#mcl ng headcanon
madeby-meru · 18 days
new headcanon: candy finds out jason actually knows a shit ton about law (specially anything money or business related, duh) and he takes it very seriously, so she starts coming up with increasingly more creative, complex and utterly stupid "plans" to commit tax evasion, fraud, and money laundering, just to watch him go on an hour long rant every time on how she would get caught and how much prison time she would serve
now every time she walks into his office he starts sweating and instinctively reaches for his law books
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mysilaan · 4 months
Can you do some Jason’s headcanons? Thank you! ❤️
As this ask didn't specified any type of headcanon I allowed myself to answer to it with a little fic @rey-mi requested of Jason and her oc Ayamura! (we baptized this ship Jamura 😎😎)
Hope you like it friend!! 🌼
Jason x Ayamura
It was the first event Ayamura was attending in the city since she arrived in Amoris, and on top of that, it was a fashion event at one of her favorite shops.  She spent almost two hours in her bathroom having her makeup done and putting on one of her nicest pink dresses—without forgetting her fur jacket of course. Every occasion was a good one for Ayamura to be well-dressed, and she lived by this principle every day—even when there was objectively no need to do so. Checking herself in the mirror, she hummed her favorite song while putting on her perfume happily, and got out of her room. “Daichi, I’m ready!” She entered the living room brutally, startling her bodyguard. She twirled so that she could show all the aspects of her outfit to Daichi. “What do you think?” she asked, self-assured, knowing damn well what his answer would be. “You look perfect, Miss Shimizu, as always.” he was being honest. Ayamura grinned proudly at him, causing the poor man to blush a little, then slipped on her shoes and grabbed her purse. “We’re ready to go!” she screamed enthusiastically. The whole ride was spent with Ayamura almost screaming over her 2000s hits playlist. Thankfully for her, her bodyguard was used to that, he safely and professionally pulled his car into the crowded parking lot of the shop.  Many well dressed people were heading in the building: they were at the right place.  Daichi walking behind her, Ayamura blended in perfectly, she was born for these kinds of events, her prestigious background couldn’t be doubted. Once inside, her eyes sparkled at the sight of all these beautiful and luxurious clothes. Her father restricted her savings but she could afford to buy a dress… right? A waiter with a tray full of champagne flutes proposed one to Ayamura that she didn’t refuse. The brightest lights in the building dimmed, signaling to everyone that the show was about to begin. Excitedly, Ayamura made her way closer to the center of the room, eager to see the runway for herself. She wasn't disappointed by the spectacle that unfolded before her and even took many pictures of the clothes she wanted to get for herself, but also to post on her social media. As she was scrolling through her photo gallery, someone patted her shoulder, she startled, almost letting her phone fall down.  The person she faced when she turned around was the last one she expected to see.
“Good evening, kitten.” “Jason?!” she almost screamed in surprise. “How good to see you here, Ayamura.” “I don’t know if I can say the same… Why are you always where I am?” she teased. “I don’t know… Maybe you’re obsessed.” She let out a sarcastic laugh, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment. “I am sorry to warn you that I am not a woman of your level, Mister Mendal.” she said, a hand nonchalantly resting on her hip while the other held her flute to her lips. “Oh my… You’re going to make me cry.” he answered. “But seriously, what is my boss doing here?” Jason smiled: pride lighting his face. “I organized this event, you see.” Ayamura almost choked on her champagne. “What?! You’re making business with Channel?!” “Of course I am.” Jason replied like it was the most common thing. “Hm… Maybe you’re not that incompetent.”  Jason smirked, and Ayamura felt that he was going to take this occasion to tease her back… Again. “Of course, dear. I have my very own company while your little spoiled butt barely managed to get a job as a nanny, for my niece on top of that.” “Me? Spoiled?!”  “Well… If I remember well, you took your independence only this year because your father cut all of your supplies and sent you here… Where you live in someone else’s house on top of that. Oh, and you’ve never earned your own money before. Which makes you a spoiled brat.” he blattered out while nonchalantly looking for non-existent dirt on his perfectly polished nails. “How would you know that?” Ayamura asked with all the confidence in the world. “You told it to me when you were drunk.” The black haired girl opened her mouth, offended, but no words came out. He won this battle, but she wasn’t happy about it. “You really are annoying!” is the only thing she found to say. “I heard kittens were easily annoyed.” Ayamura dramatically turned her back on him, going to the little buffet that was set up, filled with bite sized appetizers on silver trays. But as she stuffed her mouth with a few of them, Jason joined her. “Who’s obsessed now?” she retorted. “Never said I wasn’t interested.” Ayamura ignored it at first, but when the information reached her brain, she made a sudden about-turn, her face red with embarrassment. “You WHAT?!” But Jason feigned innocence. “What do you mean?” “Say it again.” she demanded. “Say what?” Teasing Ayamura was truly amusing for Jason, he could do it all day if he didn’t have any obligation. They both got kind of attached to one another without even noticing it… The poor Daichi, on another hand, was looking at them in a corner of the room, while these equally spoiled man and woman ended up drinking a few glasses together without stopping their bickering.
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Art by @rey-mi of Jason and Ayamura!!
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seirei-bh · 5 months
Jason Mendal headcanons
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I wrote these headcanons for fun, however, keep in mind that there is only a few episodes of MCL NG out by now, so I may be wrong about some ideas due to later revelations. (I've also added some NSFW headcanons under the cut!)
-He loves luxury restaurants, especially Italian food, and everything expensive and exotic that is the specialty of five-star chefs.
-He has a limousine and a driver, but he only uses them on special occasions, since he prefers to drive his own car.
-If he were an animal he'd identify with a panther, a wolf or a shark
-He likes to listen to jazz.
-He made an anonymous Twitter account that he uses to insult Devemenentiel members (later Thomas found it and hacked it to permanently ban it, lol)
-He usually wears cologne, his favorites are “Sauvage” by Dior, and “Eros” by Versace (obviously very expensive and brand name)
-He doesn't feel close to his family. Most of them are unbearable to him, with a few exceptions.
-He tends to think that stable romantic relationships are a waste of time. Most of his romantic relationships in the past didn't last very long, almost all of his former lovers complained that "he was married with his job" or that "he was a self-centered asshole". He never had enough time for them and he got bored of them because they were not intelligent or interesting enough to him (something that changes with newsucrette/Ysaline)
-He likes women with self-confidence, who know what they want and are capable of challenging him.
-His poliosis was a consecuence of his Waardenburg syndrome. That syndrome also causes on him to suffers from partial deafness and has vision problems. However, he hides all this by using a very discreet hearing aid and contact lenses. Almost no one knows this except a few people very close to him, Jason hides these problems from the people at his company and any competitors to avoid look weak.
-He's afraid of one day becoming completely deaf, so he learned to read lips and sign language.
-He doesn't want to have children, partly because he doesn't have time to raise them, but mostly because he fears they could inherit the physical problems he has, like a partial or complete deafness.
-Since he was little he was always very good at maths.
-Jason pretends he was always popular, but he was quite nerdy at school, something that he decided to change later in high school and college, he went from being the nerd boy who other made fun of to being the popular boy who insulted and bullied the others.
-During his childhood and teenage years he used to dye his hair so that other children would not mess with him, but as an adult he learned to leave his natural white streaks with self-confidence and to see them as an attractive and unique feature.
-He likes the beach, the pool and going on a yacht. He hates mountains and nature.
-He likes to go to the theater and museums. He knows a lot about the life and work of artists, but he doesn't know as much about art itself, although he pretends he does.
-He has the philosophy of “the end justifies the means” and also that money does give happiness, or at least it can help buy it.
-As a child he learned to play the piano, but as an adult he has thrown away most of his former hobbies from his little free time, because he no longer has time for any of that.
-He got that tattoo on his arm because he lost a big bet once, but since Jason never talks about his defeats, when someone asks him, he says that he got that tattoo just because he wanted to and without any reason or meaning beyond the aesthetic.
-Devon was one of the few true pals Jason really respected and appreciated in the past, before “something” happened between them and they became enemies. Each of them has a different version about what really happened in mind, so that hostility due to differences in povs became increasingly stronger as the years went by. (Probably in this case it is Jason who is not right, but he is too proud to admit that he was wrong.)
-He felt attracted to newsucrette/Ysaline from the first moment he saw her. At first it was just desire and he wanted to manipulate her, but over time that feeling grew stronger and turned into love. Something that he also tried to ignore and deceive himself, denying it until he realized about the truth. He knew that maybe she would hate him, that maybe he would hurt her, that everything could end very badly, but still he couldn't resist to try it.
NSFW headcanons
-He loves bondage, specially tying your hands with his tie.
-He enjoys giving you orders in bed and see you obeying them, but also he enjoys secretly even more when you're a "bad girl" and refuse to do what he orders.
-Praise kink (both give and receive)
-He absolutely adores when you claw your nails on his back, so he has more excuses to call you “kitten.”
-Also when you grab him by his tie to drag him to the bedroom and passionately tear off his clothes.
-His favorite place is in his house, although it can be in bed, against the wall or on a table.
-Too excited by the idea of f*king you in Goldreamz's office, on his desk table sometime.
-He almost always prefers to be the dominant one, but also loves when you fight for dominance and you get to be the queen in his bed who is able to doms him.
-He loves to tempt you beforehand, whispering sexy and dirty things in your ear, kissing you on the neck and caressing you softly and subtly, until you can't take yourself anymore.
-Hard. Savage. Passionate. Sometimes very fast for all the sexual tension you two can't handle, sometimes unbearably slow on purpose because he wants to hear you beg for more and praise him how good he is and how much you want him.
-You two always end on a bed after an argument. He's turned on by how beautiful you look when you're angry and how you fight back fierly. Sometimes he makes you angry on purpose because how much he enjoys the moment and what comes later.
-He loves when you tell him that you hate him. That turns him on too even more.
-Skilled with his fingers and proud of it *wink*
-Proud of his own body. Yeah, his size too.
-He loves to kiss your neck, caress your legs and grab your thighs and butt.
-He loves looking at you. His gaze is especially intense and challenging when you're riding him, and he likes to hear you gasp as he watches your beautiful face and body.
-Sometimes is a competition between the two to see who shows better skills in bed and how much you both can last (how many hours and poses). He'll give you his best sexy smirk and won't stop f*king you until you beg him, but you would never beg your enemy... right?
Extra! A few nsfw sweet headcanons too:
-If he notices that you feel too uncomfortable and nervous, he makes humorous comments to break the ice and make you laugh.
-Although he likes BDSM, he will always ask you if you feel comfortable or not with it and will stop if you ask him to do so.
-He's not very used to aftercare, but he knows that you need them, so he tries to give it to you. Plus, he likes it when you rest your head on his torso, close to his heart, and he thinks you look gorgeous while you sleep.
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candysweetposts · 11 days
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MCL NG ep 7 (edit)
Well, I keep changing my idea for the headcanon so I'll just combine them. Also, I couldn't find the pattern for the top so I used a random one.
HC time:
So I will follow the whole moving out thing as well. Elizabeth's reason for looking for a new place despite having one that's mostly empty is that... she just wants a place of her own that she doesn't have to share with anyone, plus, the place where she currently lives is a bit far from where she works.
She appreciated everyone trying to help her but turned it all down because she wanted to do this herself.
Elizabeth questioned a bit the real estate agent about why he is accepting only couples and that sort of clause thing shouldn't exist since it's a bit discriminatory. But nevertheless, she wanted that apartment so she tagged Jason along.
The way he acted all corky and stuff made Elizabeth very angry. She felt looked down on by "some guy" who despite his looks had a pretty ugly personality.
Because of that, she couldn't control herself and told the truth and started crying a very...very ugly cry I must add. She started saying that all men are the same and they only see women as assets and she thought Jason was different and recalled some times she felt the same. And this made Jason's heart hurt a bit. He felt bad for making her feel like shit and *insert Jason's special scene here*. Honestly, if you cut all the specifics about Ioan, the scene fit perfectly.
Elizabeth was quite taken aback by Jason suddenly trying to comfort her and thought that maybe he was just like her dad, a show-off.
After that, Elizabeth talked with the real estate agent and told him that what he doing was probably illegal that her father is a lawyer, and that he should call his client to talk this over. And they did talk and lucky solved this.
Jason was impressed by Elizabeth and wondered what other tricks she had in her sleeve and she answered "You have no idea". And so, she got the apartment and left for work.
Here's the outfit/s:
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Yeah, I have 2. I like both with the white and black shirt.
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verystrxxwberry · 21 days
I don't know if you're still taking requests but if you do, can you write some NSFW head canons for the MCL ng characters? :>>
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: NSFW, smut, explicit content, dirty words, probably misspellings, idk sex sex!! ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Teehee, enjoy :^
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
Intense. This man shows himself as someone who feels his emotions very vividly, no matter if they are good or they are wrong. When he is in love with someone, he shows himself as the most romantic gentleman there is. And he might be, but that doesn’t quit the fact that he is still a tease and likes to have fun testing your reactions and limits. I see him as someone passionate when it comes to those things he truly likes, and that does involve his partner. So the passion, the romance, that will be something abundant through your relationship.
Really good kisser. One of his favorite activities is to basically make out with you once his mind needs a break from work and other stuff. It might start with slow pecks, but Roy isn’t satisfied with only small kisses. If there’s time to take advantage of, he is indeed going to take it. At first he cups the side of your neck, making sure you’re in place for him to devour your lips as if it was the last time he could do so. No matter your experience, he finds the way to match your jaws moving together, turning the clumsiness into a slow and sensuous kiss which leaves you trembling a little. Having Roy so close, claiming your mouth as his hands wander down your body to finally squeeze your butt, would allow you to get the masculine scent of his perfume, only making you dizzy and shaky.
And the way his breath gets heavy as he progressively touches you with more need is a clear sign of his state. He wouldn’t be too discret.
The moment he pulls you to his lap, consider yourself lost in the most addictive cloud of pleasure. That position will allow him to invite you to grind against him. He’d allow you to dry hump him, and he actually loves the feeling of it. He likes the teasing over the clothes, rubbing and touching. It is what makes him crazy.
Vocal reassurance. Roy can be a tease, but he is still a gentleman and wants to prioritize your comfort over everything. As he proceeds with his touches and kisses he’d ask in between them “are you ok with this?”, “would you like me to go lower?”, “does it feel good this way?” And he speaks with such a gentle tone, with such an intimate whisper that could melt ice faster than lava.
Dirty talk. He loves to whisper things into your ear, both in public and in private. Of course being in private with you gives him the freedom of acting as he wants according to his words, but he is also capable of dropping a “babe, you don’t realize how horny you got me, don’t you?” in the middle of the dinner table, putting into the most innocent smile as he whispers that to you.
Big boy. Oh yes, he is a big man. That equals to his trained muscles but also to the length of his not so little friend. He is a brutal 13 cm when being soft, yet when he’s hard he can be 17 cm. He keeps himself shaved down there as he finds it the most hygienic for swimming, his daily life and intimate moments. He’s longer than thicker.
Pleasure giver. He absolutely enjoys focusing on making you feel great, relieving your stress from previous days and making your mind go blank. The only thought he wants you to have is about how good he is making you feel.
Ties his hair up when he is going down on you.
His favorite position is missionary due to the freedom it gives him to see your reactions, to kiss your face and neck, to hold your thighs apart and thrust slowly and precisely inside of you, teasing and abusing your already sensitive spot.
He is not ashamed to be loud in bed. Not only with talking, but he might moan freely whenever his body randomly makes him do it.
Roy has a fantasy about wearing a blind fold someday and letting you do whatever you wish the most with him. He is open minded to try everything, even if you want to peg him he won’t refuse because he also wants to try that.
He is a switch flexible to your preferences.
Roy has a high libido, higher than he’d like.
Loves to bite you. And you better stop him from getting too excited and let him give you a hickey, because he might casually mark you right in the visible areas and be proud of it.
A lot of teasing in the swimming pool. And luckily you sometimes are alone because sometimes he’d threateningly pull from your swimsuit as if he wanted to rip it (he does).
Neck kisses. Amanda is pretty ticklish everywhere, and a big way to turn her on is by kissing her neck lightly. The ticklish feeling of your lips in her neck is capable of making her shiver and squirm, and not to mention the warmth of your breath. She’d tilt her head to give you free access to the area of her sensitive skin. Oh but she also adores to plant kisses on your neck, it’s like a genuine way for her to show his affection but also to tease you if you’re sensitive there. Amanda would place her hands on your waist as she rests her chin over your shoulder, giving her the freedom to do so.
She can be a soft dom or an absolute pillow princess, she can adapt to your preferences. Yet she likes to be the one in control.
Gentle. Sex with Amanda is gentle and most likely vanilla since she wouldn’t stand hurting you or making fun of you. She might be slightly serious but she won’t say no to a joke during the act or a genuine laugh to make you less nervous. She undresses you as if she was unwrapping a delicate gift, and makes sense because you’re the best gift she’s ever gotten. She also goes at your pace, without wanting to make you feel rushed into anything. And even when her fingers are inside of you, she still lets you set the pace to your liking.
Praise. She makes sure that you know you’re the best gift she has ever received. Amanda will kiss your body gently, admiring every inch of it, as she whispers how pretty and cute you are like that. She’d tell you what a good job you are doing when she hears your needy sounds thanks to her fingers. Amanda is grateful of you offering her your most vulnerable side, so she must let you know her gratitude with her genuine affection.
She also likes to receive praise!
When she is the submissive one, it is a side of Amanda which you only see when she is trying to control herself. Amanda tends to get shy when she is horny, but she slowly turns into a fierce. But if you want to be the one taking control, she’s gonna lie down over the bed, her pretty thighs opened for you and her head glued to the pillows. 
Her fluffy and soft cheeks are permanently blushed for as long as the sex session lasts. Amanda gets ashamed of listening to her own whimpers, of how she doesn’t seem to control them when she is blessed by your touch. No matter if she covers her mouth, she isn’t the most quiet person.
Sensitive. I commented that her neck is very sensitive, but I also believe her nipples are very sensitive. She has big breasts, and she likes it when you massage and play with them gently. But she loves it even more when your tongue is playfully moving over her hard nipples. 
Experimentation. She likes to experiment a lot, but not with extreme things. Amanda is open to adding toys to the experience to use them on you, on her or both at the same time. She is open to trying food play, edging, bondage… As long as it doesn’t involve pain, she is good with it.
She cares about your comfort, meaning that she will make sure that you are in a comfortable position that won’t make you sore later.
Whenever you let her sit on your face she’ll feel like a queen, like someone who just won the lottery. You’d even do 69, and you wouldn’t regret it because she adores devouring you, and she does it very well.
Mutual masturbation will be constant.
Amanda loves to dress up for you. Whenever you both go out on a date, she’ll put on a tight dress which makes her curvy shape notorious.. The lovely scent of her perfume along with how beautiful she looked that night, the way her eyes invited you to get closer with that glint of passion she usually had- God, she was stunning. Amanda gets subtly touchy when she wants to provoke you. She places her hand over your knee, over your shoulder, or just keeps it on your back and caresses it up and down slowly.
Always shaved down there for her own comfort. She has juicy, small lips resting under a small button which gets erect and notorious when she is excited. The pinky color of her vag it’s satisfying to see. Amanda’s hole usually welcomes you into a wet and warm grip inside her, allowing your movements to be smooth thanks to the natural lubrication her body has been producing.
He has a busy schedule so it makes the intimate moments to not be as much as he’d like to spend with you. Devon likes getting into intimate situations with you, as he feels it makes your bond stronger. Still, he will make sure to make it up to you all the time he couldn’t be with you.
The moment things are getting hotter, he removes his glasses. It bothers at some point to keep the glasses as you two are making out. 
Shower. Devon enjoys showering with you and taking his time to enjoy the water but also of you. After a long day in the office he offers you to take a shower with him, and unless he feels you down or upset, he won’t try to make a move. If he sees you following his playful attitude he will get handsy and passionate. It will be regular the times you both have sex in the shower.
Massages. Whenever he is stressed he practically begs you for a massage, but he simply loves your touch so much that he’d exaggerate his pleasant reactions to tease you. But he couldn’t deny that his body would instinctively react to your touch, making him hard more than once. He’s also good at massages, and if you allow his goofy side to come out, he’d keep going to massage other areas. More than once the massages would end up with a happy ending.
Playful. Devon is a positive person when it comes to his business, even if he is the boss and he has to be responsible with it. He has this playful mood he shows up whenever he is comfortable enough or he wants to ease the tension in the place. But he also knows how to add this behavior during sex with the intention of making you laugh and calm your nerves. 
This also involves that he is a tease and he won’t deny being into edging. So poor you, he won’t make it easy for you to come.
Devon likes to take his time to prepare you for him, stretching you out properly before you can take him. He’d use his fingers to caress your walls, scissoring you and making sure you’re properly lubricated for it to not hurt. That’d end up in a good fingering session.
Whenever you wake up early and there is still time to go to work, no one denies that there will be morning quickies to start the day.
Praising. Devon adores being honest with you and telling you how good you feel, what pretty sounds you make and that kind of stuff. He is very gentle with his words.
He holds your hands as he is inside of you, whispering sweet words and complimenting you during that sensitive moment you are in. 
Makes love. No matter if Devon is playful, he’d like to keep it vanilla, to make sex be something intimate, romantic which makes you both feel the deep connection in between you both. Devon may be intense, but he’d never be rough to you.
Cockwarming. Whenever he is working late in the office and you decide to make him company, more than once he’d hold you in his lap for warmth. But sometimes you both would get freaky.. So that’s the easiest way for him to feed you at that moment. Unluckily he won’t let you move as he’d still be working on some documents.
Devon isn’t a loud person during sex, he simply breathes heavily and sometimes grunts, but he won’t be too loud even if he’s receiving a head.
He approaches from behind whenever you are making a meal in the kitchen and gives you a couple of kisses on the neck. He’s not opposed to taking you over the counter.
He’s a soft dom, he likes to be the one in control.
For him it is a must to say “I love you” once it all ends, giving you probably the best aftercare someone could give you.
Talking about his dick, he might be 11 cm when soft and 14 when hard. He keeps the hairs short down there so it doesn’t bother during your moments. He has no time to shave himself constantly down there. He is on the thicker side.
Sensitive. Thomas is sensitive all over his body and he makes no effort to hide it, because, even if he gets flustered, he adores your touch. He doesn’t want you to stop touching him. You are one of the people who has the ability of making his heart thump loudly and fast like never before. He’d shiver and arc under your touch easily, but instinctively searching for more contact. His neck is sensitive, his arms are sensitive, his waist is sensitive, the same for his thighs… he is sensitive everywhere.
I believe he has no experience in the practical part of this subject, but he has seen videos when he was younger. Still, he didn’t have any experience with his last partners because they didn’t last long and there was no time to build a trust for him to get intimate. He has an idea of what sex is, he knows about the theory part but has no idea about the practical part (still there are things he doesn’t know or believes because he hadn’t experienced it yet).
We’ve seen that Thomas might do unexpected things that definitely no one would imagine coming from a person like he is. When Thomas wanted to take things further, the shyness started to fade. The quiet ones are the most dangerous in bed they say… and with Thomas you can check that it must be true because he really lets all his fantasies out.
Handsy. Just as he likes to be touched by you, he likes to touch you and memorize every single spot of your body. He likes to remember the texture and the taste of you, so whenever he just misses it he’d say “I think I forgot the taste of you, may I try you out again?” 
Making out on his motorbike would happen a couple of times. Whenever he brings you to a new solitaire space he knows, he’d sit you in the copilot room, he’d face you and then devour your mouth with no shame.
Ride him as he plays. Oh yes, he loves this. Even if sometimes it’s risky, he just mutes himself and that’s it- it wouldn’t be the first time he mutes himself while playing with friends because he felt like doing so. He likes it when you get all hot and decide to tease him on his lap when he is in the middle of a match in any game. At first you’d be frustrated because he’d keep you still in place, making you feel his cock completely inside you but staying still, with no movement. But whenever he gets the chance to get afk for a few seconds for the next round, he’d bounce you up and down, because he also wants to feel that friction. And what’s better than mixing both his favorite game and his favorite person making him feel great.
Whenever you are the one playing games, he’d also like to have you on his lap. And the moment things get hot, he’d finger you as you keep playing. Thomas loves to see how your character runs towards a wall for a minute as you are enjoying how two of his fingers pump in and out your hole with an increasing pace.
Hair pulling. He likes to get you on your fours to take you from behind, but also enjoys to pull your hair gently, tilting your head back so he’s able to kiss you during it.
Spooning lazy sex is his favorite kind of sex.
He can be intense too, but he must be very worked out from the foreplay to reach that point.
Thomas is silent but will get vocal after the first round, getting more sensitive with time, and you’d hear some little whimpers every now and then.
He’s pretty big, pretty tall and well distributed. When he is soft, he’s about 12,5 cm, and hard might be 16 cm. He has a pretty cock, pinky and with barely noticeable curves. He is thick and well groomed, his hair is also red. Just as Devon, he keeps it short enough so it doesn’t bother him.
He is known in the company for his memory, his great skill to remember things. Thomas would add this skill to the relationship to remember the things you like and those which you don’t.
Hand placement. This man is obviously a big tease with everything, including these kinds of moments. He doesn’t mind where he is, but he’d keep a hand on you right where he knows you will feel butterflies, whether it’s the lower part of your back, your waist, your nape to caress it slowly. And when you two are making out, his touch burns in your skin and he takes advantage of that to make you more nervous and aroused.
His smirk and gaze are the ones in charge of communicating the desire he feels for you, and it is hard to not take the hint. There is a different glint on his eyes that makes you shiver, and you don’t know if you should be excited or scared.
Begging. Jason likes to make you beg, both during the act and even before it starts. He completely adores making you desperate for his attention and his touch, and it would be one of the main reasons why he teases you so much.
He might rub against you from behind when helping you to reach something from a high place, obviously acting as innocent as he can after it.
Toys. Jason is curious about all the reactions your body is willing to show him, and he is willing to explore every extreme of pleasure to check which things will make the moment more intense or more uncomfortable. He aims to make you enjoy, of course, and he also aims to have fun. So as he is already inside of you, he’d use a vibrator on your sensitive button to check your limits. If you are into double penetration, he might also be open to exploring how it feels.
He uses his belt to tie your wrists together and make you unable to touch him no matter if you want. Jason adores tying you up.
He loves when you act like a brat regarding the consequences you are aware you’ll have to pay. 
If you are into it, he’d gladly spank you. He is really into it, but this man, no matter if he can be a brat himself, knows what consent is and he is a respectful man with that.
Jason is a sadist, but might keep that façade under a key if you are more into the soft stuff. He can be soft too.
Office. Similar to Devon, he owns an office for himself and of course he will take advantage of it. He’d also make you stay longer in his office, once others are finally home and he is basically checking the last documents of the day. He is taking you over that big desk of his, he’s willing to place all the papers to the side and make space to make you lie down. His ego increases every time you two do it there.
Jason teases you about being loud yet he aims to rip those needy sounds from you constantly, and he won’t be satisfied until hearing you cry out lovingly for him. This mf makes calculated thrusts according to your liking.
Sext him when he is free, because he doesn’t like to get turned on during important moments. Yet he sends dirty messages whenever he feels like because no one has control over his dirty mind.
He likes to give you the hope you can take control but haha…. It is all a joke. You are in control because he wants so, but he is still the one in control. 
Thigh riding. He wouldn’t let you cockwarm him because he likes to see you desperate, instead if he’s on a good day he’d let you use his thigh to cum as much as you wish. He would sometimes press his leg up to make you feel better spontaneously, but then he’d stop.
When he’s soft, his cock is 11 cm yet when he gets hard he can get to 15 cm. I believe this man is too fancy even there, with expensive boxers, a very well groomed area. Jason wants to be elegant even in bed. He is equally long and thick.
✰; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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bluemendal · 27 days
Random Jason Mendal headcanons I have on my notes app
He’s a bit obsessed with his appearance. I just KNOW this man has a vast arsenal of self-care products in his bathroom cabinet. Mr. Mendal never skips a single step of his skincare routine.
He is a sore loser. If you beat him in a card game, he will pout (without realizing that he's pouting) and will suggest playing again and again until he starts winning too.
He is an insomniac, and when he does fall asleep, it’s a very light sleep. It is a constant source of bad mood for him.
He was the typical nerd during his school years. Always stood out at the science fair and was the best in the class in math and physics.
He has a certain degree of myopia but wears contact lenses daily. His glasses are only worn at home (which is also the only place he can be found without a three-piece suit).
He would never admit it, but he loves being the little spoon.
He always creates 300 scenarios in his head where things can go wrong and dedicates considerable mental effort on finding solutions for each one of them. He refuses to call it ‘anxiety’; for him, it’s just 'planning ability’ (but it really is anxiety).
(English is not my first language, feel free to correct my grammar)
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eldaryasharbinger · 2 months
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I'm sad so I made more of these to cheer me up
It's working
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camkuroyama21 · 4 months
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mcl new gen jason mendal x mariko cross (oc)
pov: it's Friday night at the pub and you notice the most beautiful woman you've ever seen entering the place.
plot twist: she's that Devenementiel's new employee you can't stop thinking about.
plot twist²: she's having a date with Devon.
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pequenaotaku · 2 months
With nothing else to do, I ended up editing Colette's late brother. Why? Just felt like it. Plus, as I delve deeper into her story, her brother will be mentioned more often. For emotional reasons, I thought it would be nice to start introducing him.
Later on, I also plan to introduce other secondary characters that I planned offline for New Gen even before the game was released. To summarize, they are family and friends of my three girls. Creating OCs is delightful and everyone loves it.
Without further ado...
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This was Dante Lebarde, Colette's older brother, the reason she is passionate about astronomy and hot chocolate. Besides enjoying the vastness of space and all its mysteries, he was a very calm guy, the famous mediator, who tries to make everyone's life lighter and simpler. He had a degree in gastronomy and worked as a sous-chef* in a 3-star restaurant.
Going back to the past, shortly after little Colette was born, their parents had a colossal fight and not only did they divorce, but they also didn't want to know about their two children anymore, so they left them to be raised by their paternal grandfather, Charles Lebarde (yes, the professor of Ancient and Medieval Art at Anteros Academy). Feeling obviously abandoned, he didn't want his little sister to have to deal with the same heavy emotional burden that he had to deal with as she grew up, so, with a little help from their grandfather, he always made sure to be around and take care of Colette. They grew up very close.
Dante died at the age of 27, being hit by a bullet in a robbery that took place at the restaurant where he worked. One of the customers that day had a baby and went into a complete panic when the robbers entered, threatening everyone. Dante tried to help her calm down so as not to attract trouble, but it was too late, he ended up being shot in her place.
Additional information (that I was too incompetent to fit into the text):
Dante was 8 years older than Colette.
He was engaged and was going to get married at the end of that same year to his girlfriend who had been with him since high school. (She still hasn't recovered from the whole thing and ended up getting closer to Colette during the mourning period. The two still treat each other as sisters-in-law. I plan to make a post introducing this girl in the future too, I'm just not sure whether to redo her design, update it to match New Candy's base, or keep it as it is.)
He was pansexual.
As already mentioned, he had a special passion for astronomy, and this hobby was passed on to him by his mother. He was very sad that they had lost contact but believed in catharsis. He hoped that one day the stars would align and they could at least become close again. Unfortunately, it didn't happen.
His favorite type of food was seafood.
Although he was a very skilled chef, he was terrible with artistic notions in terms of the harmony of a well-presented dish. Interior decoration as well, consequently, but that's another story. So, when he created a new dish, he focused more on the taste; it was the chef's job to make it look good, ironically. Colette didn't care about this; she found it very fun to cook with her brother and joke about who decorated the cupcake the worst.
He loved listening to the sounds his sister produced. It was he who gave her the nudge to take it seriously as a profession.
For some reason, he was obsessed with reptiles. He liked them more than furry animals. In fact, he had two pet snakes, a Ball Python* named Nova and a Boa Constrictor Imperator* named Nebula.
The base and most of Dante's clothes I got from this VK group. As for the hair and facial details, I found them in the Castiel base Drive that @candysweetposts made.
Sous-chef*: Of French origin, sous-chef literally means under-chef. He is the second in command of a professional kitchen and, therefore, answers only to the chef. Thus, this figure also represents an authority to the other team members.
Ball Python*: Also known as a royal python, it is a popular species due to its relatively small size and docile temperament.
Boa Constrictor Imperator*: A subspecies of the boa constrictor, generally bred in captivity and appreciated for its relatively docile nature.
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armin keenan the man you are. every time i listen to sweater weather i think of u.
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yourlysander · 9 days
Yes, I'm alive.
Yes, I play New Gen.
Yes, I do write a fanfiction with my friend.
I recommend it if you like your favorite characters suffering.
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madeby-meru · 3 months
LIs (and my Candy's) handwriting and signatures + some headcanons
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Jason only writes with fountain pens or with very runny gel pens because he has carpal tunnel. He used to have better handwriting but he has a hard time writing a lot now.
Candy never signs with her last name because that's how her mother signs. When she was in high school she was accused by her teachers of trying to forge her mother's signature.
Devon likes writing his capital letters in a very "disney"-ish style. He likes clear and cute but flourishy handwritings and doesn't like cursive handwriting.
Thomas always writes is all capitals (kinda). He likes it when all letters are the same size, his handwriting is very small and tight and some people find it hard to read.
Amanda always writes her "A"s like stars. She holds her pens in an odd way and she hates it when anyone comments on it, her parents could never make her hold it "right".
Roy knows how to do beautiful calligraphy (the kind you would see in old letters), but prefers to write quickly and efficently & same principle applies to his signature.
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mysilaan · 5 months
Hi!! I just saw you're accepting requests for new gen😃. Could you write Roy hcs for when he is starting to fall in love? Like staring at Candy when she is working and everybody noticing but her, getting closer to her, etc? Thanks if you do it!
Hi Anon !! Thank you for being my very first request !!
I love Roy sm, it’s with great pleasure that I’m writing this⭐ __
Roy always thought he wasn’t interested in dating, that he could never fall in love so easily, but since you joined the company, you can’t seem to stop messing with his brain. You get him so flustered all the time… By the way you smile, the way you talk. Your laugh… So airy, so beautiful… He caught himself staring at you across his desk and turned bright red before going back to what he was doing. Damn… Why was he like that? Nevertheless, he landed his gaze on you one more time while you were focused on your work. He noticed this little twitch on your nose when you were focusing on something, it made him smile slightly. You felt the pressuring gaze of someone on you after a moment, and when you raised your head, you saw Roy staring. Your eyes met for a moment and he panicked making you even more confused. “Is something the matter?” You asked. You stared at him with worry while he was searching for something to say. “Hum… I wanted to try a new restaurant in town. Do you want to come with me?” Thomas, beside the two of you, was staring at his colleague with a suspicious look, even Amanda who was just passing by couldn’t help but chuckle at the scene. Roy was ignoring them with all his might. “Oh yes, I’d love to! Let me just finish this and we can go.” Roy was half delighted, half distraught by your answer, he didn’t know any restaurant that just opened actually… “Thomas, are you coming with us?” But he politely declined your proposition saying he still had work to do. While you were finishing your own things, Roy was desperately searching for any restaurant that just opened but couldn’t find anything. He quickly went to Devon’s office to ask him if he knew any, and, of course, he did. During the whole dinner, he was trying to stay as natural as possible with you, but it never felt so unnatural for him to do so. When he was with you, he felt a bond he never had with anyone before : you understood him so well and never judged him for anything. Your two personalities blended in so perfectly he never felt anything this strong before. Once the two of you finished your dinner, he proposed to walk you home. It was quite a walk from the restaurant, but after how much you ate, it couldn’t harm you. Thankfully you weren’t wearing heels that day… “It reminds me of the walk we made to the beach when I just joined the company. We should do it more often.” You said, breaking the silence. Roy smiled fondly at the memory. It wasn’t that long ago but it felt like you’ve always been here.  During the way to your home, you two spoke about nothing and everything at the same time. While you were watching straight in front of you, talking about a movie you watched the day before, Roy was looking at you absently; that’s when he noticed you shivering a little. “Here, take my jacket.” “Again? I should start paying you for this jacket.” You laughed. But he didn’t mind because it was you, though he could never say it out loud. Once in front of your house, you wanted to give him his jacket back but he pressed his hands on your shoulders telling you to keep it. “But I’m right in front of my house, I don’t need it!” “No, I insist, keep it. You’ll give it back to me another time.” “You’ll catch a cold like that Roy.” He smiled, hoping you couldn’t see his flushed cheeks in the dark. “I’ll run home. It’ll keep me warm, don't worry.” You sighed in capitulation. “Fine… For this time.” He returned your grin and then waved off once you safely entered your house. As he said, he ran on his way home to try to calm his thoughts.  He tried real hard not to think about it the whole evening but now it was all over his mind. You were all over his mind. He couldn’t deny it anymore : he was in love.
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kamyru · 4 months
Them posting Candy on social media after they start dating (MCL: NG x Candy) (Headcanons)
Roy Aquino
Roy started posting Candy on social media before they even started dating.
He had some followers who were sure they were together before they officially were.
After that, there's nothing that can stop him.
He won't make embarrassing posts with Candy. However, it doesn't mean he won't make close friends stories with some funny candids of her, like barely awake or laughing till crying.
This meany also posts Candy being breathless after an intense gym "date".
Amanda de Lavienne
Amanda's first post with Candy will probably be about their engagement or something.
The people who are not close to her won't even know that she has someone.
Except for those who are attentive enough to see that she likes romantic and cheesy posts from time to time.
Candy also won't post Amanda because she asked her not to.
However, if they ever have a wedding, both will have matching profile pictures from their wedding for a while, maybe even a few years.
Then, Amanda will allow Candy to post cute videos from the special day, but who knows?
Jason Mendal
Jason is struggling between wanting to tease the hell out of Candy and wanting to show a perfect life.
If we imagine he has friends, he probably does the same thing as Roy and posts embarrassing photos of Candy only on close friends.
But as posts, there are only photos in which both look 120%.
He has the type of social media you will want to show your parents, with photos from all the celebrations with him and Candy standing properly and stiff but with smiles worth some toothpaste commercials.
However, he lets Candy tag him in her posts, and in them, everything is way, way more natural and cute. Jason smiles genuinely and has a lovestruck face while looking at Candy.
Roy probably did a fake account to like them because he couldn't let himself like them from the main one. 
Devon Okere
Devon is the most chill about it. He will sometimes post cute photos or allow Candy to do it if she wants to.
He won't bother to post candids only for close friends. If they are cute and not embarrassing, he will post them for everyone to see.
However, he has Roy to post strange photos of him and Candy, and tag them with some cheesy comment underneath. Devon made sure that Candy didn't mind and just moved on.
Some of his business partners ask him about Candy from time to time because they saw her on his page and are surprised to see her working at Devenementiel too.
If Candy tried hard enough, she may even convince Devon to match profile photos with her, but soon, he will change it to a more professional one.
Thomas Rheault
Thomas is aware of how easily you can find someone's personal information from their social media.
So, don't expect this man to be very active. His main "social media" is probably Linkedin.
Jokes aside, people will probably find out he has someone only after talking with him in person.
He's that person who dated for like 10 years, got married 3 years ago, and some of his friends still think he is single.
However, from time to time, he gets into photos of his friends or from Devenementiel's page, and everyone who has access to the photos can see how he softly looks at Candy and understands that there has to be something between them.
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verystrxxwberry · 1 month
Hi! How are you doing? I've been reading your content and I must say that I truly do enjoy it, you are my favorite content creator! I am about to do a nsfw request, so please forgive me...
What about the MCL newgen routes when they are turned on? What are some signs of them being turned on?
Thanks! Lots of love for you <3
MCL NEW GEN; when they are in the mood (NSFW)
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: Suggestive, MCL NG routes, how do they act when they are turned on. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: I'm doing pretty good! It’s been a while since I do not write for MCL, but it is a pleasure for me to go back to it :). I truly hope you enjoy it!
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
This guy is confident when it comes to acting, and I don’t think he is the type to hold on if he wants something. If he wants to have you close, he will do his best to achieve it.
When he is in the mood he becomes more clingy. If you are in the office, his arm would simply be wrapped around your waist all. the. time. He won’t let you go, and his thumb would be giving slow circles on your side. He would remove it when Devon appears, but he is going to take his time to enjoy the way your curves feel against his hand.
His breathing changes a little, and you’d be able to hear it because you basically would have him right besides you. Whenever you talk to him he leans in, his eyes focused on you, but he might look at the way your lips move when you are talking. And damn, his gaze is genuinely so hungry that he might steal your will to talk correctly.
As much as Roy would like to take you at that moment, he respects your dignity and of course, your job. He needs to be subtle. But expect him to lean in to compliment your scent and then plant a ticklish kiss on your neck.
Plus his voice gets lower and deeper, yet he speaks so softly that it seems he is whispering to you. When he goes from being loud and confident to more quiet and intimate, there is something cooking in his brain- and you know he has some intentions behind it.
When you are alone, he is not going to be subtle. He needs his partner and his clinginess is obviously making it clear. 
Roy is a romantic partner, and even if he has no fear of giving you small and gentle kisses in public, that’s not even a half of how romantic he can get to be. During private… it’s different. He loves kissing you, being in contact with you as long as it doesn’t overwhelm you. And when he is turned on, his hands are holding you close to him by your hips. He’d be giving slow kisses to your neck as he purrs about how good you smell.
The moment he takes your lips in a kiss, it is impossible to escape from his grip. And not because he wouldn’t let you, but he’d keep you hypnotized with the sensuality and gentleness he shows in the kiss. He is a good kisser, and he knows exactly how to do it when he wants to make you feel butterflies with only his lips.
He won’t rush things, but he will be amused if he gets to make you hungry for him as well and you get needy. He will tease you by going even slower. 
Not gonna lie, the main reason for her to get randomly in the mood might be due to ovulation… She is a passionate lover. Even though she gets quite flustered when there is no reason for her to be turned on at that moment.
In the office she might act distant at first, worrying you in case she was upset over something. But her rosy cheeks are dyed so red that it’s not normal of her. Maybe she's feeling bad, and then the moment you approach to touch her skin to check the temperature she sighs. She stutters whenever she talks, and the way she looks at you…
There is something intense in the way she stares at your form whenever you are around. She can’t focus on her work even if she pretends to do so, looking at the screen of her computer and cursing herself for not being able to think straight. But she’d stare at you, checking you out a few times as she unconsciously bites her bottom lip.
If by any chance you look back at her, she will quickly look away. 
You’d see her fixing her hair as she crosses her legs. Oh, and you know very well why she is crossing her legs. She’d adjust her skirt a few times as she makes pressure with both of her thighs to try and relax herself, but guess what. That only makes her more needy for you.
You approached to check on her, using your hands to massage her shoulders. Damn she melts once again. Amanda looks up at you and the puppy eyes she gives to you are enough to make clear how she is feeling.
Once she’s got you all for herself in private, she is going to be needy. The moment you both get to sit on the couch, she’ll start by slowly placing his hand on your thigh, caressing it up and down. The need is so obvious that you can feel his touch being basically fire in your skin.
Her eyes have no shame in wandering down your body once again, as she approaches to glue her chest area to your side, making sure to press her boobs so she can tease you. She seems to be cuddly, but she aims to go further than simply cuddles.
She gets very handsy, her attention placed on your reactions instead of your words. But she nods as if she was listening to you..
It’s unfortunate for him to get aroused during work because he has an image to keep in front of his employees, he has to be responsible and serious as he is the one representing the company. It would be a pity that someone would catch him devouring you with his gaze as you work.
When he is in his office, he keeps himself busy to not focus on the feeling there is on his pants. He straightens his position, crossing his arms over his chest and sighing deeply. His back is completely straight, his chin up to the front and his shoulders tensed, doing a great example of the perfect position. 
Every time you enter his office, he bites a pen as he looks at your whole form trying his best to focus on your words. He’d sign you to get closer because he can’t help it, he wants to feel your warmth a little bit at least. 
As he talks to you about some documents, his hand is on your lower back. His office doesn’t give the best intimacy as the walls are made of transparent crystals, yet he looks around to check that no one is watching as his hand slowly goes down… resting over your bottom for a few seconds and then moving it away. He’s not that bold with his touch in public, normally, but he can’t help it.
He would ask you to respectfully go back to your desk. As the switch goes through, he dares to walk around the office, once his pants are less tight. He asks everyone how they are doing, and when he reaches behind you, he caresses your shoulders and neck. His caresses are so slow that you realize he is taking his time to enjoy the softness of your skin.
But he stops himself before getting aroused once again.
Once the shift is done and he gets time alone with you, he is quite direct about his intentions as he literally unbuttons his shirt slowly. “I might take a shower to relieve the stress. There’s room for two, if you wish to join…” he purrs, a cocky smile evident on his face as he starts to walk towards the bathroom.
How to say not to such an offer <3.
Another one who is flustered and acts distant. When it happens in work, he deeply focuses on his work, trying to ignore that your presence achieved to get him in the mood without even trying. His leg shakes anxiously as he works, doing his best to ignore everyone. It is annoying for him to wear those jeans he usually wears for work and having an erection.
He gulps, clearing his throat as he feels his throat dry constantly. He would be constantly sipping from a big bottle of water, but not even that can end with the thirst he has for you. He even licks and bites the skin of his lips, trying to distract himself.
He uses his hand to brush his hair back in frustration. The impact you have on him is intense, and you are completely oblivious about it. He blames himself for being hard, closing his eyes and trying to take deep breaths so his friend calms down a little. He is even frowning.
You notice him acting strange, and he’d simply say that he is fine, but his voice would sound husky and low, as if he was tired. But he is simply… fighting himself to have pure thoughts. He’d accept physical contact, but would need a few seconds to organize his thoughts and speak coherently.
His pupils are big when he looks at you, as if he was seeing a meal he wanted to devour already.
When he gets to be alone with you and he gets turned on by accident, he normally tries to act normal. He puts his hands on his pockets to hide the fact that he was aroused. He’d be distracted, trying to follow your conversation and not paying attention to his needs, but it seems so appealing for his mind to give him so many dirty thoughts that he sighs in frustration.
His eyes are more expressive than his whole face, and even if he holds a neutral expression, his eyes are burning in desire. He doesn’t start unnecessary physical contact since he finds it awkward, but look… Now it is necessary. He rests his arm around your neck, his hand playing with your hair slowly as he listens to your words. His legs would spread a little, his knee pressing against yours.
Knowing him, you knew that his clinginess had a reason behind. 
As always, he absolutely adores being a lil shit and teases you as much as he can to check your reactions. He deals with his arousal naturally, doesn’t make a big deal about it but will not hide it from you.
When you visit him in his office, he can’t help but smirk at the view of you. “Ah, right on time…” he mutters and pats his lap. There might be the risk of someone walking into his office, but he doesn’t care to be seen with you on his lap. He holds you by the lower part of your back, his other hand resting over your thigh as he presses your side towards his torso. 
He looks up at you with that cocky expression you are used to seeing from him. He gives you a little seductive smirk as you rant about anything, his hand massaging your thigh slowly, making slight possessive pressure. His eyes accompany the lust he is feeling.
His method to show you that he is turned on is by turning you on. And he is surprisingly good at this. Jason keeps the little game of keeping eye contact to make you nervous, which he adores. Then he’d lean in to give some kisses on your neck that would make you squirm.
Being on his lap doesn’t make it any easier as you can feel the arousal growing under his pants. Jason isn’t ashamed. When he is in the mood, he is like a predator hunting its prey.
Knowing that there are still people in the office, he wouldn’t go as far as he would like, but he’d be aware that he managed to get you in the mood before telling you to come back later. He adores seeing your frustrated expression whenever he leaves you right on the edge of doing something further than giving you teasing caresses and heated kisses.
But once he is the only one in his office, he will gladly use the area of his desk to satisfy both of your needs. 
About him getting turned on in private… he is pretty much the same, he makes it obvious by his seductive movements and works on making you needy as well. The only difference is that you won’t have to wait much for him to satisfy your and his needs.
✰; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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verystrxxwberry · 1 month
Since I won't be able to post anything serious this weekend, I drop this I did for fun about the eldarya and mclng routes, enjoy :^
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Forgot to cut some of the pics lol, let's not think about that
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