#mda sprites
hopeymchope · 1 year
We need to discuss that one weird-ass dude in Master Detective Archives: Rain Code
Please. Somebody has to talk to me about this minor supporting player in Rain Code.
To avoid even the slightest hint as to when he appears and what he does, let's just call him "The Researcher."
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I know Rui Komatsuzaki has historically liked to sprinkle in a sporadic "this character isn't in the same style as the others" in his works, but this motherfucker right here has taken that trend ONE STEP BEYOND.
Komatsuzaki already gave Rain Code Servan, the weird monk-dude at the church, and those guys at the ramen shop filling taking representing his usual "off-kilter" character designs. But I don't even KNOW what the fuck is going on with the Researcher. This is a style of character who is so completely unlike everything in this game — unlike everything I've ever seen Komatsuzaki draw, really — that I feel there's GOT to be a larger reason for it.
He looks like a caricature of a real-life person to me? Is that a reasonable leap to make? Is this meant to represent somebody who works at Tookyo Games or Spike Chunsoft or something? And if so, WHO?
Obviously, the green heart on his forehead. What the fuck is that about. Why is it there. Why. WHAT. Maybe he's an environmentalist or just really grateful about something. (Nah, it's probably just there to increase this dude's "absolute nonsense" factor.)
The Researcher is the only person we ever meet who's wearing a fez-style hat that's too small for his head. I suppose Martina does wear a hat that's kind of similar, but her hat is actually sized properly. :P I don't know if this is meant to make this guy look more clownish or what, but it's not like they ever play this character for comic relief, so then why... ?
Based on his lapel pin, I guess he likes Astro Boy? Which sent me looking for an Astro Boy character who perhaps was being given homage here... but NOPE! Not even the cartoony proportions of classic Astro Boy contain any character that looks THIS fucking nuts.
I want answers, theories... whatever you can give me. What is up with this guy, and why is he like this??
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forele-mda · 10 days
I'd like to show one Hevart's sprite that will appear in my game.
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I've also drawn the same sprite, but there Hevart is tilted to the left side.
In fact, I did a few more things to improve My dead admirer. I mean, I...
° Coded 6 out of 13 endings
° Drew three Hevart sprites
° Introduced a system for receiving hearts (in other words, a scale of sympathy and trust)
° Started to design the main menu and dialog boxes
° Found several plot holes and got rid of them
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tokoyoto · 2 years
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pixelatedraindrops · 1 year
Yuma from MDA: RAINCODE is definitely my biggest whumpee candidate of choice 🌡️💊
I don't think I've ever messed with any other character this much in my life as a closeted illness whump enthusiast before... X'D
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Just look at him. It's too easy... 😅 (I made all these edits)
Literally every illness whump lover has that one specific male character that they like to mess around with/torment the most. I see a lot of people focus on Voltron, Yuri on Ice, Merlin, LOTR, Marvel, BSD or even Danganronpa. But for me? I think this small amnesiac detective wins. There is just TOO MUCH bait in this game to NOT see him as physically weak and frail. (aka a perfect specimen)
(the game even refers to him as such in chapter 0, hell that one moment of chapter 0 was bait enough for me along with what they said in the final deduction)
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Also also: Rain Code takes place in a city of RAIN.
What's that one glorious bs rule of anime?:
Stay out in the rain too long you get a 100 degree fever the next day or even later in the same day.
Bless Rain Code. And Bless Yuma Kokohead.
I mostly torment him with fevers (bc its my favorite illness category and they look SO GOOD on him 🤒) but I also have sprites of him having a stuffy cold and ones where he's nauseous and post emeto.
The whole illness shebang~
Here's the post. You’re welcome 👌
He's just too much fun I'm sorry 🤷‍♀️
I’m happy I found my prime candidate after all these years…let me have this xD
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kanai-ward-census · 11 months
Regarding your last post of rain code sprites, I found another source for rain code sprites,(credit : @mda-raincode-stuff)
Finally... my baby boy.... I can have all his cute sprites
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pixie-mika · 10 months
Blog Post 9: Course Reflection
Mikaela Dorch Professor Morgan Art 108 Section 1 December 12, 2023
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After completing Art 108, I learned to appreciate and value all gaming genre development more. I used to play a lot of board and video games when I was a kid, but slowly decreased that pastime over the years as I grew up. In my past perspective, I thought that video games were a huge distraction to my daily life as I entered my young adult years. However, in this course I learned how important, therapeutic, and impactful all games can be as a medium for entertainment, education, and art. I never knew before how complex and deep game development and design can go in terms for MDA. Discussions between mechanics, dynamics, and aesthetics in games are the most intriguing to me because of its connective factors across several games in the industry.
My favorite part about the class was playing and designing games. As a digital media artist, one of my favorite lectures was the last one that discussed conceptual art in games, and the reference to Marcel Duchamp's fountain piece that revolutionized and expanded the meaning of art. I really pay more attention now to how sprites and game art is created and utilized in programming. Recently, I went to The MADE (The Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment) in Oakland, CA, and I got to play Pong, Pac Man, and other games on their original consoles. It was really fun learning and playing along archival games, while taking inspiration from those games' art to the final game I made with my partner (called the Labyrinth of Shadows). Moreover, my experience at The MADE changed my perspective on video games to a more positive outlook, and I hope more people in society can view games in a brighter light for beneficial purposes.
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droqen · 6 years
I put a small game online just to test out the stability of my small mmo engine. Not really a game, tbh - more of a tech demo with game-like aspirations.
I forgot to credit Arachne for the sprites I used! They’re lovely tiny sprites. I don’t really know how to attribute properly, but I found them -- the “8-color roguelike assets” -- here: https://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=14166.0
Anyway. I’m going to make a very, very short blog post now.
I started with very small screens (next image is actually just a mockup), trying to get a feeling of players travelling across a large space:
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The world felt too empty? Like, one room was interesting, but travelling from one to the next was too quick, easy, frictionless. Each room was the same.
I thought I’d play with larger rooms. I went as large as 25x25, but this size (15x15 with 1-tile border) stuck for practical purposes:
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It was bigger, to be sure. But it still wasn’t interesting. And although I know it’s a very bare-bones prototype/tech demo/kinda thing, it's helping me a lot to step back and reconsider my original feelings-based goal (MDA’s Aesthetics, if you like) to see exactly what I was even falling short of.
It still didn’t feel like travelling across a large space, not in the way I’d envisioned. It felt like traversing a lot of small, undifferentiated rooms. In particular, I experienced the exact same loop of “randomly wandering in cardinal directions and getting a bit lost” (Definitely a Dynamic)
Anyway. Just making the rooms bigger was my initial attempt, and after playing around I realized it’s not the solution to this problem. Having bigger rooms may be nice for solving other problems, but I’ve still got this one:
The world is flat and boring to explore.
I’m working on it :P
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helsinb-blog · 5 years
Game Design Document
This is the final game design document for Team Bullet Time. In this document we will be discussing the features and selling points of our game, Slowdown Showdown.
Slowdown Showdown is an exhilarating 2D shooter from the team of Nathan and Brandon. Featuring a prominent time manipulation mechanic, Slow Down Showdown combines bullet hell action with strategic movement. There are currently no shooting games featuring a 2D wild west setting and time manipulation.
MDA Breakdown:
Our main game mechanic is linking the players movement to the speed of the game. When the player is not moving the game time slows down. When the player moves, the time returns to normal. The player is able to move and shoot.
As the players learn the game and their grasp of the mechanics, the enemies will become more difficult, to ensure that the game doesn't become too difficult or too boring.
Our main Aesthetic is challenge. Our entire game’s design is based on giving the player a challenge. Another aesthetic featured in our game is fantasy. The player takes control of a character in a fantasy wild west setting.
Key Features:
Three playable levels
Working time slowing mechanic
Health bars for character and enemies
Cutscenes to relay the story
Boss level with unique boss enemy
Almost 200 events and nearly 50 hand-made sprites
2.5D western shooter combining bullet hell mechanics and time manipulation
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Unnamed playable character. Wields a six shot revolver.
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The protagonist’s old partner. He took your prize, left you for dead, and took control of the town.
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These are all the minions of your old partner. They are the main enemy seen in each level.
Story Progression:
The player will advance through three levels in different regions. The difficulty will increase with each level and a new gatling gun enemy is shown in the second level. The boss level is at end of the game, where the player must face off against a difficult boss which will test how well the player has mastered the game’s mechanics.
Future Work Plans:
Our plans for the future would to be add more interaction between the player and the world, as well as make more diverse level designs. We also had some plans that were not acted on for more enemy types due to time constraints, such as a train or men on horses.
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psychoactive vault
bowls of dank, until I got a mild buzz. 
It's 11am 
11am I make my sizzurp roughly 3oz 
some prescription purp, and me and my Styrofoam cup 
smoke a purple red (red 100 with lean on it)  talking very slow the last one to the entrance, because I was walking slow
so no more concept of time. 
they all left me behind. 
ren-fair leanin gas tank on 'E'. 
'yeah... Everything's... Great, just wonder-full 8D'
another oz or 2 with a sprite
Dark like 5-8pm.  
I knew what MDMA was but he said I should take MDA
bombard my substance little blue pill and I try to bribe my now passed out friends go hang out with the neighbors. By midnight I feel it, vibrant campsite. teeth chattering mild shaking
door zipper grasp on reality, fire circle. jack black is a cartoon. 
light is shooting everywhere
deserted ember, fuck it must have bin a 5min urination
My friends were all dead 
I was smitten.
PS. I had a great time. 
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