#mbd gift exchange 2022
ilovedthestars · 6 months
✨ Fic Writing Review 2023 ✨
I was tagged by @dendrochilums and @blessphemy !
Words and Fics On AO3
29,868 words, of which 27,560 were actually fic (excluding meta and fanart image descriptions)
12 fanworks, of which 8 were new fics, 2 were fanart, 1 was meta, and 1 was a new chapter to a previously existing fic.
All for Murderbot, except for Things in the Shadows, my Witch King fanfic (and first foray into non-murderbot fic!)
My lifetime AO3 wordcount (since spring 2022) is 55,365
My lifetime actual written wordcount of Murderbot fanfic is somewhere on the order of 250,000 (give or take some duplicate drafts that are getting counted twice in scrivener)
Top Fics by Kudos
My actual top fics by kudos are mostly from 2022
Of the ones published/updated this year, An Unexpected Quarter wins. This is the one that I originally published in 2022 and updated with a surprise second chapter in 2023, so I think the age bias for kudos is still showing
The highest fic originally published in 2023 is Operation Parsec, which is 10th on the overall list. It's also the literal first fic I posted that year, as it was written for the New Years gift exchange. Yeah, I think my kudos rankings are almost entirely based on age
Fics and Fanart on Tumblr
By my count I made 12 fanart posts in my #stars art tag! This includes Many-Colored Strings and Ghosts of the Pressy, the two fanart pieces that I posted to AO3. (Ghosts of the Pressy is technically from 2022, but I didn't share it outside of discord until 2023)
Because I didn't have a tumblr until this year, I decided to go back through my list of ao3 works and post links to them under my #stars ao3 reruns tag
I posted snips from nine unpublished Murderbot fic wips for the Trick or Treat ask game (which are all linked in this post)
And had fun with lots of other ask games, tag games, and rambling about my wips in general! More can be found in #stars fic, #stars wips and #stars ocs
Fandom Fic Events 2023
Last year's Murderbot Diaries New Years Gift exchange ( @mbd-gift-exchange ), for which I wrote Operation Parsec for Lillow and received this gorgeous artwork from @acornwizard!!
The Aspec Murderbot Diaries event, for which I created Many-Colored Strings based on a prompt about platonic soulmate AUs
The Murderbot discord's AUpril event, for which I created several snips and small artworks that were shared only on discord
And several other less formal events/collaborations on discord, like the fictional art exhibition in the future of the MBD universe (i should get around to archiving the snips i wrote for this, I don't think I ever posted them, but I did help organize the ao3 collection)
Upcoming 2024
My gift project for this year's New Years gift exchange!
At least a dozen wips I'd like to get finished, and have no idea when or which order that will happen in, but among my top priorities:
The final 3-ish chapters of Old Unit, Young Unit
Several follow-ups to Salvage or Repair, ft. Yuma and Crowbar, particularly an immediate follow-up fic and a spinoff fic featuring two new OCs with an angsty past
Various other Polaris things that I can share after I finish OU,YU, including Niri POVs, some past & future spinoffs, and OldUnit's official company file
maybe that "Murderbot has a cat" fic that I already wrote most of but have been wanting to polish up for months now?
A revisit to my semi-abandoned Three time travel fix-it where One and Two live, perhaps? I'm low on energy but SC did give me some new ideas...
This was very fun, thanks for the tag! Rules copied below, I added some new categories but the main ones seem to be Words and Fics, Top Fics by Kudos, Fandom Events, and Upcoming 2024.
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass, just keep on scrolling.
I'll tag @specialagentartemis, @every-eye-evermore, @all-all0s-eyes, and anyone else who's interested!
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worldsentwined · 2 years
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I posted 231 times in 2022
55 posts created (24%)
176 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 231 of my posts in 2022
#my art - 39 posts
#the queen's thief - 24 posts
#dnd - 23 posts
#the murderbot diaries - 21 posts
#dungeons and dragons - 20 posts
#queen's thief - 20 posts
#poetry - 19 posts
#silly things - 16 posts
#oh i love this - 15 posts
#murderbot - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#because at this point i've sort of forgotten who's into what and also half of my brain is at all times consumed with my original characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Not quite midnight here, but since the AO3 collection is live, here is my gift for @vaysh11 in the @mbd-gift-exchange! True story, I haven’t actually watched the Mandalorian but the idea of Murderbot and the Mandalorian encountering each other in a bar in space was such a good mental image that I had to draw it. I hope you like it! You can also find it on AO3. (Bonus: a ficlet describing Murderbot’s reaction to this heavily armored stranger, as seen in a conversation with everyone’s favorite research vessel. Read it on AO3 or under the cut!)
<opening secure feed channel>
SecUnit? Is everything okay?
I'm not sure. Running a risk assessment now.
Do I need to deploy the-
For fuck's sake, ART, do NOT deploy the Pathfinders. This guy just has a lot of weapons, that's all
Just weapons?
And armor
What kind of armor?
<file sent: ArmorGuy.img>
That's a Mandalorian warrior. Culturally significant armor style, beskar steel. I can send you an info packet if you want
<file sent: Mandalore_culture.file>
<file sent: Mandalore_history.file>
<file sent: Mandalore_religion.file>
Sure, ART, go ahead and send it, not like I have anything better to do than read
You don't have to be sarcastic, I'm just trying to help
You can help by telling me if I need to worry about him going after my humans
Our crew, you mean?
Yes, our crew
Unlikely. Has he shown any interest in them?
No. I just...he has a LOT of weapons
And armor, don't forget the armor
Yes, thanks, I'm very aware of the armor
Do I detect a note of jealousy?
Fuck off, ART
<secure feed channel closed>
62 notes - Posted December 31, 2021
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Wanted a new phone wallpaper (that would fit my new, awkwardly large phone) so I played around and doodled on top of a pretty texture my friend @audreycritter made.
92 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
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New @mayakern skirt arrived today! I love how the pockets are green inside, it's such a fun detail. (Also, many many thanks to Devin for exchanging my order for the next size up after I bought a different skirt in the recent sale and realized I'd prefer a larger size, this one fits perfectly!)
124 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
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Immakuk and Ennikar they anointed each other with the oil of the gods made only for the gods
So a few weeks ago @shaelit asked if anyone had drawn that scene, and then the request got shared in the QT discord server and I was bullied into drawing it lovingly reminded that I have the ability to draw. Anyway, it was high time I did some art from these myths, the Immakuk and Ennikar stories are my favorite in the series and this one is a particular favorite.
124 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
This has probably been said before on the posts about leaving comments on fics you like (especially when you get the "already left kudos here" banner) but it just occurred to me that the easiest comment to leave when you have already left kudos is "I liked this fic so much I read it twice".
223 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pileofsith · 2 years
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The Murderbot Diaries - Downtime
I thought it’d be great to see the PresAux team engage in some quality time with Murderbot, watching its favourite show, of course. Dr Mensah did say she enjoyed it, and Ratthi already watches it enough to know the plot intricacies, so why wouldn’t Amena join in, too?
I wish all the best in 2022 to my giftee, @lillow!
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non-plutonian-druid · 2 years
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I didn’t sign up to participate in the MBD New Year’s gift exchange but!! I still wanted to contribute to the treats! I filled out four prompts; this first one is for Pin-Lee and Murderbot. I just drew them hanging out haha. Pin-Lee is probably complaining about the Corporation Rim
[ID: A simple digital illustration of SecUnit and Pin-Lee from The Murderbot Diaries from the knee up. Pin-Lee is walking, gesturing with her hands and scowling. In one hand she has a purple future sci-fi drink. Next to her, SecUnit is standing with its hands in its pockets, largely expressionless though it has one eyebrow quirked. SecUnit is wearing an oversized blue hoodie and gray sweatpants. Pin-Lee is wearing a black blazer and slacks, and a yellow turtleneck. They are surrounded by a handful of SecUnit’s drones. End ID.]
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Murderbot Sitting Normally
For Isilee from the MBD Discord <3
This is my gift for the Murderbot Gift Exchange! The prompt was “Art of MB sitting in a truly ridiculous way, completely blank-faced.” and boy did I have fun. 
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[Image IDs:
1: Ratthi is sitting sprawled in a high-backed armchair, leaning on one arm with out foot up on the other. He’s wearing cuffed jeans, a button-up shirt, a sweater, and is holding up some in-progress knitting on a needle. Murderbot is sitting cross-legged on the top of the chair, its chin in its hand, looking down at the knitting. There are drones flying around them, Ratthi is looking at one as he talks, the other is pointed at the knitting.
2. Murderbot is laying on the floor, its arms by its sides, with its legs propped up on a wall. It looks mildly annoyed. Mensah is standing near its head, bending over it with her arms crossed. She’s looking slightly to the side, at one of Murderbot’s drones, with a wry smile. 
3. A depiction from the bathroom scene in Network Effect. Ratthi is leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed. His head is tilted slightly, and he’s looking down at the floor with a slightly worried expression. Amena is sitting on the bathroom counter, looking worried, and looking at Murderbot who is on her right. Both Ratthi and Amena are wearing Preservation Survey uniform, and Amena is wearing a sleeveless jacket that has been noticeably patched. Murderbot is sitting next to her, with its knees pressed up to its chest with its arms wrapped around them. Its head is nestled in its arms so that its face is half-concealed. It looks annoyed, and is glaring off to the right, away from the others. 
4. Arada is sitting at a table, her head resting on one hand. She’s talking to a drone hovering on her left. Murderbot is on her right, not facing her. Its sitting backwards on a chair with its legs over the back, and is leaning on the edge of the table. Its looking down and backwards, and is smiling slightly. 
5. Murderbot is laying in a chair, its back on the seat and its legs up against the back. Its head is hanging off the front of the chair seat, and it has its arms crossed. It looks unimpressed. 
end IDs]
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jellyfishcuddles · 2 years
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For @pileofsith
For the 2022 Murderbot Diaries Gift Exchange!
[ID: A stylised drawing of Ratthi and Murderbot in a warm, bright room on Preservation. They sit in comfortable chairs facing away from each other. Ratthi is gesturing excitedly as he talks to a drone. Murderbot is relaxed and curled up on the other chair with a small smile, one leg over the arm of its chair. There are seven drones in the room, most of which are focused on Ratthi, one of which is hiding under Murderbot's chair. /end ID]
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artbyifer · 2 years
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My piece for the Murderbot Gift Exchange. My giftee requested
"I'd love to see a fic where Murderbot and ART hang out and enjoy themselves, maybe they watch media or solve some kind of mystery. I'd also love to read about other bot's reactions to Murderbot sailing through their lives and what they think of it. I'd also love a fic about Miki the petbot, in an AU where Miki is okay. I'd want Miki to reunite with Murderbot and maybe even ART?"
@mbd-gift-exchange @strawberriesandtophats
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groovyleviathan · 2 years
Happy new year, @pineapplesquid !!! Completely forgot to post this anywhere, but heres a lil thing I made based on their fic, which if you haven't read it, is fantastic and made me feel an unexpected amount of emotions for something with such a cracky premise :')
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[Image ID: A digital painting done in lineart and flat colours, of Murderbot sitting atop the back of a cosy looking chair in a dim room painted dark purple, facing the viewer and looking above at a view screen mounted on the wall, of which the bottom is visible in the drawing. It's hands are loosely clasped in its lap, and it wears a blue hoodie over a black floor-length skirt with a golden shimmer, and pink socks with white snowflakes over very strange-looking feet. It looks peaceful and is smiling slightly. One of ART'd drones sits on a bean bag nearby, watching the same thing. There are photos in picture frames behind them, of MB out with Ratthi and Amena, MB and Mensah looking directly at the camera with a suspicious look and a raised eyebrow respectively, some of the PresAux team on the planet we meet them on, and Rami, Maro and Tapan huddled together, grinning. A blue door with ART's logo is visible barely in frame. \END ID]
I had so much fun with the MBD server gift exchange, all my love to everyone who made it as wonderful as it was <3
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genderfluid-envy · 2 years
Here's my Murderbot Secret Santa entry for @cmdrburton! I hope you like it and Happy New Year!!
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mbd-gift-exchange · 3 years
MBD Gift Exchange 2022 - Treats
We've gone through all submitted gift requests and gathered them together! Here you can find a list of prompts and topics from all participants who agreed to have their requests published anonymously. To ensure the anonymous-part, we summarised and merged prompts that were similar/the same. Anyone who wishes can participate in creating treats - you do not need to be signed up as a regular participant to create. A link to the prompts and further explanation follows in a reblog!
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writingwitheli · 2 years
We'll Save Each Other
Murderbot is only on episode five of Fortune in Quarter Moons, but it sure is full of plotholes and more drama than character realism. Murderbot loves it so far.
---- Part of the 2022 Murderbot Diaries New Year's Gift Exchange. This gift is for Ōmukade. :)
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the-lincyclopedia · 2 years
My entry into the Murderbot fandom! (Don’t worry, Check Please fans; the Check Please fandom is still my full-time home and the Murderbot fandom is like a nearby vacation destination I’m hoping to visit again soonish.) I wrote this for @mbd-gift-exchange, a New Year’s event that basically is what it sounds like. 
Summary:  After Murderbot saves Preservation Station (yet again), Indah decides it’s finally time to apologize. As usual, weapons are a pretty good bribe when it comes to Murderbot. 
Note: this fic contains spoilers for Fugitive Telemetry. 
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non-plutonian-druid · 2 years
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Third treat I made for the MBD gift exchange! This prompt was for Murderbot in soft, flowy clothes. I hope these fit the bill! Idk if SecUnits can get cold, but what is fanart for if not creative liberties lol
[ID: three fully colored, loose illustrations of SecUnit in various outfits. In the first it is wearing a flowy white tank top and green shorts under a sheer, drapey cardigan. It is testing its ability to engage the energy weapons in its arms while wearing the cardigan. In the second it is huddled in a brown jacket and gray sweatpants under a blue blanket shawl and a black-and-white checkered shawl. It looks cold, and annoyed about being cold. In the last, it is wearing a gray Sanctuary Moon t shirt tucked into a floor-length casual skirt printed with purple splotches and flowers. End ID.]
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mbd-gift-exchange · 2 years
Exchange Gift for @genderfluid-envy
Mutual Aid by apocalypses
Two moments from an unconventional friendship.
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non-plutonian-druid · 2 years
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More treats for the MBD gift exchange! This one is for the prompt Murderbot and (human) ART cuddling. I promise all of these are different from my other compilation post of murderbot and ART cuddling haha.
[ID: Six loosely shaded sketches of ART as a human and SecUnit cuddling. From the top down, left to right: SecUnit and ART are crosslegged and watching media, with ART watching through its fingers as it covers its face with its hands; SecUnit is laying on the floor watching media and ART is lying on top of it; SecUnit is standing, bracing itself against ART who is grinning and leaning on it; ART is hugging SecUnit while both of them smile; SecUnit and ART lay next to each other watching media; and finally ART sleeps with its head on SecUnit’s chest, who is sleeping too. End ID.]
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non-plutonian-druid · 2 years
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the final one, which i might actually post first so that its not the first thing people see? I guess thats for you to know and for me to find out. Anyway, this is the last and fanciest piece i did for the treats for the MBD gift exchange! the prompt was human ART in a constellation-themed ball gown. I guess this is more space-themed than constellation-themed, but nevertheless I hope you all enjoy!
(PS: click on it; it looks better at a bigger size)
[ID: a loosely colored illustration of human ART in a dark blue ball gown. It has its hands on its hips and is grinning widely. Its dreads are pinned up and elaborately styled, and studded with silver jewelry. The gown has one shoulder and a long train, and tiny stars dot the skirt and the bust of the dress. It is also wearing sheer gloves speckled with more stars. When clicked on, or when viewed with a dark theme, stars sweeping the background are visible. End ID.]
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