#mysme ff
yoosungisbabie · 1 year
alone with you
jumin x mc
rating: T
warnings: slight angst, kissing♡
word count: 1.7k
ao3 link
All they want is time.
When she agreed to marry him, she believed she was ready for whatever would come her way. Merging their lives would take time, and she accepted that.
She never thought it would be so hard to get a moment alone with her fiancé.
They’d agreed early on that living together should wait until after their marriage. That didn’t stop him from paying for an apartment mere blocks from his building in Seoul. Despite that, he left for work in the early mornings, making her windows to visit him at home slim and far apart.
She continued the job of her own, juggling her management position along with wedding preparations. Meetings with their planner were mostly about making decisions, but the finality of said decisions was never sure. She wanted to consult Jumin first, but his schedule was more packed than ever.
C&R’s stocks were soaring in price, the news of the wedding was all over, and the continued lawsuit against Sarah and Glam Choi kept Jumin running a nonstop marathon. She continually offered to help both him and Jaehee, but there was never much she could do to truly help.
When she had time, Jumin’s father took up what he could of it. He wanted to learn all about her, though she wished Jumin could accompany her. His father was a kind man, but he had his opinions about their relationship. All she could do was smile and nod, wanting to keep peace and harmony between all parties.
Her own parents were waiting for the first opportunity to meet Jumin in person, but even a month after the party, everything was still too hectic.
But, there would come moments when they were finally alone.
Sometimes they would just hold each other, opting for physical comfort to fill the short minutes they were allowed. Other times, they would spill their whole days out in the air.
On most occasions, they would share Jumin’s lunch. She would visit his office and greet a disheveled Jaehee, closing the door of Jumin’s office behind her. An hour felt so short as they ate slowly and talked, catching each other up on all the little details.
And other times, like that day, she’d had enough. An hour a day with her husband-to-be was not sufficient, and she knew he felt the same.
“Jumin, do you have time?”
The answer was, and probably always would be, no, but perhaps he’d heard the tone of her voice through the phone. The exhaustion, the longing in the way she breathed out, and so he replied, “Yes.”
“Where are you?” was what immediately followed, and she took a long, deep inhale.
“I’m home. Would you be able to—“
“I’m leaving now,” he cut in, his voice gentle yet urgent. Despite the excitement blossoming in her stomach, she looked up, glancing around her messy apartment. He’d only visited once, just after the small abode had been purchased nearly a month ago. It had become cluttered since then; there was barely enough time to sleep anymore.
“Arrive safely, please,” she smiled, hearing him moving about quickly. He chuckled shortly, halting to place all his attention on her once more.
“I can’t wait to see you,” he replied, sounding resolute as he sighed.
They said goodbye, her hands tingling in anticipation.
The five minutes his trip took felt like hours, but she tried to busy herself with tidying up. She shakily folded blankets and arranged her shoes neatly on the floor.
She heard his footfalls before his gentle knock pierced the door, her body lunging for the handle immediately.
There he was, Jumin Han, standing in her doorway. The anxious anticipation in his eyes simmered into a warm, glowing fondness that she could almost feel against her skin.
“Hello, my love,” he sighed, grinning crookedly. She laughed slightly, reaching forward to take his hand in hers and lead him into the apartment and close the door behind him.
“I’ve missed you,” she said, letting her hand fall from his only to be able to wrap her arms around his middle. He returned her embrace immediately, their bodies melting into each other.
She felt the way his tense shoulders deflated against her, her own body buzzing from the immediate relief she felt at having him in her arms.
She was the first to pull away, looking up at him with complete adoration and overflowing gratitude. He returned her gaze, looking her over and nodding to himself happily.
“I’m glad to see you’re doing well,” he said, his voice just above a whisper. She pursed her lips, shooting him a knowing look.
“I am now,” she replied just as quietly, watching his smile migrate from his eyes to his lips. He reached forward, pressing a lingering kiss to her forehead and igniting a small fire in the pit of her stomach.  
“Your apartment looks lovely, by the way,” he commented, drawing his eyes up and past her.
“Thank you,” she smiled, turning in his hold to look behind herself. Jumin hadn’t been able to visit her apartment since the initial purchase, and although she’d sent him numerous pictures after furnishing it, she was still excited to show him around.
“Would you like to see?” she wondered, intertwining her fingers with his and blinking up at him. He nodded once, smiling down at her and squeezing her hand.
She walked him through her living space, briefly explaining the reasoning behind her decorations as he followed behind her. He let her speak, more than content to listen to her voice for hours on end.
When they finished, she absentmindedly led him back towards the kitchen, eyeing the door and feeling a wave of bitter anticipation wash over her.
Jumin stopped a single pace behind her, their hands still tangled together at their sides. She turned back to look at him, longing to take in his presence for as long as possible.
The way he looked down at her reminded her of the first time they’d met at his penthouse. He’d simply stared into her eyes, making her cheeks grow warm and her heart flutter in her chest. Jumin later revealed that he’d wanted to kiss her the moment he laid eyes on her, and the memory brought another gentle smile to her lips.
She couldn’t fathom how much she’d taken their time together for granted. No part of her wanted Jumin to go through the same pain as those days when Elizabeth went missing, but to have that time alone with him once more would be all she would ever ask for again.
Her free hand moved to Jumin’s upper arm, her fingers curling around his bicep loosely as she stepped closer.
“Thank you for coming,” she whispered, hugging his arm to her chest as he looked down at her curiously.
“I’m yours,” he replied simply, making her next breath hitch in her throat. His eyes followed the way her lips parted, a near-silent gasp for air. His free hand rose to meet her cheek, his thumb stroking her temple.
“Good,” she let out, moving her hand from his arm to his shoulder to steady herself. They both leaned in to kiss each other, meeting in the middle blissfully.
The way Jumin kissed her could easily convince anyone that he really did have all the time in the world. His slow, precise movements made warmth bubble in her chest and made her knees feel like buckling. It was more than a kiss; it was a study, an exploration. Her instinctual movements, her reactions, the way her body responded to his; Jumin took his time to commit it all to memory.
All of her senses were heightened and dialed into him, and the gentle way his hand was pressing into her waist was making everything feel fuzzy around the edges.
Jumin pulled away for a desperate breath, and she barely stopped herself from chasing after him. She blinked up at him, seeing his dazed eyes move past her to focus on the wall just behind her.
“On second thought, my love,” he breathed, gazing down at her once more. “Some of your design choices are abysmal. You should remove the clock from the wall.” She pressed her lips together, staring up at him in mild confusion while his hand still hadn’t moved from her side.
“How dare you let time pass while we’re together?” he whispered, making her lips split into a grin that bubbled into a laugh as she shook her head.
“I’m sorry,” she giggled, pushing some of his hair from his eyes as he smiled playfully down at her. “How rude of me,” she replied softly, running a thumb across his cheekbones and reveling in the warmth just beneath his skin.
Meeting his eyes might have finally made her legs give out if he hadn’t been holding her up with him. What little of his irises weren’t shadowed seemed to burn as he took her in completely, and the sight made her heart struggle to beat properly.
She parted her lips to speak, thinking for a brief moment that maybe she could continue his joke and make him laugh as well. But any reply slipped her mind when his gaze shifted to her mouth, making her thoughts sizzle into nothing but that of kissing him even once more.
A breath before their lips met again, his phone buzzed needily in his suit pocket as it was pressed between his chest and hers. She met his eyes, watching as the euphoria in them faded all too quickly. He pulled away just enough to reach in and silence the call, frowning slightly at her. She replied with a gentle smile, reaching up to press an understanding kiss to his lips that he restrained himself from deepening.
“I want more time,” he breathed as she pulled away, his fingers splaying across her lower back in order to keep her right where she was. She nodded in agreement, waiting for that familiar disappointment to settle in her chest.
But as she watched the way he was willing to melt for her, to drop everything, all she felt blooming in her stomach was relief. Jumin was hers, and she was his. A moment alone would never be enough, but they’d promised each other a lifetime.
“We have it, Jumin,” she replied simply, watching his eyes as they took her in completely. “All the time in the world.”
thank you all so much for reading! I stressed over the editing and wording of this one because I wanted it to be perfect but! nothing will ever be posted if I need it to be perfect so here we are!
if you enjoyed this, please leave a like, a note, a reblog, or anything you can! I’d love to hear any feedback <3 I have more Jumin fics in the works that I’d like to post soon!
mel x
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asterjennifer · 3 months
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You woke up this morning with alerting senses in your belly roaming around.
Something felt off by the moment you stretched your limbs. A vibe inside the room that almost made you shudder without reason.
Confused, you figured it's just one of those mornings where you start off by feeling somewhat disoriented. Everyone had that from time to time, it wouldn't have been the first time to experience something similar.
Therefore you decided to scroll your phone for a while before getting up. But no matter how many cute cat videos popped up on your screen, the feeling stood in the room like an elephant.
Defeated and also unsure how to shake it, you just stood up. Maybe a little walk before having breakfast would help you out....
So you got ready for the day as per usual. Picking your clothes, your shoes, taking care of your appearance and teeth in the bathroom after brushing your hair. Just the typical procedure. You frowned after putting on the jacket. It's weird to not run into one of the twins when you're literally living in their bunker alongside them.
Normally, you'd either run into Saeyoung, being the kind soul that he his, preparing the breakfast for everyone. Or you'd meet Saeran already up due to his sleepless night. Sitting on the couch with a book between his hands.
Nothing though. Neither the former agent nor the bookworm were anywhere to be found. It only worsened this uncomfortable feeling crawling over your skin. Shaking your head the last time, you left the bunker to be kissed by the gentle sun rays. You smiled unconsciously, the warmth on your face immediately had some effect on your mood. Good, you thought. Now things would go back to normal.
Your walk didn't last long, but that wasn't the intention anyway. You preferred being on time to eat together at the table than roaming the streets already familiar to you.
You greeted an old lady on your way back. Sometimes you passed some interesting looking people, leaving you wonder what their story was and how they felt deep inside their hearts.
When you came back in, you finally heard noises coming from the kitchen. It made you smile. You never knew which twin you greeted, it's not that you had a favorite to see first. You liked to play a little guessing game with yourself about it.
And you picked Saeyoung today.
Although the weariness kept following you, you went up to lean into the kitchen frame to find the boy with black jacket and silly attitude facing you with his back. You were right in your guess.
However, he was weirdly silent. Saeyoung loved to listen to music while preparing food. He hummed tunes of older series or simply just tapped his foot on the floor to find a rhythm. There's nothing going on. He was only cutting carrots, pretty untypical for him to be so focused on only one task.
»Good morning, Saeyoung.« You chimed into the kitchen with a light voice.
The man wearing glasses turned around and you expect a smile to find. You're taken aback as your assumption was proven to be false. His eyes were half lidded in annoyance as he had a straight line of lips. It took you off guard so heavily, that you couldn't find your voice for a second.
»If you need the counter, give me five minutes. I'm almost done.«
What the... You blinked in confusion. Saeyoung turned back around, waiting for no answer since he went straight back to cutting. You had no idea what that kind of respond was, especially from him. This was more something that Saeran would say when he's busy.
»Um...« Unsure what's going on, you frowned. »Saeyoung.. Are you okay? You sound like you're in a bad mood.«
The guy in front didn't stop cutting, although his shoulders lifted just enough for you to notice that it was sigh. He waved his left hand in a manner that's close to being offensive.
»Yes, I'm fine. Now let me finish my salad.«
Clueless as to what's going on, you let it go for now. Something's definitely shady, regardless what he said about being okay. His tone of voice and word choice spoke otherwise. Perhaps he'd had a horrible nightmare that ruined his night.
You went back into the living room. This interaction didn't contribute anything to feel less uncomfortable, what in the world was going on? Your hand reached up to scratch your hair.
»(N)!« A happy voice brought your mind back to reality.
Before realizing, someone pulled you into a tight hug. You failed to catch your breath, instead a louder gasp left your lips. The affectionate gesture's luckily released before you could've blacked out from lack of oxygen.
»How have you slept? You good this morning?«
The redhead in front asked, to which you nodded amused.
»Yeah! I had a good morning until I almost got killed!«
You said with a humourous note to your voice. As you lifted your eyes to meet the happy face, you instantly froze in shock.
»That's fantastic,« Saeran said with a wide smile. »I slept like a stone tonight, for a second I thought I died when waking up.«
It was an attempt to make you laugh, but hearing his usually torn vocals actually bring out a loud laugh sent a shiver down your spine. His eyes shone so brightly blue that you could've mistaken them for the sky you just walked under a few minutes ago. The bags underneath his eyes somehow gone. Or overshadowed by his energized demeanor.
He continued starring at you, considering you couldn't help but stare at him in return. Yet his smile didn't vanish from his face, instead he lifted an eyebrow and bumped your shoulder carefully.
»What staring at, hm? I know I look good, but you don't have to leave your jaw open for me.«
The teasing tone underneath the bubbly voice that's not his, you couldn't help but take a step back. Then you frowned before checking him out.
Surely there's an explanation as to what's going on. Did they accidentally swapped their clothing? Did they have a bet you're unaware of, to see who's going to be one holding play pretend the longest? Or maybe, just maybe..
»You two are pranking me, aren't you?«
You asked cautious albeit firm. At this point you had no other reason for this to be happening. Perhaps you're still asleep? But then why did the sun on your skin felt so real? Your head started throbbing a tiny bit.
»Pranking you?« Saeyoung asked when coming out of the kitchen.
A salad bowl in the hand, serious expression on his face as if you'd just insulted him. Almost a hint of disgust by mentioning a prank. And that coming from none other than the Prankster himself.
He shook his head. »I rather go to a party than playing pranks.«
Saeran leaned his weight from both to one leg, lifting his arms cluelessly. »Why? Pranks are fun. They can give you a bit of pep!«
Saeyoung growled as his twin moved towards him, giving him a shove with the hip. Almost trying to bring some light air into the room.
At this point you're neither convinced nor uncertain they are simply messing with your sanity for whatever, inexplicable reason. You watched as Saeyoung rolled his eyes at Saeran, when he actually initiated a hug.
A real hug, mind you. He tried placing his arms around his older twin brother. Who happened to refuse affection from Saeran of all people. It only made him whine dramatically as a result.
»Alright.« You said, turning on your heels with a have of the hand. »I go to bed... I'm out.«
The twins left you alone after you closed the door. For a moment they only looked at each other before Saeran's facial expression changed into somewhat worrying feelings.
»Is she okay today...? She looked so irritated.«
He mumbled while pressing his fingers to his cheek. Saeyoung sighed deeply as he decided to pick the fork and finally eat his salad.
»I don't care.« He claimed dry. »I go and eat my food now.«
»Oh, can you give me a bite big bro?~ I'm really hungry..«
»Make your own food, for God's sake.«
»Aw man... You're really no fun.«
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mysticqueer · 1 year
‘working theory’ - ch.1/?
takes place during day 8 of Ray’s route- what if MC put together the connection between Seven and Saeran all on her own?
Your thumbs hovered uselessly over the digital keyboard.
Zen and Seven were talking in the chatroom, mood far more somber than usual. If you were silent for too long, they might start to get concerned. Which, well-- you almost wish they were. But for the sake of your safety you needed to give the impression that nothing was wrong.
Which made bringing up the next topic of conversation nonchalantly a real challenge.
MC: Hey Seven... can I ask you a random question?
Your heart pounded as you mustered the courage to ask even that. It wasn’t like you had any solid proof behind your theory, just a gut instinct. The hours you spent staring at Seven’s ridiculous cosplay photos, the icy way that Ray spoke about the redheaded hacker...
You knew, deep down, that this was likely a bad idea. But your curiosity always got the better of you. That’s how you’d ended up in this situation, after all. You felt like you were being watched, a constant presence over your shoulder, watching your every move. Of course, you knew it wasn’t just paranoia. Saeran was surely watching you over the cameras right now, just like always. You fought the tension trying to take over your body.
707: I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to answer
707: depending on what it’s about.
707: but you’re always free to ask. what’s up?
Seven’s serious tone, as always, hurt your heart just a little bit. He was normally so upbeat and quirky. The events of the last few days were clearly weighing on him.
You tell yourself, unconvincingly, that it will be fine. It’s not as if you’re sending out a flare for help. You aren’t technically doing anything you aren’t supposed to. You take a deep breath and type.
MC: Do you... have a brother?
- 707 has left the chatroom. -
Your blood turns cold in your veins. You weren’t sure what you’d been expecting. You’d been hoping, perhaps, for some lighthearted, joking reply. Something that would disprove your theory once and for all.
Zen is typing something, but you pay little attention, your thoughts racing. Suddenly-
Incoming Call - 707
You should reject it. You should really reject it. You’re almost certain that Saeran knows about what you said, and you doubt he’ll be happy. Talking further to Seven would only be digging your grave even deeper. At this point would it be better to tell the truth, ask for help, and hope for the best? Or to try and play it off as nothing, dissuade his suspicions?
You hit the ‘answer’ button without thinking.
“MC?” Seven’s tone is light, with barely concealed tension and urgency. He’s trying to hide how your question affected him, you’re almost sure. He’s a secret agent, normally so good at hiding his true feelings. Hearing him like this... emotions so barely concealed, was unnerving.
“Hey...” you answer lamely. Play it off, or ask for help? Do you even have time for either? The blinking red light of the security camera in your room feels like hot breath on your neck.
“MC, sorry about leaving so suddenly, but I... why did you ask me that?” Seven asks in a tight voice. He can’t seem to quite collect his thoughts. You can relate.
“Oh- it’s nothing, I just, uh... saw somebody who I thought looked like you...”
A sharp intake of breath, and then... nothing?
You look down at your phone, and find the screen blank. No phone call. No messenger. Just error text. Your heart drops.
The door to your room suddenly slams open. In steps the boy in the suit with white hair, his eyes furious.
His heart pounding, his breaths shallow, Seven-no, Saeyoung, types rapidly at his computer. He’s most certainly Saeyoung now, not Seven. Thirty seconds. It took thirty seconds and a single line of text to strip away his carefully built armor named 707. Now it’s just Saeyoung, his hands shaking as he tries desperately to restore his connection with MC.
Why would she ask him that?
The question itself had been one thing. It could have been innocuous. But MC, and her situation, were unbelievably suspicious at best. Even though he believed MC herself to have no bad intent, her situation and relationship with the hacker was sketchy enough to make him wary of trusting her.
Why would she ask him that?
He’d called her on impulse, which may have been a bad idea. He didn’t know what he’d been expecting, but it wasn’t how her voice had sounded, quiet and so hesitant. Scared. She’d sounded almost scared.
He hadn’t expected his connection to cut out so suddenly, lines of reckless and aggressive code pasting itself over his screen in almost an instant.
Saeran... Saeran was somehow involved in this.
In what manner, he didn’t know. But clearly, this hacker, who was unbelievably and scarily efficient, didn’t want him to know.
He... he needed to call V.
V. The man’s name was starting to feel like a bitter taste in his mouth.
But first, he needed to get back into contact with MC. He hoped to God that she was alright, but he also knew better. For the sake of MC, and for the sake of Saeran, he needed to find the truth. He needed to find them before-
Connection Restored
Saeyoung didn’t even have time to breathe as he frantically opened MC’s contact and hit ‘call’. It was definitely going through. He’d broken through the hacker’s code, and the phone rang on the other end. He felt like a statue, completely and utterly still.
There was no answer.
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elysiancaim · 5 months
✧ Jujutsu Kaisen ✦ Riko Amanai ✦ Yuji Itadori ✦ Megumi Fushiguro ✦ Nobara Kugisaki ✦ Shoko Ieiri ✧ Fate Series ✦ Mash Kyrielight ✦ Kirschtaria Wodime ✦ Napoleon Bonaparte ( Archer ) ✦ the other Crypters ✧ Mystic Messenger ✦ Jaehee Kang ✧ Limbus Company ✦ Ishmael ✧ Honkai Star Rail ✦ Argenti ✦ Gallagher ✧ Resident Evil 7/8 ✧ League of Legends ✦ Lux ✦ Jinx ✦ Vi ✦ Caitlyn ✦ Seraphine ✦ Ekko ✦ Alune ✧ Land of the Lustrous ✧ Final Fantasy 7 ✦ Turks ✧ Rune Factory 4 ✦ Leon ✧ Mo Dao Zu Shi ✧ Dungeon Meshi ✧ Baldur's Gate ✧ Identity V
Join us in eternity. Death comes for all… But you will find peace.
𝐄𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐀𝐈𝐌 is an 18+ Discord MFRP that tells the story of your characters post their “deaths” as their souls have been whisked away by “angels”.
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male--byleth · 2 months
i have the interests of a 31 year old women its so over
#LETS ME EXPLAIN!!! i played ff.vii when i was under 10. perhaps i watched a cousin play it.#i got into ps1 games bc of it. i like f.f r.e and s.h. i get a little older maybe early teens now i like japanese media like anime and musi#maybe i dabbled in a little k.pop idk. i discover j.rock. whos this g.ackt guy? miyavi? d.ir en grey? hey wait this g.ackt guy is in ff.vii#im very alternative. perhaps i have an older sister to help me get into the scene more. i like mcr lp and some v.kei bands. i go to concert#i get back into ff w games like x.iii and wonder when versus will come out.#i get more into kpop in early 20s and learn abt this dating sim game called mysmes. i start playing#ans suprise! versus is out! but its now xv! im a little upset it took so long to come out but i still like it#i play it in 2016. play it in my mid 20s. love it. i hear abt all these remakes of games from my childhood#ff.7. re.2. re.4. sh.2. my god! but i am a tax paying adult its hard to keep up with playing these all when im trying to get a morage#i think 'ill play them on my off days. yes i work a fulltime job but i still enjoy things!' while i display my albums and posters from 2000#i subsequently give all these interests to the people around me. like my younger sister.#and do you wanna know who that younger sister is? do you?#I GOT CALLED OLD PERSON CODED BECAUSE I ASKED MY FRIENDS IF THEY KNEW WHAT LIVEJOURNAL WAS MY LIFE IS RUINEDDDDD WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO MEE#THE ONLY THING THAT DIFERENCIANTS ME IS THE GACHA GAMES I PLAYYYY MY SISTER LITERALLY TOLD ME 'wow everything u like is from the 2000s haha#RIGHT TO MY FACE SHE HAS NO IDEA WHATS SHES DONE TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#my posts
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pandapupremade · 2 years
enemies post is so funny i love seeing characters people so passionately want to obliterate and wondering what a specific character id to invoke such rage
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deathcapyandex · 5 months
Sparrows fictional others:
[sparrows fictional others]
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Cloud strife (FF)
Sephiroth (FF)
Leon s. Kennedy (re)
Carlos Oliveira (re)
Ada Wong (re)
Lady dimitriscu (re)
Loid forger / agent twilight (sxf)
Carlos the scientist (wtnv)
Trevor belmont (CV)
Kevin leven (b10+)
Astarion (bg3)
Shouta aizawa (MHA)
Hawks / keigo (MHA)
Ban (7ds)
Meliodas (7ds)
Zen / hyun Ryu (mysmes)
Jaehee Kang (mysmes)
Kaeya (gi)
Zhongli (gi)
Ayato (gi)
Baizhu (gi)
Alheitham (gi)
Laios (DM/did)
Marcille (DM/did)
Doctor who (9-14?)
Odo (st)
Seven of nine (st)
Entire og sg1 team (main 4)
Anakin Skywalker (sw)
Obiwan Kenobi (sw)
Vox (HH)
Angel dust (HH)
Satoru gojo (jjk)
Ryomen sukuna (jjk)
Nanami kento (jjk)
Mizu (bes)
Aventurine (hsr)
Jing Yuan (hsr)
Geralt (witcher)
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Platonic - familial
Ben Tennyson (b10+)
Anya forger (sxf)
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Platonic / queer platonic (?)
Padme (sw)
Ahsoka (sw)
Alucard (CV)
Aerith (FF)
Tifa (FF)
Falin (DM/did)
Chilchuck (DM/did)
Elizabeth (7ds)
King (7ds)
Gowther (7ds)
Wyll (bg3)
Charlie (HH)
Vaggie (HH)
Husk (HH)
Stolas (hb)
Neuvillette (gi)
Akemi (bes)
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Still a wip, will update over time
Feel free to send me prompts, fandoms, recommendations, fic ideas or ask questions
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miku-meeku · 8 months
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uhhh these mfs from a dead gacha game......
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the other two mfs other than ace....
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why are most of my examples genshin chars...
... I like Ulquiorra from Bleach...? and that midget Toshiro ... I also like uhhh Inosuke from Demon Slayer, Yoichi from Owari no Seraph, Hanako from TBHK(basically anyone voiced by Megumi Ogata i like,,,) oh yeah Killua from HxH was one of my childhood crushes
...why are the only hsr boys i like blondies...(gepard, yanqing, and future aventurine)
... does vtubers count ... they count right
i like rai galilei and kanae from nijisanji and i like jurard, gibby, octavio, and ruze from holostars
brain farted, cant remember anyone else who are not blondies rn... sobs
... why are most of these examples male chars ... I HAD CRUSHES ON FEMALE CHARS TOO
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fishshapedbun · 2 years
so i was searching for Jumin on Ali a lot these days bc i'm planning to cosplay him
and now i was checking my emails and saw one from Ali with subject "jumin han" picks for (me). and there this was
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Jumin Han boxer.
purple boxer full of Jumin Han faces
i would absolutely wear this
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Angst Week 2020- Day Two | Prompt- Failures/Fights
A/N -> Sorry for being late again ;-; please enjoy though! <-
You waited for your boyfriend, Zen, to be done with his latest performance. He looked gorgeous onstage, and it felt like you could watch him for forever.
The clapping and cheering of the audience broke your trance, and you began walking toward your boyfriend as he stepped off the stage and slipped behind the curtain.
“How’s my princess doing?” Zen asked as he lifted you up above him.
“I loved your performance! You did great out there.” you said with a smile. He chuckled as he let you back down. 
“I couldn’t have done it if I didn’t have you on my mind the whole time.” 
“And the Best Actor award goes to... Zen!” the announcer called out into the room.
Zen’s eyes widened, and he squeezed your hand gently before going onstage and addressing the crowd.
“I absolutely would not have been able to do it without my adoring fans and of course, my darling MC.” he looked at you, thrilled. The fans cheered and aww’d  as he rushed back offstage to kiss you
Everything was so right.
...So how did it go wrong?
It had been days since you had last seen Zen. You knew he was busy, especially with his latest role in a TV show. The only problem was that everything was being filmed overseas. You tried your hardest to be understanding, but... you missed him.
“Jagiya, you know I have to go,” Zen tried to calm you down, the night before he left. “I’ll call you each night
“I know,” you whined. “But... I really can’t just go with you?”
Zen sighed. “I wish.”
Searching around the house, you were desperate to find something, anything like Zen. Something he liked, or a shirt he wore often, or really anything. But there wasn’t a trace of him in the house, since he brought everything with him when he went overseas.
Except... the was one thing.
The trophy.
Zen’s award for Best Actor sat in a glass case, undisturbed. It shone in the sunlight, light reflecting off of it and onto the walls.
You took a step closer.
“Just holding it can’t hurt, right?”
The glass door slid open. You took the trophy out of the case, and you could feel the grandness of it filling the room. You exhaled. Everything was going to be okay.
The trophy began slipping out of your grasp. You started to panic, and before you knew it the trophy was on the floor.
You frantically picked it back up, only to find that there was a crack on the side.
“Oh shoot.”
You tried to put it back while keeping the crack as unnoticeable as possible. All you could do now was hope and pray that Zen wouldn’t notice.
“J-jagiya! I’m back!” Zen hugged you tightly as he ran towards you. He rested his head on your shoulder.
“Zen, did you drink something on the plane?” you asked. “You smell like alcohol.”
“I did have a little bit...” Zen admitted. “Sorry.”
You chuckled. “It’s okay. Let’s go back home so you can get all cleaned up.”
You drove him back to your shared house, and laid him on the couch.
“Oh look! My trophy!” Zen laughed, remembering his achievement. 
You froze. “The crack is still there.” you thought, dread overflowing throughout you. 
“Huh? Why’s there a crack on here?” Zen asked, noticing the small crack on the side.
You stayed quiet, knowing how mad he would get if you told him that you broke it. 
“Jagiya, I asked, why’s there a crack on here?” Zen asked again, noticing your silence.
“I-i don’t know!”
“Obviously you do! Just tellll meee.”
You sighed. “Okay, but promise that you won’t get too upset.”
“Why would I be upset?”
“It broke when I was putting it back into its case.”
Zen froze. “It what?”
He took a step closer to you. “Are you crazy?”
You blanked for a moment. “Am I what?”
“You broke the trophy? Are you kidding me? Are you crazy? You knew- you knew that this was my greatest achievement! The best victory! And you just went and dropped it? Are you kidding me?!”
“Zen, I-”
“Save it.”
“I’m sorry Zen, I can fix it, just please-”
“This was one of the best things to ever happen to me!” he lashed out. “You especially know how much it took to get here. I thought I could trust you! But no. You just go and let it fall, like it’s just a piece of junk!”
By this point, you were in tears. “Zen,” you tried. “I’m sorry-”
“Well guess what? Sorry won’t cut it. Not this time.”
Zen leaned on the railing of the balcony. He looked up at the bright stars in the sky, and let out a dry laugh.
“We met here for the first time,” he thought, and slumped back over the railing. “I wish I could redo things. I hate how I let myself yell at you. My only hope. My princess.
“It’s ironic, isn’t it?” Zen mused, thinking about you again. “My so-called greatest achievement led me to my greatest failure.”
“Now you’re gone.”
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thatfanfictionchick · 4 years
*・Mysme Song List・*
To celebrate the long anticipated arrival of Saeran's AE I figured I'd finally start compiling my Mystic Messenger song list cause why not.
All You Wanted - Michelle Branch (I feel this song applies to MC + any suitor but I cry extra hard thinking of MC + Choi Boys)
Absolutely - Nine Days
Me Too - Meghan Trainor
Confident - Demi Lovato
Father Of All... - Green Day
She Wants Me Dead - Cazzette (guess who 'She' is 😂)
(+MC) The Cure - Lady Gaga
Footsteps - Pop Evil
(+Rika) Are You Happy Now - Michelle Branch
Love Me Dead - Ludo
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yoosungisbabie · 2 years
on the ride home
jumin x mc
rating: G
warnings: none♡
word count: 3k
ao3 link
Jumin accompanies Jaehee and MC to view a potential venue for their next RFA party. He doesn't realize how strongly MC affects him.
“I’ll leave you to think it over. Please let me know if you have any more questions,” the manager said, bowing respectfully as he exited the room.
Jumin fixed his suit jacket for the seventh time in the past five minutes; there was nothing else to do. That particular suit always hung weird, so instead of looking at the uninteresting room the three of them were standing in, he focused on his jacket.
“So, what do you two think?” MC wondered aloud, clasping her hands together behind her back. Her eyes were alight, but Jumin failed to see what there would be to appreciate about the subpar banquet hall they stood in. He glanced around once more, almost to humor her, and let his eyes roll over the dull chandelier and aging upholstery.
“I’ll need to ask about the maximum capacity limit, the entrances, and what catering would look like before we commit to anything,” Jaehee spoke quickly, holding her clipboard tight to her chest. MC’s smile only widened, her eyes softening at Jaehee.
“Of course,” she agreed, nodding along before her eyes shifted to meet his expectantly. He took a deep breath in through his nose, nearly forgetting where he was going to start his grievances. The unbothered sparkle in her eyes was uncharacteristically distracting to him.
“Assistant Kang, please also investigate the hotel’s status further. I’d like to know their banquet reviews and frequency,” Jumin started, straightening his back and glancing over as Jaehee began to scribble on her clipboard. “I’m interested to know the turnover rate of their employees and what training they go through before anything.” The confidentiality of their guests was extremely important, and nothing could go wrong at the party due to the lack of proper training on the hotel’s part.
A small frown grew on MC’s face, drawing his gaze curiously. Was she displeased at the amount of help he was offering her? He normally took the role of investigating the possible hosts of the locations for their parties.
“That sounds great, Jumin,” she sighed, unclasping her hands from behind her back. “But– here! Just imagine it,” she grinned, changing her aura almost instantly. She quickly walked to the middle of the room, gesturing to the left side of the hall.
“We can have all the tables here, and we can hire that company for the centerpieces that we were talking about,” she began, nudging that last comment at Jaehee. “The refreshments can be set up there, and oh! I was thinking we could have V’s auction set up on the opposite side of the room. I want to give him space to arrange his pieces the way he wants, and–”
“I think he’ll appreciate that,” Jaehee interjected, smiling back at MC. Jumin was watching her, not realizing that his hands had relaxed at his sides. He quickly stuck them in his pant pockets, but the almost-anxious action caught MC’s attention.
“Jumin? Can you see what I mean?” she asked, walking closer to him once more. He raised his eyebrows, his eyes flitting around the room as he tried to visualize the ideas she had proposed.
“I think we should still review all the options, but if you would like to be in charge of how we arrange the room, you are welcome to,” he replied, looking back down at her as she breathed quickly out of her nose like that was the wrong answer.
“What about the view? The Seoul skyline?” she prompted, stepping to his left side so they were both facing the wall of windows to the east. She steadied herself with one hand on his forearm, using her other to point out at the windows enthusiastically.
“The Highrise Enthusiasts will love it, don’t you think? And once the sun begins to set?” she asked, almost commanding more of his attention than what had been drawn to the sudden upset feeling in his stomach. He stared down at her, seeing her wide smile and trying to figure out why he felt slightly sick. Had the minor change in his breakfast routine thrown off his perfect equilibrium?
“Consider it?” MC urged, her mouth softening into a gentle smile directed at him. He moved to speak, feeling his stomach clench once more in distress. Perhaps he should have stayed at the office to finish his paperwork instead of accompanying them that day.
“I’ll try my best to see your vision,” he agreed, nodding along before pressing his lips together. It was only when MC backed away, satisfied with his answer and releasing her light grip on his arm, that he unclenched the fists he’d made in his pockets.
“I’m not settling, but I think this would be a lovely venue if we don’t find another good option,” she offered, tilting her head at Jaehee. The two girls smiled at each other, and Jumin took a deep breath to try to settle his heart rate. He would definitely need to talk to his dietician, if not his doctor. Maybe the air in the banquet hall wasn’t filtered correctly? He couldn’t think straight.
“We can definitely consider it, MC,” Jaehee said, glancing up at her boss. He nodded at her, avoiding the party planner’s eyes as he turned back towards the entrance of the hall.
“I believe we should go before the traffic gets too much worse,” Jumin spoke quickly, wondering if there would be hardly any traffic outside. He led the way, bowing to the hotel staff as they took the elevator down to the ground floor.
MC gushed about the lobby when they passed through, latching onto Jaehee’s arm but not surprising the assistant in the least. Jumin watched with intrigue, interested as to if the small gesture had really been the reason for the ill feeling that hadn’t quite left him.
Driver Kim was waiting with the company car for them just outside the entrance, and to Jumin’s slight surprise, the lunchtime traffic was actually a little worse than usual.
Jaehee sat upfront, leaving Jumin in the backseat with MC. Driver Kim pulled out into the street quickly, knowing that they would want to get back to the office as soon as possible.
“I think Zen would really like the red accents in that hall, don’t you think, Jaehee? I only just thought of that,” MC commented, pulling out her phone. “I should send him a picture.” Jumin couldn’t help but peek at her phone, watching her send a picture that he hadn’t realized she’d taken. Jumin was in the picture, and Jaehee was hidden behind him as they had been talking to the manager. The subject of the picture was the stage at the head of the banquet hall, but the fact that Jumin was also in the picture alleviated some of the heat that rose to his ears when she had opened her private chat with Zen.
Jumin focused his attention back on his own phone, reading over the emails he had received while they had taken their short trip. The car was mostly quiet except for the light air conditioning and the gentle piano sonatas that Driver Kim always played on the radio. But before long, MC began to yawn, making Jaehee laugh after the first subsequent few.
“If you’d like, I could make you some coffee before you head back,” Jaehee offered, making MC smile and hum thoughtfully.
“That sounds lovely, thank you,” she replied, locking her phone and placing it and her hands in her lap. “I can’t sleep very much lately.” Jumin’s ears perked up, his attention shifting from his emails to their conversation more fully.
“Is that so?” Jaehee replied, turning in her seat to look back in slight concern.
“Oh, it’s just the transition from my old apartment to Rika’s apartment and now my new apartment is definitely an adjustment,” she explained, shrugging at Jaehee. “I’m used to a lot of background noise, so I need a good fan or something to–” She interrupted herself to yawn again, giggling herself out of it and making him finally look up at her completely. The sound was hard for him to ignore, for some reason.
“To drown out the quiet,” she finished, stealing a glance at him before looking back at Jaehee. He blinked at her comment, thinking about how quiet his penthouse was. If he compared it to the noise in the car at that moment, he could almost feel his ears ringing at the intense silence he would find in his own home. A strange thought then popped into his head; he wondered if she were ever to visit his house if she would hate it, or if her pleasant laughter would fill the space instead. But when his mind slipped into wondering what position she would sleep in or what she would look like waking up in the morning, he minutely shook his head, trying to clear the strange thoughts that seemingly came from thin air.
“I wouldn’t mind helping you look for a high-quality fan,” Jaehee spoke up, pulling him from his momentary daze. Again, he felt a strange sensation in his stomach, and he wondered if he really was developing an illness.
“Oh my goodness, please don’t,” MC said quickly, waving her hand dismissively. “I could never add more to your plate, Jaehee.” His assistant made a strange noise, somewhere between a sneeze and a cough, but brushed it off quickly and excused herself before turning back around in her seat.
The soothing piano melodies took over the quiet of the car once more, and Jumin went back to his emails, trying to find where he’d left off reading.
After only a few more minutes, he heard a small snore come from MC, and his eyes were drawn almost immediately to her. She had her head tilted back against the headrest, her mouth slightly open, and his first thought was of how quickly she had dozed off.
It was a long moment that he stared at her, seeing the rise and fall of her chest and listening to the air pass through her lips. Jumin realized how unexplainable his gaze would be if anyone saw him, so he pulled his eyes back to his phone, absentmindedly opening his browser. He began researching top-reviewed fans, but his mind switched quickly to another query.
How to fall asleep in my apartment if it is too quiet
Jumin had blocked out all other noise, focused on his research when there was sudden pressure and warmth on his left shoulder. His eyes moved before any other part of him could, seeing the top of MC’s head in the corner of his vision. His heart executed what he could only describe as a high jump, nearly eliciting a vocal reaction from him.
His whole body felt frozen, stuck in midair. Was she still asleep? If so, would she wake up if he so much as breathed? He anxiously tested it, feeling her body rise and fall with the rhythm of his breathing, and in doing so almost missing the rapid rate at which he was inhaling and exhaling. He tried to relax, staying as still as possible. He would much rather her be comfortable than him, even if that meant they would stay like this for the rest of their car ride.
Jumin looked back to his phone, exiting his browser and switching back to his emails. It was almost too much to try and focus on anything but the pattern of her breathing or the way he could barely feel her feathery exhales brushing the back of his hand.
When Driver Kim made a sudden stop, MC’s head slipped forward, nearly shifting off of his shoulder. She made a dissatisfied noise, raising his heart rate as she repositioned to move her whole body closer to his side. One of her hands found the crook of his elbow, her gentle grip hardly even noticeable through the fabric of his dress shirt and jacket.
He focused on his own breathing, wondering why her proximity was making him feel so uneasy. Maybe the combination of her closeness, her hand on his arm, and the way the simple scent of her shampoo was lingering in the air was the reason for his mental disquiet. But before he could take too long to dwell on it, they had arrived back at the C&R building. The dim lighting of their underground parking garage cast long shadows into the car, and he couldn’t help but tense up as he realized what was about to happen.
Jumin couldn’t bring himself to move, even as Jaehee opened the door for him. His assistant paused, glancing in at the both of them in confusion.
“Mr. Han? Did she real fall asle–” Jumin held a hand up, motioning for her to be a little quieter.
“What should I do?” he whispered without thinking, turning to glance at the woman lying against him to hide the way his face began to warm. He felt so unlike himself, but it seemed as though he didn’t have any way to control that fact for the time being, not with her there asleep on his arm.
Jaehee was quiet for a moment before clearing her throat and prompting him to look back at her, feeling an unexpected dependency on his assistant.
“I think you should wake her up,” Jaehee whispered back, pressing her lips together quickly to avoid smiling. Jumin pretended not to see that, furrowing his eyebrows at her. “If you move your shoulder slowly, she will probably begin to fall and wake up,” she offered, drawing an even more confused expression from him.
“I thought you would have a helpful answer,” he murmured to himself, trying to think of a solution quickly. Normally the security guards waiting nearby never bothered him, but even having Jaehee as an audience to whatever was happening felt intrusive.
“Please take the security guards and gather everyone for our one o’clock meeting,” he instructed, watching from his peripheral vision as Jaehee paused for a moment before nodding and turning away. Once she and the guards were closed in the elevator, he let out a slow, even breath.
He turned to look at MC, his chin almost brushing against her hair. He tilted his head forward slightly to see her face, his chest tightening when he saw her in the dim lighting. Her hair was hanging slightly in his way, but her lips were opened slightly in a pout, drawing his eyes first. He’d never noticed how long her eyelashes were or the pleasing slope of her nose until that moment, and the slightest color in her cheeks nearly made him reach up to feel the warmth waiting there. The thought of touching her was what made him release the breath he’d been holding, the air from his lips blowing her hair against her nose. It seemed to tickle her, her eyes fluttering and her face scrunching in response.
Jumin startled, pulling his face away just in time for her eyes to flutter open. She took an unsteady breath in, lifting her head to look around.
When their eyes met, hers blew fully wide, both of her hands shooting up to cover her mouth. The color of her face went red, a shade even more pleasing than before, even if he couldn’t see it as well as he would have liked in the poor lighting.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to fall asleep!” she exclaimed, her eyebrows pulling together like she wanted to cry. Jumin’s heart leaped, his unexplainable delight switching to regret.
“It’s alright,” he responded, shaking his head quickly as he moved to take off his seatbelt. She did the same, pressing her hands to her cheeks while he stole a glance at her. She looked distressed, but she was blushing and fixing her hair nervously. As she pulled it behind her ears, she moved to look at him. He quickly looked away, stepping out of the car and offering her his hand to help her out. She hesitated but took it, and the feeling that started in his fingertips and radiated through his whole body almost made him pull her into him again. But he controlled himself, watching as she walked past him towards the elevator.
Jumin faltered for a moment, hesitant to follow behind her too closely in case she was still uncomfortable. He shut the car door behind himself, buttoning his jacket and fixing his sleeves. He took even strides over to the elevator, glancing at her for less than a second as he stepped inside and selected his floor.
They were both silent as the doors closed and their ascent began, and Jumin wondered if she could hear the way his heart was racing in his chest as it pounded in his ears.
“Jumin,” she called, making him flinch. He played it off by brushing imaginary dust from his sleeve, glancing over at her. He had only intended to turn his head enough to imply that he was listening, but once their eyes met, he didn’t dare look away from such a sight.
She was smiling, a light pink settling over her cheeks as she blinked up at him.
“Why are you blushing too?” she whispered, pressing her lips together when his eyes widened. He felt his face grow even warmer, a heat simmering along the entire expanse of his body. Her expression could only be described as teasing, and the idea brought a whole new level of depth to the way he felt ill.
“I-um,” he started, surprising himself when he stuttered and was at a loss for words. While his mind scrambled to put any words together, either in response to her or for an explanation as to what he was experiencing, she giggled into her hand.
Jumin knew right then that even though he had no idea what she was doing to him, he would do everything in his power to make sure that it wouldn’t stop.
thank you so much for reading! i haven’t been on here in a hot minute, but I had started writing this in october and thought I might as well get something out. I love writing and sharing it, so here are! 
if you liked, please like, reblog, and leave a comment in the notes or in the tags! thank you <3
mel x
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asterjennifer · 1 year
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“Can you draw a cloud next to the spaceship for me, Saeyoung?” Saeran asked mumbled tender as his older brother measured him.
Saeyoung found the tone of voice fitting for the face he's able to look at in peace for once. No tears to be found in these round eyes, neither fear nor sadness. It's not often his little twin stared up in awe.
He hummed then, nodding his head at the small request. “Sure! I can do that.”
The other squeezed his wrist in excitement. They've been able to spend most of the day together since their mother had to leave for an reason unknown. She didn't elaborate on anything, simply told them to stay put if they wanted to see the next day coming.
But like Saeyoung has always been in the soul, he took the opportunity for his brother and himself to get up and do all kinds of things they've only been talking about before. Like eating ice cream outside. Or going for a short, hidden walk around the house. Especially for Saeran was it nice.
His legs hurt at first due to the aching in his bones, that's when you're not used to walking his big brother explained. Taking his fear of stepping forward when holding onto his arm tightly for support. Soon afterwards they managed a round around the house.
The pride in Saeran's eyes in that moment after reaching the door again had been undeniable and ever so gentle. Saeyoung read another book to him as well considering they didn't find the right timing for it since it's an adventure book.
Saeyoung had promised to read it right; implying they needed the freedom to play with the action it contained. Luckily today's the perfect situation to finally open these pages together and read through them. Saeran often giggled and made big eyes whenever Saeyoung empathized sounds or actions with his hands. Like the gunshots.
“Bam! Bam!” His fingers formed a pistol, shooting into the air with an eye pinched close to aim. “They shot like that, grazing the enemy so very skillfully.”
Saeran titled his head at the display in front of him. “Do you like guns? They are scary, don't you think?” He asked obvious.
“Hm… well, they are bad. That's true.” Saeoyung had concluded, sitting back down next to his twin at the ground.
He looked at Saeran for a short while, who waited for an answer. The innocence written all over his features despite the hardships of the days they spend in that hellhole. The pain and suffering never changed his soft heart, Saeyoung thought. Feeling his own heart melt in love albeit regret.
Saeran flinched out of reflex as Saeyoung reached out to stroke over his hair. “It's just to make it exciting, nobody gets hurt I promise.”
The day flew by outside the window and by the time they sat outside for some sky gazing. Sunrays shining down at the rather uncolored earth around them, yet giving it the perfect color to have it appear all warm. They sat beside each other and enjoyed the sun to the fullest, not really talking that much anymore.
They didn't need to; both figured individually. It's the feeling that counted, just like the fact of calmness they're capable of claiming for themselves. The house's often hectical in the most negative ways, not that they could face it very much. They're forced to regardless. Letting these days become so much more brighter in comparison.
An idea popped into Saeyoung's head, then. Anticipating the willingness of his little brother to write their heights at the wall. Sometimes, when their mother wasn't in the condition to catch them doing their own thing, they would do the small actions that brought them immense joy.
Like measuring their heights and see how they've grown over the last time they marked down the results. It's a reminder they both treasured – telling each other they survive and get to become bigger and bigger until the day they finally could escape the house they're trapped in. Living together for the rest of all days.
A dream shared within their hearts since the moment they could think, it's something that connected them. This kind of strength outshone the hatred of their parents; they lived on because they got a goal to reach once the heights were enough.
“You look taller to me now…” Saeran's words caught Saeyoung's attention right away. Looking down at him, he saw the same expression from before.
However, it still felt slightly different. “Do I?” He asked as he raised an eyebrow. The twin continued rubbing his wrist.
Then he shifted his stare to the window. “You always have been taller, but I sometimes forget that you're a lot taller than me.”
The one wearing the black tank tops frowned by these words, unsure what to make of them. He took the pen off the paper as he closed it. “But you have grown a lot, too. Look!”
He pointed the end of the pen to the new line. Saeran took a step away in order to gaze at it before blushing lightly. His lips parted and yet no sound came out of him. For a moment silence dominated the air between the two.
Thus Saeyoung placed his hand to his shoulder. “I think you have a good height, you're not too tall and not too short.”
Both could tell Saeran didn't quite believe the statement. On the contrary, he shook his head almost unnoticeable. “I don't know…”
The sad hint inside that doubt left Saeyoung to swallow a bitter taste. What could he say to make it better? To assure Saeran it's not about how tall or physical strong someone was? That his warm hands and heart were the true definition of strength?
Saeran sighed, closing his eyes while trying to gather himself. He didn't mean to ruin the nice moment. Never was it his intention to make things worse, somehow his emotions always ended up doing the opposite though. No matter how much he struggled to repress them, they're always on his sleeve. Therefore he rubbed his eyes.
“I'm sorry…” The high voice husked. “I mean… I'm glad I grew. And I feel good to have a taller brother, too. It's just…”
His words cut off in the back of his throat, taking in the difference on the wall. It's true and he meant it when saying he's happy that Saeyoung was the taller one of the two. It felt more like safety that way, giving him a place to hide away behind without being seen by the dark things.
On the other hand it's leaving an itchy feeling to his skin. Being the smaller one, the weaker of two made him the easier target for misery. Their mother came a lot more at him because of that. Of course he didn't desire for Saeyoung to be in trouble instead, that's never the case. It's more about the weakness that's glued to his bones ever since he's been born.
He both admired yet worried about Saeyoung always being the stronger one. How should he protect him in return? Could he ever repay him in some way for standing up for him as well? He's uncertain about it.
Saeyoung put the pen aside, the noise bringing Saeran out of his circling thoughts. “We are twins, aren't we?” He said with the familiar confidence.
Saeran stiffed slightly when his brother rested both hands on his shoulders, giving him eyes between certainty and care. “You are me and I am you. We are the other and that doesn't get defined by our height.”
“Are you sure…?” He couldn't help the question, but Saeyoung didn't seem to be mad at it. He just smiled.
“Of course! We share the same strength in here.” He poked the chest of his brother, right there were his heart was beating underneath. Saeran blinked frequently for a few times and relaxed again.
It felt good, knowing he's not beyond saving. That there's a chance for them both when hearing a verbal confirmation that his depressing thoughts weren't the reality of their future and even their present. Saeran reached out without another word, putting both arms around his older brother.
Saeyoung's air left his lunges at first by the sudden pressure, quickly he returned the hug anyway. They stood there, unsure how much time passed while holding onto each other. Neither of them cared as it's been something that calmed both their souls.
“Before mom comes back,” Saeoyung said after letting go. “Do you want to eat cake? I got some earlier from the woman at the church.”
These amber colored eyes glittered with the mentioning of something sweet to eat, Saeyoung was aware how much Saeran loved food that pleased his sweet tooth. The young boy made two fists with his hands, nodding his head hard. “Really? Yeah! I'd love to eat it with you!”
“Then let's get to it now, I'm sure it's going to be even tastier when we eat it together.”
Happy early birthday, Choi Twins 💕
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I’ll make this my last one i promise, i just couldnt resist a classic dank meme 😂
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simonlovelazy · 5 years
Unknown/MC (mysme)
Title: Bite the Bullet
Fandom: Mystic Messenger
Pairing: Unknown(Saeran)/MC
Tags: Mature (graphic description of death, sexual innuendos), contract killer AU
Word count: 2485
Summary: Some people have more reasons to complain about their job than others.
Written for @unknownzine​ Once again thank you for the opportunity, beta reading and all the patience!! With each turn, he wandered farther from the noise of the main street, and deeper into the forgotten parts of the city. The light from the scarce street lamps glided over the puddles and shook under his heavy boots. No one passed next to him in the narrow alleys, but he knew he wasn’t alone. Maybe this was what the prospective believers felt when he was running the “background check” on them – the intangible impression that a pair of eyes was fixed on their every movement, the rising sense of panic as they felt the phantom of his breath on their necks. But with the subtle difference that he couldn’t be more unfazed.             “It’s a good place, don’t you think?” Unknown said, turning lazily.             And there she was, his shadow, with her little mouth wide open in shock. Her hands, in turn, they didn’t even budge, the gun steady in their clasp. Unknown had to admit he was a bit surprised too – that a frail thing like that could have a reason and the nerve to try to eliminate him. 
          “Not much of a talker, huh? Or are you scared of me?” Carefully leaving the blind spot, and making sure his face was not exposed, he edged closer to her. The girl stood firmly with her gun still pointed at his head. Interesting. “I like it here because it never feels alone, you know?”            She visibly faltered, but wouldn’t look away from him. He wasn’t dealing with a complete newbie.            “Cameras. It’s the back of a pawn shop, after all.”            Recognition lit up her eyes, and she peeked behind him, just to find the ruthless lens staring straight at her.           He towered before her after closing the remaining distance in one leap. His one hand grabbed her chin in a way far from affectionate, while the other dismissively pushed the silencer aside. “You can’t shoot me here, sweetheart,” Unknown whispered in her ear.            She yelped in surprise when he yanked the gun completely out of her grasp, twisting her wrist in the process. And he didn’t stop there, having tucked her pistol next to his own, he continued squeezing her bones even tighter, just for emphasis. “Give me one reason why I should let you live.”            “It’s n-not personal.” Oh? Difficulties speaking with your jaw crushed?           “Let me go, and I’ll tell them I finished the job. That you’re dead. Just lie low for some time,” she continued despite his increasingly apparent amusement. “Okay, listen, I know who’s next.”           Lies, lies, lies. It’s even cute, in a way. She really thinks she can get away with this.            “Who sent you?” Another squeeze.           “I never met him directly. All I got was your photo, the date, and the place; all delivered to me by some unimportant minion.”             “Do you think I’m stupid? They told you about other targets, but you conveniently don’t even know who you’re working for?!”            “I don’t work for any organisation, but I do have ears, and I can put two and two together.”            “That’s even better. It means no one’s gonna miss you.”            There was a squeak, followed by the sound of metal slamming against the brick wall.            “Hey, kids! Why are you snooping around in here? Get out!”           All Unknown got to do was to rearrange his hold on the girl in a less suspicious way before he glared at the clerk standing in the door behind him. She stumbled back when he let her free.            “I’d show you how it’s supposed to be done, but it’s not my call. We’ll go on a ride instead; I want you to meet someone.” “Are you serious?”           “It’s really not the time to act like a princess,” her kidnapper hissed in annoyance. “I’ll kindly remind you that I have two guns, and you have none. Do you really think you’re in a position to make a fuss?”            “But you can’t kill me, now can you? You still need to wait for your boss’ orders, sweetheart.” MC knew she was pushing her luck with him, and hell, he really did have two guns, but it was still worth a shot. He couldn’t do anything to her till they got there – wherever this “there” was – and the more information she gathered before that, the better.            “I would be nicer to my future interrogator. And a bit more convincing – I don’t buy a word you’ve said so far.” There was no other addition, but a frown when he bent over the stick to cuff her.            “So you just so happen to have handcuffs at hand. Wait, I see – you’re this type.”           A stern warning lingered in his eyes. His hands were just as cold as they were in the alley, and not a tad more delicate. There was no point in fighting just yet. Soon, her hand hung limply from the handle at his car’s door as if she was trying to get some breeze under her armpits or whatnot.            He reassumed his place behind the wheel, turning the key in the ignition. A little dice dangled from its end. Classy.           “They weren’t meant for you.”            MC smiled wickedly. “Ouch. That’s not what a girl wants to hear. You could at least pretend I’m special.”           Her kidnapper turned to her quickly with a deadpan expression, before the car finally kicked in to the motion, and they left the parking lot with a crunch of gravel under the tyres.            “Where are you taking me?”           “You really don’t seem to get the situation, so I’ll spell this once more for you. You don’t get to ask questions.” He was squeezing the hell out of that wheel. “You’ve been following me for the whole day. Why?”             MC looked down on the frills of her dress, trying to burn the whole thing with her stare. She had really gone through this dumb masquerade for nothing, didn’t she? “They said it’s 3 million wons extra for every detail about you. Where you go, who you’re meeting up with – things like that. I was supposed to wait with the rest of the job for the moment when you’re done in the city.”            She could no longer recognise the landscape blurring behind him in the car window.            He slowly shook his head, “It means they don’t even kno —”           The momentary chaos was all too familiar – a gunshot and a jolt when the bullet pierced through the bodywork startling the driver, who almost lost control of the vehicle. MC lurched forward on instinct, tugging painfully at her right wrist. Obviously, it would still be too late to save her, had the shot been accurate. Not that she was the target.            “Who are they?!” Her kidnapper’s voice was unusually high-pitched.           She glanced briefly at him – and, wow, he got paler, if that was even physically possible. Then, sitting up a bit, she checked the wing mirror. A black, shiny beast – at least two classes better than their car – right on their tail, with a barrel sticking out from the driver’s side.            “No clue! Gimmie my gun back!”            “So that you can finish your job? No fucking way! I will lose them.” He stepped on the gas.            “It’s just one guy, and he’s also driving – I can handle him. Just give me the gun already! It’s our best shot!”           MC was jolted against the door as the car turned, screeching in the last moment. Getting herself in place again, she fastened the seatbelt, going below her hanging arm. The good thing was that the streets were unusually busy for this hour, the bad thing – well, their excuse of a car wasn’t exactly a racer.            “How do they know I’m still alive?” her driver yelled over the engine, weaving between the cars.           MC scratched her chin absently. “They could send someone to check on me, but it only happens when... just who the hell are you?”           “Maybe you’ll live long enough to find out.” The way he said it, there could be a hint of a sardonic smile under his mask, but, really, there was no way of knowing.            “Well,” MC started, looking behind, but there was no shooter to be seen. “The money they offered for you seemed a bit too good to be true. Or easy.”            “Was it worth it?”            “Let’s say I’m having second thoughts right now.”            “Shit.”           It was almost too late when he noticed the side road. The sharp turn didn’t send her flying like the last time, but the car skidded on the slippery surface, nearly crashing into the pick-up on the adjacent lane. The loud thudding of MC’s heartbeat accompanied the honking of the annoyed driver they left behind.            Reckless as it was, it seemed that the sudden change of the route did the trick. They had been driving for at least 15 minutes without anyone trying to shoot them. Having got out of immediate danger, MC started to consider her options regarding the danger seated next to her. He turned into another desolate, outgrown road with determination that led her to believe that the meeting point with his boss was closer than she’d like.             “We’re out of petrol.” Her kidnapper announced in disbelief. “That bastard must’ve got the fuel tank.”            “How much more?”            “Nothing. We’re running on fumes.”           MC closed her eyes and put all the irritation that had built-up in the last 24 hours into a solid kick on the dashboard. He merely eyed the muddy footprint adorning his glove box.            And then, the car stopped.            The palms of his hands banged on the wheel as he exhaled heavily. He took the keys out and left without a word.           MC opened the door on her side and straightened her back with a groan. It was dawning already; the plane of navy blue shyly paled on the horizon. There was nothing around except for the waist-high grass smothering the road from the both sides. And no one in sight.            “Hey! Didn’t you forget about something?” She jingled her handcuffs.           The kidnapper had already managed to walk away quite a bit down the road. “No, I don’t think so,” he replied, without slowing down.           She cursed under her breath, looking around for anything to pick the lock with. But even if she found it, she still had no car keys, no clue where she was... “Wait! I know who’s next! And more things too!”            If he said anything, she couldn’t hear it.           “They said that when they’re done with you, they just have to deal with ‘the other one.’” With one foot on the asphalt and the other one pushing at the door, MC tried to rip off the handle in the final act of desperation. She turned her head to gauge his reaction. “Does it mean anything to you?”            All she could notice from that distance was that he was facing her, motionless in the middle of the road. One quick movement of his hand, and the mask fell to the ground. He rubbed his face as if he were trying to wake up. But suddenly, something came over him, and he was running back in her direction. It took one glance behind her back to realise why he was in a rush.            The hitman was back.            “Hurry up! Faster!”            Her kidnapper-turned-saviour was next to her in no time.           “Shit. Shit.” He was visibly struggling with the little key. “Don’t think it changes anything between us. You’re still going to the questioning.”            “Can’t wait."            The car was getting so close, they could hear it roaring. There was no time to lose, but something with the lock was clearly off.            It was an odd moment for an even weirder thought, the guy without his mask looked much younger than she had initially suspected him to be. He simply didn't belong here.            Someone shut the door mere steps away from them.           They were shielded by their own door, and now it was really a matter of seconds; he froze when MC snuggled against his torso, reached behind his belt, pulled the gun out, and leaning out of the cover, fired three silent shots.            The man fell to the ground in an instant. She came up to the body as close as the handcuffs let her. About 35 years old, average-looking. She’d never seen him before. Two wounds – one in the shoulder, another in his neck. She could have done better, but it wasn’t half bad for a right-handed person under pressure.            “Why?”           MC took her eyes off the corpse. Her kidnapper leant against the side of his car. His dilated pupils were glued to her with a sense of restlessness.            “Why did you do that?” When he spoke, there was a miniscule quiver to his lips.           “Would you rather have him kill both of us, or...?” It was his first body. This discovery was surprising, considering how he’d been trying to intimidate her this whole time.            He nervously grimaced. They were holding each other at gunpoint. Would he really be able to pull the trigger?            "They will come searching for you,” he stated.            “Not if I finish the job now.”            “Don’t,” he said quickly, “you can work for me.”            She couldn’t help but laugh. “What can you offer me? Health insurance? Early retirement?”           “The person that hired you is one of the most powerful people in this country. And he already knows that you failed once.” He motioned to the steady trickle of blood seeping from the corpse and running downhill. “Do you really think he’ll take a chance that you haven’t made a deal with me?”            Unbelievable. “So, what’s the offer?”           “We can help each other. I could make use of your personal... talents, and in return, you will be more than safe in Mint Eye.”            He stiffened when she moved her gun and put it back in its place. MC stretched out her left hand, “Deal.”             He shook it with an enigmatic smile.            "What are we doing about him?”            “Well, no one is going to look for him, I can guarantee you this. My bullets are untraceable, but the car...”            “That won’t be a problem,” he said, taking out his phone. “We’re not that far from Mint Eye.” With the body happily pushed into the grass, they sat on the bonnet and waited for transport. The relief was unreal when MC rubbed the red marks on her wrist. That is, until her new boss tugged her other hand and clasped it together with his.            “You can’t be serious.”            “Easy, princess, it’s just a cover story for when they come here.”            MC raised her eyebrows, “Kinky.”           They stared for a while at the sun languidly making its way up above the fields of green. Both of them tired of this day beyond words.            “What kind of job do you need me for anyway?”            He dragged on his cigarette with an expression of utter seriousness. “You will be my personal assistant.”  
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choisgirls · 5 years
Everyone’s always saying to listen to anime openings while you write (in English) to make sure wires in your brain don’t cross; Something about the songs are supposed to motivate you and all but all I’ve been doing is dancing or aggressively headbanging along so I think someone out there is lying
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