the-angels-share · 2 months
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In which Xiao gets the childhood he deserves. A Grandpa Zhongli and Xiao adventure.
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Out of all the seasons, Xiao loves summer the best. Not only does he get to stay up an hour later than usual, he gets to do things he normally couldn’t the rest of the year. For example, during summer, Xiao gets to sleep in as late as 10 in morning. He can go to the beach and eat ice cream and build sandcastles without worrying about homework. He can watch TV and play outside for as long as he likes, as long as he gets inside the house by twilight. Most importantly, he gets to stay in Grandpa's house for a whole month.
Xiao's Grandpa is Zhongli. Zhongli is the Geo Archon. That means Xiao's Grandpa is the coolest, most awesome being to ever walk the planet. And Xiao gets to spend thirty (30) days with him. Just him and his Grandpa.
No one else in all of Liyue gets to experience that.
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Xiao has spent a total of two days in his Grandpa’s house when he receives his first mission as a Guardian Yaksha.
The mission? Make a new friend. Location: The children’s park.
Xiao’s not gonna lie. He did not expect such a daunting task for his first ever mission. However, if there is one thing that Xiao has learned in his eight years of life, it’s that adepti assignments are to be accepted and seen to completion, whether they are given in Rex Lapis’ office or at the breakfast table over a plate of brown rice and grilled fish.
Which is how Xiao finds himself in the park two hours later, clutching his Grandpa’s slacks like his life depended on it.
Don’t misunderstand, though. Xiao is a brave boy. But sometimes, even brave boys get scared too. He’d much rather stay beside his Grandpa, where he can cling to his leg and be safe from the curious glances of the strange mortals in the sandbox.
“Don’t forget your weapon.”
Ah, yes, his weapon. Xiao wanted to bring one of his Grandpa’s many polearms, but Zhongli told him that the Primordial Jade Winged Spear is simply too long, too heavy, and too sharp for eight-year old boys to carry, even if they were adepti. So, he gave Xiao a jumbo bubble wand instead.
“Go on,” Zhongli tells him once Xiao finally let go of his leg. "Remember the plan."
Right, the plan. Xiao racks his brain for the battle strategy he made with Rex Lapis himself on their way here. Look for your target, wait for an opening, and when you’re ready, engage.
And so, Xiao does exactly that. Tightening his hold on the bubble wand, he takes a step forward and scans his surroundings. There, by the swings, stood two blonde kids around his age, blowing bubbles with their own soapy weapons. Target sighted.
Now for the rest of the plan.
Xiao turns to Zhongli. "Don't leave, okay?"
His Grandpa smiles and pats his head. "I'll be at the bench if you need me."
Xiao nods and walks ahead. Well, here goes nothing.
Ninety minutes later, Xiao goes home with two brand new friends, a play date plan for next week, and a gold coin for a job well done on his first ever mission as one of Liyue's Guardian Yaksha.
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As Geo Archon and oldest of The Seven, it is only expected that Xiao’s Grandpa would keep a lot of treasures in his house. And, well, Xiao’s not claiming to be a treasure expert, but you know what they say.
Where there’s treasure, there’s a guardian.
That’s where Azhdy comes in.
Of all the odd things in the Geo Archon’s house, the most peculiar one is Zhongli’s pet, Azhdaha.
Xiao is not sure exactly what kind of animal Azhdaha is. His Grandpa says Azhdy is a dragon, but he looks more like a dog to Xiao. Either way, Xiao thinks Azhdy is the coolest, most awesome pet ever. (Even if his name is a little hard to spell).
Some people think Azhdy is scary, but really, he’s just a clumsy creature who’s a little too spiky and excitable. It’s true! Azhdy has funny eyes that look in opposite directions. He can’t see very well, and that’s why he always bumps into walls or people. But that’s okay, because it doesn't matter where Xiao is in the house—when Xiao says, "Azhdy, come here", the sound of heavy paws on hardwood floor will reverberate in the whole house, becoming louder and louder the closer he gets.
The sight of Azhdy running towards him never fails to make Xiao smile. Which is why he doesn’t understand why most people look just about ready to call the Millelith whenever Azhdy pounces on his little body to give him wet dog kisses.
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There are days that hold a special place in Xiao's heart. For him, that day is Thursday. It's not because of any particular event or tradition. No, it's because Thursdays mean one thing: spending the most time with his super-duper amazing Grandpa.
For some reason, Thursdays seem to be the day when Zhongli spends the most time at home, away from his duties as the Geo Archon. And for Xiao, that means having his Grandpa all to himself for the day.
As the evening draws near on Thursdays, Xiao eagerly awaits the highlight of his day: bedtime. Not because it means the end of the day, but because it's the time when Zhongli sits by his bedside, tucking him in with gentle hands, a warm smile, and a pat on the head. Sometimes, Azhdy joins them too.
In those quiet moments, the world outside fades away, and it's just Xiao and Zhongli, and sometimes, Azhdy. While Zhongli spins tales of dragons, warriors, and dumplings, Xiao finds out very quickly that the crinkling of old book pages and Zhongli’s smooth baritone are much more effective sleep aides than the bedtime story itself.
Xiao never knows when he dozes off, if his Grandpa ever finishes his story before he starts dreaming. But every time, he wakes up with Zhongli and Azhdaha gone, replaced by the comforting scent of tea and breakfast in the air. It feels like a warm embrace, like he's loved and safe with Zhongli and Azhdy nearby.
Those Thursday nights (and Friday mornings) are the best.
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The big building on Wangshu Street, Xiao learns, is called Wangshu Inn. Inn spelled with two (2) Ns. It means hotel, Grandpa Zhongli tells him one day.
Sometimes, when Xiao has been exceptionally good and Grandpa Zhongli feels particularly nice, they go to Wangshu Inn for a bowl of almond tofu. Xiao loves almond tofu, especially the almond tofu from Wangshu Inn.
How Xiao came to like the sweet treat is actually a funny story.
When Xiao was five, he got lost. It was Lantern Rite and he and his Grandpa were out and about on one of their holiday afternoon walks. Captivated by the vibrant sights and sounds around him, Xiao had wandered off and couldn't find his way back to where his Grandpa was.
Of course, being an adeptus, Xiao hadn't been scared. (He was terrified.) Like a brave and dependable Guardian Yaksha, he took it upon himself to look for the correct way home. (Xiao wandered aimlessly, tears welling up in his eyes.) And just as the day began to turn into night, a calming presence had enveloped him. It was Zhongli, his Grandpa!
He had found him amidst the crowd.
Xiao remembers his Grandpa picking him up from under his arms and rubbing his back to soothe him. Then, he brought them both to Wangshu Inn where they shared a bowl of almond tofu.
"You're okay now," his Grandpa had said. Xiao doesn't remember being not okay, so his Grandpa must have been talking to himself. He must've been super scared when he turned and found Xiao missing! He guesses even cool, strong, Geo Archons like his Grandpa get scared too sometimes. (So, maybe it's okay to say that he felt a little bit scared too when he couldn't see Zhongli anymore back in the harbour.)
Xiao doesn’t remember much of that day, but he does feel a surge of warmth and comfort with every spoonful of the soft sweet treat.
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In the neighborhood where his Grandpa lives, there's a girl named Hu Tao. She's a bundle of energy, always running around with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Hu Tao is Xiao's... not-friend friend, but whenever they meet, she's full of jokes and stories she's read from whatever book she was devouring that week.
She's smart, just like Grandpa Zhongli. She reads those big heavy books he sometimes sees his Grandpa read on quiet afternoons at the den. She says big, hard to say words, like quick sonic (quixotic) and disk consulate (disconsolate). Sometimes, she recites poems with rhymes and more words Xiao doesn't quite understand. It's okay, though, because when she does, she smiles, and when she smiles, Xiao smiles too.
Hu Tao has a pet bunny named Boo Tao. Boo Tao is a fluffy little creature, but too small to play with Azhdaha, so they settle for sitting together in the grass, sniffing flowers and watching the world go by.
Xiao thinks Hu Tao is pretty. He's not quite sure what "pretty" here means, but whenever she laughs, it feels like sunshine breaking through the clouds.
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Sometimes, when the sky is gloomy, Grandpa Zhongli takes Xiao to the cemetery.
Xiao’s only seen pictures of Granny Guizhong but with all the stories that Grandpa has told Xiao about her, it’s as if he’s met her too.
He makes sure to water the Qinxin flowers Grandpa keeps on Granny's grave. He'll take care of the flowers so Granny does not get sad.
Next time, he'll add Glaze Lilies too.
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Amidst the hustle and bustle, Xiao's hand finds Zhongli's, his small fingers entwining with his grandpa's sturdy grip. His Grandpa smiles down at him, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Shall we see what the harbor has in store for us today, Xiao?"
Xiao nods. He'd be a dummy to say no to Rex Lapis. With a gentle lift, his Grandpa scoops Xiao up into his arms, granting him a bird's-eye view of the lively street below. From this vantage point, Xiao marvels at the vibrant tapestry unfolding before him—the dancers twirling in graceful arcs, the acrobats defying gravity with breathtaking stunts, and the musicians serenading passersby with their melodious tunes.
He thinks he can see Hu Tao and the twins there too.
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As the end of summer draws near, the yard of Grandpa's house becomes a haven for crystalflies. Amidst the delicate dance of these enchanted creatures, Xiao clings tightly to Zhongli, his small form nestled in the safety of his Grandpa's embrace.
With each passing moment, the inevitability of parting weighs heavy on Xiao's heart. As his parents arrive to take him home, Xiao buries his face in the crook of Zhongli’s neck, unwilling to let go of the warmth and comfort he finds there. The air is filled with the soft whispers of crystalflies bidding farewell to the departing summer, echoing the bittersweet emotions swirling within Xiao's heart.
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Summer has passed, and before Xiao knows it, it's summer again. Out of all the seasons, Xiao loves summer the best. Not only does he get to stay up an hour later than usual, he gets to do things he normally couldn’t the rest of the year. For example, during summer, Xiao can go out on walks with Azhdy while the citizens of Liyue look on with amazement at his very big, very cute pet. He can sit by the park and see if a girl with long pigtails and pretty eyes happens to pass by. Most importantly, he gets to stay in Grandpa's house for a whole month.
Xiao's Grandpa is Zhongli. Zhongli is the Geo Archon. And Xiao's most favorite thing in the whole entire world is him.
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cosplaypandared · 6 months
My biggest challenge in crafting cosplay
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It was the year 2015 when my cosband decided to make a perfect cosplay on, suddenly, the card game Magic the Gathering. We chose planeswalkers because this setting has a lot of characters, but only planeswalkers are more popular and well-known than others.
We met at a café to decide which characters we would choose to participate in the big event in another big city. My friend made a great choice, beautiful Lera picked up terrifying Elesh Norn, very tall Albert decided to make furry Goldmane Ajani, and the lightest Lin chose the heaviest Chandra. But I decided to make my dream come true and craft a dragon. So my choice was Dragon-God, Nicol Bolas.
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When I mentioned my decision, one friend answered, Really? You will never make a huge dragon, with your height, your Bolas will look like a silly Pokémon. Ha! I said, "You don’t have any idea what I can create!" After this, I understood that I had embarked on quite an adventure. This was this challenge!
I had only three months to create this monster. Almost the whole costume I made myself, but when I realized I ran the risk of being late, I started to ask for help from family and friends. My husband helped me with sanitary pipes to make the wings base, my mom worked as a model; and when I tried to make this creature more proportional, my friends assisted with armor and painting wings. I finished the costume at night, with just 4 hours left before my train took off to the big city.
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We ordered this taxi, arrived at this station, met with our friends, and didn't get on the train! My costume was too big to take on this train. My friends left without us. So we decided to buy other tickets for us and a ticket for a special place in the luggage compartment for the dragon four hours later. It was an emotional challenge, I realized that my creature required special attention everywhere, even with transportation. It is just this dragon's doom, I calmed myself down.
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When we arrived at the next train one hour before departure. This new train master said, "We can’t accommodate the dragon because this costume is too big for this luggage compartment". This was contrary to what was said by staff at the station and this previous train director. It is just this dragon's doom, I was repeating in my head. This Dragon-God is just testing me. We ended up just buying a third ticket, and my little monster rode like a king in his own seat.
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After an exhausting 3-month journey, I finally reached this contest. And here I am. This music is playing. I’m ready. My friends are going to the stage one by one, and each time this roar of this crowd becomes louder and louder. I make the first step on the spot and hear this woman's heartbreaking scream. This is it. I’m This Monster! I am the mind-ripper, the deathbringer, the winged dark that terrifies your dreams. I AM THIS DRAGON!
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Of course, we won the Grand-pri in this contest. It was the Sony PlayStation II, but the brilliant thing I've won is the passed challenge. I crafted it, we brought it to the contest, and together we made the coolest group cosplay from MTG. And I’ve created the biggest mowing dragon cosplay in Siberia and possibly in all of Russia.
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paintbrushnebula · 2 months
My college professor: Mr. Paintbrushnebula, are you still with us?
No Professor, my mind is far too busy thinking about how Rapunzel and Miles Morales would be absolute BESTIES.
They'd share their art with each other and do art trades, and swap stories about their adventures. Rapunzel would go on for hours about all the kingdoms and magical creatures she's encountered while Miles would ramble about all the crazy incredible dimensions he's been to. They'd vent to each other about how restricted they felt back when everyone was trying to control their lives and keep them from choosing their own path. Ooh! And they'd totally swap favorite foods! Miles would give Rapunzel some Spanish recipes. Now here they are making pastelitos de carne together!
Oh and you better believe Eugene Fitzherbert and Gwen Stacy are an unstoppable duo who'll take over the world!
While their partners are chatting, Eugene and Gwen are sitting in the corner munching on the pastelitos their partners just made while sharing how they got together with them. Gwen goes, "we met up once and saved the multiverse together, then two years later I climb through his window and I say, 'wanna get outta here?' He says yes!" Eugene's mouth goes agape and says "NO WAY THATS (almost) EXACTLY WHAT I DID-" They then break out into a series of competitions to prove who's the better athlete, like who can scale that building faster, who's got the coolest backflip, etc. Eugene thinks Gwen's eyebrow piercing is super cool, then he goes on about how as much as he'd like one, his face is just too darn immaculate and unblemished for him to ever pierce its perfectly pristine hide, then he shares his "invaluable wisdom" about haircare with a Gwen who has long fallen fast asleep. Then they're discussing their experiences as ex-fugitives. Eugene tells Gwen about his experience with the Captain of the Guard, how he would hunt him down like a wild dog. Gwen says "oh hey I had to deal with a Captain like that too. Tried to shoot me too. Yeah. He's my dad," then goes right back to scarfing down her pastelito while Eugene nearly chokes on his.
I just think they'd be neat ^_^
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beevean · 2 months
2, 4, 12, 23, and 25 for a character you might not expect from m-just kidding, it's Eggman. :^)
Oh no, quelle surprise :P
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
His sheer perserverance. He will not give up. He will not have a bad day. He will not give anything less than his 100%. He will try anything in his power to get his way. Doesn't work? Oh well, let's try again. It's inspirational lol.
Also, in a more meta-context, I like how most videogame baddies have a "well I'll send you my minions, if you're strong enough to reach me I will challenge you" policy, which is totally valid! But Eggman? No, he tries to deal with those menaces himself (IIRC the only exception is most 8-bit games where most bosses are just his robots, and even then in S2 he had that iconic "saving Sonic from lava to kill him with his creation" scene). He doesn't delegate: he will see things through!
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Metroid. He'd thrive in that sci-fi setting, he would immediately plan the best way to colonize certain planets, and ofc he'd attempt to tame the titular creatures for himself :P I wonder if he'd strike an alliance with Ridley or butt heads with him.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
He was a spoiled only child, with the kind of parents who would hear that their son bullied another kid and be aghast at such lies, because their little angel can do nothing wrong!
Also, while his passion is ofc engineering, I think he had a genuine fascination with history. He wanted to learn from those schmucks' mistakes to do better :P it would also explain how easily he finds tablets of gods to tame and why he loves defacing ruins so much.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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Of course he'd have the coolest picture in Forces :P man, that logo.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I remember not caring about Eggman until Colors lol. Perhaps a consequence of growing up with the Adventure-era games where he would always get usurped by another villain, so I was like, why should I be scared by this guy? :^)
I started to appreciate him better in Colors, because not only he was gut-bustingly funny with his PA announcements, but also look at him, actually getting very close to winning without any treacherous gods in the way! And then he kept the streak going! until recently Huh, will you look at that, he's actually pretty cool!
And then, thanks to you :P I learned to also see all the accomplishments I missed out on in previous games, even those where he otherwise was not treated very well, ex. building the Egg Fleet in Heroes.
So yeah, went from being all :\ to being all :D about him!
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ezrisdax-archive · 7 months
Ask game: top five childhood books
I mean I think I'd have to go by series cause I'm too tried to remember individual novels....so!
Animorphs - I don't think any book series can ever and will ever stick to me the way animorphs did, I can still sometimes quote whole sections of the books by heart. Just the set up! the world building! the trauma! between it and ds9 and mash I really lived in the takeaway that war is terrible and will always do terrible things, cause you to do terrible things, and effect you for the rest of your life. I really like how it never shied away from the fact that these were kids forced to fight a war and that was unfair and also these were kids! of course sometimes things were silly. but yeah, everyone please read animorphs and be as fucked up as I was with the last book and spoilers death.
Tortall Series - I'm just grouping these all together but very very specifically for me Song of the Lioness and the Protector of the Small quartet are some of my absolute fave books still. Alanna and Kel are probably still some of my fave heroines and I really admired how they stood strong in everything they went through. being a short ill tempered red head myself I really stuck with Alanna too lol, my best friend who got me into the books specifically did it because she knew I'd relate to Alanna and she was right.
Redwall - I'm Canadian okay, these books were everywhere and as they should be, I loooooved how cozy these were, these books about creatures who fought their own wars and how interconnected the books were even though some were like hundreds of years apart. I even had a map of from the series on my wall and when I got a new book I'd pin where it took place like I was trying to figure out how close/far it was to the other places. I'd stopped reading them by the time the author died but hearing about devastated me and I dug out the books and reread them all, I still think the world building is some of the coolest out there
Magic Treehouse - I mean I know I read this more as a kid kid but damn if these books weren't fun, I had so many of them lying around the house and they were just fun quick little reads about kids having time adventures and we all know by now tumblr user ezrisdax is weak for time adventures
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit - okay so like, I started reading when I was three and these were the books my dad read to us and the way the story goes was my siblings sat still and let him read them and I decided he was too slow and read the books myself and for the longest time up to my teen years I reread LotR/Hobbit every year (skipping the spider parts, what can I say, I'm a wimp with a phobia). I still have every poem/song in the Hobbit memorized. it's just burned into my head for now and always and I don't think I gotta say why I mean, it's a classic for reason right?
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eridude · 8 months
for ship ask thing erisol arafef and (hear me out) erisolkat
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IM A HUGE ERISOL FAN. IM SORRY. I KNOW. THEY'RE JUST SO FUCKING RRRAGHHHDHEH. i like my ships absolutely pathetic failboy disaster hellpiles and eridan is the King of Being The Worst so Unfortunately i love him and yet i also hate him and also he is my brand ??? eridude or whatever... AND sollux. is my Favorite troll in the comic. im absolutely fanatical about him. and they hate each other so much and are so miserable all the time and yet they are constantly drawn right back to one another do they REALLY hate each other ??? do they??? yes but also no but also YES. they are absolutely obsessed with each other in the best way and the worst way and is it healthy maybe not but it COULD BE HEALTHY?? and maybe that's the hook??? they are such an absolute fucking mess together and i know canonically it probably would not work out but in my Mind i have invented a universe where they absolutely would work out and they're dating and it's so fucking funny ahhahaha laughs evilly and manically. kings of quadrant flipping??? kings of being Maybe Nonbinary??? eridan looks at sollux hunched over with the worst posture known to man in his fucking gamer chair and sollux looks over at eridan in the worlds gaudiest outfit being a terrible person and they are both have thoughts of "oh fuck this should not be attractive at all and YET???"
i just really like them hee hee :3
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rubs my hands together deviously. i love arafef so much guys. THEY HAVE SOME OF . THE SILLIEST PARADOX SPACE CONTENT. its so small and its still got me absolutely giggling and kicking my feet.
basically these two girls are so WEIRD and kind of terrifying and both so wonderful. it is actually heartbreaking we Don't ever get to see them really interact in main comic (the only interaction we get i believe is when aradia is a ghost and that's not even like a head on convo i think it's just aradia kind of commenting on something feferi says in alterniabound. sign. feel free to correct me if im wrong tho!!)
i love them and i think they could get up to so many shenanigans together- silly girls going on adventures together, aradia shows feferi all her cool dead stuff and feferi is like "380 !! 38) <3", watching scary movies together(these two would be so fucking into horror!!!) if sollux and eridan are lame nerds these two are the COOLEST NERDS IN EXISTENCE. like this is a couple that you would meet and be like oh my god they're awesome..and maybe they even hold hands? kiss a little? kiss a LOT even?? fall asleep in a pile together?? PERHAPS THEY SNUGGLE???
anyways i think about them a normal amount. also i love them in arasolfef (sollux deserves TWO scary girlfriends.) and arafefnep? catfishbones maybe?? nepeta has such a cute relationship with both of these girls so methinks they deserve to all kiss :3.
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BACK TO ERISOL. BUT THIS TIME. KARKAT. so obviously all of the erisol stuff still holds true for this but somehow adding karkat to the mix makes it all so much more domestic? i think maybe it's because karkat has the NEED to take care of his friends and these two both need a lot of attention. it just all balances out so perfectly imo. and all of these characters have such interesting relationships with each other and it is all genuinely so sweet. and yet they're all such gripe-y whiney assholes so it's baffling that it SHOULD be as sweet as it is.
maybe im biased cause some of my favorite fluff fanfics i've read for hs were erisolkat. but heyyyy. anyways i love these horrible creatures and i think all of them holding hands is a Fantastic fucking idea.
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raylex · 9 months
Simple and clean, centuries, and airplanes for the ask game please!
thank you for the ask! hope your weekend is off to a lovely start :)
SIMPLE AND CLEAN :: How would your f/o speak about you to someone else?
he'd hype me up SO much. make me seem like the coolest person in the world. because that really is how he sees me! and I sure as heck do appreciate it, because I just see myself as a doofy mess. 😆 heck, I can imagine him practically getting those cartoony heart eyes when he talks about me to others! (now I want to draw that pfffFFT)
CENTURIES :: How did family and/or friends feel about you being together? [sender can name a character for a more specific answer to this]
oh, they were very happy for us, naturally! I think some of them saw it coming, too. the way we'd interacted had always come off as if we'd known eachother for all of our lives. like two peas in a pod.
some were a bit surprised! my self insert, as a stargazer, is an outlier in that he's the only one of his species to have ever developed romantic feelings for another person. stargazers are solitary creatures and reproduce asexually, meaning that biologically there's just... no reason for them to form relationships with others.
for whatever reason, though, well... he's just built different! and it showed so very obviously to everyone around him that this wasn't just an act he was putting on or whatever. he was genuinely unbelievably infatuated with the glade's hero - and lucky for him, rayman was just as infatuated with him!
AIRPLANES :: Which character would you consider your first f/o? Whether it’s your first fictional crush or the first character you actually called your f/o.
hahah, oh man. gotta rewind my brain a bit to recall this. my first ever fictional crush was finn from adventure time! I was 10 or 11, I think? I had no clue what selfshipping was but I had a self insert and drew art of us holding hands lol. (maybe finn was the blueprint for my type ending up as 'heroic main protagonists'...)
unfortunately I can't remember which character I first referred to as an f/o. but I think I was 15 or 16 or so. it was probably a homestuck character, because I was in that phase at the time 😆
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bkenvs3000w24 · 3 months
The Most Amazing Thing About Nature
Welcome nature enthusiasts to my blog and prepare to be mesmerized! 
Have you ever just opened up a travel brochure and seen beautiful pictures of islands with clear blue water or glowing beaches at night? Well, imagine this, a warm summer night with you standing right by the shore with your toes digging into the sand and waves gently rushing towards your feet. The moon is the only bright thing in sight, until suddenly the water starts to glow a bright blue, illuminating the darkness. What you are imagining isn’t a scene from a disney movie but one of nature’s most amazing displays. 
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Bioluminescent waves spotted at Long Beach in California (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/01/04/bioluminescence-beach-waves-orange-county-california/72102677007/ )
Bioluminescence is one of the most mesmerizing phenomena nature has to offer. If this rings a bell or you’re not sure what it is let me backtrack and refresh your memory. Bioluminescence is when living organisms produce light (US Department of Commerce, 2010). Bioluminescent creatures exist in places like the deepest parts of the ocean to the dense woodlands. Each creature is unique in the way it emits light (US Department of Commerce, 2010). You’ve probably seen or noticed some of these organisms and never realized they are known to be bioluminescent like fireflies (US Department of Commerce, 2010)! One of the most iconic examples consist of marine organisms where an abundance of tiny dinoflagellates cause the ocean to glow, also known as bioluminescent bays. 
When the dinoflagellates are disturbed or they sense movement, they respond by creating trails of light wherever they go (The Ocean Portal Team, 2023). Imagine canoeing through these waters at night (although I do not recommend it) while trailing your hand and watching as the water comes alive with shimmering light under your fingertips! It truly feels like a scene straight out of a fairytale. For example, bright waves traveling with the movement of dolphins spotted at Huntington and Newport beach in California. It’s not just the ocean but high in the treetops at the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden in South Africa where you’ll see enchanting fireflies. Or in depths of caves like the Waitomo Glowworm caves in New Zealand where the darkness is disrupted by the light from glowworms (Watkins et al., 2018). These insects found in dark and damp caves, emit a green light to attract prey or potential mates (Watkins et al., 2018). 
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An image of the caves in New Zealand lit up due to the glowworms (https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/travel-and-adventure/2019/01/see-natures-amazing-glow-in-the-dark-spectacles)
Did you believe these organisms only light up to claim the title of the coolest creatures around? There’s more to it than meets the eye! Some bioluminescent organisms attract prey using their light like the glowworms (Watkins et al., 2018). Others use it to camouflage with their environment (The Ocean Portal Team, 2023). Most often it is used for communication like how fireflies flash their lights to attract mates (The Ocean Portal Team, 2023). Animals like jellyfish use their ability to defend themselves by scaring their predators (The Ocean Portal Team, 2023). 
The magic of bioluminescence doesn’t stop there! Scientists are still discovering new species and finding out how and why these organisms produce light. From glowing fish to fireflies high up in the sky, there is a diverse variety of bioluminescence. So next time you look out into the ocean or gaze out at the night sky, think of all the glowing organisms. Hopefully, after reading today’s blog, I’ve gotten my message across and brought the experience directly to you!  
The Ocean Portal Team. (2023a, May 11). Bioluminescence. Smithsonian Ocean. https://ocean.si.edu/ocean-life/fish/bioluminescence 
US Department of Commerce, N. O. and A. A. (2010, February 12). What is bioluminescence?. NOAA’s National Ocean Service. https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/biolum.html#:~:text=Bioluminescence%20is%20the%20production%20and,surface%20to%20the%20deep%20seafloor. 
Watkins, O. C., Sharpe, M. L., Perry, N. B., & Krause, K. L. (2018). New Zealand glowworm (arachnocampa luminosa) bioluminescence is produced by a firefly-like luciferase but an entirely new luciferin. Scientific Reports, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-21298-w 
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mumms-the-word · 14 days
For all your tavs, 16 and 30
Look at you, coming in clutch with the "all Tavs" <3
16: Do they have a favorite creature in the Faerûn?
Hmmmmm....okay this is hard but the reason it's hard is different for each character lmao
I think Dani's favorite creature is a pixie? I could see her jiving with Dolly Thrice and also the pixie in the printing press. Mischievous creatures are definitely her speed. She likes constructs, too, though. When they're not trying to kill her.
Ardynn's favorite creature is bear!Halsin no I'm KIDDING. Ardynn loves just about any creature that isn't a terrifying aberration, including several monstrosity types. But I think there's a special place in her heart for the owlbear specifically. When she finds out that the owlbear needs a place to live in the epilogue she wastes NO time in being like "Come live with me and Halsin!" Didn't even ask Halsin first, not that he minded. He's elated, of course.
She also really liked the myconids. Like she thought they were the coolest things she'd ever seen in her life. Sovereign Spaw was like “Go kill Nere and bring me his head” and she was like “That sounds reasonable, I will definitely do that for you, Glowy King Mushroom Man.”
Freyr's favorite creature is...well you've seen the Cursed Cutscene, I should say baby gnolls. But no, I refuse to believe that. I would say the Slayer but he IS the Slayer, so...maybe his favorite creature is like a spectator/beholder or something? IDK he probably doesn't feel strongly about creatures, beyond thinking about killing them... 💀
30: What's your favorite thing about your Tav?
Dani - I love so many things about her, but I think my favorite thing is that she's always up for an adventure and oftentimes sees the bright side of things. Like even when there's not a bright side, her first instinct is to make everyone smile with a joke. Like I ALWAYS picture her smiling or grinning.
Ardynn - My favorite thing about Ardynn is her willingness to do difficult things even when she absolutely hates it. The Shadow Cursed Lands, the Iron Throne, going to the Hells, even just bopping around the super-populated city of Baldur's Gate. She's not exactly having a good time, but she knows she needs to help, so she gathers her energy and her courage and gets the job done.
Freyr - God I love that himbo energy. He's not even that himbo when it comes down to actual narrative and character development, I just play him like a himbo 😂😂 but I do genuinely love that we've consistently agreed he's a major hype man for his besties, Seraphine and Shadowheart. Follow your dreams, babes, Freyr will pave the path to your successes in blood. Also he’s such a wife guy. In a weird dark and twisted way of course
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theguardianace · 1 month
hm. assigning pjsk units video games i've had hyperfixations on before. bc im bored
l/n: project sekai. im sorry but you cannot tell me they are not the target audience of their own game. banger music??? themes of friendship??? self acceptance and growth???? rhythm game???? HATSUNE MIKU???? if you dont like this then project diva. ichi's favorite unit is l/n sakis is a tie between wxs and mmj hona's is niigo and shiho says hers is vbs (its mmj).
mmj: animal crossing. you know airi has the most insane island. haruka has a penguin shrine and as many penguin villagers as she can get her hands on. minori catches bugs. shizuku never got past the tutorial.
vbs: tloz. yes they were the last group to get an assignment yes i needed tloz on this list therefore it goes to vbs. imagine it was a multiplayer series. but i do think they'd like the sense of adventure and cool swords and something with destiny and partnership and the drive to overcome. toya is the best at it and likes the older games. kohane started on botw and loved it. got good fast. an likes the old ds games bc she'd play em in middle school and akito just plays what toya does.
wxs: pokemon !!!!!!!! POKEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its about happiness and friendship and creatures and stories and hope and CREATURES. you can't tell me they dont have doubles battles every other weekend. nene has a primarily water type team that's overall pretty balanced. rui uses abilities and trick strategies. emu finds the cute things that hit HARD (tinkaton, bewear). and tsukasa chooses the coolest looking ones.
niigo: omori. im not the first person to say this and i will not be the last. thinking mizuki streams it on call once and then they just made a thing out of it. k likes this so she can just listen to the music. ena likes the art style. mafuyu was the only one not to scream when they got to experiment 667.
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alicunt · 2 years
oooh top 5 dragons 👀
1. tessarion!!! coolest dragonname ever! she’s my number one girl she’s blue even her flames are blue!! she is my special twink dragon and i love her!! if you get it you get it
2. sunfyre. the most beautiful that ever lived one of the specialest rider-dragon bonds ever he invented slay etc.
3. dreamfyre! i confess i do not remember much about her but her riders being rhaena and helaena tells me all i need to know + she’s the mother of dany’s dragons so that’s cool
4. moondancer. she was no larger than a warhorse and weighed less… :((((
5. balerion… born in valyria last creature to have known it before the doom… aerea targaryen mystery adventure… viserys claiming him but only ever riding him once is very poetic much to think about
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felix-the-lemon-king · 6 months
Omg duo bingo for YOU!!! Lilia and each of his three beloved dorm sons,, that’s already three duos LOL but also. Malleus and silver.. and UMM let’s throw Kalim and ruggie duo in here just to mix it up LOL
Oh dear. Oh god. Well lets get started BDHJSKSHDJDHJSJSBDJJDJ
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HELL YEA FOREVER I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are the father and son duo forever to me. I don't know what it is about it but I have NEVER been all that interested in parent & child dynamics in different shows and stuff? Maybe because it tends to fall very quickly into strict tropes that the characters predictably follow without breaking out of them much 🤔 like even with spyxfamily there are long portions of the fanily dynamic specific stuff that I just find myself getting tired and looking away from. I am always just waiting for content on Everyone Having To Hide Their True Identity From Each Other LOL that stuff makes it super fun and enjoyable to follow even with the bits I'm not very into 😌 but with Lilia and Silver omg has anyone ever done it like them???? What is going on. I love them. Has there ever been a teenage son who not only loves their dad So Much but will talk at length, a little obsessively, about how cool he is and all the adventures he has gone on and how proud he is to be his son and So On And So Forth. Like he talks about Lilia SO OFTEN everyone on campus has heard about Silver's cool dad at this point. And Lilia himself is such a weird creature, you cannot throw him into any trope and expect him to behave and follow it in a predictable way. Do I even have to explain myself. Look at him. And I have not even MENTIONED the stuff we're getting into in book 7 like spoilers start now I have ALWAYS thought that Lilia seems weirdly reserved about his affection for Silver compared to how Silver shows his affection and I am VINDICATED that it is being thoroughly addressed. Silver LOVES HIS DAD SO MUCH his heart is full of love and he is STUFFED WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!! Halloween part 2 haunts me forever and the fairy gala if event and all of silver's vignettes and his voice lines and the MELTDOWN he has first realizing that he could one day never see his father again and then realizing that he's the son of his father's enemy and his father must have had such a hard time looking at him the same way he looks back I'm so I'm so Im leave me be leave me to my trenches I cannot handle it silver is so full of love. And yet Lilia has thought for so long thay he is incapable of love. Oh my DAYS. I am waiting with the biggest eyes ever for more unraveling of Lilia's psyche in the next update. I could keep going forever and ever but YOU GET IT‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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I am SCARED malmal you're SCARING ME!!!!!!!!!!! Silver is full of the most love forever for Lilia and yet it would appear IN COMES MALLEUS WITH A STEEL CHAIR. Malleus is also full of love and he is NOT taking it well. I'm so excited to see his mind unravel as well 👀
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Something absurd is always happening between these two, they're so silly 😌 love that Sebek literally has his own parents and they are nice parents and they love each other and they love him and it is a very nice situation to be in but alas. Sebek has decided to fuck off into the woods and become parented by Lilia instead LOL I've read several fics now where he is super jealous that Silver gets to have coolest guy alive Lilia to be his dad and I think that's a funny dynamic 😌 also Lilia gaslighting Sebek into making horrible decisions is RIDICULOUS every single time and it is the reason why I have only circled They Can Make Each Other Worse bxbsjsnsnsbjsBDHDBJSJSB
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I have not skipped anyone from the order that you gave me the duos, what are you talking about. Anyway. THESE TWO ARE FUN!!!!!!!! Kalim is so excited to give gifts and food and money and Ruggie is so down to receive gifts and food and money but ALAS Ruggie cannot stand his good boy behavior 😔 the sugar daddy and sugar baby dynamic was inches away LOL I just think they are goofy 😌 I could also see Ruggie taking it into his own hands to make Kalim see the world for what it is & the POTENTIAL for a very tiana & prince naveen dynamic. I loved the princess and the frog a lot and their dynamic was my favorite part of it so I would like that for kalim and ruggie a bunch 😌
Ummmmmmmm........... I am so sorry for this. Avert your eyes 🙈
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SO...... Saved this one for last because As You Can See I Am Swinging The Bat At The Wasp Nest. I actually have an absurd amount of ships in twisted wonderland and I think most of the ones I REALLY like are pretty unsavory ones 🙈 I'm selective about the people I talk to about what ships because I get it!!!!!!!!! Some ships are not for everyone and that's great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just like it when horrible things happen!!!!! I've seen a lot of hate for it mostly because people see them as siblings and I get that!!!! I enjoy that interpretation as well sometimes!!!!!!!!! But that is not the only way that people can interpret their dynamic and I have also chosen other ways to interpret it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not sure if that aspect alone makes it much worse from how I interpret them actually xbbdjdjndbxbxjekndbx this ship is one that I just could not go up on stand for and say that I do not ship. I am unfortunately deranged about it 😔 I have been chin deep in this swamp since before the beginning. I have been in the wattpad circles for maleficent/aurora since I knew what a fanfic was. This was never going to go any other way and I have no defenses for myself. I can just show you images of them and say I am an enjoyer TO A FAULT. They gave me a sweet innocent character with white hair and a bright theme and a heart full of love and then they gave me a mysterious and dastardly character with black hair and a dark theme and a heart full of evil and I just don't know I had to take the shot I have been in the trenches from the start 😔 their showdown where Silver begged Malleus to come to his senses and Malleus said he would not give even Silver mercy if he kept defying him was very thrilling and I am excited to see more of the tension between them that's all also I like that they have coffee in the morning together that's all that's everything I have to say I'm getting off the stand now
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eloarei · 1 year
Hey everyone. Hope you’re all doing well.  Guess what?! I had a baby! Hoo boy, that was an experience. I mean, I guess it still is, but right now he’s sitting in his swing just casually farting, and that doesn’t compare in the slightest to a semi-surprise C-section.  Basically, babe was suddenly breech at 37 weeks, which means he was in the wrong position to be delivered normally, so I had two weeks to get used to the idea of having major abdominal surgery, after months of planning to have a natural, unmedicated and minimally invasive delivery. Yeah, that’s... pretty different.  But anyway, the little nugget was pulled from my abdomen on December 6th. He’s a healthy and seemingly average little guy, so I have no regrets, but I will say that I can’t recommend getting a c-section for funsies. Really not great for someone who hates needles. (It took 7 tries to get my IV in,) And recovery is no joke.  Still, we’re home now, and by the grace of my very patient best friend (my husband, who has to do everything around here until I can reasonably bend again) we’re adjusting.  I’m still in pain, and the first few weeks are as tiring as everyone says, but I’m happy. True, my tiny son is basically an organic Tamagotchi-- he eats, poops, sleeps, cries, and not much else (yet), but his existence is magical to me. He’s a living creature I made from scratch inside my body. Is that not the coolest? I made myself a new best friend! And now I get to show him all the wonders of the world-- in between all the mundane stuff. But even that is special because it’s all so new. When you’ve never eaten before, the first bite is an amazing accomplishment, and that’s what we’re doing every day: mundane amazements.  So hello world, from Rayleigh Ezra, and a reminder that every day is an adventure. =] 
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bbhighnotes · 1 year
Should I Watch it Stoned? - Samurai Jack (2001)
In the year of our Lord, 1997, the Cartoon Network gods bestowed upon us a gift – a programming block called Toonami. If you’re unfamiliar with Toonami, you should be ashamed of yourself, but since I’m nice I’ll tell you what it is anyway. Toonami was an evening block of cartoons aimed at older kids and younger teens, so many of the shows that aired at the time had darker and more mature themes or more intense action than CN’s typical stuff. They even showed anime! This post isn’t about Toonami, though, it’s about one of the shows that aired during the block. One of the sleekest, coolest, animated action shows of all time. I’m talking about: Samurai Jack.
Interestingly, Samurai Jack originally aired as part of regular Cartoon Network programming, but had re-runs air on Toonami instead. I can only guess that CN higher-ups thought the show fit Toonami’s style better. I can’t quite remember where I saw it first, but either way it aired on the same channel so cut me some slack, alright?
Anyway, Samurai Jack is a love letter to samurai action films mixed with some dystopian science fiction. I was originally going to put a short plot synopsis here, but the kickass intro can explain the premise way better than I can.
Along the way Jack encounters, and assists, numerous odd creatures and aliens each affected by Aku’s villainous rule in different ways.
The thing that set Samurai Jack apart from other action cartoons (and what made it a better fit for Toomani, in my opinion) is how uncompromising it was in it’s artistic presentation. The show loves it’s build-ups; whether it’s an intense stand-off against Aku’s forces, or Jack simply traveling to a new destination, scenes in the show plod along at a snail’s pace. That sounds like a bad thing, but it’s honestly excellent. Samurai Jack knows how to sow tension; it knows when it’s time to slow down and let you appreciate the effort that went into crafting the dystopian world Jack finds himself in. It knows when to be quiet, something a lot of other cartoons struggle with.
Like, before Jack goes into battle with Aku’s beetle drones for the first time (pictured below) there’s a six minute montage of him preparing weaponry and traps alongside the talking dog people he’s helping out. With no dialogue whatsoever. It’s honestly a great scene, beautifully animated and really gets you hyped up for a battle scene that actually delivers on its tension.
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Which is why it pains me so much to say this: I found it mind-numbingly boring watching it high. Not all the time, mind you; but the 20 minute episodes sometimes felt like hours. I guess my stoned brain just prefers the chaotic stupidity of shows like Aqua Teen Hunger Force over the slow-burning adventures of Samurai Jack. It’s still a fantastic cartoon, just one I recommend watching without outside supplements, if you catch my drift.
Before I go I want to leave you with an image of a beetle-like creature from the intro that I hadn't noticed until watching the show for this review, uh, thing.
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What do you think beetle bro has in the pipe-like thing of theirs?
Like, seriously, look at the eyes. Dude’s higher than the crime rate in Aku’s dystopian cities.
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Until next time; puff, puff, peace
My art and games: bugbeast.me
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Innovative couple photography ideas in Dubai that would perpetuate your love for each other
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Love and companionship are something that we crave at a certain point in our lives. And when it comes to love, and romance, creating moments must be the most desirable thing for couples. Especially, at the blooming phase of companionship creating, and capturing moments is quite enjoyable. When it comes to couple photoshoots, Dubai would undoubtedly be one of the aspired destinations for couples.
Let’s get a glimpse of the iconic places in Dubai most suitable for romantic couple photography.
Photoshoot in Dubai Desert
A larger number of couples prefer the desert in the backdrop. The secluded desert, the row of camels, and the sunset on the horizon of the desert seem to be magnificent views for a romantic photoshoot.
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Dubai’s Miracle Garden, and amazing couple photos
This miraculously extravagant flowery garden is one of the favorite haunts for couples likely to conduct their pre-wedding shoot. Surrounded by nature, colorful flowers create a heavenly atmosphere for a romantic photoshoot. Spread over an area of 72,000 square, this magical garden is admittedly a perfect place for a varied couple of photoshoots.
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Dubai underwater Aquarium for unique photography
Being clicked witnessing the underwater creatures in Dubai’s underwater aquarium is a little bit weird, but a unique idea for couples to embrace. Surrounded by the viewable marine diversity, this aquarium, cum zoo overhead provides a different backdrop for romantic photoshoots.
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Dubai water sports for adventurous couple photos
Dubai visiting without having water sports is an absurd idea as Dubai Sea beaches have a number of water sports to offer. And, trust me, these adventurous water activities together could be the coolest idea that you don’t want to miss.
Let’s explore these water activities as a couple and get clicked as the most romantic yet adventurous couple of the year.
Yatch ride
Yatch ride can undoubtedly provide you best ever experience in terms of capturing romantic photos. Giving romantic couple poses in the yatch keeping the setting sun in backdrop might be something you want to capture.
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Deep sea fishing
Being one of the most favourable place for sea fishing, many Dubai beaches offer sea fishing facility. It is indeed a new addition in these water activities, but its popularity is growing heftily day-by-day. Spending an ample time while doing fishing, and capturing your romantic moments can excite you to a greater extent.  
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Parasailing has always secured its place in the top position as it imparts an intense feeling of hovering in the sky. Alongside, most of the couples like to be clicked while hovering in the sky.
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Jet ski
Jet ski has also gained huge popularity among water sports activities. The vista of the sea blended into the sky attracts the worshippers of beauty.
Basically, Water sports activities in Dubai are quite popular among couples, especially among youngsters. During our Dubai visit for a pre-wedding photoshoot in December, Sea life Dubai arranged a wonderful water journey for us. All of our moments on the water were captured witnessing the sea, and sun during dusk was mesmerizing. Altogether, the Water sports activities in Dubai were enjoyable, as well as perfect for romantic couple photoshoots.
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Original content copy from : https://medium.com/@sealifedubai/innovative-couple-photography-ideas-in-dubai-that-would-perpetuate-your-love-for-each-other-fcd8049a2441
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crisyfriess · 6 months
A Tale of Two Worlds: Ariel vs. Elsa
Hello Disney Squads!! 🌟 Today, let's explore the magical worlds of two iconic princesses! – Ariel from "The Little Mermaid" and Elsa from "Frozen." 🧜‍♀️❄️. 🌈 And you'll ready for the ultimate princess face-off?. Get your fins and ice powers ready. Let's go!!
🌊 A Wonderful splash into Ariel's Underwater Kingdom
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Ariel, with her fiery red hair and a tail that makes waves, rules the ocean depths. Her world is filled with talking sea creatures, underwater castles, and a sense of boundless adventure. 🦀🐠
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She is the youngest and prettiest princess of the sea, but spends most of her time outside the palace walls of Atlantica singing, daydreaming, and adventuring with her best friend, Flounder the guppy fish, and sometimes Sebastian the crab, who is also the royal adviser to Ariel's father. Beautiful right??
❄️ Elsa's Icy Wonderland/Kingdom
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On the other side, Elsa, with her ice magic and stunning platinum like hair, manipulate,control , and commands snow and shimmering ice crystals. The ice palace, snow monsters, including a cute funny snowman - Olaf, and the mesmerizing Northern Lights paint a picture of a winter wonderland. ❄️🏰
Elsa soon found herself on the North Mountain. Initially, she brooded over her loneliness and her failure to conceal her powers, but upon realizing that she was too far away to hurt anyone, Elsa began to experiment with her powers, embracing the aspect of her that she had tried to hide for so long.
Distinctive Comparisons
Hair Game Strong
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Ariel's fiery red hair screams adventure, right? And Elsa's blonde locks give off that royal vibe. These princesses totally slay with their awesome styles! 🚀✨
Musical Mastery/ Song Skills
🎤🎶Ariel sings to sea buddies with "Part of Your World," pouring out her feelings. Elsa, on the other hand, rocks "Let It Go" as her personal anthem of self-discovery. Both songs tell their epic stories in the coolest way! 🎶✨
Sidekick Squads
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Ariel has her trusty companions, Flounder and Sebastian, while Elsa's sidekick is the adorable snowman, Olaf. Both crews bring in some laughs and awesome friendship vibes to their tales! 🐠⛄✨
Here are some of their Contrasts:
Underwater vs. Frozen Kingdoms
Ariel's world is beneath the waves, with coral reefs and sunken ships, while Elsa's domain is an icy landscape with towering mountains and frosty creeks. Two different but equally enchanting settings. 🌊❄️
Independence vs. Responsibilities
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👑🤔Ariel's like breaking the rules under the sea for love and adventure, you know? While Elsa's dealing with queen duties and trying to handle her super cool powers. Different issues, but both are dealing with some real challenges that keep us hooked! 🌊👑💪
Love Stories
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Ariel finds love with Prince Eric, a human from the surface, while Elsa's tale focuses on sisterly love and self-acceptance. Love manifests in diverse forms in their narratives. 💖👭
🌟✨So, no matter if you're hooked on Ariel's underwater stories or totally into Elsa's frosty adventures, these princesses show us that courage, love, and finding yourself are the real princess in their magical tales! 🌟💖✨
Which world would you rather explore – under the sea or a kingdom of eternal ice? Let me know in the comments! 🧜‍♀️❄️ #ArielVsElsa #DisneyMagic
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