#mcyt x royal reader
schaarfyx · 2 years
That´s bad, like really really bad
-strictly platonic
-The reader is around Tommy’s age (18)
-Pronouns: they/them (if one does slip through please let me know I will change this immediately)
-siblings age; George:13, Charlott:11, Louise:7
-TW: murder, talk about murder, death, sadness, anxiety, pressure, arguing, major character death, death of the queen, death of royals, pressure on young adult, double murder, quadruple death, cursing,
-Disclaimer: What I have written here is not true, it is purely fictional I don´t know what actually happened in the castle walls, I wrote that down to make a plot point, not as anything else. I also don´t own any people in this story just the plotline at least a little bit. Please do not take this seriously this is just fanfiction. I also don´t hope for anything like this to happen soon!
-I also haven’t been watching Tommy´s streams in a bit so my knowledge of his streaming are a little old. Sorry ´bout that!
-I also haven’t got a clue on how court cases work, but because a case can take up way to long I had to make it a little bit shorter
Part 1 – Part 2 – You are here – In the making :) –
“Good morning! Welcome back to RoyalNewsNetwork(RNN) with the most shocking news of the week. The video of an argument between two people has caused anger, fear, and confusion between the people all over Great Britain and outside of the borders. Who could we be speaking of other than Prince Charles and his grandchild (Y/N)? In the video, we can see that the argument started with Charles screaming at another person outside the frame when (Y/N) stepped in to tell their grandfather that he shouldn’t scream at someone who was taking care of his grandchildren, Charlott, George, and Louise. The most shocking scene that was shown in the video was that (Y/N) has screamed at Prince Charles that it was indeed his fault for Lady Diana’s death. They also accused him of the earlier airplane incident that had killed their parents. The other royals and the Queen herself have not given any statement about the accusations yet, but we will report it to you as soon as something new comes up about the royal drama. ... ... ... oh, the user under the name of theGnome who was the publisher of the first video has just uploaded another one let´s look at it together.”  The news reporter that was on the screen was replaced by a dark lit room with a lot of paper rolls and rows upon rows of even older books.
Tommy was intensely staring at the screen of his TV that was hanging on the wall. The things that (Y/N) explained the night before were now just like a movie playing in front of him before swiftly cutting off at the end.
“Hold on a minute, I hope I misheard that, did he say poison the Queen? Like his own mother? If he were to do that then he would definitely be taking the throne.” Take his mother’s life? For the throne, that wouldn´t make the public like him more. They would just like him even less.
Tommy was just staring at the screen in front of him thinking about all the information that was given to him by you and the news reporter.
*calling noise*
Tommy looked at his phone that was laying on the table besides him, it was just Wilbur. So he picked up.
“Wil? What´s up? Why are you calling me you never call unless something is really bad.” Tommy said as he answered the phone.
“Yeah, I know but I have gotten better with calling places, what I actually wanted to know did you just see the new video that thegnome posted?” Wilbur asked with a hint of hurry in his voice.
“Ehm yes, I have the news on and they just showed the second video too. They were talking about everything and then they showed it. Why?” Tommy explained to Wilbur who was huffing around like he was running somewhere.
“Also are you okay? You sound as if you are running somewhere?”
“I´m fine. Just ran back from the train station it´s raining and I forgot my umbrella. Have you heard anything from (Y/N) personally the last few days? I tried to text them over discord but they aren’t replaying.” He exclaimed as he ran through the people who all had their umbrellas with them.
“Kind of? I´m not allowed to talk about it but I have been in contact with them and they are okay. That´s at least what they are saying to me. I´m sure they are sad and angry about the death of their parents but everyone would be if they stood so close with them. They did say that they are now going to stay with the Queen until their siblings have settled in enough.”
“That´s.. good?” Wilbur wasn’t sure what it was exactly but he could understand how the siblings must feel about the whole death situation.
“Well, the train is coming already so we´ll have to do this quick. Tell them that I´m worried for them okay? We all are but that’s not the important part right now. Another thing, tell them to look on their phone I´m sure it´s already blowing up from Kristin and Phil they are really hoping to get a text back but don’t tell them I told you okay?!” Will was talking way too fast for Tommy to keep up with everything.
“Okay, bye make sure you don´t get a cold or something alright? And I won’t forget to tell them you can count on me!” they both said their goodbyes with the promise to talk later again.
(Y/N): I´m sorry, as soon as I can text you again I will.
          Here are the numbers of the others just tell them that I gave you their number.
          They are both in the palace with me. And tell the others that I am fine.
Tommy´s confusion grew when he got the texts from (Y/N) why couldn’t they text with him anymore? Are those Anna and James numbers? Do they even know that he is on their side?
“Breaking news! There will be an active investigation against Prince Charles, this was chosen in a videoconference held by her majesty the Queen. `The investigation will take the next few days and in that time every contact with a royal that is linked to it will be prohibited, this includes texts, calls, or even talking in person. The staff is also prohibited from talking to them and the tours around the palace will also be stopped for that time. They will be continued at a later time when the investigation is over.´ that broadcast came live from the queen herself, so make sure to call the reception if you indeed already got your tick-“
Tommy turned the TV off. That was enough bad news for one morning he decided.
He turned back to his phone that was still in his hand. `I should probably get to texting the numbers before even more restrictions start to appear.´
He dialed the first number and send them a quick text.
Tommy: Hello?
?: Hello? Who is this?
Tommy: I´m Tommy, (Y/N) gave me this number? I was supposed to text it.
?: Alright! I´m Anna, I´m taking care of the siblings.
Tommy: so you are the Nanny that they told me about? Perhaps you know this number as well?
He quickly sends over the second number after copying and pasting it into the chat.
Anna: ehm.. no sorry. But it could be James, a friend of the Family.
Tommy: I´m gonna make a group with all three of us. So it will be easier to be sending around information alright?
Anna: Yeah of course!
He quickly made the new group with all three of them.
Anna: Hello, this is Anna.
?: This is James, who is the other number?
Tommy: I´m Tommy, (Y/N) gave me both your numbers so we can stay in touch whilst they are under investigation.
James: Alright, if they trust you to give you both our numbers then that means that they are also going to be phone dead.
Anna: Yeah, they are just allowed to talk to their siblings because the other three are too young to handle them leaving as well. I don´t like how isolated they are without any type of connection to the outside world.
James: Yes, their mental health will be damaged a bit. I just hope they can recover fast enough.
Tommy: So, the siblings are they allowed to go around on their own, or are they also under constant watch?
Anna: we are all under constant watch, just because they are the siblings.
James: That should be forbidden, they should be allowed to be outside on their own!
Anna: Yes, I am currently hiding on the toilet so the two are under watch by the guards.
Someone just knocked on the door, they asked what was taking me so long. So I´ll be going now. I hope to see and hear you both soon!
Tommy: Bye Anna!
James: Stay safe!
With that their conversation came to a close, Tommy didn´t fully realize what he had gotten himself into now. He just wanted to watch out for his friend that is now under investigation and also on house arrest so they can clear their name and also get their grandfather out of the line of the throne.
He was imagining it if he was in that position, what would he have done, would he ever have the guts to speak to his grandfather like that? Would his parents tragically die in a plane crash and him having to take care of his little siblings whilst also getting dangerously close to getting the throne.
Maybe there was something that he could do to help (Y/N) after all, something they talked about not only in their letter but also in the conversation that he just had with Anna and James. If all three of the siblings aren’t allowed to contact any outside force then he just had to go around the rules and find a loophole.
So what solution he came up with after thinking about it for a few hours that he spent texting Phil and Kristin but also Wilbur, he decided that he was going to stream.
(Y/N) looked over at their pc as the guard was watching their phone with them.
“Did you get a message from an outside number?” one of the guards asked them, they introduced each other at the beginning of the day but they were too tired to remember and too anxious to ask again.
“Not really, that was the sound for when one of my friends is streaming, I turned it on to get notified when they do normally I would join them but you already told me three thousand times that I am not allowed to communicate with them, which means I can still watch them play games!” I walked over to my pc clicking on the notification and saw that it was Tommy that was streaming.
What a clever boy.
“You are not allowed to text in the chat you are aware of that, yes?” the one at the door said. I liked him even less than the one that was always at my side, he at least, understood that I didn´t want to be talking about not communicating with my friends.
It always felt like he was mocking me like he was showing off that he got to go home and I only got to spend time with people I didn’t know and didn’t want to be near.
“I am aware yes, but other than you I have friends with a bit of brain that is smart enough to make me happy even without talking to each other.” That might have come over a bit too rude, I could see him gripping his hands as if he was making them so he can punch me.
The other one just sat beside me again, his face was twisted into a light anxious look as I could see that he was looking between both of us.
“Well, who is that anyway? I never saw that guy before in my entire life, and I should know because I know everyone popular amongst the public!” It was then that I understood, either he was the good cop and the other one the bad cop or he was just stupid enough to not be the cold heartless person he was made into.
“471, we are not here to humor this royal we are only here to watch over it.” The door guy said with a small smile on his face, the only problem with his little game? Two can play it, so whilst the one besides me was looking over to the big guy I came up with a little comeback for him.
“Yeah, listen to the little princess that is standing by the door trying to look intimidating but would probably be better if she was wearing pink.” I didn’t turn around to look at the mad guy in front of the only normal exit to my room.
“What did you just call me?” he said in a low and controlled tone.
“What are your ears already bad as well? Do I need to repeat myself? Or do you maybe want me to talk slower so you can understand me better?” I retorted back to him making the atmosphere even thicker than it already was.
Both of them looked at me and didn’t say anything else, I knew that they had gone under serious training and that they weren’t even allowed to show any type of emotion towards me or anyone else. Yet I still felt isolated and frustrated at everything.
I know that it wasn’t their fault and that they were just doing their job. I just didn’t have any type of privacy or time for just myself-I wasn’t even allowed to be alone when I was sleeping they were just always there, not even my siblings were allowed to be alone which just made me more furious.
They are just children, I can understand why I was treated like a prisoner but they weren’t in the video, they didn’t even have enough brain cells to understand why they weren’t allowed to go outside anymore.
“I´m sorry. I know that you are just doing your job but you also need to understand where I am coming from.” I said as I was starting up Twitch getting on the stream that Tommy was holding right now.
“We understand your side to this too but what you said hit very deep. You are also prohibited from using headphones you know that right? It´s because he could give you information that we couldn’t hear so if you are listening to him it has to be without headphones.” The guy at the door said again.
I was becoming more and more agitated, now I couldn’t even listen to my friends without having someone watch me the whole time, well the only difference to my normal day is that the person is standing in my room.
“I´m aware yes. I did everything that I had to and that I could do.”
The chat was just waiting for Tommy to actually start the stream but was stopped by the starting soon screen that he had.
“How long do you think it will take?” the guy beside me asked as he was staring at the screen in front of us.
“Normally about a few minutes and then he does his little intro, he has a little cola can and the fairy fountain song remix from The Legend of Zelda. It´s funny how he opens it just to the beat of it.” I answered whilst also taking out my switch to start playing a little whilst we wait for him to start.
“I meant the investigation, not the stream.” He looked at me in dismay, I looked over to him and saw his face a little too close for my liking so I backed away a little and made an o shape with my mouth.
“Oh, I dunno depends on how fast they can work and how fast they can find the things they need. Why, are you new? Don´t have enough training yet and they still gave you me to watch over?” my face went from the little o shape to a small smile that stayed there.
“No! I was just wondering because I never worked in a situation like this! This is quite the big case after all, so I couldn’t even think of something like this happening especially not with the royal family as the main target.” He was slowly breaking his tough-guy persona even though it was trained into him so he wasn’t able to tell too much information to the wrong people.
“You need to stop speaking, we aren’t allowed to give out information to others outside our unit.” The tough guy from the door chimed in again after the first one spoke up.
“Oh let him be, I´d love some information about what’s going on outside right now. I wonder how the public reacted to those videos? Did you see them already?” I said sarcastically, looking over at him.
“Do you guys have hobbies? I could imagine you not having one” I was still looking at him then over at the other guy who had noticed that I had backed off from him sitting besides me “but you kind of seem like someone who would go outside with his dog and be an extrovert with his friends. I couldn’t imagine that you would do this as your job if I were to have met you outside of the palace.” I finished my sentence by looking over at him.
His face contorted into one of guilt as if he had something or someone before that he had lost. Something that he wasn’t thinking about whilst he worked but once the work was done he couldn’t stop.
“I see, I´m sorry if I hit a sore spot there. Look I know how it is to lose someone very important to one and I am sure that it is not easy to process or talk about but do you know how I work over something like that?” he looked at me like I was just the next Jesus, speaking the words of God and knowing everything, despite me sitting in my PJ and waiting for my friend to start a stream that I am only allowed to watch but don’t get any talk in.
“I do something else, like homework, take care of my siblings with Anna, play video games, and also watch my friends as they have fun without me physically being there. It sounds weird but it helps until I remember why I was doing it.” I now looked down at my console that was laying in my hands then back up at the screen Tommy was going to be on there any minute now.
I was betting on it the smaller one besides me looked at me then back to the screen.
“I don’t want to talk about it either, it’s a hard thing to do. So let’s just concentrate on your friend that is supposed to be very entertaining. Even though he probably isn’t that interesting.”
I looked over at him whilst slowly squinting my eyes at him. The only reason for me to not start another argument was that Tommy appears on his stream and started to talk to Chat.
“Hello chat! How is everyone today? I am doing really well! But Chat have you seen the news about the royals?” he exclaimed with so much energy that I couldn’t even muster if I drank 3 energy drinks.
After he saw that some of chat didn’t know what was going on he explained the whole situation, or at least what was on the news. He couldn’t let it out that I  was sending him everything before the investigation started.
Not only did he explain the story but he also showed the videos on his stream to show he wasn’t lying. Which seemed to bring in the interest of both my guards, as it seems that they haven’t seen any of the videos that Charlott and George uploaded.
“Well, those are definitely big accusations against the Prince.” The one at the door said after coming over when the first video started to play.
“Yeah, but that also caused me to be in this situation so I should have just kept my mouth shut.” I answered as I kept on playing my video game. Not looking up.
“Still, sometimes you have to be courageous to get the result that is right.” The younger one said.
“Because of this, they aren’t allowed to communicate with anyone outside of the palace, not even with the staff that works there. So I have decided that if they aren’t allowed to speak I  could at least stream for them and you are there too but it’s mainly for them and their siblings so they can just forget about the stress that is going on right now. Let me just see if they are actually watching right now.. THEY ARE HELLO!!!!!!! HI!!!!!!! HOW ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE YOU ARE DOING GOOD! I don’t know how long you have been watching and I am sure that you aren’t even allowed to say something in chat but I will take this time to play games so you and chat can watch and relax! Well as much as relaxing can work in my streams! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA”
Tommy was fully back into his element at that point, his Internet persona going at full speed just like everyone knew of him.
“He talks a lot, does he even breathe or?” the older one said he was now standing behind me just staring at the stream.
“Well he does breathe but the first time you meet him you aren’t going to like him that’s just how it works. He is a really nice person though and he doesn’t mean any harm.” I answered as I turned down the volume a bit.
He streamed for a while, playing Minecraft but also playing Geogesser with Wilbur who beat him every time. At some point I had gotten ready for bed, seeing as it was already late.
“Well I´m off to bed, do you want to keep watching or do you want me to turn off my pc?” I looked at where the other two sat, I had mustered up the courage to ask for names again after the older one sat down when Tommy started to play Geogesser with Wilbur which was around two and a half hours into the stream.
“You should turn it off so he knows that he can stop doing this. The old guy said funny coincidence his name was Thomas. He didn’t look like one but maybe he did when his mother looked at him when he was born.
“Alright. But that doesn’t mean that he will stop just because I won’t be there. There are others that are also watching.” I said after I closed the site and also turned off my pc.
I got over to my bed as the other two went to the door, they weren’t allowed to sleep in the same room as me but had to sleep right in front of it.
The next few days flew by like it was nothing, if you get used to something it will just happen faster than anticipated. Tommy didn’t stream every day but I still had Phil stream every second day so it was easier to cope, I told Thomas, who we aren’t allowed to call Tommy, and Micke, who actually called Micheal, who my other friends are, and what they do for a living.
It was a Sunday afternoon around the time I would go and get an afternoon snack. When a woman walked in who was looking worse than Thomas. With that I mean she didn’t even have a wrinkle on her jacket.
She just knocked once, the other two sprung up like they were sitting on needles and pushed away from the chairs they were just sitting on.
“Yeah?” I said so that the person could come in thinking that it might be funny, but when I saw her my smile quickly went away again. I understood why the others were so stressed when they heard the knock.
“Hello?” I asked perplexed, I stood up and walked over to her as she was just standing behind my door after she closed it.  
“I heard from the lead investigator that they found everything that they need for the judge, the case will be in session tomorrow at 9am in the central courtroom, you will of course be escorted there by these too.” She looked over at Thomas and Micke.
“As for your siblings, they are there too but will be in a separate room with their nanny, Anna. The court session will also be live broadcasted on TV so the public can see everything and nothing is behind closed doors as per the request of the Queen herself and the Law of the crown court.” She stated matter of factly.
“If the investigators have everything they need am I allowed to walk around and speak freely with everyone again or is that still prohibited ms..” I didn’t know her name how unprofessional.
“Ms.Obrut, and no. You are still prohibited from outside contact until the court case is over. I will take my leave so I wish you a nice night and hopefully a good ending to this case. Farewell.” she turned around to walk back outside.
“To you too..” I squeezed in before the door closed fully. Letting out a breath that they have been holding Thomas and Micke´s image decreased from the one they just held for the duration of her visit.
“Thank god that she knocks, imagine if we were sitting down when she came in.” Micke was shaking with fear from the thought and yet even Thomas was not looking better when he imagined the things that would have happened to them.
“I guess we have a court case tomorrow then. Still, I have no permission to talk to my friends or other family members. Not that they even tried to contact me. I know that they are allowed to walk around outside and have their normal lives undisturbed.” I was getting disappointed by the lack of contact from my other family members, even fans still tried to send in messages even with the knowledge that I wouldn’t be able to answer.
“At last this will be over and we all can get back to normal working and living structure!” Micke tried to cheer everyone up from Ms.Obrut´s visit a few moments earlier.
“Yeah, as long as it goes in the right direction that wouldn’t be a problem. Yet when they rule in the favour of Charles I don’t know what will happen to me or my siblings, things would just get worse and worse.” I started to think about the future that wouldn’t be so kind for me with this big of a deal.
“What if they rule in your favor though, what would happen then? Imagine the things you want not the things that you don’t.” Thomas sometimes could have very inspirational quotes in his head and let them out at the right time.
“Thank you, Thomas.” With that the conversation came to a close, we went to bed early seeing as we all had to get up earlier than usual with the court case waiting for us.
The following morning I knew that I should have taken melatonin, I felt like I had barely gotten any sleep. Thomas and Micke both looked like they normally do, well dressed and ready to watch over me again.
The whole time that we were in the car I could see that the public knew what was going to happen and they made it clear with who they stood. There were posters of Princess Diana in windows, others had Charles as their decoration.
Still, every flag that I saw was flying at half-mast, showing they are also mourning with us which made me feel a little better knowing that I and the others weren’t alone in this.
“You ready for this or are you too anxious for it to start?” Micke asked as we were going into the garage of the crown court, a special court that was not very nice to its accused, or at least that’s what people told about it.
They only judge over prison cases and special events, I guess this is a special event that has happened. Even though I wouldn’t be mad if he went into jail for a few months.
“Both, I mean on one side I still like my grandfather he did a lot for us when I was younger and he is a nice guy but on the other side, he still killed my grandmother and maybe even my parents. I could never forgive him for that even when the other three do. In the end, I just want to be able to go outside like before again, but I don’t know if I will ever be able to again.”
“Mmh.”  Came the response of Thomas. I kept on looking outside whilst we made our way over to the old Bailey. A very beautiful building, with a statue that is supposed to symbolize justice on top of it.
As we pulled up into the driveway and into the garage I could for the first time not hear any cameras and people screaming for me. It was a new experience but I knew that this would soon change, once I get out of here again with the others.
Once inside the people who worked there were not even talking to me only to Thomas. I was also only led by both of them with the occasional stop to look at the incredible architecture of the walls, grounds and even the ceiling was staggering.
At the time we were in the room where I was to wait for my time to show up in the big hall, Micke started to talk again.
“They just announced that they will be live broadcasting this, even on the televeision!” he seemed to be way too excited for something like this, I guess if you never had this kind of attention before you were going to be when it did happen.
“Of course they are Micke. Didn’t you hear the news when this whole thing started? Mrs.Obrut said that because the Queen was demanding it to be like this, even though it is a law since 2020.” Thomas replied in an almost matching tone as him.
So it was just the nerf´s getting to them, soon after the door opened again and another staff member came in with a clipboard in hand. She walked over to me as I was sitting at the table on the side of the room.
(Sorry to do this but I really don’t want to go into in-depth about how this whole court thing is going to go but here have a picture to make it easier for you and me. It´s probably not going to be accurate but I have absolutely no ideas how courts work and am basing this on what I was in movies and what I read, I also really want to get to another point so this will hopefully not be so long. This picture is from Google so I have absolutely no idea who Damilolas´s parents are.
“Hello, I am just going to tell you where you have to go when you walk in. So that everything goes as smoothly as possible and we aren’t here forever alright?” she sat down before me. I nodded to her question not knowing if I should speak or if I should not.
“You can talk normally with me, I am allowed to talk with you and answer your questions as I see fit.” She turned the board around so that I could see it more clearly.
Both Micke and Thomas were now standing behind me looking at what she was showing off.
“Where are the others going to sit?” I questioned her as she was the one that told me to talk.
“Your family is not going to be in the same room, except maybe her majesty and Prince Charles. Your siblings and their Nanny will be staying in the next room to this. So they will not even be in there, sorry.” She explained to me.
“Ehm.. thank you? I meant these too.” I pointed at the men that were standing behind me and straightened up when I mentioned them.
“Oh, yes of course! They are going to bring you in from the left side so between the Jury and the press. Then you will go over to the other side of the room into the witness entry. Prince Charles will sit in the middle of the prosecution lawyer and the boy a. There where no number is. Your guards will be waiting at the entry of the witness where you will also be escorted back outside after you have finished your side of the story. You will then be bought back into this room back from the other side of the curtain. So you do not have to walk by the press again. That’s basically it and remember that this will be a live podcast.” She revealed to us.
“Wait- I-I forgot what we have to do and what she does! That was way too much information that I have to go through in that small amount of time!” Mickey blurted out as he was trying his best to make the dots of what the woman in front of us had just explained connect.
“Micheal. We just walk at the side of them and then we go and stand at the curtain. Wait for them to explain everything and then we go to the other side of the curtain to walk out that door with them back to this room where we will be waiting for the Judge to make the decision and then we will see what will be happening then.” Thomas said in a very calm and collected voice.
At least one of them is calm and collected right now. I guess my worries from earlier were unjustified.
“Alright then. How long do we still have until this whole thing happens?” I inquired after listening to the men behind me talk a little to make sure that  Micke was also calming down.
“In around 3 to five minutes. I will be here with you all in that time to make sure that you will all find the way there.” she was really good at her job. It´s not often that you have people in this environment that are calm when I talk to them, I guess she is just hiding it or it might not even bother her anymore.
Sometimes we had paparazzi and interviewers who were just really nervous to speak to anybody especially one of us.
The minutes were more like seconds, exactly the opposite of what I was expecting. Just like the woman had explained we walked right in front of the door. I could hear the murmurs of people right besides the door. Talking about whatever the person before me had already stated.
“On your right side will be the paparazzi’s so it would be best if you were to not look at them so you can concentrate on your way there. I will be at the other door, behind the curtain so remember to go out that way and not on this door alright?” she said again.
She went to leave and Thomas went to stand on the right side, Micke on the left. I guess it was to shield me from the flashes and talking that was definitely going to happen in a few seconds.
I could hear the next witness being called. That was my cue to walk in with the two. I kept staring straight, even when the door opened and the cameras started to flash. I held my head high like I was already walking out knowing what I did was the right thing.
Walking, only walking, that was the only thing that was important right now. To the curtain, open the curtain, send a small nod to Thomas and Micke, and walk again, up to the witness stand behind it. Look at a point where there were no cameras, the spot where the Queen was is not a good thing to look at. The wall behind her is or even better Thomas and Micke that were standing in front of it.
“You are (Y/N) of Cambridge second in Line for the Throne of great Brittain, your relation to the accused, Prince Charles of Wales second in Line of the Throne of Great Brittain. Everything has to be the truth or you will be punished and everything you say can and will be used against you if necessary in this case. To make sure that the witnesses and the accused are not lying it is necessary for this court to be connected to a lie detector. Do you understand and agree to these terms?” the judge said after I had arrived at the stand.
“Yes.” I exclaimed into the microphone, the word halling around the room because of the speakers. I could imagine saying that was a hard thing to do especially with all the eyes and cameras on you. The clerk came over and put everything in to start the lie detector
“I will now tell you what happened and then you will tell us your side of the story and everything  that you know.” They rambled off. I tried not to look around the room but the walls were full of paintings, Books and exquisite wood carvings that seem to be very old. The two people that have to record and do the writing for this case really had me astonished that they would have to write down every single word. Even if it was on a computer.
“Do you have any questions about this or are you able to now explain your side of the story for us?” they probed.
I started to tell everything from what my parents found and told me to the time when I woke up and was told that they had both died. Even the part where I filmed the video of Charles and the other guy in the basement searching for the roll. The only thing I left out was to who I sent the videos.
To my surprise, the roll that I was talking about was lying on the table and was given to me by the clerk who was sitting beside me.
“This is the scroll that he was searching for and the one that my father showed me when my parents told me what happened.” The Judge looked down at the clerk who was overlooking that the lie detector was working correctly. It seems like they only had the clerk to show if it was true or not.  
“Very well, is that all that you know, or do you have any other information that is important to this case?”
“Alright then you may leave and we will call in the next witness.”
I nodded, the clerk came back up to me and got to take off the device.
Now back behind the curtain and walk. Walk. Walk. Right until the door then get the other two and open the door and get out.
“You did well.” A woman’s voice said.
It was the woman from before she was here just like she said. Micke and Thomas were still standing behind me. We all went back into a new room where I saw a few other people sitting, some staff members that I saw once or twice around the palace.
There were a few toys lying around. Paper and crayons, were on the table together with two mugs and three glasses. They were all used or still filled. At the end of the Table, there were cups and glasses turned upside down showing that they weren’t used yet.
“Aren’t we supposed to go back to the other room? The one we were in beforehand?” Thomas clarified. I looked over at the woman that was now just standing by the door after letting us in.
“Yes, but your siblings asked the Judge if you all could be in a room once you are finished. They argued a little with them but the idea that you already were on TV and that they would be watching what you said was good enough to let the idea pass.” She stated after the questions.
We walked further in and saw that all three with both Anna and James were sitting in front of the TV watching what was just live broadcasted from inside the Room. I could still see myself on the podium talking about the accusation.
“Do I really sound and look like that when I am on TV?” I stated. With my sentence, five heads turned to me and then to the people behind me.
“(Y/N)!” six feet quickly got out of the hold of Anna and James who were looking at Thomas and Micke.
They started to ramble on and on about how I was looking cool and that there was only one person left before the verdict and the final word came from the Judge.
James and Anna both started a light conversation with Thomas and Micke before we all went to sit down around the room to wait for the final word.
The woman had left without even one of us noticing, I guess she had other budy things to do other than being with us.
“Shhhhh!!!!!! The final verdict is here they just had their little talk, Anna!” Charlote exclaimed in an anticipated voice, just like that, the happy feeling that surrounded us had left. Everyone was looking at the screen, not just us, maybe even the whole of England.
I was sure that Tommy and the others were watching this so there was definitely someone in America that was interested in this whole ordeal.
“The Jury and I, the Judge of Old Bailey and thus the Central Criminal Court of England and Wales.” I hate how Judges always have to make such a long break, it´s like they just want to do it to give us heart problems because we can´t wait for the answer.
“Have decided that Prince Charles will face imprisonment in the state prison for life without the possibility of parole,” there was a big breath taken in by someone behind us as we four didn’t yet realize what the judge had said. It sounded like it came from Anna or maybe even Micke they have a similar body frame.
“Seeing as his actions have willfully killed three people and hurt thousands of others. The lie detector has also shown that 80% of the things he had said in the trial were indeed a lie.” Arms wrapped themselves around me as the information started to make sense in my head.
So I was right with my hunch that he was the murderer behind both my parents. More and More arms wrapped themself around me as water started to form in my eyes.
“This also means that his title of next in line will be taken and given to the next in line of the throne. Wich is (Y/N) of Cambridge now first in line for the throne of Great Brittain. With this verdict, the public is now allowed back inside the palace for tours and everyone that was under investigation is now allowed to resume the normal daily activity again.”
He kept talking for a while but I just sat there in this big group hug. I felt vulnerable, so very vulnerable my siblings were crying with me and I didn’t know if it was because they were happy that they could now go back to their lives or because we wouldn’t have to live together with the murderer of our parents.
We sat there for a few more minutes until the broadcast was over and we all had our emotions in check.
With that verdict, a lot happened. I had to say goodbye to Micke and Thomas, even though I didn’t really like them I felt a little guilty about how our weeks together had started.
“I´m sorry that I had treated you like that in the beginning, that was not very nice of me and I understand that. Yet I hope to see both of you again someday! You are very nice people to be around with.” I said as we parted was right outside the door that we walked in together.
“Yeah, just make sure that you don´t get seen when you leave alright? So don’t go out from the front, just go outside from the garage like we came in from.” Micke tried to keep in the feelings that he now had to suppress again.
“We will don’t worry. We also won’t be in a car crash on our way home, I´ll drive this time.” I looked at Thomas who wanted to say the same thing.
We parted ways and went into the back entrance so we could avoid the cameras and fans that were standing at the front entrance.
Our way home was filled with happy talking and a slight argument beforehand between me and James, he just didn’t want me to drive which makes no sense at all, I am a great driver yet I understand that in all the ecstatic feelings I could get distracted.
So I let the actual driver of the car drive us back home. This time all of us were in the same car.
I didn’t even see what happened to Charles or Camilla, but I bet she divorced him even though what he did was purely for her and him to be together.
Once we arrived back at Buckingham Palace, our home, we spend the time eating and just telling what happened to all of us whilst we weren’t allowed to see each other.
“Hey (Y/N), we put a smiley face on the account so that it shows to the public that we are happy now. Thank you for not telling the Jury about our account. We already got a lot of likes on it again.” George said in the middle of dinner.
“No worries. I wouldn’t tell a soul, still, I don’t know how that lie got through the detector..” I retorted to him.
After we all spend our time eating and being happy that everything was back to a little bit more normal I went over to my pc and thought about what I could do now.
I should probably read all the missed messages that my friends left me and reply to them, maybe even join a discord call if one of them is online.
As I waited for my pc to load up discord, I patiently looked at my phone. I opened the messenger on there and started to reply to the concerned texts that I had gotten over it.
I put my phone down after hearing the call sound coming from my headphones. I looked at the caller and was not surprised that the first thing I see is Tommy calling me.
“It´s been a little bit hasn’t it Tommy?” I answered the call.
“It sure has! I am streaming btw! I watched on TV what had happened in court. How are you feeling? Is everything better or worse than relief? I´m here now so you don’t have to worry anymore are you going to come on the SMP so we can all have a little bit of time to play Minecraft together again? The others are in VC2 so you could just come over if you want to you don’t have to but they are also happy that you are okay now!” just like I remembered him. It felt good to have a little bit of normality back in your life after all this.
“Sure, I´ll come to VC2. I can tell you there how it was for me this whole time.” I said after coming over how fast and loud he talks even when I already had his volume turned down.
“Okay! See you in a second!” he left to go and get into the other VC as I also started up my Minecraft to play on the SMP with the others.
Aa I joined the call there was a lot of noise going on it felt like everybody was talking at once. Wilbur and Tommy were arguing whilst Phil and Techno had their own conversation at the side.
“Hey guys. What are we talking about?” I said nonchalantly as if nothing ever happened in the first place. They turned around to face me as everything got quiet. I made my Minecraft character look at them as Tommy immediately came over to me to punch me in a friendly way.
“Wilbur said that I couldn’t build straight down because I would die and, even though I know that it´s not a good idea I told him that I definitely would be quick enough to react if lava or anything else had been attacking me!” Tommy explained immediately as the other three came over to both of us.
“(Y/N)!!” came a chorus of different voices. They all came over, running and punching the air in front of them with Wilbur jumping. It felt very good to be able to talk to all of them again.
“Hahahaha- I surely missed all of you as well! It was really hard not to go into Chat and write with you but there were people watching me the whole time. So I didn’t really have a choice.” I told them as I started jumping with them as well.
“It did make me feel ecstatic when I saw the notification for when one of you went life! It made me feel better in here!”
“I think I speak for every one of us when I say that we all saw the court case on Tv or at least some clips of it already.” Wilbur looked over at Techno.
“Hey, don’t look at me I was forced to watch it together with my parents. Who are also very happy that you and your siblings are okay now by the way.” he spoke in his normal monotone voice.
“Oh, yeah Kristin was also really interested in the court case so we watched it together. She wanted to talk to you more than me which says a lot so I think she might be on her way upstairs right now, she is modding my stream so she was definitely watching.” I heard Phil say as we all turned around to build something that they already started again. The last house from a few months back got blown up by a few creepers that spawned right beside it.
“Hi (Y/N)! Are you okay with all that stress that was today? I´m happy that they only put your siblings through the questions in a separate room without having the paparazzi with them. But how are you now? Are you okay?” she asked with concern laced in her words. I could hear laughing in the background as she must have taken over the stream and taken over the whole table.
I opened twitch and looked over at phils stream, just as I suspected she was now sitting in his chair with the headphones on and Phil in the background on the bean back that was usually for Kristin.
“I am alright now that both my siblings and I are cleared and Charles is unable to do anything now I am sure that we are going to start having a new normal around here. You can trust me that if they didn’t do that I would go and talk with my grandmother even if I wasn’t allowed to be talking to her!” I answered now fully relaxing again.
I saw her smiling as she stood back up from the chair.
“Alright! I just wanted to make sure, but if you need someone to talk to I am right here alright?”
“Yeah, I´ll make sure to contact you if I have anything to talk about alright?” we said our goodbyes, and Phil came back to the mike to make sure he hadn’t died in Minecraft world.
As we all played we encountered a few other people, like Ranboo, Tubbo and also Charlie Slimesicle. They all where happy to see the whole group together again after the stressed out time that we werent even alloud to talk together.
I also went into detail about everything had happend to me and a few things that I didnt tell in court.
Around 2 in the morning Tommy and Phil stopped streaming and started to send their chats over to friends that where still online.
“Well, I´ll be going to bed now, it´s already 2am and I still need to sleep after everything today.” I said as I logged out of minecraft and started to get out of the VC.
“Yeah, I´ll also be heading to bed now. Lets talk again tomorrow so we can continue playing and building!” Tommy stated. I was alright with that Idea.
We all locked back out of discord and I headed to bed. I had a good nights sleep and woke up later than I usually do, why shouldnt I when I went to bed late.
The next few days we had to get back to school, I got alot of sympathy from friends there and even teachers, who still gave me alot of homework. When i got home I was quick to finish my lunch with my siblings and Anna.
I was already suspecting James to be with them as well but I hadnt seen him the whole time that I remembered that he still existed.
Everytime I asked Anna where he was she just said that he left on Tuesday morning and hasnt been in contact with her scince.
It was Thursday morning, right after breakfast. I was on my way to ask my grandmother with something I had been struggling with the papers of Charles, he surely had a weird way of doing paperwork.
Now that Charles and my father had passed I had todo more work than before. I knocked on her door when I was met with silence. Normally she had a good hearing, but she already didnt go to breakfast this morning.
A staff member was coming down with the food that she would normally eat when she wasnt feeling to well.
“Excuse me, are you waiting for someoe in there right now?” he asked kindly as I turned around.
“No, not really. I knocked twice but she isnt responding and I am not sure if I should just barge in or not.” I explained to him in a worried tone.
“Well I´m supposed to bringe her her breakfast so we could just walk in together if you want.” he said agfain.
I nodded and opened the door for him seeing as he was holding the tray that her food was on.
AS we walkd in I started to look around, she wasnt sitting at the table or looking out the window, so I looked over at her bed. Where she was still in, if she was sleeping it was defenetly a deep sleep because she didnt even move.
“Hey, umm, gran-grand?” I walked over to her trying to wake her up with my voice before having to shake her awake.
She didnt even move a muscle as if she wasnt breathing, I touched her arm and then her pulse. Her arm and her hand both where cold and she didnt even have a pulse anymore.
“G-Go get a doctor asap?” i backed away from her body as it was just laying there without any sign of life.
“What? Why do we need a doctor right now?” he turned around to look at me backing away from the body without anymore questions he ran outside to get the doctor that was always in the palace for exactly this reason.
I just stood there with my papers now on the floor not looking away from her as if she would start moving again if I did. As if she was to run away and everyone would call me crazy if I told them about it.
After what felt like hours the staff member and the doctor came back and started to check her over.
“The Queen has died last night, the reason why she died is probably because of stress but nothing else.” she turned around to me “Long live the monarch.” she qurtesyed infront of me as the staff member also bowed to me.
“What are we going to do now? I wasn´t told what to do now.” I said, I really cant do this right now. Everything was supposed to be alright now. Not whatever this is.
“Well, what will roughly happen now is that the private secretary will be informed who will tell the Prime Minister before the other 15 countries and 36 commonwealthnations are informered. The puplic will know once when there is a note is placed at the gates, the staff here will have to wear a black armband. Then a statement is going to be released to the press Association and other outlets. Thats when the news station will pause the programm just like the radios and will report the tragic news. As for you, now that Charles is not going to take the throne will become the next monarch and will be able to chose your own name. There will be a meeting held with the Accession Council at St James`Palace where formalities will take place. Tomorrow you will have to be crowned. You also will have to visit Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales but your first offical word will be at St James´Palace.”
I looked at her with a perplexed face, how is all that supposed to happen until tomorrow? I cant teleport.
“I understand but everything is already planned out. Everyone knows what todo now. It will take up to 10 days until we will move her body to Westminstor Hall. Once there the puplic will be able to pay her respect and her body will be moved to Westminstor Abbey for the funeral. But I will explain that when the time comes. For now, you should eather go to your own room or go be with your siblings and tell them of what happend. It will get very hecktig and stressed in here in the next 10 minuts. If you need anything else let us know okay your majesty?” she tried to stay calm as her eyes also started to water.
“I-I think I´ll go back to my room for now. Dont tell them yet, a little bit later but not now.” I said as I turned around to speed walk back to my room.
Once there I called Phil over discord.
“Hey mate. Whats up? It´s still really early?” he sounded very sleepy. They must still be in bed.
“H-hey Phil. Is Kristin with you right now? I really need to speak with her.” I tried to sound as strong as I could but everything was catching up with me.
“Yeah? She is lying besides me why? Whats wrong, you sound really distessed. I put you on speaker so we both hear you right now.”
“You are alone right? No body else is there listening to this?” I made sure, if I´m already going to talk I at least have to make sure that nobody else has to know.
“Yeah, just us. We´re still in bed you are making us worried. What happend?!” Kristin stated now waking up a little more.
So I turned onmy camera and let them see my tear stained face.
“Whoa whateer is up is really bad if you look like that. Here now you can ytually see both of us too so it´s fair. Now spill the beans, kid.” Phil turned on their camera showing that they where indeed still in bed. And both of them where looking at me throught the camera.
“The Queen has died last night. Now I am the Monarch tomorrow.”
If you are here and have read the other 2 you have read 32.186 words! Or around 1.7 hours for a normal speed reader! 
Check if you have drank something and also have you eaten? If not do both!
Is this a good format or should I make these smaller and do people actually want another part or am I just interpreting this wrong? PLEASE let me know, I get very insecure about these things because it takes a while to write them. 
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thatonecoryosimp · 2 years
Prince!Technoblade x peasent!fem!Reader
I'M BACK BABIES. So I decided I was going to do two fics to signify my coming back to writing. They're both Techno X reader, but the other one is going to be a mafia au. (Not gonna spoil anything yet) it'll be coming out after I finish some requests. After that I'll be working on both my series. Enjoy loves~
Technoblade could hear the now distant screaming of his mom and dad, as well as Tommy and Wilbur's soft protests to the news they had brought. He could feel his fists clenched with rage as he stormed down the hallways. His steps carried loud thuds through the scarcely populated corridors, no one wanted to face his rage.
He had made it out of the large building at a seemingly record-breaking pace. His hands had quickly found the familiar feeling of his blade. The sword that had been the staple of wars waged in the last few years, a stamp of fear, one that struck fear into his enemies as the object would call for blood spill.
His mind was jumbled, playing over and over again the already scattered memories of what had just transpired.
A maid had come to knock on his door. Softly peeking her head through the small window she had given herself. Nikki stood there with a smile, "Your parents wanted you in the main dining room, said they had some exciting news for you and your brothers."
Techno's head had already been staring at her, but now he was looking at her with confusion, "Do you know what it's about?"
She smiled again and shook her head, "Unfortunately I don't."
The walk there was forgettable, but he could've never prepared himself for the sight he would walk into it. An unfamiliar woman sat at the table, his parents were on one side, while another couple was on her other. His brothers were already seated across from them.
He was so thankful he had sat down before his dad spoke, he was afraid he would've fallen over if he hadn't. You never expect your father to introduce a random woman as your soon-to-be wife.
He was sure his parents weren't happy about making his bride cry as he yelled obscenities at them before storming out. He wasn't mad about it. He did not want to be married to that woman, he didn't want to be in some arrangement.
Unfortunately, later that night he was met with the reality that it didn't matter what he wanted. The ball had already been planned to celebrate, and everyone in the kingdom had already been invited. It was to be in two days' time, and he would have to be there.
But Technoblade had already pledged that he would get out of it, and if he had set his mind to something, it was going to happen.
The mirror only betrayed him. It showed him as someone he wasn't: a handsome prince that had no qualms with what this night would signify. But appearances often played the devil's adversary for showing people as something they weren't.
He looked striking. A white button-up with black slacks, his hair arranged in a low bun, his cape sitting on his shoulders with authority, and the dazzling bejeweled crown resting on his head.
His bride was dressed in a simple pink and white dress, but there was nothing really eyecatching about her. Sure, she wasn't ugly. She had chocolate skin, and gorgeous brown hair, coffee-colored eyes that would gleam in the light, but just the idea of an arranged marriage pushed any possible attraction out the window. He would never be happy with Kate, no matter what she looked like.
The truth of the matter was, no matter how pretty she was, she was a stuck up, snobby, and stuffy person. He tried hard not to really fault her as it was just how she was raised, but he would never be able to stay sane being married to her.
He could hear the music from down the hallway. It was enchanting, the sweet serenade of the orchestra, it was almost enough to get him to calm down. He walked through the doors with his head held high, and an unreadable expression on his face.
He had to dance with Kate first, no one was really paying attention, they were too caught up in their own dancing partners. To be truthful, he was thankful that no one was looking at them. He didn't want them to see the way he held her at a distance, with his hands on her shoulders, surely it would cause him problems.
He thanked every god he knew when the song ended. He was quick to make himself disappear into the crowds and away from his bride. It simply wasn't fair. The only reason he had to get married was so he could take the throne. If he could just find another woman and declare his love for her, then maybe he could get out of this arrangement.
And he did find another woman. A young, gorgeous woman. She was standing with her father and mother close to the main entrance of the ball. With all the music and people, he made his way over to her without many noticing.
"Could I have this dance?" He asked, startling the young woman and her parents. He wore a charming smile as he stuck his hand out to her. They were out on the dance floor the second her hand was on his.
He swept her into his arms and rested his hands on her hips, as well as securing her arms around his neck. His eyes went up and scanned the crowd and when he was sure no one was listening he turned his head back to the woman.
"What's your name, dear?"
She had looked up at him shyly and muttered her name. It was simply gorgeous, a name suited for a queen.
"Well, I was wondering if you could help me."
"Of course, my prince."
"Good. Because I need you to agree to marry me."
She froze and stumbled. Techno caught her in his arms.
"Why me? Don't you already have a bride?"
"You were the only woman stunning enough to catch my eye, and I do have a bride, but I don't want to marry her. If you agree to become my wife, I will support you and your family. You'll never have to worry about their health and safety."
This made the woman consider it. She took a moment, letting Techno guide her before giving her answer.
Okay. Not my best work, but I haven't written anything in a long time. I really hope you enjoyed loves. I'm so happy to (hopefully) be back. Drink water, eat food, and stay safe. Love you all!
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graymoon2-archive · 3 years
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burn for you
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prince!sapnap x fem!reader
summary- prince sapnap must marry to ascend to the throne. so why not his his loyal friend and personal guard?
notes- fluff to angst to fluff. tw burns and slight yelling
based off the ruse and burn for you
pronouns- you/yours, reader is implied to be female/ capable of childbirth and wears a dress
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barely proofread
prince sapnap.
what a grand title for such a lonely man.
he still had no lover. his parents grew concerned, for according to the country’s laws, he could not become king until he was married. they only grew older, and if his father died before the prince was betrothed, the country’s rule would be given to another.
none of their neighboring allies had an available daughter.
so they did the only thing they could.
“attention citizens of kinoko kingdom” the king's voice rang out, loud and clear to the people gathered below his balcony.
you stood in the shadows behind the king, the prince by your side. you had been moved from the palace gate to the prince’s personal guard about a month ago at his request. you remained by his side at nearly all hours of the day. you slept when he slept, woke when he woke. your chamber was right beside his own. the night guard was instructed to wake you should the prince need anything. you had become a sort of companion to the prince, a confidant. perhaps a friend.
“there will be a ball held. all eligible young women are required to come, by order of the king.”
you stiffened, gripping your sword tighter. every part of you wanted to beg the prince to exempt you. but speaking without permission in the king’s presence was a death sentence for a simple guard. you doubted the prince could get you out of that one.
the prince noticed your stiffness and moved slightly closer. his natural body heat warmed you enough to relax your tense muscles.
the king finished his speech, turning to go inside. you bowed your head and followed the prince. he walked to the empty ballroom.
“your grace” you began.
“sapnap” he corrected.
“sapnap, what are you going to do? you have to get married.” you say, walking with him. he says something quietly to the servant near the door, and she rushes to the piano.
he leans closer to you, warm cinnamon scent becoming stronger with his proximity.
“i’ll do what i have to.” he replies. grinning at you.
“i want to see you at the ball” he continues.
“what? i-”
“dance with me.” he cuts you off, placing a hand on your hip. you could feel the warmth of his hand through your armour. he took your left hand in his right, being careful not to burn you.
the prince, you see, had magical capabilities. given to him by XD when he was a young boy. he had control of fire. if he wasn't careful, he could melt something with a touch.
with you, it seemed as if he merely had abnormally warm hands. he had never hurt you. he never wanted to hurt you.
you placed your free hand on his shoulder, and began to waltz to the piano’s tune.
“i don’t want to marry some stuffy aristocrat’s perfect little daughter” he sighed, spinning you gently.
“yeah, and i don't exactly want to have to work at the palace until i'm too old to work anymore. i don’t have the time to court someone, and someone has to support my family.” you complained.
the prince’s eyes sparkled with the flame of an idea.
“maybe there’s another way. we can change the story. what do you say?” he said, grinning.
“what are you suggesting, your grace?”
“sapnap” he corrected again.
“we convince them there’s a flame between us.” he said
“between us?” you ask, raising a brow at the prince
“you’ll have all the money and stability you need.” he explained
“and you’ll have the throne.” you breathed
you grinned. this plan worked well. with all the time you spent with the prince, it was a believable plan. you could act as if the ball had been what sparked things.
“perfect” he said, spinning you again.
it had been a week since the ball had been announced, and now you prepared with the maids for the ball. the seamstresses had made you a dress. it was red, fitting tightly at the top, and loose open skirt that revealed the red pants you wore. the sleeves were loose, with a cuff at the end holding them in place. the skirt and pants cut off at your ankles to allow for mobility. you wore your usual black boots, as well as your chestplate. you were still a guard, after all. they had done your hair in a braided crown, weaving tight plaits. (dress ref)
and pinning them securely to your head. you had exchanged your bulky sword for a silver dagger. it was concealed in a pocket of your pants, beneath the folds of your skirt.
you walked into the ball. people began to flow in, music was playing. skirts swished around you, heels clicked on the wooden floor in time to the waltz that flowed through the large ballroom. the prince was dancing with some girl in a fluffy skirt, and you couldn’t help but feel a little jealous.
but as he turned, he saw you. his jaw dropped, eyes widening as he looked you up and down. you smiled at him. the little priss he was dancing with frowned.
as the song came to an end, he ditched her, walking to where you stood talking to one of the maids.
he reached a hand to you dramatically.
“may i have this dance, y/n y/ln?” he asked with a cheeky grin.
“of course, your grace” you replied, and he lead you to the center of the dance floor.
you heard whispers rise like smoke, scalding looks cast in your direction. you ignored them, choosing instead to focus on the warm eyes of the man before you.
“please, call me sapnap” he whispered, spinning you gently.
“i think the plan is working.” you reply
“you look beautiful.” he complimented, spinning you gently. you stumbled slightly, unsure if the girl next to you had tripped you or if it was your own clumsiness. but those thoughts came to a sudden halt when the prince caught you, pulling you to his chest by your hips.
“are you okay?” he asked worriedly.
“yes, i’m okay.” you replied.
“it looked like she tripped you.” he said, anger flashing like flames in his eyes. you felt his hands become slightly warmer, and you took them in your own.
“no, i just stumbled a little. its okay.” you lied. he cooled down again, resuming the dance.
later, you and he had been separated by the many dancers. you danced with a few others, always keeping an eye on the prince. you noticed that when dancing with other women, he kept his hand on her shoulder. but when he danced with you, his hand rested low on your waist, threatening to dip lower.
you watched as another song ended, and he discreetly exited the ballroom. you waited a moment, then followed. he walked out into the gardens.
he sat down on a bench, and you sat next to him. a maze of hedges began if you walked farther.
“oh, hey!” he exclaimed, smiling.
“everything okay? you left rather abruptly.” you say, concerned
“yeah, i’m fine. it was just a bit stuffy.” he said, shrugging.
he stares into your eyes, his blue ones warm and soft.
you had always thought it strange that someone with such a warm personality had such cold blue eyes, but you realized in this moment that his eyes burned blue like the hottest fire.
he put a hand on your face, thumb brushing your cheekbone. he leaned forward and kissed you, pulling you closer. you kissed him back with passion. everything about him was warm, his lips against yours, his hand on your face. too warm.
you gasped, pulling back. you pressed two fingertips to your cheek.
he had burned you.
you stumbled, backing away from him.
“wait, wait! y/n!” he cried, reaching for you
“don’t touch me” you growled.
“what about the plan?” he asked, grasping at any string of you staying.
“still on, i suppose.” you sigh, walking away.
his parents had loved the idea of him marrying someone they already knew and trusted, and began planning the wedding right away. you had to stay by his side still, at almost all times.
he had apologized so many times you couldn’t count on both hands.
“please, y/n! i’m so sorry. you know i never meant to hurt you! please forgive me.” he cried, pacing across the dark room. you remained silent. you kept up the act in public, but in private you became cold and shut off.
“please…” he begged, reaching toward you. you flinched and shied away from his hand.
“i’m so sorry,” he whispered, hot tears streaming down his face.
“these things take time” you whisper, getting up and retiring to your own chambers for the night.
those were the first words you had said to him in weeks.
sapnap had been doing little things for weeks- having the cooks make your favorite food, leaving you little gifts, having the seamstresses make new dresses the way you liked them. his parents and the servants chalked it up to him being a loving partner, but you knew it was his way of regaining your favor. it was slowly working. every time the two of you were near others, he made it clear that he loved you. by saying it loudly. you found it sort of endearing.
he had explained to you that he was working on ways to control his fire. meditating, cold baths. all sorts of ways of controlling his emotions. he was trying very hard to regain your favor.
at your wedding, you had asked the minister to write out the kiss. you and sapnap left for your honeymoon, sitting on opposite sides of the carriage. you arrived at the lodge, choosing to sleep in separate rooms.
you stayed in your room, pacing. unsure if you loved or hated this man. he had made a mistake, but was it truly unforgivable? was it truly his fault? he had never intended to hurt you. he never would have.
there was a red mark still on your face. it was a small but constant reminder of what he had done. but couldn’t you just move past this? just forgive and forget?
the bell rang for your dinner, and you walked downstairs to the dining hall. you sat at the table, sapnap at the head, and you to his right side.
“this is what you call a honeymoon? pacing around our separate rooms?”
“we’re doomed” you whispered, bending your head. you hadn’t even made eye contact with him in weeks. not even at your face
“please forgive me, your grace.”
“your grace” he repeats, scoffing.
“maybe we are doomed. you can’t even look me in the face.” he says
“and now i must lie in the mess you made” you whisper, stabbing your food with your fork.
“the mess we made” he corrected.
you whipped your head up in anger.
“it was YOUR mistake! YOU kissed me in the maze!”
“i was prepared to take my life that day. after what i did. but i stayed alive out of my duty to YOU.” he spat. but he didn’t grow angry.
he really had been working on keeping control of his emotions.
“and now you’re forced to love a man you hate.”
“sapnap-“ you start
“i know you don’t feel the same.”
he clears his throat, staring into your eyes.
“but i burn for you.” he admits
“you burn for me?” you ask.
“i burn” he repeats
“i burn” you repeat.
“you burn for me?” he asks
“i burn”
he reaches a hand toward you tentatively, and you take it.
“how do you feel?” he asks, looking into your eyes for an answer.
“i feel… wonderful”
“from the mornings you ease, to the evenings you quiet, i am always thinking about you.” he says, rising with you. you settle into a slow waltz.
“i'm always dreaming of you; from the mornings till late in the night, it is you I cannot sacrifice” you whisper, turning in time to your silent waltz.
“look me in my eyes.” he says, “say my name. say im yours. promise we’ll never be oceans apart.” he pleads
“i’m yours, sapnap. i’ve always been yours”
“and i’m yours” you replied
“may i?” he asks, leaning down slightly.
you put your hand to his face, bringing him closer. you kiss him, with everything you felt. everything you ever wanted. he kissed you back, passionate and warm. but never too warm. never again.
a/n yes i did design the dress myself had to learn to draw a person but ahaha whatever
tags- @allywritesforfun @cr3scentm0on @pixviepie @cloudswritingcorner @bunarise
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The Cat
AHHH It’s Karl’s B-Day (07-19) so i wanted to write a oneshot so here’s this one :D
"MY PEOPLE, ITS SO LOVELY TO SEE YOU ALL THIS FINE MORNING," Yn said as she stepped in front of hundreds of her people. They all gazed at her, admiring the way the blueish grey gown followed behind her. "YOU MAY ALL BE WONDERING WHY I GATHERED YOU ALL IN FRONT OF MY PALACE," Yn yelled, getting a "yes" in return from the audience. "WELL AS YOU ALL KNOW I AM WITHOUT A HUSBAND SO EVERY SINGLE MAN BETWEEN THE AGES OF 20 AND 25 WILL BE PUT INTO A GAME," she said.
"A game, your majesty, for what?" a man stood out in front of everyone. In response Yn said "well darling a game to see who becomes my husband," everyone started to whisper. "How does one play your majesty?" the same male questioned. "I will let a cat lose in the town a gorgeous cat with a jet black coat and orange eyes around the animal's neck will be the key to my palace. whomever takes the key without killing my cat will win my hand."
Yn scanned the crowd, her eyes again settling on the man. He had fluffy brown hair and greyish blue eyes that almost perfectly matched her gown. " The game will start at midnight and last for two nights", Yn said with a smile. Before turning around and returning to her palace.
"Your Majesty, are you sure you want to do this?" Niki her maid inquired while holding a collar. The collar was a simple gold hue with several diamonds the key had six wings sprouting from a large diamond that was secured with a sun-like pattern. (pic at the bottom bc I suck at explaining)
"I won't get caught by someone I don't want Niki," Yn said as she took the collar and wrapped it snugly around her neck. When Niki said, "I'll go get your book,my lady," Yn grinned and said, "Thank you, Niki darling." Niki once more bowed and walked away.
As she approached the back door of her palace, Yn peered around before taking off her nightgown and shrinking down to the size of a cat, she was now standing on four paws and a midnight-black coat covered them. Yn meowed up at Niki as she trotted to the front of the castle, where many of the villagers were standing and whispering, Niki smiled down at her, before  scanning rapidly over the crowd, and Yn's orange eyes followed suit.
"HELLO EVERYONE, AS YOU KNOW I'M NIKI MISS. YN'S MAID  I'LL BE LETTING THE CAT GO FOR THIS SPECIAL EVENT," Everyone cheered. Niki took Yn in her arms as she descended the palace's stone steps "Miss.Yn has instructed me to tell you must wait ten minutes after the cat is let go and you cannot injure the cat "  Niki added petting Yn's head , "remeber Lady Yn is watching." Niki finished gently releasing the cat-Yn.
As she watched Yn creep into the alleyway's shadows, Niki took out a pocket watch. 11:50 Niki grinned as she scanned the gathering once more, her gaze settling on the man from the first group. Niki looked at the time before approaching the man "Mr. Jacobs, what are you doing here? I thought you wanted to be without wed forever," Niki said making Karl laugh. "Nobody in the town wants the baker boy and it’s getting quiet lonely, Miss.Niki." Before glancing elsewhere, Niki smiled at Karl.
"I'm rooting for you, Mr. Jacobs, but whatever you do, don't try to catch or jump at the cat. If you're the one, the cat will come to you it's smarter than it may appear."  Niki turned and started to walk away as Karl gave her a nod. "Niki?"  Karl said, prompting the maid to turn to face him. " If I'm being honest, I just wanted to pet the cat,” Karl's words caused Niki to giggle. "Well, get the cat and you can pet her all you want," Niki said before climbing the stairs onto the top step of the palace stairs and pulled out her gold pocket watch once more. 12:00 Niki shouted, "LET THE GAME BEGIN," causing everyone to scatter.
Karl sat down in an alleyway on the second night. He could only hear the other men yelling and screaming in the distance after losing the cat. 'meow' Karl raised his head and his gaze fell upon a set of vibrant orange ones. Karl smiled. "Hey Kitty, are you thirsty after all your running?" Karl inquired, knowing he wouldn't receive an answer, as he pulled a water bottle from his bag, unscrewing the cap, filled it with water, placed it closer to the cat, then backed away.
Karl's lap after the cat strolled right up to him and disregarded the water. As the cats fixed their gaze on him, Karl's breath caught in his throat. "Was this what Niki was talking about that if I am the right one, you'll come to me?" he asked. "Are you sure I'm just a baker", the cat meowed up at him while sitting and displaying the lovely gold collar 'MEOW' Karl cautiously took the collar after the cat's tail began to swing angrily back and forth.
Karl blushed and covered his face as soon as the collar was released from Yn's throat, making her return to her human form. "Hello," Karl squeaked, causing Yn to giggle and stand up. "Come on, I have a palace to give you a tour of." Karl hurriedly rose to his feet and slung his coat over Yn's shoulders. Yn raised an eyebrow as she cast a quick peek towards Karl. "sorry you were juyst um-"  Karl flushed and turned his head away. Yn smiled as she tightened the coat.
As she rose from her throne, Yn smiled at her daughter. Karl raised himself and put an arm around Yn's waist. " What's the matter, dear?" Yn said as she attempted to remove her crown. "Nothing, put your crown back on darling," Karl replied as he removed his own crown and stepped in front of his daughter, placing the heavy crown upon her brown hair.
Sophia turned and bowed at the cheering crowd before quickly hugging her father and saying, "I love you, dad, and you too, mum." Yn smiled wider and said, "We love you too, precious little dove,"
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The Ancient Greek word Sophia (σοφία, sophía) is the abstract noun of σοφός (sophós), which variously translates to "clever, skillful, intelligent, wise".
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Not bad for an arranged wedding
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I sigh as Niki tightens my corset "Do I have to do this?" She sighs "I’m sorry you have to, I don’t want this for you either but he’s really not as scary as they say" "Wait my brother told you who I’m marrying?" She nods shyly "He said me, dream and sapnap should know, he didn’t want you to not go through with it" I groan "He won’t tell me anything" "Do you want me to tell you?" I shake my head "I’d rather not know. If I know, I won’t go through with it and…I know I have to. For the people" "At least I’m coming to the kingdom with you" I nod and give her a gentle smile, letting her hold my hand "Yeah, I’m glad you’re coming with me"
After I’m dressed we leave my room and go out to my awaiting carriage where my brother sits. Niki sits in the other carriage and I sit beside my brother. "Where are your shadows?" He rolls his eyes "Dream and Sapnap are in the other carriage" "Oh so they let me sit with my brother for once?" He looks at me with some sympathy "I’m sorry I’ve not been spending much time with you, we’ve been busy with the state of the kingdom" I nod "I’ve just missed you" He sighs "I’ve missed you too" the carriage stops and I try to open the door but dream opens it for me making me roll my eyes "I do have hands dream" "Your majesty it is my job to make sure…" "That I’m completely content in all aspects of my life blah blah blah, if that were true I wouldn’t be getting married next week" George slaps my hand "Stop it, you can’t act up while we’re here" I sigh and get out of the carriage immediately standing beside Niki.
We walk up the grand castle steps, into the large marble structure. I look around in awe, wherever I’m marrying into is fucking loaded and extravagant with their money. This kingdom is thriving, no wonder George doesn’t want me to fuck this up. We’re lead to large doors that open, exposing the throne room. George, Dream and sapnap bow as Niki curtseys. I don’t until george glares at me. "King…" "Philza, we’ve met an alliance George please" he smiles at me "Princess y/n, lovely to finally make your acquaintance" I let a forced smile run across my face "Philza, it’s lovely to meet you too" I’m not completely lying, he seems nice enough except I do have to marry his son.
"This is my wife, Kristen" she gives me a warm smile and I return it. "So your son…" Kristen interrupts "Technoblade? He’ll be joining us at dinner, he’s training right now" Training? He trains too? I wonder if I’ll be able to train while I live here, George only reluctantly let me train at our own castle. George nods "Your bags will be taken to your rooms and you’ll be shown to them later by Tubbo, one of our knights" Tubbo gives me a wave and I smile at him, he seems like a sweet kid. "Now that that’s out of the way, would you like to meet our other sons?" Other sons? I nod curiously and kristen gets up from her throne, holding her arm to link with mine, I take it and I’m lead out of the room.
We walk to a large garden full of flowers and foliage, covered as far as the eye can see with colour. "This is beautiful" she smiles "I selected all the flowers planted here, I wanted somewhere to come and think. I hope you’ll use these gardens too" I nod "I definitely will" she leads me to a large lake where a tall brown haired man around my age is fighting a blonde haired boy around Tubbo’s age with a wooden sword. "Training again boys?" They both turn to us "Woman?!" The blonde haired boy shouts in surprise. The brunette rolls his eyes while I giggle "I’m Wilbur, techno’s brother. You must be y/n. This idiot’s Tommy" "Oi! I’m not an idiot!" "Don’t insult your brother, Wil" he smiles "Alright, anyway. Have you met techno yet?"
"Wait, you’re the woman marrying the blade?" I nod shyly "Yeah, I suppose so" he laughs "Never thought I’d see the day techno would accept…" Kristen glares at him and he stops "Sorry mum" I turn to her in confusion and she sighs "Techno isn’t very…accepting of most of his suitors" I nod "At least I know we can relate in that way" she nods and we start walking back inside "I understand, I wasn’t accepting of mine either, then I met Phil and I fell in love" I smile at the story, I really, really hope that I can get that too. We walk back inside and I smell food from the I assume nearby kitchens. "That smells amazing" "Our chefs always make the best"
The doors to a large dining room open and I try to sit down next to George but he stops me, pointing to a seat with an empty one beside it. I realise he wants me to sit next to technoblade when he arrives and my stomach drops, a nervous chill runs through me. "George…" "Y/n, please" I sigh and sit down, the doors open and Wilbur and Tommy walk in, playfully joking with each other, I remember when me and George could do that. They sit down and the food arrives, we eat comfortably, having small conversations until the doors open again. A man…a tall, muscular, handsome man walks in holding a sword. "Sorry I’m late" Phil gives him a small look but he sits in the only empty seat, beside me. "Techno, no weapons at the table" his gaze softens at his mother and he puts the sword in its sheath, placing it under the table.
I sit, moving food around my plate and not joining in the conversations. Nervous at the man beside me. That is until everyone but us is talking "I’m sorry" he turns to me confused "What?" "We have to get married? This isn’t the way I wanted my life to play out either, all because of my kingdom" he sighs "That’s not your fault" I shrug "Still, I’m sorry" he looks down at his plate before responding "You know? I’ve heard about you" "You have?" He nods "I know you like reading, flowers…fighting" I smile "Yeah" "I’ve always liked a sparing partner" "Really?" He nods again "Well, should we see who’s better in a little spar tomorrow?" He chuckles "Sounds good to me"
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dimepdf · 3 years
❝ HEAVENS DEVIL, HELLS HUMAN ❞ | one — ranboo
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summary | When given an opportunity to follow in his merciless father's footsteps, Ranboo must choose between betraying his only living family member for the new raging emotions he recently discovered for his only true friend, or becoming the royal bloodthirsty monster that everyone believes he is.
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pairing: prince!ranboo x bandit!malereader
genre: angst, very slow burn, royalty au, lovers to enemies au, fantasy au
length: 1.3k words
cw: strong language, time period homophobia, graphic depictions of violence, mentions of family issues
a/n | sorry if it’s cringe since I'm new at writing fanfic, I am new to the whole dreamsmp fandom so please treat me with care as I have only recently managed to remember every member by name. please enjoy. 
m.list / nav. / kofi. / discord.
part one | part two | part three
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The palace of Mizu, where you were born, was well-known for its riches and wealth. Kingdoms and empires arose on the historical soil as kings and queens were bred solely to keep the royal bloodline alive and in power. 
However, where royalty lied, the less fortunate were trampled beneath. You were one of the unlucky few who were not born into a royal or rich family.
 The place you'd call home was merely a slum in contrast to the palace that stood beside your town, almost as if it were built to remind everyone else who lived outside the kingdom's high-guarded tile entrance how poverty-stricken they were. The stages of wealth greatly divided your small village, as even people who lived outside of the kingdom discovered their wealth in other ways than owning royal blood. 
Unfortunately, your family was not one of those people. You were forced into your family's struggling business by working in the repulsive, run-down tavern, even though you had been working since the day you learned to walk on your own two feet. Unfortunately, it was only occupied by people you'd known since you were a baby.
Rarely would a traveler manage to take a wrong turn or wander inside, already waddling over themselves. Of course, if that were the case, your mother would simply flash her midriff in the hopes of duping them into bartering gold for the unkempt rooms, which were mostly purchased for a few hours in exchange for "favors" by most.
You grew accustomed to hearing some of the customer’s "activities" through the fine wooden walls, and your parents couldn't care less about what happened in the rooms or about your well-being. "They aren't asking you to join, are they? So why are you bothered so much?" your father would say harshly before returning you to work. There were some advantages to being forced to work at your family's tavern. 
Even though you weren't technically a paid employee, you were still making your own money right under your parent’s noses.
You were just smart about merging into your surroundings, having fallen into the rabbit hole of black trading markets at such an early age, and the old leather trunk full of gold and stolen goods that you acquired over the years under your wooden floor confirmed such a thing.
You had your grandfather's "slippery fingers," as your mother called them, from being caught trying to sneak out of customers' rooms with a handful of their trinkets when you were younger. Of course, you've refined your skills and developed a keen interest in the craft since adventuring in the shady side of town.
Usually every night, you'd scurry through the softly lit roads and inside back alleys looking for the manhole cover that would allow you to descend through the dampened sewer system that took shelter to the underground system of thieves and outlaws.
You even managed to wave at a few familiar faces as you trudged through the thick grime of the vibrantly illuminated community, making your way down the huge flea market that seemed to go on forever, the unspoken society harboring many of the more dangerous residents who seemed to have a second life in hopes of finding that one thing that could change their lives forever: money.
You recalled the night you first discovered the location; a lad your age was loitering near the tavern's walls, his brown cloak covering most of his face while the rest was masked by a puff of curled black hair.
He'd have looked like a rabbit in a room full of wolves if it hadn't been for his towering stature. Even when he sat at the bar, he looked to sag down stiffly in his seat, almost as if he breathed strangely, someone would come after him— You weren't one to pass judgment—having witnessed your fair share of drunken fistfights while double-tasking behind the bar, dishing out pints of whatever cheap beer your father managed to get people to buy and slipping some gold money into your boot without your parent's knowledge.
You proceed towards the male, the stranger, noticing his appearance as his eyes seemed to be fixed in front of him, as well as how his hands had a firm grasp on the clasp that held his overcoat together.
You tapped on the countertop in front of him, thinking that he was simply some shut-in or underage child out for the first time trying to buy alcohol. A stifled laugh escaped your lips as you saw the male jerk his attention towards you, squinting slightly as you observed the outlines of a birthmark that seemed to trace down one side of his face. Well, no wonder he’s wearing that hood. 
Though the thought was a little vulgar even for you, you tried to justify it by knowing that if anybody else in the room saw him, they would express their displeasure loudly, "Just mind the rooms are mostly occupied right now, so we're only doing drinks." 
You lift an eyebrow at the boy's reaction, almost as if he didn't expect your voice to be so harsh. Has this guy ever been outside before, Jesus?
"How old are you?" Now it was your chance to be amazed by how smoothly his voice slid between his lips, even if his questioning came out a little stuttered and his tone couldn't hide how anxious he was beneath his cloak.
With the way he presented himself, you didn't expect a guy like him to have such a soothing voice. "Old enough to charge you for your drink, so are you going to order something, or are you just here to take up seats?" 
You had no true cause to be so tough on the guy; you were simply tired of having to serve a bunch of drunk morons. It wasn't your fault that being harsh and nasty seemed to be the only way you could persuade people to respect you behind the bar. 
"Yes, I meant no, I want, I'm here seeking for something stolen from me." As the man blathered, you had to lean in closer to hear the full tone of his agitated speech, placing your chin in your hand and leaning your elbow on the bar counter as he appeared to speak at the counter.
"An old man informed me I'd find someone here who finds stolen items for a fee; do you happen to know who that is?" You cursed Philza through your teeth initially, knowing he was the only "old man" you knew who liked to send naive wanderers your way in the hopes of obtaining a share of the money you swindled out of the disadvantaged. 
"Well, yeah, I might know who he is. Who's asking?" You scuffed, pretending to be working when you noticed your mother glaring at you from across the bar.
The stranger seemed to shrink more and more as you spoke, never looking you in the eyes. He just dipped a long hand inside the tiny bag connected to his pant loop.
You kept a close eye on him as his trembling hands opened the satchel, within it he pulled another smaller bundle from the bag, it had seemed to look like some sort of expensive-looking cloth. your eyes instantly locking onto the material almost drool at the peek of pure colored emeralds. Holy shit, I’m going to scam this kid blind.
You didn't bother to hide the hitch in your breath as you suddenly pushed his arms towards his chest, hiding the bag within the droop of his cloak.
The male flinched away from your contact, a puzzled expression crossing his now partially exposed face. "Okay, I see you're serious. Let's take this somewhere with fewer ears" You had to tiptoe against the bar counter just to get near enough to tilt closer to him and whisper. 
You might have noticed the deep crimson blush that covered the stranger's cheeks or the way he froze hearing the sound of your voice so close to his ear if you hadn't rushed towards your mother, ranting about having to clean one of the rooms upstairs as an excuse to get away from the bar.
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notes: I'm simply throwing things out there now in case there's any misunderstanding. Even though some themes will appear to be sexual (such as the mother's suggestion that she sleeps with clients), Ranboo will never be discussed or brought up in this in any way, since he has said numerous times that he is uncomfortable with being sexualized in any way. I'm just a regular guy who enjoys angst. I also make no claim to knowing Ranboo's sexuality. I'm just a they/he supporter who noticed a dearth of male readers among the vast majority of females.
feeling super appressed /j 
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atsumuahh · 3 years
one day | wilbur soot
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characters !
prince!wilbur soot, princess!reader, wilbur’s parents.
summary !
wilbur would never expected to fall in love with someone completely different than the people he has met before.
warnings !
arranged marriage, this is royal au! (my fav pls request it if you want!)
notes !
this is wilbur x female reader fanfic! yo i’m so in love with this idea?? how you’ll like it?
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wilbur has never wanted to become a king in the first place. however he had multiple lessons that should taught him how to properly run the kingdom, but he still didn’t understand it a bit. the boy hated it with his whole heart, but he couldn’t do anything to change it, because he was first in the line to the throne. well... he could abdicate from the throne but what would his family say? wilbur loved his family almost as much as he hated being a prince and he couldn’t disappoint them.
he sighed quietly while getting on his horse. winter was a white, massive steed with a very loyal heart to its owner. “i can’t believe we’re doing this.” he rolled his eyes in annoyance. they set off to the nearly kingdom to find him his future wife. he always dreamed about traveling all over the world and then finding a woman he would fall in love with. “it’s tradition, wilby” his mother kept saying “if you want to be a good king you have to show that you’re an amazing, loving husband”. but the boy felt like he was too young to get married, barely two months ago he turned seventeen. ah... only if wilbur got a chance to protest, everything would be different.
the castle was beautiful and wilbur would be amazed by its original style if he didn’t know the reason why they were there. as much as he loved gardens and various types of flowers, fruits, trees and bushes always have been making a good impression on him. that day everything was so different, he couldn’t enjoy the botanics and true beauty of gardens in themselves.
when he saw you for the very first time, he was stunned. you were so beautiful that he couldn’t take his eyes off you, although he felt miserable. he felt nothing – no fireworks, no butterflies in his stomach, no love at first sight. “she’s lovely, isn’t she?” his mother put her hand on his arm as she whispered happily.
you smiled softly at him as you finally got a chance to talk to wilbur. it wasn’t a hard thing for you to noticed that he didn’t want to be there and you knew how he felt. after your sister’s death you were forced to took her place, something you didn’t want to do. the boy didn’t want to be your husband and you didn’t want to be a crown princess, but both of you couldn’t do anything.
“i’m sorry, dear y/n” he whispered as you two walked down the narrow street leading to the gardens of your family’s castle. “if you feel uncomfortable with my presence, then i apologize once again.” he took your arm gently.
“oh, prince wilbur, don’t apologize” you beam at him as you finally got to the gardens. “it’s a pleasure to meet you and i’m looking forward to meet you again.” he smiled at your words while wandering slowly around the place. maybe he didn’t feel anything when he saw you for the first time, but now he surely felt something.
when his family decided to come back to their kingdom he promised you, you two will meet again. with your parents knowledge or without it. you were thrilled to the gills about your future meetings with wilbur.
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wilbur was charming. you’ve met a few times already and with each passing meeting you were falling for him even more. you loved how he changed his attitude towards you during your short meetings. he became more comfortable around you and for now he genuinely loves holding your hands.
it was one of those nights in which you sneak out of the castle to meet wilbur in the gardens. you walked down the same narrow street and saw your future husband with a bouquet of flowers in his hands and wide grin. when your parents told you about your betrothal you wouldn’t expect that your fiancé would make you fall in love with him so fast.
“hello, my dear” he spoke bowing his head lightly. “you look so beautiful in the moonlight.” a small, quiet giggle left your mouth as you gently kissed his rosy cheek. you barely saw his face, so it was hard to notice his blushed cheeks.
“hi, my love” you whispered, putting a hand on one of his cheek as you leaned in and, quite afraid of his reaction, your lips brushed his subtly and you were about to step back, but he gently grabbed your hips, pulling you as close as he could.
his lips were sweet like strawberries and you couldn’t hide a soft smile that settled on your blushed face. you pulled back giggling. “i didn’t expect that” he join you in laughter, not taking his hands away.
you two sat on the grass near a small lake. your head resting on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around your belly. “i didn’t want to meet you” he said with a genuine tone. “i was mad at my parents that they force me to do it, but... you’re so different from girls i’ve already met. i’m glad i met you and i’m glad that you can be my beautiful queen.”
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strawberry-jammers · 3 years
One Year
a dreamsmp x reader where a young (y/n) wants to rebuild an old old kingdom before they hace to be crowned to rule over their parents kingdom. with the help of their friends and a couple of servents, they hope to rebuild it all withought their parent knowing about it.
part 2
part 1/?
The lovely @acidicvolt edited this!
the pronouns are he/him till age 17 where they're they/them
word count:4,400
Age 9:
(y/n) ran around the castle with his friend Tommy, holding a bunch of flowers in our hands. 
“Where's he at!?” Tommy yelled, looking into every room. “Calm down! We’ll find him!!” he says, still running ahead of him. “Come on slowpoke!!” Tommy looked at (y/n), running quickly after seeing him far ahead of himself. 
“COME BACK HERE!!” (y/n) laughed, running further ahead.
(y/n) ran into the garden, coming across Techno and Wilbur. They were practicing with swords today, as to where they would normally practice hand to hand combat.
He ran up to Techno, who wasn't doing much as they were just starting another round. (Y/n) ran into Techno’s hip, making him wobble slightly. 
“Heh? What are you doing kid? Aren't you supposed to be with your parent?” he shook his head, grabbing some of the flowers that he dropped. 
“Nope! Mama Eret said I was allowed to hang out with Tommy today!” (y/n) says, smiling up at the tall man. 
“(y/nnnnn)!! You left me behind!!” he pouts, dropping some of the flowers (y/n) forced him to carry. 
“Tommy, you're dropping them!!” he says, running over to pick them up. 
“Well so where are you!!” 
The two friends bicker, picking up and dropping flowers as they talk. Wilbur walks over to pick up the fallen ones they can't seem to hold. 
“Both of you are dropping flowers. Why do you need them anyway?'' Wilbur asks, looking at the two 10 year olds. (y/n) smiled, running up to Techno again. 
“Techy we wanna braid your hair!!” he says, smiling up at him. Tommy runs over and smacks the other upside the head. 
“YOU wanted to braid his hair! Don't drag me into this!” 
(y/n) holds his head, nearly crying. 
“Tommy, don't hit your friends!!” Wilbur says, picking up the small child. 
“Put me down Wilby!!” Tommy says, thrashing his arms and legs. 
“Did you just call me Wilby!?” 
“Maybe I did!!”
Techno looked at (y/n) as the two brothers argued. He looked up at him as well. “This is why we don't have siblings.” (y/n) nods, dropping a flower or two. 
“So, you wanted to braid my hair?” the young boy smiles. 
“Wait can i!?''
Techno sighs, nodding. He smiles, walking over to the marble bench they had. The boy sat on the bench, ushering for Techno to sit in front of him. “Ugh, kids.” 
(y/n) laughed as Techno walked over to him, sitting in front of the bench. Techno took his hair out of the loose bun it was originally in, handing him the string that was holding it together. The younger smiled, taking it and sectioning his hair to start the braid. 
Tommy and Wilbur looked over to see them. (y/n) was peacefully humming a small tune that went nowhere, while Techno had his eyes closed humming a small beat.  Tommy thrashed some more, escaping Wilbur’s grasp. He ran over to the two of them, standing next to his friend as he braided Techno’s hair. Tommy leaned over and whispered to (y/n), “can i put the flowers in?” the other chuckled, nodding his head at his friend. Tommy smiled, grabbing the flowers he had once discarded, putting them in the braid as he saw fit. 
(y/n) braided the rest of Techno’s hair while Tommy put flowers in the already braided parts. Wilbur walked over to the three and watched as they worked. The two young boys put flowers in the braid as Techno talked about his week.
“Yknow, I’ve only kicked one orphan this week. Which is very impressive for me.” Techno says, nodding to himself slightly. (y/n) laughed, thinking what he said was absurd. “Techno don't tell the children that!” Wilbur says playfully.
 “Wilbur you're literally 17, you too are a child.” Philza says, entering the garden that they were all sat at. Tommy smiled, running over to his father. “Dadza!! Look what me and (y/n) did!” he says, pulling the old man over to Techno. (y/n) was finishing up the last of the flowers, making sure the braid was tied nice and tight. He grabbed one last flower and went over to face Techno, putting it behind his ear. “Perfect!!” he says, looking at his masterpiece. 
“Look, look!” Tommy says, showing Philza Techno’s hair. “Before you say anything, I was forced into it.” Techno says, standing up from his spot on the ground. Philza laughs at his friend, Wilbur, doing the same. “He's lying dad, I saw him humming with (y/n) as she braided it.” Techno lets out a “heh” as Philza starts laughing. “Betrayal! I didnt think my own student would do me like this!”  Techno says dramatically. Tommy and (y/n) start to collect the leftover flowers as the other three argue and laugh amongst themselves. 
(y/n) sat on the ground, making flower crowns with the leftover flowers. Tommy sat next to him, watching the boy work at the crown. “How do you know how to make that?” he asked, slightly amazed at his friend's creation. He didn't look up, still working on the crown. “Papa Eret showed me! They can make lots of things! Like clothes and such.” Tommy nods, watching his friend work, trying to memorize how to do it himself. Philza saw this, coming over to see (y/n) work on the flowers. 
“What are you doing kiddo?” he asked, crouching down to (y/n)s level. He smiled, gesturing to the flowers. “I'm making a flower crown!! It's for you!” Philza smiled, chuckling. “Really? Thanks kiddo.” he nodded, finishing up the crown. Once he did, he stood up, taking a Philza’s hat and replacing it with the crown. (y/n) smiled at their creation, putting the bucket hat on to his own head. Philza smiled, thanking the young boy. 
Time went on like this till it was sundown, messing with each other and using the many flowers they had for random projects. 
“Come on (y/n) we gotta go!” Eret said, coming by the castle to retrieve the young child. (y/n) ran up to Eret, hugging him. “ zaza!!” (y/n) says, standing back slightly. Eret looked at his young kid, smiling. “Hello sweetheart! Ready to go?” (y/n) nodded, grabbing his flower crown. “Yep! Lemme say bye to Tommy first!!” the boy says, running over to his friend. (y/n) hugged the boy, who looked very agitated from the hug. “Are you coming over to my place tomorrow?” he asked Tommy, who nodded his head. “Yeah, I can bring Tubbo as well!! He should be in the village tomorrow!!'' Tommy says, adjusting his own, not as neat, flower crown. (y/n) smiled, hugging Tommy again. “Okay, see you then tommy!” 
“That kid is so sweet” “Phil, you have poor taste in children.” “says the man who kills orphans.”
Age 11:
(Y/n) sat in the forest, humming to himself as he watched the bees and animals go around the forest. It was a bit past mid day, and the young prince had been out of there sense dawn, taking in the beauty of the forest. 
He was in the village close to their kingdom, wanting to spend time outside of the castle. He loved natur, especially flowers, plants and such. He also loved animales. (y/n) loved everything about the outdoors, enjoying the peace he had that day.
Tubbo was a village boy, moving from town to town, never really having a set home. He did love traveling and being with his guardian was amazing, he just wished he had friends and a set place to stay.
Tubbo walked along the forest, following the bees that would fly around him, wondering if he was a flower or not. He followed them distractingly, reaching a clearing in the forest. He looked around to see where he was, soon realizing he was lost. He had gone too far from a recognizable area, and now didn't know how to get home. He knew Puffy would be mad at him for getting lost, but he couldn't do anything about it. He had already committed the lame chrome.
Tubbo looked around to see some sheep run away from him, along with the bees buzzing around him. He also spotted a young boy, (y/n), sitting against a tree taking in the beauty of it all. Tubbo went over to the young boy, trying to be as kind as possible, like Puffy said. 
“Hello!! I'm Tubbo! Mind if I join you?” Tubbo asks the older boy. (y/n) nodded, moving slightly to show Tubbo he could sit down next to him. Tubbo smiled, following such. “Hi, im (y/n). I haven't seen you in the village before, you new around here?” he asks, picking at the grass around him. “Yeah! Me and aunty Puffy travel a lot, so I never really stay in the same place. Have you lived here a long time?” Tubbo asks, making the young prince chuckle. “No, I live in a kingdom nearby.” Tubbos eyes glisten, he gasps. “Wait, are you the prince!??!” Tubbo asks excitedly. (y/n) nodded, not minding the question. 
“Yeah, I lived there my whole life! What's it like traveling? I rarely leave the castle so I've never explored outside this village and the kingdom.” (y/n) says, looking at the young boy. Tubbo smiles. “Well traveling could be fun, yet very lonely. I haven't had a friend in years, having had traveled so much since then. I do love seeing all the cool sights and how different villages work though!” (y/n) nodded, enjoying the interaction he was having. 
The two of them talked till it reached dawn, the sun slowly disappearing. 
“Dang, we better get going! Do you know your way back?” (y/n) asked, standing up and dusting himself off. Tubbo stood up as well. “No, I kinda got lost…” Tubbo says. (y/n) nodded, grabbing the other boy's hand, guiding him through the forest. “Well, I know the way back! I'll take ya there!”
Tubbo nodded, letting the prince guid him back to the village. They continued to talk as they went through the forest. Tubbo talked all about bees, one of the few constants in his life. 
(y/n) and Tubbo finally reached the village, it officially being dark out. Thankfully, there were lights all around, so they were still able to see and get around easily. “Damn, it's too dark to get back...dads gonna kill me.” (y/n) says, looking around. Tubbo gaps, grabbing the prince. “You can stay with me tonight!!! Sleepover!!” he says, grabbing the prince and dragging him back to the house Tubbo was staying at. “You don't have to let me stay, I can find my way back!” Tubbo shook his head, stopping. “No, we’re friends now and you're staying with me and aunty Puffy!” 
(y/n) sighed, letting the young boy take them to his home. 
It didn't take them long to reach the boys home, for it wasn't too far from where they exited from the forest. Tubbo let go of (y/n)’s hand, knocking on the door before opening it and walking inside. “AUNTY IM BACK!!'' Tubbo says, making sure Puffy knew it was him coming home.
Puffy walked out of one of the rooms, walking up to the young boy. “Oh Tubbo! You made me worried there kiddo!” Puffy says, hugging the small boy. She looked over to see the young prince, noticing him standing awkwardly in the doorway. “Oh! Tubbo, did you make a friend?” she asked, letting go of the small boy. Tubbo nodded, going over to the young boy. “This is (y/n)! Is it alright if he stays here tonight since it's too dark to go back to the castle??” Tubbo asked, latching onto his friend. Puffy gasped, looking at the two of them. “The castle???” she asked. (y/n) nodded, smiling slightly. “Yep! So..can I stay here tonight?” he asked the older lady. 
Puffy of course agreed, letting the boy stay for the night. She even offered to take him back to the castle in the morning. He declined, not wanting to burden the lady more than he already has.
Tubbo took (y/n) back to his room, showing him all the cool things he had gotten from their travels. Apparently, Puffy was a pirate captain and would travel the seas and such. She would stop at different villages to get supplies and give their nephew breaks from being at sea all the time. It was a coincidence that they had stopped at the village closest to his mothers kingdom.
“Oh oh, this ones from a neighboring kingdom!” Tubbo says. Showing the prince something from the kingdom his friend Tommy lives in. “That's the minecrafts kingdom!! I'm close friends with one of the princes! Did you like it there?” Tubbo gasps, both of them getting overly excited. “Wait, are you friends with tommy!? I met him when I was there last month!!” Tubbo says, putting down the trinket. “You know tommy!? We should all hangout sometime!!” 
Puffy heard their conversation, happy Tubbo was finally making some friends. However, they would be leaving soon and wouldn't be able to stay longer than they already are. Puffy sighed, sad that this is how things had to be.
The next day, (y/n) left back to the castle, hoping to keep in touch with Puffy and Tubbo. Tubbo was sad his friend had to go back, but still happy he had made a friend. Puffy was just sad she had to tell Tubbo they would be moving again. She couldn't stay in the same place in fear his father would catch up to them and take the boy away. 
Of course, the three boys were able to meet up. It took them several months, but once Tubbo made his way back to the village he and (y/n) met up at, they were able to make a plan to see each other. 
The three of them hit it off, immediately becoming close friends with a strong bond. 
At one point, Puffy let Tubbo stay with Tommy in his castle for a summer, allowing the three boys to see eachother once more.
Of course, this came to an end when Tubbo had to eventually leave with his aunt, leaving the two boys, who hadn't been able to hang out after tommys schedule had gotten more and more packed. 
The three of them hadn't seen each other for years, hoping one day it would go back to old, where they were just kids and were able to hang out at least once.
Age 17, present day: 
“You're gonna have to rule the kingdom soon (y/n)” Eret says, sitting down in the said childs room. (y/n) turned to him, no longer focusing on the crafts they were working on. “But I don't wanna rule the kingdom. It's just not my thing…” they say, turning to their parents. “I know I know, but there's no one else that can take over.” (y/n) nodded, turning to the flower crown they were previously working on. “I get that...i just wanna go back to a time where i could just hang out with my friends..ruling the kingdom means that time is completely over..” Eret nodes, walking over to his kid. “I know, I thought the same thing when I was younger. Though Tommy is busy with a war and Tubbo has been travelling non-stop for years, they've already changed.” they sigh. “It's been so long, they don't even know who i am anymore! The last time I saw them I was still a guy. It's just frustrating…” They get up from their seats, hugging their mother. “I just wanna see them...” 
The next day was spent learning more about their kingdom, knowing when they turn 18 it would be theirs. They sighed, reading over some of the history books their ren (another term for mother or father) had kept for all these years. They opened a new book, wanting to read the contents inside. 
They opened it to see a piece of paper fall to the ground. "Didn't think the pages were that old…" They crouched down, picking up the fallen paper. They stood up, puzzled by the page. 
"It's not from this book," they looked closer at the piece of paper, "what's lmanburg..?" They sat down, reading over it. 
Apparently, lmanburg was an old kingdom, long since destroyed. It fought for peace, and independence. Unfortunately, a small group of people went and destroyed the kingdom, leaving nothing but a pile of rubble and long forgotten ideals. 
(Y/n) looked over it once more, seeing the kingdom's location on the bottom of the page. They shot up, running to their room. 
They flung open the door, running to their desk. They throw off the unwanted items from their desk, placing the paper in its place. They sit down, opening a drawer and grabbing some paper and a pen. 
They look over the page on lmanburg one more time, then proceeding to write a letter to their old friends. 
"Dear Tommy, It's been a long time since we've talked hasn't it? There's many things we need to catch up on, but that should be saved for a later date. 
As you know, I will rule my mothers kingdom soon. I will be crowned their majesty in 1 years time, and I wanted to do something fun before then. 
I found a story on an old, destroyed kingdom called lmanburg. I wanna go visit it and maybe even bring it back to its former glory. I know it's a lot to want to accomplish in only a year, but that's all the time I have. 
I would be grateful if you could join me in this adventure I'm pursuing. Here is where we'll meet and when. I'll be asking our old pal Tubbo as well. 
I hope to see you then
                    -your old friend 
They did the same for Tubbo, telling him of their plan along with where/when to meet them if he agrees to come on their journey. They sighed, knowing they might have to go on this alone. Nevertheless they wrapped both letters in separate envelopes, ready to be shipped to their recipients. 
(Y/n) walked out of their room, looking around the castle for one of their few servants. 
"Are they on break right now? I can't find any of them.." They say, going down different halls to find someone who could mail the letters. 
"Oh, (y/n)! What are you looking for?" Karl asks, one of the few servants in their castle. (Y/n) sighes, happy that they finally found someone. "Karl, I need you to send these letters. You know where to find Tommy, but Tubbo will be harder to catch. Can you send them please?" They ask, handing Karl the letters. "Of course! I'll send them as soon as I'm free!"
(Y/n) thanks Karl, going back to their room. Plopping on their bed they sigh, hoping their friends would accept their invitation. 
The next day they started packing for the trip. It wasn't for another week or so, but they just wanted to be prepared. They were also kinda excited as well. 
They hadn't told Eret yet, fearing what they might say. (y/n) knows she loves them, but they had been under alot of stress as of late and didnt wanna make it worse. 
“I do need to tell them…” 
“Tell who what?” (y/n) jumped a bit, seeing Eret in the doorway. He walked in, standing by the desk. “Oh, hey..” (y/n) says, standing awkwardly by their bed. Eret looked down at the bag they were packing. He had a puzzled expression on his face. “Why are you packing? You're not running away are you!? I mean, if so, you're doing a bad job…” (y/n) sighed, closing the bag. “I'm not running away...kinda.” they say, sitting on their bed. “I was planning on going on an adventure, actually. I'm gonna rule the kingdom in a year and I wanted to do something fun before I did so..” 
Eret nodes, smiling. He goes over and sits next to their kid. “What are you planning to do on your adventure? You seem very excited for it, seeing as you've actually packed for something.`` They both laugh slightly. “Well,” (y/n) gets up, going over to their desk, grabbing the paper they had found in Eret’s old history books. They walked back over and showed Eret the paper, “there's an old old kingdom called lmanburg. Apparently it was a thriving kingdom, but one day it fell to the ground. Fascinating isn't it?” Eret reads it over, frowning slightly. “(y/n) i don't want you going to this place.” (y/n) was baffled. They didn't understand why they weren't allowed to go to this place. It was super old, it's not like anyone would still be there. It was forgotten about. 
“What do you mean? It's long forgotten and I would be bringing my friends! It's not like I'd be alone and ill prepared.” Eret sighed, standing up. “(y/n), lmanburg is a breeding ground of monsters and such, i don't want you getting hurt.” they in response stood up, coming up short to the tall person in front of them. “I know that! I've been training for years, I can handle monsters! Also, again, I won't be alone! I'd have Tommy and Tubbo with me and their great fighters!” Eret looked at them quickly.
“Tommy and Tubbo are going??” (y/n) nodded, stepping back slightly. 
“I need to contact Philza and Puffy, you're not going on this adventure and that's final!” Eret walked out of the room, dropping the lmanburg paper on the ground.
“Wait what!? Mom you can't!!” they say, walking behind their father. 
“Because, I don't want you going to that place! You're not changing my mind on this.” (y/n) slows down, completely baffled by this. They knew there was a chance they wouldn't be able to go, but they didn't think he’d act like this.
“R-ren please! I need this, I haven't seen them in so long please!!” Eret turned to them briskly. “Sweetheart, this is final. I don't want you going to that place! Stop pushing it.” Eret continues his way down the castle as (y/n) stopps in their tracks. They were shocked, really looking forward to this trip as a last resort of still being young and free from ruling.
They looked around, running back to their room. They slipped at the door, running too fast and nearly falling. They fumbled to the desk, once again grabbing paper and a pen from the desks drawers. They sit in the desk chair, fumbling with the paper and closing the drawer quickly. They quickly write a letter to Tommy and Tubbo.
They write that there would be a change of plans. Their mother wouldn't let them go to the wrecked kingdom, so they wouldn't be able to tell their parents and would have to sneak to the old kingdom.
They added more to the plan, sealing up the letters in envelopes and booking it out of their room, grabbing their bag and paper on lmanburg. They ran down the hall, making sure not to run into Eret while looking for Karl. They looked around, still not finding the man they needed.
They looked in the smaller dining hall, spotting the brunette walking towards the entrance. “Karl, Karl! Have you sent the letters yet?” they asked, walking up towards the male. “No I haven't, I actually was about to send them out now! What did you need?'' I smiled, sighing. “Oh thank god...i need those letters back, My ren won’t let me go to the old kingdom of lmanburg, and i don't want him finding out im still going…” Karl’s eyes widened. “Your lying to the king? I know their your parent but thats the KING!” (y/n) shushed Karl, taking him all the way back to their room. 
Once they arrived, (y/n) closed the door, looking at Karl. “You cannot tell my mom! I'm trusting you with this, okay? I'm going on this trip, and i need those letters back so i can deliver them myself.'' Karl steps back. “Whoa whoa whoa, you're delivering these letters alone? No no, you're going with someone on this. Maybe you could bring Niki! I know she isn't busy since there are a few other bakers in the castle!” Karl suggests, handing the old teen the letters. (y/n) considered this, knowing they should probably bring someone along.
(y/n) nodded, agreeing to bring someone with them. “Okay, I could bring Niki if she would agree to go. Promise you won't tell him I'm sneaking out?” Karl nodded. “I promise! We’ve known each other long enough for us to keep secrets for one another! Want me to go tell Niki?'' Karl asked, heading towards the door.
“Yes, tell her to meet me here at midnight. I don't want ren knowing about this at all.'' Karl nodded, smiling at the prince and heading off to go see the pink haired baker.
The teen waited, taking a nap so they were able to sneak out at night. They knew it was probably too soon to start the expedition, and that their father probably knew where to find them. They just couldn't wait any longer.
The sun was slowly falling from the horizon, getting darker and darker by the second. (Y/n) had taken their place at the window, looking at the sky getting darker and darker, the stars showing more prominently as time went on.  They sighed, looking over at their door. 
It wasn't time for the two servants to show up, but they did wish they were able to just go out and seek out lmanburg freely. It wasn't like that however, they knew they couldn't do everything they wanted, they just hoped their mother would support them in this. 
They looked back outside, letting the time pass for when they would meet up with Niki and leave the castle for a whole year. 
So there they waited. Hopefully everything went according to the new plan. 
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angstyx · 3 years
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Knight in Shining Armor
C!Sapnap x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k words (my longest fic oml)
Summary: You’re the soon-to-be ruler of a famous kingdom, one that your family has ruled over for centuries. But what happens when you fall in love with your knight? No-one ever said royal life was easy...
TW: none
Requested?: [Yes] [No]
Note: Funny enough, I actually started writing something similar to this request before I even got it, also welcome 🧦 anon!
Reader is also around 17, it’s not mentioned that much but you can use your own age if you want
Masterlist // Rules for Requesting
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You heard a knock on your door, one loud enough to make you jump. You sighed and stood up from your desk, closing the book you were reading. You hurried towards the door, “Hey y/n!” On the other side of the door stood your best friend, a smile on his face. “Hey sapnap!” You replied back, returning the smile.
Sapnap was a knight who you met when you were younger, both of you two got along right away. Years later, he was assigned as your guard, something you both were excited to find out about. Over the years, you’ve developed a crush on him, something that was sure to get you in serious trouble. So instead of revealing it, you kept it a secret.
“Your parents want you, I’ll wait til you’re ready so I can escort you there.” You thanked him before closing the door, locking it before heading towards your closet to change. You wondered why your parents wanted you as you chose an outfit, leaving your room when you were finished. Sapnap was standing outside your room, next to the door. He nodded to you when you were done. Heading towards the meeting room, you thought about what you had to do today.
You mentally sigh, sometimes you hated being royalty. There were always papers to be signed, ribbons to be cut, and balls to attend. Today was probably like every other day, you probably had to attend an event, something you weren't looking forward to. You always wondered what happened behind castle walls — what it was like to not be royalty. You knew that many people would’ve traded everything to be royalty but they wanted the fame, not the trouble that comes with being royalty.
“Y/n is everything alright?” You widen your eyes. Sapnap was looking at you worryingly. “You’ve been quiet for a while now...” You shook your head, “Sorry it’s just... have you ever wondered what it would be like if you weren’t a knight?” Silence filled the air, the only sound that could be heard was the wing breezing outside. You felt like you crossed a line, “Sorry just ignore th-“ “No it’s fine.” You look at Sapnap but he was staring straight ahead. “My parents were knights and so were their parents and their parent’s parent’s were knights as well and-“ You laugh, “I think I understand now, Sap.”
The nickname made him slightly blush but you didn’t notice. “I just feel like because my ancestors were knights, I have to be one as well. But if I wasn’t a knight? That’s kinda a hard question to answer, y/n.” He put his hand under his chin, jokingly putting on a thinking face which made you laugh. “I guess I would be a baker. I always thought it was fun watching the bread rise and putting frosting on cakes. What about you?”
Deep in your thoughts of why your parents wanted you, you jumped when he called your name. “Huh? I-I um... sorry what did you ask me again?” You furrow your brows as Sapnap starts to laugh uncontrollably. “What? What’s so funny? Do I have something on my face?” You start to get annoyed since your best friend wasn’t answering you, instead he continued to laugh. “C’mon! Tell me!” You pouted. “Nothing it’s just... your face when you’re scared is funny that’s all“ You roll your eyes, “No it’s not, and I wasn’t scared.” He jokingly scoffs, “Yeah right, your face was like this.” Sapnap stopped walking and faced you with an over-exaggerated scared face which you guessed was supposed to be you.
“You’re exaggerating it, Sap. What time did my parents tell me to see them anyway?” “10:30 am, and no, I’m not exaggerating it,” he replied, laughing when you rolled your eyes. You spotted a clock nearby and walked to it. The clock showed that it was 10:40. “shit”
The time was 10:45 am when you made it to the meeting room. You were out of breath and so was Sapnap from running as quickly as you could, not wanting to make your parents angry at you two for being late. You opened the door as he stayed outside. Your parents were sitting behind a table, patiently waiting for you. You winced when your parents looked at you. “Sorry...” You mumbled. Your father shook his head with a sigh, “Nevermind that, your mother and I have something to tell you. Come sit down.” You silently sit on a chair as you wonder what was the ‘something’ your father wanted to tell you.
“Tonight, you’re going to a ball to meet your suitors.” You widen your eyes. “What?” You blurted out, not meaning to be disrespectful. You cough, “Sorry but what do you mean I’m going to meet my suitors tonight?” Your parents looked at each other and then at you. “We just feel like you’re at the right age to marry- I mean find a boyfriend!” Your mother quickly covered up her mistake, hoping you didn’t notice. You did notice her mistake.
“But I’m too young to marry!” You were right, you were barely an adult and yet you had to find a suitor that you were going to marry? “Look, you’re not going to marry anyone.” Yet you thought, you ignored the fact that you wanted to roll your eyes. “We just want you to find- er a suitor, that’s all.” You took a deep breath, you hated this. You hated how you were your parent’s only child. You hated how you didn’t have any older siblings that could be in your spot instead. You hated that one day, you were going to have to marry someone and become your kingdom’s new ruler.
You walked back and forth in your room. “A suitor? Really?” You thought, not hearing the knock on your door. The next knock was an even louder one. You rolled your eyes, you knew exactly who it was. “Coming!” You opened the door to see Sapnap, “do my parents want me again?” He shook his head, “No I just came here to check on you that’s all.” You raise an eyebrow at him and then gesture at him to come in your room.
“You seemed a little... unhappy when you left the meeting room.” “You noticed?” You made sure no one saw Sapnap go in your room before closing it and locking your door. Your parents told you that no-one could go into your room unless they knew the person and they approved, so far only your best friends were able to go in.
“I always notice if you’re feeling sad- actually... that sounds a little weird-“ You laugh at Sapnap’s sentence as he blushes from embarrassment. “If you want, you can tell me what happened.” You sigh as you sit down on your bed next to him. “It’s just... my parents want me to find a suitor.” You don’t notice how Sapnap tenses up at your statement but you continue on talking. “And I told them I’m too young for one.” A suitor? Sapnaps mind was filled with questions but he only blurted out one, “When do you have to find one?” You stand up as you walk to a window in your room, “Tonight.” “T-tonight? Isn’t that um a bit early?”
You look at Sapnap who was sitting on your bed, “My parents don’t think that, they say I should be looking for one right now.” You had two reasons why you hated the idea, one, you thought you weren’t ready but of course, your parents thought otherwise and two, you had a crush on Sapnap, one that you had for years. You wanted him instead but you knew it was a horrible idea. Little did you know, Sapnap also had a crush on you, one that developed years ago as well.
You sat back down on your bed, accidentally putting your hand down where Sapnap’s hand was as well. Blushing, you two pulled your hands back. You hear him sigh, “Can I tell you something?” You nod your head at him. “This is the worst timing ever and probably a bad idea but I just wanted to get this off my chest... y/n- I like you...” You freeze, did you hear him correctly? Did he just say that he liked you? Surely you heard him wrong, right? Surely he wasn’t confessing to you...
Noticing how you stayed silent, he quickly spoke again, “Actually, ignore what I just said.. god damn it why did I think this was a good idea?...” He whispered the last part to himself. “I like you too,” you blurted it out, shocking both you and him. You turned to him, you guy’s eyes were wide open. You looked down at the floor after it seemed like you were staring at him. Blushing, you whisper, “what now?” You weren’t sure what to do. Tonight, you had to attend a ball to meet your suitors and yet you were now confessing your crush to your knight? “Do you want to cuddle?” You looked at Sapnap, his eyes were not meeting yours, too awkward to do so.
You giggle at his awkwardness, “Sure” Although you had to get ready for tonight's event, you ignored it and instead got into bed. You knew it was a horrible idea to have a crush on your knight but you didn’t care, all you cared about was how in love you were with him. You felt oddly safe in his arms, like you were able to jump off a cliff and yet his arms wouldn’t let go. You closed your eyes, falling asleep minutes later.
───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────
Taglist: @thenotsohottopic @0-0littlem0-0 @alec-lostboy @bi-narystars @707xn @sakurapartridge @justsomegnomesinatrenchcoat
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honeyapplepi · 4 years
The Knight’s Court
warnings: none
royalty au, in game au,
> As soon to be ruler of their kingdom, Y/N L/N is newly appointed with knights to protect them. Y/N quickly comes to find out it’s hard to fall in love with someone you’re not supposed to especially when you’re betrothed to another.
a/n: I’ve already written the first couple parts so those will be coming out in the next couple days, but after that I don’t really have a schedule.
sapnap x gn!reader, wilbur x gn!reader (later on)
masterlist | part two
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You were standing on your balcony looking out onto the kingdom. It was getting late, so dinner would be soon. Your servant, George would come in any minute to tell you. You were slightly nervous since your father told you he had an important thing to discuss. With your coronation coming up in a month it was most likely to discuss that. As much as you loved being royalty, which truly you did, you were nervous about becoming ruler.
The neighboring kingdom, L’Manberg had a new king, and people were beginning to compare his rule to your father’s. Maybe that’s what he wanted to talk about. You didn’t have much more time to think before George came in.
“Y/N, dinner is about to be served,” George said. As your servant, he was supposed to call you “your majesty”, but you didn’t like it since the two of you were actually close. You just nodded and muttered a thank you before quickly going to wash your hands.
After you were finished getting ready, you walked down the staircase and into the dining hall of the castle. Your father was sitting at the head of the table waiting for you. Once you sat down the servants put down plates of salad in front of you and your father.
“What did you want to talk about?,” you asked. You weren’t trying to be impatient, but you were very curious about what it was.
“We’ll talk about it afterwards,” your father answered. You now wanted to rush your entire meal, but you knew that would do no good as your father had to be finished too.
You ate your salad as you usually wood. The servants bringing in your main course, steak, after both you and your father were done with your appetizer. Once you were both done the servants quickly picked up the plates and took them back to the kitchen. They didn’t come back and your father quietly told the butler to leave for a moment.
“Y/N, as you know, your coronation is coming up soon, and with a new rule in L’Manberg who knows what could happen. That is why i’ve hired two knights to be your guards until at least a month after your coronation,” your father said. It wasn’t as bad as what you thought, but you were still very confused by the news.
“What does L’Manberg’s new king have to do with my coronation?,” you asked.
“Well, I’m quite worried. Their king has only been ruling for a month or two now and there are already rumors about him wanting to take our kingdom,” your father said. Your father quickly started speaking again when he noticed the worried look on your face.
“Now, don’t worry. We don’t know if these sources are credible, but just to be safe,” you nodded at your father’s words. Surely the rumors couldn’t be true. The new king was the old king’s son and the old king wanted nothing but peace between the two kingdoms.
“They will be arriving tomorrow afternoon and I expect you to greet them with me at 7pm sharp. I’m also going to be giving you a new curfew. Now, you’ll have to be home by 9pm,” your father continued.
It had been thirty minutes since you left the dining hall. Now you were laying on your bed with George explaining the conversation you had earlier.
“You really had no idea?,” you asked him. Most the time news travelled through the castle quickly.
“Nope. Well, I heard something about the possibility of new guards, but nothing about them being for you,” George told you.
“Did your dad tell you anything about them. They might be cute,” George said.
“No, he didn’t, and I doubt it. They’re probably, I don’t know, thirty year old men,” you answered George. The likelihood of your guards being cute or even your age was very slim.
“Well, we’ll find out tomorrow. Anyways, it’s getting late I better be going to bed,” George said sitting up. You gave him a look before looking at your clock.
“It’s only 9:46,” you told him.
“I need my beauty sleep,” George answered before standing up from your bed and leaving.
You rolled your eyes before saying a goodnight to George. A few minutes after George’s leave you went to un-light all your lanterns besides the one on your bedside table. Before lying back down on your bed you closed your glass doors that led out to your balcony.
The idea of having guards following you around was a little weird. Your father had a pretty chill reign. The servants were allowed to call you by your name, and the only guards were at the front door. You were hoping that whoever the guards were were chill. You really didn’t boring stoic people just following you around all day.
The whole idea of needing guards was kind of scary. Especially because of what your dad had said. You didn’t know too much about L’Manberg’s new king. His name was Wilbur, and apparently you would play with him and his brother Technoblade when you were around 6, but you don’t really remember anything.
No offense to your kingdom, but you couldn’t really see the desire in wanting it. It wasn’t the highest in economy, and it didn’t have a lot of weapons or an army. It wasn’t even that big. You decided to un-light your last lit lantern and go to sleep not wanting your worry to ruin your sleep schedule. 
The next morning your servants woke you up as usual and helped you get ready. Once you were ready you made your way to the dining hall for breakfast. Your father was already seated and waiting for you, and almost as soon as you sat down a plate of food was sat on the table in front of you.
“Any plans for today?,” your father asked which was slightly suspicious since breakfast was usually silent.
“Niki and I plan to have picnic later. That’s about it,” you said before going to take a bite of your food.
“Hmm, well be safe,” your father told you. You responded with a nod.
Once you were finished with breakfast you left the dining hall and went back to your room. You had awhile before you would go to meet Niki and decided to read to pass the time. After a few hours passed, you readied a basket and went to meet Niki at her bakery.
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schaarfyx · 3 years
p!cc!Tommyinnit meets royal reader ( I dunno I am bad at titles)
Plot: This is a nobody to friends with Platonic!cc!Tommyinnit and (Y/N) in which the reader is a British royal and sees Tommy´s Vlogs and Streams and invites him to come and look around the Buckingham Palace. 
Something I have to add before you read: 
-Reader will be around Tommy´s age. (17)
-Pronouns: They/Them 
-Strictly Platonic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There will be no romanticizing here! Get out if you are searching for that!
-siblings age(I needed to change some for plot purpose): George;12, Charlott; 9, Louise;6 
-This is very long(around 10k) and will most likely have grammatical errors. I am sorry in advance.
Tw: There shouldn´t be any in here.
Anyway, have fun reading! 
You are here - Part 2 - Part 3-(currently working on this chapter)
It was a normal day, well as normal as it can get for me. I go to school from 8 am to around 4 pm. When I come back from school, I usually do my homework and then I have time to do my hobbies.
At the start of the pandemic, my little brother George always told me and my parents about the builds and adventures he had whilst playing Minecraft. I did not find the game to be that good when he told me about it nevertheless, I listened to him ramble and at some point, he started to watch some people play a roleplaying game on a Minecraft server.
He wanted me to play Minecraft with him seeing as our siblings were still too young to play any type of pc or console games.
I was not the happiest seeing as I still had homework that needed to be done every day. Notwithstanding his constant nagging, I started to play Minecraft with him.
I wasn´t the best or particularly skilled at the game. I died constantly mostly because of skeletons and creepers. Still, I tried to get better at the game and I figured out how to stay alive longer than before. It started to be fun when you are not constantly being laughed at by your younger brother. I even started to play whilst I was in class, I guess it was a good thing we didn´t have to go and only sometimes have our cameras on.
In any case, my little brother one day decided to tell me that, that wasn´t the way he wanted us to play. It wasn´t that I was bad it was just that he told me `no story is going on´ that he must find out more about. He wanted a story that makes him an adventurer or a hero like someone I never heard about before, someone named Tommyinnit.
After my brother told me about this Tommyinnit person I decided to see who it was, maybe I could try and make something for George so that he could be happy whilst we are in these social distancing and mask-wearing times.
But what I found might have changed more than just my little brother’s happiness, I started to watch the streams Tommy and his friends had. They were funny, chaotic and interesting! I slowly understood what my brother had been watching and saw what he meant by different things, like someone having a fox baby with a fish.
Setting aside that Tommy had something going on with liking my great-grandma so much because he was “very British” he started to grow on me. I got an idea of how I might have a chance to contact him, it could be through an e-mail, seeing as I don´t know where he lives.  
It might have been a while later when I realised that the Corona cases got better, I started to write an e-mail to him stating who I was and what I wanted from him, I was almost sure he would take this mail as spam and not reply. I mean who would, it sounds kind of stupid.
I also told my dad about it, and the problems I faced, I couldn´t just e-mail someone and expect them to answer me. He told me that I could also just write a formal invitation and send it per mail to him. He told me that we have a special type of letter that is only used by the royal family. I told my dad that I don´t know where he lives so that I can´t send one. 
At the end of a few more days, he got back to me and told me that he already found out where Tommy lives and told me the information that I needed to write the letter. I wrote in the letter just what I would have written in the email.
At the Simons household: 
Motherinnit and Fatherinnit were coming home from shopping bringing in the mail, and with that, the special letter addressed for their son. “Hun, did you write yourself in to get some kind of spam letters?” Fatherinnit asked his wife after looking at the mail that they got. 
“I didn´t. Why would I even do that? Let me see-” Motherinnit grabbed the invitation that (Y/N) send from her husband’s hand and started to read the envelope herself. “Well, it´s addressed to Tommy, I´ll go and hand it to him seeing as it looks to be real. I just hope he didn´t do anything stupid or get in trouble this time.”
At the end of the hallway, she could already hear Tommy laughing in the room where he usually streams in. She knocked and went to open the door as Tommy started to scream and tell her that he is indeed streaming, just as she suspected.
“You got a letter from someone today, it looks to be important so I am giving it to you now.” with that she gave Tommy the letter, as Tommy looked at the letter he saw to it that his address wasn´t leaked on the stream. 
“Guys-Guys, hahaha look at this, this is a formal letter from one of the royals, it has to be Lizzy, she finally found out about me- and- hahahah” on the inside he was scared that it might be some bad news or that he did something that he now had to fix because he ran his mouth again and this time it might have reached the wrong people, but he had to keep up his internet persona so he laughed at every little thing that happened. 
“I think- guys this could potentially go very wrong or just be a scam, but who sends scams in the mail, right chat?” he opened the letter and started to read it, first only to himself but after he read the whole thing he looked at chat with a happy face while not even registering what he just got in the mail. 
“Okay, chat this- this is like really, really, REALLY big do you want me to read it out to you chat?” he started to egg chat on who responded with a positive reply. “Okay, Chat so what is written here is: 
Tom Simons (online known as Tommyinnit)
Invitation letter for a Visit with overnight stay and a Stream/Vlog 
Dear Mr Simons,
We would like to invite you to be a part of the visit with the option for an overnight stay and stream later and/or make a vlog from behind the scenes, located at Buckingham Palace in London. It is our great honour to have you as our guest at our guests’ Palace and Housing grounds.
We hope to receive the same support from you.
The event is prepared with the intention to show our acknowledgement of our most important mental health. Therefore this will be an outstanding opportunity for us to show appreciation for your business, but it is also the right time to strengthen our cooperation.
Please come early so that we can find a comfortable room for you. Please inform us if you are attending the event or not by 1.12.2021.
Hoping for your presence on that day. We look forward to meeting you. 
Yours respectfully 
(Y/N) of Cambridge, third in line for the Throne of Great Britain.´´ 
Chat, do you realise what this means?! This could be such a cool Vlog, imagine chat, like me, hahaha, in formal clothes- oh this is so cool chat!” Tommy was beaming, his head filling with ideas and a good amount of why he shouldn´t go.
“I really need to think about this before I say yes or no to this invitation tho, I also need to tell my parents about it. They won´t- I don´t think they would even believe I got an invitation for a- is it a private thing? I dunno hahah- but they won´t even believe me when I tell them that I got one! This is awesome! Hahahaha... well I will have to think about that later first we have Minecraft and then later we might start to play some other games with Phil and Tubb- oh yeah he is in AmErIcA, with RaNbOo! “ with that Tommy went back to playing on his pc before later going to his parents to talk about the invitation and if he should really go seeing as there wasn´t any information about his parents, when it will be or how everything will go in the invite. 
They concluded that Tommy is allowed to go but he has to be available on his phone at any time. He of course agreed with them and started to write back to (Y/N). 
His parents and himself decided that he should go and do the tour and maybe even go to the overnight stay, he could always leave if he decides to.
The idea of staying in Buckingham Palace for a night or two was a dream for him, and spending time with a royal that will show him around and tell him what they daily basis was even better! He already imagined what they would do and who he would meet then, what gaming setup they had to have to be able to stream and make a video.
 But that all came crashing down when the intrusive thoughts started to appear in his head. What if he wasn´t good enough, that he would bring shame to his whole friend group and his parents or be weird in front of the other royals.
With the invitation in hand, he grabbed a pen and went to write a reply to (Y/N), telling them that he would gladly come but that he needs a little more information from them before he could be able to be there.
When the next day arrived he went to deliver the letter to the mailman himself to make sure that the letter would be bought to them as fast as possible. He even wrote that they could just contact him over Twitter or Discord to make sending information way faster than writing letters every time. 
Back at the palace:
It was around a week later when the answer from Tommy came in the mail for (Y/N).
Their mother, Kate, went to go and accept the mail that they got from the staff, that brings it in every day. “Thank you, did anything important come in the mail today?” she asked the staff member kindly
“There was a letter addressed to your oldest, but other than that just normal mail from fans and the yearly calendar from former Prince Harry and his wife. We didn´t look into the letter sent to (Y/N) yet seeing as Prince William has informed us that there will be a letter arriving for them and to not open it.” the staff member told her.
Kate looked at the letters that were handed to her, thinking about from who it could be that her husband had told the staff that there would be letters for her child. It made her uneasy to know that her husband didn´t tell her about this before.
“Ah.. yes the letter, they will be happy that it arrived already. You may go now.” She dismissed the staff member and went on her way to confront her husband in his studies where he was on his desk doing his paperwork.
“Hey honey, did you go and get the mail already? I thought we wanted to do that together today.” he looked up at her. “I was already on my way from the entrance so I thought I will just take it with me, say when were you going to reveal to me that (Y/N) had a friend that they write letters to?” she went behind his desk to lay down a few papers he needed to work on and the letter from Tommy.
“I was going to tell you after I helped them find out where he lives so she can write him the information, but I forgot to tell you about it. I am sorry, I didn´t mean to forget to tell you. If you want I can explain the whole story as of why our child has taken up to writing letters to people?”
As he looked at his wife he seemed to be on the right path to making it up to her. “That would be for the best.” She said as she sat down in front of his desk.
At the same time as their parents talked about the letter, (Y/N) got home from school with their little siblings, that the driver had picked up with them.
“Did you see the last stream that Tommy did?” George said to them as they all went into the house to go do homework and study. “No, I didn´t have time, I had to do homework and it took really long to finish. After that, I still had a few other things I needed to do before I could watch the stream.” They tried to explain to their little brother, who didn´t listen at all and started to talk about what happened and what he thought about it.
As they all get inside they were greeted by their parents and went to go to their own rooms as (Y/N) got stopped by them.
“Your letter arrived today, we didn´t look inside but your mom now knows what’s going on.” Their father explained to them as they took the letter.
“Okay, I´ll... I´ll text you if it´s something important okay?” they looked at them as they let them leave to their room where (Y/N) promptly opened the reply from Tommy. As they read it they were ecstatic that Tommy would love to come over and to the idea that they could just text each other over Twitter.
They went on Twitter and started to text Tommy over their official account so that it wouldn´t be looking like a scam anymore.
Tommy replied almost instantly as he was on his pc and playing a few games with Phil and Wilbur.
“Oh nice, they just texted me that they got my letter! That´s really cool!” he said to himself but forgot to mute in discord. Which of course the other two could hear. “Who texted you, Tommy?” Phil asked with curiosity in his voice as he looked over to the screen where Tommy and Wilbur were on, they all decided that they would have their cameras on so that they could show stuff to each other without having to send anything. “Maybe he got himself a girlfriend, or a boyfriend... or a partner, all are fine!” Wilbur teased Tommy.
“Well actually, I was writing with (Y/N), you know the third in line for the Throne of Great Britain.” Tommy tried to show off so that he could get on Wilbur’s nerves.
The call went silent as Will and Phil both looked at Tommy, “Tommy ... mate I don´t think you are actually talking to them, it might just be a scam.” Phil said to Tommy as Wilbur breathed in a large amount of air so he could start to explain to Tommy that the royal family isn´t just available to text with over a few letters and that it would be a higher chance to be a scam than the actual heir to the throne.
“No! I am actually going to prove it to you right now! I´ll just ask them about their Discord and then I´m going to invite them to the call, just give me like a minute or two okay?” with that the call went silent again as Tommy left to go and ask (Y/N) about a call right now.
(Y/N) was already on their pc as they got a text back from Tommy explaining the situation and asking them about their Discord. Even with homework that still needed to be done, they went to go be in the call with Tommy, where they both talked for a few minutes and them explaining why they started to write letters to Tommy and not just text him from the beginning.
“So imagine you get an e-mail or a discord message from a random person saying that they are third in line of the throne or if the letter thing would have been worse. So, I told my dad about it and he found out where you live so I could write the letter!” they explained in a rush.
“Well if you put it like that, I guess you are right I would have just ignored it and gone on. But it is kind of weird that you know where I live now you know?” Tommy clarified.
“Anyways, Phil and Will are both probably already wondering where I went for so long so let’s just join them in the call okay?” Tommy said as he left to go back into the call where both males were waiting for Tommy to get back.
“I am back! And I got them to be in the VC with us!” Tommy exclaims as (Y/N) joined the call. “Hello! I´m (Y/N), it´s very nice to meet you.” They said as both Phil and Wilbur looked at their pc screen to see if their camera was on, it wasn´t so Wilbur wasn´t convinced that it could be real.
“I don´t actually believe that you are who you say you are. Tommy could have easily just gotten a friend online and used a voice changer to sound like that!” Phil was in the same kind of idea as him. Wilbur went on to say that they could just turn on their camera so that they could make sure that it was not just a friend of Tommy´s faking it.
Having no other choice but to turn on the camera (Y/N) explained that they don´t feel comfortable knowing that they could just take screenshots and make a lot of news out of it.
“But if you are seriously not joking about taking any pictures then, here...” they turned on their camera putting on their best smile that they use for paparazzi. A small wave later and Wilbur and Phil both look at the camera again with a face of disbelieve and shock that Tommy actually knows a royal. “Are they okay? Is this normal for them to do Tommy?” they ask whilst glancing over and seeing that even Tommy looked like he had seen a ghost.
As the time went on they all started to get along nicely and even asked each other some questions, but with the day slowly closing in they had to split ways and with that also stop the call. Everyone went their separate ways with Tommy and (Y/N) being the only ones left.
“I will send you all the information that you will need okay? But you can probably come over after the covid-cases come down a bit. Until then, we can call or text each other now seeing as we don´t need to write each other letters anymore!” (Y/N) said as they looked at the monitor where Tommy was playing some games.
They said their goodbyes and went to end the call.
~~With (Y/N)~~
It had been a few weeks after Tommy and I have talked over discord, I send him all the information that he will need and went to tell my parents. They were happy although sceptical at first about Tommy coming over to do all the things we planned on doing.
My parents also talked to his, seeing as both our parents wanted to meet the others first and plan everything so that Tommy would have the best experience, so we arranged a discord call where the parents could plan everything that needed to be done beforehand.
They chose to come over together as a family with the intention of staying for the garden party that was held every year by my great-grandma.
His parents were really nice too, I mean why wouldn´t they? We didn´t do anything to them, but we needed to make a plan on how to get them in without anybody noticing that someone arrived.
If the paparazzi found out we wouldn’t hear the end of it for days, and the surprise for everyone would be ruined. So we made a plan, with the Simons having to arrive here by either train or by car the options weren´t that big, and seeing that my parents nor I could go outside without getting found by the crazy camera people we chose to just let them arrive by train and then get chauffeured from one of the car´s that we have that way they could arrive normally until they get in a car and the driver already knows where to go and what route to take when they arrive here.
We also talked with my great-grandma (the Queen) about having them as Guests at her annual Garden party, seeing as most of them are not going to be there because of the Corona-Cases. She agreed that they could come as long as they are already fully vaccinated and have a negative test every morning. They also have to wear the best things that they have seeing as more press would be there.
Now it was time, they would be coming over today, I already wrote with Tommy and told the driver every information that she needed to get them, what they looked like, what they are wearing and where they would be arriving from.
It was a few hours that I haven´t heard from Tommy or the driver, but I also had to prepare for their arrival with my parents and siblings. I told George that we would be getting special guests and that we had to be watching over them because they didn´t know the way around the palace, he wasn’t that thrilled about watching our siblings and three other people.
I saw to it that the rooms were the closest to ours and that they were easy to find. Seeing as his parents also came along made it a little harder to find the best rooms, but I made it work.
When I got a message on my phone that Tommy and his parents were now in the car on their way to get here, I grew anxious `what if they didn´t like this and only do it to not seem rude?´
“(Y/N)? Are you coming, your guests are arriving right now.” My mother told me as she walked around the corner leading to my siblings and my room. “Oh, Hunny. I know that face, that´s the face your dad does when he is second-guessing his work. I can assure you that everything will be fine and that they actually want to be here. They are not here because they want anything with the paparazzi, we asked then that ourself.” I looked at her and tried to think about all the fun that we were going to have at the Garden party and making the vlog.
“Now come on your siblings don´t know who is going to come out of that door. They are already waiting for you and remember: as long as the door is open you need to smile and seem as friendly as possible, after they close you can calm down.”
She was right of course but I still didn’t like the idea of them just being here as to not be rude. ”Okay, let´s greet them and get them inside before any more trouble can arise from the paparazzi and tourists.” I looked at her when we started to walk towards the entrance.
“Who are we going to meet, Mom? Is it that one guy from over the sea again? With the weird hair!” George looked at our mother and then at me expecting me to just tell him who was arriving, but at that moment where I wanted to tell him, the doorsman screamed that the Simons Family has arrived.
George looked at the door with an expression that I couldn´t really describe, shock and confusion maybe, with a little hint of nonbelieve. He turned to the door that opened and all three stepped in they looked at us and made a bow, we were fast to close the doors so that they could all take in a breath of air and calm their nerves.
After the introduction of everyone, George was hiding behind me so he could be close to Tommy but not be too close seeing as he still didn’t know much about him other than his Minecraft content.
“I hope that it´s okay that I already started to film for the Vlog? I didn´t want to miss this opportunity! I also already made a little recording on our way here, the way from the train to the car was also really interesting! The only thing I didn´t like where all the paparazzi trying to take pictures of us in the car. But you already warned us about them and the lovely woman also told us to hide our faces with books or our sleeves.” Tommy said after everything started to calm down.
I looked at my parents and we were all okay with the recording just that a few faces had to be blurred in the final cut, like my siblings and the staff members and later on even the other guests at the party even though be wouldn´t be vlogging that much.
“How about you show them where they are going to stay for the few days they are here, (Y/N)? I am sure that all of them are very tired already, seeing as it is already a little late. We can show you around tomorrow if you would like.” My dad said after we saw that Charlotte and Louise, were starting to get very tired and yawn a lot.
“That would be great, thank you.” Tommy´s father said as he was starting to feel the effect of the travel-filled day.
“Okay, just follow me then it´s not that far! It´s also really close to my sibling’s room and mine. I don´t know when you will wake up but breakfast will be starting at 7 am and go until 10 am. I wrote everything down for you so you can just relax today. If you want I can come to pick you up at 8 am so we all have enough time to eat. It will be a very stressful day tomorrow but that’s okay.” I tried to explain as easy as possible to them. When we parted ways I went to tell Tommy where my room was so if they needed something they could just find me there.
I went to go to bed seeing as it was already very late now. I was thinking about what we would be doing tomorrow and their behaviour at the party. I am sure everything will be fine.
~~Next Day~~morning~
I woke up a little early but began to get ready to wake up the Simons, hoping they already were awake.
I went to do my daily routine and went to check out what time it was, 7:55 am, right on time then. I began walking to the door and knocked on it, I got an answer by seeing the door opening and all three of them standing there ready for breakfast.
“I take it that you are already hungry? Well then follow me, I´ll show you the fastest way to get to the mess hall where we can get food.” I saw that Tommy had already started to vlog our way to the hall, he pointed the camera to the ground with the reasoning being `I don´t have to edit out so many faces! Also, Wilbur told me that it´s better this way!´ I looked at him and started to laugh because of the course he did.
“But remember not to film at the table, it´s considered rude just as much as being on your phone. Also when the Queen is there just follow my lead and bow or do a curtesy okay? If not you would also be seen as rude. There are a lot of rules now that I think about it, like start with calling her `Your Majesty´ also don´t touch her if she wants to give you a handshake don´t use your full hand and release it as soon as possible, but with corona still around she might not do that. I think that should be all. Right in time for us to arrive.” I looked at Tommy and his parents, they had slightly shocked faces.
“Did I run you over with the rules? Want me to explain them again?” I looked at them growing anxious that I did something wrong.
“You mean to tell me that we could potentially walk in on the Queen eating?!” Tommy said shocked, I was now slowly understanding what was going on. They never met the Queen before and walking in on her eating was of course something that not everybody got to experience.
“You do realise she could also just meet you when she walks around with her dogs right? She lives here sometimes, most of the time not but when we have the garden party then the chances of her being here already is very high.” I tried to calm them down but I think I might it worse.
“It´s going to be okay, I am going to introduce you so that nothing can go wrong. You are dressed properly and are hopefully not just going to hug her when she doesn´t want to. So you all will be fine.” I looked at them as Motherinnit went to double-check her boy’s outfit for the second time.
“Tommy, your shirt is being poked out from your pants, and put away that phone! Haven´t you heard what they just said?!” Motherinnit was the real hero at this moment, Tommy put away his camera and I went to open the door. Before being stopped by the announcer that I and the Simons have arrived to eat.
“Please rise for (Y/N) of Cambridge, third in line for the Throne of Great Britain. And their guests of honour the Simons Family.” With that, we stepped in and I looked directly into the eyes of my great-grandmother, the Queen. I looked back at the Simons and showed them what we do now.
I went in front of the Queen to make a small courtesy with Tommy´mum, Tommy and his dad bowed. When we came up I went to go and wish my great-grandma a good day and that they were not used to having their name called like that which gave her a small chuckle. We got invited to sit with her which we did after they told her to have a blessed morning and Tommy was very shy around her.
Following our breakfast I took them on a tour of the Palace, with Tommy recording some of it, we looked at the preparations of the party that was later today, and then went to see the maze that we had around a few blogs of walking. It was fun, they got to meet some of my other family members, like Uncle Harry and his wife Meghan. They were taking a stroll around the palace like we were, it was very fun to talk to him after not seeing him for so long.
But knowing that the party grew closer I had to bring them back to their room so they had enough time to change and rest their feet from all the walking we already did.
After I went to take a shower and then got ready for all the cameras that were going to be there, I went to make sure that the Simons were okay and ready to start the entry. I walked over to their suite and knocked on the door just like I did this morning to wake them up.
“Hey, just making sure that everything is good? The Party is starting soon and I will have to go with my siblings so you will not get announced but you will be with the other guests.” I said as they let me in. “What do you mean? Won´t it be just like this morning?” Tommy asked as I stood in the entryway.
“Well, no. At first, it would seem like that, but for us to be announced together we would have to be together, like a couple. And seeing as we are not, we are not going to be announced together. But you will not be announced at all seeing as only the family members get that. So you could say that you just got to a very backyard dinner party. Hahaha..” I tried to lighten the mood by joking around a bit. It didn´t help but I tried that´s all that I can do.
“Well, are we even going to sit together? Or how is it going to go.” Asked Motherinnit.
“A very good question, I think because we are going to sit together because you are my guests. So I will only not be there when you arrive but the staff can show you where you are going to sit. I will be joining once I get called out, the press gets all their pictures of us and we can have our peace from them.” I answered with a slight tone of annoyance.
The worst part of being a royal is truly the part where you don´t get your own privacy because of constant press around you.
“Well, then shall we get this over with? And another thing Tommy, place put away your camera I don´t think it´s very polite to take it with you to this party.” Fatherinnit chimed in after seeing his son already look if his camera still had enough space and battery for the day. The whole walking and talking took a lot out of the battery earlier.
“It would be okay as long as you don´t put it in other people´s faces like some of the paparazzi do. But it would be okay if you just show your own face on it and talk to it as long as it´s not too loud.” I said as I looked over at him, he started to smile like a child on Christmas when he heard my words of confirmation to take the vlogging camera.
After a final check, we went to get them a staff member that could take them to their rightful seats, as I had to leave them to meet up with my family for the announcements at the door.
As always I went to go last after my great-grandma was called up, then my grandpa with his siblings, my parents, uncle and then finally it was my turn with my three little siblings. It was the first time that we children were going to be standing in front of the camera alone without parental guidance.
When we got called up my heart was beating so fast, I could barely see anything with all the lights from the cameras, but as the oldest, I had to hold Charlott and Louis hands whilst George was standing besides Louis, I couldn´t stop now. They were all counting on me. And the faster I got this over with the faster I could go to talk with Tommy and his parents. So I kept on walking in front of all the cameras with a light smile and holding firmly onto the hands of the other two.
When I sat down beside my parents and Tommy I could barely hear what was going on behind me with the other guests as the press was escorted outside as to not disturb us any longer. They got their pictures, some of them didn´t seem to like that idea too much as they began to push against the security that called for backup.
When the backup arrived the cameras and reporters seemed to realize that they were in trouble for not following orders from the security.
“You did well (Y/N), you were leading your siblings with so much power that you looked like you were going into battle!” Tommy said as I came back to register. Everyone was proud of me for taking that like a ruler. Which was good, I needed to be a good leader for when I get the throne.
“Thanks, I can´t remember much except for the thought that I needed to get through that as fast as possible I could feel how scarred Louise and Charlott were trying to be so brave but couldn’t take all of it and the lights were really bad too.” I looked at my parents expectedly, as they nodded and smiled to give me reassurance.
The only thing we did after that was eat and film a little for the vlog, Tommy showed me that he actually filmed the whole thing with my siblings and me, I do have to say I looked way cooler than I felt.
With that the music and the flower watching came to a stop sometime around the next morning, when the Queen had already stated that she would go to bed and the party-goers went to bed I bought the Simons back to their room´s. Wishing them a good night and telling them about when I would come back tomorrow morning to get them to breakfast.
~~Next Day~~ Morning
At around 10 am the next morning I got up and ready for the breakfast that was held later than yesterday.
I walked over to Tommy´s and his parents flat to see if they were awake yet. Right as I was going to knock the door opened and out stepped Fatherinnit.
“Oh, I was going to go over to your room and knock to see if you are awake yet but it seems like you beat me to it. Hahahahaha” was his first reaction to seeing me with my fist in the air about to knock.
“Yeah, I wanted to do the same thing, and get you to get breakfast.” I answered as he stepped aside to let the other two through the door so we could start the walk to the mess hall.
“So do you have anything else planned for today? Seeing as the party was yesterday?” asked Tommy´s mother on our way there.
“Well, I need to get my usual tasks done but after that, I should be free, it is a Saturday so there is no rush to go to school or do too much school work, maybe I´ll play some Minecraft with George later.” I answered as I thought about what I still had to do today. “What about you? Anything you want to do here before you go back home tomorrow?” I looked over to them with a small smile.
“Yeah, my parents are going to go on a walk around London seeing as it was a while when they were last here. I on the other hand don´t know what I will be doing today.” Tommy said before his parents could answer themselves.
“Well you could walk around with me and film more for your vlog, and if we get the chores done fast enough we could try to stream from my room. If you want to of course.” I said before thinking it through.
Tommy looked at me with excitement “Really?! I could just follow you around with my camera and film everything that’s going on!?” Thinking about it the second time, this might not be the best course of action.
“Sure, but maybe not everything, for example, something that is supposed to be not seen by the public. Or I could take you all the way up to the flag pole. On top of the Palace.” I said whilst seeing Tommy get even more excited if that was even possible.
Before we could make any more ideas we were at the mess hall, I´m going to miss walking together with someone to the mess hall, it gets lonely when you only have your family around you that you can´t even tell everything to.
~~Later~~after eating
We had an uneventful breakfast with some of the other guests. It was a little boring seeing as they had no interest that we could share, just like always we talked about the cov19 cases and all that not really something that I liked to talk about over dinner.
As we walked back to our rooms, I told Tommy´s parents to not forget their entry tickets so that they could always get back inside after being outside in London.
We even went so far as to walk them to the door, because it was a little like a labyrinth inside the palace if you don’t know your way around it.
“Well, do you want to start your vlog now? Right in the entryway of the Palace? Or do you want o wait on that?” I looked over at Tommy who had already grasped his phone from his jacket.
“I´ll just film some stuff now that I can talk over later. So we can just stay here for a few moments talking about what we are going to do and then we go do the chores! I am really excited to do  this so thank you for the opportunity, I don´t think I have said that yet.” I smiled at him as he positioned his phone in the window to show us.
“Did your parents make you say that or where did that come from? It´s no problem I think we both get something out of it so, you are very welcome.” I said as I looked at him, he did a moked face as if I just insulted him whilst walking back from the window.
“I would never do any sort of thing like that! And just to clarify my parents did not make me say that to you! They definitely didn’t talk to me before we went to eat breakfast this morning!” he answered like a child.
“Okay then. What do you want me to do now? Just stand here or...?” I looked at him whilst also looking at the camera.
“Oh- hahaha yeah- wait no- eh just I´ll just stand here for a bit and then you can come in and then we will start to walk where we are supposed to go, on our way there I´ll just point the camera down to our feet again if that´s okay for you?” I nodded at his explanation, after a while of standing on the side and seeing just waiting I decided to walk to him.
I tapped him on the shoulders as he faked being jump-scared by me, I smiled and motioned him to come along, he grapped the camera and we went to our first chore that needed to be done.
“So the first thing we will be doing today is talking to my great-grandmother, the Queen. That means that you are not allowed to have the camera on or have it been seen by her. We´ll just walk in, get some papers and mail that are for my parents, then we´ll see if she has anything left that I can do and if not. Then I can show you where you can go to the flag pole, with her permission of course. We can´t just walk up there and fool around y´know?” I told Tommy as he got the camera from the window and went to point it at the floor.
Once we got there I was halted by the doorsman, asking me what they should announce for Tommy.
“You can just say that he is Tom Simons. There is no need to overdo it.” I looked at Tommy as he pointed the camera at the very decorated door. He seemed to film it very closely as to show how much detail went into making it.
“Tommy, are you filming the door in which the Queen sits behind?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Wait- she is behind here?! I-I didn´t know that I am really sorry-I-“ he started to panic over having filmed the door. I started to snicker seeing as it was just a door. Nothing special that was not allowed to be filmed.
“Calm down Tommy, it was a joke, she is still waiting for us to enter.” I said as I heard the doorman announcing us. I walked in and made a small curtsey in front of her as Tommy bowed beside me.
I could already see how scared he was to be in the same room as her. “Can you stop doing that (Y/N)? I think I told you enough times to not do that when we are not in front of cameras.” She scolded me with a smile on her face, “And you are Tommy? You know, I did see a video about you when George showed it to me. I have to say it was entertaining and you may stand up straight again.”
Tommy´s smile was gigantic, “Th-Thank you! I put a lot of work into my videos but to hear it from you, Your Majesty, it is truly an honour!” as we talked to her about what we had to deliver to my parents, and what we wanted to do later she seemed to have a lot of fun, that she normally didn´t have when talking to other people outside our family.
It was fun to be walking around with Tommy and showing him around the Palace that you usually didn´t get to see, we sometimes had to stop our walking for him to take some good videos showing the view from some of the windows.
I never thought about taking so long just to deliver the letter to my parents. Nonetheless, it was very fun to see someone be so excited about looking outside our windows doors and the view in general.
I knocked on the door of my father’s office to give him his and mothers work, I came back outside with Tommy after a few moments. My parents didn´t have anything to add to our to-do list so we went to the top of the Palace so I can show Tommy what it looks like from the top.
“ This is really cool. You can look so far from up here!” Tommy said as we got to the top of the stairs that lead to the roof.
“Yeah, but you need to watch out so you don´t fall to your death! It´s too windy up here for us to go to the edge. But we can watch from here, we are also not allowed to touch or go too close to the Flag. It´s against the law, I think. At least that’s what my parents told me and my siblings so we don’t come up here so often. But just to be safe they made railings up here!” I screamed at Tommy so his camera and he could still hear me.
We filmed a little more around the roof but then went back down just to film some other stuff around the palace. With the day coming to an end we had enough camera footage of the gardens, rooms, roof, and view for Tommy.
“So you still want to stream? My parent’s aren’t here yet. I also left them a note stating that I was with you. Just in case they forgot.” He said after we were back in the hallway where our rooms were situated for the time being.
“Sure, let’s stream to surprise everyone! Do you have all your passwords with you? So you can just log into your account.” I looked at him as he ran back into his room to grab a book where the passwords stood.
“Yes! I wrote them down in case I forgot how they are written. A really good idea when I think about it now.” He smiled as we began our walk over to my room, where my pc and setup stood waiting to be used.
“I don´t know if it´s a  good set up but I can stream and I am able to play Minecraft, so that’s already a lot to work with.” I turned around to Tommy as he looked around my room before noticing me pulling in another chair for him to sit in.
“Huh? Oh- don´t worry this will be enough. I just need to log in and start the `starting soon screen´ so they can come in when we start. But what do you think the title should be?” we thought about it for a minute when we got situated in front of the pc.
“I don´t know, maybe: `surprise stream! (with a guest)´ ?” I wrote it out to him so that he could see what I mean better.
“That is a good idea! The mystery will be there and the people want to see who the surprise guest is! That was really smart. Okay, I have now started the starting soon screen so they shouldn’t be able to hear us yet. So you want to come in after I announce you? Like- Like the doorman always does? I think I can try it out. I heard it too after for it to just fail my mind!”
“How about you just let me sit at the side and then I will be coming over and just be next to you for the stream? What are we planning on doing anyway?” I looked at him, as he turned around to look at me.
“You- you did plan this far-right?” my face turned into one of anxiousness. He slowly looked away from me keeping his face the same as before. Not moving a muscle.
“Well, hehehehe you see... I did not plan this far ahead. We could just watch a few media shares that people send in? Or every time someone gifts fifty subs we have to change the player in Minecraft, like when you play then the donation comes and then I have to play until the next one? Or not fifty gifted maybe just ten or fife?” He was brainstorming ideas for what we could do together.
“I think we should just start the stream and see how the chat reacts to this, maybe after something will come up that we can all play together! Oh- almost forgot to tell you, this will probably end up on the news because the media will find out about the meet up with me and a Twitch streamer, in the palace. We may be even trending on Twitter  for this.” I looked at him with a forced smile that was purposely bad.
“Well, then we just have to play the best games for us to have fun and not think about what could all go wrong for this! So let’s start the stream!” he said as I rolled a little bit to the side as to not be in the way of the camera.
“Hello everyone! Yes, you did read the title, didn´t you? Hahaha, you will never guess where I was yesterday and today! I mean you can kind of tell by the background and the position of the camera that I am not home yet. But that is okay because we are at somebody´s palace. No, it´s not Tubbo´s palace- does tubbo even have a palace? Anyway-“ he kept on talking to chat as I made sure that I looked good enough for the stream, the paparazzi would have a field day with having so many shots of me after this stream.
“Anyway chat! Do you want to find out who this mysterious person could be? I´m 87% sure that some already know them but most of you probably don´t, well you don´t need to wait any longer they are already sitting right next to me so they already know what´s going to happen. And please remember chat, be nice and remember to not make them uncomfortable we are streaming from their pc! Anyway, please welcome (Y/N) of Cambridge, the third in line for the Throne of Great Britain!”
He rolled to the side as I came into view smiled at the camera. “Hello.” I greeted as I looked over to Tommy, “I thought I told you to not introduce me like that, now look at chat. They .. are so fast, how do you read them like this?” I motioned to the little chatbox that was open on one of the screens in front of us.
“Well, they usually that fast so I just get used to it or hover my mouse over it to make them slower or even stop.” He explained to me whilst also checking if everything works as it should.
“Anyway, chat. Don´t mind them I am still the one that streams and needs your attention. What we are going to do in today’s stream is not yet chosen so we might change things up with Minecraft, q&a, try not to laugh or maybe even Geoguesser or just talking.” Tommy exclaimed happily as he already knew how to captivate his viewers.
I was mostly just sitting besides him as we played a little bit of Minecraft and then some q&a with the chat. Of course there were some questions that both of us didn’t want to answer and just ignored but most of the chat was really friendly and it was a lot different than being asked questions from the press.
“How did you guess meet each other? I was wondering when that question would come, do you want to explain your part and then I can tell my side of the story?” Tommy looked at me for an answer.
“Sure, so I wasn´t actually going to look at some people on the internet that were playing a block game, but my little brother who is ironically named George, played it a lot and wanted to play like the others on the internet so I just tried to find what he meant. With that, I found Tommy and the other on the Dream SMP and wrote Tommy a letter for the invitation here. I think that sums it up really good.” I said as I looked at the screen where I saw that the chat was really happy with the combination
As Tommy went on to tell his side of the story I was intrigued as to how many viewers were watching us right now and seeing the large number I was shocked. I never would have guessed that so many people were going to come to watch someone talk about how they met another person from the internet.
“Oh- Will is writing something on Discord- Wil you know you can just come into the VC with us right?” Tommy looked at discord and then at the camera. “I don’t think that (Y/N) has anything against talking with Will again right?”
“Of course not! Wilbur is a really nice young man with good manners. I think he should come to talk to us.” I looked at Tommy and then at discord seeing that Wilbur was joining the VC.
“Hello, again your highness.” Wilbur greeted me whereas Tommy just scuffed that he was here too. “I didn´t know if I should join but then you said all those really nice things, so I just had to come in and thank you. I am with Phil and Kristen right now but that´s okay they can still hear you. I hope that’s okay.” Tommy and I just looked at each other confused as to why Will was with Phil but he probably had his reasoning.
“Hello, Phil! It´s really nice to meet you, Kristen! I don´t think that we have had a conversation yet.” I smiled as I heard her reply it was not very loud she must have been farther away from the mic but she gave me a greeting back.
After the introductions were done we all went to play some games together and still talk about things that we did the last few days. Where Tommy just looked at me put a hand in front of his mouth making a silent symbol and I nodded.
It was going to be a surprise for the chat that we had made a vlog at the party and around the palace. We only said to the stream that there would be a vlog coming out sooner or later depending on the cutting would take longer or not.
With time other people also joined the VC talking to us and asking questions that they wanted answers to.
Tubbo was a really nice guy, for example, he just came in the discord to say a few things and then leave but got stopped by some other friends of Tommy, they also wanted to talk and play some games with us.
But because just talking would be a little boring Tommy started to play on the Dream Smp, where he told me to start building a house right beside his dirt hole, so he could protect it the best way that he could.
It was a lot of fun to be able to relax a little with Tommy and not having to always be watching the many rules that have to follow when around other people.
Not only did a lot of friends from Tommy come into the VC but George, the small one we called him, came into my room where we were streaming.
“(Y/N)? Mom said that I can play Minecraft with you.. hi, tom! But can I please play Minecraft with you now?” he came in and said as I was starting on the walls of my house.
I looked at Tommy and then back at George, asking that he could build my house with me. Tommy nodded excitedly as he waved back at George.
“Okay, but I am building a house right now. Do you want to help me finish it? We have a lot of materials that we could use for a cool house right next to Tommy´s.” I looked at George thinking that he would rather build away from Tommy and the wooden path.
“Can I also sit in your lab? I don’t want to get a chair? Oh, and do we have mushrooms so we can make it like a mushroom house? Or do you want to build a really normal house? I can do Redstone traps so no one can get to it and destroy it later!” he was just as excited at Tommy when he walked over to sit on my lab.
“Sure you can build a trap so it can protect our house! I was thinking about building a normal cottage that is seen in the woods sometimes. Or in a field, we could make a field around it to grow our own food!” I looked at Tommy and George as he started to build.
It took us a while but we did get to finish the whole house whilst also getting Tommy to change the scenery around and on top of his house.
After a while, my mother came in and went to get my brother back in bed so he could be alright the next morning. We decided to end stream after that and head to bed ourselves so we could get up early again the next day.
When I went to bring him to his room I noticed that his parents also were back from the trip that they went on.
We all went to go to bed and get up the next morning. IT was time for the Simons Family to get back home. I was a little sad seeing that I grew to like his presence in the palace.
“Well, I hope you had a good stay here and that you will like to visit again! Maybe next time I can come over to you or you come over to our actual house and not the palace that my great-grandma lives in.” I tried to explain as I was stumbling over my words.
“I am sure we can arrange that to happen. It was really fun to play games with you and walk around!” Tommy stated as he was hugging me for the last time, we then went to send them to the cab that would send them back to the train to their own home.
As soon as Tommy was back home he opened discord and wrote (Y/N) that they were safely home and that they could play games over the internet next.
Maybe playing a block game wasn´t a bad idea.
I hope that it was okay, I have a lot of anxiety about this not being good enough but oh well. 
You just read around 10k words!
Very proud of you! Remember to drink water and eat.
@cezza-joev  @lostmyselfintime @blease-end-me 
205 notes · View notes
blueeyedgeorgie · 4 years
MCYT Royal AU (2)
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A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short! I just knew it’d be the best for this chapter to end the way it does!
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.9k+
"If you need her, she'll be preparing for bed in her chambers." Y/n smiled, looking to the blonde standing beside her. Niki was her nurse, yet she was also the princess's best friend. Throughout her lonely days, Niki was always there to make her days brighter.
"Alright, you're excused, you two," Schlatt spoke with a typical bored look on his face. Y/n had already gotten the chance to say goodnight to her fiance, they had spent most of the night together. It seemed like the only time they were apart was when Y/n had spent a few songs on the dance floor with the green-eyed stranger.
Even now, the princess couldn't help but think of the man. She hadn't seen him for the rest of the night, where had he run off to? Maybe he had only been a figure of imagination and she had easily gotten lost in her thoughts for a short time. It seemed impossible for her to come up with how attractive he had been, the green-eyed man had to be real.
"Y/n, what are you thinking about? You seem to have lost yourself in thought once again." Y/n snapped her head to the left as she walked, Niki had pulled her away from her train of thought.
"Oh, Niki... I can't decide whether or not I'm crazy." With a huff of breath, the h/c girl looked down at her hands. She began to pick at them again as they walked.
"What's going on? Maybe I can help decide if you're a madwoman or not."
"I could've sworn I danced with a stranger tonight. But I'm beginning to doubt myself. Maybe I'm just crazy."
"With a stranger?" A playful smile widened on the blonde's face, "Yes, you are a madwoman. I'm certain the king or Lord Technoblade would've ended a stranger's life tonight if they were caught dancing with you."
"He seemed to be too good to be true."
"He?" Niki raised a brow from confusion, "Y/n, did you not meet your fiance tonight?"
"I did-"
"So he's not a stranger."
"I... no Niki, I'm not referring to Prince George," Y/n shook her head, her stomach felt suddenly a bit ill. "There was another man... he towered over me, his hair was practically golden silk, his eyes were olive green. He seemed to be the type of man to only exist in fairytales."
"Wow, I'm not exactly sure what to say..."
Pausing, Y/n grabbed onto Niki's arm, stopping her pace. "Promise not to tell anyone?"
"You have my word that this will stay between us."
His grip tightened on the blade, this was the first step. When it came to pulling off plans like these, he had always been so careful. He would spend days plotting out destruction before putting it into action.
Techno was light on his feet as he walked, the last thing he wanted was to have an unwanted guest to appear. It had been weeks since he had last killed a man, but tonight he was going to get his hands bloody once again.
He had worked so hard to reach where he was today. He had been planning for one thing and one thing only: to overthrow the king and cause havoc for the Kingdom. It had all gone well until months ago when he had first received news of Y/n's arranged engagement.
But it was alright, he would be able to fix everything and go back to his original plan. All he needed was to get a moment to assassinate the one boy standing in his way from moving forward: Prince George. It would be quick and simple; a quick slash across the throat before framing it as a suicide. Schlatt may look for a new fiance for his daughter, but at least Technoblade would have a bit of time to play his cards right.
This was it. This was Prince George's room where he would be fast asleep. The door creaked open, wide enough for Techno to enter. As he passed through, his eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room. A fire crackled in the corner of the room, the only source of light.
A be fit for a king sat on the opposite side of the room. There the prince laid, his chest falling and rising as he was fast asleep. It was all too perfect.
Staring down at the prince, Techno stood right by his bed. He could feel seconds running past him as he watched the brunette. He could've ended his life quickly, but it seemed like something was stopping him. Maybe it was the memories from earlier that night... the way Y/n smiled at her fiance, the way she laughed at his witty remarks, and blushed at his compliments. She was happy with him...
"Your highness?"
Oh no.
"I'm truly impressed with how you handled tonight, not one fight." In the middle of the party, Sap Nap and his much taller friend had become bored. Deciding to steal a bottle of rum and escaping from the ballroom, they had disappeared into the garden for a bit of light banter.
The green-eyed man couldn't help but chuckle at the knight's joke. "I know, I know. How strange was it to not try and chase me?"
"Just wait until the day I catch you."
"That day will never come, my friend. You know that." He glanced over his shoulder, looking to the garden walls. They were high, but he could easily escape if he wished. "Has the party come to an end already? It seems awfully quiet."
"Most likely, I-" Sap Nap paused, looking over his shoulder for a moment. He was the only one who had heard it. Laughter. For a moment, the pair glanced at one another. An unreadable look appeared on the green-eyed man's face, he put a finger to his mouth, implying it was time to be quiet. Steadily, he made his way towards the laughter.
As he followed the voices, he had noticed two different things; one voice had seemed so familiar. Meanwhile, a light had appeared on the path. There had to be a balcony or bridge of some sort.
Looking up he spotted the balcony. Two women stood by each other right on the edge. As fast as possible, the green-eyed man pushed himself against the castle wall, out of sight.
"I-" Y/n paused, interrupted by a noise from the garden. For a moment, the pair glanced out at the bushes. "Anyways, I think it's time for me to rest. I'll speak to you tomorrow, Niki."
The green-eyed man held himself against the wall, listening carefully for the door to open and shut. Just before he got the chance to move again, he heard a few footsteps follow back out to the balcony with a sigh. "What a night... the dancing, the drinks, all of it. But there is one thing left on my mind... I wonder where the green-eyed man is now, what a dream he was."
The green-eyed man tensed. She was speaking about him? Glancing around, it seemed the coast was clear. he pushed himself away from the wall, turning to look up at the balcony. "Your highness."
She jumped at the sight of him, he had appeared out of nowhere. "Am I drunk? Or is that really you?"
"It is me!"
Y/n glanced over her shoulder, making sure her bedroom was completely empty before looking back down at her new friend. "How did you get here? The walls are too strong and too high to be climbed, surely my knightsmen would kill you for trying to sneak through the castle."
"Let's just say this isn't my first time sneaking around," he replied with a sheepish grin and a small shrug.
"You never fail to make me swoon." The green-eyed man could feel his heart race from that sentence, his smile grew. "But please, tell me why you are here." She glanced down at him, returning the smile.
"I just wished to see you once again, your highness."
"Please, call me Y/n. But what may I call you, sir?"
"I..." He hesitated. Only two people knew his name, two people he had trusted everything with. His dear friend, Nick, and an old friend he hadn't spoken to since childhood. Would he be so willing to give his actual name to her? Usually, this wasn't a big debate for him, so why was it so hard for him to decide?
Turning to face the door, Y/n was face to face with her friend again. Niki.
"Hi Niki, what are you doing here? Not to come off as rude, but I thought I was going to be left alone for the rest of the night?" She stepped away from the balcony, entering her bedroom again. Y/n just wanted to keep Niki away from the garden just in case of the chance she would spot the mystery man.
"I just wanted to come by to collect the tea set, I know someone will be mad at me if I don't return showing I was doing something useful for you."
"Oh," the princess let out a brief laugh as a response. "I understand, if it makes things easier for you, don't hesitate to interrupt me. I know things can be hard with the head-house maid. She's never had a soft spot for you."
"I know, what a pain." Picking up the tray, Niki paused. Her eyes connected with the princess. For a moment,  the two looked at each other as a strange tension appeared from nowhere. It seemed like Niki was searching, for what? Y/n wasn't quite sure. Seconds of silence passed before it was interrupted by Niki speaking once again. "Are you alright, Y/n? You look as pale as a ghost."
"What? I'm fine, just a bit tired, that's all." Y/n was quick to respond, brushing a hand through her hair. "Need anything else, Niki?"
"No... you should really get into bed though, Y/n. It's getting late, I know you have to spend some time with Prince George tomorrow and you'll have a few errands on your schedule as well."
"Alright, goodnight Niki."
"Goodnight, Y/n."
As soon as the door closed and her friend was out of sight, Y/n rushed back out to the balcony. Her eyes scanned over the garden, yet there was no sign of him. She was only gone for a minute, how could he disappear that quick? It was a dark night, but he couldn't possibly hide away in plain sight that easily. After a few more minutes of checking over the garden, the h/c girl eventually gave up, returning to her room.
Letting out a sigh, the green-eyed man watched her enter her room once again. He knew if they were going to continue their conversation, there would be a chance of her wanting his name. He couldn't even give it to her. She was the princess, one wrong move and she could expose him to her father and he'd have his head on a platter.
Once she was obviously hidden away in her room, the green-eyed man stepped out of his hiding spot, beginning to head back to his friend. As he walked, one sentence played over and over again in his mind; 'I wonder where the green-eyed man is now, what a dream he was.' He couldn't stop thinking about what she had said. 'what a dream he was.' His gut would fill with butterflies as he thought about it over and over again. Out of nowhere, it had finally hit him. Dream. His name was Dream.​
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graymoon2-archive · 3 years
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sbi royalty!au
ship- reader x royalty!wilbur
word count- unknown
prompt by- @/promptsforthestrugglingauthor, prompt #1777, link here
category- fluff, royal au
pronouns- they/them, you/yours
warnings- mentions of manipulation, gaslighting, ask to tag
a/n- eeeeeee i love this omg plz also rb > likes and send an ask if you want a part two!
Y/N YL/N never had any interest in nobility, and the pretentious people that inhabited it. Titles were nothing to them, and politics were little more than a bore.
But they still found themself enamored with this stupid, rich asshole despite all that.
the calm before the storm. the threat of war hung over the smp like a dark cloud, ready to burst out at any second. king technoblade of the blood kingdom, his allies king philza and queen mumza of the sleepy kingdom, their sons prince willbur and prince tommy, versus the dream team. a team of elite assasins, trained to kill even the most elusive targets. dream, the leader. the strongest. he wore a mask with a smile, however his mask didn’t mirror his usual grim expression. george, the smallest. weaker, but equal in intellectual prowess. sapnap, the hothead. powerful, but never thinks before rushing into confrontation. their team used to have four. one member defacted. y/n yl/n, stronger, smarter, and faster than any of the others. not that the others knew that.
the first time you came upon wilbur was on your first mission.
you were sent, in full evening wear, to a ball. co hosted by the blood kingdom and the sleepy kingdom, rich people were all over. sparkling dresses and perfectly tailored suits. you were sent to scout things out. it was a test, and you knew it. george was stationed at the back of the ballroom monitoring you. but you couldn’t help but let yourself have a little fun. however, you didn’t expect a little fun to end up with you dancing with the prince. he was an excellent dancer, and a perfect gentleman, so you weren’t complaining.
after a while of dancing (and wilbur blatantly ignoring the others vying for his attention) he asked you to come back the next day for tea. you accepted, for the mission of course, and not because the handsome prince had charmed you. oh who are you kidding. you’d started to fall for the stupid, rich asshole.
you said your goodbyes, and walked out the exit, meeting george at the pre-set rendezvous point.
“so? what did you figure out?” he asked, smirking. he knew full well that nobody could figure anything out at a ball. he expected you tp fail.
but you never fail
you lean closer to him, a smirk of your own beginning to form
“oh nothing much. i did find out that the prince finds me attractive, and i’ve been invited back for tea tomorrow.”
the suprise on the brunette’s face was evident. he quickly wiped his expression, reverting it to its usual “blank and bored” state, as sapnap had called it when introducing george.
“we have to head back for dream to decide. your ‘pretty privilege’ could serve to be useful”
he walked back through the forest, expecting you to follow him
you reached the camp, where sapnap and dream were talking in hushed whispers near the fire.
“we’re back, dream” george announced, striding in the camp with you in tow.
dream raised an eyebrow at your appearance, as if he expected george to have sent you off into the woods.
so he expected failure too.
“so how’d it go?” he asked, leaning against a nearby tree.
“well. they caught the prince’s eye. he wants them for tea tomorrow.”
the dirty blonde raised an eyebrow, mimicking george’s earlier slip in expression.
“ah. then welcome to the team, y/n”
the next day, you return to the sbi castle alone. wilbur met you at the door, gently talking your hand and kissing it. he then held said hand as he walked you inside, to the throne room.
“father, mother, this is y/n. i met them yesterday”
the two share a look, but both shake your hand
“pleased to meet you” you say
“and this is tommy” he says, pointing at the short blonde.
“hello tommy” you say, attempting to gain the favor of the blonde gremlin.
“hello” he says, stretching his arms “has WiLbY finally found a partner?”
you laugh a little as wilbur defensively insists that you aren’t his partner. he leads you out the backdoor, to the garden, where tea is set up.
“so y/n, where are you from?”
“snowchester” you reply. it is a half truth. you were born in snowchester, but left as soon as you could.
“ah, aren’t tubbo and ranboo the kings of snowchester?”
you nod, taking a sip of tea to cover your uncertainty. you smile at the taste.
“this tea is incredible? where did you get it from?”
he smiled. “it was grown in the blood kingdom. techno has a way with plants”
you were, admittedly, a little taken aback at how casually the brunette used the kings name.
“ah, so you two are good friends, no?”
“oh yes. techno is our strongest ally. and with the possibility of war, we’re considering an alliance with snowchester as well.”
“ah. but three kingdoms against three assassins? seems a bit much to me.” you say, feigning innocence.
he scoffs “you have no idea how powerful they are. that dream, he is extremely skilled in manipulative tactics. he has the other two wrapped around his finger. they have no idea who he really is. it’s unfortunate, really. i hope they see soon”
you’re interested now. you knew dream was capable of manipulation, but you didn’t know just how manipulative he was.
“really? how so?”
“gaslighting, fear, lying. he has those two in such a state that they rely on him for everything, and leaving would cost too much to be worth it.”
this causes you to pause. is joining them worth it? do you want to end up like george and sapnap?
“i- i think i should tell you something. but king techno and your parents need to hear it too”
tags- @wrenqueenisboss @crwnedprnce bc they liked the excerpts :)
comment to be tagged if i do part 2 :)
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Royal Ballrooms and Tragic Sword Fights
Royal Au pog? tw: Needles? also mentions blood 
Yn stood on the balcony outside the ballroom, she exhausted from dancing with people from L'manburg, and her black glitter ballroom dress almost suffocating her. 
Yn jumped and turned as the sound of the glass door opening let the music flow through the air towards her. There stood a man with a pig mask over his eyes, his white shirt tucked into his black pants, his hair falling over his shoulders, some braided, others just loose. He was also wearing a dark red cape.
"Excuse me miss, I didn't even notice anyone was here," he said, his tie dangling from his neck. Yn grinned at the male, his voice appeared to have died? But he spoke softly and bowed at Yn, his crown staying undisturbed. Yn bowed back, "it's quite alright sir, care to join me?" Yn said.
he smiled at the girl before walking to the ledge, keeping a safe distance from her. "May I ask your name, m'lady," the monotone voice asked, "I'm Yn, and you, sir?" Yn said to the pink-haired man. "I'm Technoblade, but please call me Techno," Techno said. 
Before the glass door reopened, Yn was about to say something. "Yn my lovely daughter there you are come the ball is offically starting," Schlatt said, Yn's smile flattening. "Yes father," Yn said. Yn put her hands on her dress skirt and lowered her head. Schlatt turned and waited by the entrance. Yn smiled and waved back at Techno before following her father into the ballroom and onto the stage, where Tubbo, her younger brother, was already standing.
Yn stood next to Tubbo, who smiled and nodded, but all she could see was the scar that covered half of his face. "You might be wondering why I'm throwing this ball tonight," her father said, and Yn froze.
"Yn c'mere, my lovely daughter," Schlatt smirked as he turned to face you. "Yes father," Yn responded as she stepped up to him with a fake smile. Yn's crown weighed her down, almost as if it were weighing her true self down. Yn scanned the crowd, her gaze falling on crimson eyes shining through a pig skull mask. "Any man who wants to marry my daughter will have to battle for her," she said with a smile. Yn's heart sank but raced at the same time.
"Father-" Yn felt her eyes double in size. Schlatt interrupted Tubbo's words, saying, "Be quiet Tubbo."
"Any gentlemen?" Schlatt smiled and asked the crowd, if only he knew how badly his own daughter wanted to smack it off of him. Yn turned her head away from him, staring down at the floor, as the men screamed. 
Yn couldn't understand why they wanted to fight over her when many of them didn't even know who she was on a personal level, only that she was the king's daughter. It drove her insane. She sighed as they all walked to the fighting grounds. After a few fights, one man would face another, and the winner would go up against another until no more men remained.
Several men were bloodied and beaten. Some even knocked out a man who was standing right in the thick of it all...did he win? He walked over to Yn and bowed. "You have yet to win," a voice remarked, prompting Yn to raise her head. 
As her eyes met the red ones, Yn felt her heart race and a strange sensation in her gut. "There is no need to fight," Yn stated as she stepped up to Techno and stood in front of him. "I have already declared you the winner, Lord," she continued. 
Schlatt interrupted Techno, causing Yn to become enraged. "No, he'll have to battle alongside the rest of the men." The crowd roared in agreement as Yn felt her heart beating again, but not in a pleasant manner. Yn smiled as she placed her hand on Techno's arm and whispered, "I believe in you Lord Technoblade," before dropping it and returning to her seat next to her father, the guy who had previously fought in the battles was now in the field. 
"Who was it you were talking to?" Schlatt inquired of his daughter, who simply gave him a sidelong glance before returning her gaze to the impending battle. "That was Lord Technoblade father," Yn answered as the two swords collided.
Yn sat there and watched as the two swords clashed, uneasy grew in her gut she didn't want the stranger to win. Sure, Lord Technoblade was a stranger, but at least she knew his name. The male's blade came down and slashed Techno's arm, making Yn jump in her seat, making Yn on edge. The stranger was suddenly thrown down with a sword aiming at his neck, Yn leapt to her feet.
Yn ran up to Lord Techno and jumped into his arms, hugging him. She pulled back slightly and grinned up at the red eyes. "Lets go get your arm healed my lord," she said. He nodded down at her as he placed his sword back into his sheath, which she hadn't even seen he had until now because it was tucked in beneath his crimson cape. 
He picked up his cape and slung it over his shoulders, wincing slightly. Yn grabbed his cape and joined the chains for him before seizing his good hand and hauling him through the castle. 
Yn took him to the infirmary before collecting a sewing kit and bandaids. Yn reached for his arm but couldn't get to the cut. Yn flushed as she looked up at the red eyes that appeared to be staring at her already. "Um Lord Techno, if you don't mind," she began, motioning to his top. 
He took off his shirt as if understanding, and Yn couldn't help but notice all the scars that ran over his body. She reached out and traced her fingers down one before pulling her hand back. Taking out a needle and thread Yn began stitching up his arm, which was difficult because every stitch she made caused her heart to throb as blood ran down his arm.
Yn finished the last stitch and got up, wetting a cloth and wiping the blood before sitting back down with him and tying a bandaid around it. Yn smiled and raised her eyes to Techno as the door burst open, letting in a blonde boy who appeared to be around 16-17, a brown haired male who appeared to be around Yn's age, so 20-25 ish, and an older blonde male. 
"YOOOO," the blonde began, "Tommy enough, we're in a castle, not a village," the brown-haired gentleman said. Yn glanced at them all, puzzled, and they all turned to Yn and Techno. They all bowed "No, no, don't bow, there's no need," Yn said. "Our apologies, m'lady," the older blonde said as he stood up, before adding, "I hope my son isn't being too much of a pain." "Father," Techno said as he stood up. Yn giggled as she detected a tiny blush on his face.
~1 year later~
Yn brushed her white gown, nervous that she was finally marrying the man she truly loved...Lord Technoblade.
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it’s pretty long innit  see what i did there... ok um *Spade leaves* *Spade comes back* fun fact this took me 6 hours to write (including anime breaks) *Spade runs away to do fanart at midnight*
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wrenqueenisboss · 3 years
I forgot the pacer test was today and now I can’t speak without coughing and it hurts to breathe. -🧋
don’t kill me, but I actually like the pacer test-
I’m super competitive so I enjoy it, plus I’m also a runner and I have great stamina
but I remember the first time I took the pacer test, I did pretty well but could barely breathe by the end.
please find a way to breathe, my dear. I would be very sad if you were gone
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dimepdf · 3 years
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? synopsis. when given an opportunity to follow in his merciless father’s footsteps, Ranboo must choose between betraying his only living family member for the new raging emotions he recently discovered for his only true friend, or becoming the royal bloodthirsty monster that everyone believes he is.
pairing. prince!ranboo x reader
word count. 1.3k words
genre and warnings. strong language, time period homophobia, graphic depictions of violence, mentions of family issues, angst, very slow burn, royalty au, lovers to enemies au, fantasy au
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Sauntering through the gas lantern-lit cobbled streets, you donned an auburn long cloak that managed to capsule your entity only outlining your broad shoulders as the fabric seemed to flow over your shoulders.
With each stride, the hem of the bottom of the twill dragged along mere inches from the ground.
Ranboo strolled alongside you, his lengthy strides sobering to match your leisurely pace as he tilted his head towards his feet. Walking next to your carefree short figure in his rigid thin posture was almost comical.
You acknowledged the male being a lot more trusting in you since the events that occurred earlier in your parent's tavern. You kept your mental guard up, never letting go of the tension that had settled in your stomach as your eyes locked a shiver running down your spine, his piercing green eyes appearing to gleam in the dark sky of the night.
Before departing your bedroom, you agreed to help Ranboo in his mission to retrieve his mother's jewelry for the cost of a pocket-filled payment large enough to allow you to travel out of town. the wealthy payment being enough to settle down in your own place, or wherever that wasn't under your parent's roof would suffice enough.
"If you don't mind my asking, why are we walking in the pitch at night?" Ranboo pressed on, nearly tripping over his own feet as you abruptly turned the corner into a more dimly lit street, the only light coming from window glass as the walkway converted into gritty old bricks.
Ranboo raised his head a little to peek about, examining the nearby old cots. The male was utterly unaccustomed to his surroundings. Ranboo was familiar with high ceilings and empty, warm, echoing rooms adorned in finery and paintings on the marbled palace walls.
Walking among the shagged bricks that glinted against the rough surface that made his heels ache where they hit the bottom of his soles was a sort of wake-up call from the guarded and pampered existence he was used to.
"Because who knows what business Phil has in the early hours of the morning? Remember the old man you were conversing with earlier? The old coot has a knack for knowing dodgy characters around here." You uttered as you led down the side of the quiet road, your hand poking out from the opening of your cloak to trace along the stone walls as you descended the low cobbled stairway.
The path brings you both to the riverfront area of town, where residences were erected along the slope adjacent to the main bridge, which used the river to separate the poor from the wealthy. Along the river.
There were residences that were more elegant in style, with walls made of sturdy stone and lined in rich dark timber. It was the next step in becoming wealthy, yet the roads reminded you that you had not yet arrived at the pinnacle of luxury.
"Are you one of the shady characters?" The query forced you to come to a halt, craning your neck to stare up at the man who stood about a foot taller than you, an action that almost caused Ranboo to fall under his own feet as he came to a standstill to avoid colliding with you, his cheeks flushed at the abrupt eye contact.
"I'm not certain. When someone misplaces their valuables in my presence, I either keep them or exchange them for coins like any other person. But I'd like to believe that my values are strong enough to prevent me from stealing family heirlooms or from individuals who are actually in need. So, um, perhaps." Ranboo hummed as you replied truthfully.
Stealing was a strange circumstance in which you weren't sure where you fell on the moral or horrible person scale. You were swayed that if you didn't steal, you'd die on the streets, be unable to leave your family dwelling, or at worst, not be able to pay for basic needs that your parents had neglected.
Not to mention how many times you had to drag yourself around when sick to fund the bills doctors would issue your parents during the cold season of every year.
Money was the centerpiece of living standards. The idea you didn't bother explaining to the doe-eyed royal who stood timidly in front of you.
Your head cocked to the side, watching the bounce of his hair fall past his luminous eyes. As a strand of hair dropped on the tip of his nose, he shuddered, as his luminous eyes twinkled through the strands of hair. Ranboo reached out of his cloak and pushed down the hood that was resting on top of his head.
You snatched his hood back down over his brow, rising on your toes. "Not so fast prince charming, let's not forget let's not forget who your father is and how people down here don't particularly take a liking to royals down here." Ranboo stood up straight as he re-adjusted the hood such that it covered his eyes while still allowing him to see in front of him, drawing the hair away from his face while still totally covering them.
You came to a standstill a few more streets down, in front of a vast dark birch wooden double door, shrugging your shoulders back before banging a couple of times.
As Ranboo shifted his weight in his posture, tapping the hilt of his knife while looking across, an unpleasant stillness filled the air. Rotating his head about to take in the surroundings, you couldn't help but be reminded of a toddler entering a toy store for the first time. You groaned and knocked again, this time with greater force, before crossing your arms. "Have you ever been down here before?"
Ranboo was somewhat aback by your question, his eyes widened as his tongue stroked over his bottom lips before giving the homes an ounce over again and exhaling a little chuckle. "Can't say I have, most seen strange, being a prince and not even being familiar with the own soil you're ruling."
Before you could respond, the door flew open, revealing the very weary man in his dressing gown, clutching an oil lamp in one hand and a steel fireplace poker in the other.
When he saw your face in the darkness, Phil seemed to relax, lowering the fireplace poker and groaning, his hand reaching to smooth out the crease between his brows. "You'd better have a good cause for beating on my door like a madman at this hour."
Philza was the most affluent businessman you'd ever had a close relationship with. You'd have to admit that the man had worked hard to establish the high status of his gem-selling boutique in the heart of town, next to the many other shops that seemed to circle the stone statue of the king.
The streets where the poor and rich could mingle amongst each other in the desperate hope of splurging or acquiring further silver.
You'd also agree that Phil was born into his sales career, building his firm from the ground up; he was the one "successful" person in town that you thought had earned their place. Having a truly kind heart in the dreary career path while still having a distinct family life that you adored.
Getting his hands dirty was a small price to pay for his business, as he would allow some of the most dangerous criminals into his life as colleagues and into the same home where his family lived.
You had a lot of admiration for the mature man who was effectively running an underground gem and jewel transferring enterprise right beneath the noses of many individuals. He constructed his future with his bare hands and is now the proud owner of a great business, a wonderful wife, and two children.
Phil came to a complete stop at his open door, his hand lowering, practically frozen at the doorway, as his eyes were drawn to the threatening tall man who loomed behind you.
"I believe I found something you misplaced."
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🔖 @pogpixelz @chayauwu
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