#me: I wish people would ask about me and my f/os!
battywlove · 1 year
Hi Dusty! :)
RE: your recent rb, I was wondering if you could tell me some things you love about your F/Os, specifically Ryuji or Sun Wukong (I would say Phoenix but I’m pretty familiar with him and not so much with the others!) And also maybe what they like about your s/i if you’d like? :) —CCFM
I see Sun and Ryuji being similar characters, at least in appearance and basic traits. Both canon and fanon treat them terribly. So I apologize if I sound repetitive
Sun is just omg <<333 He is my boyfriend material <<33 He is such as sweet and endearing guy who just wants to help his friends and make them happy! I love how playful and funny he is! A lot of people both in show and out, portray him as this dumb blonde, while he may not be book smart he's actually really emotionally intelligent! He's not a perfect person but who doesn't have their own flaws. Sometimes Sun can be selfish without meaning to, often because he's trying to help someone else without thinking of the consequences. Also he has great abs <3
Ryuji is similar to Sun in that they're both rebellious, outgoing, and not so book smart. He's not always the most street smart either, but he really tries to be good person despite all the sh*t he's gone through. He really has heart, and passion! Honestly at first I fell for the protagonist Akira Kurusu, but overtime I felt he was too.. idk perfect? Ryuji felt real, he wasn't perfect, Ryuji made mistakes but he just wants to help, to be seen as more than just 'the delinquent'. On a less deeper note I think he's really super cute <3
Now why they like my s/i's!
Sun thinks Estella is the most beautiful star in the sky in all of Remnant. He appreciates how grounding she can be, because Sun knows he can get carried away and is thankful for her reminding him when to stop and think. They both love being silly and having fun together, feeling more than they've ever felt.
(My persona 5 s/i is still a work in progress so for now I'll call her Eve) Ryuji was a first confused by Eve, sometimes he still is. He didn't understand why she went out of her way to talk to him and make conversation. Eve wanted to find out the truth about what happened to him and wouldn't listen to any rumors, only straight from the source. Ryuji is floored by how much she loves him, constantly defending him and lifting his spirits with compliments. He's made it a challenge to himself to be more affectionate! Much to the annoyance of their friends
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kakusu-shipping · 7 months
Happy birthday!!!! Apples and lemons? :D
Thanks Echo!!! (≧∇≦)ノ
Apples ✦ How long have you been self-shipping, in general? When did you find out about the self-ship community?
Like a lot of people in the Self Shipping community I've been Self Shipping sense I was VERY young, obviously before I knew what it was. I'd put my first conscious thought of Dating Fictional Character around 2nd grade probably? Summer after 1st, more specifically.
I found out about self shipping through a friend I had in 2017-2018 named Ven. I'd met them through the Little Nightmares OC fandom and was OBSESSED with their little Slime Person S/I and made an OC to ship with them (not knowing what an S/I vs OC was at the time)
They explained Self Shipping to me and encouraged me to pursue Fictional Crushes I had at the time that I wasn't confident in Self Shipping with for conflicting identity reasons, something I'm much more chill about now. (Ginko who I headcanoned as AroAce, Scorpia who is a canon Lesbian, etc)
I'm very thankful to them honestly! Even if they eventually decided they didn't want to talk to me anymore, I still think of them very fondly. I hope they're doing well.
Lemons ✦ What's your stance on sharing fictional others?
I'm so very passionate about this, I made a banner for it
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PLEASE tell me when we share F/Os and let me know if I can make your S/I and my S/I interact and canon together I LOVE a polycule and ABSOLUTELY wanna include you (general audience) in my self ship
Even if we can't be canon Metamours (people dating the same person but not romantically linked to eachother) I STILL want to hear about the F/Os we share and your self ship with them and your S/I lore and story and the ins and outs of your dynamic with the F/O and what you like about them and what you dislike about them and what drew you to them and everything tell me everything PLEASE
I LOVE sharing F/Os indiscriminately! With canon characters, with other self shippers, with people who just like them casually. Platonically, Romantically, Familiarly, any sort of in between or overlap or other secret 4th way to love a Fictional Other; I LOVE IT
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bunnys-lil-hideout · 7 months
hi this is basically my part 2 of my post about being a small selfship blog
that post was met with a good amount of small blogs being happy about what i had written, meanwhile there was a handful of blogs that still expressed being upset that they were so small despite the work they'd put into their stuff.
i should preface by saying, even though i've had posts get over 300+ notes, and i have over 100+ followers, im really not a big blog, and i do seriously mean that.
yes, my posts about selfship scenarios and positivity do get a good amount of notes, and lots of the tags are very positive and fun to read. but if you do look through my blog, you'll notice those are the only posts that get any attention. all my posts about my personal selfships barely get notes, i barely get any asks even when doing ask games, and i've even tried participating in those "reblog with your f/o and i'll assign them this!" posts and i dont think i've ever gotten a reply.
and yeah, the last one at least has bothered me a bit, and i wish i couldve been part of the fun, but i'll be honest— when i made my selfship blog, i literally made it to be my own corner where i can go gushy gooey crazy over my fictional men. and those posts i made about general selfshipping scenarios and such, those were me just throwing ideas at the walls so i had a place to put them and maybe a few people could see it and feel a lil better. i never intend for my stuff to get a lot of attention because honestly, i'm used to it, so my expectations are always extremely low, and i'm rarely ever upset about it not working out.
but i know for some people, that's not the same for them, and that's completely fair. they work hard on what they make, either through writing, through artwork, comics, animation, even just putting down their thoughts. its natural to have that part of you that wants to be seen and appreciated for what you made, even if it is self-indulgent and not a lot of people will relate to it.
and i am sorry to all of you who are in that boat, feeling like what you made isnt good enough because not many noticed it, that you don't have people asking about your f/os or s/is, that anything you made with love isn't getting that same response. i know it's hard, and honestly i wish i knew what i could say that would help you to feel better. but please just know that you're really not alone, and just because you aren't seen doesn't mean you aren't good enough for this community.
honestly the best advice i could try to give is that you still have a corner for where you can freely express your love for the characters that bring you happiness, and even if you don't have much of an audience, i think it's worth remembering that your f/os are your #1 supporters through and through, no matter what type of attention you get. they're happy that you love to talk about them, draw them, gush about them, even if no one sees it. they're happy that you've dedicated a space just about them.
and even if you don't get much notice out of it, please remember that you still deserve a place to feel safe and free.
it's going to be okay. i promise. please take care of yourself. its what your f/os would want, i'm sure.
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deathnot-e · 2 months
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[ ABOUT ] welcome here. I'm kuroh [read: crow] or bones. I'm a 32 y.o. selfshipper, a transmasc nonbinary person. I use he/him or they/them pronouns, though I do feel more fem at times. autistic, asexual and bisexual. my interests include anime and manga, tv shows, movies, video games, books, art and many other things. feel free to ask me anything, I don't bite.
[ LINKS ] f/os list ; nsft selfship sideblog ; boyfriend's tumblr ; shiny hunting sideblog ; more.
[ DNI ] minors. you can like and rb my posts, but do not follow me. if we were mutuals before I added this to the dni, we can still be mutuals, but I will not accept any other minors following me from now on. if you do, you will be blocked. racists, lgbt+phobes, fatphobes, zoophiles, eating disorders culture, self harm culture, anti healing, anti selfshipping, anti kin, anti therian, proshippers, comshippers, darkshippers, if you selfship with real life people, if you send anon hate, if you sexualize age and pet regression, if you're into aot, hp or support vivziepop. basic dni criteria applies here.
someone told me you're a misogynist. are you? no. I do not hate women. never have, never will. there is a part of me who is female too, despite identifying as a transmasc person [which comes from - sometimes severe - bottom dysphoria and the wish to physically transition eventually.] I'm still pretty closeted IRL as well, and I am treated like a woman on the daily. I know what women go through and I stand with you all. I do not hate women. at all. I did, however, reblog a poorly worded post once, which lead to misunderstandings and people misreading vent posts from my personal sideblog.
why did you leave selfship tumblr? because I was privately accused of shipping with an underage fictional character, and even though it wasn't true, it had a huge negative impact on my mental health. the mere idea that I could be compared to the likes of someone who abused me hit hard and I didn't want to put up with that kind of stress.
so why did you return? because I never shipped with an underage character to begin with, and I'm not about to let unknowing people, people who read my ship[s] in bad faith or people who dislike me intimidate me away from a community I genuinely love and feel good in.
what's this about an underage character? anon thought that I selfshipped with pre timeskip light yagami from death note. I do not. all of my self-insert death note fanfictions begin post timeskip, when light is in his twenties.
okay. and about lawlight? that's another thing. I do not ship lawlight in canon. never have and never will. I do selfship with l and light separately, and I do have an alternate universe in which we are in a poly relationship. again, this one begins post timeskip, with light being in his twenties. l didn't die in this au, and the yotsuba arc did not take place. l and light didn't know each other the way they did in canon before the beginning of the fanfiction either.
so, you're not a proshipper? no. fuck no. never. these people disgust me. I was groomed myself, and it traumatized me. a man showed me things a child [and later on, teenager] never should have seen. forced me to kiss him twice. hugged me against my will countless times. terrified me on multiple occasions. I could go on, but I won't. I know what it's like and I would never do this to anyone. including fictional characters.
a message for the anonymous : the accusations you sent to one of my mutuals about me shipping with an underage character are dangerous. if you had come to me instead, I would have told you everything you needed to know. even better : if you had read my previous blog's pinned post, you would have had all the information you needed to see that I am not, and never was, a proshipper. please take time to read before you send such things to people, as they can have dire consequences. thank you for reading.
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Okay, I have some gripes about the self ship community. I need to get off my chest. This is a long one. Do not derail this, I will block you. Pro.ship and com.ship DO NOT try to interact with this post, I will block you too. I do not have the patience for this today.
Rant/gripes under the read more.
I'm probably going to get shit for this or something, but I'm getting exhausted over this. The self ship community didn't used to be so scary and hateful. What the hell happened?? What happened to being understanding and kind to others who didn't feel comfortable sharing f/os or having doubles? Why the fuck are we dealing with people spreading lies, causing drama and pulling shit because they're mad someone doesn't want to share? Or causing shit because you end up finding out you share with someone, but instead of blocking them and moving on, you start shti instead? You go out of your way to attack them, harass them, give them trauma and make them feel unwelcome all because you couldn't stand the thought of someone else sharing an f/o instead of using the block button and the black list function that are right there. All because you couldn't respect someone's boundaries.
Why the hell are we being racist or ableist to each other for no other reason besides "I don't like them"? That doesn't give you the right to be cruel to someone because they're a different race or have a mental or physical disability they can not control. There's never an excuse to be out here being so hateful to someone because you feel like you're allowed to say a word or term that you have no right saying or reclaiming just because you want to drag someone down.
And then there are people who question if others' sexualites are valid or not because of the gender of fictional characters they're interested in??? When the hell did we decide that was a "good" idea to do any of this?? Then you have the audacity to claim they aren't valid enough to be considered their own sexuality or gender because they're not good enough for you? Why the hell would you think this is okay?? Does it make you feel better about yourself?? Because it shouldn't. And if it does? You need to take a moment and ask yourself why.
And don't even get me started on the fact that we have to deal with so many pro.shippers and com.shippers in this community. Especially ones that try to lie about it, hide it, and disrespect other's boundaries. We already have to deal with enough toxic bullshit in this community enough as it is, and now we have to deal with these people as well.
It's already hard enough to thrive and grow in this community enough as it is due to the whole fact that unless you're popular or ship with a popular character or have a more appealing and attractive art style compared to others, you don't get much interactions at all. It's a struggle enough in this community for small blogs. We don't need to add on all of this hate to it.
All of this is exhausting and frustrating. I remember when it used to be fun and welcoming, and when we tried to uplift each other, give each other a boost and respected other people's wishes and boundaries. What the hell happened?? When did this all change?? If you're uncomfortable sharing, you're valid, but please don't be so rude and disrespectful to others over it. The block button and the black list function are available to us. It applies to basically everything. Someone rubs you the wrong way, or you don't want to interact with them? Block them. You don't like a person? Block them. Don't like a ship that involves a character you don't like? Black list the tag. It's that simple. I really wish we didn't have all of this hatred happening right now. I really wish this community wasn't so scary and cause so much anxiety for people. Self shipping is supposed to be about having fun and for your own comfort. What happened? What happened to this community?? We need to fix this. People have left the community because of all of this or have been driven out by others over this. This has to stop. We have to do something. I know I myself am just one person, and I'm just a small blog, but it doesn't mean I can't use my voice to an extent.
Thank you for reading. Thank you for taking a moment to listen. Hopefully, this community will improve soon.
Have a good day.
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frecklystars · 2 months
I used to use tumblr a lot, but haven't been on in years. I logged back into my account for the first time in ages and I'm not exaggerating when I say my eyes lit up when I saw that you're still posting.
I remember you. I remember loving your posts, and all the joy you brought me before. I also remember how you struggled before, and I know you're struggling now.
But I want you to know that, from the bottom of my heart, I am so glad you're still here. ❤️
Holy shit. I am so sorry the first post from me that you see coming back on tumblr for years is me recovering from an attempt on my life. I want to say "I'm not usually like this" but I am... like this, now. I have dealt with the most horrific, terrifying forms of abuse in the last two years to the point where I cannot self ship with Tr/nsformers anymore, or self ship just in general, I can't trust anyone without walking on eggshells, I can't function anymore. I don't know if you were here 3 years ago, or maybe you remember me from earlier than that, before I was into TF. but I have C-PTSD now with a lot of really shitty shitty triggers and one major one is TF and it has been really heartbreaking having to adjust to that bc it was a special interest, where I got the most comfort from any of my main F/Os for almost 3 years. Being abused and having self shipping ruined for me is the most horrible thing to happen to me in my life so far. I didn't just lose a special interest, I lost a lot of trust in people that I cared about who betrayed me, I lose so much sleep bc I have nightmares/flashbacks all the time. I live in fear every day. I was stalked both offline and online. I've been trying to focus on Barbie for the last year now since that was the only hyperfixation I was able to actually have again, but that's been slipping away too since [gestures to the Fucking Horrors] and I just, I just have this very firm wholehearted belief that no matter whom I self ship with, any character would want to abuse me just like my abuser did, that anyone could be manipulated and turned against me, bc I was conditioned to believe that. and for the life of me I cannot shake it off. and I got so tired of dealing with this for almost 2 years so I just... tried to end everything on my one year F/O anniversary with the F/Os that I'm supposed to feel safe with. right now I am just very numb and barely existing
I'm sorry you have to see me like this, but my queue is always posting happier and lighter stuff when I'm offline, so rest assured I just make vent posts every now and then, and then I delete them. I'm barely online anymore I just don't see a point. I really wish you could have seen me before I was abused 2 years ago, I was still struggling but I was at least... myself. I haven't been myself since I was abused I don't know if I can really go back to that bc I still haven't been able to leave my situation fully. I am so unhappy all the time. I feel bad for being so negative, normally I try to be more positive especially when I get such nice asks, but it's just been getting worse and I really don't think I can keep holding on that much longer
Thank you for taking the time to send a nice message. I wish I was in a better headspace to reply. I was going to just try to reply at another time bc I am in the worst headspace rn, but I didn't know if I could wait until I was in a better headspace bc I don't know if I'm going to improve at all. I feel so hopeless. but I also didn't want to just let this ask sit in my inbox and have it collect dust for months and months. I wanted you to know I read it and I appreciate what you said. Giving you a hug. I love you. Thank you for remembering me
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spillurhearts · 7 days
Not to be rude, but you say dni proship in one post. So, you’re opposed to “problematic ships,” not the right definition of proship but we’ll say it means that here. but then you make another post
where the only thing you can describe the ship is as a problematic ship. I mean, ship it, it makes you happy and doesn’t hurt anyone, the real definition of proship. But I’m conflicted. Creepypasta yume/self shippers apply to proshipping, and often times problematic content.
first and last time i'll be involved in any type of discourse! i also apologize for any mistake i can make, english is not my first language. it is also late in france so i'm sorry if my thoughts aren't articulated well.
if i follow your reasoning, everyone shipping with villains then applies to pr.oshi.ppin.g? because of the problematic actions their f/o has done?
exploring darker themes in your selfship doesn't equal to being problematic as people like to over and misuse that term so much, especially if your f/o possedes a 'dark' canon. it's just exploring a more mature way selfship, including the obstacles it can entail: pr.os.hip.pi.ng actively encourages abusive relationships. in this post i said the relationship could be somewhat a bit 'toxic' mainly due to the enemies to lovers arc i have with the pr.o.x.ies but the relationship is nowhere near abusive, it's complex and layered, which is two different things and while my wording could've been better, the meaning behind it still stands. obviously it's going to be a bit dark, again, it's about the canon like most people with villain f/os. there is no issue with exploring it and toying with it. there is an issue when it starts involving downright concerning and disgusting content.
the pro.ship.ping community, in selfship or not, is problematic in the way that it actively encourages incest, pedophilia, abusive relationships etc, not in the way that they think villains are hot and want to kiss them/make them kiss each other. there is a difference in problematic behavior, views and impact and 'problematic' characters - and even then, there's a scale in characters deemed problematic, there's a difference between a canon r4p1st and a bad, way too edgy 2009 oc.
moreover, p.rosh.ipp.ing, which goes along with c.om.ship.ping, denies the fact that fiction has a drastic impact on reality by ignoring scientifical and real facts. the whole "ship it if it doesn't hurt anyone" thing is just plain wrong as it hurts your own perception of the world, of what's real and what's fake and encourages people that might stumble accross it to do the same. i am in no way part of that nor are my self ship which i use to cope, and will forever refuse to be a part of that community.
i feel like you were trying to prove a point, and if you did then you failed miserably. you were rude by trying to make me fit in a plain disgusting community. if you didn't and we're genuinely confused, then i'm sorry.
i'm guessing that you may be a pro.s.hipp.er due to the wording of your ask. next time, please refrain from asking - the only thing i know is there is a type of community that supports a certain type of content that i do not wish to see on my dash and that i do not wish to interact or engage in anyway with. i'm staying in my lane, so stay in yours.
i would also appreciage if there wasn't any follow up to this ask, whether it be in reblogs, ask, dms... whatever. i have made my opinion and stance clear.
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dunetevenn · 6 months
I'm Dune/Tevenn, a 23 years old selfshipper who loves traditional art and crochet !!
This is my main blog, I'm more connected on here and I tend to interact mostly with it.
I'm a bit hesitant talking to people, but I'm not against a little chat !!
I can have troubles with communicating sometimes, struggling to put my words right, or I can misunderstand stuff easly, so please be patient with me 💜
For more infos and my BYI/DNI F/Os list, check out my personal carrd :
While this blog is selfship focused and my love for my f/os stays unchanged, my interest do switch from medias to medias, it can last a few weeks or a few months I have no control over it. So if you want to follow me, please understand that and don't be mad if I stop posting about a character for a while!!
(I also would appreciate if you followed me because you truly like my stuff and not just a specific thing, or stop following me as soon as I stop posting about said thing, but I can't control what you do so, do as you wish)
Commissions: Always open !! Check out my commission carrd page if you're interested, it's at the end of this post :3
Art Trades: Always open for mutuals, sometimes open to anyone, look out for announcement posts (current public status: closed)
OC art, fanarts & Crochet: (anyone can follow) (I mostly follow craft and non selfship related content with it):
Suggestive/Censored NSFW (MINORS DNI) (I won't follow anyone/like anything with this blog): Just ask me in DM and I'll give you the link, but keep in mind I'm not super active on it
Commission Carrd:
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selfinsertopinions · 2 months
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This blog is focused on the opinions of people who selfship/make self-insert content/make oc x canon, or any sort of activity where you are directly projecting yourself into canon!
This is not just a confessions/random thoughts blog but it's where I'll also post my own opinions on the selfship/self-insert/oc x canon community and different things within it. Please keep that in mind! (That being said my main intention WAS to make a confessions-type blog)
Do NOT use this blog to directly call out other users or attempt to incite drama. This is NOT a drama blog and I will not use it as such. If the user being namedropped is shown to be genuinely harmful (i.e. zoo, pedo, etc.) then I may allow asks to call them out only to spread awareness.
Related to rule #1, petty ranting/venting is allowed and will be tagged as such. This includes ranting about your f/o's canon x canon ship, a character dynamic you don't like, etc. Please do not vent to me about serious topics (i.e. mental health struggles, abusive situations) as I am not well equipped for that.
You're allowed to gush about your fictional others, comfort characters, etc. In fact, I encourage people to do so, especially if you're afraid to publicly for whatever reason and/or are insecure about selfshipping/oc x canon.
You can send in selfship/self-insert/oc x canon prompts if you wish! Similar to the above rule, it's encouraged to do so! Though this isn't a prompt blog and I won't be treating it as such (so I won't write requests or my own prompts.)
I will not be posting anything related to my own selfships. This is not a personal selfship blog. Sending asks related to my f/os is allowed, but like I said, not for my personal use.
I ask that no one send in NSFW asks, this includes suggestive content. I'd like this blog to be 16+ at the most. I don't want anything about NSFW content, NSFW fanfics, etc. Positive or negative.
DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU: are a TERF, are pro-ana/ed, believe aging up characters is fine (or aging down self inserts is fine), ship with feral characters (including pokemon such as Eevee, Pontya or Sharpedo), or fit basic DNI criteria (though i'm unsure why racists, sexists, zionists, etc. would be following a blog abt selfshipping)
if you've read all the rules, please send in an ask with a 🎀! doesn't have to be just the emoji (you can include it somewhere in your ask.)
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goldieclaws · 9 months
So this is something I think about a lot as an enjoyer of evil characters and now I'm curious:
I ask this because I'm someone who always takes the mickey out of my F/O's being beaten up by their respective heroes (which is probably helped by said F/O being beaten by a teenager most of the time), and so they would need to die/disappear for the story to come to a decent conclusion.
But I have seen some people be sad over their villain F/Os (and totally understandable to those people ofc!) So! Willing to humour me on a poll like this?
Prosh!t drink motor oil and a lighter and blow up forever 😘🥰
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nimue-hidden-lake · 11 months
Welcome To My Lake!
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Redone intro
This is a side blog! Due to circumstances I cannot properly interact from my main (@thelakeofnimue). Until the issue is resolved (however long that might be) I would like for you to interact here (asks, dms, pings, reblogs)! Also if I follow you it might not show up properly. Just a heads up!
Hello there! Please, call me Nimue. I’m 22 years old and German (English is my second anguage). I am on the aromantic spectrum. I am genderfluid and thus what I identify as will shift on a whim. Please ask me for pronouns and what gendered terms I'm fine with at the moment! Or use They/Them and do not gender if you want to play it safe all the time. Due to this I also prefer to not label my sexuality (not like I know what to call it anyways).
I write a lot and sometimes draw. I will also make random posts though. I also write f/o imagines for everyone to enjoy! Let your mind go wild!
I will talk about whatever I am interested in so this is a mish–mash of posts and reblogs. I might take my time to warm up but I love meeting new people and interacting with others! Hit me, ask or reblogs whenever you want (even if it's just for f/o gushing, I love hearing it)! You can also DM me if you want to talk more!
Nice to meet you! I hope I am able to get to know you better in the near future!
For more info, read below the cut!
I am a selfshipper / yumejoshi and I am very open about this! I do not mind interacting with people who are not so feel free to interact with me either way (may it be posts, tags, dms or the askbox)! But if you do not feel comfortable with this fact, I suggest that you avoid this blog altogether since I share and post about this stuff a lot!
I love to write and talk about writing! Writing is my passion! I've been doing it for over a decade now! If you need advice, I'm ready to help! Also feel free to tag me in any of your writing! I'd love to read it! I'm still not sure to reblog some stuff or not. Give me a head's up if it's ok to reblog your stuff!
I experiment with my writing. While most of it is sfw and rather light hearted, I can and will write about darker themes sometimes! These posts receive a content warning however and I have a tag available in my tag list so you can filter that stuff. 
I am primarily an OC/Canon shipper and I will gush and write about these ships a lot! I also multiship in that regard!
I am not a single fandom blog! Though I have a primary interest which can change. My current primary interest right now is Hypnosis Mic.
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General Tag List
#Nimue’s Whispers – Personal thoughts or headcanons
#Nimue's Lake – My written works
#Deep Waters – Written works dealing with heavier topics. I recommend blocking this tag if you wish to not see any of it!
#Waves – Answered Asks
My creative works
Nimue's Library (#Nimue's Lake)
Nimue's Dark Corner (#Deep Waters)
Nimue's Sketchbook (#Nimue's Sketchbook)
Fandom List
These are only a select few of many which mean a lot to me. Those marked bold are my current fixations.
Ensemble Stars
Hypnosis Mic
Bungo Stray Dogs
The World Ends With You
Fire Emblem
Obey Me!
Project Sekai: Colorful Stage 
Touken Ranbu
Honkai Star Rail
Fate/Grand Order
Kid Icarus
Osomatsu series (Kun & San)
Genshin Impact
These are just some of my interests! I am enjoying many more fandoms! If you want to know if I am part of a specific one, ask!
Selfship Stuff
Overhaul? Yes. But I try to be a bit more careful with f/os nowadays so a lot are pending. I mainly focus on Ensemble Stars and Hypnosis Mic tho, so expect me to gush about them the most. I mostly post about Fling Posse at the moment. I love all of my f/os though!
"Shipped with s/i" means that I ship them with my s/i but I do not consider them f/os! I just enjoy the ship dynamics. Thus these ships are not personal to me by any means and I would not rank them as my partners due to a lack of feelings for them.
There are also a few f/os who are a bit complicated due to past circumstances (I rather not talk about it). Once I recovered and sorted my feelings I add them to the other rows especially Romani Archaman, I love him so much and want to decleare him my boyfriend again you have no idea... However long that will be. I love them though and plan to add and gush about them eventually once I moved on from the situation! I just don't know when that will be...
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Iffy sharing Fling Posse (Ramuda, Gentaro, Dice), Henry (FE) and Blaze romantically (except with my friends). I will not block you but I might block your tag (if possible) or not follow back and/or interact with your posts (related to that f/o) if possible. I will also do it if we share f/os you feel uncomfortable sharing with. If I miss it though, I apologize. Just notify me if I do! If I follow you first (or reblogged something from you before) or if we already know each other from another platform, we are good though. I'm fine sharing everyone else though!
My top secret f/os are f/os I keep a secret for own reasons and at most I will vague post about them in public (if ever). I talk about them in private though and publish fanfics about them elsewhere. There is a chance I open up about them one day but no gurantee (I doubt it matters since none of them are f/os I often write about as of now). I am fine sharing them though!
Ramuda Amemura - 15th November
Gentaro Yumeno - 22nd November
Dice Arisugawa - 23rd November
Ritsu Sakuma – 27th June
Rinne Amagi - 11th August
Izumi Sena - 24th September
Hokuto Hidaka – TBD (confession to be written)
Leo Tsukinaga - TBD (confession to be written)
Blaze - TBD (confession to be written) (sharing with a friend)
Henry - 25th May
Arataki Itto - TBD (confession to be written)
A list for my platonic f/os can be found here! Sharing is aok!
My main OC (S/I) for Ensemble Stars
Hypnosis Mic S/I
Bungou Stray Dogs S/I
S/I in Arknights (coming soon)
S/I in Fire Emblem Awakening
Etsuko Amata (Genshin Impact Version) (coming soon) (shipped with Itto)
Fling Posse Selfship / Yumeship Masterlist
Selfship Tags
#Nimue's Beloved – Romantic F/O Stuff
#Nimue's Family – Familial F/O Stuff
#Nimue's Besties – Other Platonic F/O Stuff
#Ritsann – Ship collection for Ritsu/Ann
#Ramuann - Ship collection for Ramuda/Ann
#Gennann - Ship collection for Gentaro/Ann
#Diceann - Ship collection for Dice/Ann
#Hokkann – Ship collection for Hokuto/Ann
#Rinnann - Ship collection for Rinne/Ann
#Izuann - Ship collection for Izumi/Ann
#Leoann - Ship collection for Leo/Ann
#Ittsuko - Ship collection for Itto/Etsuko
More coming soon
Other OCs & Ships
That won't mean that I do not ship any other OC/Canon stuff. I do actually and am still doing so. I also just love writing and creating characters as a whole.
Etsuko Koge (Enstars Version)
Karl Wolff (Ensemble Stars)
Oriko Himejima (Ensemble Stars)
Anneth (Kid Icarus Uprising)
Iris (Kid Icarus Uprising) (coming soon)
Nikke (Kid Icarus Uprising) (coming soon)
#Madoriko – Ship collection for Madara/Oriko
#Natsann - Ship collection for Natsume/Ann
#Juann - Ship collection for Jun/Ann
more to be added… 
Discord Stuff
Another way to reach me is Discord (it is usually easier tbh, I will check DMs there more often and am often online). The name is e_v_e_ (Eve)
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Discord Profile at the moment (that is me)
Also running a (somewhat active) selfship server! Feel free to join us! Invite here!
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DNI if…
you are here to start drama or talk about drama. I will be honest, hearing about any type of drama can stress me out and I prefer avoiding it here if possible. I myself will never talk about drama either, no matter what it is! Also, please do not involve me in any drama! 
you have a problem with content involving OCs and self inserts, leave! This includes OC x Canon + S/I x Canon content as well!
you are…
A racist
A bigot
A transphobe
A p*dophile / MAP
Other Blogs
@lake-archive - Overall writing
@astral-express-conductors - HSR Fanblog (18+)
@nimue-at-night - 18+ Blog
@crew-catz - Hypnosis Mic Fanblog (OC focus)
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huntinglove · 4 months
1, 5-6, and 10 for the dark asks 👀
Hi hi!! Thank you so much for the ask!!
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1. Is there an age gap between you and your F/O? How big is it? Is it considered a big deal?
Most of us have varying age gaps.
Some of my F/Os have been with me since I was a toddler while they were already adults, some of them are old enough to be my caretakers, others are young enough to be my siblings or children, some are way beyond the concept of human aging!
They themselves don't mind, but the reactions of our peers vary from source to source.
Most of the hashira had relationships similar to ours at his age, including the master, so no one really bats an eye. What really gets their heads turning is the fact that Muichiro has a lot of power over me, both in strength and status.
Meanwhile, with Harry, most people know he adopted me when he was in a better place in his life, but after everything he's been through he could only find comfort and love in me. He's terrified of people knowing about our relationship and takes as many precautions as he can to keep up the daddy-baby facade.
5. Is there ever any non-con acts between the both of you? Who starts it?
Most of my F/Os know I'm willing to do pretty much anything for them, all they need to do is ask, and it also applies the other way around!
So we generally don't see the need to do anything forceful, outside of punishment of course, thankfully we're all very well behaved most of the time
6. If not non-con, then dub-con? How far does it go?
Oh yes, both in a sexual way and in domestic ways too. This usually happens because my F/Os are to shy or ashamed to ask for something from me, if they did I'd happily oblige, but I don't mind their shenanigans all that much
Charlie is a huge somnophiliac and he's accidentally woken me up by grinding against me, touching himself above me as I sleep and also straight up fucking me
I usually pretend to stay asleep as well as I can, I don't feel like telling him how much I like it just yet, he looks so cute when he feels guilty~
It's not unusual for Mychael to make me more susceptible to his "suggestions" using his spores. It can affect my body greatly so I might feel too sick to be away from him or to do anything where he can't see or accompany me.
Milo has kidnapped and cut off my legs before. When I woke up he was terrified that I would be upset with him but it just felt so right... Even if he hadn't asked me first, I was still so very happy to be completely dependent on him
Alma takes over my body as they please sometimes, I'm not always prepared but I can't stay upset with them... Who am I to deprive them from their only chance at feeling again? Besides, they're always so gentle when they touch our body, it feels wonderful~
10. Does your F/O ever abuse your trust? Lie to you?
Everyone lies from time to time, be it for the better or for the worst. I trust that my darlings have my best wishes in mind, regardless of their levels of honesty towards me, because I know it's what goes through my mind whenever I need to lie to them!
Tenebris cannot lie, but he's not sinless either. He constantly breaks into my place and I've noticed some of my things going missing from time to time because of him... Underwear included.
Though I can't be too upset with him, considering he did "take care" of a certain pest that was looming around the neighborhood.
Then again... He still hasn't noticed what I lie to him about, so I suppose we're even~
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frecklystars · 2 months
Aww, GAD anon 🥺🥺 I want to selfishly keep your message in my inbox to look back on again, but I want to let you know here that I did read it and I appreciate every word you wrote.
I'm so glad my own message back to you could make you feel better. I do mean it, I am spiritually here with you and supporting you and holding your hand through every single hard thing. Like I said, if you're struggling to sleep because you're anxious, chances are I am definitely awake at the same time as you. 2am, 4am, 7am, hell even 10am, I am most likely still awake. I go many days without sleeping bc, y'know, anxiety lol. or any of the other things you mentioned you struggle with, I struggle with too, you are not alone in those things at all. You can always think to yourself "well hey right now this task is really hard, but at least Keri is also dealing with this right now and she is so proud of me for trying!" because I am! so proud, that is -- of you! for trying! bc I know it is hard as fuck to push yourself to do literally Anything when your brain makes you feel consumed by panic 24/7. you are so strong and I believe you can do this!!!! one day we are both gonna be able to sleep more and eat more and relax more and just, exist without the little monsters in our head feeding on our fear. i got you. we got this 💪✨
And all the things you said about Barbie and Ken ;-; wow. Thank you so much. I really, really, REALLY needed to read that... 😭😭😭 That helped me feel a bit more comforted after... everything that's been happening. I had a really, really heavy trigger hit me recently, and it got to the point where today I woke up and Everything That Has Ever Traumatized Me was the first and only thing in my head, and it just stuck in my brain, wouldn't go away. I was having a reeeeally difficult day bc of it, but then I read your message when it was slow at work, and I started to relax, I just kept reading it over and over and over again and finally I wasn't as shaky, I was starting to get more control of myself ;-; It helps when someone is telling me "hey, logically, here is why your F/Os would not harm you" and yours made me laugh too. You were absolutely 100% correct and the way you phrased it was so funny. Especially what you said about Ken... that was hilarious, made me smile when I was having such a rough day.
And I also appreciate you phrasing it as "hey btw your F/Os are normal people who love in a normal way. whoever is claiming to love you in a way that is harming you is... literally Not Normal. most people are not Like That." and I literally sat there staring out into space for a few long seconds and muttering to myself "my god, they're right. it's literally... not fucking normal for people to behave like the way I have been treated." and tbh that made me feel so much better. My F/Os ARE normal!!! I mean yes some of them are evil wicked murderers or silly silly villains who try to take over the world or they like to set things on fire -- but they're, like... not manipulators who are endlessly dedicated to the bit! and it genuinely helps me SO MUCH when somebody tells me "hey your F/Os would not hurt you, and here are the logical reasons why." I always appreciate when people say "hey they won't hurt you :)" but it doesn't really "click" with me or calm me down as efficiently, because my brain will constantly be asking "yes they SAID they wouldn't hurt me, but... what if they still would ;-;" like I literally just get consumed with what-ifs. but ppl saying "no actually here's some ACTUAL REASONS why these characters would be gentle with you, and how hurting you is out of character for them, here's EXAMPLES" - that does wonders for me, dude.
So!!!! Thank you for taking the time out of your day to send me such a nice message for me to look back on. And hey, if you ever need to vent about anything, please feel free, my inbox is always open. Sending you lots of hugs and little stars to wish you a good night (or day depending on your timezone)!! 🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨
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echoes-lighthouse · 5 months
🍼- do any of your S/Is also regress?
💫 (bonus points if it’s a hot take)
🌿- do any of you S/Is or would any of your S/Is have a caregiver/babysitting blog? Ohhh or do/would any of your F/Os? What about a regression blog, would they have one of those? Esp curious abt Tate bc I’m not familiar with that dude so to me everything you say is canon
- birds :3 anyways I hope you’re okay that I slightly altered the asks to be more relevant/fun for selfship blog stuffs
Yessssss thank you I really really wanted some agere questions from this ask game!!! I super appreciate it and OF COURSE I love that you altered the questions!
🍼- do any of your S/Is regress?
Yeah! My Critical Role self-insert regresses (and so does Jester)! My League of Villains self-insert..... maybe regresses? I feel like they do, but they don't have words for it. My self-insert with Toshinori is a regressor as well <3 I feel like there are a lot of selfships where I could see my self-insert regressing, or my f/o regressing, but those three are the only ones where it's like "canon" to the dynamic.
❤️‍🩹 — do you have any special comfort items?
I collect comfort items like there's no tomorrow. I tend to switch between stuffed animals every few months, but I have three main ones (a bunny, a possom, and a weighted baby doll). Also, my poncho coat is definitely a comfort item. That's the main ones for now!
🌿 — do any of your f/os or s/is have an agere/caregiver blog?
Hmmm! I don't think Tate or Tomura would have an agere blog: I don't think they would connect to the current agere community, nor do I think my self-insert would have one in those universes.
My Silvertongue BNHA s/i might have a caregiver blog (they're a flip but I think they'd be more interested in being a cg online), and I think they would talk about that with Toshinori.
My DC/Sandman s/i would probably have both, their internet presence is very much the same as mine.
Me and Toga would share a blog that might have regression content on it, but it would focus more on the aesthetic stuff than the actual agere stuff.
💫 — is there anything you wish more age regressors knew? anything you want to tell them?
Beneath the readmore 'cause this is getting long!
Oof, it's been a while since I was in the main community, but here's a hot take, as requested.
The difference between age regression and age play is not whether it's sexual. The difference is whether there's an element of control and humiliation. If you like feeling like your caregiver is completely in control and you like the idea of punishment (even non-physical), you might want to look into nonsexual age play instead of the age regression community. Also, if having fantasies about someone helping you to regress in public makes you feel humiliated and small at the same time, that's another sign you might be on the kink side of things, at least some of the time.
You can, of course, enjoy both: but I occasionally see posts about punishment and humiliation in the age regression community that really make me feel like it's been mis-tagged.
At the same time, only you can really know what the centre of your regression experience is, and I know some people genuinely feel safer if someone else is making the decisions, but it's not in the same way that they're submitting to a dominant. It's a complicated kinda situation, I won't deny it, but sometimes I see people in the agere community that I just feel are only in the agere community because they don't realize kink can be nonsexual.
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dunetevenn · 6 months
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SELFSHIP COLLAB ARE OPEN!! (2 slots aviable)
Proship DNI
Hi everyone!! Now that I have less WiPs, I can start working on more stuff :D So, I decided to share some more infos about this collab!!
You can read the concept in the screenshot ^^
I'm opening 3 slots for now, but if I get good experiences I might open them again ^-^
Here's a little QnA that nobody asked for, but can be useful:
-Can platonic/familial F/Os participate?
Of course!! I mostly have romantic F/Os, but I have a few sons and friends I can use :3 (the adopted children are listed, but not the friends, you can ask me directly if you wish to know). The settings doesn't have to be romantic, it can be anything as long as it's not innapropriate!! Even fanmade family members of my F/Os are accepted (like if you created a sibling for Donny for example and would like to use it) ^^
-Can I participate if I'm under 18?
Even though the collabs will be SFW, I would be more comfortable working with people over 18, so no.
-Can we do a collab with a F/O we're sharing?
That's a bit complicated: I am not super comfortable sharing, but also I'm not against the idea of a collab about a poly dynamic (as long as it doesn't contain any rivality, I don't want to draw my S/I fighting with someone else's over a shared F/O), so I'd say it depends (I'm quite jealous and protective over my f/os but I'm trying to be better). Can be fine if my romantic F/O is your platonic F/O tho :3
-Do we have a deadline?
I'd say 3 monthes? I can be really slow depending on the style I'm using, so I really don't want to force others to rush their part!! Plus technical difficulties (that I'm sure will happen, knowing my luck lol) can happen, so really the 3 monthes "deadline" can be extented ^^ We just can't share our parts publicly as long as the final piece isn't finished.
-Are non-human couples okay?
Of course :3 I mostly have human F/Os but that doesn't stop anything !!
-My F/O comes from a controversial media, can I still participate?
If it's controversial just because of the creator, then I don't care, you can participate!! As long as your ship isn't problematic, it's fine for me.
-What about evil or slasher F/Os?
Those are perfectly fine. I do not count them as problematic as long as it's not a fetishized abusive relationship. Please read the rules about this.
•Be nice and patient !! This is my first time opening collabs, and I sometimes have troubles with communications, but I'll do my best
•No NSFW/suggestive content!! I'd accept that in art trades and commissions but not here. No gore or violence too.
•Communication is needed. We're probably gonna have to talk a good while to be sure of what we want to do, so don't let me without answers for a week!! And same for me, I'll do my best to contact you whenever it's needed as quickly as I can!! Also WiP sharing's important too
•No proship content. I won't work with a zoo/abusive/incestuous/pedo ship (even if it's with an aged-up character). Note that if I don't know a character you want to use, I will make researches about it to make sure it's not an aged-up kid or anything else from the list.
If you are proship, I won't accept your participation and I am kindly asking you to please not interact with my content. I'm very uncomfortable about this. Same if you're shipping yourself with a real person. Don't do that.
And if I accidentally accept a collab like that (mistakes can happen if I fail my researches), I will delete the art and block the person I collaborated with.
HOWEVER, as stated before, evil F/Os (slasher characters, characters like Sephiroth or characters like Arktos) are not counted on this list and therefore are accepted
•It's not "first arrived first served", I have a right to refuse a collab. You too btw: I'd recommend checking my f/o list beforehand so you can tell me in advance if there's a f/o you're not comfortable seeing in a collab, I'll just pick an other one ^^
Okay, that's all I can think about for the infos, if you have any other question that I didn't included in the list, you can ask it in the comments or directly in private ^^ !! Hope some people will be interrested !!
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coming from someone who is very much not comfortable at all with sharing my romantic f/os, and i also get on my own ass about being Too Serious with self shipping, i wish people would be more normal regarding this stuff about not being comfortable sharing f/os
a friend starts shipping with a character you don't like sharing? communicate with them. don't just suddenly leave them in the dark
need to vent about these discomforts? that's also ok! just do it behind closed doors, maybe with friends who support you. maybe don't name drop, and most of all do NOT go to the person's ask box and say nasty shit to them if they ship with a character you don't like sharing.
just. idk. i can't words good right now, i hope this makes sense. communicate with people and be nice to each other.
this said if any of my mutuals here are hiding ships because i ship with them please talk with me, i would love to figure something out!!
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