yoosungisbabie · 2 years
on the ride home
jumin x mc
rating: G
warnings: none♡
word count: 3k
ao3 link
Jumin accompanies Jaehee and MC to view a potential venue for their next RFA party. He doesn't realize how strongly MC affects him.
“I’ll leave you to think it over. Please let me know if you have any more questions,” the manager said, bowing respectfully as he exited the room.
Jumin fixed his suit jacket for the seventh time in the past five minutes; there was nothing else to do. That particular suit always hung weird, so instead of looking at the uninteresting room the three of them were standing in, he focused on his jacket.
“So, what do you two think?” MC wondered aloud, clasping her hands together behind her back. Her eyes were alight, but Jumin failed to see what there would be to appreciate about the subpar banquet hall they stood in. He glanced around once more, almost to humor her, and let his eyes roll over the dull chandelier and aging upholstery.
“I’ll need to ask about the maximum capacity limit, the entrances, and what catering would look like before we commit to anything,” Jaehee spoke quickly, holding her clipboard tight to her chest. MC’s smile only widened, her eyes softening at Jaehee.
“Of course,” she agreed, nodding along before her eyes shifted to meet his expectantly. He took a deep breath in through his nose, nearly forgetting where he was going to start his grievances. The unbothered sparkle in her eyes was uncharacteristically distracting to him.
“Assistant Kang, please also investigate the hotel’s status further. I’d like to know their banquet reviews and frequency,” Jumin started, straightening his back and glancing over as Jaehee began to scribble on her clipboard. “I’m interested to know the turnover rate of their employees and what training they go through before anything.” The confidentiality of their guests was extremely important, and nothing could go wrong at the party due to the lack of proper training on the hotel’s part.
A small frown grew on MC’s face, drawing his gaze curiously. Was she displeased at the amount of help he was offering her? He normally took the role of investigating the possible hosts of the locations for their parties.
“That sounds great, Jumin,” she sighed, unclasping her hands from behind her back. “But– here! Just imagine it,” she grinned, changing her aura almost instantly. She quickly walked to the middle of the room, gesturing to the left side of the hall.
“We can have all the tables here, and we can hire that company for the centerpieces that we were talking about,” she began, nudging that last comment at Jaehee. “The refreshments can be set up there, and oh! I was thinking we could have V’s auction set up on the opposite side of the room. I want to give him space to arrange his pieces the way he wants, and–”
“I think he’ll appreciate that,” Jaehee interjected, smiling back at MC. Jumin was watching her, not realizing that his hands had relaxed at his sides. He quickly stuck them in his pant pockets, but the almost-anxious action caught MC’s attention.
“Jumin? Can you see what I mean?” she asked, walking closer to him once more. He raised his eyebrows, his eyes flitting around the room as he tried to visualize the ideas she had proposed.
“I think we should still review all the options, but if you would like to be in charge of how we arrange the room, you are welcome to,” he replied, looking back down at her as she breathed quickly out of her nose like that was the wrong answer.
“What about the view? The Seoul skyline?” she prompted, stepping to his left side so they were both facing the wall of windows to the east. She steadied herself with one hand on his forearm, using her other to point out at the windows enthusiastically.
“The Highrise Enthusiasts will love it, don’t you think? And once the sun begins to set?” she asked, almost commanding more of his attention than what had been drawn to the sudden upset feeling in his stomach. He stared down at her, seeing her wide smile and trying to figure out why he felt slightly sick. Had the minor change in his breakfast routine thrown off his perfect equilibrium?
“Consider it?” MC urged, her mouth softening into a gentle smile directed at him. He moved to speak, feeling his stomach clench once more in distress. Perhaps he should have stayed at the office to finish his paperwork instead of accompanying them that day.
“I’ll try my best to see your vision,” he agreed, nodding along before pressing his lips together. It was only when MC backed away, satisfied with his answer and releasing her light grip on his arm, that he unclenched the fists he’d made in his pockets.
“I’m not settling, but I think this would be a lovely venue if we don’t find another good option,” she offered, tilting her head at Jaehee. The two girls smiled at each other, and Jumin took a deep breath to try to settle his heart rate. He would definitely need to talk to his dietician, if not his doctor. Maybe the air in the banquet hall wasn’t filtered correctly? He couldn’t think straight.
“We can definitely consider it, MC,” Jaehee said, glancing up at her boss. He nodded at her, avoiding the party planner’s eyes as he turned back towards the entrance of the hall.
“I believe we should go before the traffic gets too much worse,” Jumin spoke quickly, wondering if there would be hardly any traffic outside. He led the way, bowing to the hotel staff as they took the elevator down to the ground floor.
MC gushed about the lobby when they passed through, latching onto Jaehee’s arm but not surprising the assistant in the least. Jumin watched with intrigue, interested as to if the small gesture had really been the reason for the ill feeling that hadn’t quite left him.
Driver Kim was waiting with the company car for them just outside the entrance, and to Jumin’s slight surprise, the lunchtime traffic was actually a little worse than usual.
Jaehee sat upfront, leaving Jumin in the backseat with MC. Driver Kim pulled out into the street quickly, knowing that they would want to get back to the office as soon as possible.
“I think Zen would really like the red accents in that hall, don’t you think, Jaehee? I only just thought of that,” MC commented, pulling out her phone. “I should send him a picture.” Jumin couldn’t help but peek at her phone, watching her send a picture that he hadn’t realized she’d taken. Jumin was in the picture, and Jaehee was hidden behind him as they had been talking to the manager. The subject of the picture was the stage at the head of the banquet hall, but the fact that Jumin was also in the picture alleviated some of the heat that rose to his ears when she had opened her private chat with Zen.
Jumin focused his attention back on his own phone, reading over the emails he had received while they had taken their short trip. The car was mostly quiet except for the light air conditioning and the gentle piano sonatas that Driver Kim always played on the radio. But before long, MC began to yawn, making Jaehee laugh after the first subsequent few.
“If you’d like, I could make you some coffee before you head back,” Jaehee offered, making MC smile and hum thoughtfully.
“That sounds lovely, thank you,” she replied, locking her phone and placing it and her hands in her lap. “I can’t sleep very much lately.” Jumin’s ears perked up, his attention shifting from his emails to their conversation more fully.
“Is that so?” Jaehee replied, turning in her seat to look back in slight concern.
“Oh, it’s just the transition from my old apartment to Rika’s apartment and now my new apartment is definitely an adjustment,” she explained, shrugging at Jaehee. “I’m used to a lot of background noise, so I need a good fan or something to–” She interrupted herself to yawn again, giggling herself out of it and making him finally look up at her completely. The sound was hard for him to ignore, for some reason.
“To drown out the quiet,” she finished, stealing a glance at him before looking back at Jaehee. He blinked at her comment, thinking about how quiet his penthouse was. If he compared it to the noise in the car at that moment, he could almost feel his ears ringing at the intense silence he would find in his own home. A strange thought then popped into his head; he wondered if she were ever to visit his house if she would hate it, or if her pleasant laughter would fill the space instead. But when his mind slipped into wondering what position she would sleep in or what she would look like waking up in the morning, he minutely shook his head, trying to clear the strange thoughts that seemingly came from thin air.
“I wouldn’t mind helping you look for a high-quality fan,” Jaehee spoke up, pulling him from his momentary daze. Again, he felt a strange sensation in his stomach, and he wondered if he really was developing an illness.
“Oh my goodness, please don’t,” MC said quickly, waving her hand dismissively. “I could never add more to your plate, Jaehee.” His assistant made a strange noise, somewhere between a sneeze and a cough, but brushed it off quickly and excused herself before turning back around in her seat.
The soothing piano melodies took over the quiet of the car once more, and Jumin went back to his emails, trying to find where he’d left off reading.
After only a few more minutes, he heard a small snore come from MC, and his eyes were drawn almost immediately to her. She had her head tilted back against the headrest, her mouth slightly open, and his first thought was of how quickly she had dozed off.
It was a long moment that he stared at her, seeing the rise and fall of her chest and listening to the air pass through her lips. Jumin realized how unexplainable his gaze would be if anyone saw him, so he pulled his eyes back to his phone, absentmindedly opening his browser. He began researching top-reviewed fans, but his mind switched quickly to another query.
How to fall asleep in my apartment if it is too quiet
Jumin had blocked out all other noise, focused on his research when there was sudden pressure and warmth on his left shoulder. His eyes moved before any other part of him could, seeing the top of MC’s head in the corner of his vision. His heart executed what he could only describe as a high jump, nearly eliciting a vocal reaction from him.
His whole body felt frozen, stuck in midair. Was she still asleep? If so, would she wake up if he so much as breathed? He anxiously tested it, feeling her body rise and fall with the rhythm of his breathing, and in doing so almost missing the rapid rate at which he was inhaling and exhaling. He tried to relax, staying as still as possible. He would much rather her be comfortable than him, even if that meant they would stay like this for the rest of their car ride.
Jumin looked back to his phone, exiting his browser and switching back to his emails. It was almost too much to try and focus on anything but the pattern of her breathing or the way he could barely feel her feathery exhales brushing the back of his hand.
When Driver Kim made a sudden stop, MC’s head slipped forward, nearly shifting off of his shoulder. She made a dissatisfied noise, raising his heart rate as she repositioned to move her whole body closer to his side. One of her hands found the crook of his elbow, her gentle grip hardly even noticeable through the fabric of his dress shirt and jacket.
He focused on his own breathing, wondering why her proximity was making him feel so uneasy. Maybe the combination of her closeness, her hand on his arm, and the way the simple scent of her shampoo was lingering in the air was the reason for his mental disquiet. But before he could take too long to dwell on it, they had arrived back at the C&R building. The dim lighting of their underground parking garage cast long shadows into the car, and he couldn’t help but tense up as he realized what was about to happen.
Jumin couldn’t bring himself to move, even as Jaehee opened the door for him. His assistant paused, glancing in at the both of them in confusion.
“Mr. Han? Did she real fall asle–” Jumin held a hand up, motioning for her to be a little quieter.
“What should I do?” he whispered without thinking, turning to glance at the woman lying against him to hide the way his face began to warm. He felt so unlike himself, but it seemed as though he didn’t have any way to control that fact for the time being, not with her there asleep on his arm.
Jaehee was quiet for a moment before clearing her throat and prompting him to look back at her, feeling an unexpected dependency on his assistant.
“I think you should wake her up,” Jaehee whispered back, pressing her lips together quickly to avoid smiling. Jumin pretended not to see that, furrowing his eyebrows at her. “If you move your shoulder slowly, she will probably begin to fall and wake up,” she offered, drawing an even more confused expression from him.
“I thought you would have a helpful answer,” he murmured to himself, trying to think of a solution quickly. Normally the security guards waiting nearby never bothered him, but even having Jaehee as an audience to whatever was happening felt intrusive.
“Please take the security guards and gather everyone for our one o’clock meeting,” he instructed, watching from his peripheral vision as Jaehee paused for a moment before nodding and turning away. Once she and the guards were closed in the elevator, he let out a slow, even breath.
He turned to look at MC, his chin almost brushing against her hair. He tilted his head forward slightly to see her face, his chest tightening when he saw her in the dim lighting. Her hair was hanging slightly in his way, but her lips were opened slightly in a pout, drawing his eyes first. He’d never noticed how long her eyelashes were or the pleasing slope of her nose until that moment, and the slightest color in her cheeks nearly made him reach up to feel the warmth waiting there. The thought of touching her was what made him release the breath he’d been holding, the air from his lips blowing her hair against her nose. It seemed to tickle her, her eyes fluttering and her face scrunching in response.
Jumin startled, pulling his face away just in time for her eyes to flutter open. She took an unsteady breath in, lifting her head to look around.
When their eyes met, hers blew fully wide, both of her hands shooting up to cover her mouth. The color of her face went red, a shade even more pleasing than before, even if he couldn’t see it as well as he would have liked in the poor lighting.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to fall asleep!” she exclaimed, her eyebrows pulling together like she wanted to cry. Jumin’s heart leaped, his unexplainable delight switching to regret.
“It’s alright,” he responded, shaking his head quickly as he moved to take off his seatbelt. She did the same, pressing her hands to her cheeks while he stole a glance at her. She looked distressed, but she was blushing and fixing her hair nervously. As she pulled it behind her ears, she moved to look at him. He quickly looked away, stepping out of the car and offering her his hand to help her out. She hesitated but took it, and the feeling that started in his fingertips and radiated through his whole body almost made him pull her into him again. But he controlled himself, watching as she walked past him towards the elevator.
Jumin faltered for a moment, hesitant to follow behind her too closely in case she was still uncomfortable. He shut the car door behind himself, buttoning his jacket and fixing his sleeves. He took even strides over to the elevator, glancing at her for less than a second as he stepped inside and selected his floor.
They were both silent as the doors closed and their ascent began, and Jumin wondered if she could hear the way his heart was racing in his chest as it pounded in his ears.
“Jumin,” she called, making him flinch. He played it off by brushing imaginary dust from his sleeve, glancing over at her. He had only intended to turn his head enough to imply that he was listening, but once their eyes met, he didn’t dare look away from such a sight.
She was smiling, a light pink settling over her cheeks as she blinked up at him.
“Why are you blushing too?” she whispered, pressing her lips together when his eyes widened. He felt his face grow even warmer, a heat simmering along the entire expanse of his body. Her expression could only be described as teasing, and the idea brought a whole new level of depth to the way he felt ill.
“I-um,” he started, surprising himself when he stuttered and was at a loss for words. While his mind scrambled to put any words together, either in response to her or for an explanation as to what he was experiencing, she giggled into her hand.
Jumin knew right then that even though he had no idea what she was doing to him, he would do everything in his power to make sure that it wouldn’t stop.
thank you so much for reading! i haven’t been on here in a hot minute, but I had started writing this in october and thought I might as well get something out. I love writing and sharing it, so here are! 
if you liked, please like, reblog, and leave a comment in the notes or in the tags! thank you <3
mel x
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lavendergoatart · 5 years
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I hope I got this in on time!!! 
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ruby-arts · 6 years
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JuminxMC short comic
Read the left column first and then the other
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phdandhbc · 6 years
Hello there! I don't know if my request is following your guidelines because I can't find your guidelines anywhere but can you write a scenario where jumin thought he had protect mc from getting shot or into an accident but at the last minute mc turn the table around and protect him instead. She almost died but survived.jumin gets more clingy, possessive and protective of mc because he was traumatised of almost losing her. Can you make this angsty and ends it with a fluff pretty please
Again - sorry about the mistakes I made about the guidelines back then. It should be fixed by now! Your request totally follows them, so no worries. I changed up the order of happenings a little because it just made more sense to me for Jumin to get clingy and possessive before things happen. I hope you’re alright with that.I know there’s another request from you in my inbox - I will write that one as well as soon as I reach that spot in my to do list. It might become a little ‘How to freak Jumin out’ series lolol. Anyways, please enjoy a Jumin x MC fic~
His phone buzzed again. For the 6th time within ten minutes and twenty seconds. Unnerved, he made a mental note to scold Assistant Kang for forwarding all those useless calls.
With a deep sigh he put away the picture of his wife and answered the phone.
“We will kidnap your wife.”
“We will kidnap your furball.”
“Don’t buy this company.”
“Do this.”
“Do that. ”
It never ended. An altered voice again, the same threats. It had been going on for days. His security team couldn’t make a change. Not even the increase of workers in the unit helped. Luciel’s help wasn’t working either. As a result he had switched phone numbers several times. Still the calls came on a daily basis.
Police hadn’t changed anything as well.
Assistant Kang reassured him she didn’t forward any of these calls.
After three months, Jumin slowly became worried.
His wife had no idea - why should he bother her with it. MC would only be anxious and smile less, which was not an option. She had to be happy. He would do everything for her.
When the first accidents occurred, he told himself these were just accidents. There was no way these things could be happening on purpose. When the first ones involved his wife , his mind changed quickly.
The worker that stumbled into her, spilling coffee over the dress she loved that much - Fired.
The assistant that forgot to remind her about her doctor appointments - Fired.
The driver that hit a wall while parking when she sat in the back - Fired.
There was no way all these things happened on a single day. Especially worrisome was the fact, that the calls had predicted these actions.
In the evening, MC had twice as many bodyguards. She heavily insisted they weren’t necessary, but Jumin wouldn’t listen. This was a matter of safety. It would be best if she stayed at home.
The next morning Jumin tried to make her stay at the house they had bought. He had no idea how much she would debate. In the end they were both late for work. A thing that had never happened since the day of their marriage.
In the afternoon police officers came to his office, telling him they found out who had threatened him for months. Jumin made Assistant Kang tend to the issue. Everything was calm. His mind wasn’t calm at all.
Then a single phone call - “What if something was to happen to your family, hmm? Give us what we want.”
He ended the call without saying a word. On his way to MC’s office rooms, he clenched his fists even though he tried to suppress his feelings. Jumin Han, CEO of C&R, unable to control his emotions. What a bad example for his workers he was.
Jumin took deep breaths and ensured to look composed as he knocked on his wife’s door. No reaction. Was she in danger? No. He had to think more calm here. He wondered if she was in a meeting or had accepted some sort of call.  Impossible. He would know about that.
Without another thought he opened the door.
The room was empty. His wife, MC, was nowhere to be seen. In this moment his stomach clenched together. Narrowed eyebrows. Jumin could feel his heart, pressing blood through his veins. Every inch of his body was electrified and filled with adrenaline. Quickly he calculated the reactions of his body. This was definitely fear.
Jumin turned around, already calling for MC’s assistant to find out where she was. The young woman gasped loudly when she realised who was on the phone and immediately told him about his wife’s whereabouts. At least she didn’t try to flirt with him.
Jumin couldn’t believe what she told him. He really didn’t want to believe MC was this reckless, especially after the fight this morning, but he had to be sure. There was no place for risks. He knew she always tried to do most of the work herself. She didn’t like to eat in the cafeteria. Sadly this meant, she often went to the convenience store with Assistant Kang.
Rushing throw the building, Jumin made his way to the main entrance. Outside he caught a glimpse of the dark red coat she had worn this morning. Next to it stood a tall, dark dressed man way too close to her.
His body tensed, alarmed. She was in danger. Without another thought he ran towards her.
“MC, no!”, he yelled when she turned towards the stranger with a smile on her lips.
The annoying beeping sound had a exact rhythm. Beep. One second. And repeat. Usually repeating patterns had a soothing effect on him. This, in contrary, stole his sleep for days.
Jumin recalled the fateful day that changed his life. He had crossed the street, eyes fixed on his wife. There was no time to look left and right. She was in danger. This led to the worst outcome possible. He had not seen the cars.
As he had crossed the street halfway, MC had turned towards him. Immediately her eyes widened and she ran towards him. How sweet she was, Jumin thought. Absentmindedly he brushed a hair strand from her unmoving face.
So still.. like a porcelain doll from China. Her beauty.. would she stay like this forever?
As quiet as possible he stood up and pressed one last kiss on her forehead. THere was nothing more to do for him. It was a fight he couldn’t win. She would have wanted him to go on, live his life and care for their child. The boy was constantly asking about his ‘mommy’, but Jumin didn’t have the words to answer his questions. They had gone with her.
“Mr. Han, your presence is required in the hospital. Please come as soon as you can!”
Jumin stared at his phone display. The caller had already cancelled the call. One sign and driver Kim sprinted towards the car, ready to take him to the destination. The streets were rushing past them, creating a puddle of colors. He couldn’t concentrate. Every thought circled around her.
When they arrived, he instantly rushed towards her room, ignoring all the medical stuff on his way there. No one would be able to take him away from her. He grabbed the door and almost slammed it open. Inside, people turned their heads to identify the intruder. Doctors and nurses surrounded her bed. And in the middle she sat, with open eyes and smile when she recognised him.
She was alive, and now she had finally woken up after months of waiting.
A tear ran down his cheek as he hurried to her side and took her hand. The desire to hug, whirl around and kiss her was unbearable, but he restrained himself. Fully aware about her state, he had decided to give her time and take things slow as soon as she was by his side again.
Instead of her usual, gentle touch, she pressed her fingernails into his palm. Anger plastered all over her face. Within seconds a full blown tantrum was thrown into his face, shocking the doctors enough to leave them alone for a while.
“How could you be this DUMB?!! You could have died!” Her voice resembled a screech and no matter how much he tried to calm her, she just kept on screaming at him how dangerous his behaviour had been.
Jumin had to admit how right she was. In the end she lay her in the hospital because she pushed him off the street. She got hit by a car in his stead. He would never find words or actions to express how sorry and worried he was.
At least she had survived. He took her face in his hands and pressed a kiss on her lips. Now that she was back, they could deal with everything else over time.
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lucilliasama · 7 years
The fall of a God. - Written by: Lucillia-Sama
“Babe?” MC muttered into the disheveled sheets stained with cool sweat and a bit of sweetness from her beloved.  When she felt about the sheets  beside her she pouted. He wasn’t there… An exhausted, achy MC peeled herself out of bed and onto the chilly hardwood . ‘What could be keeping him up so late?‘ She wondered to herself the whole while that she wandered about the seemingly empty apartment. Truthfully she wished that it had stayed like that because what she saw made her blood run cold and her heart tumble to the depths of her stomach.
Zen chuckled against the reddened skin of a young brunette. One hand tangled in her hair and the other in her dress.
Now this beautiful man didn’t notice right away… no, the girl did. She let out a startled gasp as she pushed Zen off of her. The drunk silver haired imp glanced back in confusion. What was she… Fear filled his eyes quickly upon the sight of a now teary eyed MC. With as much grace as he could muster he pulled himself to his feet. It was like a stand off as the two tried to gauge each others next action. Nothing could have prepared Zen for her running away from him, though. That quivering girl couldn’t have possibly scrambled back to their room any faster, taking special attention to lock the door behind her.  
Zen was close behind and it wasn’t long before he was banging on the door in anxious desperation. “Babe! …I thought she was you! You don’t understand!”
MC bit into her lip as she leaned back into the shaking door, sliding down until her bare bottom touched floor. In her head he was honestly justifying why she had to stay there… to keep the door closed.. to keep him away. It took a while before she could bring herself to reach for her phone and dial the last number she expected… Jumin. Uneven breaths fluttered over the mic as she tried to compose her thoughts through Zen’s begging.
She wasn’t sure how long it rang before a husky voice answered,“…MC?”
MC swallowed hard as tears threatened to blind her. Her throat felt strangled as she slowly whispered. “Can you come get me?”
If Jumin wasn’t awake before, he definitely was now. “At the apartment?”
“Y-yes.. please…”
Zen’s screaming could be heard even through the phone as he pulled and banged on the door. What had he expected to happen? His fuzzy brain tried to excuse his actions but really all he could imagine was that pretty brunette in the short red dress. One slip up shouldn’t make him a bad man!  She meant nothing!
He was breathless before he felt a hand rest angrily on his shoulder and jerk him away. “I don’t know what you did…” Jumin snarled, glaring him down. “But whatever it was? It was far more than enough. Now go away.”
Still in a bit of drunken stir the actor smacked the hand away and squared up to the CEO-in-line. “Who said you could be here?!  Get out!” His chest felt heavy from all the yelling, throat raw. However; He was NOT going to let his darling be taken by anyone. Let alone that cat freak! Surely he would have fought him had a red faced MC not unlocked the door. His thoughts were in a frenzy as he pushed Jumin out of the way. Caution went to the wind just as he went crashing into MC, clutching onto her around her shoulders and burying his face in her hair.
“Babe!” He whimpered. She weakly pushed at him but he paid it no mind. Of course she would be upset! They were stronger than this though… they were in love. She couldn’t hate him for one mistake. “I’m sorry! We were just kissing! It was nothing!”
MC whimpered. “Let go, Zen.. I’m leaving.”
“One time! I just did it once! DO THE LAST THREE YEARS MEAN NOTHING TO YOU?!” He sobbed, holding tighter as Jumin tried to pull him off.
In shock of her tone Zen let loose long enough for Jumin to pull him away. By the time he processed her words… he was alone. The silver haired man stumbled out onto his front steps to see his dearest climbing into that stuck up jerk’s car. He raced down the steps but to no avail.
No.. they could fix this. It was one time! One time can’t change everything! MC shook even in the confines of this warm vehicle. That wasn’t lost on Jumin as he watched worriedly. He watched her body be racked by sobs and there was nothing he could do… he wasn’t good at comforting. He bit his lip before slipping an arm around her shoulder. He was sure that she would pull away but instead she buried her face into his chest, clinging to him tightly. Jumin’s grey eyes filled with empathetic sadness as he held her close. Instinctively he rubbed circles onto her back and rested his chin on her head. “He made you cry but that will end tonight.” he let out a deep exhale. “My heart hurts…” she sobbed. “It all hurts.” Jumin’s eyebrows furrowed as he swallowed hard. “Never again will you feel this pain again. I’ll keep you safe…” She nodded weakly into his chest. That was all the permission he needed. He would protect her just as he intended to from the beginning. The rest of the ride was quiet. Jumin wasn’t surprised to see she had fallen back asleep. Though he was relieved that this time.. it was in his arms. He smiled softly as he picked her up into his arms and brought her inside. This was her home now. He would give her the world. From this day forward he, and only he, would keep her safe. ~To be continued~
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harajukukiller-art · 7 years
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MC #3 and a little detail about her
I’ll slowly be doing all of the Mcs because I use all of them with certain characters lmao
and MC #3 ended with Jumin!
more info to come later
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lookhereiam · 8 years
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I was listening to 90′s songs and
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radydrawsstuff-blog · 8 years
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rxiiko-hana · 8 years
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It’s getting cold~
MCxJumin piece :D
I wish it snowed here... Or at least have autumn...
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kingkodiak · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IQwdbo59Co)
I voiced Jumin again for TheRoseAngelReturns! This time Jumin catches MC at the wrong time. Or was it the right time? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Rose voiced MC as well as made this video so please show her some love! 
Rose’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRoseAngelReturns
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bulletproofscales · 5 years
* sfw one shot masterlist 
* nsfw one shot masterlist
* chaptered beauties
self-control (11/11 chapters - ot7- jungkook centric- everyone but jungkook is fat- established ot6- feedee bts- sub jungkook - tuffing - burping -  tw: mentions of inmobility , body odor )
my door is always open 11/11 (jikook , coraline au , feedee jungkook , rapid wg , cheating , abusive relationship , noncon , manipulation , hypnotization , feminization , gender dysphoria , gender discomfort , body dismorphia , sex slavery , angst with happy ending)
get used to the fuse ( 14/14 namjoon centric , ot7 , weight gain , pervert namjoon , each chapter tagged individually)
* challenges
kinktober 2022!! (masterlist , every chapter tagged individually , feederism , ocassional noncon, pwp )
fem boy febuary 2023!! (masterlist, every day is tagged individually, every bts as a fem boy , d/s )
monster fucking march 2023!! (masterlist , every day is tagged inidivually , unfinished)
august heat 2023!! (masterlist , everyday is tagged individually , omegaverse )
mystic messenger
work before boyfriend? in this ecoomy? (yooseven - chubby seven - stuffing)
fast food (mcxjumin - chubby jumin - public place-ish)
paybacks (yooseven - chubby yoosung- mouring - hurt/comfort - body worship)
Garla syntomps (ot3 - klunk - rapid weight gain - force feeding - light angst)
yuri on ice
until we meet again (otayrui - chubby yurio - long distance relationship - very soft)
who’s playing santa? (victuri - both of them are chubby - popping buttons)
accidentally fat (victuri - chubby victor - shower sex)
harry potter
easy to win (drarry - chubby harry - enemies, to friends, to lovers)
not like other aniversaries (astoriaxdraco - chubby draco - kink discovery - hurt/comfort)
friday stuffings (hinata centric - chubby hinata - public space)
freshmen 15 in highschool senior uniform (thrid years weight gain , public space, ripping clothes) 
friday stuffings pt 2 (kagehina, aged up characters, public space, chubby hianata feeder kageyama, sexual tension)
you’re not wakatoshi (ushiten - non feederism - sub/dom - drabble)
simon snow saga
loving you is easy (snowbaz , first times , anxiety attacks , ptsd , soft )
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lexiauteur · 7 years
Don’t Take Him Away
A Jumin/Reader Oneshot
Request: anonymous
Hello pretty ❤️ I really really like your writing because you are so good ❤️ can I request a fic about mcxjumin where he have a heart attack ( i tried to find a rules post but I couldn't so I don't know if you are okay with it but if you are uncomfortable with writing it you can just drop it ) sorry for my bad English
Warnings: This story contains mentions of death, please proceed with that in mind.
Wordcount: 1,411
A/N: I did it! I finished it! Took me longer than expected, but tbh honest it was quite difficult for me to write such a dramatic scene. I’m also not super happy how the ending turned out but I hope you enjoy it anyways and as always, if you have constructive criticism to share please do so. Oh, and if you wanna be tagged in future posts, please let me know as well. <3
“Honey, are you okay?” I asked Jumin, lightly touching his shoulder.
He was sitting at his desk as usual, his back facing the huge window front of his office. Frantically typing on his computer, he was clearly stressed and had been the past week. I just came in to bring a stack of documents for him to sign. His brows knit in confusion, as he looked up from the screen and eyed the documents I was neatly putting on the glass table.
I have been working at the C&R building for about 6 months now, partially because I wanted to reduce Jaehee’s amount of work, but also to see my husband more often. Due to his business, we had been rarely seeing each other (besides sometimes having dinner together) and I missed spending some quality time with Jumin.
“I’m fine y/n, it’s just a little warm in here” he said, his voice raspy and dry. Loosening the collar of his button-down, his eyes never left the computer screen. Not believing him, I glanced at his profile. He was looking quite ashy and beads of sweat were already forming on his forehead.
“Shall I open the window then?” I suggested. His state was starting to concern me, I’ve never seen him like this before.
He nodded and I turned around to open one of the big windows. Then I walked up behind him, massaging his shoulders and temples. He closed his eyes for a second, I could feel him relaxing under my touch and he sighed in contentment.
“I know you have a lot of work to do, Jumin, but you have been so stressed lately and it’s really starting to concern me. Can’t you take a day off, or maybe two?” I carefully asked him, but I also already knew my answer.
“I’m sorry if I’ve worried you y/n, but you know I can’t do that. It is very important that I get everything done before my business trip” He mumbled and I could hear the exhaustion in his voice.
“But Jaehee and I can do the work instead. You should get some rest. Please consider taking a break” I pled with him. I knew Jumin could be extremely stubborn, but as of late he was neglecting his own body and I couldn’t bear seeing him like this anymore.
“Fine, I’ll take a day off. I’ll make you a list of the things that need to be done over the course of next week and -”
He stopped mid-sentence, suddenly hunching with pain as a wave of coughs overcame him. His body heavily jerked with every cough and he tensed up immediately.
“Oh god Jumin, are you okay?” I jump to his side, eyes wide with shock, grabbing his arm to support him. But he wasn’t answering, just coughing and desperately gasping for air. He stood up from his chair, leaning onto the desk. His coughs became even more rapid and started choking.
The look in his eyes was frightening, I’ve never seen so much terror in someone’s eyes. I quickly removed his tie and almost ripped his shirt open. Jumin was clutching his chest with his right hand and supporting himself on my arm with the left.
I was starting to panic, because he didn’t stop coughing and it was getting worse. Frantically searching the room for something to help him, I tried calling Jaehee but she didn’t answer her phone. Cursing under my breath, I ran to the bathroom, filling a cup with ice-cold water and sprinting back to his office, almost tripping and falling over in my heels.
I gave him the water and he chugged it down, his face contorting with pain. But he could breathe again, taking gulps of air as if his life was about to end. He slid down his desk, his body was so weak that he couldn’t support his own weight any longer.
After the coughing had calmed down, Jumin was shaking. His hands were feeling cold and clammy, but his forehead was burning up. He was still in pain and it kept getting worse. I clutched his hand, tears started streaming down my face.
“Y/n, I... I think I’m having a heart attack” His words were barely a whisper, as another wave of pain flooded his body. He slid down his desk, his body was so weak that he couldn’t support his own weight any longer.
It felt like someone punched me in the stomach. My mind went blank and it seemed like the earth stopped spinning for a second.
My body moved on its own, grabbing the phone and calling 911. To this day, I still have no idea how I managed to tell the woman on the other end that my husband was dying.
“The paramedics are on their way Jumin...” I smiled through my tears, grabbing his ice-cold hands. His eyes were closed and his body had stopped shaking.
“Jumin, did you hear me? The paramedics are on their way... Jumin? Jumin!”
I couldn’t even hear my own screaming, tears streaming over my face and blurring my vision. I violently shook his body, over and over again, until the door flung open and someone pushed me to the side. Jaehee and a team of paramedics rushed in, taking Jumin’s lifeless body out of my hands.
I never thought I would ever see someone performing CPR on my husband. And although I was conscious the whole time, at this point I don’t remember what happened anymore.
The next thing I know, I was in the hospital, sitting in the waiting room. Alone. After pleading with her, Jaehee had finally agreed to stay at Jumin’s office to take care of the paperwork. But now I was almost regretting that decision because I was longing for comfort. My husband was in a critical condition and my anxiety was slowly starting to take over my thoughts.
The hours were passing; I stood up, restlessly pacing around the room, then sitting down in my chair again, burying my face in my hands.
Then finally the door to the waiting room opened. “Mrs. Han? You can see your husband now” a nurse called. I basically jumped up from my seat and followed her down the hall to the intensive care unit.
“Please have a seat, the doctor will be here any minute” she said and opened the door to Jumin’s room. I hesitantly walked in, suddenly scared to see my husband, and sat next to his bed. The nurse left and I was alone with him.
I had never seen my husband like this. His skin looked gray and dull, his hair had lost its shine and there were dark circles under his eyes. The room was quiet, except for the breathing noises of his oxygen mask and the steady beeping of his heart monitor. He looked so weak, almost fragile, and I was scared to touch him, scared that I would never feel the warmth of his skin ever again.
After another 10 minutes, the door opened and the doctor walked in.
“Hello Mrs. Han, I’m Dr. Lee” he introduced himself and shook my hand. He told me that the surgery went well and that Jumin should fully recover from the injury. A heart attack at such a young age was very unusual, the doctor explained, considering the fact that Jumin doesn’t smoke and excercises a lot.
They had given him strong pain medication and told me he might be delirious and disoriented when we would wake up.
Tears were filling my eyes again, I was so relieved to hear that Jumin was going to fine. My hands were shaking as I thanked the doctor over and over again.
For the next month I visited the hospital every single day. Jumin looked better each day, he was even starting to smile again and became stronger. I brought him gifts and took care of him so much, to the point where I thought I was overdoing it.
But Jumin reassured me that he wouldn’t want anyone else at his side.
“It’s all thanks to your amazing care and your love that I will continue waking up next to you every morning and seeing your beautiful face” he said to me, taking my hand in his. I could see the adoration in his eyes and feel the warmth of his skin again, and I knew then that this man would never ever leave my side.
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lucilliasama · 7 years
The fall of a God. Chapter 2. - Written by: Lucillia-Sama
The night had been expectantly hard for the young CEO-in-line. All his thoughts were consumed with worry for his young friend and truly he was only passing time until it would be acceptable to go check on her. When seven am rolled around, you can rest assured that there he was. "MC?" Jumin would say softly, followed by a light tapping on the door. She had found comfort in one of his guest rooms much to his relief. He watched the girl quietly laying in bed with her phone and felt his eyebrows furrow.  "MC?"
MC wouldn't look up from her phone but instead in a solemn tone say,"He's called so many times... texted...”. Her voice seemed weak but still she didn’t cry. One could assume that, at this point, she ran out of tears. Her prince.. her love.. he was shattered. All that was left was the shell of a man he once embodied.
A pit of guilt washed over him. Perhaps he should have taken her phone. It would have been best for her to not see Zen's nonsense. However she had surely seen the same flood he had this morning. It was too late to think of what if’s. There was only how to now. How to fix this.. "Yes.. It would appear he did."
The girl gave a brief nod of acknowledgement as she continued flicking through the remaining messages. What kind of person can do something so cruel and not think it would have lasting effects? Her teeth sank into her lip as she reviewed the number of voicemails he had left, all unopened. This wasn’t fair to Jumin. This wasn’t fair to her. This wasn’t fair at all. She leaned up with a heavy sigh, looking over to assess the stress on Jumin. He.. hadn’t slept, clearly. She frowned. “What..? Should I leave?” He offered anxiously. MC couldn’t be certain of a lot of things right now. Not of her love, not of her comfort.. But she was sure that Jumin meant the entirety of what he promised her. He always meant what he said. He was always so kind. “No, please...” she slowly got up. “We should.. we should have breakfast, right? I can cook.” Jumin closed the gap between them unconsciously and shook his head. “Breakfast is already prepared. Forgive me, I wasn’t certain on what you would like so there is a bit of everything.” A bit of everything..? She couldn’t fight the laugh that fluttered up through her chest. That was such a Jumin thing to do. The laughter was a bit of a shock which showed distinctly in as he felt redness pool into his face. Embarrassment, maybe? “What? What did I say?” MC looked up with a soft smile and tear stained eyes. “Thank you, Jumin.” Jumin swallowed hard before giving a stern nod and pulling away from the young woman. All too quickly he would make his way out of the room, leading her to the kitchen. Elizabeth the Third made herself comfortable on one of the luxury bar stools, purring rather loudly. She would peek up as the two entered the room, raising to her feet and giving a long stretch. MC had missed that little ball of snow. She made that obvious as she rushed over to the cat who calmly sat down and watched her closely. Her hands softly caressed the smooth white fur as she cooed to the princess cat. This impressed the heir as she was enthused about Elizabeth the Third but not quite so obsessive as Luciel. She hardly even noticed the food, though... Jumin cleared his throat and much to his appeal it got his friend’s attention right away. MC glanced back at him in curiosity before he motioned over to a mahogany table that was littered with food. A few of the foods were french toast with strawberries and cream, strawberry pancakes, scrambled eggs.. “Bacon.” she mumbled. He arched an eyebrow. “Bacon?” She nodded,”There’s no bacon.” “You wanted some?? I can have it made right away-” Jumin scrambled. It was so unlike him to be flustered but then again it was hardly common for him to have anyone over. Let alone eat breakfast with them. Once more the girl giggled, “No, no. I like fruit. You made sure there was plenty of that! That’s what I want. Don’t worry.” It felt nice to laugh but inside she still felt a bit charred. It was such a conflicting flood of emotions. Her mind had practically ran blank as she ran through the motions of making up plates and going to sit on the couch. “You’re...” “Hmmn?” She looked to Jumin who sat at the table by himself with a confused look. She wasn’t sure which one of them looked weirder but apparently she was the strangest one. Almost in sync they said. “You’re sitting...” “At the table?” “On the couch?” There was an almost in that description, right? The two of them innocently stared at one another. Perhaps it was in hopes of the other moving to where they were but in the end it was a stalemate. They would both move at once, each in direction of the other. This was troublesome... “I uhm..” MC began. “I’m not so used to..” Jumin bit his lip, plate in hand and started walking over to her. “W-we should eat breakfast this way today. I eat it the same everyday... I’d like to try this way.” MC nodded slowly before reaching and grabbing the remote. Once he was placed comfortably next to her, she turned on a random show and they quietly ate. It was fun, comfortable even. Until he popped onto the screen... ~To be continued~
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baconwaffle2016 · 7 years
2, 7, 17
2. What’s next on your ‘to-read’ list? (Fan fiction or otherwise)
Fanfiction wise: I’m going to try finally reading Seriphia’s Love is a Battlefield and some Miraculous epics such as Heartstrings and Back to Us (now that it’s finally complete)
Otherwise: Once the new Night Vale novel comes out, It Devours, that will likely be my bread and butter for days. I also plan to read the rest of the Discworld series, along with some other fantasy books, if I can find a book I like.
7. What’s the last thing you read that made you cry?
I’m a wuss, so I cry very easily. Like, my early days in the Hetalia fandom was basically searching for any angsty fic on the net (usually unrequited!USUK), because I apparently like having my heart torn out and spat all over.
But the fic that recently made me cry is probably Entangle Me, by jacqui_bebop. I have a lot of love for a lot of fandoms, and Mystic Messenger is no different. I love how diverse the writers and writing has been, and I love how everyone interprets the characters. I even love how people write pairings that I personally don’t ship, and MCxJumin is one of them. But this author is so skilled in making me cry for MC, Jumin, and Seven...I just can’t overlook her. 
17. Describe a fic that is still in the ‘ideas’ stage.
I have a few actually! There’s an Undertale/Underswap fic I’m trying to write, along with a mix of other AUs, because I love more or less of them. It won’t really have smut, but there will be violence and some psychological horror-type stuff. Because why not, amirite.
I still have to do right by my Mystic Messenger fics, especially with my Mini Messengers AU (Seven and Saeran being childhood friends with MC, and how that affects the main story)
But there’s one Seven Deadly Sins fic I’ve had in my head for nearly a year, and now with a lot of the revelations we’ve seen in the manga, I think that one day I can actually write it as cohesive as I originally wanted. It’s sort of a Modern AU. I say “sort of”, because...well:
Summary: Elizabeth is a normal girl living in a normal city. She goes to school, talks to friends, and hangs out with her single mother. However, everything starts to change when she begins dreaming of people she has never met, never known. As her dreams bleed into reality, Elizabeth starts wondering where one begins and where the other ends.
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muffidoodle · 8 years
Tumblr media
MCxJumin Han
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3,4, and 5 :000
3) what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
I actually write very strictly in chrono order because when I write I visualise the plot like scenes in a movie, therefore writing them in anything other than chrono would throw me out of sorts.
THAT SAID, when I write scenes, sometimes I change my mind about the direction or get a different feel for it once I actually get it in front of me and so I will remove that particular bit of writing, go in some other direction and then reuse that bit of phrasing later. A good example of this is Shelter. Chapter one of Shelter was the very first draft of Memento Mori, but I wasn’t a fan of how it turned out (and I really didn’t want to write Memento Mori TBH), plus I wanted to expand on MCxJumin, so I used it for that instead.
4) favorite character you’ve written
Somewhere between Nsikhonsou and Lily, my two oldest OCs that I’ve had from pre-internet writing days. 
As she left The Traveller’s Rest, Nsikhonsou buried her face in the collar of her coat, waiting to cross the street and return to her attic apartment, which was about a five minute walk away. As she took a step forward, the door to the bar opened once again and Quinn rushed out, still adjusting his own coat.
“Nsikhonsou!” He called. “Nsikhonsou, wait!”
For a moment, she wondered if she had forgotten to pay, not that it mattered much; she had cast a blind eye over so many of the barkeeper's minor indiscretions that he returned the favour when it came to her tab.
“Is something wrong?”
“I just…”
Quinn's smile was a beautiful thing; soft, sad and mingled with just the right amount of concern. He smiled as he pulled strangers from burning buildings, as he ran his fingers along the spines of the victims of terrible crimes and reassured them of their safety. His true smile, the one that he reserved for those he cared for, was only fractionally different. The softness remained, while the sadness did not.
He smiled as he searched for the right words, though never got the chance to say them, for the rectangular earpiece he had detached upon entering the bar crackled into action.
“Captain Solari!” Gullveig gasped on the other side, gunshots ricocheting off an unknown intruder. “We have a breach! It’s one of the Others, sir!”
At that, Quinn dragged the device from his pocket and all but slammed it against his ear.
“Solari here,” he said. “What’s your status?”
But Gullveig did not respond and Quinn tapped the earpiece again.
“Recruit?” He called into the ether. “Recruit?”
Gullveig did not answer, leaving Quinn to hiss ‘dammit’ as he rushed to the end of the street, fiddling with the earpiece.
Nsikhonsou followed, reaching out a hand to take him by the arm.
“It’s her, isn’t it?” She said, trembling even in the very tips of her fingers. “I’m coming with you.”
“You’ve been drinking,” said Quinn, shrugging her off. “I can’t allow you on active duty. You know that.”
But Nsikhonsou stood firm, chin high and eyes locked with his.
“Then take me,” she spat, “as a witness.”
5) character you were most surprised to end up writing
I once wrote a completely deadass serious fic about Jiminy Cricket and Little Miss Muffet. No one reviewed it. I’m not surprised.
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