#i think its going down that path by now hehe
a-whispering-echo · 4 months
Hello hello!
I am back to bother you :3
I have one question that is haunting my thoughts.
How did Nightmare decide on the guys as his breakout buddies in Death-Row AU?
I am very curious :3
( hi hi! i wsnt ignoring this, i just got really into laying CotL for a bit, ans whoops-)
Nightmare picked the boys based of a mix of how useful he thought they'd be, along with how easy they would be to manipulate.
Horrors very physically strong, as well as a foreboding presence, he'd be useful for a lot of the actual breakout, good for breaking stuff and beating up the cops, the downside is he cant TELL Nightmare's manipulating him, that hes playing with his emotions and trust to use him.
The very easy way to gaining Horrors trust, though? Dust.
Dust, in his more sane moments, can see that Nightmare doesn't have.. the best intention at first, some little things that stick in his mind as odd, but mostly, he brushed them off, assuming its his own flawed mind being paranoid, but also, Nightmare is so NICE to him! He tells him hes smart, he tells him hes useful, that he as a purpose, a place within their group, that hes not... dead air, dust walking, that what he did was okay, he doesn't deserve all this <3 And besides, under all that... mess in his head, he can tell Dust is a smart monster, hes good at fighting, even when restrained, and the amount of magic suppressants on him clues Nightmare into his abnormally deep mana pool quite easily, yes, he thinks, a good one.
and, Dust begins to trust him, and,seeing Dust trust Nightmare, Horror begrudgingly beings to trust him too. besides, he wants out too.
Killer was the easiest to manipulate out of them all, he seems entirely unaware of the manipulation (Killer is aware, hes just so used to being taken advantage of at this point that hes just like whatever) hes so willing to do thing for him for even the smallest drop of praise and affection, that it was so easy to win him over. Besides, Nightmare doesn't doubt Killers usefulness; hes fast, sly and sneaky. Hes a great thief, and can very easily slip thins from the right people pockets, or. slip something *into* their pockets for destruction. Hes good with words, which makes him an excellent distraction for them. Hes perfect. (To note, yes, Killer has trust issues, but its formed not in the way where you distance yourself from others to protect you, but the way where you form unhealthily quick attachments to people you shouldn't. have a conversation a single time with him? he now considers you a FRIEND, no just, 'possible acquaintance' like most people would)
Cross was a little more tricky. Like Horror, hes slow to warm up and trust, and also like Horror, can see the manipulation a mile away, and yet... Nightmare offered him freedom. he offered him a life outside these walls, a life he could freely live again, where he could pretend that what he did never happened, and he was pure again. So, hesitantly still keeping Nightmare at arms length.], he does as he says. Nightmare wanted Cross the second he said he used to be a soldier. A soldier, you say? Those are USEFUL skills, already honed. He likely has survival skills, he likely sleeps lightly, ready to wake or move at a moments notice, hes probably very observant, very physically fit, stays calm in danger, can listen to instructions and execute them perfectly, and, very importantly, works well in a group. Oh, and he can shoot a gun. That's useful too.
So, Killer was an easy member, as was Dust. Horror and Cross were much more difficult, but, when weighing up their usefulness against their resistance, he had to have them. they were vital to his plans, in the end, and he finds himself growing so much more fond of them overtime, and likewise, them to him. Yes, he doesn't regret picking his idiots, he picked well.
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vinomino · 2 months
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You can’t help it (,,>﹏<,,)
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What do they do with their oral fixation girlfriend ?! ( *`ω´)
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Featuring: Suo.H, Sakura.H, x f!reader
Contents: mdni 18+ super suggestive, oral fixation, lotsa licking, food play, dom!reader in sakura’s part(???)
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❀ Suo.H
Intently watching the tea rivulets snake down his chin and neck, following its path down onto his Adams apple and collar bone, disappearing under his shirt. You know he’s doing this on purpose.
The itch under you skin, the itch to be closer to him. Abandoning all logic, you push yourself off the cushion, onto the floor board towards as you crawl into his lap. His lone maroon eye studies your movement in amusement. Extending your knees, you start lapping up the drizzle. Running your tongue over his smooth skin, lightly tasting the floral tea on your buds. Beginning at the bottom you lick a line up to the corner of his mouth. He shifts, settling you between his legs.
“You’re quite the handful, you know that?” He mused.
Taking the cup into your hand you press it against his lips, “Drink up Suo, it’s my apology,” you give him a cheeky grin while tipping it. He obliges, taking a sip from the rim, the warm liquid flowing down his throat. With the tilt of your hand it overflows out the rim, all over him. Suo’s smile disappears momentarily, sitting there stunned as the tea soaks through his clothes. “Hehe, oopsies…”
“You did that on purpose.” The smile returns to his face.
“Yeah I did, let’s get you cleaned up.” You coo before lowering your face and begin to lick him clean.
“Insatiable…Are you going to lick all the tea off my body?” Suo murmurs.
Letting out a hum, you continue to erase the tea from him. “You just wanted an excuse to have your tongue on me, didn’t you? Go ahead then,” He drawls, voice thick with a playful challenge, “Help me clean up your little mistake.” You made no attempt of denying his implication, determined to get every last drop.
❀ Sakura.H
Sitting awkwardly on the bed besides Sakura as the movie progresses because all you can think about was the crème from the cake you two were eating at Pothos sliding down his chin a bit.
Pressing your thighs together to try and quell the heat inside you. Sakura noticed you’ve been more quiet since leaving the café, “Is something wrong?”
His two colored eyes stare into yours, “N-Nothing!”
Sakura doesn’t buy it, scrutinizing you with his stare.
Relenting you end up confessing to him that you can’t stop thinking about the crème on his skin. When you finish, the movie is forgotten and an awkward silence fills the room. “Why can’t you stop thinking about it?” He’s confused.
“I wanted to lick it off you.”
“Hah? But…but wouldn’t that…be gross…?” He quirks his brow at you.
“Am I gross to you?” You murmur dejectedly.
“N-No! Definitely not. You’re not…gross to me at all.” The thought of you being gross to him is absurd, but the thought of you cleaning the crème off his with your tongue has him blushing profusely.
You lower your head and glance up at him, giving him puppy eyes. “What is it…?”
Steeling yourself, “Can I try it?”
Now you’ve run off to the kitchen to try and find something to lick off him, you return with a bottle of chocolate syrup. Sakura’s eyes widen and his heartbeat quickens as he sees you return with the tube of chocolate in hand. He swallows hard, his body growing hotter at the thoughts in his mind. His voice comes out shaky as he speaks, “You…you want to use that?”
“Mhm! Take off your shirt!”
Sakura’s face flushes to even deeper red, he hesitates for a moment, not sure if he should go through with this, but he can’t resist the excited look in your eyes. Taking a deep breathe, he peels his shirt off, revealing this toned and muscular upper body to you. You instruct him to lay back, he does, and you sit on top of him. He intently watches you uncap the lid and tip the nozzle down, the thick dark brown liquid drizzles down and over him. Sakura lets out a small gasp. The cold, sticky, sensation of syrup contrasting against his pale skin makes him shiver. Placing the tube down, you take in the sight, he looks like a dessert.
As you bend down and start licking the syrup off, he lets out a soft moan, his hands clenching the sheets so tightly his knuckles turn white.
“Mmmnnh—that’s…that’s….” Sakura can’t form coherent words as you run your lips all over his skin, lapping up the chocolate from every crevice. When you reach his nipples, you lick at them. His body involuntarily arches up, responding to the intense sensation. He lets out ragged pants, feeling pleasure pool up in his stomach.
“Nnnghh…please…m-more…don’t…don’t stop….” He chokes out, a needy and desire filled voice.
You continue to feast on him, the room is now filled with sounds of his labored breathing and soft, guttural noises. Finishing, you sit back up, licking your lips. Sakura’s face was blissed out, tears clinging onto his bottom lashes, hair all ruffled and messy.
“Looks like you need a shower now.” You grin.
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gatorbites-imagines · 9 months
I've been getting very into DC again, from all the comics I had in my attic.
So i would like to request a "meeting the batfam" like think.
Being Bruce's new boyfriend and meeting the kids and how would they react.
Have a nice day! (You're the only think keeping me from commiting a crime/jk)
Bruce Wayne x male reader
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Ive been on a kick lately of making half-god characters, so reader is the son of a god, hehe ^^
You were the son of Ares, a half god, and the son of a god most feared, and that the Justice league had fought many times.
So, by relation, many people didn’t trust you when they learned about your parentage. Had you been any crueler of a person, that might have driven you down a path where you followed in your fathers’ footsteps, but you weren’t.
You ended up inheriting many of his powers, even gaining his clairvoyance and precognition in dreams. Said dreams had been your first sign that you were more than just your average person, as you foresaw many of the larger disasters around the world.
There ends up being a sense of duty in your heart as your dreams keep warning you about an invasion of earth, becoming more and more detailed every night. It reaches a point where you think you are going mad.
As a last-ditch effort, you end up in Gotham, where you spend days trying to find any of the bats, just trying to find somebody to believe you. In the end, you stumble across Bruce, who probably thinks you are on something because of the less than put together state you are in.
That is until you spill everything you have been dreaming about, and how its all happened, and how this dream keeps haunting you every night.
Bruce of course listens to everything you have to say, and takes you as seriously as anything else he would. He keeps your warning in mind and gets prepared, and when your precognition comes to pass, he is ready.
From then in, Bruce passes by your place every now and then, as you end up moving to Gotham as Batman is the only hero you feel takes you seriously.
Hes the one to help you figure out your true parentage, and gets you in contact with some people who can help you deal with your new developing powers. You two end up bonding a lot, and over time, fall in love.
You both make each other feel like a full person and like you are understood. The relationship is kept quiet on Bruces end, not because he doesn’t trust his family or anything, but because he just wants to keep it to himself for a bit.
It does get a bit hard to hide the hand shaped bruises on his hips or torso when your godly strength slips out, but Bruce has lived with worse aches and bruises in his life, so its not something people notice.
You never went out of your way to become a hero, even with your godly powers. You are happy living your life and being together with Bruce, much of your stress gone since you know Bruce will believe you when it comes to your dreams.
When the day finally comes where you go to meet his family, you can’t help but feel a little nervous. Sure, you’ve met them in passing as their vigilante alter egos, when they’ve followed Bruce during his meetings with you, but this will be as Bruces lover.
Bruce is endeared by how hard you want to make a good impression, how you fuss with your hair and your clothes to be most presentable. When you ask him if you need to bring a gift or something, he just laughs a little and kisses your forehead, telling you to stop worrying as he’s sure they’ll love you.
The family all know Bruce is bringing his lover that night for family dinner, but they all don’t know who it is, even Alfred is in the dark.
They are all a bit on edge, as Bruce doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to partners. And since he didn’t tell them a name, they assume its not the people he’s normally been with, like Selina or Talia.
Imagine their surprise when Bruce arrives with you on his arm, from your civilian clothes to your sheepish smile, to you looking downright nervous to meet them as you clearly want to make a good first impression.
It might take a bit for any of them to recognize you, as only a few of them might have met you in passing, but you probably end up telling them during dinner when they ask how you and Bruce met.
I can’t see them being against you more than they would any other partner, especially when you go out of your way to use your dreams and abilities to help as many people as possible.
Cass is most likely the one to warm up to you first, as she can easily read that you are a good person who loves Bruce very much, and Cass’s approval makes the others become less tense and more open to the idea of you.
Alfred is also happy that Bruce has found someone who isn’t a criminal or assassin for once, even though they all know you could punch a guy to smithereens if you wanted too, thanks to your godly strength.
But your personality makes it clear that’s not something you want to do, so that gives you extra points in their books. They most likely use their knowledge from Diana and her parentage when it comes to you, incase you end up doing something a little too godly without realizing.
They’ve all been around many different kinds of people and beings, so I don’t think anything you do put them off. They’ll all just need time to warm up to you, and see with their own eyes that you truly do love Bruce, and that Bruce loves you back just as much.
It would take a while, as they were all trained by Bruce and are all suspicious of anybody and take forever to trust. It starts to make you think they’ll never like you, even when Bruce tells you they will, they just need time.
You know you’ve gained their trust when they start showing up in your apartment, be it after patrol, during the day, or any other time, they’re likely to just appear. This also means you end up learning a lot more first aid than you thought you’d ever need.
The last to trust you is Damian, but you can tell you scored a win when he demands you learn self-defense, as your form is horrible, and he drags you down to the cave to walk you through the basics.
Bruce feels like his heart could burst with love when he sees his family accepting you, and he couldn’t be any happier. The batfam is pretty damn happy too, as Bruce starts taking care of himself because of you.
Can’t have a date if he hasn’t slept in days, or if he’s covered in bruises or has broken bones. You probably end up spending a lot of time at the manor too, since Bruce can’t just go into town to spend time in your apartment during the day, or else the paparazzi would find out about the relationship almost immediately.
So, all in all, his kids would like you quite a lot after they got enough time to learn what kinda person you were, and what your morals were. They might even start seeing you as a safe person to go too when they need someone to talk too or just need some company.
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jinkicake · 1 year
I just went nuts reading all your arranged marriage tropes, they're so fucking good!! Would you ever write one for Xiao?
Forced / Arranged Marriage Trope
Xiao x Reader
A/N: OMGG Thank you!!!!! I'm glad you like them hehe,, YES I WOULD!!! I did write one for Xiao and here it is as a 'happy birthday xiao' post!!! He's my special triple-crowned ray of sunshine!!!!
WC - 1,313
“I’m going to the harbor today-” With half of your body out the front door, it completely shocks you to see the yaksha teleport from his place at the table to stand in front of you outside. 
“No.” The firm rebuttal is all Xiao settles for and he can tell that it doesn’t satisfy you in the least. 
“No?” You push back, purposely closing the front door behind you as you step outside with your husband. Now, you’re almost entirely pressed up against his chest and pinned back against the wooden door. Deep down, you wish this had some effect on him but you know it does not. 
In the handful of months you have been married to the immortal, you’ve discovered just how reserved he is. Xiao never lets his guard down around you, never lets himself falter in any sense of the way. He always appears to be looking past you instead of at you.
“I’m busy today,” His voice is soft, almost too quiet as it barely reaches your ears. 
“I can find my own way there. I’ve done it before,” Your attempt at offering him a reassuring smile is pathetic, your lips quiver into a frown. “I will be back before sunset.” 
“Sunset,” Xiao repeats and you watch as he glances up at the sun rising into the sky. By your own guess, you still have over half a day until the sun descends once again. He looks confused with the idea and internally thinks about it as his brows furrow together. 
Patiently you wait until he steps to the side, moving out of your way. 
You nearly cheer at the victory and skip all the way to the harbor. 
“Wait.” Xiao tightly grabs your wrist, underneath the fabric of your loose top. The feeling of his gloved hand against your bare skin is hot, it practically burns you. Your husband hands you your basket with a remorseful look toward the ground. 
You’re used to Xiao always looking like that, pitiful. 
Regardless, you brave him one more reassuring smile (one he does not look at) before walking in the direction of the harbor. A path that you follow every month and safely execute every single time. 
It’s a shame that today of all days, a group of hilichurls decided to camp on that path. 
You meant to go around them and walk a different way home but, you were spotted before you could think. All you can remember is the handful of monsters running towards you, knocking you to the ground as your basket fell with a thump. All of its contents now spilled. The way that you landed was wrong and your ability to stay calm is nowhere to be seen. It’s embarrassing how quickly you give in to your husband’s demands of reaching out to him. 
You can’t stop the way your heart yearns for him. 
“Xiao,” Your call for the yaksha leaves your lips as a whisper, barely louder than the breeze rustling through the leaves. Still, it’s loud enough for the adeptus to hear and he appears before you within a second. You barely have time to blink but, there he is. 
Xiao quickly looks around at the hilichurls surrounding you, his eyes zone in on the way you’re clutching your ankle. Anything after that fades into darkness as the edges of his vision turn white. 
You watch, speechless, as his spear appears out of thin air and a heavy mask covers his face. Plunge after plunge, spears spurt out of the ground and knock the various monsters off of their feet. Horror starts to wash over you as you notice them falling limp to the ground but even then they’re still not safe from your husband’s wrath. Back and forth, he darts between their bodies and pierces them through his jade spear. Only when his anger is satiated, he finally stops. 
Xiao’s chest rises and falls quickly, sucking in short breaths as he surveys the rest of the area around the two of you. He grimaces at the scene. 
Your husband takes a step toward you, every fiber of his being begs to be near you but he doesn’t give in to that desire. Xiao spins on his heels and turns away from you, arms tightly crossed over his chest as he begins to walk further away. He can’t be around you like this, with the weight of his sins dragging him lower to the ground with each step that he takes. 
You watch him pace quietly, you watch in silence. Never did you imagine that the adeptus cared for you so strongly, for him to lose control of himself in a fight like that. Calling what you saw a 'fight’ is an understatement. It was entirely one-sided, the hilichurls who made the grave mistake of passing you never stood a chance. 
“Xiao,” You call out to him again and this time, your voice is louder than before. His pacing comes to an abrupt stop and he’s in front of you before you can even process it. The spear falls to the ground beside you as his hands go to grab your face. Unlike his earlier movements, his touch is now gentle. Xiao is entirely soft with you as he runs his hands down to your shoulders, cupping your bicep, before landing on your swollen ankle. 
The grimace on his face only grows harder, eyebrows furrowed in worry as his lips press into a hard line. Before he gets the chance to apologize, you stop him.
“It’s okay, please don’t worry,” You’re wrong to ask this of him. How can he not worry about you? If only his friends could see him now.
The conqueror of demons bewitched by a mere mortal, a simple human. What would they think?
Xiao doesn’t care, he never would as he gently knocks his forehead against your own, his focus entirely on you. 
It seems you don't understand him at all as you stare at him now. His breathing is still quick, chest rising up and down with each inhale.
"It's alright," You softly hover your hands over his wrists before wrapping your fingers around the limb. "I'm sorry for worrying you." Xiao looks as if he winces at your words, nose slightly twitching before his expression falls flat again. You're used to this emotionless look.
But, his eyes now seem softer. His eyes hold emotion that you didn't even know was possible. Genuine care, worry, it's all there. Who knew all you had to do was stare at him to understand his feelings?
"Be more careful next time," He tries to come off as harsh, words slightly nipping at your cheeks but you fight it off with a small smile. The tight hold he still has on you and the feeling of his close proximity make it hard to take his lecturing seriously. "I want you to stay safe."
If you could kiss him you would, you could easily do it right now. All it would take to complete the action would be a slight tilt of your head but, you refuse to take advantage of the situation. With Xiao still winded, you don't want to catch him off guard. But, that doesn't stop you from brushing your lips against his cheek. It's an innocent gesture that immediately makes his cheeks turn bright red as a blush dusts over his skin.
Xiao's eyebrows furrow together as he stares at you and he almost looks as if he is trying to shrink in on himself while he tries to fight off the blush. He heavily contemplates his next words before shyly looking at you, except, there is nothing that resembles timidness in his eyes.
It's entirely hunger and with a soft voice, he calls out to you (pleads with you).
"Do that again."
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partycatty · 4 months
i’m cranking these out like it’s a full time job
can we get some fluff w johnny where we steal his shirt and he just finds it’s the cutest thing how we practically drown in it
love youuu 💙💙
hehe i wuv him sm
johnny cage > rain
notes: i may not be a skinny queen but swimming in one of his shirts would actually cure me of all ailments forever,.,.., WHY ISNT HE REAL!!!!!!!!! @spacepl4ant
[ masterlist ]
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• you and johnny had grown attached since meeting at wu shi academy. sure, you knew about his existence because he's a celebrity, but you had gotten to know johnny as a person as well as his screen persona... not that there was much of a difference.
• regardless, tuesdays were "train til you drop" days, oftentimes fighting or practicing routines for literal hours until you couldn't feel your limbs. everyone dreaded it but knew deep down it was necessary. this particular tuesday just so happened to be raining like crazy.
• you and the boys sparred and swung attacks at each other until the sun set, everyone drenched in sweat and rainwater. you all sat underneath a dense tree. kung lao shook the water from his hair, raiden was wringing out his shirt, kenshi didn't seem to mind too much and johnny was... well, using the rainwater as some kind of strange gel as he slicked his hair back.
• "talk about training your ass off," he groans, stretching his arms. "i can't feel a single part of me." you jab his side, making him whine and swat at you.
• "you complain too much," you wring your hair out onto the grass. "that being said, i'm cold and hungry and tired and i wanna go back to the dorms so i can change."
• "i like your thinking," johnny waves off the group and the two of you skip down the gravel path to the students' sleeping quarters, where your separated but loosely divided rooms held what little items you were allowed to bring with you. it was a common practice to walk around campus together, sometimes even arm in arm as you playfully waltzed down the paths. the other boys gave you a lot of trouble for it, whining about the married couple you pretend to be. neither of you stood up to defend yourselves. if anything, johnny found it a nice idea.
• in truth, you drove him wild. he just split from his ex-wife, someone that wanted to place roots down and slow down in life. but you, you were spontaneous, fun loving, and an absolute firecracker. you set his heart going, and he couldn't help but harbor a little crush on you. he couldn't tell you that, not now anyway, with the tournament coming up he knew better than to put an extra weight on you.
• "earth to superstar—" you groan, waving your hand in his face and shaking him of his thoughts. he hadn't even noticed the two of you were already at your sleeping place, and how you're now half dressed in your undershirt and shorts. "just checked my stuff. i don't have anything clean or decent. guess i'll just be soggy for dinner."
• johnny can't seem to focus when you're in a damp tank top. "bummer."
• you frown. "this is when you offer one of yours."
• his eyes are distant. "my what?"
• "jesus, cage, what's gotten into you?" you playfully punch at his chest, which does little to affect his stance, and slide the door open to his own bed arrangement. bending over and shuffling through his obnoxiously nice luggage bags, you find one of his dress shirts. it's a fiery red with small flame patterns.
• "i didn't say you could go through my stuff," he warns you in a teasing tone, head hovering over your shoulder. "you might find something you won't like in there."
• "please," you puff as you flick the shirt of its wrinkles. "i've seen a few rose toys in my day." he chuckled, turning away for a moment.
• he gives you the decency to change by staring into the corner, shamefully dreaming of what you may look like without anything on. he shakes the thought violently as you let out a sigh of contention with the shirt.
• "i get that you're a big guy, but lord," you mutter, tugging and shifting the shirt on your body. "you're bigger than i thought."
• "that's what sh—" johnny turns around with a smirk that quickly drops to the floor. you were wiggling about trying to make the shirt look like your own, but johnny was just so pleased with how it sat on you as it was. his shoulders were broader, leaving the shirt to swim around your own and expose a good deal of your collarbone. his waist was small, giving you some grace by hugging your hips almost as if it was your own top. in that split moment, johnny ponders if the "you're so hot i got a nosebleed" trope was real, wiping the bottom of his nose.
• "suits you," he pulls himself together abruptly with his award-winning grin, patting your shoulder and careful to avoid making contact with your skin, as badly as he wanted to feel your warmth. "after all this, come by my place and i'll get your own wardrobe after my style, how's that?"
• you scoff with your hands on your hips, shifting your weight to one leg. johnny fights the physical stutter at your chest creeping out of the top. "mister playboy here giving out charities to us poor folk. you don't have to do that, really."
• his voice is deadly serious. "i want to."
• "you're an odd one," you point a finger, sitting onto his bed with crossed legs. you fall silent observing his thousand yard stare, how glassy his gaze seems to be when it falls on you. "why do you look at me like that?"
• "like what?" his mouth is dry, eyes fixated on yours.
• "like you wanna kiss me all the damn time," your answer is teasing, not entirely serious but you don't miss the twitch in his lip at your statement.
• "and if i do?" he's testing the waters, something about you in his clothes is making him more bold than he swore to be.
• his answer makes your heart flutter, not expecting a direct comment like that. it changed the air of the room, and you suddenly feel a little more suffocated and insecure under his analytical stare. "why don't you?"
• "because i'm worried i'll want more. you look great in my clothes, by the way."
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neteyamslovrr · 2 years
Hii, just wanna say luv your stories. I hope u can do a series if ever. I wanna suggest like aonung x fem reader. Like she is so super kind and pure like the opposite of the typical strong and gangster vibe. Its like she melt aonung heart with her kind words and pure actions, like innocent vibe. Any way, hope u can consider this hehe
Melt For You
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summary: you were a pure soul, a kind heart that brought happiness to all of the metkayina, including the tough son ao'nung
1k words, fem!metkayina reader
──── ⑅*❀*⑅ ────
The entire village knew you as kind. A pure hearted girl whose joy filtrated through the entire village. Your smile made others smile. You sparked happiness within everyone’s heart.
Your heart-warming presence had its effect on everyone. Even the harsh son of the chief Tonowari. Ao’nung couldn’t deny that his lips slightly curved seeing your bright smile. Or the way his chest would flutter seeing you walk by and wave.
It made him melt, you made him melt. Like ice cream on a hot day dripping onto the pavement melt. If you and the stars were next to each other you’d be shining brighter. If there was a shooting star in the sky he’d still rather stare into the galaxies in your eyes.
He was laying on a hammock just outside where his family rested. The light breeze rocked him side to side lulling him to sleep. The warm sun shining on him filled his body with warmth. It was a time he felt truly calm.
You came up beside him, slightly bouncing on the tightly pulled fabric that formed a path over the sand. Resting a soft hand on his shoulder to not scare him too much.
“Ao’nung.” Your voice was gentle in his ear, like a perfect song he’d listen to for eternity.
His eyes immediately went to your crouched figure next to him. Your skin shimmered in the sun, and your hair softly blew in the wind. You were like a portrait, framed in the museum of his mind, each stroke of a brush created your beauty.
“Hi Y/N.” His voice was croaky, a tired morning voice, not yet ready to be spoken to the world.
“Would you like to come make some baskets with me?” His heart fluttered when you offered. The thought of you thinking of him made him feel like his heart grew wings and was ready to fly away.
“Of course, I would.” Getting off the comfort of the soft hammock he followed your enthusiastic figure down to near the shore.
You had laid out multiple piles of leaves to be handwoven into intricate baskets to hold anything from tiny trinkets to the produce of a successful hunt. He watched you take a seat on the warm sand and followed suit.
He’d follow you to the ends of the earth if you told him to. Your smile was intoxicating to him, your being was like an addictive substance he would never let go of.
He watched your fingers intricately weave with the leaves with such ease. You made everything just look so graceful, so perfect.
“Ao’nung you’ve barely started, do you need help?” The tenderness of your voice rung in his ears. It would’ve made him shudder, but he had at least a little presence of self-control.
“I don’t weave, I am a hunter Y/N. So yes… I would like some help.” His voice grew small at the end making you chuckle.
“You’re cute when you’re embarrassed.”
If he were a man before this statement no one would have ever known. Because he now felt like a puddle of mush on the sand to be washed away by the high tide.
He stammered a couple times before being able to get a retort back. “I’d hoped to be handsome.” Batting his eyelids in a joking way to cover the fact that his heart sounded like a drum.
“Fine, you can be handsome then.”
Ao’nung’s brain might have malfunctioned. The cogs of his brain stopped working and his hands froze looking up to you giggling figure. How could you think he was handsome when you were beauty itself.
“I need help with the basket Y/N.” Stern wasn’t exactly what his voice sounded like, but it was what he was going for.
“Oh yes. That’s right.” Grabbing his fingers softly you started to guide his hands in the detailed pattern. You watched him get continuously flustered as he gulped harshly whenever your hands would reposition themselves on his.
He was a mess in your touch. If he were to be a candle you’d be his flame. Flickering in the breeze slowly heating him up and melting him with your warmth.
“Y/N.” His voice was gruff, like he had been holding back his voice for a millennium.
“Are you understanding this pattern? You don’t seem to be listening.” A smile grew on your face as Ao’nung’s eyes tried to avoid anywhere but yours. He couldn’t meet them just yet. Not while his thoughts brewed in his mind that was filled of you.
“Y/N… I can’t focus on the basket. I can’t focus on anything right now.” Desperation echoed through his voice as looked up into your curious eyes. Your head tilted slightly waiting for him to continue explaining.
“I can only focus on you.”
Eyes wide you smiled at him. You weren’t oblivious to his feelings, and you hoped he wasn’t oblivious to yours. I mean who wouldn’t fall in love with the man. He was handsome, strong, funny and only a little daft.
“Then focus on me.” You tilted your head forward to get closer to his face. The proximity making the air between the two thick and filled with tension. Loving tension, tension that had been held back for years.
Ao’nung under his tough exterior and harsh nature was still a soft boy at heart. And you had cracked his shell.
The tension was sharp enough to cut with a knife, but no knife was needed as he softly put his lips to yours. Slowly kissing you, his eyes shut tight as his hands travelled to hold your cheeks.
This was ecstasy to him. Pure bliss. He was in a state of euphoria feeling you touch on him so delicately.
The way your lips melded together perfectly made your heart flutter as you hung your hands around his neck. You heart pounded in your chest and you kissed deeper to try and silence it.
Breaking away his lips were slightly swollen, licking the bottom lip in disbelief that he had kissed you. You had enchanted him completely and he was ready to be bewitched by you till the very end.
──── ⑅*❀*⑅ ────
authors note: hope you enjoyed this! and thankq sm for all the love every like reblog and comment i'm so grateful!
(i love your comments i'm kicking my feet reading them)
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giddyfatherchris · 5 months
📱skz texts — how they react/comfort you (when you’re going through a rough patch with a friend)
| including. felix, han, hyunjin
warnings. none!
a/n. who am i 😮 posting two days in a row??😮 hehe sorry it took so long for the second batch to come! bang chan and lee know will be next<3 hope you enjoy babies xx tagging my sweet bubs @httpdwaekki as promised hope they measure up to your expectations 🙈
a/n. also i know these are ‘out of order’ but… whatever:)
changbin, seungmin & i.n
bang chan & lee know
He was just about to get into the car when he got your text.
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He hefted up the last bags in before he smiled, knowing only from your words that you would be so happy with the surprise he had prepared for you. As he drove to your school, he reminisced on the last few weeks. 
His knuckles turned white from gripping the steering wheel as he remembered the first night you had arrived at the studio, crying. Your cheeks were red, and you looked so disoriented. You explained in between sobs that you fought with one of your best friends. School was easy for you, you had to put in your fair amount of work, but it did come to you easier than for other people, aka them. They let that jealousy grow and grow and had it become a nasty tumor hogging everything in its path. Until that one night when they held your success up against you, and it all exploded, leaving nothing in its wake. 
He tried calming you down, but it was one of those moments in his life when he felt the most unhelpful, helpless, and worried. You seemed to be reassured by his touch, but your breathing was still labored, a constant stream of tears flowing down your cheeks. He held you closer, thanking the universe he had been alone practicing, but he knew even if the whole group had been there, he would have let everything down to be there for you. 
Releasing his grip, he breathed through the memories and hung to the truth that it was now over. Yes, you still had to see that person from time to time in school, and they were still being incredibly pissy, but you no longer were hurt by their behavior and attempts at screwing you. Thanks to many, many nights spent with Felix, you talked everything through, and he helped you process the situation. He was so proud of the way you handled things, and since it had been a while since you two had the opportunity to have a special date he impulsively decided to organize this getaway. He smiled as he pulled to the curb, noticing your confused smile.
"Hey you, isn't tonight a recording night?"
"Not for me. We're going away," he answered with an enigmatic smile. He nodded for you to get in, "It's a surprise. Yes, everything is arranged. Yes, your bags are packed, and yes, I'm totally free to go."
You narrowed your eyes as he answered all your questions without you having to ask them. "And, where are we going?"
"I'm afraid I can't reveal that information yet."
You rolled your eyes, secretly delighted. "Okay then, can I ask why?"
At that, he settled and grabbed your hand. "Because I'm proud of you. I know it hasn’t been easy for you lately, but you've handled everything so well and managed to get out of it stronger. There was not much I could do to help, but I can do this. I think you deserve this little getaway for all the hard work you've been putting in."
"Lix..." your gaze softened with his kind words.
"No complaints will be accepted at this moment. You just have to sit back, relax, and let me handle it, sounds good?" He brought your hand to his lips, softly kissing it while his eyes scanned your reaction. 
"Sounds very good." You smiled back.
He kissed your joined hands once more before putting the car in drive. 
You let a beat of silence pass before you tried again with a pleading tone. "You really won't tell me where we're going?" 
He laughed at your impatience. "No baby." 
A smile wouldn't leave his face as he imagined your reaction when you would pull up in the entryway of the little cottage he had booked near the sea. He could already picture your eyes growing in size and your excited screams when you would see the blue waves and sandy beach. Felix felt his heart strain under all the love he felt for you, as he promised himself to keep doing these little things for you forever.
He already knew everything about the situation happening with one of your friends. Honestly, he had a hard time understanding why they were suddenly turning against you. But then again, he always had a bad feeling about them and never thought they treated you half as well as you deserved. 
Still, he hated seeing you so affected by it. He understood why, but he hated feeling so unhelpful. He listened when you needed to vent and tried supporting you as much as he could, but he always felt like it would never be enough. So, when you texted him before heading home from work, hinting at how hard today had been, guilt started gnawing at him.
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You got home about 20 minutes later. He was already waiting for you at the door. As soon as he saw the tired look on your face, the dark circles slowly settling under your eyes, his heart ached, but before you could notice his sad puppy eyes, he masked them with his warmest smile.  
"Hey pretty, how are you?" Immediately he took your bag from your hands and helped you take off your coat before wrapping you in a hug.  
"Could be worse, but could be better too," you sighed. "They were extra petty today, I'm not sure how to deal with this anymore."
He pulled back to grab your face, staring at you lovingly as he did. You looked back at him, the sight of his plush cheeks and chestnut eyes already easing the pain in your chest. "But, I'll be okay. I just want to think of something else. If you're still up for it, a movie night would be amazing." 
His face lit up with a sweet smile as he kissed the tip of your nose. "You can head up for a quick shower. I already started the heater and laid down some clothes for you. I'm taking care of everything."
As soon as you disappeared in the corridor he started creating the perfect setup. He made sure to bring all your favorite blankets, pillows, and plushies on the couch. When he heard the shower start he was already preparing hot beverages for the both of you, along with a few of your favorite snacks. He proudly looked at the final result, dimming the lights to create the perfect cozy ambiance. Han would have done anything you would have asked of him tonight. Still, as he looked at his work, a proud smile illuminated his features. As outgoing as he was, he always liked when you said you would rather stay in with him than go out. 
Your soft steps on the floor snatched his attention away from his thoughts. Your hair was still wet from your shower, your face bare, and as planned, you wore the matching pajamas he had laid out for you. You were now both rocking an adorable fuzzy set. His heart tightened at the sight of you, looking so relaxed and cozy. 
"Since you said you didn't know what to watch, I made a little selection."
You snuggled up next to him, listening to his suggestions before adding one of your own. "While I was in the shower I was thinking we could watch one of our comfort movies. If you want to, of course."
"Sure, what were you thinking of?" he asked as he handed you the remote and placed his arm around your shoulders to pull your body closer to his. 
You quickly typed in the movie title, and he felt a smile tug at his lips as he read it. "Are you sure you want to watch Howl's Moving Castle again? I made you watch it just last week."
You nodded confidently, "It's the first movie we've ever watched together and it gives me the best comfy vibes. So if you're down for it...?"
He only pressed play in answer, made sure you were snug in your fort of blankets, kissed the side of your head as you settled against him and the familiar soundtrack started playing.
"I wish I could do more to help you with this whole thing. I hope this still lessens your burden, at least a little. I'm sorry I can't do more." He whispered a few seconds into the movie.
You turned back to look at him, his hair falling in soft curls. The worried expression on his face made you want to hug him as tight as you could. Maybe then you would be able to squeeze it out of his body.
"It's perfect. I couldn't ask for a better partner to go through all this. You do not have to apologize. It's all more than enough." you kissed his plump lips tenderly, "You will always be more than enough." You added before focusing on the movie again, not seeing the beautiful smile now visible on the young man’s face.
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He stared at you in disbelief as you dropped to the floor from extenuation and frustration. You had barely closed the door that you laid your head on the wall and closed your eyes. Your handbag hung limply from your hands, and your coast rustled and creased from the awkward position you were in. He knew what this was about as it wasn't the first night you had assumed that position. The first time you did, a few days ago, he had panicked, thinking you had lost consciousness or were sick. Even if it was nothing of the sort, his worry was still called for when silent tears streamed down your face. That's when you first explained what you were going through, that you had made new friends at your workplace only to discover they were associating with you to steal your ideas. Hyunjin remembers your smile and shining eyes when you first came from work telling him you had made new friends. When you discovered they stole your ideas and presented them to your boss first, that dream had cruelly shattered. You had fought back and proven the ideas were yours, but still, the situation at work was horrible as they had decided to make it hell for you as revenge. Hence the exhausted slide down the door every night.
He crouched next to you, a silent support. "I'm sorry, give me two more minutes, and then I promise to get up and get in my pajamas." You sighed heavily.
"Can I ask you a question?" he softly spoke. You looked up before nodding silently. "If the situation has been solved, if you still have your job, and if your boss is happy you spoke up about it. Why do you still feel like this? I'm not trying to judge or anything I promise. I'm only trying to understand." 
You thought about his question, analyzing his features, so soft and open. "It's just so- conflicting? In a way? I mean, I feel angry at them for doing this to me, but I also feel guilty for ratting them out, even if they deserved it. And I'm angry at myself for not seeing through their schemes. It's just a lot of contradictory feelings. Plus, it hurts... I really thought they liked me at first. It hurts to know they never did, it doesn't help all the little voices telling me I'm worth dirt. I don't know, I've just been stuck in this stupid loop for a week now... I'm not sure what to do to get out of it." 
Even if he wasn't touching you, Hyunjin's attentive stare felt just as intimate. You loved that about him, how present he always was. You knew his silence was no indicator of his level of care. He stared a second more before suggesting, "You know what, I don't think you should get changed. I think we should do something different tonight. What would you say to go out?"
"What are you thinking?" you cautiously asked.
"I'm thinking you need a change of scenery. I think we should go out, have a drink, go for a little exploring, or we could even go to the amusement park! I think changing it up could help you get out of this loop you say you feel stuck in."
You stared at him in silence, weighing in the pros and the cons, still a spark lit your gaze. He dropped his chin on his knees and stared at you with his attentive eyes. You knew if you said you didn't want to go he would support you, but you also knew Hyunjin had that innate sense sometimes where he knew exactly what you needed before you even did. 
"What do you say angel?" he finally asked, slowly reaching out to wrap his slender fingers around yours. 
You simply nodded a slow smile spreading on your lips. For the first time this week, you felt the familiar pang of excitement.
You settled on going to the amusement park as it had been the thing that sparked the most interest in you. Your skin prickled as you neared the gate, it felt so refreshing, so new. You were about to head in when you heard a few familiar voices calling your name. 
You turned around to see Bang Chan, Lee Know, Changbin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, and I.N approaching you, broad smiles on their faces. You weakly waved at them as you looked at your boyfriend, a proud smile already on his face.
"I thought you needed to be reminded just how appreciated and liked you are. I'm truly sorry it turned that way with those assholes, but please do not let it make you doubt your worth. You are surrounded by people who love you and think you are the most amazing human being. Me on top of that list." He leaned in to kiss your temple while he pulled you in for a quick hug and you felt your heart overflow with joy at the gesture he had pulled and the seven excited boys joining you.
You truly were blessed with the most amazing people.
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olichat-reads · 1 year
Imagine | ProHero!Bakugou x Villain!Reader
a/n: i'm on the brink of a panic attack at 7am on a monday morning sO-
imagine prohero!bakugou x villain!reader BUT they're childhood bestfriends. and and they're STILL bestfriends despite everything. sure, nothing personal on the job and sure they go head to head sometimes but at the end of the day they're each other's safeplace and comfort.
its weird but it works.
its not everyday, but sometimes your paths cross while you're both on the job and bakugou, that bastard, NEVER holds back on you. and to be fair, neither do you. given that the two of you grew up and trained together, you were pretty evenly matched. both knowing each others' moves and strengths and weaknesses.
which essentially, you two took advantage of in attempts to murder each other on the job :D
"you used that move i suggested you try 🥺"
"hell yeah it fucking worked!"
"i know, katsu. my shoulder is dislocated."
"you're buying me ice cream, you ass."
the press has a field day whenever you go against each other- deeming you ✨️a r c h r i v a l s✨️. it sure was an ego boost when your bestfriend was the number one prohero. also you got to terrorize him with the media. win fucking win.
*dynamight slams you into a wall*
"ohh~ harder daddy~"
and the thing is. it didn't scare you, either of you, to let loose when you come face to face in a fight. you knew katsuki was strong as much as he knew how hard you worked to keep up to him. no one could come close to hurting either of you, besides each other and even then, you each could hold your own.
that didn't mean you don't get injured though. one of you stumbling into the others' apartment beat up was way too common of an occurence with the nature of your professions.
"red riot hit me so hardddddd"
"tsk. thats on you. could've gone against me but you had to test your luck with red."
"of course i would. gotta try to knock some fucking sense into lil miss villain somehow. now come here let me see your ribs, they're probably bruised."
"calm down you baby. you got stabbed last week and you're whining about some bruised ribs."
as much fun as it is smack each other in the vicinity of a public audience, you enjoy the occasional mission where you were both on the same team. perks of being a morally gray villain- you're flexible like that.
it should be noted though- you two're somehow even WORSE than when you fight each other. the amount of unhinged chaos should be a public and health hazard.
"we have a problem..."
"let me guess. you caused it."
"you have no faith in me. i'm offended."
"answer the question. did you?"
"...i did."
"and you ask me why i don't believe in you. fucking die, tinkerbell."
"whats our escape plan?"
"our what :D"
"omg we're going to die."
the two of you don't actively try to hide the nature of your jobs and relationship with each other outside work- you don't bother pretending. he's a hero, you're a villain and both of you were bestfriends. as simple as that.
it makes life way more fun, you think.
a/n: this is fun i might add more to this hehe
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pixxyofice · 3 months
(KICKS DOWN YOUR DOOR) hi pix I’m here to ask one million questions about your euphrasie looping au bc I think your writing is cool and I love euphrasie. Anyway how long do you think Euphrasie and Mirabelle are in the timeloops for? Is there anyone to help guide them two, or are they basically on their own? How does either of them feel about the change god, having been stuck in a time loop? ( I imagine keeping faith might feel difficult given the circumstances but whose to say) Also what is Mirabelle and Euphrasie’s Dynamic like in a post game scenario in comparison to when the loops were happening?
OHOHOHOHOHO okay okay i can answer this. euphrasie looping au. ough euphrasie looping au.
it's a duo looping au. there's nobody else its just them. nobody to help them, just a girl and her beloved mentor. i'm sure nothing can go wrong here. They're in there... a while, i think. No outside help but each other. I'm not sure about period of time. It's not quite loop level (quietly tags this as isat spoilers) but it's probably about... past act 4 length of time. maybe.
As for faith... it IS a struggle! But I think both of them try to keep to it. In the end, Mirabelle on her last legs goes to ask her statue for help, and the change god... actually loves it. and is like change starts with you- you came to me for a reason right? so you're right to think what you want to. do your thing.
Euphrasie might struggle more. imagine subconciously mixing religious stuff together because you've made a change and now you're on this path and the universe must want this change for you- wait a second.
In the end, I think they still enjoy their religion. It's still good. but... it's definitely Changed a lot, hehe. Their dynamic post-game is maybe a bit awkward because of The Horrors, but they still wouldn't have gotten that far if it weren't for each other! Hi mentor of mine i still adore you but you still hurt me and i'm mad about it. but it'll be fine in the end. kinda thing.
post-canon mirabelle is dragging euphrasie around. we are going to relearn the passage of time together.
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i am a servant of the people and the people wanted more cody and ahsoka (YIPPIE) so here's the WIP i alluded to in my post order 66 AU brainstorm post hehe:
She found him a few months after he abandoned his post. 
She was older than he remembered. He hadn’t seen her since she was sixteen, almost two years ago. Her leaving the Jedi temple had been the last time he’d ever seen her, her small form outlined by the sun as she walked away from the only path she’d ever known. 
He and Rex had been waiting at the bottom of the stairs for their cue to go up and celebrate her return. He didn’t think he’d ever forget the look of shock and misery on Rex’s face when his vod’ika marched right past them, barely able to look them in the eyes. 
She had the same look in her eyes now that she did then. Tired but not quite defeated. On the verge of something that could take her beyond the stars or crush her beneath its foot. 
“Are you here to kill me?”
He’d hidden on Endor. It was far from his last known location and he had so many contacts courtesy of his time in the military that it had been easy to hire a ship to drop him off here. He’d had to switch vessels a few times, scrambling the codes just in case. 
Her sabers told a different story. They were white, not green like he remembered. Once upon a time he knew what that meant. 
Regardless of the ghosts of the past, they were drawn, held in a defensive stance. He’d seen her fight countless times, knew how fast she could move, knew that once upon a time he could’ve stood a chance, but not now. He was too old, too achey, too strained from a lifetime of giving and receiving pain. 
Ahsoka looked at him, the deep blue and stark white of her montrals standing out against the darkness that threatened to consume them both, “I wanted to see if it was true.”
“That I survived?”
“That you killed Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
Cody froze, the words like a punch to the gut. He’d heard the words repeated over and over. He’d been given a medal for his quick thinking and decisive action against the traitors of the Empire. He knew he did it. He knew.
Still, he couldn’t help but think of a smaller version of the girl in front of him, stepping off a transport fresh from Coruscant. His Jedi had been the first to welcome her, so desperately wanting another padawan, a chance to redeem himself from his failure the first time around. Cody didn’t know how many photos he himself had taken of Ahsoka flinging herself into a hug or the three of them huddled together around a battle station. 
Cody raised his head high, his blaster still safely tucked away in its holder. If death came by her hand, it would be a merciful fate. 
“I did.”
Wooley pulled the trigger. He fired the shot that sent Cody’s one and only hope tumbling down to his doom. But Cody gave the order. He knew well enough by now, after years of fighting, the responsibility lay with him. 
Besides, Wooley was long gone by now. He’d left them ten hours later in a locked room with a blaster to his head. 
“Then he’s really gone?” Ahsoka asked, a slight tilt to her head. He remembered that habit from a different lifetime. 
“Yes,” Cody said, forcing himself to remain steady. He’d delivered news of grief before, it being full of his own should make no difference this time. 
To his surprise, the glow of the sabers receded. For a moment it was just Cody and Ahsoka, both entangled in the darkness of the night on Endor, where even the stars could not pierce the thick foliage above their heads. Strange noises beckoned to them both, calls of relief from a life neither of them could believe had become their reality. 
“I thought he left me.”
Cody couldn’t see her, but he could hear the choked agony behind her words. 
“It was my fault,” he assured her.
The blue glow of a communications device appeared between them, held aloft in Ahsoka’s hand. On it stood the crisp clear vision of Obi-Wan Kenobi. 
It was almost enough to bring Cody to his knees.
“This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen, with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi: trust in the Force. Do not return to the Temple. That time has passed, and our future is uncertain. Avoid Coruscant. Avoid detection. Be secret... but be strong. We will each be challenged: our trust, our faith, our friendships. But we must persevere and, in time, I believe a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you, always.”
Cody felt a tear slip down his face. He knew. Somehow he’d known. He’d warned the rest, helped them get out and escape. 
“I’m sorry,” Cody croaked, his voice full of ruin, “I’m so sorry.”
Ahsoka watched him, her eyes hard and unrelenting in the blue light. She had no sympathy for him. 
“How did he get this message out if you killed him?”
Cody shook his head, his hands starting to shake, “I don’t know.”
“Where is his body?”
“We - we never found it,” air was coming to him with more and more difficulty. A hand came up to his chest, clutching at the phantom pain threatening to pulverize his heart. “The Emperor told us he had confirmation. He told us he was dead.”
“Why?” Ahsoka pressed, “Why assure you of something you could’ve found yourselves?”
Cody shook his head again, “I don’t know.”
Something was wrong with him. It had become more and more like this now that the war was done and it was just him alone with his mind. He’d hear the snap of a twig and lock down his hideout, thinking battle droids had discovered his location. He’d see his reflection in the mirror late at night on accident and jump, thinking the rest of his brothers had finally found him, that they were going to drag him back there and make him like them. 
Make him blank. Make him devoid of himself. Make him into a tool. 
“Aayla Secura,” Ahsoka began in a cold voice, her wrath turning its focus to him, “Luminara Unduli, Shaak Ti, Ki Adi Mundi, Stass Allie, Plo Koon. All dead because of your brothers.”
Bly…gods above Bly. Cody prayed he wasn’t the one. He prayed he wasn’t the one that took the shot. And Wolffe - Cody couldn’t imagine what Wolffe would’ve done. Did do upon waking. Upon experiencing that horrible moment of vertigo that the 212th had felt all together. Experiencing a single moment of tethered grief, hours delayed though it might have been. 
A noise of raw pain escaped Cody’s lips. It was wordless, not a cry or proclamation, but a tiny noise that any passersby would’ve assumed to be a wounded or hurt animal.
“My family,” Ahsoka’s voice was shaking, “I have to keep them alive. So I need to know - is Obi-Wan Kenobi’s name one I should add to my list?”
Cody squeezed his eyes shut and nodded. He knew. He knew it in his heart. If Obi-Wan Kenobi had survived, the Emperor would not have told him in person of his death. Those cold hands, unnaturally pale and scarred, would not have pressed a smooth medal of honor onto his uniform. He wouldn’t have had to hold back stuttering breaths as a coldness choked him, the knowledge that his light, his love, his one hope in this galaxy, was forever out of his reach threatening to take him under. 
And it was his fault. 
“You’re supposed to be dead,” Cody croaked, finally opening his eyes to look at Ahsoka, “An entire venator went down to make sure of it.”
Ahsoka’s face darkened, some twisted grief taking hold of her, “I know.”
Cody knew what that meant. She’d been aboard. She’d seen it go down. She’d watched them all die. All of her friends, her soldiers, the men that she ate with everyday for two and half years, the men she served with and grew alongside of. They were as much her family as the Jedi were. 
He didn’t want to ask about Rex. He didn’t want to see what it would do to either of them. 
“So what now?” Cody asked, scrambling to regain some sense of the commander in him. The version of him that could do this without a permanent tremor in his left hand, without attacks of panic and confusion, without the fog that hung over him as his now constant companion. 
Ahsoka squared her shoulders and gods she really was young, wasn't she? Just eighteen years old and here she was, throwing herself into the maw of something Cody didn’t think he’d ever fully understand. 
“Do you have somewhere we can talk?” The request threw him off guard, but he nodded and turned around. 
He was surprised when she fell into lockstep beside him. 
They were almost the same height now. 
Cody moved through the thick underbelly of the forest. He’d long since learned the pathways different prey animals took, knowing that was the safest way without cutting clear paths for his enemies to follow. Ahsoka followed him easily, her natural traits helping her move silently through the brush in a way he never could. 
They didn’t speak on their way to his shelter. Both were thrumming with questions, fears, anxieties that were best not spoken aloud where the trees could hear. They had been trained too well and for too long to do something so stupid as that. 
Cody had managed to make a small adobe style domicile. They’d taught all sorts of shelter making on Kamino and it had served him well, allowing him to dig out a small space and form a dome over top out of mud and clay that he’d already excavated. It was small, only one room, but the two of them sat comfortably. Cody got to work on the fire, waiting for Ahsoka to speak. 
“Have you ever had a brain scan done?”
Cody thought for a moment, trying to remember. 
“Probably at some point.”
“What level?”
Cody looked at her curiously, not understanding the point of this, “I’ve never had an injury that constituted anything above level 2, if that’s what you’re asking.”
Ahsoka blew out a breath, for the first time looking nervous. 
A spark caught, quickly taking to the dried grass and sticks Cody used as kindling. 
“You remember Fives.”
It wasn’t a question. They both knew Cody would never forget any of the Domino squad, not for as long as he lived.
“He was right.”
Cody looked up at Ahsoka. Her expression was serious, not that he’d expected it to be anything else.
“About what?”
Ahsoka’s hand went up to one of her lekku, before twitching and falling back to her lap. Cody knew what she’d been searching for anyway. 
“There are chips inside of your heads,” Ahsoka said slowly, “Not the behavioral ones. Another. It was meant to be activated when - when the time was right.”
Cody’s stomach dropped. 
“The Jedi didn’t betray the Republic,” Ahsoka said, “And you didn’t betray them. The Emperor took control of your heads. Order 66 was an activation code, one you couldn’t have stopped even if you wanted to.”
Cody felt like the floor had fallen out from beneath him. Judging by the look on Ahsoka’s face, he looked like it too. 
“Cody…it wasn’t your fault.”
Tears stung his eyes, threatening to fall. He knew if that happened, it wouldn’t stop, and he’d never appeared weak in front of Ahsoka before. She was a child and had already been through too much. 
His shoulders slumped, like Cody had been strung tight on a wire that was just now being cut. His whole body shook, his breaths coming in stuttering stop-starts and his eyes flicking to every dark corner that the fire couldn’t quite reach. 
He couldn’t have stopped it if he wanted to. 
It was always going to be like this.
There was never a future where he and Obi-Wan were going to be happy. 
“I’m sorry,” Ahsoka said, her voice small and defeated, “Your family are victims just as much as mine.”
The whole venator went down with her. The whole venator went down and she was trapped aboard with an army of mindless killers. The whole venator went down and his baby brother was on it, trapped inside the walls of his own head, holding a blaster to the girl he’d once told Cody he’d never let any harm come to. 
“Oh gods,” Cody choked out, “Oh gods.”
The pain threatened to take him. His chest was almost painful in its hollowness, his stomach roiling with nausea and hurt. His people, his brothers. Slaves to the great conductor of a broken symphony. Mindless, used against their will. Nothing more than weapons to be aimed and fired at whoever dared oppose the Empire.
They were nothing. 
They had always been nothing. 
“Cody,” a hand settled on his knee, and from it warmth escaped. For the first time in months, Cody felt something other than cold. “They’re waking up. Your brothers are waking up. There’s a movement -”
“Stop it,” Cody snapped, though the effect was lost as his tears finally began to spill, “I don’t - just stop.”
Ahsoka withdrew her hand and it took everything in Cody not to keen at the loss of heat. 
He didn’t want to fight anymore. He was tired, too tired to ever take up command again. 
How many had he seen die? Did none of it matter? They were just pawns, just pieces of a game to be moved around in order to undermine the Jedi. His entire existence was there to hurt the Jedi. The Jedi - the only ones who ever gave a semblance of a shit about them. And the whole point of the clones’ existence was to murder them in cold blood. 
“Rex wants to see you.”
Cody’s entire being froze. 
“He doesn’t know I found you. He’s been looking for you since Crosshair defected and told us you left.”
Crosshair defected.
“Wolffe too. He and Rex joined up a while back. Pretty sure one of your old commanders is with them.”
Boil? No, Boil was still with the Empire working as a scout.
It didn’t matter, he reminded himself, he put himself here for a reason. Whatever life he lived from here on out, he deserved. 
“Cody,” Ahsoka called his attention again and this time when Cody looked at her, she looked scared. It took him a moment to work out that she was scared for him. “Rex is alive. I took him off the ship with me. His chip is gone, he’s okay.”
Cody stood abruptly, stumbling outside and making it a mere three steps from the doorway before throwing up. He shook, his hands on his knees, as he gagged and spit, his mind and body revolting against him in a horrible display of unity. 
A hand rubbed over his back, the way Ponds used to do oh so long ago. Back when module scores and breaking curfew were their tallest troubles. Did they have the chips even then? Were they doomed from the start? How cruel, to never even let them begin before deciding how they would end. 
“Can I tell him you’re here?” Ahsoka’s voice was soft and concerned. She sounded kind. It made him want to slam his fist into something. “He’s worried. They both are.”
Cody shook his head no. He didn’t deserve to get to have that, not when so many of his brothers were alone and drifting. Not when Obi-Wan, his general, his Jedi, his sweetheart, lay broken and defeated at the hands of a force neither of them could escape. 
No, his fate would be the same as the rest of the galaxy’s. He would not allow himself the tenderness of brotherhood, not after all he’d done in the name of nothing. 
“Go,” Cody croaked, his voice hoarse from bile and tears, “They’ll find you if you stay.”
Ahsoka’s hand didn’t pull away, “He misses you. He misses his big brother.”
That was playing fucking dirty and she knew it. 
“Go,” Cody said more forcefully, “Get out of here.”
“And where will you go?” Ahsoka asked gently, “When they come knocking, where will you run to?”
“I won’t,” Cody panted, “I’ll accept it.”
There was a deep sigh from behind him. Cody didn’t take back his words. He didn’t want to lie to her, not after all she’d been through at their hands.
“I’m going to keep looking for Obi-Wan,” some of the strength returned to Ahsoka’s voice, “I don’t think he’s dead, so there must be a reason he’s still hidden. If you joined me, he might -”
“No,” Cody said quickly, spitting one last time and standing back to his full height, “I’m not doing that to myself.”
“Cody -”
“Ahsoka,” Cody turned to face her, his hands coming to rest on her shoulders. He was once again struck by how warm she was, “He’s gone. By my hand or the Emperor’s. I can’t - I can’t let myself think otherwise. I can’t pin my hope on a lie.”
Ahsoka stepped closer to him, a furrow appearing between her eyebrows. It reminded him of Skywalker. “It’s not a lie. He escaped long enough to get a message out. If he’d known before he would’ve said something to someone, would’ve at least had you de-chipped. If his body had been at the temple we would’ve found it, it would’ve been reported. But all that remained of him was this message.”
Cody shook his head. He couldn’t do this to himself. He couldn’t let himself think these things. 
“Come with me. Just for a little bit. If we find something, stay longer, if not I’ll drop you right back here.”
Cody scrubbed a hand over his face, wincing at the dirt and sweat rough underneath his palm. 
“I won’t even tell Rex.”
Cody sighed and looked at her. She looked earnest, at least. Not as defensive and angry as earlier.
“Please,” he suddenly realized Ahsoka was begging, “come with me.”
Cody looked down at her, considering. “How long have you been on your own?”
It seemed he hit the nail on the head. Ahsoka’s face fell, just for a moment, before she recovered her composure. It reminded him of Obi-Wan. 
“Rex and I split up after the venator,” she admitted, “I tried civilian life for a while, but everywhere I went people died. It’s been a while.”
Since she left the temple the first time, Cody translated for himself. 
Cody looked down at her, weighing his options. He didn’t believe Obi-Wan was alive. Even his general could not escape death in its entirety. But Ahsoka was on a crash course. She was smart, dedicated, and clever enough to find him and keep tabs on Rex’s operation. She was also angry and alone, left behind by people she’d once turned her back on. Her guilt likely matched or exceeded his. 
Cody breathed out slowly, “Two months.”
Ahsoka’s eyes widened.
“That’s all I can promise.”
Ahsoka nodded, “That’s fine. I’ll take it.”
And then he was being forcefully dragged into a hug. 
She was finally tall enough that Cody could rest his chin in the space between her montrals. He wondered distantly if she’d outgrow him one day, before remembering how Shaak Ti towered over them all and decided that was very likely. He couldn’t tell which one of them was shaking harder, but decided to ignore it. This was the first time in months he’d allowed himself to touch anyone beyond a handshake here or there. 
“You’re warm,” Ahsoka murmured into his chest, a soft sigh escaping her, “I don’t remember the last time I was warm.”
Cody’s eyes widened, but he said nothing. Just ran a hand over her lekku in the best display of comfort he could give. 
“Two months,” Cody whispered, “I can only promise that.”
“It’ll be enough,” Ahsoka’s hands clenched in the back of Cody’s clothes. He understood what she wasn’t saying.
It’ll have to be enough.
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rafyki · 3 months
Goth! Nico/ Surfer! Percy AU Part 7!
Finally some proper progress for our disaster boys!!
Oh I loved writing this chapter SO MUCH!! And in fact I managed to basically write all 2.7k words today lol I really was in the zone today - this is what percico does to me xD
(@neo-kid-funk, there's something I hope you'll notice here, hehe 👀)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
You can also read it on AO3!!
It was late when Percy got to the beach, late enough that the sun was already down, the red and orange from the sunset already gone from the sky. Late enough that Percy knew it was stupid going there in the hope of meeting a certain pretty goth boy that had been haunting his dreams for the past months.
If he remembered correctly (and he did, he didn’t spend so much time thinking and looking at Nico to not know perfectly well this sort of thing), his shift should have been over almost two hours ago. There was no way he was still at the kiosk.
And yet.
And yet Percy couldn’t help himself - he had arrived home, he had thrown his luggage on the floor, and then he was out of the door again, following the all too familiar path that led him to the beach.
He could feel himself vibrating out of his own skin, knew he probably had the most foolish smile painted on his lips; he was perfectly aware he had probably been smiling like that nonstop for the past three days.
And he really didn’t care one bit. Because Nico had asked about him.
When Annabeth had called him, she had sounded so excited that Percy had known right away it was important - she wasn’t the type to get excited for nothing, but to be perfectly honest, Percy had expected something like her favorite architect was going to finally give a lecture in her university or something; he had not be prepared for what she was about to tell him to make his world shift around its axis (dramatic, yes, but, again, Percy didn’t care).
“Oh my god, Seaweed brain, you might actually have a chance!”, is what she told him, and Percy had been too confused to do more than make a questioning sound in response.
“He asked about you!”, she continued. Percy could almost see her smile through the phone.
His heart leapt in his chest, but he willed it to calm down. Jumping to conclusion just to be disappointed after wouldn’t feel good. It didn’t work, his heart was already too far ahead, running.
“What are you talking about, Annabeth?”
“Your dream boy, Percy! The goth boy from the kiosk! Your Nico!”
And it was really all Percy could do to not let himself fall on the ground and let out a scream like a schoolgirl at her first crush.
“What do mean he asked about me? Annabeth, please, you’re gonna give me a stroke here”.
She laughed at him, but then finally did explain. 
Percy hadn’t stopped smiling since that conversation. Part of him had wanted to get on a plane and go back right then and there just to see Nico. It was so stupid, but what did it matter when it felt so good? Percy felt like he deserved to be stupidly happy about this when he had spent the past few months pining and hoping and dreaming about a boy he sort of wanted to gift the moon to. 
And so, here he was now, feeling like he was walking on a cloud instead of sand. It didn’t matter that Nico most probably wasn’t there, it still felt ridiculously good, because Percy would see him tomorrow anyway, and he couldn’t wait.
Nico had been worried about him, had asked about him. He cared about Percy enough to ask someone he didn’t even know if he was alright.
There was really no possible way to keep the happy smile off Percy’s lips.
The seaside air filled his lungs, and it only made his smile grow bigger. He still threw a glance at the kiosk - it was still open, but as Percy had expected, Nico wasn’t there.
Still smiling, he stopped to take off his shoes and started walking aimlessly around the shore. It always felt good, just walking on the beach, feeling the sand all around him.
He kept walking for a while, his mind inevitably pulled towards the same direction.
And so, when he saw the very object of his daydreams right before his eyes, his first thought was that his imagination was getting a little out of hand. He stopped, looked, blinked, and looked again, thinking his pipe dream would have disappeared. 
But no, it was still there. Still a little further away from where Percy was, but Percy would recognize him everywhere.
Nico was sitting on the shore, just a few feet away from the ocean, knees up and arms around them as he looked toward the horizon.
Percy’s heart lost a beat, stopped completely, then started running and running like it wanted to reach Nico as soon as possible.
He looked so incredibly ethereal in the low light of the dusk, Percy felt his breath get stuck in his throat. 
His feet started moving before he could realize it, and he started walking closer.
Nico had his hair down, and oh, Percy had never seen him with his hair down, he always had it tied up in a ponytail when he was working; it hit him, all at once, that this was the first time he saw him not behind a counter, the first time he could talk to him as just two people (friends? perhaps?) instead of a customer and a retail worker.
It felt important. A huge turning point, somehow.
Nico looked up when Percy was just a few feet away from him, before he could find the voice to greet him.
Their eyes met, and woah, yes, that definitely felt like a turning point.
Nico was looking at him like he was the last person he expected to see, eyes wide and lips parted in surprise. Percy forced himself not to stare, but it was difficult when really the one thing he wanted the most was to just stare and stare and bask in how pretty Nico was. 
“Ehi”, he said, finding his voice again before it started to get awkward. “Hi, Nico”.
A beat, when it seemed it was Nico’s turn to try and get his voice back.
“Percy- hi”.
Percy got closer, sat beside him - a proper, socially acceptable distance, even without a counter in between them. His heart was dancing like crazy in his chest.
“You’re back”, Nico said, then seemed to realize what he said and turned to look away, back at the ocean. “I mean- I didn’t expect to see you”.
He was so cute. Percy wanted to reach out and take his hand, to caress his cheek and feel if it was warm from the blush. Oh he wanted to kiss him so bad he was about to go crazy.
“Me neither”, Percy said. “I got back just a few hours ago, and then came here”. He licked his lips, debating on what to say. ”I missed the beach”.
I missed you, he wanted to say, but the words died on his lips. Now that would definitely be too much.
Nico looked back at him. Percy decided he could allow himself to be just a little daring.
“I’m happy I found you here though”, he said, and each one of his words was accompanied by a somersault done by his heart. He wondered if Nico could see what the smile on his lips meant.
Nico didn’t reply right away, but Percy could see the small smile that came up on his lips, and that helped just a little to calm down his frantic heart.
“Me too”, he said in the end, so low that his words threatened to be taken away by the sea breeze. Percy caught them though, and held them close.
This felt way too heavy to call it a simple crush.
Silence fell between them, and it wasn’t weird exactly, but it wasn’t comfortable either - it was the kind of silence where it’s clear both you and the other person are desperately trying to find something to say; something, possibly, that won’t make you want to bury yourself under the sand out of embarrassment after wording it out loud.
“What are you doing here, by the way?”, Percy ended up saying. “Hasn’t your shift ended like two hours ago?”
Nico looked at him, head tilted to the side in question. “You remember my shift hours?”
Oh, damn.
“Huh, well- I spend a lot of time here?”, Percy said, and it sounded way more like a question than a statement.
Nico laughed, shy and soft, and Percy thought that dying of embarrassment was worth it after all, if it got him that.
“So you know Jason’s shift hours too?”
“Who’s Jason?”
A moment of silence passed when Nico kept looking at Percy. Percy would have given everything to know what he was thinking.
He was ready to go and hide in the ocean when another soft laugh left Nico’s lips.
“Fine, I only remember yours”, Percy said in the end. Oh how he had missed flirting with Nico, how he had missed that pretty smile. 
He looked so good with his hair down, flowing lightly in the soft breeze, Percy wanted to bury his hand in it, wanted to find out what it felt like.
There was just something about Nico, something that made it impossible for Percy to look away, like he was caught in his gravitational field and he couldn’t escape even if he wanted, and he just kept being dragged closer and closer. He was caught in Nico’s orbit, a satellite to his planet.
Nico looked almost regal in the low light, sitting with his back straight as he went back to look at the ocean, a small smile still on his lips. Percy wouldn’t be too surprised to find out he had been a prince in another life.
“I like to just sit here on the beach for a while after I finish at work”, Nico said, cutting Percy’s wandering mind off. “It’s peaceful”.
“I thought you didn’t like the ocean”.
“I never said I don’t like it”, Nico replied, rolling his eyes at him. “I said I don’t like getting into the water. But I like looking at it”.
Percy hummed, thinking about it. “It’s so big - the ocean, I mean”, he said. “Sometimes, I feel like I wanna get lost in it”.
It was probably a weird thing to say; Percy wasn’t sure where the confession was coming from. Somehow, it came natural with Nico.
“Doesn’t it scare you?”
“Sometimes”, Percy replied. “But it’s a good kind of scared, I don’t know how to explain it”.
Once again, silence fell between them. This time though, it was different, a little lighter, a little more comfortable.
Percy let himself get lost in the feeling of being on the beach, of the sea air and salty scent filling his nose and lungs, mixed with the feeling of being so close to Nico, of the warmth he could almost feel coming from him, of his own heart pounding in his chest.
Before he could think about it too much, he got up, stretched a hand out to Nico.
“Come on”, he said.
Nico was looking at him confused, clear questions in his eyes. Maybe he was thinking that Percy was crazy. And, truth be told, Percy did feel just a little crazy at that moment.
“Let’s go in the water”, Percy said. “Not much, just our legs- come on”.
Nico blinked up at him. Percy’s hand was still outstretched towards him.
“Our clothes will get wet”.
“Doesn’t matter, they’ll dry off”.
“It’s a stupid idea”.
“Yeah, but it’ll be nice, I promise”.
A beat, then Nico took his hand. They fit well together, Nico’s hand in Percy’s bigger one. Percy felt the urge to interlace their fingers. He managed to hold himself back, but even once Nico was up, he still didn’t let go.
Nico didn’t either, though, and the realization made Percy’s heart go even crazier than it already had.
He started walking backward, using their joined hands to pull Nico with him, closer and closer towards the water.
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you”, he said. He was probably back to smiling like a fool, but what did it matter when Nico was looking at him like that, smiling softly back with a clear blush tinting his cheeks pink? Percy wouldn’t have been able to stop smiling even if he had wanted to.
“Idiot”, Nico murmured, and it sounded so fond, Percy felt his heart melt, merging with the water beneath their feet.
Nico hissed when the water touched his feet and Percy couldn’t help but laugh at him. The way he looked back at him with a frown on his face made him laugh a little more and think that he really, really wanted to kiss it away.
Still, Nico kept going willingly as Percy kept pulling him along, step after step, until the water reached almost up to their knees.
They still hadn’t let go of each other’s hand. Percy didn’t want to be the first one to let go; he hoped Nico was thinking the same thing.
“See, it feels nice, doesn’t it?”
Nico seemed to think about it a little. “It’s cold”.
“That’s not an answer, Nico”.
Again, Nico rolled his eyes at him. “I guess… it’s not that bad”.
“I’ll take that as a win”, Percy said, and laughed.
It really did feel so good, but it probably had more to do with the hand still held inside his than with the ocean itself. Percy could barely bring himself to focus on the water, all of his senses couldn’t feel anything but Nico, his skin against his, the soft look in his eyes and the pretty smile still in place on his lips.
“I will get to teach you how to surf, at some point”.
When Nico laughed, Percy could swear he could feel the sound in his soul. “Don’t get too ahead of yourself now”.
They stayed in the water for another few minutes, then went back to the shore. It was like a silent agreement when they let go of each other's hands, went to get their shoes, and started walking along the shore side by side.
Percy missed the contact already.
They were walking close, close enough that Percy could have easily reached out and took Nico’s hand again. 
“So”, he said, breaking the silence. “Annabeth told me you asked about me”.
Percy loved it when Nico blushed, he liked that it happened so easily. 
“Huh, Annabeth is your friend?”, Nico asked, and Percy nodded. “Yeah, huh. You usually come here pretty often, so when you didn’t come for a whole week, I… got worried, I guess”.
Percy could feel his heart swelling into his chest. 
“That’s nice of you”.
Nico just shrugged, like it was no big deal, like the thought of it hadn’t left Percy laying awake at night for three days straight.
Maybe, just maybe, he could be a little braver tonight.
“Mh, maybe-”, he started, then cleared his throat. “Maybe we could exchange numbers? You know, so you wouldn’t get worried again, you could just ask me. And I could do the same, if you didn’t come to work for some reason”.
Percy could feel each one of his heart’s beats in his ears, so loud he couldn’t hear the sound of the waves anymore.
Until Nico nodded. “Yeah, uhm, that’s a good idea- I’d like that”, he murmured, and took his phone out to hand it to Percy. Percy accepted it and gave him his own, like in a dream.
It felt like a hallucination, putting his number into Nico’s phone.
Now, his mind was all white noises and silent screaming, as they went back to walk, side by side. Percy held onto his phone like a newfound treasure.
When they reached the end of the beach, Percy wanted nothing more than to turn around and just do it all over again. Maybe he could will the time to slow down if he tried hard enough.
“This was nice”, he just said instead.
Nico nodded. “Yeah”, he said, with the prettiest smile on his lips. “See you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow”, Percy said back, even though he was sure he would also see him tonight in his dreams.
He waved Nico goodbye, and stayed there looking at him as he walked away.
Oh, this definitely felt way bigger than a crush.
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aishangotome · 3 months
Elbert Greetia: Mad Love Chapter 23
Mad Love Chapter 22
Kate: So...even if Lord Elbert were to commit some grave sin in the future...
Kate: I want to accept Lord Elbert, along with that sin...
Kate: I want to love Lord Elbert.
Alfons: ...What a fool you are.
Gray eyes slowly approach.
At the moment when a complex and twisted sweet scent wafted strongly - my lips were stolen by Alfons.
Reflexively, I push back against Alfons's chest.
Kate: What was that all of a sudden...!?
Alfons: Hehe, that's a new reaction from you.
Alfons: Sorry, I was just envious of you two looking so good together.
Alfons is wearing his usual dubious smile, as if to say that this was just a greeting.
Kate: Are you... making fun of me...?
Alfons: I live by spinal reflexes, so if I feel like kissing, I do it the next moment.
Kate: I thought we were having a serious conversation...
Alfons: Don't you just want to ruin the mood when it's serious?
(It was Alfons who asked the serious question...)
Kate: This kind of joke... please stop it. Lord Elbert will be sad.
Alfons: Aha! It's too late for that.
Alfons: If El finds out we went out alone, he'll be jealous and crush you in his arms, whether we kissed or not.
Kate: Crush...?
Alfons: If he's going to be jealous anyway, we might as well have a kiss or whatever, right?
Looking at his nonchalant attitude, I feel like I'm the weird one for being angry.
Alfons: Don't worry. I have no intention of taking you away from El for real.
Kate: That's... good. Please really stop it.
Alfons: I can't promise that. I don't intend to take you away, but I do intend to play with you and El.
Kate: Alfons...!
Alfons: Come on, just let me join in a little.
Kate: I think Lord Elbert trusts you.
Kate: And I do too. So, this is not okay.
Alfons: Trust...huh?
Alfons: That is a grave situation.
Alfons dramatically placed his hand on his forehead.
Kate: A grave situation...?
Alfons: Yes. At this rate, I've started to think it wouldn't be bad to seriously make a move on you and get killed by El.
Kate: Why...?
Alfons: ...The title of "trusted and important person,"
Alfons: It's a burden too heavy, I feel like I'm going to be crushed.
For some reason, those words felt like the truth from him, who always seemed to evade his true feelings with suspicion, and I inadvertently gazed into his grey eyes--that's when it happened.
Alfons: --Oh my
Kate: Alfons? What's--
Alfons: Get down!
The moment our words overlapped, a sudden gunshot pierced our ears.
At the same time--Roger spotted the dazzling golden hair rarely running down the hallway and called out to its back.
Roger: El?
Elbert: Roger...!
Roger: You're back already? That was faster than I thought. So, what's the rush--
Elbert: Where's Kate? She's not in her room... not anywhere.
Roger: Kate? I heard she went out to town with Alfons... Did something happen?
Elbert: ...Jeffrey escaped from the mansion.
Roger: Jeffrey? What are you talking about...?
Elbert: I have a bad feeling--
Roger: Hey, wait!
Ignoring the restraining voice, Elbert once again rushed out into the night.
(What was that gunshot just now?)
I try to calm my ragged breathing in the back alley where Alfons and I took refuge.
Voice of Man with a Gun: Where did the woman go? She was here just a moment ago.
Big Man's Voice: Tch, she must be hiding somewhere. Find her!
(The woman who was here...?)
Kate: Could it be... they're after me...?
Alfons: It seems so. Any ideas?
Kate: N-no...
Alfons: That's unfortunate. If it were Jude, he'd pop right out.
Alfons: Honestly, if we're going to play chase, I'd prefer a more enjoyable way.
Kate: This is no time to be leisurely...!
Alfons: My apologies.
While hiding behind cover, I observe Alfons and the men.
Their numbers don't seem to be decreasing, if anything, they seem to be increasing.
(At this rate, they'll find us here soon...)
Kate: Alfons, this way.
Alfons: ...!
Whispering, I take Alfons' hand and urge him further down the path.
Kate: I know the back alleys of London well. I'm a mail carrier.
Kate: Leave this to me.
We continued through inconspicuous back streets, running for a while.
(We've put some distance between us, but they're probably still close by...)
(I know the streets well, but I'm not familiar with being chased, so I need to stay alert.)
Still, we finally reached a point where the footsteps and hushed voices were no longer audible, and I let out a relieved sigh.
Kate: Who could they be...? To target me like that...
Alfons: Shall we make a guess?
Alfons: Kidnappers hired by someone consumed by their burning passion for you.
Alfons: Habitual human traffickers who would take any woman.
Alfons: Assassins hired by someone infatuated with Elbert, aiming to eliminate you.
Alfons: Which one do you prefer?
Kate: N-none of them...
Talking with Alfons somehow eases the tension in my shoulders.
(Maybe I should forget about that kiss earlier...)
(Though it might be playing right into Alfons' hands.)
The more time I spend with him, the more I understand why Elbert is with him.
(Being around Alfons helps me not get swallowed by anxiety and fear.)
(His attitude of taking a step back and enjoying everything has saved me...)
(Elbert must have experienced this many times too.)
Alfons: ...What is it? Staring at someone's face like that.
Kate: Oh, it's nothing.
Alfons: Oh, you want another kiss?
Kate: No...!
(I'm trying to forget about it...)
Alfons: Don't reject me so harshly, it hurts.
Alfons: Come on, let's go further in. It's still dangerous here.
Kate: U-understood.
As instructed, I quietly follow him deeper into the alleyways.
(...This alley seems darker than the others.)
Just as a slight unease crept over me, it happened.
Alfons: Oops, my hand slipped.
Kate: Huh?
He forcefully pushed my shoulder--and the next thing I knew, I was shoved into an unfamiliar warehouse.
Immediately after, I heard the sound of a lock being fastened from the outside, and I rushed to the door in a panic.
Kate: A-Alfons!? Let me out!
Alfons' Voice: Heh, it seems you didn't know, but I'm also quite familiar with London.
Alfons' Voice: Especially places like this, hidden from view, where one might do unsavory things.
Alfons' Voice: I apologize, but I'd rather not be killed by your pursuers, so I'll be taking my leave.
Alfons' Voice: You can just play dead in there until they give up.
Kate: But... what if they find this place...?
Alfons' Voice: Well then, I suggest you stay quiet so they don't find you.
Alfons' Voice: Farewell.
As if to fuel my anxiety, the tightly shut door wouldn't budge.
From beyond it, I could hear Alfons' footsteps fading away.
I don't know Alfons so little as to take his words at face value.
(This is probably to protect me.)
Above all, the fact that Elbert has been with Alfons all this time convinces me.
("Trust is a burden," he said... but there's no way he'd betray me like this.)
Kate: Alfons is just like Lord Elbert, after all.
The dark and dry space is like a coffin, but it's also a cage protecting me.
(I need to find a way out of here.)
Several men stood in Alfons' way as he emerged from the alley onto the main street.
Alfons: What a rough welcome...
Alfons: Honestly, associating with such riffraff makes me question your upbringing, Mr. Head Butler.
From among the thugs, a figure emerged--it was Jeffrey, his usually immaculate suit now stained and his slicked-back hair disheveled.
Jeffrey: Life is full of surprises, isn't it?
Jeffrey: To be lectured on upbringing by you, who appeared at the Greetia residence with unknown origins.
Jeffrey: --To begin with, it was unpleasant having to address someone like you with respect.
Alfons: How rude. I've always been known as a nobleman by birth.
Jeffrey: I have no interest in your life story.
Jeffrey: ...Where is that woman?
Jeffrey's eyes were bloodshot as he let out a groan.
Alfons: Now, which woman might that be?
Jeffrey: The woman you and Elbert brought to the mansion, Kate or whatever her name is.
Jeffrey: ...Ever since she arrived, everything has gone wrong.
Jeffrey: With no legitimate lineage, unloved by anyone...!
Jeffrey: After the master passed, I maintained that house in place of the young Elbert!
Jeffrey: I am the master of that house! And yet, I was the one cast out of the mansion...!
Alfons: Oh my, "cast out of the mansion"? Why would you think that?
Jeffrey: ...Elbert was looking for someone to take over the servants' employment at the mansion.
Jeffrey: It's information leaked from a noble who was consulted by him, I'm certain.
Alfons: Aha, I see. So, information was leaking from such a place. That was careless of us.
Alfons: El and I were proceeding cautiously, but it seems our skills are still lacking.
Alfons: We should have enlisted William's help.
Jeffrey: You were in on it too...!
Alfons: Surprised? But even if you eliminate Kate, your position won't be restored, will it?
Jeffrey: ...!!
Alfons: Oh! So, you're planning to take everyone down with you out of desperation. I see, you're quite cornered, aren't you?
Alfons' laughter echoed in the night sky, followed by the sound of a single clap.
Alfons: A grudge, is it? Blaming others while ignoring your own actions...
Alfons: Ah, but I don't dislike it, such shifting of responsibility.
Jeffrey: Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up...!!
Jeffrey: You never interfered before, why oppose me now!?
Alfons: Oh my! Could it be that you thought I hadn't done anything because you were a threat?
Jeffrey: What...?
Alfons' leaden eyes gleamed dully.
Alfons: --A pitiful boy who couldn't even go mad,
Alfons: His pathetic means of clinging to life were collecting beautiful things and enduring abuse...
Alfons: I thought if I took away those pains from him, he would be killed by guilt.
Alfons: I didn't believe that something like the power of love could free him from pain.
Alfons: People who truly have "love" are so foolish and wonderful, aren't they?
Jeffrey: What are you talking about...? I asked you where the woman is!
Alfons: ...I pitied you almost as much as Elbert, you know?
Alfons: Your inflated ego, your irredeemable twisted sadistic tendencies...
Alfons: To be able to control a child who was higher in status, had everything, and was beautiful and kind to boot,
Alfons: It must have felt so good.
Jeffrey's expression contorted with agitation and anger.
Unfazed by his imminent attack, Alfons looked past Jeffrey.
Alfons: --Ah, he's finally here.
Alfons: That child is now aiming for your life. How does that feel?
Jeffrey: Huh...?
With quiet footsteps, another shadow stretched into the dimly lit alley.
Alfons: Hey, Elbert?
Mad Love Chapter 24
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extralively · 5 months
Bringing You Home
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Gojo Satoru/Original Female Character NSFW 9,268 words (jfc) Also posted on AO3 Summary: After leaving a boring clan event, Satoru brings Yura with him to his private quarters on the Gojo Estate. Yura gets to snoop a bit in what is essentially Satoru's childhood bedroom, before the two of them actually get started with the, ahem, after-party...
Here's the new oneshot in the Under the Cover of Shadows series! It takes place immediately after chapter 1 of my fic Deeper in the Dark, but it could also be read as standalone. This was also supposed to be just smut, but then I got carried away playing with my headcanons as to what Satoru's childhood was like lmao and it ended up turning into a bit of a character study for him. Also there's smut.
Anyway, enjoy another accidentally long-ass oneshot! I know you guys were asking for this one, so hopefully I can deliver hehe
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“Satoru, where are we going?” Yura asked as he tugged her along by the hand. The sounds of the clan event kept getting further away, which—good. Satoru already had enough dealing with annoying clan people for the night, so he was more than looking forward to just being him and Yura alone, and no one else.
“We’re going for a walk,” Satoru told her, shooting her a grin.
Yura had commented a couple of times about finding the Gojo Estate beautiful to look at, and Satoru supposed he couldn’t deny that fact—although, spending most of his childhood confined to this place did little to endear him to it, since for the longest time he simply couldn’t wait until he was free of all this.
He could, however, see the appeal in taking Yura out for a walk around the Estate, especially when there was no one else around. As the head of the clan, the Estate was something that could be considered unequivocally his territory, and there was an odd giddy feeling inside of him at being able to share it with Yura.
“Just for a walk?” Yura asked, an amused glint in her eyes as she looked up at him. She still kept her hand in his as they walked side by side.
“...For now,” Satoru replied, a sly grin of his own spreading across his face. “Let’s just take the scenic route for a little while.”
Yura only hummed in response, looking back to the front. Satoru was guiding them through a covered outdoor pathway, mostly due to the snow piled up on the ground. Small snowflakes still floated down from the sky every now and then, coating everything in a layer of white, and Satoru briefly lamented that the scenery around these parts was usually prettier during the spring.
Well, he would just have to bring Yura here again some other time, he thought to himself.
A chilly gust of wind passed by, and he felt Yura shiver next to him even if she was wearing the new coat he’d given her. She ended up stepping closer to him then, probably seeking more warmth—even though he was a little disappointed when her hand left his, he couldn’t complain much when she grasped his arm instead, first with one hand and then with her other one. And for the second time that night, Yura was clutching at his arm as she stayed glued to his side, and Satoru couldn’t help the smile that made its way onto his face.
They continued walking almost mindlessly through the outdoor paths, passing by several of the buildings that made up the Gojo Estate. Yura seemed to be curious about everything, asking him what each building was for—mostly different residences, he’d answered, although there were a couple of shrines scattered throughout. Most of the non-residential buildings were in a different area... and he supposed that he would just have to show her to those some other time.
“How many people live on the Estate?” Yura asked, still leaning against his side.
“Uh...” He stopped to think. “I’m not sure, actually. Mostly everyone with the Gojo name—you know, my uncles and aunts, their kids, their kids’ kids, some further apart cousins, the live-in employees and servants...”
“...Everyone except the clan head himself,” she replied with an amused smile, and she wasn’t wrong there.
Satoru nodded. “Yup.”
He’d had his family breathing down his neck for the entirety of his childhood and then some; this time, he wanted some actual freedomto live his life without their annoying meddling, thank you very much.
Yura let out a sigh, nodding slightly as she leaned against his side again. They continued walking some more, chatting sometimes, and sometimes just staying in comfortable silence. Satoru was too busy enjoying Yura’s presence there to worry about anything else.
But then her voice interrupted yet another stretch of quiet. “Satoru,” she called, and he turned his head to her. “This walk is going great and all... but are we getting somewhere soon? These heels are really starting to bother me...”
As Yura slowed down to a stop, pulling him with her, Satoru ended up getting a bit of déjà vu. That’s right—one and a half years ago, when Satoru had last brought Yura to the Estate with him, he’d also taken her on a walk like this after they’d left the event. He wasn’t exactly sure why he had decided to do that; he had simply grabbed her hand to pull her away from the stuffy ceremony they’d been forced to attend, and then... she just hadn’t pulled her hand away. So he’d just kept walking, until Yura had complained that her kimono had been a little too tight after all the food they’d eaten.
Satoru snorted. “Why is it always something when we go on walks like these?” He shot her a crooked grin. “Why must you interrupt this lovely atmosphere we have going on?”
Yura stuck her feet out, jiggling her shoe. “You were the one who got me these way too high heels to wear. It’s your fault that my feet can’t handle all this walking.”
Well, that was true. But she did look fantasticwith the heels on, along with the dress he’d gotten her for this event.
Satoru let out an exaggerated sigh, fully turning to face her. “Fine. We’ll go,” he said, but then he got déjà vu again as he stared at Yura in front of him.
...Ah. That’s right. That night, he’d also come this close to kissing her—this close. If Yura hadn’t looked away, he would have definitely done it. Back then, he had tried rationalizing it away as a momentary fluke—the way she had sat by his side in front of his entire clan as his wife had certainly done a number on him, and something inside of him had gotten a little too comfortable with the idea as they’d played along.
But to be honest, he now knew that calling it a fluke had only been him lying to himself, because he had also come this close to kissing her multiple times before and after. As it turned out, he had just really wanted to kiss Yura.
His lips twitched up.
And he could do that now, couldn’t he?
Without a word, Satoru simply leaned forward to press a quick kiss to her lips. When he pulled away, Yura was blinking up at him in surprise, slightly taken aback.
“...What was that for?” she asked, a little amused.
Satoru shot her a small grin. “Just ‘cause I can,” he told her.
Yura gave his chest a light slap, even as she was trying to bite back a smile.
“Alright, come on,” he eventually said, stepping closer to her. And just like last time, he wrapped his arms around her, tugging her body unnecessarily close to him. “Let’s get out of here,” he said, feeling her own arms wrap around his torso, before he teleported them both away.
Yura was a little confused when they reappeared somewhere still in the Gojo Estate and not in front of his car, like she had expected. They were in a hallway, in front of a closed sliding door, and it did look a little familiar... though Yura wasn’t exactly sure where they were.
“...Where are we?” she asked, stepping away from Satoru as his arms dropped from around her.
Satoru grinned as he moved toward the door. “Why, the party isn’t over yet,” he told her, sliding one side of the door open. “Or better yet, you can call this the after-party.”
As Yura peered inside the room, she suddenly remembered what this place was. These were Satoru’s private quarters inside the Gojo Estate, the ones he rarely used because, well, he didn’t really spend much time around these parts. He had brought her here once, some seven years ago on her first visit, saying that it was the one place where he could be free of his family when inside the Estate.
...Yura suddenly had an inkling as to what Satoru had in mind for this after-partyof his.
“I wasn’t aware there would be an after-party,” Yura said, even as she took off her heels before she stepped inside the room. “That wasn’t on the invitation.” ...There hadn’t really been an invitation.
Satoru was still grinning. “A surprise after-party then,” he said, starting to take off his own shoes. “But, really, you should have seen this coming.”
She really should have.
They both moved inside, Satoru turning on the lights before he helped her take off her coat, hanging it with his. Yura ended up getting a little distracted admiring the place again—this was essentially Satoru’s childhood bedroom, wasn’t it? Well, it was a little more than a bedroom—Yura was only familiar with the main sitting area where she and Satoru had had tea that one time, but there was still one doorway leading to what she knew to be the bedroom, and also another one that she wasn’t sure where it led to. It was almost like he had a whole apartment of his own inside his house, and Yura wondered how much time he would spend in here alone, given everything that he’d told her over the years...
“Young master?” a voice came from outside, following a knock on the door. The voice was familiar—that was Hanae, wasn’t it? Satoru’s old caretaker (read: babysitter), and probably the one person inside the Estate that he actually liked.
“Yeah?” Satoru replied, turning to the door and sliding it open again. Sure enough, Hanae was standing outside, and she gave him one deep bow in greeting before she spotted Yura, shooting the younger woman a warm smile and bowing to her as well.
“It’s good to see you again, Yura-san,” Hanae called, and Yura gave her a similar bow in greeting.
“You too,” Yura replied. She had first met Hanae on her first visit to the Estate, but they had definitely run into each other a few times in the years since. Mostly in Satoru’s apartment, since Hanae was the one coming in to tidy up his place every week; and since Yura had started spending more and more time over at Satoru’s... she had definitely begun to run into the older woman more often in the past year or so...
“I’m sorry to interrupt, young master,” Hanae said, bowing her head down to Satoru again. “But I’m afraid the head of the Kamo clan has requested your presence.”
Satoru’s mood suddenly did a one-eighty, and he let out an aggravated sigh. “Seriously? I’m busy—We can talk some other time.”
Hanae pressed her lips together for a moment. “...I’m afraid that this might be some official business,” she eventually said. “They stressed it was important—I believe it is regarding a possible marriage match between the two clans.” She shot him an apologetic smile.
Satoru was silent for a moment before his shoulders sagged. “Fine,” he caved, and Yura had to wonder if they’d sent Hanae here to fetch him because she seemed to have a way of talking him into things. Yura supposed that the other woman just had plenty of practice dealing with his difficult kid self. “But this’ll have to be quick—I don’t need to be involved in this...” he finished by grumbling out the words. He grabbed his coat with an exaggerated sigh, before he suddenly turned back to Yura and pointed a finger right at her face. “You. Don’t go anywhere,” he said in mock-seriousness. Then his face shifted into a grin. “The after-party is still on.”
Yura was trying to bite back a grin as she pretended to be bothered. “Just don’t take too long,” she said, setting a hand on her hip. “...Also, I can’t promise I won’t snoop.”
Satoru continued grinning as he slipped his coat back on. “Snoop away,” he said.
Satoru eventually left with Hanae, leaving Yura alone there in his private quarters. And as she turned away from the door, looking over the place, her urge to snoop was strong.
To start off, she shot the living area a long cursory glance as she gave the place a once-over. Not much seemed to have changed since her first visit—much like the rest of the house, this room was also elegantly decorated in mostly traditional Japanese décor, with a low table (a kotatsu, actually) in the center where she and Satoru had drank tea last time, a couch against a wall, and a few bookshelves scattered throughout. There was, however, a very modern TV on top of a console against the wall, but otherwise, this place could have passed as something from another time entirely.
And there also wasn’t much Satoru from what she could see, nothing that would really indicate this place as being his. She wondered if that was because he’d long since moved out and had probably taken most of ‘his’stuff with him—but Yura also remembered Satoru mentioning that he hadn’t actually been allowed to redecorate as a child, hence why he ended up going nuts decorating his dorm room after he’d moved into the school.
Yura strolled across the room, glancing at the books on the shelves as she moved past them to peek through the doorway that led to the bedroom. She flicked the light switch on as she walked through the door, taking in the sight; again, there wasn’t much there. A low bed against a wall, a couple of dressers on the other side (even though she was pretty sure one of the western-style doors in the room also led to a closet), a smaller low table with some seats on the far end of the room, and another TV on the wall—nothing very distinct. Was this really how his bedroom had always looked, or had this been redecorated after Satoru had grown up? The bed was way too big for one single kid, although the thought of a kid Satoru sleeping sprawled out on the king-sized bed was pretty amusing—and very on-brand. He did like to spread out; when she would sleep next to him, he would often use her as a mattress instead.
...Or maybe he just liked spreading himself on top of her.
For a little while, Yura busied herself examining the room, peeking in through the western-style doors (one a bathroom and the other, yep, a closet), and then deciding to indeed snoop by opening the drawers on Satoru’s bedside tables. Now this finally felt more like Satoru—mostly normal stuff like phone chargers, a tablet, some candy (she snorted—yep, that’s him); just regular stuff she knew he also kept by his bed in his own apartment. Opening the bottom drawer, however, finally revealed something that seemed more childhood-like: it was an old handheld game console, with a few game cases carefully stored next to it. Yura knew that Satoru must have had multiple different game consoles throughout the years (a few of which she’d seen him using back in school), and that he hadn’t actually kept most of them—so she had to wonder why this one. Maybe it had some kind of special significance, she theorized. She would just have to ask him later.
(She also found a box of tissues and, ahem, lotion, in one drawer, and Yura’s lips tugged up; now, was that a recent Satoru thing or was that a remnant from his teenage days, she wondered...)
Tired of snooping in the bedroom, Yura made her way back to the main sitting area and walked to the unknown closed room, her curiosity not yet sated. This unknown room turned out to be nothing more than some kind of study, or so she guessed—it also had a low table in the middle, but this one felt more like a desk, with the handful of papers and writing implements scattered on top of it. The number of bookcases spread around the room also helped give it that study feeling.
Yura moved further inside as she examined things with a careful eye, briefly noting that a lot of the books on the shelves actually looked more like textbooks. That’s right, Satoru had been largely homeschooled, hadn’t he? At least before going to Jujutsu Tech. Yura looked over at the desk, suddenly trying to picture child Satoru sitting there and studying diligently—and she snorted. Somehow, she had doubts—but he was infuriatingly smart regardless of how much time he had actually spent studying at school, so who knows. Maybe he’d just had a verythorough education beforehand.
As the picture of a young Satoru studying in this room stuck in her mind, though, Yura looked over the room again. Had this been where he’d studied—where he would take his lessons? Satoru had complained several times during school about the amount of time his family had forced him to spend studying (‘And so I can afford to take it easy now,’ he would tell her, much to her indignation as he simply skipped regular classes), but she would have expected his private quarters to have some kind of toy room attached to them, instead of this somber study room. And she somehow didn’t think it was because this room had been cleaned out since he’d moved away...
Yura sighed, looking around.
To be honest, the more she thought about Satoru’s childhood, the more it seemed oddly lonely. Sure, he was the strongest; sure, he had enough money to buy anything he could have possibly wanted... but what good did it do when he could only enjoy it all alone?
Satoru had told her all about his family keeping the fabled Gojo heir confined to the Estate for the entirety of his childhood—‘for his protection,’ they would say. Yeah, that was a reason, but that just meant that Satoru had grown up isolated—if not deliberately being kept away from most people, then just by virtue of being who he was. No wonder he had been such an asshole when they’d first met—that had been his first actual foray into the ‘real word’, hadn’t it? Aside from all those times he had snuck out as a kid (see, that’s what you get for being so overly controlling: you end up with a strongest sorcerer with a rebellious streak instead). It was honestly no surprise that he had been such a spoiled brat with poor social skills when he’d first come to Jujutsu Tech.
And it also shouldn’t have been so surprising to see his quarters so bare, so devoid of personality, considering the controlling nature of his family. Even his current apartment usually seemed a little too clean for someone like Gojo Satoru, so that was definitely a habit that seemed to have been forcefully developed during his childhood regardless of the rebellious nature he had grown to have since then.
...But then as her eyes stumbled upon a figure propped up between a few books, Yura had to smile. Finally, she thought. There he is. That was Digimon, wasn’t it? At last, a little splash of personality inside the otherwise nondescript room, and Yura looked fondly at the worn-out toy that suddenly reminded her of a time when Satoru would sit her down to watch this anime whether she liked it or not.
‘It’s so much better than Pokémon!’ he would insist. ‘I must bestow you with good taste.’
Yura eventually continued looking over the many shelves, her eyes roaming over the titles of all these textbooks. She was kinda impressed at all the advanced reading that pre-high school Satoru had been doing, even though she knew that Satoru was smart-smart... despite acting like an idiot most of the time. But then she stopped in her tracks again.
There was a picture frame on one of the middle shelves, the only photo frame in this whole place. Yura knew that Satoru didn’t have the habit of hanging up pictures in his place, despite them taking many photos together on their phones—so this photo frame in particular immediately piqued her curiosity. She bent down, picking it up—and it surprised her a little, even if it was exactly what she should have expected.
There were two people in the photograph, one that Yura clearly recognized as being Satoru’s father—looking much younger than now—and the other one a boy... who Yura took a couple of seconds to recognize as Satoru himself. The white hair and blue eyes should have been a dead giveaway, but it still took her a moment; maybe it was the fact that Yura had never seen any pictures of Satoru as a kid, or maybe it was the unusually serious expression on his face. And not just serious—scowling, like he didn’t want to be there... which she guessed was probably the case. Both father and son were standing next to each other, facing the camera, his father’s hand on his shoulder in what clearly looked to be an ‘official’ photograph of some kind.
Yura studied the photo closely; this was actually her first glimpse into what Satoru had looked like as a kid. He looked young—very young—but she couldn’t be sure how old he was in the picture, so she couldn’t tell if he’d always been that tall or if he ever used to be of a normal height. His hair was shorter than when she’d first met him, almost choppily messy despite the fact that he was wearing what looked like a formal kimono along with his father, and he also wasn’t wearing any sunglasses at this time. His cheeks were round with baby fat, far different from the Satoru she knew today but not that different from the fifteen-year-old Satoru she had met over a decade ago, and, well... he kinda looked adorable.
She could just squeeze his chubby, grumpy cheeks.
And speaking of which, Yura started to feel the man in question approaching long before she ever heard him open the main door.
“Yuraaa,” she heard him call, moving towards where she was standing. “Where are you snooping...”
Satoru popped up in the doorway, shooting her a grin, and Yura bit back a smile. “You done with... whatever they wanted you for?” she asked.
Satoru let out a sigh as he approached her, stopping right behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. “It was dumb,” he replied, pressing his face to her hair. “Some far-removed Gojo clan member and some even more far-removed Kamo clan member were trying to arrange a marriage between themselves, and apparently they needed the clan heads’ approval for that.” He suddenly dropped his chin to her shoulder, grumbling, “Just get married, don’t drag me into it...”
Yura huffed out a laugh, leaning back against him. “Do you need to approve every marriage in the clan or something?”
He shook his head, even as he kept it pressed against her shoulder. “No, just between the three major clans,” he replied. “Something something not wanting a clan’s inherited technique to fall into another clan’s hands. Blah.”
That definitely sounded like something that would be taken seriously by the three clans, but trust Satoru to treat it with the same seriousness as stepping on gum.
“So,” Satoru started again. “Whatchu got there?”
Yura smiled. “You,” she answered, turning the photo toward him. She tapped his face on the photograph with a finger. “You look so grumpy here.”
Satoru let out a sigh. “Official photo time was always boring,” he said, and she wasn’t surprised. He buried his face in her neck again, almost whining against her skin as his glasses poked at her cheek.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a photo of you as a kid,” she told him. She grinned. “Look at your chubby cheeks.”
Satoru huffed out a laugh against her neck. “I know, I know, I was adorable.”
She half-heartedly rolled her eyes. “An adorable menace, I’m sure.”
“I mean...” Satoru heaved out another breath against her skin, shifting slightly behind her. “Are we gonna keep talking about kid me or are we gonna... get to the good stuff?”
And as if to make a point, she felt his lips press against the crook of her neck, and Yura tried biting back a grin. Of course.
Satoru felt a little... odd.
It wasn’t like Yura had never visited his private quarters in the Gojo Estate before, but something about having her there now was throwing him for a loop.
These days, there was a very clear distinction between what he considered to be clan life and his regular day-to-day life. It’d started many years ago when he’d left for Jujutsu Tech, finally able to break away from the suffocating grip his family had on him—and over the years, he’d been able to keep both parts of his life fairly well-separated. It wasn’t entirely intentional on his part; it had simply happened that way. His family didn’t bother him when it came to his job, and he usually only had to deal with clan-related business when he visited the Estate.
And this division extended to the people in his life as well—his family tended to stay away once he wasn’t around the Estate, and the friends he’d made after leaving for school didn’t usually get involved in clan matters nor frequent the same places his family did.
Which was probably why having Yura there, in the room he grew up in, felt so odd—like two worlds colliding entirely.The only person that had straddled the line between the clan and non-clan parts of his life had been a certain someone that would not be named—the only other person from outside that had ever visited his quarters here.
...But that couldn’t be the reason for this weird feeling in him, could it? At least not entirely. He had brought Yura here once, many years ago, and they’d had tea in his living area—and yeah, sure, it had felt a little strange back then too, but not thisstrange. This was a similar kind of feeling to what he’d felt when he took Yura with him to that clan ceremony a year and a half ago—seeing her there next to him, surrounded by his family and his clan...
It was... odd. Like he had just slotted her in an entirely new place in his life, where she fit... a little too well. Odd, but not a bad kind of odd.
So he decided to just ignore that weird feeling and busy himself by pressing his lips to her neck instead.
“Is this the only reason you brought me here?” Yura asked, amused. He vaguely noticed her placing the photo frame back on the shelf before she tilted her head to the side, giving him better access to her neck.
He’d truly made a wonderful choice picking this dress for her. With her entire neckline bared to him, he was able to trail his lips up and down an unbroken expanse of skin, going up her neck then down to her shoulder and back again. There was only the delicate chain of her necklace in the way, but he hardly minded it considering how she always wore it anyway. “Couldn’t exactly do this in front of everyone...” he replied, letting his teeth gently scrape the side of her neck, and he felt Yura shiver against him. “Even though I kind of wanted to.”
He heard Yura huff out a laugh. “Well, at least you behaved.”
He grinned against her neck—time to finally misbehave, then.
Satoru’s hands had been resting on her waist, and he let them drift further forward. His palms slid over Yura’s stomach on top of her dress, enjoying the way the softness and firmness of her body felt against his hands. As his thumb brushed over the underside of a breast, he was a little disappointed to find that she was, in fact, wearing a bra... but oh well. That would come off soon enough. So he pressed his nose to the side of her throat as he let his hands slide up to squeeze both of her soft mounds, and Yura laughed again.
“Someone’s getting handsy,” she said, letting her head fall back against him. His other hand drifted down again, splaying his fingers open over her stomach to press her body back into his... maybe only proving her point further. His lips pressed a kiss underneath her ear, feeling her sigh against him, and he kissed her there again—if he was getting handsy, then did this mean he was getting lipsy as well?
He grinned some more, but his grin ended up falling when Yura pulled away from him. He straightened himself up as he looked at her in confusion.
“Maybe we shouldn’t get handsy in your... study room,” she said, but she had a smile on her face as she stepped closer to him, her hands resting on his chest as she pressed her front to his.
His grin came back. “Why not?” he asked. His head dipped closer to her, his lips approaching hers.
But Yura pulled away before he could reach her once again, a mischievous look on her face. So she was in a teasing mood huh? Well, at least her hands took a hold of his as she stepped back, pulling him with her, and he let her lead him along.
Yura guided them back into the living area and then tugged him into the bedroom with her, and Satoru’s grin widened. Yura was still holding on to both of his hands, so once they were both sufficiently inside, she simply tugged his body to hers, pressing their fronts together again.
“This feels like a better place to start the after-party,” she said, her head tilting up towards his.
He was still grinning as he nodded. “That’s fair,” he said, and finally lowered his mouth to hers.
A sigh escaped him as they locked their lips together, his hands coming up to cup her face and bring her closer—he’d been wanting to do this all night. Maybe even in front of everyone—his family, the Kamo clan, the Zen’ins, all the elders and higher ups in attendance—he had been wanting to pull her to him and kiss her so everyone would see. He had refrained from doing that, of course, as Yura probably wouldn’t have appreciated it, so he’d had to hold himself back all night instead.
But not now. Now he could let his tongue taste her lips as he wished, enjoying the way her own tongue reached out to brush against his own. He could tilt her head slightly so he could kiss her deeper, feeling her hands tightening on his shirt against his sides as she pressed herself closer. He could just... get lost in her, just like this.
Satoru’s fingers slipped into her hair, enjoying the softness of the strands as he kept her face as close as possible. Yura herself was pressing her body tightly against his, and he could feel her pushing herself up on her toes to get even closer. See? This was why he’d gotten her those heels—Yura was pretty tall herself, but those heels would have helped them get on more even ground.
...Although, to be fair, she wasn’t likely to wear heels in the bedroom. Ah, well.
Yura’s nose bumped against his sunglasses as their mouths moved together, and it prompted her to pull away from him. She herself raised her hands to pluck the glasses off his face with a grin, but instead of tossing them somewhere else, she only folded them back up and slipped them between her breasts, leaving it hanging off the front of her dress.
His eyes, of course, followed along, and his gaze was immediately stuck to her cleavage.
Yura really needed to wear strapless tops more often...
“So,” Yura started, and Satoru had been so entranced by the way her breasts looked in that dress that he hadn’t noticed she was actually stepping away from him. “This is your childhood bedroom.”
Satoru’s eyes finally left her chest, and when they did, the sight suddenly struck him.
The four walls of this room were ones he was intimately familiar with; this was where he’d spent most of his childhood before he was able to break away from all of it and build his own life for himself. To be honest, most of his happy memories had taken place outside of here—even now, after all this time, this place still felt as stifling as it used to be when he was a kid, so he usually avoided it as much as possible.
But having Yura there with him now—why was it making him feel... something?
“What?” she asked, a confused smile on her face at his prolonged silence.
Satoru stared at her for another long moment, taking in the sight of Yura standing right there in his childhood bedroom, before he mentally shook himself out of it. “Nothing,” he replied, stepping closer to her. “Just thinking that you should really let me buy you dresses more often.”
Yura rolled her eyes even if she still had a smile on her face, and before he could get his hands on her again, she turned her back to him. “Well, now you’re gonna have to help get me out of this dress instead,” she said, handing his sunglasses back to him over her shoulder.
Satoru grinned, taking the glasses and slipping them into his pocket. “Happy to oblige.”
The first thing Satoru did was brush her long hair over her shoulder, exposing her back to him. He let his hands linger on her bare skin above the line of her dress, tracing the faint scars there; as much as the sight of her bare legs drove him crazy, he had also developed a fondness for the line of her shoulders, the contours of her collarbone, the movements of her shoulder blades...
Satoru lowered his lips to the crook of her neck again, pressing a soft kiss to her bare skin. He let his hand trace down the dip of her back until he reached the edge of her dress, fingers finding the zipper there and slowly tugging it down. His mind briefly wondered how she had put it on without any help, realizing with an amused laugh that she must have used her own technique to do so. But any other thoughts on the matter were quickly wiped away once he had fully undone the zipper, letting the dress slide down her body to pool at her feet.
Yura was wearing a similarly pale pink matching underwear set, and Satoru had to pull away slightly to admire how the strapless bra and panties hugged her curves just right. He let a hand slide down her back, briefly brushing over her ass as she turned around, facing him; she had an almost knowing smile on her face, but then she once again pulled away from him as she let her smile turn into a sly one.
���You’re overdressed, by the way,” she said as she stepped towards the bed. She sat down on it and then shuffled back towards the middle, and Satoru could only stare once more.
Yura, in her underwear, sitting on his bed at the Gojo Estate—
How many times had he laid on his back on this very same bed, staring up at the sky through the ceiling as he wondered if there was more to life than just lessons, lessons, lessons. If there was anything actually interesting out there for him, away from the Gojo Estate somewhere. Something fun and exciting, something he could look forward to—
Oh, there was definitely something alright, he thought. And it was currently sitting on top of that very same bed, looking up at him curiously.
“You’re really spaced out today,” Yura commented, and he was suddenly brought back to the present. No more getting distracted, he thought to himself.
“Well, you know,” he started, letting his eyes focus on Yura’s bare skin, the fabric of her underwear hiding the most interesting bits from him... for now. “I’ve just never had sex with anyone in here before.”
Yura looked at him with amusement in her eyes, tilting her head at him for a moment. “I mean, you’re not gonna be having any sex if you just stand there like a doofus,” she said. Satoru had to admit that she had a point. “So, strip.”
And to emphasize her point, Yura reached behind her and unclasped her bra, promptly tugging it off to throw it at him.
Ah, fucking hell... what a sight.
The garment smacked him on the face as Satoru kept staring, his eyes completely focused on her bare chest. Then he immediately startled himself into action, quickly pulling off his sweater and undershirt in one go before reaching down to undo his belt. His pants felt tight as he pushed them down his legs, tossing them off to the side as he rushed towards the bed, his eyes set on one singular goal—and he didn’t waste a second as he moved towards Yura, finally landing face-first on one of her wonderfully soft breasts.
Yura gasped as his mouth closed over one of her nipples, sucking on it and letting his tongue swirl around the hardened bud. One of her hands slipped into his hair as she leaned back but still pushed her chest forward, and Satoru hummed in approval—definitely a better angle for him to delight himself there. He could never get enough of the way she felt in his mouth, how it felt when he sucked the bud and some of the softness inside before releasing it and tasting her skin with his tongue. And he couldn’t just focus on one, that just wouldn’t be fair—so he removed his mouth from her before quickly capturing her other breast instead.
This was a much better end to a boring clan event, that’s for sure. This might just be the most fun he’d ever had in the Gojo Estate—ever.
And Satoru could have stayed there on Yura’s chest for hours—if Yura herself hadn’t gotten impatient, grabbing his head and pulling him up to hers. Their mouths met again and Satoru couldn’t complain, and as Yura’s hand found his own chest, sliding over his skin and making him shiver—he could complain even less.
Yura ran her hands over his muscles, squeezing at his skin, briefly pinching his own nipples and making his breath hitch. But Yura wasn’t satisfied with just that, no; as their tongues brushed against each other, her hand moved lower. Satoru’s mind was definitely paying close attention to her scorching touch, but still—as her hand finally squeezed him over his underwear, he almost jumped in surprise, grunting against her mouth at the feeling.
Yura pulled away from him then, and he didn’t have to open his eyes to see the cheeky grin she was sporting. But his mind was otherwise preoccupied, as her mouth had left his but not her hand—she was still massaging him over the fabric of his underwear, and if Satoru hadn’t been painfully hard before, he definitely was now.
“Satoru,” she called, and he eventually opened his eyes to meet hers. Her hand continued her ministrations down below, and his hips were almost rolling into her touch. “You said you had never had sex in here before, didn’t you?”
Satoru only vaguely hummed an agreement, letting the hand that had slipped into her hair slide down her front, absentmindedly squeezing one of her breasts.
Her grin widened. “What about a blowjob?”
Satoru suddenly froze. His eyes opened wider as he stared at her.
Yura, Yura, Yura...
Why was she always so good to him?
Yura’s cheeky grin never wavered as she pushed him back, sadly removing her hand from him, but he still throbbed nonetheless at the thought of what was to come.
What was to come—heh.
Hopefully him. And her. And her again. And them both—
Yura guided him to sit back down at the edge of the bed, rotating his body along with her as she stepped back onto the floor. She shot him a look as she stood in front of him, although Satoru got a little distracted by her bare chest right in front of his eyes. But when she bent down, tugging his underwear down his hips, Satoru eagerly assisted with its removal—almost dazedly watching as she finally knelt down between his legs, her hands on his thighs.
And when she finally grasped his member in her hand, he went a little crazy. Then she took him into her mouth and he almost went full insane.
Truly, he could never get tired of this. Actually, Yura only seemed to be getting better and better at this kind of thing every time she knelt down between his legs—she ran her tongue over him just right, she sucked him in just the right amount, her mouth and hands working in tandem to make him fully lose it.
Satoru threw his head back, one of his hands slipping into her hair but still letting her do whatever she needed to do—she sure didn’t seem to need his help. But then his eyes opened, lowering his head back down to take in the sight between his legs—and he instead ended up catching sight of everything instead, his brain once again struck by just where they were, and who he was with. He had so many memories of this place, of this room, most of them not particularly happy or fun; and now, Yura was there. In the middle of all of it. Her presence warming up this cold room... in more ways than one. (His body sure was getting very hot.)
Yura was bobbing her head up and down on him, and the feeling of him sliding in and out of her hot mouth was definitely getting him close. Too close, but also not close enough—something inside of him wanted to bury himself in her completely, so this wouldn’t do.
Yura shot him a questioning look as he pushed her back, still keeping him in her hands. But he didn’t say anything as he surged forward, wrapping an arm around her torso to tug her to him as he hitched one of her legs over his hip. Her arms came up to hold on to his shoulders as he maneuvered them both around, swiftly depositing her on the bed and positioning himself between her legs.
Satoru had to stop for a moment to admire the sight again, of Yura in this bed, his bed—in this room. It brought a weird, warm feeling to his stomach that Satoru couldn’t quite name, so he decided to push it all aside as he lowered himself on top of her to capture her lips with his own again.
It felt both strange and familiar, being with Yura like this here. Comfortingly familiar was when he let his hand slide down her body, squeezing a soft breast in the process, and found the waistband of her underwear; strange was when he pulled back briefly to tug the undergarment down her legs and caught sight of Yura sprawled out bare in the same bed he’d spent the first half of his life in.
His once home—his clan home. The place he’d thought he would only ever bring his eventual wife to, for... well, this.
Yura’s hands started groping his chest in the best way possible as he lowered himself back down to her, locking their lips together again. Their mouths were sloppy against each other, hands all over the other’s body, and Satoru couldn’t take it anymore—he wanted to be back in her, now. Not her mouth, this time; instead, his hand slid down to grab at his own member, Yura letting out a small gasp as he immediately pressed his length against her, slipping between her folds. He rubbed himself up and down there, coating himself in her wetness, letting the head of him slip down to briefly press against her entrance before sliding back up, rubbing himself against her clit before sliding down again. It was only a tease, really; even as Satoru was feeling a little impatient, his body craving more of her heat, he wanted to make sure it would be a... smooth ride inside, one might say.
But it seemed that Yura herself was also growing restless; every time that he slid down on her folds, pressing against her entrance, her hips would roll up against him as she almost urged him in. And who was he to continue denying her?
So the next time he slid down and found her entrance, he finally notched himself inside and pushed into her.
His forehead dropped to the bed next to her head, the feeling of being continuously squeezed by her walls incomparable to anything else. She felt so hot and so tight as he slowly sheathed himself inside, feeling her fingers pressing down on his back and urging him in further. Which was what he did—he kept pressing in, feeling her walls stretching open to accommodate him. His free hand eventually slid down to grasp at her hip and angle it up, allowing him to finally slot himself all the way inside; and as his hips met hers, feeling himself fully encased in her, he let out a shuddering breath against her ear.
There truly was no other feeling like this in the world. It was like sliding home; not just the way her tight heat wrapped around his member, but the way she was wrapped all over him—her legs bracketing his hips, her chest brushing against his with every breath she took, her hand digging into his back as her other hand slid down to grasp at his buttocks—it was almost like all of her was trying to urge him in even deeper.
So he obliged. He shifted his hips even closer, feeling himself push in just a tad bit deeper.
He really could stay here like this forever, couldn’t he?
Satoru breathed in and out against the side of her head, just basking in the feeling.
...Okay, so he could stay here forever, but maybe not stay still—his body started craving more, so he eventually started to move his hips slowly. He pulled himself out, then slid back all the way in, his nose pressed against the side of her head, nuzzling in as he breathed in her scent. Satoru was enjoying himself a little too much feeling the ridges of her walls drag over his length almost painfully slowly, but somehow just right.
He wasn’t going to continue with this pace all night, of course. There was more fun to be had.
His hips started moving faster, thrusting down into her. Her touch began drifting all over his body as he moved himself in and out of her with increasing speed, and her hands managed to leave both shivers and a scorching trail in their wake. It only drove him further, his hips thrusting into her faster, the continued squeeze and release of her walls around him making his muscles tense as he craved more. More heat, more speed, more space to move—the hand that had been grasping her hip moved up to her leg instead, urging her thighs to spread wider for him, and she wordlessly obliged. Something in his stomach coiled in pleasure as she gave him full unrestricted access to her heat, and he took full advantage of that to thrust into her unimpeded.
Satoru’s mind had long disconnected from the situation, letting his body’s natural impulses drive him along. As his hips kept moving, his nose and lips continued trying to press themselves closer to her, nuzzling the side of her head, his lips finding a combination of skin and hair and more skin as his face brushed against her. As Yura’s thighs fell open completely and he no longer had the need to hold them that way, he was able to free up his hand to happily start exploring her body with his touch... immediately finding her breast again and squeezing her softness in his hand once more.
There was nothing else at that moment but him and her, together. And Satoru would have liked it to stay that way—so when he sensed a familiar energy approaching, his Six Eyes glancing through the walls to the outside on instinct alone, he suddenly snapped his hips into her with an annoyed grunt and stayed there.
Yura, in turn, let out a gasp at the sudden roughness, her walls squeezing him briefly and making him realize just what he’d done. Oops would have been his thought if it hadn’t actually felt good.
“What?” Yura breathed out, half confused and half dazed at the feeling. “What... is it?”
Satoru’s eyes briefly glanced at the figure of his father standing outside of his quarters before sliding his gaze away (this was not what he wanted to be looking at in the middle of sex). But when he raised himself up slightly on his elbow to meet Yura’s eyes—the sight of her flushed face as he stayed buried inside of her had him pause for a moment.
“Just...” he eventually said. “An annoying visitor. He’ll go away soon enough.” Satoru had long made sure that his family were not to go inside his quarters without permission, so his father would eventually just leave once he got no answer.
Yura glanced up in the direction of the bedroom door before looking up at him. “...You don’t think they can hear us, can they?”
“Probably not,” Satoru answered, and immediately snapped his hips into hers again, making her bite back a gasp. He grinned.
Yura shot him a mock-annoyed look, but when he thrust into her again, she definitely looked like she was enjoying it.
He wasn’t worried about anyone overhearing them—his quarters were at the far end of this building, and there was still the whole living area between the bedroom and the outside... even if the walls weren’t really all that thick.
“Besides,” Satoru said, his voice coming out a little breathless as his hips continued the harsher thrusting into her. “I told you... my family would probably throw a party... if they knew what we’ve been doing.”
Yura’s face was scrunching up in pleasure as she tried keeping her eyes open to look up at him. “I don’t think... I don’t think it’s the sex part... they’re interested in.”
“No...” Satoru agreed. His mouth was slightly parted as he stared down at her flushed face, and he was pretty sure his was the same way. “They just want the resulting bit.” And he thrust himself into her again.
Yura’s eyes met his, a strange look passing between the two of them. “...That does have to come... from somewhere,” she said, her voice amused.
And when he thought of where that somewhere might be, it made his hips immediately snap into her without his permission, his head suddenly spinning.
Following this new pace, Satoru’s hips continued moving in rough, deep thrusts, while he still kept himself raised slightly above her in one arm. This meant that his eyes never left hers, despite their occasional fluttering, that same strange look still lingering in the air.
“So...” Yura let out, her eyes fluttering more and more as he increased his pace. “Is that what they would think... that we’re doing?”
“Yep,” he replied, his eyes never wavering from her face as his mouth worked on its own, seemingly disconnected from his brain... “That this is me putting a baby in you.”
When the words finally registered in his own ears, his hips suddenly snapped into her harder. Well, shit.
And it took him a second to register the fact that Yura’s own hand had drifted down her body, reaching the nub there and rubbing. Her eyes had fluttered closed, but she managed to force them open as she stared up at him. “...Well, you can try,” she breathed out, her voice a mix of amusement, defiance, and a simple statement of a fact.
It drove Satoru insane, and his hips only matched the state of his brain.
Yeah, he could try.
Satoru’s gaze locked on the golden flecks of her eyes as he pushed himself into her, the only thing going through his head was her name on repeat like a mantra going Yura, Yura, Yura—
He only vaguely noticed her hand increasing speed between her legs, as her face started to shift and scrunch up more often. He matched her pace with his hips, driving himself into her again and again and again—
Until when Yura suddenly cried out, throwing her head back and arching into him. The sight, the sound, the feeling—it was all too much, immediately pushing him over the edge, and he drove himself in as far as he could go with a cry of his own. His hips were pressed flush against hers as his climax hit him, and he finally released himself fully inside of her.
As waves of pleasure crashed over him, Satoru buried his head against the side of her neck again as he curled himself into her. He could feel himself spilling deep inside of her, her walls spasming around him and milking him for all that he’s worth. The head of his length was definitely pressed against something inside as he tried to push himself in even further, and if he knew enough biology, considering what they had just been saying—
Well, the thought of his release slipping into her womb was already getting him ready for round two.
(...If it weren’t for birth control, his family would have definitely already gotten that heir they want so much.)
But for the moment, Satoru allowed his muscles to relax.
The way their chests moved against one another as they both caught their breaths was almost hypnotic as he came down from his high. His senses were overwhelmed with Yura—all Yura.
...He wasn’t complaining. He only pressed a kiss against her jawline when he had finally recovered enough.
“That’s... one hell of an after-party,” she eventually breathed out, and Satoru had to huff out a laugh as he raised himself on one arm again.
“Much better than the party itself,” he added, peering down at her. Her cheeks were still flushed, her hair wild around her head, and he raised his free hand to brush some stray strands away from her face.
“I mean...” Yura looked up at him, her lips tugging up into a cheeky grin. “That’s not saying much...”
Satoru’s mouth widened into a grin of his own. “Don’t worry, we’ll make sure the after-party lasts as long as the actual party did,” he said, and to punctuate his words, he rolled his hips against hers, feeling him move inside of her still.
Yura huffed, amused. “Of course,” she said. Her legs came up to wrap themselves around his waist, locking him in.
This was, one hundred percent, the most fun he’d ever had inside his family home.
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End notes: So, what we've gathered from this oneshot and the previous one (Movie Night) is that yes, both Satoru and Yura have developed breeding kinks. Yes, that is his family's fault for bringing up heirs so much. No, they're still in denial over their own feelings even though it was staring at them right in the face.
Anyway, I really like exploring Satoru's character, and I really like writing smut lmao. Best of both worlds! Throw in a lot of Satoru completely glossing over his own feelings and we've got a wining combo here!
I did have to rush to get this out before I could post the next chapter of the main fic, because the vibes...... might shift a bit in the near future in the main story. So the main fic will still take me a little more time, but have this as a treat until then! 
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neoneun-au · 11 months
hi mads!! thank you for tagging me in the req post hehe could i request hoshi + moody + 13 with either high fantasy or sci-fi! your pick :3
:))))) im sorry
dove colored sky | knight!soonyoung x reader | angst, high fantasy au | 700~ words
not proofread
The armour feels strange against his body. An unfamiliar cage around his torso–restricting movement. A facade of protection wrought in iron and steel. He shifts, adjusts, bends, and stretches—trying any way possible to make it fit right. To make it feel right. 
It never does. And he’s run out of time. 
He hears you through the door, your feet padding against the floor, the soft sigh of your voice carried to him on the gentle breeze that floats between the cracks in the walls. This old home you’ve built together with the hope you might live out your lives here. Grow a family, lean into old age. Live to see the end. 
But the battle call went out too soon. A man’s life is not his own. 
Soonyoung picks up his sword, hand wrapping around the leather-bound hilt. His heart aches with the weight of the iron in his fist, dragging it down with the lives he knows it has and will end. A burden he never asked to carry but one that was handed to him as it was to his father and his father’s father. Fealty to a crown, a life paid for in blood for the simple chance to breathe the fresh air of this country. For the simple chance to hold you in his arms and hope that he never had to let go. 
He knew the time would come–war was inevitable these days–but he had hoped it might have missed him. 
He hoped it might have looked down as a dove in the sky, white peace cascading over your small farm. That it might have seen your face, shining with life and love and joy, and seen fit to move on from here and darken someone else’s door. A crimson shadow creeping over the landscape and shrouding everything in its path towards victory or death or something beyond.
A soft knock at the door and he doesn’t think he can face you now. He sets the sword down first, pushes it aside so you might not see it gleaming so wickedly and so open. “Soonyoung?” your voice calls to him, soft and entreating. Gentle as ever. He inhales, feeling his chest press against the breastplate of his armour. 
“Come in,” he replies, voice a quiver in his throat. 
The sun comes in with you. Flooding the room in your warmth and for a second he feels better–feels his heart stop melting into fear in his chest. He sees you bathed in the golden light of the day and thinks maybe everything will be okay after all. Or maybe he has died already and you’re an angel sent to carry him home. The image is gone within a few blinks of his eyes and your features come back into sharp focus as you step towards him–still golden, still shining but just in the normal way that you do when he looks at you. The way you always have. His angel. 
“They’re here,” you say and he can see you’re just as afraid as he is. You hold a sword of your own in your grip; one wrought of courage in the face of loneliness. Of being left behind. A sword of hope against hope. 
He smiles, reaching forward to smooth a crease of worry from your brow. “I’ll be home soon,” he says. It’s a lie, but he can’t help it. He doesn’t know what else to say. 
One final kiss. Fierce and firm. Burning with every hope and dream he had for your lives together. Lips melting into each other as he tries to commit this feeling to memory. Tries to feel you through the metal plating constricting his body but he can’t and he thinks it’s the most painful thing that he has had to endure so far. He hears the horses outside. He has run out of time. 
“Please, come back to me,” you whisper, eyes locked with his own. 
“I will,” he promises, picking up his sword and sliding it into the sheath at his side. 
A man’s life is not his own. 
It’s yours. 
The dawn breaks–blood red and ablaze with streaks of orange. A dove flies overhead, circling the small home you built together. You watch it as it weaves through the clouds, alights on the thatched roof, and you smile. He kept his promise.
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reluctanttrabbit · 6 months
STARES AT U WITH MY BIG OL EYES. What are your thoughts on vengeful Cassie post-Ruin? Not necessarily midncontrolled by the Mimic, but just her being GRRR ANGRY with Gregory (SORRY IM SO UNSERIOUS LMFAO)
ouhhhh i havent given it as much as thought as i should,,,,, honestly i think she'd be justified in feeling hurt/hating greg because shes under the impression that greg was the one who called her here just to make her fall down an elevator and nearly die
although now that shes aware that the mimic was calling her here the whole time and she got in contact with the real greg, she'd probably want to give greg the benefit of the doubt
methinks itd just be a whole lot of her going back and forth on "gregory betrayed me!" "no he didnt!" and not knowing what to believe. so she has to pull herself out of the ruin and find gregory to get the answer herself
i dont rlly think cassie would get mind controlled. but erm. IN THAT SCENARIO. if cass still thinks the vanni mask wont do any harm to her maybe she could use it here and there to help her find a path out of the pizzaplex. helpi/mimic tries to get her on its side whenever shes using it and convince her that gregory wants nothing to do with her, until cassie cant take the mask off like some parts of ruin and is forced to listen to the mimic...
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cassie fnaf my bff im so sorry girlie i'll get you out of there i promise 🙏🙏
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sharkjana · 2 years
Hi ♡ my name is rin :) I just found your blog and was wondering if I could ask you to write a silly little thing for the angst prompt: "There's... there's so much blood..." for nanamin and a female reader pls (#>_<#) And english is also not my first or even second language so I feel you so much ×.× your english is very clean though ♡ thank you so much if you're doing this but no pressure^^ you don't have to write this ♡ thanks again and gave a great day (^.^)/
🖤"There's... there's so much blood..."🖤
A/N: Thank you so much for requesting Angst. T.T I live for it, really. The angstier the better! I hope you like what I'm going to do with this Prompt! And thank you once more for saying that my English is quite clean. I try my best and absolutely love the language. I also see we have the same tastes in men ;D But without any further ado, let's begin, hehe...
Warnings: Blood, gore and pure angst! Is there going to be a happy ending? Who knows! >:D
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"Don't you worry your pretty little head over it, Ken! I'll be home before you know it!"
You didn't. In fact, this little mission took a lot longer than anyone had ever anticipated. It was supposed to take you a week at most, maybe two. You were now nearing the end of the third week. And there was no end in sight...
Rushed footsteps echoed through the darkness of Tsushima's thick and tall forest. A small island city hidden away in the middle of the sea between the borders of South Korea and Japan. 
The moon stood as high as ever. Full and ripe and dunking everything in its tranquil approach. Casting eery and long shadows of different shapes and sizes onto the dirty soil below, as though thin and long, scarred arms were trying to burry you into their suffocating hold. Forever hanging on to a poor soul that had wandered off a little bit too far from the right path.  
But you weren't just any poor soul. No. You were (Y/N) (L/N), a damn good second grade sorcerer who was on a mission to find some rumoured, cursed tool that might relate to Sukuna, the King of Curses, in some way. In any way, really.  
But it wasn't the fact that no one really knew anything about this supposed cursed tool, what it did or where it was, that grinded at your nerves. No. It was the fact that, apparently, it seemed to be more than just important to Sukuna, seeing that it wasn't just hidden from plain sight. It was also sealed, protected and guarded by five fucked up cursed spirits.  
(The type that were far too dangerous to take on alone.)  
And you were running away from them because that was the only thing left to do.  
(Anything else wasn't an option for you anymore.)  
You tried to engage in a fight, to exorcise them one by one. Or all at once. It didn't work. They were far to strong and seemed far too smart for just some mere cursed spirits.  
(Your first mistake. Underestimation.)  
You didn't even know what that cursed tool looked like because of those fuckers hindering you from catching even the slightest of glimpses.  
(You could have called for back-up. But you lost your phone somewhere along the way. Your second mistake.) 
And so, you chose to retreat. Re-collect yourself and your thoughts, find a way to contact headquarters, waiting for further orders or ask for back-up. Hide and plan your next steps to hopefully come out of this alive and in one piece.  
That was days ago. 
You were still running. As were they. You might think that being inside such a big and vast forest, there must be at least one place where you could hide away.  
(There wasn't. The trees never stopped. The darkness never receded.)
You didn't even know how you survived until now. Your mind was scrambled into nothing more but bits and pieces. Your clothes tattered and ripped by the massive orbs of scarlet cursed energy they were throwing your way. Burning everything down in their treacherous paths of destruction.  
Were you even alive anymore? Were you dreaming? Was this even real? You didn't know. Your eyes were bloodshot. Your lungs were aching, and your limbs felt just as numb as they did hot.  
(When was the last time you saw any light? The sun never shone once after you entered this forsaken forest.)  
(Another mistake.)  
The only thing that was running through your mind was how to get the hell away from them. Those things. Those nightmarish creatures that were trying to catch you into their venomous grasps. Their manic screeches reaching the deepest parts of yourself. Your bones rattled with the sound of their laughter all the way down to your very core. 
What were you? Why were you here in the first place? What happened? Why is everything so dark?!  
(It was as if you were running around in circles. Never ending. Lost and never to be found.)  
But wasn't someone waiting for you to come back? Wasn't there at least someone looking for you? Were you really all alone? Wasn't there-  
"Promise me you will come back to me, (Y/N)."  
"Don't you worry your pretty little head over it, Ken! I'll be home before you know it!"  
It was those words, the memory of them leaving your lips, an exchange of worry and love for one another that made you falter in your steps.  
(Your fourth and last mistake.)  
You tripped. The wet and soggy ground below drenched you in its dirty juices as you lay there. Everything seemed to have caught up to you at once. Breathing became difficult. Your vision turned hazy. Your limbs, numb. Your body, rigid and frozen in time.  
And as your glassy gaze met the sparkles high above, you stared. Because it was the only thing you were able to do. You couldn't move.
(But did you even want to?)  
All sound around you grew fuzzy. Blurred.  
Until there was nothing but silence.  
(Is it done now?)  
Finally, even your eyelids grew heavy.  
And all at once, there they were again. Their screeches. Their laughter. Their bloodthirsty wails of pure malice. Nearer. Far nearer than they ever were.  
And finally, they fell upon you with nothing but vicious hunger that seeped through the cracks of their decaying skin.  
(T- Tasukete...) 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LiNe BrEaK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Three and a half weeks. Twenty-four and a half days went by where Gojo had tried to find you, and he finally did. 
(He cursed the higher-ups the moment his brilliant, all-seeing eyes landed on you.)  
(And for once, he wished he didn’t see.) 
Thirty-five-thousand and two-hundred-eighty minutes where Nanami did nothing but worry. He didn't sleep. He couldn't eat. The only thing that he cared about was finding you. You were already gone for much longer than he had anticipated. Than anyone, really.  
Did something happen? Were you kidnapped? Were you hurt? Why didn't you call for back up? For him? Did you fight? Did you make it? Where were you? Why weren't you home yet?!  
You promised, (Y/N)! You fucking promised!  
(He stood frozen in place as Gojo tried to talk to him, stopping him from taking any further steps towards your body. But Nanami didn't listen. He couldn't. The voice of his long-time friend nothing more but some background noise.)  
The first thing that he took notice of was the soggy ground below him as he arrived by Gojo's side. Why was it wet? It didn't rain. The second thing he noticed was Gojo's rigid and pale face. Confused, Nanami let his eyes roam over the dark clearing, trying to make out anything that might have looked like you.  
"I though you said you foun-"  
It was when the wind picked up, softly, and the clouds above that concealed the night-sky made room for the rays of the moon to shine down upon them. It was when the stench of pure iron, burned flesh and scorched hair that creeped up his nose and overwhelmed his senses. It was when his eyes moved from bush to bush, from tree to tree and from branch to branch. It was when pieces of dark fabric glistened with the moon, hanging in shredded nothings beside what looked like to be-  
"Kento-" tried Gojo. 
It was when the moon had finally cleared Nanami from his confusion that it dawned on him.  
"There's- there's so much blood..." 
And you. A lot of you. Pieces of you. Broken. Burned. Ripped apart. Gaping holes that showed the unpleasant insides of your body.  
It was when the blood of the one he held dear to him the most seeped into his clothes, the moment he fell to his knees, that Nanami knew.  
You weren't coming home.  
Not this time.  
Not ever. 
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