a-whispering-echo · 1 month
Hello hello!
I am back to bother you :3
I have one question that is haunting my thoughts.
How did Nightmare decide on the guys as his breakout buddies in Death-Row AU?
I am very curious :3
( hi hi! i wsnt ignoring this, i just got really into laying CotL for a bit, ans whoops-)
Nightmare picked the boys based of a mix of how useful he thought they'd be, along with how easy they would be to manipulate.
Horrors very physically strong, as well as a foreboding presence, he'd be useful for a lot of the actual breakout, good for breaking stuff and beating up the cops, the downside is he cant TELL Nightmare's manipulating him, that hes playing with his emotions and trust to use him.
The very easy way to gaining Horrors trust, though? Dust.
Dust, in his more sane moments, can see that Nightmare doesn't have.. the best intention at first, some little things that stick in his mind as odd, but mostly, he brushed them off, assuming its his own flawed mind being paranoid, but also, Nightmare is so NICE to him! He tells him hes smart, he tells him hes useful, that he as a purpose, a place within their group, that hes not... dead air, dust walking, that what he did was okay, he doesn't deserve all this <3 And besides, under all that... mess in his head, he can tell Dust is a smart monster, hes good at fighting, even when restrained, and the amount of magic suppressants on him clues Nightmare into his abnormally deep mana pool quite easily, yes, he thinks, a good one.
and, Dust begins to trust him, and,seeing Dust trust Nightmare, Horror begrudgingly beings to trust him too. besides, he wants out too.
Killer was the easiest to manipulate out of them all, he seems entirely unaware of the manipulation (Killer is aware, hes just so used to being taken advantage of at this point that hes just like whatever) hes so willing to do thing for him for even the smallest drop of praise and affection, that it was so easy to win him over. Besides, Nightmare doesn't doubt Killers usefulness; hes fast, sly and sneaky. Hes a great thief, and can very easily slip thins from the right people pockets, or. slip something *into* their pockets for destruction. Hes good with words, which makes him an excellent distraction for them. Hes perfect. (To note, yes, Killer has trust issues, but its formed not in the way where you distance yourself from others to protect you, but the way where you form unhealthily quick attachments to people you shouldn't. have a conversation a single time with him? he now considers you a FRIEND, no just, 'possible acquaintance' like most people would)
Cross was a little more tricky. Like Horror, hes slow to warm up and trust, and also like Horror, can see the manipulation a mile away, and yet... Nightmare offered him freedom. he offered him a life outside these walls, a life he could freely live again, where he could pretend that what he did never happened, and he was pure again. So, hesitantly still keeping Nightmare at arms length.], he does as he says. Nightmare wanted Cross the second he said he used to be a soldier. A soldier, you say? Those are USEFUL skills, already honed. He likely has survival skills, he likely sleeps lightly, ready to wake or move at a moments notice, hes probably very observant, very physically fit, stays calm in danger, can listen to instructions and execute them perfectly, and, very importantly, works well in a group. Oh, and he can shoot a gun. That's useful too.
So, Killer was an easy member, as was Dust. Horror and Cross were much more difficult, but, when weighing up their usefulness against their resistance, he had to have them. they were vital to his plans, in the end, and he finds himself growing so much more fond of them overtime, and likewise, them to him. Yes, he doesn't regret picking his idiots, he picked well.
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kenobihater · 10 months
tragedy enjoyers when a character perpetuates the cycle of violence they themselves were a victim of
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dirtcube · 9 months
Minecraft Wiki is independent again!!
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Yahoo!!! No more FANDOM wiki!!! Find the new minecraft wiki at minecraft.wiki!!
I thought it would be good to make a little PSA post with summarised information on why they moved from FANDOM!
Why did they move?
FANDOM is notoriously a bad wiki for both readers and editors alike. This is due to the insane amount of ads, the site layout, the lag, the fact that FANDOM can just take your wiki from you, etc has made the minecraft wiki decide to move
Because of the lack of agency the minecraft wiki has over its own wiki, they had a long discussion and vote with the community on what wiki platform to move towards. You can view both discussions here and here
By moving to a more independent wiki, they can provide a much better and friendlier service.
What's improved with the new wiki?
New site look, lacking the ugly FANDOM yellow sidebar and removing all other unnecessary bloat! This also includes a dark mode option and other custom settings.
Faster load times! I have incredibly good internet, and even I notice the STARK difference between the load times of FANDOM and the official wiki!
Less ads! At the moment they have no ads, but they do intend to have at least one. The placement of which will be discussed with the community to ensure minimal disruption to the user.
Better search functionality! FANDOM's search is notoriously bad at giving you the answers you need. Now they can have a more robust search function that more accurately brings users to what they are looking for.
No age popups- Unlike FANDOM this wiki does not need to know if you're a child or adult.
Anonymous editing has returned! Users can now once again anonymously contribute to the site!
FANDOM refuses to close old wiki's that have moved away, and so they will continue to show up in search domains. The old domains such as minecraft.gamepedia.com and minecraftwiki.net are also permanently attached to the FANDOM wiki.
In order to help the new wiki be successful, you can help out in the following way:
Spread the word!
Don't interact with FANDOM links. The less people interact with FANDOM, the more google knows that people are looking for the official wiki and not the FANDOM one!
Dont use the old links, again for the same reason as above!
And of course, improve the wiki :D! Since you don't need an account to make edits, see what you can contribute!
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podcastwizard · 8 months
everyone thinks they're a poet these days and thank god for that
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ririinies · 14 days
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cool hat, dude
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critterbitter · 6 months
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This eel knows the art of manipulation and you can not convince me otherwise.
Link to my submas masterpost!
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theoldkyokodied · 6 months
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Guess who has been rewatching iasip...
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grimnocs · 11 months
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More miraculous doodles ft chat n tigress banter
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blizzardz · 1 year
Hey guys if I perhaps changed something about this blog's appearance would yall notice
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kanarii-91 · 5 months
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the touden siblings ...... yea amirite
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verytiredrn · 3 months
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i like to think about them being so close and comfortable with each other to the point where kurapika will laugh uncontrollably at any dumb thing that comes outta leorio’s mouth
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wheatormeat · 6 months
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I started this around September 2023 anticipating to finish it for dunmeshi's finale! But things got hectic! Here is the finished product to celebrate anime airing day; 2024 is truly the year of dunmeshi!
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glitchedcosmos · 6 months
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Season 3 prediction
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homkamiro · 9 days
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Dedicated to my dear friend Lenny
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snarkspawn · 9 months
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which way to the nearest library?
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so crazy to me how people keep uncritically posting and repurposing that blatantly misogynistic comic about how women are fine with being sexually harassed at work if the man is hot but they’re also hysterical bitches who falsely accuse men of sexually harassing them if they’re not hot. hey i don’t think this is one we can reclaim chief
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