#maybe w the sundering
Well, the Sundering rp group unfortunately has come to an end & with it some ships and character dynamics that I'm definitely gonna miss. Wish we could have finished all the stories we had planned and talked about, but I guess that's life </3
I have like a bazillion things of this ship I ended up making w KA and another users character(well, the definition of "their character" is dubious, but thats drama for another day) and mannnn, I'm gonna miss that. You cant ever really recreate the same dynamic n story beats organically. It's always gonna stay this unfinished story with unfulfilled potential and all these different paths it couldve gone down that will never be explored...
But at least maybe I'll stop drawing KA without their helmet so much now lol.
I quite liked some of them so I'm just gonna dump a bunch of em under the cut now, thank u. A few non-ship things before that, but for most parts the cool standalone art Ive already posted before.
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**Spoilers for FFXIV Endwalker**
As much as I enjoyed getting to see the world unsundered, I REALLY wish that the writing didn't go down the path of "time paradox" and "memory wiping." I think it would have had way more of an emotional impact if you went back in time, but can't interact with or change anything because no one can perceive you. And it would have made a good parallel to the Echo, too–you're powerless to change the past, you can only bear witness to it.
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galpalaven · 1 month
wip whenever - azemet edition
not sure if/when this will ever get finished so i wanted to share because i revisit this often ;w;
Emet-Selch returns to the star with a smile on his face.
It’s… strange, to be forced to return to the aetherial sea rather than by choice. Certainly not how he ever planned to return to the star — but that dream had been dead and buried with the Sundering eons ago. A part of him hopes that, someday, Hythlodaeus will return to the star as well — perhaps Hydaelyn’s chosen will finally destroy Zodiark and his soul will be released, welcome to come home. Tired as he is, he debates holding onto his awareness in the hopes of seeing him just one more time.
It’s not like he’ll ever see the other soul he desperately wants to see, at any rate. 
Perhaps the closest he will get will forever be that it was Azem’s soul who sent him to the sea — and somehow, he’s alright with that.
Or maybe he’s just very, very tired.
When he wakes, there is considerably more weight to his form than he truly expects. As Lord of the Underworld once, he’d thought he’d be barely more than a conscience floating in a mass of nothingness. Instead, he can feel himself lying on what feels like sand. A breeze dances across his skin, ruffling his hair and bringing the soft whisper of waves to his attention. His brows furrow, and his eyes flutter open in confusion, trying to figure out where he is and what’s happening. 
Above him glitters an endless sea of blue, sparkling aether. Souls, he thinks, twinkle like stars in the night sky, and he wonders why he isn’t among them as he struggles to push himself up onto his elbows.
What greets him is… beautiful.
A sea of crystal clear water kisses the white sand at his back, barely a few feet from him. Turning his head reveals something much like Elpis — flowers and trees and familiar buildings floating in the middle of nowhere. Something in his chest aches at the sight of it, and he starts to sit up further when he sees it.
Or, more accurately, when he sees her.
Andromeda, looking every bit as he remembers her, wearing her robes and fiddling nervously with her mask, stands some ways away. Her dark, curly hair is tied back in that familiar low, loose braid, strands falling around her cheeks drifting in the breeze. Her eyes widen when she notices he’s seen her, full lips parting slightly in a gasp he can’t hear from where he is. She takes a hesitant step toward him as he watches, having stilled at the sight of her, entire face feeling both hot and numb all at once.
He’s dreamed of her many, many times over the years, but this is different.
This is… this is real.
Emet-Selch staggers to his feet, drifting towards her as if in a trance. She just watches him approach, wringing her hands, looking almost worried that he’s about to start yelling at her. 
Of course, that had been how a lot of their reunions went, wasn’t it?
He’s in no mood for yelling now, though. Not when his heart is in his throat, not when he’s got the woman he loves in arm’s reach for the first time in 12,000 years. He’s almost afraid to blink, breath caught in his chest, a faint tremble building in his limbs as he closes in on her, stopping himself before he can get too close. He’s afraid to try to touch her, despite how desperately he wants to pull her into his arms, terrified she’ll disappear in a cloud of mist, popping like a bubble.
She has to tilt her head to keep eye contact with him, eyes darting between his. There’s a long moment in which they just stare at each other, before her brows furrow a little and she rasps a soft, sweet, hesitant, “…hi.”
His lips twitch, and he snorts softly, drinking her in every bit as much as she is him. “Hi.”
She smiles faintly, still making a face like she’s afraid he’ll be angry with her. 
Hoping to waylay her fears, he crosses his arms, smirking and raising an eyebrow as he glances away at the scenery. “Is this your doing?”
She follows his gaze, though his eyes return to her immediately. Fiddling with her mask, she shakes her head, smiling bitterly as she says, “A gift — from Venat. Though, gift is probably being generous.” 
Her smile falls away as quickly as it had come, and there is nothing of the woman he had met in his dream some time ago now, who had told him that she was waiting for him, even if he hadn’t believed it when he woke. That echo of her had been giggly and smiley, slightly sad but mostly just happy to be near him again. This Andromeda…
“I’m sorry,” she says, avoiding his face deliberately now. “I’m sure you’re tired. I don’t — I don’t know how to fix this.”
“What in the hells are you apologizing for?” he asks, laughing a little. The sound of his chuckle brings her gaze back to his, and his chest feels lighter than it has in ages as he smiles at her, tilting his head and for once letting his affection bleed into his expression. Hope flickers to life in her eyes and he drifts a little closer, drawn like a moth to the flame. “I’ve missed you. More than — more than I could ever put into words.”
Her eyes well with tears, and she takes a shaky breath in as she looks at him. “I… I’ve seen how hard it was for you. I’ve watched. It killed me, not being able to be there for you.”
He looks away. “I’m surprised you’re not angry, if you’ve been watching all this time.”
She laughs a little, the sound broken and watery. “I am angry, but not at you. I’m… I understand why you did what you did. Truly. I can’t rightfully say that I wouldn’t have done something similar if I’d lost… if I’d lost you and Hythlodaeus instead.”
He glances at her face again, watching the tears fall. Smiling a little, he shakes his head. “No. You’re too good. You would have found another way.”
She shakes her head. “We should have gotten the chance to find another way before it came to that. When — When she first plucked me from the Thirteenth, when I first got my memories back, I was so — so angry.” Andromeda huffs, crossing her arms and looking out across the sea. “I know she told me when we were still alive, but I didn’t believe her. And why would I? Why would I have believed her? Her plan was as upsetting as Zodiark was to me. I don’t know why she didn’t try to bring our memories back instead. I don’t know why…”
She stops abruptly, sniffling and looking up at the aetherial sea, the twinkling lights like stars above them. Her breath hitches, and when she continues, her voice is barely above a whisper.
“I have been able to do nothing but watch,” she rasps, and her face crumples, a sob falling from her throat. “For thousands of years, all I’ve been able to do is watch, as people have suffered and died, as you have suffered and died, over and over and over again. I…”
His voice is low and soft, and he finally braves the gap between them, reaching out and brushing some of her hair behind her ear. She shivers, gasping, and he makes a soft oof when she throws herself at him, burying her face in his chest and wrapping her arms tight around his middle, fingers clutching at his back with another, harder sob.
“Hades, I — it’s been so long!” she cries — and how is he supposed to do anything other than wrap his arms around her and hold her when she does that? 
She sobs in his arms for a long while, and all he can do is hold her and sway, pressing kisses to the top of her head and rubbing her back like it’s going to do anything at all for the yawning, gaping wound he knows must be bleeding in her chest. While the past millennia have weighed on him for certain, he has at least been able to touch people and speak to people and, yes, he had never been someone who liked that kind of thing, but for her, who lived and breathed for being with others, an eon of isolation must have been…
“I’ve got you, love, I’ve got you,” he murmurs, curling into her, and she only cries harder, pressing up on her toes to get closer. “I’m here. I’m here.”
“I’m sorry!” comes her response, hiccuping and trying to pull away. “I’m sorry, this isn’t how I wanted this to be—!”
He shakes his head, reaching up to cup her cheeks, wiping her tears as he says, “Again with the apologizing.” He kisses her forehead, lingering when his lips finally touch her skin. Her fingers brush his wrists, holding his hands against her face. When he breaks the kiss, he rests his forehead against hers, eyes falling shut. She still hiccups softly as they stand, the breeze dancing around them, making their robes twist around their legs, but he has never felt more at peace than he does in this moment. His thumbs make soothing little motions over her cheeks, and her thumbs make similar passes over his knuckles. 
“I love you,” she breathes.
He grins — wide and happy, in a way that no one but his closest friends had ever seen — and pulls back to look down at her, smoothing his thumbs over her cheeks again. She smiles back at him, for the first time since he arrived not looking scared of him.
“And I love you,” he tells her, and to finally be able to tell her is a release that sends a shiver down his spine.
Sniffling, her hands tighten on his wrists and she bounces a little on the balls of her feet. “Is it too soon to ask you to kiss me?”
A shocked bark of a laugh bursts from his lips before he can think to stop it, tossing his head back with the force of his amusement. “Too soon?” he repeats, chortling to himself as he cups her cheeks a little firmer, tugging her closer. “Too soon? It’s been 12,000 years, Andromeda — you could have kissed me as soon as you saw me and it still wouldn’t have been a second too soon for me. Fuck, I wanted to kiss you well before everything fell apart.”
Her eyes soften impossibly and heat rises up his neck. “I wanted that, too. So did Hythlodaeus. If — If we’d had more time…”
He shakes his head, leaning in to banish the train of thought before she can start down it again. If only, if only — it doesn’t matter now. The journey has ended, and they’ve finally come back together. There is no point dwelling on the past when he has her here with him once more. 
“Hush,” is the last thing he says, a mumble into her lips before he finally — finally, finally, finally — kisses her.
She presses up on her tiptoes, stumbling a little to kiss him back and gods — gods, it feels so good. They both inhale sharply at the first touch of their lips, and it sends a tingling sensation prickling over his skin in its wake. He has kissed her in his dreams many times, but this is so much more, so much better, chasing away the final lingering doubts that he could have had about the authenticity of her spirit. The kiss — their first kiss, he thinks giddily — lingers and deepens, and he feels thousands of years of being slightly disgusted with others’ obsession with being touched fade away with the first brush of her tongue against his. It had left him feeling as though perhaps he’d been mistaken about how much he’d craved Andromeda and Hythlodaeus in life, but feeling her in his arms now he knows that it was just the missing love that had made him disgusted with other people’s hands on his body.
Andromeda’s hands slip from his wrists to his chest, sliding up until she can wrap her arms around his shoulders, and he wraps his arms around her in turn, reveling in the way she fits as she presses right up against him, every curve of her body hidden by her robes suddenly made plain. He lets his hands wander a little as they fall into a rhythm, learning the curve of her waist as it leads to her hips, the bend of her spine as she arches against him, trying to get closer as her tongue twists with his. As his hands make another meandering path up her body, he notices that she’s trembling, and when his thumbs accidentally brush the undersides of her breasts, she whimpers into his mouth.
His name has never tasted so good.
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tojikai · 2 months
Hihi, i hope you been well!🫶
I was planning on getting another commission on permanent mark for my bday(august) and i was wondering if you could answer these what if’s/questions on what the commission could possibly be on for me to make a decision (im very indecisive 🕴️) if that’s okay with you :))
1. how would’ve it went if they talked about it/had a genuine talk when satoru and her broke up
2. If her and suguru got together instead of her and satoru (like they never dated)
3. If suguru and y/n actually got together after the break up and before the accident, how would he react and how would he react, if it was after the accident but before he broke up with rie
4. And if the baby was suguru’s…
5. If she decided to not tell or have satoru involved with the baby after she had it
6. If she choose suguru over him /got with him during the pregnancy and afterwards, what would gojo do?
7. If y/n and satoru were married instead of just dating, would’ve he asked for a divorce or open rs to be with rie, and if y/n was pregnant or had a kid with him at the time? Would he still break up with her or try to get with rie somehow?
8. If y/n hadn’t lost the baby😔
9. them seeing each other again after the last chapter
10. If Y/n agreed to the open rs when bro suggested it☠️
11. Years after the ending/a timeskip
12. If y/n was pregnant when they broke up(without them knowing)
Also out of curiosity, would you rather date pm or sundered gojo 😭😭
hiii, and oh we have the same birth month !! <3 advanced happy birthday to you~ I'd be happy to answer your questions :))
even if they talked, i think it would end the same way. bc yn's problem is the way she handles her problems and i thinkl it contributed a lot to what she went through. satoru and her had a talk when he's breaking up w her, the problem is he didn't tell her that he cheated. and i think, if he straight up told yn during that talk in the first chap, she would've done something worse to herself. pm!yn really has bad habits that contributed to the events when they brokeup.
tbh, if yn and suguru got together instead, she wouldn't have gone through that. in pm, suguru is THAT man. the only problem i could see arising from that would be her mother. she can be a bit of a judgmental, but it won't be that big of an issue. we wouldn't have permanent mark if suguru and yn got together instead of her and satoru LMAO
in both situations, i think satoru wouldn't play it cool at all. he will admit that he has no right anymore, but the point is his rs w suguru and how he broke a bro code. until it's not just abt that bc he still loves yn :'> it would affect his rs w suguru (their rs would be heavily damaged, i think all that would remain is respect for the time and memories they had, but other than that, it would be impossible for them to be close friends again.) and his rs w rie bc it'd be obvious that he still loves yn no matter how hard he tries to hide it or push it aside.
if the baby was suguru's, satoru would probably lash out on him. about how he betrayed him and their friendship. shoko would be surprised but ofc,she wouldn't think it was something impossible to happen. suguru and yn would probably co-parent since they're not really dating, they might or might not fall for each other completely :> satoru's not backing down too🥹
if the baby's satoru's? he would've found out still. maybe not right away but one day he will. unless she makes the baby wear contacts and dye the hair😭 his emotions will be all over the place.
he'd fight for yn. try everything until he cant anymore. but if yn says 'stop' he will. just keep in touch for their baby (if it's his) and pray that a miracle happens 🥹
he won't divorce her if they're married. at least not right away, he'd probably confess first and let yn decide. if their rs doesn't get better, he might. it's a different story if a kid is involved tho, he's not gonna sacrifice that bc of his past. he doesn't want his child to experience it, so altho yn may ask him for a divorce and he gets w rie, he'd still end up going back to them, working for another chance.
if yn hadn't lost the baby, she wouldn't have left, they will coparent while satoru's trying to get her back (sunder-ish dynamic, but here yn would be straightforwardly rejecting him. she'd probably even get in a rs w someone else even when satoru's trying to get her back.)
it would be bittersweet. yn all healed and probably moved on from him, and satoru still hoping that they'll fall back together. yn would most likely have the biggest growth (losing her dependent behaviour, losing her vices, mature, healthy, ✨business woman✨)
is this the one in the beginning? it's not really an open rs, but more of a cool off, but if she did agree to something like that uhm.. he'd end up losing bc yn is a "retired party girl" lmao it's actually very easy for her to get with someone else, she just chose not to bc she loves satoru but if they got into an open rs. best believe satoru would crack first bc yn would be drowning in her liquor to care. she'd be hurt bc she'd catch on that he just want to be w someone else, but she'd be doing what he wants to happen just so she won't completely lose him. in the end, it'd be easier for her than it is to him. not bc she doesn't love him but bc she'd be too numb to care anymore.
i think the answer in number 9 can also apply to this. just a lot of changes :>
she'd most likely lose the baby without even realizing that she's pregnant.
and for the last question LMAO, i would say i'd rather not date if those two gojo's are the last ones on earth HAHAHAH but to choose, i'd say sundered gojo😭its bc sundered gojo has a reason for his decisions (yk the rs issues w yn) than pm gojo who left just bc his "crushiecakes" is back in town😭
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caelumangeli · 7 months
*Sender stabs Receiver non-fatally as a warning.
Sunder has never cared for knives, not when his warhammer caves skulls as easily as popping soap bubbles- but sometimes even this hulking dragonborn feels the need for more delicate measures.
The elf had stolen from him, and while Sunder has certainly never minded looting the dead- he is still very much alive, and this little rat has crossed a line. The pale scales of the dragonborn has intent written across his face.
It's clear that he's terrified of the massive barbarian, but that only brings Sunder more satisfaction as he corrals him into the alley's dead end. The dragonborn is grinning at him, horned brow aimed low to make eye contact with the shorter elf. His teeth are exposed, fang like and wicked, layered over one another nearly like a shark.
Sunder brandishes the knife as he approaches, but stops short of the thief when he presses his back against the stoney wall. Being in the outskirts of the city, the guard presence is less here- not that the dragonborn is all that worried about being arrested.
"How 'bout you cough up what's mine, and the rest of your scores for today; maybe I won't gut you for touching my coin."
@hierophants-hourglass {Ask Box Memes}
Jesse was far from comfortable. He hardly felt at ease as he was out with the party, much less so at the camp itself. Sure, it was better and managable when he was with others. Like having more people around meant he had a bigger safety net. Something to hide behind, someone to help him or protect him. It was always easiest for him when he was able to sucker up to the strongest or most influential, and pretty much be fine or even get off nearly scott free. Unfortunately their.. camp setting made it a little more difficult to accomplish that.
The strongest person could easily be a tie between 2-3 people, the ones he thought most influential weren't exaactly utilizing that with their campmates, but the one who clearly established himself as the most dangerous or unstable was by no means an option of someone to get close to in Jesse's books. He was insane. Huge, incredibly strong, unpredicable(where as most likely, something bloody and violent was to occur, and it was more surprising when he wasn't about that). The only thing he was sure he could probably talk that thing into was some bloody form of murder that would make Jesse want to throwup upon sight. That, unfortunately, didn't seem to stop Jesse's kleptic tendancies, as often he didn't even realize he was doing it.
So he was caught quite off guard after he found himself casually ushered into the back alley after having tried to ease his tensions with a few off hand comments and jokes. He didn't realize he would have been so bothered by his comments. But making awkward jokes while he tried his best to stand still and not make his fear shown was the only thing he really knew what to do in this case.
"-Uhhahh I-if you w-wanted to get me alone I'm sure there-there's cleaner places we uh we- could've..." He said, voice an octive higher than usual as his head turned back quickly to glance behind him and back infront of him again. Despite his attempt at brushing the action off as some kind of suggestive joke or something, his heartrate spiked, body shaking in fear as he found himself backed against a wall, his hands feeling behind him to feel nothing but solid stone all around-fuck- no place to escape to either. Jesse swallowed as bits of hair now drenched in sweat from the heat of the sun, armour, and the mini Dragon most threateningly towering over him.-Scratch that. Literally threatening him and towering over him.
"I- I don't- I didn't--" He stammered as his shaking hands rushing to grab from his pouch. "I- It's just- it's just this I swear I didn't- I'm not trying to- just- l-let's p-put down the knife and think for a minute."
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I'm screencapping it for a mention of Shapur.
Yeah he's loyal alright, stop giving me feels!
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Gieve is a troublemaker, but he's a calculating troublemaker. He put thought into how to go about philandering with women without causing any diplomatic trouble at least, lol. And huh, Sistan was a principality...
One has to wonder why he knows things like this, maybe because he's a traveller? Gieve immortal prince of Sistan theory activate
In all seriousness though, what a little shit. He's a handful and a half.
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So I went and found an alternative translation for this song/poem because it was way too clunky a read (taken from this post: HA I knew I wasn't hallucinating that one!)
“When o'er the barren plains of Māzandarān Kaykhusraw's banners wave, Flee the fiendish forces of Zahhak, Serpent-King, Frightened like sheep at the strike of spring-lightning. The treasure-sword Rukhnabad that sunders steel, Out of shards of the Sun 'twas forged. His steed Rakhshna has wings unseen, A mount that befits the Jahāngīr, world-seizer. Upon high-heaven two suns there cannot be, On this earth the Shah is but one! Peerless the hero Kaykhusraw, Who now takes up the sword, heir to mandate divine?”
And I zeroed in on the name Mazandaran and decided to do a little digging to see if it has any mythological significance or such and...
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It's a northern province, at least irl, who knows what Tanaka did with it, he could've relocated it to the far south or something for all we know.
Geographically though, I think this makes sense— the Alborz mountain ranges are located near the north, and it was under Mt. Damavand that Zahhak was ultimately sealed. Hm.
“The diverse natural habitats of the province include plains, prairies, forests and rainforest stretching from the sandy beaches of the Caspian Sea to the rugged and snowcapped Alborz sierra, including Mount Damavand, one of the highest peaks and volcanoes in Asia.”
That... doesn't sound very desolate to me, but okay. Maybe it was during Zahhak's reign, or maybe it's located entirely somewhere else (Tanaka I'm going to scream)
And oh! Look what I found!
“Literally "the gate or the valley of the giants" from مازن‎ (mâzan) + در‎ (dar) + ـان‎ (ân), from Avesta (Avestan: 𐬨𐬀𐬰𐬀𐬌𐬥𐬌𐬌𐬀‎, romanized: mazainiia, lit. 'giant'). The name has been used in Shahnameh to refer to a land inhabited by divs or (daevas) and sorcerers and is difficult to conquer.”
In-teres-ting!! I wonder what it could mean in the context of Wolfpack. Could've been Team Zahhak, could've been the clan even, esp since the province is ethnically diverse w the locals having their own language(s) and all 👀👀👀 Could the haunted Temple of Truth be up there perhaps???
Geographically it has the sea on one side and a mountain range on the other. No wonder it's so difficult to conquer.
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...it's a mercy that we the audience weren't shown Shapur's head.
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Look in the bottom right corner, you can see the damage from the flaming arrows loosed from the outside.
I have nothing to say, I just found this neat.
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Man this moment still gets me after all this time. In the translation I first read Saam said, “You may have killed ten rebels, but a thousand more have risen to take their place.” I have no preference between the two, I find them both equally striking.
Arslan in Wolfpack ends up borrowing Saam's words during the resistance after the capital fell, kinda like a rallying call. We won't stay down.
Okay now for some... theorizing? Maybe that's too generous a word. It's just something I noticed.
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I noticed the enslaved folk wearing these anklet things? I don't know if all of them do— I can't see all their feet in any given panel, but enough to make me raise my eyebrow. Maybe it's something that signifies them as slaves? I'm not sure but it's something to think about.
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mlobsters · 7 months
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supernatural s14e8 byzantium (w. meredith glynn)
totally forgot about that alicia witt episode. is someone gonna burn up some soul for jack?
JACK Can you tell him… it's okay SAM Tell him yourself. He'll be back in a minute.
see i think i don't have a lot of lingering trauma from my dad dying when i was 16 from cancer, but like. they say this and all i can think about is my mom making me tell my dad, in his last days, unconscious in a hospital bed in our house, that it's okay. so, imagine that, but a hundred fold for all these memories associated with that. and then going through it again with my mom, so a new batch to add on to the existing set that still fucks me up. not many things poke at it, but when they do...
DEAN I can't. It's not right, Cas, you know? It's just-- It's not-- CAS What? It's not fair? I know that. But he needs you.
suck it up, fuckhead. okay i don't know if that's actually in character for him but i gotta believe he would understand that and not walk out. certainly not if he thought he was that close to dying. whatever, more opportunity for angst over not even being there when he passed. hospice gave us a list of signs that someone is gonna die soon. doesn't account for rapid decline due to loss of archangel grace though i imagine
(while i look for the post [13x17 apparently] where i talked about some music reminding me of bloodfest by brian reitzell and whether it was the same just now, reminded as they stand in this hallway, where are all the fucking apocalypse world people)
spn 14x08 / hannibal 3x6 / spn 13x17
didn't come to any great conclusion. similar technique. nothing nearly as interesting or pretty as brian reitzell's, but it's not a fair comparison. both the spn episodes the music was christopher lennertz, this episode it was with philip white as well.
and fuck whoever made the decision to cut from the big emotional moment of dean coming into jack's room after he has died with basically a jumpscare to the title card with the flapping wings.
and then basically a jumpscare to thinking sam is leaving to go do something monumentally stupid.
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come on, not even a hug? group hug? something? if you're going to put me through this, at least throw me a fucking bone
not sure i can do this. small break because a montage of them having a mini wake basically, drinking, reminiscing set to licensed music. done having my buttons pushed.
well. that's one way to disconnect me from feelings, jack in heaven with..... the empty cg goo flooding in
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spn 14x08 as lily sunder / alien (1979) veronica cartwright as lambert
hey, now that's a recognizable voice
DEAN We're talking about that kid's soul. SAM Not all of it. DEAN Oh, okay, then. Tell me you're not cool with this. CAS Don't you think Jack should decide for himself?
using jack's own soul to sustain the magic for his body, didn't see that one coming. and yet another spin on the merry go round of bodily autonomy arguments. if heaven wasn't busted, i imagine he'd want to stay. which might be more interesting. and visiting kelly, buh. thought i was done crying this episode.
the empty shadow guy crashed heaven just to get jack? hokay
SAM Lily, I-- I know you're upset, but you can still do the spell. LILY That wasn't the deal. I've got to go. SAM We have nothing to offer you, noth-- nothing to say, but… He's our kid! LILY I'm sorry. DEAN You know what I think? Burning all that soul? You're not even human anymore, not really. SAM Dean-- DEAN Otherwise, how could you ever, ever let anyone go through what you went through? The pain of losing a kid? Don't do this to us.
continue to be surprised whenever they textually acknowledge jack as their kid. it's a good thing, and dare i say a smidge subversive with their non-traditional family structure. it's nice.
and for this ridiculous anubis thing, maybe her helping them can tip the scales more in heaven's favor.
COSMIC ENTITY Castiel, you know how this goes-- the good souls here, the bad souls there. The angels are mine. CAS Enough. COSMIC ENTITY Stop interrupting! Start paying attention. I'm taking him. And where I'm taking you is worse than Hell… because at least Hell is something. Ohh. Ohh, God, they look scared. Does that hurt you? Good… because I want it to.
the manic bitchy weird thing they're doing with the empty thing is ... weird.
COSMIC ENTITY: Deal. Oh, but not now. No, no, no, no, no. No, you see, I-I meant what I said. I-I want you to suffer. I want you to go back to-- to your normal life and-- and then forget about this and forget about me. And-- And then, when you finally give yourself permission to be happy and let the sun shine on your face, that's when I'll come. That's when I'll come to drag you to nothing.
huh. ok.
JACK Why? Why did you do that? CAS Because I made a promise. Because I love you, Jack. And Sam and Dean-- they love you. And they are fighting for you at this very minute. I hope that… They don't need to know what happened here. What I did-- I'm-- I'm-- I'm at peace with my choice. I don't want them to worry. JACK I won't tell them. I promise.
so he gets to sacrifice himself and sam and dean don't get to know about it so they don't have the chance to fix it. ok
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and as i expected, lily got her happy ending in death too. sacrifice and family reunions all around
lol naomi giving out michael's location, ok sure. cas oh so smoothly bypassing questions about why she'd give them that :p
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DEAN And we know where Michael is. Not quite sure how you pulled that one off. CAS Well, we, uh-- we still don't know where Dark Kaia is or the spear.
laughed because even he made it sound like what he was saying was goofy. anyway. i think i'm finally warming up a little more to cas. making him vaguely consistent in characterization and not making horrible decisions all the time apparently helps. and just plain being around and participating in things
hopefully we're done pushing my real life terminal illness buttons because it's exhausting and miserable.
hope dean leaves mary another voicemail giving her an update that in fact jack is not dead anymore
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Things I either didn't expect in MTMTE/LL canon or expected and didn't happen:
I expected that Rewind 1.0 would die a lot later in the series, and originally I thought "well, I didn't directly see Overlord kill Rewind so Rewind 2.0 must die later on!"
Drift was actually far more hippy dippy than i anticipated, but my previous perception of Drift was influenced by one of the first posts i saw about mtmte Drift criticizing his fanon portrayal as too hippy dippy (which? Honestly? The more i think about it years down the line makes very little sense to me?) Who knows maybe I wasn't paying attention enough
Honestly I expected to see more of Megatron in LL than we did tbh
I expected the whole "Rung is Primus?!?" Thing to be more dramatic, with Rung like. Suddenly turning into something more, or acting far differently, or //something// idk. But he just... stayed the same guy we knew, just with the memories now.
Didn't expect the entire double lost light situation revealing Brainstorm as a double agent went... or well the entire situation (see below)
Fr I didn't expect the whole "there were two ships from the original quantum jump" thing and that THAT'S where we got Rewind 2.0 from
Really I hadn't expected Cygate to be canonically shipped that hard like w
Before reading the comics I knew about jack shit about Lug and Anode besides the whole "transgender lesbians in the comics!!!" posts i kept seeing, and fr that was a gift that I got to know these two more
A lot of the Dark Cybertron Crossover stuff I was just like "wait so THAT'S what that was referring to!"
Originally I had thought Getaway was always part of the crew until the Tailgate stuff (tbh a lot of the Tailgate and Getaway stuff was stuff i vaguely knew about but didn't know how it would go down)
I KNEW JACK SHIT ABOUT CEREBROS/FORT MAX/RED ALERT!!! omggggg it was so fun to see because I mean we saw me say "oh fort max and red alert should be shipped more often" and then y'all came to the askbox saying that not only are they canon but canonically speaking Red Max and Cerebros are in a polycule which now that I realize it i might've saw art somewhere along the line? But well that would've been a long time ago before i knew much about the comics
Drift left earlier and was gone for longer than I expected, and it was fucking cool to see him and Ratchet just roll up onto the battle scene already married and shit.
Before I only knew three things about Sunder: His creepy as hell appearance, his connection with Froid, and that he was an autobot that flipped shit. I hadn't known that he had a brother, that he was a mnemosurgeon, that he had killed previous to arriving on the Lost Light, and among other things.
Again, I didn't know a whole lot about Thunderclash other than him being a swell guy and Rodimus hating him. We saw how I just kept repeatedly expecting him to die because let's be real I feel like introducing a character by saying "oh yeah! And he's dying!" Makes you expect him to die
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dragoon-mid-jump · 1 year
I see you suddenly reblogging anything and everything Venat
I take it That Scene was pretty impactful to you
The short answer is this:
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Meaning that now that I'm past that part of the MSQ, I am free to reblog at least a vast majority of Venat content w/o fear of spoilers! The scene of the Sundering itself was so fucking raw, it left my jaw aching from hanging open the whole time.
My longer answer is.....
It's a rather pitiable situation in my eyes (if that's the right word for it); lesser of two poisons; tough love to the extreme in the nicest way possible; cruel to be kind, from the moment Meteion started exhibiting signs of Witnessing the Horrors up until the Final Days were wracking the Unsundered World and Venat had her back to the wall in finding a solution that wasn't sacrificing a whopping majority of the population to Zodiark. I believe that Venat was tirelessly investigating and researching and planning for as many outcomes as she could, and this is what it came down to.
But at the same time, the vast majority of Ancient society, while not necessarily a stranger to suffering and the concept of such, treated it like one would a fellow student they constantly ignored and dismissed until the teacher, found with no other options available at that point in time, forced them to be partnered for a mid-semester project, to which the student would complain the whole time and lament their situation instead of getting the project done to the best they can (all the circumstances behind and leading up to the Final Days, the Final Days occurring, and the sacrificing to Zodiark). So, unsurprisingly, the teacher gives the pair a shitty grade (also the Final Days and the Sundering, if you will) and makes it so that the same pairs are to work towards making a final project that would "redeem" their grade (Going after Meteion as sundered beings that can attune to dynamis as well as aether). Being cruel to be kind and save the world from itself.
I don't feel like going into any overlays/parallels with our own world and societies and philosophies at the moment of answering this, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thinking about them, too. Maybe another time.
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Act 1, Part 2 - Neath Dark Borders
Prologue segments in video games inspired by and adapted from tabletop games are rough. You have yourself in what appears to be a normal celebration, then bad things happen. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the trope - I'm just pointing out that if you ever get isekai'd into a medieval fantasy world that's about to have a harvest festival, run.
Where were we? Ah, yes. We've fallen and we cannot get back up.
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Let's Recap:
Deskari, the Lord of Locusts and the prime asshole that attacked during the Day of the City in Kenabres, sundered the market square after almost effortlessly murdering the silver dragon Terendelev that defended it. He did this because I used a random if distinctively voiced guard's crossbow to shoot him in the shoulder with a Perfectly Normal Crossbow Bolt, which appeared to actively hurt him and brought his attention directly onto me. I am certain this will not come up later.
That brings us to the cave system we now find ourselves in. Gorgeously lit by phosphorescent crystals and bioluminescent flora, the caves are also littered by the bodies of the fallen, sections of cobblestone and brick from the streets and buildings that fell, and the skittering of cave creatures, likely disturbed by the ruckus and defensive of their warrens.
I also still do not have my confiscated armor and weapons, whatever they may have been. But my leopard, Maple, is here - I think I'll be okay as long as she's around.
That's part of the character background I put together, by the way. I am a circus performer, as I've mentioned - an axe thrower to be specific, although I am now currently without any of my axes. This crossbow is nice but not ideal. But for whatever reason, I have a circus leopard with me. Maybe I rescued her. (Maybe she rescued me.)
It doesn't take me long before I stumble upon another pair of survivors. One of them, a young woman in a sheer mountain of armor, calls my attention over to assist the other, a woman trapped under some rubble.
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It is in fact two of the people we saw up above, which is reasonable because we were all in the same place when the demons attacked.
(I'm not going to explain all the tabletop mechanics, since chances are if you're reading this, you already know what the game is.)
Hilariously enough, when I was building Quintessa, I didn't put any points into either of these skills that would help, and I'm not going for an evil playthrough even though I did put points into Diplomacy. That said, 12 might be hard to get on a straight untrained roll, but not impossible, so I rolled the dice (har) and gave Athletics a shot.
Thankfully, my circus training helped in this endeavor, and between the two of us, Seelah and I managed to get the rubble off the other woman.
(Because this is still technically tutorial mode, even if you fail the checks, Seelah is able to handle it on her own. It won't be until later that failed skill checks have more of an impact on what happens.)
Newly rescued but still massively injured from the fall and from having her leg crushed by half a building, the woman introduces herself as Anevia Tirabade, a member of the Eagle Watch and part of the festival security. She states that she was actually trying to keep an eye on potential demonic worshippers, and while she doesn't explicitly say so right now, she's basically Spymaster General.
Meanwhile, Seelah is a paladin of Iomedae - the same god that Deskari was railing against - and is in town specifically to join the fight against the demons and the Worldwound. Good news, Seelah! You found some.
And with that, we have our first party member.
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Anevia also technically joins the party, but she's not controllable, so I'm not counting her. She does follow along and shoot things with her bow, though, which for someone with a broken leg is pretty good.
Anevia's good people. I like her a lot.
🕵️‍♀️: "Yeah, things are lookin' grim enough, but don't lose heart. Wardstone or no, dragon or no, Kenabres will never give in - simple as. Well, we've introduced ourselves, what about you? 🪓: "I'm a traveler, and I just wound up here by chance." 🕵️‍♀️: "Call me superstitious if you want, or maybe cynical, but I just don't believe in chance or coincidences." 🛡: "How many stories 'round the tavern table have started with those very words..." 🕵️‍♀️: "Right enough. I have this habit, see: any time somebody starts yakking about blind chance, it always turns out that the thing was as far from a quirk of fate as you could want. Sorry, don't take it personal, like. Now then, I'll hobble my way outta here somehow. The city ain't far, only thirty paces or so... that's if you're going straight up, of course. I'm afraid we're gonna have to go the long way 'round." 🛡: "To summarize: there are three of us, with five working legs, three pairs of decent hands, two clear heads and one made of wood - that's mine."
And with that, we're off to try to find a way back topside.
I kind of want to take a moment and focus on that last conversation, though, because I feel like it perfectly encapsulates who they are, or at least who we're supposed to think of them as. Narrative structure states that any introduction to a character should give us everything we need to know about them in their first appearance, with everything after that either reinforcing or subverting this conception as necessary. It's not exclusive to this game by any stretch - it's a very fundamental concept and is probably one of the first taught in any creative writing class. But it's more the execution that matters, because as basic of a concept as it is, it's also very easy to fuck up if you don't know what you're doing.
Anevia was introduced to us earlier in the day, asking questions while being friendly. Here, she's still being friendly, but letting us know a bit more directly that she's keeping an eye on us.
Seelah, on the other hand, is bold, boisterous, and self-effacing - personality traits that don't usually go together for anyone who isn't Vash the Stampede. She puts herself down while also pushing the image of herself as pretty darn great, and just like the Humanoid Typhoon it's a fantastic way to deflect attention, to let you focus on the image she projects so that you don't poke too closely.
It's interesting how this is something that both she and Anevia are doing, but from two completely different angles. The fact that they put these two characters together is just absolutely exquisite, in my opinion.
Some ransacking of a weapons cache that fell down occurs - Seelah says it's Prelate Hulrun's confiscated weapons but I don't see my throwing axes in there so I bet he kept the good shit for himself - and we also find some glowing silver scales - some physical remains of Terendelev. I take them - they are an on-use consumable to revive fallen companions, but I've got the "Dead companions rise after combat is over" option selected from the game settings and thus I will not be using them. Instead, I will keep them as a sad reminder of a silver dragon who I did not get to know very well.
Of course, there's no time for quiet reflection - we have to get back up to the city. So, as always, we press on.
It doesn't take us long until we find another person - a woman, hunched over something else in the dark. She is dressed like a noble, but she's covered in blood and dirt. Understandable, of course - she fell the same way we did. The body at her feet, however...
🩸: "I don't know. He must have been in the square when disaster struck. I tried to revive him, but he was already dead, sadly." 🛡: "He didn't get these wounds from the fall... Be on your guard. Whatever killed him likely hasn't gone far."
This is Camellia. She probably didn't stab that guy. And since she's joining our party...
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I've got a good feeling about her.
But yeah, that guy? Unfortunately, that's Aravashnial. The guy who apparently is a questgiver in the original tabletop Adventure Path. Camellia, who is an original character to this adaptation, was properly introduced standing over his corpse, which is definitely not as notable for people who didn't play the Adventure Path but for those who do know: This is the tone we're setting for the game. We are off the fucking rails from word one.
And honestly? Best way to do it. And since I am one of those people who didn't know that, I get to experience this completely fresh.
With that, we are on our way.
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So like Couple is into bdsm or whatever and sub is rly into it and keeps pushing the dom to do more and more stuff and get more Intense or whatever. and sub gets into like, self bondage stuff, and wants to prove to dom that she can Handle the Heat or whatever (cause dom is worried) so she uses zip ties to tie herself to the headboard with her hands elevated on it and then waits for him to come home
but then she realizes that her Hands are Above Her Head and thats not great for blood flow so she tries to free herself but theyre Zip Ties so the more she struggles the tighter they get. and she ends up waiting there for hours w the blood flow cut off to her hands and when dom gets back she cant feel anything in her hands and dom has to call an ambulance and she has to go to the hospital cause her hands are Fucked
Loss of ability? Both in that she's tying herself up and physically restricting what she can do, and also in that her hands are fucked and that her manual dexterity is (almost certainly) permanently damaged.
The accident is driven by herself (and a lack of knowledge) more than anyone else, she probably blames herself -> power that enables her to paint herself into a corner?
It's a brute power, she's hurt. In weaverdice terms "sunder" and "muscle" would both fit, with "armor" and "regen" kind of fitting?
Minor mover and master are kind of present, in that she's trapped/trying to escape something, and that she's reliant on her partner coming home to help her.
Maybe a kind of "durability theft" would fit?
She can choose bring out a fizzing energy around her as an aura, and spray it out further from her hands. When inanimate objects touch the energy, they lose structural strength and integrity- swords and armour fall apart into fragments, brick disintegrates, bullets break up on impact.
The stolen durability and the structural integrity is transferred to her body, allowing her to strategically harden her skin and flesh and give it more structural strength. This extra durability is usually enough to deal with, for example, lead fragments travelling a little under bullet speed, and gives her minor superstrength in that her muscles don't treat contact forces like normal human bodies do (more irresistible momentum etc.).
However, stealing the durability from other objects has a side effect, in that the part of her body she empowers becomes temporarily, progressively more numb (with lower dexterity/coordination) and hard to move (as if petrified). At a certain point she also finds it harder to use her power through that body-part. Her shard wants her to be smart, and to come up with creative ways to use a power that reflexively sabotages itself, but which wants to be used.
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paradisecas · 2 years
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I posted 3,970 times in 2022
That's 3,970 more posts than 2021!
244 posts created (6%)
3,726 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,974 of my posts in 2022
Only 25% of my posts had no tags
#q - 642 posts
#queue’ll be my guide - 261 posts
#mine - 249 posts
#midam - 146 posts
#michael - 87 posts
#video - 58 posts
#adam - 57 posts
#michaelghoul - 55 posts
#gt - 53 posts
#midamoul - 53 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and adam having the angry ominous glowing stars for eyes when michaels like no shes never seen me before. nobody has. you’re the only one i
My Top Posts in 2022:
dont know how yet. but toying w the idea of something along the lines of— the apocalypse goes wrong, but instead of falling into the cage, michael and adam are shot back in time. something about michaels wings being injured his grace being leeched away so they cant just pop back to their time. michael says he will heal in time hoping it will be quick but. it is not.
~200 years sharing a body on earth. adam grappling with the past and history. michael actually living among humans within a vessel with no big Purpose other than just waiting to heal. building a life over and over again before having to move on before people notice how adam doesn’t age. living through horrible events not being able to change anything. michael thinks god will find them, adam tries increasingly ridiculous ways of contacting the future that never work out. looking for angels who would hopefully help them. something with lily sunder. meeting monsters esp immortal ones. maybe they even meet rowena who knows. reaching the year kate milligan was born.
eventually realizing like. what would they even do when they got back to their present? both of them are entirely changed, different, faithless. neither of them even have something to get back to. over a hundred years waiting only to realize they weren’t waiting for anything, really.
and i think it ends oh somewhere still a while before their present but it’s chuck decides he wants to use michael so he heals his wings and his grace and they only want to use it to travel within the past but chuck pulls them to 2019. still missing a decade. this time michael doesn’t go back to chuck in the end because he spent all that time with humanity and doesn’t see how destroying them could be in any way good. and from there? no idea. happily ever after or whatever.
94 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
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96 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
thinking of all the different types of soulmate aus i loved in my youth and their midam potential.
everything u draw shows up on them? adam doodling on his arm and in heaven everyones like um michael there is. i think thats a flower? allll up in u.
seeing in black and white until you meet your soulmate? the first time adam sees color is when he looks at michaels true form and then immediately hes in the cage for a thousand years. something something dreamscape in his memories all black and white even though he Should be able to see color vs michaels angel memories being his only exposure to a colorful world.
telepathy? adams twirling his hair trying to mind flirt with his soulmate and michael’s like. just another prayer !! why is it so loud. hush, little human, pray a little quieter
timer on the wrist? adam dies before it runs out but it keeps going in heaven he thinks he’ll meet them there and then he’s too wrapped up in yk. being tortured and abandoned and possessed to realize it ran out. (could it be bobby or something? why would it be him. well who else did i meet before you dragged me down here?)
stop aging until you meet your soulmate? adam has a nifty excuse for why he looks like hes 19 (but not for why he vanished for 10 years) and michael worries that he’ll prevent adam from knowing he’s met his soulmate so he makes himself a new body and adam immediately starts aging.
body swap for a day? oh baby. adam wakes up and he’s suddenly an incomprehensible being who is expected to Literally Run Heaven but he’s honestly a little more stressed out about the fact that apparently GOD (or his stand-in) is gonna be taking his finals that day. can only hope god knows how to do calculus.
100 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
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101 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
adam has never heard of one direction. went to hell Months before they formed and missed the entire heyday. that’s the worst part about his time in the cage i think
140 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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galpalaven · 6 months
wip whenever
got tagged by @ardberts so have some post-SHB and pre-Endwalker Azemet ;w;
Emet-Selch returns to the star with a smile on his face.
It’s… strange, to be forced to return to the aetherial sea rather than by choice. Certainly not how he ever planned to return to the star — but that dream had been dead and buried with the Sundering eons ago. A part of him hopes that, someday, Hythlodaeus will return to the star as well — perhaps Hydaelyn’s chosen will finally destroy Zodiark and his soul will be released, welcome to come home. Tired as he is, he debates holding onto his awareness in the hopes of seeing him just one more time.
It’s not like he’ll ever see the other soul he desperately wants to see, at any rate. 
Perhaps the closest he will get will forever be that it was Azem’s soul who sent him to the sea — and somehow, he’s alright with that.
Or maybe he’s just very, very tired.
When he wakes, there is considerably more weight to his form than he truly expects. As Lord of the Underworld once, he’d thought he’d be barely more than a conscience floating in a mass of nothingness. Instead, he can feel himself lying on what feels like sand. A breeze dances across his skin, ruffling his hair and bringing the soft whisper of waves to his attention. His brows furrow, and his eyes flutter open in confusion, trying to figure out where he is and what’s happening. 
Above him glitters an endless sea of blue, sparkling aether. Souls, he thinks, twinkle like stars in the night sky, and he wonders why he isn’t among them as he struggles to push himself up onto his elbows.
What greets him is… beautiful.
A sea of crystal clear water kisses the white sand at his back, barely a few feet from him. Turning his head reveals something much like Elpis — flowers and trees and familiar buildings floating in the middle of nowhere. Something in his chest aches at the sight of it, and he starts to sit up further when he sees it.
Or, more accurately, when he sees her.
Andromeda, looking every bit as he remembers her, wearing her robes and fiddling nervously with her mask, stands some ways away. Her dark, curly hair is tied back in that familiar low, loose braid, strands falling around her cheeks drifting in the breeze. Her eyes widen when she notices he’s seen her, full lips parting slightly in a gasp he can’t hear from where he is. She takes a hesitant step toward him as he watches, having stilled at the sight of her, entire face feeling both hot and numb all at once.
He’s dreamed of her many, many times over the years, but this is different.
This is… this is real.
Emet-Selch staggers to his feet, drifting towards her as if in a trance. She just watches him approach, wringing her hands, looking almost worried that he’s about to start yelling at her. 
Of course, that had been how a lot of their reunions went, wasn’t it?
He’s in no mood for yelling now, though. Not when his heart is in his throat, not when he’s got the woman he loves in arm’s reach for the first time in 12,000 years. He’s almost afraid to blink, breath caught in his chest, a faint tremble building in his limbs as he closes in on her, stopping himself before he can get too close. He’s afraid to try to touch her, despite how desperately he wants to pull her into his arms, terrified she’ll disappear in a cloud of mist, popping like a bubble.
She has to tilt her head to keep eye contact with him, eyes darting between his. There’s a long moment in which they just stare at each other, before her brows furrow a little and she rasps a soft, sweet, hesitant, “…hi.”
His lips twitch, and he snorts softly, drinking her in every bit as much as she is him. “Hi.”
She smiles faintly, still making a face like she’s afraid he’ll be angry with her. 
Hoping to waylay her fears, he crosses his arms, smirking and raising an eyebrow as he glances away at the scenery. “Is this your doing?”
She follows his gaze, though his eyes return to her immediately. Fiddling with her mask, she shakes her head, smiling bitterly as she says, “A gift — from Venat. Though, gift is probably being generous.” 
Her smile falls away as quickly as it had come, and there is nothing of the woman he had met in his dream some time ago now, who had told him that she was waiting for him, even if he hadn’t believed it when he woke. That echo of her had been giggly and smiley, slightly sad but mostly just happy to be near him again. This Andromeda…
“I’m sorry,” she says, avoiding his face deliberately now. “I’m sure you’re tired. I don’t — I don’t know how to fix this.”
“What in the hells are you apologizing for?” he asks, laughing a little. The sound of his chuckle brings her gaze back to his, and his chest feels lighter than it has in ages as he smiles at her, tilting his head and for once letting his affection bleed into his expression. Hope flickers to life in her eyes and he drifts a little closer, drawn like a moth to the flame. “I’ve missed you. More than — more than I could ever put into words.”
Her eyes well with tears, and she takes a shaky breath in as she looks at him. “I… I’ve seen how hard it was for you. I’ve watched. It killed me, not being able to be there for you.”
He looks away. “I’m surprised you’re not angry, if you’ve been watching all this time.”
She laughs a little, the sound broken and watery. “I am angry, but not at you. I’m… I understand why you did what you did. Truly. I can’t rightfully say that I wouldn’t have done something similar if I’d lost… if I’d lost you and Hythlodaeus instead.”
He glances at her face again, watching the tears fall. Smiling a little, he shakes his head. “No. You’re too good. You would have found another way.”
She shakes her head. “We should have gotten the chance to find another way before it came to that. When — When she first plucked me from the Thirteenth, when I first got my memories back, I was so — so angry.” Andromeda huffs, crossing her arms and looking out across the sea. “I know she told me when we were still alive, but I didn’t believe her. And why would I? Why would I have believed her? Her plan was as upsetting as Zodiark was to me. I don’t know why she didn’t try to bring our memories back instead. I don’t know why…”
She stops abruptly, sniffling and looking up at the aetherial sea, the twinkling lights like stars above them. Her breath hitches, and when she continues, her voice is barely above a whisper.
“I have been able to do nothing but watch,” she rasps, and her face crumples, a sob falling from her throat. “For thousands of years, all I’ve been able to do is watch, as people have suffered and died, as you have suffered and died, over and over and over again. I…”
His voice is low and soft, and he finally braves the gap between them, reaching out and brushing some of her hair behind her ear. She shivers, gasping, and he makes a soft oof when she throws herself at him, burying her face in his chest and wrapping her arms tight around his middle, fingers clutching at his back with another, harder sob.
“Hades, I — it’s been so long!”
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tojikai · 3 months
Hihi, I just read Sundered, and it made me confused on a few things. Is it okay if I send an ask regarding it?
I loved it though despite being a short series, it brought me so many emotions and was so well written
Also, I saw your requests are closed, but do you do commissions? I would love to get something from you regarding sundered. I know it happened in the story in a way, but I wanted to see hee confront him and tell him everything he’s done because, Lord, he has done so so so so much. For them to really talk about it, I don't know how she could just be so nice to him after everything he did and how he treated her, etc., and for him to be regretful and suffer more! Get on his knees and beg as well 😗
She’s so strong and better than me because I would’ve been so…..
There would be sm resentment, and I wouldn’t stop thinking about it nor could i be around him. Ig kids make things complicated when it comes to your relationship with the bd/bm.
hi hello! im happy you enjoyed it~!! and yes, i can do commissions since im on a vacation, just tell me abt specific details !! <3 tbh if i were yn, id probably be so cold to satoru until the eND OF TIME or maybe have severe mood swings around him LMAO bc of the flashbacks. yn was so resilient w the pain, i guess it’s bc she’s also thinking that they both have their faults in the rs :(( kids usually come first in situations like this so every decision is a battle. anyway thank you so much for your kind words and support <3
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ddelline · 1 month
fic OST | bog-bodied
blurb | sakadays my beloved. sakanagurion my beloved. I've ca 5 different fics plotted and half-started at this point (lmao hyperfixation went hard, did it) and HERE is where we start! nagumo-centric jcc days-order trio exploration. in 3 parts, for the 3 doomed by the narrative-people stumbling into a relationship they neither wanted nor needed. no, it will not end well
what | 30 songs exploring the order trio as individuals and as a dynamic w genres ranging from classic rock -> instr post rock -> reworked ambient trance -> classic steppers -> liquid DnB & more
where → spotify  tracklist | under cut
01 | kasabian — fire
burn my sweet effigy  I’m a road runner spill my guts on a wheel  I wanna taste, uh-huh  I’m on fire
02 | young fathers — wow
wow, what a time to be alive  wow, imma put myself first  wow, everything is so amazing  I said wow
03 | kent — generation ex (transl swe → eng)
I was supposed to always stand by you  I was supposed to always answer when you called I was supposed to always have your back I was supposed to always, always, always be the one who comes around, goes around
04 | fleetwood mac — rhiannon
all your life you’ve never seen a woman taken by the wind  would you stay if she promised you heaven?  will you ever win?
05 | foreigner — girl on the moon
she felt so close to me as I reached for her hand she drifted away like the desert sand  it was her and she was gone
06 | the rolling stones — paint it, black
I look inside myself and see my heart is black  I see my red door, I must have it painted black  maybe then I’ll fade away and not have to face the facts
07 | blue öyster cult — (don’t fear) the reaper
seasons don’t fear the reaper  nor do the wind, the sun or the rain we can be like they are—come on baby don’t fear the reaper
08 | parrish smith — sex, suicide & speed metal
09 | 65daysofstatic — drove through ghosts to get here
10 | tricky & martina topley-bird — aftermath
your eyes resemble mine, you see as no others can  here: inherit my kingdom, speak of our peoples’ plan  I’ll be here for my baby, for my baby I’ll be near
11 | courtesy & lyra pramuk — saltwater (transl irish → eng)
open my eyes no more inside  saltwater rain  open my eyes
12 | smith & mighty — yow he koh 
13 | poliça — lay your cards out
in these little moments, lay your cards out: I am waiting  by the waterside summer wading in sunder: girl, get your head right
14 | goldie — state of mind
I realize the state of mind where you have found me  I’ve turned the page and rearranged the cards that life has dealt me  I’ve played the game and felt the pain but I am stronger now
15 | little dragon — twice
twice I turn my back on you  I fell flat on my face but didn’t lose  tell me where would I go  tell me what led you on  I’d love to know
16 | labrinth — formula
the lights are on, there’s no one there puffing with the dragons I’m living for the thrill formula 
17 | massive attack — karmacoma
you sure want to be with me?  I’ve nothing to give won’t lie and say  this loving’s best
18 | the last shadow puppets — miracle aligner
50 feet tall and revved up too high all of our exchanges are by candle light I just realized
19 | nothing but thieves — you know me too well
‘cause every love story always ends in tragedy if you wait long enough filthy impetuous soul I wanna give it to you just to see what you’d do
20 | the kills — doing it to death
doing it to death, oh baby, lately the plans we’re making are the shape of things that never come hold your horses, the light’s up
21 | kent — innan himlen faller ner (transl swe → eng)
as the sky falls down, you’re everything I have I’ll do anything to keep you, as the sky falls I’m everything you have and I’ll do anything for you to keep me
22 | foals — mountain at my gates
you show me a signpost  for where I should go I see a mountain at my gates I see it more and more each day and my desire wears a dark dress ah, each day I see you less
23 | perfume genius — die 4 you
each and every breath I spend you are collecting see it through I would die for you
24 | bat for lashes — daniel
and when the fires came, the smell of cinders and rain perfumed almost everything, we laughed and laughed and laughed and in the golden-blue car, you took me to the darkest place you knew and set fire to my heart
25 | warpaint — love is to die
‘cause I got a knife to cut out the memories so carefully, too carefully—it’s not necessary to be so dark love is to die, love is to not die, love is to dance
26 | hozier — be
be love in its disrepute that scorches the hillside and salts every root and watches the slowing and starving of troops but lover, be good to me
27 | BANKS — 27 hours
it’s been 27 hours since we even saw the sun  since we even saw the sun
28 | kent — vi är för alltid (transl swe → eng)
they’re going to sing songs about us they’re going to make films about us they’re going to write books about us then as now forever
I’m just kidding—no one’s going to write books no one’s going to make films no one’s going to sing songs about us
29 | blackmill & veela — let it be
let it come and let it be let it come and let it be
30 | snoh aalegra & cocaine 80s — stockholm, pt. II (outro)
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cynthffxiv · 3 months
can i hear your theories
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I feel like my theories are probably super common bc I have definitely seen them before (and some that I thought of today I have also seen... today) fjfeaifjeai
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SO I am like, 100% convinced Heritage Found and/or Solution Nine have to do with one of the Ascians, I think Altima. And for the record I don't think it's Allagan. To me it doesn't look quite right aesthetics/geometry/color-wise.
So you can imagine how excited I was when in an interview, YoshiP said to make sure we know the names of the Convocation. I am really hoping to know more abt the Sundered Ascians that we know nothing about, but I particularly think we're getting Altima and maybe Pashtarot.
(Before anyone goes "Didn't Gaius kill Altima and Deudalaphon", IIRC the devs did not confirm whether or not Gaius knew how to permanently kill them, and from what we know the answer to that is probably "No")
I've seen some theories that All That will have to do with another shard, but I personally just... don't think that's the case? Obviously there's no way Emet knew everything, but I think if there already had been a way to travel between shards he... probably would have known and/or would have reacted differently to G'raha. (Since he likes to be Like That, I think he definitely would have been like "Impressive that you people have managed to do this twice" and then never elaborate)
Seeing the cutscene w the lalas and the "Golden City" placed next to scenes w Krile has me really 👀, I'm wondering if there's more of a connection with her and Tural than we know, considering we know she was orphaned but we don't know the details, and Galuf did seem to have gotten a letter and possibly gone to Tural a decent amount of years ago, based on the letter and everything about it And that cup-like artifact... I feel like there's something about it I should know but that I'm forgetting...
Also the maiden- I straight up think she's a sundered Ascian who defected. Her voice line about how far could you have gotten without sacrifice just gives me Convocation Final Days vibes idk. Again, I am hoping for Altima, but I've seen some people say Pashtarot!
...Also, we know one of Wuk Lamat's siblings is "evil" and wants to become ruler so they can go conquer the currently weak Garlemald, and it seems like they're setting it up to be the two-headed Mamool Ja brother, but I think it's going to be a red herring and be someone else as a bigger threat for the throne (I am hoping not the catboy)
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