air.
You gaze at him as he sleeps, trailing your finger along the contour of his jaw. Truthfully, he’s the most beautiful creature you’ve ever laid your eyes on and you often tell him so. He always tells you to stop, but you can see he’s hiding a blush. You’re suddenly pulled out of your thoughts when there comes a knock at the door.
“Oi, Megumi! You alive in there? I heard yelling from down the hall, so me and Nobara came to check on you. Can we come in?” It’s Yuji. Damn it.
Your eyes flicker from the door down to the still-sleeping (and stark naked) Megumi. They don’t even know you were here! If they see you like this they’ll know for sure about you two! What do you do?!
Suddenly, the doorknob jiggles. They’re trying to come in. The door’s locked, but it’d be no match against Yuji’s monstrous strength. You stare hopelessly at the door, silently wishing for some kind of miracle.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Could I request a Jaskier x female reader where the reader is a princess who during daylight, is condemned to be a bear, after being cursed by an evil sorcerer At night she become a human again. Which the curse can only be broken by a man (who would be Jaskier) who pledges his heart solely to the reader (something like true love’s kiss). Please and thank you!!!
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jaskier x reader
Warnings; mentions of witcher killing, mentions of death and angst, curses, nudity, some fluff, implied smut
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“G-Geralt.” Jaskier’s voice shivered, as he saw a great mountain of brunette fur, wading through the long grass, heavy breathing exhibiting from its wet snout. “There’s a bear!”
“If you’re that scared, try to speak quieter.” The Witcher’s speech remained monotone, as he continued walking, leaving the bard to catch up with his hardy footsteps. “We need to leave before nightfall, that is when the true monster is unleashed from the bruin vessel.”
“You kill monsters, we’ll be fine.” The bard waved off, though he was terrified, and Geralt was all but convinced with his dismissal. “We will, won’t we Geralt?”
“It’s bad luck to remain out here at night, it’s an old wives tale, however, no one survives the night out here. Not after the disappearance of the princess of Arafell.” Jaskier remembered that tale, he had even seen the princess at a banquet once when they were both young in age.
Neither of them had the opportunity to converse with one another that evening, it was the night she had ran away. and he certainly had regretted never asking her dance. Before that though, they had often strode through the gardens hand in hand, conversing on the beauty of the petals that veiled around the stems, and she, unlike most people, listened to his descriptive forms of poetry. Back then, he had been shy, and not to mention, she was of sought after royal blood. That evening was the last that anyone from the kingdom had ever been seen, after the slumber of eternity wept over their souls. One thing he severely remembered though, was that she loved dandelions.
The princess had ran away, leaving the king and queen in search of someone that could find her, and thus they hired a private sorcerer to complete their wishes. But instead of seeking out the lost girl, the old man took the gold and the lives of old, wallowing the land in distress that clambered into a delving of madness.
A shout bellowed from the bear, and Jaskier found him to “How long will it be til we reach the borders?”
“The bad luck will loom over us Jaskier, we will not make it out of here in the span of the next countless hours. There will be a moon in the sky, but perhaps we’ll be able to seek out cover in the old guard’s tower.”
“Where are we Geralt?” The brown haired poet feared to be met with the answer “What makes you think that we’ll survive the night?!”
“This is what remains of Arafell.” Stated the white haired hunter, as he continued to plod through the thick foliage beneath his dark boots. He stepped on the dull green life form, not encouraged to pursue any further into the depths as he heard the destination that they were travelling through.
“Arafell, great.” Huffed the irritating bard, clutching his lute as he spoke the haunting name. “There’s no need to be afraid, when you’re in the land of torn bodies, because the witcher is by your side. He’ll slash and dice, protect the mice, from the darkness that falls from above. The people are dead, I am filled with dread, in the land of Ar-afellll.”
“Stop singing.” Whenever there was any fault present in their adventures together, Jaskier had a tendency, wallowing similar like a pie without filling to sing. It shrouded Geralt with epitomised frustration, his betrothed follower sure knew how to pull his strings, it was as though he were a moral lute, a practice run of socialisation for the noble’s son.
“Sorry.” Apologised the traveller, with a shrug encompassed by a spark of coldness affecting his posture. There was a breeze, filled with the pinching of icicles in the air, and it clawed through his clothes, clashing with the meat blanketed warmth of his bones. “It’s just- we’re in bloody Arafell, or what remains of it, and you are so calm. Have you maybe perhaps forgotten what happened here?!”
“No. I was here when it queen Ara and her kingdom fell. And that bear has lurked every inch of these demolished castle lands searching for scraps, and if you cannot tell, it is almost night fall, and she has come up sufficiently short of anything, for all these decades.”
The listener frowned, bears did not live so long. It was a curious prospect, it remained loyal to these grounds, although it was empty. There had to be a reason why, a pattern that supposed why it, or she as Geralt had divulged, remained to lurk in the midst of the overgrown forestry. And then another thought (yes, Jaskier had the ability to do that despite what his protective travel mate may have wondered), hit him, like a bolt of lightning.
“Um, Geralt, where is the bear?” He gulped, hearing the rustling of the thick foliage metres behind them. The moon scourged the sky with its global presence, inducing another shot of ambient fear through Jaskier’s veins. “It was-“
“Shut up a moment.” It was almost impossible half the time to silence Jaskier, but this time, he actually obliged the command. Geralt drew his sword, the one that glistened a predominate silver and was made from the compound, clutching the handle in his vice and skilled grip, as his feet took him closer to the imposter that was imbedded within the weeds.
“Oh.” Jaskier covered his eyes, he couldn’t look as Geralt pointed the weapon at the beasts throat; a whimper escaped it as Geralt took a step back, alerting his companion. “Kill it Geralt, it’s a bear, it’s going to kill us.”
“It was a bear.” Geralt elaborated as he watched the beast transform and lose its course coat of brown fur, turning into a less monstrous beast. It was only a girl, with unruly and wild hair that was matted in all directions, her face contorted into fear. “Of whom are you, my lady?”
“A witcher.” It trailed from her lips as a whisper, her tone alerting Jaskier that it indeed was not a bear, rather it was a woman, laid on the forest ground, in nothing but her own layers of skin. His eyes widened for a moment, until he earned an elbow in the rib from his friend for his long and convicted ogling. “I have only heard legends but...
“You speak english?” Jaskier wiped his forehead with the back of his hand, hinting at his subsequent misunderstanding of the situation. “but you were a bear?!” This was all growing more confusion with each passing second, there were too many angles of the world.
“I’m cursed.” It was an easy consequence to admit, for the lady of the worlds already lived through them. “Each day, I am forced to pad about in the brute body of a bruin, a sorcerer brought by darkness himself to this dimension damned me to this abomination, his name was-“
“Lament.” From hearing that name, the woman on the ground was taken aback as the women, trying to prevail some decency, attempted to cover her breasts with her arms, as she crossed her legs over one another. “Your parents sent me to find you, lady. I came up empty handed in my search for you, there was no trail that I managed to find, nothing that would point in your direction. And that night, as I returned with short of nothing of any news of your whereabouts, Lament was there.”
“He killed them all, didn’t he. My family?” The answer didn’t require any verification from Geralt, the solemn, yet usual expression on the Witcher’s face was all the confirmation that she needed. “Of course he did, he’s a poisonous shadow, when he finds something he wants, he takes away its home, so that it can’t run back to the hearth whence it came from. I regret every running away from home...”
“Wait a moment.” This was all beginning to add up in some mind boggling way. Jaskier flitted his gaze aside for a moment as Geralt pulled a fine blanket from his luggage, knowingly seeing the movement out of the corner of his curious eye that she was pulling the material that conducted warmth over her shoulders, and across her sachet of flaunted skin.
"Shut up Jaskier." Instantaneously stated the bard, whom had returned his cerulean gaze back upon the y/h/c woman, depositing a composition of interest to her form.
"You're the princess of Arafell, aren't you. Y/n, it's you, isn't it?" Y/n's expression was one of shock; how did this man know of her identity? She understood how the witcher did, though with considering he was condemned with the duty of finding her. The brunette man was slightly familiar, and so he revealed why that was. “it’s Julian.” Jaskier held his hand to his chest, almost hurt that you didn’t recognise him, but it had been years, so many, none of which had been kind to you. “My name is Julian Alfred Pankratz.”
“Dandelion!” The reprised title spun from y/n's tongue, remembering the nickname that she had given the now gentleman all those years ago, when he was nothing more than a persisting boy that made her flash an unashamed laughter in the midst of poised quality showrooms of noble gatherings. "I remember you." She dwelled on the fact, if she weren't clothed in only a shrill and frayed blanket that was pebbled with small dots of soil, from where it had been laid on the ground, y/n surely would have jumped up and spun her arms around his 'sexy goose' neck.
"You've got to be kidding me, it is just my luck that the pair of you know each other." Geralt crossed his arms, shaking his sleek silver head, being deprived of attention as he spoke. "Is there any way to get yourself out to get you out of this prospected curse of turning into a bear, y/n?"
"To be betrothed to a man, confirmed with a kiss resonating true love, though, nobody with any sense would put themselves in that position for me, there is no wealth to my name anymore, nor is there relevance with my heritage, for there is nothing that remains, as you have confirmed for me. This man must certainly be one of a kind, for he has to pledge his loyalty solely to me, forbidding himself from ever being with another woman again."
The mention of a lack of sense reminded Geralt of one man in particular, and he was stood right beside him. But it couldn't have been Jaskier, of all people, and- Geralt found himself overcome with dread as the bard stepped forward, crunching his shoed feet into the withered grass, closer to the rediscovered princess.
"I have waited my whole life to see you again." Oh god, here he went, Geralt thought. "When we were younger, I was infatuated with you, and here we are, united again in a union. If my betrothal means nothing then you will remain in this shrine of gloom, but to me, it would mean everything to me."
"Y/N come on, have some sense, it-" There was lack of reason for Geralt to continue speaking, as y/n sprung up, the blanket flowing down from her shoulders, baring her body cold to the crisp air, as her hands clasped both sides of Jaskier's face, and pressed her lips to his.
The witcher cringed, turning away as the pair practically ate the other's face, like starved animals that had been distanced for many years, which in their case was true. "Do you know if the curse is broken, is there any indicator if so?"
A hum fell from y/n's mouth as Jaskier's hand traced the curve of her spine, causing Geralt to scoff. That was the only response he earned, and to a high stake, it disgusted him. "I think I'm just gonna let you two have some time to yourselves, I guess we will see in the morning if you're being mawled by a bear you flippant."
And thus he walked away, leaving the two to pursue their primitive instincts, under the blessed moon, and on the routed curfew on the dark and dead land of Arafell.
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imalwaystiredzzz · 3 years
C5: Sisyphus happy. Yan Zhongli x Reader
#genshin x reader
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Warning: Yandere behavior, unhealthy relationships
< Sisyphus happy chapters >
Once, from a time long before records and memories were written on ink and paper, Morax walked upon vast lands rich in history, watered by tears of tragedy and love lost. He turns to an old woman who stood before her destroyed village, eyes downcast and hollow on bodies drowned by the war of an unrelenting sea and the mountain that does not bow. 
Morax did not understand, maybe once when he had held a goddess’ body to his own, but to him that was one thing and this is another. This is love of a mortal that does not even know who the child that cried next door nor the man that walked past their door, this is to love a complete stranger and the love that Guizhong once had when she was still by his side.
“What must I do to learn the love of mortals?” He asks, voice devoid of emotion; genuine curiosity and the hope to understand beneath.  
The old woman smiled, warm and full of wisdom as if her short years were thousands compared to the god. “To love mortals, one must sacrifice eternity and learn of the passing time. Of death and partings. The gods have forgotten that they may live long but even you have an end, it is the same thing that pains us yet we find delight in.”
He didn’t understand then, those words ring true and wise as Cloud Retainer’s advice to his ears on leading the people that he had now to care for. Even so, he still finds himself wondering, “What would Guizhong have done?”
In his heart, he knows that she would’ve understood and took a moment to explain; unlike the way time leaves nothing but confusion in its wake, only pondering and no straight answers?
Even as hundreds of years pass, when all that remains of that old woman is nothing but ashes on the soil and the land had been turned to marsh, the people traveling and settling in a mountain, and the war marching on to its bloody conclusion; Morax found that answer to be much like the dumbbell that he may never come to solve. 
But once more, reminiscent of his unexamined love with the goddess had bloomed too late, fate had played him right into its hands. 
Because the answer had come in the form of you- still a child, a bud in the nursery of glaze lilies under the morning sun. You and your small hands that gripped the end of his robes, with teary eyes that looked at the dying people and held these strangers hand in their last breath with as much intensity for a small comfort to let them know they did not die alone.
“Will the war end soon?” Your small voice asked him, even Mountain Shaper had not the stomach to look at a child’s plea for peace and spout lies.
“I am trying to end it, as fast as I can.” 
“Then this is for you.” You reached into your pocket and gave him a dried glazed lily contained in glass, “thank you for trying though we cannot give much back.” You bow, as courtesy knowing that you had just talked to the very god that protected the lands you step on and ran back to the shack that housed the sick and injured, your parents much too busy to notice you had snuck out. 
Blissfully unaware that the god of geo, gripping the gift in between his hands, amber eyes following your form and telling himself that humans have much to learn and yet they surprise him nonetheless, just like as his love used to tell him.
But even answers are confusing, much like a child who asks why is 1+1=2 and the process of it, he didn’t understand till he saw you once more. Not yet a lady but not quite the child that you used to be. Now you are the girl who provides healing, growing up to be a herbalist like your mother and no longer simply holding a basket of them for your father. Carefully, with your mortal hands you comfort the injured beyond salvation as the calamities of gods that hold much power rages on. 
Surrounded by dying men of the war, miasma, curses and death lurking in the air, in his eyes you remained untouched. Unblemished, as if the air in your little bubble had been purified by innocence and unconditional love for the crowd of strangers, neither pitying them for death nor numb to their tragedy. Then for a second he thought he saw her - the glaze lilies and the goddess that he loved so much and he begins to wonder if she’s come back to him through you.
“I should thank you for treating the wounded.” He tells the man before him, the bags of herbs laying behind his form and a sigil in hand, “use this in times of need, when the people are crying and I am away, surely the adeptis are quick to answer and would not turn you away.” 
“My lord, Rex Lapis, there is no need to thank us. Knowing that you protect the people is enough, we are just a family of healers who help the ones in need.” Your father was a grateful man, and he can see where you get your eyes, especially your kind heart who reaches out to those in need, not because he seeks power or his blessings.
“Even so, Liyue will remember your kindness but none more so than I, Rex Lapis.” 
He does not know if you remember him nor what you did, only that when he dons a mortal face to take a walk in the calms before the storm, he finds himself wandering to your garden, mostly on cold nights where you would just sing to the lilies and watch them, with unfading enchantment, bloom. 
In a distant memory of an old lover, he hears the same voice but now there stood you. Now a lady, barely a woman with your innocence and mischief.
And he knows that this is wrong, mortals are fleeting as the dust, that he can never grasp with his two hands. Wherever his heart is on anything, other than Liyue, it only ends in tragedy. And oh, how ironic of it all that if you really were his goddess that had found her way back to him, why this form? Why a mortal who is a flower that will wither compared to a mountain that does not crumble?
“It’s a beautiful song, pardon me for interrupting but may I know where you have learned it?”
“Only if you tell me what the god of earth is doing in a place like this, barely even concealed?” Playful, you smile at him playfully as if you knew all the time that he had spent staring from afar and he was not an immortal that could smite the very life out of those pretty eyes.
“The breeze carried your voice and I wondered where you had learned to entice it to your will.” He couldn’t really put a finger when it began, when your singing had lured him like a siren to the depth of the sea.
“You befriend the wind, unlike the earth, you do not command rather ask of it like a companion,” was your simple answer and he smiles like he has found something long lost. You drown him in your presence, but he is not breathless; rather he sighs filled with curiosity like a child who has more to learn from the world that he had been in for thousands of years. 
You who had rekindled a reason for his actions, much like Guizhong. This love does not ruffle his heart out of his rib cage, the dust settles and it is as calm as you talking about herbs in this small patch of garden late at night and as calm as the things settle falling into place in his beloved city by the gentle waves of the sea.
“What happened to them after?” You ask your husband, the snow falls outside and you are oh so exhausted to the bone as if the cold had taken all your warmth. He smiles and brushes your cheeks that lost their flush and your skin cold as a corpse, his arms glows gold in the intricate cracks, and you know that this is a bedtime story - though not quite for the night but for the long winter.  
The memory scratches at the back of your mind to be remembered, but a part of you warns that you wouldn’t like how it ends. 
“According to the books, the lord of geo took his love to the heavens.” He finishes with a chuckle of the irony in it all, a kiss to your temple as your eyes drop, heavy and slumber dragging you to its clutches.
Then finally, Zhongli smiles to bid you goodnight.
He watches you sleep soundly. Sleep if humans can even call it that with the lack of breathing, as still as a corpse that had died peacefully in bed while he is left to wonder of a future that had things ended the way his winter story did.
War ensures losts. Victories demand sacrifices. And the price to pay was always his love.
Zhongli would like to believe that had you died of a natural cause: sickness, accident or of old age where he would have held your aging body, he could’ve had the strength to let you pass on.
Rex Lapis would have had your funeral handled by the esteemed WangSheng, and took your passing as another promise to meet on the other side.
But Morax knows, he could never really.
Never let you go, even after thousands of years and all that you know had returned to the soil. Even when the truths of history had been forgotten by the people and you are nothing but a distant whisper to this land, a footnote to his folklore.
Not even now, when every winter is a reminder of the way he held your cold body against his chest, “I worry about you.” You told him with a supposed to be parting smile, how pitiful must he be for a dying mortal that had not even lived half their life to worry about him. 
“Why are you saying goodbye, my love? You aren’t supposed to say goodbye, not yet. It’s much too early,” He tells you with a broken laugh, the war is over like you had asked of him the first time. He is an archcon, the land is his to rule and care, and you are supposed to live many many peaceful years with him, but here you are the embers of war digs its claws in your frail body and had robbed you of life.
 Why does the war take and take and take and he who fights only lose things that he keeps to heart? 
He doesn’t relent, even if it means breaking the laws of nature itself.
Even when you wake in spring, and you look at him with those empty eyes and ask who he is. At Least you’re here, still there somewhere and it might take thousands of years and more, when the mountain has crumbled against time, one day he believes that you will wake again with love in your lips and warmth in your hands.
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blossomingimagines · 3 years
Of A Broken Heart
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Stark!Reader
Word Count: 5,339
Summary: You never thought you would see her again. Never thought you would feel your heart skip a beat because of her emerald green gaze again. Never thought that you would let her back in. You also never thought that you would have to think about planning your brother’s funeral either. (Set after and during (sort of) Infinity War.)
Notes: Everyone requested a second part of Requiem... so I thought I would make one. I hope that you all like it. (Also the reader was under the assumption that Tony had returned. She wasn’t aware that Tony wouldn’t have a way back.)
Tag List: @username23345 // @stephanieromanoff // @ima-gi--na-tion // @chickenhavewisdom // @hi-i-1​ (I’m not sure if some of you wanted to be tagged but you mentioned a part two in Requiem... so I thought I would do so just in case.)
Warnings: Mentions of alcoholism. 
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Your gaze was leveled with the sky. Tracing over the sparkling stars and the distant worlds dotted between. Worlds that you would never be able to make out with your naked eye. Even though you knew that they were there all the same.
Was Tony on one of them? Your mind cries out. Tears coming unbidden to your eyes as you tried to quell the incoming sobs. Was he all right? Was he already dead?
The thoughts were familiar to you. Looping constantly within your head like a taunt. Images of your brother’s dead body flashing across your mind. Hollow brown eyes, normally filled with so much life, staring into your own. Never to have the same spark again. To have mischief lurking within their depths as various emotions played through his brilliant mind. 
Clenching your hands against the railing you were leaning against, you lower your head as you take in deep breaths. Ever since Tony had disappeared with the ship you had been left in an almost fugue state. Barely being able to interact with anyone. Barely allowing yourself the pleasures of living. 
Eating had become a challenge because Tony could potentially not be doing the same. How could you possibly enjoy your meal if Tony was starving? How could you allow yourself the simple pleasures of Earth if Tony was suffering away from it? Away from you. 
The thought of Tony truly being gone hadn’t fully set in. You had dealt with this before. Had lived with the knowledge that Tony could be lost to you. Afghanistan had been hell for you and for everyone that loved Tony. You hadn’t given up hope that he would be found. That your big brother, the only family you had left, would be returning to you. 
You had less hope now. At least when Tony had disappeared in Afghanistan he had still been on Earth. Now you didn’t know what galaxy he was in… let alone the planet.  His absence became more and more obvious the longer it went on. The days slipping past you like water through your fingers. The knowledge that Tony may truly be gone this time crushing you. 
It didn’t help that you were surrounded by the people that hurt you the most. The people that you thought were your family but ended up being your biggest heartache. Closing your eyes once more, you crane your neck back. And even if you couldn’t see the stars you knew where you were looking. You had long since memorized the layout of the sky above your terrace in the Compound. It wasn’t the Tower but you didn’t think you could bear to set foot in it. Not without Tony being there to greet you. 
You could hear the distant murmur of voices beneath you. No doubt the others trying to figure out what to do. The sound causes yet another stab of pain to lance through your heart. While you wouldn’t wish what had happened on your greatest enemy, you couldn’t understand how they survived when Tony didn’t. How they could be using the things he made for them after everything they had done. Didn’t understand why you had to see them every day and not Tony. 
You still remember, with perfect clarity, seeing them again after so long. Remember seeing her again after everything. 
You wished that your heart didn’t still react the way it did. 
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Stepping off of the QuinJet, you pull your jacket tighter against your body. Your eyes taking in the various faces as you went. Desperately searching for something familiar to ground you. You needed something to make sense. You needed to have someone you love be okay. 
Spotting a familiar face, you break out into a run. Relief interlacing itself within your shout. “Wombat!”
At your yell, Rhodey whips around and pure relief flashes across his face. His arms are already opening for you as you barrel into him. Burrowing against him as you clung as tightly as you could. 
“You’re okay,” you choke out with tears falling from your eyes. “You’re okay.”
Rhodey’s arms tighten around you at your choked statements. The pain he was holding back showcasing itself within the shaking of his arms. By the way, he followed every minute movement of your body as you shifted in his embrace. Finally, after a few moments, you take a small step back. Making sure that you maintained eye contact with him through it all. You needed him in your sights at all times. You don’t know what you would do if he disappeared too. 
His pained gaze flits to various points behind you. His throat bobbing up and down as he tried to form his question. “Di-” He clears his throat. “Did Pepper make it?”
You nod. “She’s on her way now.”
Rhodey hums but his gaze still hadn’t returned to yours. Causing your own to narrow as worry started to fill your chest. “Rhodey.” You wait for him to turn back towards you. Even if his gaze wouldn’t stay solely on your own for long. “What’s wrong?”
He shakes his head but doesn’t offer an answer. Something that only causes your worry to grow that much more. Rhodey had made it his life's work to deliver the hard truths to family. You didn’t want to think of what this meant that he wasn’t able to tell you. 
Stepping closer, you place a light hand on his chest. “Rhodey,” you implore gently. “What happened?”
There’s a tense silence until he finally meets your gaze. Tears finally begin to fall from his eyes as a pained sound escapes his mouth. “Sam.”
He didn’t have to say anything else for you to understand. You had already seen so many people you knew crumble before your eyes. Seen innocent bystanders disappear with the breeze as their remaining family watched in shock. The screams for help and the mournful howls of grief following soon after. New York City quickly became a desolate wasteland of what it used to be. The City That Never Slept growing quiet. 
Wrapping your arms around Rhodey, you offer him another hug. There were no words that you could say that could take away his pain. No words that would ever make the grief go away. That would ever erase the image of ashen faces crumbling against the wind. Faces of loved ones, of people you didn’t even know, forever seared into your brain. 
Raising your head, you meet Rhodey’s gaze once more. A small frown furrowing your brow. 
“Where’s Tony?”
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“We’ll have to take another jet to scope the area for more survivors. I thi-”
Whatever was going to be said was immediately interrupted by your entrance. Not that you cared for anything he had to say. Your gaze honing in on his baby blue one as you made your way towards him. While he didn’t look the same you could still see the self-righteous asshole underneath. Something that caused your anger to grow even more. 
You didn’t notice the other occupants of the room. Didn’t notice the way pained green eyes followed your every move-- even though there was worry interlacing the expression. Didn’t notice anything except for Steven Fucking Rogers. 
Even the splitting pain that erupted across your hand as you punched him did little to detract from your anger. All you could feel was your pain. Your grief at what had happened. No amount of physical pain could ever measure up to your emotional trauma. 
“You asshole,” you snarl. “This is exactly what Tony was afraid of. This is exactly what he tried to protect the world from.”
Steve didn’t make any move to protect himself from your shoves. His blue gaze turning sad; almost remorseful. 
“I know, Y/N.” He turns his head away as shame colors his face. “I know that this is what Tony was afraid of.”
“Don’t you dare say his fucking name like you’re still his friend. Don’t you dare act like what you did didn’t happen.” You scoff as you take a step back from him. Your gaze finally looping the room for the first time. Only briefly pausing over Natasha’s silent form. Hating the relief that flared through your body at the sight of her. An emotion that you were sure crossed your face by the way something shifted in her gaze. By the way, her stance loosened ever-so-slightly. Turning away from her, you meet Steve’s gaze once more. “Tony knew this was going to happen. It’s why he fought so fucking hard for the Accords. Why he fought so hard to keep the team together.”
Anger finally graces Steve’s face at your words. “The Accords were going to treat us as servants, Y/N. There was no way we could sign them.”
An incredulous laugh falls from your lips at your words. “This isn’t the forties, Rogers. You can’t just do whatever the hell you want and expect to get away with it. There have to be limitations on what people with your abilities are allowed to do.” You shake your head as you turn your back on him. Moving towards the door. “Tony was going to fight for your rights. He wasn’t going to let your humanity be stripped from you. But there had to be fail-safes in place to protect the innocent people of Earth.” You shoot him a glance over your shoulder. Withering with its intensity-- with your anger. “Or is one person truly worth more than the millions of lives you destroyed? Or the billions, maybe even trillions, that are now gone because you couldn’t see past your loyalty to him?”
“This isn’t my fault, Y/N.” Steve replies. “This is because of Thanos. He is the one we have to stop.”
A small smile quirks your lips at that. “Still the idealist I see.” You shake your head. “We all made mistakes, Rogers. Could have done things in a different manner. But never forget that you were the one that split the team-up. That you were the one that decided Barnes’s life was worth more than everyone else's.” You chance one more glance towards Steve. Your eyes are sympathetic because you already knew what happened to him. “I’m sorry for your loss. No one deserves to see their loved ones perish like that.”
Even though it’s better than not knowing...
Moving closer towards the door, you place a gentle hand against the wooden surface. Your gaze turning somber as you meet Natasha’s gaze once more. Maintaining eye contact even though you were speaking to the room as a whole. “Maybe the people we should have been protecting the Earth from were you.”
You don’t wait for a response as you’re already gone. The thunderous echo of the door slamming behind you being all that was left of your presence. 
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You find Thor outside with an anthropomorphic raccoon. Something that barely causes you to pause as you settle down beside the god. Your gaze remains level with the horizon even as you felt Thor’s gaze on your face. His electric blue eyes like a weight against your skin. 
His deep rumbling voice soon breaks the silence. “Y/N.”
A silence settles over the three of you. Your gaze never wavering from the setting sun. The silent fields rolling with the wind. A hollowness exuding from the world that left your stomach churning with nausea.
“Is the Man of Iron, all right?” Thor breaks the silence once more. His deep voice is uncharacteristically soft. “I haven’t seen him.”
At the question, your mouth thins into a line. Finally breaking your gaze with the horizon as you met Thor’s. “Tony isn’t here, Thor.”
The revelation causes Thor to reel back. His shock etching itself across his features. “Friend Stark was dusted?”
You shake your head; trying to ignore the pain that struck your chest at the very thought. “No, Thor. He went after Thanos with Peter.”
The God of Thunder’s brow furrows. “So you do not know if he lives?”
You shake your head once more. “No, Thor. I don’t know if Tony is alive or not. I may never know what has happened to him.”
There’s another moment of silence before another voice speaks up. Your gaze shifting towards the raccoons. Deep brown eyes, that reminded you so much of Tony, stare back at you. 
“He’ll be all right. If he’s in space then that means he’s run into my team.” His pointed snout looks back towards the sky with a hint of longing across his face. “They’ll take good care of him.”
At his words, a breath of relief falls from your lips. Your shoulders loosen at the sheer confidence within the raccoon's tone. That is until Thor interjected once more. 
“But what if they were dusted too, Rocket?’
There was no answer. Only the silence of the world, a world that would never be the same, settling over the three of you. Your eyes once again returning towards the sky. 
All with different levels of longing interlaced within.
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Staying in Wakanda was stifling. While it was a beautiful country with astonishing marvels, you couldn’t help but be weighed down by everything. From the silent grief that permeated the air because T’Challa was gone. To the dark looks directed towards the sky whenever an airship flew overhead. Not to mention being surrounded by Rogers and his team. 
Pepper’s arrival was like a breath of fresh air. You weren’t sure you were still capable of smiling, with true joy, before she appeared. Her bright blue eyes meet your gaze across the yard. Her own bright smile, with unshed tears filling her gaze, appearing as she rushed towards you. Her slim arms wrapping around you in a tight embrace. The familiar floral scent of her perfume calming you. 
You hadn’t been around when Pepper had seen Steve again. Hadn’t seen the colossal fallout that had occurred but you had definitely heard about it. Thor had been all too happy to tell you the tale of ‘Lady Potts decimating her star-spangled foe’. Something you were more than eager to hear. 
Which is how Pepper had found the two of you. Laughing over Thor’s depiction of events. Her own agitation quickly falling away at your joy. And, while it didn’t last long, you were thankful to Thor for allowing it to appear all the same. 
Returning to the United States, to New York City, was like stepping into a nightmare. At least while you were in Wakanda you could pretend that billions of people weren’t dead. That it hadn’t been something that affected half of the universe. Seeing the empty cars on the side of the road. The few people littering the street looking lost. Faces pale and emotionless as they shuffled aimlessly from place to place. 
It was a sight that you would never forget. Yet another thing that you were going to have nightmares about. 
The Compound wasn’t any better. Echoes of days long passed hitting you with full intensity as you made your way through the silent halls. The laughter that sounded so foreign to your ears now ghosting across your ears on a phantom breeze. Distant chattering that only seemed to fade the closer you got to it. Memories haunted the halls of the Compound. But nothing would ever be worse than the Tower. The place that you and Tony had built together. A great marvel that was forever placed within Manhattan's skyline. Knowing that he wouldn’t be there when you arrived caused you to stay away. 
You didn’t think you would be able to handle those memories. Of lazy Sunday afternoons lounging around in pajamas while Pepper was taking various calls. Tony doing his best to make her break away from her no-nonsense CEO facade. Only succeeding once before Pepper shot him a withering look that held no heat behind it. The sound of his laughter bouncing off the hallways as he cheated at Mario Kart. Your own expletives joined in soon after as you were hit, once again, with a shell. 
Knowing that the Compound did this to you; even though you rarely visited it. How could you possibly set foot in the Tower? The one place that had made you feel truly at home. 
Drinking helped ease the pain. Helped quiet the memories that kept surfacing as you stayed in the Compound. You know that it wouldn’t be what Tony wanted. That he never wanted you to have the problems he had, but as the days passed. As the pain, the grief, continued to grow, you found it harder and harder to resist the amber liquid. Tony wasn’t there anymore. He wasn’t there to tell you a joke when you were feeling low. He wasn’t there to tell you that he loved you in his own special way.
He wasn’t there.
So you settled for the numbness and the sound of his voice in the distance. Always there in a dark corner but never obtainable.
Anything would be better than not having him with you. 
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On the second week of your stay in the Compound, the others appeared. The sound of the QuinJet only pulling your gaze towards the yard for a moment before you looked back down. You knew that they would be coming sooner or later. The world needed protectors. And they had just lost their greatest. The people of Earth needed to have someone to look towards. 
It was only a matter of time before they called on them. 
You didn’t even raise your gaze when you heard them enter. Their voices petering off when they noticed you sitting on one of the many couches with a StarkPad in hand. 
“You didn’t think I would just let you stay here by yourselves, did you?”
Your question was only met by silence. You were hoping that they didn’t question you on how you knew. That they didn’t notice the dark shadows under your eyes from lack of sleep. Or the empty decanter on the glass table before you. 
Steve was the one to respond. “We didn’t but I wasn’t aware it was going to be you, Y/N.”
Glancing up, you narrow your eyes. “Well, I’m the only Stark left so it shouldn’t be that much of a surprise, Rogers.”
You don’t wait for a response, suddenly finding it too hard to be in the same room as him, as you stand. Trying to ignore the way the room spun ever-so-slightly at the motion. Easily gathering your bearings as you made your way out of the room.
Trying to ignore the way an emerald green gaze watched you as you left. 
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You weren’t surprised when she found you-- annoyed maybe but not surprised. Sometimes you hated that she knew you so well. Hated that she could still read you like a children's book. 
You didn’t bother to turn towards her as she stepped onto the terrace. Your gaze remains level with the horizon. Hoping, no matter how much it hurt, that you would see something. Anything. A single sign that Tony was coming back to you. That he was alive. 
Feeling her warm presence settle beside you should have caused you to tense. Should have caused you to move away at the closeness. It should have caused you to do a lot of things but you don’t. You simply stay rooted to the spot as Natasha leveled her gaze towards the side of your face. Her keen green eyes took in everything that she could see. 
You tried not to tense when her eyes flickered down towards your hands. Towards the glass that, by some miracle, hadn’t broken due to your tight grip. The amber liquid glowing softly underneath the moonlight. 
She doesn’t say anything for a long while. Simply standing with you underneath the moonlit sky. The only sound passing between you being your breathing. 
Until her husky voice finally breaks the silence. “He wouldn’t want you to do this to yourself, Y/N.”
You tense. “And how would you know what Tony wants Natalia?” 
You didn’t have to be looking at her to see the wince that you caused. Your own heart feeling heavy at your acidic retort. But, unlike most people, she didn’t shy away from your anger. She didn’t even seem to be fazed by it.
“Because, despite what you may think, I still consider you and Tony my family. I know how much Tony loves you, Y/N. I know how much you love him.” She grows silent for a moment before she continues. Her tone much softer than it was before. “And I know how much I love you.”
Your eyes slip shut at the quiet admission. A painful lurch of your heart telling you what you had been trying to ignore for the last two years. That you love Natasha Romanoff. That you always would… no matter what. 
“That’s not fair,” you whisper. Finally turning your gaze to meet hers. “You can’t just come back into my life after two years and say those things to me. You can’t just say you love me like it’s going to fix anything.”
Her eyes flash. Turning razor sharp before your eyes as she steps closer. “It could change everything, Y/N.” Emerald green implores you to listen to her. To actually hear and understand what she was trying to say. “I love you, Y/N Stark. You are the love of my life. You are the only love of my life. I hate myself for hurting you. For breaking us apart because I couldn’t see the bigger picture. You are the only woman that has ever made me feel cherished. The only person that has ever made me feel truly loved.”
You shake your head. “You left, Natasha.”
“Because you told me to,” Natasha cries. Her green gaze grew even brighter because of unshed tears. “Do you think I wouldn’t have stayed? That I wouldn’t have fought tooth and nail to keep you? That I wouldn’t have let this whole world burn if it meant I could be with you for one more moment? You told me to leave, Y/N. I had already broken enough that day. I wasn’t going to stay and break your heart even more.”
“And you think this time will be any different?” You ask with an incredulous frown pulling your brow down. “You think that I don’t have nightmares about my parents death? That I don’t see my mother being murdered while my father couldn’t do anything but watch? You think that I’m not haunted every single fucking day that the love of my life kept that from me. That you lied to my face about one of the single most important things in my life.” Moving away, after setting your glass down, you run a hand through your hair. Your mouth thinning into a line. “You don’t think I wanted you to stay too?”
At your admission, Natasha moves towards you. Her gaze desperate as she took your hand in hers. “This time I will, Y/N. I won’t let you go again. Doing so last time almost killed me. I promise that I won’t ever lie to you again.” She shakes her head as she takes another small step closer, her hand resting gently against your cheek. “I promise that I’ll love you the way you should be loved until our last dying breaths.”
Your eyes flutter shut at the touch. It had been too long since you had felt her. Felt the way her fingertips ran across your cheek. The simple elegance that she always exuded being interlaced with her love for you. But you couldn’t forget what had happened. Your heart lurching in your chest as you remember the sting of betrayal once more. 
Pulling away from her, you take a few steps back and fold your arms over your chest. You needed to have distance between your bodies. You wouldn’t be able to think clearly if she was near. 
“I need time to think, Natasha.” You finally say after a tense stare off. “I need to come to terms with a lot of things in my life.”
Nodding, Natasha takes a small step back. Even though it looked like everything in her body was telling her to move towards you. Her green gaze glowed with a gentle warmth. “I’ll wait for as long as you need, Y/N. I’ll be damned if I lose you again.” Turning away from you, Natasha pauses at the door. Her gaze meets yours once more with a small smile quirking her lips. “And, just so you know, I had nothing before I found this family. Before I found you.”
Then she was gone. Leaving only you and the echoing of her words behind. 
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You haven't truly spoken to Natasha since the exchange. She had kept true to her word about waiting for you. Her gaze always finds yours the moment you enter a room she was in. Always making it clear that you could approach her whenever you wished to. Though she never forced her presence onto you. Maintaining a respectable distance from you at all times. Not far enough for you to not know she was there but not close enough for you to feel crowded. 
You had tried to come up with ways why you couldn’t let her back in. Her betrayal being the main factor but even you knew that it wasn’t valid any longer. Even Tony had told you to look past it. That Natasha was so head over heels for you that her reasons had been honorable. Severely misguided, maybe, but honorable. 
Oh, Tony, if you were here I wouldn’t feel so lost. You would just tell me what to do. Give me your patented smirk and berate me about my head being up my ass. Lowering your gaze, you run a frazzled hand through your hair. If I get one sign that you’re alright I’ll give her one more chance. I’ll make it work because I know that this is what the universe wants. That you returning to me is a sign that I’m supposed to be with Natasha. 
At your eternal declaration, you glance towards the sky. Hope fills your chest as you observe the moonlit sky. Only to quickly be crushed as the minutes ticked by and nothing happened. Your heart breaks even more in your chest at getting your hopes up. 
Stepping back from the railing, you decide that it would be best if you headed in. Maybe drown your sorrows with a few glasses of whiskey before turning in for the night. Pressing your hand against the smooth glass of the door, you have to squint at the sudden light from behind you. Your eyes barely being able to focus through the brilliant blaze. Glancing behind you, your eyes widen at the sight of a spaceship being placed down onto the ground. Your breath catching in your throat as you leapt into action. 
You didn’t even register your mad dash through the Compound. Didn’t notice the confused looks or the shouts of your name. Didn’t register the cold grass against your bare feet as you rushed across the lawn. All you could see was the spaceship. 
All you could see was the hatch opening and two figures exiting. 
All you could see was the exhausted face of your older brother. His dark brown eyes meet yours through the darkness. Relief flooding his expression as he hobbled towards you. Disconnecting from the blue arm that was keeping him steady. 
All you could register was the feeling of having him in your arms again. Your nose pressing into his neck as you clung to him. Soft sobs rip from your throat as his calloused hands gently run through your hair. 
“You’re alive.”
It was like a mantra that you brokenly repeated over and over again. Each time making it even more real that Tony was actually there with you. That he wasn’t gone. That you could still see, touch, and hear him.
His answering response never failed to bring more tears cascading down your cheeks. “I’m here.”
You could hear the others as they approached you. By the tensing of Tony in your arms you know that Rogers was at the front. Pulling back, you touch Tony’s face. A soft sob falling from your lips at how emaciated he looked.
Offering him a watery smile, your thumb gently rubbing against his cheek. “We’ll have to get some food for you. I don’t think the space diet suits you, Tones.”
He offers you a small smile in return. The familiar spark reigniting in his gaze before fading away. His next words came out in a dull whisper. “I lost the kid.”
You didn’t know what to say to that. Your own shock filled you as the devastation in Tony’s eyes became apparent. You had known for quite some time that Tony thought of Peter like a son. That Tony would do anything to keep him safe. You viewed Peter as a little brother you always wanted. A warm presence that filled your life with meaning once more. His childish antics brightening your day and bringing a smile to your face. Knowing that he was gone? That you would never hear his horrible jokes again? Or his anxious rambles? It broke your heart. For both losing Peter and for Tony having to witness it. 
“I’m sorry, Tony.” You shake your head. “He was a good kid.”
“Yeah he was.”
Opening your mouth, you’re about to respond but a shrill cry breaks through. “Tony!”
Turning, you could see Pepper rushing towards you both. Her blue gaze locked with Tony as she ran. Without thinking twice you move aside as Pepper takes your spot. Moving away to give her and Tony some privacy. Or however much one could get in an open lawn. 
Not realizing how close you were to the others, you flinch at the sudden presence at your side. Your gaze meeting Natasha’s. Her green gaze filled with warmth and happiness. A small smile quirking her lips as she observes the scene before her. Pepper’s strong hold on Tony not wavering in the slightest even as Rhodey appeared too. Both taking their turns in showering the genius with hugs. 
Shifting, your hand gently brushes the back of Natasha’s. Her eyes shifted towards yours for a moment before returning front and center. Biting your lip, you deliberate on what to do. As Natasha had clearly just given you the sign that the ball was in your court. That however you reacted to this situation would be all up to you. 
You could step away. Pretend like nothing had happened. That it had been a simple accident and nothing more.
Or you could take her hand and finally accept what your heart was screaming at you. What it had been trying to tell your stubborn mind for the last two years. That Natasha Romanoff was the love of your life and you were never going to find anyone like her. That despite all this tragedy you could learn how to be happy again because she was by your side. 
I did promise the universe, you muse with amusement dancing across your mind. And I don’t like breaking promises. 
So, without breaking eye contact with the scene in front of you, you take Natasha’s hand. Allowing a small smile to quirk your lips at the way she immediately interlaced her fingers with yours. Noticing the warm smile that was now curling her lips through your peripheral. 
Squeezing her hand, your heart leapt in your chest at the answering squeeze in response. Your body singing with happiness at having Natasha returned to you. 
Despite everything, despite all the hardships you would now have to face, you would be able to do so.
As long as you had Natasha by your side you could get through anything. 
And nothing would ever change that. 
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sesskagarchive · 3 years
Hi! I'm looking for a fic where inuyasha doesn't die or turn into the bad guy,and he support the sesskag and their family,thank you
Thank you for this ask! And sorry it took me so long to get to it!
In some of these fics, Inuyasha might initially be a bit of a bad guy but he’ll be supportive of SessKag in the end. In some he might not be happy about SessKag happening but he still supports them.
Here is the list we came up with! Thank you so much to everyone on Discord who shared their recs and helped to make this list possible! 😊💕
- Admin Chie
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A Taste of Perfection by ChaoticReverie 
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Things go from complicated to downright ridiculous as Kagome finds herself the focus of one overly curious dog lord’s interest. Can she juggle all the responsibilities that come with being the shikon miko AND the attention of a daiyoukai? *sequel to ‘Good Enough to Eat’*
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Abandoned by bmo-galaxy
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Kagome comes back to the feudal era to find herself abandoned by her friends. Deciding to go out on her own, she soon stumbles upon the stoic Lord of the West. Upon joining his pack, she realizes that he is not as cold and heartless as he seems. As they grow close and love blossoms, Kagome realizes that maybe there's more to her destiny than completing the jewel. ((RE-UPLOADED)) Status: WIP
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Behind the Curtain by MissKatt
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Unable to pay for her brother's cancer treatments once the insurance no longer covers it, Kagome is presented with an opportunity to pay off the debt. After being thrust into a world she never thought she would be a part of, she is presented with several new opportunities; some which are good and some not so much.
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Calamity Tempest by ForgettableFox
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: There is a tempest on the horizon. One that is being controlled by an enemy Inuyasha and his pack have yet to encounter. A plot to cause calamity throughout Japan all for the sake of revenge. At the center of it: a miko struggling with her identity and the consequences of her unwitting actions, a clan of Ningyo who have lost not one - but two queens, a Lord who is preparing for the eventuality of war...and a leviathan, who lurks within the watery depths of the abyss - a force of insatiable hunger and madness. A Sess/Kag longfic that involves coming to terms with tragedy, transformation, and insanity.
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Closeted by The Hatter Theory
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Once upon a time there was virginal, chaste Kagome. And then there wasn't. Status: One Shot
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From Birth by animegus farmus
Posted on: FFnet Rating: T Summary: From the moment he saw her he knew she was his - too bad they'd decided she was meant for someone else. Status: One Shot
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Good Enough To Eat by ChaoticReverie
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: The Western daiyoukai discovers that Kagome comes in a variety of appealing scents.
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Healing Carefully by Caedes / Caedes12
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Kagome has a special power to heal yokai as well as humans. When the Western Lord figures out about her talent, he brings her to his lands.
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Honouring Tradition by Chie
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: T Summary: The time had come to pose the miko the question; to finally make her his. Forever. Christmas Fluff. Status: One Shot
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I See You by Mystical Lady of Diamonds
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In A Moment Everything’s Changed by Kanna37
Posted on: FFnet Rating: T Summary: Sesshoumaru's heart finally gets woken up - but what it takes for that to happen is nothing less than a tragedy. Sometimes, though, something tragic can carry the seeds within it for something good... Status: One Shot
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In Death, Trust Me, as You Didn’t in Life by Kanna37
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Two people, separated by death, then reunited by the same, find that the old saying 'Death is only the Beginning', is true. A love story told across the boundaries of death and time - and one that conquered both. Dedicated to TruGemini - Happy Birthday, love! Winner of 13 awards including 1st Place Best Act/Adv, 2nd Place Best Kagome Portrayal 3rd Quarter 2010, 1st Best Romance 1st Quarter 2011, and 2nd Best Action/Adventure IYFG for 2nd Quarter 2011.
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Lord Charming by forthright
Posted on: FFnet Rating: T Summary: CU. More than Sesshoumaru's pride took a blow when he lost his arm. He's in a delicate position... and desperate enough to seek the advice of a self-proclaimed expert. A clumsy romantic adventure told in 100-word snippets. 
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Mood Stripes by forthright
Posted on: FFnet Rating: T Summary: In the aftermath of the Final Battle, the victors lick their wounds and look ahead. However, a misspent wish on the Shikon-no-Tama changes minds, hearts, fates... and colors. SK. Canon Divergence. Status: WIP
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Never Let Me Down by effinsusie
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: After the final battle with Naraku, Sesshoumaru chills out enough to have some fun at a celebration. COMPLETE! 
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Only Human by effinsusie
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: [COMPLETE] Winter is coming, and Kagome is prepared.  A thoughtless wish binds Kagome to Sesshoumaru. 
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Otsukimi by Chie
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga Rating: T Summary: Kagome's attempt at a happily ever after had failed with Inuyasha. She had not given any thought to romance since - not until she finds the most unexpected visitor at her door. Status: One Shot
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Per Aspera by Chie
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: K+ Summary: Inuyasha had never really approved of Sesshoumaru's and Kagome's relationship - until now. Status: One Shot
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Rise of the Shikon miko by golden eyes hypnotize
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: What if Mistress Centipede never dragged Kagome down the well?  What if Kagome had grown up with Onigumo for a father?  And of the prophecy concerning her destiny? A story filled with pain that can only be overcome by the  unconditional love and devotion of our favorite dog demon.
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Seclusion by Oroyukae
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: When the ones tolerance has been reached , sometimes withdrawing from the world can become the only option. He never needed nor wanted companionship since he had decided to cut himself off from the world ... until the night she came. Hurt and dying , he had no choice but to save her , not realizing she would , in the end , save him.[Complete] 
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Second Alliance by ImaniJoain
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: A new threat has breached the peace left in the wake of Naraku's defeat. This time, it will be Sesshomaru who must propose an alliance to defeat an enemy he has no experience with: a death that claims humans and demons alike. Only his half-brother's strange miko truly understands the danger, and she is the key to conquering it. Originally posted on fanfiction.net. Revised edition here. 2nd Semi-annual 2013 Dokuga Awards: Best Canon, 1st Place; Best Kagome Portrayal, 1st Place; Best Sesshomaru Portrayal, 3rd Place; and Best Darkfic/Horror, 3rd Place. Nominated for Best Romance. October 2014 Feudal Association Awards: 1st Place Best Drama Fiction.
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Second Chance by Striking Falcon
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Sesshoumaru, Lord of the Western Lands, is betrothed to a miko with a dark side. When Sesshoumaru declares in front of the wedding party that he doesn’t love the miko, she curses him. Fast forward to 2003, when Kagome is driving home from work. She accidentally runs over a pure white dog with golden eyes. She names him Chance, after being given another chance at life. Will ‘Chance’ finally get the life that was taken away from him in hatred? 
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Sixty Days by snmwordbender
Posted on: FFnet Rating: T Summary: Sixty Days. That was all it took for one mighty daiyoukai to look beyond his set beliefs. That was all it took for one surprising miko to realize what was right before her. That was all it took to fall in love.
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Swimming in Silk by mythicamagic
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Training in front of her, engaging her in conversation and now lending her his clothes...Kagome is starting to suspect that Sesshoumaru is trying to gain her attention. What follows is nothing she could have ever expected, with Time forcing difficult choices between the two. 
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The First Cut is the Deepest by SageMcMae
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: M Summary: Daily, Sesshomaru waits for the mortal woman with the demon-forged blade. It is a curiosity, a fleeting fancy to distract him from the burdens of court. At least, that is what he tells himself. Status: One Shot 
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To Fight In Love And War by Rlmpcc110511
Posted on: FFnet Rating: MA Summary: One hundred years after her return to the Feudal Era, Kagome realizes that the future she knows is about to come to pass. A war against demons has fallen on her and her group. Monks and Mikos fight against a small group of humans, yokai, and hanyou. Can they set aside their differences and work together to save the world, or will they let it all fall apart? 
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Transgressions of the Heart by Mynameishuman
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Ten years have passed for Kagome in modern-day Tokyo. When a prophecy sends her back to the feudal era she enlists the help of Sesshomaru to defeat a new threat before all youkai are exterminated. She never expected to find love. She never expected to learn millennia old secrets about herself either. Cross posted, though not entirely edited in any location but this one. 
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Unexpect Love by Rlmpcc110511
Posted on: FFnet Rating: M Summary: Finally, Sesshomaru and Kagome are able to create the family they have been longing for. Peace is around them, and it is perfect time. That is until more of the past begins to haunt the couple. Can this new danger ruin all that they have been hoping for? Deleted than reposted. No change. OLD SOON TO BE REWRITTEN. 
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Unwanted Love by Rlmpcc110511
Posted on: FFnet Rating: M Summary: Kagome, forced to leave her family is reunited unexpectedly. However her family isn't the only one to find ger. Is it possible to escape a past she thought gone. Can she find love along the way. Deleted then reposted. No change. OLD SOON TO BE REWRITTEN.
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When Comes the Rain by Drosselmeyer
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: A miko and a demon lord share a common interest when it rains, and in the quiet and peace of these stolen moments, something neither of them could have predicted begins to grow... Status: WIP
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radioactivesweet · 3 years
Hello! I have a couple of requests for vnc, Roland teaching his (s/o) how to use a sword and Jean Jacques stargazing with his (s/o)
Alright, Jean-Jacques’ one ended up being way longer than what I had expected, so I’ll make another part for your Roland request!
Btw hope you like! I had so much fun writing this, I just really really love night sceneries and all plus Jean-Jacques his one of my favorites characters so
I forgot to add it, but I’ve used female pronouns, since it was specified in another message
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𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐆𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐚𝐧'𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐒𝐤𝐲
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Gévaudan was not a welcoming place for normal people, yet it was all Jean-Jacques could ask for. He got used to that freezing land, where his only company was that of the friend hw was so loyal to. He did not know much about the outside world, or maybe he did know enough. Maybe he was just too scared to find out. His only certainty had always been Chloé's costant presence, his only friend and confidant. This was enough, nothing he could have wished would have satisfied him to a greater extent. Or, at least, this was what he had always believed since his first meeting with Chloé.
One night was enough to prove how his beliefs were incorrect, beneath Gévaudan's starry sky. The landscape which surrounded the d'Apchier palace assumed an even darker charm at nightfall, when the nocturne creatures begun lurking among the depth of the forest and the sky shared the same shade of ink – or of the dark and stormy ocean. The only source of light – a dim glow which testified the existance of something else other than that pitch black night – were the pale stars, that painted that interminable field that dominated over them.
Jean-Jacques did not head immediately towards his bedroom, after wishing Chloé good night, he instead inadvertently reached the first window which appeared before him, as he was inexplicabily drawn to the cold nocturne breeze and the likewise icy moonlight that leaked through the light curtains. His dark eyes were filled with stars, while he was staring at that sky he would have never grown tired of. Another glimpse of light caught his attention. A weak, hesitant, sporadic fire appeared and disappeared among the less dense woods that surrounded the castle. Jean-Jacques pitched forward, alarmed, hoping to catch again that glow. It was not an illusion proked by tiredness and, unless it was a will-o'-the-wisp, someone must have been dangerously close. He could not afford Chloé to get hurt because of his distraction. He would have reacted istantly, enveloped in that darkness which he considered his friend.
It was a young woman the one who wandered, roaming through the woods of Gévaudan, lost beneath that starry sky, accompanied by the only warmth of a lantern. Jean-Jacques, whose eyes kept reflecting those same stars, observed her, wary, not knowing what to do. He should have verified that the girl was not a danger, before he could operate. He would have disappointed Chloé if he attacked an innocent person. Still, his judgement seemed to be blurred, pushing him towards that unknown woman. Jean-Jacques felt as he fell victim of a curse, incapable to take back control, hazy, under that silvery moon.
Once he reached her, she seemed to be caught off guard. She had not noticed that someone had been spying on her, despite the favour of the night and the fronds of the trees; the vampire's gaze could not be avoided, him being used to that darkness the wanderers feared. The light of the lantern lit up his confused face.
“This places are dangerous during nighttime, you should look for a shelter.” Jean-Jacques disappeared after pronouncing that warning.
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The vagabond reappared the following night. And night after. And again and again. Jean-Jacques tried to kept his distances, but this did not prevent him from hiding the shivers that crossed his body whenever he recalled that enchanted meeting. Even Chloé noted the sudden change in his friend's behaviour, yet she decided to not interfere. There were no secrets between them, she would have waited until the moment he would have told her the reason behind that restlessness.
“Jean-Jacques, if you want to do something, do it before it will be to late. Or you will end up regretting it.” Chloè elegantly left the dining room, while the ravenette was busy tidying up. He almost let the crystal glass he was holding fall, after what she said. As always, Chloé could comprehend him better than anyone else.
That night he waited again under Gévaudan's starry sky. This time he would have got closer, instead of staring at gentle light from afar. When the lantern appeared, he reached her, with discretion like the previous time. Without a destination, the young lady kept wandering.
“It's dangerous here, Mademoiselle, why do you keep walking throught these harsh woods?”
“Do you live in that castle?” ask the young woman, whose (e/c) eyes shared the same brightness of the lantern. Jean-Jacques nodded.
“So you can always observe this splendid starry sky? You must have a nice view. The only way I can watch the moon is by walking through this road.”
“I am sure that the view must be nice from the village too, without the need to-” before he could finish the sentence, the girl spoke again.
“You are wrong, Monsieur.” she seemed lost, deep in thought. “What's your name?”
“Jean-Jacques, and you are Mademoiselle...?”
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That morning, Chloé noticed a change in Jean-Jacques' behavior. He had abandoned the tension that had accompanied him in the past days. She did not ask him what had happened that night, although she had heard him sneaking away from the castle. She did not feel the need to ascertain what the ravenette had been during after the sunset, while Chloé locked herself in her room to do her researchs. She trusted her friend. As long as she kept noticing improvements, she wouldn't interfere. Every night she continued to hear windows and doors closing carefully, announcing the vampire's departure. And every morning, the smiles that Jean Jacques gave her seemed more and more lively. She was jealous of whoever was the source of that sudden happiness, but still, that made her happy too. Jean-Jacques needed someone besides her who could cheer him up in such a way.
They didn't meet every day, it would have been impossible for (Y / n) to reach the place which had become their meeting point. But even when they didn't see each other, Jean Jacques would have waited patiently. He would have waited and thought. He should have told Chloè what had been happening in the past few weeks, he could not hide from his confidant the reason of that apparently unjutisfied happiness, that seemed to have distracted him from his friend's company.
Chloé listened with trepidation. At first her eyes, the color of the sky wrapped in a light veil of fog, seemed to darken, but then retrieving that clearer light that Jean Jacques loved. The approval of that one person with whom he shared his only ties was worth a great deal to him - he would not be able to quantify it - and he would have been terribly afflicted  if Chloé denied him her consent. Fortunately, the albino would have never deprived him of that new source of joy.
That night Chloé noticed for the first time the glow that had attracted Jean-Jacques. She could also hear the sound of their voices echoing through the forest, reaching the window she was standing by. Laughters and words were being carried by the wind to the Apchier Castle.
The dew-moistened grass brushed against his ankles, the cold winter breeze hit his face as you run like children under the starry sky of Gevaudan. You fall to the ground, exhausted, lying next to each other. He felt the beating of your heart, so human, compared to his. The air that leaves your lips, condensing because of the frost. Those eyes in which the starts above reflect themselves.
Jean-Jacques had always loved the starry sky of Gevaudan. And with you by his side, he loved it even more.
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pressedinthepages · 3 years
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next fill for @witcher-rarepair-summer-bingo
also big thanks to @major-trouble for beta-ing and @sometimesiwrite and @lookoutrogue for pointing me in the right direction and helping me along <3
(shhhhh @continentcakeshop i know its like the second one in as many days but its fineeeeeeee)
Prompt: Incubus/Succubus
Relationship: Eskel/Jaskier
Rating: Explicit
Content Warnings: modern au, bookshop au, Jaskier is an incubus, magical genitalia, intersex Jaskier, masturbation, oral sex (f receiving), m/m penetrative sex
Summary: Eskel runs into Jaskier and helps him with his 'research,' leading them closer and closer together.
The little bell over the door tinkled and Eskel peeked up from where he was emptying his stock cart. He couldn’t see who walked in, only the faintest glimpse of a lavender shirt disappearing around a corner, down into an aisle. Eskel shelved the last few novels before returning to the counter, sneaking his book out from its hiding spot and flipping to his bookmark. He didn’t even hear the approaching footsteps, engrossed as he was. But a soft clearing of the throat caught his attention and he startled up, his breath catching at the sight of the man before him.
The young man had on a soft-looking lavender jumper and his hair fell in chestnut waves over his forehead. His eyes were the clearest cornflower blue, and he sported just the barest beginnings of smiley wrinkles. His mouth moved in pretty pink words that tasted like spice drops on Eskel’s tongue, and-
Oh shit.
He asked me a question.
Eskel cleared his throat and blinked, shaking the blush off his cheeks. “S-sorry, what did you say?”
The man smiled, blinding white and cheeky. “No worries, I do talk a bit fast. I asked if you had any books on mythology, specifically succubi?”
Oh, and if that didn’t conjure up some ideas in the dark edges of Eskel’s brain. He prided himself on being a gentleman, but he’d be lying if he said that the very basest part of his mind didn’t imagine the young man laid out beneath him, his honey-laced voice crying his name while lust poured from their very pores.
Eskel glanced around the empty storefront as he walked around the counter, crooking his finger to the man to follow him. “Don’t have much, at least here in the store. But I’ve got one or two.”
“Lovely,” the man said with a smirk, and Eskel could’ve sworn he felt the tracks of his eyes down the line of his back and over the swell of his ass as they went to the last aisle of fiction. He bent down and pulled out two books.
“Here, this one’s not too dense, and is good for the basics. But…” he trailed off and looked over his shoulder, catching the man’s eyes glance back up to him, “this one is good for more in-depth research, without gettin’ too murky.”
Eskel watched the bob of the man’s throat as he swallowed thickly, taking the books from his hands. “Sold. Thank you, Eskel.”
Eskel blinked and racked his brain. I swear I don’t know him, I’d remember his face, his eyes, his voice, his bum-
The man chuckled lightly, “Your nametag. Must say, I was cheating a bit. Call me Jaskier.”
Eskel’s cheeks pulled up into an easy smile. The next words fell from his lips almost too easily, forgetting himself and his scars on and under his skin and who he even was under Jaskier’s intense gaze. “Well, just when might I call you, Jaskier?”
Jaskier (thank fuck) blushed and bit his bottom lip with a grin that set Eskel’s already pounding heart alight. They walked slowly back towards the front of the bookstore to the register. “Well, I should think I’ll come back ‘round soon to see if you...get anything new in stock?”
Eskel nodded as he stepped behind the counter, taking the two books back and scanning their black and white barcodes. He discreetly threw on his brother’s phone number for a discount and slid the books across to Jaskier. “I’m sure we’ll find something.”
“Oh,” said Jaskier as he handed over his cash and his fingers just barely glanced over Eskel’s, sending sparks beneath his skin, “I think we already have.”
“Back already?” It was the next day, just shy of when Eskel was going to lock up for a quick lunch. Jaskier had blown in through the door with a bright smile on his face, and Eskel would’ve been lying if he said that his heart hadn’t skipped a beat when he recognized him.
Jaskier nodded and leaned his elbows on the edge of the counter. “Mhm. I read both of those books last night, they were fantastic. But I was wondering if you could maybe help me order one or two more? If you have time, that is?”
“Of course,” Eskel said, gesturing to Jaskier to walk around the edge of the counter and join him at the monitor. “Here, we can look through what we carry and can order.”
They scrolled through the website for what was available, narrowing and adjusting their search parameters for a while before finding some interesting titles. “Oooh,” murmured Jaskier, bumping lightly into Eskel’s arm and pointing at one of the books on the screen, “that one looks helpful.”
It was a leather bound tome entitled ‘Succubi and Incubi in the Modern World,’ by one J. A. Pankratz. It seemed almost a little too perfect for what Jaskier had been looking for, and Eskel hoped that by ordering this one book, he wouldn’t have been driving Jaskier from coming back into his store. He added two copies to the cart and placed the order. He’d save one for Jaskier, and he would take one home for himself. Looks pretty interesting.
The books had arrived early in the morning, and Eskel called Jaskier to let him know that he could pop in and pick it up at his convenience. Jaskier had stopped by in the evening, thanking him endlessly before swooping away as Eskel locked up.
Eskel briskly walked home with the leather-bound book weighing heavily in his pack, tempting him to just break it open with every step down the sidewalk. As soon as he got into his flat, he tossed the keys to the side and toed off his boots, making a beeline for his dresser. He changed out of his smart button-down and jeans and into a comfy jumper and a pair of dark sweatpants.
He put on the kettle and unpacked his bag, throwing the empty tupperware from his lunch into the sink and setting the book onto the side table by his armchair. Yes, the bookseller had a reading nook. Don’t judge. He pulled the kettle off just before it started to whistle and made his cup of tea, leaving it to steep for a moment while he washed the few dishes that had found their way into the sink.
Puttering over to his cushy chair with tea in hand, Eskel sighed. He sat down and nestled himself into a comfortable spot, one foot tucked under him and his elbow resting on the velvety arm of the chair. Air whistled through the notch in his lip when he lightly blew the curls of steam away from his mug before taking a sip, letting the warm tea drag down his throat and settle in his stomach.
He set his mug down atop a coaster and ran his hand slowly along the strikingly plain cover of the novel. It was a deep mahogany leather bound tome with golden embossed lettering, and it even boasted a little light blue ribbon to keep his page. The spine crackled as he tipped open the cover, revealing thick ivory paper with deckled edges. Eskel took his time in feeling the book in his hands, running his thumbs down the rough edges of the paper and along the lettering of the title page.
J. A. Pankratz. The name jumped out at him, almost as if it were peering up at him from the page. Waiting. For what? Eskel shook his head with a heavy sigh. It had been a long day, and now his imagination was running rampant before even starting the book. He smiled to himself as he pictured Jaskier, tucked away and cozy, cracking open his own copy of the book and seeking the knowledge that he had been chasing.
There was no introduction, no prelude into the lore that lurked in the supple pages. Only a simple table of contents, and publication information. Nothing odd that caught Eskel’s eyes, but his fingers felt beckoned to the page of chapter one. Myths and Reality.
Eskel felt submerged in the writing, enveloped in the dense weave of storytelling that swam into the forefront of his mind. Contrary to the myths of old, creatures of lust no longer require feeding from the unquenchable arousal of others. They live and breathe as humans, though you will find several marked differences. Their magic, though subtle, is a powerful compulsion, breaking through inhibitions to access the cravings that lay beneath the surface…
Now, Eskel boasted an ability to read and retain at breakneck speeds. He could finish a full-length novel in a night and be able to explain the plot and key details with surprising clarity. But his eyes glazed over as he darted around words and theories, letting them almost bleed into his brain as his fingers flipped the pages by. His tea sat forgotten: he read as though searching to sate a deep thirst in his belly.
The air around him grew warm as the moon rose higher and higher, and Eskel felt a welcome flush crawl its way up his chest and around his throat. His cock stirred between his legs, filling slowly while his mind swam in a hazy bliss. The words on the pages blurred together, though Eskel tried valiantly to bring his focus back to the book in his hand.
Though not for much longer. With a gentle sigh he slipped the light blue ribbon (almost exactly that odd shade of blue that was locked away in Jaskier’s eyes…) in between the pages and set the book back down on the table. Eskel dropped the heel of his palm down to drag up the base of his cock. His breath hitched and he dropped his head back, squeezing himself lightly through the soft cotton of his pants. Fuck, when did he get so hard?
The elastic band was pushed out of the way, only halfway down his thighs, just enough to let Eskel wrap his hand around his cock. He was already dripping precome, slicking his hand with every swirl around the head. His mind filled in hazy edges and wandering bubbles of arousal with Jaskier, that soft smirk and wavy brown hair and broad shoulders and a tongue that seemed like it could cut glass.
Eskel adjusted his legs, planting his feet down on the floor and spreading his thighs open, swallowing thickly as another bead of arousal dripped down the length of him. His other hand wandered up to his chest where he almost absentmindedly ran his fingers over his tender nipple just as he had thumbed along the rough edges of the pages in the book, scratching through the rough pull of the fabric of his jumper. His back arched and his hips chased a building pace, his climax building from the base of his spine.
His mind helpfully supplied an image of Jaskier, kneeling on the floor between his knees, his lips open and waiting for him. Eskel tensed as he felt himself draw closer and closer to the edge of the euphoric cliff, almost feeling the pressure of Jaskier’s hands drag up his legs. Piercing cornflower blue eyes looked up at him with burning intensity and shoved Eskel into the most intense orgasm he had given himself in a long time.
Heavy gasps tore into drawn-out sighs, his jaw clenched as his muscles tensed and rippled beneath his skin. His vision whited out and his ears rang with deafening silence, drowning him in oblivion that he couldn’t have torn himself out of if he had tried. Instead, the world came back to him slowly, waves of a tide depositing the whir of his ceiling fan, the ethereal echo of the moon’s light on the hardwood floors.
Eskel slowly blinked open his eyes, taking long, heavy breaths and smiling headily. He glanced down, finding long white ropes of his spend draping down the collar of his jumper to where he still held his cock gently in his palm. He stroked himself once more, slowly, dragging the last beads of his spend off of himself. He didn’t think twice before bringing his fingers to his lips, tasting the salty bitterness of his climax on his tongue.
Eskel sighed once more as he felt the world push in on the comfortable quiet of his mind, prodding his eyelids to grow heavy and his bed to beckon him from behind the cracked door of his room. He tucked himself away and pushed himself out of the cushy chair, dragging his feet towards his washing machine. He shucked his soiled jumper off into the empty drum and set it to do an extra pre-rinse.
He flipped the lights off and toed open the door to his room, gracelessly flopping onto the bed and shuffling under the blankets. Eskel curled up around himself, feeling warm and fuzzy, though maybe...maybe a little empty? He sighed and hugged his arms against his chest, wishing to all hopes that he wasn’t actually alone as the sweet embrace of sleep overtook him.
An entire week passed before Eskel saw Jaskier again. Which he couldn’t say was odd; they had only been in the same place a handful of times, and there hadn’t been any sort of routine to it.
At least, that’s what Eskel told himself.
Another long day of needy customers and screaming children left Eskel drained, and he didn’t hesitate to close the bookstore early. He flipped the sign around to say ‘Closed’ and counted down his money, leaving it in the safe in the back for the morning.
He pushed the glass door open and spun around as it fell shut, slipping his key in and letting the cylinder fall into place. Eskel glanced around, spying a familiar cock-sure smirk on the face of a man as he strode over to him from the coffee shop across the street with a quite attractive swagger. Jaskier stopped at a careful distance, though Eskel tried to keep his face as open and friendly as possible. “Hey, Eskel.”
“Oh, Jaskier,” Eskel peeked behind him towards the shop, “did you need something from in there? I was just locking up, I’m sorry-”
“Oh, no. Well, maybe. We’ll see. But uh. That’s not why I’m here.”
Eskel crooked his head, “Okay…”
“Listen, I didn’t want to do this while you were on the clock, cause that’s icky, but uh…would you be interested in going out sometime? Grab some coffee, or lunch maybe?”
Eskel had completely blue screened. He didn’t think he’d actually get this far. Shit, how long had it been since he actually went on a date? What was he gonna wear? Where were they going?
Didn’t even give him an answer yet.
The coffee across the street was fine, but Eskel really just found himself more and more enamored with the striking young man who kept gently bumping their knees together beneath the table.
It was the easiest date that Eskel had ever found himself on. Jaskier was kind, funny, intelligent. Caring. It was the simplest thing in the world for him to invite Jaskier on a quiet walk, meandering through the city streets until they found themselves at Eskel’s stoop.
Eskel glanced down at the prettiest ethereal blue eyes he’d ever seen and smirked. “Wanna come in?”
Jaskier grinned toothily, “I thought you’d never ask.”
The keys clattered to the floor as Eskel led the way over the threshold, grabbing Jaskier by the waist and kissing him deeply. Their lips danced and Eskel could almost taste the lust that poured from his very being. They pushed and tore at hemlines and buttons, craving the release of skin hidden away. Eskel finally got Jaskier’s shirt open and threw it to the floor, running his fingers through the thick hair that was so generously dusted over his broad chest.
Eskel’s own shirt fell open by Jaskier’s fingers and he let his hands drop down to the button on Jaskier’s trousers. But a soft hand stopped him, and Eskel watched his throat bob in anticipation.
“Before we go on,” Jaskier smirked, though his eyes shone with a tinge of worry, “I…have a bit of a…situation to inform you of.”
Eskel’s mind started spinning in circles, covering different scenarios and how best to respond to them. Does he have an STD? Is he a fugitive on the run from the law? Hung up on an ex? Maybe he’s ace? Poly? Enby? Trans? Is it his first time? The list went on and on, greased gears turning rapidly in Eskel’s head. However, what Jaskier actually said hadn’t even made its way into Eskel’s mind.
“I wrote that book. About the incubi.”
Eskel blinked and glanced between Jaskier’s eyes, searching for more answers, rubbing his thumbs gently along Jaskier’s hips. “O-okay…”
“How far did you get?”
Eskel thought back to the night that he had brought the book home, and the fantasy that his mind had woven for him. “Uh...not far. I...I got distracted.”
Jaskier nodded, just the barest hint of a blush spreading like watercolors over his cheeks. “Well...when I say that I wrote the book...I wrote it from personal experience. I am actually an incubus.”
At that point, Eskel’s brain completely stopped computing. He was confused beyond belief and undeniably still horny, and the only thing that he could let slip from his lips was an eloquent, “Huh?”
Jaskier offered a none-too-sheepish smile, his eyes shimmering with unbridled attraction. But he let Eskel process, the two of them standing just inside of Eskel’s doorway, naked from the waist up.
Eskel swallowed and willed his brain cells to work, dammit. "You're a-an incubus? I thought they were-I mean, forgive my ignorance I just haven't, ah, met one... or heard of anyone else... meeting one. Recently."
Jaskier chuckled, the sound like music to Eskel’s ears. “Oh gods, you’re adorable. There’s only a handful of us left, and we don’t generally tend to advertise. Of course you thought it was just a myth. Kind of the point, love.”
Jaskier gently ran his hands up Eskel’s arms, smoothing his fingers into the generous muscle. “I want you to know, though, that I…we don’t feed off of lust. Never did. It...it was a lie, a myth. Our magic is...it’s indulgence, an amplification of lust that’s already there. So I didn’t like...hunt you down, or anything creepy. You just caught my eye, and I thought I’d see if you were interested.”
Eskel nodded, resting his forehead down onto Jaskier’s. “Gotta say, this isn’t quite how I imagined this evening goin’. But...weirder shit happens. And...I’d be lyin’ if I said that I wasn’t still ridiculously attracted to you.”
He brought his lips down and kissed Jaskier sweetly, sliding their lips together slowly and languidly, relishing in the balance of wills that they had found themselves in. Jaskier broke away first, brushing the tip of his nose over Eskel’s. “A-and one more thing-”
“Whatever it is, it’s fine.” Eskel couldn’t really help the way that his brows scrunched in disbelief, even the tiniest bit, but he didn’t want to put Jaskier off by not buying into whatever he was trying to convince him of.
“Well…” Jaskier blinked, biting his lip, “I...one of the things with my magic. I can...I can change the...parts that I have. I can kinda switch? Between a-a...you know?” He gestured vaguely to the region between his legs, and Eskel nodded, somewhat getting the picture. “And I don’t really have a preference, everything’s enjoyable...so if you do, I can just kinda…*poof*,” he smiled.
Now, Eskel really wasn’t sure if anything weirder had happened, at least that he was aware of. Did I eat something off today? Not that he could remember, but this all felt...well. Like an odd fever dream. But Jaskier felt so real in his arms, and he was looking up at him with such sincerity that he figured, ah, what the hell. I’ll humor him...or, them? Ah shite, I should ask-
“Right...so, d-do you want me to call you something else? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, or use the wrong pronouns or-”
Jaskier smiled and reached up, ruffling Eskel’s hair and sliding the tips of his fingers down the line of his jaw. “You’re sweet. No, Jaskier is perfect, and I use he/him always. Sometimes I change the parts that I have for pleasure, but I am always Jaskier.”
Eskel squinted, still feeling like he was maybe having the wool pulled over his eyes. “Mhm. And uh-”
“Would you like a demonstration?” Jaskier smiled sweetly, still running his fingers along Eskel’s shoulders in lazy swirls. Eskel nodded and led them further into the apartment, giving Jaskier some space to strip himself of the remainder of his clothes. Eskel wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but this seemed like a lot of effort for someone to create a falsity that intricate. He stood bare before Eskel, broad chest tapering down to a soft waist and thick thighs, with a pretty cock nestled in a bed of dark hair.
Eskel sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “Y-you’re gorgeous…”
“Oh, stop it you. You’re making me blush,” Jaskier smirked, popping his hip. “Now, don’t watch too closely, or else you’ll never look at a human quite in the same way again.”
But Eskel couldn’t tear his eyes away as Jaskier’s hips lit up in a burst of buttercup-yellow sparks that dissipated with a blink of his eyes, and then there was a little slit that was just barely visible beneath the nest of dark hair, rather than what had been there only a moment prior. Eskel’s jaw fell agape, now fully in awe of the apparently magical creature that was standing naked in his living room.
“Believe me now?” Jaskier shrugged, spinning himself around to show off his pert buttocks and legs with muscles that delicately danced just beneath the surface.
Eskel swallowed, and he felt his cock throb in the tight confines of his jeans, an impatient reminder that he was, in fact, still very into Jaskier. “Uh... yeah. Yeah, I-fuck, that's incredible. I certainly don't need more convincing and I...well, um..." Eskel got a wolfish look in his eyes, "Which would you like me to start with?"
Jaskier bit his lip and nodded, stepping backwards until the backs of his knees hit the edge of Eskel’s armchair. Eskel quickly wrestled with the buttons and zipper of his pants before tearing them down his legs, shucking them off to the side before following Jaskier to his reading corner.
Jaskier sat down, sprawled bare with his cunt shining and dripping with his arousal onto the soft red cushion of the same chair that Eskel fuckin jerked himself off in. Eskel really really couldn’t decide just where he wanted to look, so he just...dropped to his knees and leveled his face with the blushed pink lips between Jaskier’s legs.
Jaskier gasped and his fingers flexed on the arms of the chair. “Usually, we’re the ones giving pleasure, but yeah sure, I’m not gonna say no…”
“C’mon,” Eskel rumbled as he rested his chin on Jaskier’s thigh, his breath fanning gently over the glistening lips between Jaskier’s legs. “You can’t expect me to see this whole package and not want to bury my face in you?”
And sure, maybe it had been a while since Eskel had found himself with his lips between someone’s thighs like that, but fuck he hadn’t realized how much he missed it. Eskel finally dragged his tongue through his slit and around the sensitive bud at the apex of his thighs, shooting pleasure up through Jaskier’s stomach and into his neck with a soft pink blush. Eskel even had a bit of stubble sprouting over his chin, and he could almost see the sweet burn that it left on the insides of his thighs. A dark moan crawled up out of Jaskier’s chest as he threaded his fingers into the soft strands of Eskel’s hair.
Eskel leaned into his touch and wrapped his lips around Jaskier’s clit and sucked lightly, running a finger down through Jaskier’s slit before slowly pushing inside. Jaskier arched into him, his head hitting the back of the chair and his legs wrapping around Eskel’s head. But there was suddenly one very demanding problem: Eskel, while he normally sported an unending well of patience, was running out. He wanted to feel Jaskier fall apart around him, to feel him everywhere. So he slid his hands up beneath Jaskier’s thighs and around his bum and pulled, resettling him on the very edge of the seat, basically sitting him on Eskel’s chin as he drank anew.
The glide of Jaskier’s hips up and down Eskel’s chin was enough to have him dripping slick onto the hardwood floor beneath him, and he felt more than heard the wet squelch of Jaskier’s tender spot inside of him as he slipped in a second finger. Jaskier keened high and started fucking himself on Eskel’s fingers in earnest, and Eskel crooked his elbow so that he could hit that angle over and over and over again.
Eskel could feel how close Jaskier was, with the fluttering and tightening of his walls around his fingers and the near constant drip of slick down his arm. He lapped and sucked at his clit with fervor, pushing him relentlessly towards the climax that loomed over them both with each wet slap up and down of his fingers.
And oh, when Jaskier finally plummeted over that cliff of euphoria? Eskel was drenched in a wave of slick that dripped down his chin and into the dark coarse hairs on his chest. Jaskier’s fingers tightened in his hair and he cried out Eskel’s name, even sweeter than anything he would’ve dared imagine. Eskel slowed his fingers and lapped gently at the tender flesh between Jaskier’s thighs, coaxing him down through the blinding pleasure that overtook him.
“Oh,” Eskel murmured, resting his forehead on the mound of soft hair over Jaskier’s still fluttering arousal, “th-that was…fuck that was amazing.”
Jaskier chuckled and loosened his grip on Eskel’s hair, gently scratching and running his fingers down Eskel’s cheek. “I wish I could’ve warned you that was coming, but uh…my brain was definitively not keeping up.”
Eskel rose to his feet, pulling Jaskier up onto shaky legs. “C’mon, little bird. Let’s get to the bed.”
Jaskier followed Eskel through an open doorway into his bedroom, and Eskel could once again feel the intense gaze of his eyes roving over his ass. “So Eskel, do you want to fuck me?” Jaskier smiled, pressing his lips softly to the rough valleys of Eskel’s scarred cheek.
Eskel blushed, running his hand back through his hair, the muscles of his arm swelling and running Jaskier’s mouth dry. “I-well. I was actually wonderin’ i-if you’d-well. If you’d fuck me.”
Jaskier‘s eyes alighted with a fire that sent a sounded thread straight through Eskel’s core. “Oh, you have no idea just how much that would be my pleasure.”
Jaskier set his hands on Eskel’s hips and pushed him gently towards the bed, tapping him lightly on the ass. “Mind if I have a snack?”
Eskel shuddered and chuckled, climbing onto his hands and knees on the bed with his bum pointed to Jaskier. “Help yourself.”
Eskel braced himself to be licked and brought to pleasure with a fervor that had matched his own, but what he got instead was a soft hand that smoothed up the back of his thigh, gently palming his cheek and spreading him before a sweet kiss was placed on the globe of his ass.
“Y-you dont have to be gentle with me-“
“I want to be gentle with you, you mountain of a man. Now, let me make you feel good.”
A warm ghost of breath slid over the small of Eskel’s back as Jaskier knelt on the bed behind him, settling his hands on Eskel’s hips and squeezing lightly.
“Oohhhh,” Eskel groaned as Jaskier flattened his tongue over his entrance, mouthing around the tight ring of muscle and kneading his fingers into the meat of his bum.
He felt himself relax into Jaskier’s touch, letting his mind drift into a pleasant haze. Jaskier’s hand snaked around his leg and wrapped around his weeping cock, slowly stroking in time with his tongue pushing into his entrance. His hips rocked back and forth into Jaskier, riding the comfortable waves of arousal as they washed over him.
“Fuck me dead, you’re delicious,” Jaskier’s voice was thick and husky, dripping like syrup. “I’m assuming you’ve got lube hidden away in here?”
Eskel laughed breathily, adjusting his shoulder to point to his bedside drawer. “Right up top.”
Jaskier patted Eskel’s behind and pushed himself up, reaching into the drawer and rummaging around. Eskel heard a cute little ‘aha!’ and the click of a plastic cap being opened.
A slick pair of fingers circled his entrance and he keened, gasping back into Jaskier’s touch. “I-in, please-“
“Alright, Eskel. You’ll tell me if it’s too much?”
Eskel nodded and Jaskier slowly pushed his finger in, thrusting lightly until he was buried to the knuckle. He poured some more lube onto his finger and let Eskel set his preferred pace, following the rocks of his hips and the heavy flexing of his cock between his legs.
Before long, Jaskier slipped in another finger, and then another, stretching Eskel open. Eskel growled and moaned and pushed hard back into Jaskier’s fingers, only just barely brushing against that sweet spot that was nestled so deep.
Eskel was sweating, his hands tangled in the sheets as pleasure built to crescendo behind his eyes, and he felt the stirrings of the point of no return hanging just out of sight. “W-wait, Jaskier. Fuck, I’m ready.”
Jaskier hummed and slipped his fingers from inside of him, leaving him gaping and empty as he patted his hip. “Flip over, Eskel. I wanna watch you fall apart.”
Eskel flipped onto his back and looked up at Jaskier, his soft skin dusted with a generous coating of dark hair, his tummy soft and leading down to-
Instead of the pretty cunt that Eskel had buried himself in, that same equally pretty cock from earlier now jutted out from Jaskier’s hips, flushed and dripping with slick. He spoke without thinking, “Fuck I want you in my mouth.”
Jaskier giggled and ran the bottle of lube up the line of his cock, spreading it around with his hand and dropping the bottle to the side. He clambered back onto the bed between Eskel’s thighs and ran his hands up either side of his stomach reverently. “Maybe later. For now, though, I’d very much like to fuck you.”
Eskel reached up and ran his fingers into Jaskier’s hair as he felt the blunt head of his cock press against his entrance. He breathed deeply, tasting the arousal in the room on his tongue as Jaskier pushed in slowly, slotting their hips together and leaning down atop him.
“I’m not sure,” Jaskier gasped, resting his forehead on Eskel’s, “that I’ve ever felt anyone so sweet. I could die here, and would do so happily.”
“I’d rather if you didn’t,” Eskel smirked, clenching around Jaskier in an effort to get him to move.
“Gah, ca-can I m-“
“Please. Please move. Fuck me. Ruin me.”
Jaskier grinned like the cat who caught the canary, rubbing his thumbs back and forth over Eskel’s flanks as he oh so slowly slid back out of Eskel, and just as slowly slid back in. Eskel felt every slick inch of him in stark relief, his head swimming with how beautifully he was filled.
“F-faster...go on, Jask- y-you won’t break me…”
Jaskier gasped a hitched breath as his hips snapped forward accidentally, sending a shockwave of pleasure up Eskel’s spine. “Ah, fuck. O-okay. D-don’t wanna push too f...far-”
Eskel slid his hand up to cup the delicate jaw of the incubus atop him. “I’ll tell you. I promise. But I trust you. Take me.”
Jaskier’s eyes fluttered shut and he slammed his cock into Eskel, rocking back and forth with a fervor unlike anything Eskel had ever had the great pleasure to have been a part of before. Eskel could feel the crown of his head hitting the wall behind his bed with every sharp thrust of Jaskier’s hips, but he really couldn’t find it in himself to care. He just took it, not even able to form a coherent string of words together, only offering soft grunts and drawn-out moans that were swallowed by Jaskier’s lips.
Eskel’s mind swam in an impossible oblivion, every thrust of Jaskier inside of him pushing him closer and closer to an unstoppable climax. He felt Jaskier’s hands drag down beneath his thighs and lift, settling his ass on the tops of his thighs and oh holy shit right fucking there-
And then. Eskel thought that he was about to pass out when Jaskier adjusted himself to prop one of his elbows next to Eskel’s head and grabbed his cock with the other, stroking in quick jolts that matched every time he hit his prostate and-
Oh fuck he was coming. Eskel shouted in high breaths that escaped from his lungs as his body shook with wave after wave after wave of pleasure. He spent thick white ropes of seed between them, dripping through both of their chest’s hair, his fingers clenching onto any inch of Jaskier that he could reach.
And oh sweet gods above, Jaskier didn’t miss a beat, just slipped his hand off of Eskel’s oversensitive cock and fisted his hands in the sheets on either side of Eskel’s head. Eskel lazily opened his eyes as his blinding orgasm faded away and gently ran his finger down the soft, just barely stubbled line of Jaskier’s jaw. “Go on, Jask,” Eskel rumbled, watching the shudder that ran through Jaskier’s taxed nerves, “Come for me.”
Gasps of hot breath ghosted over Eskel’s face as Jaskier drove his hips deep, his eyes rolling back in his head as he spent inside of Eskel. His entire body shuddered and rippled as he came under Eskel’s hands, something shimmering just beneath the surface of his skin. Jaskier dropped his head into the crook of Eskel’s shoulder, pressing his lips softly to the tender flesh as his spend leaked past the tight seal of his cock.
They both ran their hands slowly over each other, soothing overexerted muscles and lust-hazy minds. Jaskier hummed quietly, still nestled against Eskel’s neck and laying atop him, though Eskel really couldn’t find it in himself to complain. He swallowed thickly and rolled them over, holding Jaskier tightly to him and pressing his lips to his shoulder.
“That was...really nice,” Eskel’s voice was husky and cock-drunk, and he could feel the gentle blanket of sleep falling over his eyes.
Jaskier hummed and squeezed Eskel tighter against him as his softening cock slipped from the tight embrace of Eskel’s entrance. “Truly. You’ve rendered me near speechless.”
Eskel hummed with a sleepy smile, nestling his nose into the soft brown locks of Jaskier’s hair that just barely tickled his throat. “Stay tonight?”
He felt the muscles shift beneath his hands as Jaskier twisted around and pulled the lamp cord, bathing the room in darkness before tugging his throw blanket around them. “Sleep, darling. I’ll be here when you wake.”
As he drifted into the comfortable embrace of a well-earned rest, Eskel knew that he had somehow stumbled into one of the most exceptional people that had ever walked the Earth, and that he wasn’t letting him go any time soon.
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avada-kedavrugh · 4 years
How stupid you must be?
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Pairing | Tom Riddle x Reader 
Genre | Angst (cheeky lil bit of making out)
Words | 2323
Warning | Making out, mentions of death, very unhealthy/abusive relationship that I do not endorse AT ALL but I just find it interesting to write. <3
How stupid you must be.
Tom’s hand slither around your neck, ever so delicately like a snake entangling its prey marvelling at each drop of fear it evoked, his fingers gracing the expanse of your skin like you were a porcelain doll, exquisite, dainty and so fragile in his touch. You are so small against him as he towers over you, your body quivering against the wall from the toxic mixture of anticipation, lust and fear that welled inside you, staring up at him with a look of complete adoration. The very touch of his cold fingers around your throat is so empowering, so overwhelming, so shattering as it destroys every barrier in your mind and subdues your entire being to his control. His dangerous gaze on you, searing through your mind, simultaneously imploring you to delve in closer with sweet nothings calling for you to give yourself to him, and screaming warning signs of ‘danger’. But it’s already too late for you as you’re faltering, falling, fading into his touch, unashamedly losing whatever part of you clung to sanity, replaced with the sheer desire, yearning, desperation for his lips to devour you, to take the final step of consuming you and leave you an empty shell.  
Within the eery silence of the dark closet, your own thoughts echo in your mind, as you silently plead with him. As if hearing your desperation, his hold on you tightens, teasing you with the searing touch of his fingers as his eyes look down on you with a cold, dangerous look. Your eyes flicker with infatuation and your cheeks flush a soft, pink hue, in a way that would be almost endearing, perhaps, if Tom was capable of love. If he was capable of love, he’d be ensnared in your affection and devotion, allow himself to shrink into your touch and be consumed by you, let your unceasing attempts of warmth to burn through him, act as the furnace that would cause his heart to shudder to life. Instead he found the way you looked at him repulsive, your looks of adoration received by a look of apathy, at best. Sometimes, he struggled to bury the contempt he felt towards you and he’d snap. He’d feel his eyes blazing with disgust, the dark look screaming ‘i hate you’ in what was both a shattering roar and a shivering whisper.  
Out of your lips slips a moan, your teeth quickly baring down on your soft lips in a feeble attempt to hide your sheer desire, bashful and ashamed of the effect he had on you. The sound echoes through the closet, burrowing itself into every crevice of the room, slipping into his ears and drilling into his mind, quickly registering as a sign of your weakness, of his absolute control over you. Although he will never love you, he relishes in the dominance he has over you, knowing this is only just the start of his strive for power. He felt no remorse, simply enjoying the incentive your weakness brought, grip tightening, his ring indenting itself into your skin and knuckles turning white whilst pressing against the silky expanse of your throat.
“Tom-” A guttural moan rumbled from your lips, desperation dripping from the very sound. His stony look flickering with amusement; with the knowledge you were defenceless against his hold, your mind falling into a dark abyss that matched your pupils – thick molasses, dilated, faltering at his every move. Secretly, he savours the sight, his lips curling into a sinister smirk as he watches you unfold against him, trapped between him and the wall, knowing that even if he let you go, you would stay there, hopelessly waiting for him to return your feelings. You allowed yourself to be a puppet, directed by his simple touch or a mutter of words, completely consumed by him. Lavishing in this knowledge, he set himself to tease you, make you ache with your utter lust, dipping his head down as he brought his lips dangerously close to your ears.
“Now, I’ve never seen someone so desperate,” The warmth of his breath tantalising against your skin, his words erupting from his voice in a sadistic purr. “How stupid you must be.”
How stupid you must be.  
The statement sounded in both of your minds. Tom’s lips twisting into an even crueller, ever so tantalising smile, while your heart was being thrashed and you felt your stomach momentarily dip.  
How stupid you must be. Completely subservient to the man who held you pinned against the wall, who belittled you and shamelessly looked at you with total contempt. The man was able to cause the pool of rich, luxurious heat sprouting in your lower stomach with just a single touch while at the same time, with just a simple statement, he had caused a churning pit in your stomach that made you wish the ground would just swallow you up right there, taking mercy on you and saving you from the agony he caused. You knew your heart belonged to him. 
Like many complicated things in life, it began innocently, coy glances at a cute boy during classes, feeling flustered around him, laughing as you told your friends about your attraction to him, becoming hopelessly drawn to the mystery that surrounded him. Tom. The tall, dark-haired, dark eyed Slytherin boy surrounded by his friends that all looked up at him with expectation. Who would you be to ignore your innocent, school crush? So, the chaste glances turned to watching him during classes, to trying to talk to him, despite his disinterest, to following him through the corridors. All in - as you told yourself several times - a desperate attempt to help him.  
Along the path of simple curiosity and attraction, you found yourself thinking of him more and more, every second of your day your mind would wander and lead you to him. At first it scared you, so you forced yourself to distance yourself from him. Without him you sank into a seat of sadness, staring into the dark gloomy depths of your drink, while your friends chattered around you, excitedly gossiping about whatever interested them. Wherever you were, sitting in the great hall with your friends or sitting alone in the library, that feeling of emptiness clung onto you. So, when your eyes glanced over him as he walked past, feeling your heart shudder to life, you gave yourself the little treat, let your eyes linger for a second longer, and then another second longer, then another second, and then another, and another, until every time you saw him you allowed your eyes to fix on him – his image imprinting onto your mind. Just seeing him filled you with a euphoric high and who would you be if you denied yourself the feeling? You convinced yourself it was fate, that your life was tied into a hangman’s knot with his. Curiously, one day, he returned the interest, tipping the earth of its axis and letting you fall into his arms. And that was the day, you allowed yourself to become his servant, become besotted him, allowed your obsession with him to begin to ravage you. And now, you knew he wasn’t human – not really - and knew he wasn’t capable of love, yet you’d sacrifice everything just for a simple kiss.
In retrospect, early on, you caught glimpses of something sinister lurking within him, his heartfelt words jumbled with a tone of hatred and his eyes occasionally flaring with something bordering loathing. Maybe, you stayed with him because you wanted to help him or, maybe, you stayed with him because of some sadistic voice that sung in your head that urged you to comprehend him, take him apart and reconstruct him secret by secret, just to know the very truth behind Tom Riddle and who he really was.
How very stupid you must be, your heart fluttering in your chest at his touch despite the obvious torment of his words, returning his sinister look with a look of full-blown lust, the darkness in your eyes caused by your pure desire while his was caused by something far more twisted. How very stupid you must be to allow yourself to slump against him, allowing his rigid body pressed against you to hold you up, his hands clutching your neck and keeping you afloat, the final restraint stopping you from falling into complete delirium.
“Tom, please-” You whined, a painful, raw, raggedy sound. Begging for the cushion of his lips. All of you hoped for the release of his animalist desires on you, for him to shed his cruel exterior, to reveal his raw being to you, bare his soul to you, allow you to squirm your way in, embrace him for who he was, love him, care for him. Caress every wound on his soul, kiss it better and make his heart feel something. For you. You stared at him hopefully, eyes twinkling with some innocence that you desperately clung to, slowing being chipped away every time you worked out what he’d done. His grip on you went slack, the colour returning to his knuckles, your lungs unexpectedly filling with oxygen you didn’t even know you needed as you breathed him in.  
Your eyes dancing with dreams, the dreams you replayed in your mind when the sky got dark, when your dormitory grew still, while your mind was too loud, your dreams embraced you like the warm arms of a mother, coddling you, soothing you into a calm slumber, a lullaby of dreams that would never happen, the dreams of Tom Riddle. Tom’s eyes lacked such excitement, instead they stilled with a vacant expression - one you found rather serene – as he took in the sight of you. Your heart unashamedly raced, desperate for you to reach out and press your lips against his. Risk your life just for the caress of his lips against yours.
His body pulling away from you, letting you to fall back against the wall. His smirk souring into a look of disgust, eyes full-blown with revulsion and contempt, looking down on you as if you were the most disgusting beetle on earth, as if all you deserved was to be stamped on. He moved forward again, this time his lips grazing your ears as he whispers “I don’t need you anymore Y/N.”
Your heart continues its shameless rampage within your chest, thundering against its weak confines, threatening to breakout and escape into Tom’s hands - where it knew it belonged. How very stupid you must be. It was too late for you now, you knew what his words meant, knew the threat they held within them, yet as his hot breath moved away from you, your hands desperately moved to grab onto him, your fingers hopelessly dragging against the material of his shirt, failing to cling onto anything, clawing at the air between you.
He was looking over your small form, taking in each detail of you for one final time; you were his obedient servant that he could manipulate to do his will. You, such a meek being, that seemingly devoted your life to his. Had become entangled, enchanted, encapsulated with him, by him, completely submitting yourself to him all for the human feeling of love. He knew you would do anything for him yet he knew that human feeling inside you, that clung to its innocence, unmoving from its claims of compassion, was stronger than your fragile feelings for him, one wrong move and it could easily overcome your devotion for him and leave him at risk. Something jolted in his heart. And then he did it.
Lips barrelling towards yours. Smashing against your soft lips. Teeth clashing. Like two starved animals that hadn’t eaten in days, absolutely ravenous from hunger, finally given a measly morsel between you. One of his hands wound itself around your neck again, all delicacy thrown aside as he roughly held you up by your throat. His nails attaching themselves to your skin, ripping into your skin so violently, leaving behind imprints at his very touch. Slamming your body against the wall and pressing his form, so crazed in its frenzy yet so rigid, against you. You took your chance to savour him, memorising the feeling of lips against you, the feel of fingers wrapped around your neck. Your mouth opening, tongue pressing against his mouth, desperate to taste him. The concoction of unrequited love and lust had left you famished, and now your body drowned in the touch of Tom Riddle. He was blessing you with what you had always wanted. Quenching the aching feeling that had laid dormant inside your lower stomach for months, incited only by him and growing more dangerous as he disregarded your desires. Yet, niggling in your mind was the emptiness of every touch, every taste, every movement. His sexual ferocity felt more like a primitive instinct than a conscious desire.  
How stupid you must be.
He was going to kill you.
He had used you and tossed you aside like a doll. And every step of the way, you lapped it up like a desperate puppy, hanging at the edge of his every word, the promise of his touch having the power to control you. Inside your heart swelled, as his lips thrashed against yours in their rampage, ever so desperate, like prey entangled within a snake. The warmth pooling through your entire body, drowning the remnants of sanity, and sending you into delirium. How stupid you must be. He was going to kill you and yet, he was kissing you. For the first time, your final wish and he was kissing you, for the last time. Buried under his ravenous lips an uncontrollable grin broke out from your own, torn and bleeding. A grin that pressed against his lips. A grin that mirrored the euphoria that filled your soul.
Maybe he did love you.
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