#like its this or detransition at this point
chaoticmayocat · 1 year
I've finally bit the bullet and got a doctor's appointment up here to try and get an HRT prescription. I'm not backing down on it, even if someone tells me my health issues are a risk. I'm filing my name change over the summer. The world is not getting kinder. My transition will not get easier. There is no surrender if I want to stay honest about myself.
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bugbuoyx · 9 months
Arguing that TERFs don't hate men / trans men for being men just because they use men is ridiculous. Many many TERFs and other flavors of radfem (they're all bad) espouse that they hate men, want all men to die, etc.
To reiterate: they are using far-right men as a tool of oppression but they definitely don't like them besides as a tool. I have been to their blogs, I have seen them argue about it.
So yes, TERFs hate all trans people. "young autistic girls that need to be saved" only applies to folks pre-transition or theoreticals, once you start testosterone and enjoy it you are forever tainted unless you detransition and become another tool for them to use, until you step out of line that is.
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marklikely · 1 year
you dont realize just how much your period fucks you up until you stop having it for a year and then have to go back
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chainlinksunset · 1 year
theres so much abt me / some of the others thats like. lol the second any of us says shit online were getting dogpiled
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cyclocarbon · 4 months
i am so very sick of people bringing up trans men as some sort of rhetorical gotcha when talking about trans bathroom bans. ‘haha conservatives say they want to keep ‘men’ out of women’s bathrooms, but what about trans men then’ is not really a useful takedown by any means.
the transphobes pushing this legislation do not want trans men in women’s bathrooms or vice versa. they want trans & gender nonconforming people of all genders & presentations to feel unsafe in all public bathroom facilities.
and i keep seeing these talking points dredged up again and again. how transphobes supposedly do not know that there are trans people who look indistinguishable from cis people with or without hormone replacement therapy. how they are so silly for wanting to force passing trans people into bathrooms that do not correspond with their gender identity & presentation. how ridiculous it is that transphobes want people to carry their birth certificates just so they can prove their right to use a bathroom.
the fact that passing trans people & people with nonconforming gender presentations exist is perfectly congruent with the intent of transphobic bathroom bans. these bills are being pushed not just to humiliate people by subjecting them to cruelty, although that certainly is a part of it. the goal ultimately is to limit trans & GNC people’s access to public life.
access to public restrooms, showers & dressing rooms is essential to navigating public life. not being able to use the bathroom when needed can have significant detrimental effects on one’s health, physical or otherwise.
transphobes generally are well aware that some trans men look just like cis men. just as they are aware that some trans men & transmasculine people look gender nonconforming. they are not truly suggesting that these people should use the women’s bathroom. what they really want is for trans people to not use public bathrooms at all.
transphobes know that women’s restrooms are not safe for trans men. they are not safe for gender nonconforming people of all genders. that is why they want to make men’s bathrooms unsafe for trans & GNC people too: the goal is to make all options unsafe. this is and always has been about keeping people who do not conform to cisheteropatriarchal standards out of public life.
there is little need for another quip about how ‘illogical’ transphobes are for ‘wanting trans men in women’s bathrooms.’ transphobia does not operate by logical means in the first place. but even so, this position only seems illogical if you do not consider its actual intent. transphobes want trans people out of public life by any means: forced out of public spaces, forced to hide, forced into the closet, forced to detransition. understand & counter what they really mean.
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daybringersol · 4 months
thinking about how most cis people’s fear of detransition is pretty much just their fear of intersex bodies. like yea, whats the worse that could happen if this trans person transitions ? they regret it, detransition, and end up as a particularly hairy woman, or a man with tits, or something else ? maybe they become infertile ? that is not the end of the world in the slightest. loads of intersex people are born like that and live wonderful, fulfilling lifes. if detransitioning is the end of peoples lives, then intersex people never had a chance. and that is simply incorrect.
Of course, transition regret, like any regret, is real and valid, but what im saying is that your life isn’t over. the way transphobic people present it, as soon as you detransition, your life is ruined now and you must use what youve got left to prevent others from your terrible fate. its just not like that. you still have so much time ahead of you.
if y’all want a specific term to talk about this specific phenomenon, i’d propose altersexism, from the term altersex, but we’d have to be careful about keeping intersex folks in the conversation cuz they are the ones at the center of this.
edit: changed the wording of some stuff to make my point clearer, so don’t think the people in the comments were being obtuse, theyre why i changed it.
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genderkoolaid · 11 months
re: albert cashier i think its important to note that there were women soldiers who crossdressed, and then revealed themselves to be women and got paid a pension. its not like you were guaranteed to lose all benefits if people knew you were a woman- sarah emma edmonds, deborah sampson, and anna marie lane all got pensions as women; even albert himself was still payed his pension after he was outed and forced to detransition. so soldiers who crossdressed as men were not forced to choose between being openly a woman and getting paid for your service; you could very much get paid as long as you had people who would vouch that it was you who fought.
albert not only made the deliberate choice to continue living as his male identity, but he did so to the point of getting his pension later in life because he refused to have a physical exam. so you cannot claim that these soldiers would only live as men to keep their pensions. albert cashier showed that he would rather not get paid if it meant he would have to live as a woman. turns out most of the time cis women do prefer to be seen as women.
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normalhorsez · 9 months
its lesbian day ? coolio
hello. im rex, a butch nonbinary lesbian. ive been on T for three years. 5 months ago, due to fascist bullshit laws in the state of FL, i lost access to medical care relating to my transition. i ran out of hormones very recently. ive been unable to schedule appointments and similar ever since june. i am far from the only person being forcibly detransitioned by the state, since FL has the second highest trans population in the US point blank.
my family has been tryin to get the fuck out of here for multiple reasons. 1: so i can continue my medical transition in peace, and 2: so we can escape longterm abuse and live closer to family that isnt cartoonishly cruel to us literally every day. we had initially wanted to be out of here by august, but obviously, it did not shake out that way due to numerous circumstances (as well as the still ongoing abuse halting progress at one point completely)
i have a kofi here ive been using to save funds for a laptop better able to handle my workload, so i can work longer and faster w/o problems to help fund us getting out faster as well as regular expenses (food, medication, caring for my disabled mom). i have some bases for sale on there u can use for fun art stuff, if you want !
there is also the gfm my twin made directly funding escape related things.
ty for hearin me out. shits really hard right now and i feel massively like shit.
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trans-androgyne · 2 months
“Tme trans people have material privilege over tma ones” you’re just perpetuating transphobia at this point. It’s deeply not okay to say one type of transphobia is inherently worse than all other types. You cannot privilege experiences of transmisogyny over the exorsexism and transandrophobia faced by supposedly “tme” trans people. You are contributing to the transphobia other trans people face by refusing to recognize and address the unique violence and discrimination they experience.
Trans people afab have the highest rate of sexual assault of any gender category. We are the ones vulnerable to rape/forced pregnancy as a means of detransition. It’s literally a dark joke about our community how when we date cis people they so often abuse us into not physically transitioning because it’ll ruin our perceived womanly bodies. I’ve been forcibly off T for months when I would’ve been able to acquire E relatively easily. Being outside the binary comes with its own plethora of issues that aren’t faced by all transfems. The tme/tma binary frequently fails to take into account experiences of intersex and multigender trans folks, who are often very, very much not privileged compared to some perisex binary trans women. This isn’t a comprehensive explanation of what our communities go through in the slightest.
Because of how the transphobia we experience operates difficulty, groups like trans men & mascs do tend to have higher incomes than transfems (though the gap between us & cis people is wider than that between us & transfems) & have other privileges in certain areas. But we have worse outcomes in other measures—you can’t just pick & choose which stats you want to compare, or say that your suffering is objectively worse than the suffering of others, to make it seem like transfems have things worse as a blanket statement. We all have our own problems, & you are contributing to the invisibility & erasure of transmasc & non-binary issues by behaving like this.
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librarycards · 5 months
At the origin of trans medicalization lies what remains a fatal flaw: there was, and is, no way to objectively diagnose someone as trans, except if you accept that they want to transition. The problem of detransition is therefore a mythology, the accumulated effect of decades of storytelling to justify why doctors and psychiatrists had to reject trans people without being able to say it was because they aren’t objectively trans. Detransition, much like its cousin, medicalization, are mythologies that rationalize the intense social hatred of transition acted out by clinicians, dressing it up as sober caution.
Any pundit today can take up the vast field of out-of-date studies from this era, online misinformation, and the cultural shock value attached to changing sex to rationalize a call for limits on transition, but they will get no closer to legitimacy than the brutality of the gender clinic of the 1970s. They call for more guardrails, more caution, or more psychological assessment, not needing to know that what they really call for is the medical totalitarianism of yesteryear, barely blunted in recent reforms. For at the heart of the myth that transition is something that people can accidentally do despite how impossible it is to obtain in the real world is an uncomfortable truth. There is a form of social and political control implemented by medicine, a way to sever an unpopular minority from their own bodies and then sell back limited access to their bodies if they will submit to a set of trials to prove they can be good people, or at least made better. The people opposed to that kind of medicalization simply think that trans people enjoy no right to their bodies at all, under any circumstances.
If you want to debunk the politicization of detransition, by all means, seek out credible sources that do so. My point is more elementary. I ask you this, New York Times reader: if, tomorrow, your ability to make decisions about your own body were taken away from you, and the only way to get it back was to submit to the process that trans people go through to transition, would you agree to those terms? If you would not, then why are you okay with it happening to us?
Jules Gill-Peterson, Detransition is a Mythology
[emphasis mine]
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beatrixstonehill2 · 9 days
"I'm so in love with how my transition is going, shame it won't last but it's been fun while it lasted. My mom was really supportive of me transitioning through junior high but by the end of high school she met a new guy who's super transphobic and he showed my mom tons of videos convincing her I'm just a sissy who's extremely perverted and that this is only a kink. I'm twenty now and my transition has been pretty much perfect, my breasts are growing so fast! My mom and step-dad are super grossed out by my big tits, so much so that they made me get a reduction once already when I turned nineteen. I was a DD and went down to an A-Cup. I'm already back up to an E-cup! I'm def one of those trans girls who was meant to grow a set of massive MM-Cup boobs, maybe bigger! It's so mouthwatering to think about, having breasts that huge to show off for all the guys at the club. I can only imagine the kind of attention I'd get jogging with a set of boobs like that stuffed in a sports bra, spilling out. My ass would be sooo sore and leaking cum down my leg every day I get home....
But alas, my mom and step-dad are making me get my breasts reduced once again tomorrow! So, I'll be flat chested once more.... And this time I don't think I'll be growing them back any time soon! You should've seen how much they were celebrating when Georgia passed its new detrans laws. My heart sank but the sheer embarrassment and them teasing me/gloating about it made my cock so hard I had to run into my room, slam the door, and jerk off like four times in a row from how turned on the whole thing made me. Soooo as of this coming month all trans people under 25 will have to forcibly detransition, effective immediately. All trans guys will be given fertility drugs, breast growth drugs, or huge expander implants if they had top surgery. They'll be reeducated to be hyper feminine and forced to stay pregnant, like most cis girls in our state now after they come of age.
All trans girls like yours truly will be put through a brutal masculinization process. I think we're being sent to a sort of bootcamp where we'll be pumped with testosterone and dick growth pills, forced to watch all kinds of violent porn until our cocks are trained to find it arousing, then we'll be trained to fuck girls and show no mercy--that was the Governor's phrasing, anyway! And of course our boobs will be chopped off asap, so I'm going down to an A-cup tomorrow, then my tiny A-Cups will be removed the rest of the way next month. Soooo cruel but that's the point I guess, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't massively turning me on just thinking about it. Shame, if my mom didn't meet this guy we'd probably be moving to a trans-positive state and I'd get to have MM-Cup udders, a big fat ass for guys to fuck, and become the perfect sorority slut. Oh well, guess being a big muscular hairy dude with a huge cock won't be all bad...... I'll get to fuck all the cute girls I want, and all the detrans girls as they're reintroduced to being dumb, big-titted breeders, they'll get my big greedy cock as part of their warm new Georgia welcome.... Honestly, I'm kinda glad mom met this guy. I think detransing and becoming a boy will be the best thing that ever happened to me!
Although I am a bit worried.... I'm def gonna get buff and masculine at bootcamp, but my mom and step-dad have been teasing my for years that when--not if--I come to my senses and detransition they're gonna have so much fun making me a big fat incel gooner..... Mom constantly talked about it even when we were out in public. If somebody complimented me and called me beautiful, mom would tell them I'm really a boy and one day I'll stop playing dress up and get really fat and jerk off all day. "Mark my words!" She assured them all. Sooo..... there's a slight chance I might become a muscular stud when I'm staying at this detrans bootcamp place, but when I get home, I think mom is gonna make me get get fat, I guess her and my step-dad need someone to tease! So, how about it guys? Are you excited to see me in a couple years sitting around at home jerking off to porn all day as mom brings me piles of fast food? How fat do think I'll get? 300lbs? 400lbs? ..... 500lbs? So fat I can hardly get up? I bet mom and her boy-toy would love to see me get that big. My cock is getting so hard thinking about it.... mmmm..... just picture it, my huge round hairy gut, my moobs bigger than my breasts ever got to be, my face with a triple chin covered in stubble...... Screw being a beautiful girl with big tits, I think I'm finally picturing my true dream body. ❤️"
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purplenidoqueen · 4 months
not to mention tme/tma is no fucking gender binary, the groups “transfems” and “non transfems; cis men, cis women, trans men, some nonbinary people, etc” is not a binary at all. if you don’t know what the terms mean or aren’t experienced with transfeminism, that’s fine, but don’t act like i hate men because you misunderstood my feminism.
The reblog that garnered these messages can be found here, and part one is here. Sorry if the tone was too sharp; I'm not super comfy playing defense for those who aren't here to defend themselves, but I'm sure as heck willing to do my best. I'd explained at the end of the post that garnered these responses that I am also a trans woman, but I don't mind that you missed it; I just feel that said experience is something to keep in mind.
Since this was split into two messages I'll have to respond in two parts, so bear with me. While I don't have much of an audience, it's important to me to head this off, so I'd appreciate it if anyone who reads this and agrees with my stances here also walks away with the message of patience and solidarity, and doesn't send messages her way for whatever reason. This isn't a callout and I don't believe in callouts; this is just how the inbox function works.
Anyway! Second:
"If you don't know what the terms mean"… I understand that some find comfort in the terms, but "transmisogyny exempt" and "transmisogyny affected" are years old and have gone through a number of phases. While they were well-intentioned at first, TMA and TME swiftly changed from inclusive terms to exclusive ones, used not only by trans women to exclude others from our struggle, but by others to exclude us from their own struggles. In many ways they are bullshit terms adopted and adapted by terfs and their allies, and when I say they are used to reinforce the gender binary, I mean it. They've been used at length to pit trans men, trans mascs, and AFAB nonbinary folk against us in an attempt to make detransition look more practical.
As for whether TMA/TME has any weight: Do you understand how many cis women have been hurt by transmisogyny? You can find stories about women ranging from Michelle Obama and Lady Gaga to Marie MacGowan, an eighty-six-year-old Irish cis woman with dementia who was assaulted and beaten by a transphobe for over forty minutes straight. Even men and mascs, cis or trans, can be hit by forms of transmisogyny if they don't meet the standards of masculinity to which society holds them! Trans men are routinely mistaken to be trans women and attacked by people who misunderstand the situation because only trans women have the spotlight in this patriarchal society! That's not to mention the complexities of growing up intersex, whether or not their lives were changed without their consent by "corrective" surgeries as infants. The binary of "affected" or "exempt" is too tidy to have much use. Fear-based hatred is too complicated.
Transmisogyny is a form of transphobia, which is at its root a form of homophobia, and we have to understand that segregating each other's experiences into exclusionary groups rather than inclusive ones is incredibly unproductive -- and exactly what the terfs, traditionalists, and other fascists are trying to enforce.
On the subject of transphobia as a whole vs transmisogyny, I was trying not to bring this up, but it's the only way I can think of to boil down my point in a way that matters. This is the post that convinced me to respond, in the hopes of sharing some thoughts and perspective.
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Okay. This is important for one main reason: Why do you think it would be bizarre or noteworthy for trans men to react negatively to this tweet? I get the point of it, but it's phrased so poorly. Surely you can understand -- maybe you've experienced for yourself -- the feeling that arises when you try to live your happiest life as your chosen gender, only for terfs and their allies to say "You only feel like a X because you're a failed Y." Where does that stem from? Where does it lead? "Trans women are just men who are super gay." "Trans men are just women trying to climb the patriarchal ladder." It's disgusting! Maybe that's not a perspective that occurred to you in the moment, but that's why queer folk from all corners of the community should communicate our experiences to each other, isn't it? If your feminism includes seeing trans men "react bizarrely" to something you didn't understand, and giving them the squinty eyes instead of asking why, then it can't truly be feminism, because it can't truly be about equality.
This whole TME/TMA thing reminds me of the transmedicalist discourse, or of a decade ago when in some circles you weren't considered trans enough and "made the rest of us look bad" if you couldn't, or didn't care to, pass. Butch transfems, a cornerstone of the culture, used to get run out of social groups for being "fake women". It's all about finding the weakest link and cutting them out, over and over until the solidarity of a cohesive queer community becomes a more manageable series of dogpiles against smaller and smaller fragments of GSR minorities. Fuck that. None of us is worth sacrificing, not ace nor kinky nor enby nor queer.
It's been a long pair of long responses. Sorry for the wait, and for the attention. In any case, to boil my thoughts down in the least productive way possible:
"Individually we are weak like a single twig, but as a bundle we form a mighty faggot!"
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soft-dollie · 18 days
vent post!
ive been having a really hard time lately with having the desire to detransition, even though i know im trans. i am a guy and im very comfortable with that, but ever since coming out and starting my (social) transition, i’ve lost friends and family members. its really lonely. i have a high tolerance for being alone, so im not always sad about it, but my younger brother has been having a lot of parties lately and hanging out with his friends, and i guess im jealous.
it sounds kind of lame to be jealous of my younger brother, but i am. he’s cis, and i feel like high school has been so much easier for him because of that. i’m absolutely glad he hasn’t been bullied, i never want that for him! but i can’t help but feel slightly bitter and jealous? although im not always upset about it, it flares up when he has these big parties.
i know i’m trans, i know im a guy, but i do always wish i was cis - female or male, i don’t care - just cis. being trans isn’t something i’m proud of, and although i hope i get there at some point, it’s been really hard trying to navigate high school. i don’t understand how to interact with boys the way that cis boys do, and even though i don’t HAVE to do that, the boys at my school aren’t accepting or very supportive of trans people. so i either have to act like a girl and be miserable, or awkwardly stumble around trying to “act like a cis guy”.
being trans feels like a performance a lot of the time, like i have to put on this weird mask and act like something i don’t understand. it doesn’t help that im autistic either.
logistically i know i would NOT be happier if i detransitioned, but the loneliness gets to me sometimes and i get that compulsion.
i’m not sure if this makes sense 😓, it’s kind of late and i’m having a hard time sorting through everything going on in my life right not.
long story short - high school sucks.
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crossdreamers · 2 months
No, transgender kids are not trans because of "social contagion"
The journalist Michael Hobbs writes over at X-twitter, referring to an article in Canada's National Post. He has also tweeted some other interesting arguments we are republishing here. They are relevant to the discussion about the British Cass-report, which has already done tremendous damage to British transgender kids.
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[Refers to tween on how "social contagion" could be driving youth to identify as transgender]
Not only is this implausible on its face, but we have no evidence that it's the case and mountainous evidence that it's not. Years of this panic have not produced a single confirmed case of a minor being rushed into transition. Outlets like the Post focus on the narrow question of "social contagion" because it is plausible, but it's also irrelevant. Who cares if kids think they're trans for two weeks? But if trans kids growing up into happy, healthy trans adults is a *bad outcome*, it’s best to brush surveys of 20,000 people indicating high satisfaction and low regret under the carpet, surely?
Link to tweet.
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From an associated thread:
This is Polite Transphobe position on gender-affirming care: We should ignore dozens of large-scale surveys, comprehensive clinic audits and observational studies showing low regret rates. Instead, we should listen to *hypothetical* data showing high regret rates.
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Link to tweet.
"We have no idea what happens to them in adulthood" is straightforwardly false. We have numerous clinic-based studies with up to 6 years of follow up. We have surveys of 20,000 adult trans people. They unanimously indicate high satisfaction and low regret. When all of the data points in the same direction you can't just nitpick the methodology, you have to make an affirmative case for ignoring an entire body of research in favor of a hunch. You've had decades to produce evidence and you're still going, "Just you wait!"... The entire trans panic is based on the allegation that large numbers of children are being rushed into irreversible treatments without assessment. The Cass Report, like *all other research on this topic,* finds that's straightforwardly false....
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Link to tweet.
The Cass Report includes a comprehensive audit of every patient seen by the UK gender clinic from 2018 - 2020 but transphobes are demanding more data because it didn't find what they want. We've been doing this for years. Study after study finds long wait times, comprehensive assessments and regret rates below 5%. And every time, transphobes assure us that the *next* batch of data will reveal rushed transitions and thousands of detransitioners. Right now there is simply no evidence that large numbers of kids are being rushed into transitioning without assessment. Your entire case can't be "we don't know everything!" We don't, but we do know a lot and it consistently indicates that this is not a major problem. Yet another comprehensive gender clinic audit finds miniscule regret/detransition rate. How many of these do we need before this asinine panic stops? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38436975/
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See also:
Dr. Cass Backpedals From Review: HRT, Blockers Should Be Made Available
Q&A with Cass published by TheKiteTrust
When your transgender brain is fully formed (on the Cass-report)
On why the Cass Review is heteronormative and anti-transgender
The absurdities of the British Cass-report on transgender health care
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By: Eliza Mondegreen
Published: Dec 3, 2023
A recent New York Times op-ed entitled “There is no way to live a life without regret” meditates on youth gender transition, regret and how we know who we are (I’ll save you a few thousand words: we don’t). 
As far as op-eds go, it’s poorly argued and far too long. But as an example of its genre —a genre we could call ‘Desperately Throwing Spaghetti at the Wall’ — it’s unbeatable. 
“[L]iberals and progressives who fret about the rapidly changing gender landscape,” according to author Lydia Polgreen, are too worked up about the possibility that children and adolescents may later regret the decision to transition. Rather than address their actual concerns, however, Polgreen gives readers a rambling tour of misdirections: gender is like race, somehow, and also like an arranged marriage. Further, life is full of “transitions” that are like “little deaths,” all leading up to the biggest “transition” of all: the big sleep. 
Some teenagers get nose jobs and boob jobs, so why should gender transition surgery be viewed as any different? “Cosmetic procedures can produce regret, sometimes famously so,” the author writes. Never mind that few of youth gender transitions’ critics champion cosmetic surgery for teens. The point is, “gender-affirming” care has not been billed to regulators, consumers, and the public as cosmetic, but held up as life-saving procedures, covered under many public and private health insurance plans, and carried out in the name of medicine as a treatment for distress. The stakes matter. 
But what is a life without regret? This is a talking point that started circulating relatively recently, in response to mounting evidence of regret and detransition, and concerns that social influence may be driving the explosion in gender-distressed youth — the way just about everybody acknowledges that social influence drives the recent surge in TikTok tics or multiple personalities. So what if it’s a social contagion? “What is gender if not contagious?” Polgreen asks. 
Because few young people who embarked on transition as children have spoken up, the author first dismisses their experiences as rare and overhyped (“a handful of such people have appeared over and over again in news stories across the world”) before writing them off altogether a few paragraphs later (“when the media fixates on the hypothetical regret of children who do transition…”). 
Besides, maybe deciding to transition as a child is like quitting the swim team: “so what are we saying, really, when we worry that a child will regret this particular decision, the decision to transition? And how is it different, really, from the decision I made to quit competitive swimming?” 
Of course, a child who quits competitive swimming merely forecloses a competitive swimming career. One needn’t give up the ocean or the pool whereas children who undergo puberty suppression, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries foreclose more than one possible future. Fertility, sexual pleasure, the possibility of growing up and becoming comfortable in one’s own intact body, to name a few.
We have no idea what childish decisions like these will mean 50 years down the road. And again: Polgreen has pulled the conversation off-course to avoid the inconvenient topic of medical responsibility. The decision to quit swimming is not a medical decision, cosigned by medical authorities. Youth gender transition is. 
The author goes on to make a number of bizarre analogies in this 4,500-word slog. But she never touches the real arguments that she pretends to counter: that children are not just small adults, that the medical system needs to be accountable for the power it exercises, and that children who struggle with gender distress need real support, not empty meditations on identity, autonomy, and the ubiquity of regret.
Polgreen misdirects and obfuscates in a half-dozen creative ways, then reifies her misdirections. She misses the point — on purpose — and then wonders why so many people care so much about this issue.
We're into the "...and that's a good thing" phase. Where the thing that they were denying was happening at all actually is, but it's a good thing. Teaching (using) CRT, cancel culture, ROGD, juvenile surgeries, and now detransition and regret.
This is just more gaslighting. Before it was, "nobody's doing that, you're being crazy for worrying about something that's not happening." Now it's, "well, that's completely normal, you're being crazy for worrying about something that happens all the time."
Pay attention to who was endorsing, facilitating and cheering this on. Eventually they will be trying to convince you that they never did.
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zinniajones · 1 year
Hey, super sorry for bringing this type of thing to your tumblr but your current living situation (being in Florida and being trans) are reflective of what could potentially happen to me and you're the only person I know of who could possibly help. I'm currently in a long distance relationship with my gf who's in Orlando and we're getting to a point where we were considering moving in together until Florida started all of the bullshit it's currently doing. Her moving from Florida doesn't seem...possible at all if I'm being real while I work remotely and have much more flexibility. I literally haven't even started my transition medically yet but I'm weeks away from starting. Is there any way that I could move to Orlando despite all the bullshit happening and find care there or continue my care? Is it really as lost as it seems for now? I really really love my gf but as a previous Florida resident who swore I'd never touch the state again when I left BEFORE this bs the thought of moving back has me feeling like my only choices while being there would be to be closeted for my own safety. Again, sorry for bringing this topic to you but I'm in a really bad spot right now and don't know what to do...
Absolutely not. Do not come here, if you are trans and you are in Florida, leave. SB 254 was signed into law yesterday with immediate effect. Trans adults throughout the state are already having their HRT prescriptions denied at pharmacies because the prescription was from an NP, which SB 254 newly prohibits for gender-affirming care only, requiring an MD or DO to prescribe. At least 80% of trans people on HRT in Florida get it through an NP and this has been the case for recorded history up until now.
Again, in Florida, today, trans adults on long-term testosterone or estradiol prescriptions are now unable to get those prescriptions refilled and have practically no means now of accessing that medication due to the onerous regulations. This is the state of Florida forcibly detransitioning its residents of all ages. This is not just a trans youth care ban. Any trans person who needs healthcare in Florida is not safe. Do not come here.
Do not come to Florida.
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