#mda researcher
hopeymchope · 1 year
We need to discuss that one weird-ass dude in Master Detective Archives: Rain Code
Please. Somebody has to talk to me about this minor supporting player in Rain Code.
To avoid even the slightest hint as to when he appears and what he does, let's just call him "The Researcher."
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I know Rui Komatsuzaki has historically liked to sprinkle in a sporadic "this character isn't in the same style as the others" in his works, but this motherfucker right here has taken that trend ONE STEP BEYOND.
Komatsuzaki already gave Rain Code Servan, the weird monk-dude at the church, and those guys at the ramen shop filling taking representing his usual "off-kilter" character designs. But I don't even KNOW what the fuck is going on with the Researcher. This is a style of character who is so completely unlike everything in this game — unlike everything I've ever seen Komatsuzaki draw, really — that I feel there's GOT to be a larger reason for it.
He looks like a caricature of a real-life person to me? Is that a reasonable leap to make? Is this meant to represent somebody who works at Tookyo Games or Spike Chunsoft or something? And if so, WHO?
Obviously, the green heart on his forehead. What the fuck is that about. Why is it there. Why. WHAT. Maybe he's an environmentalist or just really grateful about something. (Nah, it's probably just there to increase this dude's "absolute nonsense" factor.)
The Researcher is the only person we ever meet who's wearing a fez-style hat that's too small for his head. I suppose Martina does wear a hat that's kind of similar, but her hat is actually sized properly. :P I don't know if this is meant to make this guy look more clownish or what, but it's not like they ever play this character for comic relief, so then why... ?
Based on his lapel pin, I guess he likes Astro Boy? Which sent me looking for an Astro Boy character who perhaps was being given homage here... but NOPE! Not even the cartoony proportions of classic Astro Boy contain any character that looks THIS fucking nuts.
I want answers, theories... whatever you can give me. What is up with this guy, and why is he like this??
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Understanding the MDA Framework: Simple Guide for Game Designers
Check out my latest article "Understanding the MDA Framework: Simple Guide for Game Designers"! If you're interested in game design and want to learn how to create mechanics, dynamics, and aesthetics. #gamedesign #MDAframework #gameanalysis #AdobeFirefly
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zvaigzdelasas · 7 months
[Globes is Private Israeli Media]
Azerbaijan has decided to procure Israel's Sky Dew system to detect aerial threats, Azerbaijan media outlet "Aze.Media" reports.
Sky Dew, which is one of the largest aerial detection systems of its kind, was developed jointly by Israel's Ministry of Defense, Defense Research and Development Directorate (DDR&D - MAFAT), headed by Dr. Danny Gold and the US Missile Defense Agency (MDA). The systems monitors various aerial threats including cruise missiles and drones.
The observation and detection balloon is designed to be used as an integrated tool within the overall air defense system, to complete the air control picture together with other systems in air forces. The platform is manufactured by US company TCOM, which is based in Maryland, while the radar system is produced by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) ELTA division.
10 Mar 24
[JPost is Private Israeli Media]
Azerbaijan Airlines announced last Friday that it will resume its flights to Israel as of March 19.[...]
Azerbaijan Airlines had previously canceled flights to Israel when the war broke out on October 7.
Azerbaijan's director of tourism in Israel, Jamilya Talibzadeh, said: "We are happy to return to operating flights to Israel and expect to double the number of Israeli tourists in Baku."
11 Mar 24
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lonestarflight · 9 months
Space Shuttle: Canadarm
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Officially named the Shuttle Remote Manipulator System, or SRMS. "In 1969, Canada was invited by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to participate in the Space Shuttle program. At the time what that participation would entail had not yet been decided but a manipulator system was identified as an important component. Canadian company DSMA ATCON had developed a robot to load fuel into CANDU nuclear reactors; this robot attracted NASA's attention. In 1975, NASA and the Canadian National Research Council (NRC) signed a memorandum of understanding that Canada would develop and construct the Canadarm.
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NRC awarded the manipulator contract to Spar Aerospace (now MDA). Three systems were constructed within this design, development, test, and evaluation contract: an engineering model to assist in the design and testing of the Canadarm, a qualification model that was subjected to environmental testing to qualify the design for use in space, and a flight unit."
"The Remote Manipulator System is plugged on a side panel (left side) of the pyaload bay. The shoulder is on the front (near the cabin) and 15.3 m long (35.7 cm of diameter). It is fasten by three points on the payload bay. It could have been plugged on the right side of the Orbiter but it has never be done because the Ku antenna must be moved. Only one arm can be controlled by the crew (rear wall), even if the wires are already plugged to control two.
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Its weight is 411 kg on Earth (carbon fibre), it can move payload of 29 tons in orbit. But it can't move its own weight on Earth, so to test it, it was lay on wheels. Equipped with video camera (one on the elbow and one wrist), it can move payload, bring them back or even act as a ladder for the astronauts during the EVAs. Finally, due to its high mobility it can also be used to look at different parts of the Orbiter."
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"The first Canadarm was delivered to NASA in April 1981. Astronaut Judith Resnik developed the NASA software and onboard operating procedures for the system. In all, five arms – Nos. 201, 202, 301, 302, and 303 – were built and delivered to NASA. Arm 302 was lost in the Challenger accident."
source, source, source, source
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
A group of leading scientists at the UK’s prestigious Imperial College of London has dropped a bombshell study confirming that ivermectin has been proven to treat certain forms of epilepsy.
Existing retrospective cohort studies, measured in 1991–1993 in the western African nation of Cameroon, uncovered an association between Onchocerca volvulus microfilariae load in childhood.
A follow-up study in 2017 also uncovered a risk of developing epilepsy later in life.
The current study, published in the peer-reviewed Nature Journal, was led by Professors Jacob Stapley and Maria-Gloria Basáñez at the Imperial College of London.
The research team analyzed children aged 3–15 years for Simulium damnosum sensu lato-transmitted onchocerciasis.
They used high-tech EPIONCHO-IBM simulation models to simulate 19 years (1998–2017) of annual ivermectin mass drug administration (MDA) reflecting coverage in the study area, while also modeling epilepsy prevalence and incidence.
Scenario-based simulations of 25 years of (annual and biannual) MDA in hyper- and holoendemic settings, with 65% and 80% therapeutic coverage, were also conducted.
Using the stochastic transmission model, EPIONCHO-IBM, the scientists predicted 7.6% epilepsy prevalence (compared to 8.2% in the Cameroon study) and an incidence of 317 cases/100,000 person-years (compared to 350).
Onchocerciasis also known as river blindness, is a parasitic disease caused by the microscopic worm Onchocerca volvulus.
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Ortega. The Yuma lookalike
First post test. Just because.
You guys ever noticed how Ortega in Pokémon Scarlet and violet looks exactly like Yuma from MDA: Raincode?
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I've always wanted to point that out because I find it hilarious.
• BOTH are males
• BOTH have purple eyes
• BOTH have a short physical build
• BOTH have pink hair styled in a bowl cut
Either way I freaking adore them both! 🩷💜
Ortega is Fairy Type Yuma while Yuma is Ghost type Ortega.
Yuma is kindhearted with a strong sense of justice while Ortega is competitive, bratty and short tempered while hiding real feelings behind the insults he throws at people.
Just some things about me:
By the way this is my first ever Tumblr post. I'm a new guy so I'm the newbie dumbass. I'm a massive fan of MDA Raincode, Danganronpa, Monster Hunter alongside other video games. I actually research multiple video games and really look into any new characters that catch my interest.
Usually I've been in the dark because I don't use many forms of social media (I was raised strictly so I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone online until I was 19 in 2019) so yeah... I'm an internet hermit. I first had a taste of online socialising when I created a YouTube account to talk in the Super Smash Bros Ultimate streams I was taking part in. Then from there I joined Discord just so that I could remain in contact with my friends I made there. However after years of struggling with fitting into online communities I've had no choice but to back away from people due to my health. Having social anxiety really doesn't help, plus I'm autistic so I really struggle with a lot of basic things people can do easily. (For example instructions have to be simplified for me so that I can understand them step by step).
I'm a gamer who loves multiple video games but always struggles with talking about my passions wherever I go. People find me annoying, see me as a spammer (especially as I love posting memes I find on the internet just to spread joy and try to make people laugh) and ban me from community servers because I'm too emotional (when I feel low I have a bad habit of venting just so someone can show some kind of support, as I don't talk to anyone in reality. Unfortunately there's a lot of people who can't stand people like me, since my depression is triggering for them, so they throw me out, never speaking to me again.
This of course made me feel worse about myself and I've been isolating myself. Due to my lack of socialising (I've always had problems with making friends) I find peace with the characters I fall in love with in video game. Mostly because I can relate to them. I believe that everyone has their mains. Their number one character(s) they love the most. That's the main reason why I love the games I play.
I'm going to give Tumblr a go. I know that people often use this place for fanart however, I'm a really terrible artist so I won't post any of mine. Also I'm extremely reluctant in showing off any random fanart I find online because I learnt the hard way that it's extremely rude to just post other people's art without crediting them. I'm deeply sorry.... I didn't get a manual of online art posting etiquette so I was completely clueless and I'm permanently ashamed of it. It was because I was so used to copying and pasting any nice pictures I saw online onto my private discord server. So I wasn't used to big communities (an example of my dumb brain however it's wired differently and I take things literally so I'm just not going to post any fanart whatsoever in public) yes.. I am terrified of being told off, and it's got only worse after getting banned from four discord video game communities. I'm also an ex mod so I can tell whenever a server mod is more into status than actually caring for the community.
I'm sick of explaining everything about myself as a human being who just happened to be born a little bit different than most people who spend their whole lives on social media. I'm sensitive, outspoken and I just want a place in the gaming community who will just accept people like me. I'm the kind of person who speaks their mind and when upset or angry I tend to say nasty things at people but I immediately regret it.
At least here i can just post random crap that's on my mind. About my favourite video games and characters while people can choose whether they want to hang out or not.
I'm a kind hearted person who looks out for everyone. I allow people to vent if ever they feel sad or alone. I hate to see people get hurt and I'd love to see them get well ❤️‍🩹. I will never push anyone away just because they are being too "triggering" while I understand that these things can upset other people it still doesn't make it right to criminalise the person who is in need of support from other humans. Treat others how you'd want to be treated. Yes I do talk about deep topics if I must, I am into horror game lore after all so I've heard it all. However hopefully I'll warn everyone if something I'm about to talk about is too dark.
I'm going to say this as well. I apologise if I type too much. Because of the way I am I go into as much detail about pretty much everything as possible. Yes, I've had nasty comments about it.
I DO make videos on YouTube but at the moment I've shut myself down from it. Hopefully if I feel better I'll open it up again.
Anyway I'm glad to get most of that personal shit out of the way just so that you have an understanding of what to expect from me, I'm certainly not mainstreamer. For the most part I'm just a geek for multiple video games.
P.S I suck with hashtags by the way.
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Discovery of new ice may change our understanding of water
Researchers at UCL and the University of Cambridge have discovered a new type of ice that more closely resembles liquid water than any other known ices and that may rewrite our understanding of water and its many anomalies.
The newly discovered ice is amorphous—that is, its molecules are in a disorganized form, not neatly ordered as they are in ordinary, crystalline ice. Amorphous ice, although rare on Earth, is the main type of ice found in space. That is because in the colder environment of space, ice does not have enough thermal energy to form crystals.
For the study, published in the journal Science, the research team used a process called ball milling, vigorously shaking ordinary ice together with steel balls in a jar cooled to -200 degrees Celsius.
They found that, rather than ending up with small bits of ordinary ice, the process yielded a novel amorphous form of ice that, unlike all other known ices, had the same density as liquid water and whose state resembled water in solid form. They named the new ice "medium-density amorphous ice" (MDA).
Read more.
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shiken-x · 5 months
 2.Robin Hunicke,Marc LeBlanc,Robert Zubek,“MDA: A Formal Approach to Game Design and Game Research”,2004.
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medu-nefer · 1 year
I am Bored Out Of My Mind™ so I'm sharing what's probably going to kill me today ✨
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Here's my laminar chamber, where I've spent most of my days since December of 2022.
I'm currently harvesting trying to harvest my MDA cells for my research (for my master's thesis) and my trypsin is not working and they're not coming off the wells ✨
It's been almost 2 hours and I doubt they're gonna be viable for flow cytometry tomorrow, as trypsin-steeped as they are.
I had a test in the morning so I skipped breakfast in order to get to the lab on time. I didn't drink coffee. The laminar's noise is starting to give me a headache. The cat sticker represents my state of mind, but if we wait long enough, perhaps my body too?
I know nobody cares but I will update - to preserve my sanity by taking breaks from trying to coax the cells out of their wells by a combination of tapping the plastic, murmuring encouraging words and crying softly.
P.S. If you ever hear it's a good idea to work on cells for your graduate work, no you didn't.
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andreyakate · 1 year
Visiting exhibits is one of my favorite activities. I thoroughly enjoy admiring beautiful and intriguing works created by different artists. During my Grade 11 journey, I had the wonderful opportunity to immerse myself in this experience. Although I couldn't explore the continuation of the exhibit in the library due to my absence at the Jamboree in MDA, I was still amazed by the captivating photographs my friend sent me. Moving on from the unexplored section, I had a fantastic time exploring the works and prototypes of Grade 12 students, particularly the prototype named SunWait. Not only was I impressed by the dedicated effort put forth by the researchers, but I was also fascinated by its functionality. They even let us charge our phones, demonstrating its remarkable effectiveness. Additionally, I was captivated by St. Joan of Arc's classroom, where they showcased their meticulous design work and created a unique theme. Overall, I found their creations truly inspiring and awe-inspiring. Moreover, I learned a great deal from them, knowledge that I am eager to apply in my own life and during my upcoming senior year.
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loganberrryjam · 1 year
Happy Disability Pride Month!
I have Spinal Muscular Atrophy, or SMA, which is a genetic neuromuscular disability that means I lack the survival motor neuron, or SMN gene. Think about how people build muscle by working them out. My muscles are dumb and don’t do that so I basically have the strength of a toddler. I can’t hold my own weight because of this, so I use a wheelchair to get around. SMA doesn’t affect brain development, though, so I’m just like everyone else!
If you want to help out, visit the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA).
Fun fact: 1 in every 40-60 people are carriers for SMA, and about 1 in every 6,000-10,000 children are born with SMA.
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Minnesota Department of Agriculture Opens Applications for Sustainable Agriculture Grants
Key Takeaways: The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is accepting applications for the AGRI Sustainable Agriculture Demonstration Grant. The grant supports innovative, sustainability-focused research and demonstration projects on Minnesota farms. Eligible applicants include Minnesota farmers, agricultural cooperatives, educational institutions, nonprofits, tribal governments, and local…
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northiowatoday · 20 days
Mason City fire fighters raise $14,062.04 during 2024 Fill the Boot Campaign
MASON CITY, Iowa, September 4, 2024— During the 2024 Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) Fill the Boot campaign, the members of the Mason City Firefighters Local 41 took to the streets and continued a 70-year tradition of raising funds to support MDA’s mission to accelerate research, advance care, and advocate for the support of families living with muscular dystrophy, ALS, and related…
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mdatraining · 1 month
5 Strategies to Attract and Retain Top Talent in 2024
In today's hyper-competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent has become more challenging than ever. With the ongoing evolution of workplace dynamics and employee expectations, companies need to adapt their strategies to remain competitive. Here are five key strategies to attract and retain top talent in 2024:
Emphasise Company Culture and Values:
In 2024, employees are increasingly prioritising workplace culture and values. Companies that foster a positive and inclusive culture, where employees feel valued and supported, are more likely to attract top talent. Highlight your company's values, mission, and commitment to diversity and inclusion in your employer branding efforts.
Offer Flexibility and Remote Work Options:
The events of the past few years have reshaped the way we work, with remote and hybrid work becoming the new norm. Offering flexibility in work hours and the option to work remotely can be a significant draw for top talent. Embrace technology that enables seamless collaboration and communication among remote teams.
Invest in Learning and Development:
Top talent is always looking for opportunities to grow and develop their skills. Companies that invest in employee training and development demonstrate a commitment to their employees' long-term success. Offer mentorship programs, access to online courses, and opportunities for career advancement to keep your employees engaged and motivated.
Prioritise Work-Life Balance:
In 2024, employees are placing a greater emphasis on achieving a healthy work-life balance. Encourage employees to take regular breaks, limit overtime, and offer wellness programs to support their physical and mental well-being. Flexible scheduling and generous vacation policies can also help employees achieve a better balance between their professional and personal lives.
Offer Competitive Compensation and Benefits:
While company culture and work-life balance are essential factors in attracting and retaining top talent, competitive compensation and benefits remain crucial. Conduct regular market research to ensure that your salary and benefits packages are competitive within your industry. Consider offering additional perks such as stock options, bonuses, and wellness benefits to sweeten the deal.
Incorporating these strategies into your talent acquisition and retention efforts can help you attract and retain top talent in 2024 and beyond. However, navigating the complexities of talent management requires expertise and resources. This is where MDA Training can help.
MDA Training is a leading provider of professional development and training solutions designed to help companies optimise their talent management strategies. Our comprehensive range of courses covers leadership development, communication skills, diversity and inclusion, and much more. By partnering with MDA Training, you can access cutting-edge training programs tailored to your organisation's specific needs, helping you attract, develop, and retain top talent in today's competitive marketplace.
To learn more about how MDA Training can support your talent management initiatives, visit our website or contact us today. Together, we can unlock the full potential of your workforce and drive sustainable growth and success for your organisation.
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nawapon17 · 3 months
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plotsforsaleinmysore · 4 months
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Residential Plot in Mysore
Residential Plot in Mysore, the enchanting city of palaces and gardens, beckons many with its rich history, vibrant culture, and tranquil atmosphere. It’s no surprise that owning a piece of Mysore and building your dream home here is a common aspiration. If you’re considering buying a residential plot in Mysore, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and steps to navigate the process smoothly.
Why Invest in a Residential Plot in Mysore?
Here are some compelling reasons to consider Mysore for your Residential Plot in Mysore investment:
Flourishing City: Mysore is experiencing steady growth in various sectors, making it a promising place to settle down.
Excellent Infrastructure: The city boasts well-developed infrastructure, including good roads, reliable connectivity, and access to essential utilities.
Educational Hub: Mysore is home to esteemed academic institutions, making it ideal for families with school-going children.
Rich Cultural Heritage: Immerse yourself in the city’s vibrant culture, which includes its magnificent palaces, historical sites, and traditional art forms.
Pleasant Climate: Mysore enjoys a salubrious climate most of the year, offering a welcome respite from harsh weather conditions.
When is the Right Time to Buy?
While Mysore’s real estate market is generally stable, fluctuations exist. Here are some factors to consider when deciding the best time to buy:
Market Trends: Research market trends to understand current pricing and potential future developments. Look for periods of stability or slight dips before a potential upswing.
Locality-Specific Factors: Localities might experience faster development or infrastructure upgrades, leading to price appreciation. Stay updated on local projects that could influence your decision.
Personal Needs: Are you looking for a plot for immediate construction or as a long-term investment? Your urgency and budget flexibility will be affected.
Essential Steps to Buying a Residential Plot in Mysore
Define Your Needs and Budget:
Plot Size: Determine your desired plot size based on your intended house design and family needs.
Location: Consider proximity to schools, hospitals, workplaces, and desired amenities — research different localities to understand their unique offerings and price points.
Budget: Factor in the plot cost, registration charges, legal fees, potential development costs, and buffer for unforeseen expenses. Residential Plot in Mysore.
Meticulous Research:
Locality Exploration: Visit your shortlisted localities, talk to residents, and assess the overall vibe, accessibility, and future development prospects.
Property Verification: Ensure the property has a clear title deed free from legal disputes. Verify approvals from relevant authorities, such as the Mysore Development Authority (MDA).
Market Research: Research prevailing plot prices in your chosen locality and compare prices offered by different developers and brokers.
Seek Expert Help:
Real Estate Agent: A reputable real estate agent can help you find suitable plots, negotiate deals, and navigate legalities.
Lawyer: Consult a real estate lawyer to ensure proper documentation, title verification, and agreement drafting.
Negotiation and Finalization:
Negotiate: Once you’ve chosen a plot, negotiate the price based on your research and market trends.
Agreement and Payment: Finalize a sale agreement with the seller, outlining the terms and conditions, payment schedule, and possession details of the Residential Plot in Mysore.
Registration and Possession:
Registration: Register the sale deed with the local sub- registrar’s office to become the legal owner.
Possession: Take legal possession of the Residential Plot in Mysore after completing the registration process.
Additional Tips for a Smooth Purchase:
Clear Title: Insist on a clear and marketable title deed free from encumbrances.
Development Approvals: Verify that the plot has approvals for residential construction from relevant authorities.
Hidden Costs: Be aware of additional costs like stamp duty, registration charges, and development fees.
Future Plans: Consider infrastructure projects or zoning changes affecting your plot’s value.
Long-Term Vision: Are you buying to build and live in or as an investment? Plan your long-term goals for the Residential Plot in Mysore.
Buying a residential plot in Mysore is an exciting step towards building your dream home. You can ensure a smooth and successful purchase by following these steps, conducting thorough research, and seeking professional guidance. Remember, Mysore offers a unique blend of heritage, development, and a comfortable lifestyle. Make an informed decision, and soon, you’ll be on your way to calling this captivating city your home.
For more information, Visit: Residential Plot in Mysore
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