#me getting ready to THROW HANDS at jen
vioartemis · 10 months
Mrs Ortega
(Jenna Ortega x fem! reader)
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Summary: Wednesday made Jenna famous, and put in danger your relationship Warnings: angst :)) (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
You had known Jenna since forever, as you were neighbors back in the days. Naturally you became friends, and eventually started dating in 2020. You spent most of the pandemic together, as no one could really work at the time, and after that you tried to accompany her as much as possible on her shootings.
She had tried to convince you not to, aware that it was a huge sacrifice you were making for her, but you didn’t listen. You took online classes while she was working, and when she came back, you would spend the night together.
Your girlfriend had been busy with the shooting of Wednesday for the past few months. You had traveled to Romania with her and befriended her castmates.
The series was about to have its premiere, and Jenna wanted you to accompany her to the event. And of course you said yes, because how could you deny her?
“How do I look?” she asked, stepping out of the bathroom
“Stunning, as always” you replied with a bright smile, looking her up and down
You took her hands in yours, pulling her a bit closer, and pressing your lips on hers in a tender kiss.
“You rock that look Jen, seriously” you smiled “The black dress and veil… everything is perfect”
“Yeah? Well I hope one day I will wear it in white with you waiting for me down the aisle” she said with a little smirk
You felt your cheeks burn at the thought.
“A-are you talking about… getting married?”
She nodded with a smile.
“I know you’re the one, Y/n. You’re my soulmate, I’m sure of that. Don’t you want to become Mrs Ortega?”
“Y-yeah I-I mean- of course! I’d love to marry you” you kissed her softly “I just wasn’t expecting you to talk about that right now”
“So it’s a yes?”
“Of course it is”
The series had been released a month ago, and it was a success. Wednesday’s popularity was worldwide, and so was Jenna’s. She wasn’t unknown before that, but now she really was famous.
You were happy for her, seeing her career take a new turn like that, but you had to admit she was acting weird lately. You tried to talk about it, but every time she assured you she was fine. You ended up thinking she was just getting used to be super popular.
Jenna had finished her day and you were waiting for her, swimming in the hotel’s pool. She texted you a few minutes ago, telling you she would be here soon but that her agent wanted to talk to her first.
You wondered what her agent could be telling her, imagining different scenarios, before your attention was caught by footsteps coming towards you.
You swam in her direction, a big smile on your face, as she sat on the edge of the pool, legs in the water. You put your hands on the ground, ‘trapping’ her between your arms, and lifted yourself up to kiss her lips.
She kissed back, but you could feel something was off.
“What’s wrong?” you asked softly, back in the water
Jenna wasn’t looking at you, but you could see on her face that she was not okay.
“Jen, you can talk to me… I’m here, I’ll always-”
“Y/n.” she cut you off “I- I’m sorry I… We can’t continue…”
“What…?” you frowned, completely lost
She took a deep breath.
“My agent… He told me that being with a… a ‘nobody’ wasn’t good for my career, now that I start to be more famous…”
You couldn’t believe your ears. The words were stuck in your throat; it took you a minute to be able to say something.
“Are you serious…? Y-you’re ready to throw everything away because your agent told you it wasn’t good for you career?”
“But nobody cares who you’re in a relationship with…!” your voice broke as you tried to hold back a cry “Jenna please… Y-you can’t do that… I- you’re everything to me, I can’t lose you… I-if it’s really a problem w-we can see each other in secret or… or…”
Your eyes were filled with tears, and it was taking you all your strength not to break down in front of her.
“W-we can’t, the paparazzi would find out eventually… I’m sorry, I didn’t think it would end this way… I- I love you so much… But I have to…”
You could hear that she didn’t want to do it either.
“Jen please… There has to be another way… I… We were talking about getting married and… and now we would just stop like that…? No, please… I-I’ll do anything…”
She finally looked at you. You saw the tears in her eyes, the look on her face, the way her bottom lip shivered. You knew nothing you would say would change anything.
“I’m sorry…” she whispered
The ache in your throat only grew stronger, preventing you from speaking.
Jenna stood up, and gave you one last look before walking away, leaving you alone in the pool with your broken heart, tears flooding down your cheeks.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
A few months had passed since the forced breakup, and you were still not doing okay. You felt empty, as if a part of you left with her that day.
And the pain… The pain never left. Sometimes it was so high you felt like you would throw up on the spot. Seeing her happy during interviews or events, or even on TikTok or Pinterest felt like a stab to the heart.
You honestly didn’t know how you were going to live without her. She was the love of your life, your soulmate…
Sometimes you wished she never became famous. Then you felt guilty for thinking about that. But again, if she never became famous you would still be together. Happy.
Your phone rang. It was your best friend, worried, as always since it happened. You picked up with no energy.
“Hey… how are you feeling?”
“… I don’t wanna talk right now…”
“Okay um… Do you want me to come over? We can play some games or-”
“I just wanna watch TV…”
You could ear her sigh on the phone.
“I understand what you’re feeling but… staying alone isn’t going to help you… I’m always here if you need me, call me when you feel like talking”
With that, she hung up.
You put your phone down, turning your attention back on the TV. You were changing the channels, trying to find something you actually wanted to see, when you saw her.
A part of you wanted to change the channel. The other told you to stay. To stay, and try to see if she showed any sign of missing you. Of being sad. Of anything that could prove she cared about you and regretted breaking up.
She was beautiful, as always. She was being interviewed by a random journalist, a smile on her face. The same smile that sent butterflies in your stomach every time you saw it. The same smile that made you fall in love with her all over again. The same smile that was hurting you so badly at the moment.
You couldn’t help but have flashbacks of the moments you spent together; your first dates, first kiss, nights cuddling comfortably, laughs at the stupidest things possible, playful fights while playing video games, discussions about eventually getting married… and when she told you it had to end.
You didn’t realize you were crying until your eyes started to hurt. You didn’t even bother whipping your tears away.
“… I should’ve stayed in the pool and drowned so I didn’t have to watch you leave…”
You thought you would never be happy again. It just hurt too much.
If she looked happy on screen, as soon as she was alone and away from the cameras, Jenna let her mask fall. She was as devastated as you if not more, knowing that she was the one to hurt you.
She never wanted that. All she wanted was to be with you.
She really meant it when she said she wanted to marry you. But her agent and her family put so much pressure on her, to do anything for her career, that she had to leave the most important person in her life.
She thought about you all the time. She even tried to message you multiple times. But she never seemed to find the right way to do so.
“I don’t know where you are right now…”
That sounded weird.
“Did you see me on TV?”
That sounded pretentious, and made it look like she didn’t care about what happened.
“I try not to hate myself just because you’re mad at me��”
That sounded like she was trying to make herself the only victim in the situation.
But she did hate herself. She fucked everything up.
It was destroying her from the inside, taking all her energy. She just wanted to sleep with you in her arms, like you used to.
She wanted everything back. Your laugh, your smile, your voice, your shitty jokes, your kisses, your hugs… You.
She wasn’t happy without you.
She found no pleasure in anything, no joy in things that used to make her happy. Her favorite food didn’t taste good anymore, her favorite song didn’t sound good anymore…
Sometimes she wondered what would have happened if she hadn’t broken up with you. Maybe you would be married by now. She could call you her wife. You would be happy together.
These thoughts only hurt her more and made her feel like more of an asshole than she already felt.
She just wished she could go back in time and tell you that even if everyone was telling her to leave you and think of her career, she was choosing you. Tell you how much you meant to her. How you made her life better. How she couldn’t be happy without you.
But she couldn’t. And she would forever regret what she did that day.
a/n: this was highly inspired by that TikTok :))
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jo-harrington · 7 months
Longevity (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Longevity (noun) - continuance; durability; permanence
Previous Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.06
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. (For now.) Fluff, a little angst, discussions of the future, vignettes/time jumps, smut, HEA.
Note: Alright here it is, and it is a HONKING CHAPTER. But how could I break it up into pieces when it's The End? I'm tucking my little babies into the dollhouse and closing it up so they can live on the rest of their lives. To Eddie and Store Manager, I love you both dearly and you were the thing that brought me back to writing and into a wonderful community of writers and readers. To everyone reading, thank you so much for your endless support. You will never know how much it's appreciated.
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other writing. Seriously, go read it.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
April 1986
"Ope, if it isn't the man of the hour, Mr. Edward G. Robinson himself. We were just talking about you."
That was the greeting that found Eddie as he walked into Claire's after school on a lovely Thursday afternoon, ready to share some good news before his closing shift.
Great news, actually, if he was being honest. Life-changing news that he was sure would earn him a ton of kisses that he'd been craving after a long week of assignments and standardized tests.
Imagine his surprise then, that instead of finding you and Mindy behind the counter, chatting after a supposed "big visit" you'd told him that you had today, you still had company.
He skidded to a halt at the sight. Your guest smiled up at him with her hands on her hips.
Short in stature, blonde hair in pristine victory rolls, bold makeup that consisted of layers of glittery eyeshadow, and wrists adorned with stacks of multicolored scrunchies.
"It's nice to see you again Jen," he greeted your old Store Manager.
He'd only met her in person once, but had heard countless fond and semi-unbelievable stories about her from you--and apparently she'd heard the same about him, having greeted him with a bone-crushing hug the first time they met—so there was a familiarity and fondness there that they both indulged.
"What are you doing here?" he asked casually and crossed the distance to throw an arm over your shoulder and press a kiss to your temple. "I thought you said that you wouldn't be caught dead in Indiana."
You, Mindy, and Jen all broke out in a fit of giggles and Eddie felt a sudden sense of instinctual dread.
"Well then get ready to start planning my funeral kid," Jen announced. "Because you're about to start seeing a lot more of me."
"Jen just got promoted," you interjected finally.
"Oh yeah?"
"To District Manager. So she's gonna be my boss. Again."
"Oh, shi--shoot," Eddie felt like he'd been doused with cold water at the revelation. He peeled his arm from around your shoulder and took a wide step to put distance between the two of you. "That's...wow. Congratulations."
He'd been through a handful of DM visits at TapeWorld, never on his own, always under Kyle's cool guidance; however, he'd come to realize that the stiff authority figure of his District Manager Jeff was something to be feared.
So even though he was excited for Jen--your friend--on her promotion, the sudden realization that Jen--your boss--was standing here watching him make an idiot out of himself and possibly put your job at risk...
"Oh my god," Jen broke down in a fit of laughter. "Look at him, he's about to shit himself. Take a chill pill Ed, Jesus. I’m not gonna be a hardass until next week. If that.”
Once everyone had their fill of laughter, and Jen promised that she wasn't going to hold your relationship over your head--
"So long as you're not in here interfering with the business or making out on the sales floor or something."
--Eddie pulled you to the side and finally revealed his big news.
"So," he began excitedly. "It, uh, looks like I'm on the road to graduation. Like really graduating. Not just 'if I don't fuck it up in the home stretch' this time. I'm actually gonna graduate."
"Oh my god," you grabbed him by his jacket and shook him as joy bubbled in his chest from your reaction. "Eddie that's amazing!"
You asked him a few questions and your eyes sparkled proudly as he recounted his talk with his guidance counselor, and he couldn't help the smile that stayed on his face the entire time. Especially when you let out a shriek of joy and jumped around.
"We need to go and celebrate!" you insisted.
"I mean," he suddenly got bashful. "I haven't graduated yet."
"Still, it's big. You worked so hard." You looked back over at Jen and Mindy who were talking at the cash wrap. "I know you're closing tonight but I'm taking Jen out for drinks a little later. When you get out of work, meet us at the Hideaway. I'll get you the Wayne and a beer. And then afterwards, uh...if you wanna come back to my place? Like...actually celebrate?”
He grinned and nodded eagerly; you'd taken the words right out of his mouth.
His shift had gone by quickly and he’d joined you and Jen at the Hideaway with Kyle in tow. Kyle who was not only proud of Eddie and wanted to treat him to a beer for his efforts, but also intrigued at the possibility of schmoozing a pretty new face in town.
“Sometimes,” he announced with a flourish when he returned to StarCourt right before store close, dressed in the nicest clothes Eddie had ever seen him wear. “You need to take a chance. How many times did I tell you that kid? You miss all the chances you don’t take. That’s why it took you so long to get a girlfriend.”
Jen, unfortunately, laughed right in Kyle’s face when he kissed her hand upon introduction.
“I’m engaged, Romeo,” she informed him. “Sorry.”
“I don’t see a ring. You can let me down Jenny. Tell me the truth, I won’t be hurt.”
“You’re sweet. But it’s the truth. I just don’t wear the ring to work.”
“Alright, alright,” He sighed, then got a sly look. “Any chance you have a sister? Or a brother? I’m an equal opportunity man looking for true love.”
The night was filled with hearty food, rounds of beer, fantastical stories of retail hell and 4th Quarters past, and accomplishments on everyone’s part.
Kyle bragged about a new car he had just put a down payment on.
Your store had hit some Diamond Earring milestone that only you and Jen seemed to understand but the excitement was contagious.
Eddie got a round of applause from the table when you urged him to announce his big news to everyone.
Honestly he couldn’t care about Kyle or Jen’s reaction, it was seeing you look at him with all the pride and affection in the world that he basked in. He couldn’t wait for the actual graduation ceremony, for you to be front and center with Wayne and Rick and all of his friends. There to witness his hard work come to fruition…and for him to flip Principal Higgins off.
And then Jen stood up and announced her own accomplishment right before last call.
“So,” she cleared her throat and held up her glass and pulled something out of her coat. “I know I already celebrated back home and I don’t really know either of you, Kyle and Ed, but I know my little protégée here would be happy for me.
”Alongside my wonderful and well-earned promotion to DM, I also received my Longevity pin.”
She opened a little velvet jewelry box and showed off a tiny glittering purple pin with a tiny little diamond chip in place of the dot of the “I” in Claire’s.
“Ten long years,” Jen announced after a swig of her beer, “with the Purple Glitter Factory. And all I have to show for it is a pin, a little more money, and a lot more responsibility. God. Growing up sucks. But I’m very proud. And you’re next kid.”
She laid a hand on your head and you waved her off with visible embarrassment then disappeared to go and close out your tabs.
Later that night as you and Eddie settled into bed to sleep after some celebratory activities, Eddie laid awake and stared at the ceiling. Thinking.
“What are your plans for the future?” He asked after a beat.
“Uh,” you shifted your head on his shoulder so you could look at him. “Is this because of all of Jen’s talk of careers and stuff?”
“Yeah. And graduation. And all of that stuff. So? What do you wanna do…where do you wanna be…when you’re older?”
“God, I dunno. I got my associates in business because I was hoping it would help me get my own store. And I did. It also was so boring, I don’t want to go back to school. I guess the next thing is…actually take a vacation day now that I’m earning them. What about you?”
“Music legend,” he answered immediately.
“Uh huh.”
“Guess that’s gonna take some work though, huh?”
“No shit.” You rolled your eyes and then sighed as you settled against him once again. “There’s a reason you asked, Ed. What’s going on in that big head of yours?”
He ran his tongue along the seam of his lips repeatedly as he considered…everything that was laid out in front of him.
Corroded Coffin.
Tape World.
What about Hellfire? Damn, he knew Dustin and Will were the future of the club but…a few years down the line. What about next year? He was gonna have to pass the torch to Gare or Dave after he left. They weren’t ready yet.
And what was he gonna do after school was over? Could he see himself taking a class at TCCC? Maybe. Jeff had been showing him the Catalog at lunch the other day. There was a Creative Writing course that looked cool.
10 years.
That was half his life away. Impossible to imagine. Would there be flying cars by then? Space travel? He could enlist in Starfleet, meet Captain Kirk. Ok maybe that last one was stupid.
"10 years,” Eddie whispered into the top of your head as he rid himself of the fantastical thoughts. “That’s an awful long time.”
“Well it’s a good thing we have all that time to figure it out.”
“Yeah. Yeah we do.”
He could only hope you’d still be there with him. One way or another.
July 1987
The spot lights were blinding and the air thick with humidity; his throat was dry and his fingers ached from how hard he was on the fretboard.
But the crowd was cheering and that’s all that mattered right?
No, what really mattered was the music.
And the band.
That's why he was up here with his friends, demolishing the bridge of The Sentinel, laughing and jumping and barely giving a shit when he missed a note or Jeff’s fingers fumbled or Gareth lost the beat for a second. He didn't even mind that the County Clerk had them censor out the "cuss words" of the songs they'd chosen.
It was exhilarating just to be able to play on an actual stage.
It had taken 2 years but they were finally playing at the Roane County 4th of July Festival. An actual gig. And not the first one they'd played, but certainly the biggest so far. Big enough and successful enough that Eddie expected it to be a standing gig for the foreseeable future.
The Polka Band from Kenosha hadn't gotten nearly half as many people and they were, by far, the most successful act of the night before Corroded Coffin.
There was a sea of friends, neighbors, families, and out-of-towners just below the stage, snacks and drinks in-hand, as they danced and jumped and headbanged to song after song. Rick and Wayne were out at Benny's getting all set up for the next stop on Corroded Coffin's "Independence Day Tour" but you were out there in the crowd with Mindy and her family, singing along and cheering louder than everyone whenever a song ended.
Which was why Eddie didn't hesitate to dedicate the final song of the set to you.
"This next one isn't our usual sound," he spoke into the microphone, words a little muffled as his lips brushed against it. "It's a little slow. Something you can dance to, so gentlemen please grab your ladies, tell them how much you love them. But before we begin...did you all know...it's almost Back to School time."
There was a series of boo's from the crowd.
"Now now, maybe yet not for you all, but definitely for a special someone out there," he shushed them and traded Sweetheart for his mom's old acoustic guitar. He plucked a few notes and then continued. "A special someone...who leaves me all alone every once in a while. Late nights. Lonely nights while I wait by the phone, as she and her team make magic happen and she forgets all about me. See I'm saying all of this because she's about to leave me high and dry this coming Sunday night, so I have to guilt her a little otherwise she won't let me surprise her with hash browns and coffee when she gets out of work.
"Queen of Glitter Kingdom," Eddie squinted and looked around the crowd until he found you standing there holding your hand over Mindy's mouth as she looked like she was about to cry. He pointed right at you. "My life, my world, my cheeseburger. This one's for you."
He and Jeff then began to harmonize their guitars for the opening of Beth.
"You're a shithead, you know that."
"Mmm...but I'm your shithead, sweetheart."
It was late. Wayne, Rick, and the guys had all left. You and Eddie were sitting across from each other in a booth at Benny's, as the last few fair-goers trickled in for a late night snack. Your own dinner sat half-eaten on the table between you--patty melts and an apple pie shake to share--as you talked and laughed and played footsie.
He and the boys needed to rush across town after their set was over so they made it in time for Ben's advertised happy hour, so he hadn't gotten the chance to get an earful or a kiss from you after his little spectacle.
Fortunately, you were giving him hell for it now, and although he was wiped, he gladly accepted your teasing wrath.
"Is Wayne still around?" You turned in your seat and looked at the sparse group of customers. "I'd like to make a return."
"Mmm...well I moved out in January so I think it's after the 90-day return policy," he said matter-of-factly.
"God damn it," you laughed and snapped your fingers. "And I think I lost the receipt too."
"Stuck with me forever," he teased in a sing-song. There was a beat and he straightened up in his seat and drummed a rhythm on the table with his knuckles. "So...I think it went well."
"I think so too," you agreed brightly.
"You know, Jeff found some...Septemberfest thing out in Jasper..."
Your eyes sparkled at Eddie's words, and he felt the flutter of butterflies deep inside of him that always kicked up when you gave him your excitement and encouragement.
“It’s not a competition or anything but there’s a prize for most popular act of the weekend. Audience ballot and everything. I think it would be cool.”
"That's great!" you grinned. "You should go for it."
"But it's Labor Day weekend."
"Paulie's going for a promotion," he shrugged. "Kyle's gonna want us all there in case Jeff comes for a visit."
"And? I didn't know Paulie was planning on opening for Corroded Coffin. What's he playing? The kazoo?" you joked.
"Well no," Eddie shook his head. "But if he leaves...I mean, I'm the best bet for FTASM. I don't want to lose out on that for the future. That'd be...the money would be nice. Can do some repairs on the van. Maybe I'd get my own store someday too."
Your face crumpled--brows furrowed and lips pursed--and you didn't hesitate to shuffle out from your side of the booth and kneel beside him on his. You placed a hand on his forehead for a moment and then tilted his head back and forth.
"Uh, sweetheart," he placed a hand on your waist to steady you as you shuffled closer to pull the back the neck of his t-shirt to look for something. "What are you doing?"
"Trying to see if my Rockstar Eddie Munson action figure is broken," you explained.
"Or at least if I accidentally left him at the fair and picked up a Corporate Shill Eddie action figure instead?"
"What?" he laughed.
"How about Suburban Dad Eddie?" you asked. You straightened your posture, pulled on non-existent suspenders, and lowered your voice comedically. "Gotta prepare for tax season. Cut the grass. Do some repairs on the van."
"Stop," he pulled you down to sit beside him in the booth. "I just...don't wanna take the chance on that when I know the full time position is a sure thing."
"Ed," you shook your head at him. "I know you like Tape World but...promotions always come around, music is your dream."
"I know."
"Why did you tell me about this Septemberfest thing if you were not gonna go through with it anyway?"
"I dunno," he turned away from you and went to grab the shake. "I guess I just wanted to pick the thing...that you'd be most proud of."
"Listen here mister," you grabbed him by the chin and made him look at you, Apple Pie Shake be damned. "I'm always gonna be proud of you and support you in whatever path you want."
He nodded for a second and then stole a kiss from you with a soft "I know, thank you." You let yourself get lost in the feeling for a second, but Eddie knew that you weren't gonna let him distract you from the discussion at hand.
You put a hand on his chest and pushed him away, then stared him directly in the eye.
"So?" you asked. "What kind of future do you want?"
His eyes darted between yours--your gaze hard and challenging but nonetheless filled with hope and affection--and he had his answer.
May 1989
You could feel Eddie fidget in the seat beside you.
"Calm down," you muttered to him.
"Can't help it," he whispered back; you could tell he straightened out his posture, but his knee still bounced. "Too excited."
A name was called over the loudspeaker, then another, then another.
"Eddie seriously," Gareth was the one to give it a shot this time, leaning across you to put a hand on Eddie's knee and get him to stop fidgeting. "You're gonna shit yourself if you don't stop."
"Shit, sorry, this is only like..." he shook his head. "The most important thing I've ever done in my life."
You, Gareth, Jeff, and Dave all shot him skeptical and unamused looks.
"I don't have time to argue right now," he scoffed at the rest of you. "Shut up, here it comes."
"Peter Halliwell...Dustin Henderson..."
All five of you jumped to your feet and cheered and clapped, along with another group a few rows up that consisted of Dustin's mom, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, and their respective partners.
It was a repeat occurrence several times over that afternoon, as you witnessed the Hawkins High Class of '89 cross the stage and receive their diplomas.
"That's my kid," Eddie wiped a fake tear as each of his former Freshman Sheepies were called on stage, but he was especially emotional with Dustin. And when the newest DM of Hellfire flipped Higgins off before running off stage? Eddie stood on his chair and whooped and whistled. “That’s my boy!”
“Sit down Munson,” Higgins spoke into the microphone, over an audience that had become uproarious with laughter.
“It’s tradition now, Higgy,” Eddie shouted, words amplified by the hands he’d cupped around his mouth; still, he jumped down and took his seat so the rest of the ceremony could continue.
“You’re unbelievable,” you giggled at his antics. “You do know that right?”
“I’m unbelievably loveable,” he replied, quickly accompanied by the scoffs and mocking fart noises of his friends. He leaned closer and whispered in your ear. “Unbelievably in love with you.”
“Uh huh.” His tongue snaked out and he licked into your ear obnoxiously. “Fuck off!” You pushed him away from you with a shrieking laugh.
It wasn’t long before that the real reason you were in attendance at the graduation walked across the stage. Because yes, the kids were your friends but you wouldn’t miss this for the world.
“Jane Hopper,” came the announcement and you, once again, got to your feet with a cheer, along with her family and friends in the next aisle of seats. Chief Hopper had his camcorder out and his shoulders visibly shook as he sobbed for his daughter, and you couldn’t help but feel your heartstrings pull.
If Dustin and the boys were Eddie’s little sheepies, you supposed Janey was one of yours. From a shy girl whose ears you’d pierced for the first time in your early days at StarCourt, to one of your die hard regulars who looked up to you over the years trying to emulate your style, to one of your associates when she came in for her first summer job at 16; you’d watched Jane grow and gain confidence and really come into her own.
That was the high point of your career as a Store Manager, and something you happily shared with Eddie: seeing the kids you took under your wing flourish.
“All the birds have flown the coop Mom,” Eddie teased as you sat down and actually wiped a tear from your cheek.
“I think you guys can cut the Mom and Dad bit now,” Jeff said matter-of-factly. “Until you guys have your own kids someday.”
That was something you and Eddie happily shared too.
The two of you looked at each other for a moment…before making the most exaggerated vomiting and gagging noises, unfortunately getting looks from the people around you.
“Pass,” you and Eddie announced in tandem.
After the ceremony was over, Chief Hopper invited everyone to the shared Hopper-Byers abode for a barbecue. And by everyone, it seemed like he literally invited the entire town to the lakeside cabin the family called home.
All of the kids and their friends and families, Benny was somehow there—had he closed the diner for the day? Good, he deserved a day off—a handful of Hop’s coworkers and friends, including Wayne and Rick.
There were hamburgers and beers, conversation and music overlapping one another.
Eddie was in his element though, and it warmed your heart to see him talk and spiel and be accepted by such a big group when, not so long ago, it seemed like he’d been shunned by them. Even now, you could see some hesitation as he stiffly talked with douchebag Callahan and Mike’s asshole dad, but he wasn’t sweating bullets or falling back on the pricklier parts of his personality. He even cracked a smile once or twice.
What would his life had been like if he’d had this all along?
It was silly to think about after you’d been dating for years but…would he have asked you out sooner? Would you even still be together now? You thought about the ways that the kids had grown into their own…but it wasn’t hard to also appreciate how much the two of you had grown side by side as well.
Especially when you considered the next step you were about to embark on together...
“You’re thinking too loud,” Eddie startled you as he snuck up behind you and dangled a fresh beer in your face. You shot him a scathing look but he easily recovered, back into your good graces, as he swooped an arm around your shoulder and pecked a kiss to your temple. “What’s got you all sour?”
“Not sour,” you shrugged and picked at the label on the beer bottle. “Just…I don’t know. Thinking."
"Always a bad idea."
“Well you look like you’re about to tell someone to get fucked so…”
"Maybe I am," you grinned at him cheekily.
"As long as it isn't me." He leaned in closer and lowered his voice. "But you know it gets me going either way."
You slapped the back of your hand against his chest just as a gaggle of voices called your names.
Jane was the first one to run your way from across the yard, with Dustin and Lucas hot on her heels. They were all talking over one another, and Jane especially looked like she was about to burst into tears.
Eddie was the one to try to make sense of them, and he yelled a bellowing "shut up" that got them to stop their barrage.
"You're leaving?" Jane asked, looking directly at you. "Leaving Hawkins?"
"Uh," you paused and looked at Eddie, who held his hands up innocently.
"Gareth's got a big mouth," he reasoned.
"Of course he does," you rolled your eyes and then turned back to the kids. "Uh...yeah we are. At the end of the summer. I’m opening a new store. Again."
"What about you?" Dustin demanded, pointing an accusatory finger at Eddie.
"Where my lady goes, I must follow," he stood tall and held a hand over his heart for a second, chivalrous as ever, before he took a sip of his beer and slumped back into his usual posture. "Besides, Corroded Coffin has a better chance in a bigger city. We're big fish in a small tank in Hawkins. Gonna pack up the van; give Chicago a chance to chew us up and spit us out."
Eddie and the boys bickered back and forth--gathering a small crowd of onlookers the longer it went--about the trip and the plans about where you'd all live and work while you stood there with Jane.
"How could you just leave?" she asked.
"Oh, honey, that's just...how it is," you reassured her. "I get a new assignment, Mindy takes over. And I'll be back to visit. Maybe you and Max will take a drive up for a weekend in the city."
"That'd be fun."
"It isn't goodbye."
"I know," she nodded somberly.
"Besides, you're going off to school in the fall," you reminded her. "You weren't meant to stay at StarCourt Mall forever, and I wouldn't want you too. You have a bright future ahead of you. I know it's scary, but it's all gonna work out. One way or another."
They were the same words that Jen had said to you before you embarked on your big adventure to Hawkins, and you were happy to pass the sentiment along to Jane.
"What about you?" she asked after a minute. "Your future? Are you afraid?"
That was the question, wasn't it? A new adventure, maybe in a more familiar setting but...a new challenge nonetheless. But you looked over at Eddie, who had both Dustin and Gareth in headlocks; his head was thrown back in obnoxious laughter and he gave you a shrug that said "how could I help myself" when he noticed you looking at him.
He was an idiot. But he was your idiot. And he'd be by your side for this next adventure, just like he promised he would be.
"No," you told her honestly. "I'm not afraid at all."
September 1990
"Alright, here's a question?"
"When…is our anniversary?"
"Uhh...Ed..." You let the question hang awkwardly in the air, unasked, but Eddie could read your mind.
The two of you were symbiotic at this point; still, he was happy that you had no idea what he had in mind for the day.
"No hear me out," he took a few steps ahead and turned to walk backwards so he could look at you. "Because I really put some thought into it. If we're going by first dates, it's in January—”
“Like it has been for the past 4 years.”
“—but, if we're going by first kiss..."
"If we're going by first kiss, that was last week," you laughed and rolled your eyes. "So you’re late."
“Yeah,” he agreed wickedly wistfully. “I guess I am.”
Of course you remembered.
The two of you were walking. Exploring, actually, around the cemetery where your Papa enjoyed his eternal rest.
5 years and it was a lot easier now.
You still cried sometimes but the initial guilt was gone and you found enjoyment in spending the day traversing about the sprawling cemetery grounds, visiting this great uncle and that distant cousin, just like you did with Papa when he was still alive.
“Did he make sure he bought flowers for everyone he ever met?” Eddie had asked as you piled bunches and bunches of flowers into his arms at the florist that first visit after Papa passed, when you told Eddie of the tradition. “Aren’t they just gonna die?”
“This is why I don’t like flowers,” you explained. “They die. At least when they die here, the dead can still enjoy them.”
“Well shit, that’s a pretty metal thought baby,” he cooed softly and shuffled the bunches to hold them with some more care. “Can I put that in a song? I’ll dedicate it to you.”
He had and you’d cried when he first sang you the haunting ballad in the privacy of your living room.
Today, though…well you’d already made the rounds today. Only one stop left; the most important stop. Eddie had suggested taking the long way through the mausoleum—down hallways lined with plush red carpet and dated sofas and marble walls filled with the dead—partially for his own curiosity, and partially so he could build up the courage.
You were doing quite a good job distracting him from his nerves as you conversed easily—whatever thoughts popped up in either of your heads—and explained the differences between this Saint and that one as you passed their statues and depictions in stained glass. They all looked at him with serene eyes and he thought that meant this journey would be a successful one.
There would be no crying, if he could help it.
Maybe tears of joy? He could settle for that.
“So what has you thinking of anniversaries?” you finally asked as you sat on the tufted velvet ottoman in front of your grandparents' epitaph.
Eddie shrugged and looked around, absorbing the names and dates inscribed on the marble walls that surrounded him.
“Been a lot of milestones lately. It’s been a couple years since graduation, 5 years since your grandpa passed…” He trailed off for a moment. “Been a year since we moved…since we’ve both been at new stores.”
You gasped and he felt his heart stop in his chest.
“Is…are you thinking of quitting?” You asked with big eyes.
“That new Hot Topical store they’re opening? Or whatever it's called? I saw you chatting with that District Manager in the food court the other day. Are you leaving TapeWorld? Eddie, that’s so exciting. You should…”
“No I’m not quitting,” he announced with finality, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“…nevermind then. Then what’s going on? You thinking of breaking up with me or something?”
“Well I know you’re not proposing; you literally just wrote a song called Marriage is a Death Sentence.”
Your laughter echoed through the mausoleum but you stopped abruptly when Eddie didn’t join you.
He watched your expression change as you processed the thought. And when you looked back at him again he smiled nervously.
“Eddie…” you said hoarsely and then cleared your throat. “Eddie, you just wrote a song called Marriage is a Death Sentence.”
“About my parents,” he explained. “And how they did everything wrong.”
“Yeah,” you nodded frantically. “A lot of people get it wrong. Marriage is a Death Sentence. Those are literally the lyrics. You’ve been singing it when you wash the dishes.”
“It’s catchy.”
“It is, isn’t it? But...while I was working on it...it got me thinking that…I mean…just because they got it wrong, and a lot of other people do, doesn’t mean we will.”
You said his name almost desperately now.
"A-and," he continued. "W-we don't have to get married but...I don't know. Spending the rest of my life with you sounds pretty great."
He pulled one hand out of his pocket casually and with it came a small ring box. He shook it a few times and held it out to you.
There were a bevy of emotions cycling your face, all of them undecipherable, until you settled on shock.
Good shock...hopefully.
“You’re supposed to get down on one knee I think,” you whispered again.
Yeah...good shock.
He let out a sigh of relief.
“Yeah but what if it isn’t a ring? What if this is all just a red herring? What if I had to get one of my teeth pulled and it's in here?”
You let out a shocked laugh and your brows hitched together in question.
"Did you put a tooth in there?"
"I don't know...seems as likely as any other potential surprise."
“Is it another cootie catcher?” you guessed.
“Only one way to find out.”
He shook the box again.
You slowly took it from him, fingers deliberately brushing against his which caused his heart to race.
He felt lightheaded when you opened the lid.
You smiled so brightly, he swore you rivaled the sun.
December 1992
"So what'd you do?"
"What makes you think I did something?"
"I love you son," Wayne sighed and leant against the counter. "But you always do something."
It was Christmas. The worst time of year for both you and Eddie. Long shifts, angry customers, restless coworkers...but a standing promise to make it back to Hawkins for the holiday had been the light at the end of the tunnel. Especially since Wayne and Rick had come out to see you for the past few years.
It was tough but you and Eddie made it work; hit the road right after your Christmas Eve shifts had ended, fallen into bed as soon as you'd arrived at Rick's close to midnight.
And you didn't need to be back to work until the 27th.
It was a perfect little getaway.
Except it hadn't been perfect.
Because you hadn't been talking to each other past the standard "good mornings" and "see you tonights" all week. The drive had been made in silence. And you chose to sit as far as you could from him during Christmas dinner, opting to sit beside Wayne and chat all night, instead of right next to him like you always did.
And unfortunately, yeah...it'd been Eddie's fault.
Eddie knew that, and usually he could admit it easily. Fights between the two of you were few and far between, and you had a good track record for recovering from them. For some reason though, this time was different, and it was hard for him to admit how badly he'd fucked up.
Wayne could see right through the two of you, though. Especially through his nephew. No matter how good you thought you were at hiding it.
"There was this...big opportunity we could have had," Eddie began his explanation calmly. "But it wasn't a sure thing."
"Oh yeah?" Wayne hummed. "How big?"
"Big. Like...a once-in-a-lifetime thing. An underground show a buddy of mine heard about it through the grapevine. Said they were looking for an opening act. Wanted to throw me a bone." He hit the counter with his fist gently. "But...he got his wires crossed. Told me it was tonight. So it meant we'd need to miss Christmas. But it's really next week."
"Hmmm..." Wayne nodded sagely and kept listening.
Eddie suddenly felt uncomfortable at the tone though, and became desperate for his uncle to understand.
Understand that he hadn't meant to hurt you.
"Work's been hard this season Wayne," Eddie continued with an edge to his voice. "Made me realize that I don't wanna do this forever. I wanna make music. You know that. It's been my dream forever."
"I know it has."
"Me and the guys. Our dream."
"What'd you say to her?" Wayne asked suddenly, as he lifted the mug of eggnog to his lips.
His knowing gaze made Eddie fidget and harsh words echo through his memory.
"Why can't you understand? This is huge for us. How can we say no?"
"I didn't say you had to pass it up, I just said it was a shame that we'll miss Christmas."
"You don't have to miss Christmas, you can just go to your aunt's if you don't want to go to the show."
"You know what I mean. You know Wayne and Rick look forward to seeing--"
"Wayne and Rick would understand how big this is. Why can't you? Why the fuck do you care anyways? It's not like they're your family!"
Wayne swallowed a mouthful of eggnog and then his lips pressed together tightly with a long exhale. Eddie turned to watch you and Rick chatter while you organized the gifts into neat little piles; even though you were avoiding each other, seeing your smile made him feel a lot better than his uncle's intense stare.
"I fucked up," he croaked. "I know."
"How're you gonna fix it?" Wayne asked.
"That I don't know."
Wayne sighed and clapped a hand on Eddie's shoulder.
"I would suggest," he leant in close and his voice rumbled, the same way it always did when Eddie would get in trouble growing up. The few times Wayne needed to intervene at all. "I would suggest you start with I'm sorry."
Eddie stared up at the glow in the dark stars that were stuck to the ceiling of the old guest bedroom that used to be his designated room at Rick's once upon a time.
It was quiet. Too quiet.
He couldn't sleep.
He might have spent most of his life in Hawkins but a few years in and around Chicago and he'd gotten used to the sounds of traffic and trains and people walking around late at night.
And it might've been easier if you were closer to him than you were, if the sounds of your sleep-deepened breathing and the soft snores you always denied were in his ear. Instead you were lying on your side at the edge of the full bed, as far from him as you could get, equally as awake as he was if your near-silent breaths were any indicator.
He turned his head and watched you for a moment before he took a breath of courage.
"Sweetheart," he whispered. When there was no response, he said your name, a little louder this time. "You awake?"
There was silence...heavy silence...and then you responded.
"Mmmhmm." You shifted to look halfway over your shoulder at him. "It's too quiet."
"I was just thinking that."
"I've got...a lot on my mind too."
"Yeah?" you turned fully now, lying on your back just like him; your shoulders touched but you refused to look at him. "What about?"
"I was thinking..."
What was he thinking? A lot of things. How to start an apology, how to fix this. How to make tomorrow better so your Christmas wasn't ruined.
"...that at least when we fight fight, we still talk to each other afterwards."
You scoffed and he closed his eyes, cursing himself and his big mouth.
"That...wasn't the right thing to say."
"No it wasn't," you sassed him immediately.
"It wasn't what I wanted to say either," he quickly added. "I wanted to say...that I'm sorry."
"I know."
"You do?"
"Aside from the fact that I know you too well," you began. "Rick was trying to get me to forgive you all night."
"Why did he think I did something?" Eddie asked incredulously.
"Because you always do something."
"God damn it, did Rick say that? Wayne said the same thing."
The two of you laughed together for the first time in days, and as you settled down, Eddie reached over and took your hand in his. He threaded your fingers together and rubbed his thumb back and forth to soothe you.
"I'm sorry that I...that I was a thick-headed, stubborn, big-mouthed idiot who hurt your feelings," he apologized. "I know that we've both been under pressure but there's no excuse. I could've been more level-headed, but I wasn't and I hurt you."
"Yeah well," you squeezed his hand tightly as you responded, "I guess I'm not innocent here either. I could have...been more excited for you, supportive. Instead of trying to make it about Christmas. I was thinking about how desperate I was to get away from work, excited to be back here. And it's no excuse. I'm sorry too."
"Yeah but I told you Wayne and Rick weren't your family."
"Well I told you--"
"Are we gonna fight again?" Eddie stopped you before you could get ahead of yourself. You huffed a soft "no" and melted into the bed, all tension in your body gone. "Did you like your Christmas gift?"
"Jesus." He could hear you rolling your eyes.
"Well did you?"
"Duh," you deadpanned. "Did you like yours?"
"Uh, duh," he parroted, a little more exaggeratedly. "You didn't give me a kiss though."
"Well you didn't give me a kiss either," you retorted, but you were already rolling over so you could close the distance and seal your lips against his.
The two of you showered one another with more whispered apologies and words of devotion before you got ahead of yourselves.
Clothes were shed, soft caresses shared, and lips lavished over the most sensitive parts of you.
You still liked it when you dragged your teeth along the shaft of his cock a little and got him to beg, and then Eddie returned the favor when he sucked a bruising hickey to your nipple that made you squeal and call him a god.
The two of you had lived on your own for so long that it was good fun trying to keep your voices down, or make sure the bed didn't slide across the hardwood floors with your passionate fucking.
And all slights were soothed when you reached the height of pleasure together, and whispered sweet words of affection and forgiveness as you descended back to earth.
Come morning, Wayne obnoxiously asked when the two of you were planning to hit the road back to Chicago.
"It's been a good while since I lost sleep thanks to your spirited activities," he noted, embarrassing the two of you in front of Rick. "No more fighting when you come back to visit in the future alright? I miss you dearly, but I can't say I miss that at all.”
April 1993
"It took you guys long enough," Dustin announced as he threw open the door.
“You know what, you try sitting in a rusty old shitbox with a bunch of musicians that still act like they're teenagers for 10 hours," you deadpanned and then pushed past the guys as they protested to pull Dustin into a hug. "Happy housewarming, congratulations."
It was Spring Break.
Well for the kids it was--although, they weren't really kids anymore were they--but for you and the guys, it was more like a long weekend. You'd scheduled yourself off for a few days, Eddie'd requested the whole week off, Jeff and Dave had traded shifts with coworkers, and Gareth simply quit his job.
"I'll find a new one," he reassured everyone, including his girlfriend, on St. Patrick's Day when he announced his departure before he and the guys had gotten on stage to play for a crowded pub in the suburbs.
It had been a headache and a half to get everything in order and everyone in the right place at the right time, but you were all here for one thing and one thing only.
Dustin's first apartment.
A Hellfire Club Reunion.
And a special one-shot that Dustin and Eddie had spent hours on the phone planning for the past few months.
You didn't think you'd been invited at first, but when Dustin told Eddie the full guest list, Eddie volunteered your attendance immediately.
Your forays into Dungeons and Dragons were few and far between; never a big campaign, only the one-shots that Eddie had put together here and there for the guys or a few coworkers who were interested. And this would be the first time that you played with such a big group. Or such an experienced group.
You were nervous.
"You'll do great," Eddie reassured you as he plucked snack cakes and sodas off the gas station shelves for snacks on the road. "I know the roleplaying is not your strongest suit, but it's just Henderson and the gang."
Now you were here and your nerves melted as you slipped further into mother hen mode the longer you looked around at what was obviously the apartment of college students. It was a familiar sight; you, Eddie, and the guys had all crammed into a duplex when you'd moved to Chicago and you'd had your fair share of pizza boxes stacked in the corners before garbage day and underwear of questionable origin and cleanliness tucked into the cracks of the sofa.
But that was a time long since passed and seeing it now made your fingers itch.
And your ears ring.
"...be here soon and I figured that you'd be here first to help me set u--Mom you ok?" Dustin stopped his chattering when he noticed you were frozen in the door of the living room. He glanced around the space that would soon host all of his friends. "Oh...yeah I should probably clean up a little more. To be fair, most of this isn't my mess."
You felt your eye twitch at his dismissive laugh.
"Jesus Henderson, didn't you just move in January?" Jeff asked when he saw the sorry state.
The boys all started giving Dustin shit, and Eddie had the foresight to put a hand on your shoulder and steer you back towards the door.
"We're gonna go take a quick smoke break; why don't you four nerds try to get this place looking a little more Hellfire appropriate in the mean time, m'kay?" he ordered them with faux sincerity. "We brought those props you asked for Dustin."
You heard the faint, sorry Mom, come from the boys as Eddie got you outside.
Eddie was extremely attentive and was quick to take charge of the ragtag group, running back and forth between the little stoop where you'd essentially set up camp right outside of the building, and back up to Dustin's apartment to make sure the cleaning and setup were underway.
"Hey listen, you boss enough people around at work," he reassured you when you insisted that you'd be alright to go back in. "You don't need to do it on your day off too."
You proved to be useful enough as the other started to arrive, little by little.
Max and Lucas had flown in from California and arrived via cab.
"It kind of sucks when the place you live is the place everyone else goes on vacation," Lucas laughed good-naturedly.
His younger sister Erica, who you remember from her days of buying scrunchies and glitter makeup, was now grown up and toted an entire kit filled with binders and notebooks and dice.
"It's my first ever Spring Break," she sniffed. "I could have been in Miami with my friends. But...I wouldn't miss this for the world, so it better be worth it."
Mike and Will drove up in the Wheeler's old station wagon, their siblings in tow in the backseat; Nancy and Jonathan had apparently been broken up for some time now.
It apparently had been an awkward drive for all of them.
Jane unexpectedly arrived with a new love interest friend and was beyond ecstatic to see you, barely letting you get a question in as she told you about everything she'd been up to.
Robin was unfortunately absent, but sent her regards along with the last person to arrive. Someone who you honestly didn't expect to see at all, but who had pulled up in a shiny new car, sporting a wedding band and a mustache: Steve Harrington.
"Look what the cat dragged in," you greeted with a smile. You pointed at the wedding band. "Seems like you don't need my relationship advice anymore."
"Same relationship," he chuckled and shrugged, suddenly bashful.
"No shit," you laughed. "Congratulations."
"Congrats to you too," he pointed to the ring on your own finger but you waved him off dismissively.
"Marriage is a Death Sentence. This is just...symbolic more than anything. We both know we're not going anywhere."
"Get more of a deduction on your tax return if you guys do tie the knot."
"Alright Ned Flanders," you rolled your eyes. "Taxes are a death sentence too. I'll ask Ed to write that song and dedicate it to you."
"By all means, I'm actually an accountant now. Maybe it'll get me some more clients."
You cackled.
You and Steve made some casual chit chat as you walked up to join the others now that everyone had arrived.
The apartment looked worlds different, especially with the abundance of candles that surrounded the table you all crowded around.
Dustin was taking the lead with this one, his DM screens in ominous abundance as he sat at the head of the table and filed through stacks of papers.
You looked around at all of your friends...really all of Eddie's friends who had become your friends, your family. It was nice to see them all in one place again.
Then you looked at Eddie himself, who looked right at home surrounded by them all. Laughing and spieling and picking on them with bright, glowing fondness that radiated off of him. You didn't think you could feel any more love for him, but suddenly in that moment, your cup overflowed.
He deserved this; deserved all of this...all of the love you all had to give and share with him because he loved you all so hard in return.
You took your seat beside him and grinned and patted your knee encouragingly.
"Perfect timing, sweetheart," he announced. "Hope you're ready to get absolutely obliterated."
Dustin hit a button on the stereo he'd set up beside him and everyone started to cheer as music and sounds created the ambiance of the adventure you were about to embark on.
"Welcome friends as we revisit a grand adventure of old tonight," Dustin began. "As we venture deep into Greyhawk and come face to face a great evil once defeated. Timelines have shifted, and what you might remember from the past is no longer what it seems; it will take great courage and strength to overcome challenges that you'd previously faced with ease. Are you up for the challenge?"
Everyone cheered again."
"Good," he said with a guttural groan, eyes rolling back in his head dramatically. "Then let us begin on our quest to face...The Cult of Vecna."
May 1995
It was like deja vu.
Maybe because he'd done this a thousand times, just not recently. It'd been years since he'd worked at the Mall, after all, and the muscle memory might have been a little out of practice, but it was still there.
He ran up the stalled escalator, long legs skipping every other step, until he reached the top, out of breath.
"Fuck," he bent over with his hands on his knees, panting. "Fuck. This is why I gotta quit smoking."
He'd taken the day off to surprise you; he and the guys were supposed to be recording today--their first album; it'd taken long enough--but this was bigger and he wanted to be there for you.
Needed to be there.
It wasn't every day that his best friend and beloved--the love of his life--his dear Store Manager...wasn't going to be a Store Manager anymore.
You'd both broken the news to each other on the same day. For weeks you'd only mentioned small developments in passing, never letting your hopes get too high just in case of a let down.
"We're getting signed," he announced as you'd collided into one another outside of your apartment building. "It's happening we're getting signed and we're gonna make a whole fucking album sweetheart!"
"Oh my god!" you shrieked. "Holy shit Ed!"
"No more weird touring schedules for fests, no more begging to get a song on the radio during the 3am broadcast, it's happening!" He cupped your cheeks and peppered kisses around your face.
"It's happening for me too," you laughed and tried to shake him away. "I got the job."
"What?!" he squished your cheeks harder until you jabbed him lightly in the stomach to get him to let you go.
"I got the job," you laughed, head tilted back as you announced it to the world. "Eddie, baby...you're looking at the new associate manager of Visual Development."
You'd spent the night indulging on a deep dish pizza, fucking making love, and talking about the future.
Maybe you could buy a house...maybe you could get a puppy...take an actual vacation someplace and not just a weekend trip to the Dells or wherever Corroded could find a gig...the possibilities were endless...
But from that moment on, it was a whirlwind.
The band had gotten started right away, signing contracts and working with the small label that had seen their potential and believed in them.
And now, a few weeks later, it was here. Your big day. Your last day as a Store Manager at Claire's, before you went off to their home offices to tell people what color scrunchie was gonna be big for the season.
There were a bunch of purple and pink balloons tied to the sandwich board outside of your store, and as Eddie got closer, he could hear snippets of conversation as your associates asked you about your new position.
"Have you seen your office yet?"
"Yeah, I have," you laughed.
"Is the desk pink?"
"No but the walls are."
"Do you get your own cell phone?"
"Probably not. I'm not the CEO guys. I'm just a manager."
"Are you gonna have to wear business suits?"
"No," Eddie answered for you as he quickly snuck up behind you. You jumped as his arms wrapped around your waist, but you quickly melted into the embrace. "But she's not gonna have to wear clothes from Seventeen Magazine anymore either."
"Yeah," you sighed. "It really sucks to wear clothes from the juniors department once you're past 30. They're just not made the same way."
"Gotta take your word for it sweetheart, I'm not 30 for another few months," he blew a raspberry against the side of your neck and squeezed you tightly in his embrace.
Your associates all sighed dreamily at the sight of the two of you canoodling—power couple who?—and Eddie was thankful for this once-in-a-lifetime chance that you wouldn't just swat him away for PDA while you were on the salesfloor.
"I'm sorry this is coming from the man who still dresses the same as he did when he was 17," you laughed and reached back to pluck at his battle vest that had only accumulated more pins and patches over the years.
"I'm very sorry that I'm not trendy, sweetheart." He kissed your cheek. "But I'm what you would call timeless."
"I'd like a divorce." You pulled his left hand away from your torso so you could attempt to pull the band off his ring finger. "Effective immediately."
"We're not married," he murmured teasingly in your ear. "Or did you forget?"
"You finally gonna seal the deal Munson?" you whispered back. "It's only been 10 years."
"Just so you can file for divorce? I don't think so."
"What if I trade you my longevity pin? I think it would look nice on your vest."
"How about...I take you to lunch first?" he asked, voice back to its normal volume. "And we negotiate the terms and conditions? She's got her big corporate lady pants on, trying to get me to sign a contract."
"I guess I could pencil you in," you feigned annoyance and then looked to your assistant manager. "Let me ask my secretary."
Both you and Eddie stared at them expectantly.
"Get out of here," they laughed at your antics. "Before I kick you out; so sweet, you guys make me gag sometimes."
The rest of your final shift was eventful, and Eddie sat in the chair of the Ear Piercing station while you chatted with your regular customers and received one visitor after another.
Old employees and coworkers, your mom who made you take a picture with the whole team, and then a very cheesy one with Eddie who dipped you for a kiss at the very last second.
Jen had come around close to 5 to bring even more balloons and a cake, and had made jokes that she was gonna have to haunt the corporate offices even more now.
"So we can talk shit, obviously," she joked.
Eddie had called Kyle up, who was now managing a store in Milwaukee, to tell him both bits of good news and Kyle had made the drive down to bring a sentimental gift to both of you on your last day.
A picture frame with a collage of polaroids from your years at StarCourt. There was a filmstrip from one of the photo-booths that depicted a younger you and Eddie, making funny faces and staring longingly at one another.
"You left this in the stock room once upon a time," he told Eddie as he pointed it out specifically. "That was before you were dating too. I squirreled it away and forgot about it but was gonna keep it in case you never got the courage to ask her out. And look at the two of you now."
"Yeah, Eddie watched you as you caressed the glass. "Look at us now."
"I still think I should have won the bet," Kyle sniffed bitterly.
You had scheduled yourself to close, and you were expertly restocking the scrunchie wall as the last few customers shopped.
Eddie kept snaking his arms around you and switching this scrunchie here for that one there, and you'd whine and complain about him messing up the color flow. Still, you never made any effort to stop him, and each time you stomped your foot petulantly, he would drop a smooch right on your cheek to "earn" your forgiveness.
"You know, this is what I was doing when we first met," you recalled after a few kisses. "Officially met."
"What?" Eddie asked.
"Restocking scrunchies."
"You sure?" he frowned and tried to think back. He vaguely recalled...bracelets of some sort...or had he just been looking at the jewelry. He'd been so nervous to ask you out back then...it was all a blur.
And he hadn't really even asked you out at that time either. Jesus Christ, what a loser he'd been.
Where would the two of you be now if only he hadn't fumbled on that first not-date? Right where you were now? Maybe broken up? A lot of the growing the two of you had done had been done with the soft buffer of friendship first...it almost caused his heart to ache to think that they might have caused an end to a relationship if things had been different.
Because now he couldn't imagine what his life would be like without you.
"You still haven't let me pierce your ears," you leaned in close to him, nose brushing against his, and teased him.
Eddie froze and then backed away.
"Well," he licked over his bottom lip pensively. "It is your last day...the last hour of your shift too...I think I could be persuaded."
You squealed and ran to get the forms ready. You didn't even let him fill them out, you just pushed him back into the seat he'd been occupying all day as you got it all ready.
"No more being afraid of needles babe," you cackled, the kind of cackle he'd only ever heard when you were being especially devious or evil.
"I have tattoos," he argued, trying to stand from the chair in protest, but you pressed your hand to his chest to get him to sit back down. "I have a ton of tattoos; if I was afraid of needles I wouldn't. Your logic is flawed."
"Yeah ok Spock," you dismissed his reasoning. "This one takes a chunk out of you though, so it's different."
"What argument are you trying to win here baby? Are you trying to get me to get my ears pierced or are you trying to get me to admit I'm afraid."
"Dealers Choice."
"You're lucky I love you," he grumbled.
You were silent for a while as you marked his ears, as you snapped on your gloves, and readied the piercing gun.
Was he afraid? No. He trusted you. But damn if the anticipation wasn't making him sweat a little.
Eddie closed his eyes as he prepared himself for the next step, but you paused and made one quick run across the store before returning.
"Alright I have one last important question to ask you," you began, and he peeped an eye open to see you standing there with your hands behind your back. "It's the age old question and I don't think we ever got a solid answer."
You revealed your plunder and then stared at him expectantly.
"Take your pick: broken hearts or gummy bears."
Eddie went soft as he stared at the two sets of studs backed by purple carding: little black broken hearts and the neon green gummy bears.
It was the age old question wasn't it? The first question he asked you before he even asked you out.
"See, if it was still 1985," he tilted his head back and forth, "I think this would be a hard one to figure out."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. But uh," he reached out and pointed to his choice. "Now it's a no brainer."
"Seriously?" you laughed.
"And why are you, Eddie Munson, lead singer of Corroded Coffin, the most metal band on Earth, picking the Gummy Bears?"
"Sweetheart," he singsonged, pausing for dramatic effect. "I think you know."
"I don't think I do," you parroted.
"Ugh," he scoffed and turned his head. "I guess I am the more romantic of the two of us."
"Answer the question, Cassanova."
"Sweetheart," he turned back to you, hand over his heart. "It has to be the gummy bears."
"Has to be?"
"Must be."
"Because I can confidently say that my heart is never gonna be broken if I have you around."
Your challenging gaze softened and Eddie swore that he saw tears at the corners of your eyes. For a moment he didn't know if you were gonna kiss him or start crying.
"Shut the fuck up," your associate shouted from across the store, ruining the sweet moment. "That was so adorable. Oh my god."
"Language Chels!" you scolded her good-naturedly.
And then, in those last few minutes of your career as a store manager, you kissed Eddie softly on his forehead...on his lips...and then punched holes right through both of his earlobes in rapid succession.
"Fuck!" He screamed. "Fuck!"
"I love you," you chuckled at him.
"Yeah. Love you too..." he grimaced. "Fuck! I love you."
Thank you for reading The Store Manager Verse.
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pinkyqil · 5 months
Too Much Is Never Enough
Hidden secrets series
Hidden secrets Masterlist
Warning : mention of pregnancy, little morning sickness and overly fluff
A/n: hope y'all enjoy this along with the anon that requested for this,I also added a lil sneak peak of what r future opucation might be in this I'm gonna be working on one more chapter before writing the birth and how alexia and jenni start their co-parenting the part y'all probably want the most but anyway my request are open at the moment so feel free to send them in, as always feedbacks and opinions are always appreciated
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A few week's had pass since the mini gender reveal party and the leak photo of them both hanging out.
Right now the couple could careless and just let the internet go on a rampage of what was going on between them.
On the other hand alexia had woken up feeling a little morning sickness kicking in.
she should be familiar with it but no matter how many times she gets that feeling she couldn't get past feeling so sick.
she hated having to dealing with it especially right at this moment. and today her body honestly wasn't feeling it. but got up either way too wash up her face before heading down to meet join jen.
Jenni noticed the little pale look on alexia face wondering if she was alright,already knowing the answer to that.
"You alright". she asked
"Not really feeling a little down"
"You feel good enough to go shopping or we can just cancel it".
"Jen I'm alright just need to rest up a bit before heading out".
"Why don't you go upstairs I'll come join you soon and once you're fully rested we can go". Jenni told alexia one more time before helping her up.
alexia nodded agreeing to head up and rest before going out has she seem to lack energy especially after throwing up earlier.
After a while she was joined by jenni who started to massage her before pulling her into a cuddling position which made alexia feel slightly better before they both fell asleep real fast.
jenni had woken up first so that she could prepare the car and a few snacks for alexia so she could feel her best. by the time she was done alexia had already woke up and gotten ready. and now the couple were on there way
The trip too the baby store took an hour and half has the were going to an all baby mall. At there arrival jenni had already been talking alexia ears off on what they were going to get without even arriving at the store.
"So where do we start"?. Jenni asked alexia.
"Why don't you tell me seeing you were talking about it the whole ride huh".
Jenni obviously being annoyed with alexia answers before grabbing her hands leading her to the clothing section.
"Jen grab a cart on your way before we bump into something".alexia told her once again
They were both enjoying the occasion looking at the different choices that they had but would often disagree with each other sense of clothing choices.
"Why can't we get this it would definitely look cute on her". Jenni questioned her
"We can't get cause you already picked three of it in different colors Jennifer".she said while rolling her eye's to the older woman.
"That doesn't mean she can't have another color putellas". She spat back
"What did you just say hermoso". Alexia asked her with a glare.
"Nothing".jenni mumbled under her breath.
Even with alexia disagreement she had stil added the pices of clothing the cart while alexia wasn't paying attention. they had the same disagreement over and over again
"For the last time our baby doesn't need every color of each item".
"Whatever you say". It was now jenni's turn to roll her eyes.
Alexia was getting annoyed but she couldn't hide her smile whenever jenni suggested in getting more stuff she found her enthusiasm fun but would decline just get on her nerves.
Jenni had saw a huge cute teddy and a musical box that looked like it had an dancer on it.she knew she had to get it but alexia would just deny her request.
so she decided buy it without her noticing and hurrying up to hid it somewhere in the car without her knowing.
The musical box had gotten Alexia attention but by the time she tried looking for it again it was gone.this time so was jenni she couldn't even bother cause she knew that jenni was roaming around and all.
"You ready to go". she asked alexia.
"Yeah my legs are killing me right now".alexia told her.
The pair payed for all there purchases before heading out and putting arranging it in the car. mostly jenni thought as she didn't want alexia doing heavy lifting.
Ride back home was peaceful spanish music playing in the background jenni singing while alexia struggled to stay awake after a day full of shopping and needed sleep and food.
They arriving back home and got into arranging the things they got. alexia was a neat freak or at least she just needed everything in place so they wouldn't have to be doing it once the baby arrived.
While putting stuff where they belong alexia noticed stuff that they didn't get kept on appearing as she was trying to organize the clothes noticing the other colors top that she said no too was there.
"hermoso what did you do".alexia asked while holding the top.
"I can explain". jenni said once she felt alexia eyes starring deep at her.
"Oh well you better have an explanation for every single one of these that you got".
"Fine we can go return them".she said with a deep sigh turning her back on alexia.
"We can keep them I'm just messing with you". She said while laughing.
"Was wondering where this was".she said while holding the musical box close to her.
"You like it".
"Yeah it like one of a kind".
The rest of the night was spent arranging the things they got laughter and a few makeout session before they finished up.
Before heading to bed alexia had played a traditional catalan dance recital that she had found herself wachting a few days ago and right now.
She found herself loving the dance culture and everything that surrounded it. Reminding her a little about football with the way they move how it precise and everything with it's flow she loved it all.
A/n : hope y'all enjoy this chapter,one more chapter left still I write the birth and we get to the main part of the storyline. Anyway feedbacks are appreciated and I hope you all have an amazing saturday 💗
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house-of-lovin · 1 year
legally binded - drabble (1)
Jenna Ortega x F!Reader
masterlist | series mast. |
Drabble #1: The Week in Coachella
Summary: After getting caught in some hot waters with the press, you are forced into an unexpected agreement with America's sweetheart, Jenna Ortega to save your career.
Warnings/Tags: dual!pov, famous!reader, actress!reader, mentions of substances, intoxication, mature language, real people. (do not read if any of these make you uncomfortable)
(this is all fiction!)
Note: a little insight as to the ‘domestic bliss’ J was referring to 👀 this takes place during chapter 4, the week leading up to R’s peformance. the first of many drabbles (hopefully)
Word Count: 3.8k+
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“Turn it off… Jenna, turn it off!”
You whined, aimlessly swiping your hand on the covers in hopes it hits the other actress. 
The alarm blaring rudely in the dark, quiet air interrupted the solitude of the early morning.
You hear her groans but it sounded muffled under the lump of covers and pillows. “You turn it off…”
“Jenna…” You groaned but she still refused to move from her seemingly comfortable position. With a huff, you throw the covers off your head, squinting in the unlit room. The sun hasn’t even risen yet, what the fuck?
Reaching over Jenna’s body, you grabbed your phone on her bedside table. You must have fallen asleep with it in your hand again and Jenna must have placed it there for you. 
“It’s not even mine.” You muttered, reaching for her phone instead and snoozing the alarm. Then you flung yourself back into your side of the bed, sighing in satisfaction because the annoying alarm wasn’t blaring in your eardrums anymore.
“Was it my phone?” Jenna lifted the cover off her head but remained under. Her hair is a mess after a night of tossing and turning and yet she still looked… pretty. You’re not blind, she’s gorgeous but there’s something about her, being the first thing you wake up to that makes your heart palpitate uncomfortably.
Probably heartburn from last night’s dinner. Yeah. That’s it.
“Mhmm.” You hummed. It’s too early for words.
She groaned dropping the covers to hide again. “I have pick up at 5.”
“You’re working?” You questioned.
“Yeah, I forgot to tell you.” You hear and feel the shuffles of Jenna climbing out of the covers. “Are you going to be okay being alone with my family today?”
Cracking a single eye open and even through the darkness in the room, you see her brows knitted worriedly. “I’ll be fine, Jenna. I’ve been here for two days now, I’m settled in.”
“Are you sure? You can come with me to set if you want. I think I’m only filming some promo videos of Dior.” She urged. When you hear the concern in her voice, you opened your eyes fully, sitting up. 
“Jen, I’ll be okay. I promise. It’ll be nice to just chill today too ‘cause I’m not needed for soundcheck again until Thursday.” You reassured, blindly placing your hand on her bare thigh.
You feel her tense under your touch and you were about to pull away and apologize, not meaning to place your hand there but she placed her palm atop yours. “Okay… but if you need me to come back–”
“I won’t need to, but I will text you if anything happens, stop worrying.” You rolled your eyes, pulling your burning hand away. “Now go get ready before you’re late. I will be going to bed.”
“How can you go back to sleep so easily?” She questioned, climbing out of the covers. 
“Mhmm… magic.” You slur, already on the verge of sleeping.
You miss Jenna watching you for a few, long seconds with a fond smile after you’ve fallen asleep. You also miss her panic once she realized what she was doing, promptly turning on her heel to walk into the bathroom.
It was around 8:30 when you woke up again and like last time, it wasn’t on your own accord.
“Dad says wake up.” You spring up from the bed, eyes still closed.
You weren’t even sure if you were still dreaming but you swore you heard a voice.
“Over here.” Blinking your eyes open, you see Aliyah leaning against the doorframe with a smug smile. “Nice hair, is this what Jenna’s been waking up to every morning?”
“I see you and her share the same need to make fun of me.” You grumbled, wiping your eyes as they adjusted to the sunlight peering into the room.
“Mhmm. That’s how the family shows we care, we tease.” The younger girl shrugged, “Now come on, there’s breakfast downstairs and then chores.”
“Chores?” You asked but she already left.
Fucking chores? What the hell did you sign up for?
Swiftly, you threw on a presentable sweatsuit and brushed your teeth before hopping down the steps. From the moment you opened the door, you could already smell savoury waft of the morning meal awaiting you in the kitchen.
When you round the corner, entering the dining room everyone was already there, “Good morning.”
“Good morning, sweetheart.” Natalie smiled when she saw you. “Sorry Aliyah woke you up like that,”
You see her send her daughter a warning glance but you just laughed, waving it off. “No, it’s alright. Worked like a charm.”
“Come sit and eat.” She ushered, and you noted her uniform. 
“I assume you’re working today?” 
“Yes, it’s just going to be you kids in the house today.”
With Coachella weekend coming up, you had forgotten you were currently staying in a house with people who worked regular, 9-5 jobs.
“Oh, alright.” You smiled gratefully when the matriarch placed a plate of food in front of you.
“Dad and I have to go, you guys be safe okay? Call if you need anything.” She called out to the rest of her kids.
“You guys are carpooling?” Mia asked.
“Yup, the car’s not starting again.” The man grumbled, rising from his seat.
You perk up at that comment. “I can take a look at it for you if you want?”
All heads turn to you.
“You know cars?” Jenna’s dad asked, skeptical. This is the first time you’ve talked directly to the man.
“Yes sir.” You clear your throat, sitting up straighter. There was something about the man, maybe it was his constant silence or just Dads in general that made you a bit tense and feel out of your depth. “Used to work on them with my best friend, just a hobby but I learned a thing or two.”
He raised a brow but didn’t say anything. Natalie spoke up for him. “You don’t have to do that Y/N, but we would appreciate it regardless.”
You nodded, sending them a small smile. Aware that the man still hasn’t given you an answer but hey, you’ll take what you can get.
“We gotta go.” The parents bid goodbye and when the door shut, an awkward silence hung in the hair.
You keep your head down and pretend your breakfast was the most interesting thing on Earth.
“So, you got plans today?” Mia asked.
Lifting your head, you pointed to yourself, “Me?”
“Who else?” She raised a brow, and suddenly you’re made aware that sarcasm runs in the family.
Rolling your eyes playfully, you drop your spoon. “I don’t have plans.”
“Perfect. We’re all doing something.” Mia grinned.
You looked at Aliyah and Markus sending them apprehensive looks. “I… don’t like the way you said that.”
“Relax, superstar… when was the last time you let loose?” Mia grinned leaning on her elbows.
You glanced at the three siblings warily, “Fine… but if Jenna asks, it wasn’t my idea.”
“We’ll deal with her.” Aliyah matched her sister’s grin.
“This was your idea of letting loose?” You heaved exasperatedly, leaning against the leather headrest of the driver’s seat. 
The three siblings’ laugh resounds around you, agitating you further. Is this what it was like to have siblings? Maybe you’re not missing out on much.
“I thought you were an action star? Don’t you guys get paid to work out for Marvel?” Aliyah asked from the backseat. 
“I’m out of commission.” You glared through the rearview mirror. “And I hate hiking… why did we pick that?”
You started the ignition, cranking the AC to full blast and sighing in relief as the cool air relieves your sticky-red skin. 
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed. But there isn’t much to do around here.” Markus piqued up from beside his sister. “So when we all get together, we like to go hiking. Jen can’t make it most of the time, but I guess you’re the next best thing.”
He joked prompting his sisters to laugh but you flushed under the suggestion. You chose not to comment, instead pulling out of the parking spot. Clearing your thickening throat, you asked, “Where to?”
When you get back to the house, you're instantly met with an unimpressed look from the actress.
“You guys hung out without me?” Jenna crossed her arms as she stood in the foyer of her home, watching her siblings plus you trickle into the house. It’s fair to say that the younger actress was quite confused when she came back to an empty house. 
“Yup…” Mia responded, sipping on her drink as she walked passed the shorter actress. 
One by one, she glared at each of her siblings as they walked passed her until only you remained. You smiled sheepishly, holding out a drink. “They said you always get this smoothie… don’t be mad?”
Jenna stared at the drink in your hands. Her heart fluttered wildly in her chest. “Thanks…”
You send a large, goofy smile, pleased with yourself, “No worries.”
The jury’s still up for debate if you’re enjoying yourself.
See you thought you were. Sure sharing a single queen bed with Jenna is… less than ideal, the home-cooked dinners have been delicious, and her family has been nothing but hospitable. You should be having a good time, right? Except, right now you’re seriously debating changing your answer cause you’re stuck.
Tied down, would be a better description.
“Jenna, please. Help!” You managed to pull out a free arm from one of her cousin’s firm grip.
Why do these kids have such strong hands?
Jenna turned at the sound of your desperation, cutting her conversation with her sisters short then she laughed, taking her phone out to record.
“No, please.” You nearly cried out, flailing your free hand.
“Show us your superpowers, Spider-Woman!” Another child yelled, jumping in front of you.
“Ow..” Your footing stumbles with the added weight, trying to hold the kid up in your arms.
“I count… one, two, three… oh and there's a fourth one hiding behind your legs, how cute.” Jenna circles you, recording all the children clinging onto you for dear life.
“Jenna, please. I’m gonna drop this child…” You begged again, arms burning uncomfortably.
You’re one kid away from toppling over if she doesn’t help you. If you do, you’re taking her down with you.
“I thought you do action movies? Use that action star training…” Jenna teased just like her sister, in turn, you glared menacingly.
“If I do go down, I’m taking you with me…”
She rolled her eyes, put her phone away then walked over to grab the kid in your arms. “Come on, guys… let’s give her some space.” She shooed off.
They groaned, echoing ‘you’re no fun’ at Jenna,  and you’d laugh at her offended face if you weren’t thankful that you feel 100 pounds lighter.
“You sure took your time,” You scoffed at her, watching as Jenna lets the toddler down on the ground after she got too fussy in her arms.
“Mmm… it was just too adorable.” She pulled out her phone to show you the multiple pictures of your panicked face, flailing hand and the small army of kids sticking to your side.
“Delete that…” You attempted to swipe her phone, but she stuck her arm out of reach, too quick for you.
“No!” She laughed, leaning back. You leaned forward, trying to swipe at the phone again but she pressed her hips against yours — pushing you back.
“Delete it!” You grabbed the dip in her waist with one hand; the phone now just at the tip of your fingers.
Jenna curled into a ball, clutching the phone to her chest making you wrap your arms around her body – practically embracing her.
“Seriously?” You laughed at the childish antics.
“Let me keep it!” She snickered, body shaking as she laughed and you couldn’t help but join in, forgetting about the embarrassing photos.
“Fine.” Rolling your eyes, you dropped your arms to your side, stepping back. “But if you post that, you’re dead.”
Jenna uncurled, standing straight with a lop-sided smile, “Who’s gonna stop me?”
You stare back challengingly but once you saw the up flick of her brow, you knew it was a done deal. With a sigh and a drop of a head, you muttered. “Whatever…”
Then you walked back to your seat beside her sisters.
Reaching down on the grass to grab your drink, you pretend not to hear Aliyah and Mia telling Jenna that you two are cute.
Pulling out your phone, you ignore everything going on around you. You feel Jenna take her seat beside you. 
“Hey Y/N,” Aliyah spoke up, phone in hand.
You flick a brow up, “What’s up?”
“You know this song?” She tapped her phone, connecting it to the speaker and playing a song that sounded faintly familiar.
Furrowing your brows, you shake your head, glancing at Jenna who had a confused look as well. “No? Did I write it?”
“You don’t know what songs you wrote?” Jenna asked, turning to you.
“No? There’s too many and sometimes if it doesn’t fit me, I just take writing credit or I produce it for someone else.” You shrugged.
Aaliyah shook her head, gaining your attention. “No, listen.” She smirked.
When the singer started singing, you froze, the tips of your ears reddening.
“I don’t get it?” Jenna asked.
“This is Nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter,” Aaliyah commented.
“Okay?” Jenna was lost. “Am I missing something?”
“Nope. I don’t think so— you wanna go for a walk?” You stood up swiftly, nearly giving Jenna whiplash as her eyes followed your movements.
You wiggle your fingers for her to take, but Jenna stayed put. 
“Later —“ She dismissed you, turning to her sisters who wore smug smiles on their faces, “What’s so special about this song?”
“Ask her…” Aliyah nodded toward you, currently pretending like you couldn’t hear the conversation around you.
She raised her brow, noting your weird demeanour. “What’s so special about this song?”
“Nothing.” Jenna raised a brow. You sighed, sitting back down beside her with a slump, ignoring the three others piercing stares. “Except it’s about…. me, or so I’ve heard, I don’t know.”
Jenna’s brows raised in surprise, her cheeks reddening when the next line plays. “It feels so good I had to jump the octave?”
You flushed, covering your face in embarrassment. “God, this is my worst nightmare.”
Her sisters’ watched with satisfied smiles as you continued to be embarrassed, actively avoiding everyone’s eyes and Jenna, who was stunned in silence but honestly looked more bothered the longer the song played.
You’ve never actually heard the song in its entirety, too embarrassed when someone said it was about you. You only saw the other singer one, two, three maybe even four times — so you were shocked.
“How fast can you take your clothes off, pop quiz?” Jenna reiterated as the song ended.
“Please, stop!” You groaned into your palms.
If Jenna wasn’t so satisfied with your embarrassment already, she might even admit that she’s a bit… irritated, for reasons unknown.
“Okay, Aliyah enough.” Jenna glared when the song replayed by accident.
Her sisters tried to chuckle lowly, but Jenna glared until they took the hint and scurried away, leaving just you and her.
“Are they gone?” You peeked through the opening in your fingers. 
“They're gone.” She chuckled, but the silence that followed was slightly awkward. “So… you and Sabrina? Didn’t know that.”
You cleared your throat, dropping your hands. “Yeah—uh. It wasn’t really anything.”
“Sounds like it was something…I mean she wrote a whole song about you.” Jenna questioned and for a second you wondered if she was jealous.
No, no way.
“That’s just fan theories and shit. I actually don’t know if it’s about me.” You felt the need to clear up. “It didn’t mean anything to me, at least.”
Jenna scanned you for a few seconds, feeling slightly uncomfortable under the intense gaze. “Mhmm. Cool.”
You blinked, unsure what that meant. But before you could say anything she’s standing, holding her hand out for you to take.
“Wanna go on that walk now?”
You nodded, slipping your fingers in between hers.
“Have you seen Y/N?” Jenna peeked her head inside her brother’s room.
“Not recently…” Markus responded, not looking away from his computer screen. “I think I saw her an hour ago though.”
“Where?” She huffed, leaning against the door frame.
“Don’t remember…” He replied distractedly. Jenna sighed, knowing she wasn’t gonna get a straight answer from him. 
Making her way down the stairs, she rounded the corner, entering the living room. “Has anybody seen Y/N?” 
She was met with silence. “Hello?” Jenna spoke up agitated.
“She’s with Dad, relax,” Aliyah answered and the actress couldn't even hide her shock. “She’s checking the car or something.”
“They’re together? Alone?”
Her sister nodded, confused.
“Yes? Why?’
“No reason…” Jenna lied.
“Is she scared of Dad?” Aliyah asked, a smirk on her lips.
Jenna rolled her eyes, not answering. Turning on her heel, she walked swiftly to the garage. You never admitted it out loud but she could see how tense you are around her Dad. It amused her more than anything.
Upon opening the door, she’s expecting to be met with silence as you worked on the car. Instead, her Dad’s laughter filled the room. 
“That’ll teach you to make a bet with her…” Her dad continued to joke. 
Stepping closer, she can make out your muffled chuckles from under the car. “Yeah… that one was on me, honestly. Robbed me clean of a thousand dollars.”
“Oh hey, honey. What are you doing here?” Her dad asked, noticing her standing by the door with a dumbfounded look on her face.
“Is that Jenna?” You asked.
“Yeah…” He responded.
Jenna blinked out of her stupor, walking to the hood of the car where her Dad waited patiently as you lay underneath the vehicle. “What’s going on here?”
You slid out from under the engine, using an old skateboard as a mechanic creeper; some oil splotched on your cheek. “Your Dad said the car wasn’t starting, so I offered to have a look at it.”
Jenna watches on as her Dad extended a hand out to haul you up. Exchanging the wrench in your hand for a wet rag to wipe the dirt off. She flicked a brow up in surprise. “I didn’t know you knew cars like that…”
You match her raised brow, “what, you think my cars are just for show?”
She rolled her eyes, not answering while you grinned, taking it as a win. She allowed her gaze to drop, noting your engine oil-stained white shirt hugging your arms tight and dark washed-out denim jeans. Looking like a real mechanic. 
“I think it was the transmission, try turning it on.” You said to her Dad. 
He follows your instructions, pushing the key into the ignition and turning it. Sputtered sounds of the engine roughly kicked back until eventually, it settled into a low, even rumble. You send her Dad a gratified smile. “What’d I say?”
“Impressive…” He scratched his chin, “I went to three different mechanics and none of them could tell me what was wrong.”
“Those guys are useless. You call me anytime there’s something wrong with her.” You popped off the hood struts, putting it back in its place before dropping the car hood closed with a loud slam, tapping on the top contently.
“You actually fixed that old junk?” Jenna crossed her arms, a little impressed but she’d never say it out loud.
You spin, flicking an unamused brow. “You doubting my skills, Ortega?”
Jenna tried shrugging impassively, walking closer to observe the running car. “Every single one of my siblings learned how to drive in this car, including me. Dad refuses to get rid of it.”
You run a hand over the hood again. What the younger actress said must’ve added to your satisfaction. “Just makes it more special then…”
“See, she gets it.” Her Dad peeks his head out from the driver's seat. 
“We’re not starting this…” Jenna spun in her heels, walking back into the house. She ignored her thudding chest.
“Hey, how was Soundcheck?” Jenna looked up from her book, watching as you trudge into her childhood bedroom in slow steps.
“S’okay…” You mumbled,  lazily dropping your shoulder bag on the foot of the bed. With a heavy sigh, you sat down and let gravity do all the work as you fell onto your back. Sighing in relief when it connects with the soft mattress. 
“What’s wrong?” Jenna crawled to the foot of the bed, rubbing your shoulder. She watched as your eyes fluttered closed in fatigue.
“Long day… too hot.” You muttered causing Jenna to chuckle.
“Well, we are in the desert.”
“Should have thought about that when I agreed to perform…” By now, Jenna’s fingers worked their way through your hair. Softly scratching your scalp. 
“Speaking of performing…” Jenna tried not to pay attention to the way you practically purred under her touch. “Who are you going on with?”
You grinned adorably, like when a baby smiled in their sleep. “Nice try…”
She tugged on your roots a bit, “Tease…”
“You’re the one tugging on my hair…” You cracked an eye open, staring up at her. Jenna flushed, choosing to ignore your words. 
“Why don’t you take a shower and we can finish watching Breaking Bad? Relax before your performance tomorrow?”
“That sounds perfect.” You scrambled up to grab some clothes from your suitcase before running to the adjoining bathroom. 
Jenna shook her head in amusement, ignoring the butterflies thrashing in her stomach. She moved up the bed, getting your side ready, and propping up the pillows to your preferred angle. Then she grabbed the remote, exiting out of the trashy reality show that she wasn’t really paying attention to. Only choosing the program to pass the time as she waited for you to come… home. But only because she’s honourable and chooses to uphold her side of the agreement; not to watch Breaking Bad without the other. 
20 minutes pass when the bathroom door creaked open and you stepped out, looking far more relaxed than when you first came in. 
Sliding into your side, you wiggled around, trying to get comfortable. “You kept your promise and didn’t watch the next episode.”
“Surprised?” She raised a brow.
“Mmm… a little.” You shrug, shooting her a chaffing smile. 
She elbowed your side, “idiot.”
“Okay, okay, just play the episode. I’ve been looking forward to watching it with you all day.” You covered a blanket over your lap, not realizing what you just said. Jenna stares at you, not speaking.
You turn, pulling a face before it contorts to an amused smile. You grab the remote out of her hands, not calling her out on her silence. “Come on, get down here.”
Still unspeaking, Jenna’s body moves automatically, sliding in close beside you; shoulders pressed together. The younger actress doesn’t have it in her to admit that she’s been waiting for you to come back because recently, she finds she can’t sleep without you.
Jenna chooses not to comment when she feels your head lean comfortably against hers.
(a little treat before ch 7🫢 )
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soujougeurilla · 2 years
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in which (f! reader) has a crush on jeno and she just so happens to drop her brook filled with every explicit thought of him you could imagine.
WARNINGS! : slut shaming , degrading , invasion of privacy, pervert! jeno non sexual nicknames (pretty girl, princess, baby girl) sexual nicknames (slut, cumslut, cocksleeve, whore? mommy, + more) masturbation (m) voyeurism, sexual journal, marking, HEAVYY talk of breeding, choking, screaming, mind breaking, dumbification, shortness of breath (jeno pushes her into the sheet), squirting
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“oh shit! im sorry jeno, i didnt mean to” you bowed swiftly and he chuckled, that same chuckle that made you weak everytime.
“its okay, pretty girl. dont worry” and you swear you almost passed out on the spot.
you swiftly picked up your things and ran away, bowing one last time but you left a small journal and he picked it up, turning his head but you were already gone.
but he was almost dying to know what was inside.
“ill return it later, its the end of the day i’ll catch her tomorrow..” he thought, and just walked off, before running into his friend yuta.
“jen! you goin to that party this weekend? that girl you like is gonna be there.. whats her name.. ?” and jeno shushed yuta quickly before nodding.
“its [y/n] and im probably not gonna make it to the party, busy with work.” jeno spoke, rubbing the back of his head and yuta nodded before patting his shoulder.
“well then ill see you later, also good luck with her” and yuta walked away with a smile on his face.
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when jeno finally reached home, he procrastinated opening the journal for a whole 10 minutes, before he caved and opened it to the first page, it read:
“this is my thought book, not the good ones, the ones i fantasize and dream about him in.” and suddenly his head turned, sucking in a hard breath before he turned to the next page, leaving his eyes wide as he read.
“September 16, 2022. — its so wrong, but i keep thinking about jeno bending me over on the nearest thing in the hallway and fucking me in front of everyone to see, calling me a dumb slut for him and slapping my face.. and hes pistoning into me so that the only thing i can think of is him and how good his dick feels. i want him so bad, every time i touch myself i think of him, everytime i fuck my dildo, i wish it was him. i need him inside of me at all times, fucking me always.”
he slowly and shamefully pulled his pants down to his waist, pulling his boxers off slowly as he spit on his hand and roughly pumped himself.
all those things she said, he wanted all of them.
he flipped the page and saw a picture of her on a dildo, presumably taken with a polaroid and he threw his head back in bliss, moaning out her name shamefully.
“fuck [y/n] what are you doing to me.. s-shit”
“September 18, 2022 — let me be the mouth he uses when he needs his pretty dick sucked, i want to take him in my mouth so badly, using every ounce of oxygen i have left to make him cum inside of my mouth.. and i’ll swallow it all for him.” is what it read, and he let out a small whine of her name.
“y-y/n shit, need that slutty mouth on my dick, need it so fucking bad, gonna wreck that pussy just wait f-for me fuck im gonna cum” he rambled and his hand tightened around his dick.
he thrusted his hips up into his hand, grabbing onto his desk tightly and letting out a loud groan of her name before spurting his own cum all over his desk.
before he pulled his pants up, he grabbed his own polaroid camera and snapped a couple pictures of his hand around his dick, leaving it in her notebook writing a small note beside it.
he closed the notebook and shut it the way it was before opening it, and he cleaned himself up before throwing it into his backpack, ready to return it but first, he took a photo of her cum spread pussy with “jeno’s slut” on her stomach and put it on his desk for display, just for him to get off too later.
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the next day has finally came, and he walked up to her locker with the notebook in his hands, and tapped her shoulder softly and she smiled, before her eyes went wide at the notebook in his hand.
“you dropped this yesterday, dont worry i didnt read it princess, im not that low to invade your spaces” and he handed it to her, before waving and walking away with a hard boner, pulling out the small photo he put in his pocket. “youre so crazy sweetheart”
she rushed home and felt her hand twitching as she shut the door and locked it behind her, throwing her book bag on the ground and screaming into a pillow.
she threw her journal on her desk before seeing a picture she didn’t recognize peek out of the book and she raised an eyebrow before flipping through all the pages, only to find that two pictures were missing. im fucked.
she flipped to her last written page, and flipped to the one after slowly, and saw him. with his cock in hand, covered in cum with a smirk showing his abs. and her breath got caught in her throat before reading the message he left for her.
“September 22nd, 2022 :) — if you wanted me this bad, you shouldve told me, my precious slut :(. i want you just as bad as you want me, i would love to bend you over, and fuck you in front of everyone that is even breathes, looks at you a way i dont see fit. you live right beside me, no? i know its you whos moaning my name now, i stole two pictures to keep for myself. slutty little princess, need a nice man to fuck that aching cunt huh? you know where i live, just knock at my door. cant wait to see that pretty little pussy and that pretty cum hungry throat. — lee jeno, knock at my door :)”
and she hurried out of her room, knocking on his door softly, and he opened it just as fast as she knocked, pulling her into his dorm by her waist and closing the door behind him.
“eager little whore, hm? couldn’t wait to feel daddy’s dick in your eager little hole.. shame, shame, shame” and he chuckled darkly before wrapping a hand around her throat and pressing his lips against hers.
she quickly pulled his pants down, allowing him to pull her skirt down and he pulled away, seeing the pool of wetness that was building in her panties.
he stuck his hand into her underwear, sticking three fingers up into her cunt and moving them inside of her quickly, hearing her whine into their kiss before she pulled away and grabbed onto him tightly.
“cmon baby, use those words, i know you know how to, dirty little thing. tell me what you want and i’ll give you the best” and he kissed down her collarbone, pinching her clit with his other hand and she moaned softly.
“f-fuck me please jeno, i need your cock i need it so bad please jeno make me a mommy, wanna’ have your kids jeno p-please” she choked out her words and he smiled
“good job, my pretty little slut.”
he roughly pulled her underwear down, throwing them somewhere in the living room before taking her down the hallway to his room, throwing her on the bed harshly.
he pulled his boxers down and wasted no time, immediately pushing into her harshly and she let out a loud scream of his name, pumping into her with no reassurance at all.
“stupid little sluts like you dont get soft treatment, you take what i give you and you shut the fuck up, say thank you daddy, be happy you get anything from me.” he spat on her face harshly, grabbing her waist and slamming her down onto his dick.
“t-thank you daddy, thank you so much- fuck!” she screamed as he hit her cervix, rubbing the bulge which showed on her stomach and he groaned.
“you’re welcome, dumb baby”
he grabbed her waist and used the rest of his body to flip her over, pushing her head down into the sheets with his hands as she struggled to breathe in the sheet.
he roughly pounded his way into her, thrusting his hips at a harsh speed, feeling her cunt clench around him with every new piston of his hips.
“keep clenching me doll, gonna cum inside of this sweet little slutty pussy and give you my babies” she mewled out and nodded her head into the sheets, moving her hips back onto his as the squelching of her cunt grew louder and louder.
“perfect little bitch, hm?” and she nodded, with every word she nodded.
from fantasizing about how much she wanted him to bend her over and fuck her, to being on his bed getting roughly pounded like a bitch in heat.
this was amazing for her.
“gonna cum eh? feel ya clenchin around me doll, wanna cum? go ahead and try.” she feared his words and held out her orgasm, feeling the urge to pee take over her.
“j-jeno.. gotta pee get off please!” she whined out as loud as she could and he simply chuckled. the dark chuckle that managed to make her wet.
“pee hm? no no sweetie, you just feel really good. go ahead and.. “pee” darling.” he laughed at her once more
she released all over him, her juices squirting all over his bottom half and falling on his chest as she let out a loud scream of his name fall out of her mouth, but he kept going.
“that right darling, tell them who fucks you this good” and he lifted both of her legs, messily thrusting into her with all of his strength.
“jeno! you are, nobody touches me besides you m’ yours, m’ all yours jeno!!” she wailed out as tears flew down her eyes and felt warmness enter her.
he released insdie of her, letting every drop fall into her cunt and he slowly pulled out of her, pushing every spurt of cum that fell back into her cunt with his tip.
“you’re gonna be a good little wife fa’ me. and you’re gonna carry my cum around in that slutty pussy and keep it there.”
“all mine, you’re mine now”
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One Moment of Doubt
Series Masterlist
Warnings: dark elements, some sexiness in this.
Note: this is what yall asked for, remember that.
Please leave me some feedback either in a reblog or an ask! Likes are always appreciated as well. You know I love yall and hell yeah, you love Professor Steve.
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Jensen’s fingertips send ripples radiating through you. His warmth surrounds you, swathing you in a soft heat, slowly building as your own hands explore his body. You hook your thumbs in the top of his jeans as you cradle him between your legs, writhing as his tongue delves into your mouth.
His right hand comes up behind your head, steadying you as he trails down your cheek and chin. He kisses your neck as you moan. You flutter up his back, feeling his bare skin as his chest presses flush to you. His nails dig into your side as he nips along your throat.
His embrace is intoxication, so much so that you forget every doubt you had. You know that you’re ready, that he’s the one. You want him so bad.
He parts, panting as you feel along his stomach, the muscles tensing. You puff thinly up at him as he hovers just above you. You feel his excitement against you.
“You sure, honey?” He breathes.
You want to say yes, you’re about to say yes, but you can’t. Honey. Why did he have to call you that? Why do you have to think of… him? The epithet has Professor Rogers’ voice echoing in your head.
You drag your hand up and push against his chest, nearly sobbing, “sorry, Jake, I… I need a moment,” you gasp out.
You feel his reluctance, a moment of hesitation, but he pushes off of you and sits up. He swings his legs down over the edge of your narrow bed. He rubs the hair across his chest, trailing up to scratch his jawline.
“I’m sorry,” you quiver, “I don’t… I… that was good, I’m just… nervous.”
“Yeah, I get it,” he drops his shoulders.
“Please, I just… I need to splash some water on my face, that’s all.”
“Sure,” he mutters.
You don’t blame him. You stand up and fix your bra, popping your tits back into the cups as you poke your arms through the straps. He huffs and a roiling guilt fills your veins.
You go to the sink in the corner, keeping your back to him as you crank on the faucet. You put your hands under the cold water and lean in. You hear a subtle buzz but ignore it as you close your eyes and throw the water across your face.
Another short vibration. Probably Inez or your mother. You turn off the tap and reach for the hand towel nearby. You sense movement as you turn around and Jake frowns as he pulls his gaze away from your phone, forgotten during your romp. It rests just against the bed frame and lights up.
Jake stands, not looking at you as he scoops his shirt off the floor.
“You know, I think I should go back to mine–”
“What? Aren’t you staying the night?”
He shakes his head and pulls on the tee, “I don’t think it’s a good idea. There’s no room.”
“Huh? But–”
“I’m not a fucking idiot,” he sneers. You’ve never heard him like that, “read up on your messages, maybe that guy can give you what you want.”
“What?” You rush over to him, “who— what guy?”
He rolls his eyes and nudges past you, snatching up your phone. He curls his lip as he reads the screen, ‘Thinking of you dresses as Mrs. Claus for Christmas. Have you been naughty or nice?’
You grimace and recoil, “who– I don’t know what that means, Jensen.”
“Sure,” he avoids your gaze as he turns the phone to you. You can tell he’s hurt, “I… I don’t wanna be your second choice. Give him a call, maybe he can get the chastity belt off–”
“Hey, Jen, that’s not–”
“Nice? No, neither is texting other guys.”
“I told you, I’m not–”
He turns the phone to him as the screen brightens. Another message. He swipes up, the lock already disabled by the short glimpse of your face in the lens. His cheek strains and he throws the phone away from him like fire.
“What the fuck!?” He explodes, startling you, “you have to be kidding me? Him?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You’re fucking professor? That fucking creep?”
“Please, Jensen, no–”
“He sent you a special Christmas gift, enjoy,” he shoves you out of the way and stomps by you, “I can’t fucking believe I thought you were really into me–”
“Jen, I am. I don’t know what he said but–”
“Fuck off,” he grabs his jacket, his bag, and his boots, “I don’t want to hear it. I should’ve known. The way you lost that TA thing so fast, how he was always where you are– what am I to you? A fucking joke? A game?”
“Not at all, I swear, he’s crazy. He won’t leave me alone but I told him too. I don’t– he’s been following me and I’m so scared, Jen–”
“I don’t believe a word,” he pulls open the door, “I’m tired of your lies. Empty promises. I should’ve known…” he stops and looks back at you, eyes glistening as he fixes his glasses, “I could never get a girl like you.”
He stalks off and you run after him, forgetting about your lack of shirt. You grab onto his arm as he gets to the front door and he shrugs you off. You try again and he elbows you away.
“Don’t. Don’t touch me,” he points in your face, “go get that pervert to do it. If he can even get it up.”
You wince and pull back. You clasp your hands together, your heart sinking. You want to tell him everything, make him hear the truth, but you don’t know if it’s worth it. The things he’s saying, the way he’s acting…that he would take Rogers’ word over yours.
“I never lied to you,” you croak, “so go. If you don’t want to listen, fucking go.”
You spin and storm away, clutching your chest with one hand as you flick away tears. You sniffle and stumble back into your room. The front door slams and you nearly keel over. 
How could everything have flipped so fast? You go to the bed and retrieve your phone from where it landed. You turn the screen up and nearly scream. There on the screen is a photo of Professor Rogers, naked, with only a corner of a bedsheet covering his pelvis. 
You blocked his number. How could he–
If Jensen had looked closer he would see that there was no conversation, that the contact was unknown. Those details fade to the edges of the messages and the photo. You almost can’t blame Jake for buying Professor Rogers’ lies; it seems to be his specialt
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d1onysusw1n3 · 2 months
★Quickie? - Dean Winchester ★
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Tw: P in V, dirty talk, smut, sub-dean, dom-reader, pretty vanilla- kind of. Anyways enjoy this is based off a movie clip I seen Jensen in.
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Me and Dean have always had a flirty friendship. I mean if that’s even what you call it. Last time I checked pinning someone to a wall in a trashy alleyway mid hunt and telling them how much you want to fuck them isn’t casual?
Dean was Especially flirty today. Lingering looks. Hand resting on my thigh as we drive. Tucking my hair behind my ear. Walking out in just a towel. He knows what he’s doing, yet that never really stops him does it. I didn’t really notice how sexually pent up I was until I kept snapping at every little thing that annoyed me. It felt as if my skin was on fire.
Dean and sam sat at a round wooden table In the middle of the hotel room we booked, for once this one was fairly nice. I sat on one of the twin beds with my back to the headboard. You see I was planning a devious mission, in order to tease dean back. I was wearing a cropped tank top with a blue Jean miniskirt, the twist was I wasn’t wearing anything under it. Sam declared that he was going to go do research somewhere, that’ll he’ll be gone for a few or more hours. Perfect. I was ready to set the plan in motion until Dean picks up the hotel phone and orders food. Though that’s not the only thing he wanted, due to the fact he was talking back and fourth with the girl that answered.
I sat there clicking some random pen in order to filter my anger.
“I would love to go out sometime sweetheart” Dean chuckles at her response.
This made my veins boil, so I start clicking the pen faster without knowing. I was staring off into space glaring holes into the wall.
“I am free anytime, honestly” Dean slyly says.
“What am I wearing! Naughty jen.” Dean tries to whisper. Though he sucks at it. And that was my breaking point. The pen I was clicking snaps in my hand. I throw it onto the floor getting up while marching over to him. He looks up and see my frustrated gaze, he just raises his eyebrows at me almost like he was asking if I’m okay. I smirk at him sliding onto his lap sitting face to face with him. I grab the phone off of his ear putting it to mine.
“Well then dean, you free tonight? I have a itch that I know you’ll be able to scratch.” I hear some annoying whiny bitch say on the other line.
“Sorry sweetheart, deans busy” I say hanging up the phone.
“Hey! What was that for-“ I shut him up by covering his mouth with my hand staring into his eyes while grinding down onto him.
“You know with how much you like to tease me? I never really got my revenge.” I say deathly silent almost. I could feel him squirming underneath me.
“Do you know how much I think about you, how much I want you Dean?” I lean closer to his side of his head, my lips ghosting just above the tip of his ear.
I uncover his mouth putting my hands on his chest while slowly dragging them down to his belt. His eyes are locked onto mine unable to look at anything else. Good. I unbuckle his belt gliding it off his belt loops while throwing it across the room somewhere. I unbuckle his jeans painfully slow,whilst pulling down his zipper.
“Please.” I hear him whisper. It was barely audible but since we’re so close in proximity I heard it, plus that whimper he accidentally let out his throat.
“Please what, sweetheart?” I mock him with a sinister smile. I can’t lie I was just as aroused as him, but the satisfaction of seeing I have an effect on him was too much.
“Please, C-Can I fuck you.” He says again slowly reaching up to grip my hips.
“Hm,” I tilt my head as if I was pondering.
“No.” I smirk down at him.
“I’m going to fuck you, at my pace, and you going to sit there and take it.” I say sternly.
“And maybe, if you’re a good boy, I’ll let you cum.”
I reach in his pants and boxers pulling out his dick while pumping it twice slowly, I rub my finger over his tip using his pre-cum as lube. He gasps and throws his head back grinding his teeth down to suppress the moans that are trying to wiggle their way up and out.
Immediately I stop and he whines.
“Try to suppress your moans, I will get up and lay down like nothing happened, do you want that.”
“N-No please.” He says shaking his head, his usual vibrant green eyes were almost black and clouded with lust. His eyes were droopy with pleasure.
I hike my skirt up my hips a bit and I hear him let out a throaty moan.
“When did you take off your underwear?” He mutters.
“Hm, I was never wearing any.”
I line him up with my entrance slowly lowering myself onto him. He leans foreword pulling me closer to his chest while burying his face in my breasts.
“Fuck” he whines and pants heavily. I don’t know why it felt to intimate as we sat there with him inside of me, trying to catch our breaths.
I slowly move up and down, he holds my hips with an iron grip as I move against him. As i start going faster my legs start shaking and burning. At this point it felt so good to have him shaking under me, the pleasure of it all was too much I couldn’t contain my moans. And Dean wasn’t making it any better with his comments.
“Fuck, yeah baby right there.”
“You’re such a good girl, my good girl.”
“Dean I can’t keep going my legs are gonna give.” My voice says all shaky.
“Can I fuck you please, baby.” I nod unable to form any sentences. This was all he needed because he picks me up slamming my back down on top of the wooden table . I wrap my legs around his torso pulling him deeper inside of me. His hand grips lightly at my throat as his strokes get faster and more impatient.
“Dean, m’gonnna cum.” I whimper out holding the wrist that had his hand around my neck.
“Yeah? Cum f’me baby, cum on my dick.” He growls out. I don’t how but his strokes get faster and more brutal. I scream out as I feel my release hit its peak, all that buildup and stress finally snaps. A wave of pleasure hits me , I gasp out arching my back. I start convulsing clenching around his dick in a tight grip.
“Fuck y/n, so tight” he groans.
He kept thrusting riding out my orgasm. My legs were hooked around his torso, he taps my thighs in a panicked state.
“I’m gonna cum in you if you don’t let go.” He says hurriedly.
“Cum in me then.”
That was good enough for him. He finally lets himself hit his peak, his abs clench in pleasure at he paints my walls white.
“Fuck y/n.” He says breathing heavily.
“That was the hottest shit I’ve ever done.” He mumbles after.
I smirk unhooking my legs lighting pushing him back with my foot knocking him to sit back in the chair.
“I’ll make a deal with you Dean,” I say struggling to lower my skirt back down as I walk up to him.
“If you resist flirting with any girl all day tomorrow, I’ll let you fuck me wherever you want.” I say pointing at him.
“Your bluffing.”
“Why would I bluff when I know I’m going to win.” I say with a cocky smirk.
“Oh you’re so on.” He shakes his head.
“Put it here.” I say reaching my hand out, he shakes it and I hear the door handle jiggle.
I hurry putting my tits back into my top while pulling relentlessly at my skirt trying to get it over my ass. I run over to the bed I was once sitting on trying to act normal. I smooth down my hair trying to regulate my breaths.
While Dean pulls up his pants scrambling around to find his belt. He sits back down at the table his arms crossed staring at the tv like nothing happened.
“Hey! I’m back and I brought food.” Sam says with a small smile.
“Great I’m starving.” Dean says as he gets up to grab the bag out of Sammy’s hand.
Sam looks down noticing his fly unzipped and the smallest wet patch at his crotch, if it wasn’t for his zipper he wouldn’t have even noticed it. He looks over to me with a knowing smirk and all I could do was gulp.
“Sooo, did I miss anything exciting Dean?” Sam says looking at him. Just as Dean took a sip of his soda he chokes spitting it out.
I sigh shaking my head.
‘Real smooth idiot’ I say in my mind.
Sam just laughs while walking over to his bed. He stops and looks over at me.
“You didn’t…on my bed… did you?” He says with his lips pursed. My eyes bulge out my head. Before I could even speak Dean across the room speaks first.
“No! Sammy we didn’t even use the bed-“ he trails off looking at me with a gulp. I had the biggest death glare aimed at his stupid head.
“Dude! Gross where was it?!” Sam exclaimed looking at me. I sigh hanging my head in my hands.
“The table.” My muffled voice says through my hands.
“Oh my god.” Sammy says. I could see a bit of blush spread across his face.
“I’m just going to take a shower. It’s been a long day.” Sam sighs taking of his jacket heading over to the bathroom.
“And dean?” He says turning around before he closes the door.
“Hm,” Dean snaps his head up at Sam with his mouth full of burger.
“Disinfect the table, please.” Sam closes the door and I could hear the shower start.
I hop up running over to him slapping him upside the head.
“Are you serious?” I whisper yell at him.
“Well you didn’t exactly pitch in, what else was I supposed to say?!” He whispers back.
“Uh i don’t know maybe ‘we used the other bed’ or ‘nothing happened’”
“Well I can’t exactly pretend like you didn’t just seduce me, that’s your fault.” He points his finger in my face.
I reach up slapping it out of my face harshly.
“Don’t point in my face, idot!” I turn around get in one of the beds shutting of the lamp.
He’s a stupid fucking idot.
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Pt 2?
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addictedwritingg · 8 months
Hate Means Love Ch.1
Jenna Ortega x Male Character.
Summary: Jenna Ortega shares a house with her roommate's, one of them being a male she can't stand, in other words, hates. He loves to tease and feed her hatred just to watch her for his pleasure (wink wink).
Warnings! - inappropriate language, teasing, arguing, and I think that's about it!
I walk into the house coming back from the gym wearing some gray sweatpants with my shirt off and thrown over my shoulder. I look over to Jenna who was starting at me with her annoying brown doe eyes as I walk to the kitchen to get my smoothie.
"If you want me to send you a picture of me, I can do that" I tease her as I tilt my drink back taking a swig.
"Shut up" She scoffs "You look fucking ridicules."
I laugh at her comment knowing I definitely don't look ridicules, I mean not to be cocky, but I work very hard on my body every day, and I'm built and healthy.
"Can you two please not start today, you might as well be married at this point." our other roommate/friend Trina says to us as she comes out of her room.
"Mmm married, let's do it Jenna." I tease her, carrying on my antics.
Jenna rolls her eyes at me and sighs with an annoyed breath. I walk over to the couch and sit across from her on the other couch and get on my phone scrolling through Instagram. I finish my smoothie and set the cup next to me on the side table when Devin our other roommate and friend walks inside.
"Yooo my boy, Devin, looking sexy." I joke with a laugh.
"Thanks honey, you are too." he winks playing along.
"You ready for tonight?" I ask standing up to throw my empty smoothie bottle in the trash.
Devin gives me a "wait" look before i finish my sentence, causing me to look at him.
"What you guys got planned?" Jenna asks curiously.
"Ohhhhh, you didn't invite them?" I laugh tossing my drink in the garbage.
"No, no that's not it, I haven't told them yet, there both coming, at least I hope" he says as he puts his groceries away.
"Where too?" Jenna ask.
"Party tonight, at one of Devin and I's friend's house."
"No arguing tonight guys!" Devins yells as he walks to his room out of sight.
Jenna is leaning against the kitchen counter cornered into the corner of the wall with her arms crossed. I walk over and hover over her as I was much taller than her, and lean over her, just inches from her face.
"You hear that? try and be a good girl tonight." I grin as I reach behind her and grab my vitamin's she was in the way of.
She pushes me and walks away as I laugh out loud to myself. Why Jenna and I never got along, I couldn't say, we have never clicked. She says I'm a condescending dick and I say she's a total bitch, but here we are, living in the same 4 walls.
Jenna's POV.
"UGHHHHH Andre (male characters name) is so annoying!" I yell plopping down on Trina's bed as she does her make up in her mirror.
"You guys have been like that since you were kids, it's got to be like angry sexual tension now that you guys are adults." Trina says making me jump up in shock with my mouth hanging open.
"Ew, I would never, I just hate him so much." I say in disgust at the thought of it.
Trina rolls her eyes followed with a laugh at my actions. She sets her make-up brush in her brush cup making a clink sound and turns to face me.
"I want to have a good time tonight, and so should you Jen! you need too!" She says grabbing my hand and giving me a warm smile. "Here, I have the perfect outfit you can wear, but you will have to grab some hair clips because I can't find mine." she says getting up and heading to her closet.
I get up and walk to my room to get some of my hair clips, before I open my door, I walk into Andre who is coming out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist, and then my eyes follow down to his bulge beneath his towel and I couldn't help but stair in surprise.
"My eyes are up here" he says placing his finger under my chin gently lifting my face up, causing me to slap his hand away seeing that stupid grin on his face.
"Don't touch me dumbass" I scoff opening my door and walking into my room.
He laughs and follows me leaning against my doorway.
"So, you can look at my dick, but I can't advert your eyes?" He laughs crossing his arms.
"I was not looking at you're di- Andre get out I'm busy." I say cutting myself off not wanting to deal with his shit.
Andre's POV.
I walk away to my room with a grin on my face to get dressed and ready for the party. I take my towel off and slip on some Calvin Klien black underwear and some simply black Nike socks when I'm interrupted by Devin.
"Yo bro, think I could borrow you're Jordan 1s?" He asks with his head hooked around the door peering in my room.
"Yeah, go ahead man, just not the white and gray ones, I'm wearing them tonight." I say pointing to my closet full of my shoes.
He nods at me, thanking me as he heads towards my closet, and I continue getting ready.
*Time skip*
All of us are in the parking garage heading down to the building for the party when I hand Trina my phone and ask her to snap a picture of me to post on Instagram later.
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"Thanks Trina, looks great." I say taking my phone back and shoving it into my pocket.
We get down the parking garage and walk across the street to enter into the building. I'm greeted by all my old friends, and I couldn't be happier. As I look around the room, I notice all the hot women walking around hanging off their friends and talking loudly from the alcohol they have already consumed. I head over to the drink table and grab a red solo cup and fill it to the brim with Captain Morgan, because I'm getting wasted tonight. Jenna approaches from behind me and I look at her taking a sip out of my cup.
"Jesus, are you a damn alcoholic?" She says grabbing a cup, noticing how much pure alcohol is in my cup.
"It's Captain Morgan, here try some." I lift her chin gently with my fingers and tilt her head back bringing my cup to her lips, sliding my thumb to her bottom lip to pull it down so I could gently pour some into her mouth. I wipe the access liquid from her bottom lip and suck it off my finger. "See, it's good" I say with a grin leaving Jenna at the drink table.
Jenna POV.
I stood there as my stomach burned with a feeling I've never felt from that damn boy I hated so much, But I knew he only did it to get a reaction out of me and holy fuc- I was cut off my Trina coming up behind me placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Uhm, that was hot as fuck, and I don't even think of Andre that way."
"Trina!" I say slapping her hand playfully. "He did that shit on purpose, why he did it, couldn't tell you."
Trina rolls her eyes and grabs my hand to drag me into the other room. "Come on there playing do or drink!" she says with a giggle dragging me like a bad kid in the store.
We sit down across from Devin and Andre on a couch and pick our cups up so everyone can take a shot to start the game. I look over to Devin who seems to already have a girl for the night as she's sitting on his lap with her arms wrapped around him, which should be fun to hear the antics tonight.
"Alright, I'll go first!" a man with blonde hair says grabbing a card and proceeds to read it. "Who are you taking home tonight? or drink 2 shots" He laughs after reading around the room and then scans the room to see. "I'm going to take her home tonight!" he says pointing at this blonde girl across the room making Devin and Andre laugh in unison. I continue to drink on my cup feeling light and fuzzy, but in a good way and that's when I hear Trina tell me it's my turn. I grab my card and read it out loud. "Sit in the persons lap directly across from you for the rest of the game or drink 5 shots." I say with a smile looking up to only notice its Andre directly across from me making my smile slowly fade and turn into an irritated expression as I see his stupid grin growing. "You got to be fucking kidding" I say to myself looking at my cup and then back to him. I sigh out loud and walk to him as he slouches in his seat making room for me to sit. I snatch a pillow from the drunk blonde and place it on Andre's lap too avoid any contact with him. I sit on the pillow and look at him visible annoyed.
"You smell good but look like shit." he says with a stupid chuckle.
"Please, I don't want to sit in your lap at all, but 5 shots are way too much." I roll my eyes.
He yanks the pillow out from under me making me yelp and tosses it to the other couch.
"That wasn't part of the rules, no cheating" He grins.
"Asshole" was all I could Munster to say as I turned away from him to ignore him.
About 10 minutes go by and I've just accepted my situation at this point and leaned back into him as it hurt my body sitting so stiff for so long. I finish the last little bit in my cup and Trina offers to get me more since she was getting up to get herself some. I then suddenly feel Andre's hand snake around me and sit on my upper thigh close to my region but not close enough to touch. His hand is huge and practically covers my whole upper thigh. He squeezes it and leans up to my ear, I can feel his warm breath on my ear making me sit closer back to him as the sensation was intoxicating. He squeezes my thigh harder, hard enough to leave a bruise, but in the best way possible as this boy was intoxicating me with arousal.
"You know." His lips brushed against my ear making my back slightly arch, just a little. "For someone who hates me you sure aren't acting like it right now."
I sit up and look at him and scoff, I don't know what the fuck I was doing but I wasn't going to let it keep happening.
"Your such an asshole, stop talking to me." I say annoyed.
and then I look back at him.
"I could say the same thing for you considering you legit have a boner, from me." he laughs and takes a drink out of his cup.
"Stop moving so much on my dick then, I'm sure if you took you're underwear off you would be we-" I cut him off and got off him.
"I'm going to get a drink, your stupid." I say standing up to go find Trina.
End of Chapter 1.
A/N: I'm sorry if this chapter is kind of all over the place or even kind of slow, I'm trying to give a good view of the relationship they have together. Also, this is my first fic I've written and I'm by no means good at it all, chapter 2 will be out very soon! I hope you guys liked it!! and PSA, there will be LOTS of smut in this story very very soon.
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bpsmuts · 1 year
After Dark - Jennie
Jennie x Male Reader
Words: 895
Summary: Your girlfriend and you decide to have some fun after a night out
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After an adventurous night out with your girlfriend, you both arrive at her apartment. Jennie opens the door and you take her jacket while she walks into the kitchen to fix herself another drink.
After hanging up both jackets, you make your way to the kitchen and hug her from behind, leaving kisses on her neck as she replies with a slight moan.
"I think I'm ready for bed" You say to Jennie whilst still hugging her from behind. "Aww, come on Y/N" Jennie pouts as she turns around and pecks your lips.
She places her hands on your chest and kisses you again, this time deepening the kiss and getting closer to you. "I can feel that you still have some energy in you" Jennie mutters with her lips still pressed against yours.
Her hand slowly glides over your stomach towards your crotch, feeling the bulge that you've developed. Jennie breaks the kiss and looks at you with a big smile "Let's have some fun baby!".
Now being turned on as well, you pick up your girlfriend and walk into the living room, where you sit down with her on your lap and start to kiss her more roughly.
Your hands start to explore her body, moving from her hips up towards cupping her breasts, resulting in a moan from Jennie. You break the kiss in order for her to take off her shirt and bra, leaving her upper body exposed for your viewing pleasure.
"Like what you see?" Jennie asks you while smiling, before kissing you again. This time, you start to circle around her nipples, making your girlfriend moan once again.
You break the kiss, but continue to kiss her neck, making your way down towards her breasts. "Ahh Y/N" is all that Jennie can say as you begin to suck on her left nipple.
Jennie starts to grind on your crotch as you continue to cup her other breast with your left hand.
You stop sucking and make your way back towards her lips, moving your hand towards her core. "Okay, my turn!" Jennie says before you can even reach her pants.
She gets up from your lap and undoes your pants, while you take off your shirt. She then takes off her own pants, leaving both of you fully naked.
She ogles at your body for a moment, before kneeling in front of you. She started by stroking your length slowly as she looked into your eyes.
"God, you're hot Jen" is all that you could get out, as she started to take your tip into her mouth. Of all the girlfriends you've ever had, Jennie was by far the best one at giving blowjobs.
Jennie continued to suck your dick, as she moved her own hands towards her core to pleasure herself.
It didn't take long for her to be so worked up, that she begged you to fuck her. "What's the magic word?" You teased her. "Please. Please fuck me Y/N. I need you inside me" Jennie begged you.
You oblige and stand up "You want to take it into the bedroom?" you ask Jennie, who immediately got up and swiftly walked into her bedroom, pulling you behind her.
Entering the bedroom, you throw Jennie onto her bed and climb on top of her, kissing her lips. "Y/N, please!" Jennie mutters.
You move your head towards her folds, teasing her clit with your tongue. "Oh.. Oh God" Jennie whimpers softly. After teasing her clit, you finally slide your dick into her wet cunt.
Jennie lifts her hips as you push your length all the way into her. Grabbing the sheets and closing her eyes, Jennie lets out soft and cute moans.
You start to kiss her as you pick up the speed, silencing her moans. Her soft lips are too addicting to not kiss and so you continue licking and kissing her lips, letting the "Oh's" and "Ah's" escape from her.
She wraps her arms around you as you continue to hump her, causing Jennie to give of whines of pleasure. You know there's nothing in the world that she likes more than having sex with you, so once her lips part while moaning, you use the opportunity to invade her mouth with your tongue.
While your thrusts seem aimless, you still manage to hit the right spots and soon enough you can feel Jennie's walls closing around you.
"Ahh Y/N.. I'm getting close.. Please.." Jennie yells. You keep up the pace and start to suck on her nipples again. "Almost there, Please.. Baby.."
Jennie shrieks loudly, as she reaches her climax and her walls contract even further around your cock. Hearing the pleasure in her voice, you feel yourself getting closer to your high as well.
Not wanting to impregnate your girlfriend, you pull out of her and jerk off until you reach your orgasm. Jennie continues to pleasure herself, drawing circles around her clit and extending her orgasm.
Seeing each other get off, results in you shooting your cum right on her midriff and hitting her tits slightly. Panting heavily, you collapse next to her.
"That was amazing" you say to Jennie under heavy breaths.
"See, good thing you didn't go to bed right away" she replies with a cheeky smile. "Round 2 tomorrow?".
"Definitely!" You reply, still out of breath.
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raibebe · 2 years
Alone Time
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Genre: fluff, suggestive Words: 687 Prompt: Samoyed hybrid Jeno x fem. reader
Warnings: making out, petting?, mentions of injury
A/N: I wrote this in like an hour or something because I thought I needed one of my Jenos to celebrate Valentine's Day :] I hope you enjoy the return of Jenpup!
Hybridverse masterlist
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“I’m home!” You called out into the apartment as soon as you opened the door, fully ready to be greeted by a toddler and a kindergartener with wagging tails and matching eye smiles after a draining day at work. “Pups?” You called out again as you put your keys into the dish that Haneul had painted in kindergarten and gifted to you for Christmas, confused when you didn’t hear any toddler steps bolting towards you. “Jen?” Nothing. Did you miss something? Was there a parents teacher meeting at the kindergarten Jeno had taken the pups to? But he’d have told you so you could tag along. And there had been one just the other month because some human children couldn’t behave around hybrids. And the keys to his car as well as his copy of the apartment’s keys were still in the little dish. “Haneul? Aerum? Mommy is home!”
Cursing your memory because you surely must have forgotten something, you threw your purse onto the floor to dig out your phone, quickly pulling up Jeno’s contact. While the call was connecting, you carelessly toed off your heels to throw them onto the shoe pile, noticing that two pairs of tiny shoes were missing. But Jeno’s favorite sneakers were neatly stacked onto the shoe rack. Instead of connecting the call, it went straight to his mailbox, Haneul’s shrill voice telling you that his daddy currently wasn’t available and that you should leave a note for him instead. Disconnecting the call after your ears had been thoroughly assaulted, you stared at your phone in disbelief. What was going on?
“Welcome home, love,” Jeno’s low voice ripped you from your stupor, a gentle smile on his face. “Hi,” he giggled when you didn’t reply, his tail gently swishing behind him and his ears perked up in alert. “Hi..?” You asked, still very much confused and feeling like you were missing some vital piece of information, “Where’re the pups?” “At Doyoung’s,” he answered as if you had asked him about the weather and not the sudden disappearance of your children. “Did I miss something? At that, Jeno simply giggled again, his tail picking up the pace. “It’s Valentine’s Day, love.” “Oh.” “Oh,” he echoed, closing the distance between you to gently press a kiss to your cheek. “Happy Valentine’s Day my love.” 
“I completely forgot,” you whined, winding your arms around his middle to hug him. Valentine’s Day of all the days to forget. When there had been ads about sales and obnoxious pink boxes of chocolates and teddy bears hugging hearts in every grocery store. “It’s alright. Your work has been crazy,” the Samoyed hybrid chuckled, holding you tightly against his chest so you could feel it rumble as he spoke lowly, “I ordered us some nice dinner and some wine.” “You’re a dream,” you sighed, leaning in to softly kiss his lips, “I’ll make it up to you.” “Oh?” He perked up, wiggling his eyebrows. “You knothead,” you laughed fondly, playfully hitting his chest, “Two are enough.” “Yeah, I know. The little one didn’t let me drive home for a solid fifteen minutes.” “Don’t say that, I’ll feel bad about taking some time for us,” you whined as you vividly imagined Aerum’s pout while Haneul was probably already busy chasing his cousins around. 
“We deserve some alone time every now and again. Some time for us as a couple,” Jeno effectively shut down your bad thoughts with a deep kiss, his chest rumbling with content when you opened up for his tongue with a content sigh so he could lick into your mouth. “Dinner is gonna get cold,” you gasped between kisses, your hands buried in Jeno’s fluffy hair as you gently massaged the base of his fluffy ears. “It’s pasta and steak for me, we can heat it up again,” he dismissed your thought, his nimble hands already unbuttoning your blouse. “You always treat me so well,” you giggled into the next filthy kiss, letting your hands run down the planes of Jeno’s chest before you let them slip beneath his sweater to rake your nails over his abs, reveling in the low groan he let out. 
“Bedroom,” he moaned, breaking the kiss to rip his sweater over his head, not caring in the slightest where it landed, busying himself with pressing wet kisses along your neck next, raking his canines over your racing pulse. “Fuuuck,” you cursed, grabbing onto his hair tightly to yank Jeno back up so you could taste his lips again, hungrily swallowing his moans that you hadn’t heard in such a long time. Eagerly, you arched into his touch so you could feel his skin on yours, your blouse long forgotten on the floor of your entryway, reveling in the heat of his body and feeling his cock harden against your thigh when he slipped one of his thighs between yours. “We’re not gonna make it,” Jeno groaned when you sneaked a hand between your bodies to cup him through his jeans, his arousal already straining against the tight denim. “Don’t care, need you so bad,” you breathed against his lips, letting him back you up against the wall for stability so you could wrap one of your legs around him to shamelessly grind your lower halves together like either of you were in heat or rut. 
“Off,” Jeno growled, already working his belt open, “Get this off.” “Let me,” you giggled, slowly sinking on your knees but not without pressing kisses to your boyfriend’s exposed chest as you went down, the last one staining his furry white happy trail with what was left of your lipstick. 
Just when you had pulled the zipper of his jeans down and pressed your lips to his straining cock through the fabric of his boxers, Jeno’s eyes already blown wide and his teeth digging into his lower lip, the jarring sound of his ringtone broke the moment between you. Huffing in annoyance, you sat back on your haunches, casting him a sour look. Of course, someone would cockblock you just as you were finally going to get some action after weeks of nothing more than hurried handjobs. “I swear I set it up so no calls should be getting through unless they were important,” he pouted back at you, fishing his phone from his pocket, “Shit, it’s Doyoung.” “Take the call,” you urged him on. Was it already bedtime for Aerum? Did she want to say goodnight to you? “Shit, yes.” After some nervous fumbling, Jeno finally answered the call. 
“Doyoung? Is something wrong?” - “What?” Concern was written all over your boyfriend’s face as he listened to his friend, his eyebrows pulling together with a frown. This definitely wasn’t about your pups wanting to say goodnight.  “Is he okay?” When he said that and his frown only deepened, your blood froze inside your veins, time stopping for a moment before it seemed to go by twice as fast with how quickly your heart was hammering inside your chest, the sound of your blood rushing almost deafening in your ears. “Shit. Yes. Yeah, yes we should do that, I think Jaemin might be on call, we’re coming to pick them up now.” As if your body was working separately from your mind which was occupied coming up with horror scenarios as to why it was important that Jaemin would be working tonight, you got up from your knees, your fingers instinctively slipping between Jeno’s before he could start nervously picking at his cuticles. “No, no, no, we’ll drive them. Just try to calm her down, it’ll only be ten minutes or so. We’ll hurry, bye.” 
“What happened?” You immediately blurted out as soon as Jeno had cut the call, already shoving his phone back in his pocket and pulling his zipper back up. “Haneul fell and Doyoung thinks he broke his arm and Aerum won’t stop crying because they were playing and it scared her.” “Fuck,” you could only curse, your mind running wild with worry for your baby boy and a probably very misplaced feeling of guilt because if it wasn’t for you and Jeno wanting to spend some time alone, your pup would have been safely tucked into bed in like an hour. “Hey,” Jeno gently broke you from your thoughts, tenderly cupping your face so you would look at him, “It’s not our fault this has happened. He has too much energy for his own good. We’ll pick the pups up and drive them over to Jaemin’s hospital and make sure they’re okay.” 
After taking in a shaky breath while Jeno pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, you nodded your head, willing your body to calm down so you could sort out your clothes and put on some shoes and a jacket. 
So much for spending a nice evening as a couple.
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hannahssimblr · 9 months
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Jen sits on the deck outside the beach house when I come down the wooden steps, and she eyes my shopping bag. 
“Got everything?”
“Enough snacks for me too?”
“Uh huh.”
“Well, are you ready to go? Shane and Joe are waiting-”
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“Yeah just a sec,” I nip up the stairs and push through the front door, and my dad is where he’s been all day, looking at his laptop at the kitchen table. He barely glances up. 
“Where have you been?”
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His keyboard is the only sound aside from Ivy, murmuring to her dolls in the living room below. I throw the plastic bag onto the counter and start stacking a few things into the fridge. “I noticed Ivy was out of yoghurts,” I say, “I picked up more for her to have tomorrow.”
Dad says nothing. 
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“And I borrowed your credit card, I assume that’s okay.”
“Your credit card. I took it.”
“Mm. Hope you didn’t drop it somewhere and lose it.”
“No,” I slide it out of my wallet and place it on the table, “There it is, safe and sound.”
I go back to the fridge and hide a chocolate bar behind a jar of mayonnaise for Ivy, then grab one of dad’s beers and slip it into my old schoolbag. He doesn’t seem to notice so I swipe another.
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He leans back in the chair and stretches his arms with a grunt. “Did you get food for dinner tonight?”
“I'm not making dinner, I've plans.”
“Yeah I’m going camping in the forest. I told you this morning,” I point lamely at the sleeping bag I left by the door. 
“I’m not sure that you did.”
“I did, definitely.”
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“Well I think I’m gonna need you to stick around, things are just too busy around here today.”
“Where’s mom?”
“Uh, the hotel I think. She said she was getting some sorta massage.”
“Maybe after her massage she can cook, because as I’ve said, I’m busy tonight.”
“She might be a while.”
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I stiffen. “Well then get a takeaway.”
He peers at me over the rim of his reading glasses and sighs this long, world weary sigh that makes me feel like rolling my eyes. “It’d just be convenient if you stayed.”
“Yeah I know, but I’m not available.”
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“I don’t think it’s too much to ask that you help out a little at home, I know that you think you can just do whatever you want because you’re on vacation but it’s just not gonna like that for-”
“Yeah I get it, but I’m not going to be here tonight. One night. I don’t know what you want me to say.”
“I thought you might have grown out of this teenage stuff by now, Jude, this whole moodswing thing, you know, when I was sixteen I was already-”
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“Working in an ice cream parlour and bringing in your own money, I know,” I grit my teeth, “and I’m sorry about not doing the same, but-”
“- and you know, you really were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, if my parents knew that I’d raised-”
I snatch up my bags and leave the door swinging behind me. 
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As Jen watches me as I storm down the stairs the corner of her mouth twitches up. “You’re a bit red around the ears,” she points out, “Did you get into it again with Christopher?”
I hop down from the deck and haul my bike from the sand. “Let’s just go.”
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After meeting Shane and Joe in the village we swing by the Boat Club to pick up Clóda. 
“Oh you’re cycling,” She says as she shakes her hair free of her high bun, “I didn’t bring a bike.”
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I glance at her empty hands. “Or a sleeping bag? Or food?” 
A shrug, “No.”
“You can share with me then,” I say, and I’d usually have done a much better job at being smooth, but instead my words come out sharp and impatient, and then I feel guilty when I catch sight of her wavering smile as she clambers onto the handlebars of my bicycle.  
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“Hope you had a nice day so far,” She says, and as I pull away from the curb with a wobble I try to relax my body with some deep breaths. “Yeah it was fine. Tell me about yours.”
And she does, and we five cycle until the village tapers away to become scarce houses dotted along the coast, on and on until the mouth of the woods. I listen to her talk, not really what she is saying so much as the sound of her voice, and I realise that if I concentrate on things like this, like the steady lock of her hands over mine and the silk of her hair blowing back against my face then I don’t have a lot of space left to think about how awful and selfish I am today.
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By the time we reach the forest and tether our bikes to a fence I’m feeling almost back to myself again, so much so that I can even join in the conversation Shane, Jen and Joe are having about Dexter, and as always when it comes to TV, Jen and I start arguing about something or other, some part of the story that I picked up wrong, some character that I love but I am supposed to hate, and this is my favourite way to be with her, giving off, winding each other up so much and acting pissed off until someone thinks we’re being serious and tries to mediate. It’s the best way I can think of to whittle the time away on this trek from the onset of the woods to the dark depths of it, where the stony path turns to a dirt trail and briars snag at our ankles, where we duck under and scramble over low hanging branches and pick twigs out of one another's hair. 
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Clóda, who has been silent for a long time, slips her hand into mine and pulls me back from the group. “There was a sign that said ‘No Camping’ back there,” she murmurs. 
“Yeah I know, we got caught before, a couple of years ago, but that’s why we’re going so deep in. Don’t worry, the guards never come this far.”
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“Right,” she glances overhead where the dense firs have blocked out most of the evening sun and cast enormous shadows down upon us. I can listen now that the others have gone on ahead and their voices are dulled from the sounds of the trees brushing together in the wind, the squelch of the damp earth underfoot and the roar of the waves over the sand dunes somewhere to the east. A hare springs from a nearby cluster of ferns and flees from us, and Clóda screams and clings to my sleeve. 
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“You okay? A bit scared?” 
“Yeah, kind of.”
“Of the woods?”
“I don’t know. I suppose we’re just a bit far from the path.”
“It’s okay, nothing is going to happen, there won’t be anybody but us. And the ghosts.”
She bats my arm, “God, stop.”
“You believe in them?”
“I do.” 
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She shivers and says softly, “Okay well I don’t want to think about that.”
I peck the crown of her head, “Don’t worry, Just joking. I’ll mind you.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
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agathasangel · 2 years
in the middle- part 2 (Jen Barkley x Claire Debella x fem!reader NSFW)
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warnings: smut & angst, actually basically just smut, past cheating, legal age gap, threesome, pervy!mommy!claire, slightly bratty switch!Jen, voyeurism, masturbation, fingering (r receiving), strap-ons (r receiving), oral (jen receiving), threats of spanking (jen receiving).
word count: 1930
summary: jen’s plan to introduce claire to your relationship worked, and now they have you exactly where they want you.
The cab ride back to the hotel was torturous. Jen and Claire sat on either side of you in the backseat, each of them making sure you couldn’t rub your thighs together the way you do desperately wanted to. Every time you tried to cross your legs for some friction, Claire would dig her nails into your thigh to stop you.
“Such a little slut, you can’t even wait to get to the hotel, can you?” Claire whispered into your ear. Her degrading comments turned you on even more, making it even harder not to search for any friction you can get. You felt Jen’s hand sliding up and down your thigh, teasing you further. It was torture.
And you loved it.
Finally the car got back to the hotel. Claire paid the oblivious cab driver as Jen put an arm around your waist.
“I can’t wait to take you up there. Claire and I have talked every day we’ve been waiting about what we would do to you tonight. We’re going to devour you, baby.”
“All paid for, let’s go!” Claire took both your hands and the three of you ran up to the room, impatient. Jen unlocked the door and pulled you into the room and into a deep kiss, unzipping your dress and throwing it on the floor. You felt Claire’s hands on your back and her mouth on your neck. She unclipped your bra and sucked and bit on your neck so hard you knew in that moment that there would be marks in the morning. Jen’s hands found their way to your bare breasts, squeezing your nipples for a moment before she pulled away and pushed you onto the bed.
“Fuck, Jen. Our girl is even hotter in person. Nothing you showed me could have prepared me for this.”
You wondered what exactly Jen showed her. Did she show Claire the photos you’ve been sending her? A part of you hoped she did. You knew it was a fucked up thing to do, but you wanted Jen and Claire too much to give a shit.
You looked up at the two older women and innocently asked, “What are you gonna do to me?”
You see their hungry grins and darkening eyes as they begin taking their clothes off. It was an incredible sight, Jen throwing her blazer on the ground and unbuttoning her shirt and then unzipping Claire’s dress. Both of their bodies were stunning, soft and strong. Two beautiful goddesses who both wanted you.
“I’ll warm you up, baby. Although from the look of it, you’re already pretty warm,” said Jen as her palms grabbed your inner thighs, spreading your legs apart and pulling your underwear down, touching you everywhere except the part of you the desperately needed it.
“Oh, she’s more than ready, Jen. Our little whore’s been sopping wet for us since the restaurant. But I won’t deny you of your fun with her. I want to see you together before I take her.”
Jen continued teasing you as you whined.
“Beg for what you want, baby. You know how.”
“Fuck me, please. I need your fingers in me, I need you to touch my clit, I just need you, please.”
“So pretty when she begs. Touch her, Jen. Edge her until she can’t stand it anymore. Get her all worked up for me.” Claire was now sitting on a chair in front of the bed, her legs spread apart, watching your every move. The smug smile on her face excited you as Jen slipped a finger inside you, moving agonizingly slow.
“Does the little baby want more? Tell me you want more.”
“I want more, Jen. Please give me more.”
She added another finger, and you were almost painfully aroused now. You looked over at Claire, who was watching you with that smirk with her own hand between her legs, fantasizing about what she would do to you once Jen was done. Your arousal grew as Jen’s hands worked their magic and Claire’s moans grew with it. You started to get close, and Jen let up, making you whine.
“Such a whiny thing.” Claire said as she came over to the bed, running a hand over your naked body.
“Just couldn’t resist touching her, could you?”
“Of course not. She’s so cute like this. Make her beg.”
“Awww, baby, are you close?”
“Yes, Jen! So close, I need it, please…”
“Make her wait a little longer. After all this time I’ve had to wait to have her,” Claire said with a smirk on her face, her hand now groping your breasts.
“I- I don’t know if I can go much longer!”
Claire just laughed at you as you squirmed under Jen, desperate for release.
“Beg pretty enough for us and maybe we’ll give you what you want before Claire fucks you.”
“Please, please! I need you to let me come, I need it so bad! I’ll be so good, a good little slut for both of you like you want. I want Claire to fuck me with the big strap however she wants! Please!”
Jen finally began to increase the pace, drawing a loud moan out of you.
“So cute, such a little screamer for me. Come for us, baby,” said Jen as you were on the brink of your orgasm.
She pulled her fingers out of you as you flopped on the bed, already tired. Jen and Claire kissed each other while you were in between them. Normally the sight of your girlfriend kissing another woman would make you jealous, angry. But now? It was hot, it turned you on. You were willing to share. Claire pulled away from Jen.
“Put your fingers in my mouth Jen, I wanna taste her,” Jen complied and Claire moaned around her fingers, “She tastes so good. Maybe another time I’ll eat her cute little pussy. But for now,” she turned to you, “did you bring your strap?”
“Yes, Claire.”
“Get it for me.”
You dragged your tired body out of bed, and across the room to dig through your suitcase for your strap on. Jen had specifically requested that you bring the strap you used in the video you sent to her. You were going to do it anyway, it was your favorite and felt just so good inside you. You thought at the time it was for Jen to use on you, but the idea of Claire using it was even more exciting. You still weren’t sure if Claire had seen your video or not. And you didn’t want to know.
“Come on, slut. Don’t have all day, aren’t you desperate to get fucked by me?”
You ran over to Claire and you and Jen helped her put the harness on. She lay down on the bed, propped up with the pillows as Jen sat next to her, kissing her neck.
“I want you to ride me, baby. You’re wet enough, right?”
“Y-yes Claire. I am. Please, I want to ride you.”
You climbed on top of her, positioning yourself to slide her into you. You were still so wet from Jen’s ministrations and Claire’s degrading words that you slid right on.
“So greedy. Take mommy’s big cock, take it all.”
Jen took her mouth of Claire’s neck for a minute to look you up and down.
“So pretty, glad my two favorite ladies are getting along so well,” and she began sucking Claire’s neck.
“So good baby. So good. You ride mommy so well, I can practically feel how fucking tight you are. Jen, that feels so good but don’t you fucking dare leave a mark, if you do I’ll leave an even worse one on your ass.”
“Mmm, don’t threaten me with a good time…” said Jen as she continued. Claire let out a quiet moan.
“I’m, I’m serious Jen…”
You were surprised by Claire’s threat. You had never seen Jen submissive, and you sort of hoped she would leave a mark so she would have an excuse to punish Jen and let you watch.
Claire started to cry out your name, and Jen’s name as you approached your second orgasm.
“Mommy your cock feels so good! I’m- I think I’m gonna come I’m so close mommy please let me-“ you weren’t used to calling anyone mommy, but Claire calling herself that excited you.
“Yes baby, yes. Come for mommy.”
You came, and it crashed over you like a wave. You collapsed on top of Claire, and she flipped you over and kissed you hard on the lips.
“Oh baby, I think Jen feels a little left out. Why don’t you make her feel good?” Claire got off of you and allowed you to crawl in between Jen’s spread legs. You noticed a light hickey on her neck. Luckily it was nothing a little makeup couldn’t cover, but you hoped it would be enough to make Claire punish her. But not now. For now, you wanted to make your girlfriend happy. You started eating her out, and Claire slapped your ass.
“Ass up, baby. Mommy wants to fuck you again while you please your pretty girlfriend. Doesn’t that sound nice?”
“Mmmhmmmm!” You confirmed with her, muffled by Jen’s pussy. You felt Claire entering you again, groaning.
“So pretty, so tight!”
“Keep doing that, (y/n), that feels so good,” said Jen in between loud, breathy noises of pleasure. You’ve had so much practice and you were so proud of yourself for knowing exactly what Jen likes.
The sounds of all three of you moaning and whining together was absolutely magical, making it so much more exciting.
“It feels so good, baby. I think I’m gonna come just from fucking you with a strap. Let’s come together, all three of us, that’s right. I can tell you’re close, (y/n), so close from mommy’s cock and practically dripping onto the bed.”
“I’m close too, mommy..” said Jen. Jen calling Claire mommy too. This was interesting. You knew you were still submissive for your girlfriend, but the thought of her submitting to Claire with you? It was almost too much. You tried harder to get Jen to finish, knowing you couldn’t hold out much longer. She let out a loud cry as you came, again, around Claire’s cock.
“Fuck! Fuck, baby. So good. You’re even better than I thought you’d be. Fuck.”
Claire pulled out of you, and took the harness off. She put on one of Jen’s t-shirts and went to the bathroom to clean it while you and Jen followed her to clean yourselves off. Claire saw her faint hickey in the mirror and turned to your girlfriend.
“Don’t think I didn’t mean what I said before, Jennifer Barkley. Tomorrow night, I’m gonna punish you. And your cute little girlfriend is gonna see you for the little bitch you really are.”
Jen let out a sigh, clearly trying to hide her arousal growing again. You and Claire left the bathroom and you put on your pajamas on and got on the bed, cuddling.
“You’ve done so well for me tonight. Baby, you have no idea how much I’ve been looking forward to this.”
“I’m glad you did. By the way, don’t tell Jen but I can’t wait until tomorrow night.”
“I bet. She deserves a punishment for making you worry so bad. Besides, she’s excited about it. Why do you think she’s still in the bathroom?” You giggled as Claire squeezed you. You settled in, Jen eventually joining the two of you as you all drifted off to sleep, satiated.
For now.
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doctorbrown · 3 months
MCFLY JULY ‘24 ⸺ 「 2 / 31 * VIDEO RENTAL 」
“Uncle Marty! Hey!” Verne’s shout is more a hushed whisper carving into his back and it took two increasingly sharper shouts to properly pull his attention away from the back of Doc’s head as he followed him down the hall toward the lab where something secret lay in wait.
Come here! Verne beckons him over with an enthusiastic wave and Marty can see the irritation writing itself across his face, clear as day. Whatever it is, it’s either urgent or important, and Marty looks between him and Doc, needing only a moment to contemplate his next course of action.
“You go on ahead, Doc. I’ll catch up with you in a minute.”
“Sure,” comes the immediate reply without so much as a poke or a prod into what might have come up. “You know where the lab is. If you happen to see Clara, tell her it’s almost ready.”
Despite his mounting confusion, Marty readily agrees and Doc disappears down the hall without so much as a glance back over his shoulder.
“Good—you didn’t make Dad suspicious.” Marty knits his brows together, immediately catching on to the tell-tale signs of adolescence—sneaking around, not wanting your parents to find out about the things you were doing…
He’s been seeing more and more of himself in Verne at that age.
God help me and Jen when Ellie and Emmett are teenagers…
“So you know my birthday’s in a week, right Uncle Marty?”
That tone of voice makes him already certain of where this conversation is going before he even has to ask. Next week, Verne will be thirteen, and whatever he’s about to ask him about is something that Doc and Clara would either be vehemently against him having or something he thinks he can’t ask them for. “What do you want me to get you that you don’t want Doc and Clara to know about?”
Verne’s eyes go comically wide and in the span of a single minute, nearly the entire spectrum of human emotion flickers across his face, making it perfectly clear Marty had got it right on the first guess. He attempts—and fails—to play it off, the attempt at teenage indifference coming off horribly forced.
“It’s nothing bad, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Marty gives him a look. “Really! A couple of my friends were talking about a movie marathon—we wanna watch a bunch of horror films.” Verne jams his hand into his pocket and pulls out a sheet of paper folded in half and wrinkled.
“Eddie’s letting us watch at his place; we just need to get the films. And since none of us are old enough to get ‘em, I was thinking maybe you could, Uncle Marty.” “Uh-huh…” comes the non-committal reply as Marty unfolds the paper, reading through the five titles written there. The Exorcist, Alien, The Thing, Nightmare on Elm Street… “Jesus, Verne, you want to watch all of these? In one night? Some of these are seriously creepy—you’re not going to be able to sleep for a month!”
Verne waves a hand, puffing out his chest and grinning with all the confidence and arrogance of a teenager—almost—who thinks he’s impervious to anything and everything life could throw at him. For a split second, Marty is staring at an almost exact copy of himself when he was young, arguing with Dave that he wasn’t some stupid kid anymore, he was an adult. “They’re just movies, Uncle Marty. They’re not real.”
“Uh-huh…” If Verne catches the obvious scepticism dripping from his tone, he never comments on it.
Though it's hard to imagine anything more terrifying than time-travel and the constant fear that even the smallest mistake carried twice the destructive power of a nuclear weapon, with the potential to wipe out everything and everyone you ever knew or cared about—
“Please? I can’t ask Mom or Dad about this because Mom would say they’re too violent and you know Dad; if Mom puts her foot down, he’ll go along with it, even if he’d say yes on his own.”
“You’ve got a point there.” Marty folds up the list and stuffs it into his pants pocket. “I can’t see Doc ever saying no because it’s too scary. Yeah, he’s not a big fan of violence and I don’t think he’s ever really liked horror films—I remember him saying once they were all poorly made and very predictable—but that wouldn’t sway his opinion.” If anything, he’s almost certain Doc would let him watch it and even sit and suffer through the film with him to turn it into a valuable lesson.
Verne’s eyes sparkle. “So you’ll do it? You’ll get ‘em for us?”
“Alright, alright.” Something tells me I’m gonna regret this. He finds himself mentally apologising to Doc and Clara already. “I’ll bring them by in a couple of days.”
“You’re the best, Uncle Marty!”
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cyberneticdreamscape · 2 months
This story can be found as a dedicated page on my blog: Here
This story features a number of kinks, primarily: Corruption \ Exhibition \ Free Use \ Gangbang \ Rape
Sometimes the best way to beat the summer heat is a simple trip to a lake in the mountains, camping with friends. It is for this very reason that, as mid-summer brought intense rays, a group of three planned their weekend getaway.
From the blazing inferno of the concrete jungle, three young girls packed up the car. Tent? Check. Cooler? Check. Cookware? Check. Water, clothes, swimsuits and toiletries? Check, check, check and check.
A short couple hours away awaited the relaxing bliss of the mountain breeze, fresh forest air and a late the cool down in. The music was blaring, and the trio was on their way.
At the campground gate, they all climbed out, stretching their arms and legs while giggling about if they should jump in the lake before setting up camp. "Come on, you two KNOW that we'll never get our shit ready before it's dark if we go swimming first!" Maria said with an roll of her eyes. "Oh, pull that stick out of your ass, Mar-mar, we're here for a fun weekend, who cares?!" Jenny replied. "Will you two just cool it while I check in? Once we're at our campsite, THEN we can get our swimsuits on and do whatever the hell we want." Amy said, shutting down the argument before it grew. Maria simply huffed and climbed back in the car as Amy spoke with the park ranger. "Alright, we're all set. Let's get camping!" She said, closing the driver door as the gate lifted.
The engine cut out sharply, a trio of doors opening, followed by the trunk. Maria and Amy began to unload all that they could while Jenny grabbed the drink cooler and cracked open a vodka-seltzer. "Jenny! Just help us unload at least, won't you?" Maria blurted without thought. "Hey, hey! I'm just thirsty, girl. I'm helping, I'm helping." She replied, grabbing a duffle-bag and throwing it on the picnic table.
As the last of their things was unloaded, Maria began to unpack the tent, waving her hand as she called out "Hey Amy, can you help me get this up?" "That's what he said!" Jenny giggled, "But Amy's in the bathroom." Maria turned around and found Jenny half-naked, changing into a bikini in broad daylight. "JEN!" She squealed in surprise, "There's other camp grounds here, we aren't alone you know!" She whispered loudly through her teeth. "That's what Amy said, but I don't see anyone, so whatever. She wanted to use the bathroom, I don't give a fuck. We're off to the lake, come on!" But Maria only shook her head and shooed Jenny away, returning to campsite prep.
"I wonder what's taking her... it's just a silly little tent... maybe we should have helped her." "Don't be silly, Amy. Just because Mar-mar's a tight-assed doesn't mean she's right. She should be here enjoying herself with us. That shit can wait." Amy turned her head hesitantly, looking towards the campsite, but countless trees stood between their site and the lake's edge. She sighed and turned back towards the water, opening her mouth to speak again, but not saying a word. Jenny was no longer next to her, instead she was running down the sandy sediment towards the water... the water where, not too deep in, a group of guys were throwing a ball around. Amy shook her head and whispered to herself "She's acting like a bimbo... why is she so desperate all the time..." And with that, she took her leave, off to resolve her regrets, off to help her friend back at the campsite.
"Amy, if that's you, Jenny already went to the lake. You'd think she's allergic to getting anything done. I'm almost done getting the tent up, but could you help me with the slee-" As Maria turned she found a sleeping bag thrown into her arms, blocking her sight. "O...kay... efficient. I get it, you want to go to the lake too." She said, throwing the bag into the tent and turning around again. As she spun, a hand met her cheek. "Y...you're not..." "Not Amy?" A deep voice chuckled. "Not even close. She your girlfriend, doll?" Maria was frozen for a moment, then pushed the man away best she could. "I'm not your doll, and my dating status and preferences aren't important to you, creep!" "Whoa now, no need to be so harsh. I was just trying to offer some help, I didn't realize I was coming off like that... Sorry... uh... sorry lady? I don't know your name so I can't really apologize proper, can I?" "It... fine, it's fine, just... please leave." Maria's arms were crossed, unsure what to think. "Alright, well... listen, I'm really sorry I came on so hard. I'm just a few sites down, but my friends went to the lake while I set up. It looked like the same happened here, so I... yea... you said go, so I'm out. Bye." And with that, the man turned and walked away. "Maria. It's Maria." She said quietly. The man paused and turned, giving a little wave and smiling as he said "Well I'm sorry, Maria. I'm Tom, by the way."
"Hey Mar... I'm so... Mar?" Amy searched the car, the tent, she found no one at their site. She walked around calling out before she heard a familiar giggle. As Amy approached a nearby campsite, she found Maria sat next to a man, chugging from cans as they laughed together. "And this bitch says I have a stick up my ass? Sometimes I think all she wants is someone's stick up hers!" Maria jested, clearly about Jenny, before taking another sip. "MAR! God I had no idea where you were!" Amy squeaked with excitement. "And who's this?" "Oh hey! This is Tom, he came by to help me finish setting up earlier. Come grab a drink and chat!"
Some time passed as the three gossiped and giggled, and as the sun began to set, Tom stood up and started the fire at his campsite. "Why don't you girls join us for dinner tonight?" He asked. Before they could answer, a yell caught everyone's attention. "HEYYYYYYYYY!" It was Jenny, walking up the path with her arms around two men, one to each side.
All six were now at one site, and as the men were prepping food and whispering to each other, the girls were huddled by the fire. "Ho-ly fuck, like... those two... I mean... I think I'm still stretched." Jenny was biting her lip between each word. "You seriously fucked them both?" Maria asked, surprised. "Welllll... I did kind of interrupt their game. They needed to... punish me" Jenny giggled. "And god how good it was." "D..did they..." Amy kept glancing between Jenny's legs, hinting at something. Jenny slipped her hand in her bikini, pulled her fingers out and licked them, then repeated and stuffed them between Amy's lips. "Their cum tastes so good, doesn't it Amy. You should have stayed. I told them how dumb and drippy you get." Amy whimpered, legs shaking, no words escaping her lips. Maria smacked Jenny "Hey! Cut it out. I don't want some stranger fucking Amy. You can act like a whore all you want, but Amy's a good girl." "Yea, your good girl." Jenny rolled her eyes. "I can hear her every time he use that strap on her, you know. But come on, let her have some fun. You should too!" "Alright girls, foods up!" Tom said, acting like he and the others hadn't watched, and overheard, everything.
As they ate, Tom asked Maria to step aside and chat for a moment. "Listen, I uh... may have overheard everything earlier... I just want to make sure things are still cool... like, if you're not comfortable with my friends, I get it... they did kind of... y'know..." "Rape my friends cunt and ass until she was seeping with cum? Yea, I know, she literally begged them to..." Maria shook her head. "But I don't control Jenny, she's... a wild spirit... Amy on the other hand..." "Is submissive and gets attached?" Tom replied, hand on Maria's shoulder. "Yea... I just don't want her getting hurt... at least... emotionally..." Maria tried to make a joke, but it didn't feel natural coming out of her lips. "Listen... we should get back before Joe starts something else with Jen..." Tom motioned towards the campsite and the two returned, only to find Jenny under the table, lips around Joe's cock, hand on Keith's. "Are you serious..." Maria and Tom said in-sync. Amy was just kicking her legs and eating her meal, giggling innocently before turning to Maria. "Their cum was pretty tasty... at least when it came from Jenny's cunt." She giggled again, hand between her legs.
As the night went on, the two groups sat around the fire. Jenny was in Keith's lap, wiggling, likely cockwarming him playfully as far as everything thought. Amy was sat at Maria's side, holding her hand as she watched Joe making s'mores. And Tom and Maria were chatting, ignoring the occasional moan from Jenny and Keith. But come 11, the ranger swung by for lights-out, and the group disbanded for the evening.
Around 2 AM, Maria awoke. Amy was out cold, but Jenny was nowhere to be found. She stepped quietly from the tent to see where her friend was, and quickly found Jenny squatting down to pee. "You know there's a bathroom right down the road... why are you..." Jenny was quick to reply, clearly still drunk, "Oh hey Mar-mar. What, you want a taste? Get a cup, haha." She stumbled as she stood up, not even finished. Maria had to pull her panties up and guide her back to the tent, shaking her head once more. "At least you left the tent... I swear... you're hopeless." "Just because I like cock doesn't mean I'm hopeless!" She said louder than she should have, "It just means I'm a slut, and so what if I am?" "Just come to bed already..."
Around 3 AM, Maria awoke again to a tearing sound. "Bear?!" Was her immediate thought as she tried to jump from her sleeping bag to get the others. But before she was even on her feet, she felt a hand on her throat, pulling her out of a large cut in their tent.
The trees hid the moonlight well, but even in this dark, Maria, Jenny and Amy could see each other's eyes glistening. They were all three forced down to their chins in the dirt in a circle, made to look at each other. Jenny and Amy were gagged, but Maria hadn't been yet. She tried to call out, but the moment she parted her lips, she found something stuffed between them. "Don't be so afraid, Maria. You're safe with me." Tom's voice was a low whisper, but to her, it sounded as if it was screaming through the mountains...
To escape the boiling heat of the city, three friends took a weekend to themselves, up in the mountains, secluded in the woods, a mere walk from the lake. And as they drove, they devised a game for the weekend. There were five goals, and the first to achieve all five was the winner. 1. Get a girl's number. 2. Get someone else to do any taboo or disgusting act. 3. Fuck someone without protection. 4. Give someone a memory they say they'll never forget. 5. Get someone to ask to come home with them, but without asking them about it first.
Tom thought he'd have it easy, finding a sweet girl left all alone to get her campsite set up... But when Joe and Keith came back and already had the first three, possibly four goals complete with one girl... well that's when he knew he had to get competitive. He knew the others wouldn't break the rules, and he could tell Jenny wasn't the type of girl to get clingy like that. Once he knew Maria was protective of Amy, he knew exactly what he needed to do.
He pulled out the phones of all three girls, using their fingers to unlock each one, entering them as contacts, taking pictures of their gagged faces to use before saving. Then he entered his number in all three phones, and tossed them back in the cut tent. Goal 1 complete.
Tom gripped Maria's hair and pulled her up. As the wind blew, the moon's light shone down upon her. The other girls watched as Tom threw her to her back, ripped off her panties, and forced himself inside her cunt. She was wet. He couldn't help but smile and lean in, grunting "I knew you wanted me. I saw it in your eyes right from the start." One thrust. Two thrust. Three. Four. Again and again, his speed increased, his force amplified until he pressed deep and held still, throbbing. Goal 3 complete.
Maria found her self sat, leaning against the tire of her car, legs spread as Tom pulled Amy over to her. "Eat." He said, pulling the gag from her mouth. "You're a good little submissive doll. So eat all that delicious cum from Mar-mar's pretty little slit." Crying, Amy obeyed. Tom stood and watched, wondering if this counted for goal 2 or not, when suddenly, he felt someone brushing against him. Jenny managed to stand up, hands bound behind her back still, lips held apart by her own bikini bottoms. He pulled the fabric from her drooling lips, asking what she wanted and why she was standing. She only giggled, "They've needed this for years, buddy. Please don't leave me out though? I haven't gotten to taste your cum yet." He shook his head, smacked Jenny across the face and forced her to her knees, fucking her lips while he talked to himself about how stupid this all felt... doing this in the dead of night where his friends couldn't see him beating them at their own game.
"Hey Jenny. You know what?" He said as Jenny used her finger to clean the cum around her lips. "Hmmmm, what, sir?" She giggled. Tom looked at Maria, who was crying, crushed by what had occurred, watching someone she genuinely wanted to date face fuck her friend after breeding her the way he did... He looked at Amy, head still between her friend's legs, eating away, not stopping because she hadn't been told to. "Be a good little whore and piss on them." Jenny laughed, and without a second thought, she obliged, saying, "You know, Joe told me about your game. I liked how they played, but I LOVE how you play." Goal 2 complete. Jenny then pulled the gag from Maria's lips and asked her, "Hey, you're going to remember tonight forever, aren't you? We all are." Maria nodded and whimpered "I can never forget..." Goal 4 complete... "You're welcome, by the way!" Jenny said, kissing Tom on the cheek before skipping towards his campsite.
It was nearly 4AM as Jenny skipped back, Joe and Keith in tow, rubbing their eyes. "Holy shit dude. I knew you were competitive but like... holy shit." One of them said as the moonlight shifted. By now, Tom had let go completely. He needed to to not feel regret. Maria was bound in her camp chair, cum leaking from her cunt and ass. Amy was bound at her feet, lips dripping with seed. Neither was gagged. Neither spoke up. Both looked used... broken...
"So... what's the fifth goal, guys? C'mon, I want to see how messed up this game gets!" Jenny exclaimed, not a clue that the final goal, the one they were all competing for the win based on, was honestly so simple... "The thing is, if we tell you, then you can't be a part of the win." Keith said, scratching his head. But Tom pulled her in close, gripped her ass as he told the others she'd never be the win anyway, then whispered to her, "Whoever gets someone to ask for him to take her back home wins." "Ohhhhh, I see." Jenny giggled, "that's not something I would have asked, but maybe I wouldn't say n-" Joe pulled Jenny back against him with a growl "Well, I don't give a fuck if I lose, I'm keeping her." Jenny giggled again and kissed him "Yes master, this little whore is all yours!"
Tom and Keith stepped towards Amy and Maria. "How we gonna do this?" Keith asked. "I'll take Maria. You get Amy." Tom replied. "Don't hold back!" Jenny cheered.
The sound of an electric motor came whirling closer as the ranger pulled near in a golf-cart. His flashlight cast luminous clarity upon the ground as he stepped out and towards the group. "Got some noise complaints, girls, c'mon, it's like 4:30 AM, git back to sleep, will ya?" "I'm so sorry, officer... ranger... uh... your highness?" Jenny wiggled in front of the light. "We uh... y'see... we... kind of got carried away." She ran her fingers across her body. "We're just a couple of really, really horny little lesbians... we can't help ourselves sometimes. Please don't punish us sir? We've gotten our warning, we'll go to bed like good girls." The ranger was completely dumbfounded at the response, "J...j...just... git to sleep alright? One more complaint and I kick y'all out, okay miss?" "Yes sir. We'll be quiet. Promise." And Jenny waved the ranger off with the blow of a kiss. "Damn... you could get out of a life sentence if you wanted to, couldn't you?" Joe laughed quietly. Jenny grabbed his cock and whispered "I'd never. Not if you're the warden."
When sun rose, Tom and Keith were each sat in their camp chairs, barely awake. Joe had gotten the fire going and Jenny was helping get breakfast ready.
Of the two girls, Amy was the first to awake. She found herself sore, with a strange taste in her mouth. She reeked of piss and could feel that a can had been forced in her ass and was left there. "Well good morning, cutie!" Jenny said. "C'mere, we've got a lot to talk about. You were such a good little girl last night." "What about Mar-mar... what happened..." Amy stammered. "Don't worry about her, just let her get her rest, ok?"
An hour later, Maria came to. She was in her sleeping bag, but she hurt. As she climbed out, she saw bruises covering her body. Looking around, she didn't recognize the tent one bit. As she stepped out, her friends took her hands and helped her out, handing her food and juice.
For over an hour, Maria was told all about the events of the evening. An explanation of every bruise. Every sensation. Her head was spinning, the conversation went slow, she touched each spot on her body as she was told of the actions taken upon her. She cried hearing it all started as a game, but as she learned more, her tears became laughter through Jenny's humor. And as she laughed, she felt some warm fluids seep from her holes, soaking into her... well, Jenny's... panties.
At the end of it all, Tom placed a hand on her shoulder, leaning in as he whispered. "Look at their smiles. I promised I wouldn't hurt them." Maria looked down before looking Tom in the eyes and saying "Do you even know what city where we're from... Would we ever even see you again... or are we all just some strangers?" Tom told her where they came from, told them Jenny revealed where the trio of girls lived... a simple 5 minute walk away... Then he just looked Maria in the eyes and waited. Her eyes darted around rapidly, seeking more answers without a word... And then... "Take us with you... and don't let go..."
By weekend's end, two cars left the campgrounds. Maria keeping close behind Tom. The girls gossiped about their new boyfriends and the dynamics they hoped for. The guys chat was focused on how competitive and fucked up Tom truly is, and talking about how unfair it was that he won their game. As Maria parked next to Tom, she couldn't help but wonder... what was the reward for winning anyway? Before she thought too deeply, Amy's voice chimed through the silence, "Hey Jenny... you already knew those guys, didn't you?"
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jackiequick · 2 years
Life or Death Experience [Part 2]
Read Life or Death Experience [Part1 Here]
Top Gun Maverick Au Series
Pairings: Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Jennifer ‘JenPen’ Mitchell, Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Amber ‘Skysolo’ Kazansky 
Supporting Characters: Maverick, The Daggers Squad, Cyclone, Bates, Hondo and etc
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The snow is slowly getting ready to pick up speed as some bit fell from the sky onto the ground level in the air, as she flew. JenPen wasn’t sure if she was gonna be fired or not after that stunt she pulled back there, but after feeling like she just died twice hearing Dagger 1 and 2 were down, she felt like the gearshift to race off and find them. The girl refused to believe they were goners.
The girl was like a ball of dust behind and in between the clouds, speeding off a fewest touchdown with other aircrafts until she noticed Maverick and Rooster from far away and two misleading shot heading towards them. “Not today..” She muttered taking down a pilot’s leading missiles as Rooster quickly started shooting down another pilot. He didn’t notice his girlfriend was the one in the cockpit, until he whipped his head to notice her plane gasping, “Jen?!” Before either one of them to respond to their radio, the couple was hit separately by the enemy aircrafts…
From where Maverick was standing and dodging a hit, he saw it all. The older man was taken back, in his eyes both of his children were down for the count and exposing themselves to the snowy woods. His whole world stopped pacing in itself as he paused fearing he lose them forever due to his picks for the mission, then he saw it, two brightly colored  parachutes flying in the air and his feet ran quicker than his brain could process it.
Rooster quickly woke up in a pile of snow and groaned sitting up, wiping away the snowflakes that fallen onto his face. It was an addicting adrenaline run that came over him as he noticed a few feet away from him stood JenPen, then he remembered that just happened and grumbled loudly. JenPen sat on her knees pounding the snowy ground, sucking her teeth and groaned as relief and realization hit her.
She noticed Bradley starting to wipe away snow from his suit glaring her. JenPen raise an eyebrow with such attitude and yelled, “What? You mad at me or something?!”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Rooster yelled with a strong look. 
“Is that how you greet the woman who saved your ass?!”
“You throw my ass in the snow!”
“I did not!”
“What are you doing here?!”
“Saving your ass from there ass!”
“I was fine, I didn’t need you to save me!”
JenPen stood up at this point with her hands on her hips and joked, “Aww, Princess Bradshaw doesn’t need saving? I’ll just go then!”
“With what form of transportation? You’re feet?!” Said Rooster as he rolled his eyes with his hands on his own hips.
“I—? That’s not the point! I deserve at least a ‘thank you’ or—”
“Is that Maverick?”
The couple turned their heads slowly to see what looks to be a Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell running at lighting speed the best he could in the high piles of snow that surrounded them. The pair looked at each other and gulp in fear knowing something was coming with the face the older man had. Once he arrived Maverick yelled, “You alright?”
“Yeah I’m good! You alright?” JenPen and Rooster asked with their arms in reach expecting a smile but instead they were pushed to the ground.
“Fucking hell!” Bradley yelled in surprise, looking at Maverick like he was insane, “What the hell?”
“Bradley stop cursing!” JenPen shouted to him then, turned to look at her father surprised by his action, “What was that for?!”
“What are you guys doing here?!’ Maverick shouted in relief and annoyance at their actions.
“What am i doing here?” Bradley shouted back standing up and helping JenPen onto her feet.
Maverick pinched the bridge of his nose and ground, “You think I took down that missile so you could be down here with me? You should be back on the carrier right now!” He turned to his daughter next, “And you! You are a Dagger Spare, you should be back there waiting for him and the others, not here. Especially in your condition.”
Rooster questioned Maverick’s last words ‘condition’ and sucked in his teeth in frustration pressing, “First off, i saved you life, Mav! We both did!”
“I saved your lives! That’s the whole point! What the hell were you even thinking?” Maverick questions.
“You told me not to think!”
“Well i…” Pete was left without words knowing that’s what exactly what he said and exhale, “It’s good to see both of you.”
“Good to see you too.”
Jen looked around with a hand on her chest exhaling, “So were sticking together right? So what’s the plan?”
“First off, you’re just as insane as i am for coming here.” Maverick exclaimed and half smiled, “In all likelihood, search and rescue won’t be up here in a few hours. We got two option, stay here and hide, or get back up in the air.”
“How would we even do the second one, exactly? We got no functioning aircrafts with us.” Bradley said, looking around keeping an eye on his girl and uncle Mav for any injures.
Pete gave them a knowing look to indicate for them to follow him to the other side of the forest. He noticed how close they’ve grown holding hand and wished he saw more of it over the last two weeks before the mission. Bradley sighed marching towards the direction of the mountains grumbling. JenPen followed both her boys, marching along the forest questioning if they might not even get a chance to talk.
She stopped, “Guys wait! We not make it out alive and if I’m gonna fly with you guys, i need to know we’re all on the same page…please?”
Maverick looked at Rooster, as they shared a look then look at Jen knowing she was right. Bradley sighed, “Why did you pick me and not Hangman or Coyote? After everything that’s going all between all of us, I figured you wouldn’t want to!”
Pete winced, “I’d prefer to have you by my side any day, regardless of what happened. I was just scared okay…”
“Scared of what? Screwing up or getting drafted on a dangerous mission? Pulling my papers broke us apart! All of us!”
Jen looked down at the last part and spoke, “The night we found that the paperwork was pulled broke us, dad! Bradley left us…we were all heartbroken, you even wanted to pulled mine…why?”
“Because i was scared of you guys getting hurt or worse, not making it out alive!” Pete sadly admitted, “I’ve lost so many people in my life because of the Navy…i lost my parents, best friend and even wingmen. I wanted to save both of you from that heart ache of losing each other!..you two are my kids and i love both of you. You were the last people in my life i refused to lose, but i lost you guys anyway due to my actions…”
Bradley frowned but stayed quiet, looking away for a moment before glanced back at them. Tears started to form. “I left our family behind because i thought i wasn’t good enough for the Navy, Mav! I made Jen believe that it was her fault and that she didn’t tell me because she didn’t want to break my heart…i broke the heart of the one girl, i knew i want would have my back! I ran away from you…” He said, shaking his head at the mere thought of that night, “I hated it!”
“Because i didn’t know either before i was given that letter from you, Roo..i told you and i screamed at dad that day…I made Bradley believe he wasn’t trustworthy! I knew i wasn’t gonna make it into the Navy without your support and i threw my enlistment papers in the trash..so we were sent back a few years. I was heartbroken, i cried for days because of that night…” Jen said as she admitted to how she felt, “Because dad didn’t want to see us in the Navy or something!”
Maverick stayed quietly hearing both of them. He knew it must’ve hurt and he remembers how crazy that month went. Pete decided to tell them the truth, “You’re both right. I was scared, but both of you are born to be in the air! Bradley, you don’t trust yourself nor your aircraft and it tends to hold you back. Jennifer, you get spooked too quickly and end up doing something hugely impulsive that can backfire. I could see it..”
“You didn’t..I—” Bradley spoke but Pete stopped him with a look.
Pete contained a sigh and continued, “The day you told that me wanted to join the Navy, i was trilled, but like i said i was scared. I remember, i made a promise to Carole that i wouldn’t let you guys fly just yet, especially after what happened to Goose. She was scared both of her babies would goners before they got time to live their lives! And so i was..i wanted both of you to live longer than Goose and any other wingmen in the past who died young, in doing so, i messed up…I’m sorry for what we did, we were trying to protect you.”
“You made a promise to my mom that we live our lives before we fly? You wanted me to fly?”
“Yes i did! From the moment you were born, a part of me always knew you would be flying up there and having a good time. I never wanted for anything of this to happen and I’m sorry I stood in your way. I just want to..”
JenPen stayed quiet wiping tears as she listening to them with a hand on her chest. It took her a moment but she finished her dad’s words, “..protect us.”
They were marching on a little to keep warmth and not stay in one place. Maverick let out a sad smile taking both Bradley and Jennifer. The pair grabbed Pete’s hand and gripping onto them for dear life, realizing how much they missing out on contacting one another.
Pete sighed, “You two are my pride and joy, and i want to see you guys succeed! There are still things you need to work on and clear out, before you can reach the level of greatest I know you have within you. You’re skills and instincts are what got you guys here so far.”
Bradley smiled wiping a tear from his eye and chuckled, “Damn right i did! I took down a missile to save your ass.”
Jen rolled her eyes and smiled, “If were talking truths and revealing stuff...i got something to say.”
“What is it?”
“I’m pregnant.”
JenPen grinned, tapping her gloved hand onto her very flat belly. The girl shrugged playing it off cool but couldn’t stop the giggles that escaped her lips. Maverick’s eyes popped up like a Jack-In-The-Box laughing with joy already knowing the important news, it’s why he pushed his daughter more lightly onto the snowy ground in the pits of his anger than Rooster. Speaking of Rooster, the man was completely speechless at the news of him being a father and never imagined it to happen so fast.
Jennifer raise an eyebrow giggling said in a jokingly manner, “Uh, earth to chicken? You alright?”
“You’re pregnant?!” Bradley exclaimed as a huge smile filled his entire body.
“Y-yeah! You happy?”
Before JenPen had a moment to response, Rooster lifted his gorgeous gal into his arms and spinning them around in gleeful smiles. His emotions couldn’t handle the craziness of the situation first finally he told the reason why his papers were pulled and now he’s told about going to be a daddy. The man was trilled. Maverick laughed, throwing his head back at Rooster’s reaction and JenPen’s giggles.
Once Jen was back on her feet and still in his boyfriends arms, the girl said, “I’ll take that as long yes?”
“Oh my god, yes!” Rooster replies grinning and then turned to Mav, “Did you know?”
Pete nodded with a smile and replied, “I was told earlier today, i almost let it slip after i found. Now let’s go before we’re dead!”
The trio walked, more like ran up a mountain of snow, eventually ducking behind a snow bank as they peered through the smoke and debris as the cold played on their faces while looking for an escape plan, hopefully. 
“There!” Maverick said, pulling out a set of binoculars that he carried with him. Bradley and Jen peered over to see what he was looking up, their eyes widen at the realization. 
“The hell-are you crazy?” Jen asked, “Oh wait, don’t answer that.”
“You’re not serious.” Bradley asked, “An F-14..?”
“I shot down 3 MiGs in one of those.” Maverick responded as if it was nothing and his daughter sighed wondering how this can work.
“Uh hello?! We don’t even know if that bag of ass can fly!” Rooster argued, making a very valid point.
“Let’s find out.” 
And Maverick was off racing towards the frontlines down the mountain. Jen gasp, “Dad no!” as Bradley yelled, “Mav?! I...okay.” The two ran off him bumping into each other until they all reached the planes. Maverick gave them instructions to get in the F-14 as he got into the other one. 
As Bradley entered the backseat he joked, “This thing is so old!”
“So is dad!” Jen joked pack fixing her helmet in the front seat.
Maverick rolled his eyes and grumbled, “I heard that!”
The two laughed, getting ready to fly and follow Maverick’s lead. JenPen grinned, “Never thought we get fly together huh, honey?”
Rooster thought about it for a moment and grinned, “I would’ve liked it in better circumstances sweetheart. Wait-have you ever flown one of theses before?!”
“Do you want the answer to that right now?”
“We’re gonna die.”
“With that negativity we just might!”
“Again, you almost killed me back there!”
“I was saving your ass, dummy!”
“I was saving all our asses, women!”
Maverick cut them off, “Hey! As much as I love you two together, it’s not the right time to argue, understand?”
They both mumbled, “Yes.” like two children being caught in the act. Soon enough they were off flying behind Maverick, wondering how they were gonna get this in the air but they were answered rather quickly. 
“Why are the wings coming out dad?” JenPen asked glanced at the jet in front of her, following her father’s lead, confused after no response from him.
“Uh, Mav? This is a taxiway, not a runway! This is a very short taxiway, Mav!” Rooster reminded, but it was no use, no response from him either.  The jets started moving forward, picking up speed.
“You just hang on and follow my lead.” Maverick said calmly, guiding the kids up with him as flew up the runway. JenPen grumbled and took a breath, flying upwards while Rooster braced for impact, as the two yelled slightly. A cling was loudly heard from behind them and smiled in relief, getting a strong feeling they are gonna make it home. 
Back on the carrier. Cyclone was humming and gripping the sides of the desk looking between the controls. Warlock sighed trying to figure out a new move as he saw The Daggers return from the mission with a sad success. Amber was pacing back and forth watching her friends return keeping an eye on controls and walked out of the room, begging the world for a response from Maverick, Rooster and JenPen. The women glares at Cyclone was a fire pierced glare, sass and cries of anger filed up her body. 
Bob and Fanboy were in the hallway with Payback and Hangman discussing the actions of the mission. Coyote was in the medical ward of the carrier with Phoenix since she was being looked at the nurses and doctors for any damage to her body. The whole carrier felt silent while a high piercing sorrow filled up the airways of everyone in it, searching for any signs of pilots. 
Cyclone was walking down the hallway glancing at the young Kazansky walking down with Warlock to discus matters with the Daggers, she followed. Cyclone kept going on and on about how reckless they acted and wanted answered on the Michelle family, since he figured they knew about the relationship between the group. The Daggers tried their best to explain but none of the answers was to his liking. 
Amber’s temper was rising more and more knowing that this could’ve all been resolved if she was just able to sent Hangman and anyone else after them from the start. She hated the fact that Cyclone was tossing JenPen’s name around as well, calling her impulsive and reckless wanting her to be court-marshaled once she returned, if she did return. 
Then the top of the glass was filled when Cyclone said, “Rooster, Maverick and JenPen desired what’s coming to them! Not once, was I informed about the couple either. Their wings will be taken away the hour they step foot onto this carrier, the three better hope the officers have a change of heart.” 
“That’s it, let me at ‘em!” Amber shouted with her fists curled, chest puffing heavily, speeding towards the admiral’s face to give him a good swing in that jaw of his. 
Her shouts caught all of them off guard, Cyclone’s eyes widen and Warlock let out a grunt. The Daggers got quick to their feet, yelling and shouting. Amber arm was in the perfect position to swing a good one towards’ his face when a pair of arms wrapped around her waistline, dragged her backwards. “No, let me at ‘em! Let me go!” she said shouted once again trying back the arms that tighten around her waist and the gentle hand placed on forehead. 
A few hushed were heard in her ears and small circles rubbed onto her back to calm her down. She soon realized who’s arms she was placed into. Phoenix and Coyote’s arms. Hangman was standing behind them, glancing between her and Cyclone in full force, his chest was puffed out and ears were ringing.  
Warlock stopped them all but before we can say a word, an operator ran from the room, a frantic expression on their face. “Sir, sir!” They said, “We’re receiving a signal from Rooster’s ESAT, but it appears to be malfunctioning, sir!”
“What?” Amber asked, now calmer and looked around the room in pure shock.
“Malfunctioning how?” Cyclone asked, while Bate questions knowing JenPen wasn’t far behind.
“Sir, Overwatch is reporting an F-14 Tomcat is airborne and on course for our position.” Explained another as they ran into the control room. 
“He’s airborne.” Amber muttered. 
“It can’t be..can’t it?” Bate said in awe and hopes it was true. 
“Maverick.” Cyclone muttered his face a pure picture of surprise, then sighed deeply, “Get Hangman in the air and I want him to get eyes on that Tomcat, now!”
Amber run up to the taxiway of the carrier where Hangman was setting up his cockpit and hearing the radio from the operator. He placed his helmet on again and glanced at his lady, “You alright?”
“Could be better. We will deal with that outburst later.” Amber tried reasoning with her boyfriend and sighs, standing on the latter nearby the jet.
“Everything will be fine, I promise. Also, I would’ve let you punch Cyclone it wasn’t for our position on this mission.”
“I know you would’ve. Now go kick some ass!”
“Yes, ma’am!”
And Hangman was off the carrier as The Daggers raced off in preparation for the landing soon
The trio had to keep their helmets on while smiling and waving at bandits like idiots, flying off and around the air to return home. It was stressful and dearly annoying, JenPen got inpatient and Rooster tried fighting out the urge to telling them race off while Maverick stayed calm. The jig was up and they all knew it, as one bandit pulled up beside them. 
“His wingman is moving into a weapons envelope, so listen up. When I tell you, you grab those rings above your head. That’s the ejection handle.” Maverick remained calm, trying not to show how scared he felt in that moment. He didn’t neither of the kids to fill up with fears, knowing they are strong enough to hopefully face this.
“Honey, I think we can outrun theses guys.” Rooster said in a fear and proudness laced in his voice. He was just the RIO in this moment while JenPen was the front facing pilot with nerves in her eyes but remained playing it off cool. He and Maverick talked, knowing it was a dogfight. 
“Yeah. An F-14? Against 5th generation fighters?” JenPen reminded both of them with her hands on the wheel, glaring at the skies between them. Maverick glances at the side of their planes and the bandits. 
“It’s not the plane. It’s the pilot.” Bradley repeated himself. “You’d go after them if we wasn’t here.”
Maverick sighed, “But you are both here...I’ll fight one of them off, you take the other one.”
So the fight was on. Maverick stayed in his lane fighting off the fighters while JenPen and Rooster fought against another set. They fired missiles and gun, focused on shooting them down. The bandits were smart but so were they, flying behind the clouds and around mountains of greenery and snow as their covers, getting the jump on them. JenPen saw sometime in the radar and shot a missile, “I’mma try something.”
“Go ahead.” Rooster said pushing the bottom switch to eject more flare with a slight smirk. 
They decide to do a small similar maneuver on the bandit after seeing it do a spiral spin on them and started firing at them. One bandit was in the air searching for them, finding nothing on the radar confused when suddenly Rooster and JenPen did a inverted dive and flipped over where they were upside down facing the bandit with a grin. 
“What the-?” The bandit questioned was confused for a moment and looking around for Maverick’s signal but found nothing. Rooster smirked sticking out the middle finger saying, “Smile for the birdie!” as JenPen flew them above and beyond the bandit. Rooster pushed the button and send out flares to the guy in the cockpit and the other behind them. The two laughed. 
“How’s that for commentating with foreign relations?” Rooster joked as they speed off towards the higher edge of the clouds. Maverick was in the air soon a few clouds away. Everything was fine until they took a few hits as it turned into a cat and mouse game, they were out of flares on both ends, the kids panicked as Maverick felt like he re-living a fear of his all over again. 
He sighed squeezing his eyes and shouted, “We gotta bail! We gotta eject!” That caught Bradley’s attention, “What?! No!”
“It has to be done! We need altitude! Pull the ejection handles the second you do.”
JenPen groaned and her grip on the wheel tighten, it felt like a nightmare and looked over her shoulder at the guys. “DAD NO! WAIT!”
“There is no other way, you have to!” Maverick recounter flying upwards, hoping they followed his lead.  
She looked up in the air for reassurance whispering and Rooster prayed to whoever was listening muttering, “Talk to me, dad...” Without a second to spare they were off in the air higher and fast as JenPen shouted, “Eject!” They can both hear from the radio Maverick screaming to the top of his lungs to eject from their seats that very moment. His heart dropped his to stomach and his ears rang as he heard Bradley’s cries, “It’s not-it’s not working!”  
The pounding in Maverick’s chest rises as he hears both JenPen and Rooster shouting trying to escape the jet but nothing was working. The handles refused to eject them out of the plane. He tighten his eyes shut mumbling how sorry he was as it dawned on him, he failed both of his kids that very moment...
Rooster felt his body went cold and his hands squeezing for warmth looking around in full force to survive this mission, but he knew he was a goner. He was gonna die the same way as his father. Bradshaw family gone. He can hear Jen’s heavy breathes and impulsive ways of pounding the front of the dash, he knows she was upset and mostly scared. 
Bradley wished he can hold her and tell her it was gonna be okay but he can’t. His only thought was how he didn’t get to marry her before he died, or to even ask Maverick for his permission first...
BOOM! It was heard loud and clear, Jen snapped her head whipping around releasing a breath she was holding onto. An explosion that spooked her, seeing it was a bandit and a few other getting blasted into pieces. Maverick took a sharp breath believing he died at the moment and was sent off to heaven with Goose, but he wasn’t. Bradley rolled his head back gasping for air and turned to see what just happened. 
A jet appeared from the black smoke and rough piercing noise. A solid F-18 in it’s full glory. Then they heard it. “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This is your savior speaking. Please fasten your seatbelts, return your try tables to their locked and upright positions, and prepare for landing.”
Bradley rolled his eyes in relief and broke into a small. JenPen laughed and shook her head. Maverick grinned proud of this student. 
“Hey, Hangman! You look good.” Bradley said into the radio. 
“I am good, Rooster. I’m very good!” Jake replied with a grin, “The missus let me go take it for a spin.”
“I can see that.”
“I’ll see you back on deck.”
Jake flew guiding them to the carrier with glee, radioing to the tower that he found them and they will need medical attention. Amber heard it from the radio calling was troops on deck to get ready. Maverick followed Jake with JenPen and Rooster behind them. They lost an engine but Jen wasn’t gonna confirm that to Bradley. 
It was a rough landing but they got out safely. Maverick out of his jet first asking if they were ok as they nodded, as the trio found themselves hugging in the crowd that surrounded them. A few tears were shed that they survived, pulling away Rooster run towards Bob and Phoenix in full force. 
Jake grinned shaking his hand and said, “You did good!’
“Thanks! You got yourself another kill.” Bradley respond returning the grin. 
“Make that two! Sorry about the last few days.”
“It’s alright!”
For the hell of it, Phoenix couldn’t help herself and said, “You know, Mav has five. Makes him an ace.”
The two shrugged knowing they can’t beat Maverick for the life of them, pulling Phoenix into a hug. Amber found them slapping Rooster’s arms for the stunt he pulled earlier dragging JenPen along, who she found hugging Hondo. 
JenPen was released from the hold and hugged Phoenix who scolded her saying, “What is wrong with you?! You almost gave us all a heart attack!”
“I’m sorry! I was impulsive.” JenPen admitted looking around at her friends, noticing Payback, Coyote, and Fanboy coming into the group. She thought it was a good time as any to tell them. She sighed, “Also I got something to say!”
Payback and Coyote looked each other confused, Bob shrugged having no idea. Jake raised an eyebrow at her, “What? Did you get promoted?”
“Not exactly in the way you think, Bagman.” Natasha remarked chuckling and winked at Amber. 
Rooster smirked placing a hand on his girlfriend’s flat belly and rubbing a few small circles. Fanboy grinned and Bob clapped hugging JenPen. Coyote’s eyes darted quickly noticing the hand placement and gasped, “You’re kidding?!”
Payback smirked, “You went up there to save your baby daddy?! That’s my girl!”
Rooster laughed throwing his head back hugging The Daggers. Jake is silent the whole time breaking into a howling laughter and joked, “Papa Rooster and Mama Mitchell?! I better be the uncle!” 
Everyone was laughing and cheering, noticing a few admirals and officers, trying to process all that happened. However it all came to a stop when a strong voice was heard in the crowd. “Maverick. Rooster. JenPen. To the briefing room, now!” It was Cyclone with a piercing look that meant business. 
Thanks for reading this long story! Hope you like the series so far, I'll love to here your thoughts down below <3
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @mandylove1000 @theloveoftoms​ @t-nd-rfoot @rooster-84 @topgun-imagines @hangmanbrainrot @bradshawsbaby @hanlueluver @starkleila @gcthvile @msrochelleromanofffelton and etc
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mikkelves · 11 months
The American and The Rotisserie Chicken
(Reupload from my AO3)
America grabs his rotisserie chicken, and starts going on to his sofa. He sits down, as he gets ready to take a bite out of it. He licks his lips in the process, smiling. "This Rotisserie Chicken bomb asf yo!" He says, taking another bite of the chicken. His hands start to get messy from the grease of the chicken. He looks around to see if anyone was watching, and then quickly went back to eating his chicken, WITH his bare hands. He took a large bite of the chicken, only to start choking. 'Oh no!' he thinks. He starts chugging down cola to make the chicken go down faster, so it did. He stares at the chicken, with love in his eyes. "You know, you taste pretty good." His voice all husky, filled with love and lust. He starts kissing the Rotisserie chicken, and took another bite of it. He grabs his cola, and starts chugging it like his life depends on it, careful to not drop the cola; as his hands are greasy from the chicken. He looked back at the chicken, taking a piece off, one by one. He starts eating the pieces, until he accidentally dropped one on the floor. He looks around again, and he still seems to be alone. That's all the confirmation he needs, before he picks up the piece, and eats it; still looking around him, just in case. He takes a sip of his cola... Again. He grabs his phone, and attempts to text England, although, the immense grease on his hands preventing him from texting. He grunts in annoyance, and just throws his phone next to him on the sofa. He looks at the Rotisserie Chicken again, it was cooked wonderfully. Crispy and nice, just how he liked it. He picks it up, and starts eating it again. Consuming it from the legs, to the top. He grabs the remote, and turns on his Television. He watches intently, as he changes the channel to the news.
"Rotisserie Chicken has been sold out, everywhere, across the entirety of The United States of America. More on this later, first let's get back to Jen" The news reporter says.
America's eyes start to tear up.. 'W-What?' He thought to himself. 'There's no way..' He sighs, looking at the Half-eaten Rotisserie Chicken. "This isn't fair!" He exclaims out loud. He lets the tears fall, unable to hold them in anymore. He couldn't believe what he just heard. The entirety, as in, all 50 states? He changes the channel to Are you smarter than a fifth grader, and starts eating his Rotisserie Chicken again. As he almost finished the Rotisserie Chicken, he turns off the Television. He looked down at the Rotisserie Chicken, and starts to finish the rest of the Chicken. He burps loudly, and rubs his stomach, with his greasy hands. "Well.. That's all I guess... No more.." He said solemnly.
The next day, America opens his eyes, excited to start the day. He smiles, and looks outside. But that was useless, as just a second later he rushes downstairs, checking the fridge for some more Rotisserie Chicken. Until he remembers... It's all been sold-out, and he ate his only one. His lip quivers as he stares at the Rotisserie Chickenless fridge. He rushes outside, to get in to his car, as he drives to the store. He rushes in, and sprints towards the cashier. "Please.. Please tell me that was all a hoax.. Is there really no more Rotisserie Chicken?" He says, pleading and hoping that there was more Chicken. The cashiers expression softens. "Sorry sir, but It's the truth, there's no more Rotisserie Chicken. Will Normal Chicken be okay?" America's heart broke and looked down. "No.. That's okay.." He pouted, walking out of the store. Until he got an idea. He runs back in to the store. "HEY WAIT.. I THINK NORMAL CHICKEN WILL BE OKAY!!" He says. The cashier nods, and points to the aisle of where the Chicken is. He grabs one, pays for it, and rushes home. He puts on his grill, as a look of determination fills his expression. He places the uncooked Normal Chicken on the grill, and waits for it to sizzle. Once he finishes it, he took a bite, and his eyes widen. "Holy crapola, this is delicious!" He runs back to the store, with a goofy smile on his face. "HELLOOOO MAY I SPEAK TO THE BOSS!!" He yells, the cashier looks at him weirdly, but just nods and calls out for The Manager. The Manager approaches the cashier. "What do you need?" "This guy wants to speak to you." The cashier said bluntly. The Manager looks over at America, who now has a huge grin. "What do you need?" The Manager sighed. "I can help make Rotisserie Chicken, for the shelves!!" He said brightly. "You do realise that.. You can make Rotisserie Chicken at home with an uncooked one, yes? So why would you need a precooked one." The Manager said, annoyed. America pouts, as he replies "Yeah but some of us either don't have time! Or-" "Or is lazy." The Manager interrupts. "Fine whatever." America grumbles.
'Well that sucked' he thought. He couldn't believe how rude The Manager was, but he brushed it off. He starts smiling again though, realising that he can make all the Rotisserie Chicken in the world. He chuckles mischievously, planning a 'Hero' Scheme. He begins to start making Rotisserie Chicken, until he had stacks, after stacks. He put them into a box, and goes over to England's house, ringing the door bell, and hiding behind the bush. England opens the door. "Hello?" He questioned, until he looked down. "Hm" He hums, picking up the box, and bringing it inside. A few minutes later, he knocked on England's door. England answered angrily. "What." "Well.. How did you like your gift?" America grins "I knew you did this, you twat. What am I even supposed to do with 27 Rotisserie Chickens??" "YOU COUNTED THEM??"
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