#mcyt fans when i catch you
alleyesony0u · 6 months
okay. whatever.
grian's wings are clipped, have been clipped for a very, very long time. clipped so long he forgets how it felt to soar. who or what clipped them is a mystery.
jimmy's wings are damaged beyond repair. they can never fly, no one knows if he ever got a chance to use them. he wears braces on them so he can at least move them, just a little bit, to fold behind his back.
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nho-jungle · 11 months
okay i want to poll this bc i talk to many friends abt things and they have ways and i also see many posts saying things like "new fans will never understand [thing that happened early on]" so i will poll.
(this is mainly in regards to mcyt content, but can also extend to other longform youtube content, podcasts, tv shows, movie series', etc. anything that is actively being uploaded/expanded upon)
bc i HAVE to watch things from the beginning and very rarely actively keep up with new stuff. but apparently not everyone does that and now i am curious.
rb for sample size etc etc.
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mcyt-as-birds · 8 months
Hey!! I hope I'm not bothering you but I just found your blog (love your blog it's amazing) and, as a fellow mcyt enjoyer & bird enthusiast, I just have to ask you what birds you would assign to Niki, Quackity, Ranboo & Jimmysolidarity, based on their character/personality/looks? I'm just asking because I'm making a mcyt harpy AU and you seem like someone knowledgeable in birds and generally like a cool person so I hope I'm not intruding on your time!
So far I think Niki could be a flamingo (despite looking pretty they're pretty tough lol but I'm having second thoughts on that), Ranboo could be a long bird w long legs (maybe some kind of stork or stilt i dunno), with Quackity I'm torn between a Loggerhead Shrike and a Goldeneye Barrow's duck (or any duck bcs well, it's in his name lol. I actually can't decide if I should go for his dsmp character or general mcyt persona) and Jimmy I have no frickign idea (maybe a canary??? I've been thinking about this for days and I have no clue lmao).
Anyways hope you have a good day/night and once again love your blog :]
AAAAAAA so sorry I didn’t see this ask until now!!!! I’ve been absolutely going through it lately since moving but it’s getting better and I’ve successfully seen and photographed a bunch of new lifer birds so like win!!
So, absolutely depends on which SMP for these characters but if we’re going DSMP for niki, ranboo, and Quackity then these are my assignments;
Niki: my first instinct for niki is American kestrel (Falco sparverius), but she also fits one of the jaeger sp pretty well. Personally I’d go with Parasitic Jaeger (Stercorarius parasiticus) also known as the arctic skua. They’re incredibly skilled aerialists that are called “parasitic” because they pursue other seabirds until they give up their catch and leave it for the jaeger. Girlboss of them. Jaeger is also a German originating word meaning “hunter” so it’s double cool! They look like this! They remind me of marble a lot.
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Quackity: I’ve given him two assignments before, but both were for QSMP!Quackity which is very different vibes to DSMP!Quackity but I think they’re generalized enough to still work. The first one, for a General Vibes quackity is the ferruginous duck because duh, duck, but also They Have Secrets. And Know All Of Yours. Just look at those eyes! (Only males have the bright yellow eyes btw.) Barrow’s goldeneye IS a good choice as well so if you wanted to I’d say go for it! I also think ruddy duck (Oxyura jamaicensis) is a great choice personality wise because they are Mean Little Bastards to each other and others rip.
Here’s a male ferruginous duck! Oh god what does he know
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I am, however, a HUGE fan of hummingbird!Quackity particularly for the small size->bigger aggression of some species. It’s so unexpected! There’s also large parallels with how they have to constantly be on the move and eating insects and drinking nectar, with some species needing to consume up to three times their bodyweight each day just to survive! It reminds me a lot of how DSMP!Quackity is always trying to do Bigger and More Things and just never stops, ever, ultimately to his own detriment when he can no longer keep up. Again rip.
Anyways the species I assigned him before based on coloration of the art is the violet sabrewing (Campylopterus hemileucurus) which is one of the larger but less aggressive emeralds. HOWEVER they do end up completely intimidating other species away from feeding flowers just from their size and General Vibes. They’re also cool as fuck so I won’t be changing that. But if you wanted something more aggressive then I’d go with ruby-throated hummingbird.
Here’s what a violet sabrewing looks like!
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Ranboo: This is a bit of a tricky one, because it would be extremely easy to go “black and white bird boom done” and I don’t think that’s like bad but there is More To Him. Past assignments I have given him include swallow-tailed kite (Elanoides forficatus) for a miss beloved design, purple-crowned fairywren (Malurus coronatus) for a general streamersona/r800 ranbrand, and violet-backed starling (Cinnyricinclus leucogaster) for r800.
But if we are going purely DSMP!Ranboo, I have two different ideas.
Personality: killdeer (Charadrius vociferus)
Design: secretarybird (Sagittarius serpentarius)
Personality wise, the killdeer fits mainly because of its well-known predator responses “broken-wing display/injury feigning” and “ungulate display.” The former is where the adult killdeer will pretend to be injured (and thus, an easier target) in order to lead predators away from their nest and chicks. Then, they’ll lose or frustrate the predator until they give up and it’s safe to return to the nest. The other predator response is what I affectionately call the “fuck it, we ball” response, where the bird lowers its head, raises its wings, and charges at the predator. It is frequently fatal. I don’t think I have to explain why it’s so Ranboo coded but if you need evidence look up anyone threatening Michael lmao. Also you probably didn’t want to hear that much about them but listen I love them so much they are so cool and baby.
They look like this when doing the broken wing display! They also just kind of have the panicked deer in headlights look that I feel like he embodies.
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The second option, the secretarybird or secretary bird, is even funnier looking but fits the aesthetic so well and honestly some of his strange and unsettling vibes. The secretarybird (Sagittarius serpentarius) is the largest bird of prey by height and length. They are almost entirely terrestrial and hunt their prey by—get this—stomping it to death. I’m not kidding. They have been described as “what you get when you mix an eagle, a stork, and a bad hair day” because of the stupid little feathers on the back of their head. They kinda look lights on but nobody’s home sometimes. Drumroll please for this absolute fucking creature (affectionate)
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Yeah, I wasn’t exaggerating. Why do they look like that.
Jimmy: is an extremely difficult one, tbh. Everyone assigns him canary which, like, fair—but honestly it does not fit his personality or his design, and only really works for life series!Jimmy. And they don’t even give him a specific species! (Although ppl usually mean domestic canary without saying it.) No hate to people who do this and the canary in the coal mine symbolism is cool I just have Opinions and Propaganda and I’ve been Enabled.
I have assigned him one bird before, the eastern rosella (Platycercus eximius) and I kinda stand by it for the content creator, but it doesn’t fit his general minecraft sona.
To figure this out, we must go even deeper. Into the deep dark, mind the wardens. You probably didn’t want this but Too Bad you’ve activated my trap card and now you have to suffer.
Jimmy is a peculiar character because he is very dear to everyone, but also the butt of every joke—and he likes it that way! He’s a key player in many important events in storylines, but also the most often discarded. His luck is terrible, yes, but it can be argued that he brings about misfortune for others more than he himself experiences it. This is across hermitcraft, the life series, and empires.
So I propose this to you and the general fandom:
Jimmy is a snowy albatross.
The snowy albatross (Diomedea exulans) previously described as the wandering albatross along with the Amsterdam, Tristan, and Antipodean albatross sp, is a bird that is heavily steeped in superstition. While generally considered a bird that would bring sailors good luck, to harm or kill an albatross was to bring about the sea’s wrath upon the entire crew. In The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the Mariner kills an albatross that is being cared for by the crew. The crew became very angry with him, believing that he had called upon bad luck, and forced him to wear the albatross around his neck. This is where the metaphor “an albatross around his neck” comes from, symbolizing an unwanted burden causing anxiety and distress. At the end of the story, the mariner learns to care for all the sea creatures and his releases from his curse, but is forced to walk the earth for eternity and tell his tale. This is where the albatross has also become a symbol of past sins, regret, and atonement.
Jimmy personifies these qualities so much, along with hidden power, vulnerability, and unconditional love SO MUCH I need the fandom to see my vision so bad. Albatross Jimmy propaganda!!!!
They look like this
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And the chicks are so cute it’s not even funny.
I could go on and on about how Jimmy is so albatross coded it’s not even funny and facts about them AND I WILL LETS GO albatrosses have specialized wing anatomy that allows them to lock their shoulder in place and fly hundreds of miles without flapping their wings even once! They also follow ships and will eat anything and everything presented to them, including garbage, and will gorge themselves on food until they are so bloated they can only float on the water. They can live for over 50 YEARS, the oldest known lasyan albatross (and bird in general!) is a female named Wisdom who is 70 years old and still kicking! They are often considered silly or ugly birds by people unfamiliar with them but are very beloved by those within the birding and research communities and snowy albatrosses are one of the most researched bird species in the world! They are fiercely loyal, highly protective, and also absolute little goofballs. Like Jimmy. They are also social birds, with a huge range of vocalizations and displays LIKE JIMMY they are kind of bad at survival (but mostly human threats) and need a lot of help LIKE JIMMY (please protect your local albatrosses) and they are very loud LIKE JI—[*I am forcibly yanked off the stage by a shepherd’s hook in cartoonish fashion*]
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
Hey bee! I’m sure you’ve gotten this ask before, sorry, but I am leaving the dream fandom due to being very uncomfy supporting him re:the recent situation. I’m planning on focusing on the other side of Minecraft YouTube for now and was wondering if you had blog recs for third/last life and hermitcraft?
hey! welcome to the hermitcraft fandom! we're a cool place to hang out i think personally. uh, be warned that i'm often bad at recs because i have the memory of a squirrel, so if there isn't someone on here that isn't because we aren't friends/aren't cool mutuals/i don't like them, it's because i am naming the first people i think of, which is not always people in a sensible order. also i tried to stick to hermitcraft guys more than traffic or empires guys here because i did not realize you said third/last/double life when i first read this ask WHOOPS.
also i saw the other list i was tagged in by @griancraft, i am EXTREMELY flattered, that list is here, and i have tried not to put any names that are repeats from there. i am vouching in general for a lot of the people on there though.
ALSO also before we get into the names: GO FIND YOUR OWN FRIENDS! one of the ways i do this personally is that i just... browse through the hermitcraft tag occasionally and stick a bunch of stuff in my queue and if i see a person crop up a lot i follow them because clearly i like what they're doing! sometimes also when i was a smaller blog if someone showed up in my notes a lot i'd also show up! uh, just in general, find other 'smaller' guys too! i have, as i said, tried to stick to people i thought you weren't already going to be following, but let it be known that i have no sense of scale anymore so i don't know who is considered "big" or not on here the scale may be WILDLY out of proportion. FIND YOUR OWN PEOPLE it's very fun to find people yes yes.
@dmwrites and/or @simplydm (her main) does very cool writing. i am a big fan of all of her ficlets. if you are following me for the writing let me direct you that way to ALSO get a lot of good ficlets.
speaking of other cool writers in the fandom. @mawofthemagnetar writes eldritch horror keralis and a bunch of other fics that are cool. also one of the people on my dash who is an xb understander, you know?
@fluffy-papaya and @betweenlands wrote dog at the door and a bunch of other stuff i like (plus fluffy's art is very cute). also i know solar and solar is cool... albeit. mostly not a hermitcraft blog at this point. but still. deserves to go here, be wary they will get you into a minecrafter you've never heard of. i still need to watch secret rivals. soon,
also on the cool writer list is @sixteenth-days, who writes hermit archives and also a bunch of other cool things!
@redwinterroses is someone i originally followed from more of the traffic side of the fandom but i recommend following her, she's pretty chill.
someone who i like a lot as both an artist AND a writer is @silverskye13. still need to catch up with monsters splitting hairs, love the artstyle, all their hels takes are good.
another cool artist and writer is @kiwinatorwaffles, lots of good xisuma, evil x, zedaph stuff over here from what i've seen.
@quaranmine runs the absolutely necessary @mcyt-cats blog. has the watcher grian takes i tend to actually trust, haha. she's pretty cool as far as general hc/mcyt blogs go.
@luigra does REALLY cute art i love the colors she uses and her style it always makes me feel soft and happy. also, of course, a fellow joe hills enthusiast. always important, us joeguys stick together like this.
speaking of fellow joeguys. @12u3ie probably knows more about joe than me. has been around here longer. fellow joeguys represent.
one last joeguy. hi @concorp. e does cool art and has a lot of good general hermitcraft stuff going on. also, as mentioned: fellow joeguy. also they do @badlydrawnhermitcraft and have been a guest on joe's show before!
@shadeswift99 feels like a pillar of the community to me. they run the @hermitcraftheadcanons blog, if you haven't been there before. they also do writing good and tend to know a lot of people who have been around a while. cool person.
i like @closet-thing's art a lot. tends to be somewhat horror-focused if that isn't your thing but if you, like me, DO like horror stuff, then you're in for a treat.
i am also a big fan of @jestroer's art. it has a very... i don't know the word for it but the style is very distinct and i like it. fluffy? if that's a bad word for it. i am sorry. i don't know how to describe art. anyway recommend.
@bdoubleowo is a good general mcyt blog! she does very nice art as well. the sexy fish animatic is scott smajor approved, you know.
uhhhh last one for now @girltimeswithscar has such good character designs. i am in love with how they draw skizzleman. also their mumbo. also their bdubs. also just their takes about bdubs in general. bdubs takes good.
as i said before... if a name isn't on this list it's because i don't have object permanence if you are not in front of me RIGHT NOW i do not remember you are there. i have MANY OTHER COOL MUTUALS AND BLOGS I'M FOLLOWING AND BUDDIES AND STUFF, and THERE ARE MANY BLOGS THAT ARE COOL. THAT I DO NOT FOLLOW YET. this fandom is full of so many cool and creative people! go! seek them out!
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pixiemage · 2 years
Hey all!
So after mentioning that I've been watching Hermitcraft Season 8 in full (every POV), someone asked for a link to the playlist. I figured they might not be the only person looking for it, so I tracked down a few links for any folks who are trying to catch up like I am, or who might want to go back and rewatch old seasons. All the HC playlists linked here include every episode organized by upload date, as well as the weekly Hermitcraft Recap episodes (starting from the season where those started being posted). I've also added the Traffic Life series here, as well as both Empires SMP seasons. Enjoy!
(And let's give some love to the YouTube channel Let's plAySMR for putting in the time and dedication it took to create a majority of these playlists. Many thanks for feeding my hyperfixation!)
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7 Season 8 Season 9 (Current season; updates fairly quickly)
3rd Life [Created by Atypical] Last Life [Created by allypines] Double Life
Season 1 Season 2 [Created by kokopelliguitarist]
NOTE: If, for whatever reason, you have a better playlist or one of these is missing videos, let me know and I can swap it out for a different link! I also know there are rumors of a fourth Traffic Life season coming sometime at the start of next year, so I'll keep an eye out to add that to the list when the time comes. Don't hesitate to tell me if this post becomes out of date! I created it for other MCYT fans to use, and I'd much rather keep it at its most helpful rather than let it sit and collect dust.
Hope it helps!
Much love,
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the-final-sif · 2 years
The thing you rb-ed about hc made me think a bit, i'm not in either fandom (dsmp or hc), but I know of it because of you (here from ao3 o7). During the polls, I came across so many posts in my fandom's tags asking people to vote, and posting something unrelated to a tag is spam and is directly against TOS, all the post I've seen were from hermitblr. It was really annoying. It's a bit funny, from an outsider pov, that this part of the fandom acts so high and mighty, for the longest time I thought of the mcyt fandom as "some losers that enjoy cubes" (no offense). It's truly fascinating how the mcyt fandom is so subdivided, I don't think you get that in any other fandom, there are groups sure, but not in the way you guys have it, you have groups within groups within groups. It's really interesting
For people outside of mcyt, it might help to consider the mcyt space more like the kpop fandom or like the "anime" fandom. It's actually very common, particularly when you consider that "mcyt" is just a catch-all for hundreds of creators in tons of separate groups. Most people aren't fans of mcyt as a whole, they're usually fans of specific creators or servers.
If you're an outsider, you likely consider the group all one unified body. But anyone whose been into anime knows that there's no singular anime fandom, and there's no singular kpop fandom. There's a lot of different bands and a lot of infighting and a lot of people who are very convinced that what they enjoy is Good and Morally Pure and everyone else is evil for not enjoying it or for enjoying something else. Obviously not everyone who enjoys hermitblr is like that, but because it tends to be more family friendly than the DSMP, there also tends to be a higher percentage of the white knight sorts.
You've always got to be careful about people who really care about making sure you know they only like "morally pure" content creators/content. It's a huge red flag for people who don't know how to engage with something critically, and also people whose idea of morality begins and ends at consumption.
Sorry to hear about hermitblr spamming the tags though. If you see that shit, always report it as spam to tumblr. People won't learn otherwise.
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grungiiuvu · 3 months
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love 🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love 🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings 🧸 🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual? 🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character sorry if these are a bunch of questions lol i'm just curiousssss :)
🌵 ⇢ https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7n1l75dYwZyEHcDIsMvsZa?si=1598dc802c9542ae (this is an OC playlist, but I love my girls :)) if anyone asks me about them, i start sobbing fr)
🥤 ⇢ there's sircantus, who's from the mcyt fandom, pearl from the haikyuu fandom, who is just the SWEETEST, and then my favourite fengqing fic of all time
🍄 ⇢ contrary to semi-popular belief, Mu Qing's love language is NOT acts of service, it's quality time. Feng Xin's love language is acts of service, tho, so Mu Qing does his best to try demonstrate that he loves him through attempting to do things.
🧸 ⇢ just keep talking/engaging with me tbh lol, i latch onto conversations very quickly. that and catch me early when i move into new fandoms haha
🍬 ⇢ ...yue qingyuan was kinda just... a bit shitty? I dont really like him and fail to understand the hype. I understand that he loved Shen Jiu but he ruined everything for himself by not telling the truth. But, tbf, i am never a fan of 'bleeding heart' characters, so that's personal bias.
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xxjeffthekillerxx · 4 months
so ive always indulged in minecraft content as escapism my whole life, and revisiting all that is really nice sometimes, but with the way the internet has changed just by the effects of covid alone, its becoming more and more difficult.
when i was in middle school and watching aphmau to cope with illness and such it was the same thing for me as being in the dream smp fandom in 2020. the difference is only that im allowed to revisit aphmau.
it wasnt that long ago that my ex friend would actively shame me in front of his other friends for being into the dream smp while going through one of the most traumatic things i couldve gone through while trying to transition into highschool
i can never fully trust someone who has "dsmp fans" on their dni because its a complete gamble on whether or not they just havent updated their dni page since 2021, or if theyre the type to have participated in the "rendering process" croaket hate campaign.
lets be real here, dream smp fans dont exist anymore. the series has ended and if you tried to get into it THIS LATE, youd have hundreds of hours of content to catch up on. no one is going to be putting that much effort into a series that is on 90% of all dni pages ever. the dream smp was something you had to be there for.
at this point, if someone has "dsmp fans" or god forbid the wretched "mcyt fans" on their dni list, it means they either havent updated their dni page since 2021, or it means they only put it on there so people wouldnt think they might be a dsmp fan baselessly.
im seriously frustrated with how if i want to talk about my experience during the pandemic, i have to completely omit a part of it that was so important for me as a child stuck inside feeling like there was nothing left to life anymore.
im not saying that its uncriticizable, im saying that mindlessly condemning a fandom that doesnt even exist anymore when its completely unrelated to you and what you post is ridiculous.
theres a LOT to criticize, theres a reason the fandom doesnt really exist anymore, but everything i see online condemning it is in the form of mocking neurodivergent teenagers who were struggling with their mental health during a NATIONAL PANDEMIC just because "lol cringe = funny." the teens watching werent to blame for all that was wrong with it. its not even that these posts are making just of the dsmp alone, thats whatever, its that in all of these posts, they just HAVE to take a jab at alternative styles and queerness. theres not a single one of these videos that doesnt just mock nonbinary trans people.
maybe im just rambling. its exhausting to see the person you had to be while the world was falling apart torn to shred online.
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dioslab · 2 years
Happy Valentine’s Day! I was participating in @mcyt-valentines and my giftee was @honey-sunsets ! Hope you like it!
Scar lives a pretty simple life.
It’s not as bad as you’d think, running a burger shop in the middle of the busiest district of Hermitia. At least, not now that the hype of Hotguy’s Burgers has died down. When he opened, he was immediately overrun by fans of the superhero, willing to buy anything with Hotguy’s branding on it. Of course, Scar was immediately called a conman, a bastard capitalizing on their city’s newest hero. A photo of them together put up in the front hall (edited so well that no one would suspect it to be fake), along with an interview from the hero himself saying he didn’t mind, eased some folk…
But the novelty wore off anyway, and now it’s just an averagely busy burger joint. So he wakes up, gets ready for work, and then opens up shop as soon as his employees arrive. Scar doesn’t normally take breaks- at least, not consistent ones- but he makes sure that Cub and Bdubs get theirs.
It’s during one of their shared lunch breaks that the bell rings on the door. It’s odd- this hour, they generally get no customers, which is exactly why Scar feels safe to send off his employees. Not that he can’t work the kitchen himself, no, but while the kitchen is disability-friendly, it’s still not… ideal, for him to be doing all the cooking. He generally sticks to taking orders and making the drinks.
Still, a single customer isn’t too hard to handle alone, and he lifts his head with a smile. “Well hello there, and welcome t-”
His words catch in his throat when he sees her.
The woman in the doorway is stunning. She’s shrugging off an oversized pink fur coat- Scar keeps it much warmer in here than it is outside- as he stares, though she doesn’t seem to mind his gaze, smiling back at him. She must be used to it. Of course she is, considering she’s-
“Are you closed?” Ariana Griande asks him, glancing around the empty shop. Her brightly colored feathers ruffle a little behind her. He has no idea what that means, he’s never looked much into avian body language, but he’s delighted at the motion anyway. He’s never seen them move that, well… fluidly, he supposes? She rarely moves them on stage, and when they do, it always seems to be part of her performance. This looks so much more natural.
It takes him a moment to even realize what she’s asked. “Oh, no, of course not! Especially not for a bigshot like you!” He rolls his chair around the counter to be a little closer to her- to the pop sensation he’s been following since the start of her career. “No, you’re lucky, you caught me during one of our slower hours. You can sit wherever you’d like, take your pick!”
Ariana Griande giggles- she laughed! Because of him!- and actually takes a seat at the counter, right in front of where he was a moment ago. She picks up a menu, her well-manicured nails tapping against the countertop as she flips through it, the restaurant nearly silent otherwise. He can’t pull his eyes away from her. “Any recommendations?” she asks after a moment.
“Well, that certainly depends on you. Any allergies, foods you avoid, flavors you like, are you looking for a full meal or just need something quick?” Scar rattles off quickly. They’re his usual questions he asks anyone looking for a recommendation, but he guarantees, her answers will be engraved into his memory.
Just like her smile when it’s aimed right at him. “Well, you know.” She rustles her wings again. “No meat, no caffeine, avocados, onions, chocolate…”
“Right, right,” he should have realized. Though, again, he isn’t an expert on avians, and he’s fairly sure that the only consistent poison across all avians is meat, so he certainly wouldn’t have known about the others. “Well, I’d recommend, hm, the Scarassic Park,” Scar says, leaning as far as he can over the counter and flipping through her menu to point it out. It’s a large vegetarian burger, overflowing with toppings. “I can just leave the avocado off. And as for drinks, we have an excellent selection of smoothies, all recipes created by myself, Scar Goodtimes. The Lime Llama is my favorite, personally, it has lime and green apple with a bit of brown sugar to even out the sourness.”
Ariana Griande glances at him, eyebrows raised slightly. “Scar Goodtimes? Then you’re the owner?”
It’s… interesting she knows that just from his name. Though maybe menu items named after him are a bit of a giveaway, but still. “The one and only!”
She seems to have lost all interest in ordering, instead resting her chin on her hand and leaning in a little towards him. He swears, his heart stops, she’s truly gorgeous this close. Later, when he’s out of work mode, he’ll lose his mind. Seeing Ariana Griande in person has always been a dream of his. “I was hoping to meet you,” she murmurs, practically a whisper.
Scar’s hand is trembling a little as he sets it on the counter by hers. There’s- there must be a reason for it, but his mind runs away with it anyway. Ariana Griande wanting to meet him? “And why is that, Miss Griande?”
“You can call me Ari,” she corrects him,fluttering her eyelashes, and he immediately decides to call her that forever. Does he really have permission to call her a nickname? “I’ve just been interested in trying Hotguy’s Burgers since it opened,” Ari says, nails tapping the counter again. “Everything’s been so busy since we started recording for my next album, though…”
“Oh, I’m sure it’s worth it,” Scar says, only barely holding back from gushing. Her only released song from thank u, vex is In My Head (Games), which he started listening to on loop as soon as it dropped. He can’t wait for the rest of the album- it’ll make a great addition to the music he plays at the restaurant.
“It is,” Ari agrees, leaning in even more and lowering her voice. It feels so… intimate, especially in an otherwise empty building. “But you know, I’m actually a huge fan of Hotguy.”
His heart actually does stop this time. He has fans. Scar knows he has fans. He’s been stopped by all types of people, from children to the mayor of Hermitia, all thanking him and calling themselves his fans. Still, for Ariana Griande, his celebrity crush, to come to his restaurant, to tell him to his face that she’s a fan, even if she doesn’t know who he is-
“As far as I know, Hotguy’s Burgers is the only branding he’s allowed,” she continues. “Why is that?”
Ah, the age old question. He’s… sure he planned a response to this, if it ever came up, but all of his thoughts fell right out of his head, replaced with the fact that Ariana Griande is his fan. Scar sputters a little, trying to remember what to say. “Oh- well, you know, that isn’t true! There’s quite a lot of, of Hotguy merchandise out there, I’m sure you’ve seen people wearing hoodies or hats or-”
“Those don’t count,” Ari interrupts. “Hotguy openly said he was fine with Hotguy’s Burgers. He hasn’t said that about any of the unofficial merchandise, and he definitely hasn’t posed for photos with people who make it.” She turns her head, twirling a piece of her hair as her gaze falls on the photoshopped image of him shaking hands with himself.
“Well, that’s-” He had excuses, he planned for this, but it all falls to pieces in front of her. “We had a chance encounter,” Scar finally remembers, though he doesn’t sound nearly as charming and convincing as he usually does. “I’d hit hard times, he was generous about it, etcetera-”
That gets a laugh out of her, and he feels dizzy. Her eyes are shining with interest. “Really?” Ari sighs, almost musically. “I’ve always wanted to meet him in person.”
“I’m sure you will,” he blurts out, and it’s true. Not that she knows that, not yet, but- when he knows she’s interested? When she wants to meet him? Yes, yes, Hotguy will hang around her concerts when they let out, he can arrange a ‘chance encounter’, whatever she wants.
Her expression changes more, but he can’t put a finger on how. Scar feels like he can’t even think. Ari’s eyes shine almost inhumanly, her beautiful smile is too sharp, and her nails tap hard on the counter. “You promise?”
“I promise.” He can’t hold the words back. Especially not when she looks so happy-
And the world shakes.
Things fall off the walls, and through the front window he can see smoke pouring out of a hole in the building across the street. Even with how thick the restaurant walls are, he can hear metal groaning, can hear screams as the building starts to bend under its own weight, the structure weakened from… an explosion?
Oh. Oh no.
“Oh,” Ari gasps. It’s high pitched, frightened- dramatic.
Scar blinks, trying to get ahold of his thoughts, his mind starting to clear. Ari’s charisma is intoxicating, but this threat is quick to distract him. He needs to go into the back- get his prosthetics, his costume, get going, but Ari is right here, she’d know-
“I guess the Scarassic Park will have to wait.” She gets up from her seat, staring out the front windows. “I’ll see you soon, Scar.”
Before he can say a word, warn her against going outside, how dangerous it is, the whole building could collapse- she’s gone. Scar takes a moment, only a moment, to catch his breath, to let his mind fully clear, and then he’s gone into the back, readying up as fast as he can.
Despite the danger, the people who need help, that interaction runs through his mind again and again. Ariana Griande, his fan, prying a promise out of Scar Goodtimes that she’ll get to meet Hotguy. She looked… odd, near the end of their conversation, her eyes and smile almost familiar, and not just in the seen-her-on-TV way.
He puts it out of his mind for now, and in a flash, Hotguy is on the scene, explosive arrows notched in his bow. A few aimed charges take out smaller chunks of the building, evening out the tilt and stabilizing it long enough to safely evacuate the inhabitants. As he runs through the building, his prosthetics heating up uncomfortably from the fires set by the explosions, he spots another civilian in need of help.
Or, so Hotguy assumes, before he gets close enough to look through the smoke. Cuteguy sits in the frame of an open window, his pitch black wings hanging out of it, prepared to fall back and make his escape at any moment. Hotguy pauses at the edge of the room- he’s never gotten so close to the villain, the one that designed himself after Hotguy, his costume and name all mocking him. It’s clear this person sees himself as Hotguy’s nemesis, but he’s always been interested as to why-
And then Cuteguy reaches a hand up, lowering his pink sunglasses enough for him to see his eyes unhindered- as Cuteguy flutters his eyelashes at him.
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enneamage · 1 year
I guess I can chime in on the shipping thing as someone who does ship one of the forbidden ones that being Techza. Only in an RP way I’m not truthing or anything and I also don’t write fetish stuff. I just ship them in the most vanilla way possible
I spent about a year and a half having thoughts about shipping it and I felt like a horrible, terrible freak for it. I actively tried to repress my thoughts about it, out of pure fear that anyone I told about it would instantly try to cancel me or something. Even as I read QPR fanfic that was so clearly just people trying to get away with shipping it. Honest to God, I have read QPR fics that are way gayer than the fics tagged with /.
Then I basically cracked and told someone and guess what? They shipped it too and now we both talk about it together. I’m having the most fun I’ve had in this fandom just making AU ideas with that person
It feels so so much better to just admit you ship something rather than try to lie to yourself about it. I’ve talked to multiple people and all of them admit to having read some stuff of the forbidden ships such as Techza or Schlattbur. This fandom is filled with people who all ship stuff but everyone is too scared to talk about it because no one wants to be ostracized or anything
I just think it’d be a much healthier fandom environment if people could just say “Yah, I ship it” rather than having to repress those thoughts out of fear and instead go down the “QPR totally not shipping” path
We’re all fucking weirdos for writing fanfic about Minecraft men at all and that’s okay. I’d rather be a happy weirdo than a repressed and scared shipper
Yeah, one of the most tiresome things about this fandom is I’m pretty sure most people have a dual motive weather they know it or not. You’re much more likely to get the truth out of people in private if they trust you, the average member of the fandom isn’t an open book and if you’re on maintwt you can’t afford to go against the grain so it seems like people are more rigid than they really are. The thing that I find really disdainful is when people join in on dogpiles because they’re afraid of someone catching them in whatever it is they’re ashamed of, so they scapegoat someone else to displace the guilt. I can tell this fandom has a lot of that.
Techza is kind of a classic ‘hiding in plain sight’ example, I could tell from a glance at that community what people were really attached to, but I never saw anything outstandingly sexual from them (maybe I missed something?) so I let it go. They were around Techno’s age, it was all very Greek, I got it.
I think one of the biggest corrupting factors in this fandom has been how hyper-visible everything and everyone is. RPF is a dangerous game but the thin barrier between RPF and ‘shipping the characters’ in MCYT has a way of making some of the most tense fandom dynamics I’ve ever seen, I think people from other server fandoms would vouch for how bad it gets.
Something that I’m actually pretty firm on is that fan spaces should be mostly for fans (not devotional spaces for the benefit of ccs) and offer them a certain level of privacy, I know that there’s nothing to be done about the fourth wall the way things are now but I’m hoping that whatever websites rise up to take the place of Twitter if it ever becomes completely unusable will put more of a gap again. I don’t think we’ll ever be able to turn back time to when RPF was less well-known, but all I can hope for is moving somewhere where the too-close-for-comfort dynamic isn’t at play, because the panopticon has hurt almost as much as it’s helped at this point.
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localgrem1in · 1 year
Second intro! Let's go!
Hello, hi it's me again. I'm finally starting to hunker down and establish myself, and so I figuered I was overdue for another introduction!
Ya'll can call me Loca or Local! If you see someone call me something else, no you didn't <3
Prns are he/she and I'm an arospec acespec queer. I'm also Christian!
Currently still a minor. For now. [I'm so close to leaving highschool hell behind].
I am a completely self taught artist. I barely know how to operate a drawing program since I taught myself. My anatomy and colouring picking is still a work in progress, and rarely consistant. I use Krita and a newly gained XP 15.6 Pro (it cost me so much) for digital art. My set up is slowly improving, but we work with what we got.
I have something known as aphantasia. Essentially, I cannot picture things mentally. Please, don't ask why I decided I wanted to be an artist, I don't know why I wanted to make my life difficult. /lh Pinterest is my best friend, as well as those people who post pose references.
I'm a MCYT, Zelda, Phasmophobia and LotR / Hobbit fan! That list will probably continue to expand. As such, expect reblogs of all these contents, even though my art is generally MCYT.
[Edit: The Magnus Archives brainrot has hit in full, please expect art from tma as well.]
[Edit x2: Nimona has joined the gang. Obsessed with both the movie and the comic <3]
[Edit x3: forget Nimona /lh /nsrs mistborn is all that matters to me now. WAX AND WAYNE ARE CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED AS A DUO MAN.]
We are a SFW blog here! Occasionally I may like/reblog something that is slightly suggestive, but it WILL NOT be explict. Keep asks and such appropriate to these rules.
My ask box is open. I love getting to interact people, so don't be scared to pop in and say hi. Requests may be opening sometime in the near future, so keep an eye out for that.
I use tone tags. If you ever need an explanation of tone tags, or need to know what a tone tag means, feel free to ask me!
My art can be found under the tag #loca art. When I start posting writing, my writings will be found under #loca drabbles. My rambles and thoughts will be under #loca screams
[Link: Ao3]
I have been incredibly busy, and am no longer posting once a week. Hunker down with me, we take what we can take here until I can catch summer break y’all!
You've reached the end! Remember to take care of yourself and have a lovely day/night dear reader! <3 /p
[P.S. My pfp is indeed mine, and it's a drawing of my traffic!sona that might as well just be my actual sona now. He's a silly guy <3]
[Link: pfp post]
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snek-snacc · 2 years
should i learn spanish just to watch karmaland
For Karmaland? Absolutely, it's a really great series and I've been loving it since I started watching this past August when Karmaland 5 started. But, tbh you don't even really need to know Spanish to start watching it. I've been studying Spanish on my own for about 6 months now, but I am just barely familiar with the basics and absolutely nowhere near fluent enough to understand the streams on their own. I've actually been keeping up with Karmaland through multiple different sources that people have generously provided.
There's this Twitter account that translates notable bits of Quackity's streams live as they're happening.
This YouTube channel takes important clips from Quackity's streams and subtitles them into English.
And here on Tumblr @ karmalandboxinmyattic has a few long summary posts in English of people's storylines at different points throughout the series.
There are also quite a few individuals who frequent the tags here that are willing to give people summaries or translate certain clips if asked.
Along with that I watch most of Quackity's streams and try to catch streams from a few other creators (mainly Luzu and Rubius) whenever I can, and just use visual context clues to get a rough idea of what's happening, before checking the posts in the tags here to help fill in the gaps. Just consuming fan content in general has helped a lot too. Like I said, I started watching in August and this whole time I've been able to keep up pretty well even if I don't know much Spanish.
But, if you also want to learn just for the heck of it I'd say, at least from my experience, that getting into Karmaland can help a ton with it. Just hearing it spoken in a casual context on a regular basis by watching streams has been a huge help to me, as well as seeing posts and Tweets about the series from Spanish viewers; It really helps familiarize you with the language.
But yeah, I'd 100% recommend getting into Karmaland! From what I've seen all the creators are pretty great, and Quackity provides an easy entrance point for people not already familiar with the other ccs or the series given how he's so well known in the English speaking side of the mcyt community. It's a little extra work to keep up with it without knowing Spanish, but I think it's worth it for how much I've been enjoying the series. And if you do want to start learning Spanish to help you better understand it or just because it's something you want to do, then I'd double recommend it for how it can help you get more familiar with the language.
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spikeinthepunch · 2 years
if you told me a few years back i was gonna revive @single-malt-scotch and not drop it in a week and enjoy it genuinely i would have never imagined it. as much as i consume "cringe" content and enjoy things like hot wheels or barbie unironically, there has been a strangely complicated relationship between me and mcyt- for those who have only followed this blog (and even the one i had before this) youd have no idea i was incredibly involved with and enjoyed the old mcyt smp, mindcrack. after my early fandoms in 2010-2012 mindcrack was my thing, for years (the url of that side blog was what i used to have).
no matter how much i try to throw out the disclaimer "if you remember my mcyt days understand i was a teen and im not a weirdo about these people", the reason i even detached further and further over time wasn't purely that i fell out of it (i did, the server started to dwindle) but the.... shame in never wanting to look back at those days came from the automatic association people gained about mcyt over time, and tumblr's rampant witch hunting culture over calling people out for liking "problematic things".
should be said im talking about this shame and callout culture in the context of 2015 tumblr- to now. i was 16 and that stuff was ingrained in my head. it ruined my consumption and joy for media for years. i liked a lot of stuff without problem but i liked them all with intense, fear filled awareness to not unknowingly be ~bad~ but just touching something people could deem problematic. the moment i registered that my behavior as a 13 year old was "bad" bc i wrote mcyt fanfics was the moment i closed off all of that past and decided it was bad, and i was bad, and i could never ever look at it the same way again.
even as i stayed subbed to some of those people out of not wanting to let go of subs i made almost ten years ago- there was no way i was every going back i thought. i looked at mcyt fandom stuff and cringed, and that increased when the distaste of dreamsmp arose-- which ever valid to dislike dream, the wave of cringe culture over dreamsmp and the general concept of mc smps only furthered my shame in the last years. i was told even more in the present now, that mcyt fandom is Bad because its all weird people shipping real people and its strange and youre obviously bad for associating in any form at all. nuance in enjoying gamers on youtube was suddenly lost. even in that period of dsmp getting popular, i couldnt imagine myself getting to this point again, it really was so engrained in me to never consider mcyt a point of joy for myself, when my inability to do so was always tied to shame.
it sounds silly-- but applying this to a broader range of interests? it doesnt matter if im talking about mcyt or something else. it was so hard for me to decide in my head that there was nothing morally egregious about watching people play fucking minecraft on youtube. even if i draw fan art. even if i indulge in the characters they play in a way that isnt strange or crossing their personal boundaries. im not sure what happened to make people decide "mcyt" was a catch all for the Worst of the bad examples for people within such a large community but the moment that happened it made it so hard to feel like i was allowed to like this ever again. i made my existing sideblog in the early summer and i didnt say anything about it. i had it for months and i said nothing. i was so afraid of considering i might have fun, and find joy in this, i wanted to make sure if i destroyed it, it wasnt tied to here and there were no strings attached.
i slid away to enjoy this in peace. and im glad i did in the sense i took away any stressors of just posting straight to my main with little time to decide my feelings. but through the last months i have on and off added it to my pinned post. added it because fuck it, took it down because anxiety. back up, i have nothing to lose.... back down because i saw some post that made me feel bad again.
i am tired of it. the effect of early tumblr culture stress hangs over me even still and it fucking sucks. ive sat here drawing stuff for months on this sideblog unable to tie it to my name for reasons that dont even make sense, out of fear of a reaction from people id never regard or listen to in the first place. that being said im keeping that blog, its on my pinned, im queueing the art to post here whenever i share it, and taking all my old DA art out of storage was a big one to covercome as it uplocked all my old mcyt art to the public again even stuff i felt the most shame for-- by no means was this fandom what it was when i enjoyed it with 30 other people on tumblr 10 years ago... but im finding joy in this again, and my heart swells for every old mutual i see again and im not denying myself that anymore.
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tinogiehd · 2 years
So I have kinda jumped from the jm neg on my timeline to ranb.o neg and I just have a few things to say?
So first i think ranb.o is okay, I don't like horror stuff but I think that he can be genuinely funny and is an overall nice person and I am trying very hard to like him but:
His community is awful.
I joined twt a few month back because I was bored and like it's awful and my experience told me I am right about most of my opinions:
C!inniters are children and most of them can't write without victimisation or making him boring. Many of them are not funny.
2. Ranboos "my community is not homophobic" was just plain ignorant. Homophobia is not biphobia, or panphobia or acephobia and he seems to ignore that. He and (oh God I am going to be awful here) k*ceytron both gave the biggest bi/other sexuality phobia of that I have seen from an "alley" or queer person. He seems like a gay person that stopped caring after 2015 and rests in his privilege of having an accepting family/region. Didn't he grow up in California or something?
Also his fandom is just plain ignoring the racism. If I as a privileged person that wanted to join his community for a while can see it than he is ignoring it.
He spoke out about this stuff twice. He made like 3 tweets (one of them the homophobia one) and said racism isn't cool once on stream. Like sorry, you can't compare that to Dream who kind of got his community to a place where it isn't like 50% racism. Put some work in.
Even if he dislikes Dream and doesn't want to support him that doesn't mean he should be an entitled white person. He hurts other people with that. Questioning queer people that are not gay or lesbian or not trans but still use other pronouns.
Also I hope he informs himself, before he plays DND in a long content orientated DND campaign because his RP etiquette seems like seemi.
And if he really wants to get away from mcyt than he should stop playing in mcc since it is a mcyt event. There are other people that actually want to play and could use the cloud.
i have my issues with ranboo as a person but i think most of the issues i take with them centre around their fans- i definitely agree with you when you say boobers are awful, and i'd be willing to bet that it transcends platforms.
while still ignorant, i'm pretty sure they just used "homophobia" as an overarching term, the same way they used "gay" as a general label for "queer" instead of the definition as specified in a dictionary. i don't think that it was with the intent to erase queer/bi/ace/etc. phobia, rather just a catch-all for that. i don't really want to assume anything about his family situation simply because we don't know much about it afaik.
i do not feel entirely comfortable speaking on the racism of bootwt partially because i am very very removed from bootwt and only hear about them through my anons and people on my dash here. but from what i know it's definitely something that deserves to be addressed in full and seriously, not just throwing around a "racism isn't cool" and receiving praise for denouncing it. obviously ccs don't have full control over their fans, but they can reprimand them for their actions which we've seen dream do multiple times in the past.
i don't necessarily know if ranboo's lack of reprimanding his fandom is based on his dislike of dream as opposed to his fandom being incredibly anti-dream and ranboo really never standing up to them about. Well. anything ever.
ranboo seems like they're at a crossroads with not wanting to sever ties with mcyt entirely but also wanting to rebrand and move away from it which is difficult. i'm curious to see how it plays out
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atlasllm · 2 years
Lol i just read your tags on the post XD
I have the vaguest possible idea of what dsmp but I still get a bit miffed when people feel the need to put "fans of so and so media dni" in their bios. Like, how does anyone's interest in anything affect your interaction with them, it's a hobby not a political opinion jfc
i am onece again elaborating i am sick and probably incoherent but YEAH!!!
anotber thing to note is that what Do these mfs do irl if someone admits theyre a fan of something in their DNI. do they automatically assume theyre some hyper bigoted criminal? are they seriously gonna assume the worst in people like that? would they cower in fear if i wore a mcyt shirt in public?
"hello cops i saw a dream smp fan at school i fear heavily for my safety because they like minecraft gameplay and storytelling :(((" (for extra context i am literally the human equivalent to a pudgy pathetic pug)
it is So Dumb to also assume the worst in ppl on the internet that way too sometimes yknow like most of the time someone in a fandom is just here to vibe and gush about an Interest they have and are not secretly utilizing a piece of media for some giant propaganda conspiracy
deadass ppl need to realize that there are real life human beings behind that screen and yea sure there's def some sus ppl out in the world but a majority of the time ppl will be Human First and not big scary fan of [insert media here]
if you catch me irl i'm gonna be talkin about my DOG first before infodumpin about all the weird obscure and definitely not-100%-pure interests i have
once again i am,, SO SORRY if i'm incredibly incoherent like i absolutely agree that DNIs can be weird af but my goodness am i running on shaky sleep and being under the weather @_@
genuinely have a nice day thank u 👍✨️
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tinamybeloved · 1 year
have you always partaken in fandom culture? what's your favorite part of belonging in a community like this one?
Yes I have partaken in fandom culture for a really long time but this is the first time I’ve been like IN IT like this is the first fandom I’ve actively made new friends and content for like edits, gifs, even to some extent live-blogging. Before this fandom I was really into bts and K-pop in general and I’ve consumed the media for almost every big tumblr fiction fandom but this is my first rpf fandom and I think the reason it’s so intense is because of the content lulls and the level of continued investment like in bts I could catch up on their ongoing reality show, live performances, interviews, music releases without ever needing to supplement the official releases with fan content besides fanfic. There’s no way to be that heavily invested in mcyt without fan content unless you REALLY like vods and a lot of it isn’t easily accessible so fans rely a lot on each other. My favorite thing is the mass hysteria when a new piece of content drops like I can only compare a George stream or dream video to an album drop in comparison to other fandoms excitement.
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